1.neem Bioanalytical

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Determination of azadirachtin and fatty acid

methyl esters of Azadirachta indica seeds by

Article in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry January 2003

DOI: 10.1007/s00216-002-1638-7 Source: PubMed


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Nutan Kaushik
The Energy and Resources Institute


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Anal Bioanal Chem (2002) 374 : 11991204
DOI 10.1007/s00216-002-1638-7


Nutan Kaushik

Determination of azadirachtin and fatty acid methyl esters

of Azadirachta indica seeds by HPLC and GLC

Received: 19 March 2002 / Revised: 7 October 2002 / Accepted: 11 October 2002 / Published online: 12 November 2002
Springer-Verlag 2002

Abstract A simple and economical method has been de- standard to express the activity of neem seed, extract and
veloped to estimate the azadirachtin content and fatty acid its formulations.
composition of neem kernels. Neem kernels are crushed While azadirachtin content determines the value of the
and soaked overnight in ethanol. The extract obtained is seeds, the fatty acid composition determines the quality of
analysed by HPLC after filtering through a 0.22 m mem- the oil. Neem oil comprises four important fatty acids of
brane. The peaks are separated using acetonitrilewater which two, palmitic and stearic, are saturated. Oleic acid
(40:60) 1 mL min1 as the mobile phase on an RP-18 col- is a mono-unsaturated acid and linoleic acid is a poly-un-
umn and monitored at 214 nm. For the determination of saturated fatty acid. The proportion of each fatty acid in
fatty acid composition, the fatty acids are directly transmeth- the oil establishes its fatty acid composition.
ylated in the kernel powder by heating with methanol The neem tree occurs throughout India. According to
acetyl chloridebenzene (20:1:4, v/v) for 1 h in a water an estimate, there are about 20 million trees in the country
bath. The fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) obtained are [15]. However, individual neem trees may vary in chemi-
extracted in hexane and analysed using GLC. The separa- cal make-up because of genetic and environmental fac-
tion of the FAMEs is achieved using an RH-Wax column tors. The studies carried out by Ermel et al. [16], Ren-
using temperature programming, 170200 C at 2 min1. gasamy et al. [17], Kumar et al. [18] and Kaushik and
The peaks are detected using an FID. Both the methods do Singh [19] confirm the natural variability of azadirachtin
not require any clean up or defatting of seeds. This results content in seeds obtained from individual trees. There-
in faster, easier and more economical sample preparation. fore, it is important to test the azadirachtin content of
the neem seed not only to monitor quality, but also to
Keywords Neem Azadirachta indica Azadirachtin select high azadirachtin yielding trees. The fatty acid
Fatty acids HPLC GLC composition is an important indicator of the quality of the
Several chromatographic and non-chromatographic meth-
Introduction ods have been reported for the estimation of azadirachtin
content in neem seed kernel, oil and its formulations.
The neem (Azadirachta indica) tree yields a wide range of Among the non-chromatographic methods, the colorimet-
triterpenoids such as azadirachtin, nimbin, salanin, azadirach- ric method developed by Dai et al. [20] can be utilized to
tol, etc., and 3050% oil. These triterpenoids are com- determine the total azadirachtin-related limonoids in
monly known as limonoids. Azadirachtin is the most im- neem seed kernel extracts but the azadirachtin content
portant limonoid present in the neem seed and is reported cannot be separately determined. Shutz et al. [21] devel-
to have antifeedant, growth disrupting, and ovicidal activ- oped an Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA)
ity against a variety of insect pests [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, for determination of azadirachtin.
10]. Although many isomers of azadirachtin, Aza-A to Ermel et al. [22] employed Thin Layer Chromatogra-
Aza-K [11, 12, 13, 14], have been reported in the litera- phy (TLC)fluorescence to determine the azadirachtin
ture, azadirachtin-A is the most important and is used as a content in the neem seed kernel. Johnson and Morgan
[23], Huang and Morgan [24] and Ambrosino et al. [25]
reported Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) for
the qualitative and quantitative determination of azadi-
N. Kaushik ()
Bioresources and Biotechnology Division, TERI,
rachtin in crude neem seed extracts. Although, this tech-
Habitat Place, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003, India nique requires no clean-up of the samples, it cannot be
e-mail: kaushikn@teri.res.in employed for the routine determination of azadirachtin

