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DIRECT-CURRENT CIRCUITS 26.1. 26.2. 263. 26.4. Toexrim series and parallel resistors. Ser Ur: Each of the three linar segments has resistance R/3. The ciele is two IG resistors in parallel EXECUTE: Tho resistance of the circle is R/12 since it consists of two RIG resistors in parallel, The ‘equivalent resistance is two R/3. resistors in series with an R/I2 resistor, giving Regay = 3+ RIB+ RIV = 3H, EVALUATE: Tho equivalent resistance ofthe original wire has been reduced because the circle’s resistance isles than it was as a linear wire ToeNTIFY: It may appear thatthe moter measures X directly. But note that Xis in parallel with three other resistors So the meter measures the equivalent parallel resistance between ab. Ser Ur: We use the formula for resistors in parallel EXECUTE: 1/(2.00 2)= 1/1 +1150 2) +1450 2) +1(10.0 0), s0.X = EVALUATE: Xs greater than the equivalent parallel resistance of 2.00.0. 59 Inn Tieton Cet hase ee Scns i neu poco z : a M00 EVALUATE: The two resistors in series dissipate electrical energy at a smaller rate than alone TneNTIFY: For resistors in parallel the voltages are the same and equal to the voltage across the equivalent resistance, Load erUr: = ik, =k ser Ry Ki EXECUTE: (4) Reg v_240v © 95.4 R, 1230 ©) Inga = OV 3 As ling =! = MOV R 32a R000 EVALUATE: More current flows through the resistor that has the smaller IDENTIFY: The equivalent resistance will vay for the different connections because the series-parallel, ‘combinations vary, and hence the current will vary Ser Ur: First calculate the equivalent resistance using the seris- parallel formulas, then use Ohm's lay (7 =R/) to find the current © Copsright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc, Al sighs reserved, This materia is protected under sll copstight laws 2s they cutely exist NNopotion of ths material may be eproduced, in at fom or By any meas, without permission in writing from the publisher. 26-126-2 Chapter 26 EXECUTE: (a) /R=1/(1500)+1/300Q) gives R=100.9./=1'1 (@) From part (b), the resistance of the triangle alone is 7.78.02. Adding the 3.00-2 internal resistance of the battery gives an equivalent resistance for the circuit of 10.78 Q. Therefore the current is, T= G50V)(10.78.Q)=325 A, EVALUATE: It makes a big difference how the tangle is connected to the battery 26.6. IDENTIFY: The potential drop is the same across the resistors in parallel, and the current into the parallel ‘combination is the same as the current through the 45.0-02 resistor. (a) Ser Up: Apply Ohm's law in the parallel branch to find the current through the 45.0-Q resistor. Then. apply Ohm's law to the 45.0-0 resistor to find the potential drop across it EXECUTE: The potential drop across the 25.08 resistors 35 = (25.0 2V(L25 A) potential drop across each of the parallel branches is 31.25 V. For the 150-0 resistor: Ths = GL2SV)/(150 2) = 2.083 A. The resistance of the 10.0-2+ 150-2 combination is 250.0, so the current through it must be the same as the current through the upper 250-0 resistor; Jyy,15 =125 A. The ‘sum of currents in the parallel branch will be the current through the 4500-2 resistor. Tyoat =128 A+ 2.083 A+ 125 A=458.A, Apply Ohm’s law to the 450-0 resistor: Vs =(4.58 AX 450 0) () SerUP: First find the equivalent resistance ofthe ciuit and then apply Ohm's law to it EXECUTE: The resistance of the parallel branch is 1/R = 1/250 2)+ 1150.2) 1/2500), 0 R= 682 Q, The equivalent resistance of the circuit is 6.82 2+ 45.0 0+ 35.00 Q=8682.0. Ohms law IVES Tagg * (86.62 DYES A) = 398 V, EVALUATE: The emf ofthe battery isthe (parallel branch and two series resistors). 26.7. ToENTIBY:_ First do as much series-parallel reduction as possible. Ser Ur: The 45.0-0 and 15.0-0 resistors are in parallel, so first reduce them to a single equivalent resistance. Then find the equivalent series resistance of the circuit, EXECUTE: I/F =1/(450 )+1/(150.Q) andl Ry =11.25 Q, The total equivalent resistance is, 180. 041125 0+326.2= 32.5.0. Ohm's law gives I = (250 VVI32.5.)= 0.769 A. EVALUATE: The cienit appears complicated until we realize that the 45.0-0 and 15.0-Q resistors are in parallel 268. IDENTIFY: Eq, (26.2) gives the equivalent resistance of the three resistors in parallel, For resistors in parallel, the voltages are the same and the currents ad (a) Ser Ur: Tho circuit is sketched in Figure 26 8a. 1.28 V. The ofthe potential drops across each ofthe three segments ee mov Execurt: parle = a Aya Re Rin KA i Re, 1609 2409" $800 % Req =0.8000 Figure 26.84 (©) For resistors in parallel the voltage is the same across each and equal to the applied voltage: © Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Ine. Al righ teserve, This material is protected under al copsright laws a they curtealy exit No potion of ths material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in wating from he publisher269. 26.10, Direct-Current Circuits 26-3 Vy _280V Fy 280V, 7 Ty _ 280V Ry nag 17 Aang g S88 (6) The currents through the resistors add to give the current through the battery T= Iytly+h=175 AFILT A+58A=350. EVALUATE: Altematively, we can use the equivalent resistance Ry as shown in Figure 26.80, bp mov e-IRy=0 280 =350.A, which checks Req 0800.2 Figure 26.8 (@) As shown in part (b), th voltage across cach resistor is 28.0 V. (6) ToeNtiryand Serr: We can wse any ofthe thee expressions for P:P =17 =P all give the same results, if we keep enous significant figures in intermediate calculations soy soy 1608 2400 8, They will EXECUTE: Using P. 327 W. and PR, Rave, 490 W. Ps PIR 2, BOE, 1302 EVALUATE: The tol power disipated is Pg = F-+ P+ P,= 980 W, Thisis the same as the power 2g =€7 = 2.80 V)350 A)=980 W delivered by the battery Oo 7 /R. The resistors in parallel each have the same voltage, so the power P is largest for the one ‘with the least resistance. Tnextiry: Fora series network, the current is the same in each resistor and the sum of voltages for each, resistor equals the battery voltage, The equivalent resistance is Ry = Ky +R+ Ky. P=P°R, SETUP: Let R=1.600, %=2400, = 4800 EXECUTE: (a) Ry =1.602+2400+4.800=8800 63W. 509V. Ty B.18 AY(240) = 763 V. 5.3 V. Note that Fj +3 +14 = 280 V. (©) = 27R,= 6.18 AY0.60.2)=162 W. Py =? = GB AY2.409)=24.3 W. R=PRs=G.18 AP480Q)= 485 W. ( Since P= /°R and the curent is the same for each resistor, the resistor with the greatest dissipates the greatest power. EVALUATE: When resistors are connected in parallel, the resistor with the smallest dissipates the greatest power. (4) IDexTIFY: The current, and hence the power, depends on the potential difference across the resistor. Serr: wR Execute: (a) I’ = PR = 5.0 W)05,0009) R= (120 V}21(9,0002) =1.6 W () I the larger resistor generates 2.00 W, the smaller one will generate less and hence will be safe ‘Therefore the maximum power in the larger resistor must be 2.00 W. Use P= 17 to find the maximum current though the series combination and use Ohm's law to find the potential difference across the combination. 2m4V © Copsriht 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.All ights served, This materi is potted under all copie laws as they cutenly ens. Nopotionof ths material maybe reproduced, in aty form or by any meas, without permission in wri from te publisher26-4 26.11, 26.12, 26.13, Chapter 26 Execute: P=J°R gives | = yP/R=(2.00 W)i050 Q) =0.115 A. The same current flows through both resistors, and their equivalent resistance is 250.0 Ohm's law gives I” = IR = (0.115 A250 02) = 288 V. Therefore Fgy =200 W and Fp = 2R= (0.115 A)? 000 2)= 132 W, EVALUATE: Ifthe resistors ina series combination all have the same power rating resistane that limits the amount of eurent ToexTavy ander Ur: Ohm's law applies to the resistors, the potential drop across resistors in parallel is the same foreach of them, anata junction the currents in must equal the currents out 4.00 AY6.002)=240V, T=; =240V. is the largest 2.0 A. 00 A+8,00 0.0 V. €=1 +1) = 24.0 V 460.0 V=84.0 V. EVALUATE: Series/panllel reduction was mot necessary in this case, IpeNTIFY and Ser Ur: Ohim’s law applies to the resistors, and ata junction the currents in must equal the ‘currents out Execure: 1 = AR, = (1.50 AYS.002) = 7.50 V. Ty =7.50V. thet 90 Wy _750V 50 A=1.50.4. WA. RB, 2.500. 1, 300 250 V-150V=175V. R= -VSY 1, 450A EVALUATE: Series/panlel reduction was mot necessary in this case 800. Lia InENTIFY: For resistors in parallel, the voltages are the same and the currents add, <= + s0 Ra RoR ag= GE, For resistor in series the cuments are the sme andthe voltages add. Ruy =, +R Ser Ur:_ The rules for combining resistors in series and parallel lead (0 the sequ circuits shown in Figure 26,13 nees of equivalent ¥ Barctrs y=800, Iians 263%, f=2% 1204 ssc hoaphshot risen ign 2195 y= My (020 920) -240 Tha = MR = (12.0 493.009) 20V 46.0 V. Note that Tg +74 Vig_240V 60.0 V. Vip is the voltage across , and across Ry, 80 I 2% =8,00 A and Ty SO = 4.00 A, Thy is the voltage across Ry : R302 2°'Ry 6002 Jha d Vy _360V. Vy 360. " . Fit 3605 nd 7, = = S80V ad across Ry, 90 I= R= = 3.00 A and fy = BT 9.0 A. Evatuare: Note that J +1, ue 7 ie ac a & 7 a Re Re Re Bx @ © @ Figure 26.13, © Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Ine. Al righ teserve, This material is protected under al copsright laws a they curtealy exit No potion of ths material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in wating from he publisher26.14, 26.15, Direct-Current Circuits 26-5 IDENTIFY: Replace the series combinations of resistors by their equivalents. In the resulting parallel network the battery voltage is the voltage across each resistor. Ser Ur: The circuit is sketchod in Figure 26.14a, Be anny Execure: Rj and Ay in series have an | reer , and R, in series have an equivalent resistance it nepwn Resmo |p, eat + — of Ry = Ry +R =1200. Te fa, y= 7M Ry S008 Figure 26.14, ‘The circuit is equivalent tothe cireuit sketched in Figure 26.14 aes and Ry in parallel ae equivalent 10 Rg te 1 _ RyRy 4 Ram aon Halon ay te ag LAMB) _ 99) oe aan $.0002+1200 Figure 26.14b ‘The vollage across cach branch ofthe parallel combination is €, so €— py BV L204 ° Ry 4.002 b= Iyligg =0 50 Jug == BOY, Ry Roa ‘The current is 12.0 A through the 00-2 and 3.00-@ resistors, and itis 4.0 A through the 7.00-G2 and 5.00-0 resistors, EVALUATE: The current through the battery is I= fp +15, E/Req = 48.0 VI3.002= 16.0 A. TneNTIFY: Inboth circuis, with and without Rj, replace series and parallel combinations of resistors by their equivalents. Calculate the currents and voltages inthe equivalent circuit and infer from this the ‘currents and voltages inthe original circuit. Use /°= 1° to calculate the power dissipated in each bulb. (a) Ser Up: The circuit is sketched in Figure 26.15a, 2.0 A+4.0A=16.0 A, and this is equal to ; Execure: Ry, %,and Ry are in parallel, so ~ their equivalent resistance Ry is given by eS my cn a R Figure 26.18 © Copsriht 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.All ights served, This materi is potted under all copie laws as they cutenly ens. Nopotionof ths material maybe reproduced, in aty form or by any meas, without permission in wri from te publisherer ee 3 and yy =1.500, ioe ta ‘The equivalent circuit is drawn in Figure 26.156, Figure 26.15) 200 Ta0a+1508 Then F=f =(.80 AX.500)=6.75V oq =1.50 A Vg =F = 50 AYLS02)= 2.25 V For resistors in pall the volages are equal andar the same asthe vollage ares the equivalent resistor 1-1-1, 225V 225 4308 Eyatuare: Note that 1475+ their sum is the current through the equ 1,50 Aand 4 =1.50 A L 0500.4 0.500 A Is 50 A, which is Jug, For resistors in parallel the currents add and alent resistor. @yserur: P=PR Execute: f= (1.50 A)'4.502)=10.1W » (0.500 A)*(4.500)=1.125 W, which rounds to 1.12 W. R glows brightest EVALUATE: Note that 7, +, +, =3.37 W. This equals Pg power dissipated in the equivalent resistor. (©) Sex Ur: With R, removed the circuit becomes the circuit in Figure 26.15e, 1,50 AY*(.50) 37 W, the EXECUTE: Ry and R, are in parallel and their ‘equivalent resistance Rug is given by 2 Tey hs and Rey =2.250. Figure 26.15¢ ‘The equivalent circuit is shown in Figure 26.1Sd. =U + Rg) =0 € Rr Ry Figure 26.151 © Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Ine. Al righ teserve, This material is protected under al copsright laws a they curtealy exit No potion of ths material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in wating from he publisherDirect-Current Circuits 26-7 @ serve: P EXECUTE: Fj =(1.333 A)? (4.50.0) zB (0,667 A)? (4.50.2) = 2.00 W, (©) EVALUATE: When Ry is removed, F; decreases and P and P, increase. Bulb R, glows less brightly and bulbs , and X, glow more brightly. When A, is removed the equivalent resistance of the circuit increases and the current through Kj decreases. But in the parallel combination this current divides {nfo two equal currents rather than three, so the currents through Ry and Rs increase, Can also see this by noting that with Ry removed and less current through the voltage drop across 2, is less so the voltage drop across #, and across Ry must become larger. 26.16, IDENTIFY: Apply Ohm's law to each resistor. Ser Ur: For resistors in parallel the voltages are the same and the currents add. For resistors in series the ‘currents are the same and the voltages add. ExecuTE: From Ohm’s law. the voltage drop across the 6.00-Q resistor is 1” = IR = (4.00 AY(6.00Q)= 24.0 V. The voltage drop actoss the 8.00-Q resistor is the same, since these two resistors are wired in. parallel, The current through the 8.00.0 resistor is then = R= 240 V/8.002=3.00 A. The current through the 25,0-2 resistor is the sum of the current through these two resistors: 7.00 A. The voltage drop across the 25.0-Q resistor is 1” = JR = (7.00 A)(25.0 Q)=175 V, and total voltage drop across the top branch of the circuit is 175 V+ 24.0 V=199 V, which is also the voltage drop actoss the 20.0-G2 resistor. ‘The current through the 20,0-Q resistor is then 1 =17/R=199 V/20Q=9.95 A, EVALUATE: The total current through the battery is 7.00 A+9.95 A= 16.95 A. Note that we did not need ‘to calculate the emf of the battery 26.17. IDENTIFY: Apply Ohm's law fo cach resistor. Ser Ur: For resistors in parallel the voltages are the same and the currents add. For resistors in series the currents are the same and the voltages add, EXECUTE: The current through the 2,00-Q resistor is 6.00 A, Current through the 1.00-2 resistor also is 6.00 A and the voltage is 6.00 V. Voltage across the 6.00-02 resistor is 12.0 V +60 V=180 V. Current through the 6.00-2 resistor is (180 V)(6,00.2) = 300 A. The battery emf is 180 V. EVALUATE: The current through the battery is 6.00 A+3.00 A=9.00 A. The equivalent resistor of the resistor network is 2.00.0. and this equals (180 V¥(9.00 A). 26.18, IDENTIFY: The filaments must be connected such that the current can flow through each separately. and ‘also through both in parallel, vielding three possible current flows. The parallel situation always has less resistance than any of the individual members, so it will give the highest power output of 180 W, while the other two must give power outputs of 60 W and 120 W. SerUe: P= /R, where isthe equivalent resistance. ye (120 vy? Va (20vye Execute: (a) 6ow =— gives R 2409, 20w=— gives R= 20.0 ure: (a) 7 a8 Fy Be vr? _a2ovy" For these two resistors in parallel, = TSA 180 W, whichis the dosirod valu. ()IF 2, bums ou, the 120-W setting stays the same, the 60-W setting does not work and the 180 W setting goes to 120 W: brightnesses of zero, medium and medium. © Copsriht 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.All ights served, This materi is potted under all copie laws as they cutenly ens. Nopotionof ths material maybe reproduced, in aty form or by any meas, without permission in wri from te publisher26-8 26.19, 26.20, Chapter 26 (01 bus ot, the 60. sting stays these th 120-W sting dos not work, adhe 180-7
= 0.500 A, fy =1.00.A (@ F=200W Given, P ‘The fotal rate at which the resistors remove eloctical energy iS Fes ‘The total rate at which the battery inputs electrical eneFEY IS Phage 35.0 W-Fresa" Fhaiens Which agrees with conservation of energy EVALUATE: The three resistors are in parallel, so the voltage for each isthe battery voltage, 10.0 V, The ‘currens inthe thee resistors add to give the current in the battery parallel so have the san © Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Ine. Al righ teserve, This material is protected under al copsright laws a they curtealy exit No potion of ths material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in wating from he publisherDirect-Current Circuits 26-9 26.21, IDENTIFY: For resistors in series, the vollages add and the current is the same. For resistors in parallel, the voltages are the same and the currents add. P= /°R. (a) Ser Up: The circuit is sketched in Figure 26.21, For resistors in series the current is the same through each, 100 A. This is the current drawn from the line. 2.0 W, the fotal power dissipated in both bulbs, Note that A, =Vog = (20 VXO0.100 A)=12.0 W, the power delivered by the potential source, equals Pag (@ Ser Ur: ‘The circuit is skotched in Figure 26.21b. 4 For resistors in parallel the voltage across i! each resistor is the same. Nog 120 g 4 | e Figure 26.21b K_Bov wy _ov : b= OY = 0,300 A, fy == = 0.151 BxeCUTE: I= Gb Fg OR AT FE Sy ODA Evatuave: Nove that cach curen is larger dan th current when the resistors are connected in series, (@) Execute: R= 1/R, = (0.300 A)"(400) Py= BR, = 0.180 A)? 6002)=180W © Prgg =H P= S40 W EVALUATE: Note that the otal current drawn fom the ine J 0.450 A. The power input from the lines 120 VV(0.480 A) = 54.0 W, which equals the total power dissipated by the bulbs () The bub that is disipating the most poser glows most brighily. For the series connection the currents are the same and by P=/7R the bulb with the larger R has the larger P: the 800-0. bulb glows more brightly. For the parallel combination the voltages are the same and by P=1""/R the bulb with the smaller Rhas the larger P: the 400-2 bulb glows more brightly. (h) The total power ouput Fay equals Fy =V/!, 50 Zoi larger forthe parallel connection where the current drawn from th lines larger (because the equivalent resistance is smaller.) 26.22, IDENTIFY: Use 770 with, 120 Vand the wattage for cach bulb to calculate the resistance of cach bulb. When connected in series the voltage across each bulb wil ot be 120 V and the power foreach ‘bulb willbe diferent SET Ue: For resistor in series the cuments are the sume and Rg = Rj + © Copsriht 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.All ights served, This materi is potted under all copie laws as they cutenly ens. Nopotionof ths material maybe reproduced, in aty form or by any meas, without permission in wri from te publisher26-10 Chapter 26 (20 vy Pp 6oW eee, mW R- QHQ+T2D) ) Peay =PR= 0.769 AY 2402)=142 W;. Paypw = PR= 0.769 AYT2O) (6) The 60 W bulb bums out quickly because the power it delivers (142 W) is 24 times its ated value, EVALUATE: Inseres the largest resistance dissipates the greatest power. 26.23. IDENTIFY and Set Ur: Replace series and parallel combinations of resistors by their equivalents until the circuit is reduced to a single loop, Use the loop equation to find the current through the 20.02. resistor, Set P=I'R forthe 20.0-0 resistor equal tothe rato Qt at which heat goes into the water and set Q=mcar. Execure: Replace the network by the equivalent resistor, as shown in Figure 2623, EXECUTE: (a) Reo 240.0; Raoow ‘Therefore, Jeow 769 A. aon AA son ~ Figure 26.23, 300 V-12000+500+500) For the 20.0-0 resistor thermal energy is generated atthe rate meAT _ (0.100 key 4190 Sky KYCH8.0 C2 P 20.0 W EVALUATE: The batty is supplying heat at the rte P= €7 =30.0 W. Inthe series circuit, more energy is dissipated inthe largor resistor (20.00) than inthe smaller ones (5.00 2). 