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ExcelVBA Reference Guide

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Welcome to Excel VBA Programming

Menu Note: Excel Version illustrated
VBA stands for Visual Basic for Applications (the application being of course Excel) and is the
throughout this website is based on
Recording macros technology and tools used to program and automate Microsoft Excel. 2007 and therefore some of the
Looking at the code It's not only used just within the framework of Microsoft Excel but other applications too including commands may vary on previous
Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Outlook to name but a few. versions.
Ways of running macros
Where macros are stored It has the power to communicate with other applications beyond the Microsoft range and even the
Microsoft Windows operating system across other platforms.
Reasons to write macros
So, learning the principles of VBA using Excel as the tool environment will stand you in good stead for
Writing macros the other applications should you wish to program and code them in the future.
Procedure types The only difference between other applications when wanting to use VBA will simply be learning to
Visual Basic editor (VBE) load and work with different libraries (which I intend to teach you in due course throughout this free
Rules & conventions online reference guide).

Excel objects
Range/Selection objects This site is used in conjunction with my classroom instructor lead teaching (for my students
attending an Excel VBA course) and is intended as a reference guide only. But if you have
Object hierarchy attended or taught Excel VBA yourself, this will help you too.
Object browser
Chart objects
You will start by learning to record, edit and manage macros in Excel capturing the VBA code
Pivot Table objects automatically giving you the confidence and basic knowledge to the VBA code language itself.
Visual Basic Functions
Creating Add-Ins
Variables & constants
Object variables
Message Box
VBA Input Box
Excel Input Box
Making decisions (If)
Making decisions (Case)
Looping (Do...Loop)
Looping (For...Loop)
With...End With blocks
User defined functions At some point you will want to get down to learning about the power of VBA using Excel as the
Event handling environment tool to test the code. This will introduce you to the programming conventions, concepts
and techniques that simply go beyond the scope of the Excel Macro Recorder tool.
Error handling
Creating User Forms
DAO/ADO Objects
Input/Output Files

Other links

Example code snippets

Userform input example

There is a lot more VBA code that can not be recorded which include logic testing, iteration,
interactive macros, creating functions and assigning variables.
I will gently ease you into learning VBA code smoothing out the steep learning curve as much as

I hope you find this resource helpful, Thank you!

Ben Beitler

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Tip: Alt + F11 function keys switches


Looking at the code between Excel and VBE window.

Menu VBA Keywords: ActiveCell, Range,

VBA code is stored in a module which is part of the Excel workbook but is viewed via the Visual Basic
Selection, OffSet.
Recording macros Editor (VBE) interface.
Looking at the code Note: For further details and other
Ways of running macros 1. Click the Macro icon from the Developer tab. members, see Range/Selection
Where macros are stored 2. Select the macro you wish to view.
Reasons to write macros 3. Click on the Edit button.
Writing macros
Procedure types Now look at the differences between the absolute and the relative macros.
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
Rules & conventions
Excel objects Absolute Macro
Range/Selection objects
Object hierarchy
Object browser
Chart objects
Pivot Table objects
Visual Basic Functions
Creating Add-Ins
Variables & constants
Object variables
Message Box
VBA Input Box
Excel Input Box
Making decisions (If)
Making decisions (Case) Range(A1).Select
Looping (Do...Loop) In plain English, this means, click on the cell A1.
Looping (For...Loop) ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = ABC Ltd
With...End With blocks In plain English, this means enter the text ABC Ltd into the active cell.
User defined functions
Event handling
Error handling Relative Macro
Creating User Forms
DAO/ADO Objects
Input/Output Files

Other links

Example code snippets

Userform input example

In plain English, this means, click on the active cell.
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = ABC Ltd
In plain English, this means enter the text ABC Ltd into the active cell.
In plain English, this means, select the cell one row down, but stay in the same column.

OffSet (Keyword)

Offset is a command used in relative macros, which allows you to select a particular cell in relation to
the active cell.

Move one row up, but stay in the same column.

Stay in the same row, but move one column to the right.

Move one row down, but stay in the same column.

Stay in the same row, but move one column to the left.

Unnecessary Code

As previously mentioned, recording macros does create a lot of unnecessary code.

In this example, the Range("A1") that appears in rows 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 of the relative macro is
unnecessary and can be removed.

Next Topic: Ways of running a macro

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Tip: Alt + F8 function keys displays


Ways of running macros the Macro dialog box to run loaded

Most users will automatically run a macro from either button on the Quick Access toolbar (known as
VBA Keywords: CommandBars,
Recording macros Toolbars on previous versions) or via the conventional Macro dialog box.
Worksheet_Change (event),
Looking at the code Workbook_Open (event),
Workbook_Close (event).
Ways of running macros The following is a list of ways to run a macro:
Where macros are stored
Reasons to write macros 1. The Macro dialog box.
Writing macros Version 2003 (or earlier) - Click on the Tools menu, select Macro and choose Macros.
Procedure types Version 2007 (or later) - From the Developer tab, click the Macro icon.
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
Rules & conventions Or the shortcut key to all versions is Alt + F8.
Excel objects
Range/Selection objects Select the Macro you wish to run and click on the Run button.
Object hierarchy
Object browser 2. Using a shortcut key as assigned, i.e. Ctrl + e.
Chart objects
Pivot Table objects 3. From a Button on the worksheet.
Visual Basic Functions 4. From an icon Button on the Quick Access toolbar.
Creating Add-Ins Previous versions uses Toolbars.
Variables & constants
Object variables 5. From the Ribbon Bar (though requires some XML knowledge).
Arrays Previous versions uses a menu item from the menu bar.
Message Box 6. From another type of object, e.g. Chart or Graphic image.
VBA Input Box
Excel Input Box 7. From a Control drawn on the worksheet, e.g. Combo Box.
Making decisions (If)
Making decisions (Case) 8. A worksheet or workbook event, e.g. when a workbook is opened
Looping (Do...Loop) This is maintained in the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) interface.
Looping (For...Loop)
With...End With blocks The last item is a great way to get Excel to run your code without any user intervention as it's uses
User defined functions Excel's own processes to trigger the macro.

Event handling
Error handling Most users will not be aware that Excel constantly listens for events to happen but do not see any
physical results until they learn to manipulate the event handlers provided.
Creating User Forms
There are many events from a Control (i.e. Button) to opening (Open) and closing (Close) workbooks.
DAO/ADO Objects
Input/Output Files
Think about how Data Validation and Conditional Formatting work in Excel worksheets. They
respond to when a user has clicked the Enter key (Worksheet_Change) to trigger the two utilities. -
Other links More on this later...
Example code snippets
Userform input example
Next Topic: Where macros are stored

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Note: The full path to locate folders


Where macros are stored to the PERSONAL file may be
hidden and will require some
Menu modification in Windows Explorer to
There are three locations to choose from which affect the scope and availability of a macro: view them.
Recording macros
Looking at the code 1. This Workbook Also check with your IT
Ways of running macros 2. New Workbook administrator if this has been
Where macros are stored restricted.
3. Personal Workbook
Reasons to write macros
Writing macros 1. This workbook will store macros in the current workbook, which recorded the macro and is said to
Procedure types be a local macro.
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
Rules & conventions That will mean, every time users want to run the macro, they will first have to load the file and then
Excel objects execute the macro.

