A Seminar Paper On "The Prospective of Diagnostic Center in Sylhetcity"

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Department of Business Administration

Shahjalal University of Science & Technology

Letter of Submitta
25 july , 2013


Assistant professor,

Department of Business Administration

Shahjalal University of Science & Technology,

Sylhet .

Dear Madam,

It is great pleasure to submit our report on services of diagnostic centers for your
acceptance. By your practical teaching method and proper guidance we have come
diagnostic center for our seminar report. We have tried our best effort on preparing this
report as comprehensive and informative as possible within the time allowed for us. Due
to various limitations there may be some mistakes for which we bag your apology.

Thanking you

Sincerely Yours

Md . Abu tareqReg no.2011731016 ..

Jamil Ahmed Reg no.2011731036

PollobChowdhuryReg no.2011731045

FarhadAhammadReg no.2011731056

Md. Sharif UddinReg no.2011731077

Session: 2011-2012
Department of Business Administration

The project works is on The prospects of diagnostic centers .

We take these opportunities to express our gratitude to all those people who have been
instrumental in making our successful. A number of individuals have contributed to this
project. To name only few of them would be a farce; instead we express our sincere
gratitude to all of them.

We owe a special thanks to our respective teacher MsSakufaChowdhury (Assistant

professor, Department of Business Administration, Shahjalal University of Science &
Technology, Sylhet), who is our supervisor in this project. She has always been a source
of great help, guidance & inspiration to us.We also sincerely appreciate the others
teachers of Department of Business Administration for their great assistance. We are also
grateful to our fellow classmates & senior brothers & sisters for making suggestion and
exchanging their views with us.

We also like to thanks the owners,employees, customers and others people who give
propitious information by spent their valuable time. We also appreciate them for their
hospitality and raising helping hand.

Executive Summary
For the requirement of our B.B.A. program at Shahjalal University of Science and
Technology, Sylhet, we had been forwarded to a both service and profit oriented
business in Sylhet city, examines the prospects of diagnostic centers : The case of
Sylhet. The report contains various aspects of services of diagnostic centers regarding
these business zone in Sylhet of diagnostic center.

This business is the most popular form of business at present time specially in sylhet.
This business is to be both joint venture and sole proprietorship. some owner choose this
business not only for profit oriented but also for service oriented . Though this business
has huge competition but they think when they started our goal is to find out which type
of business may be more potential, profitable, stable and suitable and serviceable for new
entrepreneurs in the context of current market condition.

We are working here regarding the topic services and profit oriented in the field of
diagnostic center.

This seminar paper is both qualitative and quantitative where weve collected our primary
data from owners and employees and customers. For secondary data weve taken help
from research articles, seminar papers and business related books. And we represent here
the topics summarization.

Introduction focuses the services of diagnostic center, major products types of diagnostic
centers , the objectives of our study, scope of the study , methodology of the study
,overview the specialized sector contribution of diagnostic center in Bangladesh. Case
study focuses the separate operating process of each diagnostic center. Data analysis
focuses the diagnostic centers monitoring process , services quality and customer
satisfaction. Finding & Recommendation focuses the some recommendations for some
limitations of diagnostic centers. Conclusion focuses the dramatic changes of diagnostic
center in Bangladesh.
Chapter no. Topics name Page no.

Chapter o1 Introduction 7
Introduction Objective 10
Scope 10
Methodology 11
Limitations 12

Chapter 02 Case 1 13
Case Study Case - 2 14
Case - 3 15
Case - 4 16
Case - 5 17

Chapter 03 3.1 Data analysis regarding 18

Data analysis to owner and employee

and findings 3.2 Data analysis regarding 19

to customer

Chapter 04 Recommendation 20

Chapter 05 Conclusion 21

Appendix References
Questionnaire for owner and
Questionnaire for customer

1.1 Introduction:
Health is the root of all happiness.A healthy man can enjoy all the happiness of the world.
But a weak and ill person suffers from various diseases. To prevent from diseases and
lead a healthy life he/she may go to doctors. Doctors may ask them to have diagnostic
test to diagnose diseases or to confirm that he/she is free from diseases. To make a better
health situation by providing diagnostic service one type of business has been developed.
This is known as diagnosis service.
Diagnosis is one of the wonders of modern science. It becomes easier to recognize
diseases by the numerous diagnosis tests and provide proper treatment. In the recent
time, the numbers of these diagnostic centers are increasing rapidly in Bangladesh.