2624, IoENTIFY: This iret cannot be reduoed using series/parallel combinations, so we apply KirchhofT's rules. The target variables are the currents in each segment SETUP: Assume the unknown curents have the directions shown in Figure 26.24, We have use the jnetion rule to write the current through the 10.0 V battery as J, +2. There are two unknowns, 1, and 1, s0 we will eed to equations. Thos posible circuit oops are shown inthe Figure. ives: 101% 10° s Figure 26.24 EXECUTE: (a) Apply the loop rule (0 loop (1), going around the loop in the direction shown: #10.0 V-G0.0 Q)1,=0 and 1, = 0.333 A. © Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Ine. Al righ teserve, This material is protected under al copsright laws a they curtealy exit No potion of ths material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in wating from he publisherDirect-Current Circuits 26-11 (b) Apply the loop rule to loop (3); +10.0 V~(20.0 Q)/, ~5.00 V 250.4, (©) f+ [2 =0.353 A+0.250 A =0.383 A EVALUATE: For loop (2) we get $5.00 V+ 13(20.0) ~ 1,00 2)=5.00 V+ (0.250 AY(200 2)— (0.333 A)G0.0Q) 5.00 V+ 5.00 V-10.0 V=0, so that with the currents we have calculated the loop rule is satisfied for this third loop. TeNTiFY: Apply KirchhofT's point rule at point a to find the current through R. Apply Kirchhoff loop rule (o loops (1) and (2) shown in Figure 26.25a to calculate Rand €. Travel around each loop in the direction shown. (a) Ser up: Figure 26.25a EXECUTE: Apply Kirchhoff’s point rule to point a: £1 =0 so /+4.00 A—6.00 1=2,00 A (in the direction shown in the diagram. (©) Apply Kirchhof's loop nul to loop (1): ~(6.00 A}3.00.2)~ (2.00 A)R+28.0.V =18.0 V-(2.00)R+280 V=0 280 V-180V 2.00 (6) Apply Kirchhoff’ loop rule o loop (2): ~(6.00 A}G3.002)~ (4.00 AV6.002)+ £=18.0 V+240 V=42.0V EVALUATE: Can check that the loop rule is satisfied for loop (3), as a check of our work 28.0 V2 +(4.00.AY(6.00.2)- 2.00 AR=0 28.0 V-42.0 V+24.0 V-(2.00 AYS.002)=0 52.0 V=42.0 V+100V 52.0 V=52.0 V, so the loop nul i satisfied for this loop. (@ WeNtIPY: If the circuit is broken at point x there can be no current inthe 6.00-02 resistor. There is ‘now only a single current path and we can apply the loop mule to this path, Ser Ur: The circuit is sketchod in Figure 26.28b, 0a Figure 26.25 © Copsriht 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.All ights served, This materi is potted under all copie laws as they cutenly ens. Nopotionof ths material maybe reproduced, in aty form or by any meas, without permission in wri from te publisher26-12 Chapter 26 Execute: 1280 V-G.002)1-(S009)1 =0 280 soo EVALUATE: Breaking the circuit atx removes the 420-V emi fom the circuit and the current through the 30-0 resistors rced 2626, IpENTIFY: Apply the loop ule and junction ml Ser Ur: The circuit diagram is given in Figure 26.26, The junction rule has been used o find the nisgnitude and direction of the cure in the mide branch of he crcl. Thee are no remaining unknown cues EXECUTE: The loop rule applied 0 lop (1) aves +$20.0V=(.00 A)2.000) + (1.0 A002) (1.00 A).0009)~,~ (1.0 AY6.0002)=0 0.0 V1.) V+ 4.00 V-+.00 V~6.00 V=180 V. The lop rule appli to lop @) gives 4120.0 V~(.00 AY2.00.)~2.00 A¥.000) ~e) 2.00 A}2.000)~ (1.00 4X60.) =0 OV, Going from (oa along the ower branch, 1, #2.00 AY2.000)+ 7.0 V+ 200 AV1.000)=F,-1,-1,=-13.0V point is at 13.0 V lower potential than point Evanuate: Wecan aso calculate V,~V, by going fom b oa along the upper branch ofthe circuit 1, ~€.00 AY6009) +20.0 V=(L.00 AY.000) =F, and V,~V, =-15.0 V. Thisagres with 7, calculated along a different path between b and | worl i Figure 26.26 2627. oextuy:_ Apply th junction rat points 4,3, and do calculate the unknown cures. Then apply the loop rule to thee Toops to calculate ¢,¢) and R, (a) Ser Ur: The circuit is sketched in Figure 26.27 © Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Ine. Al righ teserve, This material is protected under al copsright laws a they curtealy exit No potion of ths material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in wating from he publisherFigure 2627 Execure: Apply the juncti E=8004 Apply the junction rule to point b: 2.00 A+ ~3.00 1,-1.0, Apply the junetion mule to point e: 1s ~Z,~ Ts Ip=Iy~1,=8.00A-1.00 A= 7.00 A EVALUATE: As check. apply the junction rule to point d: J ~2.00 A~S.00 A 1,=7.00.8 ()) Execures Apply the loop nile to loop (1): & 2.0 V+ (8.00 AV3.002)=360 V Apply the loop rule to loop (2): € (5.00 AY6.00.2)~ 1,(3.00)=0 10.0 V+(8.00 AY3.009)=54.0V (€) Apply the loop rule to loop (3): ~(2.00 AYR=a, +e =0 540 V-360V 200A 200A EVALUATE: Apply the loop rule to foop (4) asa check of our calculations: (2.00 AR=G.00 AV.00.2) + (5.00 AY6.000) = (2.00 49.00.) 12.0 V+30.0 V= -180V+180 V=0 26.28, IDENTIFY: Use Kirchhoff’s rules to find the currents Ser UP: Since the 10.0-V battery has the larger voltage, assume /; is t the left through the 10-V battery, 2 isto the right ough the 5 V battery, and /, iso the right through the 10-Q resistor. Go around each Joop in the counterclockwise direction. EXECUTE: Upper loop: 10.0 V~(2.002+3.00 Q)/, ~(.002+ 4,00 Q)/, 50V-G.000)/, -(5.00.0)/, =0, and = J, +f, = 1.00. Lower loop: 5.00 V + (1.00.2+ 4.00.)/, ~ (10.0 )/; =0. This gives 5.00V + (5.00.2)1,~10.0Q)f, =0, and I,—21, Along with 1 =; +15, we can solve forthe three currents and find: rule to point a: 3.00 A+500 Af, =0 (3.00 AY4.00.2) - 153,002) =0 00.2 5.00 V=0, This gives ) Fg, = (0.200 AY(4.00 2) ~ (0.800 AV(3.00.0)- EVALUATE: Traveling from 6 to a through the 4.00-02 and 3.00-0 resistors you pass through the resistors inthe direction of the current and the potential decreases; point is at higher potential than point a. © Copsriht 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.All ights served, This materi is potted under all copie laws as they cutenly ens. Nopotionof ths material maybe reproduced, in aty form or by any meas, without permission in wri from te publisher26-14 Chapter 26 26.29, IDENTIFY: Apply the junction nile fo reduce the number of unknown currents. Apply the loop rule to two Joops to obtain two equations for the unknown currents /, and I (a) Ser Ur: The cireuitis sketched in Figu i Pa Figure 26.29 Let J, be the current in the 3.00 resistor and 1 be the current in the 4,000 resistor and assume that ‘those currents are in the directions shown, Then the current in the 10.0-02 resistor is y= 1) ~J,, inthe direction shown, where we have used Kirchhof’s point rule to relate /; 10/4, and Jy. If we get a negative answer for any ofthese currents we know the current i actually inthe opposite direction to what we have assumed, Three loops and directions to travel around the loops are shown in te circiut diagram. Apply Kirchhof?'s loop rule to each loop, ExecuTE: loop (1 +10.0 V-13.002)~ 1,(4.00.2)+ 5.00 V-1301.002)~ 42.009) 15.00 V~(5.00.)/, ~(5.002)!, =0 3.00 A-1,— oop (2) 45.00 V—13(1.00)+ (1, ~/,)10.00~ 1y(4.00)=0 5.00 V+(0.0.2)/,-(5.09)1, 1,00 A+ 2,007, -3.00/, =0 ‘The first equation says fy =3.00 A~ 1, Use this in th second equation: 1.00 A+ 2.00/, 5.00/, =8.00 A, fy = 1.60. ‘Then [, =3.00 A—1,=3.00 A~1.60 A=1.40 A, B= 1,=1.60 4-140 A=0.20A EVALUATE: Loop (3) can be used as a check. “+10.0 V=(1,60 A)(3.00.2)~ (0.20 AY(10.00.2)~ (1.60 A}(2.002)=0 100 V=48V420V43.2V 10.0V=190V We find that with our calculated currents the loop rule is satisfied for loop (3). Als, all the currents came ‘out {0 be positive, so the current directions in the circuit diagram are correct, (b) Ibextiry and Sex Ur: To find I, start at point b and travel to point a. Many different routes can be taken from b to a and all must yield the same result for Ty, EXECUTE: Travel through the 4.00-Q resistorand then through the 3.00-0 resistor i, + Fy(4.000)+ (3.000) Va, = (140 AY(4.00) + (1.60 A)G.00.) than point b) 9.00 A+3.001,=0 60 V+48 V=104 V (point ais at higher potential © Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Ine. Al righ teserve, This material is protected under al copsright laws a they curtealy exit No potion of ths material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in wating from he publisherDirect-Current Cireuits 26-15 EVALUATE: Altematively, travel through the $.00-V em, the 1.00-(2 resistor, the 2.008 resistor, and the 10.0-V emt. V5 #5.00 V—13(0.0022)— (2.002) +100 V=",, 1, -V, = 15.0 V~ (1.40 AY(1.00)~ (1,60 AY(2.00 2) = 15.0 V-140 V—3.20 V= 10.4 V, the same as before 26.30, IDENTIFY: Use Kirchhoff's rues to find the curents| SETUP: Since the 20.0-V battery has the largest voltage. assume 1 isto the right through the 10.0-V battery, /y isto the left through the 20.0-V battery, and /; isto the right through the 10-2 resistor. Go around each loop in the counterclockwise direction EXECUTE: Upper loap: 10.0 V+ (2.0082+ 3.00.2)/, + (1.00.2+4.00.2)/, ~20.00 V=0. -10.0V+(S.000)1, + .00.2)1, = 0, $0 f+ 1) = 12.004. Lower loop: 20.00 V— (1.002 +4.002)7, ~ (10.09) 20.00 V (5.00. )/, ~ (0.02)! =0, 90 fy +2/,=4.00.. Along with 1 = /,+ 5, we can solve forthe three currents and find /,=40.4 A, fy =+1.6A,[=+12 A. 0) Foy = LA) BD)= (1.6 AYA) +04 AVGQ)=7.6 V EVALUATE: Traveling from i 10.