NT Technical Report Nordtest Report TR 569

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Approved 2011-11

Hvard Hovind
Bertil Magnusson
Mikael Krysell

Ulla Lund
Irma Mkinen

Nordic Innovation Center project number: 04038

1)NIVA, Norway
2)SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Sweden
3)Eurofins A/S, Denmark
4)SYKE, Finland
Title : Internal Quality Controll Handbook for Chemical Laboratories
According to ISO/IEC 17025 (3): The laboratory shall have quality control procedures for
monitoring the validity of tests undertaken. The resulting data shall be recorded in such a way that
trends are detectable and, where practicable, statistical techniques shall be applied to the reviewing
of the results. The monitoring shall include e.g. regular use of internal quality control. Quality
control data shall be analysed and, where they are found to be outside pre-defined criteria, planned
action shall be taken to correct the problem and to prevent incorrect results from being reported.
Internal quality control at the chemical analytical laboratory, involves a continuous, critical
evaluation of the laboratorys own analytical methods and working routines. The control
encompasses the analytical process starting with the sample entering the laboratory and ending with
the analytical report. The most important tool in this quality control is the use of control charts. The
basis is that the laboratory runs control samples together with the routine samples.
The results of the control program may be used in several ways - the analyst will have an important
quality tool in his/her daily work, the customer can get an impression of the laboratorys quality and
the laboratory can use the results in the estimation of the measurement uncertainty.
The QC has to be part of a quality system and should be formally reviewed on a regular basis. The
aim of this handbook is to describe a fit for purpose system for internal quality control at analytical
laboratories that are performing chemical analysis. The approach is general, but the examples are
mainly from environmental analyses.

Technical Group: Environment
ISSN: 0283-7234 Language: English Pages: 52 pages
Key words: Quality Control, Repeatability, Within Laboratory Reproducibility, Trollbook, Troll, X-
chart, R-chart, Range, Uncertainty, Control limit, Warning limit, Action limit
Distributed by:
Nordic Innovation
Stensberggata 25
NO-0170 Oslo
Internet link:
Mail to nordtest@nordtest.info

The aim of the Troll book is to give good and practical guidance for internal quality control.
It is written for you working with routine determinations in the analytical laboratory.
The first version of Internal Quality Control (1) Handbook of Internal Quality Control in
Water Laboratories (Nordic cooperation) was prepared in 1984, and a revised version was
printed in 1986 in Norway, best known under the name Trollboken (2). Later it has been
translated to several other languages, and has been widely used as a tool in chemical routine
laboratories especially in environmental laboratories. This new version of the Handbook is an
improved and extended edition, and the aim of it is as has always been - that it should be a
practical tool for the analysts in their daily work with the analytical methods.
During the years since the first version was prepared, there have been a lot of developments in
the field of analytical quality. First of all the requirements for accreditation of analytical
laboratories has put a pressure on the laboratories to document their analytical quality, and
internal quality control is an important part of this documentation. Since the first edition of the
accreditation standard was introduced, ISO/IEC 17025 (3), there has been an increased focus on
the concept of measurement uncertainty and traceability to a standard reference both in chemical
and microbiological methods. When the laboratories estimate measurement uncertainty the
results from internal quality control are essential. All these new demands have led to a need for a
revision of the so-called Troll book.
The arrangement of the book has been changed to some extent, and in addition the chapters have
been revised and updated. Several new practical examples have been worked out to demonstrate
the applicability to different fields of chemical analyses.
The description of how to prepare calibration and QC solutions for water analysis is removed
from the new version of the Troll book as the preparation of these solutions is properly described
in the new ISO and CEN standards.
The task of compiling and editing this book has been made possible by the financial support from
Nordic Innovation Centre/Nordtest through the project 04038, and also from the Swedish
Environmental Protection Agency. The work would also have been impossible to perform
without the effort of the Nordic working group consisting of:
Hvard Hovind, NIVA, Norway
Bertil Magnusson, SP, Sweden
Mikael Krysell and Ulla Lund, Eurofins A/S, Denmark
Irma Mkinen, SYKE, Finland

For valuable comments on the contents we thank Hkan Marklund, Swedish Environmental
Protection Agency, Annika Norling, SWEDAC, Roger Wellum, IRMM, and special thanks to
Elisabeth Prichard, LGC, United Kingdom and Marina Patriarca, Antonio Menditto and Valeria
Patriarca, ISS, Italy for their extensive comments. We are also indebted to the many interested
analytical chemists for their valuable suggestions. The working group also thanks Petter Wang,
Norway, who made the Troll drawings to the original Troll book, and Timo Vnni, Finland, who
prepared the new illustrations.

This handbook (version 4 of the Troll book about Internal Quality Control, 2011) can be downloaded
from www.nordicinnovation.net/nordtest.cfm technical report TR569.

Information to our readers

The Trollbook starts, after an introduction, with two chapters (Chapters 2 and 3) on general
issues of analytical quality, described with specific reference to internal quality control. They are
followed by an introduction to control charting (Chapter 4).

The tools of control charting are described in the following chapters: control charts (Chapter 5),
control samples (Chapter 6) and control limits (Chapter 7). Chapter 8 summarises the tools in a
description of how to start a quality control programme.

How the data of internal quality control are used is described in the following two chapters.
Chapter 9 explains the interpretation of quality control data to be performed after every analytical
run, whereas Chapter 10 explains how the quality control programme should be reviewed
periodically to investigate if the programme is still optimal to control the quality of analyses.

Quality control data can be used for a number of purposes other than just control of the quality in
every run. Chapter 10 explains how information on the within-laboratory reproducibility, bias
and repeatability is derived from quality control data, and Chapter 11 gives examples of other
uses of quality control data and the principles of control charting.

Chapters 12 and 13 give definitions and useful equations and statistical tables for internal quality
control and use of data from control charts.

Chapter 14 contains nine examples illustrating how control charts can be started as well as
practical application of the control rules and the yearly review described in Chapters 9 and 10. In
example 8 we present a detailed review of preliminary control limits and setting new control
limits based on more data.

Chapter 15 lists references and suggested supplementary literature.

Some common symbols and abbreviations used in this handbook are found below.
Full explanation is given in Chapter 12.

Standard deviation
Mean value
Within-laboratory reproducibility
CRM Certified Reference Material
AL Action Limit
WL Warning Limit
CL Central line
QC Quality Control



1. Introduction .................................................................................................... 1
2. Measurement uncertainty and within-laboratory reproducibility ................... 3
3. Requirement for analytical quality ................................................................. 9
4. Principles of quality control charting ........................................................... 11
5. Different types of control charts ................................................................... 13
6. Different control samples ............................................................................. 15
7. Setting the control limits .............................................................................. 17
8. Setting up a quality control program ............................................................ 21
9. Daily interpretation of quality control .......................................................... 23
10. Long-term evaluation of quality control data ............................................... 25
11. Other uses of quality control data and control charts ................................... 27
12. Terminology and Equations ......................................................................... 29
13. Tables ........................................................................................................... 33
14. Examples ...................................................................................................... 35
15. References .................................................................................................... 46

Blank page

Page 1 of 46
1. Introduction
According to ISO/IEC 17025 (3), 5.9: The laboratory shall have quality control procedures
for monitoring the validity of tests and calibrations undertaken. The resulting data shall be
recorded in such a way that trends are detectable and, where practicable, statistical
techniques shall be applied to the reviewing of the results. This monitoring shall be planned
and reviewed and may include... regular use of internal quality control Quality control
data shall be analysed and, where they are found to be outside pre-defined criteria, planned
action shall be taken to correct the problem and to prevent incorrect results from being
Internal quality control at the chemical analytical laboratory involves a continuous, critical
evaluation of the laboratorys own analytical methods and working routines. The control
encompasses the analytical process starting with the sample entering the laboratory and
ending with the analytical report. The most important tool in this quality control is the use of
control charts. The basis is that the laboratory runs control samples together with the test
samples. The control values are plotted in a control chart. In this way it is possible to
demonstrate that the measurement procedure performs within given limits. If the control value
is outside the limits, no analytical results are reported and remedial actions have to be taken to
identify the sources of error, and to remove such errors. Figure 1 illustrates the most common
type of control chart, the X-chart.

X-Chart: Zn
1-Feb 22-Mar 10-May 28-Jun 16-Aug 4-Oct 22-Nov 10-Jan 28-Feb
Date of analysis


Figure 1. Example of an X control chart for the direct determination of zinc in water. All control
values in the green area (within the warning limits) show that the determination of zinc performs
within given limits and the routine sample results are reported. Control values in the red area (outside
the action limits) show clearly that there is something wrong and no routine sample results are
reported. A control value in the yellow area is evaluated according to specific rules.

Page 2 of 46
When a quality control (QC) program is established, it is essential to have in mind the
requirement on the analytical results and for what purposes the analytical results are
produced the concept of fit for purpose. From the requirement on the analytical results the
analyst sets up the control program:
Type of QC sample
Type of QC charts
Control limits warning and action limits
Control frequency
When the control program encompasses the whole analytical process from the sample
entering the laboratory to the analytical report the control results will demonstrate the within-
laboratory reproducibility. The within-laboratory reproducibility indicates the variation in the
analytical results if the same sample is given to the laboratory at different times.
The results of the control program may be used in several ways: the analyst will have an
important quality tool in his/her daily work, the customer can get an impression of the
laboratorys quality and the laboratory can use the results in the estimation of the
measurement uncertainty.
The QC has to be part of a quality system and should be formally reviewed on a regular basis.
Other important elements of the quality system are the participation in interlaboratory
comparisons (proficiency tests), the use of certified reference materials and method
In practical work it is necessary that the quality control is limited to fulfilling the requirements
on the analytical results a good balance between control work and analyses of samples is
essential. The aim of this handbook is to describe a fit for purpose system for internal quality
control at analytical laboratories that are performing chemical analysis. The approach is
general, but the examples are mainly from environmental analyses.

