Shri Alok Bhowmick
This paper on state-of-the-art for long span bridges gives a broad overview of the evolution and
present practices being fallowed around the world for bridges having individual span length exceeding
150m or so. The paper highlights the fast-paced progress made and daminant position taken in last two
decades by China in the field of long span bridges and also shows India’s poor record in this regard.
Bridge types that fall under this category includes ‘suspension bridges’, ‘cable stayed bridges, ‘hybrid
bridges’, ‘extradosed bridges, ‘balance cantilever type girder bridges’ and ‘arch bridges’
Keywards:Long span; cable stayed bridge; suspension bridge; arch bridge; girder bridge; challenge;
1. Historical Evolution of Long Span Bridges
Civil Engineers have been building bridges for ages in order to cross rivers, valleys and
streams. Over the years, with the technological advancement and scientific developments, the
bridges are becoming longer, wider, complex and more and more complex. Long span bridges
are generally classified into following categories :
a. Suspension Bridges
b. Cable Stayed Bridges
c. Hybrid Bridges. .
d. _Extradosed Bridges
e. Long Span Girder Bridges
f. Arch Bridges
1.1 Suspension Bridges
The first suspension bridge is the Jacob Creek Bridge, built in Pennsylvania in1801 by
the Irish judge and engineer James Finley (1756-1828)""*"”. This is the firstexample of a
suspension bridge using wrought iron chains and with a level deck (Fig. 1)
Since then, several suspension bridges were built in Great Britain during the
nineteenthcentury. Quite soon however they showed to be quite pregnabie in presence of
strongwinds. Between 1818 and 1889, ten suspension bridges suffered major damagesor
collapsed in windstorms, leading to evolution of new design concepts aimed at reducing
the wind effects.
58Fig.1 : Jacob’s Creek Bridge — First Suspension Bridge
The construction of modern suspension bridges around the world has experienced a
considerable development since 1883, when the first moder suspension bridge, Brooklyn
Bridge in New York city, having a span length of 486m was built. It took about 48 years for
the span length to grow from 486m to 1067m of George Washington Bridge in 1931
connecting New York and New Jersey in USA. The record of George Washington Bridge
was broken within 6 years, when the famous Golden Gate Bridge of span length 1280m,
was constructed in 1937. Further development in next 44 years were slow in terms of
increase in maximum span
length and it reached to only
1410m for Humber Bridge,
UK. However in next 18
years, the span length
increased dramatically from
1410m to 1991m,when
Akashi Kaikyo bridge was
built in Japan (1998) (Fig.2).
A bridge in Turkey
(Canakkale Bridge) is
presently under construction
having main span length of
2023m, which is likely to be
completed in the year 2022.
Once completed, this bridge
will be holding the world
record forlongestspanlength —Fig.2 :Akashi Kaikyo Bridge — Longest Main Span SB
Planning, Design and Construction of Long Span Bridgesin the world.
The suspension bridges are typically a 3 span continuous module with one main span,
two pylons having two side spans of approximately half of the length of main span. China
took the lead in building multi-span suspension bridges having more than 2 pylons. 3
such bridges have been built in China around 2012 onwards (Maanshan Bridge (Main
Span 1080m), Taizhou Bridge (Main Span 1080m), Yingwuzhou Bridge (Main Span
1080m)).Table 1 gives the list of top 10 suspension bridges in the world.
Rank | Bridge Name Main Span Deck Type Country | Built Year
Length [m] Located
1 | Akashi Kaikyo 4991.0 Two-Level Truss Japan 1998
2 | Xihoumen 1650.0 | Streamlined Box Girder | China | 2009
3 | Great Belt 1624.0 | Streamlined Box Girder | Denmark | 1998
4 |Osmangazi Bridge] 1550.0 | Streamlined Box Girder | Turkey | 2016
5 | YiSun-sen 1545.0 | Streamlined BoxGirder | Korea | 2012
6 | Runyang 1490.0 | Streamlined Box Girder | China | 2005
7 ~~ | 4th Nanjing 1418.0 | Streamlined BoxGirder | China | 2012
8 | Humber 1410.0 | Streamlined Box Girder | UK 1981
9 | Jiangyin 1385.0 | Streamlined Box Girder | China 1999
10 _ | TsingMa 1377.0 Two-Level Truss China 1997
The design of long span suspension bridges are governed largely by wind effects,
aerodynamic stability and resistance to extreme turblulent winds. From the above table, it
is clear that for long spans, the trend is to go for streamlined deck. It may be noted that
though the number of bridges with very long span is rather limited, but more and more
bridges are erected worldwide with a main span in the range of 1000m and 1400m. A
close look at the list of suspension bridges under construction indicates very interestingly
the fact that 24 out of 28 bridges are located in China),
India's record on Suspension Bridges is rather poor, in spite of the fact that Suspension
Bridges originated in Indian sub-continent more than 3000 years ago. Most of the
suspension bridges in India are for pedestrians and light vehicles, with span length
generally not exceeding 300m. The author could not collect any statistics of the suspension
bridges that exists in India.
1.2 Cable Stayed Bridges - 3 Span Module
Stromsund bridge, Sweden, completed in 1955 is the first modern cable stayed bridge
with a main span of 183m (Fig.3). It took about 20 years for the main span length to
Planning, Design and Construction oincrease to 404m in Saint-Nazaire
bridge, France, in 1974. Within next
25 years, the main span length
increased from 404m to 890m in
Tatara bridge, Japan, which was
completed in 1999, The span length
of over 1 km was realised in Sutong
Bridge, China, in the year 2008,
where the main span length was
1088m. This was quickly followed by
completion of Stonecutter bridge,
Hongkong (2009) with main span
length of 1018m and Russky bridge, 19-3 :Stromsund Bridge, Sweden First Cable
Russia (2012) of main span length Stayed Bridge
1104m, Table 2 gives the top 10
longest span cable stayed bridges
in the world (Fig. 4). .
Itcan be seen that 6 out of the top 10
cable stayed bridges are located in
China. It can also be seen that the
world record passed twice from steel
orthotropic deck to a prestressed
concrete deck and then to a
composite deck. It is worth noting
that the self weight of deck in case
of CSBis very roughly in proportion
of 1:2:3 for steel orthotropic to
composite to prestressed concrete
deck respectively "=
curr at em pia eo comed on Fig.4 :Russky Bridge, Russia Longest Main
from economical considerations, the eee
current limit for prestressed concrete deck is 500m-550m, about 700m for composite
ones and beyond 700m, orthotropic deck must be adopted. In India, there are number of
cable stayed bridges builtin last two decades. The maximum main span length achieved
is for VidyasagarSetu, Kolkata, built in 1992 with a span length of 457m (Fig. 5). Other
notable cable stayed bridges constructed are Worli-Bandra sea-link project, Mumbai;
Yamuna bridge at Allahabad, UP; Akkar Bridge, Sikkim. Many more numbers of Cable
Stayed Bridges in the span range of 300m-400m are presently under construction in
India, including the much talked about signature bridge in Delhi (Fig. 6), but none in the
span range to be in the list of top 10 in terms of maximum span length.
Planning, Design and Construction of Long Span BridgesFig.6 :Signature Bridge, Delhi Fig.5 -VidyasagarSetu, Kolkata
No.| Bridge Name Span (m) Deck Type Country | Built Year
1 Russky 4104 Steel Orthotropic Deck Russia | 2012
2 Sutong 1088 Steel Orthotropic Deck China 2008
Stonecutters | 1018 Twin-steel box deck Hongkong | 2009
4 Edong 926 PSC Box China 2010
5 Tatara 890 Steel Orthotropic Deck Japan 1999
6 | Normandy 856 Steel Orthotropic Deck France 1995
7 | 2Jiujiang 818 Twin-box China 2013
a | dingyue 816 PSC Box China 2010
9 Inchoen 800 | steel/concrete composite deck | Korea 2009
10 | Xiazhang 780 _|steeV/concrete composite deck | China | 2009
1.3. Multi-Span Cable Stayed Bridge
Ina three span configuration of cable stayed bridge, the end piers, or anchor piers, and
the end cables provide efficientsupport for the towers so that the bending moments in
such a structure are very small. The joadsare being carried mainly by axial forces in the
girder, the towers and the cables. Such astructural system is very efficient and the structure
can be designed to a very slender proportion.in a multi-span cable-stayed bridge, the
beneficial effect of the anchor piers diminishes for intermediate spans, which arefurther
away from the ends. This will require the interior towers to be sufficiently strong toresist
Planning, Design and Ca) Stiff Tower Solution b) Structural System of the Moracaibo Bridge
Fig. 7: Structural Schemes for Muti-Span Cable Stayed Bridges
the entire unbalanced moment under a one-sided live load situation. Consequently the
foundationbecomes excessively costly. The bending moment in the girder is increased
and the advantageof a cable-stayed bridge is lost. The most obvious Solution to overcome
the flexibility of a multi-span cable-stayed bridge is toprovide very stiff towers. Dr Ulrich
Finsterwalder, a famous German bridge engineer proposed such a Solution for the Great
Beit Bridge inDenmark"*"), Double piers were used at each tower to resist the large
bending moment. Morandiused basically the same idea in the Maracaibo Bridge (Fig.
