Stewart 2014
Stewart 2014
Stewart 2014
Brewer’s Yeast
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sake Yeast)
GG Stewart, GGStewart Associates, Cardiff, UK
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article is a revision of the previous edition article by Yuji Oda, Kozo Ouchi, volume 3, pp. 1907–1913, Ó 1999, Elsevier Ltd.
Yeasts are classified into three groups: ascosporogenous yeasts, form pseudohyphae but not septate hyphae. The yeasts are
basidiosporogenous yeasts, and imperfect yeasts. Saccharomyces predominantly diploid or occasionally of higher ploidy. Asci,
is the representative of ascosporogenous yeasts and historically which are persistent and usually transformed by direct change
is the most familiar microorganism to humans. This genus was from the vegetative cells, may contain one to four ascospores.
first described by Meyen when he assigned beer yeast as The ascospores are round or slightly oval, with smooth walls.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae in 1838, and it was redefined by Reess Conjugation occurs during or soon after germination of the
in 1870 from the observations of ascospores and their germi- ascospores. Some strains of S. cerevisiae and its related species
nation. The name is derived from the Greek words sakcharon used in the brewing, distilling, and baking industries hardly
(sugar) and mykes (fungus). The number of Saccharomyces form ascospores at all. Continuous selection with respect to
species has changed according to the criteria used to delimit their practical properties seem to cause loss of sporulation
species, and nine species are now accepted in the genus ability in these strains.
Saccharomyces (Table 1). The most notable physiological characteristic of Saccharo-
myces spp. is their capacity for vigorous anaerobic or semi-
anaerobic fermentation of one or more sugars to produce
Characteristics of the Genus ethanol and CO2. These sugars include D-glucose, D-fructose,
D-mannose, and D-maltose except in the case of certain
The vegetative cells of Saccharomyces species are round, oval, or mutants. Most strains of Saccharomyces can grow on D-galactose
cylindrical and reproduce by multilateral budding. They may under aerobic or anaerobic conditions; however, none of them
Table 1 The species accepted in the genus Saccharomyces reassociation studies. Strains with 80–100% overall homology
of base sequences are considered as belonging to the same
Species Authority species, while the strains of distantly related taxa show
Saccharomyces arboricolus F.-Y. Bai and S.-A. Wang (2008) homology of less than 30%. Among the four species,
Saccharomyces bayanus Saccardo (1895) S. pastorianus reveals 53% homology to S. cerevisiae and 72%
Saccardo var. bayanus (2000) homology to S. bayanus, suggesting an intermediate position
Saccardo var. uvarum Naumov (2000) between two unrelated species, S. cerevisiae and S. bayanus
Saccharomyces cariocanus Naumov, James, Naumova, Louis, (see Saccharomyces: Brewer’s Yeast).
and Roberts (2000) Since species division within the Saccharomyces sensu stricto
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Meyen ex E. C. Hansen (1883) group were clarified at the molecular level, it became possible to
Saccharomyces eubayanus Libkinda et al. (2011)
determine those physiological responses necessary for separa-
Saccharomyces kudriavzevii Naumov, James, Naumova, Louis,
tion of the four taxa. Saccharomyces bayanus and S. eubayanus are
and Roberts (2000)
Saccharomyces mikatae Naumov, James, Naumova, Louis, the only species of the genus that can grow in the absence of
and Roberts (2000) vitamins. Maximum growth temperature immediately distin-
Saccharomyces paradoxus Bachinskaya (1914) guishes S. bayanus, S. eubayanus, and S. pastorianus, which never
Saccharomyces pastorianus Hansen (1904) grow at above 35 C, from S. cerevisiae and S. paradoxus, which
grow at 37 C, and often at up to 40–42 C. An active fructose
Kurtzman, C.P., 2005. Yeast Systematics and Phylogeny – Implications of Molecular transport system is present in the group of S. bayanus,
Identification Methods for Studies in Ecology. Springer, Berlin; Kurtzman, C.P., Fell,
J.W., 2011. The Yeast – A Taxonomic Study, fifth ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam. S. eubayanus, and S. pastorianus, while fructose uptake is reduced
in S. cerevisiae and S. paradoxus. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is
distinguished from S. paradoxus with respect to the assimilation
utilizes lactose, pentose, alditols, and citrate as carbon sources, by S. cerevisiae of D-mannitol and fermentation of maltose.
assimilates nitrate as a nitrogen source, or hydrolyzes exoge- Further details of Saccharomyces species differences, particularly
nous urea. Among polysaccharides, starch and pectin are as they apply to brewer’s yeast species, can be found in Chapter
exceptionally utilized by certain (not all) strains of S. cerevisiae. Saccharomyces: Brewer’s Yeast.