Range/Selection objects
Object hierarchy 2. New Workbook will store the macro to an unsaved new file and is generally used for distributing to
other users which they would need to load and run manually. Treat this as the same scope for that of
Object browser This Workbook and is deemed as a local macro too.
Chart objects
Pivot Table objects 3. Personal Workbook is a specially reserved named file which is generated (first time around)
Formulas automatically to store the recorded macros.
Visual Basic Functions
Creating Add-Ins The name given to this file (which is still treated like any other Excel file) is Personal.xls/xlsm/xlsb.
Variables & constants
Object variables This file is hidden by default as it is not intended to be used as a normal spreadsheet.
Collections The location of the file is important and must reside in the XLSTART folder of where the user's profile
Message Box or Excel application is installed.

VBA Input Box

Excel Input Box This special path responds to the loading event of Excel and loads any file stored in this folder.
Therefore, macros which are stored in the file in the path XLSTART will open too.
Making decisions (If)
Making decisions (Case)
Macros that require a global use are stored in this type of file (i.e. User Defined functions).
Looping (Do...Loop)
Looping (For...Loop)
The full path and file for the default installation of Excel would look something like the following:
With...End With blocks
User defined functions
Excel 2007 (Windows Vista)
Event handling
Error handling
Excel 2003 (Windows XP)
Creating User Forms
C:\Documents & Settings\Ben\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART\PERSONAL.XLS
DAO/ADO Objects
Input/Output Files

Other links
Next Topic: Reasons to write macros
Example code snippets
Userform input example
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Note: If you intend to write macros


Reasons to write macros for external organisations, be careful
to check with the recipient that they
can use macros at all as some firms
Menu disable macros altogether.
Many experienced users (and developers) who have discovered macros and VBA tend to lean
Recording macros towards using code to automate Excel as much as possible. Additionally, security can be a
problem too - seek you IT
Looking at the code However, there should be clear reasons as to why you would use a macro in the first place. administrator.
Ways of running macros The following points will give poise for thought before utilising any macro within Excel:
Where macros are stored
Reasons to write macros 1. To automate a repetitive operation.
Writing macros If there is a pattern to your work which can be considered long and repetitive, using a
Procedure types macro will speed up how you process your tasks in Excel.
Visual Basic editor (VBE) Consistency is key. If your requirement deviates from the standard procedures then don't
expect the macro to run smoothly which is why you need to edit a macro by adding code
Rules & conventions
that will ask questions of the routines trying to complete.
Excel objects
Range/Selection objects
2. To automate a tricky task.
Object hierarchy
If your task is quite a lengthy procedure which may lead to user error then this would be
Object browser another good reason to employ a macro.
Chart objects In most cases, interactive macros will be key here (which of course can not be recorded)
Pivot Table objects helping the user flow through multiple decision processes.
Visual Basic Functions 3. Help user access large blocks of data.
Creating Add-Ins The amount of data that can be stored in Excel varies between versions. For instance in
Variables & constants Excel 2003 you have 65,536 rows compared to Excel 2007 which contains 1,048,576.
Remember, this is just one worksheet!
Object variables
Managing large data sets can be clumsy and time consuming when carried out by the
Arrays user manually and a macro can be as short as simply capturing the range should you
Collections wish to format, edit or print information as a simple task.
Message Box
VBA Input Box 4. Perform math's not supported by menu commands or functions.
Excel Input Box Though Excel provides a wealth of calculating functions for your convenience, it will be
Making decisions (If) fair to say that not every mathematical process will have been provided for.
Making decisions (Case) General users may not have the required knowledge to write complex formulae
especially if this is used on a regular basis.
Looping (Do...Loop)
Creating your own functions therefore (User Defined Functions) is a macro which can not
Looping (For...Loop)
be recorded at all but provides a wrapper for general users to treat as a regular Excel
With...End With blocks function.
User defined functions
Event handling 5. Environmental macros
Error handling What I call environmental macros are macros which are very short but simulate Excel
Debugging commands that I wish to customise normally by attaching a keyboard shortcut to it.
Creating User Forms Some Excel commands do not have keyboard shortcuts and each individual user will
have their own working habits which they will typically custom build Excel accordingly.
DAO/ADO Objects
It can be as simple as clearing all attributes (contents, formats and comments) to a range
Input/Output Files
of cells not just deleting the contents only (DEL key).

Other links
6. Protect data from user errors.
Example code snippets
Instead of allowing users to gain direct access to your data, protecting it via a macro will
Userform input example give you better control in how users can manage your Excel processes.
Viewing the data maybe required in most tasks and allowing users to protect and
unprotect ranges, worksheets and workbooks (with or without passwords) to edit and
format information can be controlled in decision making macros.
User form can also provide a level of protection and require macro VBA code too.

Do not 're-invent the wheel' in other words learn as much as possible about the general features of
Excel to rule out if you really need to have a macro at all.
You may find a feature in Excel can do all your tasks in one simple step and you would have wasted
time creating a macro in the first place.

Next Topic: writing macros

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Tip: Alt + F11 function keys switches


Writing macros between Excel and VBE window.

Menu VBA Keywords: ActiveCell, Range,

Start by writing a task list of the step you wish to capture and use this as your checklist to help cover
Worksheets, Select.
Recording macros all actions required and in the correct order.
Looking at the code
Ways of running macros Define your task
Where macros are stored
Reasons to write macros 1. Define the task you wish to program.
Writing macros 2. The overall task must be broken down into smaller tasks.
Procedure types 3. The program consists of a set of instructions or code, which the computer will follow.
Visual Basic editor (VBE) 4. The order in which you place these statements is very important.
Rules & conventions
Excel objects Layout of procedures
Range/Selection objects
Object hierarchy Declaration Area
Object browser
Chart objects Procedure Starts Name()
Pivot Table objects 1st line of Statements Comments
Formulas 2nd line of Statements Comments
Visual Basic Functions ..........
Creating Add-Ins End of Procedure
Variables & constants
Object variables
The blue text represents the procedure starting and ending signatures
The green text represents the narrative/comments for documentation purposes which are excluded
Collections from the procedure.
Message Box
All procedures must have starting signature and ending signature.
VBA Input Box
Excel Input Box
Pseudo code
Making decisions (If)
Making decisions (Case) Write the program out in plain English to explain what is going to happen.
Looping (Do...Loop) sub formatting()
Looping (For...Loop) bold
With...End With blocks
User defined functions end sub
Event handling
Calling a procedure (formatting)
Error handling
sub start()
Debugging select cells A2:A10
Creating User Forms formatting
select cells B1:G1
DAO/ADO Objects
Input/Output Files end sub

Other links Writing macros from scratch

Example code snippets
Userform input example The following macro will select Sheet 1 and type January into cell A1 and 100 into cell A2.

1. Create a new blank workbook.

2. Click on the Developer tab, click Visual Basic icon.
3. In the VBE window, click on the Insert menu and select Module.
Pseudo Code VBA Code
Sub january() Sub january()
Select Sheet1 Worksheets("Sheet1").Select
Select the cell A1 Range("A1").Select
Type January ActiveCell.Value = "January"
Select the cell A2 Range(A2).Select
Type 100 ActiveCell.Value = 100
End Sub End Sub

4. Type the VBA code into the module and test.

Note that the text 'January' is entered with speech (double-quote) marks, as it is a piece of text, where
as the number 100 is entered without.

