Measurement Uncertainty Arising From Sampling PDF
Measurement Uncertainty Arising From Sampling PDF
Measurement Uncertainty Arising From Sampling PDF
Measurement uncertainty
arising from sampling
A guide to methods and approaches
Produced jointly by
Eurachem, EUROLAB, CITAC, Nordtest and the RSC Analytical Methods
Michael H Ramsey (University of Sussex, UK)
Stephen L R Ellison (LGC, UK)
UfS:2007 Page i
Uncertainty of measurement is the most important single parameter that describes the
quality of measurements. This is because uncertainty fundamentally affects the
decisions that are based upon the measurement result. Substantial progress has been
made in devising procedures to estimate the uncertainty that originates in the
analytical portion of the measurement, and guidance on these procedures is available
[1]. However, a measurement almost invariably involves the process of taking a
sample. This is because it is usually impossible to analyse the entire bulk of the
material to be characterised (the sampling target). If the objective of the
measurement is to estimate the value of the analyte concentration in a sampling target,
then the uncertainty associated with the sampling process must inevitably contribute
to the uncertainty associated with the reported result. It has become increasingly
apparent that sampling is often the more important contribution to uncertainty and
requires equally careful management and control. The uncertainty arising from the
sampling process must therefore be evaluated. While existing guidance identifies
sampling as a possible contribution to the uncertainty in a result, procedures for
estimating the resulting uncertainty are not well developed and further, specific,
guidance is required.
Historically, measurement scientists have been primarily concerned with
measurements made within laboratories, and the process of sampling has been
conducted by, and the responsibility of, a different set of people who are often in
separate organisations. The measurement scientists knowledge of the sampling
process is then very limited. Conversely, the advent of in situ analytical techniques
sometimes enables the measurement scientist to make measurements at the sampling
site and in contact with the material to be sampled. Examples of this situation are
process analysis within industrial production, and in situ measurements on
contaminated land. The placing of the analytical sensor in these situations then
constitutes the taking of a sample, and the measurement scientist becomes not only
aware of, but responsible for, all stages of the measurement process, including the
sampling. Such an awareness of the whole process is important, irrespective of the
division of effort. Since analytical and sampling processes contribute to the
uncertainty in the result, the uncertainty can only be estimated if there is an
understanding of the complete process. Further, optimisation of the relative effort in
sampling and analysis is only possible where sampling and analytical processes are
both understood.
If the different stages are the responsibility of different people, there needs to be good
communication between all of the parties involved. Sampling planners and analytical
scientists need to optimise the whole measurement procedure, and to devise a strategy
to estimate the uncertainty. Both need to discuss the objectives of the measurements
with the customer. All three parties need guidance from the appropriate regulator on
how these estimates of uncertainty are to be acted upon, to ensure the reliability of the
decisions based upon the measurements. To underpin these decisions, all the parties
need reliable estimates of uncertainty, including that arising from sampling. Although
no general guidance can replace expert advice in complex or critical cases, this Guide
describes the methods needed to fulfil the need for reliable estimates of uncertainty
from sampling for most analytical measurement systems.
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This Guide aims to describe various methods that can be used to estimate the
uncertainty of measurement, particularly that arising from the processes of sampling
and the physical preparation of samples. It takes a holistic view of the measurement
process to include all of these steps as well as the analytical process, in the case where
the measurand is defined in term of the value of the analyte concentration in the
sampling target, rather than in just the sample delivered to the laboratory. The Guide
begins by explaining the importance of knowing the total uncertainty in a
measurement for making reliable interpretation of measurements, and judging their
fitness for purpose. It covers the whole measurement process, defining each of the
component steps, and describing the effects and errors that cause uncertainty in the
final measurement.
Two main approaches to the estimation of uncertainty from sampling are described.
The empirical approach uses repeated sampling and analysis, under various
conditions, to quantify the effects caused by factors such as the heterogeneity of the
analyte in the sampling target and variations in the application of one or more
sampling protocols, to quantify uncertainty (and usually some of its component parts).
The modelling approach uses a predefined model that identifies each of the
component parts of the uncertainty, making estimates of each component, and sums
them in order to make an overall estimate. Models from sampling theory can
sometimes be used in this approach to estimate some of the components from a
knowledge of the characteristics of particulate constituents.
Worked examples are given of each of these approaches, across a range of different
application areas. These include investigations of the environment (of soil and water),
of food (at growing and processing) and of animal feed. The estimates of the total
uncertainty of measurement range from a few per cent up to 84% relative to the
measurand. The contribution of the sampling is occasionally small but is often
dominant (>90% of the total measurement variance). This suggests an increased
proportion of the expenditure needs to be aimed at the sampling, rather than the
chemical analysis, if the total uncertainty needs to be reduced in order to achieve
fitness for purpose.
Management issues addressed include the responsibility of the quality of the whole
measurement process, which needs to include the sampling procedure. Guidance is
given on the selection of the most appropriate approach for any application, and
whether one initial validation of the system is sufficient, or whether there is a need for
ongoing monitoring of the uncertainty from sampling using quality control of
sampling. The extra cost of estimating uncertainty is also considered in relation to the
cost savings that can be made by knowing the uncertainty of measurement more
Such a Guide can never be fully comprehensive, and although there are appendices
with details of some of the statistical techniques employed and sources of more
detailed advice, there will often be a need for expert advice in more complex
situations. This Guide aims to be a useful introduction to this subject, but we hope it
will also stimulate further research into improved methods of uncertainty estimation.
Foreword ii
Summary iii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Rationale for the Guide 1
1.2 Aim of the Guide 1
1.3 Application to judging fitness for purpose 1
1.4 Intended audience for the Guide 2
1.5 Relationship of this Guide to other documents 2
1.6 Using the Guide 3
3 Terminology 4
5 Uncertainty of measurement 6
5.1 Definition of uncertainty of measurement 6
5.2 Specification of measurand 8
5.3 Error, precision and uncertainty 9
5.4 Sampling and physical preparation as sources of uncertainty of measurement 9
5.5 Sources of uncertainty 10
5.6 Heterogeneity as a source of uncertainty 10
7 The measurand 14
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9 Empirical approach 14
9.1 Overview 14
9.2 Uncertainty sources 14
9.3 Statistical model for the empirical estimation of uncertainty 15
9.4 Empirical estimation of uncertainty 16
9.5 Calculation of uncertainty and its components 18
9.6 Alternative empirical methods of uncertainty estimation 19
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Appendix A: Examples 34
Example A1: Nitrate in glasshouse grown lettuce 35
Example A2: Lead in contaminated top soil 40
Example A3: Dissolved iron in groundwater 46
Example A4: Vitamin A in baby porridge containing fruit and milled cereals 55
Example A6: Cadmium and phosphorous in agricultural top soil by modelling approach
Appendix B: Terminology 83
C1. Estimating bias between two sampling methods, by using paired samples 91
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List of acronyms and abbreviations
1 Introduction
1.1 Rationale for the Guide
The main purpose of measurement is to enable decisions to be made. The reliability of these
decisions depends on knowing the uncertainty of the measurement results. If the uncertainty
of measurements is underestimated, for example because the sampling is not taken into
account, then erroneous decisions may be made that can have large financial consequences.
The fitness for purpose of measurement results can only be judged by having reliable
estimates of their uncertainty. For this reason it is essential that effective procedures are
available for estimating the uncertainties arising from all parts of the measurement process.
These must include uncertainties arising from any relevant sampling and physical preparation.
Judgements on whether the analytical contribution to the uncertainty is acceptable can only be
made with knowledge of the uncertainty originating in the rest of the measurement procedure.
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The acceptance sampling procedures are applied to the sampling of a wide range of materials [7].
Some concepts from sampling theory can be usefully adapted for estimation of uncertainty of measurement
(Section 10.2).
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Scope and field of application
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2.4 Although the general principles of this Guide apply, it does not specifically discuss
microbiological sampling. Nor does it discuss the estimation of uncertainty in spatial or
temporal information such as the location or size of areas of high analyte concentration.
3 Terminology
3.1 The precise definitions of many of the terms used in this Guide vary depending on
the area of application. A full listing of terms and their different definitions is given in
Appendix B. In this Guide, normative definitions of each term have been selected that are as
generally applicable as possible to all sectors of application. These terms are listed in
Appendix B and in bold on first use in the text.
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Sampling in the measurement process
The figure shows a complete measurement process, starting with primary sampling and ending in the analytical
determination. There are many intermediary steps, such as transportation and preservation of samples, not all of
which are always present. Each step gives rise to a contribution towards the uncertainty of measurement. This
Guide concentrates on the process steps of sampling and physical sample preparation (shaded boxes), as the
last step is well covered in previous guidance [1]. Notice that two of the sampling steps occur within the
laboratory (light grey) and are frequently considered to be part of the analytical process. For definitions of terms
see Appendix B.
A sampling target is the portion of material, at a particular time, that the sample (and therefore
the measurement result) is intended to represent. The sampling target needs to be defined
prior to the design of the sampling plan. It may be defined by regulation, such as the whole of
a batch, lot or consignment. If the properties and characteristics (e.g. analyte concentration) of
the material in a certain area, or time period, are of interest and must be known, then it can be
considered a sampling target. When the composition of a whole batch is required (e.g. of a
food material), then the whole batch constitutes the target. When the spatial (or temporal)
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Uncertainty of measurement
5 Uncertainty of measurement
5.1 Definition of uncertainty of measurement
5.1.1 Uncertainty of measurement, or measurement uncertainty (MU), is defined in
metrological terminology [2] as:
Parameter, associated with the result of a measurement, that characterises the dispersion of the
values that could reasonably be attributed to the measurand.
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Uncertainty of measurement
The definition includes several important features, which are discussed in the following
5.1.2 The parameter may be, for example, a range, a standard deviation, an interval (like
a confidence interval) or half-interval (u is a statement of a half-interval) or other measure of
dispersion such as a relative standard deviation. Note that when MU is expressed as a
standard deviation, the parameter is known as standard uncertainty, usually given the
symbol u. Other forms of expression are considered in Section 14.
5.1.3 Uncertainty is associated with each measurement result. A complete measurement
result typically includes an indication of the uncertainty in the form xU, where x is the
measurement result and U an indication of the uncertainty (it will be seen that the symbol U
has a special meaning, in this Guide; it indicates an expanded uncertainty, which will be
discussed further in Section 14). This form of expressing a result is an indication to the end-
user of the result that, with reasonable confidence, the result implies that the value of the
measurand is within this interval.
5.1.4 The measurand is simply a quantity, such as a length, mass, or concentration of a
material, which is being measured. The term value of the measurand is closely related to the
traditional concept of true value in classical statistical terminology. From this alternative
viewpoint uncertainty has also been defined [9] as:
An estimate attached to a test result which characterises the range of values within which the true
value is asserted to lie
This definition (which will be referred to as the statistical definition) has the advantage of
being easier to explain to decision makers, who often recognise the phrase true value as the
value of interest for their decision. It has the disadvantage that the true value itself can never
be known and this generally requires further explanation.
5.1.5 The metrological definition asserts that uncertainty expresses the dispersion of the
values that could reasonably be attributed to the measurand. This is a particularly important
phrase. It indicates that although the uncertainty is associated with a measurement result, the
range quoted must relate to the possible range of values for the measurand. For example, the
measurand could be the total mass of gold in a geological deposit. This is quite different from
a statement of precision, which would describe the range of results that might be observed if
the measurement were repeated. In requesting information about where the measurand value
might be, this definition of uncertainty implicitly requires the measurement scientist to
consider all the effects that might influence the measurement result. These effects obviously
include the causes of random variation from one measurement to the next over the
measurement timescale. But it is also essential to consider sources of bias during the
experiment, and very often, these generate larger effects than can be observed by repeated
measurement alone. That is, measurement uncertainty automatically asks for a range that
includes an allowance for both random and systematic effects.
5.1.6 To consider a simple analytical example, a simple measurement of concentration in a
solid will typically involve extraction of material, weighings, volumetric operations and
perhaps spectrometry or chromatography. Repeated measurement will show a spread of
values due to random variations in these operations. But all analysts know that extraction is
rarely complete, and, for a given material, that failure to extract material will lead to a
consistently low result. While good analytical practice always attempts to reduce such effects
to insignificance, some bias will remain. In expressing the uncertainty about the value of the
measurand, then, the analyst must take into account the reasonable possibility of bias from
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Uncertainty of measurement
such causes. (Usually, this is done by considering such information as the range of analyte
recoveries observed on reference materials or from spiking experiments.)
