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Prepared by:
Prepared for:
Mrs.Foziah Shaari
English Lecturer for Report Writing (EWC661)
UiTM Shah Alam
20 June 2017
Table of Contents

List of Tables and Figures


Terms of Reference


1.0 Introduction

2.0 Methodology

3.0 Findings

4.0 Conclusions

5.0 Recommendations


Figure 3.1 Total number of male and female.

Figure 3.2 Year of respondents for both male and female.
Figure 3.3 Gadgets owned by number of respondents.
Figure 3.4 Hours per day respondents spend on online video game.
Figure 3.5 Gadgets do respondents use to play online video games.
Figure 3.6 Number of online video games do respondents normally play.
Figure 3.7 Time that normally respondents play their online video games.
Figure 3.8 Respondents rather play online video games than socializing with other people
during free time.
Figure 3.9 Percentage that playing online games make respondents feel relax compared to
other activities.
Figure 3.10 Number of money spend on online video games.
Figure 3.11 Percentage of academic performance has improved due to playing video games
Figure 3.12 Type of good effects of playing online games that have happened to respondents.
Figure 3.13 Type of bad effects of playing online games that have happened to respondents.
Figure 3.14 Type of respondents think of the benefits of playing online games.

We are really grateful because we managed to complete our EWC 661 assignment within
the time given by our lecturer Mrs. Foziah Shaari. The assignment cannot be completed
without the effort and co-operation from our group members, Group members Basyeer,
Bukhory, Qayyim and Asyraf. Last but not least, we would like to express our gratitude
to our friends and respondents for the support and willingness to spend some times with
us to fill in the questionnaires.

On __________, Muhammad Asyraf bin Abdul Ghani, Ahmad Qayyim bin Moharmi,
Muhammad Bukhary bin Ahmad Kamal and Basyeer Afnan bin Abdul Halim Faiz from
the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UiTM Shah Alam were instructed by Mrs.Foziah
Shaari, the Report Writing lecturer (EWC 661) to write a report on the
______________________ students and to submit it on _____________.

As the world, nowadays is developing with advanced technology, the old schools thing
was forgotten by the new generation. There are several improper habits and behavior
with this development which the researcher finds in a study on online game towards the
doer. The study is to show how even an online video game can affect someone through
several aspects. Its purpose is to explore and identify online game addiction among UiTM
Shah Alam students. The aspects explored are the experience and commitment to playing
online video game, to determine the number of students that play online games, the
lifestyle of online gamer in UiTM Shah Alam, the performance of online gamer in
studying and outdoor activities and effects of playing online games. Nevertheless,
playing online video games is one of the common activities that people do for their
leisure times. Online video games can be defined as the technology that allow the player
to play a game as a party. Most of the online video games that we have today are using
internet as their platform. There are so many types of genre for online video games. For
examples, the genre are strategy, action, adventure, simulation, sport, and role-playing.
This type of genre has different concept with one objective, to created fun towards their
player regardless of their ages. In order to study this matter, the researcher had conduct
two methods which are based on questionnaire and observation in terms of their health,
emotional reaction, surrounding relationship, and their commitment in life. It can be used
to find the problem occurring among online video game addiction and possibly creating a
solution to overcome this phenomenon whilst discovering new outcomes.

1.1 Background of the study

It is known that we are living in the technological era. Gadgets became an irreplaceable
tool in everyday life of almost every person. Gadgets are part of our life and are very
important component in many spheres of modern life. Nowadays, majority of people
especially students spend their time on playing online games. These habits turn to an
addiction that has a tremendous effect on them. In an increasingly technology-dependent
based society, students will continue to play online games because games developers
playing with the gamers mind which they create a game that will make the gamers
impossible to stop playing the games. Some of the games developers today try to gain
profit by create a system where the players must use their real money to help them doing
mission, gain specialty and advantage in these games. Online games become more
popular as it can be played whether on smartphone, tablet or computer.

1.2 Problem Statement

This study aims to answer the following. What are the effects of playing online games?
How long do they spend playing online games? How about gamers lifestyle? If online
games can affect students behavior dramatically that it can change the very being of a

1.3 Objectives of the study

The objectives of study are as follows:

To determine the number of students that play online games.

