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International Journal of Forecasting 35 (2019) 616–633

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International Journal of Forecasting

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Macroeconomic forecasting for Australia using a large

number of predictors✩

Anastasios Panagiotelis, George Athanasopoulos , Rob J. Hyndman, Bin Jiang,
Farshid Vahid
Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics, Monash University, Caulfield East, Victoria 3145, Australia

article info a b s t r a c t

Keywords: A popular approach to forecasting macroeconomic variables is to utilize a large number of

Bayesian VAR predictors. Several regularization and shrinkage methods can be used to exploit such high-
Bagging dimensional datasets, and have been shown to improve forecast accuracy for the US econ-
Dynamic factor model
omy. To assess whether similar results hold for economies with different characteristics,
Ridge regression
an Australian dataset containing observations on 151 aggregate and disaggregate economic
Least angular regression
Shrinkage series as well as 185 international variables, is introduced. An extensive empirical study is
Regularization carried out investigating forecasts at different horizons, using a variety of methods and with
information sets containing an increasing number of predictors. In contrast to other coun-
tries the results show that it is difficult to forecast Australian key macroeconomic variables
more accurately than some simple benchmarks. In line with other studies we also find that
there is little to no improvement in forecast accuracy when the number of predictors is
expanded beyond 20–40 variables and international factors do not seem to help.
© 2019 International Institute of Forecasters. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction to outperform structural macroeconomic models (for a

discussion of this history see Diebold, 1997, and references
Forecasts of macroeconomic variables, in particular key therein). During this era, the information sets used to
indicators such as GDP growth, inflation and interest rates, form forecasts typically contained only a small number of
are necessary inputs for government budget planning, variables.
central bank policy making and business decisions. Form- This situation changed in the early 2000s as researchers
ing forecasts based on lags of other macroeconomic began to compose high-dimensional macroeconomic
variables is an approach that dates back at least as far as ef- datasets. Two of the earliest and most widely used exam-
forts by Mitchell and Burns (1938) and Burns and Mitchell ples are the US dataset containing 149 variables measured
(1946) to find leading indicators of the business cycle. The at a monthly frequency featured in Stock and Watson
use of time series approaches for macroeconomic forecast- (2002) (hereafter referred to as the ‘Stock and Watson
ing gained impetus in the 1970s and 1980s as forecasts data’), and the Euro area dataset containing 447 variables
from univariate ARIMA models (Box & Jenkins, 1970) and measured at a monthly frequency featured in Forni, Hallin,
vector autoregressions (VARs) (Sims, 1980) were shown Lippi, and Reichlin (2003). In both studies, utilising a large
number of predictors in a dynamic factor modelling (DFM)
✩ The authors acknowledge the support of Australian Research Council framework (see Geweke, 1977; Sargent & Sims, 1977) leads
Discovery Project DP 1413220. to improved forecasts of industrial production relative to
∗ Corresponding author.
standard benchmarks. A key factor in the popularity of
E-mail addresses:
(A. Panagiotelis),
this approach is its simplicity; principal components pro-
(G. Athanasopoulos), (R.J. Hyndman), vide consistent estimates of the dynamic factors and can (B. Jiang), (F. Vahid). subsequently be used in auxiliary predictive regressions.
0169-2070/© 2019 International Institute of Forecasters. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Panagiotelis, G. Athanasopoulos, R.J. Hyndman et al. / International Journal of Forecasting 35 (2019) 616–633 617

There is an extensive literature that establishes how the point of contrast with the excessively mined Stock and
DFM, when used with a large number of predictors, yields Watson US data. A notable exception is Eickmeier and Ng
good forecasts for macroeconomic variables such as output (2011) who focus on New Zealand, a small open economy
and inflation for a number of different economies (see similar to Australia. Eickmeier and Ng (2011) find that
Eickmeier & Ziegler, 2008, for an overview). adding international predictors assisted substantially in
Despite its success, the DFM is by no means the only forecasting New Zealand GDP. We investigate here if this
framework for forecasting with a large number of conclusion is also applicable to Australia by adding to the
predictors. Advances from the statistics and machine learn- predictor set another 185 international variables.
ing literature have also been exploited in the macroe- Using these variables we undertake an empirical com-
conomic context. For example, De Mol, Giannone, and parison of the aforementioned approaches, including the
Reichlin (2008) consider both ridge regression and the dynamic factor model, in the context of forecasting Aus-
LASSO (see Tibshirani, 1996) for the Stock and Watson data tralian macroeconomic variables. We focus our attention
and obtain forecasts that have a similar performance to on forecasting three key variables, namely Gross Domestic
those obtained from a DFM. Bai and Ng (2008) use least Product (GDP) growth, Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation
angular regression or LARS (Efron, Hastie, Johnstone, & and the overnight IBR (interbank rate). The IBR is closely
Tibshirani, 2004) to select a set of ‘targeted predictors’. related to the ‘cash rate’, the main monetary policy instru-
Forecasts are then produced using either these targeted ment targeted by the Australian central bank. We use the
predictors on their own, or alternatively by using the prin- IBR here as the cash rate series only begins in August 1990.
cipal components of the targeted predictors. Bai and Ng The two series are essentially identical over the period for
(2008) show that at least for some periods of the data, which they are both available. To investigate the value of
methods based on LARS produce better forecasts of CPI, expanding the number of predictors, we consider informa-
personal income, retail sales, industrial production and tion sets of increasing sizes similar to Bańbura et al. (2010)
total employment compared to the case where princi- and Koop (2013). To facilitate this analysis, we complement
pal components are formed using the full information tabulated results with a set of scatter plots which assist in
set. Methods that account for model uncertainty such as effectively visualising a large amount of information.
bootstrap aggregation or ‘bagging’ (see Breiman, 1996; The rest of the paper is organised as follows. In Section 2,
Bühlmann & Yu, 2002; Lee & Yang, 2006) have been suc- we provide the details of the Australian macroeconomic
cessful in forecasting inflation by Inoue and Kilian (2008). data set. Section 3 describes the alternative forecasting ap-
Finally, in the class of multivariate forecasting there has proaches we implement in this paper. Section 4 introduces
been a focus on ‘‘big’’ VARs estimated using Bayesian tech- the measures of forecast accuracy we use and Section 5
niques. Examples include Kadiyala and Karlsson (1997), gives the main empirical results.
and more recently Bańbura, Giannone, and Reichlin (2010),
Carriero, Kapetanios, and Marcellino (2011) and 2. An Australian macroeconomic data set
Koop (2013) who utilize shrinkage priors including the so-
called Minnesota prior of Doan, Litterman, and Sims (1984) The Australian macroeconomic data set compiled for
and Litterman (1986). this study comprises 151 variables collected from the Aus-
Although the literature on macroeconomic forecasting tralian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and the Reserve Bank of
with a large number of predictors is vast, it is possible Australia (RBA). The series IDs assigned by either the ABS
to make some general conclusions. First, somewhat un- or the RBA are recorded in Table 5. The variables naturally
surprisingly, there is no single method that dominates all divide into 12 categories shown in Table 6. Each variable
alternatives for every series at every horizon. Second, the consists of 123 quarterly observations spanning the period
benefit from expanding the information set beyond 20–40 Q4 1984 to Q2 2015. Variables which are observed at a
variables is often small, a conclusion particularly supported monthly frequency are aggregated to quarterly by averag-
by Bai and Ng (2008), Bańbura et al. (2010) and Koop ing over the 3 months in a quarter (as in Koop, 2013). Each
(2013). Third, forecasts based on principal components are variable is transformed to stationary (similar to Stock &
highly competitive. In a thorough empirical study Stock Watson, 2012), with the transformations listed in Table 7.
and Watson (2012) conclude that ‘‘it will be difficult to im- The complete data set is available from the Australian
prove systematically upon DFM forecasts using time-invariant Macro Database (AMD) at
linear functions of the principal components of large macro ch.php. This link provides two files. The first contains the
datasets like the one considered here’’. variables as used in this paper. Hence, the file contains
Since these conclusions have been formed on the basis all the variables observed over the above mentioned time
of using only US data, it is worthwhile questioning whether span and after transformation to stationarity. The second
the same results can be found for other economies with file contains an up-to-date version for each of the raw (un-
vastly different characteristics to the US. A major con- transformed) variables. Each variable is updated automati-
tribution of this paper is to introduce an extensive Aus- cally when new updates are released by the ABS or the RBA.
tralian macroeconomic data set comparable in size to that For more details see Behlul, Panagiotelis, Athanasopoulos,
of the US, comprising 151 quarterly Australian macroeco- Hyndman, and Vahid (2017).
nomic variables which naturally divide into 12 categories Let IK denote an information set containing K macroe-
of macroeconomic activity. To the best of our knowledge, conomic variables with |IK | = K . In this paper, we evaluate
such a dataset has not been analysed previously, and since the empirical performance of the competing forecasting
Australia is a small open economy it provides an interesting methods with nested subsets of predictors with different
618 A. Panagiotelis, G. Athanasopoulos, R.J. Hyndman et al. / International Journal of Forecasting 35 (2019) 616–633

