Understand Statistics
Understand Statistics
Understand Statistics
About the author 6
6 A useful root 41
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13 It depends 92
14 Analysis of variance 99
He has always had a broad interest within the field. Among the early subfields of his may
be mentioned nonparametric statistics and sequential analysis. Always there has been a
broad genuine interest of all kinds of application as well as education at all levels. In the
job as a senior lecturer at Chalmers Technical University he used to give a basic courses in
statistics to almost 500 students per year. During those years he also wrote some Swedish
textbooks. All this time, but also later, he has had an interest both to give advanced lectures
to specialists and to give introductory lectures to those who did not have a mathematical
background, and perhaps even hated mathematics.
Year 19791980 Sture Holm was employed at Aalborg University as professor of Mathematics,
in particular mathematical statistics. It was a good opportunity at this time for two reasons.
The first one was to get a better balance between education and research than in Gteborg
earlier, and the other one was to be able to work in the interesting education system they
had in Aalborg, with good real life projects included in the education all the time and small
students groups working together under surveillance mixed freely with lectures in bigger
groups when needed.
This year 1979 also appeared his mot known paper A Simple Sequentially Rejective Multiple
Test Procedure (Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 6, p. 6570). It met a very big interest
in different fields of application and is nowadays in the reference list of more than eleven
thousands of scientific papers. It was a pioneering paper on methods to handle several
statistical issues simultaneously in a common strictly logical setting. During all times very
few papers within statistics has reached that number of citation.
From 1984 to 1993 Sture Holm was the professor in Statistics at the School of Economics
in Gteborg which gave insight in a new type of applications. Since it was the only
professorship at the department it also meant to give PhD courses in all parts of statistical
inference. Bootstrap is a nice idea for statistical applications, which interested him much
in those years. He gave seminars on bootstrap at several universities and made also some
theoretical contributions to the field.
In 1993 there was created a new professorship in Biostatistics at the faculty of Natural sciences
and mathematics at Gteborg University supported by the medical faculty. The job was
placed at the Institute for mathematical sciences, which is common for Gteborg University
and Chalmers Technical University. It gave a better possibility to get good coworkers and
students as well better contact with many important applications, among them also medical.
One type of data appearing often in soft sciences is results of scale judgments. Holm
started a development of suitable methods for analysis together with a coworker, who has
later developed the methods further. Another type of work is design of experiments and
analysis of variance dependence in those, starting also with a coworker, who has continued
the development. He has also given courses for industry in experimental design, and there
is a Swedish book by him on this subject available at bookboon.com. With a colleague he
has done some works on models for metal fatigue life analysis. Application work has been
done for instance also within odontology on the analysis of oral implants, analysis of weight
modules in archeological gold and silver finds and numerous other types of applications.
During the years Sture Holm has also had some leading academic positions. He has been
the head of the Department of Mathematical sciences at Chalmers and Department of
statistics at the School of economics, head of education in Engineering physics at Chalmers,
chairman of the Swedish statistical association for two periods and chairman (president) of
the Nordic region of Biometric society for one period.
What is all this now? Figures are figures which may perhaps be understood. But what quality
do they have? Error margin, what is that? And what is it useful for?
Everyone ought to understand that statistical estimates may have different qualities depending
on how they have been collected, how many units have been included in the estimate and so
on. In a certain time period, there were 66.7% women among the professors of biostatistics
in Sweden. A clear indication of a change of gender distribution in academic life? Of course,
the fact that two out of three professors were women may give some tiny little indication,
but we must regard these 67.7% as a poor quality estimate due to the small sample size.
The central statistical office as well as others who conduct studies on peoples preferences
among political parties, have much bigger sample sizes. They also make their estimates based
on random samples. They then get much better precision in their estimates. Further, they
often have a quality declaration by reporting an error margin. Even if one does not fully
understand the exact mathematical meaning of this concept, it gives quite a good idea of
the possible errors in the estimates. A change within the error margin is not much to talk
about. Margins of error also appear in other contexts in general life. If we say that the
distance to the town centre is four and a half kilometers, there is certainly some error margin
in this figure. And if we estimate the cost of a holiday trip at 3000 euros, and the real
cost appears to be 3107 euros we think that it is within the error margin. In forthcoming
sections we will further discuss error margins and similar things, but for the moment we
focus on the basic problem that quality declarations so often miss.
One thing may first be noted. The quality of an estimate depends very much on the sample
size, that is the number of units (people, machines, towns or whatever) involved in the
investigation. Good design helps, careful data collection helps, but it is unavoidable that a
small sample size gives big random variations in the estimates. If the estimate is a relative
frequency, i.e. a ratio between the number of units satisfying some condition and the total
number of units, a reader with basic statistical knowledge can make an approximate quality
measure by himself or herself. It would be a kind of approximate mean error. More on this
will feature in a later section. Earlier I had to make such quality calculations myself very
often, but nowadays at least in the case of political alignments, party sympathy investigations
often declare these quality measures. So fortunately it has become better in this case. In most
other investigations there are no reports of quality measures, and the information on design
and data collection is not enough to make a self calculation, even for a skilled statistician.
This is mostly true even if the sample size happens to be reported.
Medical investigations and results in technical applications often have proper quality measures.
For example, one can read that a certain complication can be associated with a 30% higher
risk of death, which is however not significant. This is also a kind of quality declaration. It
means that the measured increase in risk of death perhaps is just a natural random variation
within the patient group in the investigation. We will discuss the concept of significance
in a special section in this book. In a technical context one can, for example, read that the
investigated material breaks at a load between 47 and 61 units per square inch. It may be
said that this interval is a 95% confidence interval. This concept is related to error margin
and mean error. It will be discussed further in over the following sections.
Unfortunately, there are some types of investigations where you almost never get any
kind of quality declaration. Newspapers may perhaps present a ranking of the climate for
entrepreneurship in different communities. Owners of companies would have answered
multiple choice questions and the results are weighted together in some kind of index,
which is compared across the communities. Then there may be a discussion that this year
community A is not as good as community B, because they were placed twenty-fourth
with an index value 27.62 while community B was placed thirteenth with an index value
28.31. Very sad, since in the previous investigation two years ago, A was placed ninth and
B, seventeenth. This is a completely meaningless discussion without information on mean
error or other statistical quality measures related to mean error. If for instance, the mean
error was 1.50, pure random effects would be much larger than the observed differences
between A and B. Even if the mean error was as small as 0.50 a random difference of 0.69,
as in the example, would be quite a natural random variation.
Unfortunately, such comparisons without quality declarations appear in many different fields.
You may for instance see comparisons between services in medical care units, comparisons
between shirking in schools and so on.
Why are such statistics produced then? Quite often it would not be so very difficult to
give at least approximate quality measures. If the producers had at least a basic knowledge
of statistical theory, they would be able to do that. There may be two reasons. One is that
perhaps they do not have this basic knowledge. Another reason may be that perhaps they
could make some proper calculations, but do not want to, because that would reveal how
bad their data are. It would then be more difficult to sell this type of work to newspapers
and other organisations in the future.
The ambition of this book is to explain statistical principles to those who are not specialists
in the field. I will discuss different types of common statistical methods and concepts. Those
who have studied a little more of statistics, have quite often studied these in a technical
computational way, sometimes without a basic understanding. They may perhaps also make
good use of a little book which concentrates on the understanding of statistics. And thirdly,
it might be good to have an accompanying text which concentrates on the basic principles,
while you study any course in statistics. So I hope that this little book may serve all these
cases well.
If we toss a dice, the probability of getting a six is equal to a sixth, or about 17%. Everyone
knows that. And that a lottery with 2 million lottery-tickets and 492624 winning lottery-
g 492624
tickets has a winning chance of= = 0,=
246 24, 6 % is also rather self evident.
m 2000000
Almost one fourth of the lottery-tickets are winning ones. Well, in this lottery, 400007 of
the prizes have the value which is the same as the price of the lottery-ticket, so there are
only 92617 lottery-tickets which give a gain. Thus the probability of gaining when you buy
g 92617
a lottery-ticket is only
= = 0,=046 4, 6 % .
m 2000000
These trivial calculations follow the simplest model for determining probabilities, the so-
called classical probability model, where you determine the probability p for an event as the
ratio p = , between the number g of cases favorable for the event and the total number
m of possible cases.
Probably people have thought this way earlier too, but a formal definition and slightly more
advanced calculations of this type were first used in the seventeen hundreds, in connection
with interest in some game problems. To calculate how many cases of different kinds there
are, is a topic of mathematics which is called combinatorial analysis. The combinatorial
problems, although often easily stated, are sometimes very tricky to solve. We will not go
into these things. Now we turn to a very simple example. The calculations are trivial, but
in a quality control situation, this type of calculation is just what is needed.
Let us suppose that some kind of units are manufactured for sale, and that the producers
want to keep track of the units ability to function. Perhaps a certain amount of time goes
into a control function for this. Can this time be decreased by checking only a sample of
units in each batch? We study this problem in a numerical example.
The batch size is 100. Consider first the case where 10 randomly chosen units from each
batch are checked. If at least one non-functioning unit is found in the sample, further action
is undertaken. The whole batch is then checked and a general control of the production
process is undertaken.
What is the probability that a sample gives such a general control of the batch, if there are
in fact 20 non-functioning units in the batch? When using the classical probability model,
we have to consider the total number of possibilities of choosing 10 units in a batch of
100 and the number of the favorable cases, where there is at least one non-functioning
unit in the sample.
The first unit in the sample may be chosen in 100 ways. For each of these ways there are
then 99 ways to choose the next unit in the sample. For each combination of the choice of
the first two units, the third unit may be chosen in 98 ways. And so on. The total number
of ways to chose 10 units equals
m = 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 .
thinking . 360
thinking .
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This number is extremely large. In mathematical terms, it can be written as 62.82 1018 .
The number 1018 is, simply put, millions of millions of millions (which is certainly true
here, since 106 is a million).
The simplest way to calculate the number of favourable cases is to take all cases minus the
unfavourable ones. This latter number here equals 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 or
5.97 1018 . The number of favorable cases is now 62.82 1018 5.97 1018 = 56.85 1018 ,
g 56,85 1018
= = 0,905
= 90,5%
m 62,82 1018
After this journey in the world of big numbers, we arrive at the statement that if there are
in fact 20 non-functioning units in the batch, the chance is 90.5% that we will discover it
and make a general control of the whole batch.
Enough of calculations for the moment. I think that you now understand the principles well
enough so you could make your own calculations for this type as also for other numbers
of real non-functioning units in the batch. I have run calculations for all cases from 1 to
30 non- functioning units in the batch, and exhibited the result in the following figure.
We have used a very simple probability model here and made very elementary calculations,
even if the numbers are big. Yet we have found results which may be useful in practice. We
can for instance, see in the figure that if there are about 30 non-functioning units in the
whole batch, we are almost sure to discover that there are problems with the production.
On the other hand if there are 5 or less non-functioning units in the batch, we have rather
a small probability of going ahead with a general control of the whole batch.
You can also gain some general understanding from this simple problem. You see that due
to random influence there is always a risk of wrong conclusions in a statistical investigation.
But you can also learn that with suitable calculations you can find the size of that risk.
We finish the section by looking at how we could suitably change the control procedure by
changing the sample size. In the figure below, I show calculated probabilities of discovering
problems as a function of the real number of non-functioning units in the batch, both, for
double the sample size 20 and for the half the sample size 5, instead of 10 as before. Some
calculations have to be done, but they all have the same elementary character as before.
In the figure we can clearly see that if we take a sample of size 20 from each batch, we
have a high chance (90% or more) of discovering production problems if there are more
than 10 non-functioning units. If we take a small sample of size 5 only, we have only a
limited chance (up to 80%) of the same, even if we have as many as 25 non-functioning
units in the whole batch.
These calculations clearly show that the quality of a statistical method is highly dependent
on the sample size. A more detailed discussion of the importance of sample size will feature
in a later section.
Now we leave this introductory quality control problem. All calculations could be made by
the simple classical probability model in this case. But I want to finally point out that the
simple classical model should be used in practice only for situations where the cases are of
equal type, i.e. the possible outcomes can be assumed to have the same basic probability.
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In the previous section we considered probabilities only according to the classical definition,
as the ratio of favorable and possible cases. However, this simple definition is not enough
for most application situations. In this section we will take a look at another simple form
of probability calculation and its practical applications. We start with the principle coupling
between the theoretical probability model and the empirical reality, where the model is used.
What does it mean if a medical paper declares that a there is an 8% probability of a mild
adverse effect? It ought to mean that this adverse effect appears in 8% of a large population
or that this percentage has been estimated in a smaller sample from the population. We
talk here of the relative frequency of 8% in the population. This relative frequency in the
sample is an empirical estimate of the theoretical probability of the adverse effect, which
can be thought of as the relative frequency in the whole considered population. This is the
coupling we have between the empirical and theoretical world, and which should be there
for all kinds of situations and for all kinds of events.
If an item of a mathematical test for some grade in school has a degree of difficulty with
a chance of 40% for the pupils to get it right, this ought to mean that one has either
observed that 40% of the pupils in a representative big population have got the test item
right or that some authority has made the judgment that this is the case. We take this
figure as a basis for a simple numerical discussion of a very important concept in statistics,
the independence concept.
Now think of two randomly chosen pupils A and B, who have to solve the above mentioned
item. When we consider the two pupils at the same time, there are four possible combined
outcomes: both A and B get it right, A gets it right but not B, B gets it right but not
A, and neither A nor B gets it right. What value is reasonable for the probability for the
combined event that both A and B get it right?
One randomly chosen pupil has the probability 40% to get it right. Either this event has
happened or not; there is 40% probability that the other randomly chosen pupil should
get it right. The chance that both pupils A and B get it right, is 40% of 40%, which is
0, 40 0, 40 = 0,16 = 16 % . In a similar manner we find that the reasonable value of the
probability that A gets it right but B does not, is 0, 40 0, 60 = 0, 24 = 24 % . The probability
that B gets it right but A does not is also 24% and finally the event that none of them get
it right, is 0, 60 0, 60 = 0,36 = 36 % . Observe that the sum of the probabilities for the four
cases adds up to 16 % + 24 % + 24 % + 36 % = 100 % .
When two events in this way have a probability that both should happen, which is equal to
the product of the probability of the individual events, we say that the events are independent.
Independent sub-trials is usually not something you make a calculation to find. It is usually
an assumption that you have reason to make when there are sub-trials, whose random results
do not influence each other. When we can make this assumption of independence we can
in principle calculate the probability for all combined events. Here is a table for a simple
numerical example.
Sub-trial 2 itself
Table. Probabilities in a trial which consists of two independent sub-trials with three possible outcomes and
different probability distributions.
A trial which consists of more than two sub-trials whose results do not influence each other
randomly, can also be supposed to be independent in a generalised definition. There the
probability of any combined event is the product of all the events in the individual sub-
trials. We take a simple example.
Consider four randomly chosen pupils, who are to work with the item we had in the example
above. In the example we had the probability of 40% for success. We now generalise this
slightly by using instead a general notation p for any value of that probability. The results
for the four pupils are supposed to be independent.
The probability that all the four pupils should get it right is now p4 and the probability that
none of them gets it right is (1 p)4. The probability that pupil number 1 gets it right,
but none of the others do, has a probability p(1 p)3. It is the same probability that only
pupil number 2 has right (but none of the others has). In all there are four scenarios with
this probability in the combined full trial.
The probability that pupil number 1 misses, but all the other gets it right is (1 p) p3. Also,
here there are in all four probabilities for one pupil missing and the others getting it right.
The probability that pupils 1 and 2 get it right and the other two miss equals p2(1 p)2.
Thinking of all cases you find that there are six cases in all with this probability. Thus now
finally we have the following table of the results.
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Going back to our numerical example with p-value 0.4, for instance, the probability that
exactly two pupils get the item right equals 6 0, 42 0, 62 =
0,3456 and the whole distribution
of the number of pupils getting the item right can be mapped as in the following figure.
Figure 3.1. Probability distribution for the number of pupils getting the item right.
What am I doing here? I have just introduced you to the most important probability
distribution for random variables, with outcomes in form of countable numbers. It is called
the binomial distribution. The motivation for its use is just that it fits well as a distribution
for the number of times a given event occurs in a number of independent sub-trials of the
same kind.
The binomial distribution has two parameters, the size parameter, often denoted by n and the
probability parameter, often denoted by p. Thus in our introductory example, the parameters
are n = 4 and p = 0.4. In a mathematical description the probability of outcome k equals
n nk
P ( X = k ) = p k (1 p )
Here the factor , the so called binomial coefficient, is the number of ways to choose k
units out of n units, without respect to the order of units.
The motivation for the use of binomial distribution can be generally deduced mathematically.
It follows, in principle, our simple motivation for the case n = 4 above. We do not care
very much about the mathematical technique here, but I hope that you understand the
importance of the motivation for the use of the distribution. This simple type of situation
appears in many applications. To get the numerical values of probabilities in the distribution
is a job for a computer. It's rather cumbersome to make it by hand.