Next Topic: Procedure types

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VBA Keywords: MsgBox, Call, Exit


Different Types of Procedures Sub, Exit Function.

There are three types of procedures:
Recording macros
Looking at the code 1. Sub - Standard sub routine
Ways of running macros 2. Function - a routine that returns an answer
Where macros are stored 3. Property - reserved for Class Modules
Reasons to write macros The third item is not discussed in this topic as it is deemed advanced VBA.
Writing macros
Procedure types
Sub Procedure
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
Rules & conventions This is the most commonly used procedure that a recorded and edited macro typically uses.
Excel objects It executes code line by line in order, carrying out a series of actions and/or calculations.
Range/Selection objects The signature for this type of procedure is:
Object hierarchy
Object browser Sub NameOfProcedure([Arguments])
Chart objects 1st line of executed code Comments
Pivot Table objects 2nd line of executed code Comments
Formulas ..........
Visual Basic Functions End Sub
Creating Add-Ins
Variables & constants
The Arguments element is optional which can be explicit or implicit. This allows values and /or
Object variables
references to be passed into the calling procedure and handled as a variable.
When recording a macro, no arguments are used and the parenthesis for the named procedure
Collections remains empty.
Message Box If you create a procedure intended as a macro in Excel, users must not specify any arguments.
VBA Input Box Sub procedures can be recursive meaning that branching to another procedure is permitted which
Excel Input Box then returns back to the main calling procedure.
Making decisions (If) Calling another procedure can include the Call statement followed by the name of the procedure with
optional arguments. If arguments are used, users must use parenthesis around the argument list.
Making decisions (Case)
Looping (Do...Loop)
Looping (For...Loop)
Example of the CALL statement
With...End With blocks
Procedure to be called with a single
User defined functions argument explicitly declared as a string
Event handling Sub MyMessage(strText As String)
Error handling MsgBox strText
Debugging End Sub
Creating User Forms
(Click here for an understanding of the MsgBox statement)
DAO/ADO Objects
Input/Output Files
Test the calling procedure
Other links
Sub TestMessage()
Example code snippets
Call MyMessage("It worked!")
Userform input example
End Sub

Incorrect - must use the parenthesis

Test the calling procedure
Sub TestMessage()
Call MyMessage "Did it work?"
End Sub

Correct (alternative) - No Call keyword used & no parenthesis therefore required.

Test the calling procedure
Sub TestMessage()
MyMessage "It worked!"
End Sub

A procedure can be prematurely terminated, placed before the End Sub statement by using the Exit
Sub statement.
This procedure will terminate after part A and never run part B.
Sub TerminateNow()
Code part A here...
Exit Sub
Code part B here....
End Sub

Function Procedure

The main difference between a Sub and Function procedure is that a Function procedure carries out
a procedure and will return an answer whereas a Sub procedure carries out the procedure without an
A simple analogy of a Function procedure compared to that of a Sub procedure could be illustrated
using two example features of Excel:

File, Save is an action and does not return the answer Sub Procedure.

The Sum function calculates the range(s) and returns the answer Function Procedure.

The signature for this type of procedure is:

Function NameOfProdedure([Arguments]) [As Type]
Code is executed here
NameOfProcedure = Answer of the above code executed
End Function

The Arguments element is optional which can be explicit or implicit. This allows values and /or
references to be passed into the calling procedure and handled as a variable.
The optional Type attribute can be used to make the function explicit. Without a type declared, the
function is implicit (As Variant).
The last line before the End Function signature uses the name of the procedure to return the
expression (or answer) of the function.
Users cannot define a function inside another function, sub or even property procedures.
This type of procedure can be called in a module by a Sub procedure or executed as a user defined
function on a worksheet in Excel.
A procedure can be prematurely terminated, placed before the End Function statement by using the
Exit Function statement. This acts and responds in the same way as described in the previous
section (Sub Procedures).

An example of a Function procedure:

This function calculates the distance of miles into kilometres.
Function ConvertToKm(dblMiles As Double) As Double
ConvertToKm = dblMiles * 1.6
End Function

A Sub procedure that uses of the above function:

Using the above function that must use parenthesis.
Sub CarDistance
MsgBox ConvertToKm(25)
End Sub

In Excel, this function can also be used (known as a User Defined Function - UDF)
Click on this link for more information on user defined functions.

Next Topic: Visual Basic editor (VBE)

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Tip: Use F5 function key to run a


Visual Basic Editor macro from the VB Editor.

All macros can be edited and created from the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) application as mentioned
Recording macros earlier.
Looking at the code
Ways of running macros
Where macros are stored
Reasons to write macros
Writing macros
Procedure types
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
Rules & conventions
Excel objects
Range/Selection objects
Object hierarchy
Object browser
Chart objects
Pivot Table objects
Visual Basic Functions
Creating Add-Ins
Standard Toolbar
Variables & constants
Contains all the basic buttons to this window like save, switching to Excel and hide/show other
Object variables windows. There are other Toolbars available; Edit, Debug, User Form and Toolbox.
Collections Object Box
Message Box This displays the name of the selected object chosen from the drop down box.
VBA Input Box
Excel Input Box Procedure Box
Making decisions (If) This displays the name of the procedure or event of the object (i.e. worksheet).
Making decisions (Case)
Looping (Do...Loop) Code Window (Module)
Looping (For...Loop) This is where you maintain the VBA code. One or more sub and function procedures are stored in this
With...End With blocks view and users manage macros across one or more modules.
User defined functions
Event handling Project Explorer
Error handling All the code associated with a workbook is stored in the Project window. This is automatically saved
with the Workbook.
Creating User Forms
DAO/ADO Objects
Input/Output Files

Other links

Example code snippets

Userform input example

Like a workbook, the Project Explorer contains all associated objects, which include worksheets,
user forms and modules.
Macros are stored in either the sheet object or module object. Consider using the module object to
store macros for general use in that workbook rather than a specific macro for a specific sheet.
By double clicking on an object or clicking the view code button at the top left corner of the Project
window, displays the objects code (macros associated).

Properties Window
Properties are characteristics of the selected object.
This window allows you change these characteristics to a worksheet, workbook and user form.

This above window is task sensitive and therefore changes as you click from one control to another.

Edit Toolbar

Select View, Toolbars and select the Toolbar required.

Edit Toolbar

1 Lists Properties/Methods box in a code window. This is task sensitive as it shows

properties and methods to active keywords.

2 List Constants.

3 Quick Info displays a label for the active keyword or variable.

4 Parameter Info displays the syntax label of known keywords.

5 Complete word displays a scroll list box of keywords and completes the beginning of
known types keywords.

6 Indent tabs once to the right.

7 Outdent tabs once to the left.

8 Toggle Breakpoint allows marking a line of code at which point a macro will stop.

9 Comment Block rem the line (put an apostrophe at the beginning of the line).

10 Uncomment Block removes the rem line.

11 Toggle Bookmark marks with a blue marker a piece of code so that scrolling between
code lines is quick and simple.

12 Next Bookmark moves to the next bookmark.

13 Previous Bookmark moves to the previous bookmark.

14 Clear All Bookmarks clears all bookmarks.

There other toolbars that you may need to review and can be found via the View menu.