@ through the 400-02 and 3.0042 resistors you pass through each resistor opposite (othe direction of the current and the potential increases; point ais a higher potential ‘than point b 2631. (a) Ineriry: With the switch open, the eeu can be solved using seriesparalel reduction. Ser Up: Find the current through the unknown battery using Ohm's law. Then use the equivalent resistance of the ciuit to find the emi of the battery. EXECUTE: The 30.0-2 and 50.0-0 resistors are in series, and hence have the same current, Using ‘Ohm's law Z59 = (15.0 VV(S0.0 2) = 0.300 A= yo, The potential drop across the 750-2 resistor is the same as the potential drop across the 80.0-G2 series combination. We can use this fact to find the current ‘through the 750-0 resistor using Ohm's law: V35 (0.300 (80.0 2) =240 Vand Ing = QAO VYICS0 2) = 0.320 A. ‘The current through the unknown battery isthe sum of the two currents we just found Tyg) =0300 A+0320 A =0.620 A ‘The equivalent resistance of the resistors in parallel is 1/R, ~1/(75.0 0)+ 1/(80.0 Q). This gives ‘Ry =38.7 0, The equivalent resistance “seen” by the battery’ is Ragin = 20.0 04387. 2= 587 Q. Applying Ohm's law to the battery gives € = Ragay!ryat = (587 2)(0.620 A)=36.4 V (b) IoeNTIFY: With the switch closed. the 25.0-V battery is connected across the $0.02 resistor. SETUP: Take loop around the right pat of the circuit. EXECUTE: Ohm's law gives J = (250 VW(S00 2) =0,500 A. EVALUATE: The current through the $0.0-0 resistor, and the rest ofthe circuit, depends on whether or not ‘the switch is open, 26.32. IDENTIFY: We need to use KirchhofTs rules Ser Ur: Take loop around the outside ofthe circuit, use the current at the upper junction, and then take «Joop around the right side of the circuit EXECUTE: The outside loop gives 750 V—(12.0 2\1.80 A) 80 QV, junction we have 1.S0A=1, +1188 A, and /,=0313 A. A loop around the right part of the circuit gives ~(48 Q2Y(.188 A)+(150.0(0.313 A). €= $23 V, with the polarity shown in the figure inthe problem. EVALUATE: The unknown battery has a smaller emf than the known one, so the current through it oes against its polarity 26.33. (a) IDENTIFY: With the switch open, we have a series circuit with two batteries Ser Ur: Take loop to find the current, then use Ohm's law to find the potential difference between ‘eand 50 /4g=LI88 A. Ata © Copsriht 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.All ights served, This materi is potted under all copie laws as they cutenly ens. Nopotionof ths material maybe reproduced, in aty form or by any meas, without permission in wri from te publisher26-16 2634, Chapter 26 EXECUTE: Taking the oop:/= (400 VV(175 2)=0.229 A, The potential difference between a and Dis 15 -V, = #180 V-(150.0V0.229 A)=—2.14-V. EVALUATE: The minus sign means that « is at a higher potential than . (0) IoextiFY: With the switch closed, the amumter par ofthe circuit divides the original circuit into wo circuits, We can apply Kirchhof’s rules to both pas. Ser Ur: Take loops around the left and right parts ofthe cireit, an thon look a the current at the junction EXECUTE: The left-hand loop gives fy = (250 V}/(100.0 2)=0.250 A, The right-hand loop gives Jp5=(150 VV(7S0 2) =0.200 A. AC the junction just above the switch We have Zp =0-250 A. (in) and =0.200 A (out), 50 [, =0.250 A -0.200 A=0.050 A, downvsard, The volimoter reads zero because the potential ference across i is zoo with te switch closed EVALUATE: The ideal ammeter acts like a shon circuit, making and b a the same potential, Hence the voltmeter reas zero Torxrivy: We first reduce the parallel combination ofthe 20.0-0 resistors an then apply Krchort"s rules, Ser Up: PR so the power consumption of the 6.0-2 resistor allows us to calculate the current through it. Unknown currents /,, /, and [5 are shown in Figure 26,34. The junction rule says that 1, I; + 1s, InFigure 26.34 the two 20.02 resistors in parallel have been replaced by their equivalent 009) sons af 4 2 7 won Sa0e a be roo Figure 26.34 [P_ fauis Execute: (a) P=/R gives = Jo= (ATE = 20 A, The lop rule spiel t loop (1) gives: 2S V-18V. 3000 2.0. AY3.0.2)~ 2.0 AY6.0.9) +25 V-1,00.0.9+19.004102)=0. fy 233.4, (b) 1, =f, -fy =2.0 A-0.233 A=1.77 A, The loop rule applied to loop (2) gives: =(2.0 AYG.0 + 6.0.9) +25 V—(.77 ALT Q)—2-(1.77 AML Q)=0. €=25 V-18 V-53.1 V=—46.1 V. Theemfis 46.1 V, EVALUATE: Because of the minus sign for the emf, the polarity of the battery is opposite to what is shown inthe figure in the problem; the + terminalis adjacent to the 13-0 resistor. © Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Ine. Al righ teserve, This material is protected under al copsright laws a they curtealy exit No potion of ths material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in wating from he publisherDirect-Current Circuits 26-17 2638, ENTIFY: To construct an ammeter, adda shunt resistor in parallel with the galvanometer coi. To construct a voltmeter, add a fesistor in series with the galvanometr coil Ser Ue: The fll-scale defletion current is $00 1A and the coil resistance is 28.08 EXECUTE: (a) For a 20-mA ammeter, the two resistances ae in parallel and the vollages actoss each are the same, 12=V, gives [.R.=1,R,. (500 x10A)(25.0 Q) = (2010 A~500 10° A)R, and R.=06419. (b) Fora S00-mV voltmeter, the resistances ae in series and the current isthe same through each , Typ 50010 ee eee a noziae EVALUATE: The equivalent resistance of the Volinoer is Ryy = R, +I =10000. The equivalent lait fesse oftheammateis hen by == resistanee device and the ammeter i a low-resisance device 2636, ToENTIFY: The galsanometer is presented in the eieui as resistance R,. Use the junction rule 19 relate the current through the galanomter and the current through the shunt resistor. The voltage drop 25.00 9750. and Rg =0.625Q. The voltmeter isa high- across each parallel path is the same; use this to write an equation forthe resistance R. Ser Ur: The citcuitis sketched in Figure 26.36, 9360 Esme? Ty omson Figure 26.36 We want that /, =20.0 A in the external circuit to produce Je, = 0.0224 A through the galvanometer coil EXECUTE: Applying the junction rue to point a gives J, ~ Jy ~/yu =O. Igy =Ig—Ip = 200 A—O.0224 A=19.98.8 ‘The potential difference 1, between points « and b must be the same for both paths between these two points: 14(R +R, Rolin p= 1998 AN002509) 9 560.29 590-9.3602=1290 fi O024A EVALUATE: Ry <
2 wv) = and p= = OW Ay 0 P= and R= SE a. (©) AUILZ per KWH, for I hour the cost is (LIe/kWhy(I Ny. LKW) = 454. EVALUATE: The cost fo operate the device is proportional to its power consumption, TnexTIFY and Ser Ur: The heater and hair dryer ae in parallel so the voltage across each is 120 V and. the current through the fuse isthe sum of the currents through each appliance, As the power consumed by the dryer increases, the current through it increases. The maximum power setting is the highest one for which the current through the fuse is less than 20 A. Execure: Find the current through the heater. P = 17 so f= PIV” = 1500 W/120 V= 12.5 8, The ‘maximum total current allowed is 20 A, so the current through the dryer must be Iess than 20 A=12.5. A=7.5 A. The power dissipated by the dryer ifthe current has this value is P= 17 = (120 V)(7.5 A)= 900 W. For Pat this value of larger the citelt breaker trips © Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Ine. Al righ teserve, This material is protected under al copsright laws a they curtealy exit No potion of ths material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in wating from he publisherDirect-Current Cireuits 26-23 EvaLuate: P=17%/R and forthe dryer Iisa constant 120 V. The higher power settings correspond (o a smaller resistance R and larger current through the device. 26.54, IpeNTIFY and SET Ur: Ohim’s law and Eq, (25.18) can be used to calculate and P given Wand R. Use Eq, (25.12) o calculate the resistance atthe higher temperature. (a) Execute: When the heater element is fist turmed on its at room temperature and has resistan R208 MOV og R720 2 12 C20V now R 02 (b) Find the resistance R(7) of the element at the operating temperate of 280°C. “Take Ty =23.0°C and Ry =200. Eq, (25.12) gives R(T) = Ry(h+ CT ~Ty)) = 20Q(1+ (2.8x 10 (C7) 280°C 23.0°C)) = 34.49. v_ Rov R 34a 2 q20vy? RR MAQ EVALUATE: When the temperature increases t increases and / and P decrease. The changes are substantial 26.58, IDENTIFY: We need todo seres‘paralel reduction to solve this circuit, es =, where Ris th whore Ris thee SA =20W ser Ur: valent resistance ofthe network, For resistors in series, Req Ry +R, and for resistors in parallel /Rp = UR, + VR 2 _asovy Pp DSW Execure: 8102, Ry i+ Ry 002, R is + Re sia-3o0a-4s000. 144-1 1 14 Ra Rs Ras Rs Ras Ro Ryyy = R-Ry Raaky _ 48100¥8.000) Ta—Rn 8002-48100, EVALUATE: The resistance R is greater than R, since the equivalent parallel resistance is less than any ‘ofthe resistors in parallel 26.86, (a) IDENTIFY: Two ofthe resistors in series would each dissipate one-half the total, oF 1.2 W, which sok But the series combination would have an equivalent resistance of 80082, not the 4000 that is required. R= =1219, Resistors in parallel havea resistance tat sles than tha ofthe individual resist, soa solutions two in serie in parle with another wo in sees SETUP: The network canbe simplified as shown in Figure 26.56 rewon ok *, Lye “ [ £ £ Ry ye Figure 26.56a EXECUTE: 2, isthe resistance equivalent to two of the 400-@ resistors in series. R, = R-+ ‘Rg is the resistance equivalent tothe two R, =800-Q resistors in paral: 12 $002 sp RR = Rg Re © Copsriht 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.All ights served, This materi is potted under all copie laws as they cutenly ens. Nopotionof ths material maybe reproduced, in aty form or by any meas, without permission in wri from te publisher26-24 Chapter 26 2657, EVALUATE: This combination does have the roquired 400-2 equivalent resistance. It willbe shown in ‘part (b) that a fotal of 24 W can be dissipated without exceeding the power rating ofeach individual resistor. ToENTIFY: Another solution isto resistors in parallel in series with two more in parallel Ser Ur: The network can be simplified as shown in Figure 26.56b, Res og Figure 2656 aay =2000; y= Ry Ryan Evatuatt: Thscombination his he required 400-2 cquivalent resistance, It willbe shown in prt) thata out of 24 W eanbe diated waht exceeding th power ting of each individual esis, (by toewriry and Sex Ur Find the apliedvllae Try sch ha ao of 4 W sisted a then for this find the power dsipted by each ess: EXECUTE: Fora combination with equivelem sistance Ry = 400.0 wo disipte 2.4 W the volage I, applied othe network must be given by P=173 Rg 50 Vg = fFRq = JOA WHEDOD) =31.0 V and gl 31.0 VAUD = 0077S A Forth fis SV across cach 400-0 Execute: the current through the equivalent resistance is combination this means 31.0 V across each parallel branch and 4(31.0 V) resistor. The power dissipated by cach individual resistor is then P =17/2R= (15.5 V)?