All reasonably big mathematical or statistical computer programs can handle the necessary
calculations. If you do not already have a program available, you can always download the
statistics program R from the internet, free of cost. One such url is http://ftp.sunet.se/
pub/lang/CRAN/. You can also google, for instance, statistics program R. There is also an
instruction booklet for the program. I have used that program for compiling all calculations
and figures in this book. It is a good program with a lot of possibilities. One drawback is
that it is operated by commands. However these are listed in the instruction booklet. There
are no menus with alternatives or other click alternatives.
Here are some examples of binomial distributions. The first one may, for instance, illustrate
the distribution of the number of patients with mild adverse effects in a group of 50
patients, when the adverse effect has a probability of 8%. This is an example we had in
the beginning of this section.
Here we have a skewness for natural reasons. There is a tail on the right side, but none
on the left side. There is no room for a tail on that side because there cannot be any
negative outcomes.
Let us take another example. The number of pupils in a class of 20, who get the right
answer for a puzzle, could have a binomial distribution with parameters n=20 and
p = 0.4, if the probability of getting the right answer is 0.4. This binomial distribution has
the following shape.
One could expect that among 20 randomly chosen pupils, there would be approximately
20 0, 4 =
8 with the right answer. It is not always exactly this number because of the
random variation. But there is a great chance of getting between 3 and 14 pupils with
the right answer, according to the figure. Are you surprised that the variation is so huge?
I can understand if you are, but the variations are really that large. We will come back to
the size of the random variations several times in subsequent sections. I hope that by the
time you have read the whole book, you will have got a good idea of the size of random
variation in different situations.
The numbers n and p in the binomial distribution are called the parameters of the distribution.
In mathematics and statistics, as well as often in natural sciences and technique, the word
parameter means something which determines which case we have here. The parameters
in the equation of the straight line determine which line it is (of all possible ones), and
so on. In recent decades I have noticed that both in medicine and in social sciences, it
has become common to use the name parameter for observations. My aim in writing for a
general audience is to only use words that are understandable by everyone, as far as possible.
But in this case I must stick to the mathematical convention and use the word parameter
only in its original meaning in order to not confuse the reader completely. I will use the
words observations, variables and measurement values for what we see in the real world,
and use the word parameter only for the abstract numbers behind, which determine which
case we have at hand. But in order to express myself clearly, I will often attach the prefix
empirical for observations in the real world and the prefix theoretical for parameters in the
abstract world.
Can we always use the binomial distribution as a distribution of counts? No! A very
important assumption in the deduction of the binomial distribution is that the sub-trials
can be considered to be independent. If that assumption is not satisfied, it does not work.
If for instance, a zoologist studies the breeding success for pied flycatchers, it does not
work. What is then so special about a zoologist? Nothing! But there is something about
pied flycatchers! Now let me explain. A natural way to measure the breeding success is to
estimate the proportion of laid eggs that hatch to a fine young bird. In nature there are,
however, some risks that counteract a successful result. Birds of prey and pollution influence
the result locally. Often there is a negative result for all or a number of eggs in the same
nest. This means that the breeding results for eggs in the same nest are dependent. The
independence assumption for the deduction of the binomial distribution does not hold.
Another example where the assumptions do not hold fully, is found in pedagogical studies.
If one studies test results, where whole classes or parts of classes are included, the teacher
has an influence on the result of his or her whole class, which gives a dependence between
students in the same class. From a strictly mathematical point of view there is not much
of a difference between a bird nest and a teacher.
For a continuous random variable one can define a general position measure, the so called
median. It is defined as a value, such that the probability of outcome on the two sides of
this value are equal, that is, are equal to 0.50 each. In the above figure the median is in
fact, equal to 7.34. The areas under the frequency function to the left and right of this
value are both equal to 0.50.
If we have a number of independent observations from any continuous distribution with
an unknown median m, it is possible to make an interval, which with high probability
catches the unknown theoretical median. This interval is called a confidence interval for
the (theoretical) median, and now we will see how it can be constructed.
Consider a set of 6 observations of service times, which are continuous random variables.
We denote the unknown median in the distribution by m as before. Suppose the outcomes
of the 6 service times are
Can we now calculate the probability that the interval from the smallest observation (outcome
0.13) to the largest observation (outcome 1.22) should hit the true unknown median. Yes
we can! The risk that such an interval misses the median by moving too much to the right
is equal to the probability that all observations happen to get outcomes above the median.
This probability is 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 1 0, 0156 = 1,56 % . In a similar way we find that the
2 2 2 2 2 2 64
risk of missing the median by getting an interval to the left is the same 1 1,56 % . Thus
the probability that the interval hits the median equals
1 2 1 2 0, 0156
= 0,9688
= 96,88% .
The hitting probability, which is a kind of security, is called the confidence degree of the
confidence interval. We can express our numerical result in the following way
0,13 m 1, 22 96,88 %
We can never know for sure if our interval has hit or missed the unknown median, but the
meaning of the confidence degree is that we have used a method which has a probability
of 96.88 percent security of hitting the median.
81,000 km
Thats more than twice around the world.
If we have a much larger series of observations, the confidence degree of the interval from
the smallest observation to the largest one will have a very large confidence degree perhaps
too large. Then we may construct the confidence interval instead, for example from the
third smallest observation to the third largest observation. The confidence degree for such
a confidence interval can be calculated with the help of the binomial distribution. We will
see in the following example how it is done.
Suppose that we have got the following 12 observations on the service times studied before
0.97; 0.61; 1.02; 0.63; 0.83; 2.23; 0.81; 1.42; 0.72; 1.38; 0.95; 1.75
The third smallest observation is 0.72 and the third largest observation is 1.38. What is the
probability that the interval from the third smallest observation to the third largest observation
misses the true median to the right? This event may also be described as the event that there
are at the most two observations below the median. And the probability of this event may
be calculated for a binomial distribution with parameters n = 12 och p = 0.5 . From the
statistical program we find that the event of outcome at the most 2 equals 0.0193 = 1.93% .
The probability of missing to the left is the same. Thus the confidence degree for such an
interval equals 1 2 0.0193
= 0.9614= 96.14 % .
In order to further illustrate how confidence intervals work, I have generated on the computer,
100 series with 12 observations in each series. I have calculated the confidence intervals for
the median in each series. In the following figure you can see the outcomes for the limits
of the 96.4% confidence intervals. In all, there were 6 intervals missing the true median,
which in the simulation was known to be 0.918. Three cases got an interval to the left
and three cases got an interval to the right. In real life you can never know if an interval
has missed or hit, but the chance that it hits is high if the confidence degree chosen is big.
Since the confidence degree here is about 96%, there ought to be in the mean 4 intervals
out of 100 missing. We got 6, but that is just a normal random variation. It could just as
well have been less than 4 instead.
Figure 4.3. Lower and upper limits (y-axis) of 100 confidence intervals (number in x-axis) for the
median with a confidence degree of 96.14% in a generated series of 12 observations.
The type of confidence intervals I have presented here are often called sign intervals. It is
worth noting that the very simple method I have now described is not always efficient.
If one can assume a more precise distribution for the observations, there may exist some
special methods, which are more efficient, i.e. which generally gives shorter intervals. The
following table is a short one of suitable choices for the order of observations to use for an
approximate confidence degree of 95%. This value of the confidence degree is some kind
of standard which is very much used. It is often considered to give enough safety. Of cause
it is good to have as high hitting a probability as possible, but very high hitting probability
will also give very long intervals.
Number of observations 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
In the description of the confidence intervals I have assumed that the random variables are
continuous with a probability distribution determined by a frequency function. The method
also works for discrete distributions, but the real confidence degrees will then be higher.
With respect to the confidence degree being a safety declaration, the deviation goes in the
correct direction. So the same type of intervals can also be used for discrete observations.
In later sections I will discuss confidence intervals for different, more specific situations.
As I have already pointed out, the sign intervals are perhaps not always so efficient. But in
all simplicity they work well as an introduction to the principles of confidence intervals.
I hope that you now grasp the idea of a confidence interval as a kind of estimate with a
built-in safety margin.
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We came across the first theoretical location measure in the previous section, the median
in a distribution, which we could estimate with a sign interval. There is also an empirical
point measure in the observation series corresponding to the median in the theoretical
distribution. The empirical median in a series of observations is the middle observation in
the order, if the total number of observations is odd. If the number of observations is even,
the empirical median consists of all values between the two middle observations, limits
included. Or the common value if the two middle observations are equal. But now we will
consider another location measure, which is used more often than the median.
Everyone knows that the mean of an observation series is the sum of the observations
divided by the number of observations. This is a very simple and easily understood location
measure. And it is an empirical measure in the sense that it is determined by observed
quantities in the real world.
There is also a correspondence to this measure in the theoretical world of distributions. Think
first of a discrete distribution with possible outcomes x1 , x2 , x3 , ..., xn and the corresponding
probabilities p1 , p2 , p3 , ..., pn for these outcomes. Then we define the expectation in the
distribution, which is a location measure defined by
= x1 p1 + x2 p2 + x3 p3 + .... + xn pn = xk pk
k =1
If you are interested in mechanics, it might help to consider this to be the gravitation centre
of the mass distribution with weights pk in the points xk . If the distribution should be
symmetric, the expectation equals the value in this symmetry point.
One could perhaps think that median and mean are equal. This is not always the case. It
is true for symmetric distributions, but in general the two location measures differ a little.
For a continuous distribution, we need to use a little more advanced mathematics in order
to define the mean. With help of integrals we define it as,
= x f ( x ) dx
Even if you are not used to integrals, you need not worry. In practice you can think of a
rounding off to some small basic unit and consider the mean in the resulting discrete case.
It is then a sum of a great number of very small contributions of outcome values times the
small probabilities for rounding off intervals. If you are used to integrals, you may recognise
this explanation from the common definition of integrals. So do not worry because I may
write a few integrals in the following. It is essentially a discrete case with many possible
outcomes with extremely small probability for each of them.
Let us consider two examples of expectations. We start with a discrete one. Below is a figure
of a discrete distribution. It has its highest probability in the point 5. This is not a symmetry
point, but in fact the expectation also happens to be equal to 5, with the probabilities I
have chosen in the example.
With the help of a computer, 10 random outcomes were generated from this distribution.
The outcomes were 3, 0, 4, 4, 1, 5, 8, 5, 7, 4. These observations have the mean 4.1. This
is a natural deviation of an empirical mean from the theoretical expectation, when there
are (only!) 10 observations. Exactly how these deviances vary with the sample size, will be
studied in the next section. But already now I will try to give you an intuitive feeling for
these variations. Thus I have generated 1000 observations from this distribution, and then
calculated the empirical mean for the first 10 observations, the first 20 observations and
so on. In the following figure these means are given as functions of the sample sizes. The
points are connected by lines in order to make the picture clearer. You can see how the
deviances from the theoretical expectation 5.0 are smaller for the bigger sample sizes. If I
had generated a series with an extremely big sample size, the empirical mean would differ
just a little from the theoretical expectation.
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Figure 5.2. Successive empirical means (y-axis) for observation series of sizes (x-axis)
10, 20, 30,,1000. The theoretical expectation 5.0 is indicated by a horizontal line.
The empirical mean works in the same way in discrete and continuous distributions. As an
illustration, I have chosen a continuous distribution with expectation equal to 4.00. The form
of the distribution is seen in the following figure. I generated 10 independent observations
from this distribution and I got the results 2.49, 4.18, 5.59, 4.86, 3.18, 4.99, 3.12, 2.05,
5.80, 3.96. Those values, which vary between just above 2 up to almost 6 are included in
the figure. Their empirical mean happened to be 4.02, which thus by pure chance came
very close to the theoretical expectation.
The other important characterisation beside location measure is some measure of dispersion.
As for the location measures, it is required to have dispersion measures both on the empirical
side (for the observations) and the theoretical side (for the distribution). Some kind of mean
deviation would do. How do we then make a suitable definition?
We start with the discrete distributions. Suppose the possible outcomes are x1 , x2 , x3 , ..., xn
and that their respective probabilities are p1 , p2 , p3 , ..., pn . We consider the expectation,
= x1 p1 + x2 p2 + x3 p3 + .... + xn pn = xk pk
k =1
already calculated. It acts as a centre in the distribution. Now we can define what could be
called the mean quadratic deviance 2 from the expectation by,
2 2 2 2
2 = ( x1 ) p1 + ( x2 ) p2 + ....... + ( xn ) pn = ( xk ) pk
k =1
The terms in this sum are squares of deviations from the expectation (centre point)
multiplied by the probability for the corresponding possible outcomes. It may seem strange
that we should square the deviances before we weight them with the probabilities. This
is a smart way of getting rid of the signs of the deviations. Now however, the dimension
of the calculated measure is the square of the dimension of the observations themselves.
If the observations, for instance, have the unit as centimeter, the calculated measure will
have the unit square centimeters. This interest in dimension is the reason that we used the
notation 2 for this measure, which is called the (theoretical) variance in the distribution.
The dispersion measure we use in practice is the (theoretical) standard deviation in the
distribution, which is defined as the square root = 2 of the variance 2. We call the
parameter the (theoretical) standard deviation in the distribution. It will have the same
unit as the observations and it works well as a dispersion measure in the distribution.
Now we will take a look at some pictures of distributions with expectations and standard
deviations included. Hopefully they will give you an idea of the size of the standard deviations
in distributions.
Figure 5.4. A discrete probability distribution with its expectation 5.00 under the
distribution together with one standard deviation 1.82 from the expectation on both sides.
Figure 5.5. Frequency function for a continuous random variable with the expectation
4.00 together with standard deviation 1.27 on both sides of the expectation.
For an empirical (real) series of observation we have location and dispersion measures, which
are similar to the theoretical ones. If the observations are measure is the ordinary mean
x1 , x2 , x3 , ..., xn , a suitable location
1 1 n
x= ( x1 + x2 + .... + xn ) = xk .
n n k =1
As you can see I have denoted it by an x with a bar above it, which is a common notation
for a mean. For dispersion measure, we start with a definition of the empirical variance
1 n 2
s2 = ( xk x ) ,
n 1 k =1
which is a kind of square mean deviation for the real observations. It may seem curious
to have the denominator n 1 and not the full number n. An explanation for this will
appear later.
Even the smallest pocket calculators have a simple direct calculation for empirical means
and variances. Then one also gets the empirical standard deviation s = s , which is thus
the square root of the empirical variance. As in the theoretical case, this standard deviation
is of the same dimension as the observations.
So what does a typical case look like? In the figure below, there are three observation series.
Under each of them are marked the mean and the mean plus and minus one empirical
standard deviation.
Figure 5.6. Three different observation series completed with mean and
mean plus minus empirical standard deviations under the data sets.
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The first series is a typical normal series, which is rather symmetric and well kept together.
The middle series is skewed to the right with one very distant observation on that side.
This has implied a big standard deviation too. The third series is more symmetric than
number two, but has a different character from number one. There are both some scattered
observations with tails in both directions and some concentration in the middle.
It is on purpose that I have added the word empirical to variance and standard deviation
quite often in the text here. You may think that it is too much, but it has been done in
order to really point out the difference between empirical and theoretical measures. It is
unfortunate that variance and standard deviation are used as names for deviance measures in
both cases. The reason for this is historical. They were already named a hundred years ago.
Now we will dwell on the randomness in this connection. Suppose we have n independent
observations, which are due to random variation and have the same distribution. We
denote 1 n those observations by big letters X 1 , X 2 , X 2 ,...., X n . Their mean is denoted with
1 n 1 n
X= k
n k =1
X and their empirical variance with S 2
= ( k )
n 1 k =1
Expectations in trials with random variations can not only be defined for the basic observations
but also for functions of these. If we denote expectation by E, it is possible to calculate
mathematically that for any distributions of the basic observations we have generally
E X = and E S 2 = 2 ,
where and 2 are the expectation and the theoretical variance in the distribution of the
basic observations.
This means that our empirical quantities determined in the series of observation do not
have any systematic errors. Randomly there are deviations from the theoretical parameters.
Both X and S2 may get values both below and above their parameters and 2, but in the
mean they have the correct position. In statistical theory it is said that they are unbiased.
This is one of the motivations for the denominator n 1 in the definition of empirical
variance S2. If we had used the denominator n instead, there would be a systematic tendency
of getting a value that was too small. But with the denominator n 1 the empirical variance
is an unbiased estimate of the theoretical variance 2.
In the previous section, we saw in a simulated example how the results in samples could vary,
depending on chance. The variations in that example were quite large. But there were only
10 observations, which is rather a small sample size. Intuitively you probably understand
that there would be less variation if we take a larger sample. In this section we will study
the importance of sample size. You will get a very simple useful role, which shows how the
size of the variations depends on sample size.
Let us start with a very simple example. Suppose one has studied the risk of getting a mild
adverse effect in a medication by asking 500 randomly chosen patients taking this medicine,
if they have got this adverse effect. In investigations involving patients, it is natural to
suppose that results for different patients are independent, and we make that assumption
here. As we have mentioned before, this means in practice that the results for different
patients do not influence the random variation of each other. We can consider the results
for the different patients as being independent sub-trials. According to what we have said
in an earlier section, we get here a binomial distribution which has two parameters, the
sample size n and the probability p.