5.1.7 The same considerations apply in the case of sampling. It is well known that different
samples taken from a bulk material will often show real variation in value, which is clear
from repeated measurement. It is also well known that sampling may be biased, for example
by differential removal of materials, inappropriate timing of sampling where temporal
fluctuations occur, or by access restrictions. These effects will influence the relationship
between the value of the measurand and the result that is observed. While good practice in
sampling is intended to reduce these effects to insignificance, a careful assessment of
uncertainty always considers the possibility of residual systematic effects.
5.1.8 Current guidance on measurement uncertainty [2] makes it clear that uncertainty of
measurement (Section 2.2 of reference [2]) is not intended to allow for gross error. This
would preclude, for example, mistakes caused by transcription errors or gross misuses of the
measurement protocol. Sampling can, however, produce high levels of uncertainty (e.g. 80%
of the concentration value), simply through the routine application of an accepted
measurement protocol to a highly heterogeneous material. Even when procedures are
nominally correct, there will also be slight variations in the actual procedures due to the
ambiguity in the measurement protocols, and the minor adaptations that are made to protocols
in real-world sampling situations. Whether these high levels of uncertainty lead to
unacceptable levels of reliability in the decisions that are based upon them, depends upon a
rigorous evaluation of fitness for purpose (see Section 16).
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Uncertainty of measurement
value reflects the uncertainty in the estimate of the measurand value. In contrast, if several
independent primary samples are taken from the target, each analysed once, and the mean
value calculated, this mean value will also be an estimate of the value of the measurand.
However, the uncertainty will not be that of the measurement (expressed as standard
deviation, s), but the standard error of the mean value (expressed as s/n). This later
uncertainty on the mean can be reduced by taking more primary samples,c whereas the
uncertainty on the measurement cannot.
Assuming that the samples are random and independent, and assuming zero bias.
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Uncertainty of measurement
5.4.4 Similar arguments can be made for the uncertainty that arises in the processes of
physical preparation (e.g. transportation, preservation, comminution, splitting, drying, sieving,
homogenisation) that happen after the act of sampling and before the chemical preparation of
the test sample (Figure 1). Each step can introduce errors from a range of mechanisms, such
as loss of analyte, loss of fine particles, or contamination from equipment or previous
samples. The methods employed, and training given, should aim to reduce these errors to a
minimum. In addition, however, procedures are required to estimate the uncertainty that all of
these steps, when applied in practice, generate in the final measurement value.
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Uncertainty of measurement
be made. This results in uncertainty in any given result or, in general, any average of such
5.6.2 IUPAC note, as an addendum to the above definition, that The degree of
heterogeneity (the opposite of homogeneity) is the determining factor of sampling error. The
note is a good indication of the importance of heterogeneity in sampling. There are other
sources of error and uncertainty in the general operation of sampling; for example, cross-
contamination and imperfect stabilisation of samples, either of which can result in (unknown)
bias or additional variability. Yet heterogeneity and its effects such as random variability
and selection bias remain the largest problem in properly managed sampling and will
generally be the most significant source of uncertainty.
5.6.3 An alternative definition of homogeneity is sometimes used for particulate material,
which, if it consists of particles of different materials, cannot ever be homogeneous in the
sense defined by IUPAC. In this context, a mixture in which the probability of selection of
different types of particle is constant throughout the sampling target may be termed
homogeneous to denote that the expected concentration in would be the same in a sample
taken at any point in the material. Even here, however, it must be recognised that the
particulate nature of the material leads to sample-to-sample variation due to slightly different
composition of the increments actually taken; heterogeneity, as defined by IUPAC, still has
an effect under these circumstances, and consequently still contributes to the uncertainty.
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Uncertainty of measurement
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Approaches to uncertainty estimation
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The measurand and general conduct of studies of sampling uncertainty
an uncertainty estimate, taking account of the probability of requiring detailed information for
further development.
7 The measurand
7.1 In the following discussion, it is assumed that the measurand is an average value
representing the composition of the whole sampling target, and that the measurand is to be
estimated through a process of sampling and analysis. This relates to the specification of the
measurand (Section 5.2) and the definition of the sampling target (Section 4.1).
9 Empirical approach
9.1 Overview
9.1.1 The empirical (top-down) approach is intended to obtain a reliable estimate of the
uncertainty, without necessarily knowing any of the sources individually. It relies on overall
reproducibility estimates from either in-house or inter-organisational measurement trials. It is
possible to describe the general type of source, such as random or systematic effects, and to
subdivide these as those arising from the sampling process or the analytical process. Estimates
of the magnitude of each of these effects can be made separately from the properties of the
measurement methods, such as sampling precision (for random effects arising from
sampling) or analytical bias (for systematic effects arising from chemical analysis). These
estimates can be combined to produce an estimate of the uncertainty in the measurement
result. This approach is illustrated in detail in Examples A1, A2, A3 and A4.
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Empirical approach
of a proportion (e.g. 10%) of the samples and analyses respectively. Analytical bias can be
estimated by measuring the bias on well-matched certified reference materials, and assuming
that this bias represents that present for the test material, or by taking it directly from the
validation of the analytical method.
9.2.2 Procedures for estimating sampling bias include the use of a reference sampling
target [10, 24] (the sampling equivalent of a reference material). Alternatively they utilise
measurements from inter-organisational sampling trials, in which the sampling bias
potentially introduced by each participant is included in the estimate of uncertainty based on
the overall variability (Section 9.5). Although some of the components of uncertainty
associated with systematic effects may be difficult to estimate, it may be unnecessary to do so
if there is good evidence that systematic effects are small and under good control. Such
evidence may be qualitative, as in prior knowledge of the chemical or physical nature of the
sampling target, or quantitative, such as information, for example from prior measurements
on complete batches. (See Examples A3 and A4, Appendix A.)
where X true is the true value of the analyte concentration in the sampling target (i.e. equivalent
to the value of the measurand). For example, this could be the total mass of the analyte in the
target divided by the total mass of the target. The total error due to sampling is sampling and the
total analytical error is analysis
In an investigation of a single sampling target, if the sources of variation are independent, the
measurement variance 2meas is given by,
2 meas = 2 sampling + 2 analytical
where 2 sampling is the between-sample variance on one target (largely due to analyte
heterogeneity), and 2 analysis is the between-analysis variance on one sample.
If statistical estimates of variance (s2) are used to approximate these parameters, we get
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Empirical approach
where the additional term target represents the variation of concentration between the targets
and has variance 2 betweent arg et . Appropriate ANOVA generates estimates of the variances
2 betweentarget , 2 sampling and 2 analysis , and the uncertainty is estimated exactly as before, using
Equation 1.
The total variance 2 total , given by
2total = 2betweentarget + 2 sampling + 2 analytical
is also a useful parameter in assessing fitness for purpose; this is discussed further in section
16.2. For practical purposes the population variances are replaced by their estimates s2 to
s 2 total = s 2 betweentarget + s 2 sampling + s 2 analytical Equation 2
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Empirical approach
Analytical bias information may be obtained by including certified reference materials in the analytical run (see
Example A2, Appendix A).
Analytical bias is partially or completely included in collaborative exercises where multiple laboratories are
9.4.2 The duplicate method is the simplest and probably most cost-effective of the four
methods described in Table 5. It is based upon a single sampler duplicating a small proportion
(i.e. 10%, but no less than eight targets) of the primary samplesd [11, 12]. Ideally the
duplicates are taken from at least eight sampling targets, selected at random to represent the
typical composition of such targets. If only one target exists, then all eight duplicates can be
taken from it, but the uncertainty estimate will only be applicable to that one target. The
duplicated samples are taken by repeating the same nominal sampling protocol, with
permitted variations that reflect the ambiguity in the sampling protocol and the effect of
small-scale heterogeneity of the analyte of interest on the implementation of that protocol. For
example, in a W design for collecting a composite sample over a bay of lettuces, the initial
starting point and orientation of the W is altered for the duplicate sample; for a grid design,
again, starting point and orientation are altered (ExampleA1, Appendix A). The duplicate
samples are obtained using a single sampling protocol and by a single person (sampler). Both
of the duplicated samples are subject to physical preparation resulting in two separate test
samples. Duplicate test portions are drawn from both of the test samples and analysed in
duplicate (i.e. duplicate chemical analysis). This system of duplicated sampling and chemical
analysis is known as a balanced design (Figure 2). Note that the duplicate method does not
include any contribution from sampling bias, which must be either assumed to be negligible,
or estimated separately using, for example, multiple samplers, multiple protocols and/or inter-
organisational sampling trials as in the other three methods.
Note: Although the duplicate method is generally described in terms of a single sampler and
protocol, the same design can be used with different samplers to incorporate the between-
operator contribution to uncertainty (equivalent to Method #3).
A higher level of replication can be used, but duplication is usually the most effective form of replication in
sampling studies. It is better to take duplicates from 12 sample targets, than take triplicates from eight targets, for
example, as although each estimate of the uncertainty of sampling (ssampling) has a lower standard error, the
estimate is based on a smaller proportion of the entire population of sample targets, and is therefore less
representative. The minimum number of eight duplicates is required to provide sufficiently reliable estimates of
the uncertainty [12].
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Empirical approach
-between-analysis variance
Analysis 1 Analysis 2 Analysis 1 Analysis 2 analytical precision s anal
Balanced experimental design for empirical estimation of uncertainty (i.e. two-stage nested design), using the
duplicate method.
9.4.3 The test portions are then chemically analysed anonymously by an appropriate
analytical method under repeatability conditions (e.g. distributed randomly within an
analytical batch). If estimates of the analytical portion of the measurement uncertainty have
been made independently by the laboratory, this will be useful for comparison with estimates
made by this method. Variance caused by physical sample preparation can be included into
the sampling variance by having independent preparation on each of the sample duplicates.
Alternatively this variance can be estimated separately by inserting an extra level of
replication in the experimental design (Appendix D).
9.4.4 The balanced design proposed here will only give the repeatability standard deviation
of the analytical measurements. In order to estimate the other part of the analytical
uncertainty, an allowance has to be made for potential analytical bias. The limitations of this
approach, and a worked example, are given in Section 6 of Example A2. One alternative is to
ask the measuring laboratory for the repeatability and measurement uncertainty, and then to
check that the repeatability obtained in this study is similar to that claimed by the laboratory.
If this is the case, we can use the measurement uncertainty given by the lab as u(analytical)
(normally U/2). A second alternative is to use the estimation of analytical bias made from the
well-matched certified reference materials contained in the analytical batch. This bias
estimate can then be combined with the repeatability to obtain the measurement uncertainty
[1, 30].
There is often a small proportion (i.e. <10%) of outlying values in the frequency distributions of the analytical,
within-sample and between-sample variability. This requires the use of some method of down-weighting the
effect of the outlying values on classical ANOVA, such as the use of robust statistical methods. This gives a
more reliable estimate of the variances of the underlying populations. A fuller explanation of these methods is
given in the worked example in Appendix A1 (p40), A2 (p45).
See example in Appendix A2.
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Empirical approach
9.5.2 The values of ssamp and sanal from the ANOVA are estimates of sampling precision
and analytical precision respectively. The random component of the measurement uncertainty
is calculated by the combination of these two estimates (Equation 1). The expanded
uncertainty, for approximately 95% confidence for example, requires this value to be
multiplied by a coverage factor of 2. The expanded uncertainty (U) is then calculated using
U = 2 smeas Equation 3
U can also be expressed relative to the reported value x and expressed in terms of a
percentage, as a relative expanded uncertainty U':
2 s meas
U ' = 100 % Equation 4
The relative uncertainty is more widely applicable than the standard uncertainty, as it does not
change appreciably as a function of concentration at values well above the analytical detection
limit (>10 times). Other coverage factors can be selected as appropriate. The improvement of
this estimate of uncertainty to include the systematic error from the chemical analysis is
discussed in Example A2, Appendix A.
The relative expanded uncertainty for the sampling or analysis alone can similarly be
expressed as
2 ssamp
U samp '= 100 %
U anal ' = 100 %
9.5.3 Because the uncertainty of many measurement systems is dominated by
heterogeneity within the sampling target, the use of the simplest duplicate method often
gives a reasonably reliable estimate of uncertainty. Studies of environmental systems have
shown that between-operator and between-protocol effects are often much smaller than those
caused by heterogeneity [43]. Further information on selection of the most effective method
for uncertainty estimation is provided in Section 1. Examples of applications of the duplicate
method are given in Examples A1 and A2, Appendix A.
