Statistics in Action
Statistics in Action
Statistics in Action
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10-03-2009 13:32
Statistics in Action
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Statistics in Action
Understanding a World of Data
Second Edition
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Project Editor
Consulting Editor
Project Administrators
Editorial Assistants
Teacher Consultant and Writer
Mathematics Reviewer and
Accuracy Checker
AP Sample Test Contributor
AP Teacher Reviewers
Josephine Noah
Kendra Lockman
Elizabeth Ball, Aaron Madrigal
Aneesa Davenport, Nina Mamikunian
Corey Andreasen, North High School, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Cindy Clements, Trinidad State Junior College, Trinidad, Colorado
James Ryan
Casey FitzSimons
Steven Rasmussen
Multicultural Reviewers
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College, where he served a three-year term as Dean of Studies. He received his Ph.D.
in statistics from Harvard University, and is an expert in statistics education with
a significant publication record. He chaired the joint committee on undergraduate
statistics of the Mathematical Association of America and the American Statistical
Association and is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association. He also led the
Statistical Thinking and Teaching Statistics (STATS) project of the Mathematical
Association of America, which helped professors of mathematics learn to teach
statistics. Over the past two decades, Dr. Cobb has frequently served as an expert
witness in lawsuits involving alleged employment discrimination.
2008 Key Curriculum Press
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This book is a product of what we have learned from the statisticians and teachers
who have been actively involved in helping the introductory statistics course
evolve into one that emphasizes activity-based learning of statistical concepts
while reflecting modern statistical practice. This book is written in the spirit of the
recommendations from the MAAs STATS project, the ASAs Quantitative Literacy
and GAISE projects, and the College Boards AP Statistics course. We hope that
it adequately reflectsS the wisdom and experience of those with whom we have
worked and who have inspired and taught us.
We owe special thanks to Corey Andreasen, an outstanding high school
mathematics and AP Statistics teacher at North High School in Sheboygan,
Wisconsin, for his insight into what makes a topic teachable to high school
students. His careful review of the manuscript led to many clarifications of
wording and improvements in exercises, all of which will make it easier for you to
learn the material. Corey also has made substantial contributions to the solutions
and teachers notes, adding his unique perspective and sense of humor.
It has been an awesome experience to work with the Key Curriculum staff
and field-test teachers, who always put the interests of students and teachers first.
Their commitment to excellence has motivated us to do better than we ever could
have done on our own. Steve, Casey, Jim, Kristin B., Kristin F., and the rest of the
staff have been professional and astute throughout. Our deepest gratitude goes to
Cindy Clements and Josephine Noah, the editors of the first and second editions,
respectively, who have been a joy to work with. (Not all authors say thatand
mean itabout their editors.) Cindy and Josephine were outstanding high school
teachers before coming to Key. Their organizational skills, experience in the
classroom, and insight have improved every chapter of this text.
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Contents v
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Exploring Distributions
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Contents vi
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Probability Models
Probability Distributions
Sampling Distributions
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Contents vii
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Chi-Square Tests
10.1 Testing a Probability Model: The Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test
10.2 The Chi-Square Test of Homogeneity
10.3 The Chi-Square Test of Independence
Chapter Summary
Statistical Tables
Table A: Standard Normal Probabilities
Table B: t-Distribution Critical Values
Table C:
Critical Values
Table D: Random Digits
Photo Credits
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A Note to Students
from the Authors
Data enter the conversation whether you talk about income, sports, health,
politics, the weather, or prices of goods and services. In fact, in this age of
information technology, data come at you at such a rapid rate that you can catch
only a glimpse of the masses of numbers. You cannot cope intelligently in this
quantitative world unless you have an understanding of the basic concepts of
statistics and have had practice making informed decisions using real data.
Statistics in Action is designed for students taking an introductory high
school statistics course and includes all of the topics in the Advanced Placement
(AP) Statistics syllabus. Beginning in Chapter 1 with a court case about age
discrimination, you will be immersed in real-world problems that can be solved
only with statistical methods. You will learn to explore, summarize, and display data;
design surveys and experiments; use probability to understand random behavior;
make inferences about populations by looking at samples from those populations;
and make inferences about the effect of treatments from designed experiments.
After completing your statistics course, you will be prepared to take the AP
Statistics Exam, to take a follow-up college-level course, and, above all, to make
informed decisions in this world of data.
You will be using this book in a first course in statistics, so, you arent required
to know anything yet about statistics. You may find that your success in statistics
results more from your perseverance in trying to understand what you read rather
than your skill with algebra. However, basic topics from algebra, such as slope,
linear equations, exponential equations, and the idea of a logarithm, will arise
throughout the book. Be prepared to review these as you go along.
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These features grow out of the vigorous changes that have been reshaping the
practice of statistics and the teaching of statistics over the last quarter century.
The most basic question to ask about any data set is, Where did the data come
from? Good data for statistical analysis must come from a good plan for data
collection. Thus, Statistics in Action treats the design and analysis of experiments
honestly and thoroughly and discusses how these methods of collecting data differ
from observational studies. It then follows through on this theme by relating the
statistical analysis to the manner in which the data were collected.
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Statistical Reasoning:
Investigating a Claim
of Discrimination
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In the year Robert Martin turned 54, the Westvaco Corporation, which makes
paper products, decided to downsize. They laid off several members of the
engineering department, including Robert Martin. Later that year, he sued
Westvaco, claiming he had been laid off because of his age. A major piece of
Martins case was based on a statistical analysis of the ages of the Westvaco
In the two sections of this chapter, you will get a chance to try your hand at
two very different kinds of statistical work, exploration and inference. Exploration
is an informal, open-ended examination of data. Your goal in the first section
will be to uncover and summarize patterns in data from Westvaco that bear on
the Martin case. You will try to formulate and answer basic questions such as
Were those who were laid off older on average than those who werent laid off?
You can use any toolsgraphs, averages, and so onthat you think might be
useful. Inference, which youll use in the second section, is quite different from
exploration in that it follows strict rules and focuses on judging whether the
patterns you found are the sort you would expect. Youll use inference to decide
whether the patterns you find in the Westvaco data are the sort you would expect
from a company that does not discriminate on the basis of age, or whether further
investigation into possible age discrimination is needed.
The purpose of this first chapter is to familiarize you with the ideas of
statistical thinking before you involve yourself with the details of statistical
methods. It is easy to get caught in the trap of doing rather than understanding, of
asking how rather than why. You cant do statistics unless you learn the methods,
but you must not get so caught up in the details of the methods that you lose
sight of what they mean. Doing and thinking, method and meaning, will compete
for your attention throughout this course.
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Variables provide
information about cases.
A distribution is a record of
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Display 1.1 The data in Martin v. Westvaco. [ Source: Martin v. Envelope Division of Westvaco Corp.,
CA No. 92-03121-MAP, 850 Fed. Supp. 83 (1994).]
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Display 1.2 provides some useful information about the variability in the ages,
but by itself doesnt tell anything about possible age discrimination in the layoffs.
For that, you need to distinguish between those salaried workers who lost their
jobs and those who didnt. The dot plot in Display 1.3, which shows those laid
off and those retained, provides weak evidence for Martins case. Those laid off
generally were older than those who kept their jobs, but the pattern isnt striking.
Display 1.3
Display 1.3 shows that most salaried workers who were laid off were age 50
or older. However, this alone doesnt support Martins case because most of the
workers were age 50 or older to begin with.
One way to proceed is to make a summary table. The table shown here
classifies the salaried workers according to age and whether they were laid off
or retained. (Using 50 as the dividing age between younger and older is a
somewhat arbitrary, but reasonable, decision.)
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symbols for laid-off workers and for retained workers. For example, in the top dot
plot, the open circles represent the salaried workers whose jobs did not survive
Round 1. In this round, the four oldest workers were laid off, but only one worker
under age 50 was laid off. In the second round, one of the two oldest employees
was laid off. But then this pattern stopped. Again, the evidence favors Martin but
is far from conclusive.
Display 1.4
You might feel as if the analysis so far ignores important facts, such as worker
qualifications. Thats true. However, the first step is to decide whether, based
on the data in Display 1.1, older workers were more likely to be laid off. If not,
Martins case fails. If so, it is then up to Westvaco to justify its actions.
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Display 1.5 Hourly workers: ages of those laid off and those
D3. Whenever you think you have a message from data, you should be careful
not to jump to conclusions. The patterns in the Westvaco data might be
realthey reflect age discrimination on the part of management. On
the other hand, the patterns might be the result of chancemanagement
wasnt discriminating on the basis of age but simply by chance happened
to lay off a larger percentage of older workers. Whats your opinion about
the Westvaco data: Do the patterns seem realtoo strong to be explained
by chance?
D4. The analysis up to this point ignores important facts such as worker
qualifications. Suppose Martin makes a convincing case that older workers
were more likely to be laid off. It is then up to Westvaco to justify its actions.
List several specific reasons Westvaco might give to justify laying off a
disproportionate number of older workers.
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Practice problems help you master basic concepts
group does the evidence more strongly
and computations. Throughout this textbook, you
favor Martins case?
should work all the practice problems for each
P3. Display 1.6 shows layoffs and retentions by
topic you want to learn. The answers to all practice
round for hourly workers. (There is no plot
problems are given in the back of the book.
for Round 5 because no hourly workers were
chosen for layoff in that round.) Compare
Exploring the Martin v. Westvaco Data
the pattern for the hourly workers with the
P1. Construct a dot plot similar to Display 1.3,
pattern for the salaried workers in Display
comparing the ages of hourly workers who
1.4 on page 7. For which group does the
lost their jobs during Rounds 13 to the ages
evidence more strongly favor Martins case?
of hourly workers who still had their jobs at
the end of Round 3. How do the ages differ?
P2. This summary table classifies the hourly
workers according to age and whether they
were laid off or retained.
E1. This summary table classifies salaried
workers as to whether they were laid off and
their age, this time using 40 as the cutoff
between younger and older workers.
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Display 1.7 Number of bases stolen in a single season by the top five Major
League baseball players. [Source:]
Display 1.8 New York Stock Exchange Activity for October 29, 1929.
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The ages of the ten hourly workers involved in Round 2 of the layoffs,
arranged from youngest to oldest, were 25, 33, 35, 38, 48, 55, 55, 55, 56, and 64.
The three workers who were laid of were ages 55, 55, and 64. Display 1.9 shows
these data on a dot plot.
Display 1.9 Hourly workers: ages of those laid off and those
retained in Round 2.
To simplify the statistical analysis to come, it helps to condense the data into
a single number, called a summary statistic. One possible summary statistic is
the average, or mean, age of the three workers who lost their jobs:
Knowing what to make of the data requires balancing two points of view. On
one hand, the pattern in the data is pretty striking. Of the five workers under age
50, all kept their jobs. Of the five who were 55 or older, only two kept their jobs.
On the other hand, the number of workers involved is small: only three out of ten.
Should you take seriously a pattern involving so few cases? Imagine two people
taking sides in an argument that was at the center of the statistical part of the
Martin case.
Martin: Look at the pattern in the data. All three of the workers laid
off were much older than the average age of all workers. Thats
evidence of age discrimination.
Westvaco: Not so fast! Youre looking at only ten workers total, and only
three positions were eliminated. Just one small change and the
picture would be entirely di erent. For example, suppose it had
been the 25-year-old instead of the 64-year-old who was laid off.
Switch the 25 and the 64, and you get a totally different set of
averages. (Ages in red are those selected for layoff.)
Actual Data:
Altered Data:
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See! Make just one small change, and the average age of the three
who were laid off is lower than the average age of the others.
Martin: Not so fast yourself! Of all the possible changes, you picked the
one most favorable to your side. If youd switched one of the
55-year-olds who got laid off with the 55-year-old who kept his
or her job, the averages wouldnt change at all. Why not compare
what actually happened with all the possibilities?
Westvaco: What do you mean?
Martin: Start with the ten workers, and pick three at random. Do this over
and over, to see what typically happens, and compare the actual
data with the results. then well find out how likely it is that the
average age of those laid off would be 58 or greater.
The dialogue between Martin and Westvaco describes one age-neutral
method for choosing which workers to lay off: Pick three workers completely at
random, with all sets of three having the same chance to be chosen.
Simulation requires a
chance model.
Activity 1.2a shows you how to estimate the probability of getting an average
age of 58 years or greater if you choose three workers at random. You will
use simulation, a procedure in which you set up a model of a chance process
(drawing three ages out of a box) that copies, or simulates, a real situation
(selecting three employees at random to lay off).
By Chance or by Design?
What youll need: paper or 3 5 cards, a box or other container
Lets test the process suggested by Martins advocate.
1. Create a model of a chance process. Write each of the ten ages on identical
pieces of paper or 3 5 cards, and put the ten cards in a box. Mix them
thoroughly, draw out three (the ones to be laid off), and record the ages.
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2. Compute a summary statistic. Compute the average of the three numbers in
your sample to one decimal place.
3. Repeat the process. Repeat steps 1 and 2 nine more times.
4. Display the distribution. Pool your results with the rest of your class and
display the average ages on a dot plot.
5. Estimate the probability. Count the number of times your class computed
an average age of 58 years or greater. Estimate the probability that simply
by chance the average age of those chosen would be 58 years or greater.
6. Interpret your results. What do you conclude from your classs estimate in
step 5?
[See Calculator Note 1B to learn how to do this kind of simulation with your
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Out of 200 repetitions, only 10, or 5%, gave an average age of 58 or greater. So
it is not at all likely that simply by chance youd pick workers as old as the three
Westvaco picked. Did the company discriminate? Theres no way to tell from the
numbers aloneWestvaco might have a good explanation. On the other hand,
if your simulation had told you that an average of 58 or greater is easy to get by
chance alone, then the data would provide no evidence of discrimination and
Westvaco wouldnt need to explain.
To better understand how this logic applies to Martin v. Westvaco, imagine a
realistic argument between the advocates for each side.
Martin: Look at the pattern in the data. All three of the workers laid off
were much older than average.
Westvaco: So what? You could get a result like that just by chance. If chance
alone can account for the pattern, theres no reason to ask us for
any other explanation.
Martin: Of course you could get this result by chance. The question is
whether its easy or hard to do so. If its easy to get an average
as large as 58 by drawing at random, Ill agree that we cant rule
out chance as one possible explanation. But if an average that
large is really hard to get from random draws, we agree that
its not reasonable to say that chance alone accounts for the
pattern. Right?
Westvaco: Right.
Martin: Here are the results of my simulation. If you look at the three
hourly workers laid o in Round 2, the probability of getting an
average age of 58 or greater by chance alone is only 5%. And if you
do the same computations for the entire engineering department,
the probability is a lot lower, about 1%. What do you say to that?
Westvaco: Well . . . Ill agree that its really hard to get an average age that
extreme simply by chance, but that by itself still doesnt prove
Martin: No, but I think it leaves you with some explaining to do!
In the actual case, Martin and Westvaco reached a settlement out of court
before the case went to trial.
The logic youve just seen is basic to all statistical inference, but its not easy
to understand. In fact, it took mathematicians centuries to come up with the
ideas. It wasnt until the 1920s that a brilliant British biological scientist and
mathematician, R. A. Fisher, realized that results of agricultural experiments
may be analyzed in a way similar to that in Activity 1.2a to see whether observed
differences should be attributed to chance alone or to treatment. Calculus, in
contrast, was first understood in 1665. Precisely because it is so important, the
logic of using randomization as a basis for statistical inference will be seen over
and over again throughout this book. Youll have lots of time to practice with it.
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The Logic of Inference
P4. Suppose three workers were laid off from a
set of ten whose ages were the same as those
of the hourly workers in Round 2 in the
Martin case. This time, however, the ages of
those laid off were 48, 55, and 55.
25 33 35 38 48 55 55 55 56 64
a. Use the dot plot in Display 1.10 on page
14 to estimate the probability of getting
an average age as large as or larger than
that of those laid off in this situation.
b. What would your conclusion be if
Westvaco had laid off workers of these
three ages?
P5. At the beginning of Round 1, there were 14
hourly workers. Their ages were 22, 25, 33,
35, 38, 48, 53, 55, 55, 55, 55, 56, 59, and 64.
After the layoffs were complete, the ages
of those left were 25, 38, 48, and 56. Think
about how you would repeat Activity 1.2a
using these data.
a. What is the average age of the ten workers
laid off?
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E9. Revisit the idea of the simulation in Activity E10. The ages of the ten hourly workers left after
1.2a, this time for all 14 hourly workers and
Round 1 are given here. The ages of the four
using a different summary statistic. Use
workers laid off in Rounds 2 and 3 are shown
as your summary statistic the number of
in red. Their average age is 57.25.
hourly workers laid off who were 40 or older.
25 33 35 38 48 55 55 55 56 64
The ages listed here are those of the hourly
a. Describe how to simulate the chance of
workers, with the ages of those laid off in
getting an average age of 57.25 or more
red. Note that, of the ten hourly workers laid
using the methods of Activity 1.2a.
off by Westvaco, seven were age 40 or older.
b. Perform your simulation once and
22 25 33 35 38 48 53
compute the average age of the four
55 55 55 55 56 59 64
hourly workers laid off.
a. Write the 14 ages on 14 slips of paper
c. The dot plot in Display 1.13 shows
and draw 10 at random to be chosen for
the results of 200 repetitions of this
layoff. How many of the 10 are age 40 or
simulation. What is your estimate of the
probability of getting an average age as
b. The dot plot in Display 1.12 shows the
great as or greater than Westvaco did if
results of 50 repetitions of this simulation.
four workers are picked at random for
Estimate the probability that, by chance,
layoff in Rounds 2 and 3 from the ten
seven or more of the ten hourly workers
hourly workers remaining after Round 1?
who were laid off would be age 40 or older.
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Chapter Summary
In this chapter, you explored the data from an actual case of alleged age
discrimination, looking for evidence you considered relevant. You then saw how
to use statistical reasoning to test the strength of the evidence: Are the patterns
in the data solid enough to support Martins claim of age discrimination, or are
they the sort that you would expect to occur even if there was no discrimination?
Along the way you made a substantial start at learning many of the most
important statistical terms and concepts: distribution, cases and variables,
summary statistic, simulation, and how to determine whether the result from
the real-life situation can reasonably be attributed to chance alone or whether an
explanation is called for.
You have practiced both thinking like a statistician and reporting your results
like a statistician. Throughout this textbook, you will be asked to justify your
answers in the real-world context. This includes stating assumptions, giving
appropriate plots and computations, and writing a conclusion in context.
The last chapter of this book includes a final look at the Martin case.
Review Exercises
E15. A teacher had two statistics classes, and
students could enroll in either the earlier
class or the later class. Final grades in the
courses are given here.
Earlier class:
99 95 69
91 79 67 64 54 68
47 53 86 100 95 45 41 59 66
Later class:
84 68 94 77 88 75 88 91 83
61 97 75 37 82 62 49 43 93
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Chapter Summary
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Exploring Distributions
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Raw dataa long list of valuesare hard to make sense of. Suppose, for
example, that you are applying to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and
wonder how your SAT I math score of 650 compares with those of the students
who attend that university. If all you have are raw dataa list of the SAT I math
scores of the 25,000 students at the University of Michiganit would take a lot
of time and effort to make sense of the numbers.
Suppose instead that you read the summary in the universitys guide, which
says that the middle 50% of the SAT math scores were between 630 and 720, with
half above 680 and half below. Now you know that your score of 650, though in
the bottom half of the scores, is not far from the center value of 680 and is above
the bottom quarter.
Notice that the summary of the scores gives you two different kinds of
information for the middle 50%: the center, 680, and the spread, from 630 to 720.
Often thats all you need, especially if the shape of the distribution is one of a few
standard shapes youll learn about in this chapter.
These three featuresshape, center, and spreadcan sometimes take
you a surprisingly long way in data analysis. For example, in Chapter 1 you did
a simulation to answer this question: If you choose three people at random
from a set of ten people and compute the average age of the ones you choose,
how likely is it that you get an average of 58 years or more? Generally, you
dont need to do all this work! Using shape, center, and spread, you can get an
answer without doing a simulation. This remarkable fact, which first began to
come to light in the late 1600s, helped make statistical inference possible in the
20th century before the age of computers. In the next several chapters, youll learn
how to make good use of this fact.
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The plot to the left shows the shape of a uniform or rectangular distribution, in
which all values occur equally often. How uniform is a sample of values taken
from a uniform distribution? In the next activity, you will find out.
Distributing Digits
What youll need: one page from a phone book for each member of the class,
and a box of slips of paper, with one slip for each member of your class, half
labeled phone book and half fake it
1. Suppose your class made a dot plot of the last digits of every phone
number in the phone book. (This would take a very long time!) Sketch what
you think this plot would look like.
2. Draw a slip of paper from the box.
If the slip you drew says phone book, use the page from the phone
book, start at a random spot, and write down the last digit of each of the
next 30 phone numbers. Using a full sheet of paper, plot your 30 digits
on a dot plot, using a scale like the one here. Use big dots so that they
can be seen from across the room.
If the slip you drew says fake it, dont use the page from the phone
book but instead make up and plot 30 digits on a dot plot using a scale
like the one on the previous page. Try to make the distribution look like
the digits might have come from the phone book.
Write your name on the front of the plot, but not which method you
used. Dont consult with other students while you are doing this step.
3.Post the dot plots around the room and compare. Which plots are you
confident came from the phone book? Which are you confident came from
made-up digits? (Dont say anything about your own plot.)
4.Find your plot and write a large P (for phone book) or F (for faked it)
on the front. Check your predictions from step 3. What differences do you
see in the two groups of plots?
5.In this activity, it was important that you sampled from the phone book
in such a way that all digits were equally likely to occur. Why did step 1
specify that you use the last digit of the phone number and not, say,
the first?
The number of births per month in a year is another set of data you might expect
to be fairly uniform. Or, is there a reason to believe that more babies are born in
one month than in another? Display 2.1 shows a table and plot of U.S. births (in
thousands) for 2003.
Display 2.1
The plot shows that there is actually little change from month to month;
that is, we see a roughly uniform distribution of births across the months. To
summarize this distribution, you might write The distribution of births is
roughly uniform over the months January through December, with about
340,000 births per month.
Display 2.2
Uniform Distributions
D1. Think of other situations that you would expect to be uniform distributions
a. over the days of the week
b. over the digits 0, 1, 2, . . . , 9
D2. Think of situations that you would expect to be very nonuniform
a. over the months of the year
b. over the days of the month
c. over the digits 0, 1, 2, . . . , 9
d. over the days of the week
Normal Distributions
Activity 2.1b introduces one of the most important common shapes of
distributions and one of the common ways this shape is produced. What happens
when different people measure the same distance or the same feature of very
similar objects? In the activity, youll measure a tennis ball with a ruler, but the
results you get will reflect what happens even if you use very precise instruments
under carefully controlled conditions. For example, a 10-gram platinum weight
is used for calibration of scales all across the United States. When scientists at the
National Institute of Standards and Technology use an analytical balance for the
weights weekly weighing, they face a similar challenge due to variability.
Measuring Diameters
What youll need: a tennis ball, a ruler with a centimeter scale
1. With your partner, plan a method for measuring the diameter of the tennis
ball with the centimeter ruler.
Display 2.3
You should use the mean (or average) to describe the center of a normal
distribution. The mean is the value at the point where the line of symmetry
intersects the x-axis. You should use the standard deviation, SD for short, to
describe the spread. The SD is the horizontal distance from the mean to an
inflection point.
It is difficult to locate inflection points, especially when curves are drawn
by hand. A more reliable way to estimate the standard deviation is to use areas.
For a normal curve, 68% (roughly) of the total area under the curve is between
the vertical lines through the two inflection points. In other words, the interval
between one standard deviation on either side of the mean accounts for roughly
68% of the area under the normal curve.
The curve in the display has center at 47, and the middle 68% of dots fall roughly
between 43 and 51. Thus, the estimated mean is 47, and the estimated standard
deviation is 4. A typical random sample of five workers has average age 47 years,
give or take about 4 years.
[You can graph a normal curve on your calculator by specifying the mean and standard
deviation. See Calculator Note 2B.]
In this section, youve seen the three most common ways normal distributions
arise in practice:
through variation in measurements (diameters of tennis balls)
through natural variation in populations (weights of pennies)
through variation in averages computed from random samples (average ages)
All three scenarios are common, which makes the normal distribution especially
important in statistics.
Normal Distributions
D3. Determine these summary statistics visually.
a. Estimate the mean and standard deviation of the penny weight data in
Display 2.3, and use your estimates to write a summary sentence.
b. Estimate the mean and standard deviation of your class data from
Activity 2.1b.
Skewed Distributions
Skewed left
Both the uniform (rectangular) and normal distributions are symmetric. That
is, if you smooth out minor bumps, the right side of the plot is a mirror image
of the left side. Not all distributions are symmetric, however. Many common
distributions show bunching at one end and a long tail stretching out in the other
direction. These distributions are called skewed. The direction of the tail tells
whether the distribution is skewed right (tail stretches right, toward the high
values) or skewed left (tail stretches left , toward the low values).
Skewed right
Display 2.6 Weights of bears in pounds. [Source: MINITAB data set from
MINITAB Handbook, 3rd ed.]
The dot plot in Display 2.6 shows the weights, in pounds, of 143 wild bears. It is
skewed right (toward the higher values) because the tail of the distribution stretches
out in that direction. In everyday conversation, you might describe the two parts of
the distribution as normal and abnormal. Usually, bears weigh between about
50 and 250 lb (this part of the distribution even looks approximately normal), but
if someone shouts Abnormal bear loose! you should run for coverthat unusual
bear is likely to be big! The unusualness of the distribution is all in one direction.
Often the bunching in a skewed distribution happens because values bump
up against a walleither a minimum that values cant go below, such as 0 for
measurements and counts, or a maximum that values cant go above, such as 100
for percentages. For example, the distribution in Display 2.7 shows the grade-point
averages of college students (mostly first-year students and sophomores) taking an
introductory statistics course at the University of Florida. It is skewed left (toward
the smaller values). The maximum grade-point average is 4.0, for all As, so the
distribution is bunched at the high end because of this wall. A GPA of 0.0 wouldnt
be called a wall, even though GPAs cant go below 0.0, because the values arent
bunched up against it. The skew is to the left : An unusual GPA would be one that
is low compared to most GPAs of students in the class.
Skewed Distributions
D4. Decide whether each distribution described will be skewed. Is there a wall
that leads to bunching near it and a long tail stretching out away from it? If
so, describe the wall.
a. the sizes of islands in the Caribbean
b. the average per capita incomes for the nations of the United Nations
c. the lengths of pant legs cut and sewn to be 32 in. long
d. the times for 300 university students of introductory psychology to
complete a 1-hour timed exam
e. the lengths of reigns of Japanese emperors
D5. Which would you expect to be the more common direction of skew, right or
left ? Why?
Bimodal Distributions
A bimodal distribution
has two peaks.
Europe and Africa differ greatly in their socioeconomic conditions, and the
life expectancies reflect those conditions. If you make a separate plot for each of
the two continents, the two peaks become essentially one peak in each plot, as in
Display 2.10.
Although it makes sense to talk about the center of the distribution of life
expectancies for Europe or for Africa, notice that it doesnt really make sense to
talk about the center of the distribution for both continents together. You could
possibly tell the locations of the two peaks, but finding the reason for the two
modes and separating the cases into two distributions communicates even more.
Lord Rayleigh
also could argue that the value at the extreme right is an outlier, perhaps because
of a faulty measurement.)
When Rayleigh checked the clusters, it turned out that the ten values to
the left had all come from the chemically produced samples and the nine to the
right had all come from the atmospheric samples. What did this great scientist
conclude? The air samples on the right might be denser because of something
in them besides nitrogen. This hypothesis led him to discover inert gases in the
Normal Distributions
P3. For each of the normal distributions
in Display 2.13, estimate the mean and
standard deviation visually, and use your
estimates to write a verbal summary of the
form A typical SAT score is roughly (mean),
give or take (SD) or so.
E1. Describe each distribution as bimodal,
skewed right, skewed left , approximately
normal, or roughly uniform.
a. ages of all people who died last year in the
United States
b. ages of all people who got their first
drivers license in your state last year
c. SAT scores for all students in your state
taking the test this year
d. selling prices of all cars sold by General
Motors this year
E2. Describe each distribution as bimodal,
skewed right, skewed left , approximately
normal, or roughly uniform.
a. the incomes of the worlds 100 richest
b. the birthrates of Africa and Europe
c. the heights of soccer players on the last
Womens World Cup championship team
d. the last two digits of telephone numbers
in the town where you live
e. the length of time students used to
complete a chapter test, out of a
50-minute class period
A family in Albania
Plots should present the
essentials quickly and
Measurements and other properties of the cases are organized into columns, with one
column for each variable. Thus, average longevity and speed are variables, and, for
example, 30 mi/h is the value of the variable speed for the case grizzly bear.
Counts of how many and measurements of how much are called quantitative
variables. Speed is a quantitative variable because speed is measured on a numerical
scale. A variable that groups cases into categories is called a categorical variable.
Predator is a categorical variable because it groups the mammals into those who
eat other animals and those who dont. Although the categories are coded 1 if a
mammal preys on other animals and 0 if it does not, these numbers just indicate
the appropriate category and are not meant to be quantitative. In Display 2.24, the
asterisks (*) mark missing values.
Youve already seen dot plots, beginning in Chapter 1. As the name suggests, dot
plots show individual cases as dots (or other plotting symbols, such as x). When
you read a dot plot, keep in mind that different statistical software packages make
dot plots in different ways. Sometimes one dot represents two or more cases, and
sometimes values have been rounded. With a small data set, different rounding rules
can give different shapes.
Display 2.25 shows a dot plot of the speeds of the mammals from Display
2.24. The gap between the cheetahs speed and that of the other mammals shows up
clearly in the dot plot but not in the list of speeds in Display 2.24. Discoveries like
this demonstrate why you should always plot your data.
As you saw in Section 2.1, a dot plot shows shape, center, and spread. Dot
plots tend to work best when
you have a relatively small number of values to plot
you want to see individual values, at least approximately
you want to see the shape of the distribution
you have one group or a small number of groups you want to compare
Histograms show groups
of cases as bars.
A dot plot shows individual cases as dots above a number line. To make a
histogram, you divide the number line into intervals, called bins, and over
each bin construct a bar that has a height equal to the number of cases in that
bin. In fact, you can think of a histogram as a dot plot with bars drawn around
the dots and the dots erased. The height of the bar becomes a visual substitute
for the number of dots. The plot in Display 2.26 is a histogram of the mammal
speeds. Like the dot plot of a distribution, a histogram shows shape, center, and
spread. The vertical axis gives the number of cases (the frequency or count)
represented by each bar. For example, four mammals have speeds of from 30 mi/h
up to 35 mi/h.
Most calculators and statistical soft ware packages place a value that falls at the
dividing line between two bars into the bar to the right. For example, in Display
2.26, the bar going from 30 to 35 contains cases for which 30 speed < 35.
Changing the width of the bars in your histogram can sometimes change your
impression of the shape of the distribution. For example, the histogram of the
speeds of mammals in Display 2.27 has fewer and wider bars than the histogram
in Display 2.26. It shows a more symmetric, bell-shaped distribution, and there
appears to be one peak rather than two. There is no right answer to the question
of which bar width is best, just as there is no rule that tells a photographer
when to use a zoom lens for a close-up. Different versions of a picture bring out
different features. The job of a data analyst is to find a plot that shows important
features of the distribution.
You can use your calculator to quickly display histograms with different bar
widths. [See Calculator Note 2C.] Shown here are the mammal speed data. The
numbers below the calculator screens indicate the window settings (minimum x,
maximum x, x-scale, minimum y, maximum y, y-scale).
Relative frequency
histograms show
proportions instead
of counts.
Display 2.28
The bar including 70 years and up to 75 years has a relative frequency of about
0.30, so the number of countries with a life expectancy of at least 70 years but less
than 75 years is about 0.30 203, or about 61.
The proportion of countries with a life expectancy of 70 years or greater is the
sum of the heights of the three bars to the right of 70about 0.30 + 0.19 + 0.07,
or 0.56.
D7. In what sense does a histogram with narrow bars, as in Display 2.26, give
you more information than a histogram with wider bars, as in Display 2.27?
In light of your answer, why dont we always make histograms with very
narrow bars?
D8. Does using relative frequencies change the shape of a histogram? What
information is lost and gained by using a relative frequency histogram rather
than a frequency histogram?
The plot in Display 2.29 is a stem-and-leaf plot, or stemplot, of the mammal
speeds. It shows the key features of the distribution and preserves all theoriginal
Display 2.29
In Display 2.29, the numbers on the left , called the stems, are the tens digits
of the speeds. The numbers on the right, called the leaves, are the ones digits of
the speeds. The leaf for the speed 39 mi/h is printed in bold. If you turn your book
90 counterclockwise, you will see that a stemplot looks something like a dot plot
or histogram; you can see the shape, center, and spread of the distribution.
The stemplot in Display 2.30 displays the same information, but with
split stems: Each stem from the original plot has become two stems. If the ones
digit is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, it is placed on the first line for that stem. If the ones digit is
5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, it is placed on the second line for that stem.
Spreading out the stems in this way is similar to changing the width of the
bars in a histogram. The goal here, as always, is to find a plot that conveys the
essential pattern of the distribution as clearly as possible.
You have compared two data distributions by constructing dot plots on
the same scale (see, for example, Display 2.10). Another way to compare two
distributions is to construct a back-to-back stemplot. Such a plot for the speeds of
predators and nonpredators is shown in Display 2.31. The predators tend to have
the faster speedsor, at least, there are no slow predators!
Usually, only two digits are plotted on a stemplot, one digit for the stem and
one digit for the leaf. If the values contain more than two digits, the values may
be either truncated (the extra digits simply cut off ) or rounded. For example, if
the speeds had been given to the nearest tenth of a mile, 32.6 mi/h could be either
truncated to 32 mi/h or rounded to 33 mi/h.
As with the other types of plots, the rules for making stemplots are flexible.
Do what seems to work best to reveal the important features of the data.
The stemplot of mammal speeds in Display 2.32 was made by statistical
software. Although it looks a bit different from the handmade plot in Display 2.30,
it is essentially the same. In the first two lines, N = 18 means that 18 cases were
plotted; N* = 21 means that there were 21 cases in the original data set for which
speeds were missing; and Leaf Unit = 1.0 means that the ones digits were graphed
as the leaves. The numbers in the left column keep track of the number of cases,
counting in from the extremes. The 2 on the left in the first line means that there
are two cases on that stem. If you skip down three lines, the 4 on the left means
that there are a total of four cases on the first four stems (11, 12, 20, and 25).
D9. What information is given by the numbers in the bottom half of the far
left column of the plot in Display 2.32? What does the 2 in parentheses
D10.How might you construct a stemplot of the data on gestation periods for the
mammals listed in Display 2.24? Construct the stemplot and describe the
shape of the distribution.
Do Units of Measurement Affect Your Estimates?
In this activity, you will see whether you and your class estimate lengths better
in feet or in meters.
1. Your instructor will split the class randomly into two groups.
2. If you are in the fist group, you will estimate the length of your classroom
in feet. If you are in the second group, you will estimate the length of the
classroom in meters (without estimating first in feet and then converting to
meters). Do this by looking at the length of the room; no pacing the length
of the room is allowed.
3. Find an appropriate way to plot the two data sets so that you can compare
their shapes, centers, and spreads.
4. Do the students in your class tend to estimate more accurately in feet or in
meters? What is the basis for your decision?
5. Why split the class randomly into two groups instead of simply letting the
left half of the room estimate in feet and the right half estimate in meters?
You now have three different types of plots to use with quantitative variables.
What about categorical variables? You could make a dot plot, or you could make
what looks like a histogram but is called a bar chart or bar graph. There is one
bar for each category, and the height of the bar tells the frequency. A bar chart has
categories on the horizontal axis, whereas a histogram has measurementsvalues
from a quantitative variable.
The bar chart in Display 2.33 shows the frequency of mammals that fall into
the categories wild and domesticated, coded 1 and 0, respectively. (Note that
the bars are separated so that there is no suggestion that the variable can take on a
value of, say, 0.5.)
The relative frequency bar chart in Display 2.34 shows the proportion of the
female labor force age 25 and older in the United States who fall into various
educational categories. The coding used in the display is as follows:
1: none8th grade
2: 9th grade11th grade
3: high school graduate
4: some college, no degree
5: associate degree
6: bachelors degree
7: masters degree
8: professional degree
9: doctorate degree
Display 2.34 The female labor force age 25 years and older by
educational attainment [Source: U.S. Census Bureau, March
2005 Current Population Survey,]
The educational categories in Display 2.34 have a natural order from least
education to most education and are coded with the numbers 1 through 9. Note
that if you compute the mean of this distribution, there is no reasonable way to
interpret it. However, it does make sense to summarize this distribution using the
mode: More women fall into the category high school graduate than into any
other category. Thus, the numbers 1 through 9 are best thought of as representing
an ordered categorical variable, not a quantitative variable.
You will learn more about the analysis of categorical data in Chapter 10.
Bar Charts
D11.In the bar chart in Display 2.33, would it matter if the order of the bars were
reversed? In the bar chart in Display 2.34, would it matter if the order of
the first two bars were reversed? Comment on how we might define two
different types of categorical variables.
detail varies, and you should choose a plot that fits both your data set and your
reason for analyzing it.
Stemplots can retain the actual data values.
Dot plots are best used with a small number of values and show roughly
where the values lie on a number line.
Histograms show only intervals of values, losing the actual data values, and
are most appropriate for large data sets.
A bar chart shows the distribution of a categorical variable.
When you look at a plot, you should attempt to answer these questions:
Where did this data set come from?
What are the cases and the variables?
What are the shape, center, and spread of this distribution? Does the
distribution have any unusual characteristics, such as clusters, gaps, or
What are possible interpretations or explanations of the patterns you see in
the distribution?
More About Dot Plots
P6. In the listing of the Westvaco data in
Display 1.1 on page 5, which variables are
quantitative? Which are categorical?
P7. Select a reasonable scale, and make a dot
plot of the gestation periods of the mammals
listed in Display 2.24 on page 43. Write a
sentence using shape, center, and spread
to summarize the distribution of gestation
periods for the mammals. What kinds of
mammals have longer gestation periods?
P8. Make histograms of the average longevities
and the maximum longevities from Display
2.24. Describe how the distributions differ in
terms of shape, center, and spread. Why do
these differences occur?
P9. Convert your histograms from P8 of
the average longevities and maximum
longevities of the mammals to relative
frequency histograms. Do the shapes of the
histograms change?
P10. Using the relative frequency histogram of
life expectancy in countries around the
world (Display 2.28 on page 47), estimate
the proportion of countries with a life
expectancy of less than 50 years. Then
estimate the number of countries with a life
expectancy of less than 50 years. Describe
the shape, center, and spread of this
P11. Make a back-to-back stemplot of the average
longevities and maximum longevities from
Display 2.24 on page 43. Compare the two
E15. The dot plot in Display 2.36 shows the
distribution of the ages of pennies
in a sample collected by a statistics
1 de 18
Measures of Center
The two most commonly used measures of center are the mean and the median.
The mean, , is the same number that many people call the average. To
compute the mean, sum all the values of x and divide by the number of
values, n:
(The symbol , for sum, means to add up all the values of x.)
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2 de 18
The mean is the balance point of a distribution. To estimate the mean visually
on a dot plot or histogram, find where you would have to place a finger below the
horizontal axis in order to balance the distribution, as if it were a tray of blocks
(see Display 2.43).
The median is the value that divides the data into halves, as shown in
Display 2.44. To find it for an odd number of values, list all the values in order
and select the middle one. If there are n values and n is odd, you will find the
. If n is even, the median is the average of the values
median at position
on either side of position
10-03-2009 13:57
3 de 18
Before: The sum of the ten ages is 464, so the mean age is , or 46.4 years.
After: There are seven ages and their sum is 290, so the mean age is
, or
41.4 years.
The layoffs reduced the mean age by 5 years.
Before: Because there are ten ages, n = 10, so
or 5.5, and the
median is halfway between the fifth ordered value, 48, and the sixth
ordered value, 55. The median is
, or 51.5 years.
After: There are seven ages, so
or 4. The median is the fourth
ordered value, or 38 years.
The layoffs reduced the median age by 13.5 years.
Measures of Center
D12.Find the mean and median of each ordered list, and contrast their behavior.
a. 1, 2, 3
b. 1, 2, 6
c. 1, 2, 9
d. 1, 2, 297
D13.As you saw in D12, typically the mean is affected more than the median by
an outlier.
a. Use the fact that the median is the halfway point and the mean is the
balance point to explain why this is true.
b. For the distributions of mammal speeds in Display 2.31 on page 48,
the means are 43.5 mi/h for predators and 31.5 mi/h for nonpredators.
The medians are 40.5 mi/h and 33.5 mi/h, respectively. What about the
distributions causes the means to be farther apart than the medians?
c. What about the shapes of the plots in Display 2.45 explains why the
means change so much less than the medians?
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4 de 18
You can locate the median of a distribution by dividing your data into a lower
and upper half. You can use the same idea to measure spread: Find the values that
divide each half in half again. These two values, the lower quartile, Q1, and the
upper quartile, Q3, together with the median, divide your data into four quarters.
The distance between the upper and lower quartiles, called the interquartile
range, or IQR, is a measure of spread.
IQR = Q3 Q1
San Francisco, California, and Springfield, Missouri, have about the same
median temperature over the year. In San Francisco, half the months of the year
have a normal temperature above 56.5F, half below. In Springfield, half the
months have a normal temperature above 57F, half below. If you judge by these
medians, the difference hardly matters. But if you visit San Francisco, you better
take a jacket, no matter what month you go. If you visit Springfield, take your
shorts and a T-shirt in the summer and a heavy coat in the winter. The difference
in temperatures between the two cities is not in their centers but in their variability.
In San Francisco, the middle 50% of normal monthly temperatures lie in a narrow
9 interval between 52.5F and 61.5F, whereas in Springfield the middle 50% of
normal monthly temperatures range over a 31 interval, varying from 40.5F to
71.5F. In other words, the IQR is 9F for San Francisco and 31F for Springfield.
Finding the Quartiles and IQR
If you have an even number of cases, finding the quartiles is straightforward:
Order your observations, divide them into a lower and upper half, and then divide
each half in half. If you have an odd number of cases, the idea is the same, but
theres a question of what to do with the middle value when you form the upper
and lower halves.
There is no one standard answer. Different statistical software packages use
different procedures that can give slightly different values for the quartiles. In this
book, the procedure is to omit the middle value when you form the two halves.
10-03-2009 13:57
5 de 18
After: After the three workers are laid off in Round 2, there are seven ages: 25, 33,
35, 38, 48, 55, 56. Because n is odd, the median is the middle value, 38. Omit this
one number. The lower half of the data is made up of the three ordered values
to the left of position 4. The median of these is the second value, so Q1 is 33.
The upper half of the data is the set of the three ordered values to the right of
position 4, and the median of these is again the second value, so Q3 is 55. The
IQR is 55 33, or 22.
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6 de 18
The difference of the maximum and the minimum is called the range.
Display 2.46 shows the five-number summary for the speeds of the mammals
listed in Display 2.24.
The maximum speed of 70 mi/h for the cheetah is 20 mi/h from the next
fastest mammal (the lion) and 28 mi/h from the nearest quartile. It is handy to
have a version of the boxplot that shows isolated casesoutlierssuch as the
cheetah. Informally, outliers are any values that stand apart from the rest. This
rule often is used to identify outliers.
A value is an outlier if it is more than 1.5 times the IQR from the nearest
1.5 IQR rule for outliers
Note that more than 1.5 times the IQR from the nearest quartile is another
way of saying either greater than Q3 plus 1.5 times IQR or less than Q1 minus 1.5
times IQR.
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7 de 18
10-03-2009 13:57
8 de 18
The boxplot for domesticated animals has no median line. So many domesticated
animals had an average longevity of 12 years that it is both the median and the
upper quartile. These plots show that species of domestic mammals typically have
median average longevities of about 12 years, with about the middle half of these
average longevities falling between 8 and 12 years. The average longevity of wild
mammals centers at about the same place, but the wild mammal average longevities
have more variability, with the middle half between about 7.5 and 15.5 years.
Both shapes are roughly symmetric except for some unusually large average
longevitiestwo wild mammals have average longevities of more than 30 years.
[See Calculator Note 2D to learn how to display regular and modified boxplots and
five-number summaries on your calculator.]
Boxplots are useful when you are plotting a single quantitative variable and
you want to compare the shapes, centers, and spreads of two or more
you dont need to see individual values, even approximately
you dont need to see more than the five-number summary but would like
outliers to be clearly indicated
10-03-2009 13:57
9 de 18
Comparing Hand Spans: How Far Are You from the Mean?
What youll need: a ruler
1. Spread your hand on a ruler and
measure your hand span (the distance
from the tip of your thumb to the tip of
your little finger when you spread your
fingers) to the nearest half centimeter.
2. Find the mean hand span for your
3. Make a dot plot of the results for your
group. Write names or initials above
below the
the dots to identify the cases. Mark the mean with a wedge
number line.
4. Give two sources of variability in the measurements. That is, give two
reasons why all the measurements arent the same.
5. How far is your hand span from the mean hand span of your group? How
far from the mean are the hand spans of the others in your group?
6. Make a plot of differences from the mean. Again label the dots with names
or initials. What is the mean of these differences? Tell how to get the
second plot from the first without computing any diff erences.
7. Using the idea of differences from the mean, invent at least two measures
that give a typical distance from the mean.
8. Compare your measures with those of the other groups in your class.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each groups method.
The differences from the mean, x , are called deviations. The mean is
the balance point of the distribution, so the set of deviations from the mean will
always sum to zero.
Deviations from the mean sum to zero:
10-03-2009 13:57
10 de 18
The speeds 30, 30, 39, 42, 50, and 70 mi/h have mean 43.5 mi/h. The deviations
from the mean are
30 43.5 = 13.5
30 43.5 = 13.5
39 43.5 = 4.5
42 43.5 = 1.5
50 43.5 = 6.5
70 43.5 = 26.5
The sum of the deviations is 13.5 + (13.5) + (4.5) + (1.5) + 6.5 + 26.5,
which equals 0. The cheetahs speed, 70 mi/h, is farthest from the mean.
How can you use the deviations from the mean to get a measure of spread?
You cant simply find the average of the deviations, because you will get 0 every
time. As you might have suggested in the activity, you could find the average of
the absolute values of the deviations. That gives a perfectly reasonable measure
of spread, but it does not turn out to be very easy to use or very useful. Think of
how hard it is to deal with an equation that has sums of absolute values in it, for
example, y = | x 1 | + | x 2 | + | x 3 | . On the other hand, if you square the
deviations, which also gets rid of the negative signs, you get a sum of squares.
Such a sum is always quadratic no matter how many terms there are, for example,
y = (x 1 )2 + (x 2 )2 + (x 3 )2 = 3x2 12x + 14.
The measure of spread that incorporates the square of the deviations is the
standard deviation, abbreviated SD or s, that you met in Section 2.1. Because sums
of squares really are easy to work with mathematically, the SD offers important
advantages that other measures of spread dont give you. You will learn more
about these advantages in Chapter 7. The formula for the standard deviation, s, is
given in the box.
It might seem more natural to divide by n to get the average of the squared
deviations. In fact, two versions of the standard deviation formula are used: One
divides by the sample size, n; the other divides by n 1. Dividing by n 1 gives
a slightly larger value. This is useful because otherwise the standard deviation
computed from a sample would tend to be smaller than the standard deviation of
the population from which the sample came. (You will learn more about this in
Chapter 7.) In practice, dividing by n 1 is almost always used for real data even
if they arent a sample from a larger population.
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11 de 18
To compute the standard deviation, sum the squared deviations, divide the
sum by n 1, and finally take the square root:
[You can organize the steps of calculating the standard deviation on your calculator.
See Calculator Note 2E.]
Your calculator will compute the summary statistics for a set of data. [See
Calculator Note 2F.] Here are the summary statistics for the domesticated mammal
longevity data. Note that the standard deviation calculated in the previous
example is denoted as Sx. Note also that the five-number summary is shown.
10-03-2009 13:57
12 de 18
You can use formulas to find the mean and standard deviation of values
in a frequency table, like the one in Display 2.51 in the example on the
next page.
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13 de 18
Display 2.52 gives an extended version of the table, designed to organize the
steps in computing both the mean and the standard deviation.
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14 de 18
To describe the center of a distribution, the two most common summaries are
the median and the mean. The median, or halfway point, of a set of ordered
values is either the middle value (if n is odd) or halfway between the two
middle values (if n is even). The mean, or balance point, is the sum of the
values divided by the number of values.
To measure spread around the median, use the interquartile range, or IQR,
which is the width of the middle 50% of the data values and equals the
distance from the lower quartile to the upper quartile. The quartiles are the
medians of the lower half and upper half of the ordered list of values.
To measure spread around the mean, use the standard deviation. To compute
the standard deviation for a data set of size n, first find the deviations from
the mean, then square them, sum the squared deviations, divide by n 1, and
take the square root.
A boxplot is a useful way to compare the general shape, center, and spread
of two or more distributions with a large number of values. A modified boxplot
also shows outliers. An outlier is any value more than 1.5 times the IQR from the
nearest quartile.
Measures of Center
P14.Find the mean and median of these ordered
a.1 2 3 4
b. 1 2 3 4 5
c.1 2 3 4 5 6
d. 1 2 3 4 5 . . . 97 98
e.1 2 3 4 5 . . . 97 98 99
P15.Five 3rd graders, all about 4 ft tall, are
standing together when their teacher, who
is 6 ft tall, joins the group. What is the new
mean height? The new median height?
P16.The stemplots in Display 2.53 show the life
expectancies (in years) for females in the
countries of Africa and Europe. The means
are 53.6 years for Africa and 79.3 years for
a. Find the median life expectancy for each
set of countries.
b. Is the mean or the median smaller for
each distribution? Why is this so?
Display 2.53 Female life expectancies in Africa and
Europe. [Source: Population Reference Bureau,
World Population Data Sheet, 2005.]
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15 de 18
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16 de 18
Display 2.58
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17 de 18
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18 de 18
E40. Consider the data set 15, 8, 25, 32, 14, 8, 25,
and 2. You can replace any one value with a
number from 1 to 10. How would you make
this replacement
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1 de 9
10-03-2009 13:59
2 de 9
Choosing the right summary statistics is something you will get better at
as you build your intuition about the properties of these statistics and how they
behave in various situations.
Which Summary Statistic?
D21. Explain how to determine the total amount of property taxes if you know
the number of houses, the mean value, and the tax rate. In what sense is
knowing the mean equivalent to knowing the total?
D22. When a measure of center for the income of a communitys residents is
given, that number is usually the median. Why do you think that is the case?
The dot plot in Display 2.63 shows that the temperatures are centered at about
32F, with an outlier at 22F. The spread and shape are hard to determine with
only seven values.
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3 de 9
What happens to the shape, center, and spread of this distribution if you
convert each temperature to the number of degrees above or below freezing, 32F?
To find out, subtract 32 from each value, and plot the new values. Display 2.64
shows that the center of the dot plot is now at 0 rather than 32 but the spread and
shape are unchanged.
Display 2.64
Display 2.65
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4 de 9
The printout in Display 2.67 gives the summary statistics for all 101 shows.
The printout in Display 2.68 gives the summary statistics for the number of
viewers when the three outliers are removed from the set of data. Compare this
printout with the one in Display 2.67 and notice which summary statistics are
most sensitive to the outliers.
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Display 2.69
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[See Calculator Note 2H to learn how to construct cumulative relative frequency plots
on your calculator.]
Which Summary Statistic?
P26. A community in Nevada has 9751
households, with a median house price of
$320,000 and a mean price of $392,059.
a. Why is the mean larger than the median?
b. The property tax rate is about 1.15%.
What total amount of taxes will be
assessed on these houses?
c. What is the average amount of taxes per
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7 de 9
E47.Discuss whether you would use the mean
or the median to measure the center of each
set of data and why you prefer the one you
a. the prices of single-family homes in your
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8 de 9
Display 2.74
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9 de 9
10-03-2009 13:59
1 de 12
The normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1 is called the
standard normal distribution. In this distribution, the variable along the
horizontal axis is called a z-score.
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The standard normal distribution is symmetric, with total area under the
curve equal to 1, or 100%. To find the percentage, P, that describes the area to the
left of the corresponding z-score, you can use the z-table or your calculator.
The next two examples show you how to use the z-table, Table A on pages
Think of 1.23 as 1.2 +0.03. In Table A on pages 824825, find the row labeled
1.2 and the column headed .03. Where this row and column intersect, you find
the number .8907. That means that 89.07% of standard normal scores are less
than 1.23.
The total area under the curve is 1, so the proportion of values greater than
z = 1.23 is 1 0.8907, or 0.1093, which is 10.93%.
A graphing calculator will give you greater accuracy in finding the proportion
of values that lie between two specified values in a standard normal distribution.
For example, you can find the proportion of values that are less than 1.23 in a
standard normal distribution like this:
[To learn more about calculating the proportion of values between two
z-scores, see Calculator Note 2I.]
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3 de 12
First make a sketch of the situation, as in Display 2.78.
Look for .7500 in the body of Table A. No value in the table is exactly equal to
.7500. The closest value is .7486. The value .7486 sits at the intersection of the row
labeled .60 and the column headed .07, so the corresponding z-score is roughly
0.60 + 0.07, or 0.67.
You can use a graphing calculator to find the 75th percentile of a standard
normal distribution like this:
[To learn more about finding the z-score that has a specified proportion of values
below it, see Calculator Note 2J.]
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dividing all the values by the standard deviation. This gives you a distribution
with standard deviation 1. You now have a standard normal distribution. You
can also think of the two-step process of standardizing as answering two
questions: How far above or below the mean is my score? How many standard
deviations is that?
The standard units or z-score is the number of standard deviations that a
given x-value lies above or below the mean.