Next Topic: Rules & conventions

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VBA Keywords: If...Then, MsgBox,


Rules & Conventions vbNewLine.

It is not mandatory to follow Microsofts rules and conventions regarding name spaces and prefixes.
Recording macros Users could always introduce their own standards, rules and conventions, which will help other users
Looking at the code who may need to maintain processes within the organisation.

Ways of running macros The following is a guideline to perhaps how authors and users alike could manage the code.

Where macros are stored Naming macros, procedures and variables should be meaningful to the process to help clarify the
task in hand.
Reasons to write macros
Do not name a macro or procedure MyProcedure1 or Macro1 but keep it user friendly to help
Writing macros described the process.
Procedure types Users can use more than one word provided there are no spaces or invalid characters used
Visual Basic editor (VBE) (operators). When using more than one-worded procedures, consider initially capping each word to
Rules & conventions help see the name of the procedure clearly.

Excel objects For example, Sub openallorders() would be better shown as Sub OpenAllOrders().

Range/Selection objects Variables such as X = 10 would be more helpful if X was named to be more meaningful to the
intended process i.e. the number of years and could therefore be shown as NumberOfYears = 10 or
Object hierarchy NoYears = 10.
Object browser
Chart objects Variables and naming conventions are covered elsewhere in this guide see Variables and
Pivot Table objects
Do not use keywords when naming procedures or variables, as this will cause potential conflicts and
Visual Basic Functions errors.
Creating Add-Ins
Variables & constants Indentation
Object variables
Arrays Code should be clearly positioned in a module. Use the tab key to indent logical blocks of code.
Collections Users can use as many indentations to emphasis new blocks of code (as nested) if required to show
where a block starts and ends. This will help when browsing for long portions of code.
Message Box
VBA Input Box
Excel Input Box
Making decisions (If)
Making decisions (Case)
Looping (Do...Loop)
Looping (For...Loop)
With...End With blocks
User defined functions
Event handling
Error handling
Creating User Forms
DAO/ADO Objects
Input/Output Files
Commenting your code is important to the author and other users who may need to maintain code
fragments. By default, commented lines are coloured green when text is typed following an
Other links apostrophe ( ) or the keyword Rem (remark).
Example code snippets As part of the opening signature (either before or after the signature), a brief description of the
procedure along with a date and name of the author should be documented.
Userform input example
For example:

Sub ProcessInvoice()
' This procedure will validate all entries to the new invoice.
' It will calculate sub total and tax values and post it to the
' data store. ' It will print and close the invoice.
' Author: Ben Beitler
' Date Created: 12/04/2010
' Date Modified: 20/04/2010
executed code is entered here
End Sub

Comments can appear anyway in the module provided it is remarked correctly as this type of text is
ignored during code execution. Comments should also be added to unusual or difficult lines of code
(known as inline comments) to help explain the nature of the action.
For example:

Sub SomeProcedure()
' Comments here.

[executed code is entered here...]

' This block is to validate if the field had been
' completed using my own custom function
' ValidateEntry(field).
If mField = ValidateEntry(txtDate) Then
[executed code is continued here...]
intCounter = 1 'Set the flag back to 1 in order to 'restart counter.

[executed code is entered here...]

End Sub

Line Breaks

Generally code should not be written beyond the screen/page width as it becomes cumbersome to
work with, as users would have to scroll left and right unnecessarily.
Consider introducing a line break for single line code that extends beyond the page width by using
the characters spacebar and a underscore ( _ ).
For example:

Sub MessageTestLineBreak()
MsgBox "This is the first Line." & vbNewLine & _
"This is the second Line.", _
vbInformation, "Message Box Test"
End Sub

Microsoft produced various documents on this subject. For a full list, check out
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library and search for 'Code Conventions'

More information about conventions regarding variables are covered later in this manual see
Variables & Constants.

Next Topic: Excel objects

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Back to Excel Homepage Excel VBA - Reference Guide
VBA Keywords: Application,


Excel Objects ActiveSheet, ActiveWorkbook,
ActivePrinter, ActiveCell, ActiveChart,
ActiveWindow, CreateObject,
Menu Workbooks, Worksheets, Name,
There are many categories (classes) of Excel objects that can be controlled in VBA. In fact, nearly all
MsgBox, SaveAs, Count and Add.
Recording macros objects can be controlled in VBA that users manipulate in the Excel interface. VBA can also control
Looking at the code more than the Excel interface provides which is one of the key reasons why 'power users' use VBA!

Ways of running macros

Where macros are stored The Object hierarchy provides the levels of various key objects ranging from the cell ranges (the
lowest level) through to the application itself (the highest level).
Reasons to write macros
Writing macros
This section focuses on the Application, WorkBook(s), Worksheet(s) and ActiveSheet/Workbook
Procedure types objects (see Range & Selection objects for more extended information).
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
Rules & conventions Application object
Excel objects
Range/Selection objects The word Application refers to the host (in this case Excel) and is deemed the top level object.
Object hierarchy (Note: VBA can communicate beyond Excel and technically this is not the top level as you have the ability to code
Object browser to Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint etc) and to other applications including the operating system).

Chart objects
Pivot Table objects Use this object as the entry point (the gateway) to the Excel object model and is implicit which means
that you can omit this keyword in your code as it's the default. The following two VBA commands do
the same thing:
Visual Basic Functions
Creating Add-Ins
Application.ActiveSheet.Name = "January"
Variables & constants
Object variables
ActiveSheet.Name = "January"
The first example included the Application object keyword (as explicit) and the second one excluded
Message Box (as implicit) it but produced the same result.
VBA Input Box
Excel Input Box You only need to use this keyword if you are coding with other applications (that is not Excel) or wish
Making decisions (If) to communicate to Excel from another application's environment (i.e. Microsoft Word). You will need to
learn about object variables and set application objects to Excel.
Making decisions (Case)
Looping (Do...Loop)
The following code snippet creates an Excel object from outside of Excel (which uses VBA too) and
Looping (For...Loop)
opens a workbook called "Sales.xlsx":
With...End With blocks
User defined functions
Sub OpenExcelWorkbook()
Event handling
Dim xl As Object
Error handling
Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Sheet")
Creating User Forms xl.Application.WorkBooks.Open("Sales.xlsx")

DAO/ADO Objects 'executed code continues...

Input/Output Files
End Sub

Other links

Example code snippets ActiveWorkbook and Workbooks objects

Userform input example
This object appears below the Application object along with other key objects including Chart and
Pivot Table and control the tasks for any workbook from creating, opening, printing to saving and
closing documents.

The singular keyword Workbook refers to the current or a single file you wish to control compared
with the plural keyword Workbooks which is the collection of one or more documents you wish to

Use the Workbook object referred in code as ActiveWorkbook to open, save, print, close and
manipulate the documents attributes as required.