values of K , specifically I3 ⊂ I13 ⊂ I23 ⊂ I43 ⊂ I151 ⊂ sense that the countries are selected judiciously to have
I336 . This allows us to investigate the impact of utilizing relevance to the New Zealand economy), and they find that
information sets of differing sizes. including the international data does improve forecasts.
The motivation for considering these nested sets is sim- We therefore follow Eickmeier and Ng (2011) in assem-
ilar to that of Bańbura et al. (2010) and Koop (2013). Ta- bling our international data set.
bles 8–12 provide a detailed description of each variable,
along with the transformation applied to achieve stationar- 3. Forecasting methods
ity, as well as the category to which each variable belongs.
To further illustrate, the smallest of the information We investigate a wide range of forecasting methods ap-
subsets I3 (see Table 8) contains real GDP growth, CPI infla- plied to the Australian macroeconomic data set described
tion and IBR (the interbank overnight cash rate equivalent in the previous section. These techniques include univari-
to the Federal funds rate in the US). These are widely con- ate benchmarks such as a naïve forecast and the AR model,
sidered as three of the more important variables in macroe- and some more advanced approaches for forecasting high-
conomic forecasting and they have been used in many dimensional data sets such as the dynamic factor model,
ridge regression and least angle regression as well as mul-
simple DSGE models (see for example An & Schorfheide,
tivariate Bayesian VARs.
2007; Bańbura et al., 2010; Christiano, Eichenbaum, &
Let xt be a K -vector with elements xi,t : i ∈ IK , where
Evans, 1999). The information subset I13 (see Table 9)
xi,t is the value of macroeconomic variable i at time t,
includes in addition to the three variables in I3 , the Aus-
after it has (i) been transformed to stationarity, (ii) cen-
tralian versions of those variables modelled in: the small
tered by subtracting the mean, and (iii) standardised by
VAR of Bańbura et al. (2010) (the total number of persons
(dividing by the standard deviation. Also define z t :=
employed); the medium VAR of Koop (2013) (the industrial )′
x′t , x′t −1 , . . . , x′t −p+1 as a Kp-vector containing all the
production index, private dwelling approvals and the S&P
information (including lagged information) available at
ASX AllOrds stock price index); and the monetary model
time t. Finally define yt as the target variable which will
of Christiano et al. (1999) (the commodity price index of
be an element of xt . All methods that we consider provide
Australia, M1 and total credit). Since Australia, in contrast forecasts which are linear combinations of the predictors,
to the US, is a small open economy we also include in this allowing us to use the following general form
set, terms of trade, import and export volumes (Dungey &
t +1 = xt θ̂ 1 + xt −1 θ̂ 2 + · · · + xt −p+1 θ̂ p
Pagan, 2009). ′ ′ ′
The set I23 (see Table 10) contains the remaining 10
variables which are mostly aggregate information, e.g., con- where ŷM
t +1 is an one-step-ahead forecast of (
the target vari-
sumption, labour, money, exchange rates. These variables able using forecasting method M and θ̂ ℓ := θ̂1M,ℓ , θ̂2M,ℓ , . . . ,
account for other aspects of the economy not accounted for )′
in I13 . In general, the variables chosen in this scenario are θ̂KM,ℓ ,ℓ is the weight placed on the ℓth lag of
where θ̂iM
analogous to those selected by Koop (2013) who refer to the ith variable in information set IK . This can also be
these as ‘‘medium’’ scale models. expressed in terms of the stacked form as
Combining the variables included in the preceding in- M
t +1 = z t θ̂
ŷM ′
formation subsets with an additional 20 variables leads to (3.2)
the information set I43 (see Table 11). It consists of the ( )′
M M′ M′ M′
majority of aggregate variables in the information set. Koop where θ̂ := θ̂ 1 , θ̂ 2 , . . . , θ̂ p is a Kp-vector. Note
(2013) refers to these as ‘‘medium–large’’ scale models.
that Eqs. (3.1) and (3.2) specify a one-step-ahead forecast.
Finally, we consider the largest information set I151 (see
Although our focus is on GDP growth, CPI inflation and
Table 12) by adding the remaining 108 variables which are
IBR, we produce forecasts of all predictors in Ik so that
mostly disaggregate variables.
they can subsequently be used as inputs to form multistep
ahead forecasts in a recursive fashion. Marcellino, Stock,
2.1. International data
and Watson (2006) provide some justification for using
iterated forecasts rather than direct forecasts as do Hsu,
We have also compiled an international data set con- Hung, and Chang (2008), in the context of LARS. For our
taining 134 economic variables from China, the Euro Area, data, direct forecasts were not appreciably better than iter-
Japan and the US which together account for almost half ated forecasts and are thus not considered in what follows.
of Australia’s total trade and an additional 51 commodity For the DFM producing forecasts in an indirect fashion
prices. These international variables combined with the would also require the specification of a forecasting model
Australian data leads to an extended information set I336 for the factors. Since our results will be sensitive to the
(see Table 13). In a recent paper, Bjørnland, Ravazzolo, choice of forecasting model for the factors we follow what
and Thorsrud (2017) investigate the marginal predictive is typically implemented in the literature and employ a
power of a global factor extracted from real GDP growth direct forecasting method for the DFM instead. We discuss
rate of 33 countries for forecasting real GDP growth in this further in Section 3.2.
each country. Australia and New Zealand are two countries
where this global factor does not reduce the root mean 3.1. Benchmarks
squared error relative to the autoregressive benchmark.
However, Eickmeier and Ng (2011) compile a more ‘‘su- Two benchmark models are used to facilitate the empir-
pervised’’ international data set for New Zealand (in the ical evaluation undertaken in this paper. The first bench-
A. Panagiotelis, G. Athanasopoulos, R.J. Hyndman et al. / International Journal of Forecasting 35 (2019) 616–633 619

mark we consider is the sample mean which in this setting 3.3. Ridge regression
forms a natural naïve benchmark. Since the data are mean
corrected, ŷnaive
t +1 = 0 implying θ̂ = 0. It is worth Ridge regression is a method that shrinks the estimates
noting that for macroeconomic variables of interest such of regression coefficients towards zero relative to the least
as GDP and the interbank overnight cash rate which usually squares solution. It can be motivated by adding a penalty
require first-differencing for stationarity, the sample mean on the L2 norm of the coefficients to the usual sum of
forecast is equivalent to assuming a random walk model squared errors objective function, or in a Bayesian context
with drift for the original variable. by assuming a conjugate Gaussian prior on the coefficients.
In our context, ridge regression implies that the forecasts
The second benchmark we consider is the standard
weights have the following closed form
AR(p) model. Recalling that yt = xj,t , in the general frame-
)−1 (
work of Eq. (3.2),
( T T
ridge ∑ ∑
θ̂ = ′
z t −1 z t −1 + rR I Kp z t −1 yt ,
,ℓ ̸ = 0 if i = j t =p t =p

,ℓ = 0 if i ̸ = j .
θ̂iAR where rR ≥ 0 is a parameter the controls the amount of
The non-zero weights are found as estimates of an AR(p) shrinkage on the ridge coefficients and I Kp is a Kp × Kp
identity matrix.
model. It is worth noting that AR(p) forecasts only utilize
It is worth noting some similarities between the dy-
the information in the target series and therefore form
namic factor modelling approach, which is effectively a
a natural benchmark against the univariate forecast pro-
principal components regression, and ridge regression.
cedures which extract information from a large number
Principal components analysis considers a rotated version
of predictors. We select p by minimising the BIC with a
of the predictor space and shrinks the coefficients corre-
maximum lag of p = 4. These are denoted as ‘‘AR’’ in the sponding to smaller eigenvalues to be exactly zero. When
results that follow. ridge regression is considered in this rotated space, coeffi-
cients are shrunk by a factor of d2i /(d2i + rR ) where di is the
3.2. Dynamic Factor Model (DFM) ith largest eigenvalue of SZ = (T − p − 1)−1 t =p z t −1 z ′t −1 .
Since the d2i /(d2i + rR ) is close to zero for small di , ridge re-
The dynamic factor model assumes that rD unobserved gression shrinks the coefficients corresponding to smaller
dynamic factors can summarize the information set of the eigenvalues towards zero to a greater degree than coeffi-
cients corresponding to large eigenvalues, but in contrast
predictors xt where rD ≪ K . More precisely we assume
to principal components regression, ridge regression does
that xt admits the approximate factor structure
not shrink any of these coefficients exactly to zero.
xt = Λf t + ξ t
3.4. Least Angle Regression (LARS)
in which Λ is a K × rD matrix of factor loadings, f t are
the rD unobserved factors and ξ t is a vector of idiosyncratic Least angle regression is a shrinkage and variable selec-
errors which can be weakly inter-correlated (e.g., Fan, Liao, tion method proposed by Efron et al. (2004) and is moti-
& Mincheva, 2013). Stock and Watson (2002) show that the vated by the forward selection and the forward stagewise
first rD principal components of the data can consistently methods for selecting regression models (e.g., Hastie, Tib-
estimate the rD unobserved factors under the assumptions shirani, & Friedman, 2009). A comprehensive formulation
of the DFM. If W is a K × rD matrix with columns of the technical details underlying the LARS algorithm can
∑T given by be found in Efron et al. (2004), but we summarise the
the first rD eigenvectors of SX = (T − 1)−1 t =1 xt x′t , then
the factors at time t are estimated by main features here. The LARS algorithm is initialised at a
null model that includes no predictors. In our context, the
fˆt = W ′ xt (3.3) dependent variable is yt and the set of potential predictors
is z t −1 , although in the following discussion, the time index
To operationalize this framework as a forecasting model t and t − 1 will be dropped for convenience. Let Sk be the
for h-step-ahead forecasting, yt +h is regressed upon fˆ t , set of predictors included at step k of the LARS algorithm.
fˆ t −1 ,. . . fˆ t −p+1 . The h-step-ahead forecasts from the dy- At step k of the algorithm, the coefficients of the predictors
namic factor model are derived directly as are updated in an equiangular fashion towards the least
′ ′ ′ squares solution of a regression of y on zi : zi ∈ Sk , with
t +h = f t δ̂1 + f t −1 δ̂2 + · · · + f t −p+1 δ̂p ,
ŷDFM ˆ ˆ ˆ (3.4) the residual given by ek . This proceeds until the correlations
between ek and the zi : zi ∈ Sk are equal to the correlation
where δ̂ℓ is an rD -vector of coefficients estimated by least
between ek and some zi′ ∈ / Sk . The algorithm proceeds to
squares, that corresponds to the ℓth lag of the factors in the step k+1, we define Sk+1 = {Sk , zi′ } and the coefficients are
auxillary regression. Despite the use of a two-step proce- now updated in the direction of the least squares solution
dure, the forecast is still a linear function of the predictors. of a regression of y on zi ∈ Sk+1 .
Substituting Eq. (3.3) into Eq. (3.4) and using the notation It is worth noting that the selection process of the LARS
of Eq. (3.1) yields algorithm actually delivers a ranking of the predictors. This
DFM is a great advantage when forecasting with a handful of
θ̂ ℓ = Ŵ δ̂ℓ . economic variables as practitioners can get a feel for which
620 A. Panagiotelis, G. Athanasopoulos, R.J. Hyndman et al. / International Journal of Forecasting 35 (2019) 616–633

variables are more important than the others. Moreover, at VARs that only include a small number of variables (typ-
no further computational cost, the LARS algorithm can be ically less than ten), such Bayesian VARs can allow for
used to implement forward stagewise selection. In prac- quite a large number of predictors. For instance, the BVAR
tice, the LARS algorithm often provides a solution to the of Bańbura et al. (2010) contains 131 predictors.
LASSO objective function In the previous sections we have let xt be the
T Kp K -dimensional vector the elements of which are the
LARS ∑ )2 ∑
θ̂ i yt − z t −1 θ

