Improved Safety and Efficiency With Ground Support and Rehabilitation Practices at The X41 Copper Mine, Mount Isa Mines

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Iain Thin (Senior Rock Mechanics Engineer), Steve de Kruijff (X41 Copper Mine Manager)
and Stewie Beetham (X41 Copper Mine Development Superintendent)


Primary ground support at the X41 Copper Mine is installed as part of a one pass mining
system which provides immediate support to underground personnel. With such practices,
safety standards have been improved with reduced mining risks and hazards. An additional
benefit to these one-pass systems, has been an improvement to productivity. Efficiencies in
the installation of secondary reinforcement during rehabilitation have been achieved with the
successful reduction in cement grout curing times. The high standards of safety have not
been compromised.


Mount Isa Mines, located over 950 km West of Townsville, currently operates four mines in
North West Queensland, Australia. Mining base metals copper, lead, zinc and silver, Mount
Isa Mines is one of the three largest producing lead and silver mines in the world and among
the top ten producers of copper and zinc.

Primary ground support practices at all the Isa and George Fisher (formerly Hilton Mine)
operations adopt fully mechanised one pass support systems, which provide immediate
support. The systems also include the installation of sheet mesh where applicable. Such
practices reduce the residual mining risks and hazards (elimination of working under
unsupported ground, working from height, performing arduous tasks, and reduced lengths of
time exposed to heat), with the additional benefit of improved productivity.

The primary ground support systems currently in use across all the Mount Isa Mines
operations consist of split sets and ungrouted PAG bolts for short-term support requirements.
Fully encapsulated resin anchored bolts and cement grouted PAG bolts are used for the long-
term support. The PAG bolt is a point anchored dywidag bolt which provides immediate
support via a specially designed expansion shell. The available equipment fleet used to
mechanically install the primary ground support is made up from Tamrock Powerclass
Jumbos, Tamrock Robolters and Atlas Copco Boltecs. Split sets, ungrouted and fully cement
grouted PAG bolts make up the primary ground support elements, which are installed by
Tamrock Jumbos and Robolter at the Copper Mine.

Secondary reinforcement installed across the lease consists of either single or twin strand
Garford bulb cable bolts. Cable bolts are either installed manually by hand or mechanically
with the use of the Tamrock Cabolter (the Copper and George Fisher Mines currently have
Cabolters operating underground).

X41 Copper Mine Ground Conditions

The Copper Mine extracts ore from two orebodies located in the massive altered shale
sequence referred locally as silica dolomite. The shallow dipping 1100 Orebody is the major
orebody source with a strike length of over 2 km, a maximum width of up to 500 metres and a
height of 300 metres.

Ore is extracted from the 1100 Orebody employing the sublevel open stoping (SLOS) mining
method, with the open voids filled with cemented backfill to allow for future adjacent pillar
recovery. Stope dimensions are typically 40 metres by 40 metres in plan, with full orebody
height extraction in a single stope (40 to 250 metres).

A series of South West dipping (40o to 70o) faults cut through the Copper Mine orebodies.
These faults are continuous and range in thickness from 2 metres to 20 metres. Development
mining has attempted to crosscut these structures to reduce the affects of poor ground
conditions associated with the faults. In the transverse pillar areas, these structures have
been repeatedly rehabilitated after adjacent stope firing and filling events. Some areas have
formed into large cathedral shaped openings (see Figure 1). Maintaining access through
these areas for subsequent stoping can be a slow and costly, but necessary, process.

Figure 1: A cathedral profile following rehabilitation.

The common mode of ground failure observed at the Copper Mine is associated with the
presence of faults and fault movement, with fault movement appearing to be related to post
production firings. Such an observation has been re-affirmed with an analysis of falls of

The common ground failure mechanism consists of rock unravelling from around the installed
support and reinforcing elements, rather than the steel failing itself (Figure 2). This would be
an indication of inadequate support. There are no common predominant joints sets that have
been attributed to a re-occurring type of ground failure mechanism.

