Highwall Mining

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Analysis of Highwall Mining Stability - The Effect of Multiple Seams

and Prior Auger Mining on Design

David Newman, President
Appalachian Mining and Engineering, Inc.
Lexington, KY

R. Karl Zipf, Mining Engineer

NIOSH-Pittsburgh Research Laboratory
Pittsburgh, PA


The objective of this is paper is to review the current state of Auger and highwall mining has evolved from a secondary
knowledge and practice in highwall mining (HWM). HWM has production method to become an integral part of many surface
become a widely-applied method in surface mining, commonly used mining operations throughout the U.S. and the world. Auger
alone or in conjunction with contour or slot mining. It provides 800- mining in the Appalachians began sometime in the mid 1940s when
feet to 1,200-feet of additional recovery when the economic stripping surface miners turned vertical blast hole drills horizontal at the
ratio is reached in contour mining or in slot mining when surface economic limit of a surface pit to recover more coal from the
access to a reserve is limited. A significant attribute of the highwall highwall. Modern auger and highwall mining has evolved from
miner is its versatility. HWM has been used successfully to mine this humble beginning into a highly productive, sophisticated, high-
technology, surface coal mining technique requiring four to five
‰ abandoned pre-reclamation law highwalls, miners per shift.
‰ points or ridges uneconomic to mine by underground or
other surface methods, Volkwein, et al. (1) review the evolution of auger and
‰ outcrop barriers left adjacent to underground mines, highwall mining systems in the U.S. including the earliest augers
‰ separate benches of the same seam where the parting dating from the mid 1940s, early highwall mining concepts such as
thickness or quality differences between benches render the “Carbide Miner1”, the “Push-button Miner” (1970s), the “Edna
complete extraction uneconomic, Miner” and the Metec miner (1980s) and finally several continuous
‰ previously augered areas containing otherwise inaccessible haulage concepts in the 1990s including CONSOL’s “Tramveyor”
additional reserves and and Arch Coal’s “Archveyor.” Arrowsmith (2) and Fiscor (3)
‰ close or widely spaced multiple seams. discuss recent developments in highwall mining techniques.
Currently, two manufacturers dominate the market for highwall
The theory and design methods to assess roof, pillar, and floor mining systems with each having about 30 systems in operation.
stability are presented followed by three case histories. Simple design The Superior Highwall Mining Company (SHM) (4) developed the
charts for sizing HWM web and barrier pillars are also presented. A Superior Highwall Miner, based upon the Metec design. Mining
recommended web pillar width may be obtained from the design Technologies Inc., now International Coal Group, Inc. – ADDCAR
charts given the overburden depth, the HWM cut width, and the Systems, LLC (5) developed the ADDCAR system.
mining height. Given the depth and panel width for a set of HWM
cuts, another set of charts gives a suggested barrier pillar width. The two systems are similar in that a cutter head, consisting of
a continuous miner head and gathering arms is attached to a series
The case histories, from Northern and Southern Appalachia are of coal transport modules that are added as the cutter head is
used to illustrate the application of rock mechanics to quantify the advanced into the coal seam. The machines are operated from an
stability of the highwall, roof, web pillars, and floor. The case enclosed, climate controlled cab, located at the rear of the unit. The
histories involve 1) mining through a previously augered highwall, 2) SHM, shown in photograph 1 uses 20-foot long rectangular “push
mining under back-stacked spoil and 3) selective mining of closely beams” that are dropped in place as the cutter head is advanced.
spaced benches of the same seam. Twin spiral augers are fully enclosed within the “push beams” and
are used to move the coal away from the face.
Because each site is unique, the appropriate pre-mining
geotechnical analyses range from the calculation of roof, web pillar, The ADDCAR system relies upon a series of conveyor cars
and floor bearing capacity stability factors to detailed numerical that utilize conveyor belts to transport coal from the face, as shown
modeling of the auger and underground mine workings. When in photograph 2. Another significant difference between the two
operating in the vicinity of existing underground mine or auger HWM systems is the guidance and monitoring systems utilized to
workings, the determination of ground deformation and strains
resulting from highwall mining is a necessary facet of a ground 1
Mention of specific product or trade names does not imply endorsement by
control investigation. NIOSH.