To investigate the lifestyle of online gamer in UiTM Shah Alam.
To observe the performance of online gamer in studying and outdoor activities.
To draw the effects of playing online games.
1.4 Significance of the study

There are several significances from the research that have been conducted which is to
overcome all the problem that arise among the gamers from becoming more worst in the

To control the attitude and behavior of the online gamers.

To make them be responsible in their life.
To improve their social interaction in surrounding.
To improve their healthy lifestyle.

improve their healthy lifestyle.


This chapter introduces the details of research design, respondents of the study, sampling,
data gathering procedures and data gathering instruments.

2.1 Research Design

The researchers used the descriptive research to conduct

this study entitled The Effects of Online Gaming among the Student of UNIVERSITI
TEKNOLOGI MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, Selangor Year 2017.

2.2 Respondents of Study

The respondents were chosen through quota sampling. The researchers made use of 35
students of UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, Selangor. The
respondents ages range from 18-24 . There were 21 male and 14 female respondents.

2.3 The Procedure

Thirty-five questionnaires were distributed to respondents through online media and also
a direct survey on ___day____, ____date_____ at UiTM Shah Alam. The respondents
were random students from the faculty of mechanical engineering. The respondents
answered the questionnaire anytime and anywhere whenever they are free. All the
respondents answered the questionnaires.
2.4 Data Analysis

Percentage was used to convert the numerical data gathered from the questionnaires.
Only getting of percentage was the method needed to come up with a conclusion on this
study. Descriptive statistics which include basic summary of the data gathered was used
to explain further the result of the study. The descriptive statistics used percentage only.
These things would be explained further in the following.
3.1 Numbers of Male and Female

Figure 3.1 Total number of male and female.

Male Female Total respondents

16 14 30

The chart above showed the gender of the respondent that the researcher received.
Total of 60% or 21 of the respondent are male while 40% or 14 of them is female.
3.2 Age of Male and Female

Figure 3.2 Age for both male and female.

Age Male Female

18 - 20 years old 3 0
21 - 24 years old 18 14
>25 years old 0 0

Among 35 of the respondents, for male, 3 (14%) of them are in the age of 18 20 years
old while none of them are above 25 years old. Majority of the males respondent are
from the age range of 21 24 years old which is 18 (86%). Meanwhile for female, all of
them are from the age range of 21 -24 years old which is 14 (100%). None of them from
18 - 20 years old and also 25 and above.
3.3 Number of Respondents gadget owned

Figure 3.3 Number of Respondents gadget owned.

Gadget Owned Male Female

Computer 18 11
Handphone 19 14
Tablet 3 1

The questionnaire also asked the respondent to choose which gadgets that they owned
and they are allow to choose more than one gadget. As a result, most of the respondent
which is 47.5% male and 54% female owned a hand phone followed by computer which
owned by 45% male and 42% female. Only 7.5% male and 4% female owned a tablet.
3.4 Total hours per day respondents spend on online video games

Figure 3.4: Total hours per day respondents spend on online video games.

Gadget Owned Male Female

1-6 hours 15 13
7-12 hours 1 1
13-18 hours 1 0
18-24 hours 1 0

The other questions asked by the researcher are how many hours the respondent spent
their time on online game and the highest answer are 1-6 hours per day for male which is
15 respondent equal to 85% while 13 female equal to 93%. Second highest for male is 1
or 5% that is playing online video game for 7-12 hours per day and same to female which
is 1 or 7%. Only 1 or 5% of male playing within 13-18 hours and also within 19-24 hours
per day. Meanwhile for female, none of them play within that time.
3.5 Gadget used by respondents to play online video games.

Figure 3.5 : Gadget used by respondents to play online video games.

Gadget Male Female

Computer 12 4
Handphone 8 10
Tablet 1 0

The questionnaire also asked the respondent to choose what gadgets that they use to play
online video games. As a result, most of the males respondent which is 12 or 57% of
them used a hand phone while female is 4 or 28.5% followed by computer which used by
8 or 38% for male and 10 or 71.5% for female. Only 1 or 5% of the males respondent
used a tablet and none of female used it.
3.6 Total of online games played by the respondents

Figure 3.6 : Total of online games played by the respondents.