7). However, recent collapse of a cable-stayed Morandi Bridge in Genoa, Italy, in August
2018 has put a question mark on the Morandi System. Other solutions is to use a tie
cable to tie the heads of the towers together. The tie cables work with the end cables at
both ends of the bridge and the anchor piers tostabilize the towers (Fig. 8 (a)). The
effectiveness of this system depends on the stiffness of the tie cable, the force in the tie
cable and the length of the bridge. An alternative solution is to provide cross cables to
connect the tower head to the girder at theadjacent towers (Fig. 8(b)). Anew Solution is
evolved by adding additional cables at the midspans. These cables cross each other
and extend for approximately 20% of span length beyond the span center (Fig. 8(c)). The
advantageof such a solution is that itis efficient in reducing the bending moments in the
girder and thetowers to an acceptable level and still retains the slender look of a
conventional cable-stayedbridge. Fig. 8 shows all these possi
(c)Cable stays coming from both adjacent pylons to support the central part of each span.
Fig.8 :Hybrid Cable Stayed- Suspension Bridge Solution (HCS)
Planning, Design and Construction of Long Span BridgesTable 3. below gives the list of top 10 multi-span cable stayed bridges from different
parts of the world. It can be seen that 5 out of the 10 longest multi-span cable stayed
bridge is in China.
Name Year of Country Main Span
| Construction Length
1 Queensferry Crossing 2017 United Kingdom 650 m
2 Erqi Yangtze River Bridge 2011 China 616m
3 Rion-Antirion Bridge 2004 Greece 560m
4 Ting Kau Bridge 1998 China 475m
5 Jiashao Bridge 2013 China 428m
6 Yiling Yangtze River Bridge 2001 China 348m
7 Millau Viaduct 2004 France 342m
8 Mezeala Viaduct 1993 Mexico 311.5m
9 Mersey Gateway 2017 United Kingdom 300m
10 | Ma‘anshan Bridge 2013 China 260m |
1.4 Hybrid Cable Stayed - Suspension Bridge Solutions (HCS)
The hybrid system bridge has many structural features compared with ordinary cable-
stayed bridge and suspension bridge. Fig.9 shows concepts of the hybrid system bridge
and ordinary cable supported bridges. In comparison with cable-stayed bridge, this system
has better buckling stability and is applicable for longer span, because the axial force
occurring in the girder can be reduced by decreasing the number of stay cables. Cable
erection can be easier and cable vibration problems can be solved due to shorter stay
cables. The height ot pylons can be lowered by reducing the number of stay cables. In
comparison with suspension bridge, this system has better aerodynamic stability, because
the stay cables restrain the deformation of the girder. It is achieved to lessen the tension
force occurring in the main cables, because the stay cables support more weight. And
anchorage lateral force can be reduced.
|steeil a aa |stecll
Cirder, PC Girder Steel Girder PC Girder Girder
Fig.9 :Hybrid Cable Stayed- Suspension Bridge Solution (HCS)
19. Design and ConstWith a combination of suspension bridge and cable stayed bridge concept, the span
length can be extended beyond the range where cable stayed bridges rule. in 19" century,
some bridges have been erected with a hybrid design concept (e.g. Brookylin Bridge,
New York,Fig. 10), constructed in 1883, with the main span of 486.3m, associating main
suspension cables and hangers with stay cables in the areas close to the towers. This
concept was abandoned in 20" century, with the concept of providing a stronger deck to.
provide the necessary rigidity.