Although In Bangladesh Diagnostic test is not as developed as others developed

countries, some diagnostic center such as IBN SINA MEDIVOVA etc provide such
tests.They provide diagnostic test not only for service providing motive but also for profit
making motive. That is how they develop business.

In sylhet there are some diagnostic center performing their venture independently or
dependently on Head quarter situated in capital Dhaka. We see their businesses and
responses of people regarding to their Business.
What is diagnosis ?

A diagnostic test is any kind of medical test performed to aid in the diagnosis or detection
of disease. For example:

to diagnose diseases, and preferably sub-classify it regarding, for example, severity

and treatability
to confirm that a person is free from disease

Companion diagnostics have also been developed to preselect patients for specific
treatments based on their own biology. Such targeted therapy holds great promise in the
treatment of diseases such as cancer.

A drug test can be a specific medical test to ascertain the presence of a certain drug in the
body (for example, in drug addicts).

Some of the diagnostic tests are parts of a simple physical examination which require
only simple tools in the hands of a skilled practitioner, and can be performed in an office
environment. Some other tests require elaborate equipment used by medical technologists
or the use of a sterile operating theatre environment.

Some tests require samples of tissue or body fluids to be sent off to a pathology lab for
further analysis. Some simple chemical tests, such as urinepH, can be measured directly
in the doctor's office.

Most diagnostic tests are conducted on the living; however, some of these tests can also
be carried out on a dead person as part of an autopsy.

The validity of diagnostic test results produced in each laboratory is entirely dependent
on the measures employed before, during, and after each assay. Consistency in the
production of good results requires an overall program that includes quality assurance,
quality control, and quality assessment.
What type of test they provide?

Major Products Type:

1 Pathology

a. Biochemistry Instrument, Reagent

b. Immunology Instrument, Reagent

c. Molecular Diagnostic- Instrument, Reagents

2. Histopathology

Instruments, Reagents

3. Imaging

i) X-ray Instrument, film.

ii) ECG Instrument, paper, gel

iii) Ultrasonography

iv) ETT, Echo Instrument, paper, gel

v) Color Doppler- Instrument, paper, gel

vi) CT Scan film Instrument, film

4. Microbiology

Instruments, Reagent
Overview of diagnostic center in Bangladesh

Health center is one of the most important sector in present situation of

Bangladesh. Both the government and private investors are concentrating their
mindset in this sector to make a better health situation in Bangladesh .And in the
health sector one of the most important part is diagnostic division .Almost 18000
diagnostic center in all over Bangladesh. There are many popular center like
madinova , Lab-aid, IBN-Sina , Square diagnostic center providing their service .They
have also many branches in all over Bangladesh. In the recent time, the number of
this diagnostic centers are increasing rapidly. Because to determine the disease
more specially the diagnosis is must prior to give the medication. So in the recent
time , there have been a dramatic change in the diagnostic market.

The process and system of diagnosing diseases are done through some experiment
on the patients of the diseases which are done through the diagnostic center as a
divisional region, Sylhet. They have to supply with a lot of services in the field of
diagnosing. So the demand of diagnostic center of Sylhet is increasing rapidly.
The centers are also eager to provide services with this huge demand. So alongside being
a services this sector has become a profitable business here in sylhet. So the well-
known diagnostic center like Lab-aid, Madinova, IBN-Sina , square have started their
activities in sylhet.
1.2 The objective of our study:

The objective of the study of the seminar is followings:

1. To learn about the business process of diagnostic.

2. To know about customer taking the service received from diagnosis centers.

3. To find out the problem of owner as well as customer.

4. To recommend some ways of solving the problem

1.3 Scope of the study:

Health is one of the five essential needs. To survive with a comfortable life every person
require diagnosis test when it is needed .We have focused on it. The report might not be
the perfect. We tried our best to make it the perfect though we had some limitations. We
went to various diagnostic center in Sylhet. Because of some of our limitations we had to
focus only owners and customers.