Page 3 of 46
2. Measurement uncertainty and within-laboratory
This chapter introduces the terminology used in quality of analyses and the statistical
background for quality control.
Analytical chemists know that a laboratory needs to demonstrate the quality of the analytical
results. Depending on the customers requirements it is either the spread in the results
(repeatability or reproducibility) or the measurement uncertainty that is the important quality
parameter. The internal quality control will normally give an indication of the within-
laboratory reproducibility, R

The within-laboratory reproducibility will tell the customer
the possible variation in the analytical results if the same sample is given to the laboratory in
J anuary, J uly or December. The measurement uncertainty will tell the customer the possible
maximum deviation for a single result
from a reference value or from the mean value of
other competent laboratories analysing the same sample.
From the laboratorys point of view the possible deviation from a reference value for an
analytical result may be described by the laboratory ladder (4), Figure 2.
Laboratory ladder

Figure 2. The ladder for a measurement procedure used in a laboratory

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

Step 4
The method bias a systematic effect owing to the method used
The laboratory bias a systematic effect (for an individual laboratory)
The day-to-day variation a combination of random and systematic effects owing to,
among other factors, time effects
The repeatability a random effect occurring between replicate determinations
performed within a short period of time; the sample inhomogeneity is part of the

For an individual determination on a sample in a certain matrix the four different steps in the
ladder are the following: 1) the method as such, 2) the method as it is used in the laboratory,
3) the day-to-day variation in the laboratory, 4) the repeatability of that sample. Each of these
steps on the ladder adds its own uncertainty. The within-laboratory reproducibility, R

or more strictly the range of possible values with a defined probability associated with a single result

Page 4 of 46
consists of step 3 and 4 - day-to-day variation and the repeatability. Repeated inter-laboratory
comparisons will show the laboratory bias, step 2, and if different methods are used also the
variation in method bias, step 1. The measurement uncertainty normally consists of all four
Measurement uncertainty, as well as accuracy, is thus a combination of random and
systematic effects. This is illustrated in Figure 3 where also different requirements on
measurement uncertainty are illustrated with a small and a big green circle. For further
reading about measurement uncertainty we recommend the Nordtest (5) and the Eurachem
guide (6).
Random effect
Requirement 1
Requirement 2

Figure 3. Random and systematic effects on analytical results and measurement uncertainty may be
illustrated by the performance of someone practicing at a target the reference value or true value.
Each point represents a reported analytical result. The two circles are illustrating different
requirements on analytical quality. In the lower left target requirement 1 is fulfilled and requirement 2
is fulfilled in all cases except the upper right. The upper left target represents a typical situation for
most laboratories.

Repeatability and reproducibility
We use the notion repeatability when a sample (or identical samples) is analysed several
times in short time (e.g. the same day), by one person in one laboratory, and with the same
instrument. The spread of the results under such conditions is representing the smallest spread
that an analyst will obtain.
We use the notion reproducibility when a sample is analysed under varying conditions, for
instance when the analyses are performed at different times, by several persons, with different
instruments, different laboratories using the same analytical procedure.
The within-laboratory reproducibility (intermediate precision) will be somewhere in between
these two outermost cases.
There is a bias when the results tend to be always greater or smaller than the reference value.
Variations on bias may occur over a period of time because of changes in instrumental and

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laboratory conditions. For small changes it is often difficult to say if these effects are random
or systematic.
Some typical sources of systematic effects (7):
Instability of samples between sample collection and analysis
Inability to determine all relevant forms of the analyte
Interferences e.g.
A response for another substance in the matrix will cause an effect of this type.
If the slope of the calibration curve is different for calibration solutions and the natural
samples there is also a systematic effect.
Biased calibration
If samples and calibration standards are treated differently or if the matrix is different,
this can represent a potentially serious source of error. Impurity of the material used to
prepare calibration standards is, of course, another potential cause of systematic effect
as well as if the calibration curve is supposed to be linear in a concentration range
where this is not true.
Blank correction too high or too low
If the blank and the sample are different and not treated in the same way.
Random variation and the normal distribution
Truly random variations from several sources added together can be described by a normal
distribution. The irregular and uncontrollable variations in the many factors affecting the
analytical result can be: small differences in the volume of reagents added, different reaction
times, varying contamination from laboratory equipment and environment, instability in the
instrument, uncertainty in the readings, temperature variations and different calibration
solutions used etc.
Table 1. Example of laboratory internal quality control values for a solution containing 60,0 g/l of
64,5 66,3 61,1 59,7 57,4 56,2 58,4 58,2 63,0 59,5
56,0 59,4 60,2 62,9 60,5 60,8 61,5 58,5 58,9 60,5
61,2 57,8 63,4 60,2 61,5 62,3 60,5 61,7 64,0 62,7
61,0 65,4 60,0 59,2 57,0 62,5 57,7 56,2 62,9 62,5
56,5 60,2 58,2 56,5 64,7 54,5 60,5 59,5 61,6 60,8
58,7 54,4 62,2 59,0 60,3 60,8 59,5 60,0 61,8 63,8
If we analyse a sample several times, we do not obtain a series of identical results. The values
are more or less spread within certain limits. The results are varying randomly, and we are not
able to predict in which direction, and by how much. How may we describe the distribution of
the results, and achieve a measure for the random variation? By visual evaluation of the
control values in Table 1, we can hardly form a distinct picture of the analytical variation.
A graphical presentation of the results gives a much better understanding of the spread.
Figure 4 is a histogram where the control values are collected into groups according to their
concentration. Each group is represented by a column, the height of which is a measure of
how many results this group consists of.

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Zinc concentration (g/l)




Figure 4. A histogram illustrating the distribution of the control values from the table given above.
The results are sorted in groups defined by the concentration range. Each group is represented by a
column where the height is representing the number of results in the group, calculated in percent of
the total number of results.
If we increase the number of measurements, and collect the values in groups with increasingly
narrower columns we will approach the smooth curve in Figure 5. This is an example of a
frequency curve, the so-called normal distribution curve, constituting the basis of the control
charts being used in the internal quality control.
Zinc concentration (g/l)




Figure 5. The relation between the normal distribution curve and the histogram. The distribution
curve is based on the same data as represented in the histogram (Figure 4).
It is a presupposition to apply the statistical methods, based on the normal distribution curve,
for the treatment of the control data. However, over a longer period in a laboratory the bias
may vary with time, resulting in all control values being over (or under) the mean value for a
time period. These results are out of statistical control, but may still be acceptable if the
results are within the warning limits.

Page 7 of 46
When the results are normally distributed, the mean value x is defined by the position of the
maximum of the curve. The shape of the curve is determined by the spread of the single
results, expressed by the standard deviation, s. This is illustrated in Figure 6.
x = T

x T

Figure 6. The shape of the normal distribution curve is depending on the spread in the analyses i.e.
within-laboratory reproducibility: A poor reproducibility will give a large standard deviation, and the
corresponding curve is broad (left). If the reproducibility is good, the standard deviation is small and
the normal distribution curve will be narrow (right). The position of maximum is demonstrating the
trueness of the analysis: In the left example the mean value is coinciding with the true value. In the
example to the right the results are systematically too low ( x is the mean value, and T is the true value
or reference value, bias is calculated as x - T).
On the basis of the normal distribution we may calculate a theoretical spread of the results
around the mean value, see Figure 7. About 95 % of all results will be located within the
mean value two times the standard deviation, and 99.7 % of the results are located within
three times the standard deviation. These properties are applied in the construction of the
control charts.
When reporting within-laboratory reproducibility to a customer we will normally report it at
the 95 % confidence level that is two times the standard deviation. This means that an
average of about 19 results out of 20 will be within this range. The 95% confidence level is
also often chosen when reporting an expanded measurement uncertainty to a customer and
that will often be two times the combined standard uncertainty for chemical measurements.

Page 8 of 46
-3s -2s x +2s +3s
Analytical result




x 3s
x 2s

Figure 7. A normal distribution curve illustrating the probability for a result to be located within
given limits ( x is the mean value, s is the standard deviation).

Page 9 of 46
3. Requirement for analytical quality
Here we describe how the analyst can translate the customers requirement for quality into
terms applicable to internal quality control, i.e. within-laboratory reproducibility (s
An analytical result can strictly speaking never be absolutely correct, since you will always
get two slightly different results if you perform the same measurement twice. What is possible
is to deliver a result with sufficiently small uncertainty for a given purpose, i.e. a result that is
fit for purpose. Therefore we need to know the intended use of the result before we can define
the requirements for quality.

Figure 3 in Chapter 2 illustrates that the quality sufficient for one purpose is not necessarily
sufficient for all other purposes. It is also extremely important to remember that it is always
the intended use of the data, not the capability of the laboratory that defines the necessary
quality. J ust as data can be too bad to be useful, it can also be too good, as too good often
means too expensive or too slow to obtain!

An example: Analysis of wastewater discharge is normally done to monitor discharges so that
legally allowable quality limits are not exceeded. These concentrations are relatively high
compared to those in an unpolluted river or lake. Therefore the required limit of detection can
be relatively high, but the measurement uncertainty must be adequate to ensure that the right
decision is taken when comparing the result to the allowable concentration limit.

The users of the results expects to be able to trust the
data, but in most cases they do not have the expert
knowledge necessary to explain exactly what they
need and they rely on the laboratory to supply the
right answer to the problem that is to deliver a result
that is fit for the purpose. It is a challenge for the
laboratory to understand the needs of the user. If the
laboratory is accredited, the standard ISO/IEC 17025
requires that the laboratory evaluates the users needs
before any analyses are started.

Fortunately the majority of users for a specific
parameter in a specific matrix, for example
ammonium in drinking water, will need the analyses
for the same purpose and therefore have the same
requirements for quality. The laboratory therefore
does not need to think closely on the subject every
day but can design its quality control programme so
that the data delivered will have the correct quality for
the purpose.

But still the correct quality needs to be defined. In
some cases national or regional authorities have
defined the required quality for regulatory analyses.
For example, the European drinking water directive
98/83/EC contains requirements for quality. If no such
national or regional requirements for quality exist, the
laboratory must prepare its own requirements,
preferably in cooperation with the end-users of the

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Experience has shown that uncertainty in most analytical systems is proportional to
concentration until a limiting value is reached at low concentration where the uncertainty
remains constant even though concentration in the sample decreases. Requirements for quality
will therefore often consist of two sets of values, one given in concentration units (describing
the limiting minimum uncertainty at low concentration) and one in percent (describing the
proportional component of uncertainty at higher concentrations).

Requirements for the limiting minimum uncertainty are often described as a proportion (or
percentage) of the concentration of primary interest. The concentration of primary interest
may for example be a water quality limit or a similar allowable concentration.

The requirement for quality may be given as requirement for measurement uncertainty, but it
is common to give the requirements using quality characteristics that can be measured
directly, for example by internal quality control. For internal quality control the quality
characteristic needed is within-laboratory reproducibility, s
. The example below shows
how to start with quality requirements and from that estimate the demand for within-
laboratory reproducibility to be used in internal quality control.

