Imo Safety of Navigation
Imo Safety of Navigation
Imo Safety of Navigation
General Background
Maritime legislation covers technical and increasingly operational ship safety standards as well as
environmental and quality issues. All of these are subject to permanent review and almost
continuous amendment.
Particularly IMO as the major international body for the development of maritime regulations, but
also institutions like the EU or flag State Authorities, are constantly issuing a stream of new, altered
or revised mandatory requirements.
Within this context Germanischer Lloyd assumes the role of mediator between its clients and the
regulatory authorities, providing consultation in technical matters and up-to-date regulatory guidance
and information.
Germanischer Lloyd has published the IMO Safety of Navigation Pilot as an easy reference to help
shipyards, shipowners, Administrations and other interested parties to identify new regulations at as
early a stage as possible and without delay. Early knowledge of new requirements is vital, as it
enables planning and implementation in due course, thus avoiding problems and saving costs.
Feedback, positive as well as negative, concerning the experience gained with the use of this
brochure will be much appreciated and, together with your suggestions, constitutes a source of
constant improvement.
The IMO Safety of Navigation Pilot has been developed by Germanischer Lloyd with the aim of
providing regulatory news in the most current state possible.
However, flag State requirements have not yet been included in the IMO Safety of Navigation Pilot
as listing them with all their details would go beyond the scope of this brochure and would extend
beyond the capabilities of this medium as quick reference tool.
These guidelines have been prepared using the best information currently available. They are
intended purely as guidance; their use is at the users own risk. No responsibility is accepted by
Germanischer Lloyd for any consequences whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly from the use of
this brochure.
Essential new requirements for
2000 Amendments to SOLAS 74/Chapter V
Essential New Requirements for
2000 Amendments to SOLAS 74, Chapt. V
1. Application
1.1 (Unless expressly provided otherwise:) Chapter V shall apply to any ship, vessel or except warships and government
craft irrespective of type and purpose. vessels
1.2 The Administration may decide to what extent the provisions of Chapter V apply to Depending on the Flag State:
ships operating solely in waters landward of the baselines which are established in Provisions of the "Chapter V" could
accordance with international law. apply to ships operating in coastal
1.4 The Administration shall determine to what extent the provisions of regulations 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 do not apply to the following categories Depending on the Flag State:
of ships: Provisions of the "Chapter V" should /
could apply to
*)The Administration shall determine to what extent the provisions of regulations 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 do
not apply to ships below 150 GT, ships below 500 GT (if not engaged on international voyage) or fishing vessels. (SOLAS New Ch.V
Reg.1.4). Receiver for a global navigation satellite system or terrestrial radionavigation system existing ships* not later than first
(update the ship's position by automatic means) survey after 1.July 2002 and new
ships, irrespective of size* Radar reflector to enable detection by radar at both 9 and 3 GHz new ships, less than 150 GT* Sound reception system, when the ship's bridge is totally enclosed new ships, irrespective of size* Telephone or other means to communicate heading information to emergency steering new ships, irrespective of size*
position Spare magnetic compass,
interchangeable with the standard compass or duplicate equipment all ships of 150 GT and more, new
passenger ships, irrespective of size* Daylight signalling light,
using an emergency source of electrical power not be solely dependent upon ship's all ships of 150 GT and more, new
main source of electrical power passenger ships, irrespective of size* Echo sounding device, new ships of 300 GT and more and
or other electronic means, to measure and display the available depth of water new passenger ships, irrespective of
size* 9 GHZ radar, at least one set new ships of 300 GT and more and
new passenger ships, irrespective of
size* Electronic plotting aid, new ships of 300 GT and more and
to plot electronically the range and bearing of targets to determine collision risk new passenger ships, irrespective of
size* Speed and distance measuring device, new ships of 300 GT and more and
or other means to indicate speed and distance through the water new passenger ships, irrespective of
size* Transmitting heading device, new ships of 300 GT and more and
or other means to transmit heading information to radar, Electronic plotting aid and new passenger ships, irrespective of
A.I.S. size* Automatic Identification System (A.I.S.)** new ships of 300 GT and more
