State-Of-The-Art of Long-Span Bridge Engineering in China: XIANG Haifan, GE Yaojun
State-Of-The-Art of Long-Span Bridge Engineering in China: XIANG Haifan, GE Yaojun
State-Of-The-Art of Long-Span Bridge Engineering in China: XIANG Haifan, GE Yaojun
Abstract This paper introduces the state-of-the-art of long- construction has been experienced in China, and thousands
span bridge engineering in China with emphases on recent of highway bridges have been built each year. Up to the end
long-span bridge projects, bridge deck configuration and of 2005, the total number of highway bridges has reached
material, design codes of long-span bridges and improvement 330 000 with a total length of 1.4 million linear meters, among
of aerodynamic performance. The recent long-span bridge which more than 60% of the total number and about 75% of
projects include thirty-eight completed suspension bridges, the total length have been completed for the past 25 years.
cable-stayed and arch bridges with a main span over 400 m,
and eighteen major bridges are under construction. The bridge
deck configuration and material, with prestressed concrete 2 Recent long-span bridge projects
decks, steel-concrete composite decks and steel box decks
together with several popular cross-sections, are presented. With the beginning of the new reform and open policy,
The third part briefly outlines four design codes, including 25 years ago, bridge engineering in China has progressed,
static and dynamic design for highway long-span bridges, achieving marvelous success particularly in long-span bridge
and the recent engineering experiences gained from several structures. In the 1980s, as a preparation stage, a number of
aerodynamic vibration control projects of long-span bridges cable-stayed bridges with span lengths shorter than 300 m,
are shared in the last part. prestressed concrete beam bridges and arch bridges with
span lengths below 150 m were built. At the beginning of the
Keywords long-span bridge, construction project, deck 1990s, Nanpu Bridge, a cable-stayed bridge with a main span
configuration, design codes, aerodynamic performance of 423 m, was successfully built by Chinese in Shanghai. As
a milestone in the construction history of modern long-span
bridges, the great success of the Nanpu Bridge brought about
1 Introduction a high tide of construction of long-span bridges all over
the country. Since then, more than thirty long-span bridges
China, which has a long history of about 5 000 years, is still with a main span over 400 m, such as suspension bridges,
a developing country. The Chinese have built thousands of cable-stayed bridges and arch bridges, have been completed
bridges, which form an important part of Chinas culture. The across Chinas main rivers or bays.
Zhaozhou Stone Arch Bridge, which has served for about
1 400 years, and the iron chain suspension bridges built in 2.1 Completed long-span bridges
ancient times play an important role in the world history of
bridge development. Unfortunately, in the period of modern By the opening to traffic of the Runyang Bridge in May 2005,
bridge construction beginning in the nineteenth century, the span length of cable-supported bridges have been raised
China gradually fell behind western countries. up to 1 490 m for suspension bridges, as in the Runyang
It was not until the 1980s, with the soaring of Chinas Suspension Bridge shown in Fig. 1, and 648 m for cable-
economy, that bridge engineering in China entered a stayed bridges, as in the Third Nanjing Cable-Stayed Bridge
golden period. The unprecedented development in bridge in Fig. 2. China keeps the world record span length for both
steel arch bridge, which is the Lupu Steel Arch Bridge with
a main span of 550 m (Fig. 3), and concrete arch bridge,
Received March 10, 2007; accepted June 6, 2007 which is the Wanxian Concrete Arch Bridge with a 420 m
center span (Fig. 4). Thirty-eight completed bridges with a
XIANG Haifan, GE Yaojun (
College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, main span over 400 m, including thirteen suspension bridges,
China twenty-two cable-stayed bridges and three arch bridges, are
E-mail: listed in Table 1 for reference [1].
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
In order to confirm the sectional model testing results, the TJ-2 Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel. The minimum flutter
final wind tunnel testing with the 1:172 full aeroelastic model speed for the composite girder was found being only 58 m/s
of the Runyang Bridge was carried out in the TJ-3 Boundary at the 3 angle of attack, which is much lower than the
Layer Wind Tunnel of Tongji University with the working requirement of 70 m/s. After comparing and contrasting with
section of the width of 15 m, the height of 2 m and the length several preventive means, the right-angle fairings, with two
of 14 m. The 1:172 aeroelastic full bridge model simulated dimensions of b and h, 1 m by 1 m and 1.5 m by 1 m, were
three structure configurations including the original structure proposed to be attached on both edges of the composite
and the structures with the central stabilizers of 0.65 and girder shown in Fig. 11. The improved composite girders
0.80 m in height. The critical flutter speeds obtained from the were experimentally proven to raise flutter speed up to
full aeroelastic model testing are listed and compared with 69 m/s for the 1 m by 1 m angle fairing and 74 m/s for the
the values based on the sectional model testing in Table 3. 1.5 m by 1 m angle fairing, respectively [14]. The confirma-
The flutter stabilization of Runyang Bridge was realized by tion testing was made with a 1:150 full aeroelastic model in
employing a central stabilizer with the height of 0.8 m [13]. the TJ-3 Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel. The 1:150 aeroelastic
full bridge model simulated three structure configurations
5.2 Aerodynamic challenge in Qingzhou Bridge including the composite girder and the structures with the
right-angle fairings of 1 m by 1 m and 1.5 m by 1 m. The
The second example of wind-induced vibration control critical flutter speeds obtained from the full aeroelastic model
involves the aerodynamic challenge in Qingzhou Bridge pro- testing are listed and compared with the values based on the
posed as a cable-stayed bridge with the main span of 605 m. sectional model testing in Table 4 [15]. With this composite
The initial design scheme of this bridge adopted a steel girder shown in Fig. 11, 15% of the total cost was finally
streamlined box girder with very high aerodynamic stability, saved in comparison with the steel box girder.
but was quite expensive. In order to save the limited funds,
the steel box girder was suggested to be replaced by a com- 5.3 Vortex-induced vibration reduction in Lupu Bridge
posite girder composed of twin steel ribs and one concrete
slab. As the longest composite cable-stayed bridge in the The Lupu Bridge over the Huangpu River in Shanghai is a
world shown in Fig. 13, its cross-section is quite bluff and half-through arch bridge with two side spans of 100 m and
results in severe problems in aerodynamic stability, particu- a center span of 550 m, and is the longest span arch bridge
larly in a typhoon-prone area with the strict flutter limit of in the world. The orthotropic steel girder provides six lane
70 m/s. carriageways in the center of the deck and two sightseeing
This aerodynamic challenge began with the wind tunnel pedestrian ways on both sides, which are supported on arch
experiment with the 1:55 sectional model conducted in the ribs with some hangers and columns. There are several
3 0 +3 0 +3 Required
b b
h h
unit: m
3 0 +3 3 0 +3
5 000
3 000~6 000
6 000~9 000
33.1/2 33.1/2
2.5 2 0.5 2.5 2 3.75 0.5 1 1 0.5 2 3.75 2.50.5 2 33/2 33/2
2.5 1.4 1 0.5 2.5 23.5 0.50.5 6/2 6/2 0.50.5 23.5 2.5 0.5 1 1.5
3.2 1.6
3.2 1.6
7.5 9 9 7.5
6.3 7.2 3 3 7.2 6.3
9.6 6.9 6.9 9.6
10.6 6 6 10.6
36/2 36/2
30.1/2 31.8/2 1 2 1 2.5 23.750 0.5 0.5 6/2 6/2 0.5 0.5 23.750 2.5 1 2 1
1 2 0.5 2.5 23.75 0.5 1 1 0.5 23.75 2.5 0.5 2 1.5
2.2 1.1
2.3 1.1
(b) (d)