direct and monitor the HWM while cutting to reduce out-of-seam Highwall stability is the overriding concern in highwall
dilution and to maintain a constant web width. The guidance and mining. Zipf and Mark (7) discuss the major factors affecting
monitoring system technology, which is outside of the scope of this highwall stability, namely, geologic structure (i.e., hill-seams and
paper, uses a combination of sophisticated PLC control, video mud-seams) and web pillar stability. Unfortunately, little can be
cameras, and methane monitors, to remotely control the HWM done to control the location of hill-seams and mud-seams in a
operation. highwall, and they are difficult to detect reliably. Daily inspection
of benches above an active highwall mining operation to look for
Recent estimates shown in Table 1 (6) suggest that auger and cracks and signs of movement is one recommended standard
highwall mining may account for around 45 million tons of clean operating procedure, easily integrated into the standard pre-shift
coal production representing about 4% of the U.S. total production. inspection done by a knowledgeable, experienced company official.
In addition to being a very productive and economic coal High technology tools such as GroundProbe Inc.’s Slope Stability
production method, analysis shows that auger and highwall mining Radar may also prove useful in early detection of movement and
appears to be as safe as surface coal mining (6). However, there potential instability in coal mine highwalls (8). Slope Stability
are geotechnical considerations with highwall mining that require Radar is presently demonstrating its potential at several open pit
careful engineering to realize the full economic and safe potential copper mines in the U.S. (9). Using highwall slope angles in the 70
of highwall mining. to 80 degree range could aid in eliminating much of the stability
hazard from hill-seams (7).

This paper concentrates on web pillar stability, a major factor

controlling highwall stability. The basic equations for computing
pillar strength and applied stress are presented. By making certain
assumptions, simple design charts for estimating minimum web and
barrier pillar widths have been derived, and they are presented
herein and compared to case history data. These charts apply to
many routine highwall mining situations. However, exceptions are
frequently encountered. The case histories are used to illustrate
many common exceptions, namely 1) the presence of old auger
holes, 2) highwall mining under back-stacked spoil and finally, 3)
closely-spaced multiple seam mining.

Auger and highwall mining are safe and productive surface

coal mining methods provided that proper geotechnical engineering
Photograph 1. “Push beam” being loaded into a SHM. is conducted. Failure to properly engineer web and barrier pillars
can result in highwall failure, trapped highwall mining equipment,
and significant economic impact as most of the equipment lies
under the highwall. These failures result in lost reserves, low
productivity and potential miner safety issues as personnel work in
close proximity to the highwall. Recovery of a stuck miner can be
inherently hazardous since it involves operating under extra-
ordinary conditions.



Prior work by Zipf (10, 11) derived simple design equations

for web and barrier pillars. The stability factor for a web pillar is

SFWP = SI [ 0.64 + 0.54 WWP / H ] (1)

Photograph 2. Conveyor car on the launch vehicle of an [SV (WWP + WE) / WWP]
ADDCAR Systems Highwall Miner.

Table 1 - Estimated Auger and Highwall Mining Production for 2003

Approximate number in Productivity Production

operation (raw tons per year) (raw tons)
Superior Highwall Miners 30 650,000 20,000,000
ADDCAR Highwall Miners 30 1,000,000 30,000,000
Augers 150 100,000 15,000,000
TOTAL (raw tons) 65,000,000
TOTAL (clean tons) 45,000,000

Where: SI = in situ coal strength, web pillar width in an 800-ft-long cut. For this reason, a minimum
SV = in situ vertical stress, web width is typically specified irrespective of overburden depth.
WWP = web pillar width,
WE = highwall miner cut width, and If the number of web pillars in a panel is selected as “N”, then
H = mining height. the panel width is given by

