Physico-Chemical Study of Seed Oil of Prunus Armeniaca L. Grown in Garhwal Region (India) and Its Comparison With Some Conventional Food Oils
Physico-Chemical Study of Seed Oil of Prunus Armeniaca L. Grown in Garhwal Region (India) and Its Comparison With Some Conventional Food Oils
Physico-Chemical Study of Seed Oil of Prunus Armeniaca L. Grown in Garhwal Region (India) and Its Comparison With Some Conventional Food Oils
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Bachheti, R. K., 1Indra, R., 2Archana, J. and 3*Rana, V.
Department of Chemistry, Graphic Era University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Department of Environmental Science, Graphic Era University,
Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Bio-prospecting and Indigenous Knowledge Division, Rain Forest Research
Institute, Jorhat (Assam), India
Abstract: The seeds of the wild Prunus armeniaca L. (wild Apricot) from the Garhwal Region of Uttarakhand
(India) was analysed for its proximate compositions and the physico-chemical characteristics of the oil. The
elements present in seed oil were also determined which reflected that apricot is rich in Phosphorous, Calcium,
Magnesium, Iron and Copper which makes it suitable for edible and commercial oil. Gas chromatography (GC)
of seed oil revealed that it contains oleic acid (73.58%), linoleic acid (19.26%), palmitic acid (3.31%), myristic
acid (1.18%) and stearic acid (2.68%). Proximate values of the protein, fiber, oil and carbohydrate content of
the wild apricot seed oil and their comparison with other food grade oil suggests that wild apricot oil from this
region may be used for edible purposes.
Keywords: Prunus armeniaca L., Garhwal, wild apricot, seeds, fatty acid, oil, mineral composition, oleic
*Corresponding author.
Email: © All Rights Reserved
Tel: +91 8126005671
578 Bachheti, R. K., Indra, R., Archana, J. and Rana, V.
The solvent was distilled off at 80oC. Oil content Injector and detector temperatures were set at 225°C.
was estimated on the basis of dry seed weight and Nitrogen (N2) (25 ml/min) was used as the carrier gas.
expressed in g/100 g. Hydrogen (40 ml/min) and Air (60 ml/min) were used
as burnt and dry gas respectively. Fatty acid methyl
Analysis of seed oil esters were identified by comparison with fatty acid
Oil density was determined picnometrically, internal standards, Individual fatty acid concentration
whereas refractive index was determined at 25°C was expressed as percent.
with Abbey Refractometer. The oil viscosity was
determined by Ostwald method (Standard Base, Results and Discussion
2010). The seed oil was assessed for various
chemical properties. Standard methods described by Oil extracted from Prunus armeniaca L. seeds is
Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC, light yellow, tasteless and free of sediments. It is liquid
1990) were used for the determination of moisture, at room temperature (at 27±2°C). It contains 31.18%
crude fibre and free fatty acids (FFA) contents of protein, 1.94% fiber and 15.61% carbohydrate.
the oil sample. Physical and chemical analyses of The level of phosphorous, calcium and magnesium
the extracted oil were carried out by using AOAC are quit high while those of copper, potassium and
methods (AOAC, 1990). Iodine value was determined sodium are much lower (Table 2). GC examination of
using Wij’s method as reported in AOAC methods fatty acids of the Apricot oil showed that it contains
(AOAC, 1990). The procedures of Egan et al. (1981) myristic, palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acids.
were adopted for the estimation of Saponification Oleic and linoleic acids were present in significant
values, unsaponifiable matter content and acid value amounts (Table 3).