Though we had some limitation we hope that our data has reached to a certain level of
1.4 Methodology of the study:

This research has enabled us to make us know about the manufacturing and distribution
elaborately. Collected data and information were tabulated, processed and analyzed
critically in order to make the paper informative, fruitful and purposeful.

We collect some qualitative and quantitative data about the topics. We basically used two
data source:

primary data resource

secondary data resource
By asking direct question we collected primary data.

But maximum data we collected from various diagnostic centre in Sylhet. We also
collected these from various newspapers, articles, internet search etc.

Diagnostic center owners, employees and customers ofSylhet were taken as population.

1.5 Limitations of the Study

These were the limitation of our study we think:

There was lack of our experience about the work.

Lack of enough data and information about the topics.
We did not get enough financial support to do

Case study-1
Lab-aid Diagnostic center, Chowhatta, Sylhet

Lab-aid diagnostic center is a popular diagnostic center in Bangladesh as well as in

the Sylhet division. They have been starting their service for 24. They decided to start
their business because of providing service as well as earning profit. We observed the
following about Lab-aid ;

6 high qualified pathologists,

Par day provides about 200 services,
50 employees, high competitions ,
no extra charge ,
sophisticated machines ,
medium charge ,
friendly responses ,
good hospitality etc.

Case stady-2

Medi-nova Medical service LTD.

Kajalshah, Osmani Medical College Road, Sylhet

Medi-nova is one of the competitive diagnostic center in Bangladesh as well as in Sylhet.

It is an internationally qualified center. They started their business about 20 years ago.
All classes of people of people come here from different places. We observed the
following about Medi-nova :

5 high qualified pathologists,

provides more than 250 services among 300 patients per day ,
25 employees, high competitions ,
no extra charge , extra facilities for poor ,
sophisticated machines ,
medium charge ,
friendly responses
, good hospitality etc.

Case study-3
Popular diagnostic center

Kajalshah, Osmani Medical Road, Sylhet

Popular diagnostic center is a joint venture service center. About 18 years ago, they
started their business. Their main purpose of business is providing service .The
owners of Popular diagnostic centers are very hopeful about their services.

5 high qualified pathologists who provides more than 100 services among
250 patients per day ,
40 employees,
high competitions ,
no extra charge ,
extra facilities for poor ,
sophisticated machines ,
medium charge ,
friendly responses ,
good hospitality etc.

Case study -4

Subhanigat, Sylhet ,

IBN-Sina has a high popularity among all types of people at all over the
country as well as Sylhet .They always try to provides service with their level
best to fulfill the customers need. They also provides extra facilities for poor
people. So patients have huge response about them.

10 pathologists who provides more than 300 services per day.

More than 10 brunches ,
100 employees,
low competitions ,
no extra charge ,
extra facilities for poor ,
sophisticated machines ,
medium charge ,
friendly responses ,
good hospitality etc.

Case study-5
Other diagnostic center,


There are many other popular diagnostic center in Sylhet. Such as Square diagnostic
center, Niramoy diagnostic center , Ideal diagnostic center and Green view
diagnostic center and so on. They provides good service and they also have a
good position among the other well known diagnostic centers.

5-10 pathologists who provides more than 100-300 services per day.
More than 10 brunches ,
50-100 employees,
low competitions ,
no extra charge ,
extra facilities for poor ,
sophisticated machines ,
medium charge ,
friendly responses ,
good hospitality etc.
1) Causes of choosing this Business(diagnose) :

Here, we show the causes for why the owners choose this business .Majority said that
they choose it not only for providing services but also for earning profit.

