BI Publisher Report With Apex
BI Publisher Report With Apex
BI Publisher Report With Apex
Define the Tag for Fields in the Excel Template in the following Format:
?group_name? is the XML tag name for the parent element in your XML data delimited by "?".
a unique name that you will use to define a derived grouping logic.
Tag for AR Invocie Posting Date : XDO_?AR_POSTING_DATE?
Tag for Group : XDO_GROUP_?G_HEADER?
The element name in XML data should match with the field name in the tag.
For group, select the entire record and provide the tag.
Step:5 Templates
Create a Templates under XML Publisher Administrator Responsibility with the type as
Microsoft Excel
Step: 6 Excel Output:
Display the sub total values based on Account code and show grand total end of the report.
The report has only one group (G_ACCT) and group columns like
Account Code, Ro Number, ROLine# ,Ro Type, Ro Date, Supplier#, Supplier Name,
Supplier Site, W/H, Buyer, Items, Qty, Price, Trxn Amount
Show the subtotal and grand total amount for Trxn amount column based on account code
Create a template to lay out the data in a report, and publish the report to numerous output formats. BI Publis
her also enables to schedule reports and deliver the reports to any delivery channel required as per the busines
s need.
A report consumer may perform the following tasks:
Run and view reports from the BI Publisher reports repository
Schedule reports to run at selected intervals and to be delivered via any channel set up by your administrator
Create an ad hoc analysis of report data using BI Publisher's Analyzer feature
Open and manipulate reports in Microsoft Excel using BI Publisher's Analyzer for Microsoft Excel
Process to generate the report
The report attributes, what needs to display should be stored in database table. We can select the values from
table and display as a report as per input template.
Microsoft word is very useful to create the template for report designing. Design the template as per report ne
ed and add the database fields in the corresponding areas so that the report will be displayed in neat format.
(The template file should be stored as rich text format (rtf) file.)
Posted by Doyen Techteam at 03:54 1 comment:
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To enable the BI Publisher tool bar in to Microsoft word, we need to install the plug-in.
To aid in the building of RTF templates BI Publisher provides the BI Publisher Template Builder fo
r MSWord. Prior to starting the examples we should download this plug-
in and install it. This is available from metalink; the latest version is 5.5 and can be found by do
wnloading patch 4561835. Alternatively we can install from the BI Publisher window itself.
We can install by clicking on the Template Builder link in that above picture. After that the add-
ons will be installed and BI Publisher menu will be enabled in Microsoft word document.
Add-Ins has enabled and displayed in word like the other options
Under the Add-Ins following tab has enabled.
Oracle BI Publisher
By using the above method to enable Oracle BI Publisher add-ins in Microsoft word.
Posted by Doyen Techteam at 03:51 1 comment:
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BI Bursting
One of the very good features of Oracle BI Publisher is its ability to burst and send the reports to
multiple users simultaneously.
Using BI Publisher's bursting feature we can split a single batch report into individual reports to b
e delivered to multiple destinations. We can apply a different template, output format, delivery m
ethod, and locale to each split segment of our report. Example implementations include:
Invoice generation and delivery based on customer-specific layouts and delivery preference
Financial reporting to generate a master report of all cost centers, bursting out individual cost ce
nter reports to the appropriate manager
Generation of pay slips to all employees based on one extract and delivered via e-mail
Prerequisite: A report defined in BI Publisher. The report data must contain an element by which
the report will be split and an element by which the report will be delivered.
Enabling a report for bursting consists of the following steps:
Open the report in Edit mode.
Select Bursting under the report definition.
Select the Enable Bursting check box.
Select the Split By and Deliver By elements.
The Split By element is the data element from the report file that you wish to split the report by.
For example, to split a batch of invoices by each invoice, you may use an element called CUSTO
The Deliver By element is the data element from the report file by which to determine the deliver
y method. In the invoice example, it is likely that each invoice will have delivery criteria determin
ed by customer; therefore the Deliver By element may be CUSTOMER_ID.
Select the data source for the delivery XML.
The delivery XML can be sourced from the same data source as the main data set, or it can be ge
nerated from a different data source.
Enter the SQL query to build the delivery XML. See Defining the Delivery Data Set for details.
Based on the SQL query that we provide on the Bursting criteria page of the Report Editor, BI Pu
blisher will build the delivery XML data set. The delivery XML data set contains the information to
deliver the burst report appropriately to each recipient. The delivery data in this XML document i
s used as a mapping table for each Deliver By element. The structure of the delivery XML is as fo
KEY is the Delivery key and must match the Deliver By element. The bursting engine uses the ke
y to link delivery criteria to a specific section of the burst data.
is the name of the Layout template to apply. Note that the value is the Layout name (for exampl
e, "Invoice"), not the template file name (for example, invoice.rtf).
TEMPLATE_FORMAT - is the format of the layout template. Valid values are:
LOCALE - is the template locale, for example, "en-US".
OUTPUT_FORMAT - is the output format. Valid values are: for example: pdf, html, excel.
DEL_CHANNEL - is the delivery method. Valid values are:
Delivery parameters by channel. The delivery parameters by channel are defined in the following
Parameter Mapping