of the oil sample. Protein was determined using Table 1. Physico-chemical Properties of Prunus
micro-Kjeldhal method as described by Allen and armeniaca L. seed oil from Garhwal region
Characteristics Values
Quarmby (1989). A factor of 6.25 was adopted for
Colour Pale yellow, clear and
protein content estimation. Carbohydrate content transparent
Taste Neutral, free of bitter taste, free
was determined by colorimetric method (Allen and of after taste
Neutral, free of smell coming
Quarmby, 1989). Smell from plant material
Sediments Free of sediments
The metal composition Zinc, Iron, Copper of State at room temperature Liquid
the seeds were determined by using an Atomic Refractive Index (at 40oC) 1.4638
Specific Gravity (at 25oC) 0.9172
Absorption Spectrophotometer (Model Varian Yield (%) 44.3
Moisture (%) 6.86
240FS+GTA120), after acid digestion. Calcium and Protein (%) 31.18
magnesium was determined by complexometric Fiber (%)
Carbohydrate (%)
titration with 0.1M EDTA, by using Erichome Acid Value (mgKOH/g) 4.05
Iodine value 102.0
black T indicator and calculated. Phosphorus was Saponification value (mgKOH/g) 190
determined by the precipitation of phosphorus in Unsaponifiable matter (%w/w) 0.71
Free fatty acid (%) 2.01
the form of phospho molybdate by using the reagent Total saturated (%) 7.17
Total unsaturated (%) 93.13
ammonium molybdate. Precipitate was filtered from
asbestos, then residue obtained was taken in conical Table 2. Mineral content (mg/100 g) of Prunus armeniaca
Flask and dissolved in 0.1M NaOH and titrate with L. seed oil from Garhwal region
Mineral Content
0.1M HCl by using indicator Phenolphthalein. Phosphorous 472
Sodium and potassium was determined by flame Zinc 3.79
Calcium 330.0
photometer model No. ESICO 1381 by using the Magnesium 370.0
Potassium 0.017
Sodium 0.034
reference standard (Merck) and calculated on the Iron 3.6
basis of reading and dilution of the sample. Copper 1.56
The fatty acids were derivatized by using the Table 3. Fatty acid composition (mg/g) of Prunus
boron trifluoride method as described by Hisil armeniaca L. seed oil from Garhwal region
(1988). Samples were injected as 2 µl into a Nucon Fatty acid Amount
model 5700 equipped with 10% DEGS (Diethylene Myristic acid 1.18
Palmitic acid 3.37
Glycol Succinate) + 1% H3PO4 constant phase, a Stearic acid 2.68
flame ionization detector (FID) and chromosorb G Oleic acid
Linoleic acid
(100/120 mesh) support matter, internal diameter
(2mm) and stainless steel (190 cm) column. Column A comparison of Apricot oil properties was
temperature was programmed from 70°C to 200°C also done with the previously reported (Gopalan et
with the increasing rate of temperature 6°C/Minute. al., 1971; Anonymous, 2001) properties of some
conventionally used oils (CUOs), for food purposes index for light unsaturated fatty acids content.
and other applications. Apricot oil is existing in Saponification value of apricot oil is 190.
liquid state at room temperatures as all other CUOs Saponification value is used in checking adulteration.
(except coconut oil which is semi- solid). The yellow The low saponification value suggests that the oil may
colour of the Apricot oil is also in the colour range of not be industrially, useful. The high saponification
CUOs, which varies from colourless, yellow to dark values recorded for the seed oils suggest that the oils
brown. The proximate chemical composition of the contain high molecular weight fatty acids and low
seven different CUOs and wild Apricot oil are given level of impurities. This is evidence that the oil could
in Tables 4 and 5. Among these oils the moisture be used in soap making industry (Kirsehenbauer,
content is in the range 3.0-9.9%. The moisture content 1965; Amoo et al., 2004).
of the sample seed oils in this study are generally low
indicating that the seed oils could be stored for a long
Table 4. Proximate composition of some conventional oils and wild apricot seed oil (g/100 g)
Plant Moisture (%) Yield (%) Protein (%) Fiber (%) Carbohydrate (%)
Soybean Seed Oil (Sojamax) 8.1 19.5 43.2 3.7 20.9
Mustard Seed Oil (Brassica Compestris) 8.5 39.7 20.0 1.8 23.8
Ground Nut Seed Oil (Arachis hypogoes) 3.0 40.1 25.3 3.1 26.1
Cotton Seed Oil (Genus Gossypium) 9.9 19.5 19.4 22.6 23.9
Linseed Oil (Linum usitatissium) 6.5 37.1 20.3 4.8 28.9
Sunflower Seed Oil (Helianthus Annus) 5.5 52.1 19.8 1.0 17.9
Coconut Oil (Cocos mucifera) 4.2 39.0 23.9 10.9 17.1
Almond Seed Oil (Prunus arnygdalys ) 5.2 58.9 20.8 1.7 10.5
Wild Apricot Seed Oil (Prunus armeniaca L.) 6.86 44.3 31.18 1.94 15.61
Table 5. Physical attributes of some common edible seed oils and wild apricot seed oil
Plant State at room temperature Colour Refractive Index (at 40°C) Specific gravity at 25°C
Soybean Seed Oil (Sojamax) Liquid Yellow 1.4658 0.9172
Mustard Seed Oil (Brassica Compestris) Liquid Brownish Yellow 1.4655 0.9072
Ground Nut Seed Oil (Arachis hypogoes) Semi solid Colourless 1.4638 0.9136
Cotton Seed Oil (Genus Gossypium) Liquid Yellow colour 1.4642 0.9190
Linseed Oil (Linum usitatissium) Liquid Colourless 1.4736 0.9323
Sunflower Seed Oil (Helianthus Annus) Liquid Pale Yellow 1.4672 0.9182
Coconut Oil (Cocos mucifera) Semi solid Colourless 1.4486 0.9186
Almond Seed Oil (Prunus arnygdalys ) Liquid Pale Yellow 1.4632 0.9176
Wild Apricot Seed Oil (Prunus armeniaca L.) Liquid Pale Yellow 1.4638 0.9172
The oil yield of Prunus armeniaca L. is 44.3% Apricot oil have approximately same ratio of saturated
which is in comparable range to those of CUOs and unsaturated fatty acid as compared to CUOs e.g.