No. of choosing causes Percentage in 52

1 Earning profit 13%
2 Proving services 13%
3 both 26%



26% Earning profit

Proving services


Here we see 13% owners start their business for profit making, others 13% for providing
for service, the others 26% for both.
2) Sources of fund :

Here , we show the sources of fund of different diagnostic . Some owners has only
own funds some has only bank loan ,some has both.

No. of sources sources Percentage in 52

1 Own fund 11%
2 Bank loan 15%
3 both 26%




Figure: sources of fund

We see 11% owners start their venture by their own fund , others 15% by bank loan or
financial support, the others 26% by both.
3) patient percentage for per day :

Here , we show the patient percentage per day of different diagnostic center like IBN-

Range Percentage in 52
Below 100 10%
100-300 30%
Above 300 12%




0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Figure: patient percentage

We see response from various customers to diagnosis centers every day.

12% diagnosis centers claimed that they have more than 330 customers every day. Others
30% have more than 100, the others 10% have less than 100.
4) owner confidence when started :

Confident is the most important factor which help to make a immaculate

entrepreneur. Here ,we show the many owners confident of diagnostic center ( like
IBN -SINA , SQURE ,MEDI-NOVA etc.) when they started .

No. of confident volume Percentage in 52

1 High 40%
2 Medium 10%
3 Low 2%


We see 40% owners claimed that they have high confident while starting the venture,
others 10% have medium confident ,the others 2% have low confident.
5) owners expectation from first year income:

When a owner manipulates a business , he expects that his first year income may
fulfill his expectation. Here , we show the responses of many owners expectation.

Number of total diagnostic Positive responses Negative responses


52 40% 12%



25% positive




5% 12%

Figure 8: owners expectation

40% owners said that first year income fulfilled their expectation ,the others 12% said no
first year income did not fulfill their expectation.
6) High qualified pathologists:

According to our survey, we saw that though most of the diagnostic center has qualified
pathologists , some has not 100% qualified ones. Here ,we show a chart about it.

Name of diagnostic Qualified pathologist(percentage in 52)





We saw that IBN SINA has 50% qualified pathologists, SQUARE and MEDI-NOVA
have 45% qualified ones,
7) Extra facilities for poor people :

It is controversial point that every diagnosis centers claimed that they have extra facilities
for poor customers, but the customers denied it

According our analysis , though most of the diagnostic center has not any extra facilities
but some have it. Here , we show the owner responses about it.

No. of responses in 52 Vote for yes Vote for no

1 20% 32%

Although 20% diagnosis have extra facilities for poor people, the rest 32% have no
facilities for them.
8)Service cost :

Here, we show the service cost of 26 diagnostic centers like IBN -SINA , SQURE

level Percentage in 52
high 12%
Medium 30%
low 10%


Figure : Service cost

We see 12% diagnosis centers have high cost services, others 30% have medium , the
others 10% have low.
9) Response of patients or customers :

We also went to patients , got discussion , asked different types of questions and gathered
different information. Some response (like proper services & proper security, extra
facilities, cost etc. ) were well ,some were not well. Here , we show the responses of
patient :

Mode of answer positive negative

No. of percentage in 52 40% 12%







15% 40%


Figure: Response of patients or customers

40% Patients attitude regarding to the centers is positive, the rest 12% have negative
10) Future plan of diagnostic center :

Here , we have mentioned the owners future plan regarding to diagnostic center about
future in the basis of research information :

No. future plan Percentage in 52

1 Recruit qualified pathologist 15%

2 Digitalize 20%

3 Recruit more employee 7%

4 Increase services 7%

5 establish medical college 3%


7% Recruit qualified pathologist
7% Recruit more employee
Increase services
establishment of medical college

20% owner dream to digitalize their diagnosis centers , others 15% to Recruit qualified
pathologist, others 7% to recruit more employee, others 7% to increase services, the
others 3% to establish medical college.
1)Way of knowing :

Here , we show the way that , how the customer are known about diagnostic center.

