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The document discusses the physical properties of various common fluids such as water, air, oils, etc. and how properties like viscosity and density change with factors like temperature.

Both dynamic and kinematic viscosity generally decrease with increasing temperature for most fluids. Dynamic viscosity is discussed in Figures B.1 and B.2 while kinematic viscosity is shown in Figure B.2.

The density of air decreases with increasing temperature and decreases with altitude/lower pressure as shown in Tables B.3 and B.4.


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ppendix B
Properties of Fluids



8 Glycerin
Castor oil

1 101
SAE 30W oil
SAE 10W-30 oil
SAE 10W oil

1 102
, Dynamic viscosity, N s/m2



1 103
8 Octane Carbon tetrachloride
4 Heptane


1 104
Air Carbon dioxide Methane

1 105
6 Hydrogen

20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temperature, C
F I G U R E B.1 Dynamic (absolute) viscosity of common fluids as a function
of temperature. To convert to BG units of lb sft2 multiply N sm2 by 2.089 10 2.
(Curves from R. W. Fox and A. T. McDonald, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 3rd Ed.,
Wiley, New York, 1985. Used by permission.)

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Appendix B Physical Properties of Fluids 715

1 102



1 103

8 SA

6 10
4 0
2 Helium

1 104
, Kinematic viscosity, m2/s

6 SA
4 10
oil Methane
2 Air

1 105 oxide
8 Carbon di

2 sene

Octa Wat
ne er
1 106
Carbon te
trachlor ide
1 107
20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temperature, C

F I G U R E B.2 Kinematic viscosity of common fluids (at atmospheric pres-

sure) as a function of temperature. To convert to BG units of ft2 s multiply m2 s by 10.76.
(Curves from R. W. Fox and A. T. McDonald, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 3rd Ed.,
Wiley, New York, 1985. Used by permission.)
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716 Appendix B Physical Properties of Fluids

TA B L E B . 1
Physical Properties of Water (BG Units)a

Specific Dynamic Kinematic Surface Vapor Speed of

Density, Weightb, Viscosity, Viscosity, Tensionc, Pressure, Soundd,
Temperature R G M N S pv c
(F) (slugsft3) (lbft3) (lbsft2) (ft2s) (lbft) [lbin .2(abs)] (fts)
32 1.940 62.42 3.732 E5 1.924 E5 5.18 E3 8.854 E2 4603
40 1.940 62.43 3.228 E5 1.664 E5 5.13 E3 1.217 E1 4672
50 1.940 62.41 2.730 E5 1.407 E5 5.09 E3 1.781 E1 4748
60 1.938 62.37 2.344 E5 1.210 E5 5.03 E3 2.563 E1 4814
70 1.936 62.30 2.037 E5 1.052 E5 4.97 E3 3.631 E1 4871
80 1.934 62.22 1.791 E5 9.262 E6 4.91 E3 5.069 E1 4819
90 1.931 62.11 1.500 E5 8.233 E6 4.86 E3 6.979 E1 4960
100 1.927 62.00 1.423 E5 7.383 E6 4.79 E3 9.493 E1 4995
120 1.918 61.71 1.164 E5 6.067 E6 4.67 E3 1.692 E0 5049
140 1.908 61.38 9.743 E6 5.106 E6 4.53 E3 2.888 E0 5091
160 1.896 61.00 8.315 E6 4.385 E6 4.40 E3 4.736 E0 5101
180 1.883 60.58 7.207 E6 3.827 E6 4.26 E3 7.507 E0 5195
200 1.869 60.12 6.342 E6 3.393 E6 4.12 E3 1.152 E1 5089
212 1.860 59.83 5.886 E6 3.165 E6 4.04 E3 1.469 E1 5062
Based on data from Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 69th Ed., CRC Press, 1988. Where necessary, values obtained by interpolation.
Density and specific weight are related through the equation g rg. For this table, g 32.174 ft s2.
In contact with air.
From R. D. Blevins, Applied Fluid Dynamics Handbook, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., Inc., New York, 1984.

TA B L E B . 2
Physical Properties of Water (SI Units)a

Specific Dynamic Kinematic Surface Vapor Speed of

Density, Weightb, Viscosity, Viscosity, Tensionc, Pressure, Soundd,
Temperature R G M N S pv c
(C) (kg m3) (kNm3) (Nsm2) (m2s) (Nm) [Nm2(abs)] (ms)

0 999.9 9.806 1.787 E3 1.787 E6 7.56 E2 6.105 E2 1403

5 1000.0 9.807 1.519 E3 1.519 E6 7.49 E2 8.722 E2 1427
10 999.7 9.804 1.307 E3 1.307 E6 7.42 E2 1.228 E3 1447
20 998.2 9.789 1.002 E3 1.004 E6 7.28 E2 2.338 E3 1481
30 995.7 9.765 7.975 E4 8.009 E7 7.12 E2 4.243 E3 1507
40 992.2 9.731 6.529 E4 6.580 E7 6.96 E2 7.376 E3 1526
50 988.1 9.690 5.468 E4 5.534 E7 6.79 E2 1.233 E4 1541
60 983.2 9.642 4.665 E4 4.745 E7 6.62 E2 1.992 E4 1552
70 977.8 9.589 4.042 E4 4.134 E7 6.44 E2 3.116 E4 1555
80 971.8 9.530 3.547 E4 3.650 E7 6.26 E2 4.734 E4 1555
90 965.3 9.467 3.147 E4 3.260 E7 6.08 E2 7.010 E4 1550
100 958.4 9.399 2.818 E4 2.940 E7 5.89 E2 1.013 E5 1543
Based on data from Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 69th Ed., CRC Press, 1988.
Density and specific weight are related through the equation g rg. For this table, g 9.807 ms2.
In contact with air.
From R. D. Blevins, Applied Fluid Dynamics Handbook, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., Inc., New York, 1984.
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Appendix B Physical Properties of Fluids 717

