Skills N Perks
Skills N Perks
Skills N Perks
Novice Alteration Cast Novice level Alteration spells for half magicka.
Dual casting an Alteration spell overcharges the effects into an even more powerful
Alteration Dual Casting 20 Alteration Novice Alteration version.
Apprentice Alteration 25 Alteration Novice Alteration Cast Apprentice level Alteration spells for half magicka.
1 30 Alteration Apprentice Alteration Blocks 10% of a spell's effects.
2 50 Alteration Blocks 20% of a spell's effects.
Magic Resistance 3 30 70 Alteration Blocks 30% of a spell's effects.
Adept Alteration 50 Alteration Apprentice Alteration Cast Adept level Alteration spells for half magicka.
Expert Alteration 75 Alteration Adept Alteration Cast Expert level Alteration spells for half magicka.
Atronach 100 Alteration Expert Alteration Absorb 30% of the magicka of any spells that hit you.
Master Alteration 100 Alteration Expert Alteration Cast Master level Alteration spells for half magicka.
Stability 70 Alteration Adept Alteration Alteration spells have greater duration.
1 30 Alteration Apprentice Alteration Protection spells like Stoneflesh are twice as strong if not wearing armor.
2 50 Alteration Protection spells like Stoneflesh are 2.5 times as strong if not wearing armor.
Mage Armor 3 30 70 Alteration Protection spells like Stoneflesh are three times as strong if not wearing armor.
Novice Conjuration Cast Novice level Conjuration spells for half magicka.
Apprentice Conjuration 25 Conjuration
Novice Conjuration Cast Apprentice level Conjuration spells for half magicka.
Adept Conjuration 50 Conjuration Conjuration Cast Adept level Conjuration spells for half magicka.
Expert Conjuration 75 Conjuration Adept Conjuration Cast Expert level Conjuration spells for half magicka.
Master Conjuration 100 Conjuration Expert Conjuration Cast Master level Conjuration spells for half magicka.
Conjuration Dual Casting 20 Conjuration Novice Conjuration Dual casting a Conjuration spell overcharges the spell, allowing it to last longer.
Mystic Binding 20 Conjuration Novice Conjuration Bound weapons do more damage.
Soul Stealer 30 Conjuration Mystic Binding Bound weapons cast Soul Trap on targets.
Oblivion Binding 50 Conjuration Soul Stealer Bound weapons will banish summoned creatures and turn raised ones.
Necromancy 40 Conjuration Novice Conjuration Greater duration for reanimated undead.
Dark Souls 70 Conjuration Necromancy Reanimated undead have 100 points more health.
1 30 Conjuration Novice Conjuration Can summon atronachs or raise undead twice as far away.
30 70
Summoner 2 Conjuration Can summon atronachs or raise undead three times as far away.
Atromancy 40 Conjuration Summoner Double duration for conjured Atronachs.
Elemental Potency 80 Conjuration Atromancy Conjured Atronachs are 50% more powerful.
Dark Souls or
Twin Souls 100 Conjuration Elemental Potency You can have two atronachs or reanimated zombies.
Novice Destruction Cast Novice level Destruction spells for half magicka.
Apprentice Destruction 25 DestructionNovice Destruction Cast Apprentice level Destruction spells for half magicka. 0pts, When you specialise in a school you get Apprentice (school) training for free.
Adept Destruction 50 Destruction Destruction Cast Adept level Destruction spells for half magicka.
Expert Destruction 75 Destruction Adept Destruction Cast Expert level Destruction spells for half magicka.
Master Destruction 100 Destruction Expert Destruction Cast Master level Destruction spells for half magicka.
Rune Master 40 Destruction Destruction Can place runes five times farther away.
1 30 Destruction Novice Destruction Fire spells do 25% more damage. Add +1dice step per level of spell to damage, up to the base damage of the spell.
30 60
Augmented Flames 2 Destruction Fire spells do 50% more damage. i.e +D2 Novice, +D4 Apprentice, +D6 Adept, +D8 Exert, +D10 Master
Intense Flames 50 Destruction Augmented Flames Fire damage causes targets to flee if their health is low.