Fig. 10 :Brooklyne Bridge, New York
ita PI Paton 1.160 P2 VION 9 og
Main Gable
_Say-table Henger Rove_
gts od iz PO: irder Stee! Girder [6 irder
ee, 44.40m soln airoes: 39, 15m Solgty fiver 24. 46m
(Stay Cable section)” ial Cable ition Nia Cable Section)
Fig. 11 :General Arrangement of Nagisa Bridge, Japan
in21* century, we have seen revival of this concept. The first hybrid prestressed concrete
cable stayed and steel cable suspension bridge in 21* century is Nagisa Bridge over
river Nakamura, Japan (Fig. 11), which was completed in 2003"®), Nagisa Bridge is a
single span bridge with span of 110.15 m. The main girder is having depth of 0.7 mand a
width of 7.0 m (effective width of 4.0 m). Thereare 2 pylons, and those heights are 20.0 m
and 12.1 m respectively. A symbolic appearance wasemphasized by making pylon height
and cable arrangement asymmetrical. The pylons are compositestructures of concrete
members and steel shell members.Another HCS bridge which is worth a mention here is
the Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge(Popularly known as 3°Bosphorus Bridge) in Turkey,
constructed in 2013-2016, having main span length of 1408m(Fig. 12).The bridge is a
combined road-rail bridge. It carries four motorway lanes and one railway line in each
Pranning, Design and Construction of Long Span Bridges66
direction. in a pure suspension bridge, the passage of heavy trains at quarter span would
produce very large deflections, due to longitudinal displacement of the main cables, which
will not be acceptable for the train traffic. The addition of stay cables produce the necessary
Fig. 12 :Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, Turkey
1.5 Extradosed Bridges
The structural system of the Extradosed Bridges can be described as ‘in-between’ or
‘hybrid’ between balanced-cantilever-type box girder and cable-stayed bridges. In case
of ED bridges, loads are shared between girder & Stays. Sharing depends on relative
stiffness of deck vis-a-vis stay cable arrangement. There is a wide range therefore and
not “one” narrowly defined form of Extradosed Bridge. Rather, there is a smooth transition
from box girder to extradosed to cable-stayed bridges. In Fig. 13, the characteristics of
the three bridges types mentioned above and principle difference in theirsalient dimensions
are shown for comparison.Common design proportions for ED bridges are "7
Main Span to Tower Height Ratio: 10:1
Main Span to Girder Depth Ratio (at tower): 30:1
Side Span to Main Span Ratio: 0.6:1
An important advantage of extradosed bridges is that they require a tower height much
less than a cable stayed bridge in order to provide sufficient eccentricity of the cables for
effective prestressing of the girder. This can result in significant simplification of
construction and significant cost savings. ED bridges are generally suitable in the span
range of 100m-250m.It is estimated that about 250 numbers of extradosed bridges are
rnd Construction ofL/20to L/16 1/50 t@L/30
L =08L
L< 100m ‘
XSL /35
2L=02L/F02L/F02LE02LE02LE02L202L 5 0.2L
05t007L | te 0.5100.7L
03 t00.5L 0.3 00.5L
Fig. 13 :Comparison of Girder, Extradosed and Cable Stayed Bridge
already built around the world, spread over 29 countries. The number is fast increasing.
China leads the numbers table with an estimated 85 bridges, followed by Japan with
about 65 bridges. in India, there are estimated 21 numbers of extradosed bridges either
constructed or under construction. Table 4 below gives the list of indian Extradosed
Bridges for information. India’s Veer Kunwar Singh Bridge over river Ganga, Bihar holds
the record for longest extradosed bridge in the world, with bridge length of 1920m, with
series of 120m spans (Span Arrangement : 60m+15x120m+60m) (Fig. 14). Wuhu Yangtze
River Bridge, China holds the record for having world’s longest main span for extradosed
bridge category. The bridge consists of a 312 metres main span and two 180 metres
side spans. It carries 4 lanes of highway traffic on the upper deck and the dual-track
Huainan Railway on the lower deck (Fig. 15).
Fig. 14 :Veer Kunwar Singh Bridge over river Ganga, Bihar [Arrah-Chapra Bridge]
(Longest Extradosed Bridge in World)
Planning, Design and Construction of Long Span BridgesSI. |Bridge Name Year of | Type of | Total | Span Arrangement (For
No. Constn, | Bridge | Bridge | Extradosed Portion Only)
1 | ROB for Metro’at Pragati 2006 | Raliway | 196.35 | 31m, 25m+93m+24m, 8m
Maidan, New Dethi
2 | Bridge at Siddapura, 2006 | Highway} 56.00 | 1X 56m
3 _ | NiveditaSetu over river 2006 Highway | 880.00 | 55m+7x110m+55m
Hooghly at Kolkata
4 | Metro Viaduct at Moolchand | 2010 | Railway | 167.50 | 51m+61.5m+51m
Crossing, New Dethi
5 | Mumbai Metro - WEH 2013 Railway | 175.00 | 2x23m+83m+2x23m
Bridge, Mumbai
6 | 3rd Bridge over river Narmada) 2016 —_| Highway | 1344.00 | 96m+8x144m+96m
at Bharuch, Gujarat
7 | Veer Kunwar Singh Setu 2017 | Highway | 1900.00 | 60m+15x120m+60m
over river Ganga connecting
Arrah and Chhapra in Bihar.
