Gupta Macroeconomic (2013)

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Macroeconomic Variables and South African Stock Return

Rangan Gupta# and Mampho P. Modise $


We examine both in-sample and out-of-sample predictability of South African stock

return using macroeconomic variables. We base our analysis on a predictive regression
framework, using monthly data covering the in-sample period between 1990:01 and
1996:12, and the out-of sample period commencing from 1997:01 to 2010:06. For the in-
sample test, we use the t-statistic corresponding to the slope coefficient of the predictive
regression model, and for the out-of-sample tests we employ the MSE-F and the ENC-
NEW test statistics. When using multiple variables in a predictive regression model, the
results become susceptible to data mining. To guard against this, we employ a bootstrap
procedure to construct critical values that account for data mining. Further, we use a
procedure that combines the in-sample general-to-specific model selection with tests of
out-of-sample forecasting ability to examine the significance of each macro variable in
explaining the stock returns behaviour. In addition, we use a diffusion index approach by
extracting a principal component from the macro variables, and test the predictive power
thereof. For the in-sample tests, our results show that different interest rate variables,
world oil production growth, as well as, money supply have some predictive power at
certain short-horizons. For the out-of-sample forecasts, only interest rates and money
supply show short-horizon predictability. Further, the inflation rate shows very strong
out-of-sample predictive power from 6-months-ahead horizons. A real time analysis
based on a subset of variables that underwent revisions, resulted in deterioration of the
predictive power of these variables compared to the fully revised data available for
2010:6. The diffusion index yields statistically significant results for only four specific
months over the out-of-sample horizon. When accounting for data mining, both the in-
sample and the out-of-sample test statistics for both the individual regressions and the
diffusion index become insignificant at all horizons. The general-to-specific model
confirms the importance of different interest rate variables in explaining the behaviour of
stock returns, despite their inability to predict stock returns, when accounting for data

Keywords: Stock return predictability; Macro variables; In-sample tests; Out-of-sample

tests; Data mining; General-to-specific model.

JEL Codes: C22, C52, C53, G12, G14.

We would like to thank two anonymous referees for many helpful comments. Any remaining errors are,
however, solely ours.
# To whom correspondence should be addressed. Department of Economics, University of Pretoria,

Pretoria, 0002, South Africa. Email:

$ Department of Economics, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 0002, South Africa. Email:
1. Introduction

The current uncertainties regarding the fragile global economic recovery continue to
highlight the importance of accurately forecasting the path of the leading indicators of
the economy. There exists wide international evidence (Gupta and Hartley, 2011) that
asset prices, including stock prices, help in predicting output and inflation by acting as
leading indicators (see Stock and Watson, 2003, and Forni et al., 2003 for excellent
summaries in this regard). More recently, Gupta and Hartley (2011) highlight the
importance of asset prices, especially stock prices, in forecasting inflation and output for
South Africa. In addition, the fact that there are major (asymmetric) spillovers from the
stock market to the real sector of the economy has also been depicted by a wide number
of recent international studies, for example, Lettau and Ludvigson (2001, 2004), Lettau et
al. (2002), Apergis and Miller, (2004, 2005a, b, 2006), Rapach and Strauss (2006, 2007),
Pavlidis et al. (2009) to name a few, and for South Africa by Das et al. (forthcoming).
Hence, obtaining accurate predictions of stock prices cannot be understated, since if
predicted accurately, the forecasts not only paves a path for relevant policy decision in
advance, but can also provide important information for policy makers to appropriately
design policies to avoid the impending crisis.

In a recent study, Gupta and Modise (2012a), using monthly South African data for
1990:01-2009:10, examined the in-sample predictability of real stock prices based on
valuation ratios, namely, price-dividend and price-earnings ratios. The authors could not
reject the hypothesis that the current value of a valuation ratio is uncorrelated with future
stock price changes at both short- and long-run horizons. Realising that, since it is
possible for a variable to carry significant out-of-sample information even when it is not
the case in-sample (Rapach et al., 2005; Rapach and Wohar, 2006), and also the need to
incorporate the role played by stock returns of major trading partners of South Africa in
explaining the future path of real stock returns. Gupta and Modise (2012b) use a wide set
of financial variables, as well as international stock returns, for analyzing both in- and
out-of-sample stock return predictability. They show that, with in-sample only the stock
returns of the major trading partners have predictive power at certain short- and long-run
horizons. For the out-of-sample, the Treasury bill rate and the term spread together with
the stock returns of the major trading partners show predictive power both at short- and
long-run horizons. However, when the authors accounted for data mining, the maximal
out-of-sample test statistics became insignificant from 6-months onwards, suggesting
that the evidence of out-of-sample predictability at longer horizons is due to data mining.

Against this backdrop of limited predictability of stock returns in South Africa based on
financial variables, we follow the vast international literature (see Rapach et al., 2005 for a
detailed literature review in this regard) in investigating the predictability of stock returns
using macro variables. The choice of using macro variables for stock return predictability
is quite natural, since these macroeconomic variables tend to influence not only the
firms expected cash flows, but also, the rate of discount for the same cash flows (Rapach
et al., 2005). In addition, as indicated by Breeden (1979), Campbell and Cochrane (1999)
and Merton (1973), macro variables are key state variables in intertemporal assets-pricing
models and represent priced factors in Arbitrage Pricing Theory (Ross, 1976), besides
playing a role in affecting future investment opportunities and consumption. Further to
assessing the predictive power of individual macro variables, we combine the information
from these macro variables and extract a principal component (diffusion index) to allow
for a simultaneous role of the macro variables. The diffusion index effectively
summarizes the information from the twelve macro variables used in our analysis, which
is then used to test for predictability of South African stock returns, in an attempt to
verify if combining information from all the macro variable help in improving the
prediction of stock returns.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to employ a wide array of
macroeconomic variables, drawn from the extant literature, to examine both in-sample
and out-of-sample stock return predictability in South Africa in the context of a
predictive regression framework the empirical workhorse used in forecasting stock
returns. Besides, standard macroeconomic variables like the inflation rate, money stocks,
aggregate output, (un)employment rate, interest rates, term spreads on bonds, we also
consider world oil production and the refiner acquisition cost of imported crude oil to
capture the impact developments on both the demand- and supply-sides of the global oil
market, following the suggestions of Peersman and Van Robays (2009). The authors
indicate that the underlying source of the crude oil price shift is crucial in determining the
exact repercussions on the real and financial sectors of the economy. Although focusing
on the US, Kilian and Park (2007) also show that the response of stock returns may
differ greatly depending on whether the increase in the price of crude oil is driven by
demand or supply shocks in the oil market.

Our time series data covers the in-sample period of 1990:01 to 1996:12 and the out-of-
sample period of 1997:01 to 2010:06, with the latter covering the Asian financial crisis,
South Africas decision to move to an inflation targeting regime in 2000, the currency
crisis in 2002, and finally the US sub-prime crisis. For in-sample predictability, we use the
t-statistic corresponding to the slope coefficients in a predictive regression model. For
the out-of-sample period, we use the MSE-F and the ENC-NEW test statistics
developed by Clark and McCracken (2001) and McCracken (2004). To account for data
mining since both the in-sample and the out-of-sample test statistics are subjected to
data mining when one uses a large number of predictors (Inoue and Kilian, 2002) we
compute appropriate critical values for all the test statistics using a data-mining-robust
bootstrap procedure. We also use a methodology that combines in-sample general-to-
specific model selection with tests of out-of-sample forecasting ability to assess the
importance of macro variables in explaining the behaviour of stock returns.

