Hardware Implementation of Non Directional Over Current Relay On Arduino

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2017 2nd International Electrical Engineering Conference (IEEC 2017)

May. 19 th -20 th, 2017 at IEP Centre, Karachi, Pakistan

Hardware Implementation Of Non Directional Over Current Relay on

Arsalan Zahid1, Tahir Nisar Gondal1, Naveed Ali1, Muhammad Umair1,
Muhammad Mohsin Aman1*
Department of Electrical Engineering, NED University of Engineering and Technology,
Karachi, 75290, Pakistan
* Corresponding author (mohsinaman@neduet.edu.pk)

Abstract: This paper presents the design and hardware implementation of non- directional Over-Current Relay
(OCR) on Arduino. The Standard Inverse (SI), Very Inverse (VI) and Extremely Inverse (EI) characteristic of OCR
have also been incorporated in the designed relay. The performance of the designed relay was tested on different load
scenarios and it was observed that the relay was well observing the desired inverse time characteristics including SI, VI
and EI curves.

Keywords: Over-Current Relay (OCR), protective relays, IEC 60255.

I. INTRODUCTION fault pickup. The relay can send a trip signal

A power system is exposed to a different fault either instantaneously after picking up the fault (in the case of
due to inevitable accident or by the mal-operation of the instantaneous over current relays) or it can wait for a
system. This can result in permanent damage to power specific time before sending a trip signal (in the case of
system components leading to considerable costs for time overcurrent relays). This time delay is also known
their replacement and in longer disconnections of power as the operation time of the relay, and is computed by
supply to customers, which is highly undesirable. This the relay on the basis of the protection algorithm
needs some requirements for power system to sustain incorporated in the microprocessor. The application of
faults. A protection system is designed to minimize the OCR includes transmission line and feeder protection
damage in important components of power system and Transformer Protection, generator Protection, Motor
effects of faults as much as possible. This is achieved by Protection and Bus bar Protection.
power system protection relays [1]. Here it should be OCR has a single input in the form of ac current, as
remembered that protective relays could not prevent the shown in Fig. 1. The output of the relay is a
occurrence of fault, it could only limit the cascading normally-open contact, which changes over to closed
effect of fault. state when the relay trips. The relay has two settings.
These are the time setting and the plug setting. The time
Protection relays are tested using different relay tests
setting decides the operating time of the relay while the
to confirm their reliability and safe operation before
plug setting decides the current required for the relay to
select them in a substation. Based on this analysis,
pick up.
protection system and power system controllers can be
developed for more efficient, reliable and safe operation Time Setting
of power systems. This paper has presented the
hardware implementation of OCR relay. The detailed
modeling and simulation of digital non-directional OCR Input Time Over Current Trip
Current Relay output
is presented in [2].


Overcurrent relay (OCR) provides protection against (Pickup)
over currents. This relay uses current inputs from a Figure 1: Block Diagram of OCR
current transformer (CT) and compares the measured
values with preset values. If the value of input current The characteristic curve of OCR is shown in Fig. 2
exceeds the predetermined value, the relay detects an below. Characteristics curve shows the fault current and
overcurrent and issues a trip signal to the breaker which operation time of the relay. The characteristic curve of
opens its contact to disconnect the protected equipment. OCR follows inverse and instantaneous characteristic.
When the relay detects a fault, the condition is called Inverse characteristic is achieved by using the thermal
(bimetallic strip) tripping and instantaneous for low currents flow. These relay are known as IDMT
characteristic is achieved by magnetic tripping [2]. re1ays. A minimum time of operation is incorporated to
ensure coordination between the relays when the fault
level does not vary along the feeder. IEC 60255 defines
following standard IDMT OCR depending upon the
operation time (top) of relay [3].
Standard Inverse (SI) relay:
0.14 (TMS)
top (1)
(PSM)0.02 1
Very Inverse (VI) relay:
13.5 (TMS)
top (2)
Extremely Inverse (EI) relay:
80.0 (TMS)
top (3)
(PSM)2 1
Figure 2: Characteristic curve of OCR [2] Here TMS stands for Time Multiplier Setting and it is
used for proper grading between the two relays,
In Fig. 2, the curve A-B is the inverse time connected in back-back manner. PSM stands for Plug
characteristics curve of the relay and it is used to protect Setting Multiplier and it shows the severity of the fault
current. For example, if the pickup current is set 5A and
the system from excessive currents but less than short
the relay is observing 15A of fault current, the pickup
circuit current but they are large enough if they are current will be equal to 3. PSM or PMS are used
allowed to sustain they damage the system. Also the interchangeably and both represent the same thing.
curve B-C-D are known as instantaneous curves they
are allowed to protect the system against large amount Fault current in relay coil
PSM (4)
of current such as short circuit current and reducing the Pickup Current
time of relay to only Ts (instantaneous time setting). The performances of such relays are observed for
Inverse Definite Minimum Time is the relay with an different values of TMS and PMS and the results are
inverse current or time characteristic. The time delays presented in Table 1.
are reduced for higher currents and time delay are long