8 | Bridge at Kamla Park in 2017 | Highway! 220.00 | 55m+110m+55m
Bhopal, MP
9 |B.Pmandal Bridge over river| 2018 | Highway| 290.00 | 75m+140m+75m
Koshi at Dumrighat, Bihar
10 |2.544 Km Long Extradosed | 2018 |Highway| 2544 | (87ms144m+87m)
Bridge across river Ganga on . X 8 Units
NH-31 at Shri Rampur Ghat,
Balia in UP State (in J.V)
11 | High Level Major Bridge on Under | Highway 340.00 | 85m+170m+85m
river Hatania-Doania West |Construction
12 | Bridge across river Ganga Under | Highway | 3150.00 | Unit-1 & 2
between Sultanganj & Construction 125m42x162.5m+125m
Aguwani Girat Connecting Unit-3 :
NH 31 & NH80 in Bihar 125m+1x162.5m+125M
13 |Kacchi Dargah-Bidupur Under Highway | 9759.00 | Modules of
Bridge over river Ganges, _|Construction. (75m+2x150m+75m)
connecting Kacchi Dargah
and Bidupur, Bihar
Planning, Design and Construction af Lor14 | Multi-sectional Interchange Under | Highway] 239.00 | 23m+50m+93m+50m
at Bailey Road between Lalit |Construction +23m
Bhawan and Patna High
Court in Patna, Bridge
15 | Multi-sectional Interchange Under | Highway} 146.00 | 23m+50m+50m+23m
at Bailey Road between Lalit |Construction
Bhawan and Patna High
Court in Patna, Bridge
16 | Bridge across river Hooghly | Under | Highway| 714,00 | 69m+102m+4x120m+63m
at Kalyani, West Bengal —_| Construction
17 | Bridge across Ganges on Under —_} Highway | 1865.00 | 72?
NH-31 Aunta-Simaria in the _|Construction
state of Bihar L
19 | Keri Tiracol, Goa Under [Highway] 350.00 | 70m.210m+70m
20 | Bridge over Durgam Cheruvu] Under | Highway | 365.00 | 96m+233.85m+96m.
Lake Construction
21 | Barapuliah Bridge over river | Under | Highway! 552.50 | 86m+127.5mX3+ 8m
Yamuna, New Delhi Construction
i : : js s S
Fig. 15 : Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge, China (Longest Main Span Length)
The term ‘extradosed’ was coined first by Jacques Mathivat (1988) to appropriately
describe an innovative cabling concept he developed in which external tendons were
placed above the deck instead of within the cross-section, as would be the case in a
girder bridge. However this concept was not executed in the bridge at that time.The first
“real” Extradosed Bridge constructed was Odawara bridge [Fig. 16] in Japan, completed
in 1994. Itwas built by a joint venture of Sumitomo Construction Company Ltd. and Kajima
Corporation.Specific features of Extradosed Bridges cables are mentioned in several
standards (such as fib 30 bulletin, PTI specification, SETRA specification). The significant
fact for Extradosed Bridges cable is the low range of stress under live load. This fact has
Planning, Design and Construction of Long Span Bridgesconsequences on axial resistances of stay cables. It impacts stress limits and fatigue
limit states for main tension elements (i,e. cables). Table 5 below gives the important
difference between Girder Bridges, Extradosed Bridges and Cable Stayed Bridges in
terms of stress variations and allowable service stress in stay cables. As the free length
is limited, the Extradosed Bridges cable is less impacted by bending stresses at
extremities due to angular deviation. The wind effects are less noticeable generally as
mentioned above, with negligible vibrations.