Our in-sample results show that most of the interest rate variables, included in our
analysis, have short-run predictive ability, while, the world oil production and money
supply have some predictive power at certain horizons. For the out-of-sample period, the
change in the inflation rate exhibits very strong predictive power over the medium- to
long-run horizons. Other variables that show some predictive ability although very
weak are the relative Treasury bill rate, term spread, narrow money supply growth,
relative money market rate and the world oil production. As we are using monthly data to
predict stock prices, it is crucial that the data used is of the same vintage, since data
revisions may be detrimental in discerning causal relationships between different time
series. In light of this, we decided to put together a real-time version of our data set.
Amongst the 12 predictors that we used, only four (industrial production, narrow money,
broad money and real effective exchange rate) of them underwent constant revisions. We
found that the forecast performance of these four predictors deteriorated both in- and
out-of-sample compared to the fully revised data available for 2010:6. For the diffusion
index predictive regression model, the in-sample predictive power is only obtained for 1-
month-ahead, 3-months-ahead, 6-months-ahead and 24-months-ahead horizons. In case
of the out-of-sample forecasting exercise, predictability is only noticeable for the 3-
months-ahead and the 6-months-ahead horizons. When investigating the predictive
ability of a number of macro variables, concerns about data mining arises naturally. To
guard against data mining, we use appropriate critical values, for both our in-sample and
out-of-sample tests. It is interesting to note that when accounting for data mining, both
the in-sample and the out-of-sample test statistics for the individual macro variables and
the diffusion index lack the predictive ability at all horizons; suggesting that data mining
is strongly evident in our results. The findings for the model that combines the in-sample
general-to-specific model selection with tests of out-of-sample forecasting ability show
that interest rates contain important information about the stock return behaviour in
South Africa, despite their inability to predict stock returns for the in-sample and out-of-
sample periods. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes
the econometric; Section 3 discusses the data and the results obtained from the models,
while, Section 4 summarises our core findings and concludes.

2. Econometric methodology

2.1 In-sample predictability

Following Rapach and Wohar (2006) and Campbell and Shiller (1998), amongst others,
we used a predictive regression framework to analyse stock return predictability. The
predictability framework takes the form,

y tk+1 = a + b zt + g y t + m tk+1 (1)

where y t is the log real return to holding stock from period t - 1 to period t ,
y tk+1 = y t +1 + ... + y t + k is the real stock returns from period t to t + k , z t represents the
fundamentals used in predicting future real stock returns and m tk+ k is the error term.
When b = 0 (our null hypothesis) then the variable z t has no predictive power for
future stock returns, while under the alternative hypothesis ( b 0 ), z t is assumed to
have predictive power for future returns. Inoue and Kilian (2002) recommend using a
one-sided alternative hypothesis if theory makes strong predictions about the sign of in
equation (1), as this increases the power of in-sample tests. Similar to Rapach et al. (2005),
for the macro variables that we consider, theory does not always make strong predictions
as to the sign of , so we use a two-sided alternative hypothesis. Following Lettau and
Ludvigson (2001) as well as Rapach et al. (2005), we include a lagged stock return term in
equation (1) as a control variable when testing the predictive ability of z t . The partial
autocorrelation function for real stock returns indicates that a single real stock return lag
is sufficient in equation (1). Our results are in line with findings in Rapach et al. (2005)
and are expected as stock returns are known to display only limited persistence. Suppose
we have observations for yt and z t for t = 1,...,T . This means that there are only
T - K usable observations with which to estimate the in-sample predictive regression
model. The predictive ability of z t is typically assessed by examining the t-statistic
corresponding to b , the OLS estimate of b in equation (1), together with the goodness
of fit measure, R 2 .

Although the predictive regression, equation (1), described above is widely used in
financial economic literature, it poses potential problems when estimating future stock
returns. The first problem is small-sample bias, as z t is not exogenous regression in
equation (1). Rapach & Wohar (2006) show a case when k = 1 to illustrate the biasness
in b . Another potential problem emerges when k > 1 in the predictive regression
model. The observations for the regression in equation (1) are overlapping when k > 1
and thus induces serial correlation in the error term, m tk+1 .1 To deal with the latter
problem, we use Newey and West (1987) standard errors, as these are robust to serial
correlation and heteroscedasticity in the error term. Further, we used the Bartlett Kerner
and the truncation parameter of [1.5 k ] - where [] is the nearest integer function
when calculating Newey and West (1987) standard errors to compute t-statistic.
However, even when robust standard errors are used to compute t-statistics, there is the
potential for serious size distortions when basing inferences on standard asymptotic
distribution theory (Nelson & Kim, 1993, Kirby, 1997 and Rapach and Wohar, 2006). To
guard against potential size distortions, we follow a procedure in much of the recent
predictability literature and base inferences concerning b in equation (1) on a bootstrap
procedure similar to the procedure in Rapach et al. (2005), Rapach & Wohar (2006),
Kilian (1999), Kothari & Shanken (1997), amongst others. Rapach and Wohar (2006) lay
out the full discussion of the bootstrap procedure that we use in our analysis. Basically
we calculate the t-statistics corresponding to b using their bootstrap procedure. We
further repeat the process 1000 times to obtain an empirical distribution for the t-
statistic. The p-value obtained is the proportion of the bootstrap statistics that are greater
than the statistic computed using the original sample.

2.2 Out-of-sample predictability

As discussed in the introduction, we also perform out-of-sample tests of stock return

predictability. For the out-of-sample tests for stock return predictability, we employ the
recursive scheme similar to Rapach and Wohar (2006) and Rapach et al. (2005). The total
sample of T observations is divided into in-sample (1990:01 to 1996:12) and out-of-
sample (1997:01 to 2010:06) portions. The in-sample observations span the first R
observations for yt and z t and the out-of-sample portion spans the last P observations
for yt and z t . The first unrestricted predictive regression model, equation (1), for the
out-of-sample forecast is generated as in Rapach et al. (2005). Firstly we estimate the
unrestricted predictive regression model via OLS with the data available through period
^ ^ ^
R. The OLS estimates in equation (1) therefore become a 1, R , b 1, R and g 1, R . Using the
OLS parameter estimates from the predictive regression in equation (1) and y R and z R ,
we construct a forecast for y Rk +1 based on the unrestricted predictive regression model
^ k ^ ^ ^
using y 1, R +1 = a 1, R + b 1, R z R + g 1, R y R . The forecast error is therefore denoted by
^ k ^k
m 1,R +1 = y Rk +1 - y1, R +1 . We next generate the forecast error for the restricted model in a
similar manner, except we set b = 0 , using the data available to period R in order to
^ ^
obtain the OLS estimates in equation (1), a 0, R and g 0, R . We construct a forecast for
^ k ^ ^
y k
R +1 based on the restricted predictive regression model using y 0, R +1 = a 0, R + g 0, R y R .