Mode of way Media doctor Others

Percentage in 52 15 32 7

7% media



Figure : Way of knowing

Here ,We show the responses of customer whom we ask for information and see 15%
customerare known through media and 32% are known through doctor and 7% are
known through others. .
2) Extra charge:

Here , we show the responses of customer for that either the diagnostic center wants any
extra charge or not for providing customers demandable services .

Responses Vote for yes Vote for no

Percentage in 52 05 47











Here ,47% customer responses no(not wants extra charge) and 5% responses yes(a fewer
want extra charge).
3) Charge for services :

According to our survey , here , we show a responses of customer about charge for
services. In this matter, though majority said medium and some said high but the fewer
number of people said low.

Mode responses High medium Low

Percentage in 15 30 07

15 %
%% %
%% 5
% %
30 %

figure : charge for services

Here , we show the responses of customer whom we ask for information and see 15%
customer said high and 30% said medium and 7% said low.
4)Customer satisfaction :

Here , we represent the responses of customers for that either the diagnostic centers get
customer satisfaction or not .

responses Vote for yes Vote for no

Percentage in 52 20 27

27% 20%

Figure : customer satisfaction

Here , we show the responses of customer whom we ask for information and see 20%
customer responses no( not get customer satisfaction ) and 27% responses yes(get
5)Vote for friendly responses of serviceman :

Here , we show a responses of serviceman or pathologist for that either their responses
are friendly or not. In according to survey , majority said yes but some said no.

responses Vote for yes Vote for no

Percentage in 52 45 7


15% 7%
yes no

Figure 8: friendly responses

Here , we show the responses of customer whom we ask for information and see 7%
customer responses no(not friendly) and 45% responses yes(friendly).
6) Vote for proper services :

Here , we represent a most marvelous responses of customer for that either the diagnostic
center provide proper services or not. Though majority(customer) said yes but others said

Responses Vote for yes Vote for no

Percentage in 52 50 02

40% YES
10% NO

Figure :proper services

Here , we show the responses of customers whom we ask for information and see 2%
customer responses no(are not able) and 50% responses yes(are able).
7) Suggestion for development of diagnostic center :

Here ,we show some suggestions of customers for development of diagnostic center .

No. of suggestion Suggestions Responses percentage in 52

1 Recruit qualified pathologist 15

2 Digitalize 20

3 Reduce the extra charge 10

4 Increase the types of services 7




Figure :Suggestions for development of diagnostic center

Here , we show a response of some suggestions for development of diagnostic center and
see that 15% customers refer that they should recruit the qualified , 20% refer that they
should digitalize the diagnosis process,10% refer that they should reduce the extra
charge and another 7% refer that they should increase the types of services.


Problems faced by customers:

i. Low quality and costly services .

ii. Lack of enough employees.
iii. Mismanagement between pathologists and patients and fewer pathologists are not
iv. Pathological instruments are not well enough.
v. Limited types of services .
vi. Lack of proper security.
vii. Infrastructure of housing.


i. Services quality development must be needed.

ii. Recruiting the more employees and giving proper security.
iii. Improving the management system in the diagnostic center.
iv. Digitalized the diagnosis system.
v. Increasing the services.
vi. Infrastructure development is needed like-

Electricity facilities: It is necessary to ensure the continuous electricity supply in

diagnostic center because it is not only helpful for business but also more
important for the diagnosis .
Problems faced by owners & employees:

i. Lack of necessary business knowledge .

ii. Owner is not friendly to the employees .
iii. Lack of capital.
iv. Less patients percentage per day.
v. Fail of earning expected profit.
vi. Lack of confidence.
vii. Lack of co-ordination.


i. Owners should take proper planning to improve overall business surrounding.