How far and which way to the mean?
x mean
How many standard deviations is that?
or 0.725 standard
10-03-2009 14:00
5 de 12
Alaska had 88 deaths per 100,000 residents from heart disease, and 111 from
cancer. Explain which death rate is more extreme compared to other states. [Source:
Centers for Disease Control, National Vital Statistics Report, vol. 53, no. 5, October 12, 2004.]
Alaskas death rate for heart disease is 2.88 standard deviations below the mean.
The death rate for cancer is 2.74 standard deviations below the mean. These rates
are about equally extreme, but the death rate for heart disease is slightly more
Standard Units
D29.Standardizing is a process that is similar to other processes you have seen
a. Youre driving at 60 mi/h on the interstate and are now passing the
marker for mile 200, and your exit is at mile 80. How many hours from
your exit are you?
b. What two arithmetic operations did you do to get the answer in part a?
Which operation corresponds to recentering? Which corresponds to
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6 de 12
First make a sketch of the situation, as in Display 2.79. Draw a normal shape
above a horizontal axis. Place the mean in the middle on the axis. Then mark and
label the points that are two standard deviations either side of the mean, 64.7 and
75.5, so that about 95% of the values lie between them. Next, mark and label the
points that are one and three standard deviations either side of the mean (67.4
and 72.8, and 62 and 78.2). Finally, estimate the location of the given value of x
and mark it on the axis.
Look up the proportion: The area to the left of the z-score 1.44 is 0.9251, so the
proportion of males taller than 74 in. is 1 0.9251, or 0.0749 or 7.49%.
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7 de 12
First make a sketch, as in Display 2.80.
Standardize: From the previous example, a height of 74 in. has a z-score of 1.44.
For a height of 72 in.,
Look up the proportion: The area to the left of the z-score 1.44 is 0.9251. The
area to the left of the z-score 0.70 is 0.7580. The area you want is the area between
these two z-scores, which is 0.9251 0.7580, or 0.1671. So the percentage of
18- to 24-year-old males between 72 and 74 in. tall is about 16.71%.
You can also use a graphing calculator to find this value. [See Calculator
Note 2I for more details.]
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First make a sketch, as in Display 2.81.
Look up the z-score: If the proportion P is 0.75, then from Table A, you find that z
is approximately 0.67.
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10 de 12
You can confirm this result using your calculator: Shade the area under
this normal curve between 145 and 247 and calculate the area. [See Calculator
Note 2K.]
Standard units z tell how far a value x is from the mean, measured in standard
deviations. If you know z, you can find x by using the formula x = mean + z SD.
If your population is approximately normal, you can compute z and then
use Table A or your calculator to find the corresponding proportion. Be sure to
make a sketch so that you know whether to use the proportion in the table or to
subtract that proportion from 1.
For any normal distribution,
68% of the values lie within 1 standard deviation of the mean
90% of the values lie within 1.645 standard deviations of the mean
95% of the values lie within 1.960 (or about 2) standard deviations of the mean
99.7% (or almost all) of the values lie within 3 standard deviations of the mean
The Standard Normal Distribution
P32. Find the percentage of values below
each given z-score in a standard normal
a. 2.23 b. 1.67 c. 0.40 d. 0.80
b. 41%
c. 87%
d. 94%
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11 de 12
E59. What percentage of values in a standard
normal distribution fall
a. below a z-score of 1.00? 2.53?
b. below a z-score of 1.00? 2.53?
c. above a z-score of 1.5?
d. between z-scores of 1 and 1?
E60. On the same set of axes, draw two normal
curves with mean 50, one having standard
deviation 5 and the other having standard
deviation 10.
E61. Standardizing. Convert each of these values
to standard units, z. (Do not use a calculator.
These are meant to be done in your head.)
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10-03-2009 14:00
1 de 9
Chapter Summary
Distributions come in various shapes, and the appropriate summary statistics (for
center and spread) usually depend on the shape, so you should always start with a
plot of your data.
Common symmetric shapes include the uniform (rectangular) distribution
and the normal distribution. There are also various skewed distributions. Bimodal
distributions often result from mixing cases of two kinds.
Chapter Summary
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Dot plots, stemplots, and histograms show distributions graphically and let
you estimate center and spread visually from the plot.
For approximately normal distributions, you ordinarily use the mean (balance
point) and standard deviation as the measure of center and spread. If you know
the mean and standard deviation of a normal distribution, you can use z-scores
and Table A or your calculator to find the percentage of values in any interval.
The mean and standard deviation are not resistanttheir values are sensitive
to outliers. For a description of a skewed distribution, you should consider using
the median (halfway point) and quartiles (medians of the lower and upper halves
of the data) as summary statistics.
Later on, when you make inferences about the entire population from a
sample taken from that population, the sample mean and standard deviation will
be the most useful summary statistics, even if the population is skewed.
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3 de 9
Display 2.86
Chapter Summary
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5 de 9
Chapter Summary
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Chapter Summary
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9 de 9
Less than 1%
This proportion cannot be determined
from the information given.
AP8. Anya scored 70 on a statistics test for which
the mean was 60 and the standard deviation
was 10. She also scored 60 on a chemistry
test for which the mean was 50 and the
standard deviation was 5. If the scores for
both tests were approximately normally
distributed, which best describes how Anya
did relative to her classmates?
Anya did better on the statistics test than
she did on the chemistry test because she
scored 10 points higher on the statistics
test than on the chemistry test.
Anya did equally well relative to her
classmates on each test, because she
scored 10 points above the mean on each.
Anya did better on the chemistry test
than she did on the statistics test because
she scored 2 standard deviations above
the mean on the chemistry test and only
1 standard deviation above the mean on
the statistics test.
Its impossible to tell without knowing the
number of points possible on each test.
Its impossible to tell without knowing
the number of students in each class.
Investigative Task
AP9. A game invented by three college students
involves giving the name of an actor and
then trying to connect that actor with
actor Kevin Bacon, counting the number
of steps needed. For example, Sarah Jessica
Parker has a Bacon number of 1 because
she appeared in the same movie as Kevin
Bacon, Footloose (1984). Will Smith has a
Bacon number of 2. He has never appeared
in a movie with Kevin Bacon; however, he
was in Bad Boys II (2003) with Michael
Shannon, who was in The Woodsman (2004)
AP Sample Test
10-03-2009 14:09
1 de 2
What variables
contribute to a
college having a
high graduation
rate? Scatterplots,
correlation, and
regression are
the basic tools used
to describe relationships between two
quantitative variables.
10-03-2009 14:13
2 de 2
10-03-2009 14:13
1 de 10
In Chapter 1, you explored the relationship between the ages of employees at
Westvaco and whether the employees were laid off when the company downsized.
There is more to see. In the scatterplot in Display 3.1, for example, each employee
is represented by a dot that shows the year the employee was born plotted against
the year the employee was hired.
Display 3.1 Year of birth versus year of hire for the 50 employees
in Westvaco Corporations engineering department.
Display 3.2 Age at layoffs versus year of hire for the 50 employees
in Westvaco Corporations engineering department.
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2 de 10
[You can use a graphing calculator to create scatterplots. See Calculator Note 3A.]
Interpreting Scatterplots
D1. You will examine Displays 3.1 and 3.2 more closely in these questions and in
E7 on page 114.
a. Why should the two variables plotted in Display 3.1 show a positive
association and the two variables plotted in Display 3.2 show a negative
b. Why do all but one of the points in Display 3.1 lie on or below a diagonal
line running from the lower left to the upper right?
c. Is this sentence a reasonable interpretation of Display 3.2? As time
passed, Westvaco tended to hire younger and younger people.
For the distribution of a single quantitative variable, shape, center, and spread
is a useful summary. For bivariate (two-variable) quantitative data, the summary
becomes shape, trend, and strength.
You might find it helpful to follow this set of steps as you practice describing
1. Identify the variables and cases. On a scatterplot, each point represents
a case, with the x-coordinate equal to the value of one variable and the
y-coordinate equal to the value of the other variable. You should describe
the scale (units of measurement) and range of each variable.
2. Describe the overall shape of the relationship, paying attention to
linearity: Is the pattern linear (scattered about a line) or curved?
clusters: Is there just one cluster, or is there more than one?
outliers: Are there any striking exceptions to the overall pattern?
3. Describe the trend. If as x gets larger y tends to get larger, there is a positive
trend. (The cloud of points tends to slope upward as you go from left to
right.) If as x gets larger y tends to get smaller, there is a negative trend. (The
cloud of points tends to slope downward as you go from left to right.)
4. Describe the strength of the relationship. If the points cluster closely around
an imaginary line or curve, the association is strong. If the points are
scattered farther from the line, the association is weak.
If, as in Display 3.1, the points tend to fan out at one end (a tendency called
heteroscedasticity), the relationship varies in strength. If not, it has constant
5. Does the pattern generalize to other cases, or is the relationship an instance
of what you see is all there is?
6. Are there plausible explanations for the pattern? Is it reasonable to conclude
that one variable causes the other? Is there a third or lurking variable that
might be causing both?
3.1 Scatterplots
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3 de 10
A plot of variable A
against (or versus)
variable B shows A on
the y-axis and B on the
Display 3.3
1. Variables and cases. The scatterplot plots dormitory population against urban
population, in thousands, for the 50 U.S. states. Dormitory population
ranges from near 0 to a high of more than 174,000 in New York. The
urban population ranges from near 0 to about 17 million in Texas and
New York and 32 million in California.
2. Shape. While most states follow a linear trend, the three states with the largest
urban population suggest curvature in the plot because, for those states,
the number of people living in dormitories is proportionately lower than in
the smaller states. California can be considered an outlier with respect to its
urban population, which is much larger than that of other states. It is also
an outlier with respect to the overall pattern, because it lies far below the
generally linear trend.
3. Trend. The trend is positivestates with larger urban populations tend to
have larger dormitory populations, and states with smaller urban populations
tend to have smaller dormitory populations.
4. Strength. The relationship varies in strength. For the states with the smallest
urban populations, the points cluster rather closely around a line. For the
states with the largest urban populations, the points are scattered farther from
the line. Overall, the strength of the relationship is moderate.
5. Generalization. The 50 states arent a sample from a larger population of
cases, so the relationship here does not generalize to other cases. Because
both variables tend to change rather slowly, however, we can expect the
relationship in Display 3.3 to be similar to that of other years.
Chapter 3
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Display 3.4
3.1 Scatterplots
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5 de 10
10-03-2009 14:20
6 de 10
E1. For each of the lettered scatterplots in
Display 3.6, give the trend (positive or
negative), strength (strong, moderate, or
weak), and shape (linear or curved). Which
plots show varying strength?
3.1 Scatterplots
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Chapter 3
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8 de 10
3.1 Scatterplots
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10-03-2009 14:20
10 de 10
Display 3.12 Data on passenger aircraft. [Source: Air Transport Association of America, 2005,]
3.1 Scatterplots
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1 de 24
Lines as Summaries
Youve seen the equation of a line, y = slope x + y-intercept, so the review here
will be brief. Linear relationships have the important property that for any two
points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) on the line, the ratio
is a constant. This ratio is the slope of the line. The rise and run are illustrated
in Display 3.13, where the slope is the ratio of the two sides of the right triangle.
This ratio is the same for any two points on the line because all the triangles
formed are similar.
23-03-2009 21:33
2 de 24
How thick is a single sheet of your book? One sheet alone is too thin to
measure directly with a ruler, but you could measure the thickness of 100 sheets
together, then divide by 100. This method would give you an estimate of the
thickness but no information about how much your estimate is likely to vary from
the true thickness. The approach in the next activity lets you judge precision as
well as thickness.
Pinch 50 sheets of
paper, not up to
page 50.
Pinching Pages
What youll need: a ruler with a millimeter scale, a copy of your textbook
1. Pinch together the front cover and first
50 sheets of your textbook. Then
measure and record the thickness to
the nearest millimeter.
2. Repeat for the front cover plus 100,
150, 200, and 250 sheets.
3. Plot your data on a scatterplot, with
number of sheets on the horizontal
scale and total thickness on the vertical
4. Does the plot look linear? Should it?
Discuss why or why not, and make
your measurements again if necessary. On the plot, place a straight line
that best fits the cloud of points.
5. Find the slope and y-intercept of your line. What does the y-intercept tell
you? What does the slope tell you? What is your estimate of the thickness
of a sheet?
6. Use the information in your graph to discuss how much your estimate in
step 5 is likely to vary from the true thickness.
7. How would your line have changed if you hadnt included the front cover?
23-03-2009 21:33
3 de 24
Interpreting Slope
D3. Decide what the variables y and x represent in these situations.
a. Suppose regular unleaded gasoline costs $2.60 per gallon. The number
2.60 is the slope of the line you get if you plot y versus x.
b. Suppose your car averages 30 mi/gal. The number 30 is the slope of a line
fitted to a scatterplot of y versus x.
c. A pints a pound the world around. This slogan summarizes the slope of
a line fitted to a scatterplot of y versus x for various quantities of various
kinds of liquids.
The next example illustrates how to find the equation of a line when you know
two points that fall on the line.
In theory, you can find the slope from any two points on the line. Here, however,
you have to estimate the coordinates from the graph. In such cases, you usually
can produce a better estimate of the slope by choosing two points that are far
apart. For this plot, choosing the points on the line for the years 1960 and 2000
works well. Approximate points are (1960, 0.80) for (x1, y1) and (2000, 4.80) for
(x2, y2). The estimated slope is
23-03-2009 21:33
4 de 24
The slope tells you that the minimum wage increased by about $0.10 per year over
the 45-yr period 1960 through 2005.
You can write the equation of a line in terms of its slope and y-intercept.
y = slope x + y-intercept
You have the slope, but you cannot read the y-intercept from the plot. To find it,
use the slope and a point such as (1960, 0.80) to solve for the y-intercept.
y = slope x + y-intercept
0.80 = 0.10(1960) + y-intercept
y-intercept = 0.80 196 = 195.20
The equation of the line using these approximate values is
y = 0.10x 195.20
In statistics this equation usually is written with the intercept first, becoming
y = 195.20 + 0.10x
Lines as Summaries
D4. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the prices paid by urban
consumers for a selected group of goods and services (called a market
basket) thought to be typical of urban households. The CPI often is used to
adjust salaries, rents, and other segments of the economy. The CPI is, itself,
a statistical estimate based on a number of large-scale surveys conducted by
agencies of the federal government. Display 3.15 shows the CPI for every five
years from 1970 to 2005. Fit a line to these data by eye, and use two points
to estimate its slope. What is the annual rate of increase for the CPI over this
35-yr period? What is the equation of your line?
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5 de 24
23-03-2009 21:33
6 de 24
The equation of the fitted line is = 8300.6 + 4.2248x, where x is the year
is the income in thousands of dollars.
Graph the fitted line with the data points. What is the residual for the year
You can use a graphing calculator to graph a scatterplot with a summary line.
[See Calculator Note 3B.]
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7 de 24
The actual net income value for 1996 was $139,000. Using the equation of the
fitted line, the prediction for 1996 is
= 8300.6 + 4.2248x = 8300.6 + 4.2248(1996) = 132.1008, or $132,101
You also can use your calculator to calculate a predicted value quickly. [See
Calculator Note 3C.]
To find the residual, subtract the predicted value from the observed value:
y = 139 132.1008 = 6.8992
or about $6899. The residual is positive because the observed value is higher than
the predicted value. That is, the point lies above the line.
You can use a calculator to calculate residuals for all points in a data set
simultaneously. [See Calculator Note 3D.]
23-03-2009 21:33
8 de 24
D6. What do you think of the arithmetic and the reasoning in this passage from
Mark Twains Life on the Mississippi?
In the space of one hundred and seventy-six years the Lower Mississippi
has shortened itself two hundred and forty-two miles. That is an average
of a trifle over one mile and a third per year. Therefore, any calm person,
who is not blind or idiotic, can see that in the Old Olitic Silurian
Period, just a million years ago next November, the Lower Mississippi
River was upwards of one million three hundred thousand miles long,
and stuck out over the Gulf of Mexico like a fishing rod.
And by the same token any person can see that seven hundred and
forty-two years from now the Lower Mississippi will be only a mile and
three quarters long, and Cairo and New Orleans will have joined their
streets together, and be plodding comfortably along under a single mayor
and a mutual board of aldermen. There is something fascinating about
science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a
trifling investment of fact. [Source: James R. Osgood and Company, 1883, p. 208.]
Given that the Mississippi/Missouri river system was about 3710 mi long in
the year 2000, write an equation that Twain would say gives the length of the
river in terms of the year.
23-03-2009 21:33
9 de 24
Which of these two equations gives the least squares regression line for predicting
cost from number of seats?
= 367 + 16x
= 300 + 16x
The least squares regression line minimizes the sum of the squared errors,
SSE, so the equation with the smaller SSE must be the equation of the
regression line.
For the equation = 367 + 16x:
= 300 + 16x:
[You can use your calculator to calculate the SSE quickly. See Calculator Note 3E.]
The first equation has the smaller SSE, so it must be the equation of the least
squares regression line. Note that for this line, except for rounding error, the sum
, is equal to 0. This is always the case for the least squares
of the residuals,
regression line, but it can be true for other lines, too.
[You can use a calculator program to visually explore the least squares regression line
and SSE. See Calculator Note 3F.]
In addition to making the sum of the squared errors as small as possible, the
least squares regression line has some other properties, given in the box on the
next page.
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10 de 24
23-03-2009 21:33
11 de 24
Slope: To compute the slope, first create two new columns for deviations from
the mean, one for x . and the other for y :
The ratio of the sums of the last two columns gives the slope
and the
This agrees with what you found in the previous example. That is, the
equation of the least squares regression line (with rounded y-intercept) is
[You also can use your calculator to find the equation of the least squares line. See
Calculator Note 3G.]
23-03-2009 21:33
12 de 24
a. Plot the points in the table and the line y = 1 + x. Explain why this is the
line that best fits these points. Compute the sum of the absolute values of
the residuals.
b. Draw another line that passes between the two points at x = 0 and also
passes between the two points at x = 2. Compute the sum of the absolute
values of the residuals for this line and compare it to your sum from
part a.
c. Draw yet another line that passes between the two points at x = 0 and
also passes between the two points at x = 2. Find the sum of the absolute
values of the residuals for this line and compare it to your sums from
parts a and b.
d. Draw a line that does not pass between the two points at x = 0. Find the
sum of the absolute values of the residuals for this line and compare it to
your sums from parts a and b.
e. Now find the least squares regression line and compute the sum of the
squared residuals. Compute the sum of the squared residuals for your
lines in parts b, c, and d. What can you conclude?
f. Find the standard deviation of the residuals for the least squares
regression line and for the lines in parts b, c, and d. What can you
Display 3.18 Data Desk output giving the equation of the least
squares line for the minimum wage data.
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13 de 24
You can ignore most of the output for now. You will learn how to interpret it
in Chapter 11. For the time being, focus on the first two columns in the last three
rows, which are reproduced in Display 3.19.
The y-intercept is the coefficient in the row labeled Constant and is 196.977.
The slope is the coefficient of the predictor variable Year and is 0.100909.
The SSE for the regression line is found in the Residual row and is 0.354545.
Reading Computer Output
D8. Doctors incomes. Display 3.20 shows the mean net income y of family
practitioners versus year x (from page 121), with Data Desk computer
output for the least squares line.
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a. What is the equation of the least squares line? Estimate the SSE from the
scatterplot in Display 3.20, and then find it in the computer output.
b. The Minitab software output for this regression is shown in Display 3.21.
How is it different from the Data Desk output?
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Lines as Summaries
P3. Display 3.22 shows the weight of a students
pink eraser, in grams, plotted against
the number of days into the school year.
Estimate the slope of the line drawn on the
graph. Interpret the slope in the context
of the situation. [Source: Zachs Eraser, CMC
ComMuniCator, 28 (June 2004): 28.]
, to indicate a predicted
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E9. Display 3.27 shows cost in dollars per hour
versus number of seats for three aircraft
models. Five lines, labeled AE, are shown
on the plot. Their equations, listed below, are
labeled IV.
a. Match each line (AE) with its equation
I. cost = 290 + 15.8 seats
II. cost = 400 + 15.8 seats
III. cost = 1000 + 15.8 seats
IV. cost = 370 + 25 seats
V. cost = 900 + 10 seats
b. Match each line (AE) with the
appropriate verbal description (IV):
I. This line overestimates cost.
II. This line underestimates cost.
III. This line overestimates cost for the
smallest plane and underestimates
cost for the largest plane.
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The correlation
coefficient measures the
amount of variation from
the regression line.
In Activity 3.3a, you will learn more about correlation and youll practice
finding the value of r using your calculator.
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In this formula, sx is the standard deviation of the xs, and sy is the standard
deviation of the ys. Remember that the z-score tells you how many standard
deviations the value lies above or below the mean.
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Then convert each value of x and y to standard units, or z-scores. The correlation,
r, is the average product of the z-scoresthe sum of the products in the last
column divided by n 1.
[You can use a calculator to find the value of r. See Calculator Note 3H.]
The correlation, r, is a
quantity without units.
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The quiz scores for 22 students in Display 3.45, on the other hand, have a
correlation, r, of only 0.48. There is quite a bit of scatter, partly because the quizzes
covered very different topics. Quiz 2 covered exponential growth, and Quiz 3
covered probability. In spite of the scatter, a line is the most appropriate model
because there is no curvature in the pattern of data points.
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D16. Its common in situations similar to the growth in blogs for the numbers
to increase exponentially for the first few years. What do you think would
happen if the table in Display 3.44 were continued to include numbers for
months up to the current year?
The formula gives an estimate of the slope of
= 0.71x + 159.32.
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Even if you cant identify a lurking variable, you should be careful to avoid
jumping to a conclusion about cause and effect when you observe a strong
relationship. The value of r does not tell you anything about why two variables
are related. The statement Correlation does not imply causation can help you
remember this. To conclude that one thing causes another, you need data from a
randomized experiment, as youll learn in the next chapter.
Correlation Does Not Imply Causation
D18. Display 3.43 on page 143 shows a negative association between the
percentage of on-time arrivals and the number of mishandled bags per
thousand passengers. Discuss whether you think one of these variables
might cause the other, or whether a lurking variable might account for both.
D19. For the sample of 50 top-rated universities in E5 on page 113, theres a
very strong positive relationship between acceptance rate (percentage of
applicants who are offered admission) and SAT scores (the 75th percentile
for an entering class). Explain why these two variables have such a strong
relationship. Does one cause the other? If not, how might you account for
the strong relationship?
D20. People who argue about politics and public policy often point to relationships
between quantitative variables and then offer a cause-and-effect explanation
to support their points of view. For each of these relationships, first give a
possible explanation by assuming a causal relationship and then give
another possible explanation based on a lurking variable.
a. Faculty positions in academic subjects with a higher percentage of
male faculty tend to pay higher salaries. (For example, engineering and
geology have high percentages of male faculty and high average salaries;
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journalism, music, and social work have much lower percentages of male
faculty and much lower academic salaries.)
b. States with larger reported numbers of hate groups tend to have more
people on death row. (Here, also tell how you could adjust for the lurking
variable to uncover a more informative relationship.)
c. States with higher reported rates of gun ownership tend to have lower
reported rates of violent crime.
Interpreting r2
You might have noticed that computer outputs for regression analysis, like that in
Display 3.18 on page 127, give the value of R-squared, or r2, rather than the value
of r. The student in this discussion will show you how to think about r2 as the
fraction of the variation in the values of y that you can eliminate by taking x into
Alexis: Ive invented another way to measure the strength of the
relationship between x and y. Its based on the idea that the
less variation there is from the linear trend, the stronger the
Statistician: How does it work?
Alexis: Let me ask the questions for a change. What is the best way to
predict the values of y?
Statistician: Id fit a least squares line and use the equation y = b0 + b1x.
Alexis: And how would you measure your total error?
Statistician: Well, Id use the sum of the squares of the residuals, just like we
did in the last section:
Alexis: And could you again use the sum of the squared errors to measure
your total error?
Statistician: Sure, its almost like the standard deviation. Id find the sum of the
squares of the deviations from the mean, which Ill call the total
sum of squared error, SST:
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Statistician: I see where youre going with this. You can use a ratio to measure
the strength of the relationship.
Statistician: Good. Your new ratio is near 1 when the relationship is strong and
near 0 when the relationship is weak. Your old ratio, SSE/SST, gave
the proportion of error still there after the regression, so your new
ratio . . .
I can handle it from here. SST is the total error I started with.
SST minus SSE is the amount of error I get rid of by using the
relationship of y with x. So my new ratio is the proportion of error
I eliminate by using the regression.
Statistician: Right!
Statistician: Lucky for youwith a little algebra, they turn out to be equivalent.
Alexis: Cool!
Statistician: We statisticians call r2 the coeffcient of determination. It tells us
the proportion of variation in the ys that is explained by x.
Alexis: I like it. Anythings better than those z-scores!
Predicting Pizzas
Display 3.46 compares two sets of predictions of the calorie content in the seven
kinds of pizza from E12 on page 134.
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If you had to pick a single number as your predicted calorie content, you
might choose the mean, 307.14 calories per serving. The fourth column in the
table and the plot in Display 3.47 show the resulting errors.
If you use the regression equation, calories = 112 + 14.9 fat, to predict
calories, the resulting errors are much smaller in most cases and are given in the
second to last column of Display 3.46 and shown on the plot in Display 3.48.
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The coeffcient of
determination tells the
proportion of the total
variation in y that can be
explained by x.
About 82% of the variation in calories among these brands of pizza can be
attributed to fat content.
Taking the square root gives r = 0.908.
Interpreting r2
D21. The scatterplot in Display 3.49 shows IQ plotted against head circumference,
in centimeters, for a sample of 20 people. The mean IQ was 101, and the
mean head circumference was 56.125 cm. The correlation is 0.138.
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Display 3.50 shows a hypothetical data set with the height of younger sisters
plotted against the height of their older sisters. There is a moderate positive
association: r = 0.337. For both younger and older sisters, the mean height is
65 in. and the standard deviation is 2.5 in. The line drawn on the first plot,
y = x, indicates the location of points representing the same height for both
sisters. If you rotate your book and sight down the line, you can see that the
points are scattered symmetrically about it.
In the second plot, look at the vertical strip for the older sisters with heights
between 62 in. and 63 in. The X is at the mean height of the younger sisters with
older sisters in this height range. It falls at about 64 in., not between 62 in. and
63 in. as you would expect. Looking at the vertical strip on the right, the mean
height of younger sisters with older sisters between 68 in. and 69 in. is only
about 66 in. If you were to use the line y = x to predict the height of the younger
sister, you would tend to predict a height that is too small if the older sister is
shorter than average and a height that is too large if the older sister is taller than
The flatter line through the third scatterplot in Display 3.50 is the least
squares regression line. Notice that this line gets as close as it can to the center
of each vertical strip. Thus, the least squares line is sometimes called the line of
means. The predicted value of y at a given value of x, using the regression line
as the model, is the estimated mean of all responses that can be produced at that
particular value of x.
Notice that the regression line has a smaller slope than the major axis ( y = x )
of the ellipse. This means that the predicted values are closer to the mean than
you might expect, which will always be the case for positively correlated data
following a linear trend. The difference between these two lines is sometimes
called the regression effect. If the correlation is near +1 or 1, the two lines will
be nearly on top of each other and the regression effect will be minimal. For a
moderate correlation such as that for the sisters heights, the regression effect
will be quite large.
The regression effect was first noticed by British scientist Francis Galton
around 1877. Galton noticed that the largest sweet-pea seeds tended to produce
daughter seeds that were large but smaller than their parent. The smallest
sweet-pea seeds tended to produce daughter seeds that were also small but larger
than their parent. There was, in Galtons words, a regression toward the mean.
This is the origin of the term regression line. [Source: D. W. Forrest, Francis Galton: The Life and
Work of a Victorian Genius (Taplinger, 1974).]
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Display 3.50
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Geometrically, the correlation measures how tightly packed the points of the
scatterplot are about the regression line.
The correlation has no units and ranges from 1 to +1. It is unchanged if you
interchange x and y or if you make a linear change of scale in x or y, such as
from feet to inches or from pounds to kilograms.
In assessing correlation, begin by making a scatterplot and then follow these
1. Shape: Is the plot linear, shaped roughly like an elliptical cloud, rather
than curved, fan-shaped, or formed of separate clusters? If so, draw
an ellipse to enclose the cloud of points. The data should be spread
throughout the ellipse; otherwise, the pattern might not be linear or
might have unusual features that require special handling. You should
not calculate the correlation for patterns that are not linear.
2. Trend: If your ellipse tilts upward to the right, the correlation is
positive; if it tilts downward to the right, the correlation is negative. The
relationship between the correlation and the slope, b1, of the regression
line is given by
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The regression effect (or regression toward the mean) is the tendency of
y-values to be closer to their mean than you might expect. That is, the regression
line is flatter than the major axis of the ellipse surrounding the data.
Estimating the Correlation
P9. By comparing to the plots in Display 3.41 on
page 140, match each of the five scatterplots
in Display 3.51 with its correlation, choosing
from 0.95, 0.5, 0, 0.5, and 0.95.
Display 3.51
Five scatterplots.
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Interpreting r2
P19. Data on the association between high
school graduation rates and the percentage
of families living in poverty for the 50 U.S.
states were presented in E26. Display 3.54
contains the scatterplot and a standard
computer output of the regression analysis.
Display 3.54
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Display 3.56
Exam scores.
E27. Each scatterplot in Display 3.57 was made on
the same set of axes. Match each scatterplot
with its correlation, choosing from 0.06,
0.25, 0.40, 0.52, 0.66, 0.74, 0.85, and 0.90.
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Display 3.58
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Display 3.60 Data table, scatterplot, and regression analysis for the effects of outside
temperature on ice cream consumption. [Source: Koteswara Rao Kadiyala, Testing for
the Independence of Regression Disturbances, Econometrica 38 (1970): 97117.]
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Not all data points are created equal. You saw in the calculation of the correlation
in Display 3.42 on page 142 that some points make large contributions and some
small. Some make positive contributions and some negative. Your goal is to learn
to recognize the points in a data set that might have an unusually large influence
on where the regression line goes or on the size and sign of the correlation.
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The hippo has the effect of pulling the right end of the regression line downward
( like putting a heavy weight on one end of a seesaw ), as you can see in Display 3.63.
When the hippo is removed, that end of the regression line will spring upward
and the slope will increase. Because one large residual has been removed and many
of the remaining residuals have been reduced in size, the correlation will increase.
The new slope is 1.96, and the new correlation is 0.80. The hippo has considerable
influence on the slope and some influence on the correlation.
Now envision the scatterplot with just the elephant, E, missing. Because E
is close to the straight line fi t to the data, it produces a small residual. Thus, you
would expect that removing E should not change the slope of the regression line
much (not nearly as much as removing H did ) and should reduce the correlation
just a bit. In fact, the correlation does decrease some, to 0.72 from 0.77. However,
the new slope is 1.53. It turns out that removing the elephant gives the hippo even
more influence, and the slope decreases.
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Finally, envision the scatterplot with just the beaver, B, removed. B produces
a large, positive residual close to the left end of the regression line. Thus,
removing B should allow the left end of the line to drop, increasing the slope,
and removing a large residual should increase the correlation. The new slope
is 1.69 (an increase from 1.58), and the new correlation is 0.83 (an increase
from 0.77). The beaver also has considerable infl uence on both slope and
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With a little practice, you often can anticipate the influence of certain points
in a scatterplot, as in the previous example, but it is difficult to state general rules.
The best rule is the one given in the box on page 163: Fit the line with and without
the questionable point and see what happens. Then report all the results, with
appropriate explanations.
Why the Anscombe Data Sets Are Important
Display 3.64 shows four scatterplots. These plots, known as the Anscombe data
after their inventor, are arguably the most famous set of scatterplots in all of
statistics. The questions that follow invite you to figure out why statistics books
refer to them so often. In the process, youll learn more about what a summary
doesnt tell you about a data set.
Display 3.64
D26. For each plot in Display 3.64, first give a short verbal description of the
pattern in the plot. Then
a. either fit a line by eye and estimate its slope or tell why you think a line is
not a good summary
b. either estimate the correlation by eye or tell why you think a correlation
is not an appropriate summary
D27. Display 3.65 shows a computer output for one of the four Anscombe data set
plots. Can you tell which one? If so, tell how you know. If not, explain why
you cant tell.
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Display 3.66
a. Which plot has a point that is highly influential both with respect to the
slope of the regression line and with respect to the correlation?
b. Compared to the other points in the plot, does the influential point lie far
from the least squares line or close to it?
c. How would the slope and correlation change if you were to remove this
point? Discuss this first without actually performing the calculations.
Then carry out the calculations to verify your conjectures.
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A special kind of scatterplot, called a residual plot, often can help you see
more clearly whats going on. For some data sets, a residual plot can even show
you patterns you might otherwise have overlooked completely. Statisticians use
residual plots the way a doctor uses a microscope or an X rayto get a better
look at less obvious aspects of a situation. ( Plots you use in this way are called
diagnostic plots because of the parallel with medical diagnosis. ) Push the
analogy just a little. Youre the doctor, and data sets are your patients. Sets with
elliptical clouds of points are the healthy ones; they dont need special attention.
A residual plot is a scatterplot of residuals, yy , versus predictor values, x
(or, sometimes, versus predicted values, y ).
Display 3.67
The calculated residuals are shown in Display 3.68, with the list of carriers
ordered from smallest to largest on the x-scale. This allows the size of the residuals
in the far right column to appear in the same order as in Display 3.67. Alaska
produces a negative residual of modest size, whereas US Airways produces a large
positive residual.
The residual plot, Display 3.69, is simply a scatterplot of the residuals versus
the original x-variable, mishandled baggage. Note that 0 is at the middle of the
residuals on the vertical scale.
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Display 3.69
The residual plot shows nearly random scatter, with no obvious trends. This
is the ideal shape for a residual plot, because it indicates that a straight line is
reasonable model for the trend in the original data. [You can use your calculator to
create residual plots. See Calculator Note 3I.]
Residual Plots
D29. In Display 3.69, identify which residual belongs to Delta and which
to Northwest.
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D30. To see how residual plots magnify departures from the regression line,
compare the Anscombe plots in Display 3.64 with Display 3.70, which shows
the four corresponding residual plots in scrambled order.
Display 3.70 Residual plots for the four Anscombe data sets.
Residual plots
sometimes yield
Use residual plots to check for systematic departures from constant slope
(linear trend) and constant strength (same vertical spread). Look in particular
for plots that are curved or fan-shaped. Its true that for data sets with only one
predictor value (like those in this chapter), you often can get a good idea of what
the residual plot will look like by carefully inspecting the original scatterplot.
Once in a while, however, you get a surprise.
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The residual plot, shown in Display 3.72, quite dramatically reveals that the trend
is not as linear as first imagined. The curvature in the residual plot mimics the
curvature in the original scatterplot, which is harder to see. A line is not a good
model for these data.
Residuals sometimes
are plotted against the
predicted values, y.
Statistical software often plots residuals against the predicted values, y, rather
than against the predictor values, x. For simple linear regression, both plots have
exactly the same shape as long as the slope of the regression line is positive.
Types of Residual Plots
D31. Display 3.73 shows a scatterplot and two residual plots for the data set
consisting of these three ordered pairs (x, y): (0, 1), (1, 0), and (2, 2). One
residual plot plots residuals versus predictor values, x, the sort of plot you
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get from graphing calculators. The other plots residuals versus predicted
(fitted) y-values, or y, the sort of plot you get from computer software
packages. Explain how the residual plots were produced and how you can
tell which residual plot is which. The equation of the least squares line is
y = 0.5 + 0.5x.
Display 3.73
Which Points Have the Influence?
P22. The data in Display 3.74 show some
interesting patterns in the relationship
between domestic and international gross
income from the ten movies with the highest
domestic gross ticket sales.
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Display 3.75
Residual Plots
P24. For the set of (x, y) pairs (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1),
and (3, 2), the equation of the least squares
line is y = 0.5 + 0.5x.
a. Plot the data and graph the least squares
b. Next complete a table for the predicted
values and residuals, like the table in
Display 3.68 on page 169.
c. Using the values in your table, plot
residuals versus predictor, x.
d. How does the residual plot differ from the
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Display 3.77 Four residual plots corresponding to the scatterplots in Display 3.71.
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E43. Extreme temperatures. The data in Display
3.78 provide the maximum and minimum
temperatures ever recorded on each continent.
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Display 3.86
Residual Plots?
E51. Display 3.87 gives the data set for the three
passenger jets from the example on page 123,
along with a scatterplot showing the least
squares line. (Values have been rounded.)
a. Use the equation of the line to find
predicted values and residuals to
complete the table in Display 3.87.
b. Use your numbers from part a to construct
two residual plots, one with the predictor,
x, on the horizontal axis and the other with
the predicted value, y, on the horizontal
axis. How do the two plots differ?
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Transforming data is
sometimes called
re-expressing data.
Shape-Changing Transformations
For scatterplots in which the points form an elliptical cloud, the regression line
and correlation tell you pretty much all you need to know. But data dont always
behave so obligingly. For plots in which the points are curved, fan out, or contain
outliers, the usual summaries do not tell you everything and can actually be
misleading. What do you do then? This section shows you one possible remedy:
Transform the data to get the shape you want.
Youre already familiar with linear transformations from Section 2.4things
like changing temperatures from degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius or
changing distances from feet to inches or times from minutes to seconds. These
linear transformationsadding or subtracting a constant or multiplying or
dividing by a constantcan change the center and spread of the distribution
without changing its basic shape.
Nonlinear transformations, such as squaring each value or taking logarithms,
do change the basic shape of the plot. This section shows how a transformation of
a measurement scale can lead to simplified statistical analyses. One of the most
common nonlinear relationships is the exponential, and that is where we begin
our discussion.
Exponential functions often arise when you study how a quantity grows or decays
as time passes. Many such quantities grow by an amount that is proportional to
the amount present. This means that the amount present at one point in time is
multiplied by a fixed constant to get the amount
present at the next point in time,
resulting in a function of the form y = abx. The amount of growth of a population
is proportional to population size, the growth of a bank account is proportional
to the amount of money in the account, the amount by which a radioactive
substance decays is proportional to how much is left, and the amount by which
a cup of coffee cools is proportional to how much hotter it is than the air around
it. For such situations, replacing y with log y often gives a plot that is much more
nearly linear than the original plot.
The examples in this section illustrate exponential growth and decay. At
the same time, they illustrate another important feature of measurements taken
over time: There is often an up-and-down pattern to the residuals. This pattern
cannot be removed by a simple transformation.
Whenever your measurements come in chronological order, what happens
next is likely to depend on what just happened. As a result, the patterns in your
data might be subtler than the ones youve seen up to this point. In addition, the
difference between a meaningful pattern and a quirk in the data might be harder
to detect because the data typically show only one observation for a single point
in time.
An Example of Exponential Decay
In Activity 3.5a, you will study a population that decreases exponentially
over time.
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Copper Flippers
What youll need: 200 pennies, a paper cup
Count 200 pennies. Youll use these for an exercise
to see how fast pennies die.
A certain insect, the copper flipper, has a life
span determined by the fact that there is a 5050
chance a particular live flipper will die at the end
of the day. So, on average, half of any population of
copper flippers will die during the first day of life. Of those that survive the first
day, on average half die during the second day, and so on.
By extraordinary coincidence, these bugs behave like a bunch of tossed
pennies. If you toss 200 pennies, about half should come up heads and half
tails. The heads represent the insects that survive the first day, and the tails
represent those that die. You can collect the pennies that came up heads and
toss them again to see how many survive the second day, and so on. This gives
you a physical model for the distribution of the life span of the insects.
1. Place your pennies in a cup, shake them up, and toss them on a table.
Count the number of heads, and record the number.
2. Set aside the pennies that came up tails. Place the pennies that came up
heads back in the cup, and repeat the process.
3. After each toss (day), set the tails aside, collect the heads, count them, and
toss them again. Repeat this process until you have fewer than five pennies
left, but stop before you get to zero heads.
4. Construct a scatterplot of your data, with the number of the toss on the
horizontal axis and the number of heads on the vertical axis. Does the
pattern look linear?
5. How might you find an equation to summarize this pattern?
Replacing y with
log y will straighten
y = abx.
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Shape-Changing Transformations
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Display 3.92
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Display 3.94
Transform and Plot Again. You can see the transformed points in Display
3.95. For example, for the year 1800, the point (1800, ln 6.1) or (1800, 1.808) is
Fit. Although there is still some curvature, the pattern is much more nearly
linear, and a straight line might be a reasonable model to fit these data. The
regression line and regression analysis also are shown in Display 3.95 (on the
next page).
The equation of the regression line is
= 25.118 + 0.0148x. Solving for
y gives
This means that the population density is growing at about 1.5% per year.
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Display 3.95
Residuals. In the case of data over time, it is often advantageous to plot the
residuals over time, as in Display 3.96.
The result is not exactly random scatter! Well, it is about the best you can do.
The problem is that there are subtle patterns in the dataand in the residuals
that no simple model will adequately account for.
Exponential Growth and Decay
D33. Relate the pattern you see in the residual plot in Display 3.96 to the pattern
of the data in the original scatterplot (Display 3.94).
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D34. Why is there a huge jump from a large positive residual to a large negative
residual as you move from 1800 to 1810? What events in U.S. history explain
some of the other features of the residual plot?
D35. If you use a computer to fit a line to the (year, density) data, it will
automatically compute a correlation.
a. Explain why a correlation is not a very useful summary for this data set.
b. In Display 3.95, the computer gave the value of R-sq as 97.3% for the
transformed data. Statisticians ordinarily are not very interested in the
size of this diagnostic measure for time-ordered data. Can you think of
any reasons why?
D36. What is the estimated annual rate of growth of the population density of the
United States? What is the estimated rate of growth over a decade?
Example: Logarithmic Transformation
Do aircraft with a higher typical speed also have a greater average flight length? As
you might expect, the answer is yes, but the relationship is nonlinear. (See Display
3.97.) Is there a simple equation that relates typical speed and flight length? The
solution that follows leads you through one approach to these questions.
Display 3.97 Data table and scatterplot for the flight length and
speed of various aircraft. [Source: Air Transport Association
of America, 2005,]
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The plot is curved much in the manner of exponential growth, so shrinking the
y-scale is in order. Display 3.98 shows a scatterplot of ln( flight length) versus
speed, along with a least squares line and computer output.
Although the pattern of points appears much more linear and the fit looks
pretty good, the lack of randomness in the residual plot in Display 3.99 indicates
that a linear model still does not really fit the points. D38 and E58 will give you a
chance to continue the detective work.
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Log Transformations
D37. How can you tell from Display 3.97 that the flight length values range over
two orders of magnitude? Show how transforming from flight length to
ln( flight length) will shrink the larger y-values more than the smaller ones
and thus help straighten the plot.
D38. Describe the pattern in the residual plot in Display 3.99, and tell what it
suggests as a next step in the analysis.
D39. In what sense, if any, is the relationship in Display 3.97 one of cause and
effect? What is your evidence?
A scatterplot of the data (Display 3.101, on the next page) shows that the
relationship is not linear. On thinking carefully about an appropriate model, you
might realize that length is a linear measure while weight is related to volumea
cubic measure. So perhaps weight is related to the cube of length, or some power
close to that. That is, the relationship is of the form weight
where a
is constant.
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141.3 lb
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Power Transformations
You always can use a log-log transformation to straighten points that follow a power
However, sometimes your knowledge of a situation can allow
you, with a little thought, to go directly to an appropriate power transformation
without transforming through logarithms. For example, in exploring the
relationship between time in free-fall and the distance an object falls, it is the square
root of the distance that is linearly related to the time. In relating gas mileage to
size of cars, miles per gallon could just as well be gallons per mile (a reciprocal
transformation). Commonly used power transformations are given in the box.
To use a power transformation, transform y by replacing it with a power of y,
such as
The next example describes this process.
Example: A Power Transformation
The success of sustainable harvesting of timber depends on how fast trees grow,
and one way to measure a trees growth rate is to find the relationship between its
diameter and its age. If you know this relationship and the relationship between the
age and height of a tree, then you can estimate the growth rate for total volume of
timber. Displays 3.103 through 3.106 give data on the age (in years) and diameters
(in inches at chest height) of a sample of oak trees, a scatterplot of diameter versus
age, a residual plot, and numerical summaries in the form of computer output.
Based on these data, find a good model for predicting tree diameter from age.
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Display 3.104
Display 3.105
Display 3.106
Inspection reveals that the point cloud is roughly elliptical with a slight downward
curvature. Straightening this curve will require expanding the y-scale. You can
formulate a power transformation by thinking carefully about the practical
Shape-Changing Transformations
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Display 3.107 Diameter squared versus age for the oak tree data,
with the regression line.
Display 3.108
Power transformations like the ones you have just seen can straighten a curved
plot (or change a fan shape to a more nearly oval shape). By choosing the right
power, you often can take a data set for which a fitted straight line and correlation
are not suitable and convert it into one for which those summaries work well.
Is it cheating to change the shape of your data? (You wanted a linear cloud,
but you got a curved wedge. You didnt like that, so you fiddled with the data
until you got what you wanted.) In fact, as youll see, changing scale is a matter
of re-expressing the same data, not replacing the data with entirely new facts.
The intelligent measurer selects a scale that is most useful for the problem the
measurements were taken to solve.
[You can use your calculator to perform all the transformations youve learned
about in this section. See Calculator Note 3J.]
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Power Transformations
D42. Give a plausible explanation for why a tree
might grow at a rate that makes the
square of its diameter proportional to
its age.
D43. If you need to predict the diameter of some
oak trees for which you know only the age,
would you rather do the predicting for
10-year-old trees or for 40-year-old trees?
Explain your reasoning.
Shape-Changing Transformations
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Exponential Growth and Decay
P26. Dying dice. One of the authors gathered data
on dying dice, starting with 200, and used
the rule that a die lives if it lands showing
1, 2, 3, or 4. Here are the results:
200 122 81 58 29 19 11 8 6 4 2 2
a. Construct a scatterplot of the number of
"live" dice versus the roll number.
b. Transform the number of live dice using
natural logs, and construct a scatterplot
of ln(dice) versus roll number.
c. Fit a line by the least squares method, and
use its slope to estimate the rate of dying.
d. Plot residuals versus roll number, and
describe the pattern.
P27. Florida is one of the fastest-growing states in
the United States. The population figures for
each census year from 1830 through 2000 are
given in Display 3.109.
Display 3.109 Population of Florida over the years
18302000. [Source: U.S. Census Bureau,
Statistical Abstract of the United States,
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Shape-Changing Transformations
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Power Transformations
P35. Three sets of pairs (x, y) are given here. For
each set, (i) plot y versus x, (ii) find a power
of y to use in place of y itself to get a linear
plot, and (iii) plot that power of y versus x.
a. (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 8), (3, 27)
b. (1, 10), (2, 5), (5, 2), (10, 1)
c. (100, 10), (64, 8), (25, 5), (9, 3), (1, 1)
P36. In P35, suppose that, instead of plotting
a power of y versus x, you plot y versus a
power of x. For each of the three sets of
pairs (x, y), find the power of x for which the
points lie on a line. What is the relationship
between the powers of y in P35 and the
powers of x in this problem?
P37. For each of these relationships, first write the
equation that relates x and y. Then use this
equation to find a power of y that you could
plot against x in order to get a linear plot.
a. y is the area of a circle, and x is the radius
of the circle.
b. y is the volume of a block whose sides
all have equal lengths, and x is the side
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Display 3.112 The brain weights and body weights of mammals. [Source: T. Allison and
D. V. Cicchetti, Sleep in Mammals: Ecological and Constitutional Correlates, Science 194
(1976): 73234.]
Shape-Changing Transformations
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E55. For the data in Display 3.97 on page 185, try
fitting a straight line to the square root
of flight length as a function of speed.
Does this transformation work as well
as the log transformation? Explain your
E56. More dying dice. Follow the same steps as
in P26 on page 194 for these numbers of
surviving dice: 200, 72, 28, 9, 5, 2, and 1. Use
your data to estimate what the probability
of dying was in order to generate these
E57. Growing kids. Median heights and weights
of growing boys are presented in Display
3.113. What model would you choose to
predict weight from a boys known height?
of success.
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Display 3.116
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Display 3.118
Display 3.119
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Chapter Summary
In Chapter 2, you worked with univariate data. In Chapter 3, you learned how to
uncover information for bivariate (two-variable) data, using plots and numerical
summaries of center and spread. In Chapter 2, the basic plot was the histogram.
For histograms of distributions that are approximately normal, the fundamental
measures of center and spread are the mean and the standard deviation. For
bivariate data, the basic plot is the scatterplot. For scatterplots that have an
elliptical shape, the fundamental summary measures are the regression line
(which you can think of as the measure of center) and the correlation (which
you can think of as the measure of spread).
For now, correlation and regression merely describe your data set. In
Chapter 11, you will learn to use numerical summaries computed from a sample
to make inferences about a larger population. Using diagnostic tools such as
residual plots and finding transformations that re-express a curved relationship as
a linear one will come in especially handy because you wont be able to make valid
inferences unless the points form an elliptical cloud.
Review Exercises
E67. Leonardos rules. A class of 15 students
recorded the measurements in Display 3.122
for Activity 3.3a.
Chapter Summary
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Display 3.126
Chapter Summary
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Display 3.127
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Display 3.128
Number of police officers and related variables. [Source: U.S. Census Bureau,
Statistical Abstract of the United States, 20042005.]
Chapter Summary
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Display 3.129
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Display 3.129
Chapter Summary
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Display 3.129
Display 3.130
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Display 3.130 Public school education by state in 2001. [Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical
Abstract of the United States, 20042005.]
Chapter Summary
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AP Sample Test
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Investigative Tasks
AP9. Siris equation. Athletes and exercise
scientists sometimes use the proportion
of fat to overall body mass as one measure
of fittness, but measuring the percentage
of body fat directly poses a challenge.
Fortunately, some good statistical detective
work by W. E. Siri in the 1950s provided
an alternative to direct measurement that
is still in use today. Siris method lets you
estimate the percentage of body fat from
body density, which you can measure
directly by hydrostatic (underwater)
weighing. In this exercise, youll see how
transformations and residual plots play a
crucial role in finding Siris model.
a. A first model. Use the data in Display
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AP Sample Test
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Sample Surveys
and Experiments
What prompts a
hamster to prepare
for hibernation? A
student designed an
experiment to see
whether the number
of hours of light in
a day affects the
concentration of a key
brain enzyme.
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Most of what youve done in Chapters 2 and 3, as well as in the first part of
Chapter 1, is part of data explorationways to uncover, display, and describe
patterns in data. Methods of exploration can help you look for patterns in just
about any set of data, but they cant take you beyond the data in hand. With
exploration, what you see is all you get. Often, thats not enough.
Pollster: I asked a hundred likely voters who they planned to vote for, and
fifty-two of them said theyd vote for you.
Politician: Does that mean Ill win the election?
Pollster: Sorry, I cant tell you. My stat course hasnt gotten to inference yet.
Politician: Whats inference?
Pollster: Drawing conclusions based on your data. I can tell you about the
hundred people I actually talked to, but I dont yet know how to
use that information to tell you about all the likely voters.
Methods of inference can take you beyond the data you actually have, but
only if your numbers come from the right kind of process. If you want to use
100 likely voters to tell you about all likely voters, how you choose those 100
voters is crucial. The quality of your inference depends on the quality of your
data; in other words, bad data lead to bad conclusions. This chapter tells you
how to gather data through surveys and experiments in ways that make sound
conclusions possible.
Here's a simple example.1 When you taste a spoonful of chicken soup and
decide it doesnt taste salty enough, thats exploratory analysis: Youve found a
pattern in your one spoonful of soup. If you generalize and conclude that the
whole pot of soup needs salt, thats an inference. To know whether your inference
is valid, you have to know how your one spoonfulthe datawas taken from
the pot. If a lot of salt is sitting on the bottom, soup from the surface wont be
representative, and youll end up with an incorrect inference. If you stir the soup
thoroughly before you taste, your spoonful of data will more likely represent the
whole pot. Sound methods for producing data are the statisticians way of making
sure the soup gets stirred so that a single spoonfulthe samplecan tell you
about the whole pot. Instead of using a spoon, the statistician relies on a chance
device to do the stirring and on probability theory to make the inference.
Soup tasting illustrates one kind of question you can answer using statistical
methods: Can I generalize from a small sample (the spoonful) to a larger
population (the whole pot of soup)? To use a sample for inference about a
population, you must randomize, that is, use chance to determine who or what
gets into your sample.
1The inspiration for this metaphor came from Gudmund Iversen,who teaches statistics at Swarthmore College.
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The other kind of question is about comparison and cause. For example,
if people eat chicken soup when they get a cold, will this cause the cold to go
away more quickly? When designing an experiment to determine if a pattern in
the data is due to cause and effect, you also must randomize. That is, you must
use chance to determine which subjects get which treatments. To answer the
question about chicken soup, you would use chance to decide which of your
subjects eat chicken soup and which dont, and then compare the duration of
their colds.
The first part of this chapter is about designing surveys. A well-designed
survey enables you to make inferences about a population by looking at a sample
from that population. The second part of the chapter introduces experiments. An
experiment enables you to determine cause by comparing the effects of two or
more treatments.
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Why samples are
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The true proportion that Nielsen would get from a survey of every household is
called a population parameter. Nielsen uses the proportion in the sample as an
estimate of this parameter. Such an estimate from a sample is called a statistic.
Not all statistics are created equal. Some arent very good estimators of the
population parameter. For example, the maximum in the sample isnt a very good
estimator of the maximum in the populationit is almost always too small. You
will learn more about the properties of estimators in Chapter 7.
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3 de 12
chart like the one in Display 4.1. Place the cards that represent patients in a
stack separate from unused cards.
2. Deal out the other cards one at a time, assigning the next patient to a bed
as it becomes available. To continue with the example, suppose the next
patient is 9 . First available bed is bed 1, and the patient will be in it
for 9 days. The next available bed is bed 2, and the next patient, say, 9 , will
be there for 9 days. Display 4.2 shows a chart of the lengths of stays at this
stage. The next patient will go into bed 5.