In situ coal strength is normally assumed as 900 lb/in2, unless WPN = N (WWP + WE) + WE (3)
laboratory testing, previous web pillar behavior, coal cleat spacing,
or site-specific field data suggests a different value to be A barrier pillar is commonly used to separate adjacent panels
appropriate. Equation 1 is sensitive to in-situ coal strength so care and prevent ground control problems from cascading along the
must be exercised in assuming a value with site specific testing. entire length of highwall. Neglecting the stress carried by the web
The mining height is the height of the HMW cut which may be pillars (i.e., assuming that they have all failed), the stability factor
greater or less than the seam thickness, dependent upon out-of- for a barrier pillar is determined as
seam dilution or if “head” coal is left in the immediate roof to
improve roof conditions. The type of HWM equipment dictates the SFBP = SI [ 0.64 + 0.54 WBP / H ] (4)
cut width that varies from 9-ft to 12-ft. In situ vertical stress [SV (WPN + WBP) / WBP]
depends on the overlying rock density and overburden depth.
Vertical stress gradient is typically 1.1 lb/in2/ft. The high average Where: SI = in situ coal strength,
overburden depth can be used to calculate web pillar stress. This is SV = in situ vertical stress,
the overburden under which 80% of the HWM panel exists or WPN = panel width,
alternatively may be calculated using equation 2 where a WBP = barrier pillar width, and
continuous slope is present. H = mining height.

OBDesign = 0.75 * OBMAX + 0.25 * OBMIN (2) Because the stress carried by web pillars within a panel is
neglected, the stability factor for barrier pillars can be as low as
Where: OBMAX = maximum overburden depth 1.00. Studies (6) found that the width of barrier pillars exceeded
OBMIN = minimum overburden depth. 16-ft in more than half the cases examined and more important, the
W/H ratio for barrier pillars exceeded 3 in 66% of the cases.
For design purposes, the stability factor for web pillars Barrier pillars with a W/H ratio greater than 3 are superior for
typically ranges from 1.30 to 2.00 dependent upon the subsidence sound geomechanics reasons.
constraints imposed by current and future surface usage. Based on
data in HWM ground control plans submitted by coal mine Based on equation 1, web pillar design charts are developed
operators to MSHA, studies (6) found that the stability factor for and presented in figures 1 and 2. Figure 1 applies to a 9-ft-wide
web pillars ranged from 1.30 to 1.60 in about 30% of the plans and highwall miner cut, while figure 2 applies to a 12-ft-wide cut. In
exceeded 1.60 in 45% of the plans. The stability factor range figures 1 and 2, options a and b apply to stability factors of 1.3 and
obtained from the ground control plans is based on statistical 1.6, respectively. Similarly, based on equation 4, design charts for
information provided where the appropriate stability factor is barrier pillars are presented in figure 3. Options a, b and c apply to
unique to each mine site. This survey also found that the width-to- panel widths of 100, 200 and 400 ft, respectively. Note that this
height (W/H) ratio of web pillars exceeded 1.00 in 75% of the cases design chart assumes a barrier pillar stability factor of 1.0 and it
examined. In general, keeping the web pillar W/H ratio above 1.00 neglects any load carrying capacity of the web pillars within a
is desirable to maintain web pillar integrity. Narrow web pillars panel. To use figures 1, 2 or 3, the user begins with the design
increase the demand on surveying accuracy as an orientation depth on the x-axis, moves up vertically to the applicable mining
alignment error of about 4 minutes results in a 1-foot deviation in height and then moves left horizontally to the y-axis where the
suggested web (or barrier) pillar width is read.

Mining height = 2 ft.

Mining height = 4 ft.
20 Mining height = 8 ft.
Mining height = 12 ft.
Web pillar width - ft



100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Depth of cover - ft
Figure 1A – Suggested web pillar width with stability factor of 1.3, coal strength of 900 lb/in2


Mining height = 2 ft.

Mining height = 4 ft.
20 Mining height = 8 ft.
Mining height = 12 ft.