1 30 Destruction Novice Destruction Frost spells do 25% more damage.
30 60
Augmented Frost 2 Destruction Frost spells do 50% more damage.
Deep Freeze 60 Destruction Augmented Frost Frost damage paralyzes targets if their health is low.
1 30 Destruction Novice Destruction Shock spells do 25% more damage.
30 60
Augmented Shock 2 Destruction Shock spells do 50% more damage.
Disintegrate 70 Destruction Augmented Shock Shock damage disintegrates targets if their health is low.
Dual casting a Destruction spell overcharges the effects into an even more powerful
Destruction Dual Casting 20 Destruction Novice Destruction version.
Destruction Dual
Impact 40 Destruction Casting Most destruction spells will stagger an opponent when dual cast.
Novice Illusion Cast Novice level Illusion spells for half magicka.
Animage 20 Illusion Novice Illusion Illusion spells now work on higher level animals.
Kindred Mage 40 Illusion Animage All Illusion spells work on higher level people.
Quiet Casting 50 Illusion Kindred Mage All spells you cast from any school of magic are silent to others.
Apprentice Illusion 25 Illusion Novice Illusion Cast Apprentice level Illusion spells for half magicka.
Adept Illusion 50 Illusion Apprentice Illusion Cast Adept level Illusion spells for half magicka.
Expert Illusion 75 Illusion Adept Illusion Cast Expert level Illusion spells for half magicka.
Master Illusion 100 Illusion Expert Illusion Cast Master level Illusion spells for half magicka.
Calm spells now work on higher level opponents. Cumulative with Kindred Mage and
Hypnotic Gaze 30 Illusion Novice Illusion Animage.
Fear spells work on higher level opponents. Cumulative with Kindred Mage and
Aspect of Terror 50 Illusion Hypnotic Gaze Animage.
Frenzy spells work on higher level opponents. Cumulative with Kindred Mage and
Rage 70 Illusion Aspect of Terror Animage.
Quiet Casting or
Master of the Mind 90 Illusion Rage Illusion spells work on undead, daedra and automatons.
Illusion Dual Dual casting an Illusion spell overcharges the effects into an even more powerful
Casting 20 Illusion Novice Illusion version.
Novice Restoration Cast Novice level Restoration spells for half magicka.
Apprentice Restoration 25 RestorationNovice Restoration Cast Apprentice level Restoration spells for half magicka.
Adept Restoration 50 Restoration Restoration Cast Adept level Restoration spells for half magicka.
Expert Restoration 75 Restoration Adept Restoration Cast Expert level Restoration spells for half magicka.
Master Restoration 100 Restoration Expert Restoration Cast Master level Restoration spells for half magicka.
1 30 Restoration Novice Restoration Magicka regenerates 25% faster.
30 60
Recovery 2 Restoration Magicka regenerates 50% faster.
Avoid Death 90 Restoration Recovery Once a day, heals 250 points automatically if you fall below 10% health.
Regeneration 20 Restoration Novice Restoration Healing spells cure 50% more.
Necromage 70 Restoration Regeneration All spells are more effective against undead.
Respite 40 Restoration Novice Restoration Healing spells also restore Stamina.
Dual casting a Restoration spell overcharges the effects into an even more powerful
Restoration Dual Casting 20 Restoration Novice Restoration version.
Ward Absorb 60 Restoration Novice Restoration Wards recharge your magicka when hit with spells.
Steel Smithing Can create Steel armor and weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much.
Arcane Blacksmith 60 Smithing Steel Smithing You can improve magical weapons and armor.
Dwarven Smithing 30 Smithing Steel Smithing Can create Dwarven armor and weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much.
Orcish Smithing 50 Smithing Dwarven Smithing Can create Orcish armor and weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much.
Ebony Smithing 80 Smithing Orcish Smithing Can create Ebony armor and weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much.
Daedric Smithing 90 Smithing Ebony Smithing Can create Daedric armor and weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much.
Elven Smithing 30 Smithing Steel Smithing Can create Elven armor and weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much.