TA B L E B . 3
Physical Properties of Air at Standard Atmospheric Pressure (BG Units)a

Specific Speed
Specific Dynamic Kinematic Heat of
Density, Weightb, Viscosity, Viscosity, Ratio, Sound,
Temperature R G M N k c
(F) (slugsft3) (lbft3) (lbsft2) (ft2 s) () (fts)

40 2.939 E3 9.456 E2 3.29 E7 1.12 E4 1.401 1004

20 2.805 E3 9.026 E2 3.34 E7 1.19 E4 1.401 1028
0 2.683 E3 8.633 E2 3.38 E7 1.26 E4 1.401 1051
10 2.626 E3 8.449 E2 3.44 E7 1.31 E4 1.401 1062
20 2.571 E3 8.273 E2 3.50 E7 1.36 E4 1.401 1074
30 2.519 E3 8.104 E2 3.58 E7 1.42 E4 1.401 1085
40 2.469 E3 7.942 E2 3.60 E7 1.46 E4 1.401 1096
50 2.420 E3 7.786 E2 3.68 E7 1.52 E4 1.401 1106
60 2.373 E3 7.636 E2 3.75 E7 1.58 E4 1.401 1117
70 2.329 E3 7.492 E2 3.82 E7 1.64 E4 1.401 1128
80 2.286 E3 7.353 E2 3.86 E7 1.69 E4 1.400 1138
90 2.244 E3 7.219 E2 3.90 E7 1.74 E4 1.400 1149
100 2.204 E3 7.090 E2 3.94 E7 1.79 E4 1.400 1159
120 2.128 E3 6.846 E2 4.02 E7 1.89 E4 1.400 1180
140 2.057 E3 6.617 E2 4.13 E7 2.01 E4 1.399 1200
160 1.990 E3 6.404 E2 4.22 E7 2.12 E4 1.399 1220
180 1.928 E3 6.204 E2 4.34 E7 2.25 E4 1.399 1239
200 1.870 E3 6.016 E2 4.49 E7 2.40 E4 1.398 1258
300 1.624 E3 5.224 E2 4.97 E7 3.06 E4 1.394 1348
400 1.435 E3 4.616 E2 5.24 E7 3.65 E4 1.389 1431
500 1.285 E3 4.135 E2 5.80 E7 4.51 E4 1.383 1509
750 1.020 E3 3.280 E2 6.81 E7 6.68 E4 1.367 1685
1000 8.445 E4 2.717 E2 7.85 E7 9.30 E4 1.351 1839
1500 6.291 E4 2.024 E2 9.50 E7 1.51 E3 1.329 2114
Based on data from R. D. Blevins, Applied Fluid Dynamics Handbook, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., Inc., New York, 1984.
Density and specific weight are related through the equation g rg. For this table g 32.174 ft s2.
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718 Appendix B Physical Properties of Fluids

TA B L E B . 4
Physical Properties of Air at Standard Atmospheric Pressure (SI Units)a

Specific Speed
Specific Dynamic Kinematic Heat of
Density, Weightb, Viscosity, Viscosity, Ratio, Sound,
Temperature R G M N k c
(C) (kgm3) (N m3) (Nsm2) (m2 s) () (ms)

40 1.514 14.85 1.57 E5 1.04 E5 1.401 306.2

20 1.395 13.68 1.63 E5 1.17 E5 1.401 319.1
0 1.292 12.67 1.71 E5 1.32 E5 1.401 331.4
5 1.269 12.45 1.73 E5 1.36 E5 1.401 334.4
10 1.247 12.23 1.76 E5 1.41 E5 1.401 337.4
15 1.225 12.01 1.80 E5 1.47 E5 1.401 340.4
20 1.204 11.81 1.82 E5 1.51 E5 1.401 343.3
25 1.184 11.61 1.85 E5 1.56 E5 1.401 346.3
30 1.165 11.43 1.86 E5 1.60 E5 1.400 349.1
40 1.127 11.05 1.87 E5 1.66 E5 1.400 354.7
50 1.109 10.88 1.95 E5 1.76 E5 1.400 360.3
60 1.060 10.40 1.97 E5 1.86 E5 1.399 365.7
70 1.029 10.09 2.03 E5 1.97 E5 1.399 371.2
80 0.9996 9.803 2.07 E5 2.07 E5 1.399 376.6
90 0.9721 9.533 2.14 E5 2.20 E5 1.398 381.7
100 0.9461 9.278 2.17 E5 2.29 E5 1.397 386.9
200 0.7461 7.317 2.53 E5 3.39 E5 1.390 434.5
300 0.6159 6.040 2.98 E5 4.84 E5 1.379 476.3
400 0.5243 5.142 3.32 E5 6.34 E5 1.368 514.1
500 0.4565 4.477 3.64 E5 7.97 E5 1.357 548.8
1000 0.2772 2.719 5.04 E5 1.82 E4 1.321 694.8
Based on data from R. D. Blevins, Applied Fluid Dynamics Handbook, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., Inc., New York, 1984.
Density and specific weight are related through the equation g rg. For this table g 9.807 ms2.

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