Trauma MCQ Di
Trauma MCQ Di
Trauma MCQ Di
3. Which of the following will cause a right shift to the oxygen dissociation
a. Decreased pH.
b. Decreased temp
c. Decreased PaCO2.
d. Decreased 2,3 DPG.
e. All of the above will cause a left shift.
4. Which is INCORRECT?
a. Nearly 70% of circulating blood volume is in the venous system.
b. In most cases tachycardia is the earliest measurable sign of shock.
c. Vasopressors are contraindicated in the treatment of haemorrhagic
d. A widened pulse pressure usually signifies significant blood loss.
e. The first ultrastructral evidence of cellular hypoxia is swelling of
endoplasmic reticulum.
1=C 2=C 3=A 4=D 5=B 6=E 7=C 8=C 9=E 10=A
11. Which is an incorrect statement regarding emergency thoracotomy?
a. Usually anterolateral incision left 5th intercostal space.
b. Indicated in EMD arrest secondary to blunt chest trauma.
c. Cross clamping descending aorta will direct the 60% of CO above the
diaphragm to triple blood flow to coronaries and carotids.
d. External cardiac massage in EMD secondary to chest trauma is
e. All of the above are correct.
18. Which of the following has not been associated with secondary brain injury?
a. Hypoxia
b. Hyperthermia
c. Hyperglycaemia
d. Anaemia
e. All of the following are.
20. Which of the following findings on Neuro exam does not fit clinical scenario?
a. Fixed dilated pupils bilateral uncal herniation.
b. Fixed pinpoint pupils bilaterally pontine lesion.
c. Decorticate posturing injury above midbrain
d. Decerebrate posturing injury below midbrain.
e. Bilateral nystagmus away from ear with caloric testing structural or
physiological dysfunction in brainstem.
21. Which is not an accepted treatment of patients with severe head injury and ICP
>40 mmHg.
a. Correct hypovolemia with isotonic saline.
b. Mannitol 1 g/kg of 20% mannitol.
c. Elevation of head to 30 degrees.
d. Loading with phenytoin 15-18 mg/kg.
e. Hydrocortisone 100 mg/ 6 hrly.
24. A patient presents following a MVA with eye opening to pain, groaning and on
painful stimulus flexing arms and extending legs. What is his GCS?
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8
e. 9
29. Above which level will the patient be tetraplegic rather than paraplegic?
a. C7
b. C8
c. T1
d. T2
e. T3
27=E 28=C 29=C 30=A 31=D 32=E 33=C 34=D 35=B 36=E
37. Which is incorrect of genitourinary trauma?
a. Urethral injuries are uncommon in women
b. Microscopic hematuria with flank haematoma can be safely
c. Rapid deceleration forces can cause renal pedicle injuries.
d. IVP is not as good as CT for assessing renal injuries.
e. Renal rupture requires nephrectomy.
18.Which cranial nerve does not travel through the orbital foramen?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
e) 6
20.Which facial view xray is the best for examining the orbits and midface?
a) OPG
b) Waters or occipitomental
c) Caldwell or PA view
d) Submental vertex
e) Towne
29.What is the largest size haemothorax that an injury to an intercostals artery can
a) Negligible-50ml
b) Small= 200ml
c) Moderate=600ml
d) Large = 1200ml
e) Massive=>1600ml
32.Which part of the heart is most often damaged in blunt cardiac trauma?
a) RV
b) LV
c) RA
d) RV
e) Interventricular septum
33.What percentage of pts with blunt trauma to the aorta who survive to hospital will
be dead within 24 hours if left untreated?
a) 10%
b) 20%
c) 30%
d) 40%
e) 50%
34.What is the next step if you see a stable patient with a good mechanism of injury
for traumatic aortic dissection and a widdenend mediastinum on CXR?
a) MRI
b) OT
c) Spiral CT
d) Aortography
e) TOE
35.Which sign on CXR is most specific and sensitive for traumatic aortic dissection?
a) widened mediastinum
b) oesophageal deviation of >2cm to right at level of T4
c) obscuration of the aortic knob
d) small left hemthorax
e) depression of the R main bronchus >40 degress below horizontal
39.What percentage of a 1 year old child is burnt if their anterior torso and all of R
arm are burnt?
a) 10%
b) 15%
c) 24%
d) 32%
e) 49%
18)C 19)A 20)B 21)B 22)D 23)C 24)C 25)A 26)D 27)C 28)D
30)E 31)A 32)A 33)E 34)B 35)A 36)D 37)D 38)E 39)C 40)A
42)D 43)D