Let us assume that we are asked to determine total nitrogen in wastewater and that the
allowable limit for total nitrogen in the effluent you will analyse is 10 mg/l.

Our job as a laboratory is to ensure that the measurement uncertainty of our measurements is
as low as we can reasonably make it for concentrations close to the limit value of 10 mg/l. A
general recommendation in many EU directives is a s
of 5 % at that level

Most laboratories will be able to determine total nitrogen with a relative s
of 5%. You will
need to make sure that you give optimum quality at concentrations close to the limit value. A
reasonable requirement would therefore be that you can analyse with a s
of 5% not only at
10 mg/l, but also at half that level, i.e. 5 mg/l. The required maximum s
measured in
concentration units will therefore be 5% of *10 mg/l =0,25 mg/l.

The result is the following requirements for s

0,25 mg/l or 5%, whichever is higher. In
practice this means that for all concentrations below 5 mg/l the required s
is 0,25 mg/l.
From 5 mg/l and higher, the requirement is 5% s

One example is the EU drinking water directive (8) where a requirement of precision (2 s
) is 10 % of limit
value for most parameters. The definition of precision in the directive is Precision is the random error and is
usually expressed as the standard deviation (within and between batch) of the spread of results about the mean.
Acceptable precision is twice the relative standard deviation.

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4. Principles of quality control charting
This chapter describes the principles of quality control charts and what you do in the
laboratory when running the samples, plotting and evaluating the results.
Control charting is a powerful and a simple tool for the daily quality control of routine
analytical work. The basis is that the laboratory runs control samples together with the routine
samples in an analytical run (Figure 8). Material of control samples can be standard solutions,
real test samples, blank samples, in-house control materials and certified reference materials.

Figure 8. Example of the analysis of two control samples in an analytical run

Immediately after the analytical run is completed the control values are plotted on a control
chart. When reporting the control values we recommend:
giving one more significant digit compared to test results
report values below reporting limit (LOQ)
report negative values

X-Chart: Zn
1-Feb 1-Mar 29-Mar 26-Apr 24-May 21-Jun 19-Jul 16-Aug
Date of analysis

Upper action limit
Upper warning limit
Lower warning limit
Lower action limit

Figure 9. The relation between the normal distribution curve and the control chart.
The chart is based on the statistical characteristics of random variations, defined by the
normal distribution curve. The relation between the normal distribution curve and the
equivalent control chart (X-chart) is illustrated in Figure 9.

S0-S2 Standard solutions
BL Blank samples
QC Quality Control samples
T1 Test samples
S0 S1 S2 BL BL QC T1 T2 T3 . QC

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The central line (CL) in the control chart is
representing the mean value of the control values or
a reference value. In addition to the central line, the
control chart normally has four lines. Two of these,
the so-called warning limits, are located at a
distance of two times the standard deviation from
the central line (CL 2s). Provided that the results
are normally distributed, about 95 % of the results
should be within these limits. In the control chart
two other lines are also drawn at a distance of
three times the standard deviation from the central
line (CL 3s). These lines are called the action
limits and 99,7 % of the data normally distributed
should be within these limits. Statistically only
three out of 1000 measurements are thus located
outside the action limits. If the control value is
outside the action limits, there is a high probability
that the analysis is in error.
The warning and action limits can be set either as
above on method performance, statistical control
limits or using independent quality criteria target
control limits see Chapter 7.
Using the control charts, we should be alert if the
control values are outside the warning limits or
show trends. If values are outside the action limits
no results are reported see further Chapter 9.

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5. Different types of control charts
This chapter describes the different types control charts, when they will be used, and what
they can be used for.
The following types of control charts are the most important ones used for the internal quality
control of chemical analyses:
Range-charts, R or r%

An X-chart has a central line, upper and lower warning limits and upper and lower action
One of the oldest and simplest types of control chart is the X-chart (9, 10, 11,12,13,14,15),
which is based on the distribution of the control values around a true or expected value. It can
be used to monitor the combination of systematic and random effects for control values, based
on single results or on a mean of multiple analyses. Using a reference material similar to a
routine sample as control sample, the bias may be monitored by comparing the mean control
value over time with the reference value.
The blank value chart is a special application of the X chart based on analysing a sample that
can be assumed to contain the analyte at a very low level. It provides special information
about contamination of the reagents used, and the state of the measurement system. Even
though concentrations are normally entered into the blank value chart, it is also possible to use
the value of the measured signal. Remember that both positive and negative control values
shall be plotted in the chart. In ideal cases the zero value should be the central line. However,
the empirical mean value can be also used as the central line.
Another special case is a recovery chart. The analytical process may be tested for matrix
influences by determining the recovery of spiked additions of standards to test samples. In
this case a recovery rate of 100 % should be the central line.
Calibration parameters such as slope and intercept, in so far they are determined daily, can
also be monitored by means of the X chart.

Range charts
A range chart (R, r%) has a central line, an upper warning limit and an upper action limit.
The X-chart shows how well control values (mean values of multiple analyses or single
values) are within control limits. In contrast the range chart serves above all the purpose of
repeatability control. The range is defined as the difference between the largest and smallest
single result for two or more separate samples. For practical applications in analytical
laboratories the R chart mostly appears only in its simplest form, only duplicate determination
(of samples to be analysed) in each analysis series.
The best samples to be used are test samples selected among the samples to be analysed in
that analytical run. However the concentrations may vary, because the samples are different in
every analytical run. The range is normally proportional to sample concentration (at levels
well above the detection limit) and then it will be more appropriate to use a control chart
where the control value is the relative range r % (see Chapter 8).

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If, for test samples, single determinations are made, the control value for the range chart
should be based on the difference between single determinations of two (or more) different
sample aliquots. If on the other hand, test samples are run in duplicate we recommend that the
control value is based on the mean value of duplicated determinations of two different sample
aliquots i.e. the same number of measurements for routine test samples as for control

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6. Different control samples
This chapter describes the most common types of control samples that can be used in quality

Ideally the control samples should go through the whole measurement procedure. They
should also be very similar to test samples and stable over time. There should also be a
sufficient amount for years and a suitable analyte concentration. This is however seldom the
case and therefore we use several types of control samples:
I Certified Reference Material matrix CRM
II Reference material, standard solution or in-house material
III Blank sample
IV Test sample
Control sample type I certified reference material matrix CRM
The results from repeated determinations of a matrix CRM will give a good indication of any
systematic effect (bias). Repeated determinations in each analytical run give a possibility of
using the standard deviation (or range) as an estimate of the repeatability of the measurement.
However, when a CRM is used, there is generally a better repeatability compared to results
obtained with a routine sample, due to better homogeneity.
A CRM is not always available for the desired sample matrix or concentration range.
However, they are simple to use and the results give immediate information on both
systematic and random effects. Furthermore, the results provide the laboratories with an
opportunity to calculate their measurement uncertainty, and to compare their performance to
that obtained by the certifying laboratories (see Chapter 11). Therefore, a CRM is
recommended for use as often as practically and economically possible.
CRMs are purchased ready for use or with a procedure for preparation.
This control sample type is suitable for X-charts, and if multiple analyses are performed, also
for R-charts.
Control sample type II standard solutions, in-house or reference
Control sample type II may similarly to type I give an indication of some of the systematic
effects as well as the random effects.
If the initial validation of the method has proved that the random effects, when analysing
control samples, are approximately the same as for test samples, this type of control will
provide a direct measure for the within-laboratory reproducibility. However, in most cases the
spread of the analytical results of a synthetic and a real sample will not be the same; therefore
a stable real control sample should be chosen whenever possible.
A control sample type II is usually prepared by the laboratory. It can be either stable,
homogeneous test samples or synthetic samples. Standard solutions can be bought from
external suppliers but are often prepared in-house. For in-house matrix materials the
laboratory collects the stable natural sample itself (or selects from samples received for
analysis), making sure that the amount collected is sufficient to last for several years.
Synthetic in-house materials are prepared from pure chemicals and purified solvent (e.g.
water) simulating the matrix of test samples. Due care should be taken to prepare this type of
control sample we recommend that the expanded uncertainty of the nominal value for the
synthetic control sample should be less than one fifth of the standard deviation used to set up
the control chart.
It is extremely important that chemicals used for preparation of synthetic materials are
different from those used for calibration of the method. The difference can be either that the

Page 16 of 46
chemicals are purchased from different suppliers or for anions and cations that a different salt
is used; for example for nitrate that a Na-salt is used for calibration and a K-salt for control.
Most laboratories prepare stock control solutions that are diluted daily or at intervals,
according to the laboratorys experience for stability of the diluted solution. If the same
chemical, or worse, the same stock solution, is used for calibration and control, any error in
preparation or purity of the chemical will not be seen.
This control sample type is suitable for X-charts, and if multiple analyses are performed, also
for R-charts.
Control sample type III - blank sample
Control sample type III may be used for the surveillance of the limit of detection.
Furthermore, this type of control sample serves to reveal contamination. Errors in the blank
cause systematic effects at low concentrations, which can also be detected with control
sample type III.
Control sample type III is the blank sample used for blank correction according to the
procedure for analysis. No extra analyses are thus required to prepare a control chart for
X-charts should be used, and R-charts can be used for this control sample type.
Control sample type IV test (routine) sample
Control sample type IV is used when the spread for control sample Type I or II is less than for
test samples, for example if only synthetic materials or extremely homogenized CRMs are
available. It is also valuable when it is not possible to have a stable control sample (type II)
typical examples are determination of dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll a. Duplicate
measurements give a realistic picture of the within-run random variations for natural samples.
The control sample will generally be selected at random among the test materials submitted
for measurement in the laboratory.
If a synthetic sample is used for the X-charts, it could be a good idea to include a control
sample type IV, if the repeatability for synthetic and routine samples is different.
For this control sample type r%-charts are used. R-charts may also be used if the
concentration of the test samples used as control samples is almost the same from day to day.

