Eating fast food is convenient.
They recommend reducing fats in the food.
She started buying McBreakfast every day.
We're tired of reading calorie counts.
I didn't like his ordering fries.
It's convenient to eat fast foods.
They plan to reduce fats in the food.
She started to buy McBreakfast every day.
We were surprised to read the number of calories.
I urged him to order fries.
It's time to eat.
You can use a possessive (Anne's, the boy's, • I dislike Julio's eating fast foods.
your, his, her, its, our, their) before the gerund. • I dislike his eating fast foods.
USEAGE NOTE: In the informal spoken • I dislike him eating fast foods.
English, many people use object pronouns
instead of possessives before the gerund.
3. Some verbs can be followed by the infinitive.
These verbs fall into three groups: