Preparation and Purification of An Alkyl Halide
Preparation and Purification of An Alkyl Halide
Preparation and Purification of An Alkyl Halide
Alkyl halides are halogen-substituted alkanes which are produced by reacting relative alcohols with a hydro halogen. [1] In this
experiment, tert-butyl chloride was synthesized from tert-butyl alcohol and concentrated hydrochloric acid by unimolecular
nucleophilic substitution (SN1) which was done in a separatory funnel. The purification of the tert-butyl chloride that was previously
obtained was then done using a simple distillation set-up, collecting the purified sample at the boiling point of tert-butyl chloride at
51C. The initial 5 mL of tert-butyl alcohol produced 3.905 g of tert-butyl chloride which gives a percent yield of 2.05% from its
theoretical yield of 4.88 g.
1. Introduction anhydrous CaCl2. The CaCl2 was added until the mixture is freely
Organohalides are compounds with one or more halogen
atoms and can be typically found in nature and several marine The crude tert-butyl chloride was then decanted into a dry 25
organisms. There are several kinds of oraganohalides which mL round bottom flask along with a few boiling chips and was
differ simply by where the halogen bonds with the hydrocarbon. distilled. The first ten drops were then discarded while the fraction
One type of an organohalide is the haloalkanes which are more that boils at 49-52 C is collected in a cooled pre-weighed vial. The
commonly known as alkyl halides. In an alkyl halide, which is solubility of the purified product was then tested with water. [3]
represented by R-X (X= Cl, Br, I), the halogen atom is bonded to
a saturated sp3hybridized carbon atom. [1] Since the halogen 3. Results and Discussion
atom is more electronegative than the carbon atom, the C-X
bond is polarized where in the carbon is partially positive and In order to synthesize the tert-butyl chloride, tert-butyl alcohol
the halogen is partially negative. [2] and cold concentrated HCl were made to react through a
unimolecular nucleophilic substitution (SN1). [4] The mechanism of
The Alkyl halides are typically prepared from alcohols since their reaction is given through 3 steps, whose rate is dependent on
they are obtained easily from carbonyl compounds. The alcohol the stability of the carbocation, which can be seen in Figure 1.
can react with the hydrogen halides through a nucleophilic
substitution reaction thus producing the alkyl halide and water.
Hydrogen halides are best reacted with tertiary alcohols as they
easily react with alkyl halides. Primary and secondary alcohols
on the other hand react much slower than the tertiary which is
why they need a Lewis acid for the reaction to go into
completion. [1]
The aqueous (lower layer) and organic layers (upper layer) The first step shows the protonation of the alcohol; where in the
were then separated. In order to differentiate the two layers, 1-2 lone pairs of the oxygen part of the hydroxyl group attacks the
drops of water can be added to either of the separated layers. The partially positive hydrogen atom of the hydrochloric atom, which
layer in which the drop of water dissolves is the aqueous one and is gives the intermediate t-butyloxonium ion. This step occurs quickly
to be discarded. The organic layer is then transferred into a dry since tert-butyl alcohol is a tertiary alcohol which means that it is
flask with a small amount of solid NaHCO3. This was then swirled highly reactive. This is then followed by the slow, rate determining
gently until bubble formation stopped and then decanted into step where in the C-O bond of the t-butylxonium forms a cleavage,
another dry flask. This was then dried with small amounts of allowing it to release he water which then results in the production
of a tertiary carbocation. Lastly, the nucleophilic chloride attacks
P a g e |2
the carbocation through a substitution reaction in order to produce aqueous since the aqueous NaHCO3 may also introduce water into
the t-butyl chloride. [5] the product thus defeating the purpose of its addition.
The hydrochloric acid used was cold in order to ensure that the After the addition of the solid NaHCO3, the crude tert-butyl
reaction will proceed into SN1 since substitution reactions favor low chloride was then dried carefully with the anhydrous CaCl2 before it
temperatures. The HCl must be concentrated in order to minimize was distilled. This removes the water present as well as the
the volume and was added in excess to ensure that a forward unreacted alcohols. This step also serves as the prevention of the
reaction is favored. If done in a high temperature, the reaction will product from hydrolyzing into an alcohol. If the crude alkyl halide is
undergo an elimination reaction (E1) instead. [6] This will then not dried before distillation, the formation of an isobutylene may
produce a side product of 2-methylpropene. Another side product occur.
that may be produced is the di-tert-butyl ether as well as the tert-
butyl alcohol which is formed when tert-butyl chloride undergoes The dried crude tert-butyl chloride is then distilled through a
hydrolysis and reverts back to its original form. [7] The mechanisms simple distillation set-up. By distilling the product, the target
for these side products can be seen in Figures 2-4. compound (tert-butyl chloride) is further isolated by removing the
impurities present, such as the side products that were formed.
Since the boiling points of the side products (BP of tert-butyl
alcohol: 82C, BP of di-tert-butyl ether: 107.2 C) are much higher
than that of tert-butyl chloride (51 C), distillation may be used in
order to obtain a more purified product. [10]
Appendix I
Experimental Results
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Appendix II
1 13 781 1000
5 ( )( )( 3 )( ) = 3.905 (CH)COH
1000 1000 1 1
1 (CH)COH 1000
3.905 (CH)COH ( )( ) = 52.86 (CH)COH
74.12 (CH)COH 1
92.57 4 9 Cl 1
52.86 (CH 3 )3 COH ( )( ) = 4.88 4 9 Cl
1 4 9 Cl 1000
( ) 100% = 2.05%