Ground Support and Reinforcement

The purpose of ground support and reinforcement is to maintain excavations open and safe
for their required life span and ultimately, to allow for the safe, maximum extraction of
producible ore (prevent injury to personnel and protect equipment from damage). This can be
achieved through a combination of design of relatively stable excavations, with the correct
design and installation procedures for internal and external support and reinforcement

As ground support elements, split sets, PAG bolts and sheet mesh will adequately retain near
surface failures. Cable bolts provide effective reinforcement of large spans and deep wedges
where normal rock bolts would prove geometrically inadequate due to their short embedment

Each of the Mount Isa Mines operations requires its own ground support and reinforcement
systems, which are tailored to the individual ground conditions and operational requirements.
This offers the best technical and operational solution. The most effective use of ground
support and reinforcement is achieved by matching the ground support to the exposed
ground conditions.

Figure 2: Unravelling of ground from around twin strand Garford cable bolts installed
in the sidewall. Poor ground conditions associated with the J46 fault.

For the requirements of the X41 Copper Mine, the ground support and reinforcement systems
have fulfilled the following characteristics:

Recognise rock mass failure modes during bolt selection

Ground support design should match scheduled life, size and use of excavation
Minimise the potential of working in unsupported ground
Minimise total operational costs (Total Cost = Bolting Cost + Opportunistic Cost)
Reduce the cycle time for face development (reducing bolting cycle)
Minimise the residual risk
Bolting system should be simple, robust and easily installed

In order that the ground support and reinforcement requirements continue to be met, several
procedures have been implemented at the Copper Mine. Individual development headings
are inspected by the X41 Copper Mine Ground Support Engineer. The recommended primary
ground support requirements are discussed with, and then issued to, the Development
Superintendent and Supervisors. The inspection considers the exposed ground conditions
and the suitability of the installed support system, the expected change to ground conditions
(associated with stope firings and filling), and the need for any reinforcement systems. Future
ground conditions are predicted, with any potential problems highlighted.

In addition to these inspections, a feedback process from the operators has been achieved
through the use of the X41 Copper Mine Ground Condition Risk Assessment sheet. The risk
assessment sheet considers the general ground conditions, time spent mechanically scaling
(indicating the level of fall off) and the potential for wedges to exist in the development
These sheets are completed for each heading by the Development Miner and returned to the
Development Supervisor and Superintendent. The risk assessment sheet was developed and
implemented to allow for a quick identification of changing ground conditions and the possible
need to change the primary ground support design.
Split Sets and Mesh

The split sets used at the X41 Copper Mine are 2.4 metres long and 47 millimetre in
diameter. The split set is forced into a drill hole of smaller diameter, which provides an
outward radial force, inducing friction between the split set and rock to provide the support.

The split set provides an effective back and sidewall support in most ground conditions at the
Copper Mine, particularly in the fissile shales and sheared rock. In moving ground, the split
set has the ability to deform, providing support along its entire length.

Mesh installation during the ground support cycle is highly desirable, both in terms of safety
and cost (elimination of a second pass). Rolled arc mesh was originally installed from a
Getman platform, which exposed employees to hazards such as manual handling, fall from
height, and hot work conditions. With the advent of mechanisation and sheet mesh, such
practices no longer exist.

As a passive form of support, meshing forms an integral part in providing a safe working
environment. Mesh provides surface restraint at the exposed excavation boundary. The sheet
mesh used at the Copper Mine is a 5.0 mm gauge wire, with 100 mm square apertures.
Overall dimensions for each sheet is 2.4 metres wide and 4.0 metre long.

Mesh is not designed to carry excessive loads of broken rock, and can be easily damaged by
flyrock from blasting when installed very close to an active face. This is particularly the case
when the sheet mesh has not been tightly installed against the rock face. However,
mechanically installed sheet mesh can usually be installed tight against the rock face (see
Figure 3). With such a configuration, even though the ground may have failed, the failure is
arrested from progressing upwards - there is no space for the failed rock to occupy, and
therefore no means for the failure to propagate.
Figure 3: Sheet mesh and split sets installed tight against the back of a development

From an analysis of falls of ground at the Copper Mine since 1997, it was seen that 55% of all
falls were in the range <1 to 5 tonnes in size. The strength of sheet mesh, used in
combination with the primary support elements, will support loads of up to 5 tonnes (provided
the sheet mesh is installed tight against the rock surface). Since the introduction of sheet
mesh, the number of falls up to 5 tonnes in size has reduced.

The Point Anchored Grouted Bolt (PAG Bolt)

The PAG bolt is a standard dywidag bolt with a specially designed expansion shell (see
Figure 4), which was developed in-house at Mount Isa Mines. The bolt assembly is
mechanically installed in the hole by means of the Tamrock Robolter. With the modifications
to the shell anchor, immediate support can be generated even in a post cement grouted hole.
The PAG bolt is now commercially available through ANI Arnall, under the product name MP
bolt (Mechanical Point anchored bolt).

Figure 4: The PAG bolt.

Prior to the introduction of the PAG bolt, fully cement grouted rebar or dywidag bolts were the
preferred ground support system in use across the Isa and George Fisher lease. Such
support systems have been used extensively, with proven reliability through many years of
continuous use. However, fully cement grouted rebar and dywidag bolts do not provide
immediate support, are installed by hand and require a three-pass system to be installed.
With the introduction of fully mechanised bolting rigs, a move was made to improve safety
and productivity of the ground support installation process. With the limitations of installing
grouted rebar and dywidag bolts, alternative ground support systems were investigated.

These investigations were initially based around the concept of the Kiruna Bolt, which was
developed at the Kiruna Mine in Sweden. The Kiruna bolt consists of a standard rebar, with a
slot cut into one end into which a Kiruna bolt wedge is inserted. The rebar and wedge are
inserted into a pre-cement grout filled hole, with the bolt and wedge combination driven home
by means of percussion from the bolting rig. The wedge then spreads the slotted end of the
bolt, which then engages against the sidewall of the hole. Such a system provides an
immediate anchor support until the cement grout cures. The plate can be installed
immediately after the bolt and wedge have been fully inserted to the back of the hole,
resulting in a one pass bolting system.

Underground and surface trials were carried out at the Mount Isa Mines operations with the
Kiruna bolt. However the wedge anchor design was found to be unreliable for the varying
ground conditions across the mining lease (Potvin et al, 1999). The trials found that the
Kiruna bolt was particularly sensitive to installation procedures and ground conditions.

Several modifications were then made to the design and shape of the wedge in order to
improve the reliability of the anchoring system. The angle, thickness and length of the wedge
were all key design parameters. Although some improvement of was achieved, the wedge
mechanism did not provide continuous reliability in varying ground conditions.

Further trials focused on a specially designed expansion shell anchor in order to improve on
the unreliability of the various wedge designs (Tyler, 1999). Past attempts to push expansion
shells into cement grout filled hole proved to be unsuccessful. As such, the point anchored
expansion shells were trimmed down in order to allow the cement grout to be displaced as
the bolt and shell was inserted into the pre-grouted hole (see Figure 5).

Figure 5: Modified expansion shell anchor for use with the PAG bolt. Note the
differences between the trimmed and standard barrel.
Full-scale underground trials of the PAG bolt were undertaken at the Copper Mine. The trials
revealed that (Tyler, 1998 and 1999):

the modified shell anchor can engage when installed in a cement grout filled hole.
the PAG bolt can be mechanically pushed through a thick grout (a W/C ratio of 0.4 or
when pushed through cement grout filled steel tubes, full column encapsulation of the
PAG bolt was achieved.
push testing of 50 mm sections of cement grouted PAG bolts indicated little variation in
the strength of the grout along the length of the bolt and shell.
pull testing of cement grouted PAG bolts indicated full mobilisation of the ultimate tensile
strength of the dywidag bolt occurring at embedment lengths of 250 mm or greater.
pull testing of dry PAG bolts in both poor and good ground conditions resulted in loads in
excess of 9 tonnes (testing taking place immediately following installation).