(Acc. to Reg. "A.I.S." shall provide automatically to shore stations, other ships (engaged on intern. voyages),
and aircraft information, incl. ship's identity, type, position, course, speed, navigational new cargo ships, of 500 GT and more
status and other safety-related information; receive automatically such information from (not engaged on international
similary fitted ships; monitor and track ships; and exchange data with shore-based voyages) and new passenger ships,
facilities.) irrespective of size*
*)The Administration shall determine to what extent the provisions of regulations 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 do
not apply to ships below 150 GT, ships below 500 GT (if not engaged on international voyage) or fishing vessels. (SOLAS New Ch.V
**)The Administration may exempt ships from the A.I.S. when such ships will be taken permanently out of service within 2 years after the
a.m. implementation date (SOLAS New Ch.V Reg. Automatic Identification System (A.I.S.)** not later than 1. July 2003 existing passenger ships*
(engaged on intern. voyages) Automatic Identification System (A.I.S.)** existing tankers*
not later than the first survey for safety equipment on or after 1. July 2003 (engaged on intern. voyages) Automatic Identification System (A.I.S.)** not later than 1.July 2004 existing ships
of 50000 GT and more
(engaged on intern. voyages) Automatic Identification System (A.I.S.)** not later than 1. July 2005 existing ships
of 10000 GT and more
(engaged on intern. voyages) Automatic Identification System (A.I.S.)** not later than 1. July 2006 existing ships
of 3000 GT and more
(engaged on intern. voyages) Automatic Identification System (A.I.S.)** not later than 1. July 2007 existing ships of 300 GT and more
(engaged on intern. voyages) Automatic Identification System (A.I.S.)** not later than 1. July 2008 existing ships not engaged on
international voyages* Gyro compass, to determine and display heading and to transmit heading information new ships of 500 GT and more
for input to radar, A.I.S. and Automatic tracking aid. Gyro compass heading repeater, new ships of 500 GT and more
to supply heading information at the emergency steering position. Gyro compass bearing repeater, new ships of 500 GT and more
to take bearings over an arc of the horizon of 360. (However if less than 1600 GT
only as far as possible) Rudder, propeller, thrust, pitch and operational mode indicators, new ships of 500 GT and more
(all to be readable from the conning position) Automatic tracking aid, new ships of 500 GT and more
to plot automatically the range and bearing of other targets to determine collision risk. Second radar 3 GHz or 9 GHz, new ships of 3000 GT and more
which is functionally independent of the other 9 GHz radar set referred to Reg. Second automatic tracking aid, new ships of 3000 GT and more, but
which is functionally independent of those referred to Reg. less than 10000 GT Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA), new ships of 10000 GT and more
to plot automatically the range and bearing of at least 20 other targets, connected to a
device to indicate speed and distance through the water, to determine collision risks
and simulate trial manoeuvre. Heading and track control system (Autopilot), new ships of 10000 GT and more
to automatically control and keep to a heading and / or straight track. Rate of turn indicator, new ships of 50000 GT and more
to determine and display the rate of turn (ROT) Speed and distance measuring device, new ships of 50000 GT and more
to indicate speed and distance over the ground in the forward and athwartships
19.6 Integrated bridge systems, provided with functionally independent sub-systems and MSC.64(67) + MSC.86(70) should be
automatically failure detection (audible and visual alarms) observed
*)The Administration shall determine to what extent the provisions of regulations 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 do
not apply to ships below 150 GT, ships below 500 GT (if not engaged on international voyage) or fishing vessels. (SOLAS New Ch.V
**)The Administration may exempt ships from the A.I.S. when such ships will be taken permanently out of service within 2 years after the
a.m. implementation date (SOLAS New Ch.V Reg.
*) The Administration shall determine to what extent the provisions of regulations 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 do
not apply to ships below 150 GT, ships below 500 GT (if not engaged on international voyage) or fishing vessels (SOLAS New Ch.V
Descriptions / Definitions:
all ships = new and existing ships, vessels or crafts irrespective of type and purpose (Ch.V Reg.2.3)
existing ship = ship constructed before 1. July 2002
new ship = ship constructed on or after 1. July 2002
passenger ship = ship which carries more than twelve passengers
Ro-Ro pass.ship = passenger ship with ro-ro cargo spaces
tanker = ship constructed or adapted for the carriage in bulk of liquid cargoes of an inflammable nature
Simplified conclusion of most important changes: (coming into effect 1. July 2002)
Reg.1 Chapter V shall in general apply to any ship! (Scope of application to be decided by flag state!)