To illustrate the problem of overlapping observations in equation 1, consider a case where k = 3 .
Equation 1 can then be written as:
yt3+1 = a + b z t + g yt + mt3+1 .
where yt3+1 = yt +1 + yt +2 + yt +3 represents the continuously compounded 3-period real stock returns. The
error term mt3+1 is an element of the time t + 3 information set and is serially correlated with m t2+1 and m t+1
error terms.
The forecast error corresponding to the restricted predictive model are denoted by
^ k ^ k
m 0, R +1 = y Rk +1 - y 0, R +1

In order to generate a second set of forecasts, we update the above procedure one period
using data available through period R + 1 . That is, we estimate both the unrestricted and
the restricted predictive regression models using data available through period R + 1 and
we use these parameter estimates and the observations for y R +1 and z R +1 in order to
form unrestricted and restricted model forecasts for y Rk + 2 and their forecast errors,
^ k ^ k
m 1, R + 2 and m 0, R + 2 . We repeat this process for the entire available sample, resulting in two
^ k
sets of T - R - K + 1 recursive forecast errors. with {m 1,t +1}Tt = -Rk for the unrestricted
^ k
predictive regression model and {m 0,t +1}Tt =-Rk for the restricted model. We then compare
the out-of-sample forecasts from the restricted and the unrestricted predictive forecast
models. If the unrestricted model forecasts are superior to the restricted model forecasts,
then the variable z t improves the out-of-sample forecast of ytk+1 relative to the first-
order autocorrelation (AR) benchmark model which excludes z t . Rapach and Wohar
(2006) show that Theils U statistic is a simple metric for comparing forecasts, which is
the ratio of the unrestricted model forecast root-mean-squared error (RMSE) to the
restricted model forecast RMSE. By definition, the Theils U compares the prediction
from a given model to a random walk model. Even though we include a lagged stock
return term in the benchmark model, we still use the term Theils U. If the RMSE for the
unrestricted model forecast is less than the RMSE for the restricted model forecast, then
U < 1 . To formally test for the superiority of the unrestricted model forecast to the
restricted model forecast, we followed the MSE-F statistics in McCracken (2004) and in
Rapach and Wohar (2006) together with the ENC-NEW in Clark and McCracken (2001).
The MSE-F is the variant of the Diebold and Mariano (1995) and West (1996) statistic
designed to test for equal predictive ability. We use the MSE-F to test the null hypothesis
that the unrestricted model forecast MSE is equal to the MSE for the restricted model
against the one-sided (upper-tail) alternative that the unrestricted model forecast MSE is
less than the MSE forecast for the restricted model. The MSE-F statistic is based on the
loss differential,
^ k ^ k ^ k
d t + k = ( m 0,t +1 ) 2 - (m 1,t +1 ) 2
- T -k ^ k ^ ^
Let: d = (T - R - k + 1) -1 d t +1 = MSE 0 - MSE 1
t =R
^ T -k
where: MSE i = (T - R - k + 1) -1 ( m ik,t +1 ) 2 , i =0, 1
t =R
The McCracken (2004) MSE-F statistic is therefore given by:
MSE - F = (T - R - k + 1) d / MSE1 (2)
A significant MSE-F indicates that the unrestricted model forecasts are statistically
superior to those of the restricted model. When comparing forecasts from nested models
and for k = 1 , McCracken (2004) shows that the MSE-F statistic has a non-standard
limiting distribution that is pivotal and a function of stochastic integrals of Brownian
motion. Literature shows that the MSE-F statistic has a non-standard and non-pivotal
limiting distribution in the case of nested models and k > 1 . Given this last result Clark

and McCracken (2001) recommend using a bootstrap procedure to base inference. The
bootstrap procedure is repeated 1000 times to obtain an empirical distribution for the t-
statistic. The p-value obtained is the proportion of the bootstrap statistics that are greater
than the statistic computed using the original sample.

The second out-of-sample test statistic that we use, the ENC-NEW, relates to forecast
encompassing.2 The forecast encompassing is based on optimally constructed composite
forecasts that is, if the forecasts from the restricted regression model encompass the
unrestricted model forecasts, the macro variable included in the unrestricted model
provides no useful additional information for predicting returns relative to the restrictive
model which exclude the macro variable; but if the restricted model forecasts do not
encompass the unrestricted model forecasts, then the macro variable does contain
information useful for predicting returns beyond the information already contained in
the model that excludes the macro variable. Tests for forecasting encompassing are
equivalent to testing whether the weight attached to the unrestricted model forecasts is
zero in an optimal composite forecast composed of the restricted and unrestricted model
forecasts. The composite forecast takes the form of a convex combination of the
restricted and unrestricted model forecast. The Clack and McCracken (2001) ENC-NEW
is given by:

ENC - NEW = (T - R - k + 1) c/ MSE1 (3)
^k ^ k ^ k ^ k - T -k ^ k
c t +1 = m 0,t +1 (m 0,t +1 - m 1,t +1 ) and c = (T - R - k + 1) -1 c t +1
t =R
Under the null hypothesis, the weight attached to the unrestricted model forecasts in the
optimal composite forecast is zero, and the restricted model forecasts encompass the
unrestricted model forecast. Under the one-sided (upper-trail) alternative hypothesis, the
weight attached to the unrestricted model forecast in the optimal composite forecast is
greater than zero. This means that the restricted model forecasts do not encompass the
unrestricted model forecast.

Using the MSE-F and the ENC-NEW tests statistics for testing out-of-sample
predictability has a number of advantages including accounting for parameter uncertainty
inherent in estimating the unrestricted and the restricted model that are used to form the
competing forecast. Further, the MSE-F and the ENC-NEW statistics have good size
properties and are more powerful than other standard tests. Similar to the MSE-F, the
limiting distribution of the ENC-NEW statistic is non-standard and pivotal for k = 1
and is non-standard and non-pivotal for k > 1 when comparing forecasts from nested
models. As a result, we follow a bootstrap procedure in Rapach and Wohar (2006) as well
as in Clark and McCracken (2001) to calculate the t-statistics corresponding to the ENC-
NEW statistics. The bootstrap procedure is repeated 1000 times to obtain an empirical
distribution for the t-statistic. The p-value obtained is the proportion of the bootstrap
statistics that are greater than the statistic computed using the original sample.3

Rapach and Wohar (2006) point out that data mining becomes a concern when using a
number of variables to predict real stock returns with respect to the in-sample and out-
of-sample test statistics. To control for data mining we use appropriate critical values for

2 Clements and Hendry (1998) discuss forecast encompassing in detail.

3 For a full discussion on the bootstrap procedure used to base our in-sample and out-of-sample tests
inference see Rapach et al. (2005).
both our in-sample and out-of-sample predictability tests. We follow the data mining
procedure in Rapach and Wohar (2006) and Rapach et al. (2005) for our analysis. 4
Basically, we use the maximal MSE-F and the ENC-NEW for the out-of-sample test
statistics and the maximal t-statistic for the in-sample test statistic. We derived the
asymptotic distributions for the maximal in-sample and the out-of-sample test statistics
under the null hypothesis of no predictability and the alternative hypothesis in the data
mining environment. Due to the limiting distributions which are generally data-
dependent (making inferences based on asymptotic distributions difficult), we use a
bootstrap procedure in Rapach et al. (2005) and Rapach and Wohar (2006). The
bootstrap procedure that we follow is similar to the one discussed above, except that it is
modified to explicitly account for data mining.

2.3 Diffusion index regression

Using factor analysis we were able to summarise the information contained in the 12
macro variables into one5 diffusing index ( Ft ) and use it in equation 1 instead of the
individual predictors z t . This helps with the problem of in-sample over-fitting when
using a large number of variables (Ludvigson and Ng, 2007, 2009; Rapach and Zhou,
forthcoming). Note that, we check for the possibility of data-mining in this case as well,
by checking the significance of the out-of-sample statistics obtained from the diffusion
index model, using the data-mining critical values generated for the twelve
macroeconomic variables considered together.
2.4 General-to-specific model specification

Besides analysing each of the macro variables individually, we use a procedure used by
Clark (2004) in an effort to identify the best forecasting model for South Africa. We
start with the following general form of the predictive regression model:

y tk+1 = a + b 1 z1,t + ... + b M z M ,t + g y t + m tk+1 (4)

This model is estimated using data only from the in-sample portion of the overall sample.
We then analyse each of the t-statistics corresponding to the z j ,t variables in equation
(4). If the absolute value of the smallest t-statistic is greater than or equal to 1.645, we
select the model that includes all M of the z j ,t variables. However, if the smallest t-
statistic is less than 1.645, we exclude that z j ,t variable which corresponds to the smallest
t-statistic in the next model that we consider. We follow this approach until all of the
z j ,t variables included in the model have significant t-statistics. If not, we select the
model that excludes all of the z j ,t variables. Since the benchmark model include the
intercept and lagged stock return terms, we always include these two terms. If at least one
of the z j ,t variables is selected in the best forecasting model, we then compare the out-
of-sample forecast generated by the best selected model to the out-of-sample forecasts
for stock returns generated by the benchmark model. As before, we form out-of-sample

4 For a full discussion on the bootstrap procedure used to calculate critical values that account for data
mining for both in-sample and out-of-sample test statistics see Rapach et al. (2005), as well as, Rapach and
Wohar (2006).
5 The choice of one factor was confirmed when we formally tested for the optimal number of factor(s)

based on the test proposed by Alessi et al., (2010) for data sets with relatively small number of variables (N)
compared to the length of the time series (T). The details of this test are available upon request from the
forecasts by recursively updating the data, and then compare out-of-sample forecasts
from the competing models using the MSE-F and ENC-NEW statistics.

