Drawing and Painting Independent Syllabus
Drawing and Painting Independent Syllabus
Drawing and Painting Independent Syllabus
Required Materials: There will be an app called Remind that the class will be using during this school year. It will allow the
students to receive a text message to their phone or email reminding them about upcoming work, assignments or school art
events. There will also be resources available online on the teachers website that the students will need access to.
Grading Scale: Weighted Grades:
A= 100%-90% 90% Course Work *Course work make include projects, sketchbooks, notes
B= 89%-80% 10% Final Exam and practice exercises.
C= 79%-70%
D= 69%-60%
F= 59%-0%
Title 1 Program: Academic tutoring and test preparation is available to all students. Additional support for passing classes
and graduating on time is the intent of these services. Support through Title I funding is available in the areas of: math,
reading and English. If interested, please contact the Principal Dr. Portillo or Assistant Principal for Instruction Dr. Miller for
additional information at 602-764-3000.
Make-up Policy: The grading of late work is based on a sliding scale. The later the work, the lower the grade will be. Each
day that an assignment is late, the grade will go down 5 points. Once progress reports go out, any assignments that havent
been turned in by that day, will not receive credit. An option for students, who need extra time on a project, is to get a Late
Work Petition approved by the teacher. If approved, students will have one extra week to complete the project without
consequence. A maximum of two petitions may be used per semester. Students who have excused absences will have the
same amount of days missed to make up work. ALL LATE WORK IS DUE BY EACH 3-WEEK PROGRESS REPORT
Office Hours: Students who wish to come in and work on their artwork, may come in Monday-Friday from 7am-7:55 and 3-
3:30pm and may be checked out for advisory.
Attendance: Students are expected to be in class everyday school day on time. If students are late to class they will need
to sign in with the teacher and may receive a detention slip if the tardy is unexcused. 80% of the work that students do in
Drawing and Painting class is not something that can be taken home to work on. The reasoning is that its difficult to take
home art supplies to finish work.
Absent is defined as nonattendance in an assigned class or activity for more than one-half of the period. (PUHSD
Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)
Tardy is defined as not being in the assigned class or activity when the tardy bell has finished ringing. (PUHSD
Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)
The PUHSD attendance policy states that The parent or guardian is charged by law with responsibility for the
student's consistent school attendance. The Superintendent will enforce the laws regarding attendance, with
consideration for the variables that affect children and families. The Superintendent will place emphasis on the
prevention and correction of the causes of absenteeism.
The regular school attendance of a child of school age is required by state law. Regular school attendance is
essential for success in school; therefore, absences shall be excused only for necessary and important reasons. Such
reasons include illness, bereavement, other family emergencies, and observance of major religious holidays of the
family's faith.
In the event of a necessary absence known in advance, your parent is expected to inform the school; if the absence is
caused by emergency, such as illness, your parent is expected to telephone the school office. When you return to
school following any absence, a note of explanation from your parent is required.
Students may fail the class for the semester in any course, when reaching a total of 12 excused/unexcused absences
and after school-documented interventions have been exhausted.
Revisions and Extra Credit: Revisions are encouraged! After the critique/grading process students have the option to
revise work and turn it in for a higher grade. Within a week from the work is returned to the student. Students can gain back
the average of the first initial grade and the revised grade, not including late points. Very few extra credit opportunities will
come up so take advantage of them when you can.
Cheating and Plagiarism: Cheating on tests and plagiarism of art works WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. If a student is found
guilty of cheating or plagiarism, they will receive a 0 for the project or test. Students will be expected to produce ORIGINAL
and CURRENT work for EACH art class. Students who turn in the same project for more than one class will receive a 0 on
that project. Students who turn in old work (work from a previous year or class) will receive a 0.
Classroom Behavior Expectations: The art room is an environment where students should feel free to explore and
experiment with art. This can only happen when there is an atmosphere of trust between all students and faculty.
Students are expected to:
1. Be a Responsible Student.
(Bring your materials to school, get your work done, clean up your mess, etc.)
2. Be a Respectful Student.
(Respect the teachers, administrators, and other students. When the teacher or another student is talking watch and listen
out of respect. Respect other students property, the classroom materials, and the school. Be respectful when talking. No
vulgarity. Speak in a positive manner.)
3. Be a Good Citizen of the School.
(Obey all school rules.)
4. Be a Trustworthy Student.
(I can trust you to take care of the classroom, to clean up your mess, to complete your work, and to speak appropriately.)
1st Occurrence: Verbal Warning
2nd Occurrence: Detention Slip
3rd Occurrence: Parent/Guardian Contact
4th Occurrence: Referral
All severe occurrences will be removed and given to Security.
Carl Hayden High School Basic Independent Painting/Drawing Class Information:
I have read and understand the procedures, fees and criteria for Drawing and Painting class. Please
fill in ALL of the information below.
Student Information
Student name (Print): ______________________________________Period #: ______
Parent Information:
Name of parent (s) or guardian(s) (Print):
Parent or guardian Signature:
Which way would you rather be contacted: Phone _______ Email ______