Sub WorkBookNameExample()
MsgBox "Current workbook is " & ActiveWorkbook.Name
End Sub
Save a copy of the current workbook:

Sub SaveAsWorkBookExample1()
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "VBA Workbook.xlsx"
End Sub

The above can also be expressed as follows:

Sub SaveAsWorkBookExample2()
Workbooks(1).SaveAs "VBA Workbook.xlsx"
End Sub

Using the Workbooks keyword which is a collection of current workbooks, you can provide an index
number (starting at 1 for the first document and incrementing by 1 for each open document) to execute
code using the same identifiers as ActiveWorkbook object.

How many workbooks are currently open?

Sub WorkBookCount()
MsgBox "There are currently " & Workbooks.Count & _
" workbook(s) open"
End Sub

The Workbooks object doesn't have any parenthesis and an index number reference when dealing
with a collection of many documents.
(Note: the above will also count all open and hidden documents).

ActiveSheet and Worksheets objects

Most of the time, you will work with this object along the range object as the normal practice is
worksheet management in a workbook when working with the Excel interface.
Again, the singular Worksheet object referred as ActiveWorkSheet controls the current or single
worksheet objects including its name. The plural keyword Worksheets refers to one or more
worksheets in a workbook which allows you to manipulate a collection of worksheets in one go.

Name a worksheet:

Sub RenameWorksheetExample1()
ActiveWorkSheet.Name = "January"
End Sub

or use

Sub RenameWorksheetExample2()
WorkSheets(1).Name = "January"
End Sub

assuming the first worksheet is to be renamed.

Insert a new worksheet and place it at the end of the current worksheets:

Sub InsertWorksheet1()
Worksheets.Add After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
End Sub

or it can shortened using the Sheets keyword instead:

Sub InsertWorksheet2()
Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
End Sub

(Note: Have you noticed when adding a new worksheet via Excel interface how it always inserts it to the left of the
active sheet!).

'Active' objects

Within the Application object you have other properties which act as shortcuts (Globals) to the main
objects directly below it. These include ActiveCell, ActiveChart, ActivePrinter, ActiveSheet,
ActiveWindow and ActiveWorkbook.

You use the above keywords as a direct implicit reference to the singular active object in the same
way (as in the above already illustrated).

Remember, you can only have one active object when working in the Excel interface and therefore
the VBA code is emulating the way users are conditioned to work. Even when a range of cells is
selected (Selection object) only on cell is active (the white cell).
Sub PrinterName()
MsgBox "Printer currently set is " & ActivePrinter
End Sub

Next Topic: Range & Selection objects

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Tip: You can refer to Range("A1")


Range & Selection Objects using the convention [A1] which may
be easier to write.

Menu VBA Keywords: Range, Select,

Range is one of the most widely used objects in Excel VBA, as it allows the manipulation of a row,
Recording macros column, cell or a range of cells in a spreadsheet. Clear, Font, Bold, Address,
Selection, MsgBox, Area, Count,
Looking at the code When recording absolute macros, a selection of methods and properties use this object: Cells, InputBox, CurrentRegion,
OffSet, Resize, Columns, Rows,
Ways of running macros Column, Row, Dim, Activate,
Range("A1").Select ClearFormats, ClearComments,
Where macros are stored
ClearContents, ClearNotes,
Reasons to write macros Range("A1").FormulaR1C1 = 10 ClearOutline, Cut, Copy,
PasteSpecial, Insert, Delete,
Writing macros
A generic global object known as Selection can be used to determine the current selection of a single EntireRow,
Set, Borders, Interior,
Procedure types Do...Loop, For...Next and If...Then
or range cells.
Visual Basic editor (VBE) When recording relative macros, a selection of methods and properties use this object:
Rules & conventions
Excel objects Selection.Clear
Range/Selection objects Selection.Font.Bold = True
Object hierarchy
Object browser There are many properties and methods that are shared between Range and Selection objects and
below are some illustrations (my choice of commonly used identifiers):
Chart objects
Pivot Table objects
ADDRESS Property
Visual Basic Functions
Returns or sets the reference of a selection.
Creating Add-Ins
Variables & constants Sub AddressExample()
MsgBox Selection.Address '$A$1 (default) - absolute
Object variables MsgBox Selection.Address(False, True) '$A1 - column absolute
Arrays MsgBox Selection.Address(True, False) 'A$1 - row absolute
MsgBox Selection.Address(False, False) 'A1 - relative
Message Box End Sub

VBA Input Box

Excel Input Box AREAS Property
Making decisions (If)
Making decisions (Case) Use this property to detect how many ranges (non-adjacent) are selected.
Looping (Do...Loop)
'Selects three non-adjacent ranges
Looping (For...Loop) Sub AreaExample()
With...End With blocks Range("A1:B2", E4, G10:J25").Select
MsgBox Selection.Area.Count 'Number '3' - ranges returned
User defined functions
End Sub
Event handling
The Count method returns the number selected as the Areas is a property only.
Error handling
Creating User Forms 'Check for multiple range selection
DAO/ADO Objects Sub AreaExample2()
If Selection.Areas.Count > 1 Then
Input/Output Files
MsgBox "Cannot continue, only one range must be selected."
Exit Sub
Other links End If
Example code snippets [Code continues here...]
End Sub
Userform input example
Use the Areas property to check the state of a spreadsheet. If the system detects multiple ranges, a
prompt will appear.

CELLS Property

This property can be used as an alternative to the absolute range property and is generally more
flexible to work with, as variables are easier to pass into it.
There are two optional arguments:

Cells([row] [,column])

Leaving the arguments empty (no brackets), it will detect the current selection as the active range.
Adding an argument to either row or column with a number will refer to the co-ordination of the
number passed.
Adding both arguments will explicitly locate the single cells co-ordinate.

'Examples of the Cells property

Sub CellsExample()
Cells.Clear 'clears active selection
Cells(1).Value = "This is A1 - row 1"
Cells(, 1).Value = "This is A1 - col 1"
Cells(1, 1).Value = "This is A1 - explicit"
Cells(3, 3).Value = "This is C3"
Cells(5, 3).Font.Bold = True
End Sub

Variables can be passed into the Cells property and then nested into the Range object as in the
following example:
'Two InputBoxes for rows and columns
Sub CellsExample2()
On Error GoTo handler
Dim intRows As Integer
Dim intCols As Integer
intRows = CInt(InputBox("How many rows to populate?"))
intCols = CInt(InputBox("How many columns to populate?"))
'starts at cell A1 to the number of rows and columns passed
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(intRows, intCols)).Value = "X"
Exit Sub
'Error code is handled here...
End Sub
By wrapping a range property around two cell properties, the flexibility of passing variables becomes

Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(intRows, intCols))

Error handlers and InputBox functions are covered later in this guide.

Column(s) and Row(s) Properties

Four properties that return the column or row number for the focused range.
The singular (Column or Row) returns the active cells co-ordinate and the plural (Columns or Rows)
can be used to count the current selections configuration.

Sub ColRowExample()
MsgBox "Row " & ActiveCell.Row & _
" : Column " & ActiveCell.Column
End Sub

Sub ColsRowsCountExample()
MsgBox Selection.Rows.Count & " rows by " _
& Selection.Columns.Count & " columns selected"
End Sub


Selects from the active cells position all cells that are adjacent (known as a region) until a blank row
and blank column breaks the region.
Use this statement to select a region.