3. Continue dealing out patient cards, each representing a hospital stay. Record
these stays until all five beds have been filled for at least 20 days. You should
end up with something like Display 4.3. (Save your chart; youll need it later.)
Display 4.3 Lengths of stay for the patients during the first 20 days.
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4. Select a day at random from days 1 through 20 (or however many days all
of your beds are full).
5. Compute the average length of stay for the five patients in the beds on
that day.
6. Pool your results with those of the rest of your class until you have
about 30 estimates of the average length of a stay. Make a dot plot of the
30 averages from your class. Where is this distribution centered? Is there
much variability in your estimates?
7. Compute the average stay for the whole population (the original deck of all
40 cards).
8. Compare your results in step 6 and step 7. On average, are your estimates
generally too low, too high, or about right? Why is this the case?
9. What are the units in this situation? Did every unit have an equal chance
of being in the sample? If so, explain. If not, which units had the greater
10. How could you improve the sampling method?
In everyday language, we say an opinion is biased if it unreasonably favors
one point of view over others. A biased opinion is not balanced, not objective.
In statistics, bias has a similar meaning in that a biased sampling method is
A sampling method is biased if it produces samples such that the estimate
from the sample is larger or smaller, on average, than the population parameter
being estimated.
Sampling bias lies in
the method, not in the
Theres an important distinction here between the sample itself and the
method used for choosing the sample.
Investigator: What makes a good sample?
Statistician: A good sample is representative. That is, it looks like a small
version of the population. Proportions you compute from the
sample are close to the corresponding proportions you would
get if you used the whole population. The same is true for other
numerical summaries, such as averages and standard deviations
or medians and IQRs.
Investigator: How can I tell if my sample is representative?
Statistician: Theres the rub. In practice, you cant. You can tell only by
comparing your sample with the population, and if you know
that much about the population, why bother to take a sample?
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D2. Explain the difference between nonrepresentative and biased as these
terms pertain to sampling.
D3. Which statements describe an event that is possible? Which describe an
event that is impossible?
A. A representative sample results from a biased sample-selection method.
B. A nonrepresentative sample results from a biased sample-selection
C. A representative sample results from an unbiased sample-selection
D. A nonrepresentative sample results from an unbiased sample-selection
Sample Selection Bias
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Voluntary response
bias is another kind of
sampling bias.
Convenience sampling is
almost surely biased.
Judgment sampling,
even when taken by
experts, is usually biased.
When a television or radio program asks people to call in and take sides on
some issue, those who care about the issue will be overrepresented, and those
who dont care as much might not be represented at all. The resulting bias from
such a volunteer sample is called voluntary response bias and is a second type of
sample selection bias.
Heres a simple sampling method: Take whatevers handy. For example, what
percentage of the students in your graduating class plan to go to work immediately
after graduation? Rather than find a representative sample of your graduating class,
it would be a lot quicker to ask your friends and use them as your samplequicker
and more convenient, but almost surely biased because your friends are likely to
have somewhat similar plans. A convenience sample is one in which the units
chosen are those that are easy to include. The likelihood of bias makes convenience
samples about as worthless as voluntary response samples.
Because voluntary response sampling and convenience sampling tend to
be biased methods, you might be inclined to rely on the judgment of an expert
to choose a sample that he or she considers representative. Such samples, not
surprisingly, are called judgment samples. Unfortunately, though, experts might
overlook important features of a population. In addition, trying to balance
several features at once can be almost impossibly complicated. In the early days
of election polling, local experts were hired to sample voters in their locale by
filling certain quotas (so many men, so many women, so many voters over the
age of 40, so many employed workers, and so on). The poll takers used their own
judgment as to whom they selected for the poll. It took a very close election (the
1948 presidential election, in which polls were wrong in their prediction) for the
polling organizations to realize that quota sampling was a biased method.
An unbiased sampling method requires that all units in the population have
a known chance of being chosen, so you must prepare a list of population
units, called a sampling frame or, more simply, frame, from which you select
the sample. If you think about enough real examples, youll come to see that
making this list is not something you can take for granted. For the Westvaco
employees in Chapter 1 or for the 50 U.S. states, creating the list is not hard, but
other populations can pose problems. How would you list all the people using the
Internet worldwide or all the ants in Central Park or all the potato chips produced
in the United States over a year? For all practical purposes, you canthere will
often be a difference between the populationthe set of units you want to know
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aboutand the sampling framethe list of units you use to create your sample.
A sample might represent the units in the frame quite well, but how well your
sample represents the population depends on how well youve chosen your frame.
Quite often, a convenient frame fails to cover the population of interest (using a
telephone directory to sample residents of a neighborhood, for example), and a
bias is introduced by this incomplete coverage. If you start from a bad frame, even
the best sampling methods cant save you: Bad frame, bad sample.
In all the examples so far, bias has come from the method of taking the sample.
Unfortunately, bias from other sources can contaminate data even from wellchosen sampling units.
Perhaps the worst case of faulty data is no data at all. It isnt uncommon
for 40% of the people contacted to refuse to answer a survey. These people
might be different from those who agree to participate. An example of this
nonresponse bias came from a controversial study that found that left-handers
died, on average, about 9 years earlier than right-handers. The investigators sent
questionnaires to the families of everyone listed on the death certificates in two
counties near Los Angeles asking about the handedness of the person who had
died. One critic noted that only half the questionnaires were returned. Did that
change the results? Perhaps. [Source: Left-Handers Die Younger, Study Finds,
Los Angeles Times,April 4, 1991.]
Questionnaire bias
Nonresponse bias, like bias that comes from the sampling method, arises
from who replies. Questionnaire bias arises from how you ask the questions.
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The opinions people give can depend on the tone of voice of the interviewer, the
appearance of the interviewer, the order in which the questions are asked, and
many other factors. But the most important source of questionnaire bias is the
wording of the questions. This is so important that those who report the results of
surveys should always provide the exact wording of the questions.
For example, Readers Digest commissioned a poll to determine how the
wording of questions affected peoples opinions. The same 1031 people were asked
to respond to these two statements:
1. I would be disappointed if Congress cut its funding for public television.
2. Cuts in funding for public television are justified as part of an overall effort to
reduce federal spending.
Note that agreeing with the first statement is pretty much the same as disagreeing
with the second. However, 54% agreed with the first statement, 40% disagreed, and
6% didnt know, while 52% agreed with the second statement, 37% disagreed, and
10% didnt know. [Source: Fred Barnes, Can You Trust Those Polls? Readers Digest, July 1995,
pp. 4954.]
Incorrect response
Another problem polls and surveys have is trying to ensure that people tell
the truth. Often, the people being interviewed want to be agreeable and tend to
respond in the way they think the interviewer wants them to respond. Newspaper
columnist Dave Barry reported that he was called by Arbitron, an organization
that compiles television ratings. Dave reports:
So I figured the least I could do, for television, was be an Arbitron household.
This involves two major responsibilities:
1. Keeping track of what you watch on TV.
2. Lying about it.
At least thats what I did. I imagine most people do. Because lets face it:
Just because you watch a certain show on television doesnt mean you want
to admit it. [Source: Dave Barry, Dave Barry Talks Back, copyright 1991 by Dave Barry.
Used by permission of Crown Publishers, a division of Random House, Inc.]
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Bias from incorrect responses might be the result of intentional lying, but it
is more likely to come from inaccurate measuring devices, including inaccurate
memories of people being interviewed in self-reported data. Patients in medical
studies are prone to overstate how well they have followed the physicians orders,
just as many people are prone to understate the amount of time they actually
spend watching TV. Measuring the heights of students with a meterstick that
has one end worn off leads to a measurement bias, as does weighing people on a
bathroom scale that is adjusted to read on the light side.
Response Bias
D6. Like Dave Barry, people generally want to appear knowledgeable and
agreeable, and they want to present a favorable face to the world. How might
that affect the results of a survey conducted by a school on the satisfaction of
its graduates with their education?
D7. Another part of the Readers Digest poll described on page 226 asked
Americans if they agree with the statement that it is not the governments
job to financially support television programming. The poll also asked them
if theyd be disappointed if Congress cut its funding for public television.
Which question do you think brought out more support for public television?
D8. How is nonresponse bias different from voluntary response bias?
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A sampling method is biased if tends to give results that, on average, are too low
or too high.This can happen if the method of taking the sample or the method of
getting a response is flawed.
Sources of bias from the method of taking the sample include
using a method that gives larger units a bigger chance of being in the sample
(size bias)
letting people volunteer to be in the sample
using a sample just because it is convenient
selecting the sampling units based on expert judgment
constructing an inadequate sampling frame
Types of bias derived from the method of getting the response from the sample
nonresponse bias
questionnaire bias
incorrect response or measurement bias
Census Versus Sample
P1. You want to estimate the average number of
TV sets per household in your community.
a. What is the population? What are the
b. Explain the advantages of sampling over
conducting a census.
c. What problems do you see in carrying
out this sample survey?
P2. Four people practicing shooting a bow and
arrow made these patterns on their targets.
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E1. Suppose you want to estimate the percentage
of U.S. households have children under
the age of 5 living at home. Each weekday
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., your poll takers call
households in your sample. Every time they
reach a person in one of the homes, they
ask, Do you have children under the age of
5 living in your household? Eventually you
give up on the households that cannot be
a. Will your estimate of the percentage of
U.S. households with children under the
age of 5 probably be too low, too high, or
about right?
b. How does this example help explain why
poll takers are likely to call at dinnertime?
c. Is this a case of sampling bias or of
response bias?
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Relying on chance helps
protect against bias.
In simple random sampling, all possible samples of a given fixed size are
equally likely. All units have the same chance of belonging to the sample, all
possible pairs of units have the same chance of belonging to the sample,
all possible triples of units have the same chance, and so on.
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The simplest way to let chance choose your simple random sample amounts
to putting all the individuals from your population into a gigantic hat, mixing
them thoroughly, and drawing individuals out one at a time until you have
enough for your sample. ( This is like mixing the soup before tasting.) Although
this method is exactly right in theory, in practice mixing thoroughly is almost
impossible. So its actually better to implement the theory using random numbers.
Steps in Choosing a Simple Random Sample
1. Start with a list of all the units in the population.
2. Number the units in the list.
3. Use a random number table or generator to choose units from the
numbered list, one at a time, until you have as many as you need.
Do you think you can select representative sampling units as well as a random
number table can? Activity 4.2a provides an opportunity for you to test yourself.
Random Rectangles
What youll need: Display 4.5, a method of producing random digits
Your goal is to choose a sample of 5 rectangles from which to estimate the
average area of the 100 rectangles in Display 4.5.
1. Without studying the display of rectangles too carefully, quickly choose five
that you think represent the population of rectangles on the page. This is
your judgment sample.
2. Find the areas of each rectangle in your sample of five and compute the
sample mean, that is, the average area of the rectangles in your sample.
3. List your sample mean with those of the other students in the class.
Construct a plot of the means for your class.
4. Describe the shape, center, and spread of the plot of sample means from
the judgment samples.
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5. Now generate five distinct random integers between 0 and 99. (The
rectangle numbered 100 can be called 0.) Find the rectangles whose
numbers correspond to your random numbers. This is your random
sample of five rectangles. [You can use a calculator to generate random
numbers. See Calculator Note 4A.]
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Stratification reduces
Why might you want to stratify a population? Here are the three main reasons:
Convenience in selecting the sampling units is enhanced. It is easier to sample
in smaller, more compact groups (countries) than in one large group spread
out over a huge area (the world).
Coverage of each stratum is assured.The company might want to have data
from each country in which it sells products; a simple random sample from
the frame does not guarantee that this would happen.
Precision of the results may be improved. That is, stratification tends to give
estimates that are closer to the value for the entire population than does an
SRS. This is the fundamental statistical reason for stratification.
An example might help clarify the last point.
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Each method is unbiased because the sample means are centered at the
population mean, about 2.51. However, the means from the stratified random
samples are less variable, tending to lie closer to the population mean. Because its
better to have estimates that are closer to the parameter than estimates that tend
to be farther away, stratification wins.
Make the strata as
different as possible.
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be of the same size. If a population is known to have 65% women and 35% men,
then a sample of 100 people stratified on gender should contain 65 women and
35 men. If the sample sizes are proportional to the stratum sizes, then the overall
sample mean (the mean calculated from the samples of all the strata mixed
together) will be a good estimate of the population mean. Proportional allocation
is particularly effective in reducing the variation in the sample means if the
stratum standard deviations are about equal. (If the stratum standard deviations
differ greatly, a more effective allocation of samples to strata can be found.)
Cluster Samples
To see how well U.S. 4th graders do on an arithmetic test, you might take a
simple random sample of children enrolled in the 4th grade and give each
child a standardized test. In theory, this is a reasonable plan, but it is not very
practical. For one thing, how would you go about making a complete list of all
the 4th graders in the United States? For another, imagine the work required to
track down each child in your sample and get him or her to take the test. Instead
of taking an SRS of 4th graders, it would be more realistic to take an SRS of
elementary schools and then give the test to all the 4th graders in those schools.
Getting a list of all the elementary schools in the United States is a lot easier than
getting a list of all the individuals enrolled in the 4th grade. Moreover, once youve
chosen your sample of elementary schools, its a relatively easy organizational
problem to give the test to all 4th graders in those schools. This is an example of
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Two-stage cluster samples are useful when it is much easier to list clusters
than individuals but still reasonably easy and suffcient to sample individuals once
the clusters are chosen. Two-stage cluster sampling might sound like stratified
random sampling, but they are different.
In stratiffed random sampling, you want to choose strata so that the units
within each stratum dont vary much from each other. Then you sample from
every stratum.
In two-stage cluster sampling, you want to choose clusters so that the
variation within each cluster reflects the variation in the population, if
possible. Then you sample from within only some of your clusters.
Systematic Samples with Random Start
To get a quick sample of the students in your class, use the common system for
choosing teams by counting off. Count off by, say, eights, and then select a digit
between 1 and 8 at random. Every student who calls out that digit is in the sample.
This is an example of a systematic sample with random start.
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Simple random sample. Number the individuals and use random numbers to
select those to be included in the sample.
Stratified random sample. First divide your population into groups, called
strata, and then take a simple random sample from each group.
Cluster sample. First select clusters at random, and then use all the individuals
in the clusters as your sample.
Two-stage cluster sample. First select clusters at random, and then select
individuals at random from each cluster.
Systematic sample with random start. Count off your population by a number
k determined by the size of your sample, and select one of the counting numbers
between 1 and k at random; the units with that number will be in your sample.
Display 4.8 shows schematically how five common sampling designs might look
for sampling the blobs in the rectangles.
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Simple Random Samples
estimate the percentage of all adults in your
city with receding gums and were given a
P7. Decide whether these sampling methods
suffcient for a random sample of
produce a simple random sample of students
1200 adults.
from a class of 30 students. If not, explain
a. Suppose that, in your city, 43% of adults
why not.
see their dentist twice a year, 32% once
a. Select the first six students on the class
a year, and 25% less frequently than
roll sheet.
once a year. If you stratify on number of
b. Pick a digit at random and select those
visits to a dentist, how many adults from
students whose phone number ends in
each stratum should you include in your
that digit.
c. If the classroom has six rows of chairs
b. In addition to number of visits to a
with five seats in each row, choose a row at
dentist, which of these variables would
random and select all students in that row.
be the best to consider stratifying on?
d. If the class consists of 15 males and
Explain your answer.
15 females, assign the males the numbers
gender (male/female)
from 1 to 15 and the females the numbers
age (over 40/under 40)
from 16 to 30. Then use a random digit
whether a person eats an apple a day
table to select six numbers from 1 to
30. Select the students assigned those
P9. Suppose your population is 65% women
numbers for your sample.
and 35% men. In a stratified random sample
of 100 women and 100 men, you find that
e. If the class consists of 15 males and
84 women pump their own gas and 69
15 females, assign the males the numbers
men pump their own gas. What is the best
from 1 to 15 and the females the numbers
estimate of the proportion of the entire
from 16 to 30. Then use a random digit
population who pump their own gas?
table to select three numbers from 1 to 15
and three numbers from 16 to 30. Select
Other Methods of Sampling
the students assigned those numbers for
P10. Suppose 200 people are waiting in line for
your sample.
tickets to a rock concert. You are working for
f. Randomly choose a letter of the alphabet
the school newspaper and want to interview
and select for the sample those students
a sample of the people in line. Show how to
whose last name begins with that letter.
select a systematic sample of
If no last name begins with that letter,
a. 5% of the people in line.
randomly choose another letter of the
b. 20% of the people in line.
American Statistical Association
Stratified Random Samples
directory lists its roughly 17,000 members
P8. Receding gums are most common in people
in alphabetical order. You want a sample of
over age 40, but they can occur in younger
about 1000 members. Describe how to use
adults who have periodontal (gum) disease.
the alphabetical listing to take a systematic
There does not appear to be a great difference
sample with random start.
between the rates of males and females
with receding gums. You have been hired to
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E15. A wholesale food distributor has hired you
to conduct a sample survey to estimate the
satisfaction level of the businesses he serves,
which are mainly small grocery stores and
restaurants. A current list of businesses
served by the distributor is available for the
selection of sampling units.
a. If the distributor wants good information
from both the small grocery store owners
and the restaurant owners, what kind of
sampling plan will you use?
b. If the distributor wants information from
the customers who frequent the grocery
stores and restaurants he serves, how
would you design the sampling plan?
E16. Cookies. Which brand of chocolate chip
cookies gives you the most chips per cookie?
For the purpose of this question, take as your
population all the chocolate chip cookies
now in the nearest supermarket. Each cookie
is a unit in this population.
a. Explain why it would be hard to take an
b. Describe how to take a cluster sample of
chocolate chip cookies.
c. Describe how you would take a twostage cluster sample. What circumstances
would make the two-stage cluster sample
better than the cluster sample?
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Inference about cause
and effect
In this case, it is explanation III. The lurking variableone that lies in the
background and may or may not be apparent at the outset but, once identified,
could explain the pattern between the variablesis the childs overall size. Bigger
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children have bigger feet, and they drink more milk because they eat and drink
more of everything than do smaller children.
But suppose you think that explanation I is the reason. How can you prove
it? Can you take a bunch of children, give them milk, and then sit and wait to see
if their feet grow? That wont prove anything, because childrens feet will grow
whether they drink milk or not.
Can you take a bunch of children, randomly divide them into a group that
will drink milk and a group that wont drink milk, and then sit and wait to see if
the milk-drinking group grows bigger feet? Yes! Such an experiment is just about
the only way to establish cause and effect.
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makes it impossible
to say which of
two explanatory
variables causes the
The doctors couldnt know whether children with a large thymus tend to have
more respiratory problems, because they have no evidence about children with a
smaller thymus. Age and size of thymus were confounded.
The thymus study is an example of an observational study, not an experiment.
Conditions arent
randomly assigned
in an observational
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Observational studies are less desirable than experiments, but often they are
the only game in town. Suppose you want to study accident rates at a dangerous
intersection to see if the rate on rainy days is higher than the rate on dry days. It
turns out that most of the rainy days you have available for study are weekends
and almost all the dry days are during the week. You cannot assign rain to a
weekday! The best you can do is design your observational study to cover a long
enough period so that you are likely to have some weekdays and weekends in both
groups. Otherwise, you have a serious confounding problem.
Dont make the mistake of thinking that observational studies are mere
haphazard collections and observations of existing data. Good observational
studies, like good experiments, can be designed to help answer specific questions.
After researchers take into account every alternative explanation that they can think
of, interesting associations can be observed. For example, epidemiologists studying
the causes of cancer noticed that lack of exercise seemed to be associated with
getting cancer. The best test of a cause-and-effect relationship between amount of
exercise and getting cancer would be an experiment in which thousands of people
would be assigned randomly to exercise or to not exercise. Researchers would have
liked to conduct this experiment, but the practical difficulties were prohibitive in
cost and in getting people to comply over the many years the experiment would
have to run. To examine this issue further, one research study selected a group of
patients with cancer and then matched them according to as many background
variables as they could reasonably measureexcept how sedentary their jobs had
beenwith patients who did not have cancer. Those with cancer turned out to have
more sedentary jobs. But cause and effect can not be established based on such an
observational study alone. The researchers are worried that a confounding variable
is presentthat people who have sedentary jobs are different in some other way
from those who dont. As one researcher said, The problem is the things were not
smart enough to know about, the things we havent even thought of. [Source: Gina
Kolata, But Will It Stop Cancer?, New York Times, November 1, 2005.]
A randomized
experiment comparing
medical treatments is
called a clinical trial.
For drawing conclusions about cause and effect, a good randomized experiment
is nearly always better than a good observational study.
These days, any new medical treatment must prove its value in a clinical
triala randomized comparative experiment. Patients who agree to be part of
the study know that a chance method will be used to decide whether they get
the standard treatment or the experimental treatment. If Dr. Mayo had used a
randomized experiment to evaluate surgical removal of the thymus, he would
have seen that the treatment was not effective and many lives might have been
spared. However, at the time, randomized experiments were not often used in
the medical profession.
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Confounding is the main threat to making reliable inferences about cause. You
can think of confounding as the two groups you want to compare differing in
some important way other than just on the conditions you want to compare.
How can you guard against confounding? The best solution, whenever possible,
is to randomize: Use a chance device to decide which people, animals, or objects
to assign to each set of conditions you want to compare. If you dont randomize,
its risky to generalize.
Wait a minute! Are statisticians asking you to believe that if, say, you want to
determine if smoking causes cancer, you should assign people to smoke or not on
the basis of a coin flip? Of course not. But it is true that if you cant use a chance
device to assign the conditions you want to compare, for example, smoker and
nonsmoker, it becomes very difficult to draw sound conclusions about cause
and effect.
Often, you can assign treatments at random to available subjects. For example,
to evaluate a special course to prepare students for the SAT, you can start with
a group of students who want to take the course. Randomly assign half to take
the course and the other half to a group that will not get any special preparation.
Then, after both groups of students have taken the SAT, compare their scores. This
time, if the students who took the course score 40 points better on average, you
can be more confident that the difference is due to the course rather than to some
confounding trait of the students willing to take a review course.
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An article on homeopathic medicine in Time [Is Homeopathy Good Medicine? September 25,
1995, pp. 4748] began with an anecdote about a woman who had been having pain in
her abdomen. She was told to take calcium carbonate, and after two weeks
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A control group or a
comparison group
provides the basis of
her pain had disappeared. It was reported that her family now turns first to
homeopathic medicine. This kind of personal evidenceIt worked for meis
called anecdotal evidence.
Anecdotal evidence can be useful in deciding what treatments might be
helpful and so should be tested in an experiment. However, anecdotal evidence
cannot prove, for example, that calcium carbonate causes abdominal pain to
disappear. Why not? After all, the pain did go away.
The problem is that pain often tends to go away anyway, especially when
a person thinks he or she is receiving good care. When people believe they are
receiving special treatment, they tend to do better. In medicine, this is called the
placebo effect.
A placebo is a fake treatment, something that looks like a treatment to the
patient but actually contains no medicine. Carefully conducted studies show
that a large percentage of people who get placebos, but dont know it, report
that their symptoms have improved. The percentage depends on the patients
problem but typically is over 30%. For example, when people are told they are
being treated for their pain, even if they are receiving a placebo, changes in their
brain cause natural painkilling endorphins to be released. Consequently, if people
given a treatment get better, it might be because of the treatment, because time
has passed, or simply because they are being treated by someone or something
they trust.
How can scientists determine if a new medication is effective or whether the
improvement is due either to the placebo effect or to the fact that many problems
get better over time? They use a group of subjects who provide a standard for
comparison. The group used for comparison usually is called a control group if
the subjects receive a placebo and a comparison group if the subjects receive a
standard treatment.
Patients in the treatment group are given the drug to be evaluated. The
patients given a placebo get a nontreatment carefully designed to be as much
like the actual treatment as possible. The control and treatment groups should be
handled exactly alike except for the treatment itself. If a new treatment is to be
compared with a standard treatment, the comparison group receives the standard
treatment rather than a placebo.
In order for the control or comparison group and the treatment group to be
treated exactly alike, both the subjects and their doctors should be blind.That is,
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the patients should not know which treatment they are receiving, and the doctors
who evaluate how much the patients symptoms are relieved should be blind as to
what the patients received. If only the patients dont know, the experiment is said
to be blind. If both the patients and the doctors dont know, the experiment is said
to be double-blind.
Sample Medical Study Designs
Comparing a treatment and a placebo. To test the stimulus effect of caffeine,
30 male college students were randomly assigned to one of three groups of ten
students each. Each group was given one of three doses of caffeine (0, 100, and
200 mg), and 2 hours later the students were given a finger-tapping exercise. The
measured response was the number of taps per minute. The 0-mg dose can be
considered a placebo. Ideally, the three groups would have been given pills that
look exactly alike so that they could not tell which treatment they were receiving.
This design allows comparisons to be made among two active treatments and a
placebo to sort out the effect of caffeine. [Source: Draper and Smith, Applied Regression Analysis
(John Wiley and Sons, 1981).]
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average cell length for the two sponges you actually looked at.
However, . . .
IGS: Right. And because ones green and ones white and the average
lengths are different, I can say that . . .
BBN: Not so fast. You have data that let you generalize from the cells
you measured to all the cells in your particular two sponges. But
thats not the conclusion you were aiming for.
IGS: Yeah. I want to say something about all white sponges compared
to all green ones.
BBN: So for you, the kind of variability that matters most is the
variability from one sponge to another. Your unit should be a
sponge, not a cell.
IGS: You mean to tell me Ive got only two units? After all that work!
BBN: Im afraid you have samples of size 1.
IGS: Woe is me! Id rather be a character in a bad parody of a Dickens
novel. But it will be a far, far better study that I do next time.
The next example describes an experiment with a design that is typical of
experiments done in industrial settings.
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b. You will have time to pop five batches for each treatment. Because you cant
select bags of popcorn at random (all the bags in your grocery store probably
were produced at the same time), you will have to assumewithout much
justificationthat the bags of popcorn are pretty much all alike within each
type. You are using the poppers that you have; they arent selected at random
What you can randomize is the order that you assign to the 20 batches to
be popped. You have 20 time periods available to pop batches of popcorn.
Your experimental unit is one of these time periods. Place 20 slips of paper
in a hat, five with hot air/generic written on them, five with hot air/brandname, five with oil/generic, and five with oil/brand-name. Draw them out
one at a time, popping the next batch according to the treatment. This type of
randomization minimizes confounding the treatments with variables such as
how hot the poppers get or the changing humidity in your kitchen.
c. The real world is messy and many designed studies cannot be categorized
perfectly as a survey, an observational study, or an experiment. This is one of
those studies.
The study described in part b is closest to an experiment. The experimental
units are the 20 time periods. Four treatments were to be compared.
Each unit had one of the four treatments assigned to it at random. Each
treatment was replicated on five time periods.
The random assignment over time reduces confounding with variables
related to time, such as the temperature of the room and of the poppers.
The statistics alone, however, do not allow generalization of the results
beyond the popcorn and poppers used. Such generalizations are made by
assuming that the popcorn and the poppers used are representative of the
brands or types, but these assumptions cannot be confirmed by the data
generated in the experiment. That is why real-world experiments generally
are repeated under varying conditions.
If you didnt randomize the four treatments to the time periods in your
answer to part b, there would be no randomization at all and you would
have an observational study.
If you had been able to use random samples of kernels from each of the two
different brands of popcorn, the design would be closer to a sample survey
than to an experiment. You would be surveying the two populations of
popcorn kernels to determine the percentage that would remain unpopped
in each of your two poppers.
Giving a name to the type of study isnt important. What is important is that
you randomize what you can. In the next section, you will learn more about how
to deal with variables that cannot be randomly assigned to the experimental units.
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D29. To study whether women released from the hospital 1 day after childbirth
have more problems than women released 2 days after childbirth, many
hospitals in a large city were recruited to participate in an experiment.
Each participating hospital was randomly assigned to release all women
giving routine births either after 1 day or after 2 days of hospital care. An
assessment of problems encountered after the women returned home was
then done on a random sample of women released from each hospital. What
experimental unit should be used as the basis of this study?
D30. Why do you have more faith in your conclusions if your experiment has
many replications?
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Display 4.11 Sample launch distance data, in inches, for red and green gummy bears.
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Display 4.12 Plots of launch distances for red and green gummy bears.
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E23. A psychologist wants to compare children
from 1st, 3rd, and 5th grades to determine
the relationship between grade level and
how quickly a child can solve word puzzles.
Two schools have agreed to participate in the
study. Would this be an observational study
or an experiment?
E24. An engineer wants to study traffic flow at
four busy intersections in a city. She chooses
the times to collect data so that they cover
morning, afternoon, and evening hours on
both weekdays and weekends. Is this an
experiment or an observational study?
E25. Buttercups. Some buttercups grow in bright,
sunny fields; others grow in woods, where it
is both darker and damper. A plant ecologist
wanted to know whether buttercups in
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for each of the short days is larger than the concentration for each of the long
days, you probably believe the treatment made a difference.
Suppose Kelly had gotten results with more spread in the values but the same
means. As Display 4.14 shows, with the values more spread out, its no longer
obvious that the treatment matters.
Display 4.14
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Sit or Stand
You will take your pulse several times during this
activity, as directed here.
a. Get ready, sitting or standing.
b. Have your teacher time you for 30 seconds.
When your teacher says Go, start counting
beats until your teacher says Stop.
c. Double your count to get your heart rate in
beats per minute.
Part A: Completely Randomized Design
In Part B, you and your classmates will first be sorted into pairs based on an
initial measurement. Then, within each pair, one person will be randomly
chosen to stand and the other will sit.
1. Initial measurement. Take your pulse sitting with your eyes open.
2. Forming matched pairs. Line up in order, from fastest heart rate to slowest;
pair off, with the two fastest in a pair, the next two fastest in a pair, and
so on.
3. Random assignment within pairs. Either you or your partner should
prepare two slips of paper, one that says sit and one that says stand. One
of you should then mix the two slips and let the other person choose one.
Thus, within each pair, one of you randomly ends up sitting and the other
ends up standing.
4. Measurement. Take your pulse.
5. Record data. Calculate the difference standing minus sitting for each pair
of students.
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This time each person is his or her own matched pair. Each of you will take
your pulse under both treatments: standing and sitting. Youll flip a coin to
decide the order.
1. Random assignment. Flip a coin. If it lands heads, you will sit first and then
stand. If it lands tails, you will stand first.
2. First measurement. Take your pulse in the position chosen by your coin
3. Second measurement. Take your pulse in the other position.
4. Record data. Record your heart rates in a table with the heart rates of other
students. Calculate the difference standing minus sitting for each student.
5. Summaries. Display the set of differences in a stemplot. Then compute
the mean and standard deviation of the differences. Do you think the
treatment makes a difference?
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1. Sort your available experimental units into pairs of similar units. The two
units in each pair should be enough alike that you expect them to have a
similar response to any treatment.
2. Randomly decide which unit in each pair is assigned which treatment. For
example, you could flip a coin, with heads meaning the first unit gets the
first treatment and tails meaning the first unit gets the second treatment.
The other unit in the pair gets the other treatment.
In the matched pairs design of Part B, the units were sorted into pairs of
students having similar sitting heart rates, with treatments randomly assigned
within each pair. In the repeated measures design of Part C, both treatments
were assigned, in random order, to each person (the ultimate in matching). In
experiments of this type, the matched units or the individual units that receive
all treatments in random order are called blocks.
Sample Results for Sit or Stand: Matched Pairs and Repeated
Measures Designs
Display 4.16 provides data for the matched pairs design (Part B) of Activity 4.4a
for the same 22 students. Students were paired based on their sitting pulse rate.
Each pair then flipped a coin to decide who would sit and who would stand.
Because the data are paired, it is appropriate to look at the differences between
the standing and sitting pulse rates as measures of increase in pulse rate due to
standing. The dot plot of these differences shows that well over half the differences
are greater than 0.
Display 4.17 completes the look at data from Activity 4.4a. In this repeated
measures design (Part C), each student in the same class as before received each
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treatment. Each student flipped a coin to determine whether to sit first or stand
first. The dot plot shows that only one of the differences is negative and that 18 of
the 22 differences are greater than 0.
Sit or Stand
D34. Does the randomized paired comparison designs or the completely
randomized design provide stronger evidence that the pulse rate tends to be
higher when standing than when sitting?
D35. Which of the two randomized paired comparison designs provides stronger
evidence that the pulse rate tends to be higher when standing than when
The Randomized Block Design
A randomized paired comparison design is a special type of randomized block
design. The difference is that in a generalized block design more than two
experimental units may be in each block.
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1. Sort your available experimental units into groups (blocks) of similar units.
The units in each block should be enough alike that you expect them to
have a similar response to any treatment. This is called blocking.
2. Randomly assign a treatment to each unit in the first block. (Its usually
best if the same number of units is assigned to each treatment.)Then go
to the second block and randomly assign a treatment to each unit in this
block. Repeat for each block.
The use of the term block in statistics comes from agriculture. One of the
earliest published examples of a block design appeared in R. A. Fishers The Design
of Experiments (1935). The goal of the experiment was to compare five types of
wheat to see which type gave the highest yield. The five types of wheat were the
treatments; the yield, in bushels per acre, was the response; and eight blocks of
farmland were available for planting.
There were many possible sources of variability in the blocks of land, mainly
differences in the composition of the soil: what nutrients were present, how well
the soil held moisture, and so on. Because many of these possibly confounding
influences were related to the soil, Fisher made the reasonable assumption that
the soil within each block would be more or less uniform and that the variability
to be concerned about was the variability from one block to another. His goal in
designing the experiment was to keep this between-block variability from being
confounded with differences between wheat types.
Fishers plan was to divide each of the eight blocks of land into five plots
running from end to end of the block, and lying side by side, making forty plots in
all. These 40 plots were his experimental units. Fisher then used a chance device to
assign one type of wheat to each of the five plots in a block. Display 4.18 shows how
his plan might have looked. A, B, C, D, and E represent the five types of wheat.
Display 4.18
Suppose it turned out that one of the blocks had really poor (or really
favorable) conditions for wheat. Then Fishers blocking accomplished two things:
All five types of wheat would be affected equally, and the variation within a block
could be attributed to the types of wheat.
The effectiveness of blocking depends on how similar the units are in each
block and how different the blocks are from each other. Here similar units are
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units that would tend to give similar values for the response if they were assigned
the same treatments. The more similar the units within a block, the more effective
blocking will be.
Randomized Designs
D36. What is the main difference between a completely randomized design and a
randomized block design?
D37. Why is blocking sometimes a desirable feature of a design? Give an example
in which you might want to block and an example in which you might not
want to block.
In this capstone activity, you will return to your job as director of research for
Confectionery Ballistics, Inc., the company that specializes in launching gummy
bears into space (see P22 on page 258).
Discovering the secret of long launches might not be as important as finding
a cure for cancer, but, unlike examples from real science, the bears are something
everyone in your class can know firsthand. Youre going to return to the bears,
but this time color wont matter. For Activity 4.4b, there are two treatments: one
book under the ramp and four books under the ramp. The response variable is
launch distance. Each team will do a set of ten launches, with teams randomly
assigned to use either a steeper or a flatter launch angle. To judge the effects of the
treatments, it is important to keep all other potential influences on the response as
nearly constant as possible. One important way to do this is to write out a careful
protocol that tells you exactly how the experiment is to be done. To write a good
protocol, you first have to identify the important sources of within-treatment
variation. This requires that you know the situation fairly well, which is one of the
main reasons for using the bear-launch study as an example.
Bears in Space
What youll need: for each team, a
launch ramp and launcher, a coin, a
tape measure or yardstick, a supply
of gummy bears, four copies of this
1. Form launch teams and construct
your launcher. Your class should
have an even number of teams, at
least four. Make your launcher
from tongue depressors and
rubber bands. First wind a rubber band enough times around one end of a
stick to keep it firmly in place. Then place that stick and another together
( continued )
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and wind a second rubber band tightly around the other end of the two
sticks to bind them firmly together. Insert a thin pencil or small wooden
dowel between the two sticks to act as a fulcrum.
Randomize. Use random numbers or a random ordering of cards
containing team names to assign each team to produce data for one or
the other of the two treatments:
Steeper ramp (four books)
Flatter ramp (one book )
The same number of teams should be assigned each treatment.
Organize your team. Decide who
will do which job or jobs: hold the
launcher on the ramp, load the
gummy bear, launch the bear, take
measurements, record the data.
(When you launch, use a coin
instead of your fingers, or you
could end up with sore fingers.)
Gather data. Each team should do
ten launches. After each launch,
record the distance. Measure the
distance from the front of the ramp,
and measure only in the direction
parallel to the ramp.
Summarize. Plot your teams ten launch distances on a dot plot. Summarize
the spread by computing the standard deviation.
Your plots in Activity 4.4b show variability from three sources: the
launch angle, that is, the variability due to the two different treatments (one
book, four books); the particular team, that is, the variability from one team
to another for teams with the same launch angle; and the individual launches,
that is, the variability between launches for the same team. The first is the
difference you want to seethe difference between the two treatments. The
second two are nuisance sources of variability for launches with the same angle;
these are to be minimized. In the discussion questions, you will examine these
sources of variation.
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D40. Use your answers to D38 and D39 to write an experimental protocola
set of rules and steps to follow in order to keep launch conditions as nearly
constant as possible. Your protocol should include rules for deciding when,
if ever, you should not count a bad launch. After each team has written
a protocol, your class should discuss them and combine them into a single
protocol to be used for future launches.
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More on Blocking
In Activity 4.4b, you found a lot of variability, even for the same launch angle.
Some teams are more skillful than others in launching the bear.
Within a team, some launches go more smoothly than others.
These two kinds of variability within the treatment can obscure a difference
caused by the launch angle.
Ordinarily, when teams carry out the bear-launch experiment, their results
show that the variability between teams is so large that it is hard to tell how much
difference the angle of the launch ramp makes. Following a careful protocol can
reduce the variability somewhat, but there will still tend to be big differences from
one team to another. One solution to the problem is to increase the number of
experimental units, that is, use more teams.
Although increasing the number of units is a reliable way to get more
information about the difference due to treatments, it can be costly or
time-consuming. As youll see in Activity 4.4c, sometimes there are much
better ways to manage variability.
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Differences Between Treatments Versus
Variability Within Treatments
P28. Review the antibacterial soap experiment
in E27.
a. List at least two sources of withintreatment variability.
b. Is the point of randomization to reduce
the within-treatment variability or to
equalize it between the treatment groups?
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E33. The SAT discussion from Section 4.3
a substance that helps transmit nerve
ended with a revised plan that was truly
impulses. To some extent, you can relieve
experimental (see pages 248249). To which
the symptoms by eating a restricted diet,
of the two types does that design belong,
one low in the amino acid phenylalanine. A
completely randomized or randomized
study was designed to measure the effect of
block? Summarize the design by giving the
such a diet on the levels of dopamine in the
experimental units, factors, levels, response
body. The subjects were ten PKU patients.
variable, and blocks (if any).
Each patient was measured twice, once after
a week on the low phenylalanine diet and
E34. School academic programs often are
again after a week on a regular diet. Identify
evaluated on what are called gain scores,
blocks (if any), treatments, and experimental
the gain in academic achievement (as shown
units, and describe the design used in this
by standardized test scores) over the course
of an academic year. Such scores often are
reported at the school level, not the student
E36. In P15, you considered this problem: Solar
level. That is, each school will receive only
thermal systems use heat generated by
the mean score of all its children in a given
concentrating and absorbing the suns energy
grade. Suppose ten schools have agreed to
to drive a generator and produce electrical
participate in a study to evaluate the effect
power. A manufacturer of solar power
of calculator use in teaching mathematics
generators is interested in comparing the
(extensive use versus limited use).
loss of energy associated with the reflectivity
of the glass on the solar panels. (A measure
a. In the first design, five participating
of energy loss is available.) Three types of
schools are randomly assigned one of
glass are to be studied. The company has
the two treatments and the other five
12 test sites in the Mojave Desert, in the
schools are assigned the other treatment.
southwestern United States. Each site has
The gain scores in mathematics for
one generator. The sites might differ slightly
the two treatment groups are to be
in terms of the amount of sunlight they
compared at the end of the year. Is this a
completely randomized or a randomized
block design? Identify the treatments,
Now the manufacturer wants to expand
experimental units, and blocks (if any).
the test sites to include generators that are
available in the mountains of Tennessee,
b. In the second design, the participating
the desert of northern Africa, and central
schools first are paired according to
Europe. Each of these locations has 12 test
last years gain scores in mathematics.
Within each pair of schools, one school
is randomly assigned to extensive use
of calculators and the other to limited
use. The gain scores in mathematics are
to be compared at the end of the year. Is
this a completely randomized design or
a randomized block design? If the latter,
what type of randomized block design is
it? Identify the treatments, experimental
units, and blocks (if any).
E35. PKU (phenylketonuria) is a disease in which
the shortage of an enzyme prevents the
body from producing enough dopamine,
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1 de 8
Chapter Summary
There are two main types of chance-based methods of data collection: sampling
methods and experimental designs. Sampling methods, studied in the first part
of this chapter, use chance to choose the individuals to be studied. Typically,
you choose individuals in order to ask them questions, as in a Gallup poll;
thus, samples and surveys often go together. Experiments, introduced in
the second part of this chapter, are comparative studies that use chance to
assign the treatments you want to compare. An experiment should have three
characteristics: random assignment of treatments to units, two or more treatments
to compare, and replication of each treatment on at least two subjects.
The purposes of sampling and experimental design are quite different. Sample
surveys are used to estimate the parameters of fixed, well-defined populations.
Experiments are used to establish cause and effect by comparing treatments.
Display 4.21 summarizes the differences between a survey and an experiment.
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2 de 8
Review Exercises
E41. For each situation, tell whether it is better to E42. You want to estimate the percentage of people
take a sample or a census, and give reasons
in your area with heart disease who also
for your answer.
smoke cigarettes. The people in your area who
have heart disease make up your population.
You take as your frame all records of patients
hospitalized in area hospitals within the last
5 years with a diagnosis of heart disease. How
well do you think this frame represents the
population? If you think bias is likely, identify
what kind of bias it would be and explain how
it might arise.
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Chapter Summary
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Chapter Summary
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AP Sample Test
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1 de 2
Probability Models
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You have been using the idea of probability since Chapter 1. In your study of
Martin v. Westvaco, a question was this: If you select three workers at random for
layoff from ten workers ages 25, 33, 35, 38, 48, 55, 55, 55, 56, and 64, what is the
probability that the mean of the three ages will be 58 or more? You estimated
this probability by repeating the process of randomly drawing three ages and
computing the mean age. Because all possible sets of three ages are equally likely,
you divided the number of times you got a mean age of 58 or more by the total
number of runs in your simulation:
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Probability Distributions
D1. Copy Jills table, leaving out the probabilities. Fill in new probabilities so they
represent Jacks probability distribution.
D2. What is the sum of the probabilities in a probability distribution? Why must
this be so?
D3. Who do you think is right, Jack or Jill? Give your reason(s). How could Jack
and Jill decide which of them is right?
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is meaningful in this situation, but you cant gather data or list equally likely
outcomes. However, you can make a subjective judgment.
Based on symmetry, Jack and Jill agree that if n = 1, then P( T ) = 0.5. They
both used symmetry to justify their models for n = 2, saying that their outcomes
were equally likely, but they know that one of them must be wrong. To decide
which one, they decide to collect some data. They use two flips of a coin to
simulate the taste-test experiment with two tasters who cant identify tap water.
Two tails represented neither person choosing the tap water, one heads and one
tails represented one person choosing the tap water and the other choosing the
bottled water, and two heads represented both people choosing the tap water.
Hours later, they have their results, which are given in Display 5.2.
Jack: Whew! Now I see you must be right. The relative frequencies from
the simulation match your probabilities fairly well. I admit I fell
down a bit here. I forgot that there are two ways to get one person
choosing correctly first chooses correctly and the second
doesnt, or the second chooses correctly and the first doesnt.
There is only one way for two people to choose correctly: first
person chooses correctly and the second person chooses correctly.
Jill: Now that this has been settled, lets try to construct the probability
distribution for three people, or n = 3.
Jack: Let me redeem myself. Following your reasoning that different
orders should be listed separately, there are eight possible outcomes.
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Jill: Ill count the number of people in each of the eight equally likely
outcomes who picked the tap water. That gives us the probability
distribution in Display 5.3. The probability that all three people
choose correctly is .
Jack: This makes me think we need a larger sample size. Even if nobody
can identify tap water, there is a one-eighth chance everyone will
choose correctly! The reputation of Downhill Research is at stake!
Sample Spaces
Jack and Jill both used the same principle: Start by making a list of possible
outcomes. Over the years, mathematicians realized that such a list of possible
outcomes, called a sample space, must satisfy specific requirements.
A sample space for a chance process is a complete list of disjoint outcomes. All
of the outcomes in a sample space must have a total probability equal to 1.
Complete means that every possible outcome is on the list. Disjoint means
that two different outcomes cant occur on the same opportunity. Sometimes
the term mutually exclusive is used instead of disjoint. This book will alternate
between the two terms so you can get used to both of them.
Deciding whether two outcomes are disjoint sounds easy enough, but be
careful. You have to think about what an outcome means in your situation. If your
outcome is the result of a single coin flip, your sample space is heads (H ) and tails
(T ). These two outcomes are mutually exclusive because you cant get both heads
and tails on a single flip. But suppose you are thinking about what happens when
you flip a coin three times. Now your sample space includes outcomes like HHT
and TTT. Even though you get tails on the third flip in both HHT and TTT, these
are disjoint outcomes. Your sample space consists of triples of flips, and these
arent the same triple.
Jacks sample spaceneither person chooses T, one chooses T, two choose
Thas outcomes that are complete and disjoint, but they arent equally likely. He
has a legitimate sample space; he has simply assigned the wrong probabilities.
Sample Spaces
D4. In a slightly different form, Jack and Jills argument holds an important
place in the early history of probability. One famous French mathematician,
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4. Suppose you spin a penny three times and record whether it lands heads up
or tails up.
a. How many possible outcomes are there?
b. Are these outcomes equally likely? If not, which is most likely? Least
Why was Jack convinced that his probability model was wrong after simulating the
taste test with 3000 flips of two coins (Display 5.2 on page 290)? In Activity 5.1a,
why might you be convinced that the equal probability model does not work for
coin spinning? Results from observed data seem to preclude the proposed model.
That is as it should be, according to a mathematical principlethe Law of Large
Numbersestablished in the 1600s by Swiss mathematician Jacob Bernoulli
The Law of Large Numbers says that in random sampling, the larger the
sample, the closer the proportion of successes in the sample tends to be to the
proportion in the population. In other words, the difference between a sample
proportion and the population proportion must get smaller (except in rare
instances) as the sample size gets larger. You can see a demonstration of this law
in Display 5.4. Think of spinning a coin in such a way that it comes up heads
with probability 0.4. The graph in Display 5.4 shows a total of 150 spins, with
the proportion of heads accumulated after each spin plotted against the number
of the spin. Notice that the coin came up heads for the first few spins, so the
proportion of heads starts out at 1. This proportion quickly decreases, however, as
the number of spins increases, and it ends up at about 0.377 after 150 spins.
Most people intuitively understand the Law of Large Numbers. If they want
to estimate a proportion, they know it is better to take a larger sample than
a smaller one. After Jack saw the results from 3000 flips of two coins, he
immediately rejected his model that there are three equally likely outcomes. If
there had been only 10 pairs of coin flips, he couldnt have been so sure that his
model was wrong.
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There are two main branches, one for each of the two ways the first person
can answer. Each main branch has two secondary branches, one for each way
the second person can answer after the first person has answered. In all, there
are 2 2, or 4, possible outcomes.
For n = 3, you would add two branches to the end of each of the four
branches in Display 5.5. This would give a total of 2 2 2, or 8, possible
outcomes, as Jack and Jill already discovered. This idea is called the
Fundamental Principle of Counting.
Fundamental Principle of Counting
For a two-stage process with n1 possible outcomes for stage 1 and n2 possible
outcomes for stage 2, the number of possible outcomes for the two stages taken
together is n1 n2.
More generally, if there are k stages, with ni possible outcomes for
stage i, then the number of possible outcomes for all k stages taken together
is n1 n2 n3 . . . nk.
With five people, or n = 5, and two possible outcomes for each person, Jack
and Jill have 2 2 2 2 2, or 32, possible outcomes. If their model is correct
that is, if people are just guessing which is the tap waterthese 32 outcomes
are all equally likely. So the probability that each of the five people will correctly
choose the tap water is
When a process has only two stages, it is often more convenient to list them
using a two-way table.
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dataset link:
E1. Suppose you flip a coin five times and count E3. Refer to the sample space for rolling two
dice shown in Display 5.6 on page 295.
the number of heads.
Determine each of these probabilities.
a. List all possible outcomes.
a. not getting doubles
b. Make a table that gives the probability
distribution for the number of heads.
b. getting a sum of 5
c. What is the probability that you get at
c. getting a sum of 7 or 11
most four heads?
d. a 5 occurring on the first die
E2. Refer to the sample space for rolling two dice
e. getting at least one 5
shown in Display 5.6 on page 295. Make a
f. a 5 occurring on both dice
table that gives the probability distribution
g. the larger number is a 5 (if you roll
for the sum of the two dice. The first column
doubles, the number is both the smaller
should list the possible sums, and the second
number and the larger number)
column should list their probabilities.
h. the smaller number is a 5
i. the difference of the larger number and
the smaller number is 5
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22-03-2009 21:02
1 de 14
22-03-2009 21:03
2 de 14
Start at a random place in a table of random digits and look at the next
three digits. Those digits will represent the workers selected to be laid off
in a single run of the simulation. Because the same person cant be laid
off twice, if a digit repeats, ignore it and go to the next digit. Find the
average of the ages of the three workers laid off.
3. Repetition.
Suppose the string of random digits begins like this:
32416 15000 56054
In the first run of the simulation, the digits 3, 2, and 4 represent the workers
ages 35, 33, and 38. Record their average age, 35.33.
In the second run of the simulation, the digits 1, 6, and 5 represent the
workers laid off. The second 1 was skipped because that worker was already
selected in this run. The ages are 25, 55, and 48. Record the average age, 42.67.
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In the third run of the simulation, the digits 0, 5, and 6 represent the workers
laid off. The second and third 0s were skipped because that worker was already
selected in this run. The ages are 64, 48, and 55. Record the average age, 55.67.
Display 5.12 shows the results of 2000 runs of this simulation, including the
three described.
4. Conclusion.
From the histogram, the estimated probability of getting an average age of
58 years or more if you pick three workers at random is
or 0.045. This
probability is fairly small, so it is unlikely that the process Westvaco used for
layoffs in this round was equivalent to picking the three workers at random.
According to the Law of Large Numbers, the more runs you do, the closer
you can expect your estimated probability to be to the theoretical probability.
The simulation in the previous example contained 2000 runs. When you do a
simulation on a computer, there is no reason not to do many thousands of runs.
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Look at four pairs of random digits. Count and record how many of the
four pairs of digits represent hand-washers. This time, if a pair of digits
repeats, use it again because each pair of digits doesnt represent a specific
person as in the previous example.
3. Repetition.
Suppose the string of random digits begins like this:
01420 94975 89283 40133 48486
In the first run of the simulation, the pairs 01, 42, 09, and 49 represent
hand-washer, hand-washer, hand-washer, and hand-washer. Record a 4, for
four hand-washers in this run.
In the second run of the simulation, the pairs 75, 89, 28, and 34 represent
non-hand-washer, non-hand-washer, hand-washer, and hand-washer. Record
a 2, for the two hand-washers in this run.
In the third run of the simulation, the pairs 01, 33, 48, and 48 represent four
hand-washers. Record a 4, for the four hand-washers in this run. Note that
the 48 was used twice in the same run because it doesnt represent only a
single hand-washer.
The frequency table and histogram in Display 5.14 give the results of 10,000
runs of this simulation, including the three already described.
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4. Conclusion.
From the frequency table, the estimated probability that all four randomly
selected people will wash their hands is
or 0.197.
Record whether the first integer represents a man who washed or didnt
wash and whether the second integer represents a woman who washed or
didnt wash. If an integer repeats, use it again.
3. Repetition.
A calculator gives this sequence of pairs of random integers. [See Calculator
Note 4A to learn how to generate pairs of random integers.]
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In the first run of the simulation, the integers 72 and 43 represent a man who
washed and a woman who washed.
In the second run of the simulation, the integers 6 and 81 represent a man
who washed and a woman who washed.
In the third run of the simulation, the integers 76 and 81 represent a man
who didnt wash and a woman who washed.
Display 5.16 gives the results of 5000 runs of this simulation, including
the three already described. [See Calculator Note 5C to learn how to use your
calculator to do many runs of a simulation and report the results.]
4. Conclusion.
From the frequency table, the estimated probability that both the randomly
selected man and the randomly selected woman wash their hands is
about 0.67.
Suppose you want to interview a teen who flunks a treadmill test about his
or her health habits. On average, to how many teens would you have to give a
treadmill test before you find one who flunks?
1. Assumptions.
You are assuming that you are testing randomly and independently selected
teens. You also are assuming that one-third is the true proportion of teens
who would flunk a treadmill test.
2. Model.
Assign the random digits as shown in Display 5.17. Ignore the digits
4 through 9 and 0.
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Look at random digits until you find a 1, which represents a teen who
flunks the treadmill test. Record how many digits you have to look at in
order to get a 1. Dont count any digits 4 through 9 or 0.
3. Repetition.
Suppose the string of random digits begins like this:
22053 71491 32923 71926
In the first run of the simulation, the digit 2 represents a teen who passes
the test. The second digit also represents a teen who passes. Skip the 0 and
the 5. The 3 also represents a teen who passes. Skip the 7. The 1 represents
a teen who flunks. Record a 4, because you had to test four teens to find
one who flunked.