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7. Setting the control limits
Here we present how to set the central line and set the control limits for X-charts and for
Control limits may be set according to the performance of the analytical method used
irrespectively of the requirement on analytical quality statistical control limits. This is the
most common method to set the limits. An alternative is to start with the analytical
requirements or intended use of the results. From the requirement within-laboratory
reproducibility is estimated and then the control limits are set target control limits. In many
cases it can be difficult to obtain specific requirements and then we recommend the use of
statistical control limits.
Setting the control limits and the central line in X-chart
The control limits can be set based on method performance statistical control limits or
according to the requirement on within-laboratory reproducibility target control limits.
Statistical control limits Target control limits

The control limits are set based on the
analytical performance of the control sample.
From a long time period, e.g. a year, the
standard deviation s is calculated from the
control values.
Warning limits will be +2 s and 2 s.
Action limits will be +3 s and 3 s.
The control limits are set based on the
requirement on the analytical quality.
The standard deviation for the control
chart, s, is estimated from the
requirement on s

Warning limits will be +2 s and 2 s.
Action limits will be +3 s and 3 s.

The central line in the control chart can be the calculated mean value of the control values or a
reference value for the control sample. In most cases a mean central line is used.
Mean central line Reference central line
The mean value is estimated from control values
obtained during a longer time, e.g. a year.
The central line is set to this mean value.
The control sample is a reference material
or a well-characterised material.
The central line is set to the nominal value

In the cases below the control sample is an ideal control sample similar to routine samples and
subjected to all steps of the analytical procedure and therefore the target s
may be used to
set the target limits. The examples referred to below are presented in Chapter 14.
Case 1. Statistical control limits and a mean central line - see also Example 3 and
Example 4
The requirement on within-laboratory reproducibility is not set and the method is performing
with a s
=6 %. The warning limits are set to two times the method standard deviation, 12
% and action limits to three times the standard deviation, 18 %. The mean value for the
control sample is 59,2 g/l so 12 % is equal to 7,1 g/l and 18 % is equal to 10,7
g/l. The warning limits will be at 59,2 7,1 g/l (52,1 and 66,3 g/l) and the action limits
will be at 59,2 10,7 g/l (48,5 and 69,9 g/l).

In the examples below we always assume that the number of samples analysed for control values is the same as
used for routine measurements. If, however, a control value is based on duplicates (the mean of two response
values) and a routine result is based on a single sample, and the major part of the spread is repeatability, the s
used for setting the limits may have to be reduced.

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Case 2. Statistical control limits and a reference central line.
If the mean value is very close to the nominal or the reference value, statistical control limits
can be used otherwise we recommend case 4.
Case 3. Target control limits and a mean central line see also Example 1 and Example 2.
The requirement on within-laboratory reproducibility is e.g. s
=5 % and the method is
performing with a lower s
. The warning limits are set to two times the standard deviation of
the requirement, 10 % and action limits to three times the standard deviation, 15 %. The
mean value for the control sample is 59,2 g/l so 10 % is equal to 5,9 g/l and 15 % is
equal to 8,9 g/l. The warning limits will be at 59,2 5,9 g/l (53,3 and 65,1 g/l ) and the
action limits will be at 59,2 8,9 g/l (50,3 and 68,1 g/l).
Case 4. Target control limits and a reference central line see also Example 5 and
Example 7.
The requirement on within-laboratory reproducibility is e.g. s
=5 % and the method is
performing with a lower s
. The warning limits are set to two times the standard deviation of
the requirement, 10 % and action limits to three times the standard deviation, 15 %. The
mean value for the control sample is 59,2 g/l but the reference value is 60,0 g/l so the
warning limits will be at 60,0 6,0 g/l (54,0 and 66,0 g/l) and the action limits will be at
60,0 9 g/l (51,0 and 69,0 g/l).

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Setting the control limit in R-chart or r%-chart
For the range chart we only have upper limits it is always positive. The control limits can be
based on method performance statistical control limits or according to the analytical
requirement target control limits. The statistical control limits are calculated from the
measured mean range. The target control limits are calculated from a standard deviation, i.e. a
target for repeatability (11). The factor used (2,83 & 3,69) for calculating the control limits
can be found in Table 4 in Chapter 13 and also a background to these odd factors is explained
in a comment to Table 4.
Statistical control limits Target control limits
The control limits are set based on the analytical
performance of the control sample. From a long
time period the mean range is calculated.
For duplicate (n=2) s =mean range/1,128.
Central line is the mean range.
Upper warning limit will be +2,83 s.
Upper action limits will be +3,69 s.
The control limits are set based on the
requirement on repeatability. From the
requirement a standard deviation s is
estimated for this control chart. For n=2
Central line is 1,128 s.
Upper warning limit will be +2,83 s.
Upper action limits will be +3,69 s.
Case 1. Statistical control limits see also Example 3 (R) and Example 6 (r%) in
Chapter 14.
The mean range over a longer time period is 0,402 % (abs). The standard deviation is then
0,402/1,128 =0,356. The warning limit for the range chart will then be set at +2,83 0,356 =
1,0 % and action limit 3,69 0,356 =1,3 %.
Case 2. Target control limits.
The repeatability limit, r is often given in standard methods and in this case as 1 % (in 19
times out of 20 the difference between two results should be less than 1 %). From this limit
the repeatability standard deviations is calculated as s
=0,357 %. The warning limit
for the range chart will then be set at +2,83 0,357 =1,0 % and the action limit at 3,69
0,357 =1,3 %.

The value 2.8 comes from error propagation of a difference where the repeatability limit is equal to s 2 2

Page 20 of 46
Target control limits estimating the s for the control sample
When the control sample encompasses the whole analytical process from the sample entering
the laboratory to the analytical report the control values will demonstrate the within-
laboratory reproducibility, s
, and one can compare the obtained s
with the requirement.
With most other control samples, e.g. standard solutions, blank samples, the obtained standard
deviation is just part of the s
. Here the analyst has to estimate if the obtained s on the
control sample is sufficiently low to fulfil the analytical requirement - see Chapter 3.

Start of QC - In order to start the quality control of a new method preliminary control limits
and central line can be estimated based on about 25 control values. Only after a longer time
period, e.g. one year, can the control limits and the position of the central line be fixed. These
first preliminary warning and action limits can also be based on results from method
Fixed control limits We do recommend fixed limits and not limits that are constantly
changing for stable QC samples. In order to obtain reliable statistical control limits the
calculated standard deviation should be based on control values over a one-year period and at
least 60 control values. If the time period is shorter usually a too low estimation of the
standard deviation is obtained since not all variation is taken into account.
Fixed central line We recommend fixed central line. In order to obtain a reliable central
line a one-year period may be a good time period. If the time period is shorter an unreliable
estimate is easily obtained.
Replicate analyses/samples - We also recommend the same number of sub-samples being
used both for routine samples and control samples if we report the mean value of duplicates
(e.g. the whole process) for test samples we should also in the X-chart plot the mean value of
duplicate analyses for the control sample. If a control sample is analysed several times in the
same run, either one or all control values can be plotted in the X-chart.
Multielement analyses When many analytes are measured in the same analytical run in QC
e.g. ICP, XRF, GC, we strongly recommend using target control limits or wider statistical
limits for those analytes that are less important. If for example 20 analytes are determined

and statistical control limits are used for all analytes, on average one control value (equal to 5
% of the control values) can be expected to be outside the warning limits in each analytical
run. Also in about 1 out of 17 analytical runs a control value for one of the analytes is
expected to be outside action limit, making ordinary interpretation very unpractical.

This applies to independent measurements and, to a lesser extent, also to measurements which are partially
correlated such as ICP, XRF etc.

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8. Setting up a quality control program
This chapter describes how to start setting up QC for a measurement procedure:
selection of the number of control samples, the type of charts and the frequency of control
An example of setting up the QC (Cd determination in fresh waters)
Setting up the QC can best be described by a practical example: Cadmium concentration can
normally vary between 0,01 g/l and 100 g/l in different types of waters. For quality control
of Cd in fresh waters using ICP/MS (LOD 0,01 g/l) we have chosen the control samples as
Control samples Control chart Control limits Central line
A CRM, Cd: 2,28 g/l (Type I)
A standard solution, Cd: 20 g/l (Type II)
An in-house material, Cd: 0,10 g/l (Type II)
Replicate determinations of test water samples
in two concentration ranges, (Type IV)
Reference value
Mean value
Mean value
Target s
Because of the rather wide concentration
range in routine samples we have chosen 3
QC samples Type I and II. The standard
solution of 20 g/l is prepared from a stock
solution, which is not the same stock
solution as used for the preparation of the
calibration solutions. The in-house material,
acidified lake water was prepared for quality
control of low Cd content in fresh water.
For a direct check of systematic effects in
our measurement procedure we use the
CRM with a certified Cd content of 2,279
0,096 g/l.
In order to get a realistic picture of the
repeatability for test samples we select at
random two samples in each analytical run
representing two concentration ranges and
these samples are analysed as duplicates
(two different test tubes in the autosampler).
In measurement of Cd using ICP/MS we
may carry out as many as 200
determinations in each analytical run. At the
beginning and at the end of each run we
analyse the CRM, the standard solution, the
in-house material and the calibration
standards. In order to check calibration drift
during a run, we normally analyse one of
our control samples about every 20

Page 22 of 46

All the results obtained for the control samples are plotted in X-charts using our LIMS
system. The results of duplicates obtained in analysis of routine test samples are plotted in
Practical points in setting up the QC
A method validation is normally performed before a measurement procedure is adopted.
When setting up a programme for control charting, (such as selection of control samples, type
of control charts and control frequency) the results of the initial tests for establishing
performance of an analytical method may give valuable background information about e.g.
the concentration range, the stability and systematic effects. In particular, a within-laboratory
reproducibility of measurements in different concentrations obtained during a longer period in
method validation forms the first basis for routine quality control.
Concentration range - In analysis of environmental samples concentrations of an analyte
may vary considerably. In such cases it may be necessary to utilise separate X-charts and
range charts for different concentration levels.
Range chart with test samples To monitor repeatability using range charts (R-chart or r%-
chart) we recommend analysing a test sample in duplicate in each analytical run. A test
sample is selected at random and representative of the concentration range and matrix
variations of the analyte being studied.
Frequency of control analyses - Generally, as a minimum, one control sample in each
analytical run must be analysed for detecting possible systematic effects within the analytical
run, for example from calibration. Stability of the measurement system can have an influence
on the frequency of control analyses. If there are errors caused by calibration drift, the number
of control samples to be analysed in each analytical run may need to be higher than under
very stable measurement conditions. The principle guiding the decision on the number of
times a control sample must be analysed in each analytical run is that all measurements
performed after the last approved sample in the quality control may have to be reanalysed.
The frequency of control is therefore a balance between the cost of the control and the cost of
repeating analyses. When using automatic analysers, e.g. over night, several control samples
may be analysed in each analytical run.
Position of control samples in an analytical run - The analyses of control samples should in
principle be carried out in random order to eliminate any systematic effects. However, we
recommend that control samples are analysed at least at the beginning of each run and before
finishing the analytical run, in case a drift in the analytical process can cause errors.
A good balance between QC and test samples QC fit for purpose. In this example, Cd in
fresh water, we use several QC samples but in most cases fewer control samples will be
QC program in a method description and in a quality manual
The principles of the quality control program covering the practical points mentioned above
should be described in the quality manual of the laboratory. Quality procedures should also be
presented in detail in the procedure of each analytical method.
First of all, the quality control measurements have to be fit for the purpose of the analyses.