, macroeconomic variables in the information set IK . Thus,
= argmin + rLARS |θj |
t =1 j=1
a multivariate VAR(p) can be expressed as

where a minor modification to the LARS algorithm guaran- xt +1 = A1 xt + A2 xt −1 + · · · + Ap xt −p+1 + et +1 , (3.5)

tees equivalence. The total level of shrinkage is controlled
where et +1 is a vector of errors distributed independently
by the number of variables selected which we denote as rL .
N(0, Σ ) across t and {Ai ; i = 1, 2, . . . , p} are K × K
This implies that for LARS the forecasts in Eq. (3.2) are given
autoregressive coefficient matrices. As in the previous sec-
by a sparse linear combination of the predictors where,
tions trends and means are assumed to have been properly
θ̂ i ̸= 0 ∀i : zi,t −1 ∈ SrL removed. )′
Recalling z t = x′t , x′t −1 , . . . , x′t −p+1 and denoting
θ̂ i / SrL .
= 0 ∀i : zi,t −1 ∈ A = (A1 , A2 , . . . , Ap )′ , the model (3.5) can be alternatively
expressed as
3.5. Bagging LARS
X = Z A + E ,
(T ∗ ×K ) (T ∗ ×Kp) (Kp×K ) (T ∗ ×K )
Bootstrap aggregation or bagging (e.g., Breiman, 1996)
)′ )′
is a prevalent device for improving the accuracy and sta- where X = xp+1 , . . . , xT , Z = z p , . . . , z T −1
( (
and E =
bility of statistical learning algorithms. Rather than train- )′
ep+1 , . . . , eT such that vec(E ) ∼ N(0, Σ ⊗ I T ∗ ).
ing the parameters once, bootstrap samples are taken, the
We employ a normal-inverted Wishart prior proposed
parameters are trained on each bootstrap sample and are
by Kadiyala and Karlsson (1997)
then averaged.
In macroeconomic forecasting, bagging has been used vec(A)|Σ ∼ N(vec(A0 ), Σ ⊗ Ω 0 ),
in conjunction with pretest methods for variable selection (3.6)
whereby variables are included only if their corresponding Σ ∼ iW (v0 , S 0 ),
t-statistics exceed some hard threshold (see Inoue & Kilian, where the parameters v0 , S 0 , A0 , Ω 0 are hyper-parameters
2008; Stock & Watson, 2012, for more details). Rather set as follows. The values of A0 and Ω 0 are set according to
than follow Inoue and Kilian (2008) and Stock and Watson the Minnesota prior (Litterman, 1986):
(2012) we use bagging in conjunction with LARS rather
0, i = j, ℓ = 1;
than the pretest method for three main reasons. First, for (i,j)
[ ]
E Aℓ =
K = 151, the number of predictors is larger than the 0 otherwise;
number of observations, a scenario that cannot be handled ⎧ 2
by the pretest methods but can be handled by LARS. Sec- ⎨ rV2 ,
⎪ i = j;
(i,j) ℓ
ond, pretest methods can select predictors that are highly
[ ]
Var Aℓ = rv2 σi
correlated with one another, which as Bai and Ng (2008) ⎪
⎩ ℓ2 otherwise;
point out, can be avoided by LARS. Selecting highly cor-
related predictors reduces the benefit from bagging since (i,j)
where Aℓ is element (i, j) of the coefficient matrix Aℓ .
model averaging is most effective when the predictors
Our formulation here differs slightly from the original pa-
carry distinct information. Third, bagging with LARS has
per by Litterman (1986) who shrinks all non-stationary
a computational cost of the same order as ordinary least (i,j)
variables to a random walk by setting E[Aℓ ] = 1 for
squares. In the empirical evaluation that follows we refer to
all i corresponding to non-stationary variables. Since we
forecasts generated from bagging LARS as ‘‘BagL’’ or ‘‘Bag-
LARS transform all variables to be stationarity, this is not rele-
LARS’’. If we let θ̂ b be the coefficients obtained in the vant in our context. The shrinkage on the coefficients is
manner described in Section 3.4 but for bootstrap sample determined by the hyper-parameter rV . The values of ν0
b then by the linearity of our forecasts and S 0 are chosen such that the prior expectation of Σ is
the fixed residual covariance matrix diag{σ12 , σ22 , . . . , σK2 }.
θ̂ = θ̂ b , This a priori expected value of Σ is the same as for the
b=1 Minnesota prior, however in contrast to the Minnesota
where B is the total number of bootstrap samples. Given prior, there is some prior support for non-zero correlations
the similarities between LASSO and LARS our approach is between error terms under the normal-inverted Wishart
similar to Bach (2008). prior.
The prior given in (3.6) together with the likelihood
3.6. A Bayesian VAR given in (3.5) lead to the conditional posteriors which are
also normal-inverted Wishart,
The multivariate forecast method we focus on is a
vec(A) | Σ , X , Z ∼ N(vec(A), Σ ⊗ Ω ),
Bayesian VAR (see for example, Bańbura et al., 2010; Car-
riero et al., 2011; Koop, 2013). Unlike the conventional Σ | X , Z ∼ iW (v, S)
A. Panagiotelis, G. Athanasopoulos, R.J. Hyndman et al. / International Journal of Forecasting 35 (2019) 616–633 621

1 1 −1
where A = (Ω − ′ −1
0 + Z Z) (Ω − ′
0 A0 + Z X ), Ω = (Ω 0 + We consider two measures of forecasting accuracy:
′ −1
Z Z ) . Due to conjugacy, Σ can be integrated out analyt- RMSE (root mean squared error) and MASE (mean ab-
ically leading to a multivariate t distribution
( for1vec(A) |X solute scaled error) (see Hyndman & Koehler, 2006, for
with posterior expectation vec(A) = vec (Ω − 0 + Z ′ −1
Z ) further details). As mentioned in Section 3, each variable is
(Ω − ′ standardised using the sample mean and variance of each
0 A0 + Z X ) (Zellner, 1971).
The Bayesian VAR also generates forecasts that are lin- estimation window before the methods are applied. The
ear combinations of the predictors. To express this in the RMSE and MASE vary in nature in that the former is a scale
form of Eq. (3.2) we isolate a single element of xt , namely dependent measure while the latter is a scale independent
yt = xj,t , and the weights on the predictors for a one-step- measure. We calculate both forecast error measures on the
ahead forecast are given by standardised variables.
An important issue to be aware of is the stability of
θ̂ = aj , forecast performance over time. In the context of macroe-
conomic data, even when a useful predictor or method is
where aj denotes the jth column of A found for a certain subsample of data, its performance may
deteriorate in the future due to a structural break. Rerun-
3.7. Setting regularisation parameters ning all selection algorithms over the running window may
mitigate this to some extent. However, to further inves-
The levels of regularization in the dynamic factor mod- tigate the stability of forecasting algorithms we conduct
elling approach, the ridge regression, LARS and Bayesian the forecast breakdown test of Giacomini and Rossi (2009)
VAR depend on a parameter denoted rD , rR and rL and rB which is based on the distance between in-sample and out
respectively. In the case of the dynamic factor model we of sample values of the loss function. In all cases a one-
employ the maximum eigenvalue ratio estimator of Ahn sided test is performed with a 5% level of significance.
and Horenstein (2013) rD = argmax λ k , where λk is the
5. Empirical results
kth eigenvalue of Z ′ Z , while the number of lags used to
form Z is determined by minimising BIC. For ridge and LARS
Table 1 presents the forecast accuracy for h = 1 to 4-
we use cross-validation, a choice supported by the con-
steps ahead of the alternative approaches across the three
clusion in Bergmeir, Hyndman, and Koo (2018) that cross
key macroeconomic variables of interest: GDP growth, CPI
validation is valid when statistical learning methods are
inflation and IBR. Each entry shows the RMSE of the fore-
applied to purely autoregressive models. The default set-
cast approach relative to the naïve benchmark. K denotes
ting of 10-fold cross validation was used in the R-packages,
the number of variables included in the information set as
glmnet (version 2.0.5) and lars (version 1.2) for estimating
defined in Section 2. The entries in bold show the min-
ridge and LARS respectively. As an alternative, for LARS
imum RMSE achieved by each alternative approach us-
we also implemented the Cp -type selection criterion pro-
ing information sets of varying sizes. Our interest here is
posed by Efron et al. (2004). However, its performance was
to assess the value added to forecasting key Australian
inferior to that of cross validation and therefore we do
macroeconomic variables by increasing the size of the in-
not report the results. Finally, for selecting the shrinkage formation set and by also including international variables.
parameter of the Bayesian VAR we follow Bańbura et al. The results based on the MASE are presented in Table 2.
(2010) and Koop (2013). All forecast approaches make use The results are qualitatively similar for both measures and
of a maximum of 4 lags of the predictors which includes 4 therefore the discussion that follows refers to both sets of
lags of the dependent variable as well. For all methods, reg- results.
ularisation parameters are re-evaluated for every rolling Most entries in Table 1 are close to 1. This indicates that
window. in general the competing forecasting approaches do not
forecast the three target variables more accurately than the
4. Forecast evaluation naïve approach. In most cases the competing methods at
best match the naïve benchmark or only slightly outper-
We consider h = 1 to 4-steps ahead forecasts for form it. Hence, it seems that in particular with Australian
each of the six information sets described in Section 2. We GDP using a random walk with drift is sufficient.
should reemphasise that all the estimation and calculations All competing methods perform considerably better
that follow are based on the variables after transforma- than the naïve benchmark in forecasting the IBR for at least
tion to stationarity. The forecast evaluation begins using h = 1 and for some cases 2-steps ahead. Interestingly
a training window of 10 years, i.e., 40 observations. Each the AR benchmark performs remarkably well for h =1-
model is estimated within this window from which h = 1 step ahead for both CPI inflation and IBR. For both these
to 4−steps-ahead forecasts are generated. The window is variables at least for very short horizon forecasting, infor-
then rolled forward one quarter at a time until the end mation from the additional predictors does not seem to
of the sample (similar to Stock & Watson, 2012). Sample assist. Using only their own past information suffices.
means, sample variances and models are re-estimated and In contrast to the general perception from forecasting
forecasts are generated with each step. This results in 75−h US macroeconomic variables, the dynamic factor model
out-of-sample forecasts for each forecast horizon h, which performs poorly with forecasting Australian macroeco-
are used to evaluate the forecast performances of the com- nomic variables independent of the size of the information
peting models. set and whether international variables are included or
622 A. Panagiotelis, G. Athanasopoulos, R.J. Hyndman et al. / International Journal of Forecasting 35 (2019) 616–633

