The Science of Soul
The Science of Soul
The Science of Soul
The whole world is laboring under the illusion that we are bodies. All the activities
that people do is centered around their body. The first thing Lord Sri Krishna teaches
us in Gita is that `We are not these bodies; we are spirit souls'. Even a bit of thought
will make us understand that we are not bodies.
The soul is a minute particle of spiritual energy that is present in every one of our
bodies. The soul is the life force or the active principle that activates every body and
enables it to function, just like an electric current that gives a shock when passed
through a copper wire. The soul can be compared to a driver and the body to a
vehicle. Without the soul the body is simply a lump of dead matter. The soul is the
spark of life that makes the body appear alive and when the soul leaves the body, we
say the person is `dead'.
We are accustomed to understanding the term `science' only in relation to matter and
energy. There is, however a higher dimensional science that deals with the subject of
the soul and spiritual energy. By nature spirit is `transcendental' to matter. In other
words, the soul is intrinsically beyond material sense perception. The techniques of
material science are inadequate to `prove' the existence of the soul in as much as the
ear is incapable of detecting light. The soul can, however be realized as higher
reality by following the laws of spiritual science. Ultimately, all spiritual truth is
revealed and `proved' from within, by experience. Yet the following points may help
us better understand the presence of soul:
Common Sense: When a person dies, we say,"He has passed away." Now who has
passed away? The body of the person still lies there. The fact is that the source of
life, the soul has passed away from the body and therefore the person is now
considered dead.
Intuitive Understanding: We have an intuitive understanding that the real self, the
`I' is distinct from the body, mind and intelligence. We speak in terms of `my hand',
`my head' etc. This way we can start from the top of the hair down to tip of the toe
and say every part of this body is `mine'. This indicates that these things belong to
somebody, an owner. The eyes, ears and brain are merely organs through which WE
see, hear or think. These organs in themselves cannot do any activity. There are eyes,
ears and brain even in a dead body. The activities have stopped because the driver,
the soul, has left the body.
Near Death Experience (NDE): Examples of findings show that the mind is
independent of the material brain and body. NDEs include Out-of-Body
Experiences(OBE) in which people report observing their physical body and events
relating to it from a perspective outside of the body during severe illness or physical
trauma resulting in unconsciousness. A typical case might involve a person who is
resuscitated from a heart attack and reports that he observed, from a point outside his
body, the medical personnel endeavoring to revive him. At such times, according to
standard medical opinion, the normal functioning of the brain, as indicated by certain
brain waves, is impaired, and the patient should be unconscious, if indeed
consciousness is a manifestation of brain.
Past life memories: Rigorous, unbiased studies have been carried out by serious
researchers on past-life memories. Ian Stevenson, Carlson Professor of Psychiatry
at the University of Virginia has extensively investigated spontaneous
reincarnation memories recounted by children. In such cases, he has been able to
positively corroborate what the child has claimed by thoroughly investigating details
of the place and people they describe, including the dead person they claim to have
been. Stevenson has assembled numerous accounts and verified them, always
taking great care to screen out fabrications. His studies give convincing evidence
that the conscious self can travel from one physical body to the next. Clearly,
when one body dies, the contents of its brain are destroyed, and there is no known
physical process by which they can influence the contents of another brain. The
simplest interpretation is that the conscious self must be an entity distinct from the
Although the above empirical evidences confirm a conscious self present in this
body, we can get this information from the scriptures directly without any mental
"That which pervades the entire body is indestructible. No one can destroy
the imperishable soul." [B.G.2.17] According to Bhagavad Gita, you are not this
body. You are not the mind. You are not the intelligence. You are not the false ego.
You are beyond the constituents of this mortal form. You are the consciousness that
pervades this body. You are the imperishable soul.
Then He says:
"Earth, water, fire, ether, air, mind, intelligence and false ego are My eight
separate inferior energies "[B.G.7.4]. These are always subject to change. Then
He says:
"Besides this inferior nature, there is a superior energy of Mine, that are all
living entities who are struggling with material nature and are sustaining the
universe" [B.G.7.5]. Thus, the Supreme Lord is like fire, we are like spark, He is
infinite and we are infinitesimal. This is a sastric proof.
data from the brain ? The fact, however, is that a machine cannot feel pain while for
an individual, pain is a reality he cannot deny. In case of human beings endowed with
The Bhagavad Gita affirms the presence within the body of distinct entity, the
conscious self and establishes it as an irreducible individual quantum or atom of
consciousness. The conscious self is superior to the brain and its functions. The
situation of this conscious self or `Life atom' can be compared to that of a pilot flying
an airplane on instruments. Since the sensory apparatus of the body is composed of
matter, this apparatus can provide information only about the configuration of
material energy and their transformations.
The difference is that although, both the human observer and the camera are
watching the play, the human being is "CONSCIOUS" of it, whereas the camera is
devoid of any consciousness. Hence consciousness is the difference between a living
person and a machine.
Once a scientist took a dead body and separated all the chemical constituents and
reported that the body is worth only Rs.110 /- (if those chemicals were to be sold
in the market). Do you think you are worth only Rs.110 /- ? But when a living
person loses his small finger or has to get his kidney replaced, he is ready to
spend lakhs and lakhs of rupees. What is there in a living body that makes the
body so valuable? The answer is the SOUL.
The soul (living force) is present in plants, animals and human beings. Wherever
there is life there must be a soul , because SOUL IS LIFE. Whether it is an amoeba
or an elephant or a human being the soul is present within each body.
ego. I cannot perceive your head ache and you cannot know what I am thinking.
But God is aware of every particle of creation. `na tv evaham jatu nasam natvam
neme janadhipah / na caiva na bhavisyamah sarve vayamatah param' " Never
was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the
future shall any of us cease to be " [B.G.2.12]. `mamaivamso jiva loke....' "
The souls in this material world are eternally my parts-and-parcels......"
soul is situated in the region of our heart. The soul is removed during heart
transplantation, as soul is spiritual. For e-g when stepney/ radiator of a car is to be
changed, the driver is just sitting in his place. One old tyre may be removed and a
new one may be fitted. Once the repair is over, the driver starts driving the car. Heart
transplantation is also like that. When a person sitting in one chair goes and sits in
another chair, the person remains the same.
THE SIZE OF THE SOUL: The Svetasvatara Upanishad and the Srimad
Bhagavatam describe the size of the soul (seed form): `balagra sata bhagasya
satadha kalpitasya ca / bhago jivahsa vijneyah sa canantyaya kalpathe' " If you
divide the tip of the hair into 100 parts, and one of those parts you further
divide into 100 parts - that 1/10,000 part of the tip of the hair is the size of
soul " [Sve. Upa.5.9].
THE SOUL IS INCONCEIVABLE: The size of 1/10,000 part of the tip of the
hair is too small to be seen through an electron microscope. But even if man may
design a microscope more powerful than electron microscope, yet to try to see soul
through it will be futile. Even we are unable to quantify/perceive a thought. Even
the mind, the subtle form of matter is unmanifest. The soul, by definition, is beyond
the mind. It is not only unmanifest, but it is also inconceivable. You cannot even
think of it : `avyakto yam achintyo yam avikaryo yam ucyate ' " The soul is
unmanifest, inconceivable and unchangeable " [B.G.2.25].
In India, most major religious organizations preaching in the English language, follow
the monist philosophy--" I am God, You are God, Everyone is God ". Is there any
person anywhere within this universe who is not controlled? God, by definition, is
supremely independent and is never controlled; He is the supreme controller. Srila
Prabhupada writes:" Some rascals claim that they are not controlled. I
know one such rascal who has a society and is preaching,`I am God'.
But one day I saw him with a tooth ache; he was moaning,`ohhh !'
So I asked him,`You claim that you are God, the supreme controller,
but now you are under the control of toothache. What kind of God
are you ? ' So if you see someone who claims that he is God or that
everyone is God, you should immediately know such a person is a
number-one rascal."
Being indestructible and eternal, unmanifest and inconceivable, could you be God?
This is an important question. The answer could decide the direction you spiritual
life takes. The Bhagavad Gita is clear on this subject. It clearly states that you
are not God. It also unambiguously declares you cannot become God even after
"There are two classes of beings, the fallible and the infallible. In the
material world every entity is fallible, and in the spiritual world every entity is
called infallible ". We, who are unaware of our spiritual identity are fallible. Any
living entity who has come in contact with matter, beginning from the first created
being, Brahma, down to a small ant, is changing his body; therefore they are all
fallible. But in the spiritual world the body is not made of matter; therefore there is
no change. There is no old age, there is no birth/death. So all living entities who are
one with the will of the Supreme Lord in the spiritual world are all called infallible.
`uttamah purusastv anyah paramatmety udahrtah
yo loka trayam avisya bibharty avyaya isvarah' [ B.G.15.17]
" Besides these two, there is the greatest living personality, the Lord Himself,
who has entered into these worlds and is maintaining them ". It is clearly
stated here that, above the innumerable living entities, some of whom are conditioned
and some of whom are liberated, there is Supreme Personality who is Paramatma.
our loving master. We are one in quality with God but
different in quantity. Our salvation depends on accepting
this reality.