They do not produce starch-like compounds. Their ubiquinone
is exclusively Q-6, but this feature is common in the genera
Saccharomyces sensu lato
Kluyveromyces, Torulaspora, and Zygosaccharomyces.
Saccharomyces kudriavzevii and Saccharomyces mikatae are unusual
members of the genus as judged from narrow fermentative
Identification of Saccharomyces Species profiles and the ability to grow in the presence of 0.1% cyclo-
heximide. Assimilation of ethylamine, cadaverine, and lysine
Yeasts are usually classified by the characteristics of microscopic can differentiate these two species.
appearance, sexual reproduction, and physiological features, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is characterized by much lower
including (1) fermentation of certain sugars semianaerobi- G þ C values (34.7–36.6%) than other Saccharomyces species
cally; (2) assimilation of various compounds each as sole (39.3–41.9%), but do not grow in the presence of 0.1%
carbon or nitrogen source; (3) growth without an exogenous cycloheximide. Saccharomyces arboricolus differs from S. bayanus
supply of certain vitamins; (4) growth in the presence of 50% in the assimilation of glycerol as a sole carbon source and
or 60% (w/w) glucose; (5) growth at 37 C; (6) growth in the ethylamine, cadaverine and lysine as sole nitrogen sources.
presence of cycloheximide; (7) splitting of fat, production of
starch-like polysaccharides, hydrolysis of urea; and (8) forma-
Saccharomyces kudriavzevii
tion of acid.
Saccharomyces kudriavzevii is easily distinguishable from other
species of this genus since it is characterized by a wide assim-
Saccharomyces sensu stricto
ilative and fermentative profile, including the ability to utilize
Saccharomyces sensu stricto species, including S. cerevisiae, ethylamine-HCl, cadaverine, and lysine as sole nitrogen sour-
Saccharomyces bayanus, Saccharomyces paradoxus, and Saccharo- ces for growth as well as the ability to both assimilate and
myces pastorianus, are phylogenetically closely related in the ferment melibiose. The distinct character was already antici-
genus Saccharomyces. The species S. cerevisiae, S. bayanus, pated by molecular taxonomic studies which showed no
Saccharomyces eubayanus, and S. pastorianus are specifically found nucleotide homology between S. kudriavzevii with either
in the environments of wineries and breweries. The relative Saccharomyces sensu stricto or sensu lato strains, where DNA
genome sizes of these three species are estimated to be 1.00, homology values were never above 22%.
1.15, and 1.46, respectively. Saccharomyces paradoxus is exclu-
sively isolated from natural sources such as tree exudates, soil,
and Drosophila. Cells of S. paradoxus are small in size and readily Molecular Methods to Differentiate Species
form asci compared with the other three species. Effective
separation of the Saccharomyces sensu stricto species is compli- The conventional taxonomic tests to assess physiological
cated because these species often have apparently identical features are fundamental for identification, but the results have
morphological, physiological, and serological properties. The shown to be insufficient for species delimitation and discrimi-
four species have been differentiated from each other by DNA nation of interstrain variability. The genetic basis behind many
SACCHAROMYCES j Introduction 299
culture in a logarithmic phase of growth of 0.1 will contain inoculated strains are killer-sensitive. In sake brewing and wine
about 2 106 cells. fermentations, killer sake and wine strains were constructed by
Ascospores are induced on the sporulation media, most of the methods of backcrossing and cytoduction to overcome
which have been developed for Saccharomyces species. Young these problems.
cells grown on YM agar for 2–3 days are spread on Fowell’s or Most species of the genus Saccharomyces are ‘generally
McClary’s agar based on sodium acetate, Gorodkowa agar, or recognized as safe’ owing to the fact that many strains have been
malt extract agar, and incubated at least 4–6 weeks. Freshly applied to the food and beverage industries. There is no
isolated cells sporulate on the isolation medium and asco- confirmed report of disease in healthy humans and other warm-
spores can be observed after cultivation for about 1 month, blooded animals caused by Saccharomyces sensu stricto species.
while the cells cultured on the nutrient medium often require
certain sporulation media to convert asci. See also: Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sake Yeast);
Saccharomyces: Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Saccharomyces:
Brewer’s Yeast.
Importance to the Food Industry