The expectation in the binomial distribution is equal to n p and the theoretical standard
deviation is equal to n p (1 p ) . These are general theoretical results which can be
mathematically deduced from the probability distribution. If, for instance, the adverse effect
should have the probability 3.5%, the expected number of patients who get the adverse
effect would be np = 500 0, 035 =
17,5 and the theoretical standard deviation would be
np (1 p ) = 500 0,035 (1 0,035) = 4,11 . The probability distribution would have the
following shape.
Figure 6.1. Binomial distribution with parameters n = 500 and p = 0,035. The probability
for outcome is biggest in the neighbourhood of the expectation n p = 500 0,035 = 17,5.
Now consider the problem of estimating the probability of the adverse effect, in our example.
Such a probability is estimated by the relative frequency, where we divide the number of
patients who got the adverse effect by the total number of patients in the investigation. Thus
we have a binomial random number divided by a fixed number. Division by the fixed number
gives only a change of scale. This means that since the binomial number has the expectation
n p and the theoretical standard deviation n p (1 p ) , the relative frequency will have the
1 1 1
expectation n p = p and the theoretical standard deviation n p (1 =
p) p (1 p )
n n n
after this change of scale.
We have just seen the first example of a very fundamental statistical property. When we
estimate the unknown probability p, the theoretical standard deviation for the estimate is
inversely proportional to the square root of the number of observations we have made. The
standard deviation of the estimate, of course, decreases with the sample size. But here we
have got a first example of exactly how it decreases. And such a behavioral pattern, that
the estimate of an unknown parameter has a standard deviation inversely proportional to
the square root of the sample size, is not limited to the estimation of probabilities. It is
much more general. We will soon come back to this, but first we take a further look at
our introductory example.
If the adverse effect should have the probability of 3.5%, an estimate of this probability in
a sample of n individuals would have a theoretical standard deviation
1 1 1
p(1 p) = 0,035 (1 0,035) = 0,184 .
n n n
For example, a sample size of 100 would give the standard deviation 0.0184 and a sample
size of 400 would give a standard deviation of 0.0092. In order to make the standard
deviation half as big, we must have four times as big a sample size. Intuitively you might
think that it is enough to make it double, but that is wrong. In the same way, if we want to
decrease the standard deviation of an estimate by a factor 10, we must increase the sample
size by a factor of 100.
In real life you never know the probability p which you want to estimate, and the standard
deviation depends on this unknown p. But when you have got an estimate you may get
an approximate standard deviation by using this estimated p in the formula p (1 p ) .
For planning purposes you may first estimate the unknown parameter in a preliminary
smaller trial, and then determine a suitable sample size in the bigger main trial, from this
same formula.
I can never see a relative frequency without making a rough estimate of the standard
deviation in my head. When I hear that there is an investigation of political party preferences
involving 1000 citizens, a large party with 3040% preferences will have a standard deviation
of approximately
0,35 (1 0,35 )
0, 015 = 1,5%
And a smaller party with 510% preferences would have a standard deviation of the order
0, 075 (1 0, 075 )
0, 008 = 0,8%
Deviances between the estimate and the true value (proportion in the whole population)
can easily approach two times the standard deviation. We must bear in mind that the
standard deviation is a kind of mean deviation and occasional small deviations must have
a compensation of occasional big deviations.
Are you surprised that there is a smaller standard deviation for smaller parties than for
the larger ones? As you see above, this is true if we consider absolute deviations. But if we
consider standard deviations relative to the estimates, it is the opposite. A standard deviation of
1.5% in the region of 3040% is a relative variation of 35%. And a standard deviation
of 0.8% in the region of 78% is a relative variation of around 10%.
I mentioned that one has to expect that variations of two times the standard deviation may
occur for an estimate. This can be formalised. One can make confidence intervals for the
parameters. How these are made in a proper way for this situation, is discussed further in a
later section. For the moment we will be content with being able to estimate the standard
deviation for the estimate, which is important in order to judge the quality of various
presented estimates of probabilities.
As I mentioned earlier, the role of the square root of sample size is valid in many more
scenarios other than estimation of probabilities. By methods in mathematical statistics,
one can show that a mean of n independent observations of the same type always has a
standard deviation which is equal to the standard deviation for one observation divided by
the square root of n. Often, the standard deviation for a single observation is not known,
and in such a case we get an approximate standard deviation for the mean by using an
empirical estimate of this basic standard deviation. Empirical standard deviations are treated
earlier, as you will recall.
What we have studied in this section is a completely general and simple property. A mean
in a series of n independent observations has a standard deviation which is equal to n ,
where is the standard deviation for a single observation. And now some rules of thumb.
The standard deviation of an estimate is usually called standard error. It is often shortened to
s.e., while the standard deviation for an observation is shortened to s.d. It is very important
to distinguish between those two types of standard deviations since they differ by a factor
square root of n as explained above.
This very simple square root of n rule is exactly valid only for mean values. For more
complicated cases where the parameters are not estimated by plain means, but by more
complicated calculations, the simple square root of n rule is most often approximately true.
The few exceptions are some really funny cases of no practical interest. So the standard
deviation of an estimate may generally be supposed to approximately have the form ,
when n is big. The constant varies from one estimation situation to another. Often it
may be estimated approximately in the data material, but that requires a deeper study for
each separate case.
In Section 5 we had a figure which showed how a mean tuned in towards the expectation
when the sample size increased from 10 up to 1000. On the basis of what we have learnt
in this section, we may understand this behavior much better. The smallest sample of size
10 has a standard error factor 1
0,32 and the largest sample of size 1000 has a standard
1 10
error factor 0, 032 . As you can see it fits the simulated data in the aforementioned
figure very well.
Carl Friedrich Gauss was a German mathematician, who lived in 17771855. He is one of
the pioneers of the theory of probability, which forms the basis of the concepts we will now
discuss. There is a probability distribution which is often called the Gaussian distribution,
but is also called the normal distribution. I will use the latter name. An interesting snippet
here there was a figure of a normal frequency function as well as a picture of Gauss on
old German Mark-bills of a certain value. There, one could see the well rounded church-
bell-formed shape of the normal frequency function. However, we will not start with this
form, but with the story of how it may appear in applications.
We may wonder what happens if we add a number of independent random results of the
same type. That is what we do, for example, when we form a mean in order to estimate
an expectation in a distribution. Will the sum get a distribution of the same form as the
individual observations? No, it will not! I will now show you some figures of the distributions
we get for the distributions of the sum of the points in two dice tosses, and the sum of the
points in three dice tosses. If you are interested, you may check the distributions yourself
by counting the number of cases leading to the different results.
Figure 7.2. Probability distribution for the sum of the points in two dice tosses.
Figure 7.3. Probability distribution of the sum of points in three dice tosses.
In the figures you can clearly see how the probability distribution gets a more rounded
form when we add the points in more dice tosses. Starting with the distribution for the
points in one coin toss, the form of the distribution of the sum of two coin tosses is more
rounded. And the form of the distribution of the sum of the points in three coin tosses is
even more rounded. Then one could naturally pose the question on whether it eventually
approaches a final form. And it does. The mathematical proof for this statement is deep
and difficult, but the final result is not so complicated. In order to describe the final form,
we need to align the cases by adjusting for position and scaling for the different sample
sizes. What we do is to align the cases to a common expectation of, for example, 0 and a
common standard deviation of, say 1. Then the form of the distributions will approach the
following form, which has a normal frequency function where the expectation equals 0 and
the standard deviation equals 1. Here is a figure with the final form.
The probabilities for outcomes in different intervals are given by the area under the curve
between the limits of the interval. The mathematical form of the curve is not so essential
since there exist tables both for the frequency function and the cumulative distribution
function, which is the area under the curve to the left of different points. Modern statistical
programs also easily produce probabilities for outcomes in any intervals. But for the sake
of completeness, I now give you the mathematical form of the curve:
1 x2
( x) = e .
The normalised normal distribution is a special case of normal distribution, which has the
expectation 0 and the standard deviation 1. A normal distribution with arbitrary parameters
and has the same form but with the centre point in the expectation and a scale factor
equal to the standard deviation .
Now we have got a very nice situation. For a sample of size n, the mean of independent
observations of the same type will have an approximate normal distribution with expectation
parameter equal to the expectation in the basic distribution for the observations and a
standard deviation n , where is the standard deviation for a single observation. The n
only assumption that we have independent observations of the same type is enough to get
this important result which gives significant information on the properties of the mean.
Some of these properties will be used when we study interval estimation methods in a
later section.
If we consider, for instance, the sum of six independent random numbers which individually
are uniformly distributed in the interval [0;1], it would not be possible to distinguish
between the exact and the approximate frequency functions if I were to put them in the
same figure in the book here. Neither on the screen nor in a paper printout.
On the other hand, if the terms had a frequency function similar to that in the first of the
following figures, there will be quite a difference between the exact distribution and the
normal approximation, as you can see in the second figure.
Figure 7.6. Exact frequency function for the sum of six independent
terms with the above skewed distribution (the top a little higher and
to the left) and the approximating normal frequency function (the top
a little lower and to the right).
Thus we can say that the normal distribution may be a good approximation for the
distribution of a sum of random contributions of the same.
When it concerns the mathematical form of the normal distribution you do not need to
worry. Using statistical programs you can get values of the cumulative distribution function,
which for an argument x gives the probability to the left of x. It can not only be obtained
for the standard case with parameters 0 and 1, but also for arbitrary parameters. For instance,
with the program R the probability to the left of x in a normal distribution with parameters
a and b will be given by the command pnorm(x, mean=a, sd=b).
In earlier times, numerical values for the probabilities were available only as tables for
the standard normal distribution with parameters 0 and 1. If we denote this cumulative
distribution function by , and if we denote by F, the cumulative distribution function
in a general normal distribution with expectation and standard deviation , we would
use the transformation
F ( x) = .
Suppose we have a sample of 50 persons, where the result for each person is the number
of yes-answers to five related yes-no-questions, and the result is the following
1 0 2 2 0 3 5 3 4 2 3 5 4 2 3 2 3 0 3 2 4 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 4 4 4 2 3 1 3 3 2 12 2 3 0
The material has a mean of 2.60 and a standard deviation 1.29. With our present knowledge,
we may now estimate the distribution of the mean of the results. It ought to be an approximate
normal distribution with the parameters 2.60 and 1, 29 = 0,182 . Its approximate frequency
function has the following shape.
Figure 7.7. Estimated frequency function for the mean in an empirical material with
50 observations.
We ought to remember here, that this is just an estimate based on empirical observations
in a sample of moderate size. There are possible random errors in location, dispersion and
form of the distribution. However, it is possible to get reasonably good approximations of
the probabilities for outcomes in different intervals.
Consider for example, the interval 2.40 to 2.80. If we transform this down to the
standard normal distribution function with parameters 0 and 1, these values correspond to
0, 20 = 1.10 and 0.20 = 1.10 . The left interval end point is 1.10 standard deviations
0.182 0.182
below the expectation and the right interval end point is 1.10 standard deviations above
the expectation. From a table or a statistical program, we get the value of ( x ) for the
argument x = 1,10 equal to 0.864. Above the point x = 1,10 we thus have the probability
1 0.864 = 0.136 = 13.6%. There is the same probability 13.6 % below the left interval
end point. Thus we estimate the probability outside the interval from 2.40 to 2.80 to be
2 13.6 % =
27.2 % , and we estimate the probability of outcome inside the interval to be
62.8%. But please rememberthese probabilities are just estimates and the sample size
here is not overwhelmingly large.
When I introduced the normal distribution, I projected it as the limit form of distribution for
sums of independent random contributions of the same kind. In mathematical statistics, this is
called the central limit theorem. It can be generalised in two respects forpractical importance.
Firstly, there are generalisations meaning that the terms in the sum do not need to have
exactly the same distribution. In practice it is enough that the different terms shall be so
similar that a single one or a few of them do not dominate the sum too much. Secondly,
there are generalisations meaning that in practice we will get an approximate normal
distribution of the terms, even if there is some dependence, which is not dominating the
whole series. For instance this may be a time series with dependence only between units at
a short time distance. Thus to conclude:
But one cannot just assume that all observations are normally distributed. One must
always consider what is a reasonable model and think of the assumptions in the approach.
If I look back at statistical practice in the last century, I would rather say that the normal
distribution has been used too much than say that it has been used too little. In the following
chapters, you will now and then be reminded of situations where it is not suitable to use
the assumption that observations are normally distributed.
Error margins have a lot to do with confidence intervals, which we discussed in a simple
form earlier. And we start this section too with a simple form of confidence intervals for
an idealised situation.
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Let us suppose that we have independent observations which may be assumed to be normally
distributed with unknown expectation , but with known standard deviation . This last
condition is perhaps not very realistic. The natural situation is, of course, that the standard
deviation is also unknown. But we make this assumption here in order to get a simple
introductory example.
For a series X 1 , X 2 , X 2 ,...., X n of independent observations of this kind, their mean X will
be normally distributed with parameters and . The mean thus inherits its normality
from the single observations, but the standard deviation is much smaller, according to the
square root rule. Now we try to construct a confidence interval for the parameter , by
choosing a suitable value for the constant a in X a ; X + a . One can say here that
n n
we have put safety margins of the size on each side of the estimate X . The safety
margin is a constant a times the standard error s.e.
What is the risk that such an interval misses the parameter on the right side? The probability
we want is thus written as P X a > . Since the mean is normally distributed with
parameters and , we can get this probability from the normal distribution. Using a
transformation to the standard normal distribution we have,
P X a > = P X a > 0 = P X > a = P > a
n n n n
From a table or from a statistical program we can see that in this standard distribution,
97.5% of the probability mass is to the left of 1.96. The risk of missing, on the right side,
is thus bounded to 2.5% by choosing a = 1,96. The risk of missing, on the left side, will
also be 2.5% with this choice. The interval
X 1,96 ; X + 1,96
n n
constitutes a confidence interval for with a confidence degree 95%. This is now an exact
95% confidence interval in the idealised situation with normal observations and a known
standard deviation .
You may have noticed that I have used uppercase letters in the notations, both for the
observations and their mean in the discussion here. This is to indicate that there is some
randomness involved and we can talk about the probabilities of hitting and missing. Once
we have got the numerical values for the observations, there is no randomness left and we
cannot talk of probabilities any more.
If the interval limits have the outcomes as 23.2 and 28.5, we can make the statement
which indicates that the interval is constructed by a method which has a 95% probability
of hitting (success). But it is not really correct to say that the probability for this numerical
statement is 95%.
One could well call 1,96 error margins for the estimate. In this simple case it is an
exact error margin. In other more realistic situations, where is not known, one can get
approximate error margins by estimating the theoretical standard deviation with the
empirical standard deviation S , calculated in the observation series, or some other empirical
estimate of it. Quite often, when talking of approximate error margins the table value of
1.96 is rounded off to 2, that is, one uses 2 times the standard error s.e. as an error margin.
For large sample sizes and for most types of observations this usually works well and one
gets approximately 95% confidence degree. For small sample sizes it may perhaps not work
so well.
In a later section we will study confidence intervals for the expectation in a normal distribution
with an exact confidence degree even for the case of unknown theoretical standard deviation.
But for now we will first look at some examples with simple approximate error margins.
An investigation on preferences for various political parties was based on interviews with
1142 persons. It turned out that 371 of them preferred a special party. Then this party is
estimated to have = = 34,5 % of the whole population. The variance in this estimate
is computed as 371
= 0,345 = 34,5 % , according to formulas for binomial distributions. This
gives an error margin of 2 0, 0001979 =
0, 028 =.
2,8 % The sample size is rather big and
In a certain production cycle, there are sometimes interruptions. In order to get clear
information on how often this happens, one has measured the time (in unit days) for ten
time intervals between interruptions. The result was:
3.08 3.29 1.87 1.85 2.65 1.27 5.06 23.68 12.12 2.93
Here the mean is 5.78 and the empirical standard deviation in the series is 7.02. The
approximate error margin in the estimate 5.78 would then be 2 7, 02 =
4, 44 . If we subtract
and add this error margin to the estimate, we get the approximate 95% confidence interval
limits equal to 1.34 and 11.46.
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The error margin in the small investigation was considered to be so large that it was decided
that a bigger investigation was to be made. In a new series with 100 observations of time
distances one got the mean 3.37 and the empirical standard deviation 2.94. This led to
an approximate error margin of 2 0,59 and the limits of the approximate 95%
confidence interval were now 2.78 and 3.96. Much better!
There are two problems with using approximate error margins in observation series that
are too small. First, the normal distribution may be a bad approximation of the real
distribution. And second, the empirical standard deviation may be a bad approximation of
the theoretical one.
In the last example above, the reasonably good estimate of the theoretical standard deviation
in the large series was 2.94, while the not-so-good estimate in the small series was 7.02.