content. It is better suited to the large-scale extraction of The methods reported so far involve multistep sample
azadirachtin from neem seeds. preparation and are difficult for routine monitoring of the
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)- azadirachtin content and fatty acid composition in the
based methods reported for estimation of azadirachtin in neem seed kernel. The present paper describes a faster
neem kernel, oil and formulations differ either in extrac- and more economical method involving single-step sam-
tion methodology or clean-up procedure. Hull et al. [26] ple preparation for the determination of azadirachtin con-
described the use of HPLC for quantification of azadi- tent and fatty acid composition in the neem seed kernel
rachtin in new formulations using C18 solid-phase extrac- using HPLC and Gas Liquid Chromatography (GLC), re-
tion (SPE) cartridges for clean-up of the sample. How- spectively.
ever, Azam et al. [27] employed column chromatography
for the clean-up of samples of emulsifiable and solution
concentrate of neem. Experimental
Kumar and Parmar [28] analysed azadirachtin in neem
oil by partitioning it in 45% aqueous methanol and hexane. Apparatus
The aqueous methanol was used to determine the azadi- Azadirachtin estimation was performed using a Waters LC Module
rachtin content by HPLC. Ramesh and Balasubramanian I quaternary automated liquid chromatograph equipped with au-
[29] reported a method for the extraction of azadirachtin, toinjector, high-sensitivity tunable UV and photodiode array de-
nimbin and salanin from neem oil using a graphitized car- tectors and Novapak RP-18 column (3.9 mm150 mm). The chro-
bon black column instead of liquidliquid partitioning fol- matograms and data were acquired and processed with the Waters
Millennium 2010 Chromatography Manager version 2.1 software.
lowed by column clean-up. The photodiode array spectrum was recorded on a Waters 996
A method reported by Tejavathi et al. [30] for the esti- Photodiode Array Detector.
mation of azadirachtin content in neem kernel involves Fatty acid methyl ester separation was achieved on a Hewlett
extractions with a sonicator and clean-up with a C-18 Sep- Packard gas chromatograph (HP6890) equipped with an FID and
RH-wax column (30 m0.53 mm).
Pak cartridge. A multi-step sample preparation method fol-
lowing the methodology of Schroder and Nakanishi [31]
has been reported by Deota et al. [32]. The method re- Chemicals and materials
ported by Schaaf et al. [33] based on HPLC- Mass Spec-
trophotometry (MS) is sensitive enough to detect the HPLC grade acetonitrile was procured from Merck (India). Ethanol
was obtained by distilling spirit. Azadirachtin standard (96%) was
azadirachtin in ng mL1, but is not suitable for routine procured from Trifolio-M (Germany). Standards of fatty acid
analysis since HPLCMS is not available in all laborato- methyl esters were procured from Sigma (USA). Acetyl chloride
ries. and dichloromethane were from Merck (India); benzene, hexane,
Various combinations of HPLC conditions have been acetone, ethyl acetate and acetonitrile from Qualigens (India); and
dehydrated methanol was from Bengal Chemicals (India). Water
reported to achieve the separation of neem limonoids on was from a Milli-Q water purification system (Millipore, USA).
reversed-phase columns. A summary is presented in Table 1. Neem seeds were collected from Gual Pahari, Haryana, India.
For the evaluation of the fatty acid composition of neem The samples were prepared in Borosil screw-capped centrifuge
oil, Kumar and Parmar [28] reported a complex method tubes (15 mL). A thermostatic serological water bath was used for
heating the samples. A REMI Revolutionary Research Centrifuge
for preparing methyl esters involving saponification, hy- (Model R-23) which could accommodate 36 tubes was used for
drolysis and partitioning followed by diazomethane ester- centrifugation of the samples. Samples were filtered through Swin-
ification. The process is too cumbersome for routine use. nex polypropylene 25-mm filter holders (Millipore, USA) contain-