Cable Bolting

It is standard practice at the Copper Mine to install cable bolts in the backs of turnouts and
intersections and areas identified with potential wedges. Over the years, there have been
different types of cable bolts installed at the Copper Mine, namely plain strand, Garford and
combination cables.

With regard to the different types of cable bolts that can be used underground, a modified
geometry cable bolt, in most instances, is a better option than a plain strand cable bolt. At
present the Garford bulb is the best and cheapest form of modified geometry cable bolt
available on the market. Modified geometry cable bolts generate significantly higher bond
strengths when compared to the plain strand cable bolt. As a result, a higher load carrying
capacity is developed in the system, equating to a reduction in the number and length of
cables that are required to carry a simular load (when compared to plain cables).

The bond strength of a cable is defined as the resistance to slip (at the cable/grout interface).
With the Garford bulb, there is greater interaction between steel and grout, resulting in
increased mobilisation of the strength of the steel (it is easier to pull out a plain strand cable
from the grout than it is with a Garford bulbed cable.

Pull testing carried out at Mount Isa Mines has indicated a 40% improvement in the bond
strength of cable bolts, if Garford bulbs are placed on the cable at 0.5 metre intervals. This
means that a plain strand cable bolt tends to fail in pull tests at 15 tonnes and the Garford
bulbed cable bolt will fail at around 25 tonnes. The Garford bulbed cable bolt will therefore
carry greater loads up to the tensile strength of the steel.


The ground support and reinforcement that is usually installed as part of the rehabilitation
process involves a combination of Garford cable bolts and steel fibred shotcrete (see Figure
1). Depending on the exposed ground conditions, split sets or dry PAG bolts and sheet mesh
are installed prior to the installation of the cable bolts and shotcrete.

Because of the nature of rehabilitation and the associated ground conditions, the standard
practice of rehabilitation is to install only two rings of cable bolts within the 12 hour cement
curing period. Such a practice is required for safety reasons. However, the unavoidable draw
back is the inefficient utilisation of manpower and equipment. Trialing of various Sika
Australia Pty cement grout admixtures was initially instigated as a result of investigating
possible improvements to overall mining and ground support cycle times. This would be
particularly attractive with cable bolting during rehabilitation.

Underground trials were carried out at the X41 Copper Mine investigating curing times and
uniaxial compressive strengths (UCS) of cement grout with the various admixtures (Thin,
1999a). The trials involved pull testing rebar bolts and cable bolts from cement grout installed
in situ, with the addition of either the high early age strength admixture (Sikament-HE
200NN) or the hardening accelerator admixture (Sika Rapid-1 and Sika Rapid-2).

For comparison purposes, with each variation in cement grout mixture and curing time, pull
tests were performed on control rebar and cable bolts from a standard cement grout mixture
(cement and water only).

With the pull testing, testing continued to failure (where failure was defined as de-bonding
between the bolt or cable and grout interface). A failure criteria of less than 5 tonnes was set
with the pull testing of the cable bolts. Once cement grout has cured, the cable is then jacked
to between 3 and 5 tonnes. Therefore, an acceptable reduction in curing time would only be
achieved if the pull testing exceeded 5 tonnes. The cement grout UCS tests represented
strengths after 7 days.

Although the trials considered both rock bolts and cable bolts, emphasis was placed on the
use of the admixtures with cable bolts as it was believed that such a combination would have
greater benefits, especially when used by the Tamrock Cabolter.

Sikament-HE 200NN was the preferred admixture trialed because of the water reducing and
high early strength properties of the admixture. Sikament-HE 200NN is a liquid admixture
that combines the advantages of rapid hardening technology with a high range water reducer
super plasticiser. It can be added to cement grout to produce a high early strength grout and
maintain flowability characteristics.