Web pillar width - ft



100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Depth of cover - ft

Figure 1B – Suggested web pillar width with stability factor of 1.6, coal strength of 900 lb/in2 and 9-ft wide cut.

Mining height = 2 ft.

Mining height = 4 ft.

20 Mining height = 8 ft.

Mining height = 12 ft.

Web pillar width - ft



100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Depth of cover - ft

Figure 2A – Suggested web pillar width with stability factor of 1.3, coal strength of 900 lb/in2 and 12-ft wide cut.


Mining height = 2 ft.

Mining height = 4 ft.

Mining height = 8 ft.

Mining height = 12 ft.

Web pillar width - ft



100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Depth of cover - ft

Figure 2B – Suggested web pillar width with stability factor of 1.6, coal strength of 900 lb/in2 and 12-ft wide cut.

Mining height = 2 ft.
Mining height = 4 ft.

40 Mining height = 8 ft.

Mining height = 12 ft.

Barrier pillar width - ft







100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Depth of cover - ft

Figure 3A – Suggested barrier pillar width for 100-ft-wide panel assuming coal strength of 900 lb/in2 and stability factor of 1.0.
Mining height = 2 ft.

Mining height = 4 ft.

Mining height = 8 ft.

Mining height = 12 ft.

Barrier pillar width - ft





100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Depth of cover - ft

Figure 3B – Suggested barrier pillar width for 200-ft-wide panel assuming coal strength of 900 lb/in2 and stability factor of 1.0.
Mining height = 2 ft.
Mining height = 4 ft.

70 Mining height = 8 ft.

Mining height = 12 ft.

Barrier pillar width - ft







100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Depth of cover - ft

Figure 3C – Suggested barrier pillar width for 400-ft-wide panel assuming coal strength of 900 lb/in2 and stability factor of 1.0.

HIGHWALL MINING CASE HISTORIES Auger web stability was evaluated by considering each web as
a long, narrow pillar and calculating pillar strength using the well
The application of web pillar design is examined in the accepted Mark/Bieniawski pillar strength formula that defaults to
discussion of three case histories. The intent of the case histories is equation 1 with the long pillar lengths of HWM. When calculating
to illustrate different circumstances under which HWM is the auger web strength, the 42-in (3.50-ft) auger diameter was used
conducted and the required changes in engineering design to for the pillar height although significant “head” coal is present
accommodate unique mining circumstances. above the auger hole.

Case Study A – Mining Into Old Auger Holes However, when calculating auger web stability to determine
the number of auger webs to skip between adjacent HWM cuts, the
In Appalachia, HWM is often conducted in previously augered full seam thickness was used for the mining height. Because the
highwalls. Although inexpensive and efficient, auger mining HWM cuts the entire seam, it leaves a pillar of the same height as
sterilizes coal reserves past the typical 50-ft to 150-ft penetration the seam. Web pillar stress is calculated using the tributary area
depth. The greater 800-ft to 1,200-ft penetration of a highwall approach shown in equation 5. Recognizing that a portion of the
miner permits recovery of the “island” of coal left in the center of a overburden consists of spoil from surface mining of the overlying
ridge when the perimeter has been augered. No. 5 Block seam, the overburden density was derated from the
standard value of 160 to 150 lb/ft3 or 1.1 to 1.04 lb/in2/ft. The
The concern in HWM through a previously augered highwall actual height of spoil was found to be highly variable and therefore
is that web stability in the initial veneer of augering is a function of difficult to use in the overburden stress calculation. The reduced
the auger web widths. The auger webs were either pre-defined in overburden density is a compromise between using the standard
the case of multiple head machines or reduced to the minimum rock density and the spoil and intact overburden heights.
required to maintain highwall stability during augering. The initial
challenge is to determine the number of auger webs to be skipped Sp = 1.04(H)(w + B)(l + B) (5)
between adjacent highwall miner cuts. (w)(l)