/4000 =0,60 W, which i less than the maasimum allowed value of 1.20 W, For the second combination this means a voltage of JR, = (0.0775 )(20022)=15.5 V. across each parallel combination and hence across each separate resistor, The power dissipated by each resistor is again P =17/R = (15.5 V)"4000 = 0.60 W, which is Joss than the maximum allowed value of 1.20 W. EVALUATE: The symmetry of each network says that each resistor in the network dissipates the same power. So, fora total of 2.4 W dissipated by the network, cach resistor dissipates (2.4 W/4=0.60 W, hich agrees withthe above analysis, Insan The Crd Nhl Fre #2 seri Thompson Fans 2657 Tce ts i ne is a” and the area of the copper portion is (4? —a”), For nickel p= 7.8x10-*O. m, and for copper p=1.72x10° Q-m, ' Execure: (a) eee ‘Therefore, —— Rave Pw Peal ata @ ,iea) a {_ 080m? Rew LON” Poy) 20m|T8xIOS Dm 1.7210 Q-m Regie =13.610% = 13.6 10 © Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Ine. Al righ teserve, This material is protected under al copsright laws a they curtealy exit No potion of ths material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in wating from he publisherDirect-Current Circuits 26-25 AP R_ w(0.10 m)2(3.6 10-4 2 T 20m EVALUATE: The effective resistivity ofthe cables about 25% larger than the resistivity of copper. If nickel had infinite resitvity and only the copper portion conducted, the resistance of the cable would be 14.640. which not much ager han the resistance called inp (0, This gives Puce 2.1410 Om Figure 2657 26.58, IeNTIFY and Ser Ur: Let A =3.00, the resistance of one wire, Each half ofthe wire has Ry =R/2=1.500. The combined wires are the same as a resistor network, Use the rules for equivalent resistance for resistors in series and parallel fo find the resistance ofthe network, as shown in Figure 26.58. Execute: ky OM oy ee A Figure 26.58 ‘Tho equivalent resistance is Ry + Ry/2+Ry, 750. EVALUATE: Ifthe to wies were connocted end-to-end, the fra rsistance would be 6.000. I they ‘wore joined sido-bysid, the total resistance would be 1.500. Our answer is between these two limiting values. 26.59, ToeNTIFY: The terminal voltage of the battery depends on the current through it and therefore on the ‘equivalent resistance connected toi, The power delivered to each bulb is P= /°R, where J the current ‘through it Ser Ur: The terminal voltage ofthe source is ¢— Ir EXECUTE: (a) The equivalent resistance of the two bulbs is 1.0. This equivalent resistance isin series ith the intemal resistance of the source, so the current through the battery is y 80V 5 SOV ___ 4.4.4, and the current through each bulb is 2.2 A. The voltage applied to Roa 10240800 " m each bulb is ¢—ir=8.0 V—(4.4 AY(0.80.)= 4.4 V. Therefore, Fup = 7 v 80Vv 20240800 () Fone bulb burns out, hen J z 9A. The current through the remaining bulb ‘oa 182.9 A.and P=/R=2.9.A)*(2.00 ‘consuming more power. EVALUATE: In Example 26.2 the internal resistance of the source is negligible and the brightness ofthe remaining bulb doesn’t change when one bums out 16.3 W. The remaining bulb is brighter than before, because itis © Copsriht 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.All ights served, This materi is potted under all copie laws as they cutenly ens. Nopotionof ths material maybe reproduced, in aty form or by any meas, without permission in wri from te publisher26-26 Chapter 26 2660, IDENTIFY: Half the current flows through each parallel resistor and the full curtent flows through the third resistor, that i in series with the parallel combination. Therefore, only the series resistor will beat its ‘maximum power. Ser Up: PR EXECUTE: The maximum allowed power is when the (otal current isthe maimum allowed valu of 1 = PIR = 98 W249 = 4.47 A. Then half the current flows through the parallel resistors and the maximum power is Py, =(U/2PR+ (1/2? R+ PR=3ER=34AT AROS EVALUArt: al he resistors erin eis ovall hee wer in pale. hen he nsimum power ‘ould be SAS W) =I W. Forth naork hs role he maximum power sa ise 2661, touvrary: ‘Ths okmmete eats th ela ssn been pins and. Replace seri and pore condos ter equal ra Serr: Forres input, = +1 Foresisosin seis, ey Pe Rey RRs EXECUTE: Clout (a) The 75.002 an 400-0 resistor ae npr nde equialentesistance 260912 The 28.08 and 50.00 reso ae npr nd knean eqvaen esas af 16.072 Te equal retort shonin Fin 2618 0 Ryn1870 a shonin Fim 26618. = an spam Ae +R, “ Sat amon AAA AAV Be Figure 26.612 Circuit b): The 30.0-0 and 45.0.0 resistors are in parallel and have equivalent resistance 18.00. The Liu 1 cavivate mero is given in igure 266Ib, Para tse, #0 Ryn 750. Figure 26.61b © Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Ine. Al righ teserve, This material is protected under al copsright laws a they curtealy exit No potion of ths material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in wating from he publisherDirect-Current Circuits 26-27 EVALUATE: Incircuit (a) the resistance along one path between « and b is 100.0. but that is mot the ‘equivalent resistance between these points. A similar comment can be made about circuit (b). 26.62, IDENTIFY: Heat, which is generated inthe resistor, mel the ice. Ser Ur: Find the rate at which heat is generated in the 20.0-8 resistor using, P=1/R. Then. Inet of fusion of ice fo find the rate at which the ice melts, The heat dff to melt a mass of ie du is dH = Ly dm, where Lp isthe latent heat of fusion. The rate at which heat enters the ice, dd, isthe power P inthe resistor, so P= Ly dn/dt. Therefore the rate of melting ofthe ice is dint = Pit, EXECUTE: The equivalent resistance ofthe parallel branch is 500 © so the total resistance in the circuit is 350 Therefore the foal current inthe circuit i$ Fyyqy = (450 VVIBSO Q) = 1.286 A. The potential difference across the 20,02 resistor inthe ice is the same as the potential difference across the parallel ‘ranch: Vze = yail¥p = (1.286 (5.00 02)=6.429 V. The rate of heating of tho ice is Pog VLR = (6429 VIPIQ00 2) = the 066 W. This power goes into to heat to melt the iee, so dink = Pilg = 22.066 WY(334% 10° kg) = 6.1910" kg/s=6.19 10" y's EVALUATE: The melt rate is about 6 mg/s, which is not much, I would take 1000 s 10 melt just 6 g oftice. 26.63. IDENTIFY: Apply’the junction nule to express the currents through the $.00-G2 and 8,00-Q2 resistors in terms of Jy, 2 and Js, Apply the loop rule to three loops to get three equations in the three unknown currents Ser Ur: The circuit is sketchod in Figure 26.63, Figure 26.63, ‘The cure in each branch has been writen in tomas of J. and /s such Ua the junction rule satisfied at cach junction point. EXECUTE: Apply the loop rte to oop (1). =120 V+ [(.000)+ (1) ~)5.000)=0 1566.00) ~15(5.002)=12.0 V 4.) Apply the loop rule to oop (2) =H(.000)+ 9.00 V= (1, +/,)8.000) 118.009) 156.002)=9.00 V 4.) Apply the loop rule to loop (3). 110.082) 9.00 V+ I (1.0082) ~15(,000)+120V 1 0.00.2) + 150.000) + 15(0.02)=3.00V ae Eq, (1) gives /) =2.00 +315; 9, (2) gives ,=1.00.A—8/, Using these result Is = 2.00 Ai I ing. 3) gives ~(1.00 A $1,)(1.00.0) + 2.00 A+31;)0.00.2)+ 110.0) $0.00 4)=0471 © Copsriht 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.All ights served, This materi is potted under all copie laws as they cutenly ens. Nopotionof ths material maybe reproduced, in aty form or by any meas, without permission in wri from te publisher26-28 Chapter 26 0 A+$/=2.00 A+SOATLA)=214 A and (00 A=$/,=1.00 A-(.171A)= 0.888 A EVALUATE: We could chock thatthe loop mules satisfied for a loop that goes throush the 510-0, 800-9 and 10,042 resistors, Going around tho loop clockwise Ely = 1)8.002) +, + 1598.02) + 1000) = 985 V+8.15 VFL. V, which does equal zero, part from rounding 26.64, Torwriry: Apply the junction ile and the loop rule to the circuit Ser Ur: Becise ofthe polarity of each emf the current in the 70-02 resistor must be in the direction shown in Figure 26 64a. Let /bo the curent inthe 24.0-V bate EXECUTE: The loop ne applied o loop (1 gives: +240 V=(.80 AY7.002)~ 16.00)~0. 1=3.80 A. The junction rule then say’ that the current in the mide brane i 2.00 A, as shown in Figure 26,640. The loop rule aplicd to loop (2) ves: +e = (80 AY7.0022)+ (2.00 A)Q2.000)=0 and e=86V. EVALUATE: We ean check our results by applying the lop mle to loop (3) in Figure 26.64: “240 V-€-2.00 AY20)-G8O AYCODD)=0 and = 2860V-40V-ILAV 86 V, which eres with our result fom oop @). mrs oN [ } FRO 000 / A Figure 26.64 2668. TorxtiryandSerUr: Thecit 2668, is sketched in Fi son ON, \ Two unknown uments dhroueh the 200-8 esison andy \ (trough he 5.00.2 resistor are aoe) labeled onthe cite digg, The ; ‘current through the 400-2 resistor J has been written as 7, —/, using the - junction rule. Figure 26.65 Apply the loop rule to loops (1) and (2) 0 get two equations forthe unknown currents, J, and /». Loop (3) cca then be used to check the results, © Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Ine. Al righ teserve, This material is protected under al copsright laws a they curtealy exit No potion of ths material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in wating from he publisherDirect-Current Circuits 26-29 EXECUTE: loop (1); +200 V~ 112.009) ~140 V+ (, ~ 1)(4.008) 6.00, ~ 4.001; =6.00 A 3.001, ~2.001, = 3.00.4 4.) oop (2): +36.0 V~ 13(5.00.)