Quite a difference! But of course in a very small series the estimate can occasionally deviate
much, up or down. And this implies that in (very) small series one can occasionally get
either rather worthless long intervals or short intervals which do not hit the parameter.
Coming back to the investigations on the political party preference, when the results are
presented, the changes from earlier investigations are often discussed. In the example above,
we had an estimate of 34.5% for a certain party. This was based on the observation of 371
preferences in the group of 1142 individuals. Now suppose the same party had got 335
preferences in a group of 1063 individuals in a previous investigation. This gives an estimate
of 31.5%. And the political journalist, who has learned his lesson about error margins,
declares that this is outside the error margin. Error margin in this region of sample size
and probability is about 2.8% and the difference here is 3.0%. Unfortunately he has only
attended the first lesson on error margins and not lesson number two. I will now explain
what he could have learned in that next lesson.
It is correct that an error margin for one estimate in this region is approximately 2.8%.
But both the compared estimates have random errors. If there are different samples at the
two times of investigation, it is reasonable to assume the two estimates to be independent.
There exists some general theory in mathematical statistics on properties of variances, which
we do not discuss in detail here. Among the results is the property that the variance of the
sum or difference of two independent random variables equals the sum of the individual
variances for the two random variables. Here we have two estimates, each one with the
variance (=squareof standard deviation!) approximately equal to 0, 0282 = 0, 000784 . Thus
their difference will have an approximate variance of 2 0, 000784 =. 0, 001568 This gives a
standard deviation for the difference approximately equal to 0, 001568= 0,= 0396 3,96 % .
As you can see, the error margin for the difference is approximately 40% higher than the
error margin for the individual estimates. That margin ought to be used when differences
are discussed. Unfortunately, it is not always the case in all presentations of party preference
If, on the other hand, it is a comparison of one empirical estimate and a fixed limit, it
is correct to use the error margin for a single estimate. There is no random variation in
the fixed limit. A political party with a preference estimate in the region 67% in an
investigation with a sample size around 1000 would have an error margin of about 1.6%.
If 4% is a critical limit for getting representation in the parliament at all, a party with
7.0% preference can be declared safe for getting representation. An approximate confidence
interval of 95% would be situated above the 4% limit.
Performing a statistical test in a practical situation means, to first formulate some kind
of hypothesis to be tested. One then has to see if the result of the trial is in accordance
with the stated hypothesis or if the result of shows that the hypothesis has to be rejected.
The procedure will end with a statement and it is important to get it right with possible
statements and risks of making wrong statements. Those are quite intricate details.
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While formulating a statement, you really want it to be correct, and besides that, you also
want other people to understand and accept the statement as correct. Suppose for instance,
that you believe that a certain drug has a positive medicinal effect. If you collect data in a
medical trial and then make the statement that there is a positive effect, you must be able
to defend that statement against any opponents who claim that there is no effect or perhaps
even that there is a negative effect of the drug. The burden of proof is on your shoulders.
You have to have enough power to eliminate the possibility of the opposite alternative to
be reasonable.
How can this be done in a responsible way? We have to face the fact that there is a
random variation in the observations, depending on which individuals are included in the
investigation and all sorts of intermittent effects, which influence the result. And yet we
must be confident with our statements. What we can do, is to use a method with a very
small risk of making a wrong statement, whatever the true parameters may be.
The technical way to achieve this is to consider the hypothesis that there is no effect or
negative effect, and then test this hypothesis. The result of the test may either be that the
hypothesis is rejected or that it cannot be rejected. The fundamental security precaution
is now to have a decision rule such that there is a very small probability of rejecting the
hypothesis by pure chance if it should be true. This small probability is called the level
of significance for the test, and it is chosen in advance as a small value. The value is also
declared in connection with the rejection statement.
When we have been able to reject the hypothesis that there is no effect (or negative effect), and
thus claimed that there is a positive effect, the statement is defendable in the following way:
Each person who doesn't want to accept your statement thus holds the opinion that there
is no effect or perhaps even a negative effect. But if he (or she) would be right, there would
be just this certain small little probability, the level of significance, that I by pure chance
would be able to make my statement of positive effect. Purely juristical matters! But it is
all about the burden of proof.
Best would of course be if one could make a statement with 100% safety, that is with a level of
significance 0%, but in general this is not possible since there is always randomness involved.
Now observe carefully, that if you have not been able to reject the hypothesis, there is no
safety protection for a statement that the hypothesis is true. No possibility to defend oneself
against an opponent believing the opposite there. Say nothing at all or say that you have
not been able to reject the hypothesis.
In an investigation on the effect of a certain food supplement on the content of a trace
substance in the blood, the content of trace substance has been measured before the treatment
period in 16 randomly chosen persons. After having eaten the food supplement during a
given time, these persons have again had the trace substance measured in the blood. As data
for further analysis, the ratio of the contents after and before, is first calculated. This may
be a reasonable way to handle the problem since an individual variation in the content of
trace material can be expected. The ratio results were:
The mean in the series is 1.212 and the standard deviation is 0.305. With the use of
approximate normal distribution, a test is made with an approximate level of significance.
The hypothesis here is that the expectation of the ratio is 1.00 or less. If the value 1.00
X 1, 00
should be correct, the random variable should be approximately normally distributed
S / 16
with parameters 0 and 1. On the approximate significance level 2.5% the hypothesis
could be rejected if there was an outcome of this variable above 1.96, which is the point
in the normal (0,1) distribution that has probability 2.5% to the right. If the expectation
would be less than 1.00, the probability to reject is even smaller. The outcome for the test
statistics was 2.78. Thus the hypothesis that the expectation is less than or equal to 1.00
may be rejected, and it can safely be stated that the expectation is more than 1.00. Thus it
is defendable to state that the content of the trace substance shows a general increase when
the food supplement is used on the chosen level of significance 2.5%.
There are different traditions within different application fields, and also to some extent
different traditions within different countries when it comes to the handling of significance
levels. In many cases one does not want to use a fixed level of significance, but works with
what could be called an obtained level of significance. That is the level of significance
which would be required in order to just be able to reject the hypothesis with the outcome
obtained. This probability is often called just p value. If the hypothesis is true, the p value
is random with a distribution which is uniform in the interval (0;1). Thus all points in
this interval are equally probable as a random outcome of p if the hypothesis is true. If the
hypothesis is not true, there is an increased probability for small outcomes of p.
If we want to use the p value method in the above example, we have to calculate the
probability that the test statistics by pure chance would get an outcome of at least 2.78 if
the hypothesis were true. According to a statistics program or table, this p value is 0.0027
or 0.27%.
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Two comments are in place here. First, we have used an approximate method by using the
empirical estimate S for the theoretical standard deviation . That can be overcome. In the
next section you will see how one can make an exact test when is not known, when the
observations have a normal distribution. Using this method would instead give the obtained
significance level (p value) equal to 0.0070 = 0.70%. We will come back to this method in
the next section. Second, it might perhaps be better to make the analysis for logarithms of
the ratios instead of the rations themselves. Then the natural hypothesis would be that the
expectation in that case is zero or negative. Positive random variables, like the ratios here,
often have distributions which are skewed to the right. Taking logarithms instead of using
the values themselves may often make the distributions more symmetric and thus more
normal-like. This is often suggested for positive observations with a big relative variation.
We may also use the previous example for a little further discussion. You may have observed
that 2 of the 16 persons in the trial got lower content after having used the food supplement,
than they had before. This does not necessarily mean that the food supplement gives less
content of the trace material in some people. In practice, almost all medical measurements
(and for that matter also many other measures) have a natural random variation in time.
So if the food supplement had no effect at all, all individuals would get a pure random
increase or decrease between the measurements about half of them up and about half of
them down. We could make a test based only on the number of increases and decreases.
If the number of increases is considerably more than half the total number of individuals,
it is an indication of a positive effect. If there were no real effect, the number of increases
would have a binomial distribution with parameters n = 16 and p = 0,50 . The obtained level
of significance, that is the p value, is the probability of getting at least 12 increases in that
distribution. Using a statistical computer program or a table we find that this probability
is equal to 0.0384 = 3.84%.
We got a larger p value here than in the other test. And small p values give good arguments
in the discussion with a possible opponents as I explained earlier. But remember that there
is randomness in everything we do here. So it does not necessarily mean that this first test
is better than the second one in general. This is just what happened in one single numerical
example. What you definitively are not allowed to do, is to make several tests and choose
the one that is most favorable for you. That is cheating! The technical calculated p values
in the separate test are not valid if you commit this statistical crime. But before you see
the data you may well, of course, consider what is a good test and then run just this test
and nothing else.
The different sizes of p values for the two tests statistics we discussed in the previous example
lead us to the question of comparing the properties of different tests and to define quality
measures for tests.
You may ask: What is the probability that a test gives rejection of a hypothesis in cases
when it is false? That depends on how false the hypothesis is. Consider now the second
test above. The rejection probability is determined by the sample size and the real value
of the probability for increased content of trace material in the blood. Suppose we make
a test with a fixed level of significance by rejecting the hypothesis if there are 13 or more
parsons with increased value. The level of significance for this test is 1.1%, which can be
calculated by a statistical program.
The value of the power function in a point is called the power for the alternative given
by that point. A natural desire is of course, to have a test with a large power for different
alternatives. But very close to the hypothesis it is not possible to get a very high power
without using an extremely large sample size. Just at the boundary of the hypothesis the
power function approaches the level of significance, and within the hypothesis it is always
below or at the level of significance. Far away from the hypothesis it will approach 1.00.
You can see in the above figure that if the probability of increased blood content of the
substance for a single (randomly chosen) individual is around 0.8 we get approximately 50%
power. The probability of discovering that the hypothesis of constant or decreased content
is wrong, increases from rather moderate values at p=0.7 up to almost 100% at p=0.9. As
you can see the power function reveals quite well what the test can do. If we increase the
sample size, the power function will be steeper. As you can see, power calculations are good
means for planning of experiments.
By way of the examples in this section, we have seen one approximate method and one simple
method based on the number of positive differences only. This will suffice as illustration
for the moment. In the next section you will see exact methods for normally distributed
observations with unknown theoretical standard deviation.
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The easiest way to present the different methods is to start with the methods for confidence
intervals and tests related to standard deviations for observations. Thus suppose we have n
independent observations which have a normal distribution with some unknown parameters
and , and let the empirical standard deviation in the observation series be S, defined by
1 n
=S2 ( X i X )2 as before.
n 1 i =1
By pure mathematical methods it can now be shown that the distribution of the random
variable ( n 1) , depends only on the number n of observations. That distribution is
called the 2 distribution (chi-square distribution) with r = n 1 degrees of freedom. For
instance the density function for the 2 distribution with 10 degrees of freedom and the
2 distribution with 20 degrees of freedom, have the following shapes.
The degree of freedom being equal to n 1 has to do with the theoretical deduction of
the distribution. During the calculation it is discovered that the quantity ( n 1) S 2 in fact
consists of only n 1 independent squares and not n as may be thought. These are intricate
theoretical aspects which we do not have to worry about. Since we are most interested in
application we just accept the fact that the degrees of freedom should be n 1.
If you look up a table or use a statistical program, you will find that for 10 degrees of
freedom, 2.5% of the probability mass of the 2 distribution lies to the left of 3.25 and
2.5% of the probability mass lies to the right of 20.48. If you look at the above figure you
will find this reasonable.
Now suppose you intend to make a series of 11 observations. Then you could use
these special points in the 2 distribution in order to get P (11 1) 2 < 3, 25 = 0.025 , which
after rearrangement will be equivalent to P (11 1) < = 0.025 or P (1,754 S < ) = 0.025 .
3, 25
This means that the interval [0.699 S ;1.754 S ] is a random interval, which has 2.5% probability
to miss the theoretical standard deviation to the left and the same probability to miss it
to the right. The hitting probability is 95%. And when we put in the numerical outcomes
for S, after having observed the result in the trial, we get a 95% confidence interval for the
theoretical standard deviation with confidence degree 95%. For instance an outcome of
S = 14.6 gives the interval [10, 2;24,9] , which may also be written as
You may observe that this interval is rather long. The upper bound is more than two times
the lower one. And it is not caused by us being clumsy, by making incorrect calculations
or having used an inferior method. To estimate a theoretical standard deviation well is a
demanding task, in the sense that it always requires a lot of observations in order to give
a short interval. Unfortunately, this is an intrinsic property of the problem which cannot
be overcome in any way.
By tradition the 2 distribution is what has been tabulated for use in this problem. That is
also what is obtained by means of modern statistical programs. It would have been simpler
if there were tables and direct calculations of the multiplicative constants (in the example
0.699 and 1.754) which when multiplied by the empirical standard deviation would give
the confidence interval with a suitable confidence degree e.g., 95%. Since such constants
are very illustrative when it concerns length of the intervals, I have here made a small table
of these constants for some sample sizes and confidence degree 95%.
Table. Constants to be multiplied by the empirical standard deviation in order to get a 95% confidence interval
for the theoretical standard deviation
In the table you can see how the lower boundary approaches 1.00 from below and the
upper boundary approaches 1.00 from above. But even for as much as 100 observations
there is quite some distance between the constants.
You may also observe that the earlier presented approximate confidence intervals have
been of the type with an estimate plus or minus a safety margin. It is not so in these exact
intervals even if they hold approximately for very big sample sizes. The upper limit always
deviates more from the estimate than the lower limit does.
Now we shift to the problem of calculating confidence intervals for the expectation parameter
in a normal distribution. If the theoretical standard deviation were known, we could get
such a confidence interval by starting the calculation from the normalised random variable
which is normally distributed with parameters 0 and 1. This is just another way to describe
the calculation we have made in an earlier section. The most natural situation, however, is that
we do not know the theoretical parameter . Then it is natural to study the corresponding
expression with the theoretical parameter substituted by the corresponding estimate, that is
T= ,
S n
Theoretical probabilistic calculations can show that the distribution of this random variable
depends only on the sample size n. We call its distribution the t distribution with degrees
of freedom r = n 1.
Since there is randomness also in the denominator, this distribution is a little broader
than the normal distribution with parameters 0 and 1, which is the distribution for the
corresponding expression with a fixed value in the denominator. For example the point
2.26 in the t distribution with 9 degrees of freedom (corresponds to 10 observations) has
the probability mass 97.5% to the left. For the normal distribution with parameters 0 and
1, the corresponding point is 1.96. The following graph shows the density function for the
t distribution with 9 degrees of freedom.
Figure 10.2. Density function for the t distribution with 9 degrees of freedom.
The graph in the figure is very much a reminder of the normal distribution with parameters
0 and 1. The similarities and differences are best shown in a figure with the cumulative
distribution functions for both distributions.
Figure 10.3. Cumulative distribution functions for the t distribution function with 9
degrees of freedom and the normal distribution with parameters 0 and 1. The upper
curve on the left side and the lower curve on the right side belong to the t distribution.
We can conclude that taking theoretical results into consideration, we can make confidence
intervals for the expectation when the theoretical standard deviation is unknown, in almost
the same way as it is done for known theoretical standard deviation. It is just that we replace
the unknown parameter with the known empirical estimate and replace the normal (0; 1)
distribution with the t distribution with r = n 1 degrees of freedom.
And then there will be no approximation any more, but an exact confidence interval.
The confidence interval based on the t distribution will always be a little longer than the
approximated one based on the normal distribution. But on the other hand thus, the
confidence degree will be exact.
The confidence intervals we have discussed here may be used when we have observations
from a direct measurement, where the expectation is the interesting parameter. But the
method can also be used in a situation when measurements are made before and after some
treatment in the same units, in order to estimate a treatment effect parameter. Usually it is
a good experimental design practice to make such types of measurements, when we want to
study the effect of a treatment. Principally we could have double the number of individuals
in the investigation group, measure half of them before treatment and half of them after
treatment. But that would be less efficient as you can probably understand intuitively.
Suppose you have 9 units in an investigation, and that you have the following observations.
Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Before 17.7 17.3 15.8 15.4 19.5 22.5 17.9 19.0 18.3
After 21.3 19.6 16.4 18.0 19.9 23.1 18.6 21.2 22.7
Difference 3.6 2.3 0.6 2.6 0.4 0.6 0.7 2.2 4.4
You can see that there are large variations among the observations before treatment as well
as after treatment. Values after treatment for some units are smaller than values before
treatment for some other units. However the differences between values after treatment and
before treatment for the same units, have a more clear structure. There is some variation,
but all differences happen to be positive. In the following analysis we now forget how
we got the values and make an analysis for only the 9 difference values. These 9 values
have an empirical mean 1.97 and the empirical standard deviation 1.45. From a table or a
statistical program we see that in the t distribution with 8 degrees of freedom we have 97.5%
probability to the left of the point 2.31. A 95% confidence interval for the expectation of
the increase would be
1.45 1.45
1.97 2.31 ;1.97 + 2.31 = [1.97 1.12;1.97 + 1.12] = [0.85;3.09]
9 9
If we want to talk about error margin, we could say that the estimate 1.97 has an error
margin of 1.12. The confidence interval is rather large, but it is fully on the positive side
and far away from 0. We can be confident to say that there is a positive effect.