Make sure you have some data to work with.

To select a region of data and exclude the top row for a data list:

Run this piece of code:

Sub RegionSelection()
ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Offset(1, 0).Resize( _
ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count - 1, _
End Sub

Make sure the active cell is in the region of data you wish to capture before running the above

RESIZE Property

This property is useful for extending or re-defining a new size range.

To extend this range

by one row and one column to

use the code snippet below:

Sub ResizeRange()
Dim rows As Integer
Dim cols As Integer
cols = Selection.Columns.Count
rows = Selection.rows.Count
Selection.Resize(rows + 1, cols + 1).Select
End Sub

Resizing a range can be increased, decreased or change the configuration (shape) by combining
positive and negative values inside the Resize propertys arguments.

OFFSET Property

This property is used in many procedures as it controls references to other cells and navigation.
Two arguments are passed into this property that is then compounded with either another property or
a method.

Selection.OffSet(1, 2).Select
ActiveCell.OffSet(0, -1).Value = "X"

Consider referring to an offset position rather than physically navigating to it this will speed up the
execution of code particularly while iterating.

For example:

Sub OffSetExample1()
Dim intCount As Integer
Do Until intCount = 10
ActiveCell.Offset(intCount, 0).Value = "X"
intCount = intCount + 1
End Sub

is quicker to execute than:

Sub OffSetExample2()
Dim intCount As Integer
Do Until intCount = 10
ActiveCell.Value = "X"
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
intCount = intCount + 1
End Sub
Do...Loops (iterations) are covered later in this guide

The above two examples produce the same result but instead of telling Excel to move to the active
cell and then enter a value, it is more efficient to refer (or point) to the resulting cell and remain in the
same position.

A positive value for the row argument refers to a row downwards.

A positive value for the column argument refers to a column to its right.

A negative value for the row argument refers to a row upwards.

A negative value for the column argument refers to a column to its left.

Be careful to introduce error-handling procedures when working with the Offset property as if you
navigate or refer to a position outside the scope of the fixed dimensions of a worksheet, this will
certainly cause a run time error (See Error Handling & Debugging).


This method should not be confused with the Select method as commonly used in VBA.
The Select method means go and navigate to it.


The Activate method selects a cell within a selection.

By default, in a selection of cells, the first (top left position) is the active cell (white cell in a block).
Sub ActivateMethodExample()
'select a fixed range
MsgBox ActiveCell.Address(False, False)
MsgBox ActiveCell.Address(False, False)
End Sub
The above procedure selects a fixed range of cells with a message box confirming the address of the
active cell. Then, using the Activate method, move the active cell to address B2.


CLEAR Methods

There are six variations of this method:

1. Clear all attributes are cleared and reset to default
2. ClearComments clear comments only
3. ClearContents clear contents only (delete key command)
4. ClearFormats clear formats only (revert to general format)
5. ClearNotes clear comments and sound notes only
6. ClearOutline clear on outlines implemented
Simply locate the object and use of the above methods:
'Different ways to refer to a selection
'Different ways to refer to a selection
Sub ClearMethodsExamples()
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(5, 3)).ClearNotes
End Sub


These methods simulate the windows clipboard cut, copy and paste commands.
There are a few different types of these methods where most arguments are optional and by changing
the argument settings, will change the behaviour of the method.
Some examples:
'Simple Copy and Paste
Sub CopyPasteData1()
Range("B1").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
End Sub

'Copy and Paste Values only (no format)

Sub CopyPasteData2()
Range("B1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End Sub

'Simple Cut and Paste

Sub CutPasteData()
Range("A1").Cut Range("B1")
End Sub
If the copy and cut methods omit the argument Destination, the item is copied to the windows


These methods can add or remove cells, rows or columns and is best used with other properties to
help establish which action to execute.
Some examples:
'Inserts an entire row at the active cell
Sub InsertRow()
ActiveCell.EntireRow.Insert 'or EntireColumn
End Sub

'Deletes an entire row at the active cell

Sub DeleteRow()
ActiveCell.EntireRow.Delete 'or EntireColumn
End Sub

'Inserts an entire row at row 4

Sub InsertAtRow4()
End Sub

'Insert columns and move data to the right

Sub InsertColumns()
Range("A1:C5").Insert Shift:=xlShiftToRight
End Sub

Using the SET Keyword Command

Users can create and set a range object instead and like all other object declarations, use the Set
command (which is used for object variable declarations).

'Alternative way of referring to a range

Sub RangeObject()
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Range("A1:B2")
With rng
.Value = "X"
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders.LineStyle = xlDouble
'any other properties.........
End With
Set rng = Nothing
End Sub
This is an alternative way of working with the range object and is sometimes preferred as it exposes
more members (properties and methods).

For example, using a For...Loop (see For...Loop section about this control flow), iterating in a
collection is carried out by declaring and setting a variable as a Range object:
'Loops through the elements of the Range object
Sub IterateRangeObject()
Dim r1 As Range
Dim c As Object
Set r1 = Range("A1:C10")
For Each c In r1
If c.Value = Empty Then
c.Value = "0"
End If
Next c
End Sub
The above procedure checks each cell in a fixed range (A1 to C10) and determines its value, placing
a 0 (zero) if the cell is empty.

Next Topic: Object hierarchy

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Back to Excel Homepage Excel VBA - Reference Guide
VBA Keywords: Application,


Object Hierarchy WorkBook(s), WorkSheet(s), Range,
Font, Border, Interior, Select,
ActiveCell, Add.
Most applications consist of many objects arranged in a hierarchy.
Recording macros
Looking at the code
Ways of running macros
Where macros are stored
Reasons to write macros
Writing macros
Procedure types
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
Rules & conventions
Excel objects
Range/Selection objects
Object hierarchy
Object browser
Chart objects Objects, Methods, Properties and Variables
Pivot Table objects
Each line of code generally has the same structure (which is also known as Syntax). VBA is loosely
based around the concept of Object Orientated Programming (OOP) and the following syntax is
Visual Basic Functions used to define how you write code using any of the libraries that are loaded.
Creating Add-Ins
Variables & constants OBJECT.Identifier[.sub_Identifier]
Object variables
Arrays The square brackets wrapped around the sub_Identifier is the convention meaning it is optional and
Collections therefore not always required.
Message Box
VBA Input Box An Identifier and sub_Identifier can be one of three types:
Excel Input Box
Making decisions (If) 1. Property
Making decisions (Case) 2. Method
Looping (Do...Loop) 3. Event
Looping (For...Loop)
With...End With blocks Similar to physical objects such as a car or a chair, the application objects, as listed above, have
Properties and Methods (as well as Events)
User defined functions
Event handling Object Property Method
Error handling Car Colour Accelerate
ActiveCell Value
Creating User Forms
DAO/ADO Objects Worksheets(Sheet1) Select

Input/Output Files
Identifying the Objects, Methods and Properties from the previous example.
Other links

Example code snippets

Userform input example


1. Create a new blank workbook.

2. Click on the Tools menu, select Macro and choose Visual Basic Editor.
3. Click on the Insert menu and select Module.


A Property is an attribute of an object, e.g. the colour of a car, the name of a worksheet.