9.5.4 In addition to an initial single estimate of uncertainty for a particular sampling
protocol applied to a particular sampling target, routine application of the duplicate method
is also useful as a way of monitoring the ongoing sampling quality (Section 13). This can
allow for the effect on uncertainty of changes in the heterogeneity of the sampling target
between different applications of the same sampling protocol. Quantitative evidence of the
quality of sampling can then be gained, rather than relying solely on the assumption that
samples are representative, if taken by a correct protocol.
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The modelling approach
large numbers (n>100) of evenly distributed samples have been taken. Further guidance on
the principles and application of variography for this purpose, with a case study, is available
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The modelling approach
Error Weighting Error
Increment Delimi-
Delimi- Increment
Extraction Increment
Error Error
Error Preparation
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The modelling approach
(IXE) is created. Sample preparation errors (IPE) have several potential causes listed in Table
2, two of which are excluded as gross errors by the GUM definition.
10.2.5 Incorrect sampling errors have the following properties in common: 1) they create
sampling bias and increase the total variance in an unpredictable way, 2) they are
circumstantial and, therefore, any attempt to estimate them experimentally is normally not
useful, because it is expensive and the results cannot be generalised. The correct way is to
minimise or eliminate these errors by carefully auditing the equipment and procedures, by
replacing structurally incorrect devices and procedures with those that follow the rules of
sampling correctness, and by sufficient training of sampling personnel. Only if this technical
part is correctly executed does the theoretical part of uncertainty evaluation have predictive
value. However, sampling uncertainty estimation and quality control may alert users to
procedures that are not behaving correctly.
10.2.6 Correct sampling errors are shown in the lower part of Figure 3. When the
incorrect sampling errors are eliminated these errors can be modelled and used for estimating
the uncertainty of sampling. The fundamental sampling error is among the most important and
will be considered further here; others are discussed in Appendix C2.
10.2.7 Fundamental sampling error (FSE) is the minimum error of an ideal sampling
procedure. Ultimately it depends on the number of critical particles in the samples. For
homogeneous gases and liquids it is very small but for solids, powders and particulate
materials, especially at low concentrations of critical particles, fundamental error can be very
large. If the lot to be sampled can be treated as a one-dimensional object, fundamental
sampling error models can be used to estimate the uncertainty of the sampling. If the lot
cannot be treated as a one-dimensional object, at least the point selection error has to be taken
into account, when the variance of primary samples is estimated. If the sample preparation
and size reduction by splitting are carried out correctly, fundamental sampling error models
can be used for estimating the variance components generated by these steps. If the
expectance value for the number of critical particles in the sample can be estimated easily as a
function of sample size, Poisson distribution or binomial distribution can be used as sampling
models to estimate the uncertainty of the sample. In most cases the fundamental sampling
error model can be used.
10.2.8 If the material to be sampled consists of particles having different shapes and size
distributions it is difficult to estimate the number of critical particles in the sample. An
equation can be used to estimate the relative variance of the fundamental sampling error:
1 1
r2 = Cd 3 Equation 5
r = = relative standard deviation of the fundamental sampling error
a = absolute standard deviation (in concentration units)
aL = average concentration of the lot
d = characteristic particle size = 95% upper limit of the size distribution
MS = sample size
ML = lot size
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The modelling approach
C is a sampling constant that depends on the properties of the material sampled; C is the
product of four parameters:
C = f gc Equation 6
f = shape factor (see Figure 4)
g = size distribution factor (g = 0.25 for wide size distribution and g = 1 for uniform particle
= liberation factor (see Figure 4). For materials where the particles are completely
liberated, = 1. For unliberated material an empirical equation, = , is used, where
values of x ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 have been suggested.
c = constitution factor and can be estimated if the necessary material properties are available
by using:
c= c + 1 L m Equation 7
Here aL is the average concentration of the lot, the concentration of the analyte in the
critical particles, c the density of the critical particles and m the density of the matrix or
diluent particles.
10.2.9 If the material properties are not available and they are difficult to estimate, the
sampling constant C can always be estimated experimentally. Certified reference materials,
for example, are a special group of materials for which the sampling constant can be
estimated from existing data.
10.2.10 An example of how the fundamental sampling error model can be used in practice is
given in Example A5, Appendix A.
d d d d
L =1
The particle shape factor f (upper part), and liberation factor for unliberated material (lower
left) and liberated material (lower right). L is the liberation size of the critical particles.
UfS:2007 Page 23
Responsibility for quality of sampling
UfS:2007 Page 24
Selection of uncertainty estimation approach
target. Idealised assumptions have to be made therefore about the make up of the material
(e.g. mineralogy, grain size and analyte speciation). The modelling approach using
sampling theory requires estimates or assumptions about eight types of sampling error,
and also how these might vary across the target. Both theoretical and empirical
approaches can be relatively time consuming and therefore expensive to implement.
Generic estimates may be too general and not reflect the specific circumstances at any
particular sampling target. Further, not all of the sources of uncertainty might be
identified, leading to an underestimate of the total uncertainty.
On balance, therefore, the empirical methods tend to be more generally applicable across a
wide range of types of material, and do not depend as heavily on prior knowledge of the
system or all of the sources of uncertainty. This will make them less time consuming, and
therefore less costly to apply, which is particularly valuable in one-off testing of different
sampling targets. The modelling approaches, by contrast, lead to a more detailed assessment
of individual known sources of uncertainty and are more appropriate when developing a long-
term sampling scheme for a specific well-characterised application.
UfS:2007 Page 25
Quality control of sampling
Table 6: Illustration of the combined use of validation and quality control of sampling
One method used at One method used
many sites repeatedly at one site
Validation Initial validation yielding On-site validation yielding
generic performance data the performance data for
the specific target
Quality control Extensive quality control Spot quality control
with site specific verifying the performance
verification of generic data consistency over time
performance data
13.1.4 The need for internal quality control of sampling is not widely recognised at present,
and methods for executing it are not well established, except in some specialised areas such as
geochemical prospecting [21]. Specific suggestions for sampling quality control are given for
some environmental sampling matrices in [22]. However, no new principles are involved;
with minor qualification, the principles of internal quality control of analysis are applicable to
sampling [23, 24, 25]. Moreover, the methods used in validation are, with some
simplification, applicable to internal quality control. The reason for the simplification is that
validation needs to provide a good estimate of uncertainty, while quality control merely needs
to demonstrate consistency, over space and time, with the uncertainty established at
UfS:2007 Page 26
Reporting and interpreting uncertainty
14-Oct 20-Oct 26-Oct 29-Oct 5-Nov 17-Nov 24-Nov 30-Nov 10-Dec
Date of analysis
For the construction of this R-chart see the Nordtest Guide [25].
13.2.3 The data from quality control can also be used to update sampling method precision
as obtained in method validation using the same methods, ANOVA or relative difference
13.2.4 In some instances, the extra cost of duplicate sampling can be eliminated by use of
the SAD (Split Absolute Difference) method in which the normal number of increments to be
combined as the sample is segregated at random into two equal sized sub-sets, each of which
is processed and analysed separately [27, 28]. The difference between such results has an
uncertainty of 4u s2 + 2u a2 if conditions applying to validation are maintained. This again
could be used to define an action limit in a one-sided control chart.
UfS:2007 Page 27
Reporting and interpreting uncertainty
Conventionally, this multiplier, usually designated k, is referred to as the coverage factor, and
the product ku=U is referred to as the expanded uncertainty.
14.2.2 The choice of k is discussed in considerable detail in other publications [1, 2].
However, the key principles are:
k should be chosen to reflect an approximate confidence interval for the particular
If a particular distribution is known to be applicable, it is used. Otherwise, a normal
distribution is considered a reasonable assumption where the dominant contributions to
uncertainty are all normally distributed or there are several approximately equal
contributions from arbitrary distributions. With this assumption, k is typically based on the
value of Students t for an appropriate (two-tailed) level of confidence and number of
degrees of freedom.
In the modelling approach, the number of degrees of freedom is formally derived from the
degrees of freedom for contributing uncertainties according to a published formula [1, 2],
or approximated from the number of degrees of freedom for the dominant contribution
[1]. More commonly, the number of degrees of freedom is assumed to be sufficiently
large to justify a choice of k=2 for approximately 95% confidence.
For most practical purposes, k=2 is considered acceptable, and is sometimes mandatory [29].
However, it is important to state the value of k used, and the approximate level of confidence
that k implies, when reporting expanded uncertainty.
UfS:2007 Page 28
Cost of estimating uncertainty from sampling
measurements, it may be better to report one value for the whole uncertainty of the
measurement, stating in a footnote which sources have been considered.
UfS:2007 Page 29
Judging fitness for purpose of measurements using uncertainty
potential losses from incorrect decisions that might have been made without knowledge of the
uncertainty (Section 16).
15.2 It is more difficult to evaluate general costs for the other methods of uncertainty
estimation. Inter-organisational sampling trials require the expenses of at least eight different
participants (to obtain an acceptable reliability [11]), and are therefore likely to be
significantly higher than those for the duplicate method. Modelling methods will require
detailed information about the material being sampled. For some materials that are relatively
consistent over many batches these values may be generally applicable, and therefore make
this approach more cost-effective than empirical methods that take larger numbers of extra
measurements on each batch. This discussion must therefore include the extent to which the
uncertainty value for a particular protocol/material combination is estimated at a preliminary
validation, and how much the value is continually monitored and/or updated by an ongoing
sampling quality control scheme (Section 1). It would seem logical to consider the total
budget for validation and quality control of sampling to be judged together against the costs
that will arise from erroneous decisions based on inadequate estimates of uncertainty.
This concept is equally applicable to situations where materials have regulated minimum analyte
concentrations, in which case the terms false compliance and false non-compliance are applicable.
UfS:2007 Page 30
Judging fitness for purpose of measurements using uncertainty
Line A shows the costs of measurement. Line B shows costs of incorrect decisions. The sum
of these two lines (the total cost shown by the highest line) shows a minimum cost at point C,
which is the uncertainty that can be regarded as fit for purpose.
16.5 The optimal apportionment of resources between sampling and analysis is also a
matter of costs. Even an elementary consideration (excluding costs) shows that the
uncertainties of sampling and analysis should be roughly balanced. For example, if the
uncertainties of sampling and analysis are 10 and 3 units respectively, the overall uncertainty
of measurement is 10 2 + 32 = 10.4 . The overall uncertainty is hardly affected by a reduction
of the uncertainty of analysis: if it is reduced to (say) 1 unit, the overall uncertainty is reduced
to 10 2 + 12 = 10.05 , an inconsequential change. A more sophisticated approach takes into
account the different costs of analysis and sampling. If the unit costs of sampling and analysis
are A and B for the same specific level of uncertainty, the optimum ratio of sampling
uncertainty u samp to analytical uncertainty u anal is given by
usamp A
= .
uanal B
This ratio provides the minimum expenditure for a given overall uncertainty of 2
usamp + uanal
UfS:2007 Page 31
Implications for planning sampling and measurement strategies
UfS:2007 Page 32
Implications for planning sampling and measurement strategies
UfS:2007 Page 33
Appendix A: Examples
Appendix A: Examples
The most effective way to explain the methodologies described in the main text of this Guide
is to show worked examples. These examples are not intended to cover all circumstances, but
to show how the general principles can be applied to a variety of situations across a range of
different sectors. These include food (production and retail), animal feed, and environment
(soil and water). The examples are all structured using the same basic format, so as to aid
comprehension and comparability.
UfS:2007 Page 34
Example A1
1 Scope
Estimate the measurement uncertainty, and contributions from sampling and analysis, for
routine monitoring of glasshouse grown lettuce, using a standard sampling protocol.
3 Sampling protocol
The accepted protocol for this purpose specifies that one composite sample is prepared from
10 heads of lettuce harvested from each bay of lettuce [36]. The lettuces are selected by
walking a W shape or five-point die shape through the bay under investigation. This protocol
is applied to all bays regardless of the size. Samples were taken in the morning and
transported to the contracted analytical laboratory in ice-packed cool boxes to arrive within 24
hours of sampling.
UfS:2007 Page 35
Example A1
Example of how the duplicate method can be applied. Using the W design as an example, the protocol
stipulates the design but not the position or orientation. The W is equally likely to start on the left or
the right. Ten heads are taken along the line of the W to create a composite sample for one target.
6 Results
The best estimates of the nitrate concentration at each of the eight target locations are shown
in Table A1.1.