We could also make a formal statistical test. The hypothesis would then be that the effect
is zero or negative. With the level of significance 2.5% we could reject the null hypothesis
and state that there is a positive effect.
Another possibility is to state that we have estimated the effect to 1.97, and that we have
got a p value of 0.0018 = 0.18%. This comes out simply from a statistical program if we
take one minus the cumulative distribution function in the point = 4, 076 for the
1, 45 9
t distribution with 8 degrees of freedom. It is essentially a matter of choice, what path
we will take a confidence interval, a test with a fixed level of significance or an estimate
with a p value. If you have a parameter, which has some physical meaning, the confidence
interval gives the most informative report of the result.
Such comparisons can feature in many applications with different types of measurement
variables. There exist special statistical methods for situations where it is reasonable to
suppose that the observations have some special type of distribution, for example normal
distribution. But there also exist very general techniques, which work well for all types of
distributions. We start with a method of the latter type.
Frank Wilcoxon was the name of a chemist who suggested such a general test at the end
of 1940. His idea was to skip the very values of the observations and use only the ranks of
those in the amalgamation of the two series. The test was called the Wilcoxon two-sample
test. His test was modified a little a few years later by Mann and Whitney. It was then
called the Mann- Whitney test. This test is equivalent to the Wilcoxon test such that for any
chosen level of significance the two tests will reject for exactly the same cases. And if one
works with p values, they will be exactly equal too. The basic formulations differ however,
and I think that the Mann-Whitney formulation gives a better intuitive understanding of
the problem. So I will use that in the following.
Many authors called these rank methods quick and dirty and assumed that they would be
inefficient in their simplicity. But it was the other way around. In the 1960s there appeared
theoretical papers which showed that those methods were not at all inefficient, but instead
were surprisingly efficient.
Suppose we have two independent series of observations, one with 8 observations and the
other with 9 observations. The outcomes in the first series, which we call x series, were
22.8; 34.4; 30.4; 27.3; 27.9; 17.1; 38.3; 21.5, and the observations in the other series, the
y series, were 43.6; 43.1; 39.8; 28.5; 25.9; 41.8; 35.9; 28.9; 34.0.
The calculations needed to get the result of the Mann-Whitney test will be simple if we
arrange the observations in increasing order, in both series.
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If the two cases were to have the same continuous distribution, the order between the x
and y observations would be completely random. And then each of the 9 y observations
would have in mean 8/2 = 4 inversions with the x observations, so the total number of
inversions would be in mean 9 4 = 36 inversions. The random number of inversions could
of course deviate from this mean number, but the question is, whether 57 is a big deviance
or not. A p value for the test is calculated as the probability of a pure random deviation
to give 57 or more inversions.
To calculate this probability is a rather tricky problem. There are tables prepared for such
probabilities in the Mann-Whitney test for certain sample numbers. But when the number
of observations is large, one can use an approximation with a normal distribution. Observe
that this is a normal distribution approximation of the probability that the random number
of inversions would be at least equal to some number, and it has nothing to do with the
distribution of the observations themselves.
It can be shown mathematically that if the numbers m and n of observations in the two
series are big, then the number of inversions is approximately normally distributed. The
parameters in the approximate normal distribution are mean m n and the standard deviation
m n ( m + m + 1)
. Thus in our example the parameters are mean 36 and the standard deviation
8 9 (8 + 9 + 1)
= 10, 4 .
Since we are talking here of approximating a discrete distribution (with whole numbers as
possible outcomes) with a continuous distribution, it may be reasonable to consider the
discrete distribution to be the distribution of a rounding of a continuous result. To the
probability for an outcome of a certain number in the discrete distribution, we attach the
probability in the continuous distribution for an interval with end points as that number
minus and plus half a unit. To the outcome 57 in the discrete distribution we then attach
the probability of the interval 56.5 to 57.5 in the continuous normal distribution. And
the probability of the outcome 57 or more in the discrete distribution is approximated
by the probability for the interval from 56.5 to infinity in the continuous one. Expressed
in the cumulative distribution function for the normal (0; 1) distribution we thus get
56,5 36
1 = 0, 024 . The p value for a one sided test thus is approximately 2.4%.
10, 4
In order to understand the idea of the test better, we may introduce the notation
1 for y j > xi
ui j = .
0 for y j > xi
This notation gives a 1 for inversion and 0 for no inversion of y j with xi . The sum of all
inversions thus is equal to the double sum
m n
=i 1 =j 1
ij .
1 m n
ui j
mn=i 1 =j 1
equals the relative frequency for the event that a y observation is greater than an x observation.
This is the very soul of the Mann-Whitney test. The inversion indicators uij are estimates of
( )
the probability = P Yj > X i , and in the test we use their empirical mean. The hypothesis
to be tested is = 0.5, and when we reject the hypothesis for a big number of inversions,
we work in order to reveal if > 0.5.
The most relevant alternatives to the hypothesis is the case that y observations have a tendency
to give higher values than x observations, in the sense that the cumulative distribution
function of the y observations is to the right of the cumulative distribution function of
the x observations at all levels. In mathematical statistics this is expressed by saying that y
variables are stochastically greater than x variables. This is illustrated by the following figure.
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In a figure with cumulative distribution functions you can very easily see if they are
stochastically ordered as in the above case. In the following figure we have an example of
two cumulative distribution functions for two random variables, which are not stochastically
ordered. In fact it is a figure of cumulative distribution functions for two random variables,
which differ only by having different variations.
Figure 11.2. Cumulative distribution functions for two cases with same position
(symmetry point 5.0) and different variations only.
The Mann-Whitney test has no power against an alternative where the two distributions
differ only in deviation. The probability to reject the hypothesis of distributional equality
is in fact even smaller than the chosen level of significance for such an alternative. We will
not dig further into this, but please remember that the Mann-Whitney test is a test created
in order to find positional differences.
A very good property of the Mann-Whitney test (and for that matter also the Wilcoxon
test) works well also for observations with discrete distributions. But then we need to have
reasonably similar sample sizes in the two cases and use a small correction of the standard
deviation parameter in the normal approximation. When we have coinciding xi and y j
values it is natural to let the inversion indicator uij equal to 0.5. If we do so, the corrected
variance in the approximate normal distribution equals mn(m + n + 1) (1 ) , where the correction
term depends on how many coinciding values of different types there are. Suppose there
are K points with any coinciding outcomes and let k , k = 1, 2,3,..., K be the number of
outcomes in these points. Then the correction term equals
1 K
= k ( k2 1).
( m + n )( m + n 1)( m + n + 1) k =1
You can see that points with only one outcome do not contribute to the sum since k2 1 ( )
equals 0 in such cases.
Let us suppose that in a pedagogical trial, one wants to compare two groups. The participants
have to face 7 questions and the number of correct answers is considered to be the result
for the participant. Thus for each one, the outcome is one of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6 or 7. There are 100 participants in each group. The results are tabulated as follows..
Result 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Group 1 1 0 4 14 26 28 19 8
Group 2 4 6 11 17 31 17 10 4
Total 5 6 15 31 57 45 29 12
k =1
k 1) = 5 24 + 6 35 + 15 224 + ... + 12 143 = 335742
and the whole correction factor=
equals = 0.042 . We see that there are large
199 200 201
numbers in the calculation, but rather small numbers in the final result. The variance we
should have if the data were continuous, thus should be decreased by 4.2%. Our estimate
of the standard deviation in the normal approximation now equals
You may have noticed that the values in group 1 seem to be bigger than those in group 2.
We may perhaps prefer to let the values in group 1 be used as y values and the values in
group 2 be used as x values. But of course the choice of name does not influence the result
as long as we know what we do with the plus and minus.
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On the calculation of the test statistics we do not need to consider all 100 100 = 10000
individual pairs of observations. It is enough to consider only pairs of outcome points in the
two series to see how many cases there are for the different combinations. Observe that we
may have both full inversions and half inversions. In our example we get the inversion sum
5 11 17 4
1 + 0 + 4 10 + + 14 21 + + ... + 8 96 + =6551 .
2 2 2 2
And then, in order to get the p value in the test we should calculate the normalised variable
(difference between the observations and the estimated mean divided by the estimated
standard deviation)
6551 5000
= 3,87 .
400, 6
This gives a p value 1 (3,87) ) = 5, 4 105 . The result is extremely significant. It is clearly
proved that group 1 has a tendency of higher outcomes than group 2. In order to be formal
we could say that the investigation has shown that P ( X > Y ) > 0.5 if we denote outcomes
in group 1 by X and outcomes in group 2 by Y.
If we feel confident about the idea that the observations have some special type of distribution,
we can make the assumption that the observations have this distribution, and then which
requires no assumption on particular distributions. It is evident, that a test which is designed
for a particular situation is better than a general test which should be able to adapt to a
wider class of situations. The question is, however, how much better the specially designed
test is when its distributional assumptions are satisfied; and how it works in comparison
to the general test, when these assumptions are not satisfied. We will come back to this
question later. But first I will present the common special method designed for the case
when the observations are normally distributed.
Often it is assumed that the theoretical standard deviations for the two compared cases
are the same, in particular if they are obtained with the same measurement method. In
this case our model would be that we have two series of observations X 1 , X 2 , ..., X m and
Y1 , Y2 , ..., Ym , where all observations are independent and normally distributed, in the x
series with expectation 1 and standard deviation and the y series with expectation 2
and standard deviation . I have used uppercase letters in the notation for the observation
to indicate that they are random. In principle the density functions for the two types of
observations may appear as in the following figure.
The essential information in the two series of observations are their empirical means
X and Y and their empirical standard deviations S1 and S 2 . Since the two series are
supposed to have the same theoretical standard deviations, there is information on this
common parameter in both the empirical standard deviations S1 and S 2 . In order to get
the best information on the common theoretical standard deviation , we have to weight
together the information from S1 and S 2 in a suitable way. A larger series of observations,
of course, provides better information than a smaller series does. A very good way to put
the information together is to work with variances (squares of standard deviations) and to
weight the cases with their respective degrees of freedom (sample sizes minus 1). Then the
so called weighted empirical variance S 2 equals
2 ( m 1) S12 + ( n 1) S22
S = .
( m 1) + ( n 1)
This is a suitable estimate of the common theoretical variance 2.
Y X ( 2 1 )
1 1
S +
m n
If for example, t denotes the point in the t distribution with the correct number of degrees
of freedom, which has the value 0,975 = 97,5% of the cumulative distribution function in
the t distribution, then the random interval
1 1 1 1
X 2 X1 t S + ; X 2 X1 + t S +
m n m n
has the probability 95% to hit the theoretical parameter difference 2 1. The outcome
of such a random interval then gives a 95% confidence interval. In the same easy way we
may handle the test of the hypothesis 2 1, if we so wish. These are classical methods
from the early 20th century, which are among the most used statistical methods ever.
When we calculate the weighted standard deviation, we should not be surprised if the
empirical standard deviations in the two series differ quite a bit. It is in the very nature
of empirical standard deviations to have big relative variations even for rather big sample
sizes. You dont have to worry about this if you use the same measurement method for both
cases. If you have other cases, where you may suspect that the theoretical variances differ,
you may use some good approximate methods which can also handle different variances. It
will take us too deep into the subject to go into these problems here, but it may be good
to know that there are possibilities. Looking for Welch-Aspin methods would lead you right
up, if you want to study it more.
It is very important to distinguish between the situation we have here, two series with all
observations independent, and a situation with repeated measurements under two different
situations, on the same unit, which we discussed in an earlier section. If you do not distinguish
between these cases, there will be a statistical catastrophe! In one way or the other.
I had promised to come back to the question of efficiency. Theoretical calculations have
shown, for instance, that if we have normal observations with the same theoretical variance,
then the Mann-Whitney method is just 4% less efficient than the t method, in the sense that
we get approximately the same power if a Mann-Whitney test has 4% more observations
than a t test. Not much of an efficiency loss! However, for other types of distributions for
the observations the Mann-Whitneys test may be much more efficient than the t test, in
particular if the observations distribution has slowly declining tails.
There is a certain correspondence between tests and confidence intervals. For instance we
can test the hypothesis 1 2 by rejecting it as soon as the point 0 is not included in the
confidence interval for 2 1. If the confidence interval has a confidence degree 95%, the
test will then have the level of significance at 5%. But here we reject the hypothesis for big
deviations in both directions. We have got a two-sided test. But the confidence interval in
fact gives more precise information than rejection does, in a test. When we get a confidence
interval which is fully on the positive side, we can safely say that 2 1 > 0. And if the
confidence interval is fully on the negative side we can safely say that 2 1 < 0. And
all this means that within the same total risk, one minus the level of significance, we can
not only reject the hypothesis but also state in which direction we reject it. We have the
possibility to make two different statements within the same total risk.
I think that we should treat the testing problem in the same way, if we want to keep it
open to either a positive or a negative effect. What we then do is to make a multiple test
of two formal hypotheses with a common multiple level of significance, which is defined as
the risk to falsely reject any true hypothesis. In practice, this will be the same as making a
two-sided test and then completing it with a statement about which side we have rejected
it on, if we have. When we make a symmetric two-sided test, we divide the total level of
significance into two equal parts. And if we divide the total multiple level of significance into
two equal parts for the separate individual one-sided tests, it will, in practice, be the same.
This discussion may seem a little superfluous. But everything works more logically if we
consider two separate one-sided tests with a total risk of making a wrong statement in any
of these tests. If we think strictly on the logic of the statistical test theory, one should only
be allowed to make the (rather uninformative) statement 1 2, if we make a two-sided
test and reject the hypothesis 1 = 2. And I guess that you certainly want to tell, also,
which direction there is deviation in.
You probably have noticed that I used the one-sided level of significance 2.5% in the earlier
examples. There were two reasons for this. It is easier to understand the idea of a test if
you have only a one-sided alternative. And I wanted was the numerical value to coincide
after the present discussion, with what I had used, if we wanted the total multiple level of
significance at the conventional level 5%.
Finally I want to point out that it is sometimes motivating to make only a one-sided test
after all. For example, if we want to discover if there is increased radio activity level in some
geographical environment. Then there is reason to reject the hypothesis of non-increased
level only if we get a measurement high enough over the standard level. It is probably
reasonable to suppose that there exists a basic natural level everywhere, which can be raised
somewhere, but not lowered.
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Some advice for when you read something, which includes tests. Do always check whether
the author uses one-sided or two-sided tests. And if you write something yourself with tests
in it, be careful to indicate the same clearly. And of course talk about the level of significance
you use. Ideally of course, use two multiple one-sided tests with declared multiple levels
of significance.
When it comes to confidence intervals, I think that in almost all cases the use of two-sided
confidence intervals is suggested, which give bounds in both directions. An exception for
instance, may be if you want to show that a standard deviation of some kind has an upper
bound. Since a standard deviation can never be negative, the confidence interval then has
the type [0; z], for some suitable bound z determined by the observations and a given low
risk of missing the true parameter to the left.
We have spoken a great deal about random results of different types. In some problems we
had two different series of observations which came from two different cases of some kind.
Parameters for the random observations could be different for the two cases, and we were
interested in the possible differences. Now we will study statistical methods for situations
where the distributions of the random observations depend on a continuous background
variable. If we denote a random observations with Y and denote the background variable
with x, then in statistics we say that Y has regression on x, meaning that the distribution
of Y is determined by x and perhaps some parameters. The original meaning of the word
regression is return or go back, which fits well here too. The random observation Y goes
back to x, since its distribution is determined by x and some theoretical parameters.
Often it is meant to suppose that the observations are normally distributed. In the simplest
regression model, the observation Y has a normal distribution with a constant standard
deviation and an expectation , which is a linear function of x. In school mathematics, the
form of this line could be == kx + l . For several reasons it is here more convenient to let
the variable x have a starting point in the midpoint of the observational material. Thus,
with other, but equivalent, parameters we may write the equation of the (unknown) line as
= + (x x ) ,
where x is the mean of the x coordinates for all observation points. The parameter can
be interpreted as the height position of the line in the mid point x in the material and
is the elevation parameter (gradient of the line).
This simple linear regression problem has three parameters , and . The following figure
illustrates an example, where I have generated artificial normally distributed observations
for x = 1, 2,3,...,10 , with constant standard deviation = 0,5 and the true regression line
= 3,65 + 0,3 ( x 5,5) . You can see how the generated observation points are spread randomly
around the true regression line.
In a real situation, you have a cloud of observation points of corresponding x and Y values,
and the statistical problem then is to use this data in order to estimate the three parameters
, and , and then to also create confidence intervals or make tests of different hypotheses
concerning these parameters.
The estimation of the line parameters and can be made by use of the so called least
squares method. That method means, to find the straight line which fits the observation
points best by minimising the sum of squares of all deviations from observations to the
line in the y direction. In practice, you do not need to sit and minimise. Formulas have
been developed which give the solution directly. We have the line equation in the form
= + (x x ) .