Table 1: IDMT relays characteristics for different TMS and PMS values
a. SI Curve
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
10 0.29706 0.59412 0.89118 1.188239 1.485299 1.782359 2.079419 2.376479 2.673539 2.970599
20 0.226736 0.453471 0.680207 0.906943 1.133678 1.360414 1.587149 1.813885 2.040621 2.267356
30 0.198889 0.397778 0.596668 0.795557 0.994446 1.193335 1.392225 1.591114 1.790003 1.988892
40 0.182846 0.365691 0.548537 0.731382 0.914228 1.097074 1.279919 1.462765 1.64561 1.828456
50 0.172027 0.344054 0.51608 0.688107 0.860134 1.032161 1.204188 1.376215 1.548241 1.720268
60 0.164063 0.328126 0.492189 0.656252 0.820315 0.984378 1.148441 1.312504 1.476568 1.640631
70 0.157863 0.315727 0.47359 0.631453 0.789317 0.94718 1.105043 1.262907 1.42077 1.578633
80 0.152846 0.305691 0.458537 0.611383 0.764228 0.917074 1.06992 1.222765 1.375611 1.528457
90 0.148667 0.297334 0.446001 0.594668 0.743336 0.892003 1.04067 1.189337 1.338004 1.486671
100 0.145111 0.290221 0.435332 0.580442 0.725553 0.870663 1.015774 1.160884 1.305995 1.451105
b. VI Curve
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
10 0.15 0.3 0.45 0.6 0.75 0.9 1.05 1.2 1.35 1.5
20 0.071053 0.142105 0.213158 0.284211 0.355263 0.426316 0.497368 0.568421 0.639474 0.710526
30 0.046552 0.093103 0.139655 0.186207 0.232759 0.27931 0.325862 0.372414 0.418966 0.465517
40 0.034615 0.069231 0.103846 0.138462 0.173077 0.207692 0.242308 0.276923 0.311538 0.346154
50 0.027551 0.055102 0.082653 0.110204 0.137755 0.165306 0.192857 0.220408 0.247959 0.27551
60 0.022881 0.045763 0.068644 0.091525 0.114407 0.137288 0.160169 0.183051 0.205932 0.228814
70 0.019565 0.03913 0.058696 0.078261 0.097826 0.117391 0.136957 0.156522 0.176087 0.195652
80 0.017089 0.034177 0.051266 0.068354 0.085443 0.102532 0.11962 0.136709 0.153797 0.170886
90 0.015169 0.030337 0.045506 0.060674 0.075843 0.091011 0.10618 0.121348 0.136517 0.151685
100 0.013636 0.027273 0.040909 0.054545 0.068182 0.081818 0.095455 0.109091 0.122727 0.136364

c. EI Curve
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
10 0.080808 0.161616 0.242424 0.323232 0.40404 0.484848 0.565657 0.646465 0.727273 0.808081
20 0.02005 0.0401 0.06015 0.080201 0.100251 0.120301 0.140351 0.160401 0.180451 0.200501
30 0.008899 0.017798 0.026696 0.035595 0.044494 0.053393 0.062291 0.07119 0.080089 0.088988
40 0.005003 0.010006 0.015009 0.020013 0.025016 0.030019 0.035022 0.040025 0.045028 0.050031
50 0.003201 0.006403 0.009604 0.012805 0.016006 0.019208 0.022409 0.02561 0.028812 0.032013
60 0.002223 0.004446 0.006669 0.008891 0.011114 0.013337 0.01556 0.017783 0.020006 0.022228
70 0.001633 0.003266 0.004899 0.006532 0.008165 0.009798 0.011431 0.013064 0.014697 0.01633
80 0.00125 0.0025 0.003751 0.005001 0.006251 0.007501 0.008751 0.010002 0.011252 0.012502
90 0.000988 0.001976 0.002963 0.003951 0.004939 0.005927 0.006914 0.007902 0.00889 0.009878
100 0.0008 0.0016 0.0024 0.0032 0.004 0.0048 0.005601 0.006401 0.007201 0.008001