Table 1
Forecast accuracy for h = 1 to 4. Each entry shows RMSE relative to the naïve benchmark. K denotes the number of predictors in the information set used.
BagL denotes Bagging-LARS. Bold entries indicate the lowest error measure achieved by the competing approaches for the variable of interest across each
row, i.e., using an increasing number of predictors.
K =3 13 23 43 151 336 3 13 23 43 151 336 3 13 23 43 151 336
GDP growth CPI inflation IBR
DFM 1.11 1.14 1.16 1.07 1.16 1.34 1.00 1.05 1.12 1.03 1.07 1.07 0.80 0.75 0.81 0.78 0.80 0.93
Ridge 1.03 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.05 1.05 1.06 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.96 1.03 0.81 0.85 0.84 0.77 0.79 0.79
LARS 1.02 1.00 1.05 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.01 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.86 0.88
BLAR 1.04 1.02 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.01 0.92 0.99 0.96 0.95 0.97 0.99 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.73 0.78 0.76
BVAR 1.34 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 0.91 0.98 1.01 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.82 0.86 0.84 0.87 0.87
AR 1.06 0.89 0.77
DFM 1.18 1.10 1.20 1.06 1.06 1.13 1.01 1.09 1.25 1.07 1.08 1.07 0.96 0.99 1.06 0.99 0.92 0.98
Ridge 1.09 1.02 1.03 1.01 1.03 0.92 1.15 1.01 1.00 0.99 1.02 1.03 0.95 0.94 0.96 0.93 0.94 1.01
LARS 1.04 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.04 0.89 1.05 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.00 0.99 0.97 0.97 1.00 0.97 0.95 0.98
BLAR 1.04 1.03 1.03 1.01 1.01 0.90 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.01 1.00 0.95 0.94 0.97 0.94 0.96 0.95
BVAR 1.35 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.12 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 0.95 0.97 0.96 0.96 0.96
AR 1.00 1.03 0.97
DFM 1.18 1.14 1.28 1.04 1.04 1.18 1.02 1.07 1.33 1.06 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.10 1.28 0.91 1.19 1.11
Ridge 1.09 1.03 1.00 1.02 1.02 1.00 1.11 1.00 0.98 0.99 1.00 1.01 1.03 0.98 1.00 0.97 0.99 1.07
LARS 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.05 1.01 1.00 1.05 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.03 1.02 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.01 0.99 0.99
BLAR 1.03 1.02 1.03 1.01 0.99 0.99 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 0.99 0.98 0.98 1.01 0.98 0.98 0.98
BVAR 1.34 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.09 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.11 0.99 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00
AR 1.01 1.02 1.05
DFM 1.09 1.12 1.20 1.15 1.07 1.14 1.07 1.04 1.21 1.05 1.01 1.00 1.03 1.07 1.14 1.00 1.14 1.14
Ridge 1.04 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.05 0.99 0.98 0.99 0.99 1.00 1.05 0.99 1.00 0.98 1.01 1.05
LARS 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.01 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.00 0.99 1.01
BLAR 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.00 0.99 0.99 1.00 1.00 0.98 0.99 1.00 1.01 0.99 0.99 1.00
BVAR 1.24 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.19 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
AR 1.01 1.01 1.06

not. The DFM is considerably less accurate than the naïve With regards to forecast stability we can draw a number
benchmark and the other competing methods for both of conclusions from the results of the Giacomini and Rossi
forecasting GDP growth and CPI inflation. In most cases (2009) test summarised in Table 3. First, for the forecasts
it seems that its best performance comes from using the from the naïve and AR benchmarks the null that forecasting
smallest possible information set of K = 3. We should performance is stable is rarely rejected. Of the regular-
note that beside the results we present here, for which isation methods, LARS in general seems to provide the
the number of factors for the DFM is selected by the Ahn most stable forecasts. This suggests that when a predictor
and Horenstein (2013) maximum eigenvalue ratio test and loses its forecasting power after a structural change, LARS
the number of lags selected using the BIC, as specified in as a hard thresholding method will eventually drop this
Section 3.7, we also experimented with: using other model predictor as the rolling window moves forwards. Looking
selection criteria such as the AIC and HQ in combination at the key variables, forecast stability is highest for the
interbank rate, followed by GDP growth, followed by CPI
with the Ahn and Horenstein (2013) maximum eigenvalue
inflation. This may be explained by changes in monetary
ratio test; setting the number of factors to 1, 3, 5 and 8; and
and wages policy that ensure that good predictors of in-
including the international variables with a smaller (K =
flation change rapidly over time. Overall, the results do
13) set of Australian variables. The results we present here
suggest that overfitting and a lack of forecast stability may
are the best for the variations of the DFM we experimented
be contributing factors to the failure to outperform a naïve
In an effort to investigate the effect of the information To further investigate the issue of forecast stability we
set sizes, we discover some interesting findings. The results compare the performance of all algorithms between two
for Ridge show that there are considerable improvements subperiods: a pre-GFC period (defined as 1997Q1-2008Q3)
in accuracy going from K = 3 to K = 13, with minor and a post-GFC period (defined as 2008Q4 to the end of the
improvements after that. For LARS there does not seem sample). For brevity we focus on RMSE for one-step ahead
to be any differences stemming from the information set forecasts reported in Table 4, although results for multi-
used. As expected, bagging LARS shows some improve- step ahead forecasts led to similar conclusions. In general,
ments (although minor) in some cases. There is a substan- we find that the performance of all methods, relative to
tial improvement in the accuracy of the BVAR by increasing naïve forecasts, deteriorates during the post-GFC period,
the information set from K = 3 to K = 13, and some for all three variables of interest with very few exceptions
marginal improvements after that. mostly for IBR.
A. Panagiotelis, G. Athanasopoulos, R.J. Hyndman et al. / International Journal of Forecasting 35 (2019) 616–633 623

Table 2
Forecast accuracy for h = 1 to 4. Each entry shows MASE relative to the naïve benchmark. K denotes the number of predictors in the information set used.
BagL denotes Bagging-LARS. Bold entries indicate the lowest error measure achieved by the competing approaches for the variable of interest across each
row, i.e., using an increasing number of predictors.
K =3 13 23 43 151 336 3 13 23 43 151 336 3 13 23 43 151 336
GDP growth CPI inflation IBR
DFM 1.08 1.12 1.19 1.09 1.14 1.29 1.01 1.06 1.13 1.04 1.05 1.08 0.79 0.85 0.85 0.75 0.80 0.89
Ridge 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.06 1.05 1.05 1.01 0.97 0.96 0.97 1.04 0.88 0.86 0.83 0.74 0.79 0.83
LARS 1.03 1.00 1.05 1.01 1.02 1.01 0.99 1.03 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.00 0.87 0.93 0.94 0.77 0.80 0.83
BLAR 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.04 1.04 0.93 0.98 0.95 0.94 0.94 0.97 0.77 0.83 0.79 0.71 0.74 0.74
BVAR 1.34 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 0.95 0.96 1.00 0.98 0.97 0.97 1.06 0.82 0.83 0.80 0.84 0.84
AR 1.06 0.90 0.75
DFM 1.19 1.13 1.22 1.11 1.11 1.17 1.03 1.13 1.20 1.03 1.08 1.06 0.96 1.03 1.14 1.03 0.98 1.01
Ridge 1.10 1.06 1.06 1.04 1.03 0.96 1.23 1.04 0.99 0.97 1.03 1.04 1.02 0.95 0.98 0.95 1.01 1.10
LARS 1.04 1.00 1.00 1.02 1.06 0.93 1.06 1.02 1.02 1.02 0.97 0.98 0.97 0.97 1.01 1.01 0.95 0.97
BLAR 1.06 1.06 1.05 1.03 1.02 0.96 1.02 1.02 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.93 0.95 0.97 0.93 0.96 0.93
BVAR 1.41 1.02 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.21 1.01 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.26 0.96 0.96 0.95 0.96 0.96
AR 1.01 1.03 0.94
DFM 1.12 1.13 1.25 1.06 1.04 1.16 1.06 1.13 1.29 1.08 1.04 1.04 1.06 1.12 1.35 0.99 1.26 1.14
Ridge 1.09 1.05 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.01 1.16 1.02 0.97 0.98 1.03 1.03 1.11 0.99 1.03 1.00 1.06 1.16
LARS 1.01 1.00 1.01 1.05 1.02 0.98 1.05 1.00 1.02 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.99 1.02 1.01 0.99 0.98 0.97
BLAR 1.05 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 0.98 0.99 1.00 0.99 0.95 0.96 1.00 0.97 0.99 0.96
BVAR 1.33 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.19 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00
AR 1.01 1.01 1.07
DFM 1.13 1.15 1.21 1.14 1.07 1.13 1.10 1.07 1.24 1.06 1.02 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.22 1.04 1.21 1.17
Ridge 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.07 1.00 0.98 0.98 1.02 1.01 1.10 0.98 0.99 0.97 1.03 1.09
LARS 1.00 1.00 1.02 1.00 1.01 0.98 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 0.99 0.97 0.99 1.00 1.01 0.99 0.97 0.99
BLAR 1.00 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 0.98 0.98 1.00 0.97 0.95 0.96 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.98
BVAR 1.29 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.29 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
AR 1.01 1.03 1.10