Table A1.1: Measurements of the concentration (mg kg-1) of nitrate in eight duplicated samples. The duplicate
samples are labelled S1 and S2. Likewise, duplicate analyses are labelled A1 and A2. Hence, DS1A2 (value
4754 mg kg-1) is analysis 2, from sample 1 from sampling target D
S1A1 S1A2 S2A1 S2A2
A 3898 4139 4466 4693
B 3910 3993 4201 4126
C 5708 5903 4061 3782
D 5028 4754 5450 5416
E 4640 4401 4248 4191
F 5182 5023 4662 4839
G 3028 3224 3023 2901
H 3966 4283 4131 3788
UfS:2007 Page 36
Example A1
Before applying statistical methods it is useful to inspect the data to ascertain the general
levels of variability. The analytical duplicates (e.g. BS1A1 and BS1A2) are generally within
300 mg kg-1 of each other, suggesting an analytical precision of less than 10%. The sample
duplicates (e.g. DS1 and DS2) agree less well, but generally differ by less than 20%.
However, one target (C) displays a greater difference, suggesting an outlying value.
Quantification of the random component of the measurement uncertainty and two of its main
components (sampling and analysis) was made using robust analysis of variance (RANOVA,
Appendix C3, with output in Figure.A1.2. Robust ANOVA was used here as outlying targets
are, in this relatively well-controlled environment, considered likely to be anomalies, rather
than reflecting the underlying population statistics, and as a precaution against analytical
Note: Robust methods should not be used where apparent outliers arise as part of the typical
population of sampled increments or targets, unless the specific implementation allows for
non-normal distributions for part of the assumed error structure.
Figure A1.2
Mean = 4345.5625
Standard Deviation (Total) = 774.5296
Sums of Squares = 12577113 4471511 351320
Between-target Sampling Analysis
Standard Deviation 556.2804 518.16089 148.18063
Percentage Variance 51.583582 44.756204 3.6602174
UfS:2007 Page 37
Example A1
This can be used as an estimate of the random component of the standard uncertainty (u).
The expanded relative uncertainty is given by Equation 3 as:
Umeas' = 200 * 360.55 / 4408 = 16.4% (of concentration value)
For the sampling alone, the expanded relative uncertainty (random component) is similarly
given by:
Usamp' = 200 * 319.05 / 4408 = 14.5%
For comparison the expanded uncertainty for the analytical contribution (random component)
is given by:
Uanal' = 200 * 167.94 / 4408 = 7.6%
This value is less than the normal limits set within internal analytical quality control (e.g.
The analytical recovery estimates were not statistically different from 100% recovery (i.e. no
analytical bias was detected). For this example, therefore, no additional allowance was made
for uncertainty associated with analytical bias.
This uncertainty estimate does not include any estimate of the possible sampling bias.
UfS:2007 Page 38
Example A1
10 Summary
Measurement uncertainty
Sampling Analytical Total
14.5% 7.6% 16.4%
Table A1.2
Sample Expanded
target Uncertainty
A 3898 639.3
B 3910 641.2
C 5708 936.1
D 5028 824.6
E 4640 761.0
F 5182 849.8
G 3028 496.6
H 3966 650.4
The nitrate concentrations associated with S1A1 (routine sample) are shown with the associated measurement
uncertainty (calculated from U = 16.4%). As an example, Target F has a value of the measurand (or true value)
between 4332 mg kg-1 and 6032 mg kg-1.
UfS:2007 Page 39
Example A2
1 Scope
Estimate the measurement uncertainty, and contributions from sampling and analysis, at each
of 100 different sampling targets within one site, using a common sampling protocol.
3 Sampling protocol
One hundred samples of top soil (nominal depth 0150 mm) were taken with a hand auger
(diameter 25 mm) at 100 locations. These locations were distributed on a regular grid with
sample spacing of 30 m (Table A2.1), and therefore each is intended to represent an area 30 m
by 30 m. The surveying was conducted with a measuring tape and compass.
UfS:2007 Page 40
Example A2
taken for dissolution with nitric and perchloric acids, prior to determination of lead by ICP-
AES [39]. The measurements were subject to full analytical quality control (AQC), and
corrected for reagent blank concentrations where these values were statistically different from
zero. The raw measurement values use for the estimation of uncertainty had no rounding or
suppression of values less than either zero, or the detection limit.
6 Results
The best estimates of the lead concentration at each of the 100 target locations are shown in
the format of a map (Table A2.1).
Table A2.1: Measured lead concentrations at each target on the sampling grid (mg kg-1), shown by the actual
coordinates used in the regular sampling grid (spacing 30 m). They show a high degree of variability between-
locations of roughly a factor of 10. The variability within 10 of these locations selected at random (i.e. A4, B7,
C1, D9, E8, F7, G7, H5, I9 and J5) was used for the estimation of uncertainty from sampling (Table A2.2). This
within-target variation is substantial (e.g. a factor of 2) but substantially less than the between-target variability.
Row A B C D E F G H I J
1 474 287 250 338 212 458 713 125 77 168
2 378 3590 260 152 197 711 165 69 206 126
3 327 197 240 159 327 264 105 137 131 102
4 787 207 197 87 254 1840 78 102 71 107
5 395 165 188 344 314 302 284 89 87 83
6 453 371 155 462 258 245 237 173 152 83
7 72 470 194 82.5 162 441 199 326 290 164
8 71 101 108 521 218 327 540 132 258 246
9 72 188 104 463 482 228 135 285 181 146
10 89 366 495 779 60 206 56 135 137 149
Four measurements from the balanced design for each of the 10 sample targets selected for
duplication were used for the estimation of uncertainty (Table A2.2). Visual inspection of the
data allows an initial qualitative assessment of the relative importance of the two sources of
measurement uncertainty. The low level of agreement between the concentration values from
some of the sample duplicates is indicative of a high level of sampling uncertainty (e.g. S1
compared to S2 for target D9). The agreement between the analytical duplicates (A1 and
A2) is however generally much better for most samples (< 10% difference) than that between
the sample duplicates.
UfS:2007 Page 41
Example A2
Table A2.2: Measurements of the concentration (mg kg-1) of a lead on 10 duplicated samples from the total of
100 targets in a survey of contaminated land (Table A2.1). The duplicate samples are labelled S1 and S2.
Likewise, duplicate analyses are labelled A1 and A2. Hence, D9S1A2 (value 702 mg kg-1) is analysis 2, from
sample 1 from sampling target D9. Values shown are rounded for clarity, and used for subsequent calculations,
but generally un-rounded values are preferable for these calculations.
Sample S1A1 S1A2 S2A1 S2A2
A4 787 769 811 780
B7 338 327 651 563
C1 289 297 211 204
D9 662 702 238 246
E8 229 215 208 218
F7 346 374 525 520
G7 324 321 77 73
H5 56 61 116 120
I9 189 189 176 168
J5 61 61 91 119
Quantification of the random component of the measurement uncertainty and two of its main
components (sampling and analysis) was made using robust analysis of variance (RANOVA),
with typical output shown in Figure A2.1. Robust statistics were selected to allow for the
outlying values that are evident in this data (e.g. target A4, sample duplicate D9S1/S2,
analytical duplicate B7S2A1/A2), and in most similar data sets (but see the Note in Example
A1, section 6). The estimates of uncertainty are averaged over the 10 targets, assuming that
the uncertainty is not varying significantly over this range of concentration. The uncertainty is
expressed in relative terms so that it is applicable over this range of concentration (Section
Extracting the robust estimates from this output gives:
ssamp = 123.8 mg kg-1
sanal = 11.1 mg kg-1
Equation 1 can be used to calculate:
smeas = (ssamp2 + sanal2 ) = 124.3 mg kg-1
This can be used as an estimate of the random component of the standard uncertainty (u).
The expanded relative uncertainty is given by Equation 3, with a coverage factor of 2 as:
Umeas' = 200 * 124.3 / 297.3 = 83.63% (of concentration value)
For the sampling alone, the expanded relative uncertainty (random component) is similarly
given by:
Usamp' = 200 * 123.8 / 297.3 = 83.29%
UfS:2007 Page 42
Example A2
Figure A2.1: The output of ANOVA for data produced from a balanced experimental
design (n = 10, Table A2.2)
Mean = 317.79999
Standard Deviation (Total) = 240.19238
Sums of Squares = 1738031.9 370075.5 6473
Between-target Sampling Analysis
Standard Deviation 197.55196 135.43246 17.990274
Percentage Variance 67.646327 31.792678 0.5609926
Both robust and classical estimates are given for comparison. Standard deviation estimates are computed for
between-target (sbetween-target), within-target (ssamp) and within-chemical analysis (sanal). Results are in the same
units of concentration as the input data (i.e. mg kg-1 in this case).
For comparison the expanded uncertainty for the analytical contribution (random component)
is given by
Uanal' = 200 * 11.1 / 297.3 = 7.5%
This value is less than the typical limits set within internal analytical quality control (e.g.
UfS:2007 Page 43
Example A2
random component within one organisation. In this case, the standard relative analytical
uncertainty is increased to 5.24% [ = (3.752 + 3.412 + 1.342)0.5]. The expanded analytical
uncertainty (10.48%) is then greater than the analytical target value of 10%, but it can also
usefully be compared with an independent estimate of the analytical measurement uncertainty
made within the laboratory. The expanded uncertainty for the whole measurement is thereby
increased to 83.95% [ = (83.292 + 10.482)0.5], which is practically identical to the purely
random component of 83.63%.
Table A2.3: Measured and certified lead concentration values for CRMs for the
estimation of the bias of the analytical method
CRM name Mean Standard Certified U on
(n=4) (mg kg-1) Deviation value certified
(mg kg-1) (mg kg-1) value
(95% conf.)
This estimate of uncertainty does not make allowance for any undetected sampling bias
(Section 9.4.2). However, because the uncertainty is often dominated by the heterogeneity of
the sampling target, the extra uncertainty introduced by bias in sampling can often be
assumed to be insignificant by comparison (as shown for the analytical bias). Where the
highest quality of uncertainty estimate is required, due perhaps to potentially large financial
consequences from underestimating the uncertainty, it may be preferable to use one of the
more elaborate methods using multiple samplers and/or protocols (Table 5).
If the measurand (or true value) had been defined as the mean concentration of lead across the
whole site, the uncertainty would have had to include the contribution from the standard error
on the calculated mean value, expressed as stotal / n . For this example stotal is 403 mg kg-1, n
= 100 and the uncertainty on the mean (291.9 mg kg-1) is therefore 27.6% of the value, at 95%
confidence. This value can be calculated without knowing the individual contribution of the
uncertainty from either the sampling or the analysis, and is often dominated by sbetween-sample.
UfS:2007 Page 44
Example A2
10 Summary
Measurement uncertainty*
Sampling Analytical Total
83.3% 10.5% 83.9%
* with coverage factor of 2 (i.e. 95% confidence)
UfS:2007 Page 45
Example A3
1 Scope
The scope is determination of the total uncertainty of the measurement of dissolved iron in a
sampling validation study and subsequent control of sampling uncertainty during monitoring.
UfS:2007 Page 46
Example A3
Table A3.1: Key chemical parameters for nine wells to the groundwater body,
surveillance monitoring
Redox potential Dissolved iron
mV mg l-1
Mean -123 1.11
Relative standard deviation 27% 56%
Oxygen impact during sampling
Main cause of uncertainty Filtering
and on-line measurement
The chemical data suggest that the groundwater composition is quite uniform over time and
space with respect to the main components (data not shown, relative standard deviation 1.9
16%), whereas the variability is high for the redox parameters (oxygen, redox potential and
dissolved iron). The expected main causes of uncertainty are indicated in the table for the two
key parameters and the causes were controlled during sampling.
3 Sampling protocol
Sampling was done according to the rhus County groundwater monitoring protocol, with
permanent, dedicated pumps (Grundfos MP1) set in the middle of the screened interval of
each well. Pump rates were 12 m3 h-1 (well purging) with a 10% reduction just before
sampling. Two of the six wells were large-diameter abstraction wells equipped with high
yield pumps. These were pumped with 4060 m3 h-1 for well purging followed by pump rate
reduction just before sampling. During well purging, the development in water quality was
followed with on-line measurements of oxygen, pH, electrical conductivity and redox
potential until stable readings and then samples were taken. A field report was filled in during
the sampling, including pump yields and pumping times as well as water table measurements.
UfS:2007 Page 47
Example A3
4.1 Validation
The objective of the validation programme was to ensure that a measurement uncertainty
meeting the set quality objective could be obtained and to describe the components of
uncertainty in order to identify points of improvement, if required. The validation programme
was set up with sampling of six wells, two independent samplings per well and two sub-
samples per sample analysed, see Figure A3.1.
Sample 1 Sample 2
Analysis 1 Analysis 2
A total of 12 samples were taken and 24 sub-samples were sent for analysis in one sampling
round as a validation study.