Note the main aspect of the general-to-specific approach is to select the forecasting
model using data only from the in-sample before carrying out the out-of-sample forecasts
(Clark, 2004). We generate p-values for the out-of-sample statistics to avoid model
overfitting by employing a data-mining robust bootstrap, details of which are provided in
Rapach et al., (2005).

3. Empirical results

3.1 Data analysis

We use monthly data from 1990:01 to 1996:12 for the in-sample period and 1997:07 to
2010:06 as the out-of-sample period for the stock returns and the other financial
variables. The variables are discussed below:

Relative long-term bond yield: Difference between the long-term government bond yield and
a 12-month backward-looking moving average;
Relatively 90 days Treasury bill rate: Difference between the 90 days Treasury bill rate and a
12-month backward-looking moving average;
Term spread: Difference between long-term government bond yield and the 90 days
Treasury bill rate;
Employment growth rate: First difference in the log-levels of employment;
The inflation rate: First difference in the log-levels of the consumer price index;
Real effective exchange rate: First difference in log-levels of real effective exchange rate index;
Broad money supply growth rate: First difference in the log-levels of real broadly defined
money stock;
Narrow money supply growth rate: First difference in the log-levels of real narrowly defined
money stock;
Industrial production growth rate: First difference in the log-levels of industrial production;
Relatively money market rate: Difference between the prime rate and the 12-month
backward-looking moving average;
World oil production growth rate: First difference in the log-levels of the world production;
Crude oil price growth rate: Refiner acquisition cost of imported crude oil growth rate in real
terms. To obtain the rand denominated price, we use the rand/dollar exchange rate, and
then deflate the nominal value using the consumer price index to obtain the real crude oil
Note, the data was obtained from the South African Reserve Bank, Statistics South
Africa, Bloomberg and the US Energy Information Administration websites. Further,
barring the Treasury bill rate and the inflation rate, for which we use the first difference,
all the other variables were found to be stationary based on standard unit roots tests.6
Following Rapach et al. (2005), we measure interest rates as deviations from a backward
moving average. This is because, if real interest rates play a crucial role in determining
stock returns, then measuring the interest rate as deviations from a backward-looking
moving average may go some way towards making the nominal interest rate effectively a
real interest rate. That is, as the behaviour of expected inflation is such that most of the
fluctuations in the relative nominal interest rate reflect movements in the relative real
component. We also use growth rates for the other variables, all in an effort to have
macro variables that are stationary. We measure real stock return as the first difference in

6 The unit root tests are available upon request from the authors.
the log-levels of real stock price. The nominal stock price is measured by the All Share
Stock Index (ALSI), and is converted to its real value by deflating it with the consumer
price index. Table 1 reports the descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) for
each of the macro variables.

Table 1: Descriptive statistics, monthly data (1990:01-2010:06)

Variable Mean deviation
Allshare index (Real stick returns) ALI 0.084 2.190
Relative long-term bond yield LTB 0.175 0.917
Relative 90-days Treasury bill rate TRB 0.236 1.380
Term-spread TS 0.826 1.943
Employment growth rate ER -0.013 0.446
Inflation rate CCPI -0.046 0.574
Real effective exchange rate REER 0.000 0.014
Broader money supply growth rate M3 0.005 0.006
Narrow money supply growth rate M1 0.005 0.018
Industrial production growth rate IP 0.000 0.012
Relative money market rate PR 0.227 1.434
World oil production growth rate WOP 0.000 0.004
Crude oil price growth rate OIL 10.379 38.903

3.2 Analysing the individual predictive ability of each of the macro variables

We use monthly data from 1990:01 to 1996:12 for the in-sample predictive regression
and from 1997:01 to 2010:06 for the out-of-sample tests. The macro variables we use
(long-term bond, Treasury bill rate, term spread, employment, inflation, real effective
exchange rate, broad and narrow money supply, industrial production, and money market
rate) appear in vast financial economics literature. We further include two different oil
measures to capture the supply and demand shocks to the economy. We use refiner
acquisition cost of imported crude oil to capture the supply shock, while the world oil
production variable is used as a demand shock variable (Pearsman and Van Robays,
2009). Our in-sample and out-of-sample predictive test statistic results for horizons 1, 3,
6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and 24 are reported in Table 2. Specifically, Table 2 reports the in-sample
test statistics and the out-of-sample test statistics, the MSE-F and the ENC-New test
statistics. We are more interested in the out-of-sample predictive ability of the macro
variables as this period is affected by a number of global shocks as well as a change in the
South Africa monetary policy regime. The p-values for the in-sample and the out-of-
sample test statistics reported in Table 2 are generated using the bootstrap procedure
described above and the brackets-bold entries indicate significant at the 10% confidence

The results reported in Table 2 show that interest rate variables (relative Treasury bill
rate, term spread and the relative money market rate) appear to be the most consistent
and reliable in-sample and out-of-sample predictions of stock returns at shorter horizons
(1, 3 and 6-month-ahead horizons). The short-run predictive ability of interest rates for
the entire sample period is also evident in Ang and Bekaert (2001). The relative long-term

Table 2: In-sample and out-of-sample predictability test results,
1997:01-2010:06 out-of-sample period
1 3 6 9 12 15 18 24
Relative long-term bond yield
Estimated 0.186 0.657 1.442 1.673 1.694 1.346 0.907 1.762
t-statistics 1.349 1.887 1.838 1.402 1.150 0.834 0.615 1.138
[0.074] [0.044] [0.057] [0.117] [0.151] [0.227] [0.277] [0.157]
R2 0.099 0.051 0.050 0.044 0.036 0.018 0.007 0.021
Theil's U 1.004 1.004 1.003 1.007 1.007 1.013 1.014 1.007
MSE-F -1.235 -1.198 -0.948 -2.001 -2.123 -3.680 -3.867 -1.977
[0.545] [0.261] [0.220] [0.303] [0.328] [0.503] [0.542] [0.399]
ENC-NEW -0.170 0.523 1.016 -0.198 -0.771 -1.648 -1.774 -0.581
[0.420] [0.261] [0.278] [0.402] [0.481] [0.674] [0.706] [0.526]

Relative 90-days Treasury bill rate

Estimated 0.315 0.982 1.263 1.356 1.472 1.562 2.216 4.103
t-statistics 2.274 2.823 1.732 1.194 1.031 0.919 1.174 1.686
[0.006] [0.010] [0.090] [0.162] [0.189] [0.218] [0.175] [0.097]
R2 0.111 0.075 0.039 0.029 0.027 0.023 0.039 0.106
Theil's U 1.004 0.981 0.991 1.015 1.015 1.020 1.029 1.020
MSE-F -1.157 6.301 2.811 -4.484 -4.311 -5.829 -7.931 -5.280
[0.508] [0.021] [0.109] [0.403] [0.423] [0.513] [0.633] [0.532]
ENC-NEW 0.727 5.248 2.443 -1.067 -1.337 -1.610 -0.066 6.692
[0.159] [0.058] [0.199] [0.489] [0.557] [0.601] [0.418] [0.140]