This case history involves re-mining a previously augered Where: Sp = pillar stress (lb/in2),
Stockton seam highwall in Southern West Virginia. The auger H = overburden depth (ft),
mining was done using a single head 42-in (3.50-ft) diameter auger w = pillar width (ft),
in the bottom split of the Stockton seam to produce a clean, direct B = entry or crosscut width (ft), and
ship product. This resulted in leaving a substantial amount of head L = pillar length (ft).
coal given the 7.32-ft to 4.30-ft range of mining height in the
proposed re-mining area. A portion of the previously auger The auger hole depth was not accurately recorded at the time
highwall is shown in Photograph 3. of mining. Consequently, an auger web length of 150-ft was used
since this is likely the greatest penetration achieved with a single
head auger. The previously augered highwall was divided into
individual sub-areas based upon seam thickness and overburden
depth prior to conducting the auger web stability calculations. The
auger web stability calculations were initially performed by
considering only the auger web and therefore reported in terms of
lb/in2. When calculating the number of web pillars to skip between
adjacent HWM cuts, it was easier to determine the tons of
overburden load placed on both the HWM cut and the augered area.
Similarly, the bearing capacity of the aggregate of the auger webs
was reported in tons.

The planned re-mining was done using a HWM machine that

makes an 11.50-ft-wide cut into the highwall. The 11.50-ft-wide
cut encompassed two 42-in-diameter auger holes and a 17.6-in
average auger web, plus it exposed the next auger hole leaving a
void space of 13.43-feet. Therefore, all HWM calculations were
done assuming a 13.43-ft-wide void and not the standard 11.50-ft-
wide HWM cut.

Photograph 3. A Previously Augered Stockton Seam Highwall. The web pillar stability factors for each sub-area were
presented in table 2, which documents the stability factors for the
The auger-web-width ranged between 14-in and 22.5-in with existing auger webs from a nominal 20-ft of overburden to the
an average width of 17.6-in. Although the depth of the auger holes maximum overburden depth present within the assumed 150-ft-
is unknown, the company engineer said that based upon similar penetration depth of the auger hole. Table 3 shows the number of
mining on the property 150-ft is probably the deepest penetration. auger webs that should be skipped between adjacent HWM cuts.
The stability of the existing auger webs left between the 42-in The boldface and shaded areas of tables 2 and 3 are those
diameter auger holes was examined assuming an average 17.6-in combinations of web width and overburden thickness that are not
width and using in-situ coal strength of 676 lb/in2 based on prior sufficiently stable to insure the web stability.
projects in the area.

Table 2. Auger Web Width Stability.

Stockton Seam - Pillar Safety Factors - Existing Single Head 42 Inch Diameter Auger Holes
Bieniawski and Mark/Bieniawski Pillar Strength Formulae
Auger Coal Web Bieniawski Mark/
Web Web Overburden Bieniawski
hole seam pillar Overburden pillar strength Bieniawski Mark/ Bieniawski
length l width w Stress safety
diameter height h height h depth (feet) formula strength safety factor
(feet) (feet) (lb/in2) 2 factor
B (feet) (feet) (feet) (lb/in ) formula (lb/in2)
Auger Hole Stability - Areas 50-4, 27-3, & 27-2 - 17.58 Inch Web Thickness Between 42 Inch Diameter Auger Holes
3.50 150 1.47 5.00 3.50 20 70 535 7.58 585 8.30
3.50 150 1.47 5.00 0.50 40 141 535 3.79 585 4.15
3.50 150 1.47 5.00 3.50 60 211 535 2.53 585 2.77
3.50 150 1.47 5.00 3.50 80 282 535 1.90 585 2.07
3.50 150 1.47 5.00 3.50 100 352 535 1.52 585 1.66
3.50 150 1.47 5.00 3.50 120 423 535 1.26 585 1.38
3.50 150 1.47 5.00 3.50 140 493 535 1.08 585 1.19
Marginal Safety Factor

Table 3. HWM Web Pillar Stability and the Number of Auger Webs Skipped Between HWM Cuts.