UfS:2007 Page 48
Example A3
Figure A3.2 Design outline for quality control, shown for one sampling occasion
Groundwater body
Monitoring well
Sample 1 Sample 2
Analysis 1 Analysis 2
The sample pre-treatment and analytical set up for the two key parameters (redox potential
and dissolved iron) are shown in Table A3.2.
UfS:2007 Page 49
Example A3
Table A3.4: Methods and performance data from quality control for laboratory analyses
Method Within-series Between- Total Total Detection
repeatability series reproducibi expanded limit
reproduci- -lity uncertainty
Iron ICP-AES 0.95% 4.2% 4.3% 8.6% 0.01 mg l-1
The certified reference material (CRM) VKI Metal LL2, nominal 0.200 mg Fe l-1 was used
for quality control with 101.9% recovery (mean for 92 control results).
6 Results
The data set from the validation study is shown in Table A3.8 for dissolved iron with the
range calculations. The calculations for redox potential in the validation study and for both
dissolved iron and redox potential during quality control were done similarly.
The data from the validation study (six different wells) using range calculations are shown in
Table A3.5.
UfS:2007 Page 50
Example A3
Table A3.5: Relative expanded uncertainty (%, coverage factor 2) for analysis, sampling
and between-target (between wells) as obtained during validation using range
Range calculations Analyses Sampling Between-target
Redox potential 5.2% 15% 14%
Dissolved iron 2.1% 10% 70%
For comparison, the statistical estimates are shown in Table A3.6 as obtained using ANOVA
Table A3.6: Relative expanded uncertainty (%, coverage factor 2) for analysis, sampling
and between-target (between wells) as obtained for dissolved iron during validation
using ANOVA and RANOVA calculations
Dissolved iron Analyses Sampling Between-target
ANOVA 1.6% 9.6% 70%
RANOVA 1.8% 9.9% 72%
The statistical estimates obtained with the range statistics during quality control (six sampling
occasions) are shown in Table A3.7.
Table A3.7: Relative expanded uncertainty (%, coverage factor 2) for analysis, sampling
and between-target (between occasions) as obtained during quality control using range
Analyses Sampling Between-target
Redox potential 18% 3.8% 23%
Dissolved iron 2.5% 3.6% 9.9%
UfS:2007 Page 51
Example A3
Table A3.8: Results and range calculations for the validation study, dissolved iron, basic data in bold, symbols used to describe
calculations only (T: target, S: sample, A: analysis, R: absolute differences, r: relative differences, n: numbers)
Well S1A1 S1A2 S2A1 S2A2 R1 = S1A1 S1A2 S1A1 + S1A2 r = R1 *100 R2 = S 2 A1 S 2 A2 S 2 A1 + S 2 A2 R2
h S1 = 1 S2 = r2 = *100 S = S1 + S 2 S1 S 2
number 2 S1 2 S2 2 r= *100
mg l-1 mg l-1 mg l-1 mg l-1 mg l-1 mg l-1 % mg l-1 mg l-1 % mg l-1 %
99.474 0.815 0.834 0.912 0.893 0.019 0.825 2.30 0.019 0.903 2.11 0.864 9.03
99.468 1.80 1.83 1.94 1.93 0.030 1.82 1.65 0.010 1.94 0.517 1.88 6.40
99.469 1.69 1.68 1.79 1.77 0.010 1.69 0.593 0.020 1.78 1.12 1.73 5.48
99.916 2.62 2.61 2.83 2.84 0.010 2.62 0.382 0.010 2.84 0.353 2.73 8.07
99.327 1.66 1.63 1.58 1.59 0.030 1.65 1.82 0.010 1.59 0.631 1.62 3.72
99.371 1.52 1.53 1.47 1.50 0.010 1.53 0.656 0.030 1.49 2.02 1.51 2.66
r = 7.413
r 2 = 6.750 S = 10.32 r = 35.36
nr1 = 6 nr 2 = 6 nr = 6 nr = 6
rA =
r + r1 2 rA =
7.413 + 6.750
= 1.18 CV A =
rA i
CV A =
= 1.05
n r1 + n r 2 1.128 1.128
rS + A =
r rS + A =
= 5.89 CVS + A =
rS + A
CVS + A =
= 5.22
CV S = CV S + A 2
CV A 2 j CVS = 5.22 2
1.05 2
= 5.17
nr 6 1.128 1.128 2
ST + S + A =
S ST +S + A =
= 1.72
sT + S + A = s S k sT + S + A = 0.604
CVT + S + A =
sT + S + A
*100 CVT + S + A =
*100 = 35.1
nr 6 ST +S + A
CV S + A 2 5.17 2
2 CVS = 35.12 = 34.9
CVT = CVT + S + A 2
S1A1: sample 1 analysis 1.
The standard deviation can be obtained from the mean of relative differences between duplicate measurements by division with the statistical factor 1.128.
CV A 2
The sum of relative variances is CVS + A 2 = CVS 2 + with the factor on CV A 2 due to the mean of duplicate analyses being used.
s: standard deviation with n-1 degrees of freedom as obtained from most standard calculators and spreadsheets.
UfS:2007 Page 52
Example A3
No groundwater samples had measurements of dissolved oxygen and dissolved iron
above 0.1 mg l-1, and the low redox potential measured (-110 to -200 mV) is
consistent with the absence of oxygen (<0.1 mg l-1) and the high dissolved iron
concentrations (0.92 to 2.8 mg l-1).
Overall, the validation data show that the variability in the aquifer (between-target)
was dominating the total uncertainty for dissolved iron, whereas sampling and
between-target uncertainties were of the same size for dissolved iron. Analytical
uncertainties were small (25%), and for dissolved iron were comparable to the
repeatability obtained in laboratory quality control (expanded uncertainty 2.1% as
compared to 1.9% respectively). If different wells were sampled, the sampling
uncertainty was 1015%.
For dissolved iron measured during validation, the use of ANOVA and RANOVA
calculations did not provide statistical estimates more than slightly different from
those obtained with the simple range calculations.
In the quality control scheme of monitoring, the variability between sampling
occasions (between-target, 9.9%) was dominating the total uncertainty for parameters
analysed as laboratory analysis (dissolved iron, 2.5% uncertainty), whereas the
analytical uncertainty (18%) was almost as important as the between-target
uncertainty (23%) for on-line measurements (redox potential). The reason for the
large contribution from on-line measurements is that during quality control, duplicate
on-line measurements were done with two different instruments in contrast to the
validation study done with one single instrument for both duplicate measurements.
Accordingly, the analytical uncertainty (instrument to instrument variation) for redox
potential was considerably larger in the quality control (18%) than in the validation
study (5.2%). For dissolved iron, the analytical uncertainty was comparable in
validation and in the subsequent quality control (2.1% and 2.5% respectively). The
sampling uncertainty was lower when sampling just one well on different occasions
during quality control (3.63.8%) than when sampling different wells at the same time
during validation (1015%). The uncertainty between-target (variation from one
sampling occasion to the next) during quality control was small for dissolved iron
(9.9%), but larger for redox potential (23%).
If a continuous control of sampling uncertainty had been required, the control data
could have been plotted in control charts in order to obtain an early warning of
excessive uncertainty (random errors) for each sampling occasion.
The number of replicates (six) in this study was less than used in most cases and the
risk of a decreased confidence in the uncertainty estimates should be considered in
evaluation of the results.
The uncertainty contribution from sampling bias was only addressed through
evaluation of the consistency of the measurements obtained from different,
interrelated chemical parameters (oxygen, dissolved iron, redox) and the evaluation
supported the conclusion that sampling and sample pre-treatment had succeeded in
avoiding bias due to oxygen impact and filter clogging.
8 Summary
The measurement uncertainty (% uncertainty with coverage factor 2) is summarised
below for dissolved iron.
UfS:2007 Page 53
Example A3
The data show that the requirement for less than 20% expanded measurement
uncertainty could be fulfilled for dissolved iron (sampling validation), and that the
required measurement uncertainty was in reality achieved during the routine
monitoring (sampling quality control). Furthermore, the data show that if an
improvement of the certainty of monitoring was required, the obvious point of
improvement would be increased monitoring density for dissolved iron (between-
target uncertainty dominating), whereas improvement of the on-line measurement
uncertainty could help for redox potential (large contribution of analysis uncertainty).
9 Acknowledgements
The work presented here has been supported by Nordic Innovation Centre, the Soil
and Ground Water Contamination Committee of the Danish Council of Technical
Sciences and rhus County, Denmark. Fieldwork has skilfully been done by Mogens
Wium, GEO.
In the validation study, between-target variability was between wells.
In the quality control, between-target variability was between sampling occasions.
UfS:2007 Page 54
Example A4
1 Scope
The scope is to estimate the measurement uncertainty and contributions from
sampling and analyses. The estimates are based on samples from one type of baby
porridge taken from 10 different batches using a sampling protocol collecting
duplicate samples from each batch.
EN-12823-1 Foodstuffs determination of vitamin A by HPLC indicates a test sample of
approximately 210 g.
UfS:2007 Page 55
Example A4
3 Sampling protocol
Normally a spot sampling approach is employed in which one sample (one package)
of a batch is used as a screening sample by comparing its content against the declared
values and legal limits.
Validation In this study two samples are collected from each of 10 different batches
of one type of baby porridge powder (i.e. 10 sampling targets). Each sample is equal
to one package of approximately 400 g powder.
Quality control Quality control (QC) of sampling from different types of baby
porridge is done by collecting two samples from each of eight batches of different
types of baby porridges (i.e. eight sampling targets). All the types of porridges contain
fruit in addition to milled cereals.
To ensure the quality in each package of the product at the time of the best before
date of the porridge powder, the producer wraps the product in an air-tight and light-
protecting bag. It is therefore assumed the degradation of the vitamin A is negligible
during normal shelf life. The sampling for the validation was performed at the place
of production. For QC, the samples were purchased partly at the place of production,
and partly at the retailers. When the samples were collected from retailers, care was
taken to collect the two samples (of each product) at different retailers but in addition
to assure the samples had the same batch marking. This is important to avoid adding
between-batch variations to the apparent sampling uncertainty, as the sampling
protocol in this case specifies sampling from a particular batch.
4.1 Validation
Samples are collected on-line (just after the filling operation of packages) at random
times. Two samples (two packages, each of approximately 400 g) are collected from
each of 10 production units (batches) of one type of baby porridge powder.
UfS:2007 Page 56
Example A4
Figure A4.1: Sampling for validation. Two samples are taken from each of 10
production units/batches of the same type of baby porridge
Batch 1 Batch 10
.. Etc. S2
Figure A4. 2: Sampling for QC. Two samples are taken from one batch of each
of eight different types of baby porridge
Product 1 Product 8
S1 .. Etc. S2
Sample P1S1
Sample P1S2 (1 package)
(1 package)
Test sample 1
Test sample 1
Test sample 2
Test sample 2
UfS:2007 Page 57
Example A4
The laboratory participates in Laboratory Proficiency Tests (FAPAS and Bipea) with
good results (in the period 20002005, |Z-score|<1). The method was validated using
a certified reference material (CRM). Data concerning the laboratory performance is
given in Table A4.1.
Table A4.1: Methods and performance data from quality control laboratory
Parameters Vitamin A determined as retinol
Method HPLC normal phase column UV-detection
Repeatability 2RSD (%) = 6
Within-reproducibility 2RSD(%) = 8
Measurement uncertainty 14% (95% confidence interval)
Recovery Standard addition, in lab: 90110%
Based on laboratory proficiency tests (in
period 19992005), different matrixes: 88
113%, mean recovery 100.5%
Limit of quantification (LOQ) 0.14 mg kg-1
CRM used NIST 2383 baby food (mixed food composite)
CRM certified level 0.80 0.15 mg kg-1 (95% confidence interval)
CRM analysed value 0.77 0.14 mg kg-1 (n=28, 95% confidence
UfS:2007 Page 58
Example A4
Figure A4.3: Splitting of the primary sample to make four test samples
Batch 1 Batch 10
S1 .. Etc. S2
Sample B1S1
Sample B1S2
(1 package)
5.2 Analyses
The analytical method is based on EN-12823-1 (Foodstuffs Determination of
vitamin A by HPLC Part 1: Measurement of all-trans-retinol and 13-cis-retinol).
Retinol is saponified by using ethanolic potassium hydroxide containing antioxidants.
Vitamin A is extracted by using hexane. Analysis is performed by using high
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), with a UV detector.
In the validation, for each of the primary samples, two analyses are performed on test
samples of 4050 g and two analyses on test samples of 35 g. In the QC two
analyses are performed on test samples of 4050 g. On each test sample only one
analytical determination is performed (no analytical duplicates).