Advanced Armors 50 Smithing Elven Smithing Can create Scaled and Plate armor at forges, and improve them twice as much.
Glass Smithing 70 Smithing Advanced Armors Can create Glass armor and weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much.
Daedric Smithing or
Dragon Armor 100 Smithing Glass Smithing Can create Dragon armor at forges, and improve them twice as much.
2 60 Two-handed Attacks with greatswords have a 15% chance of doing more critical damage. Champion's Stance 20 Two-handed Barbarian Power attacks with two-handed weapons cost 25% less stamina.
Standing power attacks do 25% bonus damage with a chance
Deep Wounds 3 30 90 Two-handed Attacks with greatswords have a 20% chance of doing even more critical damage. Devastating Blow 50 Two-handed Champion's Stance to decapitate your enemies.
Can do a two-handed power attack while sprinting that does
1 30 Two-handed Barbarian Attacks with battle axes cause extra bleeding damage. Great Critical Charge 50 Two-handed Champion's Stance double critical damage.
Sideways power attacks with two-handed weapons hit all
2 60 Two-handed Attacks with battle axes cause more bleeding damage. Sweep 70 Two-handed Great Critical Charge or Devastating Blow targets in front of you.
Backwards power attack has a 25% chance to paralyze the
Limbsplitter 3 30 90 Two-handed Attacks with battle axes cause even more bleeding damage. Warmaster 100 Two-handed Sweep target.
1 30 Two-handed Barbarian Attacks with warhammers ignore 25% of armor. 1 30 Two-handed Barbarian Attacks with greatswords have a 10% chance of doing critical damage.
Attacks with greatswords have a 15% chance of doing more
2 60 Two-handed Attacks with warhammers ignore 50% of armor. 2 60 Two-handed critical damage.
Attacks with greatswords have a 20% chance of doing even
Skullcrusher 3 30 90 Two-handed Attacks with warhammers ignore 75% of armor. Deep Wounds 3 30 90 Two-handed more critical damage.
1 30 Two-handed Barbarian Attacks with battle axes cause extra bleeding damage.
2 60 Two-handed Attacks with battle axes cause more bleeding damage.
Limbsplitter 3 30 90 Two-handed Attacks with battle axes cause even more bleeding damage.
1 30 Two-handed Barbarian Attacks with warhammers ignore 25% of armor.
2 60 Two-handed Attacks with warhammers ignore 50% of armor.
Skullcrusher 3 30 90 Two-handed Attacks with warhammers ignore 75% of armor.
Perk Rank Skill Req. Perk Req. Description
1 Pickpocketing bonus of 20%. Item weight and value reduce pickpocketing odds.
2 20 Pickpocket Pickpocketing bonus of 40%. Item weight and value reduce pickpocketing odds.
3 40 Pickpocket Pickpocketing bonus of 60%. Item weight and value reduce pickpocketing odds.
4 60 Pickpocket Pickpocketing bonus of 80%. Item weight and value reduce pickpocketing odds.
Light Fingers 5 80 Pickpocket Pickpocketing bonus of 100%. Item weight and value reduce pickpocketing odds.
Night Thief 30 Pickpocket Light Fingers +25% chance to pickpocket if the target is asleep.
Cutpurse 40 Pickpocket Night Thief Pickpocketing gold is 50% easier.
Keymaster 60 Pickpocket Cutpurse Pickpocketing keys almost always works.
Misdirection 70 Pickpocket Cutpurse Can pickpocket equipped weapons.
Perfect Touch 100 Pickpocket Misdirection Can pickpocket equipped items.
Extra Pockets 50 Pickpocket Night Thief Carrying capacity is increased by 100.
Poisoned 40 Pickpocket Night Thief Silently harm enemies by placing poisons in their pockets.
Investor 70 Speech Merchant Can invest 500 gold with a shopkeeper to increase his available gold permanently.
Fence 90 Speech Investor Can barter stolen goods with any merchant you have invested in.
Master Trader 100 Speech Fence Every merchant in the world gains 1000 gold for bartering.