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9. Daily interpretation of quality control
In this chapter we describe the interpretation after each analytical run. Can we report the
results or not? Is the method out of statistical control?
A practical procedure for the registration of the
control data is to write down all information that
may be significant for the interpretation of the
control data. Typical examples are when new
stock or control solutions have been prepared, e.g.
the change of reagents, the change of
measurement cell, and instrumental problems. If
all information is properly documented it is, at a
later time, possible to check the conditions for this
determination e.g. in out of control situations.
For each batch of analyses there is normally one
control value for each chart. In daily work it is
essential to be alert if a control value is falling
outside the control limits or if a certain systematic
pattern is observed in the control values over a
period of time.
Daily interpretation
There are three possible cases:
1. The method is in control
2. The method is in control but the long-term
evaluation shows that the method is out
of statistical control
3. The method is out of control

1. The method is in control if:
the control value is within the warning limits

the control value is between warning and action limit and the two previous
control values were within warning limits
In this case the analyst can report the analytical results.

2. The method is in control but can be regarded as out of statistical control if all the control
values are within the warning limits (maximum one out of the last three between warning and
action limit) and if:

seven control values in consecutive order gradually increase or decrease (7)

10 out of 11 consecutive control values are lying on the same side of the
central line (7)
In this case the analyst can report the analytical results but a problem may be developing.
Important trends should be discovered as early as possible in order to avoid serious problems
in the future. Examples of important trends are when the majority of the control values lie far
away from the central line though still within the warning limits. In other words, each
laboratory has to decide in the quality manual how to treat these trends.

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3. The method is out of control if:
the control value is outside the action limits

the control value is between the warning and the action limit and at least one
of the two previous control values is also between warning and action limit
the rule two out of three see for example March 22 in Figure 10.
In this case normally no analytical results can be reported. All samples analysed since last
control value in control was obtained must be reanalysed.

Out-of control situations
It is difficult to give general guidelines for how the laboratory should act when the analysis is
out of control. The different analytical variables cannot be treated exactly in the same manner.
The experience and common sense of the analyst is of vital importance when choosing
remedial actions. However, if an out-of control situation occurs, it is most likely that there is
an error also in the analyses of test samples.
If there is an out of control situation the normal action is to do some more (at least two)
control analyses. If the new control values are located within the warning limits the routine
samples can be reanalysed. If the control values are still outside the warning limits, the routine
analyses shall be stopped, and remedial actions have to be taken to find and eliminate the
cause(s) of error.
Controlling the reagents and the calibration of the method or exchange of vessels and
apparatus are usual remedial actions in out-of control cases. The problem, and the solution of
this, should be documented. Analyses which have been carried out since the last acceptable
control value was obtained must, if possible, be repeated. If the repeated control values still
are out of control the results of test samples shall not be reported. If the test samples cannot be
re-analysed, for example due to instability, and the customer still urgently needs a result the
laboratory can decide (after careful consideration) to report the value , provided that a clear
note on the decreased reliability is given.
X-Chart: Zn
1-Feb 22-Mar 10-May 28-Jun 16-Aug 4-Oct 22-Nov 10-Jan 28-Feb
Date of analysis


Figure 10. X control chart with two out of control situations.

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10. Long-term evaluation of quality control data
This chapter is about using the quality control data from a period of time to answer two
What is the quality (random and systematic effects) currently in the laboratory? Has
the quality significantly changed?
Are control limits and central line in the control chart still optimal for detecting
situations out of control?
Note: This is one of the most difficult tasks in QC and we can only give general guidance.

We will look at these two questions below.
Review of the current quality
This review is chiefly about statistical control limits and mean central line. The evaluation
consists of a review of the last 60 data points on the control chart (7). Please note that some of
these may also have been included in the previous evaluation, but there must be at least 20
new points. The review follows the following steps:
1. Count the number of cases where the results are outside the warning limits.. If this number
is greater than 6 or less than 1 there is clear evidence (with 60 data points) that the spread
of analysis has changed (7).
2. Calculate the mean of the last 60 results and compare with the previous mean value the
central line. If the difference is more than 0,35 s there is clear evidence (with 60 data
points) that the mean value has changed.
How often should control limits be evaluated?
For successful use of control charts it is important that the control limits and the central line
remain stable over a long period of time. The central line and control limits should not be
changed frequently since this will make it difficult to detect gradual changes in analytical
quality. The laboratory should have a policy for how often control limit are evaluated and
how it is decided if a change is needed. We recommend that control limits and central line
should be evaluated every year. For less frequent analyses, for example those performed once
per month, we recommend evaluation after 20 control data have been collected.
You should not change control limits based on less than 20 new data since last evaluation
because the uncertainty of the control limits will be too high, and you run the risk that control
limits fluctuate in and out for no good reason.
What makes a change in control limits necessary?
Target control limits are only changed if customers requirements change. This section is
therefore only relevant for statistical control limits.
Control limits and central line should be evaluated every year or after collection of 20 data
sets as indicated above. But the evaluation does not necessarily mean that the control limits
should be changed. A change should only be considered if a significant change in spread or
the bias has taken place.
If the review, points 1 and 2 above, has shown evidence of a change in spread or mean value
we recommend making a statistical test to determine if the change is significant see Chapter
14 Example 8. However even if the change is significant we do not recommend changing the
central line unless there is a good explanation for the shift in data, e.g. a new control sample.
If an increase in spread is significant and if the change is acceptable compared to customers
requirements, calculate new warning and action limits as described in Chapter 7.

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Special care must be taken when a control chart includes out-of control situations (see
Chapter 9) in the 60 data points (or more) under consideration. This will happen now and
then! If an assignable cause for the out of control situation was identified at the time of the
analysis, the control value should be excluded from the calculation of new control limits.
However, there will inevitably be cases where out of control situations have existed but no
assignable cause identified. These data could probably be the result of an undetected mistake
for that particular batch of analyses and including them in calculations may lead to a falsely
large standard deviation. On the other hand excluding such data, especially if there is more
than one in the data set, may lead to a too optimistic standard deviation and falsely contract
the control limits, leading to even more apparent out of control situations.
A pragmatic approach (7) is to exclude data that are more than 4 standard deviations away
from the central line and retain the rest. If more than one out of control situation exists in the
60 points under consideration, it is more than you would expect and there is good reason to
scrutinise the whole analytical procedure to search for the cause of the repeated out of control
Review of spread and bias
The actual analytical quality produced in the laboratory is reviewed when reviewing control
limits and central line.
If the review of the QC showed that there was no need to change the control limits and that
the mean value was not changing, the analytical quality is unchanged and nothing further
needs to be done, except to document the fact that a review has taken place.
If the review of control limits showed a need to change the limits, the analytical quality has
changed. The new standard deviation for within-laboratory reproducibility and the mean is
calculated, unless it has already been done to prepare new control limits for the X-chart.
Laboratories using R-charts will also be able to calculate repeatability standard deviation. The
new estimates must be compared to the requirements for quality using an F-test (standard
deviations) or t-test (mean) and if acceptable, the laboratorys description of the quality
updated. Equations are given in Chapter 12. The tests are performed as two-sided tests and it
is customary to use 95% confidence levels. Example 8 in Chapter 14 illustrates the procedure.

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11. Other uses of quality control data and control charts
The information obtained from the regular use of control charts can be used for other
purposes than pure internal quality control. Depending on which type of control chart that is
used, a few suggested uses are listed in this chapter.
Measurement uncertainty
Results from the control charts can, together with other data be used for calculating the
measurement uncertainty. In most cases, the systematic effect and the random effect (the
standard deviation) can be combined to calculate the measurement uncertainty. How this can
be done is described in detail in the Nordtest Handbook for calculation of measurement
uncertainty in environmental laboratories (5) and also partly in the Eurachem/CITAC guide
Measurement uncertainty is here estimated from control charts results combined with results
from proficiency tests, data from method validations or information given in standard
methods. This approach provides a practical and general way of utilising already existing
information. Provided the whole analytical chain is included in the control charts (i.e. also
sample work-up such as filtration, concentration steps etc.) it may give a realistic estimate of
the measurement uncertainty.
Method validation
Normally, a full method validation should be performed before a method is adopted in the
laboratory. There might be situations, though, where a method is used after only partial
validation, and where information from the control charts can be used to complement the
available data. Such situations could occur if a method has been changed only slightly, or if a
standard method is adopted in the laboratory.
If a matrix CRM similar to routine samples is used in the control charts, the results
will give direct information on the bias of the method, by comparing the resulting
average result to the expected (certified) value. With an in-house or purchased RM, a
rough estimate of the bias will be given, though with less certainty than when using a
All types of control charts will provide information on the spread (random variation)
from calculations of standard deviation or from estimates using the range.
Method comparison
Control charts can be used to compare different analytical methods using separate control
charts for each method. This may for example give valuable method comparison information
if the laboratory is in the process of changing from a manual to an automated method, or from
a standard method to a non-standard method (e.g. a test-kit method). By running the two
methods in parallel for some time, it is easily possible to compare important information such
spread (from the standard deviation or from the range)
bias (if a CRM is used)
matrix effects (interferences), if spiking or a matrix CRM is used
robustness, i.e. if one method is more sensitive to temperature shifts, handling etc.
Estimation of limit of detection (LOD)
The estimate of limit of detection used by many sectors is repeatability standard deviation
multiplied by a factor. The factor is normally between 3 and 5. The repeatability standard
deviation used in the calculation must be valid at low concentrations.