Stockton Seam - Pillar Safety Factors - Number of Skipped Auger Webs Between Highwall Miner Cuts
Bieniawski and Mark/Bieniawski Pillar Strength Formulae
Bieniawski Mark/
Highwall Auger Highwall Coal of web
Web pillar Bieniawski Bieniawski Mark/
miner hole miner cut seam pillars Overburden Overburden
width w strength safety strength Bieniawski
cut b' diameter length l height between depth (feet) load (tons)
(feet) formula factor formula safety factor
(feet) b (feet) (feet) h (feet) HWM
(tons) (tons)
Area 50-4, 27-3, & 27-2 - Number of Auger Webs Between Each HWM Cut
13.43 3.50 150 1.47 5.00 4 20 7,491 31,902 4.26 34,137 4.56
13.43 3.50 150 1.47 5.00 4 40 14,981 31,902 2.13 34,137 2.28
13.43 3.50 150 1.47 5.00 5 60 25,823 39,877 1.54 42,671 1.65
13.43 3.50 150 1.47 5.00 8 80 47,837 63,804 1.33 68,274 1.43
13.43 3.50 150 1.47 5.00 15 100 98,898 119,632 1.21 128,014 1.29
13.43 3.50 150 1.47 5.00 15 120 118,677 119,632 1.01 128,014 1.08
13.43 3.50 150 1.47 5.00 15 140 138,457 119,632 0.86 128,014 0.92
Marginal Safety Factor

By reviewing Table 3 for each sub-area, it is readily apparent Case Study B - Mining Under Back-Stacked Spoil
that the ability to re-mine the existing auger holes is limited by the
stability of the existing auger web pillars. A threshold SF of 1.30 is A highwall web pillar collapse occurred in the 11th cut of a
used to separate mineable from marginal areas. It should be noted peninsula-shaped remnant left after Pittsburgh No. 8 seam was
that a stability factor of 1.30 is low and is for short-term stability contour surface mined in the 1970’s. The reclaimed surface mine
only. It is clear from Table 3 that the ability to skip auger webs to was re-opened for HWM. The spoil was removed and a second
maintain highwall stability rapidly diminishes at greater than 100-ft contour cut was taken to provide a clean, stable highwall under
of overburden. A skip of one HMW cut is recommended between which to face up the Southwest side of the peninsula and operate a
each group of 10 HWM cuts to provide a barrier pillar and prevent HWM. HWM web pillar widths were designed using the
a squeeze in previously mined HWM cuts and auger webs from anticipated overburden range, mining height, and a 900-lb/in2 in-
cascading onto the active group of HWM cuts. situ coal strength. A 75-ft to 80-ft high spoil pile from the second
cut was placed on top of the peninsula, directly above where the
The mining was successfully done by a contractor who did highwall miner was to begin cutting. Starting from the Northwest
initially adhere to the recommended number of auger web skips side, eleven highwall miner cuts were driven into the peninsula
between adjacent HWM cuts. As the job progressed and the from the new face-up.
contractor gained experience with the behavior and response of the
auger webs to HWM, the number of skipped auger webs was In cuts 1 and 2, the highwall miner operator attempted to stay
selected based upon a combination of engineering calculations and below the Pittsburgh No. 8 Rider seam that is approximately 1-ft to
site conditions. 1.5-ft above the Pittsburgh No. 8 seam main bench. The
interburden is very weak and the immediate roof strata fell in upon
cutting. In subsequent cuts (3 through 7 and 9 though 10), the
interburden was taken to the height of the Pittsburgh No. 8 Rider