In the second run of the simulation, skip the 4 and the 9. The 1 represents a
teen who flunks the test. Record a 1, because you had to test only one teen to
find one who flunked.
In the third run of the simulation, the 3 and the 2 represent teens who
pass. Skip the 9. The 2 and the 3 represent teens who pass. Skip the 7. The 1
represents a teen who flunks. Record a 5, because you had to test five teens to
find one who flunked.
The histogram and frequency table in Display 5.18 give the results of 3000
runs of this simulation, including the three described.
To compute the average number of teens who have to be tested, use the
formula from page 67. The average is about 3.
4. Conclusion.
The estimate from this simulation is that, on average, you will have to test
about three teens to find one who flunks the treadmill test.
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This time you will practice using a calculator to generate three random
integers between 1 and 6. Record whether the three digits are different.
3. Repetition.
A calculator gives these sets of random integers. [See Calculator Note 4A.]
The first run of the simulation resulted in 1, 1, and 2. Because Sydney got
Blend 1 twice, record that the three blends werent all different.
In the second run of the simulation, the three numbers are different, so
record that Sydney got three different blends.
In the third run of the simulation, the three numbers are different, so again
record that Sydney got three different blends.
Display 5.20 gives the results of 2000 runs of this simulation.
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4. Conclusion.
From the frequency table, the estimated probability that Sydney will get
three different blends is
or about 0.56.
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10 de 14
Using Simulation to Estimate Probabilities
P10. How would you use a table of random digits
to conduct one run of a simulation of each
a. There are eight workers, ages 27, 29, 31,
34, 34, 35, 42, and 47. Three are to be
chosen at random for layoff.
b. There are 11 workers, ages 27, 29, 31, 34,
34, 35, 42, 42, 42, 46, and 47. Four are to
be chosen at random for layoff.
For P11P13, complete ad.
a. Assumptions. State your assumptions.
b. Model. Make a table that shows how you
are assigning the random digits to the
outcomes. Explain how you will use the
digits to model the situation and what
summary statistic you will record.
c. Repetition. Conduct ten runs of the
simulation, using the specified row of
Table D on page 828. Add your results to
the frequency table given in the practice
d. Conclusion. Write a conclusion in the
context of the situation.
P11. Researchers at the Macfarlane Burnet
Institute for Medical Research and Public
Health in Melbourne, Australia, noticed that
the teaspoons had disappeared from their
tearoom. They purchased new teaspoons,
numbered them, and found that 80%
disappeared within 5 months. [Source: Megan S. C.
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For E15E20, complete ad.
a. Assumptions. State your assumptions.
b. Model. Make a table that shows how
you are assigning the random digits
to the outcomes. Explain how you will
use the digits to conduct one run of the
simulation and what summary statistic
you will record.
c. Repetition. Conduct ten runs of the
simulation, using the specified row of
Table D on page 828. Add your results to
the frequency table given in the exercise.
d. Conclusion. Write a conclusion in the
context of the situation.
E15. About 10% of high school girls report that
they rarely or never wear a seat belt while
riding in motor vehicles. Suppose you
randomly sample four high school girls.
Estimate the probability that no more than
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1 de 10
In mathematics, A or B
means A or B or both.
The categories are disjoint, which makes computing probabilities easy. For
example, if you pick one of the people in the civilian labor force at random, you
can find the probability that he or she is employed by adding the employees on
farm payrolls to those on nonfarm payrolls and then dividing by the total number
in the civilian labor force:
P (employed) = P(on farm payroll or on nonfarm payroll)
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However, in the next example, you will see that you cant always compute the
probability of A or B simply by adding.
a. These categories arent disjoint because, for example, the same person might
have dined out and read books. Also, for this table, you can tell that the
categories arent disjoint because the percentages sum to more than 100%.
The categories arent complete, because there are many other leisure activities.
b. Thirty-six percent of 213,000,000, or 76,680,000 adults, read books for leisure.
c. From this information, it is impossible to determine the percentage of
U.S. adults who surfed the net or went to the beach. If you add the two
percentages, you are counting the people twice who did both. Because you
dont know how many people that is, you are stuck.
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2. From the information in step 1 alone, can you determine the number of
students in your class who say blue is their favorite color or who say red is
their favorite color? If so, explain how. If not, what additional information
do you need?
3. For each of these questions, record the number of students in your class
who answer yes.
Are you female?
Is blue your favorite color?
4. From the information in step 3 alone, can you determine the number of
students in your class who are female or who have blue as their favorite
color? If so, explain how. If not, what additional information do you need?
Two events are
disjoint if they cant
happen on the
same opportunity.
In Activity 5.3a, you can get the answer to one question by adding because the
categories are disjoint. For the other question, adding doesnt work because the
categories are not disjoint.
Two useful rules emerge from Activity 5.3a. First, if two events are disjoint,
the probability of their occurring together is 0.
A Property of Disjoint ( Mutually Exclusive ) Events
P( A or B ) is
sometimes written
P( A B ).
P( A or B ) is
sometimes written
P( A B ).
Second, if two events are disjoint, then you can add probabilities to find
P(A or B).
P(Aand B) = 0
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e. is left-handed; is right-handed
Let A be the event sum of 7. Let B be the event sum of 8. On the same roll, these
two events are mutually exclusive, so P( A and B ) = 0. Then P( A or B ) =
P( A ) + P( B ). Using the sample space of equally likely outcomes from Display
5.6 on page 295,
P( sum of 7 or sum of 8 ) = P( sum of 7 ) + P( sum of 8 )
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4. Find the number of students who are female or have blue as their favorite
a. as a row total plus a column total minus a cell count
b. as the sum of three cell counts
5. Let B be the event that the favorite color of the randomly chosen student is
blue. Let F be the event that the randomly chosen student is female. Write
two formulas for computing P( B or F ), one corresponding to part a and
one to part b in step 4. Use each formula to find P( B or F ).
The ideas you explored in Activity 5.3b can be stated formally as the
Addition Rule.
Using set notation,
this rule is written
P( A B ) = P( A ) +
P( B ) P( A B )
where A B is read
A intersect B.
Addition Rule
For any two events A and B,
P( A or B ) = P( A ) + P( B ) P( A and B )
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You can also apply the Addition Rule backward; that is, you can compute
P( A and B ) when you know the other probabilities.
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D17. What happens if you use the general form of the Addition Rule,
P( A or B ) = P( A ) + P( B ) P( A and B )
in a situation where A and B are mutually exclusive?
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E27. Suppose you flip a fair coin five times. Are
these pairs of events disjoint?
a. You get five heads; you get four heads and
one tails.
b. The first flip is heads; the second flip is
c. You get five heads; the second flip is tails.
d. You get three heads and two tails; the
second flip is tails.
e. The first four flips are heads; the first
three flips are heads.
f. Heads first occurs on the third flip; the
fourth flip is heads.
g. Heads first occurs on the third flip; three
of the flips are heads.
E28. Suppose you select two people at random
from a nearby health clinic. Are these pairs
of events disjoint?
a. One person has health insurance; the
other person has health insurance.
b. Both people have health insurance; only
one person has health insurance.
c. One person is over age 65; the other
person is under age 19.
d. One person is over age 95; the other
person is the first persons mother.
E29. Display 5.35 shows the U.S. population
categorized by age and sex, as reported by the
U.S. Bureau of the Census. You are working
for a polling organization that is about to
select a random sample of U.S. residents.
a. What is the probability that the first
person selected will be female? Female
and age 85 or older? Female or age 85 or
b. What is the probability that the first
person selected will be male? Male and
under age 30? Male or under age 30?
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Conditional Probability
The Titanic sank in 1912 without enough lifeboats for the passengers and crew.
Almost 1500 people died, most of them men. Was that because a man was
less likely than a woman to survive, or did more men die simply because men
outnumbered women by more than 3 to 1 on the Titanic? You might turn to an
old campfire song to decide what might have happened. One line is about loading
the lifeboats: And the captain shouted, Women and children first. Statisticians
arent opposed to songs. But statisticians also know that stories and theories, even
stories set to music, are no substitute for data. Do the data in Display 5.39 support
the lyrics of the song?
Although the numbers alone cant tell you who got to go first on the lifeboats,
they do show that
or roughly 73%, of the females survived, while only
or roughly 21%, of the males survived. Thus, the data are fully consistent with the
hypothesis that the song explains what happened.
or approximately 32.3%, of the people survived, but the survival
rate for females was much higher and that for males much lower. The chance of
surviving depended on the condition of whether the person was male or female.
This commonsense notion that probability can change if you are given additional
information is called conditional probability.
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Overall, only 32.3% of the people survived, but 73.2% of the females survived.
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You can interpret the top branch of the tree diagram, for example, as
P( F ) P( S | F ) =
= P( F and S )
The tree diagram leads to a rule for finding P( A and B ), shown in the box on
the next page.
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P( A and B ) is
sometimes written
as P( A B ) and
sometimes as P( AB ).
P( A and B ) = P( B ) P( A | B )
Display 5.41 shows the Multiplication Rule on the branches of a tree
From past work with fractions, you know that of translates to multiplication.
Three-fourths of 20 means 20, or 15. The Multiplication Rule is simply an
extension of this same logic.
Example: Coincidences
This article appeared in the Los Angeles Times on July 18, 1978.
Man, Wife Beat Odds in Moose-Hunt Draw
The Washington State Game Department conducted a public drawing
last week in Olympia for three moose hunting permits. There were
2,898 application cards in the wire mesh barrel. It was cranked around
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several times before the first name was drawn: Judy Schneider of East
Wenatchee, Wash. The barrel was spun again. Second name drawn: Bill
Schneider, Judys husband. Result: groans of disbelief from hopeful moose
hunters in the auditorium.
a. What is the probability that Judys name would be the first drawn and her
husbands name would be second?
b. What assumptions are you making when you answer this question?
c. Comment on why coincidences like this seem to happen so often.
a. P( Judy first and Bill second ) = P( Judy first ) P( Bill second | Judy first )
b. The assumptions are that Bill and Judy had only one card each in the barrel
and that the cards were well mixed.
c. The chance that Judys name and then her husbands name will be called is
about one chance in 10 million. However, there is also the chance that Bills
name will be called first and then Judys. This doubles their chances of being
the first two names drawn to 0.000000238only about one chance in
5 million. However, suppose all the names in the barrel were those of
couples. Then the probability that the first two names drawn will be those
of a couple is
or about 0.000345, because the first name can be anyone
and that persons partner is one of the 2897 left for the second draw. This
probability is still small, but now it is 3 chances in 10,000. Finally, thousands
of lotteries take place in the United States every year, so it is virtually certain
that coincidences like this will happen occasionally and be reported in the
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In some ways, this is a pretty good test. It finds 9 out of the 10 people who have
the disease, for a sensitivity of 0.9. It correctly categorizes 9940 out of the 9990
people who dont have the disease, for a specificity of 0.99. The NPV is 9940 out
of 9941, or 0.9999. However, notice that only 9 out of 59, or 15%, of the people
who test positive for the disease actually have it! The PPV is quite low because
there are so many false positives.
The previous example shows what can happen when the population being
screened is mostly disease free, even with a test of high specificity. Most of the
people who test positive do not, in fact, have the disease. On the other hand, if the
population being screened has a high incidence of the disease, then there tend to
be many false negatives and the negative predictive value tends to be low.
Because the positive predictive value and the negative predictive value depend
on the population as well as the screening test, statisticians prefer to judge a test
based on the other pair of conditional probabilities: sensitivity and specificity.
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This outcome is so unlikely that you can feel justified in abandoning the model
that the die is fair. But you still didntand cantcompute
P( fair die | even number on all 20 rolls )
The dialogue that follows is invented and did not actually occur in the
Westvaco case (Chapter 1), but it is based on real conversations one of your
authors had on several occasions with a number of different lawyers as they
grappled with conditional probabilities.
Statistician: Suppose you draw three workers at random from the set of ten
hourly workers. This establishes random sampling as the model
for the study.
Lawyer: Okay.
, or 120, possible samples of size 3,
Statistician: It turns out that there are
and only 6 of them give an average age of 58 or more.
Lawyer: So the probability is
, or 0.05.
Statistician: Right.
Lawyer: Theres only a 5% chance that the company didnt discriminate and
a 95% chance that it did.
Statistician: No, thats not true.
Lawyer: But you said . . .
Statistician: I said that if the age-neutral model of random draws is correct,
then theres only a 5% chance of getting an average age of 58 or
Lawyer: So the chance that the company is guilty must be 95%.
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Statistician: Slow down. If you start by assuming the model is true, you can
compute the chances of various results. But youre trying to start
from the results and compute the chance that the model is right
or wrong. You cant do that.
Here is the analysis: The lawyer is having trouble with conditional
probabilities. The statistician has computed
P(average age
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Conditional Probability from the
Sample Space
P23. For the Titanic data in Display 5.39 on
page 325, let S be the event a person survived
and F be the event a person was female. Find
and interpret these probabilities.
b. P(F | S)
a. P(F)
c. P(not F)
d. P(not F | S) e. P(S | not F)
P24. Display 5.44 gives the hourly workers in
the United States, classified by race and
by whether they were paid at or below
minimum wage or above minimum wage.
You select an hourly worker at random.
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E41. Display 5.46 (at the bottom of this page)
gives a breakdown of the U.S. population age
16 and older by age and whether the person
volunteers time to charitable activities.
You are working for a polling organization
that is about to select a random sample of
U.S. residents age 16 and older. Find these
probabilities for the first person selected in
the random sample.
a. P(person is a volunteer)
b. P(person is a volunteer | person is
age 16 to 24)
c. P(person is age 16 to 24 | person is a
d. P(person is age 16 to 34 | person is not
a volunteer)
e. Which age group has the highest
percentage of volunteers?
E42. Joseph Lister (18271912), British surgeon at
the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, was one of the
first to believe in Louis Pasteurs germ theory
of infection. He experimented with using
carbolic acid to disinfect operating rooms
during amputations. When carbolic acid was
used, 34 of 40 patients lived. When carbolic
acid was not used, 19 of 35 patients lived.
Suppose a patient is selected at random.
Make a two-way table and find
a. P(patient died | carbolic acid used)
b. P(carbolic acid used | patient died)
c. P(carbolic acid used and patient died)
d. P(carbolic acid used or patient died)
Display 5.46 Persons (in thousands) who performed unpaid volunteer activities in the last
year. [Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2006, Table 575.]
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Independent Events
Jack and Jill have finished conducting taste tests with 100 adults from their
neighborhood. They found that 60 of them correctly identified the tap water, but
how well a person did depended on whether that person regularly uses bottled
water for drinking. Of people who regularly drink bottled water,
or 80%,
correctly identified the tap water. Of people who drink tap water, only
51.4%, correctly identified the tap water. (See Display 5.48.)
On the other hand, as Display 5.49 shows, men and women did equally well
in identifying the tap water. In each case, 60% correctly identified the tap water.
Suppose one person is selected at random from the 100 who completed
the taste test. Based on these data, the events drinks bottled water and correctly
identifies tap water are dependent events. If the person drinks bottled water,
he or she is more likely to correctly identify tap water. The events is a male and
correctly identifies tap water are independent events. Being male doesnt change
the probability that the person correctly identifies tap water.
More formally, events A and B are independent if the probability of event A
doesnt depend on whether event B happens.that is, knowing that B happens
doesnt change the probability that A happens.
Definition of Independent Events
Suppose P(A) > 0 and P(B) > 0. Then events A and B are independent events
if and only if P(A | B) = P(A) or, equivalently, P(B | A) = P(B).
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In E73, you will show that P(A | B) = P(A) if and only if P(B | A) = P(B). In
E74, you will show that if events A and B are independent, then so are events A
and not B (event not B is the complement of event B, consisting of all possible
outcomes that are not in B).
= 0.60
Because these two probabilities are equal, the events are independent.
Next, consider the events drinks bottled water and correctly identifies tap water.
P(correctly identifies tap water) =
= 0.60
= 0.80
Because these two probabilities are not equal, the events are not independent.
Independent Events
D24. Suppose a person is selected at random from the 100 completing the water
taste test. Show in another way that the events is a male and correctly
identifies tap water are independent and that the events drinks bottled water
and correctly identifies tap water are not independent. Specifically, use
correctly identifies tap water as the condition in both cases.
D25. Suppose you choose a student at random from your school. In each case,
does knowing that event A happened increase the probability of event
B, decrease the probability of event B, or leave the probability of event B
a. A: The student is a football player; B: The student weighs less than 120 lb.
b. A: The student has long fingernails; B: The student is female.
c. A: The student is a freshman; B: The student is male.
d. A: The student is a freshman; B: The student is a senior.
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You can conveniently list the probabilities of all four possible outcomes for two
young adults in a multiplication table, as in Display 5.50.
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the events in question. As always, models are simplifications of the real thing,
and youll often use independence as a simplifying assumption to enable you to
calculate probabilities, at least approximately.
Multiplication Rule
D26. Are these situations possible? Explain your answers.
a. Events A and B are disjoint and independent.
b. Events A and B are not disjoint and are independent.
c. Events A and B are disjoint and dependent.
d. Events A and B are not disjoint and are dependent.
D27. Suppose that you randomly and independently select three houses from
those sold recently in the Chicago area. Find P(all three are below the median
price). Find P(at least one is below the median price).
First, check the probabilities:
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Because these two probabilities arent exactly equal, you must conclude that the
events win and day game are not independent. Yet, given that the Dodgers played
21 day games, the percentage of day games won couldnt be any closer to 0.526.
A statistician would conclude that if these results can be considered a random
sample of their games, there isnt sufficient evidence to say that the two events
win and day game are not independent. This is the subject of Chapter 10.
Activity 5.5a further illustrates the difficulty of establishing independence
with real data.
Independence with Real Data
What youll need: one penny per student
1. Collect and study data on eyedness and
a. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
b. Determine whether you are right-eyed or
left-eyed: Hold your hands together in front
of you at arms length. Make a space between
your hands that you can see through.
Through the space, look at an object at
least 15 ft away. Now close your right eye.
Can you still see the object? If so, you are
left-eyed. Now close your lefteye. Can you still see the object? If so, you
are right-eyed.
c. Would you expect being right-handed and right-eyed to be independent?
d. Complete a two-way table for members of your class, showing the
frequencies of eyedness and handedness.
e. For a randomly selected student in your class, are being right-handed
and right-eyed independent?
2. Collect and study data on the results of two coin flips.
a. With other members of your class, flip a coin twice until you have
100 pairs of flips. Place your results in a two-way table. (Save this data
for use again in Chapter 8.)
b. Would you expect the results of the flip and the second flip to be
c. From your data for two coin flips, do the results of the first flip and the
second flip appear to be independent?
3. Did you get the results you expected in steps 1 and 2? Explain.
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In Chapter 10, you will learn how to examine tables like the ones for your
coin flips in Activity 5.5a and for the Dodger record and then perform a statistical
test of independence. The key question, just as in Chapter 1, will be whether the
data are too extreme (too far from the strict definition of independence) to be
consistent with that hypothesis.
Independent Events
P37. Suppose you select one person at random
from the Titanic passengers and crew in
Display 5.39 on page 325. Use the definition
of independent events to determine whether
the events didnt survive and male are
independent. Are any two events in this table
P38. Suppose you draw a card at random from
a standard deck. Use the definition of
independent events to determine which pairs
of events are independent.
a. getting a heart; getting a jack
b. getting a heart; getting a red card
c. getting a 7; getting a heart
Multiplication Rule for Independent Events
P39. About 42% of people have type O blood.
Suppose you select two people at random
and check whether they have type O blood.
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c. Prove that
P( B | A ) =
Chapter Summary
Probability is the study of random behavior. The probabilities used in statistical
investigations often come from a model based on equally likely outcomes. In other
cases, they come from a model based on observed data. While you do not know
for sure what the next outcome will be, a model based on many observations gives
you a pretty good idea of the possible outcomes and their probabilities.
Two important concepts were introduced in this chapter: disjoint (mutually
exclusive) events and independent events.
Two events are disjoint if they cant happen on the same opportunity. If A and
B are disjoint events, then P (A and B) is 0.
Two events are independent if the occurrence of one doesnt change the
probability that the other will happen. That is, events A and B are independent
if and only if P(A) = P(A | B).
Chapter Summary
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You should know how to use each of these rules for computing probabilities:
The probability that event A doesnt happen is
P(not A) = 1 P(A)
This rule often is used to find the probability of at least one success:
P(at least one success) = 1 P(no successes)
The Addition Rule gives the probability that event A or event B or both occur:
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) P(A and B)
If the events A and B are disjoint, this rule simplifies to
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B)
The Multiplication Rule gives the probability that events A and B both occur:
P(A and B) = P(A) P(B | A) or P(B) P(A | B)
If A and B are independent events, this rule simplifies to
P(A and B) = P(A) P(B)
Review Exercises
E77. Suppose you roll a fair four-sided
(tetrahedral) die and a fair six-sided die.
a. How many equally likely outcomes are
b. Show all the outcomes in a table or in a
tree diagram.
c. What is the probability of getting
d. What is the probability of getting a sum
of 3?
e. Are the events getting doubles and
getting a sum of 4 disjoint? Are they
f. Are the events getting a 2 on the
tetrahedral die and getting a 5 on the
six-sided die disjoint? Are they
E78. Backgammon is one of the worlds oldest
games. Players move counters around the
board in a race to get home first.The
number of spaces moved is determined by
a roll of two dice. If your counter is able
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Chapter Summary
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Investigative Tasks
AP9. So they stuck them down below, where
theyd be the first to go. This line from
the song about the Titanic refers to the
third-class passengers. The first two-way
table in Display 5.57 gives the number of
surviving Titanic passengers in various
classes of travel. The members of the ships
crew have been omitted from this table.
The second and third tables break down
survival by class and by gender. Use the
ideas about conditional probability and
independence that you have learned to
analyze these tables.
AP8. A new space probe, the Mars Crashlander,
has a main antenna and a backup antenna.
The probe will arrive at Mars and crash into
the surface. The main antenna has a 50%
chance of surviving the crash. The backup
has a 90% chance of surviving if the main
antenna survives, and a 20% chance of
surviving if the main antenna fails. What is
the probability that the Crashlander will have
at least one working antenna after the crash?
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1 de 2
Probability Distributions
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Sampling reasons
from a sample to
a population, and
probability reasons
from a population
to a sample.
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Display 6.1
For example, 88 out of 1000 (0.088) three-digit sequences are needed to represent
households with no motor vehicles. Here the 88 numbers 001 through 088 were
used, although you could use 000 through 087 or any other choice as long as
there are 88 numbers. The next 332 three-digit sequences (089420) represent
households with one vehicle, and so on. Now that youve assigned all the
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Display 6.3
You can now report to your boss, for example, that there is an 0.088 chance
that a single-family household will have no vehicles but only an 0.008 chance that
the occupants of a duplex will have no vehicles.
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For example, if you are playing Monopoly, you need to find the sum of the two
dice. If you are playing backgammon, you might be more interested in the larger
of the two numbers. Construct each of these probability distributions. Then
find the probability that, when you roll two dice, the sum is 3. Then find the
probability that the larger number is 3.
Display 6.5 shows these two probability distributions, one of the sum of two dice
and one of the larger number on the two dice. (In the case of doubles, the larger
number and the smaller number are the same.)
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When you roll two dice, the probability that the sum of the numbers is 3 is
The probability that the larger number is 3 is
There are four possible outcomes for the two patients. With yes representing
caused by smoking and no representing not caused by smoking, the
possibilities are
no for 1st patient and no for 2nd patient
no for 1st patient and yes for 2nd patient
yes for 1st patient and no for 2nd patient
yes for 1st patient and yes for 2nd patient
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The fact that the patients are selected at random from a large population implies
that the outcomes for the two selections may be considered independent. Using
the rules of Chapter 5,
P(no for 1st patient and no for 2nd patient) = P(no for 1st) P(no for 2nd)
= (0.1)(0.1) = 0.01
P(no for 1st patient and yes for 2nd patient) = (0.1)(0.9) = 0.09
P(yes for 1st patient and no for 2nd patient) = (0.9)(0.1) = 0.09
P(yes for 1st patient and yes for 2nd patient) = (0.9)(0.9) = 0.81
The first of these outcomes results in X = 0, the second and third each result in
X = 1, and the fourth results in X = 2. Because the second and third outcomes
are disjoint, their probabilities can be added. The probability distribution of X is
then given by this table:
There are ten ways to pick two teams from the five:
= 10. These ten
pairs of teams, with the total possible attendance, are shown in Display 6.8.
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The probability distribution of the total possible attendance for two games is
given in Display 6.9.
Display 6.9
The probability that the total attendance is at least 36,000 is 0.2 + 0.2, or 0.4.
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8.8% of households to have no vehicles, 33.2% to have one vehicle, and so on.
Thus, you expect the mean number of vehicles per household to be
= 0(0.088) + 1(0.332) + 2(0.385) + 3(0.137) + 4(0.058) = 1.745
Computing the mean can be easily accomplished by adding a third column to
the table, as in Display 6.10. Notice that the mean, 1.745, is the balance point of
the histogram in Display 6.1.
Display 6.10
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and variance
of a probability distribution
where pi is the probability that the random variable X takes on the specific
value xi. To get the standard deviation, take the square root of the variance.
Now your boss asks about the duplexes. For the duplexes, the simulated data
of Display 6.3 on page 360 should provide a good approximation of the actual
probability distribution of this random variable, call it Y. The mean, variance, and
standard deviation as calculated from the 500 simulated values in the frequency
The neighborhood of duplexes can expect to have 3.530 motor vehicles per duplex
but often will see up to 1.357 vehicles more or less than this.
Display 6.11]
Student: I remember how to do this. First I have to make a reasonable
estimate of the center of each interval. For example, for the
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= (0 13.78)2(0.06) + (3 13.78)2(0.28)
+ (8 13.78)2(0.25) + (15.5 13.78)2(0.21)
+ (35.5 13.78)2(0.17) + (55 13.78)2(0.03)
So the standard deviation,
, is approximately 13.57.
Statistician: Your computations are perfect. Now, what is the expected number
of CDs purchased by a USC student?
Student: Easy. My computations give 13.78, but because we cant have part
of a CD, we say the expected number of CDs purchased by a
USC student is 13 or 14.
Dont round expected
values to whole
Statistician: And you were doing so well. Its true you cant have part of a
CD, but expected value is the same thing as the average, and you
know that the average doesnt have to be one of the values in the
distribution. So you should say that the expected number of CDs
is 13.78. What does the fact that the mean and standard deviation
are about equal tell you about the shape of this distribution?
Student: Well, the number of purchases cant go below zero, which is only
one standard deviation below the mean. So, there must be a long
tail toward the larger values.
Statistician: You are rapidly becoming a statistical thinker!
You can use a calculator to quickly find the mean and variance of a probability
distribution listed in a table. The mean and variance for the data in Display 6.11
are shown here. [See Calculator Note 6A to learn how to calculate these statistics.]
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a. Use this formula to compute the mean of the values in this frequency table.
b. Suppose the data had been given in a relative frequency table like this
one, which shows the proportion of times each value occurs. Fill in the
rest of the second column.
c. Show that you can find the mean, , using the formula
d. Discuss how the formula in part c relates to the formula for the expected
value, .
Compare the mean number of vehicles in single-family households to the
mean number in a duplex. Compare the variances. What do you notice?
Eighteen percent of high school boys and 10% of high school girls say they
rarely or never wear seat belts. Suppose one high school boy and one high
school girl are selected at random, with the random variable of interest
being the number in the pair who say they rarely or never wear seat belts.
Describe two ways of finding the expected value and standard deviation of
this random variable, at least approximately. (Use only the material that has
been presented in this chapter so far.)
Define a random variable for Display 6.4 on page 361 that is different from
the two random variables in Display 6.5. Give its probability distribution
and compute its expected value and standard deviation.
This sentence appeared in the British humor magazine Punch:
The figure of 2.2 children per adult female was felt to be in some respects
absurd, and a Royal Commission suggested that the middle classes be paid
money to increase the average to a rounder and more convenient number.
[Source: M. J. Moroney, Facts from Figures (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1951).]
Who would find the figure absurdthe student or the statistician from the
dialogue on page 367?
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First, note that the probabilities dont sum to 1its not even close. Thats because
the most likely outcome is winning nothing. So imagine another row with $0
for Winnings and 0.7793 for Probability. Using the expected-value formula,
you can verify that the expected value for this probability distribution is 0.6014.
This means that if you spend $1 to play this game, you expect to get 60.14
back in winnings. Of course, you cant get this amount on any one play, but over
the long run that would be the average return. Another way to understand this
is to imagine playing the game 1000 times. You expect to get back $601.40, but
you will have spent $1000. The standard deviation of the winnings per game
is $4.040, which is quite large because of the possibility of winning one of the
larger amounts.
The expected value may not be of much importance to an individual player
(unless he or she is going to play many times) but it is of great importance to the
State of Wisconsin, which can expect to pay out $601.40 for every $1,000 bet.
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13 de 24
know the probabilities that these will occur. Unfortunately, you neglected to hire
an actuary, and all the information you can fi nd is the nationwide rate of 41.9
burglaries per 1000 urban households.
Display 6.13 gives the two possible outcomes, their payouts, and their
You expect to break even if you charge $209.50 for the insurance. But as a good
businessperson, you will actually charge more to cover your costs of doing
business and to give yourself some profit.
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In Section 2.4, you learned that if you recenter a data setthat is, add the same
number c to all the valuesit doesnt change the shape or standard deviation but
adds c to the mean. If you rescale a data setthat is, multiply all the values by
the same nonzero number dit doesnt change the basic shape but multiplies the
mean by d and the standard deviation by |d| where |d| indicates the absolute value
of d. These rules for distributions of data also apply to probability distributions.
Linear Transformation Rule: The Effect of a Linear Transformation
of X on
Suppose you have a probability distribution with random variable X, mean X ,
and standard deviation . If you transform each value by multiplying it by d
and then adding c, where c and d are constants, then the mean and standard
deviation of the transformed values are given by
Display 6.14
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Then use the formulas for the expected value and variance from page 366 as
E(X) = 0(0.7793) + 3(1/10) + 6(1/14) + 9(1/24) + 54(1/200) + 150(1/389)
+ 450(1/20000) + 2700(1/120000)
Var(X) = (0 1.804)2 0.7793 + (3 1.804)2(1/10) + (6 1.804)2(1/14)
+ (9 1.804)2(1/24) + (54 1.804)2(1/200)
+ (150 1.804)2(1/389) + (450 1.804)2(1/20000)
+ (2700 1.804)2(1/120000)
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Let X + Y + Z represent the persons total winnings on three tickets. Then
is the expected value of the total winnings on three tickets. This problem requires
a generalization of the Addition Rule:
Let X be the number of hours per week taking dance lessons and Y be the number
of hours per week tutoring. The expected number of hours you take dance
lessons, , is 0(0.4) + 1(0.3) + 2(0.3), or 0.9, with a standard deviation, , of
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0.831 hour. Similarly, the expected number of hours you tutor, or , is 2.3, with a
standard deviation, , of 1.1 hours. You spend $8 for each hour of dance lessons,
so by the Linear Transformation Rule your mean weekly expenditure for dance
lessons is
or $7.20. Similarly, if you earn $12 for each hour of tutoring, then by the Linear
Transformation Rule, your mean weekly earnings from tutoring are
or $20.40.
By the Linear Transformation Rule, the standard deviation of the cost of your
weekly lessons,
,is 8(0.831), or $6.648, and the standard deviation of your
weekly earnings from tutoring ,
, is 12(1.1), or $13.20. Because the amounts
are independent, you can now use the Subtraction Rule to fi nd that the variance
of your weekly savings is
, is about $14.78.
For most students, the most surprising rule says that to get the variance of
the difference of two independently selected variables, you add the individual
variances. Why add and not subtract? Activity 6.1a will help you see the reason.
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Estimating the expected value has many real-world applications. For example,
you can figure out your expected weekly savings or the break-even price for
For random variables X and Y and constants c and d,
the mean and standard deviation of a linear transformation of X are given by
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Probability Distributions from Data
P1. Refer to Display 6.2 on page 359. Use this
line of random digits to simulate selecting
two households at random and counting
the number of motor vehicles in both
households together. Then repeat for two
more households.
P2. As you saw in the example on page 362,
90% of lung cancer cases are caused by
smoking. How would you assign the
numbers in a random digit table so that they
represent the distribution in Display 6.6? Use
a random digit table (Table D on page 828)
to select a lung cancer patient at random and
then tell whether smoking was responsible
for the patients lung cancer.
P3. The distribution in Display 6.16 gives the
number of children per family in the United
States. Describe how to use this line from
a random digit table to find the number of
children in a randomly selected family:
Use your process to find the total number
of children in three randomly selected
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E1. A large class was assigned a diffcult
homework problem. Display 6.19 shows
the scores the students received and the
proportion of students who received each
Display 6.19
Display 6.20
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Display 6.23
Display 6.24
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Binomial Probabilities
Many random variables seen in practice amount to counting the number of
successes in n independent trials, such as
the number of doubles in four rolls of a pair of dice (on each roll either you
get doubles or you dont),
the number of patients with type A blood in a random sample of ten patients
(a person either has type A blood or doesnt)
the number of defective items in a sample of 20 items (either an item is
defective or it isnt)
These situations are called binomial because each trial has two possible outcomes.
In Chapter 5, Jack and Jill were asking questions about a binomial situation
when they wanted to know the answer to a question like this: If we ask four
people which is the tap water and none of them can tell bottled water from tap
water, what is the probability that two of the four will guess correctly?
Jack: Thats exactly what we were doinglooking at n people and
counting the number who correctly identified the tap water.
Jill: Do they mean there is an easier way than listing all those outcomes?
Jack: It sounds like it. But I bet we can figure it out for ourselves now
that we know there is a formula. We presented each of four people
with bottled and tap water and asked them to identify the tap
water. We got a list of 16 possible outcomes, all equally likely if
none of the four can tell the difference and are merely guessing.
Lets call the outcomes C for correctly identifying the tap water
and I for incorrectly identifying it.
Jill: Yeah, look. Ive organized them in this table (Display 6.25). Lets
try to figure out the probability of getting exactly two people who
select the tap water.
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Jill: Ive seen those numbers beforein the fifth row of Pascals triangle.
Jack: Thats it! The number of ways we can choose exactly two people
out of four people to identify the tap water is
Pascals triangle
Binomial Probabilities
D13. Explain why each of the 16 outcomes in Display 6.25 has probability
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adults will have a bachelors degree is shown here. [See Calculator Note 6C to learn
It is generally safe
to regard trials as
independent for all
practical purposes if the
condition n < 0.10N is
You might have noticed that the trials in Jack and Jills example arent
really independent. The first adult they selected who was age 25 or older has
probability 0.27 of being a college graduate. If that person is a college graduate,
the probability that the next person selected is a college graduate is a bit less.
However, the change in probability is so small that Jack and Jill can safely ignore
it. If there are 150,000,000 adults age 25 and older in the United States, then there
would be 40,500,000 college graduates. The probability that the first adult selected
, or 0.27. If that person turns out to be a college
is a college graduate is
graduate, the probability that the second adult selected is a college graduate
, or 0.2699999951, which is very close to 0.27.
You can treat your random sample as a binomial situation as long as the
sample size, n, is small compared to the population size, N. A simple guideline
that works well in practice is that n should be less than 10% of the size of the
population, or n < 0.10N.
In a famous
episode of I Love
Lucy, Lucille Ball
takes her passion
for chocolate to
comic extremes.
D14. Make a probability distribution table for the number of college graduates in
a random sample of seven adults if 27% of adults are college graduates.
D15. Make a probability distribution table for the number of people who
arent college graduates. Make a histogram of this distribution and of the
distribution in D14, and compare the two.
D16. Show why the population must be large in order to use the binomial
probability formula by pretending that the total adult population of the
United States is 12, of which 4 are chocoholics. Compute the exact
probability that in a random sample of 7 adults, none will be chocoholics.
Compare your results to those you get using the binomial formula.
D17. From a class of 20 students, half of whom are seniors, the teacher selects
10 students at random to check for completion of todays paper. If X denotes
the number of papers belonging to seniors among those checked, will X have
a binomial distribution? Explain why or why not.
In Activity 6.2a, youll conduct the tap water vs. bottled water experiment
yourself. This activity will give you practice in statistical decision-making as you
decide how many subjects will have to correctly select the tap water before you are
convinced that people can tell the difference.
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Display 6.26
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graduates on page 384 stated that about 27% of U.S. adults have at least a
bachelors degree. If three adults are randomly sampled in an opinion poll, the
distribution of X, the number with at least a bachelors degree, will be as shown
in Display 6.27.
Display 6.27
E(X) = X = np
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You can use a calculator to quickly graph and compare binomial distributions.
[See Calculator Note 6D to learn how.] The binomial distribution for n = 5 and
p = 0.7 is shown here. In D18 youll explore how binomial distributions change
for increased values of p or n.
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E23. If you roll a pair of dice five times, find the
probability of each outcome.
a. You get doubles exactly once.
b. You get exactly three sums of 7.
c. You get at least one sum of 7.
d. You get at most one sum of 7.
E24. Suppose you select five numbers at random
from 10 through 99, with repeats allowed.
Find the probability of each outcome.
a. Exactly three of the numbers are even.
b. Exactly one of the numbers has digits
that sum to a number greater than or
equal to 9.
c. At least one of the numbers has digits
that sum to a number greater than or
equal to 9.
E25. According to a recent Census Bureau
report, 37 million Americans, or 12.7%
of the population, live below the poverty
level. Suppose these figures hold true for
the region in which you live. You plan to
randomly sample 25 Americans from your
region. [Source: Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual
Social and Economic Supplement,]
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1 de 9
In waiting-time
problems, you count the
number of trials it takes
to get the first success.
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Waiting-Time Situations
D20. Refer to the graphs in Display 6.29.
a. What is the shortest possible waiting time? What is the longest? What is
the most likely waiting time? Why is this the case?
b. What are the exact heights of the first and second bars in the graph for
p = 0.8? Explain.
c. How are the shapes of the four distributions in Display 6.29 similar? How
are they different?
d. What real-life situation could the graph for p = 0.5 represent?
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Jill: But you get to multiply like that only if the events are independent.
What if a whole family had donated blood? Then their blood types
might not be independent.
Jack: Yeah, we will have to be careful about things like that. The
probability cant change depending on who else has come in.
Jill: If we can assume independence, the probability that the
third donation checked will be the first that is type A is
P(X = 3) = (0.6)(0.6)(0.4).
Jack: Because we have to have two failures and then our first success.
Jill: This could go on forever. So we better get started and make a table.
Jack: All this work is making me thirsty. Five rows is enough. Lets go up
the hill and get some water.
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Display 6.31 summarizes Jack and Jills reasoning, this time for a general
geometric distribution with probability of success p and probability of failure
q = 1 p.
for k 1, 2, 3, . . . .
Both the binomial and geometric random variables start with a sequence
of independent trials with two outcomes and constant probability of success.
The binomial counts the number of successes in a fixed number of trials; the
geometric counts the number of the trial on which the first success occurs. [See
Calculator Notes 6Fand 6G to learn how to calculate geometric probabilities and
cumulative probabilities of a geometric distribution.]
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a. What is the probability that the first donation that is type B is the third
one checked?
b. What is the probability that he will have to check at most three donations
to get the first that is type B? At least three donations?
c. Suppose that the technician is looking for a type B donation and has
already tested three donations without success. What is the probability
that he has to test at least three more donations to find one that is type B?
d. Part c refers to the memoryless property of the geometric distribution.
Explain why that term is appropriate.
D22. In Activity 3.5a, Copper Flippers, you started by flipping 200 pennies. You
then removed the ones that died (landed tails) and continued flipping with
a decreasing number of live copper flippers. Make a plot with the number
of the flip on the horizontal axis and the theoretical number of copper
flippers left after that flip on the vertical axis. Compare this plot with your
results from Activity 3.5a if you still have them.
D23. Give at least two ways to find the probability that it will take three or more
rolls of a pair of dice to get doubles.
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Note that the expected value is the expected number of donations that must
be checked to get one that is type A. It is not the expected number checked
before getting one that is type A. In this case, the expected number includes
1.5 donations that arent type A and one donation that is.
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E35. You are participating in a question bee in
history class. You remain in the game until
you give your first incorrect answer. The
questions are all multiple choice, each with
four possible answers exactly one of which is
correct. Unfortunately, you have not studied
for this bee, and you simply guess randomly
on each question.
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1 de 6
E(X) = p (1 + q + q2 + q3 + . . .
+ q + q2 + q3 + . . .
+ q2 + q3 + . . .
+ q3 + . . .
+ )
c. Ignore p for now and sum each row using
the last formula in E41.
d. Find the sum of all the rows, again using
the last formula in E41.
Chapter Summary
In this chapter, you have learned that random variables are variables with
a probability attached to each possible numerical outcome. Probability
distributions, like data distributions, are characterized by their shape, center,
and spread. You can use similar formulas for the mean and standard deviation.
The binomial distribution is a model for the situation in which you count
the number of successes in a random sample of size n from a large population.
A typical question is If you perform 20 trials, what is the probability of getting
exactly 6 successes?
The geometric distribution is a model for the situation in which you count the
number of trials needed to get your first success. A typical question is What is
the probability that it will take you exactly five trials to get the first success?
Review Exercises
E43. Suppose you roll a dodecahedral (12-sided)
die twice. Your summary statistic will be the
sum of the two rolls.
a. What is the probability that the sum is 3
or less?
b. Compute the mean and standard
deviation of the distribution of outcomes
of a single roll of one die.
c. Compute the mean and standard
deviation of the probability distribution
of the sum of two rolls.
E44. Suppose you and your partner each roll two
dice. Each of you computes the average of
your two rolls. The summary statistic is the
difference between your average and your
partners average. Describe the sampling
distribution of these differences.
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Chapter Summary
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Chapter Summary
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AP2. In a raffle, 100 tickets are sold and 10 of the
tickets, selected at random, win a $5 prize.
A participant buys one ticket. What is the
standard deviation of the amount won?
AP3. A machine producing a large spool of
cable puts out 2.5 ft at a time. After each
2.5 ft of cable, theres a 1/1000 chance that
the machine will cut the cable instead
of continuing production. What is the
expected length of the next cable the
machine produces?
0.0025 ft
400 ft
2,500 ft
6,250 ft
2,500,000 ft
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Investigative Tasks
AP9. Random sampling from a large lot of a
manufactured product yields a number
of defectives, X, with an approximate
binomial distribution, with p being the
true proportion of defectives in the lot.
A sampling plan consists of specifying the
number, n, of items to be sampled and an
acceptance number, a. After n items are
inspected, the lot is accepted if X a and
is rejected if X > a.
a. For n = 5 and a = 0, calculate the
probability of accepting the lot for values
of p equal to 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, and 1.
b. Graph the probability of lot acceptance
as a function of p for this plan. This is
the operating characteristic curve for the
sampling plan.
Now, a quality-control engineer is
considering two different lot acceptance
sampling plans: (n = 5, a = 1) and
(n = 25, a = 5).
c. Construct operating characteristic
curves for both plans.
d. If you were a seller producing lots with
proportions of defectives between 0%
and 10%, which plan would you prefer?
e. If you were a buyer wishing high
protection against accepting lots with
proportions of defectives over 30%,
which plan would you prefer?
AP Sample Test
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1 de 2
Sampling Distributions
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You have studied methods that are good for exploration and description, but for
inferencegoing beyond the data in hand to conclusions about the population
or the process that created the datayou need to collect the data by using a
random sample (a survey) or by randomly assigning treatments to subjects (an
experiment). The promise of Chapter 4 was that if you used those methods to
produce a data set, you then could use your data to draw sound conclusions.
Randomized data production not only protects against bias and confounding but
also makes it possible to imagine repeating the data production process so you
can estimate how the summary statistic you compute from the data would vary
from sample to sample. To oversimplify, but only a little, a sampling distribution is
what you get by repeating the process of producing the data and computing the
summary statistic many times.
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1 de 16
A sampling distribution
answers the question
How does my summary
statistic behave when
I repeat the process
many times?
Random sample
Summary statistic
In the Westvaco analysis, you went through four steps in using simulation to
generate an approximate sampling distribution of the mean age of three workers:
1. Take a random sample of a fixed size n from a population.
2. Compute a summary statistic.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 many times.
4. Display the distribution of the summary statistics.
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2 de 16
Display 7.3
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In Activity 7.1a, you will use the 100 rectangles from Display 4.5 on page 233
to generate simulated sampling distributions of two summary statistics other than
the mean: the sample median and the sample maximum.
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4 de 16
Simulation isnt
necessary here.
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miles you would map. Then find the probability that you will have to map more
than 600 square miles.
There are 5C2, or 10, equally likely ways to select two national parks, as shown in
Display 7.5. The relative frequency histogram shows the sampling distribution
of the sum. The probability that you will have to map more than 600 square
miles is
Display 7.5
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Display 7.6
The population maximum is 93, but the mean of the sampling distribution is only
56. If you could repeat your process of estimating the population maximum by
using the maximum in the sample, on average your estimate would be too small.
In other words, the sample maximum is a biased estimator of the population
maximum. Thats not too surprising, because the maximum of a sample can
never be larger than the maximum of its population.
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Random sample
Summary statistic
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Shape, Center, and Spread
P1. Display 7.7 gives the number of moons for
each planet in our solar system. For a term
paper in your astronomy class, you will
be given three different planets selected at
random and be asked to write a 50-word
description of each of the planets moons.
Display 7.7
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E1. Random samples are taken from the
population of random digits 0 through 9,
with replacement.
a. Each histogram in Display 7.14 is a
simulated sampling distribution of the
sample mean. Match each sampling
distribution to the sample size used:
1, 2, 20, or 50.
b. Compare the means. How does the mean
of the sampling distribution depend on
the sample size?
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1 de 20
For a finite population,
the sampling distribution
of the sample mean is
the set of means from
all possible samples of a
specific size.
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2 de 20
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3 de 20
If you count all families with four or more children as having four children,
this highly skewed population has a mean of about 0.9 and a standard deviation of
about 1.1. [See Calculator Note 6A to review how to calculate the mean and standard
deviation of a probability distribution.]
Random sample
Suppose you are working for a video game company that wants to sample
families to study interests of children. What will the sampling distributions of the
mean number of children per family look like? These four steps review how to
construct a simulated sampling distribution of the mean for samples of size 4.
1. Take a random sample from a population.
In your model, there should be a 0.524 chance that a randomly selected family
will have no children, and so on. Use a table of random digits, as you did in
Section 5.2, or use a calculators random number generator to select a random
sample of four families from this distribution.
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4 de 20
Summary statistic
Display 7.25 Sampling distributions of the sample mean for samples of size 1, 4, 10, 20, and 40.
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The plots and summary table of these sampling distributions reveal some
interesting patterns:
Thee population started out with only five different values and a large skew
toward the larger numbers. The sampling distribution for samples of size
1 looks almost identical to the distribution of the population, as it should.
The sampling distribution for samples of size 4 is still somewhat skewed but
has more values. The sampling distribution for samples of size 10 is even
less skewed.The sampling distributions for samples of size 20 and 40 look
nearly normal. ( This progression toward normality will turn out to be very
The means of all five sampling distributions are equal, 0.9. This is the mean of
the population.
The standard errors of the five sampling distributions decrease from 1.1 for
samples of size 1 (which is the same as the population standard deviation) to
0.55 for samples of size 4, to 0.35 for samples of size 10, and so on. Just as you
would predict, the sample mean tends to be closer to the population mean
with larger samples than it is with smaller samples.
It is time to distill the information you have worked with into a set of rules
for describing the behavior of sampling distributions of the sample mean. The
symbols commonly used are organized in this table.
Common symbols
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All three properties are of great importance in statistics, and all three depend
says that the means of random
on random samples. First property,
samples are centered at the population mean. This might seem obvious, and it is
obvious for symmetric populations. But as you saw in Activity 7.2a, its also true
for skewed populations.
is the main reason for using the standard
The second property,
deviation to measure spreadyou can nd the standard error of the sample
mean without simulation . This result validates our intuitive feeling of why large
samples are better: The larger the sample, the closer its mean tends to be to the
population mean.
The third property, the Central Limit Theorem, deals with the shape of the
sampling distribution and will be central to your work in the rest of this course. It
helps you decide which outcomes are reasonably likely and which are not.
Shape, Center, and Spread of the Sampling Distribution of x
D4. Why is it the case that the sampling distribution of the mean for samples of
size 1 is identical to the population distribution?
D5. The scatterplot in Display 7.26 shows the standard error, SE, plotted
against the sample size, n, for the table in Display 7.25 on page 429. Find a
transformation that linearizes these points. Use the transformation and the
equation of the resulting least squares line to justify the rule SE =
D6. Justify the comment Large samples are better, because the sample mean
tends to be closer to the population mean.
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7 de 20
= 0.9,
Display 7.27 Sampling distribution of ,when
= 0.25, and n = 20. The shaded area shows the
probability that the sample mean is less than 1.5.
You can use a table or a calculator to fi nd that the area under a standard
normal curve to the left of 1.5 (a z-score of 2.4) is about 0.9918, which is the
probability that the sample mean will fall below 1.5. In a random sample of
20 families, it is almost certain that the average number of children per family
will be less than 1.5.
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small sample sizes. With a large enough sample, the sampling distribution is
approximately normal. The problem is that there is no hard-and-fast rule to
follow in knowing what sample size is large enough. You will learn some
guidelines in Section 9.3.
For now, if you are told that the population is approximately normally
distributed (or mound-shaped or bell-shaped), you can assume that all
sampling distributions of the mean are approximately normal too, no matter
what the sample size. If you are told that the sample size is very large, its
safe to assume that the sampling distribution of the mean is approximately
normal. If the population looks like the one in Display 7.25, you know the
sampling distribution is approximately normal for samples of size 40 or
larger, and a normal approximation wouldnt be too bad for samples of size
20 or larger.
4. Isnt the size of the population really important? Surely a random sample of
200 households would provide more information about a city of size 20,000
households than about a city with 2 million households.
Not really. As long as the sample was randomly selected and as long as the
population is much larger than the sample, it doesnt matter how large the
population is. Perhaps an extreme example will help. Suppose you want to
know the percentage of all Skittles that are yellow. You start sampling Skittles.
After checking 100,000 pieces, you find that about 20% are yellow. With such
a large random sample, you should have a lot of faith that this estimate is
close to the real population percentage. You shouldnt have less faith in this
estimate if you know that 100 million Skittles have been produced than if you
know 10 million pieces have been produced.
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children in a random sample of 20 families in the United States? You have the
choice of two equivalent ways of doing this problem.
Method I: Find the equivalent average number of children, x, by dividing the
total number of children, 30, by the sample size, 20:
Then you can use the same formulas and procedure as in the previous
Method II: Convert the formulas from the previous examples into equivalent
formulas for the sum, and then proceed as described here.
The sum (or total) of a sample is equal to the sample size times the sample
You can get the mean and the standard error of the sampling distribution
of the sum from those of the sampling distribution of the mean simply by
multiplying by n.
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The sampling distribution of the sum is approximately normal because it has the
same shape as the sampling distribution of the mean. It has mean sum = n =
20(0.9), or 18, and standard error
, or approximately
5. The z-score for a total of 30 children is
Using a calculator or Table A on page 824, the probability that z is less than 2.40 is
about 0.9918.
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The mean of the sampling distribution equals the mean of the population, or
and this fact does not depend on the shape of the population or on
the sample size.
The standard error of the sampling distribution equals the population
standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size, or
and this fact does not depend on the shape of the population
or on the sample size as long as you sample with replacement or your sample
size is no more than 10% of the size of the population.
If the population is normally distributed, the sampling distribution is
normally distributed for all sample sizes n. If the population is not normally
distributed, then as the sample size increases, the sampling distribution will
become more normal. This is called the Central Limit Theorem.
If the population is at least ten times the size of the sample, whether you
sample with or without replacement is of little consequence.
The population size does not have much effect on the analysis unless the
sample size is greater than 10% of the population size.
If you have a situation involving the sum or total in a sample, you can find a
sample mean by dividing the total by n. Alternatively, the sampling distribution of
the sample sum has mean
What rule can you use to decide whether the shape of your sampling
distribution is approximately normal? Unfortunately, there isnt onethe required
size of n depends on how close the population itself is to normal and how accurate
you want your approximations to be. You will see more on this topic later.
Shape, Center,_ and Spread of the Sampling
Distribution of x
P7. The distribution of the population of the
number of motor vehicles per household
and sampling distributions of the mean
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E15. Consider the skewed population shown in
Display 7.30. Display 7.31 shows the three
simulated sampling distributions of the
sample mean for samples of size 2, 4, and 25.
Display 7.30
A skewed population.
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Display 7.34 Frequency distribution of the number
of automobile accidents per day.
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a. Does multiplying by
increase or
decrease the SE? Why is that a sensible
thing to do?
In the rest of this exercise, you will see how
to use this formula.
You are allowed to drop your two lowest
grades on the six tests in your statistics
class. There will be no make-up tests. If you
showed up for all six tests, your scores would
have been 55, 65, 75, 80, 90, 95.
b. What are the mean, , and standard
deviation, , of this population of test
c. Suppose you pick two test days at random
to miss class. You get a 0 on these two
tests, and these two 0s will be the grades
you drop. Construct the exact sampling
distribution of your mean test score for
the remaining four tests.
d. Verify that the mean of the sampling
distribution is equal to the mean of the
population of test scores, that is,
e. The basic formula for the standard
deviation of a population is
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For example, suppose your sample of automobile drivers contains 26 who use seat
belts. Then n = 40, p = 0.60, and = = 0.65.
In Activity 7.3a, you will construct a simulated sampling distribution of the
proportion of drivers wearing seat belts in samples of size 10, 20, and 40.
Buckle Up!
What youll need: a table of random digits
1. Describe how to use a table of random digits to select a random sample of
size 10 from a population with 60% successes.
2. Use your method to select a random sample of size 10. Count the number
of successes, and compute the sample proportion, .
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3. Repeat step 2 until your class has 100 samples of size 10.
