Weather Prediction Mode
Weather Prediction Mode
Weather Prediction Mode
• 1 Physical overview
• 2 History
• 3 Definition of a forecast model
• 4 Ensembles
• 5 See also
• 6 References
• 7 Further reading
• 8 External links
[edit] Physical overview
The atmosphere is a fluid. The basic idea of numerical weather prediction is to sample the
state of the fluid at a given time and use the equations of fluid dynamics and
thermodynamics to estimate the state of the fluid at some time in the future.
[edit] History
British mathematician Lewis Fry Richardson first proposed numerical weather prediction
in 1922. Richardson attempted to perform a numerical forecast but it was not successful.
The first successful numerical prediction was performed in 1950 by a team composed of
the American meteorologists Jule Charney, Philip Thompson, Larry Gates, and
Norwegian meteorologist Ragnar Fjörtoft and applied mathematician John von Neumann,
using the ENIAC digital computer. They used a simplified form of atmospheric dynamics
based on the barotropic vorticity equation. This simplification greatly reduced demands
on computer time and memory, so that the computations could be performed on the
relatively primitive computers available at the time. Later models used more complete
equations for atmospheric dynamics and thermodynamics.
Operational numerical weather prediction (i.e., routine predictions for practical use)
began in 1955 under a joint project by the U.S. Air Force, Navy, and Weather Bureau.[1]
The forecasts are computed using mathematical equations for the physics and dynamics
of the atmosphere. These equations are nonlinear and are impossible to solve exactly.
Therefore, numerical methods obtain approximate solutions. Different models use
different solution methods. Some global models use spectral methods for the horizontal
dimensions and finite difference methods for the vertical dimension, while regional
models and other global models usually use finite-difference methods in all three
dimensions. Regional models also can use finer grids to explicitly resolve smaller-scale
meteorological phenomena, since they do not have to solve equations for the whole
Models are initialized using observed data from a variety of sources e.g radiosondes,
weather satellites,aircraft and surface weather observations. The irregularly spaced
observations are processed by data assimilation and objective analysis methods, which
perform quality control and obtain values at locations usable by the model's mathematical
algorithms (usually an evenly spaced grid). The data are then used in the model as the
starting point for a forecast. Commonly, the set of equations used is known as the
primitive equations. These equations are initialized from the analysis data and rates of
change are determined. The rates of change predict the state of the atmosphere a short
time into the future. The equations are then applied to this new atmospheric state to find
new rates of change, and these new rates of change predict the atmosphere at a yet further
time into the future. This time stepping procedure is continually repeated until the
solution reaches the desired forecast time. The length of the time step is related to the
distance between the points on the computational grid. Time steps for global climate
models may be on the order of tens of minutes, while time steps for regional models may
be a few seconds to a few minutes.
[edit] Ensembles