Odawara Port Bridge, Japan (1994)
Fig. 16 :First Extradosed Bridge constructed in Japan
Parameter Girder bridge Extradosed Cable- stayed
bridge bridge
Stress variation under < 15 MPa < 50 MPa < 150 MPa
frequent live load
Fatigue test amplitude Ds | < 80 MPa < 140 MPa < 200 MPa
Allowable service stress | 70-80% GUTS 55-60% GUTS 45% GUTS
in stay cable
‘Type of anchorage prestressing | Both systems can work] stay cable
1.6 Long Span Girder Bridges
Concrete Girder bridges of variable depth are most widely used bridge form in India
amongst the category of ‘Long Span Girder Bridges’. The longest span achieved in India
till date is for Akhnoor Bridge (J&K), which is having an unbalanced cantilever design
Planning, Design and Constructwith main span length of 160m and side spans of 60m on either side, which is anchored
with the abutment by using vertical prestress (Fig.17). Continuous rigid frame bridges
with deck monolithic with the substructure are quite common worldwide. Span length of
this form of bridge developed as follows "**"*!;
= 208m Bendorf Bridge, Germany (1964
= 260m Sir Leo Hielscher Bridge, Australia (1985
= 276m Humen Bridge, China (1997)
= 301m Stoimasundet Bridge, Norway (1998)
= 330m 2Shibpano Bridge, China (2006)
Fig. 17 :Longest Girder Bridge in India with Main Span of 160m
The longest span girder bridge in China is a hybrid structure, where the central 108m of
the main span is provided as a steel box girder, which is connected to concrete deck
near supports. Use of steel box girder helped to save dead weight and thus increase
span length to 330m (Fig. 18).List of top 10 longest span girder bridges completed are
given in Table 6 below. Itis interesting to note that 5 out of 10 longest span girder bridges
are in China, followed by 3 in Norway and one each in Germany and Brazil. The bridges
in Germany and Brazil are in steel, longest span is hybrid, while rest of the bridges are in
prestressed concrete.
Planning, Design and Construction of Long Span BridgesFig. 18 :Shivanpo Bridge, China Longest Girder Bridge (380m)
No. | Bridge Name Span [m] | Girder Material | CountryLocated | Built Year
1 | 2nd Shibanpo 330 Hybrid China 2006
2 | Stolmasundet 301 PC Norway 1998
3 | Costae Silva 300 Stee! Brazil 1974
4 | Raftsundet 298 PC Norway 1998
5 | Sundoy 298 PC Norway 2008
6 _| Beipanjiang 290 PC China 2012
7 _ | Humen Secondary 270 PC China 1997
8 | Sutong Secondary 268 PC China 2008
9 [Honghe 265 PC China 2008
10 | Neckartaloruicke-1 263 Steel Germany 1978 |
Fig. 19 : Typical corrugated-steei-web box-girder bridge
Planning, Design and Construction of Long Span BridgesThere are several issues and challenges for this type of Bridges, which comes in the way
of increasing the span length beyond a certain limit. Firstly, major loads in case of long
span girder bridge is the dead load of structure, which is a problem for substructure and
foundation design, particularly in earthquake prone areas. Some of the methods to reduce
dead load, adopted widely in Japan and China is to use corrugated Steel Web bridges
(Fig.19). In China, there are more than 100 PSC box girderbridges, builtwith corrugated
steel webs since 2005 when thefirst bridge was built. Japan has constructed over 300
bridges of this kind. However, thecomposite structure of steel components and of their
joints with the concrete in these bridgesproduces a requirement for special machining
technology and for on-site welding. Also, such bridges require regular maintenance to
keep durability of the structure during their design lifetime.
Top concrete flange —
steel web
External tendons.
Ve on
Internal tendons Bottom conerete flange
Fig. 19: Typical comugated-steel-web box-girder bridge
Another type of structure used to reduce the dead weight is called “Butterfly Web
Bridges**"®), The butterfly web structure usesbutterfly-shaped panels in the web. With
respect to shear force acting on the web, it behavessimilarly to a double Warren truss
structure (Fig. 20).
Double Warren truss
Fig. 20 :Structural properties of Butterfly webs
Planning, Design and Consiucton of Long Span BridgesThe Takubogawa Bridge, Japan is the world’s first to use a butterfly web structure with
butterflysnapedconcrete panels utilized in the web of the main girder as a means for
erecting thebridge more efficiently and for reducing construction cost (Fig. 21). The bridge
is 712.5m long with span arrangement : 58.6m+87.Sm+7X73.5m+49.2m.
Fig. 21 :Tukubogawa Bridge, Japan
The third method to reduce dead weight adopted in recent times, is the use of composite
trusses mainly adopting tubular members. Use of Composite truss bridge improves
aesthetical qualities related to lightness and transparency; has better rating for
sustainability, This is in addition to other structural advantages due to reduced dead
weight. Nantenbach Railroad Bridge (Germany) is the first bridge constructed in this
category in the year 1993 (Fig. 22).
Fig. 22 :Nantenbach Railroad Bridge, Germany
Planning, Design andThe concept has been used subsequently in several bridges, using circular holiow tubular
sections (CHS), in Germany, France, Switzerland, Japan and China. Lully viaduct in
Swizerland, is a fine example of optimum use of the structural steel material in bridges.