Table 3
Results from the forecast stability test of Giacomini and Rossi (2009). An asterisk denotes rejection of the null for a 1-sided test at a 5% level of significance.
With the exception of the 1 step-ahead forecast from an AR model for inflation, the null was never rejected for the AR and NAIVE methods.
K =3 13 23 43 151 336 3 13 23 43 151 336 3 13 23 43 151 336
GDP growth CPI inflation IBR
DFM * * * * * * * * * * *
Ridge * * * * * * * * * * * * *
LARS * * * * * *
BLAR * * * * * * * * * * * *
BVAR * * * * * * * * * * * * *
DFM * * * * * * * * *
Ridge * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
LARS * * * * *
BLAR * * * * * * * * * * * *
BVAR * * * * * * * * * *
DFM * * * * * * *
Ridge * * * * * * * * * * *
LARS * * * * *
BLAR * * * * * *
BVAR * * * * * * * * *
DFM * * * *
Ridge * * * * * * * *
LARS * * * *
BLAR * * * * *
BVAR * * * * * *
624 A. Panagiotelis, G. Athanasopoulos, R.J. Hyndman et al. / International Journal of Forecasting 35 (2019) 616–633

Table 4
One-step ahead forecast accuracy for pre- and post-GFC subperiods. Each entry shows RMSE relative to the naïve benchmark. K denotes the number of
predictors in the information set used. BagL denotes Bagging-LARS. Bold entries indicate the lowest error measure achieved by the competing approaches
for the variable of interest across each row, i.e., using an increasing number of predictors.
K =3 13 23 43 151 336 3 13 23 43 151 336 3 13 23 43 151 336
GDP growth CPI inflation IBR
Pre-GFC (1997Q4–2008Q3)
DFM 1.11 1.12 1.10 1.06 1.09 1.12 0.85 1.05 1.14 1.03 1.04 1.06 0.90 0.83 0.95 0.91 0.93 1.11
Ridge 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.03 1.01 0.96 0.99 0.97 0.96 0.92 1.01 0.90 0.81 0.85 0.73 0.81 0.89
LARS 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.99 1.01 1.01 0.99 1.01 1.02 0.86 0.81 0.85 0.66 0.69 0.74
BLAR 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 0.87 0.98 0.95 0.94 0.97 0.99 0.82 0.75 0.78 0.67 0.71 0.72
BVAR 1.24 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.01 0.99 0.74 0.99 1.00 0.98 0.97 1.00 1.04 0.74 0.84 0.79 0.87 0.84
AR 1.07 0.87 0.78
Post-GFC (2008Q4–2016Q1)
DFM 1.12 1.20 1.31 1.11 1.33 1.79 1.42 1.08 1.08 1.02 1.16 1.13 0.74 0.72 0.74 0.71 0.73 0.83
Ridge 1.08 1.02 1.04 1.05 1.09 1.11 1.37 1.01 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.07 0.76 0.86 0.83 0.79 0.77 0.72
LARS 1.07 1.00 1.16 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.12 1.00 1.02 1.06 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.98 0.96 0.92 0.93 0.94
BLAR 1.10 1.04 1.07 1.04 1.06 1.03 1.08 1.00 1.02 1.03 0.99 0.97 0.82 0.85 0.84 0.76 0.80 0.77
BVAR 1.57 1.05 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.39 0.96 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.00 0.93 0.85 0.87 0.86 0.88 0.79
AR 1.04 0.96 0.76

Table 5
Abbreviations used for each series and their Australian Bureau of Statistics or Reserve Bank of Australia Series ID. Data on the AllOrds were obtained from
Yahoo Finance.
Name Series ID Name Series ID Name Series ID
RGDP A2304402X IP_NMMP A2716605L HCE-Post A3604720V
Cons_Food A2303246R IP_MP A2716603J HCE-TelEqu A3604721W
Cons_CigTob A2303248V IP_ME A2716604K HCE-AVCE A3604738T
Cons_Alc A2303250F RetSal h03hist HCE-DomTra A3604739V
Cons_CloFoo A2303252K JobVac A590698F HCE-IntTra A3604740C
Cons_RenDwe A2303254R Emp_LFPer h05hist HCE-Pet A3604719K
Cons_EGF A2303256V Emp_HoursFtPer A3346482L PEXP f15hist
Cons_FurEqu A2303258X Emp_HoursPtPer A3346483R PIMP f15hist
Cons_Hea A2303260K Emp_HoursPer A3346481K COMMP i02hist
Cons_PurVeh A2303262R Emp_FtPer A181513R RHDI h02hist
Cons_OpeVeh A2303264V Emp_PtPer A181514T TotalComp A2302607T
Cons_TraSer A2303266X Emp_TotalPer A181515V AveComp A2302608V
Cons_Com A2303268C URate_OutofLF h05hist IBR f01hist
Cons_RecCul A2303270R URate_LookforFtPer A181526A 90 days Bk bills f01dhist
Cons_Edu A2303272V URate_Person A181525X 5 yr T-bond f02histhist
Cons_HCR A2303274X UNum_LookforFtPer A181516W 10 yr T-bond f02histhist
Cons_InsFin A2303276C UNum_LookforPtPer A181517X 10 yr NSWT-bond f02hist
Cons_Other A2303278J UNum_Person A181518A Currency d03hist
Cons_Final A2303280V HSTotalexfinNum A2412508V M1 d03hist
FixInv A2304051J HSTotalexfinVal A2412509W M3 d03hist
ResInv A2304054R HStarts: NSW A2412632C BM d03hist
NResInv-Equip A2304041C HStarts: VIC A2412636L Mbase d03hist
NResInv-CBR A2716097C HStarts: QLD A2412644L Credit_Person d02hist
NResInv-lPP A2716583K HStarts: SA A2412648W Credit_Bus d02hist
Exports A2304114F HStarts: WA A2412656W Credit_Total d02hist
Imports A2304115J HStarts: TAS A2412662T Credit_Nar d02hist
Gov A2304080V HStarts: NT A2412668F LoaAdv d02hist
Gov Nat A2304078J HStarts: ACT A2412672W Ex rate: JPY f11hist
Gov Nat/Loc A2304079K HStarts: Total A2412624C Ex rate: USD f11hist
DomSales A2302599C Hstarts_PDA h03hist EX rate: KRW f11hist
IP_Mining A2716600A InvLevel A2302598A Ex rate: NZD f11hist
IP_Man A2716601C InvtoSales A2302601C Ex rate: CNY f11hist
IP_EGWWS A2716610F CPI-ALL A2325846C Ex rate: GBP f11hist
IP_TotalInd A2298671X HCE-UTF A3604727K Ex rate: SGD f11hist
IP_FBT A2716602F HCE-MV A3604722X EX rate: IDR f11hist
IP_TCO A2716608V HCE-ParAcc A3604725F Ex rate: HKD f11hist
IP_WPP A2716609W HCE-Fuel A3604723A Ex rate: MYR f11hist
IP_PRM A2716607T HCE-MaiRep A3604726J Ex rate: avg f11hist
IP_PCCRP A2716606R HCE-OthMot A3604724C SP ASX AllOrds Yahoo Finance
EPI_LA A2295549R EPI_TFW A2295588F EPI_PPA A2295645R
EPI_Meat A2295570J EPI_CFCM A2295591V EPI_IS A2295654T
EPI_DPBE A2295573R EPI_MOMS A2295594A EPI_NFM A2295651K
EPI_FCMAI A2295552C EPI_CCB A2295606X EPI_PGME A2295612V
(continued on next page)
A. Panagiotelis, G. Athanasopoulos, R.J. Hyndman et al. / International Journal of Forecasting 35 (2019) 616–633 625

Table 5 (continued).
Name Series ID Name Series ID Name Series ID
EPI_Cer A2295555K EPI_PPRM A2295600K EPI_TESEM A2295615A
EPI_VF A2295558T EPI_GNM A2295603T EPI_RV A2295618J
EPI_SH A2295561F EPI_AOF A2295609F EPI_OTE A2295621W
EPI_CTCSM A2295576W EPI_MPP A2295663V EPI_PSCIA A2295627K
EPI_FSA A2295564L EPI_PNPF A2295669J EPI_PAESO A2295630X
EPI_HSFR A2295582T EPI_CMP A2295675C EPI_MMA A2295633F
EPI_CW A2295585X EPI_LLMDF A2295639V EPI_Gold A2295636L
TermsTrade A2304200A

Table 6 Fig. 1 presents the results for the MASE.1 For each point,
Categories of variables in the Australian macroeconomic data set. the value on the vertical axis denotes the percentage de-
Category (C) Description Number of viation of the error measure of the competing approach
relative to the error measure of the naïve benchmark for
1 GDP components 30
that particular variable. The corresponding value on the
2 Prices 50
3 Interest rates 5 horizontal axis denotes the error measure for the naïve
4 Industrial Production 13 benchmark. Hence a point below the horizontal axis shows
5 Employment 9 the percentage reduction in the error measure achieved by
6 Unemployment rate 5 the forecasting approach relative to the naïve benchmark.
7 Housing 12
8 Inventories 2
The further to the right the point, the larger the error mea-
9 Wages 3 sure for the naïve benchmark; i.e., the harder the variable
10 Money 10 is to forecast.
11 Exchange rates 11 The scatter plots confirm and generalise some of the
12 ASX S & P All Ordinaries index 1
conclusions we have drawn so far. For example, it seems
13 International variables 185
very challenging to forecast Australian macroeconomic
variables more accurately than a simple benchmark such
Table 7 as the naïve with large cloud of points gathering above
wt denotes an observed variable in levels. Transformation (T) denotes the horizontal axis, especially for the GDP category and for
the transformation implemented to achieve stationarity: 1 = no trans-
formation; 2 = first difference; 3 = second difference; 4 = log; 5 =
h ≥ 2. From these, the points associated to the DFM (cyan
first difference of logged variables; and 6 = second difference of logged solid circles) seem to be mostly identified as the ones with
variables. the largest loss compared to the naïve clustering well above
Transformation (T) the horizontal axis.
1 wt Despite the cloud of points above the horizontal axis
2 wt − wt −1 there are also clouds of points that gather below the hor-
3 (wt − wt −1 ) − (wt −1 − wt −2 ) izontal axis for each of the three categories of interest.
4 ln(wt )
An interesting question is whether concentrating on these
5 ln(wt /wt −1 )
6 ln(wt /wt −1 ) − ln(wt −1 /wt −2 ) ‘‘forecastable’’ variables, for example components of GDP
growth or disaggregate variables of prices or interest rates
can help in more accurately forecasting the aggregates.