Object.Property = Value

Car.Colour = Red
Worksheets(Sheet1).Name = "My Sheet"

The following example will change the name of Sheet1 to My Sheet.


A Method is an activity that an object can be told to do, e.g. accelerate the car, select a cell, insert a
worksheet, delete a worksheet.



The following example will select a range of cells (A2 to A10) in the current worksheet.

Methods that contain arguments

There are methods that contain many arguments, for example inserting a worksheet(s). The
numerous arguments contain information about how many worksheets you would like to insert, the
position of the worksheet(s) and the type of the worksheet(s).

Object.Method Argument1,Argument2,...

Worksheets.Add Before, After, Count, Type

Add Add a new worksheet.

Before/After Before which worksheet?

After which worksheet?

Count How many worksheets

Type What type of worksheet ie worksheet, chart sheet etc

The following example will place 2 new sheets after Sheet 2.

Worksheets.Add, Sheets(Sheet2), 2

The comma after Add represents the "Before" argument.

If "Type" is omitted, then it will assume the Default Type. The Default Type is xlworksheet.

Sub Insert2Sheets()
Worksheets.Add Sheets("Sheet2"), 2
End Sub

Events are like Methods the only difference being when and who/what calls this action. It is an action
like a method but the system will trigger it for you instead of the user invoking the action.

This is very useful when a system changes state and needs to automate a procedure on behalf of the

In fact, there are many events being triggered all the time; users are simply not aware of this unless
there is a procedure to trigger it. The system constantly listens for the event to take place.

When you use standard Excel features like Data Validation or Conditional Formatting, the system
automatically creates code for an event so when users enter a value in a cell it will automatically
trigger the feature and validate and format the active cell without a user calling the a macro manually.
This type of event is normally known as 'Enter' for a Worksheet.

There are many predefines events which have no code just a starting and ending signature and users
need to add code in between these signatures. Take a look at Event Handling for more information.

Next Topic: Object Browser

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Tip: You can press F2 function key


Object Browser to load the Object Browser.

The Object Browser enables you to see a list of all the different objects with their methods, properties,
Recording macros events and constants.
Looking at the code
Ways of running macros In the VBE editor:

Where macros are stored 1. Insert menu and select a Module.

Reasons to write macros 2. Click on the View menu and select Object Browser (shortcut key: F2).

Writing macros 3. Make sure its set to '<All Libraries>'.

Procedure types
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
Rules & conventions
Excel objects
Range/Selection objects
Object hierarchy
Object browser
Chart objects
Pivot Table objects
Visual Basic Functions
Creating Add-Ins
Variables & constants
Object variables
Message Box
VBA Input Box
Excel Input Box
Making decisions (If)
Making decisions (Case)
Notice Add([Before], [After], [Count], [Type]) is one of the examples previously seen.
Looping (Do...Loop)
Looping (For...Loop)
The main two panes contain on the left Classes (also known as Objects) and on the right Members
With...End With blocks
(also known as Identifiers).
User defined functions
By selecting a class, you display its members which are of three key types; Properties, Methods and
Event handling Events.
Error handling
Debugging Libraries
Creating User Forms
DAO/ADO Objects Libraries are the application divisions of a collection of classes (objects). Therefore, you will have a
Input/Output Files class for Excel, VBA and other applications you wish to have a reference to. The Excel (the host),
VBA and VBAProject are mandatory and can not disabled. All other library files can be switched on
or off as required.
Other links

Example code snippets

In order to code to another applications (for example, Microsoft Word) you will need to load its library
Userform input example first.

To switch between libraries or show all libraries, choose the Project/Library drop down box:

The default libraries available:

1. Excel A collection of classes available in Excel i.e. workbook, worksheet, range, chart, etc
2. Office A collection of classes generic to all office applications i.e. command bar, command
icon, help assistance, etc
3. stdole A collection of standard OLE classes which allow other OLE applications to share
information (Not covered in this manual).
4. VBA A collection of classes which allow generic functions to be used i.e. MsgBox, InputBox,
conversion functions, string functions, etc
5. VBAProject A collection of classes local to the active workbook project, which includes
sheets, workbook and any user, defined classes.

Other libraries are also available but require to be enabled before they can be used which include
Word, Outlook, DAO, ADODB and many others.
By enabling the additional libraries, developers can start to code and communicate with other
applications and processes, which start to reveal the potential power of Visual Basic (VBA).
To enable a library, from the Visual Basic Editor, choose Tools menu and select References

Scroll down to find the required library or choose the Browse button to locate the required library.
Excluding the top two libraries, a library priority order matters that is why users can re-arrange the
order using the Priority buttons. The way the system works is when a procedure is executed, it checks
to see which library is required in order to execute the line-by-line code. In some cases, a method or
class can be duplicated between libraries and it is therefore important to be able to call the correct
method or class first superseding the lower level references.

Structure of a Library

Each Library will typically have a collection of classes. A class or object class is in essence the
object i.e. Worksheet.
Each object class will have a collection of members, which could be a collection of properties,
methods and events.
When looking at the Object Browser, users will see on the left hand side many classes to the active
library. To the right hand pane, all members of the selected class will reveal properties, methods and

The above illustration shows the Excel library, Worksheet class and the Visible property highlighted
Right mouse click the selected item to choose the Help command and go straight to the offline help
Browsing the right hand and pane of the Object Browser, users will see three different icons to help
identify the member type:

Browser Searching

The search tool allows users to locate if a keyword firstly exists and secondly where it could possibly
At the top half of the browser window, type the desired keyword and then click the search button:

The above example looked for the keyword visible across all libraries.
After locating the correct item (selecting the item), users can use the copy button function and then
paste into a code window.

Next Topic: Chart objects

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Back to Excel Homepage Excel VBA - Reference Guide
VBA Keyword: ActiveSheet,


Charts Objects AddChart, Select, SetSourceData,
With...End With, ChartType,
ChartObjects, SeriesCollections,
Menu NewSeries & Set.
When you add a chart when recording a macro, the code generated follows the menu and command
Recording macros that users manually call when adding a chart which means there is a discipline to run the macro in
Looking at the code exactly the same way or face the potential of landing up with different results or even errors.

Ways of running macros

Where macros are stored Typical code for a recorded macro:

Reasons to write macros Sub RecordedMacroChart()

Writing macros ' RecordedMacroChart Macro
Procedure types '
Visual Basic editor (VBE) ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range("'Sheet2'!$A$2:$D$12")
Rules & conventions ActiveChart.ChartType = xlLineMarkers
End Sub
Excel objects
Range/Selection objects The other issue with the above example code is typically the reference to the source data (which is an
absolute string reference Sheet2'!$A$2:$D$12). The user may want more flexibility in
Object hierarchy
controlling where this reference is by using and passing variables.
Object browser
Chart objects
Note: Previous versions of Excel records macros using the object and method Charts.Add but it still gives the
Pivot Table objects inflexibility in terms of control.
Visual Basic Functions The above code generates a standard size chart within a worksheet and there is no room for setting
Creating Add-Ins properties until users edit the properties of an existing chart which just adds more code and becomes
Variables & constants
Object variables
Message Box
VBA Input Box
Excel Input Box
Making decisions (If)
Making decisions (Case)
Looping (Do...Loop)
Looping (For...Loop) Create Chart Objects
With...End With blocks
User defined functions By creating your own written procedure and introduce ChartObjects keyword with supporting
methods and properties, you have more control and can be flexible in passing arguments thus
Event handling
reducing extra lines of code.
Error handling
Debugging An example:
Creating User Forms
Sub WrittenMacroChart()
DAO/ADO Objects '
Input/Output Files ' WrittenMacroChart Macro
With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add _
Other links (Left:=100, Width:=400, Top:=100, Height:=250)
Example code snippets .Chart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A2:D12")
.Chart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLines
Userform input example End With
End Sub
The above example allows the chart object to be positioned and sized (measured in pixels)
accordingly using the Add method and its arguments.