UfS:2007 Page 59
Example A4
Table A4.2: Product data provided by the producer
Oatmeal porridge with bananas and
apricots (Nestl)
Weight of batch, including premix
1092 kg
(1 batch = 2 mixing containers)
Weight of added vitamin-premix in batch 1.228 kg
Vitamin A in premix (data from the Certificate
9016 IU g-1 = 2705 g g-1 (retinol)
of Analysis)
Vitamin A added to the batch 304 g 100 g-1 (retinol)
Vitamin A in ingredients according to the
45 g 100 g-1 (retinol)
product specification
Estimated true value of vitamin A 349 g 100 g-1 (retinol)
Retinol (sum of trans- and cis-
Vitamin A declared as
7 Results
Test sample 40 g baby porridge
Table A4.3: Validation data from the same product, results given in g 100 g-1
Batch S1A1 S1A2 S2A1 S2A2
B1 402 325 361 351
B2 382 319 349 362
B3 332 291 397 348
B4 280 278 358 321
B5 370 409 378 460
B6 344 318 381 392
B7 297 333 341 315
B8 336 320 292 306
B9 372 353 332 337
B10 407 361 322 382
S1 and S2: Primary samples from sampling location 1 and 2 of one production batch
A1 and A2: Analyses of duplicate test samples of a primary sample S
Analysed mean value (test sample 40 g): 348 g 100 g-1
UfS:2007 Page 60
Example A4
Test sample 4 g baby porridge
Table A4.4: Validation data same product, results given in g 100 g-1 powder
Batch S1B1 S1B2 S2B1 S2B2
B1 400 491 323 355
B2 413 159 392 434
B3 315 391 252 454
B4 223 220 357 469
B5 462 343 262 293
B6 353 265 305 456
B7 298 234 152 323
B8 425 263 417 353
B9 622 189 291 272
B10 292 397 142 568
S1 and S2: Primary samples from sampling location 1 and 2 of one production batch
B1 and B2: Analyses of duplicate test samples of a primary sample S
Analysed mean value (test sample 4 g): 341 g 100 g-1
7.1 Calculations
The ANOVA calculation can be done by using available tools in Excel, Minitab,
SPSS etc. In this study the calculations are done in an excel spreadsheet and the
details are shown in Section 10 ANOVA calculations.
Calculation of uncertainty of analyses, one-way ANOVA, test sample 40 g
UfS:2007 Page 61
Example A4
Calculation of measurement uncertainty 40 g test sample
The RSD (%) value from the ANOVA calculation can be used as an estimate of the
standard uncertainty u (%). The analytical laboratory has estimated the analytical
standard uncertainty to be 7%, which is lower than the random analytical component
for this sample type of 8.28%. The higher value of these two is used in the
calculations. Combining the RSD values from tables A4.5 and A4.6 with Equation 1,
the results can be written as in Table A4.7.
- 2662.15
102860.25 10 -2662.15 Conventionally set to zero
Set to zero
UfS:2007 Page 62
Example A4
The same calculations are used as for the test sample size of 40 g (Table A4.15,
Section 11 of this example).
The negative value of VSamp in Table A4.9 indicates that SDSamp is small compared to
the calculated value of SDanal. In this case, the estimates of SDanal and SDsamp using
robust ANOVA confirmed the smaller sampling standard deviation; the robust
ANOVA estimates were uSamp(%) = 6.9% and uAnal(%) = 30%.
As the sampling is identical for the experiments with 40 g and 4 g test samples (and
the uncertainty of sampling therefore should be the same), an RSDsamp (%) = 5%
( 4.95 see table A4.7) is used as an estimate.
Calculation of measurement uncertainty 4 g test sample
Using the calculated RSD (%) value in Tables A4.5 and A4.6 as an estimate of the
measurement uncertainty and combining with Equation A1 the results can be written
as follows (Table A4.10).
It can be concluded that u40g << u4g. A Umeas of approximately 20% is acceptable,
using the manufacturers criterion of 2030%, while a Umeas of 74% is considered to
be too high, taking into account the matrix and production conditions of this type of
UfS:2007 Page 63
Example A4
It can therefore be concluded that a test sample weight of 4 g is not fit for purpose
when analysing vitamin A (retinol) in baby porridge powder containing milled cereals
and fruit. A test sample size of 4050 g is recommended. This also supports the theory
that the vitamin is unevenly distributed in the product, possible as local hot spots
due to electrostatic interactions.
Table A4.12: Quality control data for test portion 40 g of different products
Product Producer Porridge powder ingredients S1A1 S1A2 S2A1 S2A2
P1 1 Oat, rice and pear 322 319 350 375
P2 1 Oat, rye, rice and pear 332 317 358 393
P3 1 Wheat, banana and apple 443 430 461 388
P4 1 Wheat and apple 318 383 390 334
P5 2 Oat, rice and banana 252 219 265 227
P6 2 Wheat and apple 274 239 233 217
P7 2 Oat, rice and apple 206 225 198 195
P8 3 Wheat, spelt, oat and apple (organic product) 392 335 375 416
S1 and S2: Primary samples (laboratory samples) from sampling locations 1 and 2 of
one batch from each product.
A1 and A2: Analyses on two test samples from each laboratory sample.
UfS:2007 Page 64
Example A4
Table A4.13: Quality control: calculation of differences D and D (%) between
samples from a batch
The calculated D (%) in Table A4.13 can be compared directly with the action limit,
or the results can be presented in a control chart, see Figure A4.4.
UfS:2007 Page 65
Example A4
Difference between results - d(%)
Calculated: D (%)
Action limit (36 %)
Warning limit (27 %)
Central line (11%)
The control chart in Figure A4.4 shows that when collecting duplicated samples from
the same batch, the difference between analytical results D (%) is smaller than the
action limit. All the calculated difference are in fact smaller than the warning limit of
The measurement uncertainty determined in the validation step is therefore considered
suitable for the quality control of the sampling of baby porridge containing milled
cereals and fruit.
If the normal procedure is to analyse one sample from each batch, it is recommended
that duplicate samples are collected from the same batch at least in one of ten of the
sampled batches.
Measurement uncertainty
Sampling uncertainty
Calculations from the validation study gave an expanded sampling uncertainty Usamp
(%) = 10% (40 g test sample see Table A4.7). The calculated uncertainty does not
include contributions to the uncertainty due to between protocol and between
samplers differences.
Analytical uncertainty
Calculation from the validation study gave an expanded measurement uncertainty of
analyses (Uanal) of 17% 40 g test sample. The laboratory reports their own
estimation of the analytical uncertainty (see Table A4.1): 2*RSDinlab(%) = 14%.
2*RSDinlab(%) is used as an estimate of Uanal in the laboratory. The Uanal found in the
validation study was at the same level but still a little bigger than the Uanal reported by
the laboratory.
The certified reference material (CRM) used is 2383 (NIST) baby food composite.
The CRM is a mix of different foods of plant and animal origins and the uncertainty
found when analysing the CRM might not be identical with that found when analysing
baby porridge powder. Laboratory data for the CRM 2383 is included in the table
UfS:2007 Page 66
Example A4
The measurement uncertainty and the bias determined for the CRM could be allowed
for in the analytical measurement uncertainty (as in the NordTest UFS Guide,
Example 2), but as the matrix in the validation study is different from that for the
CRM used, we chose not to include it in this study.
Total measurement uncertainty
Calculations from the validation study gave an expanded measurement uncertainty
Umeas(%) = 20% (40 g test sample see Table A4.7).
Systematic bias
The laboratory reports a recovery of normally 90110%. Recovery based on
laboratory proficiency tests 19992005: 88113%. The results for the PT indicate no
(or very small) systematic bias. Analyses of CRM 2383 in the laboratory gives a mean
analysed value of 96.3% of the certified value which indicates a small bias (-3.7%).
As the matrix of the CRM baby food composite is different to the baby porridge,
and the analytical method includes an extraction, the bias determined when analysing
the CRM might not be representative for the analyses of baby porridge.
In the validation study, the mean value of retinol was determined to be 348 g 100 g-1
(when using a test sample of 40 g). According to data provided by the producer (see
Table A4.2), the true value for retinol was calculated to be 349 g 100 g-1 porridge
powder. This gives a recovery of 99.7% of the true value. This indicates that the
systematic error due to sampling and analyses is small and might be negligible when
analysing baby porridge-powder containing milled cereals and fruits on the
condition that a test sample of 4050 g is used.
When a test sample of approximately 40 g is used, the retinol concentration C in baby
porridge-powder containing milled cereals and fruit should be reported with the
expanded measurement uncertainty, i.e. C20% of the measured value C (95%
When baby porridge-powder containing milled cereals and fruit is to be analysed, it is
recommended to use a relatively large test sample of approximately 4050 g and not
210 g as indicated in the official CEN method (EN-12823-1). As the analytical
uncertainty (40 g test sample) was bigger than the normal analytical uncertainty of the
laboratory, even larger samples than 40 g might be considered.
UfS:2007 Page 67
Example A4
9 Summary
Measurement uncertainty for 40 g test samples Sample
Sampling Analytical Total Typical between-target variation
RSDB(%) of the mean values of
analyses of the batches in the
validation test (see Table A4.15)
Uncertainty u (%) = 4.95 8.3 9.7 8.2
RSD (%)
Expanded uncertainty 9.9 16.6 19.4 16.4
U (%) = 2*u
With a coverage factor of 2 (i.e. 95% confidence)
10 Acknowledgements
Nestl (Norway) is thanked for its enthusiastic cooperation and in addition for
providing samples to the project (validation and quality control study). Also Smaafolk
Tine Norske Meierier is thanked for kindly offering us samples for the quality
control study. The National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research (NIFES) is
thanked for the analytical contribution (analyses and information on the laboratory
QA-system). The study was done with financial support from the Nordic Innovation
Centre and the Norwegian Food Safety Authority.
UfS:2007 Page 68
Example A4
Standard deviation,
Degrees of Variance SDanal Relative standard deviation
SSE RSDanal(%)
freedom (df) = SSE /df
(g 100 g-1)2 = SSE /df
(N*2-N)=20 (g 100 g-1)2 = (SD / X a)*100%
(g 100 g-1)
16595 20 829.75 28.80538 8.280978
Notes on Table A4.14.
1. Calculation of SS-Error in this case two test samples are analysed for each laboratory sample, therefore:
i =1 i =1
UfS:2007 Page 69
Example A4
If the number of test samples analysed is greater than two, the squares of differences will be not be equal and the
(x xi )
calculation to be done is the following: SSE = ij
i =1 j=1
2. df = (N*n-N)=(20*2-20)= 20 where N is the number of samples and n is the number of test samples analysed of
each batch.
2 2 2 2
x + xi 2 x + xi 2 x + xi 4 x + xi 4
SS Samp = i1 x i + i1 xi + i 3 xi + i 3 xi
i =1 2 2 2 2
2 2
x + xi 2 x + xi 4
= 2 * i1 xi + 2 * i 3 x i = 14231
i =1 2 2
x + xi 2 x i 3 + xi 4
1. The difference d between the mean value x of the two values i1 and to each of
2 2
the values are identical. The expression could therefore be written as
10 2 10 xi1 + xi 2
SS Samp = 4 * d i = 4 * xi
i =1
i =1 2
2. dfs= (NB*n-NB)=(10*2-10)= 10 where NB is the number of batches and n is the number of primary samples (=
laboratory samples) analysed for each batch.
UfS:2007 Page 70
Example A5
Example A5: Enzyme in chicken feed
1 Scope
The scope is to estimate the sampling uncertainty with the given sampling protocol by
applying Gys sampling theory (Section 10.2). The analyte is an added enzyme
ingredient in the feed. Sampling theory provides realistic estimates only if all
sampling and sample splitting operations are carried out obeying the rules of sampling
correctness; it is assumed in this example that no gross errors are present and that
incorrect sampling errors are negligible.