Table 1 Summary of HPLC

conditions reported for separa- Mobile phase Flow rate Wavelength Reference
tion of azadirachtin and other monitored (nm)
neem limonoids
1 Acetonitrile-water (30:70) 1 mL min1 254 [34]
2 Methanol-water (60:40) a 215 [35]
3 Methanol-water (65:35) 1 mL min1 214 and 250 [17]
4 Acetonitrile-water (28:22) 1 mL min1 215 [26]
5 Acetonitrile-water (gradient) initially 1 mL min1 210 [36]
20% acetonitrile increased linearly
to 35% acetonitrile for 22.5 min.
6 Acetonitrile-water (40:60) for 5 min. a 217 [30]
followed by linear gradient to 100%
acetonitrile in 3 min.
7 Methanol-water (70:30) 1 mL min1 214 and 250 [28]
8 0 to 15 min, 32% (acetonitrile -water); 1 mL min1 217 [23]
15 to 20 min, 32 to 55% (acetonitrile: water);
20 to 50 min (55% acetonitrile)
anot reported 9 Methanol Acetonitrile-water (35+15+50) 1 mL min1 a [29]
ing Durapore 0.22 m filters. Azadirachtin samples were filtered Defatted vs. non-defatted kernel powder To estimate the loss of
into Waters autosampler vials (4 mL). The mobile phase for HPLC azadirachtin during defatting, the azadirachtin content was deter-
was filtered through a Millipore sample clarification kit fitted with mined in the seed kernel powder without defatting and also after
Durapore 0.45 m, 47 mm filters (Millipore, USA). A Hewlett defatting. For this, samples were prepared in two sets. In the first
Packard 1 L syringe was used to inject the Fatty Acid Methyl Es- set, samples were prepared by soaking the seed kernel powder in
ters (FAMEs) into the chromatograph. ethanol. In the second set, the seed kernel powder was first ex-
tracted with hexane for removal of oil and then the residual pow-
der was extracted with ethanol for estimation of azadirachtin.
Determination of azadirachtin content

Optimization of extraction procedure Preparation of standard solution

Effect of temperature. To determine the effect of temperature, if A standard solution of azadirachtin (1000 g mL1) was prepared by
any, and also to determine the extraction efficiency of cold extrac- dissolving 10 mg of the compound in 10 mL of HPLC grade aceto-
tion, 1 g seed powder from five individual trees was taken in three nitrile. Serial dilutions were made in the range of 10010 g mL1
replicates in 15 mL centrifuge tubes for each treatment. Distilled to plot the calibration curve. The standard solutions were stored at
ethanol (6 mL) was added to each tube. The tubes were screw- 20 C.
capped and kept in two sets. The first set of samples was kept in a
water bath at 50 C for 2 h and the second set left overnight in the
solvent. High performance liquid chromatography
The tubes of the first set were taken out from the water bath af-
ter 2 h and allowed to cool to room temperature. The tubes were The sample (10 L) was injected into the HPLC using an autoin-
then centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 10 min. The supernatant was jector. The separation of azadirachtin was achieved using acetoni-
transferred into a new tube and the residue re-extracted twice with trilewater (40:60) 1 mL min1 and the peaks monitored at 214 nm.
ethanol (26 mL) and the upper layers were combined. The pooled Online degassing was done with helium by using an online de-
extracts were combined and the final volume was made up to gasser.
25 mL in a volumetric flask. A part of this sample (4 mL) was fil-
tered into an autosampler vial through a 0.22 m membrane in a
Swinnex filter holder. The vials were then tightly capped and Determination of fatty acid composition
stored in a refrigerator until analysis.
The contents of the second set, kept overnight in the solvent, Fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) preparation
were centrifuged at 5000 rpm the next morning and the same pro-
cedures followed as described above for the first set. The dried seeds (200 mg) were methylated as per the method of
Kaushik and Agnihotri [37] using methanolacetyl chlorideben-
Optimization of sample size. To see the effect of a sample size on zene (20:1:4, v/v) as methylating reagent. Neem seeds (200 mg)
accuracy of estimation of azadirachtin content of the seeds col- were crushed and transferred into the centrifuge tube. The methyl-
lected from individual trees, samples were prepared in triplicate in ating agent (1 mL) was added and the tubes were heated in a water
two sets. In the first set 1 g kernel was taken while in the second bath for 1 h. The fatty acid methyl esters thus prepared were sepa-
set 1 g kernel was crushed to powder and from this powder 40 mg rated out in n-hexane.
of the sample was taken. The seeds were crushed to a fine powder
and then processed to estimate the azadirachtin content.
Gas liquid chromatography
Extraction efficiency of the solvent. Samples were prepared in
ethanol, HPLC grade acetonitrile, cold water and hot water to de- Temperature programming was carried out to achieve the separa-
termine the effect of solvent on extraction efficiency. tion of stearic and oleic acids. Operation conditions used were:

Fig. 1 Chromatogram of
azadirachtin in standard (A)
and neem seeds samples (B)
obtained using HPLC

Fig. 2 Photodiode array spec-

trum of azaditachtin: (A) map;
(B) 3D view

oven temperature, 170200 C at 2 min1; injector temperature, Table 2 Effect of temperature on the azadirachtin content of
240 C and detector temperature, 250 C. The carrier gas flow rate neem kernel
was 5 mL min1 and make up flow rate was 25 mL min1. The sam-
ple (0.1 L) was injected into the GC. The results were processed Azadirachtin content (g g1 of the kernel)a
using HP Chem station software.
Cold extraction Water bath (50 C)
4212 4028
Results and discussion 3090 2970
7276 7040
High performance liquid chromatography
3360 3540
The HPLC chromatogram of azadirachtin-A standard and 3870 3835
of neem seed sample is given in Fig. 1. The azadirachtin aValues are the mean of three replicates determined in five samples
eluted at a retention time of 2.756 min and elution time
was affected by the proportion of acetonitrile present in Table 3 Effect of sample size on azadirachtin estimation
the mobile phase. With a 95:5 wateracetonitrile system
azadirachtin could not be eluted from the RP-18 column. Azadirachtin content (g g1 of neem kernel)a
However, when the proportion of acetonitrile was varied 1g 40 mg
from 5 to 30%, the peak of azadirachtin could be detected.
The Photo Diode Array (PDA) spectrum of azadi- 1650 1540
rachtin indicated maximum absorbance between 200 and 1380 1040
214 nm (Fig. 2) and beyond this no absorbance was 1310 1420
recorded. Thus, selection of wavelength between this 1170 980
range will give the best estimation and wavelengths like 930 1120
254 nm or 250 nm as used by Yamasaki et al. and Re- aValues are the mean of three replicates determined in five samples
gasamy et al. should not be used for azadirachtin determi-
The acetonitrilewater (40:60) solvent system is strong time required for analysis and also loss of solvents. How-
enough to elute azadirachtin from the RP-18 column. ever, it was observed that one washing for 10 min with
However, other limonoids could not be eluted. To avoid 100% acetonitrile at the end of the day was sufficient to
clogging, column washing is required. Hull et al. [26] clean the column.
suggested column cleaning using tetrahydrofuran (THF)
for 5 min at the end of each run. The column needs to be Sample preparation
re-equilibrated with the mobile phase. Tejavathi et al. [30]
also recommend washing the column with 100% acetoni- To evaluate the effect of temperature and also to make
trile at the end of each run. This means an increase in the sample preparation simple, the extraction efficiency of the

Table 4 Extraction efficiency

of different solvents Solvent Azadirachtin content (g in 2 mL)

1st Extraction 2nd Extraction 3rd Extraction Total

(g in 6 mL)
Ethanol 39.82 10.95 6.34 57.11
(69%)a (19%) (11%)
Acetonitrile HPLC grade 44.05 11.26 5.9 61.21
(71%) (18%) (9%)
Cold water 22.33 8.87 7.11 38.31
(58%) (23%) (18%)
aFigures in parentheses repre-
Hot water 20.85 8.91 9.84 39.6
sent percent of the total
azadirachtin extracted (52%) (22%) (24%)

