Building A Deck?: Do You Require A Permit For Your Deck? Residential Deck Regulations Where To Apply
Building A Deck?: Do You Require A Permit For Your Deck? Residential Deck Regulations Where To Apply
Building A Deck?: Do You Require A Permit For Your Deck? Residential Deck Regulations Where To Apply
If a Development Permit is required, it will be
processed prior to the Building Permit being You will be required to provide:
issued; however, both may be applied for Completed Development Permit application form
Completed Building Permit application form
Deck Construction Guidelines
Indicate deck size (length, width and height) Stairs shall have a minimum width of 860mm (34)
through proper dimensioning. with a uniform rise and run. Minimum rise is 125mm
(5) maximum rise is 200mm (7 7/8). The minimum
Provide deck layout, indicating the joist direction Wood columns shall be pressure treated when they are within a vertical distance of 150 mm (6 in.) and the ground. run is 210mm (8 1/4) and a minimum tread depth
on the plan as well as size, spacing of joists and of 235mm (9 1/2). The maximum run and tread
span between joist supports. Wood columns that support the deck beams shall be a minimum of 140mm x 140mm (5 1/2 x 5 1/2 in) depth is 355mm (14)
Show size, location and height of columns. Deck joists shall have solid blocking installed between each deck joist, or continuous wood strapping on the underside Open sides of a deck must be protected by a
of deck joists where the clear span of the joists exceed 2.1 m (7 ft.). guardrail on each side not protected by a wall for the
Specify beam size. length where there the elevation is more than 600
Deck joists and beams may cantilever 600 mm (2 ft.) beyond their supports mm (24) between the deck and ground; or if the
Show the type of foundation and depth below adjacent ground, within 1.2 m (47) of the deck, has
grade. a severe slope.
Describe the location, size and depth of piles
complete with sealed engineering. Sample Joist spans (with strapping) Openings in guards in all non-industrial buildings
shall be small enough that a spherical object with a
Provide details of stairs (if any). For example, the Deck Joists 38 X 184mm (2x8) 38 X 235mm (2x10) 38 X 286mm (2x12) diameter of 100 mm (4) wont fit through.
width, height, rise, run, handrails, etc. Joist Spacing 400mm 600mm 400mm 600mm 400mm 600mm Guardrails must be designed so no part, including
(16) (24) (16) (24) (16) (24)
ornamental fixtures, will facilitate climbing. There are
Maximum Joist Span 3.36m 3.20m 3.96m 3.77m 4.52m 4.30m specific code guidelines to ensure this requirement
(110) (106) (130) (124) (1410) (141) is met.
Guardrails must be at least 1.07 m (42) high, from
Part 9 foundation system must be at least 1.2 m Sample Beam spans (minimum 3 ply) the deck surface to the top of the guardrail.
(4) below grade and extend at least 150 mm Guardrails serving one home can be 0.9 m (36)
(6) above grade and may consist of a strip footing Beam size 38 X 184mm (3-2x8) 38 X 235mm (3-2x10) 38 X 286mm 3-2x12) high if the deck surface is not more than 1.8 m
and foundation wall or footing pads and concrete (511) above the ground.
Beam Span 2.42m (711) 2.96m (98) 3.44m (113)
columns. (supporting joist up to
3.6m (119) in length
Concrete and Screw piles are not provided in the
Beam Span 2.10m (610) 2.56m (84) 2.98m (99)
Alberta Building Code and will require the seal and
(supporting joist up to Appeal
signature of a Professional Engineer.
4.8m (159) in length
If your application has been refused, or approved
subject to conditions set forth by the Development
Should you wish to appeal a decision made by the Safety Codes Officer, it must be submitted in writing within 30 days Officer, you may appeal the decision to the
of the decision date. All appeals on building issues can be made to the Safety Codes Council. SUBDIVISION AND DEVELOPMENT APPEAL BOARD.
If an applicant wishes to appeal the decision, a written
notice of appeal must be served to the Subdivision and
Development Appeal Board prior to the appeal expiry
date noted on the permit, accompanied by the
Call us at (780) 962-7582 appropriate fee.