It is conventional in the literature to report the forecast 6. Discussion and conclusion

accuracy for one measure of real economic activity (usually
the growth rate of GDP), one measure of inflation (usually The dataset comprising a large number of Australian
the CPI inflation) and one interest rate. This is what we macroeconomic variables provides an alternative empiri-
do in Tables 1–2. However, the data set contains data on cal platform for research on macroeconomic forecasting to
all GDP components, several measures of the price level the oft-analysed US data of Stock and Watson (2002). Our
and many interest rates. In order to get a better under- results point to an important feature of this data set that
standing of predictability of the Australian key economic distinguishes it from its US and European counterparts.
indicators, we check if our conclusions were specific to the We find that for forecasting Australian key macroeco-
economic indicators that we chose or the results would nomic indicators simple methods that ignore information
be qualitatively the same for alternative selections in each in the predictor set such as the naïve sample mean or
of the three categories, namely GDP components, prices the univariate autoregressive model compete well with,
and interest rates. We dig deeper into the forecastability or in most cases do better than, alternative more complex
of individual variables within each category with the aid methods that deliver forecasts as linear combinations of
of some bespoke scatter plots. We believe that this ‘‘data large sets of predictors. The alternatives we explore in-
visualization’’ (see Lindquist, 2011 for a recent survey) clude methods that select a subset of predictors, such as
provides useful insights into macroeconomic forecasting LARS, or methods that use all predictors, such as ridge
as we explain below. (For interested readers we present
similar plots for other variable categories in Appendix B of 1 RMSE results are similar hence we do not present them here to save
the online supplement). space. All RMSE results are available upon request.
626 A. Panagiotelis, G. Athanasopoulos, R.J. Hyndman et al. / International Journal of Forecasting 35 (2019) 616–633

Table 8
The three key macroeconomic variables in I3 . These are used for forecasting in all settings.
Name T C Description
GDP growth 5 1 Gross domestic product: Chain volume measures
CPI inflation 6 2 Index Numbers; All groups CPI
IBR 2 3 Interbank overnight cash rate in Australia

Table 9
Variables in I13 \I3 where A\B denotes the elements of A that are not also elements of B.
Name T C Description
Exports 5 1 Exports of goods and services
Imports 5 1 Imports of goods and services
COMMP 6 2 Index of commodity prices; All items; AUD, Index, 2013/14=100
TermsTrade 5 2 Terms of Trade; Index
IP_TotalInd 5 4 Total industrial industries; Index
Emp_TotalPer 5 5 Employed – total; Persons
Hstarts_PDA 5 7 Private dwelling approvals
M1 6 10 M1
Credit_Total 6 10 Credit; Total
SP ASX AllOrds 5 12 S & P ASX AllOrds adjusted closing prices

Table 10
Variables in I23 \I13 .
Name T C Description
Cons_Final 5 1 Household Final Consumption Expenditure: Chain volume measures
10 yr T-bond 2 3 10 yrs Australian Government
Urate_Per 3 6 Unemployment rate; Persons
AveComp 5 9 Average non-farm compensation per employee: Current prices
M3 6 10 M3
BM 6 10 Broad money
Mbase 6 10 Money base
Credit_Per 6 10 Credit; Other personal
Credit_Bus 6 10 Credit; Business
Ex rate: avg 5 11 Australian Dollar Trade-weighted Index

Table 11
Variables in I43 \I23 .
Name T C Description
Gov 5 1 General government; Final consumption expenditure
DomSales 5 1 Domestic sales: Current prices
PEXP 5 2 Real export-weighted index; Original
PIMP 5 2 Real import-weighted index; Original
90 days Bk bills 2 3 90 days Bank accepted bills
5 yr T-bond 2 3 5 yrs Australian Government
10 yr NSWT-bond 2 3 10 yrs NSW Treasury Corporation
RetSal 2 4 Retail sales; All industries; Current price
Emp_LFPer 5 5 Labour Force; Persons
Emp_HoursPer 5 5 Aggregate Monthly Hours Worked; Persons
HSTotalexfinNum 5 7 Total excluding refinancing of established dwellings – No.
HSTotalexfinVal 5 7 Total excluding refinancing of established dwellings – Value
HStarts: Total 5 7 Total (State); Number of Commitments
InvLevel 5 8 Private non-farm inventory levels; book values; Current prices
InvtoSales 2 8 Inventories to total sales; Ratio
RHDI 5 9 Real household disposable income
Currency 6 10 Currency: Seasonally adjusted
Credit_Nar 6 10 Narrow credit including loans and advances by AFIs plus
Bills on issue
LoaAdv 6 10 Loans and advances; Banks

regression, VARs or dynamic factor models. This leads us or relationship between variables is highly non-linear and
to conclude that the signal in what are supposedly re- unstable.
lated macroeconomic variables used for forecasting key From an Australian perspective, forecast stability tests
indicators is very weak. Moreover, it also possible that show that the reduced form relationships between the key
the relationship between the target variables and these macroeconomic variables and domestic macro variables
predictors are extremely non-linear or unstable. Hence, have been too unstable to lead to useful forecasts. The
this data set provides a good and challenging laboratory sample mean is the best forecast for the GDP growth rate
for future research on forecasting when signals are weak and forecasts from univariate autoregressive models are
A. Panagiotelis, G. Athanasopoulos, R.J. Hyndman et al. / International Journal of Forecasting 35 (2019) 616–633 627

Table 12
Variables in I151 \I43 .
Name T C Description
Cons_Food 5 1 CVM (Chain Volume Measure) Household Cons Food
Cons_CigTob 5 1 CVM Household Cons Cigarettes and tobacco
Cons_Alc 5 1 CVM Household Cons Alcoholic beverages
Cons_CloFoo 5 1 CVM Household Cons Clothing and footwear
Cons_RenDwe 5 1 CVM Household Cons Rent and other dwelling services
Cons_EGF 5 1 CVM Household Cons Electricity, gas and other fuel
Cons_FurEqu 5 1 CVM Household Cons Furnishings and household equipment
Cons_Hea 5 1 CVM Household Cons Health
Cons_PurVeh 5 1 CVM Household Cons Purchase of vehicles
Cons_OpeVeh 5 1 CVM Household Cons Operation of vehicles
Cons_TraSer 5 1 CVM Household Cons Transport services
Cons_Com 5 1 CVM Household Cons Communications
Cons_RecCul 5 1 CVM Household Cons Recreation and culture
Cons_Edu 5 1 CVM Household Cons Education services
Cons_HCR 5 1 CVM Household Cons Hotels, cafes and restaurants
Cons_InsFin 5 1 CVM Household Cons Insurance and other financial services
Cons_Other 5 1 CVM Household Cons Other goods and services
ResInv 5 1 Gross fixed capital formation-Dwellings
NResInv-Equip 5 1 Gross fixed capital formation-Machinery and equipment
NResInv-CBR 5 1 Gross fixed capital formation-Cultivated biological resources
NResInv-IPP 5 1 Gross fixed capital formation-Intellectual property products
Gov Nat 5 1 Government-National; Final Cons. expenditure
Gov Nat/Loc 5 1 Government-State and local; Final Cons. expenditure
HCE-UTF 6 2 Index; Urban transport fares
HCE-MV 6 2 Index; Motor vehicles
HCE-ParAcc 6 2 Index; Spare parts and accessories for motor vehicles
HCE-Fuel 6 2 Index; Automotive fuel
HCE-MaiRep 6 2 Index; Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
HCE-OthMot 6 2 Index; Other services in respect of motor vehicles
HCE-Post 6 2 Index; Postal services
HCE-TelEqu 6 2 Index; Telecommunication equipment and services
HCE-AVCE 6 2 Index; Audio, visual and computing equipment
HCE-DomTra 6 2 Index; Domestic holiday travel and accommodation
HCE-IntTra 6 2 Index; International holiday travel and accommodation
HCE-Pet 6 2 Index; Pets and related products
EPI_LA 5 2 Index Numbers; 00 Live animals other than division 03
EPI_Meat 5 2 Index Numbers; 01 Meat and meat preparations
EPI_DPBE 5 2 Index Numbers; 02 Dairy products and birds’ eggs
EPI_FCMAI 5 2 Index Numbers; 03 Fish, crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic
invertebrates and preparations thereof
EPI_ Cer 5 2 Index Numbers;04 Cereals and cereal preparations
EPI_VF 5 2 Index Numbers; 05 Vegetables and fruit
EPI_SH 5 2 Index Numbers; 06 Sugars, sugar preparations and honey
EPI_CTCSM 5 2 Index Numbers; 07 Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manuf. thereof
EPI_FSA 5 2 Index Numbers; 08 Feeding stuff for animals (not including
unmilled cereals)
EPI_HSFR 5 2 Index Numbers; 21 Hides, skins and furskins, raw
EPI_CW 5 2 Index Numbers; 24 Cork and wood
EPI_TFW 5 2 Index Numbers; 26 Textile fibres and their wastes
EPI_CFCM 5 2 Index Numbers; 27 Crude fertilizers, other than those of
division 56, and crude minerals (excluding coal, petroleum)
EPI_MOMS 5 2 Index Numbers; 28 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap
EPI_CCB 5 2 Index Numbers; 32 Coal, coke and briquettes
EPI_PPRM 5 2 Index Numbers; 33 Petroleum, petroleum products
and related materials
EPI_GNM 5 2 Index Numbers; 34 Gas, natural and manufactured
EPI_AOF 5 2 Index Numbers; 41 Animal oils and fats
EPI_MPP 5 2 Index Numbers; 54 Medical and pharmaceutical products
EPI_PNPF 5 2 Index Numbers; 58 Plastics in non-primary forms
EPI_CMP 5 2 Index Numbers; 59 Chemical materials and products, n.e.s.
EPI_LLMDF 5 2 Index Numbers; 61 Leather, leather manufactures, n.e.s., and
dressed furskins
EPI_PPA 5 2 Index Numbers; 64 Paper, paperboard, and articles of paper
pulp, of paper or of paperboard
EPI_IS 5 2 Index Numbers; 67 Iron and steel
EPI_NFM 5 2 Index Numbers; 68 Non-ferrous metals
EPI_PGME 5 2 Index Numbers; 71–75 Power generating, general industrial
and other specialised machinery and equipment
(continued on next page)
628 A. Panagiotelis, G. Athanasopoulos, R.J. Hyndman et al. / International Journal of Forecasting 35 (2019) 616–633