The 1 Km long Lully viaduct proposes a light and transparent structure made of a
triangulareross-section fabricated entirely from unstiffened circular tubes. The result is
twin space trusses, with a typicalspan of 42.75 m (Fig, 23). First prestressed composite
railway bridge in Japan with steel pipe truss webs is Yamaguragawa Bridge, Japan. itis
a post-tensioned concrete trough bridge characterised by girders with steel pipe truss
webs. It is the first composite railway bridge that combines the benefits of steel and
concrete to achieve higher structural efficiency (Fig. 24). The bridge is a 51.8 m tong,
6.75 mwide single-span structure. Since the bridge is located in a snowy area, the bottom
slabs were designed as a grid structure, to facilitate snow removal
Fig. 23 :The Lully Viaduct, Switzerland Fig. 24 :Yamaguragawa Bridge, Japan
1.7 Arch Bridges
Arch bridge is an ancient
bridge type originatedfrom
stone arch, which was firstly
inventedaround 2,500 BC in
the ancient Greeks,
anddeveloped most fully for
bridges by the ancient
Romans. Possibly the oldest
existing arch bridge is the
MycenaenArkadik bridge in
Greece from about 1300 BC,
which is still in use (Fig. 25).
China has an ancient history
of archbridge construction for about 2,000 years, and theoldest existing bridge is Zhaozhou
Bridge of 605AD, which is the world’s first wholly-stone openspandrelsegmental arch
Fig. 25 :Arkadiko Mycenaean Bridge, Greece
Planning, Design and Construct at Long Span Bridgesbridge. In the moderntime of 1930's, two famous long-span arch bridgeswere completed,
namely the 504m BayonneBridge in the United States (Fig. 26) and the 503m
‘SydneyHarbour Bridge in Australia (Fig, 27), which had becomethe longest arches for
about 45 years, till theemergence of West Virginia’s518m New River Gorge bridge of
USA in1977, connecting the hills on either side (Fig. 28).
Fig. 27 :Sydney Harbour Bridge, Australia (503m)
Inthe last 13 years, China has builtseveral remarkable arch bridges with very longspans,
including seven arch bridges among the topten longest span arch bridges in the world
that exists today and listed inTable 7.It can be seen from the table that China haskept
almost all span length records for archbridges, includingS30m span Bosideng Bridge
with concrete-filled steel tube arch ribs, 550m span Lupu Bridge with steel box arch ribs
Planning, Design and Construction afand the world record holder 552m long trussed Chaotianmen Yangtze River Bridge(Fig.
India is currently constructing the 469m long steel arch bridge over river Chenab, which
is expected to be the world’s tallest arch bridge by the time it is completed. It is being
built at a height of 359m above the river bed(Fig. 30). This railway bridge carrying 2
railway tracks, is going to be a landmark in India, which is located between Bakkal and
Kauri in the Reasi district of Jammu and Kashmir. It is a part of Jammu-Udhampur-
Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Line (JUSBRL) project being undertaken by Ministry of Railways.
Fig. 28 :New River George Bridge, 29 :Chaotianmen Yangtze river
USA (518m) Fig. Bridge, China
Planning, Design and Construction of Long Span BridgesTABLE 7 :LIST OF 10 LONGEST SPAN ARCH BRIDGES IN WORLD##*)
No.| Bridge Name Span (m) | Arch Ribs | Country Located | Built Year
1 | Chaotianmen 552 Truss China 2009
2 | Lupu 550 Box China 2003
3 | Bosideng 530 CFST China 2012
4 | New River Gorge 518 Truss USA\ 1977
5 | Bayonne 510 Truss USA’ 1931
6 | Sydney Harbour 503 Truss Australia 1932
7 | Wushan 460 CFST China |__ 2005
8 | Mingzhou 450 | Box China (2011
9 | ZhaogingXijiang 450 | Box China 2013
10 | Zhijinghe 430 | CFST | China 2009
2. Evolution of bridge span lengthsin India and the Way Forward
We have seen in the above section that with the scientific and technological developments,
bridge engineers worldwide have kept on increasing the bridge span lengths in all bridge types.