Bribery 50 Speech Haggling Can bribe guards to ignore crimes.
Persuasion 50 Speech Bribery Persuasion attempts are 30% easier.
Intimidation 70 Speech Persuasion Intimidation is twice as successful.
Physician 20 Alchemy Alchemist Potions you mix that restore Health, Magicka or Stamina are 25% more powerful.
Benefactor 30 Alchemy Physician Potions you mix with beneficial effects have an additional 25% greater magnitude.
1 50 Alchemy Benefactor Eating an ingredient reveals first two effects.
2 70 Alchemy Eating an ingredient reveals first three effects.
Experimenter 3 50 90 Alchemy Eating an ingredient reveals all its effects.
Poisoner 30 Alchemy Physician Poisons you mix are 25% more effective.
Concentrated Poison 60 Alchemy Poisoner Poisons applied to weapons last for twice as many hits.
Green Thumb 70 Alchemy Concentrated Poison Two ingredients are gathered from plants.
Snakeblood 80 Alchemy Experimenter or Concentrated Poison 50% resistance to all poisons.
All negative effects are removed from created potions, and all positive effects are
Purity 100 Alchemy Experimenter removed from created poisons.
Combat Skill Trainers Stealth Skills Trainers Magic Skills Trainers
Heavy Armor Sneak Trainers Alteration Trainers
Journeyman Trainer Journeyman Trainer Journeyman Trainer
Find Hermir Strongheart in the Windhelm. Find Khayla at the Khajiit Caravans. Find Melaran in Solitude.
Master Trainer
Find Mazir in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary.
Agent of dibella + 10% melee damage to the oppisite sex
Temple quest: The heart of dibella
Ancient Knowledge 25% armor if wearing all dwarven armor. your smithing increases 15% faster
Side quest: Unfathumable Depths
Archmage's Authority Better pricers from members of the college ( 50% Enthir, 10% others)
Quest: The eye of magnus
Dragon Infusion You take 25% less melee damage from dragons
Quest: Dragon research
Force without effort You stagger 25% less, and foes stagger 25% more
Meditations on the words of power
Sinderion's serendipity When you make a potion, you have a 25% chance of creating a second.
Side quest : Return to your roots
The fire within Your Fire breath shout deals 25% more damage
Quest: Meditations on the words of power
Temporary abilities
Voice of the sky animals wont attack you or flee from you, lasts 1 day
Complete the pilgrimage of 7 thousand steps.
Alteration (science)
Conjuration (science)
Destruction (science)
Enchanting (tech)
Illusion (science)
Restoration (science)
Archery Ranged
Block melee
Heavy Armor Discipline? What would it do
One-handed melee
Smithing Craft
Two-handed melee
Alchemy Medicine
Light Armor Athletics?
Lockpicking Covert
Pickpocket Covert
Sneak Covert
Speech Influence
Athletics Armour
Covert Lockpicking Pickpocket Sneak
Craft Smithing
Discipline Concentration (Will + Concentration as an action to regain Magicka points)
Drive X
Guns X
Heavy Weapons X
Influence Speech
Mechanic* X
Medicine* Alchemy Keep first aid as non magical skill
Melee Weapons Block(shield) One-handed Two-handed
Pilot* X
Ranged Weapons bow
Science* X(magic) Alteration Conjuration Destruction Illusion Restoration
Fire Frost Storm Insightful Corpus
Tech* X(Enchanting) Enchanter Enchanter Enchanter Enchanter Enchanter
Unarmed Combat
egain Magicka points)
Cortex Oblivion Skyrim
Agility: Speed, Agility
Strength: Strength Stamina
Vitality: Endurance Health
Intelligence: Intelligence
Willpower: Willpower, Personality Magic
Magcika(new) Int+Will (total points)
Endurance Vit+Will (as dice) Use for running, power attacks, etc avg roll, if failed
gue, as well as your starting health and your health gain upon leveling up.
do in a small way.
umbrance, your total Fatigue and the damage done by melee attacks.