ii. Minimization of restrictions for proper co-ordination.
iii. Investing more money.
iv. Form a chain team management.
V. Digitalize the diagnosis system.
Diagnosis is one of the wonders of modern science. It becomes easier to recognize
diseases by the numerous diagnosis tests and provide proper treatment. We went a
numbers of diagnosis centers and saw their services. We see some of them are for profit
making and the other for service providing. Almost all of the ventures are started by their
own fund, bank loan, other financial support. Almost all diagnosis centers proclaimed
they have higher qualified pathologists, the make all class patients satisfied by proper
services, they have extra facilities for poor patients. On the other hand we asked patients
who had come diagnosis centers to recognize their diseases. Although they think service
quality is good they suggest for better ones .We see a perfect competition in diagnosis
centers and that 's why the cost of services are almost same. some customers complain for
higher service cost. So diagnosis centers should see customers' aspect when they charge
service cost. They also should digitalizetheir diagnosis centers, recruit more qualified
pathologists, increase service quality. Government should monitor diagnosis centers.

01.Journal of diagnostic medical Sonorgraphy, Editor Phill Bendic,

PHD,RTV,FSDMS .Chapter 01 ,Importance of diagnostic services ,(Part-

02.Business statistics ,New edition Writer- S. P. Gupta and M. P. Gupta .Data


03. www.investopedia.com./ definition of diagnostic 16th July 2012

04.www.answers.com.difference between primary and secondary data

05.www.wikipedia.com/diagnsting 17th July 2012

06.www.businessdictionary.com/ who is owner 16th July 2012.

07.www.businessdictionary.com/ who is customer 16th July 2012

08.www.businessdictioary.com/the major product types 17th July 2012

09. www.yahooanswers.com.
10. Khandoker, Md. Shahidul Islam (2002). Globalization and Bangladesh
conference on child and women health.. A Proposition for Cooperative health
Projects. Presented at Globalization and Bangladesh ministry. Dhaka 7 March
Questionnaire for owner and employee


Questionnaire for customer

Department of Business Administration
Shahjalal Universit y of Science & Technology

Sample No. : ______

N.B.:- The collected data will be used only for preparing report and will be
kept confidential



1. Why did you decide to start this business?

earning profit providing services others
2. Why did you choose it and why not others?
independent operation ease to maintainothers
3. What is the main purpose of your business?
social service profit makingothers
4. What are the current sources of your business?
own fund bank loan others
5. What things are motivated you to choose it?
social motive making more money others

6. How confident were you during starting business?

high medium low
7. How long are you involved in this business?
1-5 5-10 10-15

8. What is the patient percentage per day?

30-50 50-70 70-90

9. What are responses of patients?

high medium low
10. What types of services you provide?
1-50 50-100 100-300
11. What types of processing are you taken to diagnosis?
1-5 5-10
12. What is the number of high qualified pathologists?
1-5 5-10
13. How long times the service center are opened for?
1-12 12-24
14. What kinds of people come here?
upper medium lower
15. Have any extra facilities for poor people?
yes no
16. Do you think patient are satisfied?
yes no
17. Did your first year income meet your expectation?
yes no
18. What intensity of competitions you are facing?
high medium low
19. What are the costs of services?
high medium low
20. What is the future plan of your business?
Department of Business Administration
Shahjalal University of Science & Technology

N.B.:- The collected data will be used only for preparing report
and will be kept confidential


Customer s

1. How did you know about this diagnosis center?

mediadoctor others
2. Why have you come here and why not go others centers?

own well known

3. Do you think proper shelter facilities are here?


4. Do you think that the service quality is accepted?


5. Do you think servicers are friendly?


6. Have any qualified pathologists?


7. What do you think about the charge of the diagnostic center?


8. Are you satisfied with the services provided by authority?


9. Is authority able to give proper security?


1o. Have you faced any problem?


11. Do you give any extra charge for anything?

12. What is your opinion about the popularity of this service center?


13. Have any extra facilities for poor people?


14. Do you think the services of this center should increase?


15.what is your suggestions to develop this center ?

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