= y
( x x )( y y )
= i =1
( x x )
i =1
With mathematical methods it can be shown that these two parameter estimates are
independent, which makes life easier when one wants to make statistical calculations in this
model. The suitable estimate of the standard deviation is based on the distance between
observation points and the estimated line in y direction. It can be written as
1 n
2 = ( (
yi + ( xi x )
n 2 i =1
)) .
You need not worry about the formulas, since statistical programs calculate this variance
estimate directly, if you just type the data into the computer. But the character of the formula
also gives a feeling of how variance estimates work. Hence I included the formula here.
Perhaps now you begin to understand the funny numerators in the earlier variance estimates
too. In a simple measurement series with n observations and only one position parameter, the
expectation, we divided by n 1 , and we got a 2 distribution with n 1 degrees of freedom.
In a comparison of two cases with m + n observations and two expectation parameters, we
divided by m + n 2 , and we got m + n 2 degrees of freedom. Now we have n observations
and two expectation parameters, and we divide by n 2 . A deeper mathematical analysis
reveals that ( n 2 ) has a 2 distribution with n 2 degrees of freedom.
All this is based on the same principle, which can most easily be described in the following
way. Among all dimensions corresponding to observations, a certain number of dimensions
must be used for expectation parameter estimates. The rest of the dimensions can be used
for estimating the variations, that is, the variance parameter. The corresponding degrees of
freedom are the number of dimensions used for the variance estimate. The same number
appears in the numerator when we calculate a mean of the variation. Now let us consider
an example.
In a trial, one wanted to see how the temperature influenced a chemical process. A reaction
experiment with regulated temperatures was performed, and the obtained mass of a certain
substance was measured for temperatures 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 degrees Celsius. The
results were as follows.
Temperature 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
The mean of the x values (temperature) is 35. A statistical program will deliver the estimates
= 83.6 , = 0.209 and = 1.80 . First we will see what it looks like when we put both
observations and estimated regression line y = 83,6 + 0, 209 ( x 35) in a figure.
Can we safely state that there is a temperature dependence in the studied temperature
interval? A multiple test consisting of a one-sided test of the hypothesis = 0 against the
alternative > 0 and a one-sided test of the hypothesis = 0 against the alternative > 0
can give the answer to that question. Most statistics program give the value of a test statistics
based on the estimates and in form of a t statistic
T= ( x x )
i =1
which is based on the estimates and . Under the hypotheses this test data has a t
distribution with n-2 degrees of freedom. Here it is thus 5 degrees of freedom. Often,
the statistical programs also give p values. In our material, the outcome of T is 3.07 and
the p value is 0.0139 = 1.39 % . The experiment showed that the obtained mass depends
significantly on the temperature. The figure also clearly indicates that there ought to be
some dependence. Since T is positive, it is in the test of the hypothesis = 0 against the
> 0 where we can expect a rejection and make the statement > 0.
When you fit a straight line to observation material of a number of pairs of x and y values,
we talk of a simple linear regression. Such a statistical model can be used when we have
a good motivation for the regressions function to be linear. If we have a small interval of
observed x values, we can often use the simple linear regression as an approximation, as
also if we do not have a particular motivation for linearity.
The term regression function has a much wider meaning than just a straight line. It may
for instance be a linear function of several background variables. Or it may be a polynomial
of some degree, for instance a second degree polynomial in one variable. In that case the
regressions function is determined by three parameters, a constant term and coefficients for
polynomial terms of first and second degree. A question which could be posed in that case
is, whether there is a significant curvature of the function, i.e., if the second order term is
needed in the function. In our example of the chemical reaction we might have posed that
question. In the next section we will come back to similar questions.
Then there is parameter linear regression, which means that the parameters are involved in
the regressions functions as multiplicative coefficients. For example a second order polynomial
regression is a parameter linear problem. The regression function is non-linear in the x
values, but it is a linear function in the parameters, which are coefficients of x polynomials
of the order zero, one and two.
It may of course also be natural in some situations to use genuinely non-linear regression
functions. An example is an exponential regression function of the type = e x which
is genuinely non-linear in parameters.
A parameter linear regression problem is not so difficult to handle, since the estimates are
obtained directly by formulas. Genuinely non-linear regressions functions need suitable
numerical methods to find the estimates, and also from a theoretical point of view they are
much more complicated. We will not discuss that in any detail here.
There also exists so called generalised linear regression, where one has observations with
distributions other than the normal one, and in a suitable way the parameters in the
distribution are transformed to a linear form of background variables via a so-called link
function. We will come back to generalised linear regression in a later section.
Everyone who has read scientific papers or investigations with statistical content has probably
stumbled upon the concept of analysis of variance sometime. Thus it is extremely relevant to
give the technique of analysis of variance in this book. In an earlier section I have discussed
the problem of comparison of two cases. In a sense, this is the simplest form of analysis
of variance. What we usually call simple analysis of variance is a method to compare a
number of similar cases. And two is, of course, a special case of several. But generally, in
simple analysis of variance we compare more than two cases. The application surroundings
can vary. It may be comparison of a number of communities, a number of professions, a
number of medical treatments and so on.
In the simplest model we have for instance n cases with m observations for each case.
All observations are supposed to be independent and normally distributed with the same
(unknown) standard deviation . The different cases may have different expectations,
i , i = 1, 2,..., n . Yes, of course they may also occasionally be equal, which is in fact the
hypothesis we are going to test in our analysis of variance. If we make the test on a small
level of significance and reject that hypothesis, we may safely state that there are (some)
differences between the expectations.
n j =1 2
mathematically deduced that the distribution of the random variable W = n ( m 1) S is a
2 distribution with n ( m 1) degrees of freedom.
Now when we are trying to get a measure of how much the means differ, we can suitably
calculate a variance expression for the means, that is
1 n
V= ( X i X TOT ) ,
n 1 i =1
where X TOT is the total mean over all cases. This can be seen as a calculation of an empirical
variance, where the means act as observations. Since the variance for an individual mean is
, the variable V would estimate this variance if there were no true differences between
the expectations. If the outcome of the variable is divided by the corresponding theoretical
variance, we get ( n 2 1)V = m ( n 21)V , which would have a 2 distribution with n 1 degrees
of freedom.
On the other hand, if there are some differences between the expectations, there is a tendency
for V to have increased values. This can be used in the construction of the analysis of
variance test statistics, which is the ratio of the two random variables mV2 and S 2 . Both
include the unknown variance 2, but that is not the case for their ratio
2 = mV .
S S2
If there are no differences between the expectations, this ratio would have an outcome in
the vicinity of 1. In this case it will also have an old classical distribution, which is called
the F distribution with n 1 degrees of freedom in the numerator and n ( m 1) degrees of
freedom in the denominator. If the hypothesis of equal expectations is not true, there is a
tendency of increasing value in this ratio. Thus it may favourably be used as test statistics
to test the hypothesis that all the expectations are equal.
This F distribution began to be studied already in the early days of statistical theory, almost
a hundred years ago. With much effort, tables were made for certain percentage points in the
distribution for different numbers of degree of freedom. Nowadays the statistical programs
on computers can quickly deliver both test bounds and obtained p values. Let us look at
an example of an F test in a simple analysis of variance.
In a trial four groups of patients are compared with respect to pH value in the urine. There
are three individuals in each group, and the measurement values are the following
Group 1 2 3 4
Value 5.2 6.0 6.1 7.1 6.6 7.3 4.8 5.5 5.8 5.9 6.4 6.6
The following figure depicts the data. Both the table values and the figure indicate a difference
between the groups. Is there a significant difference at all? Can group 2 perhaps be shown
to have a greater expectation then the others?
Our weighted variance S 2 has to be composed of the four individual variances within
the four groups. Its value becomes 0.192. For testing, we need the variance expression V
calculated using the four means 5.77; 7.00; 5.37; 6.30. The value is 0.497. Putting in the
correct factors including m and n gives the outcome 3 2 = 7.77 . If this had been thirty years
ago, we would have had to consult a table of the F distribution with 3 degrees of freedom
in the numerator and 8 degrees of freedom in the denominator. The closest table value
would have been the 99 percentile, which is 7.59% and the 99.9 percentile, which is 9.60.
We would have been able to reject the hypothesis of equal expectations on the 1% level
but not on the 0.1% level. But now in the age of computers, we can also get the exact
one-sided p value from a statistics program. This value appears to be 0, 0093 = 0, 93%.
Note that it is correct to use a one-sided p value here. The only possible deviation from the
F distribution of the null hypothesis, is an increase. Sometimes an extremely small value
may occur, but that can only happen due to pure chance. No alternative whatsoever can
give a tendency of a smaller value compared to the null hypothesis.
If we make a test, and reject the null hypothesis of equal expectations, we can safely state:
There are some differences between the expectations. That statement is within the risk
of the chosen level of significance. To safely give an explanation for what the differences
consists of, is a much more complicated problem, which requires more theory of multiple
statistical tests.
This basic sketch of analysis of variance included only the very simplest type of analysis of
variance. There are several more structured problems, each of them requiring its own type
of analysis of variance. There is no chance that we could cover much more in this small
book. But I will give one more scenario, which, in all its simplicity, gives some more insight
into the basic thoughts of analysis of variance.
Let us go back to the regression problems in section 13, and in particular the example
with the measurement of mass obtained in a chemical reaction. The figure with data and
the estimated straight line in it perhaps gave the impression that the straight line model
was not enough for the experiment. Do we need a model with a second order polynomial
there, in order to involve curvature of the regression function?
Now we ought to think of the problem in steps. First, we have a constant term. It is estimated
by the mean of all observations, which is in fact the least sum of squares estimate of that
constant. After this, there still remains some deviation from the model.
Next we add a linear term and make an estimate of the model with both constant term and
linear term, i.e., a simple linear regression model. This is a better fit than the first attempt,
but deviances still remain. There is however, always some decrease in the sum of squares.
If that decrease is very small, we would not need the linear term in the model, that is, we
would not be able to establish dependence.
After this we add a second order term (quadratic term), which means bending of the
regression function. Fitting a model with all three types of terms decreases the sum of the
squares of deviations even more. If this decrease is large, we certainly need the second order
term in the model.
In the figure below, you can see the observations together with the fitted second order
polynomial. I think that you would agree that there is now a good fit. For examining
the fit we need some calculations, which are based on the numbers in the following table
including the sums of squares in the different steps.
Constant 46.79 - 1 -
If you like geometry and abstract thinking, the following discussion may give you more
insight. Our 7 observations correspond to 7 dimensions. When we fit a constant to the
observations, it requires one dimension, and after that fit only 6 free dimensions remain.
The remaining sum of squares is determined in these 6 dimensions. When we also fit a
linear term, we use a further dimension, and the remaining sum of squares is determined
in the remaining 5 dimensions. Finally when we also fit a quadratic term, we use a third
estimation dimension and there remain only 4 free dimensions. In this space we can make
the estimate of the variance.
But now we come to the very idea of the analysis of variance. If there are no systematic
effects, but just pure random variations, then the outcomes in the last (rightmost) column
estimate the same theoretical variance. And in the very last row of that column is a pure
error estimate, which the others can be compared to. This means of course, that we have
reason to suppose that the model need not have more terms (like third degree terms etc.).
The tests for different degree terms will be F tests with the degrees of freedom determined
by the dimension numbers.
In order to test if a second order term is needed in the model, we should use the test statistics
= 10.41 . If the second order term were not to be manifested in the theoretical model,
we would get a random variable here, which would have an F distribution with 1 degree
of freedom in the denominator and 4 degrees of freedom in the numerator. A statistical
program gives us the p value 0.032 = 3.2 % . If we use a conventional level of significance
5%, we could say that the second order term is significant, that is, we have a curvature in
the regressions function.
Another question is of course, if a second order polynomial is a suitable model for the
dependence. But in a rather small investigation interval (for the x variable, in this case
temperature), it may always be a reasonable model to use a second order polynomial as an
approximation if we think that there may be curvature.
The column that I have labelled Decrease in the table above, is often called Sum of squares
or shortened to S S in statistical software programs. In the same way, the last column is
often denoted as Mean square and shortened to M S.
It is not easy to measure the two types of variations in such a model. When analysing it
we must clearly work both with variation within patients and variation between patients.
Variations within patients, measured as variations between time points for the same individual,
can give estimates of the internal variation component. In order to estimate the other type
of variation, we need to use the variation between means for patients having the same
background characteristic. The structure will best be understood with a simple example.
Suppose the variation between individuals in a group can be described by considering
random individual characteristics which have a fixed unknown expectation and an unknown
variance denoted by 2, and added to this individual characteristic is an extra independent
internal variation within the individual with a variance denoted by 2.
Suppose further that we make m observations for each one of n individuals. Denote the
empirical mean and variance in terms of individual number i by X i and Si2 . Then the
variance within individuals is estimated without systematic errors by the weighted variance
1 n 2
S2 = Si . If we consider the model we have used, we see that the theoretical variance
n i =1
for individual means is equal to 2 + . This is explained by the fact that the individuals
characteristic value with variance 2 is included in all observations, and this characteristic
value shows a variance of the mean of the extra random variation from observation to
observation, which is .
1 n 2
The formal empirical variance T 2 =
n 1 i =1
( X i X TOT ) of the empirical means for individuals
gives an estimate of the theoretical quantity 2 + . If m is very large, this is of course
approximately equal to but in general we need to make a correction for
. Thus we
can generally estimate by the difference T S .
2 2
A concern here is that, in particular if 2 is small, occasionally the estimate may be negative.
And since the theoretical value of the variance is non-negative, this would estimate an
impossible value. This problem is however easily solved by substituting the estimated value
by 0. And after all this is an improvement, since it just forces the estimate a bit towards
the true value, which in non-negative.
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Whether you makes statistical investigations yourself or just read reports from others, it is
important to understand the different types of variations in data and to distinguish between
variations between individuals and variations within individuals. This difference may be
used in the planning of experiments. Since variations within individuals are often smaller
than variations between individuals, and it will be helpful if an experiment can be designed
to make comparisons between cases within individuals. Examples of this can be found in
efficiency measurements as differences in individuals between after treatment and before
treatment. Many times, however, this is not possible. If the aim is to compare two types of
treatments, different individuals must be targeted for the two treatments, since each individual
can only be given one of the (curative) treatments. But for continuous medical treatments
one can make a plan where individuals shift between treatments. If you are interested in
this matter, you should read about cross-over trials. Unfortunately there is not space enough
in this small book to discuss these interesting and important things in greater detail.
I must say that I was quite happy to find such an intuitive insight by a person in a public
broadcast medium. So often I have come across the opposite, for example long and heated
discussions on some small numbers with no real content. Now we will discuss the type of
data where events of some type occur randomly in time or in space. And in that connection
we will also consider the case when there are few events occurring in the studied time
interval or in the studied space.
Result 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 16.2. Result of a realistic simulation of yearly numbers with theoretical mean 2.
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The trick to come close to reality was to cut time into small intervals with a small probability
of occurrences in each of them. In theoretical work in mathematical statistics, one goes all
the way to infinitely small intervals in order to get a general model. Then the result for
the theoretical limit for the probability distribution is obtained. In our example, with a
mean of 2 events per time unit, the limiting result is the one given in the following table.
Result 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Our small calculations show very clearly the statement given in the criminology television
program that there are large relative variations in data consisting of small natural numbers.
And it is good advice to not trust this data too much. One ought to be skeptical of making
too much of such data. If you cannot explain the big relative variations to others yourself,
you can always advise them to read this little elementary book, which they get without
any cost.
Of course, data with large relative variations can sometimes be used for responsible conclusions,
if there are many such data points available. For instance there may be a good estimate
for a time period consisting of a number of shorter intervals even if there are large relative
variations in the shorter intervals.
So far we have talked mostly about the relative variations in random data which are small
natural numbers. Such a large relative variation is a characteristic of data of the type now
and then or here and there. But there are also other characteristics of such data.
One accident rarely comes alone is a saying I guess you have heard. Is it true that accidents
have a tendency to accompany each other? Many people think so. On the other hand I
guess you have heard people say Such accidents occur in the mean every second year; it
is now 20 months since the last one, so now it will happen within the next few months.
What do you think? Are adverse events occurring together or are they spread evenly?
I have to say, there is some truth in both and there is some falsehood in both statements.
Let me try to explain. Accidents can certainly be assumed to occur randomly. There is hardly
any memory process built in; the potential accident places does not have any information
on earlier events, if we disregard ice, snow, traffic flow and similar things, which disrupt the
common randomness. But such times with increased risk can be thought of as a random
process with higher accident intensity. But internally in time intervals I must say that I
strongly believe in pure randomness.
What does it look like then? In order to illustrate this, I have made a little simulation.
For 1000 small time intervals I have used the computer to generate an accident with a
probability of 0.02 for each interval. Then accidents happened to appear in the following
time intervals:
12, 15, 28, 57, 76, 80, 109, 290, 315, 334, 456, 476, 481, 551, 569, 586, 616, 648, 682,
788, 813, 872, 875, 905, 940, 971
In four cases there happened to be one accident does not come alone. There are less than
5 time units between accidents in the intervals 1215, 7680, 476481 and 872875.