—(Iy ~ (4.009) = 1001, + 9.001, =36.0 A 42) Sohsing eq (1) for fives y= 1.00 A+2/y Using this neg. 2) gives —4.00(.00 A+2/3)+9.00/y 60.8 $9.00); =40.0 A and Ip = 6.32 A 00 A+26.32 A) In summary then Current through the 2.00-2 resistor Curent through the 5.00.2 resistor: Curent through the 4.0042 sist: [y= 1, =6:32 A521 EVALUATE: Use lop (3) f0 check. $20.0 V~1(2.000)~14.0 V+36.0 V~14(5.0002)=0 WA (6.21 A}2.000) +632 ANS000)=120 V 10.4 V+31.6 V=420 V, so the lop rules satisfied fr this loop. 26.66, IDENTIFY: _Apply’the loop and junction mules SerUr: Use the currents as defined on the cieuit diggram in Figure 26.66 and obtain three equations to sole forthe currents EXECUTE: Loft loop: I~ /~2()~/)=0 and 34, ~21 Top loop: 21) +1y + =0 and 27-4 3/ + Fy Bottom loop: ~(I= 1+ 1)+24l)—/5)—Ip =0 and -1434 4h, Solving these equations forthe eurents we find: 1 So the other currents ae: Jp, =f EVALUATE: It isn’t possible to simplify the resistor network using the rules for resistors in series and ‘parallel, But the equivalent resistance is still defined by 1’ wove Figure 26.66 26,67, (a) IDENTIFY: Break the cieuil between points «and 6 means no current in the middle branch that ‘contains the 3.00-0 resistor and the 10.0-V battery. The circuit therefore has a single curtent path. Find the curren, so that potential drops across the resistors cam be calculated, Calculate Vy by traveling from «ao, keeping track of the potential changes along the path taken © Copsriht 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.All ights served, This materi is potted under all copie laws as they cutenly ens. Nopotionof ths material maybe reproduced, in aty form or by any meas, without permission in wri from te publisher26-30 Chapter 26 Ser UP: The circuit is sketched in Figure 26 67a Figure 26.67 EXECUTE: Apply the loop rule t loop (1). +120 V=1U.00.2+ 2.002+ 2.0092 + 1.009)-80 V- 12.002+1.000)= 120 V-80V 5000) “Toind Fy, strat point) and travel to a adding up the potential rises and drops. Travelon path (2) shown onthe diagram. The 1,00-02 and 3,00-2 resistors inthe middle branch have no current through them and hence no voltage dross them. Therefor, 10.0. +120 V~ 10.009+ 1.009+2.009)=1,; thu “Vy =200 V~ (0.4444 AV4.00.2)=40.22 V. (point ais at higher potential) EVALUATE: Asa check on this aleulation we also compute 1-100 V+80 V+ 10.000+1.000+2.000)=, Fg =-2.00 V+ (0.4444 AVS.002)= 40.22 V, which checks. (b) IoeNtiry and Ser Ur: With points « and 6 connected by a wire there are three current branches, as shown in Figure 26.67b, AMA. by traveling from b to @ on path (3). (ag \ { I Figure 26.67 ‘The junction rule has been used to write the thd current ‘currents. Apply the loop rule to loops (1) and (2) to obtain two equations forthe two unknowns 7 and />. Execure: Apply the loop rule o Toop (1). 12.0 V=1,(1.00.2)~ 12.009) 1(1.00.Q)—100 V3.0.) (1.002) =0 2.0 V-1(4.000)~1,(4.002)=0 © Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Ine. Al righ teserve, This material is protected under al copsright laws a they curtealy exit No potion of ths material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in wating from he publisherDirect-Current Circuits 2631 (2.000)/, +(2.000)/,=10V ea.) Apply the loop rule to loop (2). =, 1992.00.) ~ (= M1.00) 8.0 V— (0 = 112,002) + 143.002) + 10.0 V+ 1,0.002) = 2.0 V=5.000)h,+(9.000)/,=0 eq. 2) Solve eg. (1) for /s and use this to replace J ineq. 2). 1)=0.50 A~1, 2.0 V=5.002)h + (9.002\0.50 A~ (14.0)1, = 6.50 V 50 /,= (6.50 VV(4.00) = 0.464 A, 1,=0.500 A—O.464 A=0.036 A. ‘The current in the 12.0-V battery is fj =0.464 A, EVALUATE: We can apply the loop rule to oop (3) as a check $12.0 V~ (1.004 2.00.9.+ 1,00.) (Uy ~ 12.000 +1.002 + 2.009)-80 2.14 V0, as it should, 26.68, IDENTIFY: Simplify the resistor networks as much as possible using the rule for series and parallel. combinations of resistors. Then apply Kirchhoff s laws, Ser Ur: First do the series/parlle! reduction. Ths gives the cicuit in Figure 26.68. The rate at which the 10.0-2 resistor generates thermal energy is P= 7°R. EXECUTE: Apply Kirchhoff's laws and solve for &. AV ges, =0: ~(20.(2 A)—S V—(20.)fy ‘This gives [y=—2.25A. Then f,+,=2A gives =2 A—(-2.25 A)=425 A. AV, ge gop, =0: (15QM4.25 A)+e—(200N-2.25 A)=0. This gives €=—109 V. Since & is calculated to ‘be negative, its polarity should be reversed, ()) The parallel network that contains the 10.0-0 resistor in one branch has an equivalent resistance of 10.2. The voltage across each branch ofthe parallel network is Far = RI 20V current in the upper branch is =F =P — 2 a 0-186 V— PISE, $0 F? RI=E, where E= 60.03 601, and £=13.5s, (2a) doa) EVALUATE: Forthe 10.2 resistor, P= nputed to the circuit the emt is (50 V2.0 A+ 109 V)EL25 A)=-473J. Only nergy is dissipated inthe 10.02 resistor. 20. = 4.44 W, The total rate at which electrical energy is small fraction ofthe 1 iso oF Figure 26.68, 26.69, IDENTIFY: Inone case, the copper and aluminum lengths are in parallel, while in the other case they are n series, 2 Rae serun: x= (P.= 1.72108 Q-m and, =2.75x10°S Q-m, For the cables in series (end-to-end), Rg = Re + Cee ee ee ee ees Ra Re Re ‘Table 25.1 in the text gives the resistivities of copper and aluminum fo be © Copsriht 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.All ights served, This materi is potted under all copie laws as they cutenly ens. Nopotionof ths material maybe reproduced, in aty form or by any meas, without permission in wri from te publisher26-32 Chapter 26 configurations the copper and aluminum sections have different lengths. And, for the parallel cables the ‘ross-sectional area of each cable is half what iti forthe end-to-end configuration, Execute: Frd-to-end: [= 0.50%10° m foreach cable. 1.72% 10° -my0,50% 10° m) =0.1720. 0.500107 mF 2.75107 2 myo.s0x0? ) 99750. 0.50010 ne q=0aT2a+02780=04870. In parallel: Now [,=1.00 x10" m for each cable. [is doubled and 4 is halved compared to the other conituation 50 K- = H0.1720)=04880 and, = 402750) =1.1002 boat tt Fag eR Doe" T08 EVALUATE: The pre combination hs les equivalent resistance eventhough both cables conan the fans volume ofeach mst 26.70, Toevuy: ‘The cute ough he 400-2 essor equals the cunt th een and the cure tough cochof the oll sisi ess than or equ oh cunt So, st Py = 2.0 Wand sets ose forthe cumen/oughthe en MP4 =2.00 W, then foreachot te oir ess sss than 200 W. eS ———ie™—S_ Execute: /?R=P gives /2(40)=2.00 W, and [= 0.2236 A. Now use series/parallel reduction to simpli he eet The uper pall brnchis 63862 andthe lower on is 25.0. The seis and Reg = 0.423, The Feast resistance is forthe cables in parallel EVALUATE: The power input from the emt is e/ = 6.30 W, so moarly one-third of the total power is dissipated in the 40.0-2 resistor. 26.71, ToeNTIFY and Ser Ur: Simplify the circuit by replacing the parallel networks of resistors by their ‘equivalens, In this simplified circuit apply the loop and junction rues to find te current in each branch, EXECUTE: Tho 20.0-Q and 300-0 resistors are in parallel and have equivalent resistance 12.0 0. The two resistors are in parallel and have equivalent resistance 2/2. The circuit is equivalent to the circuit sketched in Figure 26.71 22° noo 5 na at 7 00 a0 amov | mov eos Figure 26.71 () Calculate ¥, by traveling along the branch that contains the 20,0-V battery, sinoe we know the current n that branch. V, (6.00 A)(12.0) ~ (6,00 A)18.09)- 20.0 V=1”, V, -¥=20.0 V+90.0 V+60.0 V=170.0 V Vy-U, Vig =160V AX —Vjq=170.0 V s0.X @) = 60 V)/80Q) 186.0 V, with the upper terminal + 00.8 © Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Ine. Al righ teserve, This material is protected under al copsright laws a they curtealy exit No potion of ths material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in wating from he publisherDirect-Current Circuits 26-33 26.72, 26.73, 26.14, ‘The junction rule applied to point a gives J, +1, =5.00 A, so J, 3.00 A. The current through the 200.0-V battery is in the direction from the — to the + terminal, as shown in the diagram. (©) 200.0 V-I,(R/2)=170.0 V 8.00 AYRI2)=30.0 Vs0 R= 20.00 EVALUATE: We can chock the loop nule by going clockwise around the outer circuit loop. This gives 20.0 V+ (5.00 AYI8.00+12.00)+ 3.00 A(10.00)~ 200.0 V = 20.0 V+150.0 V+ 30.0 V—2000 V, which does equal zero, 1? Re SETUP: Let be the resistance ofeach resistor DENT: Pa, EXECUTE: When the resistors are in series, Re, SR and R 7p When the resistors are in parallel, 36 W)=324 W, pee Raa hl aga OR ey eae mcear ear area TnEWTrr ase UF, foepe uo Gun lca sana och rar npr cbs 208 Pe re a EXECUTE: F}=e4R, sok, =27/R, Py= eR 50 Ry =27NP, Ga ene ecese er eee eee ‘power dissipated by each resistor is the same as if only the one resistor were connected. Pag = Ft + Ps (b) When the resistors are connected in series the equivalent resistance is Reg = Rj + Re. 2 2 é Re, P= aor Ee Rm ese Th EVALUATE: The resltinpart b) canbe writen as = ++ 1 Our routs are that for parallel the Fa ROP ‘powers add and that for series the reciprocals of the power ad. This is opposite the result for combining resistance, Since P'=7/R tells us that P is proportional to 1/R this makes sense, IneNTIFY and SET UP:_ Just alter the switch is closed the charge on the capacitor is zero, the voltage across the capacitor is zero and the capacitor can be replaced by a wire in analyzing the circuit. After a Jong time the current tothe capacitor is zero, so the current through 2 is zero. Aftera long time the capacitor can be replaced by a break inthe cieult EXECUTE: (a) Iznoring the capacitor for the moment, the equivalent resistance of the two parallel : rns a i= ag" BOR