Table 5 Azadirachtin content in seed and meal samples ter (Table 4). Since HPLC grade acetonitrile is very ex-
pensive, ethanol is the best choice for azadirachtin extrac-
Azadirachtin (g g1 of the kernel)a
tion. About 6971% azadirachtin is extracted in the first
Seed Meal extraction, about 1819% in the second and 911% in the
third extraction. Three extractions are sufficient to com-
5595 5099
pletely remove azadirachtin from the neem seed.
5167 3792
5972 3794
The literature suggests that azadirachtin is partially
6621 5307
soluble in neem oil [28]. To evaluate the loss of azadi-
8372 5572 rachtin during the de-oiling of samples prior to its estima-
tion, azadirachtin content was determined in whole seeds
ameans of three replicates determined in five samples as well as de-oiled neem seeds of the same samples. It is
evident from Table 5 that some loss (833%) of azadi-
rachtin occurs during de-oiling. In order to estimate the
method involving extraction of azadirachtin using a water total azadirachtin content of the seed, more accurately, it
bath maintained at 50 C for 2 h was compared with the is therefore preferable to use the whole seed.
extraction efficiency of the method where crushed seeds
soaked in the solvent were left overnight for extraction.
The results are presented in Table 2. It is evident that there Determination of fatty acid composition
is no significant difference in the extraction efficiency of
the two methods. No loss of azadirachtin was observed by The separation of fatty acid methyl esters obtained with
heating seeds at 50 C for 2 h and complete extraction of the RH-Wax column is presented in Fig. 3. Good separa-
the azadirachtin can be achieved by leaving the crushed tion of all the four major fatty acids could be achieved
kernels in the solvent overnight. Dai et al. [20] also reported
complete extraction of azadirachtin by cold extraction.
Large sample sizes require more solvent, more space
and result in problems with routine analysis. The effect of
sample size on accuracy of azadirachtin estimation was
studied to determine whether smaller samples could be
used. Sample size did not appear to have a significant ef-
fect on the accuracy of azadirachtin estimations (Table 3).
Thus a 40-mg sample of crushed seeds can be used for
sample preparation from 1 g seed powder.
Initially various solvents were run through the HPLC
to determine whether they caused interfering peaks. The
HPLC analysis of these solvents shows that SQ grade ace-
tonitrile, dichloromethane (methylene chloride), ethyl ac-
etate and acetone cannot be utilized for azadirachtin ex-
traction because they also give peaks at the same retention
time as azadirachtin. Only ethanol, methanol, HPLC
grade acetonitrile and water were found suitable for
azadirachtin analysis by HPLC. Therefore, the compara-
tive extraction efficiency of ethanol, HPLC grade acetoni-
trile and water were tested.
The extraction efficiency of these solvents followed Fig. 3 Separation of fatty acid methyl esters of neem oil obtained
the order HPLC acetonitrileethanol>hot watercold wa- with an RH-Wax column
Table 6 Fatty acid composition of neem seeds
Sample Palmitic Stearic Oleic Linoleic
no. 16:0 18:0 18:1 18:2 1. Sieber KP, Rembold HZ (1983) Z Insect Physiol 29:523
2. Schoonhoven LM, Jermy T (1977) In: McFralana NR (ed)
1 20.23 15.39 39.92 24.34 Crop protection agents their biological evaluation. Academic,
2 20.84 12.24 43.61 23.31 New York
3 21.99 15.41 41.61 17.28 3. Ladd TL Jr (1981) In: Schmutterer H, Ascher KRS, Rembold H
4 18.71 18.79 42.21 19.55 (eds) Proc 1st Int Neem Conf, Rottach-Egern, 1980, Eschborn
GTZ, p 149
5 20.84 13.08 44.53 20.08 4. Ruscoe CNE (1972) Nature 236:159
6 18.41 12.54 49.12 19.93 5. Saxena RC, Khan ZR (1985) J Econ Entomol 78:222
7 20.25 14.24 42.98 22.35 6. Aerts RJ, Mordue AJ (1997) J Chem Ecol 23:2117
8 22.43 9.09 47.19 21.29 7. Jotwani MG, Srivastava KP (1984) In: Schmutterer H, Ascher
9 21.02 13.01 45.66 18.21 KRS (eds) Proc 2nd Int Neem Conf, Eschborn GTZ, p 43
8. Mordue-Luntz AJ, Blackwell A (1993) J Insect Physiol 39:903