Table A5.1: Input values for estimation of sampling uncertainty by the modelling
approach, using sampling theory
Primary Secondary sample Comment
M1 = 500 g M2 = 2.0 g Sample sizes
ML1= 25,000 ML2 = 500 g Lot (sampling target) sizes
d1 = 0.1 cm d2 = 0.05 cm Particle sizes
g1 = 0.5 g2 = 0.25 Estimated size distribution factors
Both samples
aL = 0.05% m/m Mean concentration of enzyme in the lot
= 100% m/m Enzyme concentration in enzyme particles
c = 1.08 g cm-3 Density of enzyme particles
m = 0.67 g cm-3 Density of matrix particles
f = 0.5 Default shape factor for spheroidal
=1 Liberation factor for liberated particles
These material properties give for the constitution factor (Equation 7) the value c =
2160 g cm-3 and for the sampling constants (Equation 6) C values
C1 = 540 g cm-3 and C2 = 270 g cm-3
Equation 5 can be used to give estimates of the standard deviation for each sampling
step (as estimates of the standard uncertainty).
sr1 = 0.033 = 3.3% . Primary sample
sr2 = 0.13 = 13% . Secondary sample
sr3 = 0.05 = 5% . Analytical determination
The total relative standard deviation (st, combined uncertainty) can now be estimated
by applying the rule of propagation of errors; for i errors we have:
st = s 2
ri = 0.143 = 14.3 %
The largest source of uncertainty in the whole measurement process is identified as
that generated in preparing the test portion (2 g) for the extraction of the enzyme.
No additional allowance has been made for uncertainties associated with systematic
effects during analysis, and incorrect sampling errors (and sampling bias) have been
assumed to be negligible.
UfS:2007 Page 72
Example A5
7 Assessment of fitness for purpose of these measurements
If it is decided that the overall uncertainty of 28.6% is not fit for purpose (Section 16),
then it is the step in which the test portion is prepared that needs to be modified, to
reduce the overall uncertainty. Either a larger sample should be used for the
extraction, or the primary sample should be pulverised to a finer particle size,
whichever is more economic in practice. The model can also be used to predict either
the increase in mass, or reduction in particle size, that is required to achieve the
uncertainty that will be considered fit for purpose (e.g. Appendix E).
9 Summary
Measurement uncertainty*
Sampling Analytical Total
26.8% (rel) 10.0% (rel) 28.6% (rel)
* with coverage factor of 2 (i.e. 95% confidence)
UfS:2007 Page 73
Example A6
1 Scope
Estimation of the overall uncertainty of measurement by summation of individual
uncertainty contributions from sampling, sample preparation and analysis using the
modelling approach.
3 Sampling protocol
The target area was sampled using a stratified protocol, with a sampling density of
approximately 20 increments per hectare, to a depth of 30 cm, using a soil auger.
UfS:2007 Page 74
Example A6
If the spatial pattern of the analyte on the area is not represented by the sampling
pattern (sampling strategy), sampling bias may occur.
With the use of a sampling tool, different effects may appear, such as point
materialisation error (Figure 3). This may occur due to an ill-defined reference level
of the soil (e.g. due to undulation of the soil surface or difficulties in the definition of
the horizons), or variation in the actual sample depth or in soil density (e.g. by
moisture content), or by selective loss of soil material from the sampling device.
These effects only lead to an uncertainty contribution, if there is a depth gradient in
the analyte content (a third dimension to the target body). For this reason, these
effects, which are difficult to determine one by one, are summarised collectively as
the depth-effect.
4.1.2 Sample preparation
The physical sample preparation comprises the step from the field sample to the
laboratory sample. Mechanical treatment, such as disaggregation, sieving, grinding
and splitting steps, reduce the amount of soil material. With these steps errors may
arise due to variation in duration and forces of mechanical treatment, heterogeneity,
segregation of different soil (particle) fractions and particles size distribution. A
periodic point selection error (Figure 3) may occur due to variation in moisture
content of the dried soil sample by sorption/desorption of water from air to an
equilibrium state (depending on the humidity and properties of the sample material,
e.g. particle size).
4.1.3 Analysis
The analysis is the third step of the measurement process, which is connected with
different kinds of effects that give rise to uncertainty contributions. The analytical
uncertainty of the laboratory samples can be estimated by previously published
procedures [1, 35]. The separation of the laboratory sample into analytical test
samples will add to the sampling uncertainty; specifically, another fundamental error
may occur. However, the random component of this sampling effect is included in the
analytical repeatability precision between test samples. A significant systematic
component should be avoided by proper mixing of the sampling powder.
xsite = measurement result
x analy = mean from the analysis of test samples
UfS:2007 Page 75
Example A6
fb-loc = correction factor for deviation between locations
fstrat = correction factor for bias due to sampling strategy
fdepth = correction factor for the depth effect
fprep = correction factor for errors during mechanical sample preparation
fdry = correction factor for deviation of moisture content
Figure A6.1: Cause-and-effect diagram for soil sampling on arable land (Rw is
within-laboratory reproducibility)
Long range Point
point selection materialisation
sample preparation
selective loss
mech. force
C ref
material properties
Mechanical sample Analysi s
If no significant bias is detected, all correction factors can be set to unity so that the
best estimate for the measurand is given by:
x site = x anly
Because of the simplicity of the model equation (only factors), and assuming
independence between the factors, the combined uncertainty can be achieved by
variance addition of the relative standard uncertainties from the various effects:
u site = 2
u anly + u 2b-loc + u strat
+ u depth
+ u 2prep + u dry
UfS:2007 Page 76
Example A6
6 Results of evaluation of individual effects in this case study
The estimation of the standard uncertainty from the analyte distribution over the target
area is based on a modified increment sampling based on the sampling protocol. For
elucidation of the outcome of single effects additional exploratory measurements have
been carried out.
UfS:2007 Page 77
Example A6
For cadmium both A squares show a considerably lower analyte content than the B
and C squares. Such a gradient was not unexpected for this particular area because the
C squares lay on a forest boundary, while the A squares border on grassland and the 1
and 3 squares lay between other arable land areas. It is well known that in the upper
horizon of forest soils accumulation of heavy metal occurs, which can influence
adjacent areas.
A hypothesis-based sampling pattern was applied to look for such an effect.
However, the values measured with this sampling strategy only detected a minor
systematic effect. A standard uncertainty of 1% is therefore inserted into the
uncertainty budget for cadmium for sampling strategy.
Note: The observed large spread of standard deviations between the duplicates must
be expected. The 2-distribution for df = 1 shows high probability for very low values
and a moderate probability for large values.
Table A6.3: Relative standard deviations between duplicate split samples and the
mean of these standard deviations for both analytes
Cd P
Square (%) (%)
A1 0.44 1.49
A3 9.17 2.80
B2 5.32 0.84
C1 3.24 8.88
C3 0.44 1.81
ssplit 3.7 3.3
6.5 Drying
For the drying effect no experiment was performed, but information from the
literature was used to estimate the effect. A moisture content between 1 and 3% has
been found for a large number of air-dried soil samples [44]. According to the
sampling protocol, the measurand refers to air-dried soil material. Consequently, no
correction for moisture content is required for the concentration measurements.
However, a range of xdry = 2% difference in moisture content must be considered.
Assuming a rectangular distribution across this range, the standard uncertainty for
both analytes can be estimated as:
x dry / 2
u dry = = 0 .6 %
UfS:2007 Page 79
Example A6
6.6 Analysis
The uncertainty from the analytical process for cadmium and phosphorus (Tables
A6.4 and A6.5) were estimated from quality control data, using the Nordtest-approach
UfS:2007 Page 80
Example A6
Table A6.6: Relative standard uncertainties from the considered effects and the
combined uncertainty for both analytes
Relative standard
uncertainty (%)
Cd P
Variation between locations 5.4 2.9
Sampling strategy 1.0 0.5
Depth 3.5 3.7
Splitting 3.7 3.3
Drying 0.6 0.6
Analysis 5.2 9.7
Combined uncertainty 9.1 11.3
Measurement result:
Cd: 0.32 0.06 mg kg-1
P: 116 26 mg kg-1
(coverage factor of 2 for approx. 95% confidence level)
UfS:2007 Page 81
Example A6
is inappropriate or performed carelessly. Consequently, training of the sampling
personnel is of great importance.
7.1.5 The effect of moisture content for air dried soil samples seems to be negligible in
this case.
7.1.6 The uncertainty of the analytical process can contribute the dominating
proportion to the combined measurement uncertainty (e.g. for cadmium). It can be
controlled if the standard methods of analytical quality assurance are adhered to (e.g.
periodical use of CRMs and participation on inter-laboratory comparisons).
Uncertainty from this source may be dominant when the analyte concentration is close
to the analytical detection limit.
7.1.7 Effects that were not considered in this case study include the duration and
extent of the forces within the grinding and sieving process, and the wetness of the
soil body during the sampling process. The influence of these effects was considered
not to be significant, although these assumptions should be verified.
10 Summary
Measurement uncertainty*
Analyte Sampling Analytical Total
Cd 15.0% 10.4% 18.2%
P 11.6% 19.4% 22.6%
* with coverage factor of 2 (i.e. for 95% confidence)
UfS:2007 Page 82
Appendix B: Terminology
Appendix B: Terminology
Accuracy The closeness of agreement between a test result and the accepted
reference value.
Note: The term accuracy, when applied to a set of test results, involves a
combination of random components and a common systematic error or
bias component.
Adapted from ISO 11074-2: 2.14 (1998) [45], ISO 1998 was
formally adapted from ISO 3534-1 (1993) [9], AMC (2005) [50]
Error of result The test result minus the accepted reference value (of the
UfS:2007 Page 83
Appendix B: Terminology
Fitness for purpose The degree to which data produced by a measurement process
enables a user to make technically and administratively correct
decisions for a stated purpose.
1. A material may be homogeneous with respect to one analyte or
property but heterogeneous with respect to another.
2. The degree of heterogeneity (the opposite of homogeneity) is the
determining factor of sampling error.
UfS:2007 Page 84
Appendix B: Terminology
Precision The closeness of agreement between independent test results
obtained under stipulated conditions.
1. Precision depends only on the distribution of random errors and does
not relate to the true value or the specified value.
2. The measure of precision usually is expressed in terms of imprecision
and computed as a standard deviation of the test results. Less precision is
reflected by a lower standard deviation.
3. Independent test results means results obtained in a manner not
influenced by any previous result on the same or similar test object.
Quantitative measures of precision depend critically on the stipulated
conditions. Repeatability and reproducibility conditions are particular
sets of extreme stipulated conditions.
Note: The term primary, in this case, does not refer to the quality of the
sample, rather the fact that the sample was taken during the earliest stage
of measurement.
UfS:2007 Page 85
Appendix B: Terminology
Random sampling; The taking of n items from a lot of N items in such a way that all
simple random possible combinations of n items have the same probability of being
sampling chosen.
1. Random selection can never be replaced by ordinary haphazard or
seemingly purposeless choice; such procedures are generally insufficient
to guarantee randomness.
2. The phrase random sampling applies also to sampling from bulk or
continuous materials but its meaning requires specific definition for each
IUPAC (1990) [46], ISO 11074-2: 1.9 (1998) [45], AMC (2005)
Sample A portion of material selected from a larger quantity of material.
IUPAC (1990) [46], ISO 11074-2 (1998) [45], AMC (2005) [50]
UfS:2007 Page 86
Appendix B: Terminology
Sample preparation The set of material operations (such as reduction of sizes, mixing,
dividing etc.) that may be necessary to transform an aggregated or
bulk sample into a laboratory or test sample.
Note: The sample preparation should not, as far as possible, modify the
ability of the sample to represent the population from which it was taken.
ISO 11074-2: 4.26 (1998) [45], ISO 7002: A.40 (1986) [48]
Sampler Person (or group of persons) carrying out the sampling procedures
at the sampling point.
Note: The term sampler does not refer to the instrument used for
sampling, i.e. the sampling device.
Note: For the purpose of soil investigation sampling also relates to the
selection of locations for the purpose of in situ testing carried out in the
field without removal of material (from ISO 1998).
UfS:2007 Page 87
Appendix B: Terminology
Sampling point The place where sampling occurs within the sampling location.
Perhaps used for specific point where duplicate (or replicate)
sample taken, within a sampling location.
ISO 3534-1: 4.5 (1993) [], ISO 11704-2 [45] (in part), adopted by
AMC (2005) [50]
Sampling target Portion of material, at a particular time, that the sample is intended
to represent.
1. The sampling target should be defined prior to designing the sampling
2. The sampling target may be defined by Regulations (e.g. lot size).
3. If the properties and characteristics (e.g. chemical composition) of the
certain area or period are of interest and must be known then it can be
considered a sampling target.
1. It may be selected by the same method as was used in selecting the
original sample, but need not be so.
2. In sampling from bulk materials, sub-samples are often prepared by
sample division. The sub-sample thus obtained is also called a divided
UfS:2007 Page 88
Appendix B: Terminology
Sub-sampling Process of selection of one or more sub-samples from a sample of a
(sample division) population.
IUPAC (1990) [46], ISO 11074-2: 3.17 (1998) [45], AMC (2005)
Test sample Sample, prepared from the laboratory sample, from which the test
portions are removed for testing or analysis.
