Early Learning Centre Learning Experience
Early Learning Centre Learning Experience
Early Learning Centre Learning Experience
Student Name: Sara Fernandes Date: Thursday September 21, 2017 Age Group: 4-5
Reason for
developing learning This experience will enable the child to foster their fine motor and social
experience. This skills by using the materials to create various mazes/mouse traps. This
could be in activity enables the materials to be manipulates in order for various lines
response to an to be formed. The child will be working with other children to establish
observation, one big maze or various smaller mazes. In addition to, this activity will
discussion with the promote fine motor development by having the child manipulate the
site supervisor, shapes and put the parts together.
Ontario Curriculum
Objective, etc.
- Document what Based off observations, the child is social and loves to build with
you saw and materials such as boxes, blocks and recycling items (fruit baskets, yogurt
heard container)
- Document non-
verbal I have observed that the child enjoys building and using their imagination
communication as they have told me what they are creating such as a submarine
(i.e., body
language, facial
expressions and
voice tone)
- Document in
detail: who,
what, where, and
- Documentation
should be written
in past tense,
objective, and in
anecdotal format
Document the The activity will also involve fine motor develop and upon speaking with
discussion between the teacher, the child lacks the fine motor develop so this activity can
you and your site assist with that development
supervisor that led
to the planning
Describe the This activity will promote innovative thinking (Ministry of Education,
curriculum 2016) as this activity will enable the children to create their own
objective youre outcomes and change the way the outcomes can be.
aiming to
through this
- Label your Social: This activity will promote social skills by having the children work
experience (e.g. together to create a maze/mouse trap.
Painting with
cars). Fine motor: The child will have to put the pieces together in order for the
- What are your 3 parts to go together. Some parts can be shifted and the shapes can be
objectives for
changed however fine motor development needs to be used.
this experience?
(i.e. What Problem Solving: The children will have to problem solve to find a way
interests are you for the marbles to go through the maze
extending? What
strengths and
opportunities for
growth are you
Please Note: You
should refer to
pedagogy to
support your
discussion around
strengths and
opportunities for
growth (e.g. ELECT,
How Does
Learning Happen,
Ontario FDK
Curriculum, etc).
Describe the
- Who will be
involved in the
experience? This is an one to one activity for a child in FDK however this activity can
- Where will the be done with an entire group of FDK class
experience take
place? (e.g. This is an indoor activity which will take place on one of the learning
Indoors or centre tables
outdoors? In the
dramatic centre,
the creative
table, etc). Materials:
- List the materials
and resources Mouse traps pieces
you will use Marbles
- Describe the
of the
experience, with This activity will be put on the table and I will introduce the activity, and I
a step by step will allow the children to have created what they want with the materials
description (child directed) in which I will ask questions the children about why they
- List and describe are putting the parts together. Once the maze has been put together we
2 teaching will test it with the marbles.
strategies. How
will you use
them? Why have
you chosen these
Questioning: I can question how the mechanism will work or question
why the children are putting different parts together.
What if?:
Silence: Child directed play has a portion in which the children take the
lead the teacher is quiet and takes a step back and observe.