Term spread
Estimated 0.246 0.781 1.086 1.515 1.923 2.359 3.078 3.188
t-statistics 1.818 1.805 1.350 1.322 1.386 1.509 1.670 1.358
[0.037] [0.059] [0.151] [0.147] [0.167] [0.122] [0.139] [0.200]
R2 0.105 0.060 0.031 0.038 0.047 0.056 0.082 0.067
Theil's U 0.998 0.993 1.001 1.008 1.009 1.008 1.003 1.015
MSE-F 0.695 2.372 -0.259 -2.283 -2.709 -2.463 -0.897 -4.024
[0.081] [0.074] [0.196] [0.219] [0.256] [0.234] [0.220] [0.305]
ENC-NEW 0.805 2.326 0.943 0.781 1.154 1.946 3.749 1.334
[0.162] [0.152] [0.322] [0.307] [0.330] [0.295] [0.266] [0.359]

Employment growth rate

Estimated 0.003 -0.122 -0.528 -0.408 -0.221 0.493 0.979 1.198
t-statistics 0.024 -0.382 -0.832 -0.439 -0.235 0.542 1.011 1.219
[0.485] [0.641] [0.755] [0.657] [0.603] [0.324] [0.193] [0.123]
R2 0.092 0.032 0.011 0.005 0.003 0.003 0.007 0.008
Theil's U 1.005 1.007 1.007 1.014 1.011 1.001 1.001 1.003
MSE-F -1.725 -2.348 -2.133 -4.289 -3.107 -0.300 -0.149 -0.957
[0.723] [0.494] [0.364] [0.530] [0.462] [0.246] [0.257] [0.446]
ENC-NEW -0.725 -1.027 -0.623 -1.886 -1.400 0.177 0.304 -0.306
[0.849] [0.686] [0.470] [0.716] [0.654] [0.378] [0.361] [0.581]

Inflation rate
Estimated 0.059 -0.474 -1.535 -1.895 -2.140 -2.349 -2.533 -3.231
t-statistics 0.435 -1.448 -2.947 -2.208 -2.026 -2.247 -2.251 -3.000
[0.323] [0.885] [0.997] [0.974] [0.954] [0.969] [0.978] [0.996]
R2 0.093 0.042 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.056 0.054 0.064
Theil's U 1.002 0.998 0.975 0.976 0.981 0.982 0.982 0.978
MSE-F -0.484 0.616 7.946 7.742 5.715 5.305 5.201 6.287
[0.266] [0.143] [0.008] [0.014] [0.026] [0.019] [0.019] [0.005]
ENC-NEW -0.176 0.751 5.964 4.901 3.551 3.270 3.048 3.874
[0.444] [0.227] [0.019] [0.031] [0.069] [0.051] [0.060] [0.012]

Real effective exchange rate

Estimated 0.025 -0.301 0.013 0.324 0.167 0.665 0.225 0.449
t-statistics 0.182 -0.642 0.021 0.703 0.366 1.526 0.519 0.746
[0.420] [0.726] [0.488] [0.251] [0.362] [0.104] [0.354] [0.294]
R2 0.092 0.036 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.005 0.001 0.001
Theil's U 1.013 1.020 1.021 1.006 0.999 1.000 1.001 1.000
MSE-F -4.105 -6.163 -6.467 -1.967 0.398 -0.127 -0.255 0.051
[0.953] [0.978] [0.982] [0.813] [0.144] [0.289] [0.339] [0.266]
ENC-NEW -1.247 -1.675 -1.562 -0.568 0.330 0.689 -0.032 0.234
[0.955] [0.968] [0.961] [0.786] [0.236] [0.177] [0.461] [0.294]

Broad money supply growth rate

Estimated 0.242 0.056 -0.074 0.013 -0.616 -0.730 -0.851 -1.254
t-statistics 1.817 0.227 -0.204 0.028 -1.049 -1.071 -1.300 -1.947
[0.035] [0.415] [0.562] [0.482] [0.809] [0.832] [0.848] [0.939]
R2 0.105 0.032 0.005 0.003 0.007 0.006 0.006 0.011
Theil's U 1.003 1.004 1.003 1.003 1.000 1.000 1.001 0.997
MSE-F -0.810 -1.303 -0.897 -1.056 -0.098 -0.024 -0.225 0.739
[0.380] [0.680] [0.493] [0.525] [0.251] [0.223] [0.328] [0.142]
ENC-NEW 0.823 -0.573 -0.357 -0.448 0.293 0.180 0.253 0.697
[0.129] [0.828] [0.620] [0.661] [0.289] [0.297] [0.320] [0.186]

Narrow money supply growth rate

Estimated 0.104 0.370 0.439 0.537 0.005 -0.060 0.196 -0.111
t-statistics 0.774 1.476 1.858 1.994 0.019 -0.187 0.728 -0.416
[0.233] [0.051] [0.028] [0.027] [0.509] [0.550] [0.242] [0.654]
R2 0.095 0.038 0.009 0.007 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000
Theil's U 1.002 0.999 1.000 0.998 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
MSE-F -0.566 0.342 -0.040 0.504 -0.113 -0.116 -0.061 -0.015
[0.308] [0.096] [0.249] [0.051] [0.391] [0.367] [0.367] [0.333]
ENC-NEW -0.169 0.371 0.149 0.457 -0.042 -0.016 -0.028 0.002
[0.463] [0.142] [0.225] [0.087] [0.505] [0.449] [0.519] [0.472]

Industrial production growth rate

Estimated 0.142 0.190 0.157 -0.085 -0.279 0.022 0.098 0.005
t-statistics 1.060 0.937 0.762 -0.380 -0.836 0.065 0.340 0.020
[0.164] [0.138] [0.221] [0.656] [0.757] [0.467] [0.397] [0.488]
R2 0.096 0.033 0.006 0.003 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.000
Theil's U 1.003 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.001 1.001 1.000 0.999
MSE-F -0.805 -0.069 0.011 -0.091 -0.163 -0.378 0.087 0.163
[0.394] [0.225] [0.198] [0.258] [0.352] [0.554] [0.223] [0.173]
ENC-NEW -0.165 0.045 0.043 -0.041 -0.077 -0.096 0.080 0.091
[0.460] [0.333] [0.342] [0.430] [0.559] [0.592] [0.339] [0.284]

Relative money market rate

Estimated 0.365 1.103 1.648 1.735 1.993 2.182 2.800 4.459
t-statistics 2.627 3.176 2.209 1.488 1.304 1.188 1.350 1.685
[0.004] [0.004] [0.043] [0.111] [0.158] [0.168] [0.156] [0.096]
R2 0.117 0.086 0.062 0.046 0.046 0.042 0.059 0.120
Theil's U 0.999 0.977 0.981 1.015 1.023 1.025 1.042 1.022
MSE-F 0.410 7.629 6.140 -4.392 -6.553 -6.982 11.496 -5.815
[0.100] [0.020] [0.067] [0.376] [0.528] [0.480] [0.684] [0.486]
ENC-NEW 3.133 8.132 6.298 0.299 -0.399 0.028 1.965 8.934
[0.027] [0.034] [0.102] [0.363] [0.454] [0.369] [0.295] [0.097]

World oil production growth rate

Estimated 0.057 0.445 0.849 0.276 0.010 0.324 0.597 0.716
t-statistics 0.421 1.435 2.647 0.838 0.027 0.958 1.798 1.517
[0.336] [0.090] [0.007] [0.199] [0.458] [0.203] [0.065] [0.087]
R2 0.093 0.041 0.022 0.004 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.004
Theil's U 1.003 0.998 0.999 1.003 1.002 1.000 0.999 0.999
MSE-F -0.919 0.604 0.342 -0.817 -0.451 0.045 0.204 0.256
[0.448] [0.104] [0.104] [0.597] [0.451] [0.207] [0.206] [0.161]
ENC-NEW -0.366 0.602 1.226 -0.278 -0.215 0.042 0.164 0.148
[0.604] [0.163] [0.055] [0.694] [0.637] [0.365] [0.303] [0.291]