+10 Intelligence
-10 Strength and Speed
+10 Intelligence
-10 Strength and Endurance
[edit] TraitsHigh Elf Enhanced Magicka ability (FormID 00047ADC): Fortify Magicka 100 points on Self, constant
High Elf Disease Resistance ability (FormID 00047AD7): Resist Disease 75% on Self, constant
High Elf Elemental Weakness ability (FormID 00014D52): Weakness to Fire, Frost & Shock 25% on Self, constant
This reptilian race, well-suited for the treacherous swamps of their homeland, has developed natural immunities to diseases
+10 Intelligence
-10 Endurance and Personality
[edit] TraitsArgonian Disease Resistance ability (FormID 00047ACE): Resist Disease 75% on Self, constant
Argonian Poison Immunity ability (FormID 00047ACD): Resist Poison 100% on Self, constant
Argonian Water Breathing ability (FormID 00047AD6): Water Breathing on Self, constant
The clanfolk of the Western Valenwood forests, also known as "Bosmer." Wood Elves are nimble and quick, making them g
[edit] TraitsBeast Tongue greater power (FormID 00047AE9): Command Creature up to level 5 (20 points) for 60 seconds o
Wood Elf Disease Resistance ability (FormID 00047AE8): Resist Disease 75% on Self, constant
In addition to their quick and perceptive grasp of spellcraft, even the humblest of Bretons can boast a resistance to magical
+10 Intelligence and Willpower
-10 Agility, Speed, and Endurance
[edit] TraitsBreton Enhanced Magicka ability (FormID 00047AD2): Fortify Magicka 50 points on Self, constant
Breton Magic Resistance ability (FormID 00047AD1): Resist Magic 50% on self, constant
Dragon Skin greater power (FormID 00047AD0): Shield 50% for 60 seconds on self, once per day
Also known as "Dunmer" in their homeland of Morrowind, the Dark Elves are noted for their skilled and balanced integration
+10 Speed
-10 Willpower and Personality
+10 Speed
-10 Willpower and Endurance
[edit] TraitsAncestor Guardian greater power (FormID 00047AD5): Summon Ancestor Guardian for 60 seconds on self, onc
Dark Elf Fire Resistance ability (FormID 00047AD4): Resist Fire 75% on Self, constant
Natives of the civilized, cosmopolitan province of Cyrodiil, they have proved to be shrewd diplomats and traders. They are s
+10 Personality
-10 Agility and Willpower
+10 Personality
-10 Agility and Speed
[edit] TraitsStar of the West greater power (Form ID 00047ADE): Absorb Fatigue 100 points on Touch, once per day
Voice of the Emperor greater power (Form ID 00047ADD): Charm 30 points for 30 seconds on Target, once per day
Hailing from the province of Elsweyr, they are intelligent, quick, and agile. They make excellent thieves due to their natural a
+10 Agility
-10 Willpower and Endurance
+10 Agility
-10 Willpower and Strength
[edit] TraitsEye of Fear greater power (Form ID 00047ADF): Demoralize up to level 25 (100 points) for 30 seconds on Targe
Eye of Night lesser power (Form ID 00047AE0): Night-Eye for 30 seconds on Self (0 magicka cost)
Citizens of Skyrim, they are a tall and fair-haired people. Strong and hardy, Nords are famous for their resistance to cold. Th
+10 Strength
-10 Intelligence and Personality
[edit] TraitsNordic Frost greater power (FormID 00047AE4): Frost Damage 50 points on Touch, once per day
Woad greater power (FormID 00047AE3): Shield 30% for 60 seconds on Self, once per day
Nord Frost Immunity ability (FormID 00047AE2): Resist Frost 50% on Self, constant
The people of the Wrothgarian and Dragontail Mountains, Orcish armorers are prized for their craftsmanship. Orc troops in
+10 Endurance
+5 Strength and Willpower
-15 Personality
-10 Speed
-5 Agility
[edit] TraitsBerserk greater power (FormID 00047AD3). All of the following for 60 seconds on Self, once per day:
Fortify Fatigue 200 points
Fortify Health 20 points
Fortify Strength 50 points
Drain Agility 100 points
Orc Magic Resistance ability (FormID 00047ACF): Resist Magic 25% on Self, constant
The most naturally talented warriors in Tamriel. In addition to their cultural affinities for many weapon and armor styles, they
+10 Endurance
-10 Intelligence and Willpower
TraitsAdrenaline Rush greater power (FormID 00047AE7). All of the following for 60 seconds on Self, once per day:
Fortify Agility 50 points
Fortify Endurance 50 points
Fortify Speed 50 points
Fortify Strength 50 points
Fortify Health 25 points
Redguard Disease Resistance ability (FormID 00047AE6): Resist Disease 75% on Self, constant
Redguard Poison Resistance ability (FormID 00047AE5): Resist Poison 75% on Self, constant
(Wood Elves)
Claws do 15 damage.