4. Plot your 100 sample proportions on a dot plot.
5. Calculate the mean and standard error of your simulated sampling
distribution of the sample proportion.
6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for samples of size 20 and size 40.
[See Calculator Note 7B to learn how to use a calculator to sample for this activity.]
Display 7.40 shows the exact sampling distributions for samples of size 10, 20,
and 40 drawn from a population with 60% successes. They should be similar in
shape, center, and spread to your dot plots from Activity 7.3a.
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Finding the formulas for the mean, , and the standard error, , of the
sampling distribution of the sample proportion is simple: Just as you divide by n
to convert the number of successes to the proportion of successes, you divide by
n to convert the formulas for the mean, , and standard error, , of the number
of successes to the equivalent formulas for the proportion of successes:
These formulas tell you two facts about the sampling distribution of :
The mean does not change depending on the sample size. No matter how
large the sample size, the mean stays at p.
The spread decreases as the sample size increases.
The properties of the sampling distribution of sample proportions are
summarized in this box, followed by an example showing how to use them.
Properties of the Sampling Distribution of the Sample Proportion
If a random sample of size n is selected from a population with proportion of
successes p, then the sampling distribution of p has these properties:
The mean of the sampling distribution is equal to the mean of the
population, or
The standard error of the sampling distribution is equal to the standard
deviation of the population divided by the square root of the sample size:
As the sample size gets larger, the shape of the sampling distribution
becomes more normal and will be approximately normal if n is large
As a guideline, if both np and n(1 p) are at least 10, then using the normal
distribution as an approximation of the shape of the sampling distribution will
give reasonably accurate results.
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Both np = 60(0.2) = 12 and n(1 p) = 60(0.8) = 48 are at least 10, so the
sampling distribution is approximately normal.
The mean, p, is 0.2. The SE is
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of a probability
where pi is the probability that the random variable takes on the specific
value xi. The standard deviation is the square root of the variance.
has a sampling
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The proportion below this value of z is 0.9735. It follows that the probability
of getting 75% or more Mississippians who wear seat belts in a sample of size
40 is only 1 0.9735, or 0.0265.
b. The sample proportion, 0.25, is about 4.5 standard deviations below the mean
of the sampling distribution, so such a result would be unusual indeed!
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Display 7.44 Exact sampling distributions of
samples of size 10, 20, 40, and 100
when p = 0.10.
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How does this mean
compare to the proportion of successes,
, in the sample? Why is that the case?
b. Find the mean of this population (Display
7.47) using the formula
Compute the mean using the formula in
the box on page 450. How do the means
c. Describe what you have learned in this
exercise about the similarities of a sample
proportion and a sample mean.
E46. Refer to E45, where a population with 60%
successes is thought of as a population with
60% 1s and 40% 0s.
a. Compute the standard error of the
population in Display 7.47 using the
b. Compute the standard error of the
population in Display 7.47 using the
formula in the box on page 450. How
does this compare with the standard error
you computed in part a?
Chapter Summary
In this chapter, you have learned to create a sampling distribution of a summary
statistic. To create an approximate sampling distribution using simulation, you
first define a process for taking a random sample from the given population.
You then take this random sample and compute the summary statistic you
are interested in. Finally, you generate a distribution of values of the summary
statistic by repeating the process. For some simple situations, you can list all
possible samples and get the exact distribution of the summary statistic.
Some summary statistics have easily predictable sampling distributions.
If a random sample of size n is taken from a population with mean and
variance 2 , the sampling distribution of the sample mean, , has mean and
standard error
The sampling distribution of the sum of the values in the sample has mean
and standard error
These formulas are summarized in Display 7.48.
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Review Exercises
E47. China Daily, an English-language newspaper
published in the Peoples Republic of China,
reported the Air Pollution Index (API) for
32 major Chinese cities (Display 7.49).
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Its mean gets closer to the population
mean, its standard deviation gets
none of the above
closer to the population standard
AP2. With random sampling, which of the
deviation, and its shape gets closer to
following is the best reason not to use the
the populations shape.
sample maximum as an estimator for the
Its mean gets closer to the population
population maximum?
mean, its standard deviation gets smaller,
The sample maximum has too much
and its shape gets closer to normal.
Its mean stays constant, its standard
The sample maximum is biased.
deviation gets closer to the population
The sample maximum is difficult to
standard deviation, and its shape gets
closer to the populations shape.
The sample range is an unbiased
Its mean stays constant, its standard
deviation gets smaller, and its shape gets
closer to normal.
The sample maximum does not have
None of the above
a normally distributed sampling
AP5. The scores on a standardized test are
AP3. In computing the sample standard
normally distributed with mean 500 and
deviation, the formula calls for a division
standard deviation 110. In a randomly
by n 1. Which of the following is the best
selected group of 100 test-takers, what is
reason for dividing by n 1 instead of n?
the probability that the mean test score is
above 510?
For averages, always divide by n, and for
less than 0.0001
standard deviations, always divide by
n 1.
You use only n 1 data values when
computing standard deviations.
Dividing by n 1 gives less variation
in the sampling distribution of the
teacher claims to be able to
population standard deviation.
guess, with better than 25% accuracy, which
Dividing by n 1 makes the sample
of four symbols (circle, wavy lines, square,
variance an unbiased estimator of the
or star) is printed on a card. To test this
population variance in random sampling.
claim, she guesses the symbol on 40 cards.
The sampling distribution of the sample
If you use the normal approximation to the
standard deviation is closer to normal
binomial to compute the probability that
when dividing by n 1.
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Investigative Tasks
AP9. On an average day in 2004, about 246,000
vehicles traveled east on the Santa Monica
freeway in Los Angeles to the interchange
with the San Diego freeway. Assume that a
randomly selected vehicle is equally likely
to go straight through the interchange, go
south on the San Diego freeway, or go north
on the San Diego freeway. [Source: Caltrans,]
AP Sample Test
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Open the daily newspaper, a newsmagazine, or your own favorite magazine and
you are likely to see the results of a public opinion poll. For example, a recent
national survey found that 55% of singles ages 1829 say that they arent in a
committed relationship and are not actively looking for a romantic partner. This
survey had a margin of error of 3%. [Source: Pew Research Center, February 13, 2006,
Not Looking for Love: Romance in America,]
In this chapter, you will learn the two basic techniques of statistical inference:
confidence intervals and significance testing. If you are familiar with polls, you
have seen the idea of confidence interval. The surveys result, 55% 3%, is
equivalent to a confidence interval of 52% to 58%, an interval of plausible values
for the true percentage. In your work in Chapter 1 on the Westvaco case, you used
the idea behind significance testing when you saw that if you randomly selected
three of the ten hourly workers to be laid off, you would be unlikely to get a
group with an average age as large as the average age of those actually laid off
by Westvaco.
The ideas on confidence intervals and significance testing developed here
are fundamental to work in statistical inference. They will form the basis of the
inferential procedures in the chapters to follow.
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You can quantify how
confident you are in a
result from a sample.
In Section 7.3, you learned how much variability to expect in the proportions
of successes from repeated random samples taken from a given binomial
population. About 95% of all sample proportions will fall within about two
standard errors of the population proportion p, that is, within the interval
where n is the sample size. The sample proportions in this interval are called
reasonably likely. (Recall that this rule works well only under the condition that
both np and n(1 p) are at least 10.)
Reasonably Likely Events and Rare Events
Reasonably likely events are those in the middle 95% of the distribution of
all possible outcomes. The outcomes in the upper 2.5% and lower 2.5% of the
distribution are rare eventsthey happen, but rarely.
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Here the probability of a success p on each trial is 0.5, and you have 100 trials
a sample size of 100. From the previous formula, 95% of all sample proportions
should fall in the interval
or about 0.5 0.1. So the reasonably likely values of are in the interval from
0.4 to 0.6. Values of outside this interval can happen, but they happen rarely.
Equivalently, in about 95% of the samples, the number of successes x in the
sample will be in the interval
or about 50
10 successes.
Even though the Pew Research Center doesnt know the value of p, the actual
proportion of young singles who arent in a committed relationship and are
not actively looking for a romantic partner, it can use the idea in the preceding
example. For each possible value of p, Pew can compute how close to p most
sample proportions will be. By knowing the variability expected in random
samples taken from populations with different values of p, Pew can estimate how
close should be to the truth.
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b. Continue taking samples of size 40 until your class has the number of
successes from 100 samples.
c. Plot your 100 values on a dot plot or a histogram.
d. From your plot in part c, what numbers of successes are reasonably likely?
e. Is your answer in part d close to what the theory predicts?
In Activity 8.1a, you will collect data about the proportion of students who can
make the Vulcan salute. Later in this section, you will learn to find a confidence
interval for the percentage of all students who can make the Vulcan salute.
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The line segments you drew on your copy of Display 8.1 in Activity 8.1b show
reasonably likely sample proportions when taking random samples of size 40
from a population with a given proportion of successes p.
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No, its not plausible that 50% of all adults can make the Vulcan salute, because
30 out of 40 (or = 0.75) isnt a reasonably likely sample proportion for a
random sample taken from a population with 50% successes. You can see this
from your chart or from Display 8.2 by going to the horizontal line segment next
to the population proportion 0.5. This line segment goes from about 0.35 to 0.65,
and that interval does not include a sample proportion, , of 0.75. Of course, it
is possible that the true percentage is 50% and that the adults were an unusual
sample, but its not very plausible.
Is it plausible that 80% is the actual percentage of all adults who can make
the salute? The horizontal line segment for a population percentage of 80% goes
from 0.65 to 0.95, and that interval does include the sample proportion, , of 0.75.
If the true percentage is 80%, you are reasonably likely to get 30 adults who can
salute Vulcan-style from a random sample of 40 adults.
To find the plausible percentages from your chart, draw a vertical line upward
from = 0.75, as in Display 8.2. The line segments it crosses represent the
plausible population percentages: 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, and 85%. In all
these populations, a sample proportion, , of 0.75 would be a reasonably likely
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The population
proportion p is
the unknown
D4. According to the 2000 U.S. Census, about 30% of people over age 85 are
men. In a random sample of 40 people over age 85, would you be reasonably
likely to get 60% who are men? [Source:]
D5. Suppose that in a random sample of
40 toddlers, 34 know what color Elmo
is. What is the 95% confidence interval
for the percentage of toddlers who know
what color Elmo is?
D6. Polls usually report a margin of error.
Suppose a poll of 40 randomly selected
statistics majors finds that 20 are female.
The poll reports that 50% of statistics
majors are female, with a margin of
error of 15%. Use your completed
chart to explain where the figure 15%
came from.
D7. Why do we say we want a confidence interval for p rather than saying we
want a confidence interval for ?
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How can you find this confidence interval without the chart? The key is
to notice that the two bold line segments in Display 8.4 intersect at the point
(0.6, 0.6) and are approximately the same length. (They are approximately the
same length because the two sets of endpoints of the horizontal line segments
almost lie on two parallel lines with slope 1.)
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The bold horizontal line segment represents the reasonably likely sample
proportions, or the middle 95% of all sample proportions, from a population with
p = 0.6. You know how to find its endpoints:
The bold vertical line segment is the confidence interval, and it has the same
endpointsnamely, 0.6 0.15, or 0.45 and 0.75. So, to get the (vertical) confidence
interval, all you have to do is find the endpoints of the horizontal line segment by
substituting the known value of for the unknown value of p in the formula.
z* is called the
critical value.
Here n is the sample size and is the proportion of successes in the sample.
The value of z* depends on how confident you want to be that p will be in the
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confidence interval. If you want a 95% confidence interval, use z* = 1.96; for
a 90% confidence interval, use z* = 1.645; for a 99% confidence interval, use
z* = 2.576. Table A on page 824 or your calculator will give you the value of
z* for other confidence levels. [See Calculator Note 8B.]
This confidence interval is reasonably accurate when three conditions
are met:
The sample was a simple random sample from a binomial population.
Both n and n(1 ) are at least 10.
The size of the population is at least 10 times the size of the sample.
The first two conditions listed in the box are necessary for you to be able to
use the normal distribution (and z-scores) as an approximation to the binomial
distribution. If the third condition isnt met, your confidence interval will be
longer than it needs to be.
Margin of Error
The quantity
is called the margin of error. It is half the width of the confidence interval.
You will check the three conditions in D10.
For a 90% confidence interval, use z* = 1.645. The confidence interval for
the proportion p of all buses that have a safety violation based on a sample
proportion, , of or 0.6 can be written
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Conclusion in context.
You are 90% confident that the percentage of all of this citys buses that have
a safety violation is between 47% and 73%. The margin of error for this survey is
0.13, or 13%.
You can also use a calculator to calculate confidence intervals. [See Calculator
Note 8C.] Shown here are the values for the previous example.
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4. Each member of your class should draw his or her confidence interval as a
vertical line segment on a copy of Display 8.5.
5. What is the true proportion of all random digits that are even?
6. What percentage of the confidence intervals captured the true proportion?
Is this what you expected? Explain.
Student: In the activity, about 95% of the 95% confidence intervals captured
the true population proportion of 0.5. That was no surprise.
But I dont see why that happened. Just calling something a
95% confidence interval doesnt make it one.
Statistician: Youre right. This isnt obvious. For me to explain the logic to you,
youll have to answer some questions as we go along.
Student: Okay.
Statistician: Go back and ask those of your classmates who had confidence
intervals that captured the true proportion of even digits
(p = 0.5) what values of they got. Well talk again tomorrow.
Student: (The next day) They had values of
Statistician: Right again. Now look at Display 8.6. What do you notice about
these values of ?
Student: They all lie on the horizontal line segment for p = 0.5.
Statistician: Yes, the values of that give a confidence interval that captures
p = 0.5 are the reasonably likely outcomes for p = 0.5. What is
the chance of getting one of these good values of ?
Student: 95%!
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It is correct to say that you expect the true value of p to be in 95 out of every
100 of the 95% confidence intervals you construct. However, it is not correct to
say, after you have found a confidence interval, that there is a 95% probability that
p is in that confidence interval. Here is an example that shows why. If you pick
a date in the next millennium at random, it is reasonable to say that there is a
chance you will pick a Tuesday. However, suppose the date you pick turns out
to be March 3, 3875. It sounds a bit silly to say that there is a chance that
March 3, 3875, is a Tuesday. Once the date is selected, there is no randomness
left. Either March 3, 3875, is a Tuesday or it isnt. All you can say is that the
process you have used to select a date gives you a Tuesday of the time. (This
example is credited to Wes White, an AP Statistics teacher in Los Angeles.)
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The 95% confidence interval is (0.6102, 0.7898), and the margin of error is
approximately 0.0898.
b. If you quadruple your sample size to 400, your 95% confidence interval
would be
The 95% confidence interval is (0.6551, 0.7449), and the margin of error is
approximately 0.0449, or half what it was before.
People who conduct surveys often ask statisticians, What sample size should
I use? The simple answer is that the larger the sample size, n, the more precise
the results will be. When everything else is held constant, the margin of error is
smaller with a larger sample size than with a smaller one. However, researchers
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always have limited time and money, so for practical reasons they have to limit
the size of their samples. For a con dence interval, the margin of error, E, is
To use this formula, you have to know the margin of error, E, that is
acceptable. You have to decide on a level of con dence so you know what value
of z* to use, and you have to have an estimate of p. If you have a good estimate
of p, use it in this formula. If you do not have a good estimate of p, use p = 0.5.
Using this value for p might give you a sample size that is a bit too large, but it
will never give one that is too small. (This is because the largest possible value of
p(1 p) occurs when p = 0.5. See E21.)
Because you must have a sample size of at least 1067.111, round up to 1068. To get
a margin of error around 3% is one reason why national polling organizations use
sample sizes of around 1000.
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Reasonably Likely Events
P1. Suppose 40% of students in your graduating
class plan to go on to higher education.
You survey a random sample of 50 of
your classmates and compute the sample
proportion of students who plan to go on
to higher education.
a. There is a 95% chance that will be
between what two numbers?
b. Is it reasonably likely to find that
25 students in your sample plan to go
on to higher education?
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E1. Review the use of the chart in Display 8.2 on
page 472 by answering these questions.
a. The proportion of successes in a random
sample of size 40 is 0.90. Is this sample
proportion reasonably likely if the
population has 75% successes?
b. In the multicandidate 2000 presidential
election, Al Gore received 48% of the
votes cast, winning the popular vote
but losing in the electoral college. In
a random sample of 40 voters in this
election, what is the largest proportion of
people who voted for Vice President Gore
that is reasonably likely? The smallest
c. Suppose a poll of a random sample of
40 shoppers finds that 16 prefer open-air
malls to enclosed malls. What is the 95%
confidence interval for the percentage of
all shoppers who prefer open-air malls?
E2. Review the use of the chart in Display 8.2 by
answering these questions.
a. The proportion of successes in a random
sample is 0.30. Is this sample proportion
reasonably likely in a sample of size 40 if
the population proportion is 0.40?
b. According to the U.S. Census Bureau,
about 16% of the residents of the country
do not have health insurance. In a
random sample of 40 residents, what
is the largest proportion of uninsured
people that is reasonably likely?
c. Suppose a random sample of 40 trees, in
a forest of thousands of trees, shows that
28 are infected by a certain beetle. What
is the 95% confidence interval for the
percentage of infected trees in the forest?
E3. A bilge alarm warns a boat captain when
water begins rising in the bottommost part
of the boat (the bilge). A working bilge
alarm is considered crucial in preventing
the flooding of fishing boats. Only 15% of
40 boats sampled from the ocean-fishing
fleet in the United Kingdom had bilge alarms
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Testing a Proportion
People often make decisions from data by comparing the results from a
sample to some predetermined standard. These kinds of decisions are called
tests of significance because the goal is to test the significance of the difference
between the sample and the standard. If the difference is small, there is no reason
to conclude that the standard doesnt hold. When the difference is large enough
that it cant reasonably be attributed to chance, you can conclude that the standard
no longer holds. In other words, the difference between the sample data and the
standard is stastically significant.
Here is an example of this type of reasoning. About 2% of barn swallows have
white feathers in places where the plumage is normally blue or red. The white
feathers are caused by genetic mutations. In 1986, the Russian nuclear reactor
at Chernobyl leaked radioactivity. Researchers continue to be concerned that
the radiation might have caused mutations in the genes of humans and animals
that have been passed on to offspring. In a sample of 266 barn swallows captured
around Chernobyl between 1991 and 2000, about 16% had white feathers in
places where the plumage is normally blue or red. Researchers compared the
proportion, , of 0.16 in the sample of captured barn swallows to the standard,
0.02. If the overall percentage was still only 2%, it is not reasonably likely that they
would get 16% in the sample. So they came to the conclusion that there was an
increased probability of genetic mutations in the Chernobyl area. [Source: A. P. Moller
and T. A. Mousseau. Albinism and Phenotype of Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) from Chernobyl,
Evolution 55 (2001): 20972104.]
In Activity 8.2a, you will record the results of 40 flips of a penny and 40 spins
of a penny. You will use the data later to perform tests of significance.
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Variation in sampling
means that different
samples usually give
different results.
Of course, Jenny and Maya shouldnt expect to get exactly 20 heads (50% of 40)
even if heads and tails are equally likely. There is variation in samplingyou dont
get exactly the same result each time you take a random sample from a population.
Jenny and Maya construct the sampling distribution in Display 8.8, which shows
the probabilities of getting different values of when n = 40 and p = 0.5.
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Jenny and Mayas sample proportion, , of or 0.425 lies near the middle of
this distribution. This means that if the percentage of heads actually is 50% when
a penny is spun, getting 17 heads out of 40 spins is reasonably likely. So Jenny and
Maya have no evidence to argue against the standard that a penny lands heads
50% of the time when spun.
A sample proportion is said to be statistically significant if it isnt a
reasonably likely outcome when the proposed standard is true. (The statement
that the proposed standard is true is called the null hypothesis, indicated by
the symbol by H0 .) Jenny and Mayas result of 17 heads out of 40 spins wasnt
statistically significant. Their value of , 0.425, is a reasonably likely outcome if
spinning a penny is fair.
As shown in Display 8.8, if 0.5 is the true proportion of heads when a penny is
spun, it would be a rare event to get only 10 heads in a sample of 40 spins. Miguel
and Kevin have a statistically significant result. This leads them to conclude that
0.5 probably is not the true proportion of heads when a penny is spun.
Another way of seeing this is to note that p = 0.5 isnt included in the 95%
confidence interval for the true proportion of heads when a penny is spun. Look
at the vertical line at = 0.25 in Display 8.9. It doesnt intersect the horizontal
line that represents the population with = 0.5. That is, the sample proportion
= 0.25 is far enough from the standard of 0.5 to reject 0.5 as a plausible value
for the proportion of times heads appear when a penny is spun.
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p: the population
: the sample proportion
When you spin a penny, there are three different proportions to keep straight:
The true proportion of heads, p, when a penny is spun. No one knows this
value for sure. You might suspect from your own results that p does not
equal 0.5.
The proportion of heads, , in your sample of 40 spins. Jenny and Mayas
sample proportion was = or 0.425. Miguel and Kevins sample
proportion was = , or 0.25.
The proportion of heads that you hypothesize is the true proportion of heads
when a coin is spun. The symbol used for this standard value is p0. You have
been testing the standard that spinning a penny is fair, so you have been using
p0 = 0.5.
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Having a sample proportion that is 3.16 standard errors below the hypothesized
mean p0 , of 0.5, would definitely be a rare event if it is true that half of spun pennies
land heads. The value of is outside the reasonably likely outcomes for p = 0.5,
so Miguel and Kevin reject the null hypothesis that spinning a penny is fair. The
z-score that Miguel and Kevin computed is an example of a test statistic.
The Test Statistic for Testing a Proportion
To determine if is reasonably likely or a rare event for a given standard p0 , you
need to check the value of the test statistic
A z-score in
This tells you how many standard errors the sample proportion
standard, p0 .
Instead of simply reporting whether a result is statistically significant, it is
common practice also to report a P-value.
The P-value for a test is the probability of seeing a result from a random
sample that is as extreme as or more extreme than the result you got from your
random sample if the null hypothesis is true.
In Chapter 1 you found the equivalent of a P-value by simulation when
examining the chance that the mean age of three randomly selected laid-off
workers would exceed a given value. Now, you will learn a way to find such values
by theory rather than by simulation.
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The P-value 0.01 means that if the chimps were selecting a rake at random,
which gives them a 5050 chance of selecting the one that rakes in the food, the
probability is only 0.01 that the chimps would rake in the food as often as or more
often than they did. The researchers therefore can conclude that the chimps were
able to deliberately choose the rake that got them the food.
Assume for now that the null hypothesis is true: Spinning a penny gives you
heads 50% of the time. The probability of getting a value of z less than 0.95 can
be found in Table A on page 824 or from a calculator. This value is approximately
0.171, as shown in Display 8.11.
However, Jenny and Maya notice that getting 23 or more heads is just as
extreme as getting 17 heads or fewer. Now the sketch looks like Display 8.12.
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The probability of getting a result as far out in the tails of the distribution as they
did is 2(0.171), or 0.342. This is their P-value. If the probability of getting heads
is 0.5, there is a 34.2% chance of getting 17 heads or fewer or getting 23 heads
or more in 40 spins. Because this P-value is relatively large, Jenny and Maya
dont have statistically significant evidence to conclude that spinning a penny is
anything other than fair.
A large value of z
indicates that is far
from .
In summary, the test statistic, z, is computed using the hypothesized value, p0,
as the mean. A small P-value tells you that the sample proportion you observed is
quite far away from p0 . Your data arent behaving in a manner consistent with the
null hypothesis. A large P-value tells you that the sample proportion you observed
is near p0 , so your result isnt statistically significant. So, the P-value weighs the
evidence found from the data: A small P-value places the weight against the null
hypothesis, and a large P-value weighs in as consistent with the null hypothesis.
D26. Why is the phrase if the null hypothesis is true necessary in the
interpretation of a P-value?
D27. Does the P-value give the probability that the null hypothesis is true?
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Because z = 1.87 is more extreme than z* = 1.645, reject the null hypothesis.
The sample proportion, , is farther from p0 than would be reasonably likely if p0
were the true population proportion.
The box summarizes the use of critical values.
Using Critical Values and the Level of Significance
If the value of the test statistic z is more extreme than the critical values, z*,
you have chosen (or, equivalently, the P-value is less than ), you have evidence
against the null hypothesis. Reject the null hypothesis and say that the result is
statistically significant.
On the other hand, if z is less extreme than the critical values (or,
equivalently, the P-value is greater than ), you do not have evidence against
the null hypothesis and so you cannot reject it.
If a level of significance isnt specified, it is usually safe to assume that
= 0.05 and z* = 1.96.
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3. Compute the test statistic, z, and find the critical values, z*, and the
P-value. Include a sketch that illustrates the situation.
The test statistic is
1. Apparently, Jenny and Maya spun the pennies carefully and independently,
so we can consider the number of heads they got to be a binomial random
variable. Both np0 and n(1 p0) are at least 10, because np0 = 40(0.5), or
20, and n(1 p0) = 40(0.5), or 20. The population of all possible spins is
infinitely large, so it definitely is at least 10 times their sample size of 40. The
conditions for doing a significance test for a proportion are met.
2. H0: The proportion of heads when a penny is spun is equal to 0.5.
Ha: The proportion of heads when a penny is spun is not equal to 0.5.
Or you could write
H0: p = 0.5, where p is the proportion of heads when a penny is spun
Ha: p 0.5
3. As you saw in the example on page 495, the test statistic is
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The critical values are 1.96 and the P-value is 0.342. A sketch illustrating the
situation is shown in Display 8.14.
4. Because z = 0.95 is less extreme than the critical value, 1.96, this isnt a
statistically significant result. Equivalently, because the P-value, 0.342, is larger
than = 0.05, this isnt a statistically significant result.
If spinning a penny results in heads 50% of the time, you are reasonably
likely to get only 17 heads out of 40 flips. Thus, Jenny and Maya cannot
reject the null hypothesis that spinning a penny is a fair process. (You should
never say that you accept the null hypothesis, because if you constructed
a confidence interval for p, all the other values in itnot just 0.5are also
plausible values of p.)
You will more easily remember the structure of a test of significance if you
keep in mind what you should do before you look at the data from the sample.
Check the conditions for the test. Checking the conditions to be met for a
significance test for a proportion requires only knowledge of how the sample
was collected, the sample size, and the value of the hypothesized standard,
p0. (For some tests, as you will learn later, you will have to peek at the data in
order to check conditions.)
Write your hypotheses. The hypotheses should be based on the research
question to be investigated, not on the data. Ideally, the investigator sets the
hypotheses before the data are collected. This means that the value of should
not appear in your hypotheses.
Decide on the level of significance. The level of significance, , and the
corresponding critical values, z*, are set by the investigator before the data
are collected. Some fields have set standards for the level of significance,
typically = 0.05.
Sketch the standard normal distribution. Mark the critical values, z*. You
can place the value of the test statistic, z, on this distribution after you look
at the data.
You will use the data (number of successes and value of ) only to compute
the test statistic and to write your conclusion.
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Types of Errors
The reasoning of significance tests often is compared to that of a jury trial. The
possibilities in such a trial are given in this diagram.
In the same way, there are two types of errors in significance testing.
Miguel and Kevin got a test statistic with a large absolute value and so
concluded that spinning a penny is not fair. However, Jenny and Maya got a test
statistic with a value that was close to 0, so the result from their sample was quite
consistent with the idea that spinning a penny is fair. Who is right? Thousands of
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z-score of 2.25.
Ann knows that she does not have ESP and, in fact, didnt even try to discern
what the card was, instead selecting her choices rapidly and at random. In other
words, the null hypothesis is true that, in the long run, she will guess the correct
card 20% of the time. A Type I error has been made. Out of every 100 people who
take such a test, we expect that two of them will get 29 or more cards right (or 11
or fewer cards right). Ann was one of the lucky two. When she tried the ESP test
again, she correctly identified only 17 cards.
If H0 is true, the
probability of a Type I
error is a.
Suppose the null hypothesis is true. What is the chance that you will reject
it, making a Type I error? The only way you can make a Type I error is to get a
rare event from your sample. For example, if you are using a significance level of
0.05, you would make a Type I error if you get a value of the test statistic larger
than 1.96 or smaller than 1.96. This happens only 5% of the time no matter
what the sample size. Thus, if the null hypothesis is true, the probability of a
Type I error is 0.05. If you used z* = 2.576, the critical values for a significance
level of 0.01, then the probability of making a Type I error would be only 0.01. If
the null hypothesis is true, the probability of a Type I error is equal to the level of
significance. To lower the chance of a Type I error, then, your best strategy is to
have a low level of significance or, equivalently, large critical values.
Types of Errors
D34. Suppose you use critical values of 2 and the null hypothesis is actually
true. What is the probability that you will get a sample that results in
rejecting the null hypothesis? Explain. What type of error is this?
D35. To avoid Type I errors, why not always use a very large critical value?
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Power of a Test
The probability of
a Type II error is
denoted .
The power of a test is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis. When the
null hypothesis is false,
power = 1 probability of a Type II error
It follows that if the probability of a Type II error is small, then the power of the
test is large.
Because z = 2.12 is more extreme than the critical value, 1.96, Jenny and
Maya now can come to the correct conclusion that the proportion of heads when
a penny is spun is not 0.5.
The reason why the larger sample size gave a statistically significant result and
the smaller sample size did not is illustrated in the diagrams that follow. Display
8.16 shows that a sample proportion, , of 0.425 is reasonably likely for a fair
coin spun 40 times. With 40 spins, Jenny and Maya have no evidence to reject the
hypothesis that spinning is fair.
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As the previous example shows, if the null hypothesis is false and should be
rejected, a larger sample size increases the probability that you will be able to
reject it. However, if the null hypothesis is true, increasing the sample size has no
effect on the probability of making a Type I error. The only way you can decrease
the probability of making a Type I error is to make the level of significance,
, smaller. As youll see in the next example, however, if the null hypothesis is
actually false, this strategy results in a higher probability of a Type II error and
lower power!
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1. The sample was a simple random sample of adults in the United States.
Both np0 = 1027(0.5) = 513.5 and n(1 p0) = 1027(0.5) = 513.5 are at
least 10. The population of all adults in the United States is much larger than
10(1027) = 10,270.
2. The claim (the alternative hypothesis) is that most adults believe this. This is
the same as more than 50%. Let p represent the proportion of adults in the
United States who believe that a successful life depends on having good friends.
The null hypothesis is that the percentage who believe this is 50% (or less):
H0: p = 0.5
The alternative
hypothesis for a
one-sided test is
different from that
for a two-sided test.
The test statistic for
a one-sided test is
the same as it is for
a two-sided test.
The border-line equality, p = 0.5, can be used for the null hypothesis because
rejection of this value in favor of some value larger than 0.5 would certainly
imply that any smaller value of p would be rejected as well.
The alternative hypothesis is that this percentage is more than 50%:
Ha: p > 0.5
3. The test statistic is
4. The P-value (found in the upper tail) is fairly small. If the percentage of all
adults who believe a successful life depends on having good friends is 50%,
then the probability of getting a sample proportion of 53% or more is only
0.0274. Because getting a sample proportion, , of 0.53 or more is so unlikely
if the null hypothesis is true, reject the null hypothesis. This is quite strong
evidence that the true percentage must be greater than 50%. The editors
should feel free to use their headline.
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If you reject the null hypothesis, you are saying that the difference between
and p0 is so large that you cant reasonably attribute it to chance variation. If
you dont reject the null hypothesis, you are saying that the difference between
and p0 is small enough so that it looks like the kind of variation you would
expect from a binomial situation in which the proportion of successes is p0.
Always write your conclusion in the context of the situation. Do not simply
write Reject the null hypothesis or Do not reject the null hypothesis.
Explain what your conclusion means in terms of the context of the problem.
You should never write Accept the null hypothesis. The reason is that the
sample can tell you only whether the null hypothesis is reasonable. If you get a
very small P-value, then it isnt reasonable to assume that the null hypothesis
is true and you should reject it. However, if you get a large P-value, then the
null hypothesis is plausible but still might not give the exact value of p.
Finally, just because a result is statistically significant doesnt mean the
difference has any practical significance in the real world. In other words, the
difference might exist, but it might be so small as to have no impact.
Informal Significance Testing
P20. A 1997 article reported that two-thirds of
teens in grades 712 want to study more
about medical research. You wonder if this
proportion still holds today and decide to
test it. You take a random sample of 40 teens
and find that only 23 want to study more
about medical research. [Source: CNN Interactive
Story Page, April 22, 1997,]
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P25 Find the P-value for Miguel and Kevins test
statistic, 3.16, from pages 493494. Write a
sentence explaining what this P-value means
in the context of their situation.
P26. Suppose you re-create the chimpanzee
experiment in the example on page 494
with an apparatus that tests whether cats can
select the rake that results in the food. You
test 50 randomly chosen cats and find that
28 select the rake that pulls in the food. Find
the P-value for this test and interpret it.
P27. According to the U.S. Census Bureau,
about 69% of houses across the country
are occupied by their owners. Your class
randomly samples 50 houses in your
community and finds that 30 houses are
occupied by the owners. Follow these steps
to determine whether your community
differs from the nation as a whole as to
the percentage of houses that are owneroccupied.
a. State the null hypothesis to be tested.
What is the alternative hypothesis?
b. Find the value of the test statistic.
c. Find the P-value for this test and explain
what it means.
d. Write a conclusion, based on your
analysis, in the context of the problem.
P28. Which of statements AE is the best
explanation of what is meant by the P-value
of a test of significance?
A. Assuming that you had a random
sample and the other conditions for a
significance test are met, the P-value is
the probability that H0 is true.
B. Assuming that H0 is true, the P-value is
the probability of observing a value of a
test statistic at least as far out in the tails
of the sampling distribution as is the
value of z from your sample.
C. The P-value is the probability that H0
is false.
D. Assuming that the sampling distribution
is normal, the P-value is the probability
that H0 is true.
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E25. A random sample of dogs was checked to see
how many wore a collar. The 95% confidence
interval for the percentage of all dogs that
wear a collar turned out to be from 0.82 to
0.96. Which of these is not a true statement?
A. You can reject the hypothesis that 75% of
all dogs wear a collar.
B. You cannot reject the hypothesis that
90% of all dogs wear a collar.
C. If 90% of all dogs wear a collar, then you
are reasonably likely to get a result like
the one from this sample.
D. If 75% of all dogs wear a collar, then you
are reasonably likely to get a result like
the one from this sample.
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for n = 266
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1 de 8
Display 8.20 Heights of presidential candidates. [Source: Paul M. Sommers, Presidential Candidates
Who Measure Up, Chance 9, no. 3 (1996): 2931.]
Many decisions are
based on comparisons.
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is that the percentage increased by 7 percentage points, but this is only an estimate
because 7% is the difference of two sample percentages that probably are not
exactly equal to the population percentages. In this section, you will learn how
to find the margin of error to go with the difference, 7%.
A confidence interval for the difference of two proportions, p1 p2, where
p1 is the proportion of successes in the first population and p2 is the proportion
of successes in the second population, has this familiar form:
z* standard error of (
Here and are the proportions of successes in the two samples. Substituting
what you have so far into the formula gives the 95% confidence interval for the
difference between the proportion of U.S. households that own pets now and
the proportion that owned pets in 1994:
The hard part, as always, is estimating the size of the standard error.
From Section 7.3, the standard error of the distribution of the sample proportion
which can be estimated by
where n1 is the sample size. Similarly, the standard error of the distribution of the
sample proportion is
which can be estimated by
where n2 is the sample size.
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Substituting these into the formula for the standard error of a difference, you
can estimate the standard error of the difference of two proportions:
Now you can write the complete confidence interval for the difference
between two proportions.
Confidence Interval for the Difference of Two Proportions
The confidence interval for the difference, p1 p2, of the proportion of
successes in one population and the proportion of successes in a second
population is
), n2 , and n2(1
The two samples can be considered random samples. They were taken
independently from the population of U.S. households in two different years.
The number of U.S. households in each year is larger than 10 times 29,700.
Finally, each of the following is at least 5.
= 29,700(0.63) = 18,711
= 6,786(0.56)
) = 29,700(0.37) = 10,989
) = 6,786(0.44)
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Do computations.
The 95% confidence interval for the difference of the two population
proportions, p1 and p2, is
= ( 0.63 0.56 )
= 0.07
You are 95% confident that the difference in the two rates of pet ownership
is between 0.057 and 0.083. This means that it is plausible that the difference in
the percentage of households that own pets now and the percentage in 1994 is
5.7%. It is also plausible that the difference is 8.3%. Note that a difference of 0
does not lie within the confidence interval. This means that if the difference in
the proportion of pet owners now and in 1994 actually is 0, getting a difference
of 0.07 in the samples is not at all likely. Thus, you are convinced that there was a
change in the percentage of households that own a pet.
Which sample
proportion should be
p1 and which p2 ?
It doesnt matter which sample proportion you call and which you call , as
long as you remember which is which. Most people like to assign the larger one to
be so that the difference,
, is positive. If you like working with negative
numbers, do it the other way!
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Whos Yellow?
What youll need: a sample of 50 Skittles, a sample of 50 Milk Chocolate
M&Ms (or bags prepared by your instructor)
1. Count the number of yellow candies in your sample of Skittles and in your
sample of M&Ms. Compute the two sample proportions.
2. Find the 95% confidence interval for the difference in the two sample
proportion of Skittles that are yellow proportion of M&Ms that are yellow
Display 8.21 Chart for recording 95% confidence intervals for the
difference in the proportion of yellows in Skittles
and M&Ms.
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where z* are the values that enclose an area in a normal distribution equal
to the confidence level, which typically is 0.95. Dont forget to check the three
conditions on page 520 that must be met to use this confidence interval, especially
the condition that the two samples were taken independently from two different
When interpreting, say, a 95% confidence interval, you should say that you
are 95% confident that the difference between the proportion of successes in the
first population and the proportion of successes in the second population is in
this confidence interval. (However, say this in the context of the situation.) If the
confidence interval includes 0, you cant conclude that there is any difference in
the proportions in the two populations.
The Formula for the Confidence Interval
P46. Suppose the surveys on pet ownership
described in the example on page 520 had
used sample sizes of only 100 people. That is,
a 1994 survey of 100 U.S. households found
that 56% owned a pet, and this year a survey
of 100 U.S. households found that 63%
owned a pet.
a. Check the conditions for constructing a
confidence interval for the difference of
two proportions.
b. Compute and interpret the confidence
c. Is 0 in the confidence interval? What does
your answer imply?
P47. A poll of 549 teenagers asked if it was
appropriate for parents to install a special
device on the car to allow parents to monitor
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E47. A statistics instructor kept track of students
grades on her final examination and whether
they did the exam in pencil or in pen. Of
the 75 students who used a pencil, 63 got
grades of 70% or higher. Of the 19 students
who used a pen, 10 got grades of 70% or
higher. Her 95% confidence interval for the
difference is (0.07, 0.55). Assume that these
students can be considered random samples
from the students who could take this
instructors final examination. Which of these
choices are the best two interpretations of this
confidence interval?
A. The teacher must observe more students,
because this confidence interval is too
wide to be of any possible use.
B. The teacher has evidence that a larger
proportion of students who use a pencil
score 70% or higher on her final than
students who use a pen.
C. If the teacher could observe all students
who could take her final examination,
she is 95% confident that the difference
in the proportion who use a pencil and
get a grade of 70% or higher and the
proportion who use a pen and get a grade
of 70% or higher is between 0.07 and 0.55.
D. If the teacher could observe all students
who could take her final examination, she
is 95% confident that between 7% and
55% of them will get 70% or higher.
E48. According to the American Automobile
Association, a study found that 85.8% of
207,638 drivers who were involved in a fatal
car accident had a valid drivers license. Of
16,226 motorcycle drivers involved in a fatal
accident, 80.1% had a valid drivers license.
A 95% confidence interval for the difference
in proportions is (0.05, 0.06). You can
consider these random samples of drivers
involved in fatal accidents. Which of these
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= (0.222 0.778)
= 0.556
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The size of any difference involved is not the issue, as it was in Section 8.3. All
you care about is whether you have enough evidence to conclude that there is a
difference. In this section, you will learn to perform a test of significance in order
to decide if the observed difference can reasonably be attributed to chance alone
or if the difference is so large that something other than chance variation must be
causing it.
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Display 8.23 SEs from the formula and from the simulation.
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Let p1 denote the proportion of left-handers among all males in the adult
population, and let p2 denote the proportion among all adult females. The
null hypothesis is almost always one of no difference or no effect, so the
appropriate null hypothesis here is
H0: There is no difference between the proportions of left-handed males
and left-handed females. In symbols, p1 = p2, or p1 p2 = 0.
The alternative hypothesis, sometimes called the research hypothesis, is a
statement of what the researcher is trying to establish. Here you are looking
for evidence that the proportion of left-handers is greater among males, so the
alternative hypothesis is
Ha: The proportion of left-handers among male adults is greater than the
proportion among female adults. In symbols, p1 > p2, or p1 p2 > 0.
The test statistic builds on the best estimates of these population proportions,
namely, the sample proportions
The general form of a test statistic for testing hypotheses is
You could do as you did in Section 8.3: Estimate p1 with and estimate p2
with . However, you can do even better. The null hypothesis states that the
proportion of males who are left-handed is equal to the proportion of females
who are left-handed, that is, = . You can estimate this common value of
and by combining the data from both samples into a pooled estimate, .
This pooled estimate is found by combining males and females into one group:
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This P-value is very small, so reject the null hypothesis. The difference
between the rates of left-handedness in these two samples is too large to attribute
to chance variation alone. The evidence supports the alternative that males have a
higher rate of left-handedness.
As you have seen, the significance test for the difference of two proportions
proceeds along the same lines as the test for a single proportion. The steps in the
significance test for the difference of two proportions are given in this box.
Components of a Significance Test for the Difference of Two
Proportions for Surveys
1. Check conditions.
A random sample of size n1 is taken from a large binomial population with
proportion of successes p1. The proportion of successes in this sample is .
A second and independent random sample of size n2 is taken from a large
binomial population with proportion of successes p2. The proportion of
successes in this sample is . All these quantities must be at least 5:
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Null hypothesis:
p1 = p2
hypothesis: p1
Computations with
a sketch
The P-value is the probability of getting a value of z as extreme as or even
more extreme than that from your samples if H0 is true. See Display 8.25.
Display 8.25
4. Write a conclusion.
State whether you reject or do not reject the null hypothesis. Link this
conclusion to your computations by comparing z to the critical value z*
or by appealing to the P-value. You reject the null hypothesis if z is more
extreme than z* or, equivalently, if the P-value is smaller than the level of
significance, . Then write a sentence giving your conclusion in context.
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Computations with a
1. Although Gallup uses a sampling method more complex than simple random
sampling, you can consider these to be independent random samples. (As
mentioned previously, dividing one random sample into two groupsboys
and girlsgives an approximately random sample from each group when the
sample sizes are large.) The proportion of girls in the sample who support
restrictions is = 0.57, and the proportion of boys in the sample who
support restrictions is = 0.42. Using the estimates of n1 = 274 and
n2 = 274, you can see that all of
n1 = 274(0.57)
n1 ( 1
= 274(0.42)
) = 274(1 0.57)
) = 274(1 0.42)
are larger than 5. Both the number of teenage girls and the number of teenage
boys in the United States are much larger than 10 times each sample size.
2. H0: The proportion p1 of teenage girls supporting dress codes is equal to the
proportion p2 of teenage boys supporting dress codes.
Ha: p1 p2. (Note that you can use the symbols p1 and p2 because you defined
exactly what they stand for in the null hypothesis.)
3. The pooled estimate is
With a test statistic of 3.51, the P-value for a two-sided test is 0.0002(2), or
0.0004. See Display 8.26 on the next page.
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Conclusion in context
4. This difference is statistically significant, and you reject the null hypothesis.
If the proportions of girls and boys supporting dress codes were equal, then
you would expect only 4 out of 10,000 repeated samples of size 274 to have
a difference in sample proportions of 15% or larger. Because the P-value,
0.0004, is less than = 0.01, you cannot reasonably attribute the difference
to chance variation. You conclude that the proportions of girls and boys
supporting dress codes are different.
Display 8.27 shows a printout for this example.
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A Sampling Distribution of the Difference
P48. According to the 2006 Statistical Abstract of
the United States, 12% of American adults
visited the zoo in the last year. Suppose you
take a random sample of 1000 American
adults and compute the proportion, , who
went to the zoo last year. Then you take
another random sample of 800 American
adults and compute the proportion, , in that
sample who went to the zoo last year. You
subtract the two proportions to get .
You repeat this process until you have a
distribution of millions of values of ,
( Thats why the problem says suppose.)
a. What is the expected value of the
difference ?
b. What is the standard error of the
distribution of ?
c. Sketch the distribution of , with a
scale on the horizontal axis.
d. Compute the probability that the
difference will be 0.05 or greater.
P49. Suppose you take two independent samples
from two different populations that have the
same proportion of successes. You repeat this
millions of times and plot the distribution
of the differences. Answer true or false to
each statement.
a. It is always the case that = .
b. It is true that = .
c. Sometimes the difference between the two
sample proportions can be relatively large.
d. Theoretically, the plot should be centered
exactly at 0.
e. To have a greater chance of having the
difference nearer 0, have larger
sample sizes.
The Theory of a Significance Test for the
Difference of Two Proportions
P50. A random sample of 600 probable voters
was taken 3 weeks before the start of a
campaign for mayor, and 321 of the 600
said they favored the new candidate over
the incumbent. However, it was revealed
the week before the election that the new
candidate had dozens of outstanding parking
tickets. Subsequently, a new random sample
of 750 probable voters showed that 382
voters favored the new candidate.
Do these data support the conclusion that
there was a decrease in voter support for
the new candidate after the parking tickets
were revealed? Give appropriate statistical
evidence to support your answer.
P51. What type of error might have been made
in the significance test in the example on
page 533 about teens supporting a dress code?
E61. Milk Chocolate M&Ms are 24% blue, and
Almond M&Ms are 20% blue. Suppose you
take a random sample of 100 of each. You
compute the proportion that are blue in each
sample. You then subtract the proportion of
blue in the sample of Almond M&Ms from
the proportion of blue in the sample of Milk
Chocolate M&Ms to get
. You repeat
this process until you have a distribution of
millions of values of
a. What is the expected value of
b. What is the standard error of the
distribution of
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1 de 15
An experiment uses the
available subjects.
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2 de 15
Suppose your entire class is afflicted with terminal boredom. In this experiment,
you will be randomly assigned one of two treatments, sit or stand, for your
terminal boredom. You will also be dealt a card that shows the result of your
treatment, B for still bored, or C for cured. The goal is to study the sampling
distribution of the difference between the proportions cured by the two
1. Shuffle the sit/stand cards and give one to every student. Implement your
assigned treatment by either sitting or standing.
2. Shuffle the C/B cards and give one to every student. This card tells you
whether your treatment worked or not. If you get a card marked C, you are
cured! If you get a card marked B, you are still terminally bored.
3. For each treatment, find the proportion of students who were cured. Then
. Here
find the difference in the proportions who were cured,
represents the proportion of sitting students who were cured, and
represents the proportion of standing students who were cured. Mark the
difference on a dot plot.
4. Run this experiment again. Because its obvious that this particular
treatment has no effect whatsoever on terminal boredom, you might as
well keep the same C or B card that you were given before. To see the
effect of a different random assignment of treatments, shuffle the sit/stand
cards and hand them out again. For each treatment, find the proportion of
students who were cured. Then find the difference in the two proportions,
. Mark this second difference on the dot plot.
5. Repeat step 4 until you have enough differences to enable you to see the
shape, center, and spread of the sampling distribution.
Heres how to speed things up: Make duplicate sets of the B/C cards, with
75% marked C and 25% marked B. Shuffle and deal a set of the cards to
make two equal piles, the one on the left representing the sit treatment
and the one on the right representing the stand treatment. (You have just
randomly assigned treatments to your subjects.) Compute
record the difference as before on the dot plot.
6. Describe the shape, mean, and standard error of your approximate sampling
distribution. Is your distribution centered where you expect it to be?
7. Compare the SE to what you get by using the formula for the standard
error of the difference in sample proportions,
For this experiment, n1 and n2 are each half the number of students, and p1
and p2 are each 0.75, the probability of being cured. What can you conclude?
Display 8.28 shows the sampling distribution from Activity 8.5a for a class
of 40 students. The students participated in a sham experiment in which the
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Of course, in the real-life situations you will be studying next, you will not
know the true success rates of the treatments and will have to estimate them
from the proportions of successes in the treatment groups. But that is nothing
newthis formula will continue to work fine just as you have used it before.
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Here is the observed proportion of successes in the group of size n1 given the
first treatment, and is the observed proportion of successes in the group of
size n2 given the second treatment. (The group sizes do not have to be equal.)
The conditions that must be met in order to use this formula are that
the two treatments are randomly assigned to the population of available
experimental units
, n1(1
), n2
, and n2 (1
Display 8.29
The group of ARC patients werent randomly selected from the population of
all ARC patients but were volunteers who had to give informed consent. Thus,
they might be quite different from the population of all ARC patients and should
not be regarded as a random sample from any specifi c population.
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However, the treatments were randomly assigned to the ARC patients who
were available. (This type of randomization is typical in medical research,
agricultural research, and many other kinds of experiments for which getting a
simple random sample from the entire population of interest is impossible.)
During the life of the study, 12 of 67 patients (or 17.9%) using AZT alone
progressed to AIDS, and 10 of 67 patients (or 14.9%) using AZT plus ACV
progressed to AIDS. Find a 95% Confidence interval for the difference between
p1, the proportion of patients in this study who would have developed AIDS if
they all had taken the AZT treatment, and p2, the proportion who would have
developed AIDS if they all had taken the AZT plus ACV treatment.
Check conditions.
The first condition that needs to be met is that the treatments were randomly
assigned to the subjects. The second condition is that n1 = 12, n1( 1 ) = 55,
n2 = 10, and n2 (1 ) = 57 are all 5 or more. Both conditions are met here.
The 95% Confidence interval for the difference between the two proportions
p1 and p2 is
Do computations.
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Display 8.30
4. Write a conclusion.
State whether you reject or do not reject the null hypothesis. Link this
conclusion to your computations by comparing z to the critical value, z*, or
by appealing to the P-value. You reject the null hypothesis if z is more extreme
than z* or, equivalently, if the P-value is smaller than the level of significance,
. Then write a sentence giving your conclusion in the context of the situation.
To see how to apply these ideas to an experiment, return to the clinical trial
experiment comparing the two treatments for AIDS-related complex (ARC).
Display 8.31
, where is the proportion who survived in the group
treated with AZT alone, and
, where is the proportion who
survived in the group treated with AZT plus ACV. In order for a new therapy (in
this case, AZT plus ACV) to become accepted practice among physicians, the
research must show that the new therapy is an improvement over the old one.
Can that claim be made based on these data?
State hypotheses.
Because the researchers are attempting to show that the new therapy is better than
the old one, a one-sided significance test is in order. The hypotheses are
H0: The new therapy is not better than the old, or p1 = p2, where p1 is the
proportion of patients who would have survived if all 131 patients could have
been given AZT alone and p2 is the proportion of patients who would have
survived if they all could have been given AZT plus ACV.
Ha: The new therapy is better than the old one, or p1 < p2.
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8 de 15
Check conditions.
= 41
n1( 1
) = 28
= 49
) = 13
is at least 5.
The pooled estimate, , of the probability that a patient will survive, under the
null hypothesis that the treatment a patient received made no difference in whether
he or she survived, is
or about 0.687. The test statistic then takes on the value
This P-value is very small, so reject the null hypothesis. If all subjects in the
experiment could have been given the AZT plus ACV treatment, you are confi dent
that there would have been a larger survival rate than if all had received only AZT.
The difference between the survival rates for these two treatments is too large to
be attributed to chance variation alone.
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9 de 15
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10 de 15
Is there sufficient evidence to say that the difference in the percentage using
helmets on local streets before the law and after the law is so large that it cannot
reasonably be attributed to chance alone?
Even though some of the sites for observing riders were randomly selected,
the riders observed were those who just happened to be there at the time of
observation. In addition, there were no randomly assigned treatments and
no controls on any of the myriad other variables that could affect helmet use.
Nevertheless, a test of signifi cance can shed some light on the possible association
between the law and helmet usage. The null hypothesis is that there is no
difference in the proportions of helmet users on local streets for 1999 and 2002.
The alternative hypothesis of interest is that the 2002 rate of helmet use is higher
than the 1999 rate (perhaps because of the law).
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If you let = 0.16 denote the proportion of helmet users observed on local
streets in 1999 and = 0.19 denote the proportion observed in 2002, the test
statistic becomes
If this were a formal one-sided test of significance, the P-value would be 0.04.
This indicates that, if there was no change in the percentage of helmet users,
there would be very little chance of seeing a difference this large in the percentage
wearing helmets in samples of randomly selected bicycle riders. Thus, there is some
evidence that there was a higher rate of helmet-wearing in 2002, but that could
be due to a combination of many factors, one of which might be the law. The law
could have coincided with an increased emphasis on safety education, a general
trend in the behavior of bicycle riders, the age or experience of the riders, or even a
change in the weather. None of these possible factors are measured, controlled, or
balanced by randomization.
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12 de 15
Confidence Interval for a Difference in
Proportions from an Experiment
P52. The landmark Physicians Health Study
study of the effect of low-dose aspirin on
the incidence of heart attacks (see E79 on
page 552) checked to see if aspirin use was
associated with increased risk of ulcers. This
was a randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled clinical trial. Male physician
volunteers with no previous important
health problems were randomly assigned
to an experimental group (n1 = 11,037) or
a control group (n2 = 11,034). Those in the
experimental group were asked to take a pill
containing 325 mg of aspirin every second
day, and those in the control group were
asked to take a placebo pill every second day.
Of those who took the aspirin, 169 got an
ulcer, compared to 138 in the placebo group.