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Data from an R-chart will give the repeatability standard deviation, and if the concentration is
low, this standard deviation is useful for estimation of the limit of detection.
Data from an X-chart with a test sample at low concentration will also be useful for the
estimation of the detection limit for the method in routine use.
Data from control sample type III (blank sample) may in some cases be used for the
estimation, provided that the laboratory has evidence that the standard deviation for the blank
is representative for the standard deviation for test samples with low concentration.
Person comparison or qualification
In the same way as for methods, it is possible to compare the performance of different persons
in the laboratory. Whereas this might be very close to undesired policing, there is no doubt
that control charts can be very useful tools when training and qualifying new staff in the
laboratory. Part of the training activity will then be to plot results from control samples
analysed by the person under training in control charts and to set target values for allowable
systematic effect and spread, in comparison to what is reached by the already qualified staff.
This way, the laboratory manager as well as the person trained will have a very objective tool
for judging when the performance in the analytical work is sufficient to fulfil the
Evaluation of proficiency tests
If the laboratory regularly participates in proficiency tests of similar nature, plotting the PT
results in control charts (similar to an X-chart) provides the quality manager with a good
overview over the performance, including possible systematic effects or trends.
Here the z-score is plotted in an X-chart. CL =0, WL =2 and AL =3.
x x
value assigned value lab
) (
= or
2 2
) (
value assigned lab
value assigned value lab
u u
x x


Example: The total standard deviation in a proficiency test (all laboratories) was 0.08 mg/kg
and your result was 0.12 mg/kg lower than the assigned value. Your z-score becomes -1.5.
Here we recommend that all values outside warning limits should be investigated. The
maximum allowed error from authorities (see also Chapter 3) can also be used to calculate the
Another possibility is the zeta score using your own claimed measurement uncertainty (u
is the combined standard uncertainty (6).
Environmental parameters and similar checks
When monitoring environmental parameters in the laboratory, such as the temperature in the
laboratory or in the refrigerators, it is very useful and easy to use a simple type of target
control chart for plotting the observed control values. In such cases the ideal, expected,
temperature will be used as the central line, and the allowable limits used as action limits. The
control charts give a very simple graphical presentation of any trends or unexpected variation
that might influence the analyses and therefore might be worth considering.
Similarly, it is useful to plot the results of the frequent verification of the analytical balance or
other regular checks, partly to detect any trends in the material, but also to see easily if the
results are outside or inside the permissible limits.

Page 29 of 46
12. Terminology and Equations
Here we try to describe the statistical equations and terms we use in this handbook in a clear
way. Exact definitions for terms used are found in VIM Ref (16). Direct quote from this
reference are given below in italics. All terms defined here are given in bold text
Accuracy of measurement
Closeness or the agreement between the result of a measurement and a true value of the
measurand (16). The accuracy is affected by both systematic and random effects.
The substance or parameter subject to measurement.
Analytical run - batch of analyses
Analyses of a number of routine samples and control samples. Normally one control value
for each batch is entered into each control chart.
Bias systematic error
Estimate of a systematic measurement error (16). The bias is estimated by the difference
between the mean value of a great number of test results and the accepted reference
(Figure 6).
Confidence interval
The range about the mean value within which a stated percentage of values would be
expected to lie. For example, for a normal distribution, approximately 95 % of values are
between 2 s (Figure 7).
Control chart
The principal tool in internal quality control. A chart where the control values are entered
and compared with control limits.
Control limits
Limits in a control chart. There are two control limits: action limits (AL) and warning limits
Control sample
Sample material whose test results are used to construct control charts, e.g., standard
solutions, test samples, blank samples.
Control value
Test result from the internal quality control entered in the control chart. It can, e.g. be a
single value, a mean value or a range. These values are reported different from test results -
values from analyses of routine sample: control values are reported with one extra significant
figure and also negative values are reported, e.g. a control value 0,07 mg/l in a X-chart
could for a routine sample be reported <0,1 mg/l.
Degrees of freedom, df
The number of independent comparisons that may be made between individual results in a set.
In general terms the number of degrees of freedom, e.g. for an estimated standard deviation,
provides an indication of the reliability of the estimate. As the number of degrees of freedom
increases, the random error of the estimate itself, s, decreases. The degrees of freedom are
used when comparing statistical quantities, see F- and t-test below.
Detection limit
The lowest concentration of an analyte that can, with a given probability, be detected with a
specified method.

Page 30 of 46
Limit of Quantification
When an analytical result is below this limit it is reported as less than (<). Another term used
is Reporting limit.
Quantity intended to be measured (16), e.g. the amount of acid-soluble cadmium (the
analyte) in a fresh-water sample.
Measurement procedure
The detailed description of an analytical method used in a laboratory.
Measurement uncertainty
Non-negative parameter characterizing the dispersion of the quantity values being attributed
to a measurand, based on the information used (16). Measurement uncertainty can be
interpreted as a quantitative estimate of accuracy (trueness +precision) see Figure 3.
Outlier rejection
In the statistical calculation we recommend to reject outliers that are more than 4 s different
from the mean (7). This is a practical approach. Another alternative is to use Grubbs test see
statistical textbooks.
Measurement precision under a set of repeatability conditions of measurement (16).
Repeatability condition of measurement refers to measurements being made on the same
material by a single analyst, using the same procedure, under the same operating conditions
over a short time period. The whole procedure should be repeated from taking a new test
portion of a sample to the final reading or calculation of result.

Measurement precision under a set of reproducibility conditions of measurement (16)
Reproducibility conditions of measurement refers to measurements being made on the same
material using the same procedure but by different analysts working in different locations.

Within-laboratory reproducibility (Intermediate precision)
The degree of agreement between individual results determined in a laboratory on a sample
with the same measurement procedure over a long time period i.e. at least a year. The time
period could be shorter if enough data is collected but in many cases a year is suitable to
encompass all variations in reagents, personnel, instrument service etc.
Test result (response value)
The value obtained by applying the measurement procedure. The control value entered in the
control chart is either the test result of a control sample (reported with one more significant
figure and not less than) or a value calculated from the test results e.g. the range. Dependent
on the type of control sample, maybe only a part of the measurement procedure can be
applied to the control sample.
The variation between independent test results obtained under stipulated conditions. The
opposite is closeness of agreement between test results - also called precision.
Systematic error
Component of measurement error that in replicate measurement remains constant or varies in
a predictable manner (16). Systematic error is normally expressed in term of bias.
Closeness of agreement between the average of an infinite number of replicate measured
quantity values and a reference quantity value (16). Trueness is normally expressed in terms
of bias.

Page 31 of 46

Mean value ( x )
The sum of every individual result (x
), divided by the number (n) of results:

= 1)
Standard deviation (s).
A measure for the spread (precision) of individual results (x
) around the mean value ( x ):

) 1 (
) (


x x
Degrees of freedom, df =n 1
Coefficient of variation (CV). The standard deviation expressed in relative percent of the
mean value:


(%) 3)
Standard deviation from range (n=2). Calculated for the application of R-charts (Range is
here the difference between two values):

128 , 1
s = (n =2) 4)
For values of n from 3 to 5 see Chapter 13 Table 4.
(see Chapter 13, Table 3). Used to evaluate whether the standard deviations (s
and s
) from
to series of determinations are significantly different:
F =s
/ s
, s
When the calculated F-value is greater than the critical F-value found in Table 3, the two
standard deviations are significantly different.
(see Chapter 13, Table 2). Used to evaluate whether there is a significant difference between
the mean value (x) for a series of determinations and the accepted reference value (T):
T x

= 6)
alternatively, between the mean values (
x ) of two different series of analyses:

) (
2 1
2 1
2 1
n n
n n
x x

= 7)
where s
is the combined standard deviation, see formula 9).
When the calculated t-value is greater than the critical t-value found in Table 2, the difference
between the two values is statistically significant.

Page 32 of 46
Combined mean (
x ) for several series of analyses
Calculated from the mean values for k series of analyses with total of n
+= n


k k
x n x n x n
+ + +
2 2 1 1
Combined (pooled) standard deviation (s
) for several series of analyses. Calculated from
the standard deviations for k series of analyses with total of n

k n
s n s n s n
k k

+ + +
2 2
2 2
1 1
) 1 ( ... ) 1 ( ) 1 (
Degrees of freedom, df =n
If n is about the same for the different series
s s s
2 2
...+ + +
= 10)
Detection limit (LOD). Is normally set to between 3 s and 5 s. The standard deviation, s, is
the repeatability standard deviation valid at low concentration.

Page 33 of 46
13. Tables
First table in this section is Table 2. Table 1 you can find on page 5.
Table 2. Critical t-values (2-sided test).

Confidence level (%) Degrees
Confidence level (%)
90 95 99 99.9

90 95 99 99.9

1 6,31 12,7 63,7 637

21 1,72 2,08 2,83 3,82
2 2,92 4,30 9,92 31,6

22 1,72 2,07 2,82 3,79
3 2,35 3,18 5,84 12,9

23 1,71 2,07 2,81 3,77
4 2,13 2,78 4,60 8,61

24 1,71 2,06 2,80 3,75

5 2,01 2,57 4,03 6,86

25 1,71 2,06 2,79 3,73
6 1,94 2,45 3,71 5,96

26 1,71 2,06 2,78 3,71
7 1,89 2,36 3,50 5,41

27 1,70 2,05 2,77 3,69
8 1,86 2,31 3,36 5,04

28 1,70 2,05 2,76 3,67

9 1,83 2,26 3,25 4,78

29 1,70 2,05 2,76 3,66
10 1,81 2,23 3,17 4,59

30 1,70 2,04 2,75 3,65
11 1,80 2,20 3,11 4,44

35 1,69 2,03 2,72 3,59
12 1,78 2,18 3,05 4,32

40 1,68 2,02 2,70 3,55

13 1,77 2,16 3,01 4,22

45 1,68 2,01 2,69 3,52
14 1,76 2,14 2,98 4,14

50 1,68 2,01 2,68 3,50
15 1,75 2,13 2,95 4,07

55 1,67 2,00 2,67 3,48
16 1,75 2,12 2,92 4,02

60 1,67 2,00 2,66 3,46

17 1,74 2,11 2,90 3,97

80 1,67 1,99 2,64 3,42
18 1,73 2,10 2,88 3,92

100 1,66 1,98 2,63 3,39
19 1,73 2,09 2,86 3,88

120 1,66 1,98 2,62 3,37
20 1,72 2,09 2,85 3,85

1,64 1,96 2,58 3,29

Page 34 of 46
Table 3. Critical F-values at the 95% confidence level (2-sided test) for df from 4 to 120.

