Statics & Dynamics,: Text
Statics & Dynamics,: Text
Statics & Dynamics,: Text
Section 1 - 8:00 - 8:50 -- M, T, Th, F Office: C 219
Room S135 Phone: 875-7211X484
Fall Semester 2007 Email:
Student Audience : Students who take this course are majoring in physics and any
discipline in engineering.
Prerequisites: The prerequisites for Engr 211 are Physics 151, Math 122 and
concurrent enrollment in or completion of Math 221.
(Note: The letter grade for the prerequisite course must be at least a C.)
Note: Students who are interested in taking this course but do not have all the prerequisites, can
make an appointment with me for obtaining a special permission to enroll in E211.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of statics (Engr 211) students must have the
knowledge of the concepts and applications of vectors in statics, equilibrium of a rigid
body, structural analysis using the methods of joints and sections, free-body diagrams,
equations and diagrams for shear and moment, dry friction, center of gravity, moment,
moments of inertia, and work.
Engr 211 Fall Semester 2007 Tentative Weekly Schedule Day by Day-
Instructor: Ali R. Moshgi
Page 3 Engr 211 Course syllabus
Office Hours:
10:00 - 10:50 M, T, W, Th, F
Drop-in visits are welcomed.
Notes on Homework:
-There will be about 40 homework assignments.
-Each assignment is worth 10 points.
-You can find the assignments on this site.
-Students who are late one day will lose one point.
-If a homework assignment is turned in late more than one day it receives no credit.
- Students should help each other to understand the concepts presented in the text. Also,
students are allowed to help each other on the given assignments.
Acceptable Homework Assignment: Students who want to receive full credit for
homework must follow all these steps:
1. On the top left corner write your name. On the top right corner write the homework
# given by me.
2. All the work must be done neatly step by step.
3. Anytime a formula is used, the formula must be written completely and correctly
4. The final answers must have only 3 significant digits.
5. A complete FBD must be shown (even if it is not necessary for the student to use it
in order to solve a problem).
6. Students must have a ruler (to draw straight lines), Templates for geometric figures
(such as a circle), and other tools necessary to present the work clearly and neatly.
7. The solution to a problem must be presented only on one side of each sheet (do
not use front and back).
Instructor's Notes:
- There is no need for a particular type of a calculator.
- The successful completion of the course requires doing at least the exercises that are
assigned at the end of each section.
- Students with an average of more than 95% at the end of the semester will not have to
take the final exam.
- Attendance will be checked.
- Students with a grade of F on the first exam should make an appointment with me.
- Students with a grade of F at the mid-term exam with irregular attendance will be
dropped administratively.
- If a student does not take a test on the scheduled date, I will replace the missing test
with half of the score on the final exam at most once.
- None of the exams will be dropped.
- The course grade will be based only on one-hour exams, collected homework
assignments, the final exam, and the extra credit problems (ECPs are usually challenging
- Students are responsible for knowledge of and compliance with all announcements
made in class, whether present or not.
- Attendance is very important. For every four hours of class missed the grade will be
lowered one letter grade.
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- Punctuality is very important. Being late twice is equivalent to being absent one hour.
- I appreciate any comments or reasonable suggestions throughout the semester.