arn & Master Drums
Blues & Shuffles
The Blues are the roots; everything else is the fruit.
~ Wile Dixon, Blues singer
* Blues & Shulle Basies * Understanding the shuttle
+ Blues Shutle Beats beats and variations
+ 12/8 Blues Boats + Playing and variations
+ Blues Dynamics «Interpreting blues dynamics on the drums.
Blues & Shuffle Basics
Much ofthe drumming in American music is buit on the blues and shut rhythms cavered in this session. BLUES songs
typically use @ 12 bar form that has an underlying fee bases an an exghth noe triplet pattern, A SHUFFLE nas @ triplet feel
the mide eighth nate tilt left out
When played ata slower tempo, this shuffie is felt in a When played at a faster tempo, this shuffle is felt in a
126 time signature as 4 groups of 3 eighth notes 4 time signature as 4 beats of ripe.
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Blues Shuffle Beats
In the folowing beats the ride cymbal can be used interchangeably with the wniten
hi-hat par. When switching tothe ride cymbal the foot would play the hi-hat on
beats 2 & 4. These blues shuttle beats can also be varied b
the snare instead ofthe full snare,
using @ cross-stick on
Shuffle Foundation
Bass Drum every beat, Snare 2& 4, Cymbal Quarter Notes
Basic Shutfle Beat
‘Shuttle on Ride or Hi-Hat
Season 6 2 Bus Brute,