nse sir cae neice care oh he 32 essa youl R 80024200 1/3, 0F 1.40 A, would go through the 6,00- resistor. Since the current through the capacitor is given by HRC at the instant 20, of which 2/3, or2.80 A, would go through the 3.00.2 resistor and 0 the circuit behaves as through the capacitor were not present, so the ‘currents through the various resistors are as calculated above. () Once the capacitor is fully charged, no current flows through that part of the circuit. The 8 00-0 and ‘tho 6.002 resistors are now in series, and the current through them is = €/R = (42.0 V)/(8.00.0-+ 6.00.2) =3.00 A, The voltage drop across both the 6.00-2 resistor and the capacitor i thus © Copsriht 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.All ights served, This materi is potted under all copie laws as they cutenly ens. Nopotionof ths material maybe reproduced, in aty form or by any meas, without permission in wri from te publisher26-34 Chapter 26 18.0 V. (There is no current through the 3.00-0 resistor and so no voltage drop across it) The charge om the capacitor is Q= C1” = (4.00%10~ FBO V) =7.2%10% C. EVALUATE: The equivalent resistance of Rand R, in parallel is less than so intially the current through A; is larger than its value after a Tong time has elapsed. Toextiry: An initially uncharged capacitor is charged up by an emf source, The current in the circuit and the charge on the capacitor both obey exponential equations. g serUr: Up yee), and = ye emt 1-2-9 p99 ReaP R135 moma 4-0, yee) Ete 8Cyl Eertne Cg grey, gore R RC 1 RCIn2 = 6.0010" 2}2.00%10 FyIn2-=8.31x10 5=8.31 ms £ getttc ,_90.0V_-exsina syGv0nte 2x20000-* PI 7 s0,<10°9 A, 6.0010 5010 A)?(6.0010° Q) =0337 W. EVALUATE: Initially energy is dissipated in the resistor ata higher rate because the current is high, but as time goes by’ the current deccases, as does the power dissipated in the resistor. 26.76, TentwYand Ser Ur: Py =/R, e-i-L=0, P _ [250W EXECUTE: Py =°R so 1= [78 = [20 new 81 Vie V5 000 g=C(€ IR) =(6.00%10 FY(S0.0 V~35.33 V) =8.787x10" C. yp 18787 «10% CF 26 2(6.00x10% Fy EVALUATE: The energy stores inthe capacitor can be retumed toa circuit as current, but the energy dissipated ina resistor cannot. 26.77, (a) IDENTIFY and SET Ur: The cireuit is sketched in Figure 26.77a, O71, e-iR-L=0 so c 43x10 I. ‘With the switch open there is no current through it and there are only the two ‘currents J, and /, indicated in the sketch, Figure 26.77 © Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Ine. Al righ teserve, This material is protected under al copsright laws a they curtealy exit No potion of ths material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in wating from he publisherDirect-Current Circuits 26-35 ‘The potential drop across each parallel branch is 36.0 V. Use this act to caleulate J, and /,. ‘Then travel from point a to point h and keep track of the potential rises and drops in order to calculate Vy, EXECUTE: —,(6.002+3.00)+36.0.V=0 36.0V 500043000 =1,8.000.+ 6.00.0)+360 360V 3.0024 6.002 To calculate V,=V/,—T%, stat at point > and travel to point a, adding up all the potential rises and drops along the way. We can do this by going from b up through the 3.00-02 resistor: 8.002)~1,(6.009) 4.00 AVG.002) ~ 4.00 AY6.00) Vy =—12.0 V (point ais 12.0 V lower in potential than point 5) EVALUATE: Allematively, we can go from point # down through the 6.00-Q resistor. T~ Ly(6.000)+ 3.002) = 1, V,,-V,=-(4.00 AY(6.002) + (4.00 AV3.002)=-24.0 V-+12.0 V=-120 V, which checks. (b) etry: Now there are multiple current paths, as shown in Figure 26.77b, Use the junction rule to write the current in each branch in (erms of three unknown currents, > and Js. Apply the loop rule 10 ‘throo loops to got three equations for the three unknowns. The target variable is /;, the current through the switch, Rg is calculated from 1” = JR, where /s the total current that passes through the network. serUr: A 00. 4.00.0 5 BS ‘The three unknown currents J, and Agee so? are labeled on Figure 26.77. fe Figure 26.77 EXECUTE: Apply the loop rule to loops (1), (2) and (3). Joop A: ~1,(6.00.2) + 1,6.00.0)+ 143.002) =0 hy=™h-b eq. (1) loop 22: ~{1, +15)8.00.2) + = 15X6.002)~ 146.002) =0 6h, ~12fy 3h =0 60 22, —— Use eq (1) to replace J, 4-2-4 —h 3h =6l, and f, 4.2) © Copsriht 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.All ights served, This materi is potted under all copie laws as they cutenly ens. Nopotionof ths material maybe reproduced, in aty form or by any meas, without permission in wri from te publisher26-36 Chapter 26 26.78, 26.79, Joop (3) (This loop is completed through the battery [not shown], in the direction from the ~ to the+ terminal, =N(6.00.2)~ (1, + 1598.00) +360 V=0 91 + 3h, = 360 Aand 3) +1 =120.8 ea. 3) Use eq, (2) in 04, (3) 10 replace fy BQN)+/5=120 A y=20N7=1.18 2223424 Iy= 2 =2GAZAV-LTIA=5.13.8 ‘The current through the switch is = 1.71 A. (©) From the results in part (a) the current through the battery is / = 1, + Jy =342 A4¥5.13 A=8.55 A. ‘The equivalent circuit isa single resistor that produces the same current through the 36.0-V battery, as shown in Figure 26.776. p360N -IR+360V=0 «essai x re essal p00 x T Figure 26.776 EVALUATE: With the switch open (part a), point b is at higher potential than point a, so when the switch, is closed the current flows in the direction from to a, With the switch closed the circuit cannot be simplified using series and parallel combinations but there is still an equivalent resistance that represents the network. (@) Ipextiry: With S open and after equilibrium has been reached, no current flows and the voltage across each capacitor is 18,0 V, When Sis closed, current / flows through the 6.00-2. and 3.00.2 resistors, Ser Ur: With the switch closed, a and b are atthe same potential and the voltage across the 6,000 resistor oquals the voltage across the 6.00-11F capacitor and the voltage is the same across the 3.00-,1F capacitor and 3.00.2 resistor. EXECUTE: (a) With an open switeh: T= €=18.0 V. () Point aris ata higher potential since it is directly connected tothe positive terminal ofthe battery (©) When the switch is closed 18.0 V = /(6.002+ 3.00), = 2.00 A and Fi, = 2.00 A}G.00.2)= 6.00 V. (@ Initially the capacitor’s charges were Q; V = G.00x10~ F080 V)=5.40x10 C and 0 = CF = 6.00% 10 F}08.0 V)=1.08%10~ C, After the switch is closed 0, =CV = 6.0010 FAO V—12.0 V)=1.80%10 C and 0 =CV = (6.0010 FYU80 V6.0 V)= 7.20% 10 C. Both capacitors lose 3.60%10° C. EVALUATE: The vollage across each capacitor decreases when the switch i closed, because there i then current through each resistor and therefor a potential drop across each resistor. (@) IoexTiFy: Connecting the voltmeter between point b and ground gives a resistor network and we can solve forthe current through each resistor. The voltmeter reading equals the potential drop across the 200-40 resistor. Liat SETUR: Forrssors impale, [=F Forreston inser y= Re © Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Ine. Al righ teserve, This material is protected under al copsright laws a they curtealy exit No potion of ths material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in wating from he publisherDirect-Current Circuits 26-37 (eolee alee Exrcure: G@) Ry =100K24| +s) 140K. The total current is 0.400 KV THOKQ {86% 10" A. The voltage across the 200-K02 resistor is 1 200k 2.86x10° ay Foon (0) IF Fg =5.00%10° Q, then we carry out the same calculations as above to find Reg = 292 KO, 1137107 A and Ppp = 268 V. (OM p=, then we find Ry =300K2, 1=1.33%10° A and Foxe EVALUATE: When a voltmeter of inte resistance is connected 0a circuit, current flows through the ‘olimeter and the presence ofthe voltmeter alters the currents and voltages inthe orginal iui, The cffct ofthe volimeter onthe circuit decreases as the resistance of the vollmeter increases “The circuit consiss of two resistors in series wth 110 V applied aross the series combination, “The citeut resistance is 30 K+ R. The voltmeter reading of 74 V is the potential aeross the Yolimeter terminals, equa 10 (30 KO, 110 GOKQ+R) 26.80, Execute: 130 KQ)=T4V gives (74 VIGOKQR 110 V)90KO and R=14640. EVALUATE: This isa method for measuring lange resistances, 2681. IDENTIFYand SETUe: Zero current through the galvanometer means the current J, through Vis also the current through A/and the curent /; through Ps the same a the curent through. And it means that points band e are atthe same potential, s0 1,N"= /?. e e EXECUTE: (a) The voltage between points @ and dis €, so and Ip =—£—. Using these NECUTE:_(a) The voltage between point e sip and (2S. Using . in =P gives —* £_P. N(P+X)=PW+M), NV = PM and ae BP anes Tap pe? MM Chey X= Mp. MP S500O\33.48H) (by x =A _ 650.00363 489) w 15000 EVALUATES ‘The measurement of doesnot require that we know the value ofthe en 2682. IwENTIFY: ust aftr the commoction is made, q=0) and the voliage across the capacitors zero, After Tong ime # SETUP: ‘The rate at which the resistor dissipates electrical energy is Fe ‘across the resistor. The energy stored in the capacitor is q/2C. The power output of the source is 7. 