as reported in Nutritive value of Indian foods mustard oil, cotton seed oil, soybean oil, linseed oil,
(Gopalan et al., 1971). This shows that seed oil of almond oil , except coconut oil which contain high
Prunus armeniaca L. may be used economically and amount of saturated fatty acids (Table 6).
commercially. In Table 6, a comparison is made among The results of comparison, in between different
the chemical properties of CUOs with wild apricot CUOs and wild apricot seed oil, clearly indicate that
oil. Acid value is an indicator for edibility of oil and the values of chemical properties like acid value,
suitability for industrial use. Prunus armeniaca L. has iodine value, unsaponifiable matter, sapinifiable
the acid value of 4.05 is nearest to almond seed oil, matter, free fatty acid, total saturated and total
which is` already in use for edible purpose and this unsaturated are highly comparable in case of almond
falls within the recommended codex of 0.6 and 10 for seed oil (Prunus arnygdalys) and wild apricot
virgin and non-virgin edible fats and oil respectively seed oil (Prunus armeniaca L.). Hence with these
(Dawodu, 2009). This essence suggests that the wild chemical values, the wild apricot seed oil may also be
Apricot oil is suitable for edible purposes and also suggested as a good alternative for almond seed oil in
in the manufacture of paints and varnishes (William, industries and food purposes.
1966). The Iodine value of apricot oil is 102. Hence On comparison of wild Apricot oil with other
wild Apricot oil can be used in the manufacture of conventional seed oils in Table 7 for their mineral
cosmetics oil paints and varnishes and also serve composition, it is found that wild Apricot oils is
edible purposes because the iodine value is also an almost having same mineral composition as in all the
Table 6. Chemical properties of some common edible seed oils and wild apricot seed oil
Plant A.Va. I. Vb. U. Mc. S. Vd. F.F.Ae % T. Sf. (%) T. Ug. (%)
Soybean Seed Oil (Sojamax) 1.08 132.0 0.33 192 0.56 14.39 85.66
Mustard Seed Oil (Brassica Compestris) 1.21 108.0 0.35 174 0.59 8.79 91.21
Ground Nut Seed Oil (Arachis hypogoes) 3.98 88.0 0.62 193 1.74 13.11 81.89
Cotton Seed Oil (Genus Gossypium) 0.26 108.0 0.86 195 0.10 22.55 77.4
Linseed Oil (Linum usitatissium) 3.42 174.0 1.09 189 1.61 10.54 89.46
Sunflower Seed Oil (Helianthus Annus) 3.89 128.0 0.96 188 1.68 9.63 90.37
Coconut Oil (Cocos mucifera) 3.62 8.4 0.43 261 1.79 92.68 8.92
Almond Seed Oil (Prunus arnygdalys ) 3.42 96.0 0.49 191 1.72 9.0 86.0
Wild Apricot Seed Oil (Prunus armeniaca L.) 4.05 102.0 0.71 190 2.01 7.17 93.13
a: Acid Value (mgKOH/g); b: Iodine Value; c:Unsaponifiable Matter (%w/w); d:Sapinifiable Matter (mgKOH/g); e: Free Fatty Acid (%); f: Total Saturated (%); g: Total Unsaturated (%)
Table 7. Mineral contents (mg/100 g) of common oils and wild apricot oil
Plant P Zn Ca Mg K Na Fe Cu
Soybean Seed Oil (Sojamax) 690.2 3.41 242.6 178.9 0.009 0.011 11.1 1.14
Mustard Seed Oil (Brassica Compestris) 694.3 4.86 492.1 0.034 0.019 0.007 8.11 0.84
Ground Nut Seed Oil (Arachis hypogoes) 349 3.91 86.4 0.048 0.007 0.011 2.62 0.92
