Stabilization of Soil by Waste Materials: A Review
Stabilization of Soil by Waste Materials: A Review
Stabilization of Soil by Waste Materials: A Review
found that lime is a agent which can increase the shear Megnath Neopaney, Ugyen, Kezang Wangchuk,
strength of the soil but if it is added more than 30%, it Sherub Tenzin(2012) used various waste materials like
decreases the compressibility of the soil. plastic mixed with soil and carried out CBR test and found
T. D. V. Lakshmi, Dr. M Anjan Kumar, Dr. DSV the conclusion that The maximum improvement in CBR is
Prasad, Dr. GVR Prasada Raju(2015) carried out the obtained while using 0.5% plastics strips having aspect ratio
experiments on stabilization of industrial waste red mud with 3. The CBR value at AR 4 and 0.5% plastic strip decreased.
cement. Red mud is a fine grained Industrial waste dominated The reinforcement benefit increases with an increase in AR
byfines with silt sizes as prominent with high specific and percentage of strip content up to certain limit, and beyond
gravity(2.9) and high percentages of reactive oxides (SiO2, that it reduces its strength. The maximum CBR value of a
Al2O3and Fe2O3) as 80%.Addition of cement to Red mud reinforced system is approximately 1.70 times that of an
increases OMC values and decreases MDD values. unreinforced system.
Aminaton Marto, Nima Latifi, Houman
Sohaei(2013) carried out the experiments on the stabilization IV. FUTURE SCOPE
of laterite soil using GKS soil stabilizer. GKS is a new liquid Several researches are done in the stabilization of soil by
soil stabilizer. The results shows that the GKS is a suitable various stabilizing agents. Many studies are still going on in
stabilizer for some of the practical project generally this field to improve the shear strength of soil. In future, the
undertaken such as in increasing the road bearing capacity. work can be extended in this field by using waste plastic
R. C. Stefanson(1973) carried out the factorial materials. Because it is not self-decomposable and also
experiment on Soil Stabilization by Polyvinyl Alcohol to find pollute the environment if it is not decomposed. Using it in
its Effect on the Growth of Wheat. They found the conclusion the stabilization of soil, we can achieve two goals, first that
that Polyvinyl alcohols have been shown effectively to we can improve the quality of soil and the second is we can
increase the acceptance of simulated rain and to reduce soil reduce the harmful effects of plastic waste on the
loss from some red-brown earths. environment.
Jurate Kumpiene, Anders Lagerkvist, Christian
Maurice(2005) carried out the experiments on Stabilization
of Pb and Cu contaminated soil using coal fly ash and peat.
They found the conclusion that soil amendment with coal fly After reviewing the above research papers, we found that
ash and peat reduced the leaching of Cu and Pb from lime, cement, bitumen are the stabilizing agents which can
contaminated soil by an average of 96% and 99.9% in reduce the plasticity index of the soil. These methods of
laboratory batch experiments. stabilizing the soil can be used in the variety of the civil
R. A. Janzen, C. F. Shaykewich, and Tee Boon engineering applications. By using plastic wastes, it seems to
Goh(1988) carried out the experiment on stabilization of be an economical method because there is a lack of good
Residual C And N in soil. That study demonstrated that in quality soil for embankment fills. Yearly, the waste plastic
the short term the properties of the soil and the composition are generated in the mass level and occupied a great space
of the amendments added to that soil influence active SOM also. So it is necessary to find the solution of this problem.
dynamics. The data shown in that paper reveals that the clay Future work can be extended further in this field.
and SOM contents of the soils, and also the form of C and N
and C:N ratio of the materials added to the soils influence the REFERENCES
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