Introduction To Statistics: There Are Two Major Divisions of Inferential Statistics: Confidence Interval
Introduction To Statistics: There Are Two Major Divisions of Inferential Statistics: Confidence Interval
Introduction To Statistics: There Are Two Major Divisions of Inferential Statistics: Confidence Interval
Definition of Statistics:
1. Statistics can be defined as the collection presentation and interpretation of numerical data.- Croxton
and Crowed.
2. Statistics are numerical statement of facts in any department of enquiry placed interrelation to each
other.- Bouly.
4. By Statistics we mean quantitative data affected to a marked extend by a multiplicity of causes. Yule
and Kendal.
5. The science of Statistics is essentially a branch of applied mathematics and can be regarded as a
mathematics applied to observation data.- R.A fisher.
Statistics is concerned with scientific methods for collecting, organizing , summarizing, presenting and
analyzing sample data as drawing valid conclusions about population characteristics and making
reasonable decisions on the basis of such analysis.
1.Descriptive Statistics: The descriptive statistics gives a description about a sample..
Inferential Statistics: the inferential statistics predicts and infers about a much larger data or population.
There are two major divisions of inferential statistics:
a) Confidence Interval:
The confidence interval is represented in the form of an interval that provides a range for the parameter of given
b) Hypothesis Test:
Hypothesis tests are also known as tests of significance which tests some claim for the population by analyzing
1. Statistics and planning: Statistics in indispensable into planning in the modern age which is termed
as the age of planning. Almost all over the world the govt. are re-storing to planning for economic
2. Statistics and economics: Statistical data and techniques of statistical analysis have to immensely
useful involving economical problem. Such as wages, price, time series analysis, demand analysis.
3. Statistics and business: Statistics is an irresponsible tool of production control. Business executive
are relying more and more on statistical techniques for studying the much and desire of the valued
4. Statistics and industry: In industry statistics is widely used inequality control. In production
engineering to find out whether the product is confirming to the specifications or not. Statistical tools,
such as inspection plan, control chart etc.
5. Statistics and mathematics: Statistics are intimately related recent advancements in statistical
technique are the outcome of wide applications of mathematics.
6. Statistics and modern science: In medical science the statistical tools for collection, presentation
and analysis of observed facts relating to causes and incidence of dieses and the result of application
various drugs and medicine are of great importance.
7. Statistics, psychology and education: In education and physiology statistics has found wide
application such as, determining or to determine the reliability and validity to a test, factor analysis etc.
8. Statistics and war: In war the theory of decision function can be a great assistance to the military
and personal to plan maximum destruction with minimum effort.
1. Marketing: Statistical analysis are frequently used in providing information for making decision in
the field of marketing it is necessary first to find out what can be sold and the to evolve suitable
strategy, so that the goods which to the ultimate consumer. A skill full analysis of data on production
purchasing power, man power, habits of compotators, habits of consumer, transportation cost should
be consider to take any attempt to establish a new market.
2. Production: In the field of production statistical data and method play a very important role. The
decision about what to produce? How to produce? When to produce? For whom to produce is based
largely on statistical analysis.
3. Finance: The financial organization discharging their finance function effectively depend very heavily
on statistical analysis of peat and tigers.
3. Banking: Banking institute have found if increasingly to establish research department within their
organization for the purpose of gathering and analysis information, not only regarding their own
business but also regarding general economic situation and every segment of business in which they
may have interest.
4. Investment: Statistics greatly assists investors in making clear and valued judgment in his investment
decision in selecting securities which are safe and have the best prospects of yielding a good income.
5. Purchase: the purchase department in discharging their function makes use of statistical data to
frame suitable purchase policies such as what to buy? What quantity to buy? What time to buy? Where
to buy? Whom to buy?
6. Accounting: statistical data are also employer in accounting particularly in auditing function, the
technique of sampling and destination is frequently used.
7. Control: the management control process combines statistical and accounting method in making the
overall budget for the coming year including sales, materials, labor and other costs and net profits and
capital requirement.
Census. A census is a study that obtains data from every member of a population. In most studies, a
census is not practical, because of the cost and/or time required.
Sample survey. A sample survey is a study that obtains data from a subset of a population, in order to
estimate population attributes.
Experiment . An experiment is a controlled study in which the researcher attempts to understand cause-
and-effect relationships. The study is "controlled" in the sense that the researcher controls (1) how
subjects are assigned to groups and (2) which treatments each group receives.
In the analysis phase, the researcher compares group scores on some dependent variable. Based on the
analysis, the researcher draws a conclusion about whether the treatment (independent variable) had a
causal effect on the dependent variable.
Sampling is a statistical procedure that is concerned with the selection of the individual observation; it
helps us to make statistical inferences about the population
Suppose that we have a population of 86 college students and want to form a simple random
sample of size eleven to survey about some issues on campus. We begin by assigning numbers to
each of our students. Since there is a total of 86 students, and 86 is a two digit number, every
individual in the population is assigned a two digit number beginning 01, 02, 03, .. . 83, 84, 85.
A simple random sample (SRS) of size n consists of n individuals from the population chosen in such a way
that every set of n individuals has an equal chance to be the sample actually selected
Here, population refers to the collection of people, animals, locations, etc. that the study is focusing on.
As a example, suppose we conduct a national survey. We might divide the population into groups or
strata, based on geography - north, east, south, and west. Then, within each stratum, we might randomly
select survey respondents.
Cluster sampling. With cluster sampling, every member of the population is assigned to one, and only
one, group. Each group is called a cluster. A sample of clusters is chosen, using a probability method
(often simple random sampling). Only individuals within sampled clusters are surveyed.
Note the difference between cluster sampling and stratified sampling. With stratified sampling, the
sample includes elements from each stratum. With cluster sampling, in contrast, the sample includes
elements only from sampled clusters.
Multistage sampling. With multistage sampling, we select a sample by using combinations of different
sampling methods.
For example, in Stage 1, we might use cluster sampling to choose clusters from a population. Then, in
Stage 2, we might use simple random sampling to select a subset of elements from each chosen cluster
for the final sample.
Systematic random sampling. With systematic random sampling, we create a list of every member of the
population. From the list, we randomly select the first sample element from the first k elements on the
population list. Thereafter, we select every kth element on the list.
This method is different from simple random sampling since every possible sample of nelements is not
equally likely.
Primary data used in research originally obtained through the direct efforts of
the researcher through surveys, interviews and direct observation. Primary data is more costly to obtain
than secondary data
Secondary data is the data that have been already collected by and readily available from other sources. Such
data are cheaper and more quickly obtainable than the primary data and also may be available when primary data
can not be obtained at all.
An estimate is a value that is inferred for a population based on data collected from a sample of units
from that population.
Estimation is a technique that systematically adjusts the sample data to determine an estimated value
for the population.
For example, if our sample data shows that 51% of the sample are female, then the population value will
be estimated to be 51% (as estimation is based on the assumption that the sampleis representative of
the population).
An estimate is not a guess, it is a value based on sampled data which has been adjusted using statistical
estimation procedures.
A variable is any characteristics, number, or quantity that can be measured or counted. A variable may
also be called a data item. Age, sex, business income and expenses, country of birth, capital expenditure,
class grades, eye color and vehicle type are examples of variables.
Quantitative Variables - Variables whose values result from counting or measuring something.
Examples: height, weight, time in the 100 yard dash, number of items sold to a shopper
Qualitative Variables - Variables that are not measurement variables. Their values do not result from measuring or
Examples: hair color, religion, political party, profession.
Discrete Variable
A discrete variable does not admit intermediate values between two specific numbers. It is represented by whole
integer values. For example:
The number of brothers of 5 friends: 2, 1, 0, 1, 3.
Discrete Variable
Number of printing mistakes in a book.
Number of road accidents in Dhaka City.
Number of siblings of an individual.
Continuous Variable
A continuous variable can take values between two numbers. For example:
The height of 5 friends measured in meters : 1.73, 1.82, 1.77, 1.69, 1.75.
Continuous Variable
Height of a person
Age of a person
Profit earned by the company.
Nominal: nominal is from the Latin normals, which means pertaining to names. Its another name for
a category.
Gender: Male, Female, Other.
Hair Color: Brown, Black, Blonde, Red, Other.
Type of living accommodation: House, Apartment, Trailer, Other.
Genotype: Bb, bb, BB, bB.
Religious preference: Buddhist, Mormon, Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Other.
2. Ordinal
High school class ranking: 1st, 9th, 87th
Socioeconomic status: poor, middle class, rich.
The Liker Scale: strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree.
Level of Agreement: yes, maybe, no.
Time of Day: dawn, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, night.
Political Orientation: left, center, right.
3. Interval
Interval: has values of equal intervals that mean something. For example, a thermometer might have
intervals of ten degrees.
Celsius Temperature.
Fahrenheit Temperature.
IQ (intelligence scale).
SAT scores.
Time on a clock with hands.
4. Ratio
Sales Figures.
Ruler measurements.
Income earned in a week.
Years of education.
Number of children
A statistic is a characteristic of a sample. You draw a random sample of 100 subscribers and
determine that their mean income is $27,500 (a statistic)
Comparison Chart