Values of F
, df
), = 0,025
4 5 6 7 8 10 12 15 20 24 30 40 60 120

4 9,60 9,36 9,20 9,07 8,98 8,84 8,75 8,66 8,56 8,51 8,46 8,41 8,36 8,31
5 7,39 7,15 6,98 6,85 6,76 6,62 6,52 6,43 6,33 6,28 6,23 6,18 6,12 6,07
6 6,23 5,99 5,82 5,70 5,60 5,46 5,37 5,27 5,17 5,12 5,07 5,01 4,96 4,90
7 5,52 5,29 5,12 4,99 4,90 4,76 4,67 4,57 4,47 4,42 4,36 4,31 4,25 4,20

8 5,05 4,82 4,65 4,53 4,43 4,30 4,20 4,10 4,00 3,95 3,89 3,84 3,78 3,73
10 4,47 4,24 4,07 3,95 3,85 3,72 3,62 3,52 3,42 3,37 3,31 3,26 3,20 3,14
12 4,12 3,89 3,73 3,61 3,51 3,37 3,28 3,18 3,07 3,02 2,96 2,91 2,85 2,79
15 3,80 3,58 3,41 3,29 3,20 3,06 2,96 2,86 2,76 2,70 2,64 2,59 2,52 2,45

20 3,51 3,29 3,13 3,01 2,91 2,77 2,68 2,57 2,46 2,41 2,35 2,29 2,22 2,14
24 3,38 3,15 2,99 2,87 2,78 2,64 2,54 2,44 2,33 2,27 2,21 2,15 2,08 2,01
30 3,25 3,03 2,87 2,75 2,65 2,51 2,41 2,31 2,20 2,14 2,07 2,01 1,94 1,87
40 3,13 2,90 2,74 2,62 2,53 2,39 2,29 2,18 2,07 2,01 1,94 1,88 1,80 1,72

60 3,01 2,79 2,63 2,51 2,41 2,27 2,17 2,06 1,94 1,88 1,82 1,74 1,67 1,58
120 2,89 2,67 2,52 2,39 2,30 2,16 2,05 1,94 1,82 1,76 1,69 1,61 1,53 1,43
=degrees of freedom in numerator (s
), df
=degrees of freedom in denominator (s

Table 4. Factors for estimation of standard deviation from mean range, and calculation of central
line, warning and action limits for construction of R-charts (11).

Confidence levels for the control limits in X and R-charts
The action limit (3 s) for X-chart is for a normal distribution with a confidence level of 99,73 %. Using
uncertainty propagation the action limit for R-chart based on duplicates at the same confidence level
would be 4,25 ( 25 , 4 2 3 = ). However in the ISO standard 8258 for control charts (11) the factor
given is 3,686, which corresponds to a confidence level of 99.1 % for a normal distribution. This is
what is normally used and works well.
The warning limits for R-charts calculated with our proposed equation here is with the same
confidence level (about 95,5 %) as for X-charts.

Different factors for calculating control limits
If the mean range is used directly for calculation of the warning and action limits instead of the
standard deviation, the factors are e.g. in case of two replicates: 2,512 and 3,268 (2,833/1,128) and
Number of
Standard deviation
Central line
Warning limit
Action limit
Mean Range
Min Max

) (

Calculated from
) (
2 2 2
d D d D
+ =
Formula originally
developed for this
Mean range
2 d
s D
s D
Mean range/1,128 1,128s 2,833s 3,686s
Mean range/1,693 1,693s 3,470s 4,358s
Mean range/2,059 2,059s 3,818s 4,698s
Mean range/2,326 2,326s 4,054s 4,918s

Page 35 of 46
14. Examples
In this Chapter we will give examples of different control charts from different sectors. All
examples are data taking from the authors laboratories. The yearly reviewing of the control
limits are described in detail in example 8.
Example 1
Determination of Ni in low-alloy steel with X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)
Sample type Control chart Control limits Central line
Steel sample routine sample X-chart Target Mean value
High concentration of nickel. The mean value for our control values over one year is 4,58 %
with a standard deviation of 0,026 % (abs). The control sample is covering the whole
measurement procedure (polishing and measurement).
The requirement on expanded measurement uncertainty
(U) is 4 % (rel). This will be 2 %
(rel) as combined standard uncertainty u
. The requirement of s
can normally be set to half
or 50 % of the standard uncertainty
so we obtain an estimate of the requirement from
) ( % 1
) ( % 4
4 2
rel U u
= = = = or 0,0458 % (abs)
From the requirement on s
we calculate the target control limits.

X-Chart: Ni
4-Dec 5-Dec 8-Dec 11-Feb 3-Mar 26-Mar 1-Jun 19-Oct 2-Nov 8-Nov
Date of analysis


x =4,58 % (abs)
=0,0458 % (abs)

CL: 4,58 % (abs)
WL: 4,58 2 0,0458 =
4,67 and 4,49 % (abs)

AL: 4,58 3 0,0458 =
4,72 and 4,44 % (abs)


The X-chart concentration unit is in weight % of nickel (% abs) and the demand is given in relative percent of
the nickel value (% rel).
Further information on expanded and standard uncertainty is available in the Eurachem/CITAC guide (6).
Due to the way standard deviations are combined this will result in a 25 % contribution to the standard

Page 36 of 46
Example 2
Determination of Co in low-alloy steel with XRF
Sample type Control chart Control limits Central line
Steel sample routine sample X-chart Target Mean value
Low concentration of cobalt. The mean value for our control values over one year is 0,0768 %
with a standard deviation of 0,00063 % (abs). The control sample is covering the whole
measurement procedure (polishing and measurement).

The requirement for limit of quantification LOQ is 0,01 % (abs) and this is normally set to 6
to 10 times the standard deviation of a blank or a sample at low concentration. This will
require 0,001 % (abs) as a standard deviation and this value can be used to set the control
limits. From the limit of quantification (LOQ) we therefore calculate the control limits to be:

X-Chart: Co
4-Dec 5-Dec 8-Dec 11-Feb 3-Mar 26-Mar 1-Jun 19-Oct 2-Nov 8-Nov
Date of analysis

x =0,0768 % (abs)
=0,001 % (abs)

CL: 0,0768 % (abs)
WL: 0,0768 2 0,001 =
0,0788 and 0,0748 % (abs)

AL: 0,0768 3 0,001 =
0,0798 and 0,0738 % (abs)

The concentration of the control sample is 8 times the LOQ. In this case this reflects the
concentration of interest and is therefore suitable.

See footnote 6 on page 35.

Page 37 of 46
Example 3
Determination of N-NH
in water with indophenol blue method
Sample type Control chart Control limits Central line
Standard solution
Standard solution
R chart
Mean value
Mean range value
Low concentration (20 g/l) in a synthetic solution. (NH
was used for preparation of
the stock solution of 100 mg/l, and from this the control sample was prepared. The stock
solution was different from the solution used for preparation of the calibration standards
(which is prepared from NH
Cl). The control sample was used for analyses of waters in the
concentration range between 2 g/l and 100 g/l.
The control was performed as duplicates.
The X-chart and R-chart were established as follows:
The mean value of the duplicates was used for plotting of X-chart and the mean value
of all results was used as the central line (CL). The standard deviation was used for
calculating the control limits.
The range value of the duplicates was used for plotting of the R-chart. The mean range
was used as the central line (CL). The standard deviation (estimated from the range)
was used for calculating the control limits.

X-Chart: N
14-Oct 20-Oct 26-Oct 29-Oct 5-Nov 17-Nov 24-Nov 30-Nov 10-Dec
Date of analysis

R-Chart: N
14-Oct 20-Oct 26-Oct 29-Oct 5-Nov 17-Nov 24-Nov 30-Nov 10-Dec
Dateof analysis


x =19,99 g/l and s =0,521 g/l

CL: 19,99 g/l
WL: 19,99 20,521 =19,99 1,04 g/l
(18,95 & 21,03 g/l)
AL: 19,99 30,521 =19,99 1,56 g/l
(18,43 & 21,55 g/l)
Mean range =0,559g/l and s =0,559/1,128 =0,496 g/l

CL: 0,559 g/l
WL: 2,830,496 =1,40 g/l
AL: 3,670,496 =1,82 g/l

On the X-chart the mean value was same as the calculated concentration 20 g/l no systematic
effects were obtained in analyses. There were no results that exceeded the control limits (Chapter
9).On the R-chart there was one control value that exceeded the action limit. The control sample as
well as the test samples were reanalysed on 10 Dec with positive outcome. This control value outside
the action limit should therefore be rejected when reviewing the R-chart (Chapter 9 and 10).

Page 38 of 46
Example 4
Determination of Pb

in water with ICP-MS
Sample type Control chart Control limits Central line
In-house lake water X-chart Statistical Mean value
Low concentration of Pb (0,29 g/l) in an in-house material. The control sample was
prepared from lake water for analysis of low concentrations of Pb (<1 g/l) in waters. The
sample was preserved with HNO
. The control was performed once in each analytical run.

The X-chart was established as follows:
The individual results were used for plotting of X-chart
The mean value of all results was used as the central line (CL)
The standard deviation was used for calculating the control limits

X-Chart: Pb
16-Sep 27-Sep 1-Oct 11-Oct 18-Oct 26-Oct 2-Nov 22-Nov 1-Dec
Date of analysis


x =0,294 g/l
s =0,008 g/l

CL: 0,294 g/l
WL: 0,294 20,008 =
0,294 0,016 g/l
(0,278 g/l and 0,310

AL: 0,294 30,008 =
0,294 0,024 g/l
(0,270 g/l and 0,318

On the X-chart the control values were within the limits. No systematic effects were detected
in the results.
There are 12 consecutive results above the central line. This is out of statistical control but as
described in Chapter 9 regarded as acceptable.

Page 39 of 46
Example 5
Determination of As in biological material with ICP-MS
Sample type Control chart Control limits Central line
CRM X-chart Target Certified value
High concentration of As (18 g/g) in the CRM (Dogfish muscle NRC/DORM-2). The control
sample was used for the determination of As in biological material. The sample was analysed
once in each run.