The theoretical mean distance should be 50 time units. In three cases, 682735, 735788
and 813872 there happened to be approximately 50 time units in between. In one case
interval 109290, there is a distance of 181 time units between accidents! As you see,
our simulated example gave a mixture of small, medium and long distances without any
particular pattern. It is just random! Perhaps a figure depicting the time points obtained,
can contribute further to your understanding.
Figure 16.3. During 1000 time intervals the event occurred in 27 intervals
This is just simulation, but this behaviour is also what we could expect in real life. The
computer simulation is a very good picture of reality in this case, which is seen in many
applications. The assumption that the occurrence of accidents in different time intervals
is independent is very realistic if we correct for varying environmental effects like weather
and traffic flow. And mathematically, there is a common structure for such different things
as radioactive emission, traffic accidents, and telephone calls to a service unit. In other
applications there is a random occurrence not in time but in space. But it is the same
mathematical structure.
The Poisson distribution has only one parameter, which is usually denoted by . The
probability that the number X of events will be equal to k is given by
P(X = k) = e k
thinking .
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UNDERSTANDING STATISTICS Now and then or here and there
for all k = 0,1, 2,3,... The numerator k ! (k-faculty) denotes the product of all natural numbers
from 1 up to and including k . For k equal to 0 we have the special definition 0! = 1.
A wonderful property of that distribution is that it fits many common application situations
and that it has a single parameter . The expectation in the distribution is , and the
standard deviation is .
Let us go back to the previous illustration example. When I generated the outcomes in
the 1000 intervals I had put the probability of occurrence equal to 0.02 in each interval.
It means that the event ought to occur about 20 times in the whole interval. That is an
approximate Poisson distribution with parameter = 20. In our simulated interval it
happened 27 times. Was that an unexpectedly large number, taking into account that the
theoretical mean was 20? Not at all. The standard deviation of the Poisson distribution
is equal to the square root of the parameter , in our case 20 = 4.47 . The overshoot
7 we got is just 1.56 standard deviations away from the theoretical mean. And since the
standard deviation is a kind of mean deviation from the theoretical mean, it is natural that
we sometimes get an observation a bit more than the standard deviation away from the
theoretical mean. Anything less than 2 standard deviations away from the theoretical mean
is quite natural. It might be interesting to see what a Poisson distribution with parameter
20 looks like. The graph is given in the following figure. As you can see, the observation
27 is notvery far out in the tail.
Next time you see that some kind of event has occurred a certain number of times in a time
interval, let your thoughts go to the Poisson distribution, and in particular to its standard
deviation. If for instance something has occurred 9 times in a year, remember that if the
expectation is around 9, the standard deviation is around 9 = 3 . Quite a large relative
variation, at one third of the expectation. If, however, you have seen a case where an event
has occurred 100 times during some time interval, the estimated standard deviation is
approximately 100 = 10 , which is only one tenth of the expected value. This is a much
lesser relative variation.
Can you always suppose that you have a Poisson distribution when you count how many
times an event occurs during a time interval or in a space? No, not always. If you think
of the occurrences to be completely random, it is OK fine. But if there is some kind of
systematic structure involved, you have reason to be sceptical. For the position of trees along
a roadside you may perhaps use the Poisson distribution if the road passes a forest. But in
an open landscape with equidistant planted trees by the roadside it does not fit well at all.
The number of bacteria in a part of a preparation may well be supposed to have a Poisson
distribution in some cases, But if each original bacteria may cause groups of secondary
bacteria around itself, that Poisson distribution model is perhaps not so good.
The reasoning behind the Poisson distribution showed that it has a lot to do with the binomial
distribution. This also means that the Poisson distribution may serve as an approximation
of the binomial distribution if the p parameter in the binomial distribution is small. In the
approximation the Poisson parameter should then equal = n p . We may also observe now
that for small outcomes in the binomial distribution we may use the rule of thumb that
the standard deviation is approximately equal to the square root of the expectation, like
in the Poisson distribution. This is good to know when judging the quality of numerical
binomial data.
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Assume that there has been a problem with some kind of production and that work is being
done in order to fix the problem. During the last five weeks, the number of produced units
and the number of complaints were as follows:
Complaints 26 24 14 4 7
The engineer responsible calculated a regression line with the complaint numbers as data.
With x denoting the week number, he derived the regression line estimate y = 15 5.8 ( x 3)
and the following figure for the regression function.
Now, what is the problem with this analysis, besides the fact that just outside the observation
interval the estimate presents a negative value, which is an impossible parameter value?
The originally suggested simple linear regression analysis requires normally distributed
observations with the same variance. What we have here may be supposed to have binomial
distributions. The first observations 26 and 24 may possibly be accepted as approximately
normal but the last ones 4 and 7 may certainly not. Further, the variances differ a lot.
The first binomial observation 26 (in 204 trials) may be estimated to have variance of the
1 26 26
order of 1 =0.00055 , while the fourth observation, 4 (in 173 trials) has a
204 204 204
1 4 4
variance which may be estimated to be 1 =0.00013 . The latter is many times
173 173 173
smaller than the first one.
How can these inconveniences be overcome and a more reliable regression type of analysis
be made? A trick is to make a generalised linear regression. In a model for generalised
linear regression, we make a coupling between the parameters of the assumed observation
distributions and a linear model in another (abstract) space via a link function. In the example
here, we have observations which certainly may be assumed to have binomial parameters.
The size parameter n is already exactly known and to the other parameter p we now attach
a new abstract parameter via the so called link function, which for example could be
p e
= log with inverse p = .
1 p 1 + e
Other link functions are also possible, but this is the most common one. You must observe
that when the parameter p goes from 0 to 1, the more artificial parameter goes all the
way from to . If we fit a linear function in x to the values we have a generalised
linear model
= + ( x x ) = log .
1 p
There is no risk here of getting parameters estimated outside the allowed region. In order
to estimate the parameters and also to get estimates of their variances, numerical methods
are needed. In a suitable statistical program the necessary computational methods are built
in. The principle is an iterative procedure to find the parameters, which give the highest
probability for the observations we have got. And the program also uses this probability
function to get approximate values of variances.
We do not have to worry about this. The program will give us the figures; we just
have to make the interpretation. Calculations showed that in the scale, the estimated
regression line was estimated to be 1.358 0.435x . Further, the standard error of the
steepness parameter estimate was 0.095 and an approximate 95% confidence interval
[0.435 1.96 0.095; 0.435 + 1.96 0.095] = [0.62; 0.25] for the steepness. We may now go back
to the probability parameter p via the inverse of the link function. We then get
e e 1.3580.435 x .
=p =
1 + e 1 + e 1.3580.435 x
In the following figure we have probability estimates (relative frequencies) for the five weeks
together with the regression estimate in the p scale.
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Figure 17.2 Observations of relative frequencies at five time points in an estimate of the
regression function obtained with a generalized linear model.
Here we have got an estimate which is more truthful to the character of the data and the
experimental situation. For example, the estimated function cannot be negative in any time
interval. Different quality of different data is taken into consideration in the estimation
procedure by the maximum likelihood method. We still have to think of the realism in,
for example, the x-linearity in the generalised linear regression model though. There might
be curvature tendencies in a generalised linear regression model just as can be so in an
ordinary linear model. This problem can be overcome, for instance, by using a second order
polynomial in the generalised linear model instead of the purely linear one.
Generalised linear model methods exist for several discrete and continuous distributions. One
example is the discrete Poisson distribution and another one is the continuous exponential
distribution which can be used for life spans without aging.
Related to this is the general Cox model for hazard rate dependence on background variables.
In this small text we cannot dig deeper into these topics, but I hope that you have got a
little understanding of what a generalised linear model is and how it can be used.
Other units of measurement can be defined in similar ways. A common feature of these
definitions is that the measurement unit in natural sciences is very accurately determined.
But how do you define measurement units in the soft sciences? How can you define a
measurement unit for pain or happiness? In fact it is not at all natural to define a measurement
unit in these cases. What you can best hope for is a good ordered scale which may give the
possibility to judge which class in the scale the measure situation belongs to. But even that
is not so easy. How can you, for example, make a good ordered scale to judge bleeding in
the brain with the help of computerized pictures?
There are different possibilities for getting good quality. Careful verbal descriptions of
scale steps are important. If the scale is to be used internationally the translation of the
descriptions is a special issue here. One method is to use gold standards. New and less
experienced judgers can learn by making judgments for some units which are compared to
the results of more experienced judgers result for the same units.
Often there have been in use the VAS scales (visual analog scales), which usually consist
of a 10 centimeter long line with extreme judgments at the ends. The judgment should
be given by a mark on the line. This may seem to be a very accurate method, with this
continuous set of alternatives. But that is not the case. The absolute determination of the
position between the extremes is left to the judger. This inconvenience is most important
in self-judgments, for instance in medical investigations, where the patient himself should
make the judgment. It is of course slightly better if a treating doctor makes the judgment
for several patients. That may be a little more comparable.
Is it then at all possible to make, for instance, a comparison between two treatments by use
of judgment scales? Yes, by careful construction of ordered categorical scales it is possible,
after all. In situations where it is possible to make good verbal descriptions of ordered
categories it is certainly better to use such a scale than to use a simple continuous VAS
scale. The verbal descriptions have a normalising effect.
How can results from ordered categorical scale judgments be analysed in a good way? We may
make a good test for comparing two groups of units (e.g. individuls) by use of a technique
we have talked about in a previous section. It is quite perfect to use a Mann-Whitney test
in order to compare the positions of two distributions on ordered categories. That test is
based just on the order of observations. Earlier we discussed the test in connection with
continuous data, but also discussed and gave a correction for coinciding values in rounded
continuous data, which are in fact discrete. The present case with results in ordered categories
is also of a discrete type. It can easily be handled using the correction of the variance in
the approximating normal distribution, which we presented before. Here the hypothesis is
that the two cases have the same distribution on the ordered categories and the alternative
to equality is that there is a systematic tendency.
Two medical treatments are compared in an investigation that includes 200 patients. Medicine
A is given to 100 randomly selected patients and the remaining patients are given medicine
B. The effect is judged in a scale with 4 ordered categories, described in verbal terms. The
results are shown in the following.
Category 1 2 3 4
A 11 37 31 21
B 3 23 35 39
In order to test the hypothesis of equal effects of medicines A and B, we just have to go
through all categories of one of the medicines, for example B, and sum the number of
inversions with medicine A. For equal category we count a half inversion for each pair.
The result will be
The hypothesis in the test is that the theoretical distributions are the same for the two
medicines. If that hypothesis is true, the sum of inversions ought to be of the order of
100 50 =5000 . It seems that medicine B is better than medicine A. But how big is the
variance of the test statistic? We know from an earlier section that the variance, on comparing,
is equal to
mn(m + n + 1)
(1 )
with its correction term
1 K
= k ( k2 1).
( m + n )( m + n 1)( m + n + 1) k =1
The numerical value of the correction term here is equal to 0.090 and with that included,
we get the standard deviation 390.4 from the first formula. Observe that the formula gives
the variance! The random variable which should have an approximate normal distribution
6408 5000
with parameters 0 and 1, would get an outcome equal to = 3.607 . A one-sided
p value is here 0.00016 = 0.016 percent. Really small! We dare to state that of the two
medicines, B has a better effect.
I hope you remember the juridical character of test philosophy. If any opponent tries to
convince you that B is not favorable in comparison to A, you can defend your statement
by telling him that if A and B had the same distribution, then the p value would have a
uniform distribution in the interval (0;1). And yet you have got 0.016 percent far out in
the lower end. The chances of getting such a small, or smaller value by pure chance is just
0.016 percent.
It is not relevant to work with means and standard deviations for the numbers that possibly
mark the ordered categories. Remember that the results are only results on order between
observations and that there does not exist any real metric in this type of scale measurement.
A simple and clear illustration of the two cases of ordered category data is to plot the
empirical cumulative distribution functions for the two cases together in the same figure. The
cumulative distribution function also works well for data which is not really metric but only
has order information. In the following figure you can see the functions for our example.
Figure 17.1. Cumulative distribution functions for results of scale judgments for two medicines.
The medicine B is the one corresponding to the graph that is lower and more to the right.
It is rather common to come across investigations where several scale judgments are put
together in some kind of index, which is a weighted or non-weighted mean of the category
number in the basic judgment scale. In particular, if the scale judgments concern different
types of questions, it will be completely impossible to really understand the index. What
does it mean, for instance, if some category of elderly people has a quality of life index that
has decreased from 7.3 to 6.9 in the last 5 years? Is it a question of physical or psychological
well-being? Is it a question of problems with health care or is it a question of worsening
economical conditions?
My clear opinion is that one should be able to understand the meaning of the measures
used in an investigation. And in order for the investigation to have any impact on the real
world, we should be able to find out in some detail, where the possible problem lies. By
putting all kind of things together in an index, we have no chance of finding out what
the problem really is. An ambitious investigation is worthwhile, to present a more detailed
picture than just some curious overall index.
Sometimes you could see papers so full of star-marks that the whole paper was reminiscent
of the map of a starry sky. The reason for this often was that the authors squeezed their
data material too hard, making tests in a lot of subsets and on various questions, hoping to
get a good capture of stars. Data without a structured plan and with a common handling
of all the error possibilities has often been seen. Perhaps beautiful with all these stars, but
not good (useful) at all!
Today when computers and statistics programs are much more powerful, the stars are
increasingly substituted by calculated p values. However the basic problem also remains
when a lot of p values are calculated. And now I will try to explain what the problem is.
Suppose that we take observations from 10 different cases, for example, 10 groups of
individuals. Perhaps when you look at the data you see that there are two cases, where the
means differ much. And the p value of a test of equality in position between those two
groups, gives a p value which is below the traditional limit of 5%. This ought not to be
10 9
a surprise. There are in fact = 45 different pairs of cases, when there are 10 cases in
all. If there are no real differences between the cases at all, the p values should be random
numbers in the interval (0; 1). The probability of getting a particular p value below 5%
by pure chance in some of 45 attempts ought not to be surprising. Also, 2 or 3 p values
below 5% by pure chance in 45 tests of true hypotheses, is a very reasonable result.
If we think of one-sided tests in the pairs there would be 90 attempts to find a significant
result. And if we still use a significant limit of 5% in the individual tests, a number like
5 random rejections is the common result, but for even 8 or 9 rejections is still a natural
random outcome if there are no real differences between cases.
Sometimes this phenomenon is called the mass significance problem. To make an unrestrained
lot of separate tests on different, more or less planned questions, on a conventional individual
level of significance like 5% is an irresponsible method.
How should it be done in a responsible way then, if we really want to handle several detail
questions in our investigation? I want to point out that the latter ambition is reasonable if
planned in advance and on taking some basic multiple inference theory into consideration.
What does the inequality look like then? Suppose we have n errors of some type and denote
their probabilities with p1 , p2 , p3 ,....., pn . Then the probability that at least one of the errors
occurs is, at the most equal to p1 + p2 + p3 + ..... + pn . If n tests have the individual level
of significance /n, the multiple (total) level of significance is at most equal to . If n
confidence intervals have individual confidence degrees 1 /n, the risk that any of the
intervals will miss their parameter, at the most equals to 1 .
If we make 5 confidence intervals, all of which have (individual) confidence degree 99%,
then the risk that a given (fixed) one of the confidence intervals misses its parameter, is
equal to 1%. But (according to Boole-Bonferroni), the risk that any (at least one) of the
intervals misses their parameter, at the most equals to 5 1% = 5% . The probability that
all the confidence intervals hit their parameter is at least equal to 95%. We have got an
over-all (multiple) risk of at the most 5% and an over-all (multiple) level of confidence of
at least 95%, for all the 5 confidence intervals together.
In the case of tests, I have myself made a refinement of the Bonferroni method which has
been much used. Like the original Bonferroni method, it is completely general and can
simply be used in any multiple test situation. The underlying principle for this stepwise
test is the following. If we have used the Bonferroni method on a number of tests and
made some rejections, we may use the same method again on the remaining tests, where
there has not been rejection. Since we now work with a smaller number of tests, there is
a new chance of rejecting some further hypotheses with a larger limit of the individual p
values. And this may be repeated as long as we get new rejections. The method is always
as good as the original Bonferroni method, and may give some further rejections, but yet
the originally intended multiple level of significance is assured.
Since the method is usually called the Holm-Bonferroni method you may find more
complete information on the method by doing a web search on this name. There do exist
numerous multiple inference methods for more specific situations, but we will not delve
deeper into that here.
81,000 km
Thats more than twice around the world.
So typical, so typical! Not only when it comes to climate for entrepreneurship but also when it
comes to service at health care institutions, chirurgical operation results at hospitals, results at
schools, and much, much more. A lot of scale point data and ranks, are presented as though
they were very precise but completely without analysis of the natural random variations.
Let us take a look at the figures. What does it signify that the mean of the scale numbers
is 4.1? The indication 4 on the scale means good and 5 means very good in this case.