Find and interpret a 95% confidence interval
for the difference of two proportions. [Source:
Steering Committee of the Physicians Health Study Research
Group, The Final Report on the Aspirin Component of the
Ongoing Physicians Health Study, New England Journal of
Medicine 321, no. 3 (1989): 12935;]
Display 8.34
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1 de 6
Chapter Summary
To use the confidence intervals and significance tests of this chapter, you need either
a random sample from a population that is made up of successes and failures or
two random samples taken independently from two distinct such populations. If the
study is an experiment, you should have two treatments randomly assigned to the
available subjects. (When there is no randomness involved, you proceed with the
test only if you state clearly the limitations of what you have done. If you reject the
null hypothesis in such a case, all you can conclude is that something happened that
cant reasonably be attributed to chance.)
You use a confidence interval if you want to find a range of plausible values for
p, the proportion of successes in a population
p1 p2 , the difference between the proportion of successes in one population
and the proportion of successes in another population
Both confidence intervals you have studied have the same form:
Both significance tests you have studied include the same steps:
1. Justify your reasons for choosing this particular test. Discuss whether the
conditions are met, and decide whether it is okay to proceed if they are not
strictly met.
2. State the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis.
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3. Compute the test statistic and find the P-value. Draw a diagram of the
4. Use the computations to decide whether to reject or not reject the null
hypothesis by comparing the test statistic to z* or by comparing the P-value
to , the significance level. Then state your conclusion in terms of the context
of the situation. (Simply saying Reject H0 is not sufficient.) Mention any
doubts you have about the validity of your conclusion.
Review Exercises
E88. A 6th-grade student, Emily Rosa, performed
an experiment to test the validity of
therapeutic touch. According to an article
written by her RN mother, a statistician,
and a physician: Therapeutic Touch (TT)
is a widely used nursing practice rooted in
mysticism but alleged to have a scientific
basis. Practitioners of TT claim to treat
many medical conditions by using their
hands to manipulate a human energy field
perceptible above the patients skin. To
investigate whether TT practitioners
actually can perceive a human energy field,
21 experienced TT practitioners were tested
to determine whether they could correctly
identify which of their hands was closest to
the investigators hand. They placed their
hands through holes in a screen so they
could not see the investigator. Placement of
the investigators hand was determined by
flipping a coin. Practitioners of TT identified
the correct hand in only 123 of 280 trials.
[Source: Journal of the American Medical Association 279
(1998): 100510.]
Chapter Summary
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AP Sample Test
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AP Sample Test
22-03-2009 21:17
1 de 2
Does it make a
difference whether you
take water samples
at mid-depth or near
the bottom when
studying pesticide
levels in a river?
Inference for differences
is fundamental to
statistical applications
because many surveys
and all experiments are
comparative in nature.
22-03-2009 21:17
2 de 2
You now know how to make inferences for proportions based on categorical
data. But often the data that arise in everyday contexts are measurement data
rather than categorical data. Measurement data, as you know, are most often
summarized by using the mean. Mean income, mean scores on exams, mean
waiting times at checkout lines, and mean heights of people your age are all
commonly used in making decisions that affect your life.
In Chapter 8, you learned how to construct confidence intervals and
perform significance tests for proportions. Although the formulas youll use for
the inferential procedures in this chapter will change a little from those you just
learned, the basic concepts remain the same. These concepts are all built around
the question What are the reasonably likely outcomes from a random sample?
This chapter will follow the same outline as Chapter 8 except that the methods
are applied to means rather than proportions.
22-03-2009 21:17
1 de 18
The mean body temperature, , for this sample of ten women is 98.52, and
the standard deviation, s, is 0.527. Are these statistics likely to be equal to the
mean and standard deviation for the population? How can you determine the
plausible values of the mean temperature of all women?
Neither nor s is likely to be exactly equal to the population parameters and .
(This would be true no matter how large the sample.)
Plausible values of the mean body temperature of all women, , are those
values that lie close to = 98.52, where close is defined in terms of standard
error. From Section 7.3, the standard error of the sampling distribution of a
sample mean is given by
, where is the standard deviation of the
population and n is the sample size. When the sample size is large enough or the
population is normally distributed, in 95% of all samples and are no farther
. So plausible values of lie in the interval
apart than 1.96
22-03-2009 21:18
2 de 18
For the sample of body temperatures, you know and n, but you dont know
you seldom will know in real-life situations. What now? As you might be
thinking, you will have to use the sample standard deviation, s, as an estimate of .
Suppose you must estimate the population mean from the NGF levels of a
random sample of four people who recently fell in love.
1. Use your calculator to generate a random sample of four NGF levels from
this normally distributed population, and store them into list 1. [See
Calculator Note 7A .]
2. Use your calculator to find the mean, , and standard deviation, s. Record
the value of s. [See Calculator Note 2F.]
3. Construct a confidence interval using the formula
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3 de 18
4. Follow the procedure in steps 1 through 3 until the students in your class
have generated a total of 100 samples. You will have 100 values of s and
100 decisions as to whether the confidence interval captured the
population mean, .
5. Make a dot plot of the 100 values of s and describe its shape, mean, and
spread. How close to is the mean of the values of s? How many times is s
smaller than ? Larger?
6. What percentage of your confidence intervals should capture the true
population mean, , of 227? What percentage of your confidence intervals
actually capture ? What can you conclude about the effect of using s to
estimate ?
You learned in the activity that the sampling distribution of s is skewed right.
Although the average value of s is about equal to , s tends to be smaller than
more often than it is larger because the median is smaller than the mean for this
skewed distribution. This causes the confidence intervals to be too narrow more
than half the time, so the capture rate will be less than the advertised value of 95%.
Fortunately, the sampling distribution of s becomes less skewed and more
approximately normal as the sample size increases. The histogram on the left in
Display 9.1 shows the values of s for 1000 samples of size 4 taken from a normally
distributed population with = 107. For this small sample size, the distribution
is quite skewed. The histogram on the right shows the values of s for 1000 samples
of size 20. There is little skewness here, so s is smaller than about as often as it
is larger.
Display 9.1
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4 de 18
D2. When you use s to estimate , the capture rate is too small unless you make
further adjustments. If an intervals capture rate is smaller than what you
want it to be, do you need to use a wider or a narrower interval to get the
capture rate you want?
22-03-2009 21:18
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Display 9.2
22-03-2009 21:18
6 de 18
Display 9.3
First, you need to check that these are random samples from relatively large
populations and that its reasonable to assume that the populations are normal.
(More on this is in Section 9.3.) The problem states that these are random
samples selected from a group of men and women examined by the researchers,
so your fi nal result generalizes only to this population. The researchers reported
that the distributions are normal. You should always plot the data, however, and
the stemplots in Display 9.4 give you no reason to suspect that the populations
are not normally distributed.
Display 9.4
22-03-2009 21:18
7 de 18
b. For the females, the sample mean is 98.52, and the sample standard deviation
is 0.527. You are 95% confident that the mean body temperature of women in
this population is in the interval
or (98.14, 98.90).
From the sample means it might appear that the average body temperature of
females is higher than that of males, but beware! There is some overlap in the
confidence intervals, so that conclusion might not be valid. Youll come back to
the question of comparing two means in Section 9.4.
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Thats the last of the new things to learn about constructing a confidence
interval for a mean. Heres a summary of what youve learned.
A Confidence Interval for a Mean
Check conditions.
You must check three conditions:
Randomness. In the case of a survey, the sample must have been randomly
selected. In the case of an experiment, the treatments must have been
randomly assigned to the experimental units.
Normality. The sample must look like its reasonable to assume that it
came from a normally distributed population or the sample must be large
enough that the sampling distribution of the sample mean is approximately
normal. There is no exact rule for determining whether a normally
distributed population is a reasonable assumption or what constitutes a
large enough sample, but you will learn some guidelines in Section 9.3.
Sample Size. In the case of a sample survey, the population size should be at
least ten times as large as the sample size.
Do computations.
A confidence interval for the population mean, , is given by
where n is the sample size, is the sample mean, s is the sample standard
deviation, and t* depends on the confidence level desired and the degrees of
freedom, df = n 1.
Give interpretation in context.
A good interpretation is of this form: I am 95% confident that the population
mean, , is in this confidence interval.
Of course, when you interpret a confidence interval, you will do it in
context, describing the population you are talking about.
22-03-2009 21:18
9 de 18
Construct and interpret a 95% confidence interval for the mean measurement
(using this mass spectrometer) of the atomic weight of silver.
Display 9.5
Check conditions.
You can consider these measurements to be a random sample of all possible
measurements by this mass spectrometer. Display 9.6 shows that the distribution
of measurements from the sample is reasonably symmetric with no outliers, so it
is reasonable to assume that they could have come from a normal distribution.
Display 9.6
Do computations.
Give interpretation in
The mean and standard deviation of the measurements are 1363.54 and
169.017, respectively. For 95% confidence and df equal to 24 1, or 23, use
t* = 2.069. The 95% confidence interval is
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You also can use your calculator to calculate the confidence interval for a
mean, given either the original data or the summary statistics of the mean and
standard deviation [See Calculator Note 9B]. Both approaches are shown here for
the data in the previous example.
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Remember that the capture rate is a property of the method, not of the
sample. After the sample is selected, either the resulting interval will capture
the population mean or it wont. So it is incorrect to say about a specific interval
that there is a 95% probability (or 95% chance) that the true mean falls in this
interval. All you can say is that you are 95% confident that is in your interval,
meaning that the method produces a confidence interval that captures , the true
mean, 95% of the time.
The Meaning of 95% Confident
Saying you are 95% confident means that if you could take random samples
repeatedly from this population and compute a confidence interval from each
sample, in the long run 95% of these different intervals would contain (or
capture) .
In other words, a 95% confidence interval for a population mean, , includes
the plausible values of . A population with any one of these values for could
have produced the observed sample mean as a reasonably likely outcome.
In practice, samples might not be random, distributions might not be normal,
and survey questions might be worded so that people answer incorrectly. In such
situations, the capture rate may be far below what is advertised.
Margin of Error
The quantity
is called the margin of error. It is half the width of the confidence interval. When
your samples are random, larger samples provide more information than do
smaller ones. So, in general, as the sample size gets larger, the margin of error
gets smaller.
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12 de 18
The confidence interval for the mean atomic weight was
where is the sample mean, s is the sample standard deviation, and n is the
sample size. Because you are using s to estimate , you must use values of t*
rather than values of z*. Find the value of t* in Table B on page 826 or on your
calculator, using df = n 1. For a given confidence level and sample size, the
value of t* is slightly larger than the corresponding value of z*, but this difference
becomes smaller with larger sample sizes. You must check that you have a
random sample from a relatively large population (or a random assignment
of treatments to units) and that the sample came from a distribution that is
approximately normal or, if not, that the sample is large enough.
Here is how to interpret this confidence interval:
You are 95% confident that the population mean , is in this confidence
This method of constructing a 95% confidence interval ensures that the
chance of getting a value of whose interval captures is 95%. This is called
the capture rate or confidence level.
The Effect of Estimating
P1. Aldrin in the Wolf River. Aldrin is a highly
toxic organic compound that can cause
various cancers and birth defects. Ten
samples taken from Tennessees Wolf River
downstream from a toxic waste site once used
by the pesticide industry gave these aldrin
concentrations, in nanograms per liter:
5.17 6.17 6.26 4.26 3.17
3.76 4.76 4.90 6.57 5.17
a. Calculate a confidence interval of the
, using s as an
estimate of .
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14 de 18
E1. If you are lost in the woods and do not have
clear directional markers, will you tend to
walk in a circle? To study this question, some
students recruited 30 volunteers to attempt
to walk the length of a football field while
blindfolded. Each volunteer began at the
middle of one goal line and was asked to
walk to the opposite goal line, a distance of
100 yards. None of them made it. Display
9.8 shows the number of yards they walked
before they crossed a sideline.
a. Are the conditions met for finding a
confidence interval estimate of the
mean distance walked before crossing
a sideline? Explain any reservations
you have.
b. Regardless of your answer to part a,
construct a 99% confidence interval for
the mean distance walked before crossing
a sideline.
c. Interpret your interval in part b.
Display 9.8
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Display 9.9
Display 9.10
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Display 9.11
Display 9.12
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Display 9.15
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in Sections 8.2 and 8.4, you will check conditions for the test, state the null
hypothesis and alternative hypothesis (two-sided or one-sided), find the P-value
to assess the strength of the evidence against the null hypothesis, decide whether
to reject the null hypothesis, and write a conclusion in context. Youll still have
the possibility of making a Type I or Type II error, and sometimes youll do a
fixed-level test with a given significance level .
Activity 9.2a will help you get into the spirit of making an inference about
a mean.
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The size of z tells you how many standard errors your sample proportion lies
from the hypothesized proportion, p0. Note that the standard error,
can be computed because p0 is stated in the null hypothesis (H0: p = p0) and n is
the known sample size.
What will change if you are testing a mean, H0: = ? It would be nice if you
could use the z-statistic of Section 7.2 to measure how far a sample mean is from a
hypothesized mean :
The catch is that you dont know , the standard deviation of the population.
Perhaps you can guess whats coming next. You do the same thing you did in
Section 9.1. If you dont know the value of , you substitute s for and t for z. The
test statistic becomes
Display 9.17
Constructing a t-Distribution
Before you can start interpreting the new test statistic t, you need to know how
it behaves when the null hypothesis is true. If the value of t from your sample fits
right into the middle of the distribution of t constructed by assuming the null
hypothesis is true, you have no evidence against the null hypothesis. If the value of
t from your sample is way out in the tail of the t -distribution, you have evidence
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against the null hypothesis. In other words, if the value of t from your sample
would be a rare event given the hypothesized mean, be suspicious of that mean.
If the value of t from your sample is a reasonably likely event, the hypothesized
mean is plausible.
The following simulation, based on the distribution of IQ scores, will show
you how the distribution of t is different from that of z.
Some IQ tests are constructed so that scores are normally distributed with
mean = 100 and standard deviation = 15. Suppose you repeatedly take
random samples of size 9 from this distribution and compute the sample mean, .
According to the explanation in Section 7.2, the distribution of
will be normal even with this small sample size (because the population is
normally distributed). The histogram on the left in Display 9.18 shows 1000
values of z, each computed from a random sample of size 9 from the population
of IQs.
If you do not know (the usual situation), you have to use s to estimate it.
You would then compute
The histogram on the right in Display 9.18 shows 1000 values of t, each computed
from a random sample of size 9 from the population of IQs.
Display 9.18
(Left) 1000 values of z computed from random samples taken from a normally
distributed population with mean 100 and standard deviation 15; (right) 1000
values of t computed from random samples from the same population.
Note that the values of t are more spread out than are the values of z. That
makes sense. Not only does vary from sample to sample, but s also varies from
sample to sample. And, as you saw in Section 9.1, s tends to be smaller than
more often than it tends to be larger than , making t larger in absolute value than
the corresponding z more often than it is smaller. Thus, when you compute t, you
tend to get more values in the tails of the distribution than when you compute z.
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The box summarizes the most important facts about t-distributions. The
values of t in Table B on page 826 that you used to construct confidence intervals
in Section 9.1 come from these distributions.
The t-Distributions
Suppose you draw random samples of size n from a normally distributed
population with mean and unknown standard deviation. The distribution of
the values of
Display 9.19
Display 9.20
You can explore graphs of t-distributions using your calculator. [See Calculator
Note 9C.]
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Now that you know the distribution of t when the null hypothesis is true, the
next step is to locate where the value of t computed from your sample lies on this
distribution. The standard way to do that is to report a P-value, sometimes called
an observed significance level, just as in Section 8.2. The next example will show
you how to find the P-value and how to interpret it.
The P-value for a two-sided test is the area under the t-distribution with df = 9 1,
or 8, that lies above t = 2.31 and below t = 2.31, as shown in Display 9.21.
You can get this P-value from your calculator or software. Display 9.22 shows the
P-value 2(0.0248) = 0.0496, or approximately 0.05, on various printouts. [See
Calculator Note 9D to learn how to find a P-value given t and df.]
Display 9.22 P-values from Minitab, Fathom, and the TI-84 Plus.
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If it is true that the mean has not slipped off the target, 3.11 g, there is only a
0.0496 chance of getting an absolute value of t as large as or even larger than the
one from this sample (that is, t 2.31 or t 2.31). The small P-value, 0.0496,
indicates that the sample is somewhat inconsistent with the null hypothesis. It
looks as if the population mean has moved away from the target.
If you do not have a calculator or software that finds P-values, you can get
an estimate of the P-value from Table B on page 826. The next example shows
you how.
Display 9.23
Go to Table B on page 826 and find the row with 9 degrees of freedom. Go across
the row until you find the absolute value of your value of t, which probably will
lie between two of the values in the table. The partial t-table here shows the two
values of t that lie on each side of |t| = 3.98.
The tail probability gives the area that lies in each tail. Because you have a
two-sided test, you will double the tail probability. If you must use Table B to find
a P-value, all you can say is that the P-value is between 2(0.001), or 0.002, and
2(0.0025), or 0.005. That is, 0.002 < P-value < 0.005. To find the P-value more
precisely, use your calculator to get approximately 0.0032.
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D9. Study the formula for the test statistic when testing a hypothesis about a
population mean, and think about the relationship of the test statistic to the
a. What happens to the P-value if the sample standard deviation increases
but everything else remains the same?
b. What happens to the P-value if the sample size increases but everything
else remains the same?
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When you are asked to do a fixed-level test, you will be given the required level of
significance (or significance level or simply level), , which typically is 5%. To
decide whether to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis,
you compare your P-value to .
Fixed-Level Testing
When you use fixed-level testing, you reject the null hypothesis in favor of the
alternative hypothesis if your P-value is less than the level of significance, .
If your P-value is greater than or equal to the level of significance, you do not
reject the null hypothesis.
The significance level is equal to the probability of rejecting the null
hypothesis when it is true (making a Type I error).
The smaller the significance level you choose, the stronger you are requiring
the evidence to be in order to reject H0. The stronger the evidence you require, the
less likely you are to make a Type I error (to reject H0 when it is true). However,
the stronger the evidence you require, the more likely you are to make a Type II
error (to fail to reject H0 when it is false).
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information in the data. Thats why reporting the P-value has become standard in
modern statistical practice.
The t-Test
Tests of significance for means, called t-tests, have the same general structure as
significance tests for proportions, although some details are a bit different.
Components of a Significance Test for a Mean
1. Name the test and check conditions. For a test of significance for a mean,
the methods of this section require that you check three conditions:
Randomness. In the case of a survey, the sample must have been
randomly selected. In the case of an experiment, the treatments must
have been randomly assigned to the experimental units.
Normality. The sample must look like its reasonable to assume that it came
from a normally distributed population or the sample size must be large
enough that the sampling distribution of the sample mean is approximately
normal. There is no exact rule for determining whether a normally
distributed population is a reasonable assumption or for what constitutes a
large enough sample size, but you will learn some guidelines in Section 9.3.
Sample/population size. In the case of a sample survey, the population size
should be at least ten times as large as the sample size.
2. State your hypotheses. The null hypothesis is that the population mean, ,
has a particular value . This is typically abbreviated
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4. Write your conclusion linked to your computations and in the context
of the problem. If you are using fixed-level testing, reject the null
hypothesis if your P-value is less than the level of significance, . If the
P-value is greater than or equal to , do not reject the null hypothesis. (If
you are not given a value of , you can assume that is 0.05.)
Write a conclusion that relates to the situation and includes an interpretation
of your P-value.
The next example demonstrates a fixed-level significance test with all four
steps included.
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The dot plot in Display 9.24 gives no indication that the large population of
masses of large bags of french fries isnt normally distributed. These certainly
arent a random sample of the bags of fries, because they were collected on two
specific days during two half-hour time periods on each day. The mass of the
fries might vary with the person bagging them, and the same person might bag
the fries at those times while other people bag the fries on other days or at other
times. With that in mind, we will proceed with a one-sample t-test for a mean.
The hypotheses are
H0: = 171, where denotes the mean mass, in grams, of all large bags of
french fries produced by this McDonalds
The statistics from the sample are = 144.07, s = 12.28, and n = 30. The test
statistic is
In the next example, you will learn one technique for dealing with outliers.
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Check conditions.
This type of problem is commonly referred to as a measurement error problem.
There is no population of measurements from which this sample was selected.
The measurements were, however, independently determined by different
scientists and can be thought of as a random sample taken from a conceptual
population of all such measurements that could be made.
The stemplot in Display 9.25 shows that one measurement is extremely large
compared to the others. This sample does not look as if it could reasonably have
been drawn from a normally distributed population. The large measurement,
93.28 million miles, is Newcombs original measurement from 1895 and thus is
different from the more modern measurements. There might be a good scientific
reason to remove it from the data set. So the analysis will be done twice, once with
Newcombs measurement and once without it.
Letting denote the true value of the astronomical unit, the hypotheses are
= 93 and Ha:
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The P-value is now 0.0000181. This value is even stronger evidence against the
hypothesized value, 93 million miles.
Whether the outlier is included or not, you come to the same conclusion: The
A.U. is not 93 million miles.
The t-Test
D10. Compare the lists of components of significance tests for a proportion (page
498) and for a mean (page 589). List all the similarities you find. What are
the main differences?
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One-Sided Tests
Sometimes it makes
sense to consider
alternatives that depart
from the standard in
only one direction.
So far in this section, every test has had a two-sided alternative hypothesis: The
true mean, , is not equal to the standard, . But there are two other possible
alternatives: might be less than the standard, or might be greater than the
standard. In real applications, you sometimes can use the context to rule out one
of these two possibilities as meaningless, impossible, uninteresting, or irrelevant.
In Martin v. Westvaco (Chapter 1), a statistical analysis compared the ages
of the workers who were laid off with the ages of workers in the population of
employees working for Westvaco at the time of the layoff. An average age for the
fired workers that was greater than the population mean would tend to support
a claim of age discrimination. On the other hand, the opposite inequality is
not relevant: An average age for the fired workers that was less than the overall
average would not be evidence of age discrimination, because younger workers
arent protected under the law.
When the context tells you to use a one-sided alternative hypothesis, your
P-value is the area on only one side of the t-distribution. Such P- values are called
one-sided or one-tailed P-values, and the corresponding test of significance is
called a one-sided or one-tailed test, just as in Chapter 8.
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A random sample of size 64 would produce a nearly normal sampling distribution
of the sample mean even if the population were not normally distributed. The
university undoubtedly has more than 10(64), or 640, students. This situation
requires a one-sided test, because the dean is interested only in the alternative
(research) hypothesis that the population mean might be larger than reported.
The hypotheses are
H0: = 1015, where denotes the mean number of minutes students study
each week for all the universitys students
Ha: > 1015
From the data, = 1050, s = 150, and n = 64. The test statistic then is given by
The P-value is the area to the right of 1.87 under the t-distribution with
df = 64 1, or 63. From a calculator, the P-value is about 0.0331.
A P-value of only 0.0331 is fairly strong evidence against the null hypothesis
that the mean amount of time spent studying each week is 1015 minutes. Thus,
the data support the deans claim that the mean is greater than 1015 minutes.
Summary 9.2: A Significance Test for a Mean
A claim is made about the value of a population mean, , and you want to
conduct a test of the significance of this claim by taking a random sample from
the population. Then
the null hypothesis gives the hypothesized, or standard, value of
the alternative (research) hypothesis, which can be one- or two-sided,
conjectures how the true mean differs from the standard given in the
null hypothesis
You must check that you have a random sample that is not more than one-tenth
the population size (or a random assignment of treatments to experimental units)
and that it is reasonable to assume either that the sample came from a distribution
that is approximately normal or that the sample size is large enough (to be
explained in Section 9.3).
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Instead of doing a fixed-level test with given significance level , you can
report a P-value in order to provide more information about the strength of
evidence against the null hypothesis than you provide by simply saying reject
or dont reject.The P-value gives the probability of seeing a test statistic t as
extreme as or even more extreme than the one computed from the data when
the null hypothesis is true. It serves as a measure of the evidence against the null
hypothesis. The smaller the P-value, the greater the evidence in the sample against
the null hypothesis. You can get exact P-values from a calculator or statistical
software. You can get approximate P-values from Table B on page 826.
If you reject a true null hypothesis, you have made a Type I error. If you fail
to reject a false null hypothesis, you have made a Type II error. The power of your
test depends on its ability to reject the null hypothesis. The larger the sample size
and the larger the level of significance, the greater the power of your test to reject
a false null hypothesis.
The Test Statistic
P10. The thermostat in your classroom is set
at 72F, but you think the thermostat isnt
working well. On seven randomly selected
days, you measure the temperature at
your seat. Your measurements (in degrees
Fahrenheit) are 71, 73, 69, 68, 69, 70, and 71.
What is the test statistic for a significance
test of whether the mean temperature at your
seat is different from 72F?
P11. In 2003, Pell Grants totaling $166,733,957
were awarded to 76,525 Minnesota college
students. You believe that the mean amount
has changed since 2003. You take a random
sample of 35 Minnesota college students
who currently receive Pell Grants and get a
mean amount of $2317.14, with a standard
deviation of $754.00. What is the test statistic
for a test to determine whether the mean
Pell Grant amount for Minnesota college
students has changed since 2003? [Source:]
Constructing a t-Distribution
P12. One of the distributions in Display 9.26 is a
t-distribution, and the other is the standard
normal distribution. Which is which?
Explain how you know.
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E17. In E3 on page 576, Jack and Jill opened a
water-bottling factory. The distribution of
the number of ounces of water in the bottles
is approximately normal. The mean, , is
supposed to be 16 oz, but the water-filling
machine slips away from that amount
occasionally and has to be readjusted. Jack
and Jill take a random sample of ten bottles
from todays production and weigh the water
in each. The weights (in ounces) are
15.91 16.08 16.08 15.94 16.02
15.94 15.96 16.03 15.82 15.96
Should Jack and Jill readjust the machine?
Do all four steps in a test of significance,
writing the conclusion in terms of the
E18. In E5 on page 577, a statistics class decided
to check the weights of bags of small fries at
a local McDonalds to see if, on average, they
met the target value of 74 g. They bought
32 bags during two different time periods on
two consecutive days and weighed the fries.
The data are given in Display 9.12 on page
577. Is there evidence that this McDonalds
wasnt meeting its target? Do all four steps in
a test of significance, writing the conclusion
in terms of the P-value.
E19. Fifteen students were given pieces of paper
with five vertical line segments and asked to
mark the midpoint of each segment. Then,
using a ruler, each student measured how
far each mark was from the real midpoint
of each segment. The students then each
averaged their five errors. If the average is
positive, the student tended to place the
midpoint too high. If the average is negative,
the student tended to place the midpoint too
low. The results are given in Display 9.27.
Is there evidence of statistically significant
measurement bias? That is, on average, do
students tend to place the midpoints either
too high or too low? Do all four steps in a
test of significance, writing the conclusion in
terms of the P-value.
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E24. A sample of 15 monthly rents for twobedroom apartments was selected from
a recent edition of the Gainesville Sun. The
15 values are symmetric, with no outliers.
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deviations, x1 = 3 and x2 = 1
What is the third deviation?
e. Finally, suppose you have a sample of size
n. Show how to find the final deviation
once you know all the others. With a
sample of size n, how many deviations
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Skewness means
that the capture
rate will be too
What can you do about skewness and outliers? Most important, before you do
any tests or construct any intervals, always plot your data to see their shape. If the
plot looks as if the data came from a normal distribution, you dont need to worry
about shape. On the other hand, if your plot shows any major deviations from a
normal shape, you will have to decide whether to try one of the three approaches
discussed next.
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I. Try a Transformation.
Fortunately, skewed distributions almost always can be made much more nearly
symmetric by transforming them to a new scale. If you can find a change of scale
that makes your data look roughly normal, once again you dont have to worry
about shape. Sometimes a change of scale will also take care of what at first
looked liked outliers, making them more like just part of the herd. [See
Calculator Note 3J to review how to perform shape-changing transformations.]
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Check conditions.
The boxplots show that the gallons per mile distribution doesnt have an outlier
and is less skewed than the miles per gallon distribution and thus should be better
suited to inference.
The second condition for constructing a confidence interval for a mean also
is metyou were told this is a random sample taken from the population of
compact car models. The third condition is met if there are at least 10(15), or 150,
models of compact cars. Because this isnt the case, the confidence interval will be
wider than necessary for 95% confidence.
0.0405, s 0.00669, and n = 15. For
The statistics from the sample are
df = 15 1, or 14, use t* = 2.145. A 95% confidence interval for the sample mean is
Show computations.
Give conclusion in
You are 95% confident that the mean gallons per mile of all models of compact cars
lies in the interval from 0.0368 to 0.0442. So, any mean gal/mi in that interval could
have produced the result from the sample as a reasonably likely outcome.
Applying the methodology of this chapter to gal/mi measurements will,
over many random samples, produce intervals with a capture rate closer to the
nominal 95% than would using miles per gallon measurements.
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One lesson of the previous example is that whenever data come in the form
of a ratio, think about what might happen if you inverted the ratio. Similarly, a
rate like 30 customers are served per hour might just as naturally be expressed
as 2 minutes per customer.
II. Do the Analysis With and Without the Outliers.
A robust procedure
works okay even if
certain conditions are
not met.
If changing the scale doesnt take care of the outliers, do two parallel analyses, one
with all the data and the other with the outliers removed. Thats what was done
in the example on pages 591593. If both analyses lead to the same conclusion,
youre all set. But if the two conclusions differ, you need more data: You dont want
your conclusion to depend on what you assume about one or two observations!
III. Get a Large Sample Size.
The worst cases are small samples with extreme skewness or with extreme outliers.
For moderate sample sizes, you can rely on the robustness of the t-procedures:
The t-procedures are comparatively insensitive to departures from normality,
especially for larger samples. What this means in practice is that the true capture
rates and significance levels will be close to the advertised values except in extreme
situations. For large samples, the value of s wont vary much from sample to sample
and the Central Limit Theorem says that the sampling distribution of will be
approximately normal, so it is safe to use the t-procedure.
As a rough guide, you can rely on the 15/40 rule, described in the box.
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statistics (especially the standard deviation) more meaningful. Even though
outliers might not have much effect on capture rates or significance levels,
you still should check by doing two versions of your t-procedure.
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of your significance test or confidence interval, one with and one without the
outliers. Dont rely on any conclusions that depend on whether you include
the outliers.)
If the sample size is over 40, its safe to proceed. If your sample shows strong
skewness, it still is worth asking whether a change of scale would make the
usual summary statistics (especially the standard deviation) more meaningful.
With small samples, in addition to constructing plots, think carefully about
the nature of the population before concluding that approximate normality is a
reasonable assumption.
What If My Population Is Not Normal?
P25. Pretend that each data set (AD) is a random
sample and that you want to do a significance
test or construct a confidence interval for
the unknown mean. Use the sample size and
the shape of the distribution to decide which
description (IIV) best fits each data set.
A. weights of bears (Display 2.6 on page 33)
B. number of passengers at airports (Display
7.53 on page 462)
C. speed of mammals (Display 2.25 on
page 44)
D. female life expectancy in Africa and
Europe (Display 2.53 on page 69)
I. There are no outliers, and there is no
evidence of skewness. Methods based
on the normal distribution are suitable.
II. The distribution is not symmetric, but
the sample is large enough that it is
reasonable to rely on the robustness
of the t-procedure and construct
a confidence interval, without
transforming the data to a new scale.
III. The shape suggests transforming. With
a larger sample, this might not be
necessary, but for a skewed sample of
this size transforming is worth trying.
IV. It would be a good idea to analyze this
data set twice, once with the outliers and
once without.
P26. Display 9.36 shows the number of fries in
30 large bags, similar to the example on
page 590. Suppose you want to test that the
mean number of fries in a large bag is 90.
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For E41 and E42: Pretend that each data set
described is a random sample and that you want
to do a significance test or construct a confidence
interval for the unknown mean. Use the sample
size and the shape of the distribution to decide
which of these descriptions (IIV) best fits each
data set.
I. There are no outliers, and there is no
evidence of skewness. Methods based
on the normal distribution are suitable.
II. The distribution is not symmetric, but
the sample is large enough that it is
reasonable to rely on the robustness
of the t-procedure and construct
a confidence interval, without
transforming the data to a new scale.
III. The shape suggests transforming. With
a larger sample, this might not be
necessary, but for a skewed sample of
this size transforming is worth trying.
IV. It would be a good idea to analyze this
data set twice, once with the outliers and
once without.
E41. See the instructions above.
A. weights, in ounces, of bags of potato chips
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D. ages of employees
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1 de 24
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Display 9.51 Concentrations of aldrin (in tenths of a nanogram per liter) for samples from
the Wolf River: actual data and seven hypothetical data sets. [Source: P. R. Jaffe,
F. L. Parker, and D. J. Wilson, Distribution of Toxic Substances in Rivers, Journal
of Environmental Engineering Division 108 (1982): 63949 (via Robert V. Hogg and
Johannes Ledolter, Engineering Statistics (New York: Macmillan, 1987).]
Most people can simply look at hypothetical data set 1 in Display 9.51 and
correctly conclude that the mean concentration at the bottom probably isnt
equal to the mean concentration at mid-depth. However, with the actual data
and the other hypothetical data sets, its not clear if there really is a difference.
And to estimate the size of any difference, you need to compute a confidence
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where 1 and 2 are the respective means of the two samples, s1 and s2 are
the standard deviations, and n1 and n2 are the sample sizes. It is best to use a
calculator or statistics software to find this confidence interval because the
value of t* depends on a complicated calculation.
Give interpretation in context and linked to computations.
For a 95% confidence interval, for example, you are 95% confident that if you
knew the means of both populations, the difference between those means,
, would lie in the confidence interval.
For an experiment, the interpretation is like this: If all experimental units
could have been assigned each treatment, you are 95% confident that the
difference between the means of the two treatment groups would lie in the
confidence interval.
Of course, when you interpret a confidence interval, you do it in context,
describing the two populations.
The standard error of the difference,
for random variables in the box in Section 6.1 on page 372. That is, if you have
two independent random variables with variances
then the variance of the sampling distribution of their difference is found by
adding the two variances,
. Then take the square root to get the standard
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You will construct a confidence interval for the difference between two means
(also called a two-sample t-interval). You have two samples from two populations,
but you have no information about how randomly they were taken with respect
to either their location in the river or time. Further, you dont know if the samples
were taken independently of one another. If, for example, a pair of bottom and
mid-depth measurements were taken at the same time from the same spot, the
measurements would not be independent (and you would use the techniques of
the next section). Neither sample is skewed or has outliers, and each looks like it is
reasonable to assume that it came from a normally distributed population.
Here are the summary statistics:
Using a calculator (which does not give t*), you get a 95% confidence interval of
Do computations.
Give interpretation in
context and linked to
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Degrees of freedom is a
More on Independence. The aldrin samples might not have been taken
independently. That would be the case if two measurements were taken at the
same time at the same spot in the river, one at mid-depth and one at the bottom,
and this procedure was repeated at nine other locations. When the measurements
of the two samples are taken in pairs (such as measurements from husband/wife
or left foot/right foot), they are not independent, and you should use the methods
of the next section.
More on Sample Sizes. The 15/40 guideline for inference for the difference
of two means is a bit conservative. In other words, the minimum sample sizes of
15 and 40 are higher than they need to be, in most cases. The reason is that, with
skewed populations, the sampling distribution of the difference of two means tends
to be more symmetric than the two separate sampling distributions of the sample
mean. Subtracting two sample means brings in the tails. The net effect is that the
sampling distribution of the difference of two means will look approximately
normal for smaller sample sizes than would be the case for the means themselves.
More on Degrees of Freedom. In the aldrin example, the calculator gave a value
for degrees of freedom, 16.10, that isnt a whole number. Whats that all about?
The matter is fairly complicated, as you might have guessed, and thats why it
is better to let the calculator find the confidence interval. The basic idea is that,
unlike in the one-sample case, the sampling distribution of the statistic for the
difference of two samples doesnt have a t-distribution. The exact distribution
isnt even known. However, it is known that the distribution is reasonably close
to a t-distribution if the right number of degrees of freedom is used. If you
are interested in the formula your calculator uses to compute these degrees of
freedom, see D14 on page 624.
In Which Order Do You Subtract? Usually, it doesnt matter whether you
compute a confidence interval for or for , so, if it seems reasonable,
subtract in the order that makes the difference positive and thus easier to
interpret. Just be sure to keep the SDs and sample sizes with their respective
means, and be sure your interpretation reflects the order of subtraction you used.
Display 9.53 Age (in months) when 23 male infants first walked without support.
[Source: Phillip R. Zelazo, Nancy Ann Zelazo, and Sarah Kolb, Walking
in the Newborn, Science 176 (1972): 31415 (via Larsen and Marx).]
Use these data to find a 95% confidence interval estimate of the difference
between mean walking times for the special exercises group and the exercise
control group if all babies could have had each treatment.
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Two treatments were randomly assigned to the babies. You should plot the data
from the two groups to see if there is any reason to doubt that they resemble
samples from normally distributed populations. Display 9.54 shows that there is
some doubt, because each group has one relatively large value. Further, we were
told that some babies are 18 months old before they walk, so the population of
ages must be somewhat skewed right. However, the sampling distribution of the
difference of the means tends to be more symmetric than that of either group
mean by itself, so a confidence interval for the difference of two means should
work for this amount of skewness.
n1 = 6
s1 = 1.447
2 = 11.375
n2 = 6
s2 = 1.896
Exercise control:
Give interpretation in
You are 95% confident that if all the babies could have been in the special
exercises group and all the babies could have been in the exercise control group,
the difference in the mean age at which they would learn to walk is in the interval
from 3.44 months to 0.94 month. Because 0 is in the confidence interval, you
have no evidence that there would be any difference if you were able to give each
treatment to all the babies. However, it is important to note that any conclusion
is subject to doubt about the appropriateness of this procedure due to skewness
of the population of potential measurements, so it would be good to confirm this
finding with more data.
Display 9.55 shows printouts for the two-sample t-interval for the walking
babies experiment from three commonly used statistical software packages.
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Data Desk
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D14. Your calculator or statistics software uses this formula to find df when
doing a two-sample t-procedure. You might be curious as to why we need
this complicated rule to calculate degrees of freedom. The simple answer
is that using t in place of z does not provide quite the right adjustment in
the two-sample case, as it does in the one-sample case, unless we make this
additional adjustment to the degrees of freedom. (The whole theoretical
story is complicated.)
a. Verify the value of df given in the aldrin and walking babies examples on
pages 620 and 621.
b. If n1 = n2, derive a simplified version of the formula for df.
c. If n1 = n2 and, in addition, s1 = s2, derive an even simpler rule for df.
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3. Compute the test statistic, find the P-value, and draw a sketch. Compute
the difference between the sample means (because the hypothesized mean
difference is zero), measured in estimated standard errors:
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Conditions were checked in the example on page 620, and the conclusion here is
subject to those concerns.
In terms of the difference between two means, your null hypothesis is
Give conclusion in
Conclude that, because the P-value for a two-sided test is greater than
= 0.10, you do not reject the null hypothesis. There is insufficient evidence
to claim that the mean aldrin concentration at the bottom of the Wolf River is
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For the aldrin data, it makes sense to use a two-sided alternative. (Researchers
wanted to know whether samples taken at mid-depth would give essentially
the same results as samples taken near the bottom.) For the walking babies
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The conditions were checked in the example Walking Babies 1 on page 621.
The null hypothesis is
or, equivalently,
is the mean age that the babies in the experiment would first walk
if they all could have been given the special exercises and
is the mean age
that the babies would first walk if all babies in the experiment could have received
the exercise control treatment. (You can also use the symbols and as long as
you define the symbols.)
For this one-sided test, the alternative hypothesis is
or, equivalently,
Here are the summary statistics:
Special exercises:
Exercise control:
The test statistic is
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As always, the best way to get more power to reject a false null hypothesis is to
increase the sample sizes. However, sometimes you have the resources to get, say,
only 40 measurements total between the two samples. How should you divide
them up20 in each sampleor some other way?
Getting the Most Power Out of Your Two-Sample t-Test
The best way to get more power is to have larger sample sizes.
If you have reason to believe that the population standard deviations are
about equal, make the sample sizes equal.
If you have reason to believe that one populations standard deviation is
larger than the others, allocate your resources so that you take a larger sample
from the population with the larger standard deviation. (Choose the sample
sizes to be proportional to the estimated standard deviations.)
Follow these same rules to get the smallest margin of error for a confidence
Why Not Two Separate Confidence Intervals? Significance tests for the
difference of two means take a little getting used to. It is natural to ask why you
cant simply compute two separate confidence intervals, one for and one for ,
and check to see if they overlap. This method will tell you if there are any values
that are plausible means for both populations. If so, then you wouldnt reject the
null hypothesis that the difference in the means is 0. The difficulty is that the
method is too conservative, meaning that you wont reject a false null hypothesis
often enough. In other words, you have sacrificed power.
However, you can use this rule: If you construct two separate confidence
intervals for the means of two populations (at confidence level 1 ) and they
dont overlap, you are safe in rejecting the null hypothesis that the means are equal
at significance level . If the intervals overlap, you can come to no conclusion.
A Special Case: Pooling When
Suppose you are taking two independent samples from the same population for
the purpose of comparing means. This happens, for example, when you randomly
divide available experimental units into two groups for the purpose of comparing
two treatments. If the true treatment means really do not differ (the usual null
hypothesis), then the true variances of the sample measurements should not differ
either. You then have two sample variances (that probably will differ) to estimate
the single population variance. One way to combine these two estimates is simply
to average the sample variances and use this average to estimate the population
variance. (This average should be a weighted average if the sample sizes are
not equal.) This process, called pooling, gives you another way to calculate a
confidence interval or a test statistic based on t.
Your calculator and statistics software give you the choice of pooled or
unpooled when doing two-sample t-procedures. Pooled should be used only
when you have a good reason to believe that the population standard deviations
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are equal. Even if you know this to be true, the two-sample (unpooled) procedure
discussed in this chapter works almost as well as the pooled procedure, especially
if the sample sizes are equal. The only situation in which the pooled procedure has
a definite advantage is when the populations have equal standard deviations but
your sample sizes are unequal. Therefore, we wont cover the pooled procedure in
this text. Unless you encounter a problem that specifically tells you to assume that
are equal, choose the unpooled procedure.
You should know, however, that there are extensions of the two-sample
procedures that allow comparisons among more than two means. The most
common of these procedures (analysis of variance, or ANOVA) is a generalization
of the pooled procedure for two samples, so it is good to know when pooling
works and when it doesnt.
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E53. Kelly randomly assigned eight golden
hamsters to be raised in long days or short
days. She then measured the concentrations
of an enzyme in their brains. (Refer to
page 244 for more about Kellys hamster
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= 53.0 s1 = 13.7
n1 = 24
Topical gel:
= 51.5 s2 = 16.8
n2 = 27
n1= 24
Topical gel:
= 27.1 s2 = 3.7
n2 = 27
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= 63.3 s1 = 19.0
n1 = 24
Topical gel:
= 48.6 s2 = 22.2
n2 = 27
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Paired Comparisons
Now that youve seen the methods for comparing means, its time to put them
to work. In this section, youll see confidence intervals and significance tests in
action. Keep in mind that a t-test is no smarter than a chainsaw. Neither has any
brains of its own. A chainsaw cant tell whether its cutting an old dead tree into
firewood or turning a valuable antique table into scrapwood. A t-test is every bit
as oblivious. The difference between thoughtful and careless use is up to you, the
operator. This final section looks at four issues on which you need to be clear in
order to use your statistical tools with care.
Do you really have two independent samples, or do you have only one sample
of paired data?
What if shapes arent normal?
Is it meaningful to compare means?
Does your inference have the chance it needs?
Hand Spans
What youll need: a ruler marked in millimeters
Detective Sherlock Holmes amazed a man by relating obvious facts about
him, such as that he had at some time done manual labor: How did you know,
for example, that I did manual labour? It is as true as gospel, for I began as a
ships carpenter. Sherlock replied, Your hands, my dear sir. Your right hand
is quite a size larger than your left. You
have worked with it, and the muscles are
more developed. [Source: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, ed. Richard Lancelyn
Green, Oxford World Classics (Oxford and New York,
1988).] In fact, peoples right hands tend to
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1. Measure your left and right hand spans, in millimeters. (An easy way to do
this is to spread your hand as wide as possible, place it directly on a ruler,
and get the distance between the end of your little finger and the end of
your thumb.) Record the data for each student in your class in a table with
a column for the left hand span and another column for the right. There
should be one row for each person.
2. For each row in the table, calculate the difference, right left. Find the
mean of the differences and the standard error of the mean difference using
the formula sd =
3. Now make a new table, but this time randomize the order of the right hand
spans so that peoples left hand spans are no longer matched with their
right. Then repeat step 2 with the new table.
4. Finally, treat the left hand spans and right hand spans as independent
samples. Calculate the difference between the two sample means and the
standard error of that difference using the formula
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Matched Pairs
Repeated Measures
Summary Statistics
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To analyze the data from this completely randomized design, use the methods
of Section 9.4. A 95% confidence interval (df 24.31) for the difference between
the mean pulse rates for sitting and standing is given by
or 8.96 <
< 14.67.This interval overlaps 0, so you cant conclude
that one of these treatments would produce a higher mean than the other if every
subject were given both treatments.
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This plot gives a hint of a linear trend (r = 0.48), as it should, because these are
dependent measurements based on pairing people with similar resting pulse rates.
The matched pairs design has dependent observations within a pair, so the
two-sample t-procedure is not a valid option. You can, however, look at the
differences between the standing and sitting pulse rates for each pair and estimate
the mean difference with a one-sample procedure. Observe in Display 9.74 that
the difference between the sample means, 77.57 73.86, is the same as the mean
of the differences, 3.71, so the latter is a legitimate estimator of the true difference
between the population means. Thus, the two sets of measurements are reduced
to one set of differences. The summary statistics for the observed differences are
Mean: d = 3.71
With 13 degrees of freedom, the critical value, t*, for a 95% confidence interval is
2.160. The confidence interval estimate of the true mean difference is
which yields the interval ( 3.44, 10.86). Any value of the true mean difference
between standing and sitting pulse rates in this interval could have produced the
observed mean difference as a reasonably likely outcome. This interval includes 0,
so there is not suffcient evidence to say that the standing mean would differ from
the sitting mean if all subjects were measured under both conditions. Although
this interval overlaps 0, 0 is proportionally closer to the endpoint than it is in the
confidence interval for the completely randomized design.
Repeated Measures Design
The scatterplot for the data from the repeated measures design (Display 9.77)
shows a strong linear trend (correlation 0.93). These are paired measurements
from the same person and should be highly correlated.
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or (6.31, 10.41). This estimate of the mean does not overlap 0, so the evidence
supports the conclusion that the mean standing pulse rate is higher than the mean
sitting pulse rate.
Checking Normality
You might be wondering why we did not check conditions by looking at a plot of
the data. We will do that now. For the analyses of differences, it is the differences,
not the two original samples, that must come from an approximately normal
distribution. Display 9.78 provides boxplots of these differences for both the
matched pairs design and the repeated measures design. They show that there is
no obvious reason to be concerned about non-normality in either case.
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where n is the sample size, d is the mean of the differences between pairs of
measurements, sd is the sample standard deviation, and t* depends on the
confidence level desired and the degrees of freedom, df = n 1.
Give interpretation in context.
An interpretation is of this form: I am 95% confident that the mean of the
population of differences, d, is in this confidence interval.
Of course, when you interpret a condfience interval, you will do it in
context, describing the population you are talking about.
A Significance Test for Paired Observations
You could also decide whether standing increases the mean pulse rate by doing a
test of significance. The next example illustrates the components of such a test.
Because the order in which each subject receives the two treatments is
randomized, you can treat this as a random assignment of treatments to subjects.
Although Display 9.78 shows that the distribution of differences is not quite
symmetric, there is no reason to rule out the normal distribution as a possible
model for producing these differences.
The hypotheses are
H0: d = 0 versus Ha: d > 0
Here d is the theoretical mean difference between standing and sitting pulse rates
for this group of subjects if each subject could have received each treatment in
both orders.
The test statistic is
Conclusion in context.
With 27 degrees of freedom, the P-value for this large t-statistic is essentially 0.
The very small P-value indicates that there is sufficient evidence to conclude
that the mean difference in pulse rates is positive. This implies that the mean
pulse rate is higher for persons standing than it is for those same persons sitting.
The result applies only to the people (subjects) in this experiment and cannot be
generalized to other people based on these data alone.
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Ha: d < 0
Ha: d > 0
3. Compute the test statistic, find the P-value, and draw a sketch. Compute
the difference between the mean difference, d, from the sample and the
hypothesized difference d0, and then divide by the estimated standard
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Display 9.79
Check conditions.
This particular group of subjects is a random sample taken from a larger group,
so the randomness condition is satisfied. But the distributions of the original
counts and the distribution of their differences dont appear normal, as you
can see in Display 9.80. Counts of this type are notorious for having skewed
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distributions because they must be non-negative but can get very large. (Think
of counting the number of insects on each plant in a garden.) Display 9.80 also
shows that these particular counts have positively skewed distributions, whereas
their differences are skewed in the negative direction. A transformation is
needed. Although the condition is that the distribution of differences must
be normal, statisticians typically transform the original values rather than the
If you take the square root of each of the counts in B and A, you get the more
symmetric boxplots in Display 9.81. The square root transformation typically
does a good job of making the distributions of counts more symmetric.
The purpose of applying the antiseptic was, of course, to reduce the bacteria
counts. Evidence that the treatment was effective can be produced through a t-test
of the differences of the square roots. The data in Display 9.79 have the after
counts subtracted from the before counts, so the hypotheses are
State your hypotheses.
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The formula for the test statistic has the same pattern as in the t-test for a single
= 3.943
Give conclusion in
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they might want to compare, say, the top 10% of test takers on each exam to see if
they really are the employees with the greatest aptitude. In general, the variability
of the test scores is more important than the mean. Those with strong aptitude
should score high; those with weak aptitude should score low, with enough
variability in scores so that the two groups are substantively different.
Does Your Inference Have the Chance It Needs?
In statistics, exploratory methods look for patterns but make no assumptions
about the process that created the data; with exploratory methods, what you see is
what you get. Inference can deliver more than exploration, going beyond simply
saying Here are some interesting patterns. For inference to be justified, however
you need the right kind of data. Provided your numbers come from random
samples or randomized experiments, you can use probability theory and the
predictable regularities of chancelike behavior to draw conclusions not only about
the data you see but also about the unseen population from which they came or
about the treatments that were assigned to the experimental units.
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Repeated Measures
Display 9.82 Data tables and boxplots of pulse rate data from another class experiment.
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Display 9.84
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E69. You would expect that teams launching
gummy bears would get better with practice.
Part of the bears-in-space data from Chapter
4 (page 258) is given in Display 9.87. You will
test whether there is statistically significant
evidence that teams improved from launch 1
to launch 10. Use = 0.01.
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Chapter Summary
To use the confidence intervals and significance tests of this chapter, you need
a random sample from a population (consisting of either single values or
paired values)
two independent random samples from two distinct populations or, in the
case of an experiment, two treatments randomly assigned to the available
When there is no randomness involved, you proceed with the test only after
stating loudly and clearly the limitations of what you are doing. If you reject the
null hypothesis in such a case, all you can conclude is that something happened
that cant reasonably be attributed to chance.
You use a confidence interval if you want to find a range of plausible
values for
, the mean of your single population
, the difference between the means of your two populations
Both of the confidence intervals you studied have the same form:
Chapter Summary
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Theres only one way you can be confident of drawing correct conclusions
from data: Use sound methods of data production, either random samples or
randomized experiments. At the other extreme, there are many ways you can
be confident that the conclusions might not be valid. For example, voluntary
response samples are worthless when it comes to inference. In reality, many
situations fall between the two extremes. What then? For example, what if you
use your class as a sample instead of taking a random sample? There are no
formal rules; the value of the inference methods is rarely all-or-nothing. The
more reasonable it is to regard your data as coming from a random sample or a
randomized experiment, the more reasonable it is to trust conclusions based on
the inference methods. For many data sets, making a careful judgment about this
issue is the hardest aspect of a statisticians job.
Review Exercises
E89. To find an estimate of the number of hours
that highly trained athletes sleep each night,
a researcher selects a random sample of
15 highly trained athletes and asks each
how many hours of sleep he or she gets each
night. The results are given in Display 9.103.
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Chapter Summary
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Chapter Summary
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AP Sample Test
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a. Check the conditions for doing a twosample t-test of the difference in means.
b. The researchers did a two-sample
t-test on the original data, with pooled
variances ( = 0.05 ). Do you agree with
that decision? Why or why not?
c. Replicate the test that the researchers did,
and find the P-value. What conclusion
do you come to if you take the results at
face value?
d. What would the test decision have been
if the variances werent pooled?
e. When the standard deviations arent
comparable, what is the effect of using
the pooled procedure rather than the
unpooled procedure?
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AP Sample Test
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Chi-Square Tests
Is it necessary to
have a child at
some point in your
life in order to feel
fulfilled? A poll
asked this question
of samples of
adults in various
countries. You can
use a chi-square
test to decide if
the distribution of
answers (yes, no,
and undecided)
reasonably could
be the same for
the adults in each
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A Test Statistic
To begin a chi-square goodness-of-fit test, make a table with the first column
listing the possible outcomes. In the second column, give the frequency (or count)
that each outcome was observed (O ). In the third column, give the frequencies
you would expect (E ) if the hypothesized proportions are correct.
of the
Display 10.1 Observed and expected frequencies for 60 rolls of a fair die.
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A test statistic is a
measure of the distance
between observation
and model.
You will conclude that the die is unfair if the observed frequencies are far
from the expected frequencies. Are they? Heres where you need a test statistic;
that is, you need to condense the information in the table into a single number
that acts as an index of how far away the observed frequencies are from the
expected frequencies.
Both the squared difference (O E)2 and the relative or proportional
difference (O E)/E are important in determining how far the observed
frequency is from the expected frequency. The test statistic involves both.
The Test Statistic
The test statistic for chi-square tests is
The symbol
read chi-square.