Also new bridge types have emerged. With longer spans, bridgeengineering becomes more
and more challenging in statics, dynamics and aerodynamics, andbridge engineers have to
overcome challenging difficulties with innovativetechnology to reach longer span lengths. Records
of top ten long span bridges around the world in several bridge types is an yardstick to measure
the technological development and progress made by the country in the field of bridge engineering
(in terms of research, manufacture, production, design as well as construction skills). The records
inthe previous section has clearly shown the very fast progress has been made by China in last
15-20 years in this direction and they have taken a dominant position in this field
India’s records so far are unfortunately not very encouraging and it appears that we are
making progress at a very slow pace in this regard, though large-scale construction and
infrastructure development is taking place in the country. Itis not that in India, we do not have the
demand for super long span bridges, but it is just that we are trying to fit in a moderate span
length which matches with the available technology and skill in the country, thus leaving out the
opportunities to build difficultbridges. The reason why in India we need to built more and more
super long span bridges, surpassing the existing record spans in all bridge types is the following
a) Need tobe atpar with the progress in materials and technology worldwide. Building
of long Span bridges helps to bring in this new materials and technology in the country.
b) Design and construction of super long span bridges will bring in greater use of the
information technology in the design, which will helpdeveloping the design skills of the
Indian Consultants and Contractors, allowing for complex computations.
Panning. Oesign ana) The design of super-long span bridgesis mostly governed by wind effects. It calls
for streamlined decks, for aerodynamic stability, but also to reduce the effects of turbulent
winds to which the bridge has to resist. Cross section ot such bridge decks and pylon
shapes /sizes are very much decided based on wind tunnel testing of the structural models.
Going for more and more such bridges will help us develop our research and testing
facilities. This will help us to close the technological gap with the developeé countries
much faster. with a much better understanding and knowledge of natural forces.
b) Most importantly, this will help us to go for sustainable development, where material
will be optimally utilised.
3. Closing Remarks
Long Span Bridge is a vast subject and due to limited space, the author could not cover
the subject in entirety. There are several issues which are important for the planning,
conceptualisation, design, construction and maintenance of modern day long span bridges.
Issue of appropriate live load for long span bridges, stay cable technology, testing and acceptance
criteria for stay cables, evolving appropriate project specifications which are upto date with the
latest research and experience worldwide are not adequately covered in this paper. Never the
less, the author hopes that he has been able to give a broad canvass about the long span
bridges around the world to the readers.
The author is confident that such bridges will have a wide field of application in the Indian
sub-continent in future to serve the needs of the society in a sustainable manner.
1. https:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob%27s Creek Bridge (Pennsyivania)
2. _https:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List of longest_suspension_ bridge spans
3. Michel Virlogeux: Long Span Bridges, published in 40th IABSE Symposium on
‘Tomorrow's Mega-structure’ , September 2018, Nantes, France.
4. Man-Chung Tang : ‘Multispan Cable Stayed Bridges’, IABSE Congress Report, 1996
5. _ httpsy/structurae.net/structures/bridges-and-viaducts/muitiple-span-cabie-stayed:-bridges
6. Yuzuru Sato, Shinichi Sasaki, KatsutoshiMorohashi, Nobumasa Suzuki :
7. IABSE - Working Commission 3: 'Extradosed Bridges - State-of-the-Art-Report ' ..Draft
report submitted to |ABSE editorial Board.
8. Yaojun Ge: Challenge and Innovation of Long Span Bridges in China and Over the World,
published in 39" IABSE Symposium on ‘Engineering the Future’, September 2017,
Vancouver, Canada.
9. Kenichi Kata, KenichiroAshizuka, Kenji Miyamoto, Kenichi Nakatsumi : ‘Design and
Construction of Buttertiy Web Bridge’, Third International Conference on Sustainable
Construction Materials and Technologies, August 18 — August 21 2013, Kyoto Research
Park, Kyoto, Japan
Panning. Design and Construction of Long Span BridgesAbout the Author
Shri Alok Bhowmick is an eminent structural engineer with nearly four decades of experience in the
profession of bridge and structural engineering. He is proactively involved through various institutions
and with colleagues, peers and the structural engineering fraternity to disseminate knowledge for
capacity building of the young engineers and to cultivate a culture of excellence in their respective
workplaces. He is the recipient of "24" SB Joshi Memorial Award for Excellence in Bridge and Structural
Engineering’, conferred to him this year in October.
Shri Bhowmick is involved aggressively in the development of modern set of codes for highway
transportation sector through active participation in several code committees of Indian Roads Congress.
Shri Bhowmick is an active member of many professional bodies and learned societies. Besides
being a Fellow and Honorary Secretary of Indian Association of Structural Engineers (IAStructE), he is
also. a member of National Governing Council of Consulting Engineers Association of India (CEAI) and
Vice Chairman of the Indian National Group of International Association of Bridge and Structural
Engineers (ING-IABSE). He is the Chairman of the Editorial Board of ING-IABSE since 2013 and has been
instrumental in bringing out qualitative changes in this journal. Further, he is active in many professional
bodies like Indian Roads Congress, Institution of Engineers (India), Indian Geotechnical Society and fib.