Crude oil price growth rate

Estimated -0.229 -0.834 -1.449 -1.499 -1.487 -0.913 -0.455 -1.506
t-statistics -1.720 -1.866 -1.512 -1.060 -0.960 -0.621 -0.331 -1.081
[0.962] [0.937] [0.895] [0.801] [0.779] [0.703] [0.596] [0.785]
R2 0.103 0.066 0.053 0.038 0.029 0.008 0.002 0.014
Theil's U 1.004 1.005 0.995 1.015 1.016 1.012 1.013 1.063
MSE-F -1.260 -1.571 1.505 -4.494 -4.747 -3.566 -3.728 15.771
[0.531] [0.305] [0.126] [0.368] [0.38] [0.342] [0.387] [0.819]
ENC-NEW -0.156 0.183 1.585 -0.500 -1.338 -1.074 -1.495 -0.823
[0.429] [0.336] [0.246] [0.402] [0.494] [0.477] [0.553] [0.522]
Note: Estimated and t-statistic are the OLS estimate of in equation (1) and its
corresponding t-statistic; R2 is the goodness-of-fit in equation (1); U is the ratio of the RMSE
for the out-of-sample forecasts for the unrestricted model to the RMSE for the out-of-sample
forecasts for the restricted model; MSE-F and ENC-NEW are the out-of-sample statistics
given in equation (1); p-values are given in brackets; bold entries indicate significance at the 10
per cent level.

bond on the other hand exhibit only in-sample predictive ability at shorter horizons.
From the real variables, only the narrow money supply has both in-sample and out-of-
sample predictive power at shorter horizon. Interestingly, the inflation rate shows strong
out-of-sample predictive power at medium- to long-run horizons, despite its ability to
predict stock returns in-sample. The strong evidence of predictive ability for the inflation
rate may suggest that South African inflation rate does capture global shocks that also
influence stock returns behaviour, as our out-of-sample period is more influenced by
global developments than our in-sample period. Overall, our results obtained for the
interest rate variables are in line with findings in Rapach et al. (2005) and Ang & Bekaert
(2001) which point to the reliability of interest rates as predictors of stock returns.
Despite Bossaerts and Hillion (1999), and Goyal and Welch (2003) showing that in-
sample and out-of-sample tests have different conclusions for the same economic
Table 3: Data-mining bootstrap critical values
1-month Horizon
10 per cent 5 per cent 1 per cent
maximal t-statistic (upper) 2.584 2.735 3.420
maximal t-statistic (lower) -2.695 -2.883 -3.620
MSE-F 3.961 4.923 7.640
ENC-NEW 4.266 5.318 7.849
3-month Horizon
10 per cent 5 per cent 1 per cent
maximal t-statistic (upper) 2.997 3.259 4.010
maximal t-statistic (lower) -3.040 -3.475 -4.763
MSE-F 8.063 10.915 18.044
ENC-NEW 9.718 12.359 19.171
6-month Horizon
10 per cent 5 per cent 1 per cent
maximal t-statistic (upper) 3.205 3.673 4.391
maximal t-statistic (lower) -3.364 -3.653 -4.377
MSE-F 15.125 20.489 34.379
ENC-NEW 17.597 21.651 37.536
9-month Horizon
10 per cent 5 per cent 1 per cent
maximal t-statistic (upper) 3.275 3.652 4.670
maximal t-statistic (lower) -3.503 -3.776 -4.712
MSE-F 17.712 24.748 41.909
ENC-NEW 20.948 27.028 44.621
12-month Horizon
10 per cent 5 per cent 1 per cent
maximal t-statistic (upper) 3.534 3.973 5.025
maximal t-statistic (lower) -3.688 -4.022 -5.531
MSE-F 22.612 30.202 49.654
ENC-NEW 24.911 34.146 57.204
15-month Horizon
10 per cent 5 per cent 1 per cent
maximal t-statistic (upper) 3.535 4.061 5.500
maximal t-statistic (lower) -3.535 -4.074 -5.811
MSE-F 23.482 31.483 54.750
ENC-NEW 26.263 35.443 57.508
18-month Horizon
10 per cent 5 per cent 1 per cent
maximal t-statistic (upper) 3.478 3.956 5.649
maximal t-statistic (lower) -3.915 -4.779 -6.170
MSE-F 24.046 35.367 64.844
ENC-NEW 28.816 39.698 72.022
24-month Horizon
10 per cent 5 per cent 1 per cent
maximal t-statistic (upper) 3.737 4.344 5.742
maximal t-statistic (lower) -3.850 -4.452 -5.825
MSE-F 23.967 38.190 72.773
ENC-NEW 28.300 39.901 69.727
Notes: Critical values were computed using the data-mining bootstrap procedure described in section
(2). The critical values correspond to the maximum values of the statistics reported in Table 2

variables, vast literature suggests that in-sample and out-of-sample tests results are often
in agreement. Apart from the inflation rate, our results are in line with findings in Rapach
et al. (2005) as they show some agreement between in-sample and out-of-sample tests for
the same variables. The agreement in our results may be due to the increased power
(Rapach et al., 2005) of the recently developed test statistics that we employ in our study
for the out-of-sample period.

Including a number of macro variables to predict stock returns renders the predictability
tests susceptible to data mining, despite some of these variables exhibiting significant in-
sample and out-of-sample predictive ability. Table 3 reports critical values for the
maximal t-statistics, maximal MSE-F and the maximal ENC-NEW test statistics. The
critical values are generated using the data-mining-robust bootstrap procedure described
in section 2. We use these critical values in Table 3 to check if the significance of the best
statistics reported in Table 2 is due primarily to data mining.

From Table 2, the maximal in-sample t-statistic of 2.627 at a 1-month-ahead horizon

corresponds to the prime rate. Using the critical values accounting for data mining in
Table 3, the t-statistic remains significant at 10% level. The out-of-sample maximal
MSEF of 0,695 corresponding to the term spread at 1-month-ahead horizon becomes
insignificant when accounting for data mining. Further, the maximal ENC-NEW of
3,133 corresponding to the prime rate at a 1-month-ahead horizon also becomes
insignificant when accounting for data mining. At a 1-month-ahead horizon our results
show that the conventional wisdom that the out-of-sample tests are not subjected to data
mining biases does not hold suggesting that Inoue and Kilian (2002) were correct in
arguing that out-of-sample tests are just as susceptible to data mining biases as in-sample.
The rest of the significant results for the entire sample period and for all horizons
become insignificant when accounting for data mining. Rapach et al. (2005) also show
that the significant evidence of in-sample and out-of-sample tests for some of the macro
variables they employ in their analysis was due to data mining.

Our result suggest that the forecasting gains appear to be limited according to a relative
RMSE criterion as embodied in the U values reported in Table 2. In situations where
U < 1 , so that the out-of-sample forecasts corresponding to a model that includes a
given macro variable have a lower RMSE than the benchmark model, the reduction in
RMSE is never greater than 5%. Together with the relatively low in-sample R2 values in
Tables 2, the small reductions in RMSE underscore the notion from the extant empirical
literature that the predictive component in stock returns is small. Nevertheless, the
significant MSE-F statistics in Table 2 indicate that the reduction in MSE is significant in
a number of cases.