IUPAC (1990) [46], ISO 11074-2: 3.16 (1998) [45], AMC (2005)
Trueness The closeness of agreement between the average value obtained
from a large series of test results and an accepted reference value.
1. The measure of trueness is usually expressed in terms of bias.
2. The trueness has been referred to as accuracy of the mean. This usage
is not recommended.
UfS:2007 Page 89
Appendix B: Terminology
Uncertainty Parameter, associated with the result of a measurement, that
(of measurement) characterises the dispersion of the values that could reasonably be
attributed to the measurand.
1. The parameter may be, for example, a standard deviation (or a given
multiple of it), or the half width of an interval having a stated level of
2. Uncertainty of measurement comprises, in general, many components.
Some of these components may be evaluated from the statistical
distribution of the results of series of measurements and can be
characterised by experimental standard deviations. The other
components, which can also be characterised by standard deviations, are
evaluated from assumed probability distributions based on experience or
other information.
3. It is understood that the result of the measurement is the best estimate
of the value of the measurand, and that all components of uncertainty,
including those arising from systematic effects, such as components
associated with corrections and reference standards, contribute
4. (added) If measurand is defined in terms of the quantity within the
sampling target, then uncertainty from sampling is included within
uncertainty of measurement.
UfS:2007 Page 90
Appendix C: Useful statistical procedures
C1. Estimating bias between two sampling methods, by using paired samples
The paired-sample method is effected by collecting one sample, according to both of
the sampling protocols under consideration, from each of a number ( n > 20
preferably) of targets. The method is especially suitable for comparing a new
candidate protocol against an established protocol in routine use, but is also generally
applicable. For each method the sampling procedure has to be randomised in some
fashion, for example by starting the collection of increments at a random position
within the target and orientating the increment grid in a random direction. The
samples collected are analysed under randomised repeatability conditions, so that
analytical bias is cancelled out.
The design, shown below in Figure C1.1, ensures a minimum of extra work at each
target, so that the experiment can be executed at low cost without interrupting the
flow of routine sampling. The result is also rugged, because it is derived from data
collected from many typical but different targets. It therefore represents the average
bias between the results of the two protocols, rather than the bias encountered in a
single target, which may turn out to be atypical.
Figure C1.1: Design of experiment to estimate the bias between two sampling
Design of experiment to estimate the bias between two sampling methods A and B, by collecting paired
samples at each target.
The first stage of the examination of the results is to check whether the paired
differences are dependent on the concentration of the analyte. This is particularly
likely to happen if the concentration range encountered in successive targets is wide.
A scatterplot provides a useful visual check. Where there is no dependence, the bias
estimate is the mean of the signed paired differences and this mean can be tested for
significant difference from zero in the usual fashion. In the example shown in Figure
C1.2, there is no apparently significant dependence between the signed difference and
the concentration, and the bias between the methods is not significantly different from
zero at the 95% level of confidence by the two-sample t-test. Where there is a clear
bias that is dependent on concentration, as in Figure C1.3, the bias should be
expressed as a function of concentration. In the instance illustrated, there is evidence
(established by the functional relationship method [40]) of a significant rotational bias
with a trend expressed by the equation Result (B) = Result (A) 1.2.
UfS:2007 Page 91
Appendix C: Useful statistical procedures
Figure C1.2: No significant bias or trend
Differences between results of two sampling protocols applied to 25 targets, as a function of the
concentration. There is no significant bias and no suggestion of a dependence of bias on concentration.
Differences between results of two sampling protocols applied to 33 targets, plotted as a function of the
concentration. There is a significant bias (because 27/33 results are negative) and the absolute bias
increases with increasing concentration.
UfS:2007 Page 92
Appendix C: Useful statistical procedures
UfS:2007 Page 93
Appendix C: Useful statistical procedures
Normally the order is sp > sstrat > ssys, except when in systematic sampling the
sampling frequency is a multiple of process frequency. In this case the systematic
sampling is the worst choice and the mean may be biased.
Random selection
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Stratified selection
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Systematic selection
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Ten samples selected from the target by using random, stratified random and
systematic stratified sample selection.
M a 1 Mi
aL =
i i
= ( M )a
i N
The standard deviation of the heterogeneity h is equal to the relative standard
deviation of the lot or process, sp.
UfS:2007 Page 94
Appendix C: Useful statistical procedures
To characterise the variability of the process an experimental variogram is calculated
from the heterogeneities:
( )
N j
1 N
Vj = hi hi
2( N j ) i = 1 + j
, j = 1,2, K ,
The variogram has to be integrated to estimate the PSE for different sampling
strategies. Gy uses a robust numerical integration.
UfS:2007 Page 95
Appendix C: Useful statistical procedures
Programs for general robust statistical methods in general, and for robust ANOVA in
particular, are available from RSC/AMC
Outlier tests (e.g. Grubbs or Dixons) are less generally available, as is software for
the range method. The range method can, however, be implemented relatively simply
using maximum and minimum functions in a spreadsheet.
The range calculations (demonstrated in Section 7 of Appendix A3) are easily
performed using standard spreadsheets, and an example can be downloaded from
UfS:2007 Page 96
Appendix D: Alternative experimental designs for empirical uncertainty
The general balanced design for the empirical estimation of uncertainty (Figure 2)
includes the uncertainty from the physical sample preparation in with the sample
step. An alternative experimental design (Figure D.1) can be used to make a separate
estimate of the uncertainty from this source (sprep). Two sub-samples from both of the
two primary samples are prepared separately (grey boxes in Figure D.1). Duplicate
test portions are taken from these sub-samples so that the analytical contribution can
also be estimated. The standard robust ANOVA can be used to separate all of these
sources of variance (Figure A1.2, and Appendix C3), by selecting two different sub-
sets of four measurements, shown in Figure D.1. Full details of the application of this
design to food sampling are given elsewhere [30].
Figure D.1: Experimental design utilised for the estimation of uncertainty from
sample preparation, as well as that from sampling and analysis
Sample 1 Sample 2
(S1) (S2)
2kg 2kg
* The upper section depicts the three-layered and unbalanced experimental design. The additional layer in this experimental
design, required for the evaluation of sprep, is shown by the grey boxes. The lower section (shaded) shows the data groupings
required for the application of ANOVA so as to provide estimates of ssamp, sprep and sanal, i.e. the statistical design. Figure taken
from [30] with permission of Royal Society of Chemistry.
UfS:2007 Page 97
Appendix D: Alternative experimental designs for empirical uncertainty
Figure D.2 Two simplified alternatives to the full balance design (Figure 2) that
can be applied to reduce the cost of estimating the measurement uncertainty
using the empirical approach: (a) the simplified balanced design, and (b) the
unbalanced design
Sampling Target
Sample 1 Sample 2
Measurement Uncertainty
Analysis 1 Analysis 1
Sampling Target
The simplified design (Figure D.2a) has the same duplicated samples as in the full
balanced design (Figure 2), but does not include and duplicated chemical analyses.
The uncertainty estimated using this design gives the total measurement uncertainty,
without any values for the components of the uncertainty from the sampling or the
analysis. If these components are required, the analytical uncertainty can be estimated
externally by the laboratory, and removed from the total uncertainty, to give a
separate estimate of the sampling uncertainty, using Equation 1. The main advantage
of this design is that the analytical cost of implementation is only half of that for the
full balanced design, for the same number of duplicated samples. Alternatively, twice
the number of duplicated samples can be taken, from twice the number of targets to
increase their representativeness for the same expenditure on chemical analysis.
The unbalanced design (Figure D.2b) is intermediate between these two designs, with
only one analytical duplicate carried out on one of the duplicated samples. This has
the advantage of giving estimates of the sampling and analytical components of the
uncertainty, as well as the total measurement uncertainty (with the same caveats
expressed as for the full balanced design in Section 9.4.2). The analytical costs are
reduced by 25% compared with those for the fully balanced case. The degrees of
freedom in this case are similar for both the analytical and sampling estimates of
variance, which is more cost-effective than the extra degrees of freedom for the
analytical uncertainty in the fully balanced case.
Classical ANOVA can be applied to the output of both of these designs using many
different spreadsheet software packages (Appendix C3), but robust ANOVA has not
yet been developed for this case.
UfS:2007 Page 98
Appendix E: Modifying sampling uncertaitny using predictions from sampling
UfS:2007 Page 99
Appendix F: References
Appendix F: References
1 Ellison S L R, Roesslein M, Williams A (eds) (2000) Eurachem/CITAC Guide: Quantifying
Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement, Eurachem, 2nd edition, ISBN 0 948926 15 5. Available from
the Eurachem secretariat, or from LGC Limited (London).
2 ISO (1993) Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM). Geneva (2nd printing
3 Ellison S L R, Roesslein M, Williams A (eds) (1995) Eurachem Guide: Quantifying Uncertainty in
Analytical Measurement, Eurachem, 1st edition.
4 Analytical Methods Committee (1995) Uncertainty of measurement: implications of its use in
analytical science. Analyst, 120, 23032308.
5 ISO/TS 21748 (2004) Guidance for the use of repeatability, reproducibility and trueness estimates in
measurement uncertainty estimation. ISO, Geneva.
6 Gy P M (1979) Sampling of Particulate Materials Theory and Practice. Elsevier, Amsterdam,
7 Codex (2004) General Guidelines on Sampling. CAC/GL-2004
8 Nordtest (2007) Uncertainty from sampling. A Nordtest handbook for sampling planners and
sampling quality assurance and uncertainty estimation. NT tec 604/TR604 (
9 ISO 3534-1: 1993 Statistics Vocabulary and Symbols, International Organization for
Standardization, Geneva
10 Ramsey M H, Squire S, Gardner M J (1999) Synthetic reference sampling target for the estimation
of measurement uncertainty. Analyst, 124 (11), 17011706.
11 Ramsey M H (1998) Sampling as a source of measurement uncertainty: techniques for
quantification and comparison with analytical sources. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 13,
12 Lyn J A, Ramsey M H, Coad D S, Damannt A P, Wood R, Boon K A The duplicate method of
uncertainty estimation: are 8 targets enough? (Submitted to Analyst)
13 De Zorzi P, Belli M, Barbizzi S, Menegon S, Deluisa A (2002) A practical approach to assessment
of sampling uncertainty. Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 7, 182188.
14 Kurfurst U, Desaules A, Rehnert A, Muntau H (2004) Estimation of measurement uncertainty by the
budget approach for heavy metal content in soils under different land use. Accreditation and Quality
Assurance, 9, 6475.
15 Minkkinen P (2004) Practical applications of sampling theory. Chemometrics and Intelligent Lab.
Systems, 74, 8594.
16 Gy P M (1998) Sampling for Analytical Purposes. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester.
17 Gy P M (1992) Sampling of Heterogeneous and Dynamic Material Systems. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
18 Gy P M (2004) Proceedings of First World Conference on Sampling and Blending. Special Issue of
Chemometrics and Intelligent Lab. Systems, 74, 770.
19 Pitard F F (1993) Pierre Gy's Sampling Theory and Sampling Practice. CRC Press, Boca Raton,
2nd edition.
20 Smith P L (2001) A Primer for Sampling Solids, Liquids and Gases Based on the Seven Sampling
Errors of Pierre Gy. ASA SIAM, USA.
21 Ramsey M H (1993) Sampling and analytical quality control (SAX) for improved error estimation
in the measurement of heavy metals in the environment, using robust analysis of variance. Applied
Geochemistry, 2, 149153.
22 Nordtest Sampler Certification, Version 1-0, Nordic Innovation Centre (2005).
23 Thompson M, Wood R (1995) Harmonised guidelines for internal quality control in analytical
chemistry laboratories. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 67, 649666.
47 ISO Standard 78-2: Chemistry Layouts for Standards Part 2: Methods of Chemical Analysis
(Second Edition, 1999).
48 ISO 7002: 1986 Agricultural food products Layout for a standard method of sampling from a lot,
First Edition, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva.
49 IUPAC (2005) Terminology in Soil Sampling (IUPAC Recommendations 2005), prepared for
publication by De Zorzi P, Barbizzi S, Belli M, Ciceri G, Fajgelj A, Moore D, Sansone U, and Van der
Perk M. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 77 (5), 827841.
50 AMC (2005) Analytical Methods Committee Technical Brief No 19. Terminology the key to
understanding analytical science. Part 2: Sampling and sample preparation
51 Lyn J A, Ramsey M H, Damant A, Wood R (2005), Two stage application of the OU method: a
practical assessment, Analyst, 130, 1271-1279