No of games Male Female
1-2 games 15 9
3-4 games 5 5
5-6 games 0 0
7 and more 1 0

Besides that, the researcher also asked about how many online games that the
respondents play currently. Majority of the respondents are play 1-2 game which are 15
answer or 71.43% for male and 9 answer or 64.29% for female following the smallest
answer more than 7 game got 1 or 4.76% which is from male and none from female .The
5-6 games are 0 from this two gender. The rest are 3-4 game which is 5 answer or
23.81% for male and 35.71% for female.
3.7 Time normally respondents play online games.

Figure 3.7: Time normally respondents play online games.

Time Male Female
Morning 0 0
Afternoon 0 2
Night 9 9
Midnight 12 3

The researcher also asked when the respondents playing the on online video game that
have four option which are morning, afternoon, night and midnight. This is to survey
when is the most time they spent to playing online video game. From the feedback that
researcher receives, the times answered by the respondents are midnight which is 12 or
57.14% for male. Meanwhile for female, only 3 or 21.42% play at midnight following by
night with 9 answer or 64.29%. In the afternoon, there are only 2 answer or 14.29% for
female and no male used to play in that time. Quiet number of male used to play at night
which is 9 answer or 42.86%. None of the gender play online game in the morning.
3.8 Respondents rather play online video games than socializing with other people during
free time.

Figure 3.8 : Respondents rather play online video games than socializing with other
people during free time.

Opinion Male Female

Neutral 12 6
Agree 5 0
Disagree 2 3
Strongly Agree 1 3
Strongly disagree 1 2

In the questionnaire, the statement given is whether respondents choose to play online
games instead of socializing with other people during free time. As the data collected, it
is found that 51% of male agreed and disagreed at the same time. Meanwhile, 14% of
male agree with the statement and 9% of them disagree with the statement. 5% of male
strongly agree with the statement and also 5% strongly disagree with it. As for female,
43% being neutral with the statement and none of them agree with the statement. From
the data collected, 21% of female choose to socialize with people during free time. Also
21% of female strongly agree with the statement and only 15% of them strongly disagree
with it.
Figure 3.9 Percentage that playing online games make respondents feel relax compared to
other activities.

Q9. Playing online games make me feel relax compared to

other activities
50.00% 47.62%



10.00% 7.14%
0% 0%
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree

Male Female

Male Female
Strongly disagree 1 1
Disagree 0 0
Neutral 10 7
Agree 8 4
Strongly agree 2 2

In this question we seem cannot find too much as the respondents are dominate the answer by
choosing neutral.
Figure 3.10 Number of money spend on online video games.

Q10. How much money do you spend on online video games?

60 57.14

Percentage (%)



9.52 9.52
10 7.15

0 0
Less than RM 10 RM 10 - RM 50 RM 50 - RM 100 More than RM 100 Never

Male Female

Money spend Male Female

Less than RM 10 2 5
RM 10 RM50 5 0
RM 50 RM 100 2 1
More than RM100 3 0
Never 9 8

In this question respondents are asked by how much they actually spend on online video games.
Bar chart above shows that majority of both male and female were never spend their money for
online video games with 42.86% and 57.14% respectively, 9.52% male and 35.71% female
spend less than RM10, 23.81% male and 0% of the females spend around RM10-RM50, while
9.52% male and 7.15 female spending their money RM50-RM100 and 14.29% male with 0%
female spend more than RM100
Figure 3.11 Percentage of academic performance has improved due to playing video games

Q11. Would you say that your academic performance has

improved due to playing video games?
53 52.38

50 50
Percentage (%)



48 47.62



Yes No

Male Female

Male Female
Yes 10 6
No 11 8

Bar chart above shows that 47.62% which is 10 male and 50% which is 11 of female say yes. Then,
52.38% male and 50% female choose no improved due to playing video games.
Figure 3.12 Type of good effects of playing online games that have happened to respondents.