The value of
= 2.6.
A Test Statistic
D1. What is the null hypothesis for the fair die example? What is the alternative
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D2. One test statistic that might be constructed for the data in the fair die
example is
a. Compute the value of this test statistic for the fair die example.
b. Display 10.3 shows the results from the rolls of two different dice. For
which die does the table give stronger evidence that the die is unfair?
c. Compute and compare the values of
for Die A and Die B.
Does this appear to be a reasonable test statistic? Explain.
D4. Will you reject the hypothesis that the die is fair if is relatively large, if
it is relatively small, or both? How might you determine whether a value
of 2.6 is relatively large?
D5. What is for Die A and for Die B in Display 10.3? Did the larger value of
correspond to the die that you thought seemed more unfair? What purpose
does dividing by E serve in the formula for the test statistic?
D6. If you are given the observed frequencies and the hypothesized proportions,
how do you find the expected frequencies?
D7. The statistic involves a sum of squared differences. What other statistics
have you seen that involve a sum of squared differences?
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computed from
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In the histogram on the left in Display 10.4, each value of was computed
from the results of 1000 rolls of a fair die. The histogram on the right was
constructed from the results of only 60 rolls, so it should look very much like
the one your class generated in Activity 10.1a.
As you can see, the distribution does not change much with a change in
sample size, as long as the sample size is large. Is there only one distribution
(like the z-statistic), or are there many (like the t-statistic)? Sample size doesnt
change the shape, center, or spread, but there is one more variable to checkthe
number of categories.
Each histogram in Display 10.5 shows a distribution of 5000 values of .
Each of the 5000 values was computed from the results of 60 rolls of a fair die.
However, each histogram was made using a die with a different number of
sides. Notice how the distribution changes as the number of categories (sides)
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df = number of
categories 1
To find the critical values of that cut off the upper 5% of the distribution
(or another percentage), you can use the table (Table C) in the appendix on
page 827. A partial table is shown in Display 10.6. In this table, df (degrees of
freedom), is equal to the number of categories minus 1.
The degrees of freedom concept is the same as it was in measuring variation
from the mean. With n data values, the deviations from the mean sum to 0,
so only n 1 of the deviations are free to vary. Similarly, with k categories the
deviations between observed and expected frequencies sum to 0, so only k 1 of
the deviations are free to vary.
from Table C.
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Looking at the row of values for 5 degrees of freedom in Display 10.6, you
see that the smallest value is 9.24, which cuts off an upper tail area of 0.10. The
observed value, 2.6, is well to the left of 9.24 under the distribution (see
Display 10.7). Therefore, all you can say about the P-value is that it is larger than
0.10. (Table C on page 827 tells you that it is also larger than 0.25.) Statistical
software or a calculator can give you an exact P-value. [To learn how to find
the P-value with your calculator, see Calculator Note 10D .] Here, the P-value is
approximately 0.76.
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as extreme as or even
The P-value is the probability of getting a value of
more extreme than the one in the sample, assuming the null hypothesis
is true. Get a P-value from your calculator, or approximate the P-value by
to the appropriate critical value of
in Table C,
comparing the value of
where df = number of categories 1.
4. Write your conclusion linked to your computations and in the context
of the problem. If the P-value is smaller than (or, equivalently, if
is larger than the critical value for the given ), then reject the null
hypothesis. If not, then you dont have statistically significant evidence that
the null hypothesis is false and so you do not reject it. (Remember that you
dont say you accept the null hypothesis. This is because you dont know
that it is true; you simply dont have any evidence that the hypothesized
proportions are exactly the right ones, only evidence that your data are
consistent with those proportions. Your data will be consistent with other
proportions, too.)
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If the distribution of colors for peanut butter M&Ms is the same as that for milk
chocolate M&Ms, you would expect the numbers of each color to be as shown
in Display 10.9. Note that in a chi-square test it is not necessary that all of the
expected frequencies be the same.
The conditions for a chi-square goodness-of-fit test are met in this situation.
You have a random sample of 200 peanut butter M&Ms. Each M&M was only
one color. You can compute the expected number of each color because you know
the distribution of colors in milk chocolate M&Ms. All of the expected counts are
at least 5.
The null hypothesis is
H0: The distribution of colors in peanut butter M&Ms is the same as the
distribution of colors in milk chocolate M&Ms; that is, there are 13% red,
14% yellow, 16% green, 20% orange, 13% brown, and 24% blue.
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= 12.33
The value of from the sample, 12.33, is quite far out in the tail of the chi-square
distribution with 6 1, or 5, degrees of freedom. In fact, it is in the upper 0.031
of the tail.
Reject the null hypothesis. You cannot attribute the difference in the expected
and observed frequencies to variation in sampling alone. A value of this large
is very unlikely to occur in random samples of this size if peanut butter M&Ms
have the same distribution of colors as milk chocolate M&Ms. Conclude that
the distribution of colors in peanut butter M&Ms is different from that in milk
chocolate M&Ms. Display 10.10 shows a Fathom printout for this test.
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The test statistic for testing the null hypothesis that spinning the coin is fair
The sum of the number of heads and tails must be n, so x2 = n x1 and you can
write the test statistic as
But you already know another way of testing the hypothesis that spinning a coin is
fair. For large n, the test statistic for this hypothesis could be the familiar z-statistic
from Chapter 8, given by
You can now see that = z2. The square of a z-statistic has a distribution with
1 degree of freedom. This equality holds in general, even if p isnt .
In summary, if there are only two types of outcomes (success and failure),
you are back in the binomial situation and the z-test from Chapter 8 is equivalent
to the chi-square test of this chapter. This implies, among other things, that
the assumptions for the chi-square test are the same as those for the z-test: The
sample must be random and be large enough so that the sample proportion has an
approximately normal sampling distribution.
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E1. In 1882, R. Wolf rolled a die 20,000 times.
The results are recorded in Display 10.16.
Is this evidence that the die was unfair, or
is it approximately what you would expect
from a fair die?
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distribution for df = 2.
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Are proportions
equal across several
The table in Display 10.26 is called a two-way table because each outcome
is classified in two ways: according to the brand of paper towel (the population
it comes from) and whether or not it breaks. Disregarding the labels and totals,
it has two rows, three columns, and six cells. The data are called categorical
because the only information recorded about each response is which category
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(or class) it falls into. A cell of the table consists of a count (or frequency). For
example, the 20 in the second row and third column is the number of paper
towels in Justines sample of the 25 Wipe-Outs that did not break.
The column totals, indicating 25 towels of each brand, and the row totals,
indicating 30 towels that broke and 45 that did not break, are called the marginal
frequencies. The summary that or 0.40, or 40%, of the towels broke is called
a marginal relative frequency. A total of 18 of the Wipe-Up towels broke; this
is called a joint frequency (joint between the column variable, brand, and the
row variable, break). Among the Wipe-Ups, or 0.72, or 72%, of the towels
broke; among the Wipe-Outs, only or 0.20, or 20%, broke. These are called
conditional relative frequencies for these columns. The conditional relative
frequency for the first row tells you that, among the towels that broke, or 0.60,
or 60%, were Wipe-Ups.
Are the results from Justines three samples consistent with the null hypothesis
that the percentage of towels that break is the same for all three brands?
As in any analysis, you should look first at a graphical display of the data. One
possible plot is given in Display 10.27. This plot is called a stacked or segmented
bar chart . For each population, the observed frequencies in each category are
stacked on top of each other. From this plot alone, its clear that Wipe-Ups are
more likely to break than are the other two brands.
Display 10.27 A stacked bar chart for Justines paper towels data.
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c. What would the stacked bar chart look like if it were true that the
probability that a paper towel will break is the same for all three brands
and if the results in the sample happened to come out exactly as
If the null hypothesis that the proportion of towels that break is the same for all
three brands of paper towels is true, what is the expected frequency in each cell?
The best estimate of the overall proportion that will break is the marginal
relative frequency
Display 10.29
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A chi-square test of homogeneity can be used to test whether the three brands
of towels are equally likely to break. This test is similar to a chi-square test for
goodness of fit. The value of is computed in the same way, using the observed
and expected values in the six cells of the table, but in this test the expected
frequencies are estimated from the sample data. In the goodness-of-fit test, the
probabilities were specified in the null hypothesis.
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As before,
is approximately 16.34.
Before you can find the P-value for this test, you need to determine the
number of degrees of freedom, df.
Degrees of Freedom for a Test of Homogeneity
For a chi-square test of homogeneity, the number of degrees of freedom is
df = ( r 1)(c 1)
where r is the number of rows in the table of observed values and c is the
number of columns (not counting the headings or totals in either case).
Display 10.31
distribution with df = 2,
= 0.001.
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4. Write your conclusion linked to your computations and in the context
of the problem. If the P-value is smaller than (or, equivalently, if
is larger than the critical value for the given ), then reject the null
hypothesis. If not, there is no evidence that the null hypothesis is false,
so you do not reject it.
From the plot, you can see that the percentages do not appear to be the same
for each country. The difference between India and the United States seems too
great. Test the hypothesis that the proportion of adults who would give each
answer is the same for each country.
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Under this hypothesis, the expected frequencies are given in Display 10.33.
The conditions are met in this situation for a chi-square test of homogeneity.
There are five large populations, and a random sample of size 1000 was taken
from each population. Each answer falls into exactly one of three categories. All
the expected frequencies are at least 5.
The null hypothesis is
H0: If you could ask all adults, the distribution of answers would be the same
for each country.
The alternative hypothesis is
Ha: The distribution of answers is not the same in each of the five countries.
That is, in at least one country, the proportion of all adults who would give
one of the answers is different from the proportion in another country.
The test statistic is
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Reject the null hypothesis. You cannot attribute the differences to the fact
that you have only a random sample of adults from each country and not the
entire adult population. A value of this large is extremely unlikely to occur
in fi ve random samples of this size if the distribution of answers is the same in
each country. Conclude that if you questioned all people in these countries, the
distributions of answers would differ among some countries.
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10 de 19
Do these data provide evidence that the inhaled nitric oxide and the placebo
result in different distributions of outcomes?
Check conditions.
Treatments were randomly assigned to subjects in large enough numbers so
that all expected cell frequencies are at least 5 (see Display 10.36). The conditions
are met.
The null hypothesis is
H0: If both treatments could be assigned to all subjects, the resulting
distributions of outcomes would be the same.
The alternative hypothesis is
Ha: If both treatments could have been assigned to all subjects, the resulting
distributions of outcomes would differ. (The chi-square test itself does
not tell how they differ.)
Display 10.36 shows the expected frequencies.
value of
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Comparing this value to the tabled values of the distribution with 2 degrees of
freedom shows that the observed value of the test statistic is a little smaller than
the 5% critical value, 5.99. Thus, the P-value here is a little larger than 0.05 but
smaller than 0.10. A calculator gives a P-value of 0.08.
This is a borderline case. If you strictly interpret this as a fi xed 5% level test, the
decision is not to reject the null hypothesis and to say you dont have statistically
significant evidence that treating with nitric oxide is an improvement over
the placebo. However, the P-value is fairly small and gives some evidence that
something other than random behavior is going on here. As you will see in P20,
this point of view is strengthened if you collapse the death and survival with
chronic lung disease categories into one category; both are considered undesirable
outcomes by the research physicians. The original article reporting this research
ends with a positive recommendation for the nitric oxide treatment under certain
conditions. See P21 for more information on this study.
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If there were only two brands of paper towels, you could use a z-test to test
whether they are equally likely to break. For Justines data, testing the null
hypothesis p1 = p2 will lead to the conclusion that these two proportions differ.
This two-sample z-test is equivalent to a chi-square test of homogeneity using
only the first two columns of data (a test with 1 degree of freedom). As in
goodness-of-fit tests, = z2. But there are still two more comparisons to be
made: p2 versus p3 and p1 versus p3.
Why not use multiple z-tests rather than one chi-square test to determine
whether the population proportions are homogeneous? This is a deep question,
and the answer relies on complex statistical theory. The simple answer is that you
have a greater chance of coming to an erroneous conclusion with multiple tests
than you do with only one. A guiding statistical principle for hypothesis testing
is to never use more tests than you absolutely need. The chi-square test is a clever
way of combining many z-tests into one overall test. However, it is appropriate
to use z-tests to compare proportions within a table once overall significance has
been established.
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Rest of class: Its kind of like if the probability itll rain tomorrow is 0.4, then you
dont learn anything new if they also tell you that the probability
it wont rain is 0.6. You could have already figured that out. So you
really have only one piece of information.
Ms. C: Well, thats sort of close.
Jodain: Then the reason we didnt have to bother with df in a z-test for a
proportion in Section 8.2 is that we knew what the standard error
should be because it depended only on p0.
Ms. C: Right. You werent estimating the error term from the data using a
sum of squared deviations. So you didnt need to worry about df.
Rest of class: We like z-tests!
Ms. C: What does this have to do with df equaling the number of
categories minus 1 for a chi-square goodness-of-fit test?
Jodain: Hmmm. The statistic itself looks like one big error term. If you
are testing whether a six-sided die is fair, there are six categories
and six deviations, O minus E. I suppose if you know all but one of
them, you can figure out that one.
Rest of class: Huh?
Ms. C: Jodains right. The last deviation is determined by the others
because the sum of the deviations from the center is always
equal to 0:
Because the last deviation doesnt give you any new information
about the size of the deviations from the center,
df = number of categories 1
Jodain: But what about the formula in this section, df = (r 1)(c 1)?
Rest of class: (groan) Jodain, why do you do this to us? (mumble, mumble)
Ms. C: Well, how many deviations, O minus E, are you using in the
Rest of class: We know! The number of rows times the number of columns!
Ms. C: Great answer! Now all you have to do is figure out how many of
these give you new information about the size of O minus E and
how many are redundant.
Jodain: Well, with Justines paper towels example, there were 2 times 3,
or 6, values of O minus E. They have to sum to 0 in each row and
each column. So, for example, if you know the deviations Ive put
in this table (Display 10.38), you can figure out the rest, meaning
that they dont tell you anything new.
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Display 10.38 Table of deviations with one row and one column
The number of degrees of freedom for a two-way table with r rows and
c columns is
df = (r 1)(c 1)
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Categorical Data with Two Variables
P12. Students in a statistics class surveyed
random samples of 50 female students
and 50 male students, asking each if they
preferred a bath or a shower. Display 10.39
gives the results.
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Each time you are asked to perform a chi-square test,
include all four of the steps given on pages 697698.
E17. A recent Gallup poll asked the same question
the Gallup Organization has asked every
year for many years: What do you think
is the most important problem facing
this country today? Display 10.42 shows
the percentage responses for three major
concerns from 2003 to 2006.
Display 10.43 Results of a poll about satisfaction with the quality of education in 2004 and
2005. [Source:, 2005.]
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Display 10.51 Results of a poll of parents opinions of the amount of emphasis schools
place on sports and standardized test preparation, for a sample of
1000 adults. [Source:, 2005.]
Are these variables
independent in this
If categorical variables
arent independent, we
call them dependent or
Independent or Not?
1. In the next step, you will count the number of females and males in your
class. You will also ask if the last digit of their phone number is even or
odd. Do you think that the categorical variables gender and even/odd phone
number are independent? Explain.
2. Collect the data described in step 1 and organize the data in a two-way
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3. Using the definition of independence in Chapter 5, determine if gender
and even/odd phone number are independent variables in the selection of a
student at random from your class.
4. Based on your answer to step 3, what are you willing to conclude about the
independence of the two variables in the population of all students? Explain.
5. Even if gender and even/odd phone number are independent variables in the
population of all students, why are you likely to find that this is not the case
in your class?
6. In Activity 5.4a, you determined whether you are right-eye dominant or
left-eye dominant. Retrieve the table you made then, or make another
two-way table for your class in which one categorical variable is eye
dominance (left or right) and one categorical variable is hand dominance
(left or right).
7. For a randomly selected student from your class, are the events right-eye
dominant and right-hand dominant independent according to the
definition of independence in Chapter 5?
P(B) = P(B | A)
Why do you need a test of independence here when you already have one
from Chapter 5?
D19. Why do you think a chi-square test of independence is sometimes called a
test of association?
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In testing for independence, there is only one population with each subject or
unit categorized according to two variables. For the Titanic data, the categorical
variables are Class of Travel and Survival Status. Recall from Section 10.2 that the
number of first-class travelers who survived, 203, is a joint frequency, the number
of survivors, 499, is a row marginal frequency and the number of second-class
travelers, 285, is a column marginal frequency. Of great importance to the
notion of independence are the conditional relative frequencies. The column
conditional relative frequencies, shown in Display 10.53, give the proportions of
those who survived or not for each class of traveler. Notice that these are quite
different from column to column, indicating that the proportion of survivors
changes dramatically from class to class. In other words, the survival rate depends
on (or is associated with) the class of travel.
Will the row conditional relative frequencies tell much the same story?
Display 10.54 gives these data, which show what proportion of the survivors fall
into each class of travel as well as what proportion of the non-survivors fall into
each class of travel. Again, these conditional distributions are quite different,
indicating that there is evidence of an association between survival status and
class of travel.
The segmented bar chart was a natural graphic to use for studying
homogeneity because, in that situation, you had different populations that could
be compared with side-by-side bars. In studying independence you have one
population and one sample categorized by two variables, so you can construct a
segmented bar chart on either variable, as shown in Display 10.55 (on the next
page). You can tell that the two variables are not independent by observing that
the bars arent divided into segments according to the same proportions. For
example, in the left-hand chart, the first bar is more than two-thirds Survived,
whereas the third bar is only about one-third Survived.
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Display 10.55 Segmented bar charts for the Titanic survival data.
The column chart in Display 10.56 treats the two variables symmetrically.
You can see that the two variables do not appear to be independent because the
columns in the back row dont follow the same pattern as the columns in the front
row. From left to right, the heights of the columns in the back row go shortest,
middle, tallest; in the front row, the heights go tallest, shortest, middle.
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The expected frequency of people who are right-handed and blue-eyed is then
Thus, the expected number of observations that fall into this cell is
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For each cell in the table, O is the observed frequency and E is the expected
frequency where:
Display 10.58 Eye color and hair color data from a sample of
Scottish children. [Source: D. J. Hand et al., A Handbook
of Small Data Sets (London: Chapman & Hall, 1994), p. 146.
Original source: L. A. Goodman, Association Models and
Canonical Correlation in the Analysis of Cross-Classifi cations
Having Ordered Categories, Journal of the American Statistical
Association 76 (1981): 32034.]
From the column chart in Display 10.59, you can see that it does indeed appear
to be the case that children with darker hair colors tend to have darker eye colors,
whereas children with lighter hair colors tend to have lighter eye colors. Compare,
especially, the rows for fair hair and dark hair.
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Display 10.59 Column chart for hair color and eye color.
Check conditions.
Display 10.60 also gives the computation of the test statistic, , and the P-value.
Notice that the expected frequencies in each cell are computed from the marginal
frequencies. Display 10.60 also includes the conditional relative frequencies for
the columns (hair color): Among those with fair hair, 22.4% have blue eyes;
among those with black hair, only 2.54% have blue eyes.
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Reject the null hypothesis. These are not results you would expect for a
sample from a population in which there is no association between eye color and
hair color. As you can see from Display 10.61, a value of 1240 is much larger
than the value of 32.91 that cuts off an upper tail of 0.001. Thus, a value of of
1240 or larger is extremely unlikely to occur in a sample of this size if hair color
and eye color are independent. Examining the table and the column chart, you
might conclude that darker eye colors tend to go with darker hair colors and
lighter eye colors tend to go with lighter hair colors.
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10 de 17
Display 10.62 Sample table for blue jeans data, collected from
two populations.
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wearing them now, and 12% never wear them. Thats about the
same distribution as for people 40 or older, so we wont be able to
reject the hypothesis that these populations are homogeneous with
respect to wearing jeans. Jeans-wearing behavior is about the same
for both age groups.
Ms. C: Right. In the homogeneity case, you have one variable but several
populations. The columnor sometimes the rowproportions
represent the separate distributions for those populations. Now
suppose you go out and take a random sample of 100 people,
classify them, and get the data in Display 10.63. This time you
sampled from just one population.
Display 10.63 Sample table for blue jeans data, collected from
one population.
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That gives you the best chance of rejecting a false null hypothesis. In
short, if you want to compare populations, take independent random
samples from each and conduct a test of homogeneity. If you want
to describe association between two variables in a single population,
take a single random sample and conduct a test of independence.
Class: How old are you, Ms. C?
Display 10.64 Tables showing how sample size can affect the test
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Statistical significance is
not the same as practical
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sample came from a population in which the two variables are independent? Use
the chi-square test of independence when
a simple random sample of a fixed size is taken from one large population
each outcome can be classified into one cell according to its category on one
variable and its category on a second variable
you want to know if its plausible that this sample came from a population in
which these two categorical variables are independent
In a chi-square test of independence, the expected frequencies are calculated from
the sample data:
The Chi-Square Test of Independence
P22. Which pairs of variables do you believe
are independent in the population of U.S.
students? Explain.
A. hair color and eye color
B. type of music preferred and ethnicity
C. gender and color of shirt
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on the age of a mother at the birth of her first
Always include all steps when doing a statistical test.
child and whether the mother eventually
E33. According to a National Center for
developed breast cancer. Of the 6168 mothers
Education Statistics report, 48,574,000
in the sample, 26.39% had their first child at
children were projected to be enrolled in the
age 25 or older. Of the 6168 mothers in the
nations K12 public schools in 2006. About
sample, 98.44% had not developed breast
69% were projected to be enrolled in grades
cancer. [Source: Jessica Utts, Seeing Through Statistics,
K8 and 31% in grades 912. It was also
2d ed. (Pacific Grove, Calif.: Duxbury, 1999), p. 209.]
projected that about 16.8% of the students
a. For what reason might the variables
would be in the Northeast, 22.1% in the
age at birth of first child and whether
Midwest, 36.5% in the South, and 24.6% in
developed breast cancer be associated?
the West. [Source:]
Construct a two-way table showing
a. For what reason might the variables
percentage of mothers who fall
region of country and grade level be
into each cell under the assumption of
b. Construct a two-way table showing
Construct a two-way table showing the
the proportion of students who fall
of mothers who fall into each cell
into each cell under the assumption of
under the assumption of independence.
E35. A student surveyed a random sample of 300
c. Construct a two-way table showing the
students in her large college and collected
number of students who fall into each cell
the data in Display 10.71 on the variables
under the assumption of independence.
class year and favorite team sport.
E34. The first U.S. National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey in the 1980s reported
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Chapter Summary
In this chapter, you have learned about three chi-square tests: a test of goodness
of fit, a test of homogeneity, and a test of independence. Although each test is
conducted in exactly the same way, the questions they answer are different.
In a chi-square goodness-of-fit test, you ask Does this look like a random
sample from a population in which the proportions that fall into these categories
are the same as the proportions hypothesized? This test is an extension of the test
of a single proportion developed for the binomial case.
In a chi-square test of homogeneity, you ask Do these samples from different
populations look like random samples from populations in which the proportions
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that fall into these categories are equal? This test is an extension of the test for the
equality of two binomial proportions.
In a chi-square test of independence, you ask Does this sample look like a
random sample from a population in which these two categorical variables are
independent (not associated)? This test is not equivalent to any test developed
earlier in this book. It is, however, related to the concept of independent events
and the computation of P(A and B).
Review Exercises
E41. This question was asked of random samples
of about 1000 residents of the United States
in each of a succession of years: Which of
the following statements reflects your view of
when the effects of global warming will begin
to happen? The percentages selecting each
choice, by year, are given in Display 10.77 (at
the bottom of the page). Is there evidence of
change in the pattern in these percentages
across the years? If so, describe the pattern of
change you see.
E42. Women are more critical of environmental
conditions than are men. So says a Gallup
Poll report on a survey of 1004 adults taken
in 2005. Results are shown in Display 10.78.
The percentages in the first row of data show
that 31% of men reported a positive view of
current environmental conditions whereas
only 18% of women reported such a view.
Assume that there were approximately equal
numbers of men and women.
a. Construct a plot that displays these data.
b. What test should you use to decide
whether the data support the quoted
Display 10.77 Result of a poll of 1000 U.S. residents each year, asking when they expect to
be affected by global warming. [Source:, 2005.]
Chapter Summary
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Display 10.84 Data and summary statistics for 1996 and 2001 AP Calculus AB Exams.
[Source: For the 1996 data: AP Calculus Course Description, May 1998,
May 1999, p. 76. For the 2001 data:, June 2002.]
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6 de 8
A. You test that two populations have
equal proportions of members that fall
into each of a given set of categories.
B. You test that a population has the
same proportion that falls into each
of a given set of categories as some
hypothesized distribution.
C. You test that you can predict the result
for one categorical variable better if
you know the result for the other.
D. You test that two populations are
I. one sample from one population
sorted according to one categorical
II. one sample from one population
sorted according to two categorical
III. two samples from two populations
sorted according to one categorical
IV. two samples from two populations
sorted according to two categorical
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1 de 3
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2 de 3
Trivia Question 1: Who are Shark, Barnacle Bill, Half Dome, Wedge, and Yogi?
Answer: Mars rocks, found at the landing site of Mars Pathfinder in
July 1997.
Trivia Question 2: Mars is often called the red planet. What makes it red?
Answer: Sulfur?
Display 11.1 shows how the redness of the five Mars rocks is related to their sulfur
content. The response variable, redness, is the ratio of red to blue in a spectral
analysis; the higher the value, the redder the rock. The explanatory variable is the
percentage, by weight, of sulfate in the rock.
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Shark: Have you figured out how change in the sulfate content is
reflected in change in redness?
Yogi: According to my calculations, the slope of the regression line
is 0.525. Rocks that differ by 1 percentage point in their sulfate
content will differ by about 0.5, on average, in their measure of
redness. I learned how to do this in Chapter 3.
Shark: Thats the story if you take the numbers at face value.
Yogi: Why shouldnt I?
Shark: Well, after all, we arent the only rocks on the planet. The slope,
0.525, is an estimate based on a sampleus! If that cute little
rolling Sojourner robot had nuzzled up to different rocks, you
would have a different estimate. So the goal of this chapter is to
show how to construct confidence intervals and test hypotheses
for the slope of a regression line.
Yogi: You need a whole chapter just for that? I know from Chapter 3
how to estimate the slope. So, if you tell me how to find the
standard error for the slope, I can do the rest. To get a confidence
interval, I just do the usual: 0.525 t* SE. To test a null
hypothesis, I simply compute
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Bivariate: two variables,
usually called x and y
Linear Models
In Chapter 3, you learned to summarize a linear relationship with a least squares
regression line,
That equation is a complete description if you have the entire population, but if
you have only a random sample, the values of b0 and b1 are estimates of the true
population parameters. That is, there is some underlying true linear relationship
that you are trying to estimate, just as you use as an estimate of . The notation
for a linear relationship is
response = prediction from true regression line + random deviation
is the observed
value minus the value
predicted by the true
regression line.
where and refer, respectively, to the intercept and slope of a line that you
dont ordinarily get to seethe true regression line you would get if you had
data for the whole population instead of only a sample. The letter e indicates
the size of the random deviationhow far a point falls above or below the
true regression line. The true regression line, sometimes called the line of means
or the line of averages, is written
Because such linear models are often used to predict unknown values of
y from known values of x, or to explain how x influences the variation in y,
y is called the response variable and x is called the predictor variable or the
explanatory variable.
Activity 11.1a is designed to help you understand the roles of these equations
and the relationship between them.
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1. Use the information above to fill in the second column of your copy of the
table in Display 11.2.
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Linear Models
D1. Refer to the information about childrens heights in Activity 11.1a. What
are the mean and standard deviation of the conditional distribution of the
heights given that the age is 10? Given that the age is 12?
D2. Explain the difference between the linear model
and the
fitted equation
. In particular, what is the difference between
and b1? What is the difference between a random deviation from the
model and an observed residual, y ?
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ordered pairs for each case on a scatterplot. Fit a regression line and record
the slope.
Case 1
x = 0; conditional distribution of y has = 10 and = 3
x = 1; conditional distribution of y has = 12 and = 3
Case 2
x = 0; conditional distribution of y has = 10 and = 3
x = 4; conditional distribution of y has = 18 and = 3
Case 3
x = 0; conditional distribution of y has = 10 and = 5
x = 1; conditional distribution of y has = 12 and = 5
Case 4
x = 0; conditional distribution of y has = 10 and = 5
x = 4; conditional distribution of y has = 18 and = 5
2. Collect the estimated slopes from your class. Construct four dot plots of
these estimated slopes, one plot for each case. What is the theoretical slope,
, in each case? For each case, estimate the mean of the distribution of
estimated slopes and compare it to .
3. How does the variation in the estimated slopes change with an increase
in the variation of the response variable, y? How does the variation in the
estimated slopes change with an increase in the spread of the explanatory
variable, x?
You learned in Activity 11.1b that the variation in the estimated slopes
depends not only on how much the values of y vary for each fixed value of x but
also on the spread of the x-values.
In the methods of inference in this chapter, the variability in y is assumed
to be the same for each conditional distribution. That is, if you picked a value
of x and computed the standard deviation of all the associated values of y in the
population, youd get the same number, , as you would if you picked any other
x, as shown in Display 11.4. This implies that also measures the variability of all
values of y about the true regression line. You can use this fact to estimate from
your data.
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Variability in x and y
Note that s
measures the
variability of the
is computed
Display 11.5, which shows some results from Activity 11.1b, shows that the
variability in the slope depends on the sample size and the variability in x and y.
Plot I: x = 0,
Plot III: x = 0,
= 10; x = 1,
= 10; x = 1,
= 10; x = 4,
= 10;
= 18;
= 18;
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Each plot in Display 11.5 shows five regression lines for one of the four cases;
for example, Plot I shows five regression lines for Case 1. Each line was constructed
using the instructions in step 1 of the activity. Plots I and II (or III and IV) show
that a wider spread in x results in regression lines with less variability in their
slopeeven though the values of y vary equally for each x-value. By comparing
plot I with plot III (or plot II with plot IV), you can see something more expected:
More variability in each conditional distribution of y means more variability in the
slope, b1.
D4. If samples were to be selected from the rectangles in Display 11.7, would
you have any concerns about using a straight line to model the relationship
between x and y? Why or why not?
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The formula does what you would expect: The slope varies less from sample to
sample when the sample size is larger, when the values of y tend to be closer to the
regression line, and when the values of x are more spread out.
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Display 11.8 Number and mass of french fries. [Source: Nathan Wetzel,
McDonalds French Fries. Would You Like Small or Large Fries?
STATS, 43 (Spring 2005): 1214.]
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a. The plots, shown in Display 11.9, indicate a positive linear trend, even though
there is considerable variation around the regression lines. The slope for the
small bags means that if one bag has 1 more fry than another, you would
expect the bag of fries to weigh 0.741 gram more. In other words, a fry weighs
about 0.741 gram. The slope for the large bags is 0.321, so the estimate of the
weight of a fry is less than half that from the small bags.
b. The residual plots look much like randomly scattered points, although the
small fries have some potentially influential observations because of the
large residuals, while the large fries have a potentially influential observation
because of a large gap on the x-axis.
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c. The slope of the least squares regression line for small bags has an estimated
standard error given by
So, if you were to take many random samples of 32 bags of small fries and
compute the slope of the regression line for predicting mass from number
of fries, the standard deviation of the distribution of these slopes would be
about 0.1656.
For the large bags, the estimated standard error is
The estimated standard error of the slope for the large bags is smaller than that
for the small bags, even though there is much more variation in the masses (y)
of the large bags. This happens because the larger variation in masses is offset
by the larger variation in the numbers of fries (x) for the large bags.
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The slope, b1, of the regression line varies less from sample to sample when
the sample size is larger
the residuals are smaller
the values of x are farther apart
In the following sections, you will learn to compute confidence intervals and
test statistics for the slope, but your conclusions wont be valid unless line plus
random deviations is the appropriate model for your data. So always plot your
data first to judge whether a line is a reasonable model.
Linear Models
P1. The scatterplot of data on pizzas in Display
3.31 on page 134 shows the number of
calories versus the number of grams of fat
in one serving of several kinds of pizza. Fat
contains 9 calories per gram.
a. What would be the theoretical slope of a
line representing such data?
b. What does the intercept of the line tell you?
c. What are some reasons why not all of the
points fall exactly on a line with the slope
in part a?
P2. According to Leonardo da Vinci, a persons
arm span and height are about equal.
Display 11.10 gives height and arm span
measurements for a sample of 15 high school
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the form
b. Write an equation that predicts when the
road will be open, given the swe. In this
situation, what is the response variable, y?
The predictor variable, x?
c. In 2005, the Flattop Mountain station
recorded 31.0 inches of swe. What date
would you predict the road opened?
d. Do you think the random deviation, ,
in this situation tends to be relatively
large or small? Make a guess as to what it
might be on average.
The Variability of b1 from Sample to Sample
P4. Refer to the table in Display 11.1 on page
737, which gives the sulfate percentage, x,
and redness, y, of the Mars rocks. Compute s,
the estimate of the common variability of y
at each x.
P5. Five quantities are listed here, along with two
possible values of each. For each quantity,
decide which value will give you the larger
variability in b1 (assuming all other things
stay the same), and give a reason why.
a. the standard deviation, , of the
individual response values of y at each
value of x: 3 or 5
b. the spread of the x-values: 3 or 10
c. the number of observations, n: 10 or 20
d. the true slope, : 1 or 3
e. the true intercept, : 1 or 7
The Standard Error of the Slope
P6. Look again at the Mars rocks data in
Display 11.1 on page 737.
a. Compute the estimate of the standard
error of the slope, .
b. On the computer output for the
regression in Display 11.11, locate the
standard error of the slope. Then locate
your estimate from P4 of the variation in
y about the line. What is the equation of
the regression line?
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I. x = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
II. x = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
III. x = 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12
IV. x = 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 9, 9, 9, 12, 12, 12
V. x = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
P9. As you did in P8, order these lists from the
largest to the smallest value of the true SE of
the slope. (For these, you might need to use
the formula and do some computation.)
I. = 2; x = 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3
II. = 1; x = 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3
III. = 3; x = 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6
IV. = 1; x = 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6
E1. Display 11.13 gives some information about
a random sample of motor vehicle models
commonly sold in the United States.
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Display 11.16
Display 11.15 Table and scatterplots of household
energy data. [Source: R. Carver, What
Does It Take to Heat a New Room? Estimating
Utility Demand in a Home, Journal of Statistics
Education 6, no.1 (1998).]
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No association between
x and y.
If a linear model is correct and the null hypothesis is true, then the test statistic
has a t-distribution with n 2 degrees of freedom.
Yogi: What a relief! I was waiting for them to introduce yet another new
distribution: the z, the t, the , the blah-blah-cube.
Shark: But arent you worried about one little thing? Why does this
statistic have a t-distribution and not something else?
Yogi: Worried? I said I was relieved! I know where the t-distribution is
on my calculator. The df rule is easy. I am happy, and now you are
trying to raise problems. You have not had enough sulfur in your
Shark: Okay, well let it go until your next course in statistics. For now,
simply notice that the sample slope behaves something like a
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for the rocks and for the soil samples, where do you expect the value of the
t-statistic for the combined data to fall? Why?
uniform residuals
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2. State the hypotheses. The null and alternative hypotheses usually will be
H0: = 0 and Ha:
0, where is the slope of the true regression line.
However, the test may be one-sided, and the hypothesized value,
, may
be some constant other than 0.
3. Compute the value of the test statistic, find the P-value, and draw a
sketch. The test statistic is
Here b1 and sb1 are computed from your sample. To find the P-value, use
your calculators t-distribution with n 2 degrees of freedom, where n is
the number of ordered pairs in your sample. [See Calculator Note 11D.]
4. Write your conclusion linked to your computations and in context. The
smaller the P-value, the stronger the evidence against the null hypothesis.
Reject H0 if the P-value is less than the given value of , typically 0.05.
Alternatively, compare the value of t to the critical value, t*. Reject H0
if | t | t* , for a two-sided test.
Yogi: Four conditions! What happened to good old line plus random
Shark: Its still there. But variation takes in a lot of territory. The
variation about the line has to be both random and regular.
Regular here means that the vertical spread is the same as you go
from left to right across your scatterplot and that the distribution
of points in each vertical slice is roughly normal.
Yogi: This is starting to sound complicated.
Shark: Not really. Sometimes a violation of the conditions will be obvious
from the scatterplot. To be safeor if you happen to be taking
some important testyou should look at a residual plot as well as
a dot plot or boxplot of the residuals.
Yogi: That still leaves one more condition. Surely youre not going to tell
me I can check randomness by looking at a plot?
Shark: No. For that condition, you need to check how the data were
collected. The observations should have been selected randomly,
which means, partly, that they should have been selected
Yogi: (Loud sigh)
Shark: Just read the next example, and youll see how easy it is.
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Check conditions:
randomness and
Check condition:
uniform residuals.
You have a random sample. The relationship looks reasonably linear in the
scatterplot. The equation of the least squares regression line through these points
is = 1.544 + 0.126x.
If you examine the residual plot in Display 11.20, you can see that while the
relationship appears to be generally linear, the variation from the regression line
tends to grow with x. That is, the values of y tend to fan out and get farther from
the regression line as the value of x increases. In the next section, you will see how
a transformation helps fix this violation of the conditions for inference.
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If you plot the residuals themselves, as in Display 11.21, they look as if they
reasonably could have come from a normal distribution. There are gaps, but the
distribution is reasonably symmetric.
Display 11.21 Dot plot and histogram of residuals. (By hand, you might prefer
a dot plot, but your calculator will only graph a histogram.)
State the hypotheses.
Do computations and
draw a sketch.
Give conclusion in
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regression coefficients are given in the column labeled Coefficient. The estimated
standard error of b1 is shown in the Horsepower line in the column labeled s.e.
of Coeff . The t-ratio and its corresponding P-value finish out this line.
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Be careful! Statistical
significance doesnt
always mean the results
are useful.
Now that you know that the price of a car increases with horsepower, your next
question might be How much? Whenever you reject a null hypothesis that a
slope is 0, it is good practice to construct a confidence interval. If the interval
is extremely wide, due to large variation in the residuals and small sample
size, that tells you that the estimate b1 is practically useless. For example, an
estimated increase in annual income of $50 to $10,000 for every additional
year of experience doesnt tell you much about what an individual employees
salary increase might be. It also might happen that the slope is so small as to be
practically meaningless, even though a large sample size makes it statistically
significant. For example, a special exercise that lowers your blood pressure by
1 to 1.5 points for every additional 5 hours per week you spend exercising will not
attract many takers, even if a huge study proves that the decrease is real. Always
temper statistical significance with practical significance.
As in past chapters, a confidence interval takes the form
uniform residuals
1. Check conditions. To get a capture rate equal to the advertised rate, the
conditional distributions of y for fixed values of x must be approximately
normal, with means that lie on a line and standard deviations that are
constant across all values of x. Of course, you cant check the population for
these; you have to use the sample.
Verify that you have a random sample from a bivariate population
(or a set of independent random samples, one for each fixed value of
x), or verify that treatments were assigned randomly to subjects in an
Make a scatterplot and check to see if the relationship looks linear.
Make a residual plot to check departures from linearity and that the
residuals are of uniform size across all values of x.
Make a univariate plot of the residuals to see if its reasonable to assume
that they came from a normal distribution.
2. Do computations. The confidence interval is
The value of t* depends on the confidence level and the number of degrees
of freedom, df, which is n 2. [See Calculator Note 11E.]
3. Give interpretation in context. For a 95% confidence interval, you would
say that you are 95% confident that the slope of the underlying linear
relationship lies in the interval. By 95% confidence, you mean that out of
every 100 such confidence intervals you construct from random samples,
you expect the true value, , to be in 95 of them.
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Some calculators do not give you the value of . However, when testing that
= 0, they will give you t and b1, so you can compute from
Give interpretation in
The conditions are the same as for a test of signifi cance and were checked in the
previous example.
You have 15 2, or 13, degrees of freedom, so the value of t* from Table B
on page 826 is 2.160. Thus, a 95% confidence interval estimate of the true slope is
given by
or (0.079, 0.173).
You can also use a calculator to find this interval. [See Calculator Note 11E.]
You are 95% confident that the slope of the true linear relationship between
price and horsepower is between 0.079 and 0.173. Converting from thousands of
dollars to dollars, the increase in the cost of a car per unit increase in horsepower is
somewhere between $79 and $173. In other words, if one model has 1 horsepower
more than another model, its price tends to be between $79 and $173 more. This
result means that any true slope between 0.079 and 0.173 could have produced
such data as a reasonably likely outcome. A value of outside the confidence
interval could not have produced numbers like the actual data as a reasonably
likely outcome.
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Shark: Right. The center is your regression line. How many deviations,
or residuals, are there?
Yogi: There are n values of (yi ), where n is the number of pairs
(x, y) in the sample. I suppose two of them must be redundant. If I
know n 2 of the residuals, I can figure out the other two?
Shark: Right. Try it with this example, where I wont tell you either the
values of y or the equation of the regression line. The two missing
residuals are R and S. Can you figure out what they are?
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uniform residuals
For both a significance test for a slope and a confidence interval for a slope,
there are four conditions you should check, which you can remember as brief
You have a random sample (or a random assignment of treatments to
The relationship between the variables looks linear.
Residuals have equal standard deviations across all values of x.
Residuals are normal at each fixed x.
You check the first condition by finding out how the observations were
collected. Check the second and third conditions by making a scatterplot and
residual plot. Check the last condition by making a dot plot or boxplot of the
As youll see in the next section, all is not lost if the last three conditions are
not met. But if the observations werent selected at random from the population
(or, in an experiment, if treatments werent randomly assigned), then if you
proceed with inference you must state your conclusions very, very cautiously.
To test H0: = 0, compute the test statistic
To find the P-value, compare the value of the test statistic with a t-distribution
with n 2 degrees of freedom. If you cannot reject the null hypotheses, then there
is no statistically significant evidence of a linear relationship between x and y.
For a confidence interval for the slope of the true regression line, compute
b1 t* . Again, use n 2 degrees of freedom.
As a rule, first do a test to answer the question Is there an effect? Then, if
you reject H0, construct a confidence interval to answer the question How big is
the effect?
Dont confuse statistical significance with practical importance. Significant
means big enough to be detected with the data available; important means big
enough to care about.
You should not use the techniques of this section for time-series data, that
is, for cases that correspond to consecutive points in time. In these situations,
the individual observations typically arent selected at random and so are highly
dependent. Todays temperature depends on yesterdays. The unemployment rate
next quarter is unlikely to be very far from the rate this quarter. If your cases have
a natural order in time, chances are good that you should use special inference
methods for analysis of time series rather than the methods of this chapter.
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The Test Statistic for a Slope
P10. The regression analysis in Display 11.23
is for the six soil samples from Mars.
The value of the test statistic and the
corresponding P-value for Sulfate are
missing. Use only the information in the
rest of the printout and Table B to find these
values. What is your conclusion?
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E11. Display 11.30 shows the gas mileage (mpg)
and horsepower ratings (hp) for the random
sample of car models in E1. The scatterplot
and printout for the regression of mpg versus
hp are shown in Display 11.31.
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can say. In general, you can be more confident about your judgment when you
have a larger number of points than when you have fewer points, but there is no
simple rule.
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Log transformations
can decrease
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Replacing (x, y)
with (log x, log y) or
(ln x, ln y) is called a
log-log transformation.
You can see from the plot that the relationship between mean weight and length
should not be modeled by the straight line. You can also figure this out by
thinking about the physical situation. Length is a linear measure, and weight is
more closely connected to volume, a cubic measure. As you learned in Chapter 3,
you can linearize power functions by taking the logarithm of each value of x and
of each value of y. (You can use either base 10 logarithms or natural logarithms
for your change of scale.) As you can see from the scatterplot, residual plot, and
plot of the residuals in Display 11.40, ln(weight) versus ln(length) is linear, and the
residuals are small and scattered randomly about the line.
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Display 11.40 also shows a printout summarizing the regression analysis. The
slope, b1, is 3.38051, with an estimated standard error of 0.0353. This is the slope
of the regression line for ln(weight) versus ln(length):
t* sb1 = 3.38051
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Display 11.41 Data on population and economic variables for women in a random sample
of countries from around the world. [Source: United Nations Department of Economic
and Social Affairs, The Worlds Women 2000: Trends and Statistics,]
The plots in Display 11.42 show the regression of the infant mortality rate for
girls (img) versus the fertility rate ( fr). The association is positive and looks as
if it follows a linear trend, but the plot is heteroscedasticcountries with larger
fertility rates tend to have larger variation in the infant mortality rate for girls.
Further, the boxplot of the residuals is skewed left and has four outliers.
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Compare Display 11.42 with Display 11.43, which shows the same
information for the regressions of log(img) versus fr and log(img) versus log( fr).
In each case, the transformation has eliminated the heteroscedasticity and the
outliers in the residuals by bringing in the larger values and spreading out the
smaller ones. The log transformation gives a beautifully symmetrical boxplot of
the residuals, but the log-log transformation gives a more randomly scattered
residual plot. Either transformation would be acceptable, so the decision of which
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model to use would have to be made on the basis of whether a power model or
an exponential model makes more sense in the context. The sample of n = 30 is a
little more than 10% of the total number of countries reporting (about 200), so the
formal inference procedures used here would give SEs that are a little too large.
Logistic functions
model the spread of an
epidemic, for example.
They have the form
Yogi: I have got a great idea! Forget all of this transformation stuff. I
just go to the Stat Calc menu on my calculator, fit every function
in the listlinear, quadratic, cubic, quartic, log, exponential,
power, logistic (whatever that is), and sineand see which gives
me the largest value of r. Thats a whole lot easier than log this
and log that.
Shark: Chapter 3 was a long time ago, but . . .
Yogi: Oh, right. They wouldnt let me do that there either. Remind me
again why not. After all, r does tell me how closely the points
cluster about my function.
Shark: You can get a very high value of r even though the equation
you used isnt a good fit to the data. Look at Display 11.39 on
largemouth bass. It gives a value for r2 of 0.95. That tells you that
the points cluster closely to the line. But, as you saw, a line isnt a
good model for these data. They clearly follow a curve, not a line.
You can see that best from the residual plotnot from the value
of r. Also, you can get a very low value of r even though the points
form a fat elliptical cloud and a line is a perfectly appropriate
Yogi: Well, okay. I see why I shouldnt pay much attention to r. But if I
think the points follow an exponential curve, why cant I just use
my calculator to fit an exponential equation instead of converting
all the ys to log ys and fitting a straight line? I promise to check
the residual plot.
Shark: Good statisticians transform for linearity because linear functions
are simpler to deal with than curvesand simpler to understand.
You know pretty well what the slope and y-intercept mean for a
line, but its much harder to interpret the parameters for other
types of equations.
Yogi: Hmmm. You must be right, because my calculator only tests for
the significance of a slope for a line! And the statistical software
we are using only fits lines, not other types of functions.
Shark: Good point.
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a. Compare the two sets of results. Did eliminating the five largest cities
improve the conditions for inference? How influential did the five cities
turn out to be?
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c. Because these data are for the entire population of the largest U.S.
cities, in what sense is the regression line meaningful? In what sense is
inference for the slope meaningful?
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Transformations to Improve Linearity
P17. Using the data on largemouth bass from
Display 11.39 on page 775 and the regression
analysis in Display 11.40, conduct a test of
the null hypothesis that the slope of the true
regression line is 3 versus the alternative
hypothesis that it is not 3.
P18. Suppose a wildlife biologist is working with
black crappies instead of largemouth bass,
getting the measurements in Display 11.46.
Display 11.47 Scatterplots, residual plots, and dot plots of the residuals
for three models for lengths and weights of black crappies.
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E23. The scatterplot in Display 11.38, part IV,
on page 774 shows the crime rate (cr)
plotted against the population (pop) for the
76 largest U.S. cities for which data were
available. A test of the significance of the
slope of the regression line has a P-value
of 0.69 with df = 74 and t = 0.4053.
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Display 11.51 Scatterplot with regression line, residual plot, and boxplot of residuals for
(population, crime rate) and (log(population), log(crime rate)) for U.S. cities
with the four largest cities removed.
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Display 11.52 Graduation rates and student-teacher ratios. [Sources: U.S. Census
Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States, 20042005; and
NCES Report 11247516.]
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Display 11.53 Scatterplots and analyses of (student-teacher ratio, graduation rate) and
(ln(student-teacher ratio), ln(graduation rate)).
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Chapter Summary
When two variables are both quantitative, you can display their relationship in a
scatterplot, and you might be able to summarize that relationship by fitting a line to
the original data or to the data after a transformation. Although many relationships
are more complicated than this, linear relationships occur often enough that many
questions can be recast as questions about the slope of a fitted line.
That is old news. What is new in this chapter is that you can use the t-statistic
to test whether the slope of the true regression line is 0. If you can reject that
possibility, your regression line will be useful in predicting y given x. If you cant,
then its plausible that the positive or negative trend you see is due solely to the
chance variation that always results when you have only a sample.
You also have learned to find a confidence interval for the slope of the
true regression line, which helps you decide whether the linear relationship is
statistically significant and whether it has any practical significance.
One way to put the methods of this chapter into a larger picture is to remind
yourself of the inference methods youve learned so far: for one proportion and
for the diference of two proportions (Chapter 8), for one mean and for the
difference between two means (Chapter 9), for the relationship between two
categorical variables (Chapter 10), and now for the relationship between two
quantitative variables. In the next chapter, you will work on four case studies that
bring all these ideas together.
Review Exercises
E33. Study the scatterplots in Display 11.62.
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Chapter Summary
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Chapter Summary
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AP Sample Test
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AP Sample Test
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1 de 2
Statistics in Action:
Case Studies
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Statistics today is big business. Nearly every large commercial enterprise and
government agency in the United States needs employees who understand how
to collect data, analyze it, and report conclusions. The language and techniques of
survey and experimental design are part of politics, medicine, industry, advertising
and marketing, and even, as you will see, flower growing. Consequently,
a statistics course typically is required of college students who major in
mathematics or in fields that use data, such as business, sociology, psychology,
biology, and health science.
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1 de 3
Individual plants of the same age were grown under nearly identical conditions,
except for the growth-inhibitor treatment. Each treatment was randomly assigned
to ten plants, whose heights (in centimeters) were measured at the outset of the
experiment (Hti) and after a period of 10 weeks (Htf ). (Heights actually were
measured at intervening times as well, but those measurements are not part of
this analysis.)
You can find the raw data for this experimentthe treatment each of the
70 plants received and the height of each plant before and after treatmentin
Display 12.3 on page 802.
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D3. What statistical method(s) would you suggest for comparing the
effectiveness of, say, Treatments 1 and 2? What conditions must you check
before proceeding?
Display 12.1 shows the statistical summaries of the growth,
, during
the 10 weeks for each of the seven treatment groups. Notice that the means
fluctuate quite a bit from group to group, as do the variances.
, for
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Display 12.3 The treatment each of the 70 plants received and its
height before and after treatment. [Source: University of
Florida Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences, 1997.]
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1 de 7
Analyzing the Experiment
significant? Be sure to check the conditions
for the test you select. Also write the
P1. Which two treatments appear to be most
hypotheses in words.
effective in reducing the stem length? Least
effective? Explain your choices.
P5. The two treatments that differ most appear
to be Treatments 4 and 5. Why is it clear
P2. Compare the distributions in terms of center
from the plot that the difference in mean
and spread. Do you see any pattern relating
growth between these two treatments
the spreads to the centers? Make a statistical
is statistically significant? Construct a
graphic that shows how the mean and
95% confidence interval to support your
standard deviation are related. Describe this
relationship. Is this the kind of relationship
P6. By hand, make boxplots of the initial
you would have expected? Explain.
heights of the mums assigned to Treatments
P3. Refer to P2. If one treatment has a mean that
4 and 5. Show any outliers determined by the
is 1 cm larger than that of another treatment,
1.5 IQR rule. Describe any differences in
how would you expect the standard
the initial heights of the plants assigned
deviations to differ?
to these two treatments. Is there enough
P4. Is the difference in mean growth between
difference to call into question the
the two most effective treatments statistically
conclusion in P5?
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on the way the pairs of data on BLD and R65 were matched up in the observed
sample. To check the possibility that a statistic this large reasonably could
occur by chance, you must generate a randomization distribution of possible
values. Begin by listing the BLD values in a column. Write the R65 values on cards
and shuffe them. Deal them out, one by one, so that you pair each BLD value
with a randomly assigned R65 value. Then compute for this randomization.
You do this many times. Display 12.6 shows 200 values for such a randomization
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The observed value, 5.432, was met or exceeded 15 times out of 200 runs,
making the approximate P-value 0.075. Notice that this is larger than the P-value
from the formal chi-square test (0.066) and provides even less evidence against
the null hypothesis of no association between whether the household has a
member age 65 or older and the type of building in which the household resides.
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6 de 7
Inference with Univariate Categorical Data
P7. Suppose someone claims that a quarter of
Florida households have a primary language
other than English. Can you refute this claim
based on the data in Display 12.4 on page 804?
P8. Estimate with 95% confidence the
proportion of Florida households residing
in apartments or other attached structures.
P9. What plausible proportions of Florida
households own their home outright?
Inference with Bivariate Categorical Data
P10. Construct a two-way table of BLD versus
OWN. By looking carefully at your two-way
table but not actually conducting a test,
does it appear that these two variables are
associated? If so, explain the nature of the
P11. In some cultures it is common to have
extended families living in the same
household, which might suggest that a
greater proportion of nonEnglish speaking
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Is Inference Appropriate?
This is an observational study because there was no random sampling and no
random assignment of treatments. (Owners probably would object to a random
assignment of a payroll to each team.) The analysis should start, as you already
have done, with the exploration of possible relationships among the variables,
but some inference might be possible if the nature of the inference is carefully
phrased. Payroll is certainly not random; for the most part, these values are fixed
at the beginning of the season. Even though attendance, batting average, and wins
are somewhat random events that occur throughout the season, they were neither
randomly sampled nor randomly assigned. You can, however, still ask, How
likely am I to observe by mere chance a pattern like the one seen in the data? In
studying bivariate relationships, the null hypothesis in the significance test is that
the data look like a random sample of ys for fixed values of x from a population
with no linear trend. You can test to see whether this is a reasonable model or
whether a linear trend appears to be a better explanation. In comparing two
means, the null hypothesis is that the data look like independent random samples
from two populations with the same mean.