897.0, where IIs the voltage Execute: (a) (i) P= nse ro BOY ata (iF, ‘The power output of the source isthe sum of the power dissipated in the resistor and the power stored in the capacitor. (b) Afra long time, 0, (©(@ Since fo 2 UN A Py © Copsriht 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.All ights served, This materi is potted under all copie laws as they cutenly ens. Nopotionof ths material maybe reproduced, in aty form or by any meas, without permission in wri from te publisher26-38 Chapter 26 2683, e_cemin_ 2 Toa aR which gives acd eg ¢tey]_e Se teacey | -otw = nov we ™ an y( YI to -400 (Fa) ‘The power output ofthe source isthe sum of the power dissipated in the resistor and the power stored in the capacitor. EVALUATE: Initially al the power output of the source is dissipated inthe resistor. After a long time ‘energy is stored inthe capacitor but the amount stored isn’t changing, For intermediate times, part of the ‘energy of the power source is dissipated in the resistor and part of it is stored inthe capacitor. Conservation ‘of energy tolls us that the power output of the source should be equal to the power dissipated in the resistor pilus the power stored in the capacitor, which is exactly what we have found in part (i. IeNTIFY and Ser Ur: Without the meter, the circuit consists of the two resistors in series. When the refer is connected, its resistance is added to the circuit in parallel with the resistor it s connected across. (@ Execute: 1=/\=!; So.0V_ OV R+R 224245890 1107 AX 2240) = 24.8 V. 13 (0.1107 AXS89.0)= 65.2 V ()) SEFUP: The resistor network is sketched in Figure 26.83a, 1 0.1107 A Re ‘The voltmeter reads the potential difference Te across its terminals, which is 23.8 V. Jans | If we can find the current 7, through the voltmeter ta] be ‘then we can use Ohm's law to find its resistance in BO Figure 26.83a EXECUTE: The voltage drop across the 589.2 resistor is 90.0 V—23.8 V=66.2 V, so Vv 66.2 1124 A. ‘The voltage drop across the 224-2 resistors 23.8 V, so R 390 3.8 BSN 0.1062 A. Them 1 J, +, gives f= II, = 0.1124 A—0,1062 A = 0.0062 A, 2a eee 2aV 000624 (©) Set Ur: The circuit with the voltmeter connected is sketched in Figure 26.83b. 38100 A aye eae Figure 26.83) © Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Ine. Al righ teserve, This material is protected under al copsright laws a they curtealy exit No potion of ths material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in wating from he publisherDirect-Current Cireuits 26-39 EXECUTE: Replace the two resistors in parallel by their equivalent, as shown in Figure 26.83c, aren _6840.0)(589.0) Ka e100 +5890 ON Figure 26.83¢ (0.1225 AV(224.0)=27.4 V, so the potential drop across the $89-Q resistor and across the voltmeter (what the voltmeter reads) is 90.0 V-27.4 V=62.6 V. EVALUATE: (d) No, any eal voltmeter will drw some curren and thereby reduce the cure through the resistance whose voltae s being measured. Thus the presence of the voltmeter connected in paral! withthe resistance lowers the vollage drop across that resistance. The resistance of the voltmeter in this problem is only about a factor often larger than the resistances in the circuit, o the voltmeter has a noticeable effect on the circuit ‘The energy stored in a capacitor is C= q?/2C. The electrical power dissipated inthe resistor 26.84, Fora discharging capacitor, Exreor: (@ ty = 22 = 027 26 34.02x10" F) 0) Rati Ra( Le) Ra —_ OOO" RC) eso a\4.02%10 FF pune muiRe = (0 Since 1 = 720, when U+1y/2,4-> QR. Sie 4= Qe, this means that ¢ Therefore the cures = ye"™*° = AVE. Therefore > 2 2 11a)’ pL Oo) (28) _ Ua puting inthe umber gives } #38) #9) # ae St) ae Paine toro 51s) —_ $183 _Linig (850 24.62 uF) Ww. EVALUATE: All the energy originally stored inthe capacitor is eventually dissipated as curren flows through the resistor. 26.85, IDENTIFY: Apply’the loop rule to the circuit, The initial current determines X. We can then use the time constant to calculate C, Ser Ur: The circuit is sketchod in Figure 26388. exuoy : Initial, the care ofthe capacitors 4 iwascsota —sersoby = gC tovolage across the capacitor is 2 g ce Figure 2685 EXECUTE: The loop rule therefore gives € ~ it aN 7x10° Q, * ad cy 165x105 A © Copsriht 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.All ights served, This materi is potted under all copie laws as they cutenly ens. Nopotionof ths material maybe reproduced, in aty form or by any meas, without permission in wri from te publisher26-40 Chapter 26 26.86, 2687. 2688, 2689, 5 _ 528 Ro L7x0 oO. EVALUATE: The resistance is larg so the initial current is small andthe time constant is large. TneNTIFY: The energy changes exponentially, but it does not obey exactly the same equation a the charge since itis proportional to the square ofthe charge. (a) Ser Ur: For charging, U=07/2C = ye" FAC =Upe™ Execute: To reduce the enerey to eof its initial value: ‘The time constant is given by ¢=2C (Eq. 26.14), so C <3... 1eRCR [Og(t 2 IDC =U gay 22 (b) Ser Ur: For discharging. EXECUTE: To reach 1/e of the mawimum energy, Upay/€=Upae(l °°)? and #cw(1-) EVALUATE: ‘The ime to each Ve ofthe maximum energy is not the same as the time to discharge to Vie ofthe maximum energy Ipentiry: q= Oye". The time constant is t= RC. SETUP: The change of one electron has magnitude ¢ =1.60%10"P C. EXECUTE: (a) We wil say that a capacitor is discharged iis charge s less than that of one clecton. The ‘time this takes is then given by g=Q,e!*°, 50 1 = RCIn(Qy le) (67108 9.2107 FIn7.0x 10% CH.6x10-Y C)=19.45, oF 31.4 time constants. EVALUATE: (b) As shown in part (a), ¢= ri{(Qy/q) and so the number of time constants required to. discharge the capacitor is independent of Rand C, an depends only on the initial charge ToexTiry and Ser Ur: For parts (a) and (b) evaluate the integrals as specified in the problem, The current asa faction of time is ven by Bq. (26.13) 1= Fe". The ener stored inthe capacitors given by EXECUTE: (a) P=e1 ‘The total energy supplied by the battery is, [5 Paeaf extrem ea nore] (b) P=PR "The otal ere spate inthe esos (para nara cee foe Mara em cece) (6) The final charge on the capacitor is Q 1. The energy stored is =02420)=4Ce*. The fal nergy stored inthe capacitor (4Ce®)~ total energy supplied bythe batery (Ce2)~ energy dissipated in the esisor (4 (@) Evauuate: $ of theeneray supplied by the battery is stored in the capacitor. This faction is independent off. The other + ofthe enerzy supplied by the battery is dissipated in the resistor, When i small the current intially is lage but dies away quickly. When 2 is large the current initially is small but lasts longer. Ioesrur: = [Pat The enry stored na capacitors 1 = 9/20 Dy wire sere: 1-200 a RC © Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Ine. Al righ teserve, This material is protected under al copsright laws a they curtealy exit No potion of ths material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in wating from he publisherDirect-Current Circuits 26-41 EVALUATE: Increasing the energy stored in the capacitor increases current through the resistor asthe capacitor discharges. 26.90, TeNTIFY and Ser Ur: When C changes affer the capacitor is charged, the voltage across the capacitor changes, Current flows through the resistor until the Voltage across the capacitor again equals the em. EXECUTE: (a) Fully charged: = C1’ = (10.0 x10-P Fy1000 V) =1.00% 10" C. eg £1 this gives eee Renee (b) The inital current just after the capacitor is charged is J t= (S- Jem wher e*a.c RRC, (©) We need a resistance such thatthe current will be greater than 1 1A forfonger than 200 gs. Current 1/999 yv_-—_LOx10* © 2004s, 1=1.0%10 A. R LAL. 0x10 ‘equal to this value requires that at ewe MLA Tse LOT AON HCE" an 18.38 — RInR-1.8%107 =0. Solving for K numerically we find 7.15 10° Q< R<7.01x107 Q. EVALUATE: Ifthe resistance is oo small. then the capacitor discharge too quickly. andi the resstance is too large the curtis not lage enous 2691, IDENTIFY: Consider one sozment of the network attached to the rest of the network SerUr: We can -raw the cicuit as shown in Figure 2691 execute: ty a2h (had) nam + ciRE 222M =0 Pere) gare Rp =RAYRE IRR. Ry >0, so Ry =Ry+ yh +2 EVALUATE: Even though there are an infinite number of resistors, the equi network is ent resistance of the By % be co Figure 26.91 26.92, IDENTIFY: Assume a voltage |’ applied between points « and b and consider the currents that flow along, each path betweem a and 8, Ser Ur: The currents are shown in Figure 26.92, Execure: Let current Zenterat aand exit at b, At a there are three equivalent branches, so current is 7/3 imeach, At the next junction point there are two equivalent branches so each gets current 1/6, Then at + there are three equivalent branches with current 1/3 in each, The voltage drop from «10. then is Onn v $4, ‘This must be the same as 1 © Copsriht 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.All ights served, This materi is potted under all copie laws as they cutenly ens. Nopotionof ths material maybe reproduced, in aty form or by any meas, without permission in wri from te publisher26-42 Chapter 26 EVALUATE: The equivalent resistance is less than R, even though there are 12 resistors in the network. B ee is Sie “i Figure 26.92 26.93. IDENTIFY: The network is the same as the one in Challenge Problem 26.91, and that problem shows that RE 2RR, ‘The circuit can be redrawn as shown in Figure 26 98, the equivalent resistance of the network is seri RR, Fg ant y= Pa Bly +R) _ 2 2+ Rey * BRR + +R PR Ry EXECUTE: (a) Toy But 7 ; aot GeO OB 22+V3)_, 4, POS <2, So, forte nh semen ~ +A) = (+B) b. then Ry = Ry YP PRR = RL VE) and L 1 (spr 52.737" to have 1% of the original voltage, we need: 0.01. This says = 4, and then r 005r,, (©) Bp =the ARR, wives Ry =6400.0+ (6400 2) + 21640098010 D p= 2C10001G.2x10° B+ 80108 O) (3.2.x 10° QY8.010 Q) (@) Along a length of 2.0 mm of axon, there are 2000 segments each 1.0 um long, The voltage therefore 2x10°.Q and oxi0" atennates by Vago (@)If Ry =3.3%107 Q, then fy =2.1%10"Q and B=6.2x10°. This gives Fo 1 Vy (462x10 EVALUATE: As 2 increases, J decreases and the potential difference decrease from one section tothe next less ne F oe & a te % * ie be te Figure 26.93 © Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Ine. Al righ teserve, This material is protected under al copsright laws a they curtealy exit No potion of ths material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in wating from he publisher
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