In Table 4 we report the result obtained for the procedure that combines in-sample
general-to-specific model selection with tests of out-of-sample forecasting ability. Again
interest rate variables seem to be important in predicting stock returns, as at least one of
the interest rate variables is always included among the explanatory variables in the model
selected over the in-sample period for each horizon. With an exception of the 3-month-
ahead horizons, the variables that capture the external shocks to the economy (the world
oil production and the crude oil price) appear in all other horizons, showing that
different shocks contain important information in explaining the behaviour of stock
returns. The model further shows that, on average, explanatory variables increases with
the horizons, since at a one-month ahead there are only four explanatory variables, while
at 24-months-ahead horizon, the explanatory variables increases to eight. Since the
Theils U is greater than one for all horizons, the forecasting gains are insignificant
Table 4: General-to-specific model selection results
1 3 6 9 12 15 18 24
Variables REER, ER, M3, PR, ER, PR, WOP, REER, M1, PR,
Theils U 1.004 1.015 1.044 1.102 1.109 1.097 1.086 1.028
MSE-F -1.466 -1.805 -13.961 -29.599 -30.690 -27.139 -23.911 -8.238
[0.068] [0.059] [0.203] [0.384] [0.378] [0.355] [0.318] [0.143]
ENC-NEW 3.267 5.215 9.672 -2.452 0.653 -2.920 1.737 12.031
[0.115] [0.172] [0.153] [0.553] [0.401] [0.529] [0.393] [0.217]
Note: U is the ratio of the RMSE for the out-of-sample forecasts for the selected model to the RMSE
for the out-of-sample forecasts for the restricted model; MSE-F and ENC-NEW are the out-of-sample
statistics given in equation (1); p-values are given in brackets; bold entries indicate significance at 10 per cent

according to RMSE criterion. This means that the predictable component in South
African stock returns (using macro variables) is relatively small.

3.3 Analysing the individual predictive ability of each of the macro variables based on a real-time data
As we are using monthly data to predict stock prices, it is crucial that the data used is of
the same vintage, since data revisions may be detrimental in discerning causal
relationships between different time series (Koenig et al., 2003).7 In light of this, we
decided to put together a real-time version of our data set. Amongst the 12 predictors
that we used, only four (industrial production, narrow money, broad money and real
effective exchange rate) of them underwent constant revisions. So, a real time database
was compiled for these four variables at each point of the out-of-sample horizon,
accounting for possible revisions that might have taken place for these variables in the
earlier period(s). The last vintage for the out-of-sample forecasting exercise corresponded
to 2010:06 (such that the observations on these variables for this specific month was still
unavailable), while the forecast statistics, as well as the data-mining critical values, were
computed based on the same actual revised data for the period 2010:6, which we used
for our regular forecasting exercise discussed in the main text. Note that, for the in-
sample analysis, we use vintage data for these four variables available at 1997:01, so that
it includes the data for 1996:12 to correspond with the in-sample period used with the
revised data. Not surprisingly, and as also pointed out by Koenig et al., (2003), the
forecast performance of these four predictors deteriorated both in- and out-of-sample as
observed from Table 5. Specifically, we observe that, for the variables that have no
predictive power (both using the actual data and the real time data), i.e. the real effective
exchange rate and the industrial production, the test statistics tend to become more
insignificant, also at certain horizons the R2 values are smaller, and the Theils U increases
and remains above 1. This is especially for the industrial production growth rate.
Secondly, all the test statistics for the broad money supply become insignificant, while for
the actual data, the in-sample test statistic for the one-month-ahead horizon is statistically
significant. Thirdly, the narrow money supply shows some predictive power both in-

7 We would like to thank an anonymous referee for pointing this out to us and suggesting the use of a real-
time analysis.
Table 5. In-sample and out-of-sample predictability test results, using real time data
1997:01-2010:06 out-of-sample period
1 3 6 9 12 15 18 24
Real effective exchange rate
Estimated 0.007 -0.261 0.056 0.416 0.296 0.828 0.477 0.692
t-statistics 0.049 -0.623 0.099 0.866 0.627 0.950 0.982 1.005
[0.492] [0.743] [0.468] [0.214] [0.273] [0.141] [0.216] [0.199]
R2 0.092 0.034 0.005 0.005 0.003 0.007 0.002 0.003
Theil's U 1.013 1.022 1.024 1.008 0.999 0.998 1.000 1.001
MSE-F -4.096 -6.921 -7.412 -2.552 0.218 0.466 0.040 -0.274
[0.958] [0.982] [0.981] [0.806] [0.182] [0.153] [0.251] [0.345]
ENC-NEW -1.152 -1.542 -2.248 -0.802 0.262 1.287 0.213 0.120
[0.946] [0.948] [0.980] [0.828] [0.275] [0.120] [0.326] [0.358]

Broad money supply growth

Estimated 0.239 0.062 -0.053 0.024 -0.615 -0.750 -0.886 -1.219
t-statistics 0.812 0.255 -0.147 0.051 -1.047 -1.093 -1.331 -1.967
[0.141] [0.417] [0.543] [0.497] [0.826] [0.795] [0.877] [0.945]
R2 0.104 0.031 0.005 0.002 0.007 0.006 0.007 0.011
Theil's U 1.003 1.004 1.003 1.003 1.000 1.000 1.001 0.997
MSE-F -0.866 -1.305 -0.918 -1.055 -0.094 0.027 -0.165 0.717
[0.415] [0.674] [0.479] [0.525] [0.219] [0.239] [0.281] [0.151]
ENC-NEW 0.818 -0.574 -0.366 -0.447 0.303 0.210 0.295 0.692
[0.161] [0.814] [0.625] [0.691] [0.264] [0.329] [0.267] [0.191]

Narrow money supply growth

Estimated 0.103 0.372 0.449 0.533 0.008 -0.077 0.180 -0.036
t-statistics 0.773 1.493 1.922 1.978 0.027 -0.242 0.699 -0.132
[0.219] [0.053] [0.030] [0.020] [0.500] [0.598] [0.254] [0.542]
R2 0.095 0.038 0.010 0.007 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.000
Theil's U 1.002 0.999 1.000 0.998 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
MSE-F -0.578 0.393 0.008 0.202 -0.116 -0.112 -0.066 -0.029
[0.289] [0.177] [0.202] [0.105] [0.385] [0.404] [0.370] [0.348]
ENC-NEW -0.174 0.384 0.178 0.259 -0.043 -0.014 -0.030 -0.005
[0.437] [0.123] [0.201] [0.283] [0.532] [0.464] [0.556] [0.468]

Industrial production growth

Estimated -0.215 -0.891 -1.360 -1.058 -1.277 -0.790 -0.449 -0.326
t-statistics -1.019 -1.785 -2.441 -1.808 -2.389 -1.187 -0.264 -0.152
[0.851] [0.921] [0.970] [0.899] [0.962] [0.832] [0.610] [0.563]
R2 0.096 0.047 0.022 0.010 0.011 0.003 0.001 0.000
Theil's U 1.004 1.003 0.997 1.002 1.003 1.007 1.009 1.009
MSE-F -1.220 -0.983 0.939 -0.624 -0.925 -2.098 -2.733 -2.570
[0.563] [0.411] [0.209] [0.366] [0.449] [0.646] [0.739] [0.721]
ENC-NEW 0.790 4.093 3.258 0.084 0.402 -0.119 -0.717 -0.627
[0.152] [0.102] [0.105] [0.379] [0.278] [0.469] [0.741] [0.722]
Note: Estimated and t-statistic are the OLS estimate of in equation (1) and its corresponding t-statistic; R2 is
the goodness-of-fit in equation (1); U is the ratio of the RMSE for the out-of-sample forecasts for the unrestricted
model to the RMSE for the out-of-sample forecasts for the restricted model; MSE-F and ENC-NEW are the out-
of-sample statistics given in equation (1); p-values are given in brackets; bold entries indicate significance at the 10
per cent level.

sample and out-of-sample in the short to medium-term when using actual data. When
real time data is used, however, the variable only exhibits in-sample predictive power for

the same period. When using critical values that account for data mining, the few positive
results become statistically insignificant.