Q12. Any good effects of playing online games that have

happened to you?
40 37
35 33
Percentage (%)

19.5 18.5
14 15
Improved your Improved your Improved your Being fast in Bring you happiness,
hand-eye responsiveness perseverance problem solving, satisfaction
coordination quick in thinking

Male Female

Good effects Male Female

Improve your hand-eye 7 4
Improved your 10 6
Improved your perseverance 5 0
Being fast in problem 17 10
solving, quick in thinking
Bring you happiness, 12 7

For question number 12 found that 14% male and 15% female felt improve hand-eyes
coordination. Next is 19.5% male and 18.5% female felt improved responsiveness. 10% male
and 0% female on choosing improved perseverance. It is about 33% male and 37% female being
fast in problem solving, quick in thinking. Lastly 23.5% male and 29.5% female felt that playing
video games actually bring happiness, satisfaction of the female felt being fast in problem
solving, quick thinking and 26% of them felt it actually bring happiness, satisfaction.
Figure 3.13 Type of bad effects of playing online games that have happened to respondents.

Q13. Any bad effects of playing online games that have

happened to you?
45% 39%
40% 36%
35% 32%
15% 12% 10% 8% 12% 12% 12%
10% 5% 4% 5% 4% 4% 5%
5% 0
Not enough Blurred vision Cannot be Having Being socially Using bad Hump back/ Limbs had
sleep, always concentrated aggressive isolated language bad posture less energy to
feeling tired regarding to behaviors, work
studies feelings or

Male Female

Male Female
Not enough sleep, always 16 9
feeling tired
Blurred vision 1 8
Cannot be concentrated 5 1
regarding to studies
Having aggressive 2 1
behaviors, feeling or
Being socially isolated 4 2
Using bad language 3 0
Hump back/bad posture 5 1
Limbs had less energy to 2 3

The bar chat above shows that 39% of male and 36% of female felt not enough sleep and always
felt tired, 5% male and 32% female had blurred vision, while 12% of male and 4% of female
limbs had less energy to work. 10% of male and 8% of female felt being socially isolated, there
is 12% of male and 0% of female were using bad language while playing video games. Besides,
hump back/bad posture were felt by 12% of male and 4% of female. Lastly, 5% of male and 12%
of female choosing limbs had less energy to work as one of their bad effects.
Figure 3.14 Type of respondents think of the benefits of playing online games.

Q14. What do you think of the benefits of playing online

70.00% 67%

20.00% 15%
7% 9.50% 7%
10.00% 4.50%
You will make new social You will make faster Games will reduce stress. Give you the opportunity
connections decisions. to improve cognitive skills.

Male Female

Male Female
You will make a new social 1 1
You will make faster 2 1
Games will reduce stress 14 10
Give you the opportunity to 4 2
improve cognitive skills

In this question 14 respondents were ask what they actually think the benefits of playing games.
The most dominating answer by the respondents are games will reduce stress with 67% of male
and 71% of female. Then followed by 19% of male and 15% of female choose that giving the
opportunity to improve cognitive skills. 9.5% of male and 7% of female thinks that it will make
faster decisions. Lastly, 4.5% male and 7% of female choosing it will make a new social
connection as their benefit of playing online games.
Q15. Do you think playing online games too often will
negatively affect academic performance?

60% 52%
30% 22% 22%
Yes No Depends on Individual

Male Female

Male Female
Yes 9 7
No 6 1
Depends on individual 6 6

This the last question of the respondents required to fill as it was a opportunity for them to tell
what they actually think that playing games to often will negatively affect academic performance
or not. Then 52% of male and 71% of female said yes it will affect the academic performances,
38% of male and 7% of female said no and the other 22% of both male and female were said
their opinion about it by depends on individual on how they actually manage their time between
study and playing online games.
Based on the conclusions of this report, it is hoped that the following groups of affected
people and entities carry out the proposed suggestion.


It is recommended that students should be disciplined when it comes to playing online

games which they could still perform satisfactorily in their studies. As it only a form of
recreation, it should not be given much priority over higher and more realistic priorities
such as their studies.


It is recommended that university should promote programs that educate the students
about the bad effect of too much playing online games. It will be a great help to the
students when this matter is being approved. Their information and knowledge about this
matter will expand and improved.

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