10 17.87 17.48 41.15 21.55 9. Pereira J, Wohlgemuth R (1982) Z Angew Entomol 94:208
11 18.66 15.74 45.00 20.59 10. Zehnder G, Warthen JD (1988) J Econ Entomol 81:1040
12 22.67 16.03 42.02 19.13 11. Govindachari R, Gopalakrishnan G, Raghunathan R, Rajan SS
13 16.89 12.44 44.96 23.70 (1994) Current Sci. 66:295
14 19.63 16.56 40.99 18.68 12. Rembold H (1989) In: Jacobson M (ed) Focus on phytochemi-
cals pesticides: the neem tree. CRC, Florida
13. Rembold H, Engels W (1984) Adv Invertebrate Reprod 3:481
14. Klenk A, Bokel M, Kraus W (1986) J Chem Soc Chem Com-
within a reasonable time period. The sample preparation mun 7:523
15. Anonymous (1999) Proposal on national network on integrated
adopted in this method is very quick and does not require development of neem. GoI, India
de-oiling of the seed for fatty acid methyl ester prepara- 16. Ermel K, Pahlich E, Schmutterer H (1986) In: Schmutterer H,
tion. This method is much easier for routine analysis of Ascher KRS (eds) Proc 3rd Int Neem Conf, Nairobi, Kenya,
neem seeds than that reported by Kumar and Parmar [28] p 171
which involves saponification, hydrolysis and partitioning 17. Rengasamy S, Kaushik N, Kumar J, Koul O, Parmar BS (1993)
In: Singh RP (ed) World Neem Conf. Oxford and IBHCO,
prior to diazomethane esterification. The fatty acid com- New Delhi, p 207
position of some of the samples analysed by this method 18. Kumar MG, Kumar RJ, Regupathy A, Rajasekharan B (1995)
are presented in Table 6. Neem Update 1:4
19. Kaushik N, Singh BG (2001) In: Sener B (ed) Proc 3rd IUPAC
Int Conf on Biodiversity (ICOB-3), Antalya, Turkey, Novem-
ber 38, 2001. Kluwer Academic, pp 283286
Conclusion 20. Dai J, Yaylayan VA, Raghavan GSV, Pare JR (1999) J Agric
Food Chem. 47:3738
Multi-step sample preparation leads to loss of azadirach- 21. Schutz S, Wengatz I, Goodrow MH, Gee SJ, Hummel HE,
Hammock BD (1997) J Agric Food Chem 45:2363
tin. By reducing the number of steps involved in sample 22. Ermel L, Pahlich E, Schmutterer H (1984) In: Schmutterer H,
preparation, the error in azadirachtin estimation can be Ascher KRS (eds) Proc 2nd Int Neem Conf, Eschborn GTZ, p 91
minimized. The proposed method was developed to facil- 23. Johnson S, Morgan ED (1997) J Chromatogr A 761:53
itate quicker sample preparation with minimum loss of 24. Huang HP, Morgan ED (1990) J Chromatogr 519:137
azadirachtin, which can be used routinely. This method 25. Ambrosino P, Fresa R, Fogliano V, Monti SM, Ritieni A
(1999) J Agric Food Chem 47:5252
also does not require de-oiling of the seed and any clean 26. Hull CJ Jr, Dutton WR, Switzer BS (1993) J Chromatogr 633:
up by column chromatography, graphitized carbon black 300
column or C-18 Sep-Pak cartridge. The run time of HPLC 27. Azam ES, Rengaswamy S, Parmar BS (1995) J AOAC Int
and GLC is also reasonably short to enhance the chro- 78:893
28. Kumar J, Parmar BS (1996) J Agric Food Chem 44:2137
matograph capacity. Thus, these methods can be easily 29. Ramesh A, Balasubramanian M (1999) Analyst 124:19
adopted for routine analysis of azadirachtin and fatty acid 30. Thejavathi R, Yakundi SR, Ravindranath B (1995) J Chro-
methyl esters in neem seeds and offers advantages in terms matogr A 705:374
of ease of preparation, speed, low cost and sample vol- 31. Schroeder DR, Nakanishi K (1987) J Nat Prod 50:241
32. Deota P, Upadhyay P, Patel K, Mehta K, Kamath B, Mehta M
ume. (2000) J Liq Chromatogr 23:2225
33. Schaaf O, Jarvis AP, van der Esch SA, Giagnocovo G, Oldham
Acknowledgement Financial assistance from the National Oil-
NJ (2000) J Chromatogr A 886:89
seeds and Vegetable Oils Development Board (NOVODB), Min-
34. Yamasaki RB, Klocke JA, Lee SM, Stone GA, Darlington MV
istry of Agriculture, Government of India, is gratefully acknowl-
(1986) J Chromatogr 356:220
edged. The author is grateful to Mr Gautam Sarkar for technical
35. Govindachari TR, Sandhya G, Ganeshraj SP (1990) J Chro-
assistance and Mr Sajit Kumar for typing manuscript.
matogr 513:389
36. Sundaram KMS, Curry J (1993) J Liq Chromatogr 16:3275
37. Kaushik N, Agnihotri A (1997) Chromatographia 44:97

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