Table 12 (continued).
Name T C Description
EPI_TESEM 5 2 Index Numbers; 76–77 Telecommunications equipment, sound
recording apparatus and electrical machinery, n.e.s.
EPI_RV 5 2 Index Numbers; 78 Road vehicles (incl. air-cushion vehicles)
EPI_OTE 5 2 Index Numbers; 79 Other transport equipment
EPI_PSCIA 5 2 Index Numbers; 87 Professional, scientific and controlling
instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
EPI_PAESO 5 2 Index Numbers; 88 Photographic apparatus, equipment and
supplies and optical goods, n.e.s.
EPI_MMA 5 2 Index Numbers; 89 Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s.
EPI_Gold 5 2 Index Numbers; 97 Gold, non-monetary (excluding gold ores
and concentrates)
IP_Mining 5 4 Mining excluding exploration and mining support services
IP_Man 5 4 Manufacturing
IP_EGWWS 5 4 Electricity, gas, water and waste services
IP_FBT 5 4 Food, beverage and tobacco products
IP_TCO 5 4 Textile, clothing and other manufacturing
IP_WPP 5 4 Wood and paper products
IP_PRM 5 4 Printing and recorded media
IP_PCCRP 5 4 Petroleum, coal, chemical and rubber products
IP_NMMP 5 4 Non-metallic mineral products
IP_MP 5 4 Metal products
IP_ME 5 4 Machinery and equipment
JobVac 5 5 Job Vacancies; Australia
Emp_HoursFtPer 5 5 Aggregate Monthly Hours Worked (Emp f/t); Persons
Emp_HoursPtPer 5 5 Aggregate Monthly Hours Worked (Emp p/t); Persons
Emp_FtPer 5 5 Employed – full-time; Persons
Emp_PtPer 5 5 Employed – part-time; Persons
URate_OutofLF 3 6 Unemployed persons as percentage of labour force
URate_LookforFtPer 3 6 Unemployment rate – looking for full-time work; Persons
UNum_LookforFtPer 5 6 Unemployed – looking for full-time work; Persons
UNum_LookforPtPer 5 6 Unemployed – looking for part-time work; Persons
UNum_Person 5 6 Unemployed – total; Persons
HStarts: NSW 5 7 New South Wales; Number of Commitments
HStarts: VIC 5 7 Victoria; Number of Commitments
HStarts: QLD 5 7 Queensland; Number of Commitments
HStarts: SA 5 7 South Australia; Number of Commitments
HStarts: WA 5 7 Western Australia; Number of Commitments
HStarts: TAS 5 7 Tasmania; Number of Commitments
HStarts: NT 5 7 Northern Territory; Number of Commitments
HStarts: ACT 5 7 Australian Capital Territory; Number of Commitments
TotalComp 5 9 Non-farm; Total compensation of employees: Current prices
Ex rate: JPY 5 11 AUD/JPY Exchange Rate
Ex rate: USD 5 11 AUD/USD Exchange Rate
EX rate: KRW 5 11 AUD/KRW Exchange Rate
Ex rate: NZD 5 11 AUD/NZD Exchange Rate
Ex rate: CNY 5 11 AUD/CNY Exchange Rate
Ex rate: GBP 5 11 AUD/GBP Exchange Rate
Ex rate: SGD 5 11 AUD/SGD Exchange Rate
EX rate: IDR 5 11 AUD/IDR Exchange Rate
Ex rate: HKD 5 11 AUD/HKD Exchange Rate
Ex rate: MYR 5 11 AUD/MYR Exchange Rate

best for CPI inflation and inter-bank rate. Moreover, the countries. A reflection of these differences was that Aus-
addition of a judiciously chosen set of macroeconomic tralia did not experience a recession during the global
variables from Australia’s major trading partners and data financial crisis whereas New Zealand did. There is also a
related to Australia’s major exports to the set of predictors possibility that the univariate benchmark in Eickmeier and
does not improve the forecasting performance over the Ng (2011) was particularly unstable, which might have ex-
naïve benchmarks. This is in sharp contrast to Eickmeier aggerated the performance of the ‘‘many predictor’’ mod-
and Ng (2011) results for New Zealand, where the addition els, since Bjørnland et al. (2017) find that international data
of international predictors produces significantly better do not help predict GDP growth rate for either Australia or
forecasts than univariate benchmarks. This may be due to New Zealand.
difference in the main export commodities in two coun- A significant result for economists interested in fore-
tries (minerals in Australia versus agricultural products casting macroeconomic variables with many predictors is
in New Zealand) coupled with relatively lower degree of that, in contrast to the US data, the dynamic factor model
penetration of New Zealand exports in the international does not retain its good forecast performance for the Aus-
export markets, which makes New Zealand exports more tralian economy. This result holds for different target vari-
responsive to economic conditions in a small number of ables, different sizes of information sets, and for different
A. Panagiotelis, G. Athanasopoulos, R.J. Hyndman et al. / International Journal of Forecasting 35 (2019) 616–633 629

Table 13
International variables.
Name T Description
CRUDE_PETRO 5 Crude oil, average ($/bbl)
CRUDE_DUBAI 5 Crude oil, Dubai ($/bbl)
NGAS_US 5 Natural gas, US ($/mmbtu)
NGAS_EUR 5 Natural gas, Europe ($/mmbtu)
INATGAS 5 Natural gas index (2010 = 100)
COCOA 5 Cocoa ($/kg)
COFFEE_ARABIC 5 Coffee, arabica ($/kg)
COFFEE_ROBUS 5 Coffee, robusta ($/kg)
TEA_AVG 5 Tea, avg 3 auctions ($/kg)
TEA_COLOMBO 5 Tea, Colombo ($/kg)
TEA_KOLKATA 5 Tea, Kolkata ($/kg)
TEA_MOMBASA 5 Tea, Mombasa ($/kg)
COCONUT_OIL 5 Coconut oil ($/mt)
COPRA 5 Copra ($/mt)
GRNUT_OIL 5 Groundnut oil ($/mt)
PALM_OIL 5 Palm oil ($/mt)
SOYBEANS 5 Soybeans ($/mt)
SOYBEAN_OIL 5 Soybean oil ($/mt)
SOYBEAN_MEAL 5 Soybean meal ($/mt)
BARLEY 5 Barley ($/mt)
MAIZE 5 Maize ($/mt)
SORGHUM 5 Sorghum ($/mt)
RICE_05 5 Rice, Thai 5% ($/mt)
WHEAT_US_HRW 5 Wheat, US HRW ($/mt)
BANANA_US 5 Banana, US ($/kg)
ORANGE 5 Orange ($/kg)
BEEF 5 Beef ($/kg)
CHICKEN 5 Meat, chicken ($/kg)
SUGAR_EU 5 Sugar, EU ($/kg)
SUGAR_US 5 Sugar, US ($/kg)
SUGAR_WLD 5 Sugar, world ($/kg)
TOBAC_US 5 Tobacco, US import u.v. ($/mt)
LOGS_MYS 5 Logs, Malaysian ($/cubic meter)
SAWNWD_MYS 5 Sawnwood, Malaysian ($/cubic meter)
COTTON_A_INDX 5 Cotton, A Index ($/kg)
RUBBER1_MYSG 5 Rubber, SGP/MYS ($/kg)
PHOSROCK 5 Phosphate rock ($/mt)
DAP 5 DAP ($/mt)
TSP 5 TSP ($/mt)
UREA_EE_BULK 5 Urea ($/mt)
POTASH 5 Potassium chloride ($/mt)
ALUMINUM 5 Aluminum ($/mt)
IRON_ORE 5 Iron ore, cfr spot ($/dmtu)
COPPER 5 Copper ($/mt)
LEAD 5 Lead ($/mt)
TIN 5 Tin ($/mt)
NICKEL 5 Nickel ($/mt)
ZINC 5 Zinc ($/mt)
GOLD 5 Gold ($/troy oz)
PLATINUM 5 Platinum ($/troy oz)
SILVER 5 Silver ($/troy oz)
FAIPriceInd 6 Fixed asset investment price index
GDPDeflator 2 Implicit price deflator for GDP by value added
NomGDPva 5 GDP by value added (RMB billion)
NomRetGoods 5 Retail sales of consumer goods (RMB billion)
NomFAI 5 Fixed asset investment (RMB bil) by eliminating the 1994Q4 outlier
NomGDPCH 5 GDP by expenditure (RMB billion)
NomNetExpCH 2 Net exports by expenditure (RMB billion)
NomHHC 5 Household consumption by expenditure (RMB billion)
NomGovtC 5 Government consumption by expenditure (RMB billion)
NomGCF 5 Nominal gross capital formation (RMB billion)
NomInvty 2 Changes in inventories (RMB billion)
AvgNomWage 5 Aggregate average nominal wages
logrealHHC 2 log(NominalHHC) - log(CPI)
CPICH 6 Consumer price index
GFCFPI 6 Price index for gross fixed capital formation
(continued on next page)
630 A. Panagiotelis, G. Athanasopoulos, R.J. Hyndman et al. / International Journal of Forecasting 35 (2019) 616–633