The comparison of SI, VI and EI characteristics of digital and analog pins. The MEGA uses a different
OCR are presented in Table 2 and Fig. 3. processor allowing greater program size and more [4].
2. ACS712 Current Sensor
Table 2: Comparison of SI, VI and EI Curve for TMS=1.0 Measurement of current flow is a fundamental
10 2.970599 1.5 0.808081
requirement in this project. ACS712 module is used in
20 2.267356 0.710526 0.200501 this project. ACS712 module is a current sensor
30 1.988892 0.465517 0.088988 module that read current value and converts into
40 1.828456 0.346154 0.050031 relevant voltage value. The value that links the two
50 1.720268 0.27551 0.032013 measurements is sensitivity which for 5A to typical
60 1.640631 0.228814 0.022228
value of 185Mv/A.
70 1.578633 0.195652 0.01633
80 1.528457 0.170886 0.012502
90 1.486671 0.151685 0.009878 3. Four Channels Relay Module
100 1.451105 0.136364 0.008001 The four channels relay interface board operates by 5V
constant supply and each channel needs a 15 25m A
driver current. It can be for switching of various
electrical appliances & equipments with large current.
It is equipped with high current relays that work under
both AC & DC i.e. under AC 250V 10A or DC 30V
10A. It can be controlled through different
microcontrollers & Arduino as well.

The hardware images of the project are shown in Fig.


Figure 3: Comparison of SI, VI and EI relays

(for TMS =1.0)


A. Hardware Components Used a. Image 1
Following are the main hardware components that are
used in the project are listed be.
1. Arduino Mega 2560
2. ACS712 Current Sensing Module
3. Vero board
4. Load bank/Switch Boards/Bulbs
5. 4-Channel Relay Module Srd-5dc-Sl-C b. Image 2
6. Connecting Wire.

1. Arduino Microcontroller:
Arduino is an open-source prototyping platform based
on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino Mega
2560 is the most recent addition to the Arduino lineup
is the Arduino MEGA. This board is physically larger
c. Image 3
than all the other boards and offers significantly more
Figure 4: Hardware Images
IV. OBSERVATIONS AND RESULTS than 1 Amp (case 1 to case 3).
The designed relays are tested under different load 2. When the load amperage becomes greater than the 1
scenarios and their time of tripping are observed and Amp, tripping was observed (case 4 and case 5).
summarized in following sections. The pickup current 3. Further it can also be observed that the tripping time
is set 1A for all cases. follows the inverse pattern with the increase in load
A. Standard Inverse OCR: 4. The operating time of EI relay is lesser than the SI
Table 3 shows the SI characteristic of the designed and VI relays. Therefore the designed relay work
relay. satisfactorily and observing the SI, VI and EI inverse
relay characteristics.
Table 3: SI characteristic of designed relay under different load
Case Load Irms Tripping Tripping V. CONCLUSION
(A) operation Time
(Sec) This paper has well presented the design and
1 No Load 0.0 No Tripping -- operation of over-current relay. The standard inverse
2 One Bulb is ON 0.453 No Tripping -- (SI), very inverse (VI) and extremely inverse (EI)
3 Two Bulbs are 0.886 No Tripping -- characteristic of OCR have also been incorporated in
ON the designed relay. The proposed relay was designed
4 Three Bulbs are 1.138 Tripping 0.561
ON using Arduino. The performance of the designed relay
5 Two Bulbs and 1.092 Tripping 0.548 was observed on different load scenarios and it was
One Tube light observed that the relay was well observing the desired
is ON inverse time characteristics including SI, VI and EI
B. Very Inverse OCR:
Table 4 shows the VI characteristic of the designed
relay. The inverness of this characteristic is higher than REFERENCES
that of the standard IDMT characteristic. [1] Y. G. Paithankar and S. Bhide, Fundamentals of
power system protection: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.,
Table 4: VI characteristic of designed relay under different load
scenario 2010.
Case Load Irms Tripping Tripping [2] M. M. Aman;, M. Q. A. Khan;, and S. A. Qazi;,
(A) operation Time "Digital Directional and Non-Directional Over
(Sec) Current Relays: Modelling and Performance
1 No Load 0.0 No Tripping N/A
Analysis," NED University Journal of Research,
2 One Bulb is ON 0.453 No Tripping N/A
3 Two Bulbs are 0.886 No Tripping N/A vol. 8, 2011.
ON [3] G. ALSTOM, "Network Protection and Automation
4 Three Bulbs are 1.138 Tripping 0.270 Guide NPAG," ed: May, 2011.
ON [4]B. Evans, Beginning Arduino Programming: Apress,
5 Two Bulbs and 1.092 Tripping 0.279
One Tube light
is ON

C. Extremely Inverse OCR:

Table 5 shows the VI characteristic of the designed
relay. The inverness of this characteristic is higher than
that of the very inverse characteristic.
Table 5: VI characteristic of designed relay under different load
Case Load Irms Tripping Tripping
(A) operation Time
1 No Load 0.0 No Tripping N/A
2 One Bulb is ON 0.453 No Tripping N/A
3 Two Bulbs are 0.886 No Tripping N/A
4 Three Bulbs are 1.138 Tripping 0.133
5 Two Bulbs and 1.092 Tripping 0.121
One Tube light
is ON

From the above Tables (Table 3 to Table 5), we can

conclude that:
1. No tripping was observed when the load was less

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