The X-chart was established as follows:
The individual results were used for plotting of X-chart
The certified value was used as the central line (CL)
The target standard deviation of 5 % was used to calculate the control limits

X-Chart: As
25-May 2-Jun 1-Aug 4-Aug 11-Aug 7-Sep 21-Sep 28-Sep 6-Oct
Date of analysis

Certified value =18,0 g/g
=0,0518,0 =0,9 g/g

CL: 18,0 g/g

WL: 18,0 20,9 =
=18,0 1,8 g/g
(16,2 g/g and 19,9 g/g)

AL: 18,0 30,9 =
=18,0 2,7 g/g
(15,3 g/g and 20,7 g/g)

On the X-chart there was one control value exceeded the warning limit. However, the
previous value and the next one were both within the warning limits the method was in
control (Chapter 9).

Page 40 of 46
Example 6
Determination of total P in water using spectrophotometric method
Sample type Control chart Control limits Central line
Routine samples r%-chart Statistical Mean relative range
Routine samples (10 - 50 g/l). According to method validation the detection limit (3 s) was 2
g/l. In each run one test sample was analysed as duplicates. The results were applied for

The r%-chart was established as follows:
The difference of duplicates as percent of the mean value was used for plotting
The mean of the r%-values was used as the central line (CL).
The standard deviation of the r%-values was used for calculating the control limits
r%-Chart: P
t ot











x % =1,88 %
s =1,88/1,128 =1,67 %

CL =1,88 %
WL =2,83 1,67 % =
4,73 %
AL = 3,67 1,67 % =
6,13 %

In the r%-chart two control values exceeded the control limit. In the first instance also the action limit
was exceeded. The repeatability was out of control (Chapter 9) and after taking care of the problem the
QC sample and the test samples were reanalysed.

Page 41 of 46
Example 7
Determination of b-HCH


in biological
material with Gas Chromatography
Sample type Control chart Control limits Central line
CRM X-chart Target Reference value
Cod liver oil BCR/598 with b-HCH (16 g/kg). The control sample was used for analysis of
b-HCH in biological material. The sample was analysed once in each run.

The X-chart was established as follows:
The individual results were used for plotting of X-chart.
The certified value was used as the central line (CL).
The target standard deviation of 15 % was used to calculate the control limits
X-Chart: b-HCH
6-Mar 16-Jun 16-Jul 29-Sep 20-Jun 18-Sep 23-Nov 22-Jan 3-Mar 23-Sep
Date of analysis


Certified value =16,0
=0,1516,0 =2,4

CL: 16,0 g/kg

WL: 16,0 22,4
=16,0 4,8 g/kg
(11,2 g/l and 20,8

AL: 16,0 32,4
=16,0 7,2 g/kg
(8,8 g/l and 23,2 g/kg)

A trend was detectable in the results: From September 11 (point number 15 in the graph)
results were above the CL and once two control values out of three were above the warning
limit. This time (about 1st of J anuary) the analyses were out of control,

Page 42 of 46
Example 8
Determination of Cu in water with ICP-OES
Sample type Control chart Control limits Central line
In-house synthetic standard X- and R-charts Statistical Mean value

In-house synthetic standard (1,00 0,02 mg/l). The control sample was prepared from a
commercial standard. The sample was preserved with HNO
. Control was performed twice in
each analytical run.
X- and R-charts were established in 2003. Preliminary control limits and central line were
estimated from the first 60 analytical runs.
The average of the results for the control sample in each run was plotted.
The mean value was used as the central line (CL).
The standard deviation was used for calculating the control limits.
The range for duplicates (highest value minus lowest value) was used for plotting.
The mean range for the same 60 analytical runs that were used to establish the X-chart
was used as the central line.
The repeatability standard deviation (s
) calculated from the mean range was used to
establish control limits by multiplication with factors D
and D
(Chapter 13, Table 4).
The control charts were established and analyses were continued.
X-Chart: Cu
1-Jan 14-Jan 27-Jan 9-Feb 22-Feb 6-Mar 19-Mar 1-Apr
Dat e of analysis

R-Chart: Cu
1-Jan 14-Jan 27-Jan 9-Feb 22-Feb 6-Mar 19-Mar 1-Apr
Dat e of analysis


x =1,055 mg/l and s =0,0667 mg/l

CL: 1,055 mg/l
WL: 1,055 2*0,0667 mg/l (0,92 and 1,19 mg/l)
AL: 1,055 3*0,0667 mg/l (0,85 and 1,255 mg/l)
Mean Range, R =0,11 mg/l

CL: 0,11 mg/l and s
=0,11/1,128 =0,0975
WL: 2,833 *0,0975 =0,28 mg/l
AL: 3,686 * 0,0975 =0,36 mg/l

Review of the data
It is now time for the review of the control charts. As described in Chapter 9 we look at the
last 60 data. These are the data plotted since 9 February 2004.
We count the number of times that the control values were outside the warning limits since 9
February (the vertical line in the X-chart). On the X-chart we find three cases where the upper
warning limit is clearly exceeded, one of these even outside the action limit, and seven cases
clearly below the lower warning limit. This makes a total of 10 times where the warning
limits have been exceeded. There is thus reason to change the preliminary control limits. On
the R-chart we find five cases outside the warning limit. This is less than the required number
of more than six times but we will review the limits in both control charts anyway.

Page 43 of 46
One control value on the X-chart on 11 March was clearly outside the upper action limit. On
this date the results of routine analyses were rejected and the routine samples were afterwards
re-analysed. This control value is regarded as an outlier because it differs from the central line
by more than 4 standard deviations; see discussion on outliers in Chapter 10. We have
therefore excluded this point from all statistical analysis of the data.
We calculate a new average and standard deviation from the last 59 points on the X-chart
(only 59 since the outlier has been excluded) and a new average range for the last 60 points on
the R-chart.
New x =1,041 mg/l and new s =0,0834 mg/l
New Range, R =0,108 mg/l

We compare the new standard deviation to the original standard deviation using an F-test:
/ 0,0667
The s values have 59 and 58 degrees of freedom since they are based on 60 and 59 data
In Chapter 13, Table 3 we can not find 58 or 59 degrees of freedom, but we can find 60. Since
the difference between the values in the table for 40 and 60 degrees of freedom is small we do
not bother to interpolate. Using 60 degrees of freedom for df
(new s) and df
(original s) we
find that the critical value for F is 1,67. This is larger than our calculated value for F (1,563)
and therefore the new s is not significantly higher that the original value for s. However, this
F value is close to the critical value as would be expected from the number of times that the
warning limits are exceeded (10 times with 60 data points). Since there was not a significant
change we recommend recalculating the control limits based on all the data. It is always good
to have well determined control limits based on as long a period as possible, preferably over a
We will now investigate if the central line has changed significantly. This we do using a t-test.
The equation in Chapter 12 is:
) (
2 1
2 1
2 1
n n
n n
x x

This equation uses s
, which is the combined standard deviation for the two sets of data
giving the original and the new mean value. The equation for calculation of s
is also given in
Chapter 12:
k n
s n s n s n
k k

+ + +
2 2
2 2
1 1
) 1 ( ... ) 1 ( ) 1 (
07545 , 0
) 2 59 60 (
0834 , 0 * ) 1 59 ( 0667 , 0 ) 1 60 (
2 2
Since s
is now based on both sets of data it has 59 +58 =117 degrees of freedom.
012 , 1
) 59 60 (
59 60
07545 , 0
041 , 1 055 , 1

= t
In Chapter 13, Table 2 we find the critical value for the t-test at 95% confidence level. The
critical value is the same for 100 and 120 degrees of freedom and therefore also for 117
degrees of freedom: 1,98. The calculated t-value in our test is small compared to the critical
value and therefore we see no significant difference between the central line (original mean
value) and the mean for the last 60 data points.

Page 44 of 46
Previous preliminary X-chart New X-Chart based on longer time period
x =1,055 mg/l and s =0,0667 mg/l

CL: 1,055 mg/l
WL: 1,055 2*0,0667 mg/l (0,92 and 1,19 mg/l)
AL: 1,055 3*0,0667 mg/l (0,85 and 1,255 mg/l)
x =1,048 mg/l and s =0,0822 mg/l

CL: 1,048 mg/l
WL: 1,048 2*0,0822 mg/l (0,884 and 1,212 mg/l)
AL: 1,048 3*0,0822 mg/l (0,801 and 1,295 mg/l)

In the R-chart we have the central line equal to the mean range from the original data. The
mean range is proportional to the repeatability standard deviation (see Equation 4 in Chapter
12). We can therefore compare repeatability standard deviations by comparing mean ranges
(R). Again we use the F-test:
F =R
/ R
/ 0,108
The critical value for F from Table 3 in Chapter 13 is 1,67 (see further under x-chart). This is
larger than our calculated value for F and therefore the repeatability standard deviation and
the range has not changed significantly and we recommend recalculating the control limits
based on all the data. The new calculation gave the same mean range so no changes to the R-
These results show that the spread and bias of the analyses have not changed significantly. We
have taken advantage of the larger data set to calculate new and more reliable control limits
based on all available data.
However there is a 5% bias in comparison with the expected value of the control sample, a
standard solution at a high level (1,00 0,02 mg/l) and we would recommend investigating
this and changing the procedure to reduce this bias.

Page 45 of 46
Example 9
Determination of Zn in hydrogen peroxide with ICP-OES - blank
Sample type Control chart Control limits Central line
A blank sample X- chart Statistical Mean value
Blank sample of ultrapure water. The blank determination was carried out for check of
contamination. In the procedure 50 ml H
is evaporated to near dryness, 0,5 ml acid added
and diluted to 5 ml.

The mean value of the results was used as the central line (CL). The standard deviation
was used for calculating the control limits.

X-Chart: Zn in blank samples
22-Mar 21-Apr 3-May 30-May 5-Jul 18-Aug 14-Sep 20-Sep 24-Sep 17-Oct
Dat e of anal ys i s

= x 0,039 mg/l s =0,045 mg/l
CL: 0,039 mg/l
WL: 0,039 +20,045: 0,129 mg/l and 0,051 mg/l
AL: 0,039 +30,045 =0,174 mg/l and 0,096 mg/l

There was one result (24-Sep) that exceeded the action limit.

Page 46 of 46
15. References

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12. ISO 7870-1. Control Charts Part 1: General Guidelines. Geneva: International
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13. ISO 7873. Control Charts for arithmetic average with warning limits. Geneva:
International Organization for Standardization; 1993.
14. J . N. Miller & J . C Miller. Statistics and chemometrics for analytical chemistry. 6th
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15. W. Funk, V. Dammann, G. Donnevert. Funk W. Quality assurance in analytical
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16. International Vocabulary of Metrology Basic and General Concepts and Associated
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as J CGM 200:2008 from www.bipm.org).

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