3.4 Analysing the predictive ability of the diffusion index

Ludvigson and Ng (2007, 2009), and Rapach and Zhou (forthcoming) tends to suggest
that the individual predictors fail to deliver consistence forecast gains relative to the
random walk model, and suggests combining information of individual predictors. Given
this, we extract one common factor from the twelve macroeconomic variables, with the
estimate of the factor being continuously updated recursively over the out-of-sample
horizon. We then use this index to assess its predictive ability for both the in-sample and
the out-of-sample periods. Table 6 reports the in-sample test statistics and the out-of-
sample test statistics, the MSE-F and the ENC-New test statistics obtained when using
the index. Similar to the individual macro variables, we are more interested in the out-of-
sample predictive ability of the diffusion index due to a number of global shocks
experienced during this time period. The p-values for the in-sample and the out-of-
sample test statistics reported in Table 6 are generated using the bootstrap procedure
described above and the brackets-bold entries indicate significance at the 10%
confidence level.

Table 6: In-sample and out-of-sample predictability test results for the diffusion index,
1997:01-2010:06 out-of-sample period
1 3 6 9 12 15 18 24
Estimated 0.332 1.184 1.930 2.184 2.490 2.701 3.221 4.862
t-statistics 2.368 2.996 2.140 1.507 1.342 1.238 1.377 1.701
[0.011] [0.008] [0.037] [0.105] [0.130] [0.167] [0.138] [0.077]
R2 0.113 0.093 0.082 0.070 0.070 0.065 0.081 0.146
Theil's U 1.003 0.979 0.991 1.021 1.026 1.036 1.048 1.044
MSE-F -0.855 6.948 2.926 -6.156 -7.497 -9.936 -12.890 -11.417
[0.388] [0.019] [0.088] [0.479] [0.556] [0.668] [0.755] [0.712]
ENC-NEW 1.235 8.052 6.331 0.973 0.010 -0.302 1.538 8.213
[0.110] [0.020] [0.084] [0.308] [0.387] [0.435] [0.306] [0.114]

Note: Estimated and t-statistic are the OLS estimate of in equation (1) with F replacing z and its
corresponding t-statistic; R2 is the goodness-of-fit in equation (1); U is the ratio of the RMSE for the
out-of-sample forecasts for the unrestricted model to the RMSE for the out-of-sample forecasts for
the restricted model; MSE-F and ENC-NEW are the out-of-sample statistics given in equation (1); p-
values are given in brackets; bold entries indicate significance at the 10 per cent level.

The results reported in Table 6 show combining the macro variables does not necessarily
yield better results relative to individual variables themselves. For the 1-month-ahead and
the 24-months-ahead horizons, the index can only predict stock returns over the in-
sample period, while for the 3-months-ahead and the 6monthsahead horizons the
index is able to predict stock returns over both the in-sample and the out-of-sample
periods. The results suggest that there is minimal value added when combining
information from the macro variables. Our results are, however, contrary to literature8 in
general, which tends to suggest that combining information tends to improve the
forecasting gains.

8 See Rapach and Zhou (forthcoming), Ludvigson and Ng (2007), Kelly and Pritt (2010), as well as Neely et

al. (2012).
Because of concerns of data mining, we also use the critical values presented in Table 3
to make inferences on the test statistics obtained when using the diffusion index. From
Table 6, the in-sample t-statistic at the 1-month-ahead horizon becomes insignificant
when using the critical values that account for data mining. This is also the case for the
in-sample test statistic for the 24-months-ahead horizon. The significant in-sample and
out-of-sample test statistics for the 3-months-ahead and 6-months-ahead horizons also
become insignificant when accounting for data mining. This suggests that the few
positive results that we obtained under the diffusion index model were due to data
mining, thus reiterating the minimal forecasting gains when combining information on
macro variables to predict stock returns in South Africa.9

4. Conclusion

In this paper, we examine the predictability of South African stock returns using 12
macro variables. The macro variables we consider include different interest rates,
employment, inflation, money supply, industrial production, global oil production and
crude oil price. We consider both in-sample (from 1990:01 to 1996:12) and out-of-
sample (from 1997:01 to 2010:06) test statistics. For the in-sample tests we use the t-
statistic corresponding to the slope coefficient and for our out-of-sample, we use the
recently developed Clark and McCracken (2001) and McCracken (2004) tests, as these
appear to be more powerful than other tests in the financial literature. We also
summarise the information contained in the macro variables into one diffusion index. We
also compare our results against data mining by using a data-mining-robust bootstrap
procedure. We further combine the in-sample general-to-specific model selection with
tests of out-of-sample forecasting ability to further examine the importance of these
macro variables in explaining the behaviour of stock returns.

Our results show that most interest rate variables included in the analysis exhibit in-
sample and out-of-sample predictive ability, although at shorter horizons. For the real
sector, only the world oil production and the narrowly defined money supply have some
predictive power at certain horizons for the entire sample period. The inflation rate
exhibits very strong predictive power over the medium- to long-run horizons for the out-
of-sample period suggesting that inflation is also directly influenced by external shocks.
A real time analysis based on a subset of variables that underwent revisions, resulted in
deterioration of the predictive power of these variables when compared to the fully
revised data available for 2010:6. The diffusion index only exhibits some predictive
power at only four specific months (1, 3, 6 and 24) over the out-of-sample horizon.
When accounting for data mining, both the in-sample and the out-of-sample test
statistics for the individual macro variables regressions and the diffusion index become
insignificant at all horizons, suggesting that our strong evidence is due to data mining.
The results confirm the findings by Inoue and Kilian (2002) that both in-sample and out-
of-sample test statistics are susceptible to data mining biases. The results for the model
that combines the in-sample general-to-specific model selection with tests of out-of-

9 Based on the suggestions of an anonymous referee, we also analyzed the out-of-sample forecastability of
the stock returns using different forecast combination methods. Following the recent work of Gupta and
Hartley (forthcoming), we looked at simple combination methods (mean, median and trimmed mean),
discount MSFE combinations, cluster combinations, and principal component combinations. We found
that, in general, barring the principal component forecast combination method, all the other combination
methods produced Theil U values of less than one consistently over all the forecast horizons. However, the
encompassing tests revealed that except at the one-month-ahead and three-months-ahead horizons, there
are no statistically significant gains from using the combination methods over the restricted model based
on only the lagged stock returns. The details of these results are available upon request from the authors.

sample forecasting ability show that interest rate variables contain important information
about the stock return behaviour in South Africa, despite their inability to predict stock
returns for both in-sample and out-of-sample periods when accounting for data mining.
Both the demand and the supply shock variables also contain crucial information for
stock return behaviour, as at least one of these variables appear in every horizon (with an
exception of the 3-month-ahead horizon).

The results in the present paper, and that in Gupta and Modise (2012 a, b), tend to
suggest that macroeconomic and financial variables do not seem to contain much
information in predicting South African stock return in a linear predictive regression
framework, especially when one accounts for data mining. The implication of this result
is that, in a linear predictive regression framework, that South African stock market is
efficient in that the lagged stock return is all one need to forecast the future stock return.
However, LeRoy (1973), using a dynamic portfolio model indicated that under general
conditions, particularly relating to risk-aversion, the martingale property will be satisfied
only as an approximation and that no rigorous theoretical justification for it can be
obtained. In light of this, as part of future research, it would be interesting to analyze
stock return predictability in a nonlinear framework, as in Qi (1999), Gallagher and
Taylor (2001) and McMillan (2001).


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