Does 4.1 mean that most answers in the questionnaire have been good and very few answers
have been very good? Or does it mean that there is quite a spread over all the alternatives,
very bad, bad, good and very good, with slightly extra weight for good and very good. If
the distribution of answers on alternatives were presented, one could gain more insight.
For instance, it could reveal if there was in fact a substantial group of entrepreneurs who
claimed that the service was very bad. I have looked for such information every time I have
come across this type of data presentation. And never found it. I found just all these ranks
and possibly some index results.
Means of scale numbers for categories defined by verbal descriptions are generally not
good for conveying result information. In such a calculation there is an inherent structure
meaning that there is the same distance between all neighbouring categories. It may,
however, be more important to distinguish between bad and good than to distinguish
between good and very good. Beside this, the mean values are not always easy to interpret.
A simple understandable overall measure is obtained by joining the negative answers in one
main category and joining the positive answers in one main category. The main measure
of the proportion of positive answers is always understandable. And of course this could
be completed with two measures on further details, the proportion of very good among all
good answers and the proportion of very bad among all bad answers. The information on
the answers to a question would be much more meaningful if it were accompanied with
an analysis of the quality of the estimates.
As I said, I have never seen results presented as numbers of answers in all categories, which
would allow me to calculate some standard errors myself. But in the introductory example
here I was surprised to find information on proportions of positive and negative answers
in an internet complement not only for the present year but also for the last 11 years. The
presented percentages (rounded to a single decimal point) are
61.3, 76.9, 71.8, 68.8, 72.6, 73.7, 76.0, 70.5, 66.7, 69.0, 68.8.
But tell me about a state of happiness that lasts forever. The percentages are not accompanied
with data on the number of answers, which would be needed in order to make calculations
for standard errors. However, in a place in the text it is said that the last year there were
almost 100 answers. In order to get some idea of the variation in the series, let us make
some calculations for the sample size 100.
For last year we have the positive fraction 0.688 = 68.8%. With a sample size 100 this has a
0.688 (1 0.688 )
standard error = 0.046 = 4.6 % . A 95% confidence interval for this individual
year would then be [59,2;78,4]. You may observe that all the other 10 yearly estimates are
included in this interval. I dare say that all discussion on trends up and down in the series
is just rubbish. But I am sure that if I go to the newspaper archives for the last 10 years I
can find much discussion on the ups and downs during this period. The whole series is a
good example of a natural, just random variation.
In a presented investigation on the results of a type of surgical operation for different hospitals
in Sweden, it so happened that some small hospitals had the top results with the highest
fraction of successful operations, while large famous hospitals were not so highly ranked.
Are the big and famous Swedish hospitals bad? No, I think they are not. This is probably
just a sample size effect. A small hospital has a much smaller number of operations than a
big hospital. If both have the same theoretical probability of success for an operation, there
is more random variation in the fraction of success for the small hospital. And furthermore,
there is quite a number of small hospitals so there is a good chance that a few of them
are in the top of the observed fractions. Looking at the lowest observed results, one also
finds some small hospitals in the bottom region. As should be the case if there are no real
differences but only randomness and different sample sizes.
In order to enlighten the above properly, I have made a small simulation. It consists of 20
small units, 10 medium size units and 5 big units. For the small units I have generated
100 operations data, for the medium size units I have generated 200 operations data and
for the big units I have generated 300 operations data. All operation results are supposed
to be independent with a 10% risk of extra complications. The data I generated for 5 years
gave the following risk estimates.
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Figure 19.1. Simulated example for the risk of extra complications in 20 small units, 10 medium
sized units and 5 big units, for 5 years. For each year the observations for the different types of
units are arranged with big units in the upper layer, medium size units in the middle layer and small
units in the lower layer. Points in the figure may denote one single observation or some coinciding
In the years 2, 3, 4 and 5, small units have both top results and bottom results. In the
first year, a small unit is best (smallest estimated risk) and a medium unit is worst (biggest
estimated risk). The big units are quite well centred in all five years. Even if these simulations
have few units in order not to make the picture blurry, I think it will demonstrate the effect
well. Now in this simulation there is no real difference between the units at all but if there
are minor differences, it will essentially be the same behavior.
You have already been introduced to simulations in the previous sections. They have been
used to illustrate how randomness works in different situations.
What is a simulation then? Modern computers can do calculations very fast and among the
possible operations is the one for generating random numbers. Basically, random numbers
with an equal distribution in the interval 0 to 1 can be generated, but built in mathematical
operations make it possible to obtain random numbers with various distributions. By
mathematical means, several random outcomes can also be combined in the way we want.
And since computers are so fast we may easily run a lot of cases. By studying the results of
those runs we may learn a lot about the properties of the random system we have imitated.
Now it is very important to observe here that a simulation in a computer is like a dolls-
house or a model railway. It is not the reality; it is just our picture of reality. When we
decide how to make a simulation, we also decide what picture of reality we have. And the
usefulness of what we learn from the simulation depends on how well our picture depicts
reality. Bad conformity between the simulation and reality will make the simulation a
worthless result. Just like if you want to use a dolls-house to find a good way of changing
the places of your home furniture without carrying around heavy sofas and tables too much,
if the dolls-house itself and the furniture in it are not correct in form and scale, then the
suggestions from the model study may be a complete disaster in reality.
One example of simulation in statistics is the so called bootstrap technique. The basic
principle of bootstrap is simple. In statistical methods we want to calculate quality measures
like confidence degrees, variances and significance levels or bias (=systematic error) correction.
But in some cases it may be very hard or practically impossible to do that analytically.
Then we may do the calculation by way of a careful simulation. And it is very reasonable
to make the simulation calculation for the distribution we have got empirically in our
observations. The essence of bootstrap technique is just to estimate statistical properties by
making a simulation with the obtained empirical distribution as a base. Let us consider a
very simple example in order to illustrate how the bootstrap technique works in principle.
For a certain measurement method, there is some doubt that the observations do not
have a normal distribution. For 10 measurements in a special situation we have got the
following results:
46.2, 44.8, 51.3, 45.6, 52.1, 46.5, 50.1, 45.9, 50.6, 48.1
The mean of the observation series is 48.12 and the standard deviation is 2.68. If we could
assume that the measurement errors are normally distributed we could make a confidence
interval for the expectation in the common way by using the t distribution with 9 degrees
of freedom.
Now we could, for instance, use the formula for the t statistic but make a special table for
its distribution by the bootstrap technique. This means that we should study the distribution
of the random variable
(X ) 10
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for observations whose distribution is equal to the obtained empirical distribution. Here
(in the computer picture of reality) is now the mean in the observation series and new
bootstrap samples will be obtained by choosing 10 observations (with replacement!) from
the original observation series. The trick to generate observations in this manner is that
we make the computer simulation calculation for the empirical distribution function we
have obtained.
Now I have generated 10000 such T values. I sorted the results and got the following
empirical cumulative distribution function for the T variable.
At first sight the figure is a reminder of the cumulative distribution function for the T
statistic with normally distributed observations. But if we look at the obtained function
values, we find, for instance, that the cumulative distribution function equals 0.025 at
-2.65 and 0.975 at 2.12. The same values in the T distribution with 9 degrees of freedom
are obtained at -2.26 and 2.26. We find that there is some difference, in particular on
the negative side. If we use these bootstrap generated table values, we would get the 95%
(symmetric) confidence interval
2.68 2.68
48.12 2.65 ; 48.12 + 2.12 = [ 45.87; 49.92]
10 10
for the expected value of the measured values. The interval is made in order to get it to be
symmetric in the hitting sense, with same risk of missing below and above. But it appears
to be skewed in relation to the point estimate 48.12 in the measurement scale. We can
explain it since the observed skew character of the observed data via bootstrap technique
has made a small adjustment of the confidence limits.
Even if the example is both small and simple, you can see some characteristic properties.
Bootstrap is not really a statistical method but a method to make statistical calculations. In
the simple example, the statistical method is to try to make a symmetric confidence interval
based on the t type statistic. Bootstrap comes in just as a method to make a probabilistic
calculation of a suitable table. If we had been clever enough we could have done that
calculation analytically. That, however, would have been extremely tedious and complex in
this case, even though the example is small and simple. Bootstrap on the other hand gives
us the result in a jiffy once we know a little programming and have written the few lines
of code needed.
It is extremely important to be aware of the fact that a bootstrap calculation is of value only
if it is well adapted to the situation in real life where we have got the original observations.
If for instance, there are a number of observations made on each individual and a bootstrap
sample is taken among all observations by random choice with replacement, there will be a
disaster. That sort of choice of sample will mean the same as assuming that all observations
were independent in an analytical calculation, which is also disastrous since observations
on individuals should be assumed to be dependent.
There are many other situations where bootstrap calculations can fail because there is a bad
adaption to the real life situation. The bootstrap technique uses the empirical distribution
as a distribution assumption in the calculation, but otherwise this technique does not in
itself make the calculation more application oriented. But as I have said, the bootstrap
technique reduces the burden of calculation, and that is very helpful.
Now we leave the bootstrap technique and consider some other simulation techniques. The
problem of missing values has always been an irritating problem for people working with
analysis of statistical data. A long time ago, when computers were slow and the programs
in use were rather primitive, missing values were substituted by hand with reasonable values
chosen with regard to known background variables. New values were imputed in the places of
missing values. Simple statistical calculations could run smoothly and everything looked fine.
What is then to be said about the principles of imputation? It is very much a question
of handling correlated data. To illustrate this, let us consider an example of an extremely
simple situation. In a questionnaire investigation, there are a number of distinct groups of
participants. Let us suppose that for a certain group there are some participants who have
not answered a particular question. Then, perhaps each participant with a missing answer
could get an answer imputed by getting a random yes or no, with the probabilities for yes
and no given by the proportions of yes and no among those in the group that have answered.
The rationality for this is that the imputation strengthens the influence of that particular
group; either it has a low, medium or high fraction of yes answers, and that influence may
have been weakened by some group members not having answered.
In investigations of knowledge levels in schools, quite often so called plausible values are
used, which are a type of imputation. This technique is more complicated than simple
imputation, but the basic structure is the same. Artificial computer generated observations
are calculated from correlated information and used in later analysis as though they were
real observations. In these investigations, often a great number of artificial data entries are
generated and used in further analysis.
Deviating observations should never be rejected just because they are deviating. Well if
a careful investigation shows that something has happened, that really explains that the
observation is not valid, then it may of course be skipped. There may, for instance, have
been a break in the electricity supply during experimentation or there is proof that the
wrong measurement equipment was being used and so on. But otherwise, never reject odd
observations. And be alert to others who skip obtained observations
Odd observations are often called outliers. People collect statistical data and intend to make
some simple statistical analysis like regression or analysis of variance. Then suddenly they
get worried if they find some observation which does not fit the picture. They have got
a problem, which seems to solve itself if that disturbing outlier is eliminated. Everything
appears to be smooth and fine.
Quite often, however, some essential information is lost when the deviating observation is
excluded. One such situation where it may happen is the following. The data consists of
positive continuous numbers and a standard statistical method (originally constructed for
normally distributed data) is used. Now it seems that the basic applications suitability for
the normal distribution method for comparison is not satisfied. One of the observation
series has an outlier, which contributes very much to the fact that variances in the two
series differ quite a bit. It seems that the series with greater observation values also has
considerably greater variance than the other one.
Let us think of the suitability of the use of the normal distribution, which is that the
observations could be thought of as sums of many additive effects. For positive random
variables, it is more natural to think of variables as products of many multiplicative effects.
This rationale leads instead to the so called lognormal distribution which is nice and smooth
but has a longer upper tail than the normal distribution. For systems with different types
of lognormal observations, it is most natural to talk of multiplicative parameters instead
of the additive parameters we use in standard normal distribution methods. The technical
analysis of models for lognormal observations is done simply to make the analysis for the
logarithms of the positive observations in the usual way. And there is a good chance that
the analysis works smoothly without discarding any observations. The analysis fits well in
situations with positive data where it is natural to think of relative variations.
In an experiment, two methods are to be compared. There are 9 observations made for
each case, and the results are
The investigators intended to make a 95% confidence interval for the difference in expectations
in the ordinary normal model. Since the means and standard deviations are
=M X 5.77
= S X 1.08
= M Y 9.03
= SY 1.53 ,
1 1 8 1.082 + 8 1.532
9.03 5.77 2.12 + = 3.16 1.87 = [1.29;5.03] .
9 9 16
Everything seemed just fine, but then the investigators calculated the residuals in the series,
that is, the difference between observations and the mean in the series. The result was
X series: -1.28, -0.76, 0.22, 1.43, 0.46, 1.40, -0.22, 0.37, -1.63
Y series: -0.25, -2.94, 0.50, -1.14, 2.07, 0.83, -1.07, 1.47, 0.50
The second observation in the Y series is extremely small compared to other numbers in
that series and the investigators intended to remove that observation as an unwanted outlier.
Is it appropriate to do so?
No, I think it isnt. As I pointed out above, it is common for positive data to have the
character that greater values also have greater variation. This is also indicated in the Y series
having estimated standard deviation 1.53, while the X series has 1.08. A multiplicative model
and assumption of lognormal distributions would lead to an analysis of the logarithms of
the observations. The logarithms of the values in the series are
Log X series: 1.50, 1.61, 1.79, 1.97, 1.83, 1.97, 1.71, 1.81, 1.42
Log Y series: 2.17, 1.81, 2.25, 2.07, 2.41, 2.29, 2.03, 2.35, 2.25
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Still of course the second observation is the smallest one, but now the difference from the
mean for the series is not so drastic
Difference from mean for the log Y series: -0.01, -0.37, 0.07, -0.11, 0.23, 0.11, -0.15,
0.17, 0.07
In this analysis there is no reason to be surprised at the deviation. And the two log series
have rather similar standard deviations. A common normal theoretical 95% confidence
interval for the difference will be 0.45 0.19 = [0.26;0.64] . This is an interval for the
logarithm of the multiplicative factor, and the confidence interval for the factor itself will
be e0.26 ; e0.64 = [1.30;1.90].
Another reason for not getting tempted to exclude deviating observations is that the model
used in the analysis may not fit reality so well. The model may for instance need refinement.
Excluding a deviation observation then may lead to a quite different estimate, which is still
bad because the model is then not accurate. Let us look at a very simple example.
In a regression situation, measurements of a variable y have been taken for the nine x values
0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, The results were
A straight line was fitted to the observations. The gradient was estimated at -0.029. The
deviations between the observations and the line were also calculated. The result was
The first deviance is substantially greater than the normal ones so it was considered to be
an outlier and excluded. A new calculation with only eight pairs (x, y) gave a gradient of
+0.161. Quite a difference between the first value and this one and even a changed sign!
What happened?
In fact, linear regression is an unsuitable model here. We can see it in a pictorial representation
of the observations pairs here, together with the simple linear regression estimate for all
observations and also with the estimated regression line for the reduced set of observations,
where the first observation has been removed.
Figure 20.2. A data set with simple linear regression estimate for all data and with the first
data point omitted.
The simple linear model (straight line) is not suitable here. The figure for the observations
clearly indicates that the regression function may be convex. One ought to have a model which
includes the possibility of curvature. The simplest would be the second order polynomial.
central limit theorem 56 empirical 16, 23, 31, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 45,
chi-square distribution 70 55, 59, 60, 61, 62, 67, 70, 72, 75, 76, 80, 86,
classical probability model 11, 12, 15 87, 88, 100, 107, 108, 110, 125, 134, 136, 137
combinatorial 11 error margin 8, 9, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 76
expectation 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, missing values 138
43, 46, 47, 50, 51, 53, 55, 58, 59, 65, 67, 73, multiple inference 128, 129
75, 76, 85, 92, 95, 101, 107, 115, 116, 117, 135
F normal distribution 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,
F distribution 101, 103, 106 58, 59, 61, 65, 67, 70, 73, 74, 75, 77, 79, 83,
frequency function 24, 25, 26, 30, 47, 50, 52, 53, 92, 123, 124, 135, 140
54, 55
G obtained level of significance 66, 67
Gauss 47 one-sided 89, 90, 91, 97, 103, 124, 127
generalised linear regression 98, 119, 121 one sided test 79
gold standards 122 ordered scale 122
H outliers 139
t distribution 73, 74, 75, 76, 87, 97, 135 variance 7, 36, 38, 40, 59, 62, 83, 84, 86, 88, 94,
test 16, 23, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 76, 77, 95, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107,
78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 97, 108, 118, 119, 123, 124, 139, 140
100, 101, 103, 106, 123, 124, 125, 127, 129 variation between 107
theoretical 7, 16, 23, 26, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, variation within 9, 107
40, 41, 43, 59, 61, 67, 69, 71, 72, 73, 75, 77, VAS scales 122
85, 86, 87, 88, 92, 93, 98, 100, 105, 106, 107,
108, 111, 112, 113, 115, 124, 131, 139, 142
two-sided 89, 90, 91 weighted empirical variance 86
Wilcoxon test 77, 83
unbiased 40