This case study is similar in construction to common investigations of
industrial processes in which yields are measured after temperature and pressure
gauges have been set at fixed levels determined by an engineer. Often, these
temperature settings cannot be randomized because of other considerations in the
process, such as the time it takes to get a process up to the required temperature
and pressure levels. Even with no randomness in the design, the statistical analysis
of yields does help decide whether an observed association can be attributed to
chance alone. But it cannot answer questions of cause and effect.
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The observed trend is increasing, but a closer scrutiny of the test of significance
for the slope shows that the null hypothesis of a zero slope has a two-sided
P-value of 0.0674. This is small, but not small enough to make a bold declaration
in favor of a linear trend with nonzero slope. In other words, the trend here is no
more pronounced than you would expect if you randomly assigned the winning
percentages to the different teams while keeping their payroll fixed.
Separating the leagues, however, gives the plots and analyses in Display 12.12.
While the American League shows no significant linear trend, the National League
does show a significant trend. That is, if payroll were kept constant for each team
in the American League but percentage of wins were reassigned at random to
the teams, then it is quite likely that you would get a slope as far from 0 as the
American Leagues 0.782. If you did the same thing for the teams in the National
League, it isnt likely that you would get a slope as far from 0 as 1.49, indicating that
the positive trend in the National League cannot reasonably be explained by chance.
American League
National League
Display 12.12 Percent wins versus payroll for the American League and the National League.
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Simulating a P-Value
The null hypothesis for percent wins versus payroll is this:
The observed slope is no farther from 0 than you would be reasonably likely
to get if you randomly reassigned the values of percent wins to different teams
while keeping each teams payroll fixed.
The P-value for the test of significance for the slope measures how unusual the
observed slope would be under those conditions. You can estimate the P-value
by repeatedly rearranging the y-values and observing what happens to the
slopes. Using this idea, Display 12.13 shows a set of 100 slopes found by 100
rerandomizations of the values of percent wins for the American League.
In the 100 trials, the observed slope, 0.782, for the American League was
equaled or exceeded 21 times, giving a simulated one-sided P-value of 0.21. The
t-test in Display 12.12 gives a two-sided P-value of 0.4545, which is almost
equal to the P-value from the simulation. So with either method, the question
of whether the observed pattern reasonably could be attributed to mere chance
is answered in the affirmative for the American League.
Simulating a P-Value
D16. The stem-and-leaf plot in Display 12.14 shows a simulation for the National
League that is parallel to the simulation for the American League.
a. Describe how the simulation was conducted.
b. Conduct one more trial and show where it would go on the stemplot.
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c. What is the simulated one-sided P-value for these 101 trials? How does
it compare to the two-sided P-value given in Display 12.12? What is your
conclusion about the observed pattern for the National League?
Ecological Correlations
Each of the two major leagues is divided into three divisions, so another way
of looking at the baseball data is to explore what happens at the division level.
Display 12.15 shows the averages for the data in Display 12.10 on page 811 by
division. (All teams play a 162-game schedule, with similar numbers at bat for the
season, so it is fair to take simple averages of team batting averages and winning
In analyzing how percent wins is related to batting average, you could use the
teams as cases or use the divisions as cases. The scatterplot for each analysis is
shown in Display 12.16.
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Each plot in Display 12.16 shows an increasing trend, but the correlation in
the first is about 0.49, while the correlation in the second is about 0.66. In this
situation, using the division averages instead of the individual team data inflates
the correlation and makes the linear trend appear to be stronger.
The correlation computed using the divisions as cases and the division
averages as variables is an example of an ecological correlation, or a correlation
between group averages. Such correlations are often used in subjects such as
sociology and political science, where it is easier to get information about groups
of people than about individuals. (For example, its easy to find the percentage
of people in your state who voted Republican in the last presidential election but
almost impossible to get the same information for each individual voter.) As you
have seen, correlations based on groups and averages can be quite different from
correlations based on individuals.
Ecological Fallacy
Ecological correlations use groups as cases and averages as variables. For many
situations, you get quite different values than you would if you used individuals
as cases. The mistake of using ecological correlations to support conclusions
about individuals is called the ecological fallacy.
Of course, the team statistics are themselves averages (or totals), and we
could have analyzed the relationship between salaries and batting averages by
using individual players as cases. For the purpose of studying teams as business
entitiestaking into account variables such as attendance and percent winsit
makes sense to use teams as cases. Team statistics are of little use, however, in
studying player performance. So the choice of what to use as cases depends on
the objectives of the study.
Ecological Correlations
D17. Do both lines in Display 12.16 have slopes that are significantly greater than
0? Does this suggest another problem with using ecological correlations?
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D18. Calculate the correlation between batting average and payroll using teams
as cases and then using divisions as cases. Comment on possible reasons for
any difference.
D19. Calculate the correlation between percent wins and payroll using teams as
cases and then using divisions as cases. Does the latter correlation appear to
have a meaningful interpretation?
Differences Between the Leagues
For P23P25: Analyze the given relationship
a. for all teams
b. for the American League
c. for the National League
d. Compare the three relationships.
P23. payroll versus attendance
P24. batting average versus payroll
P25. percent wins versus batting average
P26. Use an appropriate test to answer these
questions about means.
a. Is the difference between mean attendance
for the two leagues statistically significant?
b. Is the difference between mean batting
average for the two leagues statistically
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b. Make another table, but this time fill in the cells in a way that makes the
variables terminated and age as close to independent as possible. If you
select an employee at random from those represented in your table, are
the variables terminated and age independent events according to the
definition in Section 5.5?
c. Make a final table using the actual data from Westvaco. Does it look
more like the table in part a or the table in part b? Do you have strong
evidence that older workers were more likely to be chosen for layoff?
D21. Consider which statistical test would justify your opinion in D20, part c,
about whether it looks as if older workers were more likely to be chosen
for layoff .
a. Which tests of significance are possibilities in this situation? Give the
strengths and weaknesses of each test as applied to this scenario. (Dont
worry about conditions for now.) Should you use a one-sided test or a
two-sided test?
b. Using the data from your table in D20, part c, find the P-value for each
of the tests in part a and compare them.
c. Select the test you think is most appropriate. What is your conclusion
if you take the test at face value (that is, if you dont worry about the
conditions being met)?
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This mismatch does not make the test invalid, however. You can still use the
test to answer this question: If the process had been random, how likely would it
have been to get a difference in proportions as big as the one Westvaco got just by
chance? As long as it is made clear that this is the question being answered, the
test is valid and can be very informative.
So you can proceed with a significance test, but you must make the limitations
of what you are doing very clear. If you reject the null hypothesis, all you can
conclude is that something happened that cant reasonably be attributed to
chance alone.
Another alternative is to use Fishers exact test, in which the sampling
distribution of the difference of two proportions is constructed exactly rather than
relying on a normal approximation. Fishers exact test requires few assumptions
and uses no approximations. In contrast, the z-test for the difference between two
proportions is an approximation and requires strong assumptions. So why dont
we always use Fishers exact test? We can, but it requires some computing power.
You saw a simulation of this test in E19 in Chapter 1. As technology becomes
more powerful, statisticians increasingly are turning to methods such as Fishers
exact test rather than using approximations based on the normal distribution.
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you would get using an approach that satisfies the actual set of conditions for
situations like the Westvaco case.
You used the simulation approach in Section 1.2 when you selected three
workers for layoff using a completely random process and computed their average
age. After you did this step many times, you compared the average age of workers
actually laid off at Westvaco to your distribution of the average ages of workers
selected at random for layoff. The null hypothesis was that the process used by
Westvaco was equivalent to randomly choosing the employees for layoff from
the ten hourly workers remaining at the beginning of Round 2. This approach
is called the randomization test or permutation test. As with Fishers exact test,
randomization tests avoid the need to approximate the sampling distribution
with a normal distribution. You will be seeing randomization tests more often as
computing becomes more powerful.
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As it turned out, older employees fared much worse in the earlier rounds of
the planning than in the later rounds, as you can see in Display 12.19.
Time plots give another view of the same situation. Each plot in Display 12.20
shows the number of employees remaining at Westvaco after each round of layoffs.
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Comparing Termination Rates for Two
Age Groups
P29. Consider two companies: Seniors, Inc.,
with almost all of its 50 employees age
40 or older, and Youth Enterprises, with
roughly half of its 50 employees under age
40. Suppose both companies discriminate
against older workers in a layoff. If you do
a significance test of the difference between
two proportions, will you be more likely to
detect the discrimination at Seniors, Inc., or
at Youth Enterprises? Explain.
P30. Refer to the stem-and-leaf plot of the ages of
the 50 Westvaco employees in Display 12.18
on page 821.
a. Use it to construct a boxplot of the ages.
b. What characteristics of the distribution
can you see from the boxplot that you
could not see from the stem-and-leaf
plot? From the stem-and-leaf plot that
you could not see from the boxplot?
P31. If you use age 40 as the cutoff for defining
your age groups, what percentage of the
workers are in the older age group? If you
use age 50 instead of age 40, what percentage
are in the older age group?
P32. Of the 28 workers who were age 50 or older,
19 were laid off. Use this information to
construct a table similar to that in D20,
part c, but use age 50 as your cutoff age.
P33. Using your table in P32, state appropriate
null and alternative hypotheses and carry out
a test of the null hypothesis. What do you
conclude if you take the results at face value?
P34. Compare your analyses in D21, in which age
40 was the cutoff age, and in P33, in which
age 50 was the cutoff age. Which cutoff
value, 40 or 50, leads to stronger evidence
of discrimination? Which test do you think
is more informative about what actually
happenedusing age 40 as your cutoff age
or using age 50? Explain your reasoning.
P35. According to the U.S. Supreme Court, if
you do a statistical test of discrimination,
you should reject the null hypothesis if your
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Random Digits
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1 de 10
sample variance
estimated standard error of the slope
of the regression line
standard deviation
standard error
simple random sample
sum of squared errors
a test statistic using a t-distribution
variance of the random variable X
sample mean
observed value of a variable
a random variable
observed value of a variable
predicted value of a variable
standardized value (z-score)
critical value
Greek Letters
significance level; probability of a
Type I error
probability of a Type II error
y-intercept of the population
regression line
slope of the population regression
difference of the value of y for a
point and the value predicted by the
population regression line
population mean
mean of the sampling distribution of
the sample mean
mean of the conditional distribution
of y given x
population standard deviation; in
regression, the common variability
of y at each value of x
standard error of the mean
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population variance
box-and-whiskers plot
See mean.
830 Glossary
See boxplot.
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critical value
The value to which a test statistic is
compared in order to decide whether to reject the null
hypothesis. Or, the multiplier used in computing the
margin of error for a confidence interval.
as long
See statistics.
degrees of freedom
The number of freely varying
pieces of information on which an estimator is
based. For example, when using a sample to estimate
the variability in the population, the number of
independent deviations from the estimate of center.
dependent events
The difference from the mean, x
from some other measure of center.
, or
Glossary 831
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832 Glossary
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level of significance,
The maximum P-value for
which the null hypothesis will be rejected.
line of averages See line of means.
line of means(or line of averages) Another term for
the regression line, if points form an elliptical cloud.
In theory, the population regression line contains the
means (expected values) of the conditional distribution
of y at each value of x.
linear shape The characteristic of an elliptical
cloud of points where the means of the conditional
distributions of y given x tend to fall along a line.
lower quartile(or first quartile, Q1) In a distribution,
the value that separates the lower quarter of values from
the upper three-quarters of values. The median of the
lower half of all the values.
lurking variable A variable other than those being
plotted that possibly can cause or help explain the
behavior of the pattern on a scatterplot. More generally,
a variable that is not included in the analysis but, once
identified, could help explain the relationship between
the other variables.
margin of error, E Half the length of a confidence
interval; E = (critical value) (standard error).
marginal frequency The total of the joint frequencies
across row categories for a given column or across
column categories for a given row of a two-way table of
frequencies for categorical variables.
marginal relative frequency The marginal frequency
of a two-way table of categorical data divided by the
total frequency (number of units represented in the
matched pairs design See randomized paired
comparison design.
maximum The largest value in a data set.
mean, x A measure of center, often called the
average, computed by adding all the values of x and
dividing by the number of values, n. On a plot, the
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834 Glossary
population size
The number of units in the
population standard deviation,
See standard
deviation of a population.
positive trend
The tendency of a cloud of points
to slope upward as you go from left to right, or the
tendency of the value of y to get larger as the value of x
gets larger.
power of a test
The probability of rejecting the null
power relationship A relationship between
two variables in which the response variable, y, is
proportional to the explanatory variable, x, raised to
a power. Mathematically, y = ax b, where a and b are
predicted (or fitted) value An estimated value of the
response variable calculated from the known value of
the explanatory variable, x, often by using a regression
prediction error The difference between the actual
value of y and the value of y predicted from a regression
line. Usually unknown except for the points used to
construct the regression line, whose prediction errors
are called residuals.
predictor See explanatory variable.
probability A number between 0 and 1, inclusive
(or between 0% and 100%), that measures how likely
it is for a chance event to happen. At one extreme,
events that cant happen have probability 0. At the
other extreme, events that are certain to happen have
probability 1.
probability density A probability distribution,
such as the normal or distribution, where x is a
continuous variable and probabilities are identified as
areas under a curve.
probability distribution See distribution,
probability model (or chance model) A description
that approximatesor simulatesthe random behavior
of a real situation, often by giving a description of all
possible outcomes with an assignment of probabilities.
probability sample A sample in which each unit in
the population has a known probability of ending up in
the sample.
protocol A written statement telling exactly how an
experiment is to be designed and conducted.
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For linear relationships, the change in y (rise)
per unit change in x (run).
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838 Glossary
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1 de 44
Chapter 1
Section 1.1
Section 1.2
P4. a. about 37 out of 200, or 0.185
b. An average age this high would be easy to get
just by chance, so there is no evidence of age
P5. a. 48.6
b. Write 14 ages on cards. Draw 10 at random
and find the average age. Repeat many times
and find where 48.6 falls in the distribution.
c. about 45 out of 200, or 0.225
d. no
E9. b. 24 out of 50, or 0.48
c. The proportion can reasonably be attributed
to chance.
E11. C
d. weak
E13. a. 45
b. 4
Chapter Summary
E15. b. There is no reason to look for an explanation,
because there isnt much difference in centers
or spreads.
E17. B
E19. a. B
d. 13%; no
E21. a. 1001
b. 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9
c. i. 360 ii. 90 iii. 5
E23. a.
c. yes
Chapter 2
Section 2.1
P1. a. 1
b. 0.5, 1, and 1.5
c. 0.5 and 1.5
d. 15%
e. 0.05 and 1.95
P2. The number of deaths per month is fairly
uniform, with about 190,000200,000 per month.
Summer months have the smallest numbers of
deaths, and winter months the largest.
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Section 2.4
P26. a. Values tend to be skewed right, because some
houses cost a lot more than most houses in
a community while very few houses cost a
lot less.
b. $43,964,124.05
c. $4,508.68
P27. a. The distribution of car ages is strongly skewed
b. vehicles proving more durable; people
unwilling or unable to buy new cars
P28. a. 4 ft; 3.75 ft; 0.2 ft; 0.25 ft
b. 50 in.; 47 in.; 2.4 in.; 3 in.
; 0.2 ft; 0.25 ft
P29. a. 2; 1
b. 12; 1
c. 20; 10
d. 110; 5
e. 900; 100
P30. a. Outliers occur above 30 + 1.5(21), or 1.5,
so Hawaii, at 12, is an outlier.
b. count 49; mean 41.5; median about 40;
SD about 16; min 80; max between 5 and
0; range between 75 and 80; Q1 about 51;
Q3 about 30
P31. 425 and 590; about 505; about 165
E47. a. It depends on the purpose of computing a
measure of center. Real estate agents usually
report the median because it is lower and tells
people that half the houses cost more and half
less. The tax collector wants the mean price
because the mean times the tax rate times the
number of houses gives the total amount of
taxes collected.
b. If the reason is to find the total crop in Iowa,
use the mean. An individual farmer might
use the median to see whether his or her yield
was typical.
c. Survival times usually are strongly skewed
right. Telling a patient only the mean survival
time would give too optimistic a picture. The
smaller median would inform the person that
half the people survive for a longer time and
half shorter. On the other hand, the mean
would help a physician estimate the total
number of hours he or she will spend caring
for patients with this disease.
c. yes
E51. Show that the mean of (x1 + c) + (x2 + c) +
(x3 + c) + (x4 + c) + (x5 + c) is equal to the
original mean, x plus c.
E53. a. .23 or .24
b. about 10 and about 70; 60
c. skewed right
d. no
E55. about 32 mi/h or, if rounded down, 30 mi/h
E57. A
Section 2.5
d. 78.81%
P32. a. 1.29%
b. 4.75%
c. 34.46%
P33. a. 0.47
b. 0.23
c. 1.13
d. 1.555
P34. a. 85.58%
b. 99.74%
P35. a. 1.645 to 1.645
b. 1.96 to 1.96
P36. a. cancer, because it is 1.35 SDs below the mean,
compared to 0.808 SD for heart disease
b. cancer, because it is 1.23 SDs above the mean,
compared to 1.097 SDs for heart disease
c. The death rate for heart disease in Colorado
(1.83 SDs below the mean) is more extreme
than the death rate for cancer in Hawaii
(1.29 SDs below the mean).
P37. a. about 24.2%
b. about 63.8 in.
P38. a. about 152 to 324
b. about 186 to 290
P39. A. outside both
B. not outside either
C. not outside either
D. not outside either
E59. a. 84.13%; 99.43%
b. 15.87%; 0.57%
c. 93.32%
d. 68.27% (68.26% using Table A)
E61. a. 2
b. 1
c. 1.5
d. 3
e. 1
f. 2.5
E63. a. i. 0.6340 (calculator: 0.6319)
ii. 0.0392 (calculator: 0.0395)
iii. 0.3085 (calculator: 0.3101)
b. about 287 to 723
E65. 76%; 87%
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E67. a. 0.1587
b. 8.16 (or 8.17)
c. 10.02
d. 8 (or 7.89)
E69. 68%; 95%; 16%; 84%; 97.5%; 2.5%
E71. a. 0.2177 (or 0.2183)
b. 1,203,800 (or 1,207,650)
c. 73.56 in.
E73. a. skewed right
b. 0.1151
c. If all values in the distribution must be
positive and if two standard deviations below
the mean is less than 0, the distribution isnt
approximately normal.
Chapter Summary
E75. b. min: 0; Q1: 2; median: 10; Q3: 35; max: 232
c. Florida and Texas
e. Both show the strong skewness and outliers.
In the stemplot, you can see that half the states
have fewer than ten tornadoes. The cleanness
of the boxplot makes it clear how much of an
outlier Texas actually is. However, you cant see
from the boxplot that many states have at most
one tornado. Because the stemplot is easy to
read while showing the values, it is reasonable
to select it as the more informative plot.
f. The distribution is strongly skewed right, with
two outliers and a wall at 0. The median
number of tornadoes is 10, with the middle 50%
of states having between 2 and 35 tornadoes.
E77. a. scores below 457.5 or above 797.5
b. probably skewed right
E79. a. Region 1 is Africa; Region 2 is the Middle
East; Region 3 is Europe.
b. Region 1 is A; Region 2 is B; Region 3 is C.
E81. No; for example, values {2, 2, 4, 6, 8, 8} are
symmetric with mean and median 5. Only two of
the six values, or about 33%, are within one SD,
2.76, of the mean, 5.
E83. a. Half the cities have fewer than 47 pedestrian
deaths per year, and half have more.
b. The three outliersChicago, Los Angeles,
and New Yorkare the three most populous
cities in the United States.
c. A stemplot reveals the three outliers and the
right skew and retains the original values.
d. If the data were presented in rates per 100,000
population, the three cities in part b might
not be outliers.
Chapter 3
Section 3.1
P1. b.
P2. a.
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E39. a. r = 0.9030
b. 0.0523
c. Yes; hot weather causes people to want to eat
something cold.
d. degrees Fahrenheit; pints per person; pints
per person per degree Fahrenheit; no units
E41. Scoring exceptionally well involves some luck
in the questions asked, feeling well, having no
distractions, and so on. Its unlikely that this
combination will happen again on the next test
for the same student.
Section 3.4
P22. a. There is little pattern except for one outlier in
the upper right.
b. y = 680 + 2.85x; r = 0.694
c. y = 1350 2.14x; r = 0.501. Now the slope
is negative and the correlation is low. Titanic
has a huge influence.
P23. a. Not well; the estimates were low.
b. (180, 350)
c. With the point: actual = 12.23 + 1.92 estimate
and r = 0.975. Without the point: actual =
27.10 + 3.67 estimate and r = 0.921. This
point pulls the right end of the regression line
down, decreasing the slope and increasing the
P24. b. Residuals are 0.5, 0.5, 0, and 0.
d. A residual plot eliminates the tilt in the
scatterplot so that the residuals can be seen as
deviations above and below a horizontal line.
Here the symmetry of the residuals shows up
better on the residual plot.
P25. a. AIV; BII; CI; DIII
b. i. opens upward, as in II
ii. fans out or in, as in I
iii. opens downward
iv. V-shaped, as in III
c. plot D; residual plot
E43. a. no; not elliptical and has an influential point
b. y = 161.90 + 0.954x; r = 0.49
c. With Antarctica removed, the slope of the
regression line changes from positive (0.954)
to negative (1.869) and the correlation
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Chapter 4
Section 4.1
a. no
b. Although this produces a random selection
of students, it does not produce a simple
random sample of a fixed sample size.
c. No; two students sitting in different rows
cannot both be in the sample.
d. yes
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E43. a.
Chapter 5
Section 5.1
P1. a.
c. Probably not; if no one can tell the difference,
there is 1 chance in 16 that all four will select
, or about 0.48
b. For example, for a temperature of 20F, the
probability is , or about 0.074.
c. too warm
a. H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, T1, T2, T3, T4,
T5, T6
b. yes
a. 28, 35; 28, 41; 28, 47; 28, 55; 35, 41; 35, 47;
35, 55; 41, 47; 41, 55; 47, 55
b. yes
a. yes
b. no
c. no
d. no
a. yes
b. no
a. tails; tails; heads; tails; tails
b. 0.44
b. 6
c. probably not
a. 21
a. There are 32 outcomes.
E3. a.
E5. a.
E7. a.
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Section 5.2
P10. a. Assign a digit from 1 to 8 to each worker.
Start at a random place in Table D and look
at the next three digits. Those digits will
represent the workers selected to be laid off.
Ignore 9, 0, and any digit that repeats, and
select another digit.
b. Assign a pair (or pairs) of digits to each
P11. a. Each teaspoon has probability 0.80 of
disappearing. Whether each spoon disappears
is independent of whether other spoons
b. Assign digits 18 to disappeared and 9 and 0 to
did not disappear. Look at ten digits, allowing
repeats, and record how many were 18.
c. with the assignments given in part b:
disappeared, did not disappear, disappeared,
did not disappear, disappeared, did not
disappear, disappeared, disappeared, did not
disappear, disappeared
d. The estimated probability that all ten spoons
disappear within 5 months is 0.1034.
P12. a. Each possible set of eight catastrophic
accidents is equally likely to be in the sample.
b. Assign a triple (or triples) of digits to each
d. The estimated probability that at least half
of a random sample of eight catastrophic
accidents are from cheerleading is about 0.72.
P13. a. The probability that a given team wins a
particular game is 50%, no matter what the
results of previous games are.
b. Assign digits 15 to team A winning and
digits 69 and 0 to team B winning. Select
digits, allowing repeats, until one of the teams
has four wins. Record the total number of
digits needed.
d. The estimated probability that a World Series
of two evenly matched teams will go seven
games is 0.31.
E15. a. The probability that a randomly selected high
school girl reports that she rarely or never
wears a seat belt is 10%. The girls are selected
randomly and independently.
b. Assign the digit 0 to reports she rarely or never
wears a seat belt and the other digits to does
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E25. a.
Section 5.3
P14. a.
P15. b.
P16. a.
P17. a.
P18. b.
P19. a.
no; yes
b. 0.266
c. no
about 0.3825
b. yes
c. yes
d. no
b. 0.60
These events are not disjoint.
P20. a.
E27. The events in a and c are disjoint.
E29. a. 0.511; 0.0085; 0.515
b. 0.489; 0.210; 0.692
c. 0.017; 0.667
E31. b.
, or about 0.88
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P36. a.
b. 1
c. The probability depends on the probability
model used for selecting the coin.
d. same as part c
e. 1
f. 0
E41. a. 0.2883
b. 0.2420
c. 0.1367
d. 0.3548
e. ages 3544
E43. b. 0.154
c. 0
E45. a.
E47. a. 0.0059
b. 0.0045
c. 0.0059
d. 0.0060
E49. a. 24%
E51. b. 0.088
c. 0.661
E53. a. no
b. This is a new test, so it is unlikely that false
negatives have shown up yet.
c. 177
E55. a.
Section 5.5
so not independent; no
a and c
b. 0.4872
a. 0.9957
b. 0.9998
a. 0.0121
b. 0.1958
only b
b. no
c. No; six people are both.
E61. a. BB, BG, GB, and GG
b. two boys; two girls
c. 0.2601; births are independent.
E63. a. 0.021
b. 0.449
10 12 b. 0.753
E67. a. 0.1112 3.14
E69. It is not reasonable to assume that the results of
two surgeries on the same person at the same
time are independent, so the probability is
E71. 21.4%
E75. b. P(win) = P(win | day) P(day) +
P(win | not day) P(not day) =
P(win | day) =
Chapter Summary
E77. a.
e. no; no
f. no; yes
E79. a. Randomly select seven digits from 1 to 9
(with replacement). See if the number 3 is
among the seven digits selected. If so, the run
was a success. Repeat many times.
b. 0.562
E81. a. 0.675
b. 0.025
c. 0.975
d. 0.75
b. 0.249999975
E83. a. , or about 0.167
c. no; no; part b, because of the large population
size compared to the sample size
E85. a. 0.381; 0.310; 0.286; 0.405; 0.923; 0.75
b. no; P(Republican) P(Republican | voted
c. no
E87. b. no;
E89. This is a reasonably good test, but if depression is
a serious impediment to recovery, a test should
have higher sensitivity than 86%. The number of
false positives, 8, isnt much of a problem because
these people will receive further testing.
E91. a. about 3000
b. about 0.3
Chapter 6
Section 6.1
2, 4
Let any digit represent smoking is not responsible.
The other nine digits represent smoking is
For example, begin by assigning the triples
001524 to represent families with zero children.
Then the first triple, 488, represents a family with
no children.
0.007744, if its reasonable to assume
independence; very close
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= 3.5 2.5 = 1 =
2.917 + 1.25 = 4.167 =
Section 6.2
P19. for example, P(X = 3) = 0.3125 and
P(X = 6) = 0.015625
P20. 0.2188; 0.1094; 0.0352
P21. 0.1641; 0.5
P22. a. 0.6309
b. 0.3691
c. for example, P(X = 3) 0.005668 and
P(X = 5) = 0.000005
P23. For example, assign the triples 001088 to
represent the dropouts and the other triples to
represent non-dropouts.
P24. P(X = 0) = 0.0053; P(X = 1) = 0.0575;
P(X = 2) = 0.2331; P(X = 3) = 0.4201;
P(X = 4) = 0.2840
P25. a. 0.1875
b. 8; 2; 0.227
c. that the sample was not selected randomly
P26. Five-question quiz; the probability of getting 3
or more correct on a 5-question quiz is 0.5. On a
20-question quiz, the probability of getting 12 or
more correct is only about 0.25.
E23. a. 0.4019
b. 0.0322
c. 0.5981
d. 0.8038
E25. a. 0.8446
b. 3.175; 1.6649
E27. a. $6.00
b. 0.0571
c. $9.20
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E29. a. 0.973
b. 0.99927; no
c. 4
E31. a. 7
b. 17
E33. If 100 different polls each randomly selected
three adults, you would expect to see a total of
E49. a.
81 college graduates, or an average of 0.81 college
graduate per poll.
Section 6.3
a. 0.0191
b. 0.0225
a. 0.0074
b. 0.9993
a. 0.3
b. 0.21
c. 0.1029
d. Whether you get through is independent of
the outcome on previous calls, and each call
still has probability 0.3 of being completed.
P31. a. 10
b. 9.4868
c. 20; 30
P32. a. 1.1765
b. 0.4556
c. 11.765
d. 1.441
E35. a.
d. 0.5
E37. a. 1.1364; 3.4091
b. 0.3936
c. $113.64; $39.36
d. no; only 1.44% of the time
E39. 0.5528; this assumes the two test results are
independent, which is almost certainly not the
E41. a. The probabilities for a geometric distribution
follow this same pattern: p, qp, q2p, q3p, q4p,
q5p, . . . .
Chapter Summary
E43. a.
b. 6.5; 3.452
c. 13; 4.882
E45. a. P(X = 1) = 0.19; P(X = 2) = 0.45;
P(X = 3 ) = 0.36
b. P(X = 1) = 0.01; P(X = 2) = 0.15;
P(X = 3) = 0.84
c. 2.17 months; 2.83 months; System II
E47. a. 0.6513; the probability that a donation is type
B is independent of the type of the donations
previously checked.
b. 0.5487
E51. a.
E53. a.
E55. a.
Chapter 7
Section 7.1
P1. a. 50; 7300
b. Randomly select three planets. Sum the
numbers of moons. Repeat many times.
P2. a. IB; IIA; IIIC
b. no, because a mean of 86 or greater did not
occur in 100 random samples in Histogram C
P3. a. D; B; C; A
b. D; A
P4. a. $8 million; $1.9 million
b. There are 15 possible amounts, each with
P5. a. = 261.8; = 171.85
c. Both equal 261.8.
d. The SE, 105.23, is much less than = 171.85.
P6. a. 471
c. 360.3
d. No; the mean of the sampling distribution
of the range is much less than the actual
range, 471.
e. yes
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E25. a. 134.8
b. almost 0
c. No; this group is special in that the employees
are all old enough to have a job.
c. The small number cant reasonably be
attributed to chance.
E41. 0.1191 (0.1188 using Table A); you are assuming
that the 75 married women were selected
E27. a. 27
b. $4025
randomly and independently from a large
E29. a. remains at the population mean, , for all
population in which 60% are employed.
sample sizes; shrinks by a factor of
E43. a. yes; no
b. increases by a factor of n; stretches by a factor
b. For a fixed p, the SE decreases as n increases.
For a fixed n, the closer p is to 0.5, the larger
E31. a. 1021; 161.23
the SE.
b. 0.0852 (0.0853 using Table A)
c. For a fixed p, the skewness decreases as n
c. (705, 1337)
increases. For a fixed n, the farther p is from
d. 0.2378 (0.2389 using Table A)
0.5, the more skewness.
e. mean 1021; SE unknown, because the two
d. for n = 25 or 100 when p = 0.4, for n = 100
scores arent independent
when p = 0.2
E33. a. 10.5; 8.75
b. 24.5; 20.417
E45. a. = 0.65, which is equal to the proportion of
c. 10,060; 255,380; 0.4527 (0.4522 using Table A)
0.6, which is the same
Section 7.3
c. The sample proportion is a type of sample
mean, if successes are assigned the value 1
P16. 0.853
and failures the value 0.
P17. a. n = 100; n = 10; yes
b. 0.10 in each case
c. n = 10; n = 100
d. 10
Chapter Summary
P18. a. means 0.10; SEs 0.095, 0.067, 0.047, 0.03
E47. a. Assign each city a two-digit number from
c. 0.0999999; 0.095; yes
01 to 32. Generate pairs of random digits
until you get three distinct pairs between
P19. a. approximately normal; 0.53; 0.05
01 and 32. Ignore 3399 and 00 and repeats.
b. no, because the probability of getting nine or
fewer women just by chance is close to 0
b. 140.9; 68.94
c. no
P20. a. close to 0
b. yes
E49. a. approximately normal; 0.68; 0.033
P21. a. (0.448, 0.752)
b. (0.504, 0.696)
b. 0.17
c. (0.552, 0.648)
c. less than 0.615 or greater than 0.745
E35. a. approximately normal, mean 0.92, SE 0.00858
d. 0.8185 (0.8186 using Table A)
b. approximately normal, mean 920, SE 8.58
E51. a. regular increase from 40 to 60 followed by a
sharp drop after 60 and another sharp drop
c. 0.0099
after 65
d. 0.2800 (0.2810 using Table A)
b. 0.6048 (0.6065 using Table A)
e. 937 or more or 903 or fewer; larger than
E53. a. approximately normal, mean 4, standard
0.937 or smaller than 0.903
error 3.680
E37. a. slightly skewed left; mean still 0.92; SE larger
0.7066 (0.7054 using Table A)
b. slightly skewed left; mean one-tenth as large;
(0.1379 using Table A)
SE smaller
integers at random from 0 through
c. larger
9 and compute their mean. Repeat. Subtract
E39. a. 0.5
the second mean from the first. You win that
b. 0.000011 (close to 0 using Table A)
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Chapter 8
Lesson 8.1
P1. a. 0.264 and 0.536
b. yes
P2. Let random digits 1, 2, and 3 represent successes.
Count the number of successes in 40 digits.
P3. about 2242
P4. about 1426
P5. no
P6. about 2839; about 0.700.975
P7. about 15% to 40%
P8. about 30% to 60%
P9. a. about 50% to 75%
b. (0.475, 0.775)
P10. a. Conditions are met.
b. (0.612, 0.688); 0.038
c. (0.618, 0.682); 0.032
d. 95%, because a longer confidence interval has
a greater chance of including p
P11. a. Conditions are met.
b. (0.024, 0.056)
c. narrower, because is farther from 0.5
P12. 72
P13. 1
P14. The horizontal line segments will be shorter; the
confidence intervals will be narrower.
P15. 1.28; smaller, because z* is smaller
P16. 9 times as large
P17. a. 2,401; 16,590; 27,061
P18. 879
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Section 8.3
P46. a. Conditions are met.
b. You are 95% confident that the difference in
the two rates, 1994 this year, is between
0.206 and 0.066.
c. Yes. There is insuffcient evidence to support a
claim that there was a change in the percentage.
P47. a. Conditions are met, because Gallup uses a
randomization that can be approximated by
random sampling.
b. 0.14 to 0.30
c. You are 95% confident that the difference
between the proportion of all 13- to
15-year-olds who respond yes and the
proportion of all 16- to 17-year-olds who
respond yes is between 0.14 and 0.30.
d. No. It is not plausible that there is no
difference between these proportions.
E47. B and C
E49. a. Conditions are met except whether this is a
random sample.
b. (0.009, 0.571)
c. You are 95% confident that if the judges
had been given a choice of two dogs for
each San Diego dog owner, the difference
in the proportion of correct guesses for all
purebreed owners and the proportion of
correct guesses for all mutt owners would be
between 0.009 and 0.571.
d. No. This implies that the difference in the
proportions probably was not due to chance,
but it is a close call.
e. Take bigger samples to be sure 0 isnt in the
confidence interval.
E51. a. Conditions are met.
b. (0.19, 0.03)
c. You are 99% confident that the difference in
the percentage of all men and the percentage
of all women who prefer to be addressed by
their last name is between 0.19 and 0.03.
d. No. You are convinced that there is a
difference between the percentage of women
and the percentage of men who prefer to be
addressed by their last name.
E53. Conditions are met. Because 0 isnt included in the
confidence interval (0.094, 0.126), it is acceptable
to use the term significantly more likely.
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Chapter 9
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Chapter 10
Section 10.1
P1. a. 12.5
b. 2 = 3.28
P2. 0
P3. P-value is small (about 146/5000 or 0.0292).
Reject the H0 that the die is fair.
P4. P-value is near 0. Reject the H0 that the die is fair.
P5. a. 2 * with df = 3 is 7.81. Reject the H that the
die is fair.
b. 2 * with df = 19 is 30.14. Do not reject the H0
that the die is fair.
P6. a. 0.9194
b. 0.0304
P7. Conditions are not met, as this is a convenience
sample. With 2 = 1.25 and df = 3, the P-value is
0.7410. Do not reject the H0 that the blood types
O:A:B:AB occur in the ratio 9:8:2:1.
P8. a. Conditions are not met, as this is an
observational study. The expected count in
each category is 117.5. With 2 = 16.723
and df = 3, the P-value is 0.0008. Reject the
H0 that seizures are equally likely during
these four phases of the moon. The largest
deviation occurs during the last quarter.
There were fewer seizures during the full
moon than the model predicts.
b. Were the quarters of equal length? Over how
many months were these data collected?
P9. a. Conditions may not be met because your class
probably will not be large enough to have
expected frequencies of 5 in each category.
b. Combining the last three categories into 2 or
more, with probability 0.275, 2 = 44.20 with
df = 2 gives a P-value of 2.5 1010. Reject
the H0 that the distribution of the number of
children in the families of statistics students
is consistent with the distribution for families
P10. a. Conditions are met. With z = 2.80, the
P-value for a two-tailed test is about 0.005.
Reject the H0 that spinning a coin is fair.
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Chapter 11
Section 11.1
P1. a. 9 calories per gram of fat
b. the number of calories in a serving
containing no grams of fat
c. Calories in pizza come from carbohydrates
and protein as well as from fat; there
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P2. a.
P3. a.
P4. 0.341366
P5. a. 5; greater variability in the conditional
distributions of y results in a larger value
in the numerator of .
b. 3; a smaller spread in the values of x results
in a smaller value in the denominator of .
c. 10; all else being equal, a larger sample
size tends to result in less variability in the
estimates of parameters.
d. The theoretical slope does not matter, all else
being equal.
e. The theoretical intercept does not matter, all
else being equal.
P6. a. 0.1472
b. = 1.71525 + 0.52490x
c. The first value is the slope of the regression
line, b1 . The second value is the estimated
standard error of that estimated slope, as
calculated in part a.
P7. a.
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Chapter 12
Section 12.1
P1. most effective: Treatments 1 and 5, because they
are centered at the lowest values; least effective:
Treatments 3 and 4
P2. The centers vary widely, as do the spreads. As the
mean increases, the spreads tend to decrease.
P3. The treatment with the larger mean tends to have
an SD that is 0.16 cm smaller.
P4. Conditions are met. With t = 0.702 and P-value
= 0.4914, dont reject H0 . There isnt statistically
significant evidence that the treatment means
P5. The boxplots of Treatments 4 and 5 do not overlap;
they appear to have widely differing means.
(18.4, 30.2) does not include 0, so reject H0 that
the mean growth would have been the same if all
plants could have been given both treatments.
P6. Outliers for Treatment 4: 1 and 4; outlier for
Treatment 5: 5; Treatment 5 is skewed right,
whereas Treatment 4 is fairly symmetric. Plants
given Treatment 5 were slightly taller and more
variable in height to begin with, but there isnt
enough difference to question the conclusion
in P5.
Section 12.2
Conditions are met. With z = 0.7303, the
one-sided P-value is 0.2326. Do not reject the
H0 that the proportion of Florida households in
which the primary language is not English is 0.25
in favor of the alternative that it is less.
P8. Conditions are met. You are 95% confident that
the proportion of all Florida households residing
in an apartment or other attached structure is in
the interval 0.30 0.14, or (0.16, 0.44).
P9. Conditions are nearly met. Any population
proportion in the interval 0.225 0.129,
or (0.096, 0.354), could produce the sample
proportion as a reasonably likely outcome.
P10. For those who own their home with a mortgage
and those who own their home outright, there is
no clear association with building type. Renters
appear more likely to live in an apartment or
other attached structure.
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43 de 44
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44 de 44
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1 de 11
absolute value, spread and, 65
Addition Rule, 319320
for Disjoint Events, 316318
for random variables, 372375
adjacent values, 62
Adrain, Robert, 123
age-neutral simulation, 1315
dAlembert, Jean, 291292
alternate hypothesis
for difference of two means, 625, 647
for difference of two proportions,
530, 532, 544
for experiments, 544
forms of, 498
for means, 589
one-sided, 594595
for one-sided tests, 507, 508
for surveys, 530, 532
See also hypotheses; null hypothesis
American Community Survey (ACS)
case study, 803808
anecdotal evidence, 249250
Anscombe data, 166167
approximate (simulated) sampling
distribution, 410411, 417,
area, standard deviation and, 32
associated variables, 711, 722
association. See strength of association
average. See mean
averages, line of. See least squares
regression line
averages, point of, 125
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884 Index
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3 de 11
bivariate. See bivariate categorical
data; bivariate quantitative data
categorical, 692693, 805807
elliptical, 154
independence and. See
independence, chi-square test of
independent events with, 343345
inference requirements and, 651,
652, 664
probability distributions from,
358360, 361
production of, 640
quantitative (measurement), 807808
raw, 27
summaries. See summary statistics
symmetry and, 292
time-series, 765
univariate, 805807
See also paired comparisons
decay, exponential, 179180
degrees of freedom
chi-square and, 679680, 695696,
difference of two means and, 621
slope estimation and, 756, 764765
t-values and, 566, 584, 621
dependent events
defined, 339
matched pairs design and, 644
time as, 765
See also independent events
dependent variables, 711
design. See experiments and
experiment design
determination, coefficient of, 148151
deviations, 6465
See also standard deviation
outliers and, 162167, 172
residual plots, 168, 172
vs. summaries, 162, 167, 172
diagrams, tree, 294295, 327328
difference of two means
confidence intervals and, 618623,
629, 645646
ecological correlations, 815816
ecological fallacy, 816
economics, sampling and, 219, 237,
educational research, units and, 252
elliptical data, 154
degrees of freedom and, 703705
hypotheses and, 501506, 593594
measurement error problems, 592
prediction, 120
sum of squared, 123125, 128
See also margin of error; standard
error; standard error of the mean
of mean, 57
of median, 34
of parameter, 220
point estimators, 415417
of slope, 756, 764765
of standard deviation, 32, 563568
units of measurement and, 50
ethics, observational studies and, 547
even numbers, and quartiles, finding,
defined, 288
dependent. See dependent events
disjoint. See disjoint events
independent. See independent
rare, 412, 468, 593, 761
See also reasonably likely events;
sample space
exact sampling distributions, 413414
expected frequency, of chi-square tests,
684, 694695, 715
expected value
of binomial distributions, 387388
defined, 365
in everyday situations, 369370
formula for, 366
of geometric distributions, 397398
linear transformations on, 371375
standard deviation and, 364367
symbol for, 365
experiments and experiment design
balanced, 266
blind, 251
cause inferred through, 243245,
256, 279
characteristics of, 252256
clinical trials, 247, 251
completely randomized design, 264,
265266, 274, 643
confidence intervals of, 541543
confounding in, 245247, 248249
control groups, 250251
double-blind, 251
evidence, strength of, 617618
flower production case study,
lurking variables in, 243244
matched pairs design, 264265,
643644, 645
observational studies contrasted to,
247, 279
placebo effect, 250251
protocol, 270
random assignment, 539541
randomized block design, 268270,
Index 885
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randomized comparative
experiment, 251
randomized paired comparison
design, 264265, 266268
randomizing. See randomizing
repeated measures design, 265,
replication, 252, 253
response in, 244
significance tests for, 544546
surveys contrasted to, 278279, 539
as term, 245
treatments. See treatments
units. See units, experimental
variability, management of, 262263,
269, 270274
See also observational studies;
random sampling; surveys
experts. See judgment sample
explanation of pattern, 107, 109
explanatory (predictor) variable, 120
exploration of data, defined, 3
exponential functions
growth and decay, 179186
and log transformations, 180187,
regression lines and, 774, 781
extrapolation, 120, 129
factors, 248
Fahrenheit, conversion to Celsius, 76
fallacy, ecological, 816
false negatives, 331
false positives, 331
first quartile. See lower quartile
Fisher, R. A., 15, 269
Fishers exact test, 819
five-number summary, 6061
calculator technique, 63
fixed-level testing, 588593
ower production case study, 800803
frame, 224225
frequency tables
calculator technique, 68, 290
chi-squares and, 692693, 712713
summaries from, 6768
See also relative frequency
histograms; relative frequency
Fundamental Principle of Counting,
Galton, Francis, 152
gaps, 3637
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 123
generalization of pattern, 107, 108
genes, 490
886 Index
heteroscedasticity, 107, 774775, 778
histograms, 4447
back-to-back, 55
bar graphs compared to, 50
bars of, 4446
bins of, 44
calculator technique, 46
mean, estimation of, 57
relative frequency, 4647
software for statistics and, 45, 46
usefulness of, 46
homogeneity, chi-square test of,
categorical data with two variables
and, 692693
degrees of freedom, 696, 703705
expected frequencies, 694695
independence test vs., 720722
multiple z-tests vs. one chi-square
test, 702703
procedure for, 697702
test statistic, 695696, 697, 699
horizontal axis, 83
alternate. See alternate hypothesis
errors and, 501506, 593594
for goodness-of-fit test, 681, 682683
for homogeneity test, 697, 698699
for independence test, 716, 718
for means, 585587, 589, 625
null. See null hypothesis
incorrect response bias, 226227
independence, chi-square test of,
calculator technique, 718
expected frequencies in, 715
graphical display of data, 712714
homogeneity test vs., 720722
procedure for, 716719
sample size and, 722723
strength of association and, 722723
independent, as term, 345
independent events, 339345
binomial distributions and, 383,
385, 386
confidence interval for difference of
means and, 621
data and, 343345
definition of, 339340, 345
geometric distributions and, 396
Multiplication Rule for, 341343
random variables, 372373
sampling with and without
replacement and, 345
variance and, 372373, 445
See also independence, chi-square
test of
inference, 217218
with categorical data, 805807
chi-squares and. See chi-square
conditional probability and, 332333
confidence intervals and. See
confidence intervals
data requirements for, 651, 652, 664
defined, 3
observational studies and, 547, 812
with quantitative data, 807808
randomization and, 249
significance testing and. See
significance tests
simulation and, 1216
See also cause and effect;
experiments; observational
studies; random sampling
inflection points, 3132
informed consent, 542
interpolation, 120, 129
interquartile range (IQR), 5960, 6162
IQR. See interquartile range
joint frequency, 693, 713
judgment sample, 224
22-03-2009 21:31
5 de 11
Law of Large Numbers, 293
least squares regression line, 123
calculator technique, 124, 126, 131,
computer output for, 127128
equation, 125
finding, 123124, 125126
as line of means, 152153
linear models and, 739741,
point of averages of, 125
properties of, 125
slope of, 125, 126, 128
sum of squared errors (SSE),
123125, 128
as term, 152
transformations and, 189, 774779,
true regression line equation, 739
y-intercept of, 125, 126, 128, 739
See also slope
leaves, 48
Legendre, Adrien-Marie, 123
Leonardo da Vinci, 141
level of confidence, 566
level of significance, 496497, 500, 588
levels of factors, 248
line of averages. See least squares
regression line
line of means. See least squares
regression line
line of symmetry, 31, 32
linear equations
finding, from two points, 118119
slope-intercept form, 116119
transformations to find. See
linear models
checking fit of, 771773
correlation and appropriateness of,
selection of, 188
true regression line and, 739741,
linear transformations, 7576, 371375
linearity, bivariate data and, 107, 108
least squares. See least squares
regression line
for prediction, 120122
regression. See least squares
regression line
as summaries, generally, 116119,
Lister, Joseph, 707
log-log transformations, 187189,
margin of error
confidence interval of a mean and,
defined, 476477
sample size and, 479481, 572
marginal frequencies, 693
marginal relative frequency, 693
matched pairs design, 264265,
643644, 645
adjustment of sample maximum,
in five-number summary, 61
range and, 61
skewed distributions and, 34
Mayo, Charles, 246, 247
mean ( x )
calculator technique, 66
computation of, 56
confidence intervals for. See under
mean of a population; sample
defined, 32, 56
deviations from, 6465
estimation of, 57
of frequency tables, 6768
midrange and, 73
of a population. See mean of a
of a probability distribution. See
expected value
regression toward, 152153
of a sample. See sample mean
of a sampling distribution, 430, 435,
as sensitive to outliers, 79
significance tests for. See sample
means, significance tests and;
standard error of. See standard error
of the mean
as summary statistic, choice of, 74
trimmed, 73
mean of a population ()
capture rate for, 571572
confidence intervals for, 562573
margin of error for, 572573
point estimators, 415417
significance testing of, 580596. See
also ttests
symbol for, 430
test statistic for, 581582, 589, 625
means, line of. See least squares
regression line
inaccurate, bias and, 227
units of. See units of measurement
measurement data, 807808
measurement error problems, 592
measures of center. See center,
measures of
computation of, 5758
defined, 57
estimation of, 34
as resistant to outliers, 79
of skewed distribution, 34
spread around (interquartile range),
5960, 6162
medical experiments. See experiments
medical tests, 330331
midrange, 73, 421
in five-number summary, 61
range and, 61
skewed distributions and, 34
defined, 31
of normal distributions, 31
two or more, 3536
models. See linear models; probability
modified boxplot, 6263
Multiplication Rule, 327329, 330
for independent events, 341343
mutually exclusive outcomes. See
disjoint events
negative trend, 107
nonresponse bias, 225
normal distributions, 3033
binomial distributions and, 388
calculator technique, 33
center of, 31
central intervals for, 9092
common sources of, 33
confidence interval of a mean and,
568, 569
defined, 31
difference of two means from paired
observations and, 645, 647
Index 887
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6 de 11
observational studies
baseball salaries case study, 810816
confidence interval for, 547548
confounding in, 245247, 248249
defined, 246
ethics and, 547
experiments contrasted to, 247, 279
factors in, 248
inference and, 547, 812
levels of factors, 248
significance test for, 548549
surveys contrasted to, 279
888 Index
calculator technique, 496, 585, 680
computing, 495496
defined, 494
for difference of two means, 625,
647, 650
for difference of two proportions,
531, 532, 544545
for experiments, 544545
for homogeneity test, 696, 697698
for independence test, 716717, 718
interpretation of, 494495, 496
for means, 585587, 589590,
for one-sided tests, 507, 508
one-tailed, 594595
simulation of, 814
slope and, 761
for surveys, 531, 532
t-statistic and, 593594
two-tailed, 586
paired comparisons, 651652
chance mechanisms behind, 651,
confidence interval and, 644,
designs of experiment and, 540545
22-03-2009 21:31
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chi-square tests of. See chi-square
confidence intervals and. See
confidence intervals
difference of two. See difference of
two proportions
of samples. See sample proportion
significance tests and, 498500,
significance tests and difference of,
529534, 544546, 819
test statistic for, 493494, 499500
test statistic for difference of, 531,
532, 544
protocol, 270
quantitative data, 807808
quantitative variables
bivariate. See bivariate quantitative
defined, 44
graphs of. See dot plots; histograms;
scatterplots; stemplots
inference involving. See least squares
regression line
defined, 34
nding of, 5960
interquartile range (IQR), 5960,
lower, 34, 59, 61
odd number of cases, middle value
in, 59
percentiles, 7879
as resistant to outliers, 79
upper, 34, 59, 61
questionnaire bias, 225226
r. See correlation
random digit table, 301309, 359360,
random number generator, 30, 232, 234
random number table, 232
random sampling, 231240
bias as overcome by, 231
cluster sample, 237238, 240
confidence interval of a mean and,
568, 569
confounding as overcome by,
control groups, 250251
independent selection and, 345
lack of, experiments and, 542543,
normal distribution and, 3233
placebo effect, 250251
Index 889
22-03-2009 21:31
8 de 11
sample mean ( x )
comparing, usefulness of, 650651
confidence intervals. See sample
means, confidence intervals and
importance of, 426
point estimators, 415417
nding probabilities of, 431433
reasonably likely outcomes for, 412
sample proportion as form of, 450
sampling distribution of. See
sampling distribution of the
sample mean
significance tests for. See sample
means, significance tests and
symbol for, 430
use of, in text, 426
sample means, con dence intervals
and, 573
capture rate and, 571572
construction of, 568571
for difference between two means,
618623, 629
differences, paired comparisons,
890 Index
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Index 891
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10 de 11
892 Index
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11 de 11
uniform (rectangular) distributions,
2830, 37
unimodal distributions, 35
units, experimental, 252255
blocks, 267, 268270, 273, 274
defined, 252
units of measurement
calculator technique exploring
changes in, 76
correlation as quantity without, 143
estimation and, 50
standardizing. See z-score
summary statistics and changes in,
units of population, 219
univariate data
categorical, 805
measurement, 807
unknown percentage problems, 84
recentering and rescaling and, 83
solving, 8790
unknown values problems, 8485
recentering and rescaling and, 83
solving, 8790
upper quartile
defined, 34
in five-number summary, 61
interquartile range and, 59
as challenge in data analysis, 4
interquartile range and, 59
linear models and, 741
management of, 262263, 269,
point estimators and, 415, 417
slope and, 739749
bivariate. See bivariate quantitative
categorical. See categorical variables
defined, 4
identification of, 107
lurking, 107, 109, 147, 243244
predictor (explanatory), 120
quantitative. See quantitative
random, 361, 372373
response (predicted), 120
calculator technique, 367
defined, 65
waiting-time problems, 393
weak association, 107, 108
See also correlation; strength of
Westvaco case study, 38, 1116,
whiskers, 61, 62
x-axis, 83
y-axis, histograms and, 45
y-intercept, symbols for (b0, ), 125,
See also slope-intercept form
z-score, 83
calculator technique, 84, 85, 89
chi-square compared to, 685,
comparisons using, 87
computation of, 86
confidence intervals and, 476477
correlation and, 142143
defined, 86
nding value with known, 86
significance testing and, 819
t-values compared to, 583
test statistic as, 494
unstandardizing, 86
using z-table, 8485
z*. See critical values
Index 893
22-03-2009 21:31
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