Table 13 (continued).
Name T Description
Price2CPI 2 Relative prices of investment goods (to CPI)
BankLoans 6 End-of-quarter financial institution loans outstanding: total
RealGDPva 5 Real GDP by value added (RMB billion)
RealGDPCH 5 Real GDP by expenditure (RMB billion)
Euro area
GCD 2 General Government Final Consumption Deflator,
Index, Index base year 1995 (1995 = 1)
GCR 5 General Government Final Consumption Expenditure, Mil of euros,
Chain linked volume, Calendar and seas adjusted, Ref year 1995
XTR 5 Exports of Goods and Services, Mil of euros, Chain linked volume,
Calendar and seasonally adjusted data, Reference year 1995
YED 2 GDP Deflator, Index, 1995 = 1
YER 5 GDP at market prices, Million Euro, Chain linked volume,
Calendar and seasonally adjusted data, Reference year 1995
MTR 5 Imports of Goods and Services, Mil of euros, Chain linked volume,
Calendar and seasonally adjusted data, Reference year 1995
PCR 5 Individual Consumption Expenditure, Millions of euros,
Chain linked volume, Calendar and seas adjusted, Ref year 1995
ITR 5 Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Mil of euros, Chain linked volume,
Calendar and seasonally adjusted data, Reference year 1995
PCD 2 Individual Consumption Deflator, Index, 1995 = 1
ITD 2 Gross Fixed Capital Formation Deflator, 1995 = 1
XTD 2 Exports of Goods and Services Deflator, 1995 = 1
MTD 2 Imports of Goods and Services Deflator, 1995 = 1
YFD 2 GDP at Factor Costs Deflator, Index
YIN 5 GDP, Income Side, YIN = YFN + TIN.
WIN 5 Compensation of Employees, Mil of euros, Current prices
GON 5 Gross Operating Surplus, GON = YEN - WIN - TIN.
TIN 5 Taxes on Production and Imports Less Subsidies, Mil of euros
YFN 5 GDP at Factor Costs, YFN = WIN + GON.
HICP 6 Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices, Index, base 1996 = 100
CAN_YEN 2 Current Account Balance as a Share of GDP
NFN_YEN 1 Net Factor Income from Abroad as a Share of GDP
LFN 5 Labour Force, Thousands of persons
LNN 5 Total Employment, Thousands of persons
UNN 5 Number of Unemployed, Thousands of persons
URX 2 Unemployment Rate
LEN 5 Employees, Thousands of persons
STN 2 Nominal Short-Term Int Rate, Euribor 3-month
LTN 2 Nominal Long-Term Int Rate, Euro area 10-year
COMPR 5 Commodity Prices, US dollars
POILU 5 Oil Prices, UK, Petroleum: UK Brent, US dollars per barrel.
PCOMU 5 Non-oil Commodity Prices, ECB commodity price index US is dollars
YWD 2 ‘‘World’’ GDP Deflator, Index, Index base year 1995 (1995 = 1)
YWDX 2 ‘‘World’’ Demand Deflator, Composite Indicator
YWR 5 ‘‘World’’ GDP, Millions of US dollars
YWRX 5 ‘‘World’’ Demand, Composite Indicator
LPROD 2 Labour Productivity
ULC 5 Unit Labour Costs
WRN 5 Wage per Head
SAX 2 Gross Household Saving Rate, Percentage
EEN 5 Nom Effective Exchange Rate (NEER)
EXR 5 Euro-per-USD Exchange Rate
SPREURO 2 Euro area 10-yr Government bond yield minus Euribor 3-mth
CPAA 5 Private final consumption expenditure
GDPVD 5 Gross domestic product, volume, at 2010 PPP, USD
IRL 2 Long-term government bond yields: 10 years
ITV 5 Gross fixed capital formation, total, volume
MGSVD 5 Real Imports of goods and services, volume, USD, 2010 prices
PCP 2 Private final consumption expenditure, deflator, index
XGSVD 5 Real Exports of goods and services, volume, USD, 2010 prices, sa
YDRH 5 Net household disposable income, real, sa
SP 5 Total Share Prices for All Shares for Japan; Index; not sa
PROD 5 Production of Total industry excluding construction sa, Index
RetailTrade 5 Total retail trade, (Volume) sa, Index
CPIJPN 6 Consumer Price Index: Index 2010 = 100
(continued on next page)
A. Panagiotelis, G. Athanasopoulos, R.J. Hyndman et al. / International Journal of Forecasting 35 (2019) 616–633 631

Table 13 (continued).
Name T Description
HWMN03Q661S 2 Monthly Hours Worked: Manufacturing, Index 2010 = 1
BSQ160S 1 Business Tendency Surveys for Manufacturing
ULQ661S 5 Early Estimate of Quarterly ULC Indicators: Index 2010 = 1
LCQ661S 5 Hourly Earnings: Manufacturing for Japan, Index 2010 = 1
CC1Q661N 5 Real Eff Ex Rates Based on Manuf CPI, Index 2010 = 1
CC2Q661N 5 Real Eff Ex Rates Based on Manuf Unit Labor Cost, Index 2010 = 1
MAQ189S 6 M1, National Currency
LFAQ647S 5 Active Population: Aged 15 and Over, Persons
LFEQ647S 5 Employed Population: Aged 15 and Over, Persons
LRHQ156S 2 Harmonised Unemployment Rate: Total, Percent
ULQ661S 5 Early Estimate of Quarterly ULC Indicators: Index 2010 = 1
WSQ661S 5 Total Dwellings and Residential Buildings, index 2010 = 1
PRMNQ 5 Production in Total Manufacturing, Index 2010 = 100
PRMNVQ661S 5 Tot. Production of Investment Goods for Manufacturing, 2010 = 1
PRMNIQ661S 5 Tot. Production of Intermediate Goods for Manufacturing, 2010 = 1
IR3Q156N 2 3-Month Rates and Yields: Certificates of Deposit, Percent
M3JPN 6 M3, National Currency
SPR01 2 10-year gvt bond yields minus 3-month certificates of Deposit, Percent
SPR02 2 10-year gvt bond yields minus Central Bank Rates, Percent
GDPC1 5 Real Gross Domestic Product, Billions of Chained 2009 Dollars
PFCEQDSMEI 5 Private Final Consumption Expenditure, Billions of Dollars
GFCFQDSMEI 5 Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Billions of Dollars
GFCEQDSMEI 5 Government Final Consumption Expenditure, Billions of Dollars
B020RA3Q086SBEA 5 Real exports of goods and services, Index 2009 = 100
RA3Q086SBEA 5 Real imports of goods and services, Index 2009 = 100
LFEMTQ647S 5 Employed Population: Aged 15 and Over: All Persons
C1Q027SBEA 5 Personal consumption excluding food and energy, Billions of Dollars
CUMFN 2 Capacity Utilization: Manufacturing (NAICS), Percent of Capacity
IPB50001SQ 5 Industrial Production: Total index, Index 2012 = 100
LFAC7Q647S 5 Active Population: Aged 15-74: Persons
SLRTTQ661S 5 Volume of Total Retail Trade sales, Index 2010 = 100
WSCNDQ661S 5 Total Dwellings and Residential Buildings, Index 2010 = 1
HOHWMQ065S 2 Weekly Hours Worked: Manufacturing, Hours
IPG333SQ 5 Industrial Production: Durable manufacturing: Machinery, 2012 = 100
PRMNIQ661S 5 Total Production of Intermediate Goods for Manufacturing, 2010 = 1
IPB51200NQ 5 Industrial Production: Nondurable consumer goods, Index 2012 = 100
SLWHTQ189S 5 Value of Total Wholesale Trade sales, National Currency
A371RX1BEA 5 Real private inventories, Billions of Chained 2009 Dollars
LRHQ156S 2 Harmonised Unemployment Rate: Total: All Persons, Percent
CPIUS 6 Consumer Price Index: Total All Items, Index 2010 = 1
A829RD3 5 Gvt cons exp and gross inv: State and local, Index 2009 = 100
A006RD3 5 Gross private domestic investment, Index 2009 = 100
A011RD3 5 Gross private domestic fixed investment: Residential, 2009 = 100
A008RD3 5 Gross private domestic fixed investment: Nonresidential, 2009 = 100
ULCNFB 5 Nonfarm Business Sector: Unit Labor Cost, Index 2009 = 100
ULQEUL0 5 Early Estimate of Quarterly ULC Indicators: Index 2010 = 1
B020RG3 5 Exports of goods and services, Index 2009 = 100
B021RG3 5 Imports of goods and services, Index 2009 = 100
OPHNFB 5 Nonfarm Business Sector: Real Output Per Hour All Persons, 2009 = 100
HOUREARN 5 Hourly Earnings: Manufacturing, Index 2010 = 100
M3US 6 M3, National Currency
M1US 6 M1, National Currency
CCRETT 5 Real Effective Exchange Rates Based on Manufacturing CPI, 2010 = 1
IRSTFR 5 Immediate Rates: Less than 24 Hours: Federal Funds Rate, Percent
IR3TED 5 3-Month or 90-day Rates and Yields: Eurodollar Deposits, Percent
IR3TCD 5 3-Month or 90-day Rates and Yields: Certificates of Deposit, Percent
DPIC96 5 Real Disposable Personal Income, Billions of Chained 2009 Dollars
T5YFFM 2 5-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Minus Federal Funds Rate, Percent
T10Y2YM 2 10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity (TCM) Minus 2-Year TCM, Percent
T10Y3MM 2 10-Year TCM Minus 3-Month TCM, Percent
T10YFFM 2 10-Year TCM Minus Federal Funds Rate, Percent

forecast horizons. Furthermore, this general conclusion is our results show that adding extra predictors can improve
also robust to including either fewer or more dynamic the forecast accuracy over small models, especially for the
factors. shorter forecast horizons of one or two quarters ahead. In
Leaving aside the fact that simple univariate bench- particular, we find gains in the accuracy of forecasts of the
marks outperformed most of the multivariate forecasts, key macroeconomic variables of interest after increasing
632 A. Panagiotelis, G. Athanasopoulos, R.J. Hyndman et al. / International Journal of Forecasting 35 (2019) 616–633

Fig. 1. Comparing the h = 1 to 4-steps ahead MASE between the alternative forecasting approaches and the naïve benchmark for all variables in the
categories the key variables of interest belong to when K = 151. The colors indicate the 12 categories the variables belong to and the shapes identify the
competing forecast approaches implemented. The vertical axis denotes the percentage deviation in RMSE for the competing approaches relative to the
naïve benchmark. The horizontal axis denotes the MASE of the naïve benchmark.

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r.pdf. Farshid Vahid is a Professor at the Department of Econometrics and
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– Five years of experience. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 4, Social Sciences in Australia. His research interests include econometrics,
25–38. applied macroeconomics and time series analysis.

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