Sikament-HE 200NN does not influence the setting time or workability of the grout. It is not a
set accelerator, but a hardening accelerator that super plasticises grout. Sikament-HE
200NN is classified as non-hazardous according to Worksafe Australia.

Prior to the introduction of Sikament-HE 200NN, PAG and cable bolts were fully
encapsulated with cement grout (general-purpose cement), with a water / cement ratio of
0.35 and 0.4 respectively. With the previous Safety, Health and Environment (SH&E) Ground
Support Standards, ground support and reinforcement which involved the use of cement
grout had to be allowed to cure for a duration of at least 8 hours for rock bolts and 12 hours
for cable bolts before any further mining activity could take place.

With the case of cable bolts, underground personnel were not allowed to travel or work under
an area with newly installed bolts until the 12 hour curing cycle time had lapsed. After these
curing times, the relevant accessories would then be installed before the plate load was

From the underground trials conducted the optimum mix design was developed. With this
design, it was found that after a period of 4 hours, pull testing of the cables resulted in a load
of 13 tonnes without failure (Thin, 1999b). This implied that the curing time of the cement
grout, with the addition of Sikament-HE 200NN, could be reduced from 12 to 4 hours.

The overall results of the uniaxial compressive strength showed that there was no
compromise in the quality of the cement grout with the addition of the admixture. Average
UCS values of 55 MPa were being developed after 7 days of curing (historical values of the
uniaxial compressive strength of cement grout across the operations have averaged 45 MPa
after 7 days).

With significant reductions in cement grout curing times, mechanical equipment such as the
Tamrock Cabolter and its operator, work continuously during rehabilitation (rather than the
limitation of only 2 rings per 12 hours) drill and grout two rings of cable bolts in the back,
then drill and grout the sidewall. After such a cycle, four hours would have lapsed, allowing
the operator to safely advance forward into the newly reinforced ground. The cable bolt
accessories are then installed in a campaign fashion.


The practice of installing primary ground support and secondary reinforcement systems
has improved the safety standards at X41 Copper Mine.
All primary ground support systems currently in use at the X41 Copper Mine allow for a
one pass mining and ground support system and provide immediate support.
The potential risks and hazards associated with the installation of ground support and
reinforcement have been reduced as a result of mechanisation.

All the primary ground support systems can be mechanically installed with the available
equipment fleet, thereby eliminating the need for people working under unsupported
ground, working from height, performing arduous tasks and reduced exposure to heat.

The number of falls of ground have reduced due to improved support and reinforcement

The primary ground support systems currently installed at the Copper Mine can generally
support the overall exposed ground conditions. This is re-affirmed the reduction in the
number of falls of ground since their introduction.

Cable bolts can be installed mechanically (and thus remotely) with the use of the
Tamrock Cabolter. This is of particular significance when dealing with ground

Reduced cement curing times have resulted in an efficient process associated with
ground rehabilitation, without compromising the high standard of safety.


Potvin Y, Tyler DB, MacSporran G, Robinson J, Thin IGT, Beck D and Hudyma M.
Development and Implementation of New Ground Support Standards at Mount Isa Mines. In
Conference Proceedings Rock Support and Reinforcement Practice in Mining, Kalgoorlie,
Western Australia, 15-17 March 1999. Pages 367-371.

Tyler DB. Internal Memorandum Initial results of Point Anchored Grouted (PAG) bolt trials at
the Copper Mine. 7 June 1999.

Tyler DB. Internal Memorandum Grout system testing Tamrock Robolter at X41 Mine,
insitu handheld push & torque tests, Memo #3. 16 December 1998.

Thin IGT. Internal Memorandum Potential Reduction in Curing Times for Cement Grouted
Ground Support. 20 August 1999(a).

Thin IGT. Internal Memorandum Reduced Curing Times of Cement Grout at the Copper
Mine. 26 November 1999(b).

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