Reg.14 Working language shall be established on all ships!
Reg.15 Guidelines on ergonomic criteria for bridge layout should be observed (all ships)
Reg. Radio direction-finding apparatus is no longer required (e.g. G.P.S. in lieu of R.D.F.)!
Reg. ECDIS is not required, but may be accepted as meeting the chart carriage requirements!
Reg. all ships shall be not later than first survey after 1.July 2002 fitted with automatic position indicator
(e.g. GPS)
Reg.19.2.4 A.I.S. will be mandatory for certain ships between 1. July 2002 and 1. July 2008!
(Depending on ships type, size, date of construction, range of service and decision of flag state)
Reg.19 Steering magnetic Compass (ex Reg.12.c) and means of communication between standard compass and normal navigation
control position (ex Reg.12.b(i)(3)), are not longer mentioned in new Ch.V!
Reg.20 V.D.R. will be mandatory for certain ships between 1. July 2002 and 1. January 2004
(New and existing passenger- and ro-ro-passenger ships, as well as other new ships of 3000 GT or more!)
In addition to the above, the new Chapter V contains amendments to the requirements of other navigational equipment, such as: radar,
plotting aid, transmitting heading device, rate of turn indicator, sound reception system, etc.
Ch. Chapter
Circ. Circular
COMSAR Radio Communication and Search and Rescue
GL Germanischer Lloyd
IACS International Association of Classification Societies
IACS Int. IACS Unified Interpretation
IACS Rec. IACS Recommendation
IACS Req. IACS Unified Requirements
IAMSAR International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IHO International Hydrographic Organization
IMO International Maritime Organization
ISO International Organization for Standardization
MSC Maritime Safety Committee
SN/Circ. Safety of Navigation Circular
Res. Resolution
GL Rules I-1 Germanischer Lloyd, Rules for Classification and Construction, I Ship Technology, 1 Seagoing Ships,
Ch.11 Chapter 11 Bridge Design on Seagoing Ships, Edition 1999 (Remark: presently under revision)
IACS Guideline International Association of Classification Societies - IACS Internal Guideline
A 12-2 Safety Guidelines for Cargo Ships of Less Than Convention Size A 12-2, Rev.3, March 1995
1. Application 1.
1. modified 1.1.1
1. modified 1.1.2
--- new 1.2
--- ex Reg. V/12(s) replaced by 1.3
--- new 1.4.1 IACS-
--- new 1.4.2 Guideline
--- new 1.4.3 A 12-2
12. Shipborne navigational equipment / 1., 3., (15.), MSC.64(67), ISO 8468: IACS-
Carriage requirements for shipborne 16., 18. and MSC.74(69), 1990 Ship's Guideline
navigational systems and equipment 19. MSC.86(70), bridge layout A 12-2,
(For detailed performance standards please refer SN/Circ.207, and IACS Req.
to "Footnote" of SOLAS (new) Ch.V Reg.18 and MSC.96(72), associated N1,1992
for all ships of EC states, Iceland and Norway MSC/Circ.952, equipment - and
also: Directive 96/98/EC (MED) Annex A.1: MSC/Circ.866 Require- GL Rules
Section 4 Navigation Equipment) ments and I-1 Ch.11
19.1.1 -
12(a)(i),(ii)+(iii) modified
12(b)(i)(1) modified For detailed performance standards please refer to: "Footnote" of SOLAS (new) Ch.V Reg.18
12(b)(i)(2) modified
12(b)(i)(3) (no longer mentioned) --- Directive 96/98/EC (MED) Annex A.1: Section 4 Navigation Equipment
12(b)(i)(4) modified
12(b)(ii) modified
and for all ships of EC states, Iceland and Norway also:
18. VHF radiotelephones (The text of this regulation has been deleted.)
18. ---
--- Principles relating to bridge design, design 15. MSC.64(67) ISO IACS Req.
and arrangement of navigational systems Annex 1, 8468:1990 N1,1992
and equipment and bridge procedures MSC.86(70) OMBO,
Annex 3, GL Rules I-1
MSC/Circ.982 Ch.11 NAV-
Annex OC
--- new 15.1
--- new 15.2
--- new 15.3
--- new 15.4
--- new 15.5
--- new 15.6
--- new 15.7
--- new
"Footnote" of SOLAS (new) Ch.V Reg.18