seam. Intermittent falls occurred in the Pittsburgh No. 8 Rider The cause of the web pillar collapse was
seam exposing a weak overlying gray shale unit. Once the gray
shale is exposed to the atmosphere, the shale degrades and roof ‰ back-stacked spoil which increased the web pillar
falls are propagated upward as an arch and terminated against a loading not being incorporated into the web pillar design
competent brown sandstone bed. and
‰ an increase in mining height attributable to the roof falls
Full penetration of 800 ft was achieved in one cut because roof that reduced the width/height ratio of the web pillar and
falls of various magnitudes occurred in each cut. The eleven cuts ultimately the web pillar strength
ranged in depth between 362 and 810 ft. Difficult roof conditions
were routinely encountered in each cut within a zone from 400-ft to The following recommendations were offered to reduce the
600-ft deep. Cut 8 was skipped because of a highwall slide. Cut likelihood of web pillar failures in subsequent mining.
10 reached a depth of 810-ft when a roof fall terminated further
advance. The highwall miner head had advanced to a depth of 710- ‰ Mining from a fresh second contour strip cut and scaled
ft in cut 11 when a web pillar collapse and roof fall trapped the face-up with a minimum height of 60 ft,
machine. ‰ Leaving sufficient “head” coal from the main bench of
the Pittsburgh No. 8 seam to provide support for the
The layout of the eleven cuts is shown above in figure 4. The overlying interburden, Pittsburgh No. 8 Rider, and
arched roof falls are clearly seen in Photograph 4 that shows the immediate roof strata,
condition of highwall miner cuts 9, 10, and 11. The tail end of the ‰ Not placing spoil or unconsolidated material on the
push beams can be seen in cut 11 on the right side of the highwall above areas where mine personnel work or
photograph. travel,
‰ Avoid mining in areas of low overburden (<60 ft)
‰ Orienting the highwall miner cuts to start from highest
overburden and mine to the lowest overburden, and
‰ Maintaining a standard 6-ft-wide web in the Pittsburgh
No. 8 seam, unless highwall mining is or will be present
in the Meigs Creek No. 9 seam, at which point the web
width should be increased to 8.75 ft.

Case Study C – Closely Spaced Multiple Bench Mining

This case history concerns a contract HWM operator mining

the Stockton coal seam from surface contour pits developed by the
parent mining company. In the active mining area, the Stockton
seam occurs in two splits, ranging between 42-in to 45-in thick,
separated by an in-seam parting. The in-seam parting, as seen in
the surface mine pits, is of variable thickness and consists of a
competent sandy fireclay (Ferm No. 327) and weak shaley coal.
Samples of the upper split of the Stockton seam and the sandy
fireclay parting were recovered as part of the site inspection. The
uniaxial compressive strength of the coal and the tensile strength of
the in-seam parting are the basis for web pillar and in-seam parting
stability factor calculations.
Figure 4. Mine Layout Where HWM was Trapped.
In-seam parting stability was analyzed using the simply
supported beam equation (6) to determine the required in-seam
parting thickness so that the in-seam parting will remain stable
while the lower split is safely extracted. The simply supported
beam equation was selected because it assumes that the beam ends
can flex and is appropriate for lower (<300 ft) overburden depths
Peng, (12). No strength was assigned to the shaley coal unit
because of the variability of this stratum. The in-seam parting
strength and stability factor calculations are based on the sandy
fireclay. The tensile strength and density of the sandy fireclay is
590 lb/in2 and 169.50 lb/ft3.

σt = 3γL2 (6)

Where: σt = tensile strength (lb/in2),

γ = density (lb/ft3),
L = opening width (ft), and
Photograph 4. Roof Falls and Web Collapse
t = beam thickness of individual stratum (ft).

Table 4. Simply Supported Beam Stability factors for in-seam parting between upper and lower splits of the Stockton seam