Nord Skyrim Resist Frost 50%
Orc Orsinium 0
Natural Spell Once per day, no magic cost, Uses Will instead of
Agility: Alertness:
Strength: Vitality:
Intelligence: Willpower:
Magcika(new) Int+Will (total points)
Endurance Vit+Will (as dice) Use for running, power attacks, etc avg roll, if failed take a point of stun.
Increase melee from d4 to d6, cost 6xp, Add 6 xp to strength
Increase melee from d6 to d8, cost 6xp, Add 6 xp to strength
Strength now has 12xp allocated to it, spend 4xp on strength (total now 16) to increase strength.
eloped natural immunities to diseases and poisons. They can breathe water and are good at picking locks.
5% on Self, constant
are nimble and quick, making them good scouts and thieves, and there are no finer archers in all of Tamriel. Their ability to command si
ns can boast a resistance to magical energies. They are particularly skilled at summoning and healing magic.
oints on Self, constant
their skilled and balanced integration of the sword, the bow and destruction magic. They are resistant to fire and can summon an ances
wd diplomats and traders. They are skilled with heavy armor and in the social skills and tend to favor the warrior classes.
excellent thieves due to their natural agility and unmatched acrobatics skill. All Khajiit can see in the dark.
(100 points) for 30 seconds on Target, once per day
magicka cost)
amous for their resistance to cold. They are highly talented warriors.
or their craftsmanship. Orc troops in heavy armor are among the finest in the Empire, and are fearsome when using their berserker rage
Command Animal
Night Eye
Once per day, make a concentration roll at the end of each of your next three turns as a free action
Can breath and move without penalty under water
Add d6 when resisting diseases
Natural spell - Lesser Ward
Natural spell - Fire cloak
Natural spell - Calm
Enhanced Sense d8 - see at night
Natural spell - Fear
Once per day, add 3 steps to Strength and Vitality for your next three turns
Can use second wind twice per day instead of once
thieves, and there are no finer archers in all of Tamriel. Their ability to command simple creatures is well-known.
vy armor and in the social skills and tend to favor the warrior classes.
e among the finest in the Empire, and are fearsome when using their berserker rage.
ardy constitution and a natural resistance to disease and poison.
Initial Bonuses
+10 Illusion 35 magic30
+5 Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Enchanting, Restoration Enchant 5
Additional Spell: Fury alchemy
+10 Lockpicking
at the end of each of your next three turns as a free action Magic d6 Enchanting d2
Natural spell - Fast Healing Covert d6 Magic d2
Animal Empathy d4 ranged wpn d4 covert d4
Magic d6 alchemy d2
Magic d4 alchemy d2
Magic d4 Enchanting d2
Covert d4 ranged wpn d2
Melee d4 Smith d2
nd Vitality for your next three turns Melee d4 Enchanting d2
ead of once Melee d4 Magic d2
0 2
5 6
5 2
0 6
5 2
5 4
0 4
5 4
10 4
alchemy d2 Discarded Once per day use one action to restore magicka to full
athletics d2
alchemy d2
Influence d2
covert d2 athletics d2
Melee d4
Melee d2 unarmed d2
Influence d2 athletics d2
Smith d2 athletics d2
ranged wpn d2 Smith d2