Cotton Seed Oil (Genus Gossypium) 256 1.25 135.6 1.23 - - 2.89 0.86
Linseed Oil (Linum usitatissium) 374 3.68 168.9 0.021 0.09 0.026 2.76 1.92
Sunflower Seed Oil (Helianthus Annus) 671.0 5.31 280.0 0.096 0.042 0.011 4.84 1.61
Coconut Oil (Cocos mucifera) 208 4.96 402.8 0.084 0.86 0.41 7.89 1.33
Almond Seed Oil (Prunus arnygdalys ) 484 3.61 239.2 374.6 0.019 0.054 4.26 0.98
Wild Apricot Seed Oil (Prunus armeniaca L.) 472 3.79 330.0 370.0 0.017 0.034 3.6 1.56
Table 8. Fatty acid composition of some conventional seed oil and wild apricot oil
Fatty acid Soybean Mustard Ground Nut Cotton Seed Linseed Oil Sunflower Coconut Oil Almond Wild Apricot
Seed oil Seed oil Seed Oil Oil Seed Oil Seed Oil seed oil
Caproic - - - - - - - 0.28 -
Caprylic - - - - - - - 7.64 -
Capric - - - - - - - 8.12 -
Lauric - - - - - - - 48.92 -
Myristic 0.51 - - 0.38 - - 16.08 1.18
Palmitic 8.41 1.52 7.28 20.01 6.12 4.61 9.96 7.0 3.31
Stearic 5.42 0.48 4.16 2.16 3.96 1.94 1.68 2.0 2.68
Oleic 26.54 22.3 58.2 35.1 19.22 27.22 6.56 69 73.58
Linolenic 8.12 6.8 - - 48.1 7.22 - - -
Linoleic 51.0 14.11 23.69 4.23 22.14 55.93 0.76 17 19.26
Arachidic - 4.37 3.22 - 0.46 2.26 - - -
Any Special Eurcic -48.5 -1.61 Behemic Palmioleic-
fatty acid - Behenic - - - -
Behenic -0.82 1.6
-2.42 -1.84
oils. It is rich in phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, India have almost same physico-chemical properties
iron and copper, which make it suitable for edible and as in Almond (Prunus arnygdalys). Wild apricot seed
commercial purpose. In oils fatty acids are the main have higher yield of oil over 40%, which is comparable
constituents, fatty acids are merely carboxylic acids to the oil yield of some commercial seed oils such as
with long hydrocarbon chains. The hydrocarbon chain groundnut, mustard, linseed, Almond, Sunflower and
length may vary from 10-30 carbons. In fatty acids coconut oil. Many of the physico-chemical properties
with only a few carbons, the acid functional group of the seed oil studied have close similarity with other
dominates and gives the whole molecule a polar commercial seed oils. The results obtained from this
character. In fatty acids, the non polar hydrocarbon study could be used as baseline data to develop wild
chain gives the molecule a non polar character. There apricot oil (Prunus armeniaca) for both domestic
are two groups of fatty acids-saturated and unsaturated. and industrial purposes and also for promotion and
The physico-chemical properties of oil are depends cultivation of this tree with a sustainable manner in
on these fatty acids. Fatty acid composition of Apricot the Garhwal region for large scale production of oil.
oil is almost similar to almond seed oil (Table 8). This
similarity of wild apricot oil with almond oil further References
support the high values of this oil.
A.O.A.C. 1990. Official Methods of Analysis 14th
Conclusion Edn. Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
Washington D. C.801-805.
Allen, S. E. and Quarmby, C. 1989. Organic Constituents.
The present study envisage that wild apricot seed In Allen, S. E. (ed). Chemical Analysis of Ecological
oil (Prunus armeniaca L.) from the Garhwal region of