HWM hole Parting Tensile Density Simply supported Simply support beam calculations
number thickness strength 3
(lb/ft ) beam safety factor Maximum roof span Maximum roof span Maximum roof span
(feet) (lb/in2) 10.4 ft. Span for a S.F. = 1.00 for a S.F. = 4.00 for a S.F. = 8.00
Safety Factors for Actual Sandy Fireclay In-Seam Parting Thickness in the Previous Pit
16 1.35 520 169.50 7.35 28.19 14.09 9.97
17 1.06 520 169.50 5.77 24.98 12.49 8.83
18 1.30 520 169.50 7.08 27.66 13.83 9.78
19 1.20 520 169.50 6.53 26.58 13.29 9.40
20 1.20 520 169.50 6.53 26.58 13.29 9.40
21 1.09 520 169.50 5.93 25.33 12.67 8.96
22 0.84 520 169.50 4.57 22.24 11.12 7.86
23 0.90 520 169.50 4.90 23.02 11.51 8.14
24 0.60 520 169.50 3.27 18.79 9.40 6.64
Safety Factors for a Range of In-Seam Parting Thickness
3.00 520 169.50 16.33 42.02 21.01 14.86
2.50 520 169.50 13.61 38.36 19.18 13.56
2.00 520 169.50 10.88 34.31 17.16 12.13
1.75 520 169.50 9.52 32.10 16.05 11.35
1.50 520 169.50 8.16 29.71 14.86 10.51
1.25 520 169.50 6.80 27.13 13.56 9.59
1.00 520 169.50 5.44 24.26 12.13 8.58
0.75 520 169.50 4.08 21.01 10.51 7.43
0.50 520 169.50 2.72 17.16 8.58 6.07
0.25 520 169.50 1.36 12.13 6.07 4.29

In the upper section of table 4, the stability factor for a the openings in the upper and lower split were not columnized.
standard 10.40-foot wide opening is shown along with the Stability in multiple seam or multiple split mining is dependent
maximum allowable highwall miner opening for stability factors of upon the transfer of overburden stress through the upper web pillars
1.00 (marginal stability), 4.00 (short-term stability), and 8.00 (long- to the lower web pillars. If a HWM cut is not perfectly aligned
term stability) given the actual in-seam parting thickness, and the with the overlying cut, the overburden stress is transferred onto the
tensile strength and density of the parting material. in-seam parting. In this situation, failure is likely to occur as the
web punches through the in-seam parting. The stability factors in
The lower portion of the table is a sensitivity analysis where table 4 reflect only the ability of the in-seam parting to remain self-
the same analysis is conducted for a range of in-seam parting. supporting, not its ability to resist vertical loads from an overlying
Obert and Duvall (13) define the stability factor criterion of 4.00 web. When there is any chance that the webs will not be perfectly
and 8.00 “for members in tension such as bedded roof.” Those columnized, a tensile failure analysis similar to one described by
combinations that do not meet this criterion are marginal and are Zipf (11) is recommended.
shown as shaded.

It is clear, based upon Table 4, that the combination of in- CONCLUSIONS

seam parting thickness and the 10.4-ft HWM cut width present in
the previous pit do not satisfy the long-term stability criterion and Highwall mining is an efficient and economic means of
in one instance does not meet the short-term requirements. A surface mining. In contrast to auger mining, HWM requires a
minimum sandy fireclay parting thickness of 1.50 ft is necessary to thorough knowledge of the strength and physical properties of the
provide long-term stability when mining both splits of the Stockton immediate roof, coal, and immediate floor strata. Engineering
seam. design and surveying the orientation of each HWM cut is necessary
to avoid ground control problems. Ground control is critical in
Since the parting lithology is subject to change across the HWM because a significant portion of the $5MM to $6MM HWM
property, the minimum thickness applies to competent shales (Ferm machine lies beneath the hillside with virtually no easy access to
No. 124), sandy shales, or sandstones. Caution was strongly resolve a roof fall or pillar squeeze.
recommended if the parting consists of weak strata, for example,
fireclay (Ferm No. 127), laminated sandstone, shale with coal The analytical design equations provided in this paper present
stringers, or fractured strata. the base from which web pillar design should begin. However, as
illustrated by the case histories, site conditions and characteristics
The obvious question from Table 4 is why did the failure of the coal seam and immediate roof strata frequently require
occur at HWM cut number 16 when the in-seam parting stability deviation from the web pillar width calculated using the
factor was greatest and appears to have exceeded the short-term Mark/Bieniawski equation.
stability threshold. In conversation with the operator during the site
inspection, he believed that the HWM cut orientation deviated so

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