Defining object variables for longer based procedures makes the code more clinical and efficient to
write even though we must first declare a new object (as ChartObject).
Sub WrittenMacroChartObject()
Dim ChrtObj As ChartObject
Set ChrtObj = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add _
(Left:=100, Width:=400, Top:=100, Height:=250)
ChrtObj.Chart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A2:D12")
ChrtObj.Chart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLines
End Sub
The above example is the same as the previous code snippet but using the object variable ChrtObj
as declared and set.

The other useful method is SetSourceData as you can add as many series as required (one at a
time) enabling what ranges you want to set and not let Excel make as assumption.

Adding Series

When recording a macro adding a series each line of code is created for a name, y-axis values and x-
axis values if required using SeriesCollection and NewSeries keywords.

An example of recorded macro which adds three series (names and values) and an y-axis to an
existing empty chart on a worksheet:
Sub AddingSeries()
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Name = "='Sheet2'!$B$2"
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = "='Sheet2'!$B$3:$B$12"
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(2).Name = "='Sheet2'!$C$2"
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(2).Values = "='Sheet2'!$C$3:$C$12"
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(3).Name = "='Sheet2'!$D$2"
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(3).Values = "='Sheet2'!$D$3:$D$12"
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(3).XValues = "='Sheet2'!$A$3:$A$12"
End Sub
Using the With...End With statement will refine the code and make it easier to understand. Also,
introducing your own objects for a series just gives you better control should you wish to assign
variables and arrays to it.

The same as the above example but a better practice:

Sub AddingSeriesObjects()
Dim ChrtSrs1 As Series, ChrtSrs2 As Series, ChrtSrs3 As Series
Set ChrtSrs1 = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
With ChrtSrs1
.Name = "='Sheet2'!$B$2"
.Values = "='Sheet2'!$B$3:$B$12"
.XValues = "='Sheet2'!$A$3:$A$12"
End With
Set ChrtSrs2 = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
With ChrtSrs2
.Name = "='Sheet2'!$C$2"
.Values = "='Sheet2'!$C$3:$C$12"
.XValues = "='Sheet2'!$A$3:$A$12"
End With
Set ChrtSrs3 = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
With ChrtSrs3
.Name = "='Sheet2'!$D$2"
.Values = "='Sheet2'!$D$3:$D$12"
.XValues = "='Sheet2'!$A$3:$A$12"
End With
End Sub

Remember, you can pass variables better into the above example code (not illustrated).

To delete a series use ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Delete where the index

(brackets with a 1) represents the first series for the active chart.

Using arrays and collections, you have better control especially when wanting to handle multiple
charts in one go.

Data used for the above chart:

Chart object looks something like:

Next Topic: Pivot Table objects

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VBA Keywords: PivotCaches,


Pivot Table Objects CreatePivotTable, Sheets, Cells,
Select, ActiveSheet, Dim, Set &
Pivot Tables are a very popular and powerful Excel feature and most users generate this type of
Recording macros object using the standard wizard (pre 2007) or Insert action (2007 or later) command.
Looking at the code
Ways of running macros Once again, recording a macro is a good starting point but the code, efficiency and interpretation is
Where macros are stored sometimes difficult to manage and can cause errors when running a recorded macro. Instead, users
can always call and Excel Pivot Tables object which is a member of the Pivot Tables Collection.
Reasons to write macros
Writing macros
Here is an example recorded macro based on some data located in a worksheet called 'Sales List'
Procedure types which has a range A1:M306:
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
Sub SummaryPivotReport()
Rules & conventions
Excel objects Sheets.Add
Range/Selection objects ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, _
SourceData:="Sales List!R1C1:R306C13", _
Object hierarchy Version:=xlPivotTableVersion10).CreatePivotTable _
Object browser TableDestination:="Sheet1!R3C1", _
Chart objects TableName:="PivotTable1", DefaultVersion:=xlPivotTableVersion10
Pivot Table objects
Cells(3, 1).Select
Formulas With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Product")
Visual Basic Functions .Orientation = xlRowField
.Position = 1
Creating Add-Ins
End With
Variables & constants With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Assistant")
Object variables .Orientation = xlColumnField
.Position = 1
Arrays End With
Collections ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").AddDataField _
Message Box ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("TOTAL"),
"Sum of TOTAL", xlSum
VBA Input Box
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Method")
Excel Input Box .Orientation = xlPageField
Making decisions (If) .Position = 1
End With
Making decisions (Case)
Looping (Do...Loop) End Sub
Looping (For...Loop)
Try running it and you will discover one of several errors.
With...End With blocks
The errors generated is not down to the Pivot Table object, PivotCaches or PivotTables collection
User defined functions failing but the absolute references to either a worksheet or ranges being called.
Event handling
Error handling Even if you are prepared to keep the recorded macro as above and just simply change the
Debugging references, then you have made a start and a reason for editing this macro.
Creating User Forms For example, changing the range reference (which is absolute) and handling the absolute worksheet
DAO/ADO Objects name to be more dynamic and relative:

Input/Output Files
When the system adds a new worksheet Sheets.Add it generates a unique name each time (which is
absolute). Later in the procedure it refers to the name of new added worksheet (which is why it fails
Other links
when running the macro).
Example code snippets
Userform input example Instead of referring to TableDestination:="Sheet1!R3C1" in the Pivot objects TableDestination
argument, consider using this code TableDestination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1)instead
which picks the current worksheets cell A1.

Remove the line Sheets("Sheet1").Select and the rest of the code should now work as recorded.

Now lets take a look at the Pivot Table object itself and build the knowledge so that you understand
the elements and arguments correctly.
Use the Create and CreatePivotTable methods of the PivotCaches object:
ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, _
SourceData:="Sales List!R1C1:R306C13", _
Version:=xlPivotTableVersion10).CreatePivotTable _
TableDestination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1), _
TableName:="PivotTable1", DefaultVersion:=xlPivotTableVersion10
Note: In Excel 2003 (or earlier) users tend to use the Add method instead of the Create method which has its
own set of arguments.

The SourceData argument is a range reference to the data list source. Also note this reference in the
above example is an absolute reference too and should be careful should the data source change
and grow dynamically. Consider using a variable or object variable to hold the current address of a
region of data to pass into the Create method.

For example (before adding the new worksheet - Sheets.Add) include the following:
MyDataRef = Selection.Address

Or, consider an object reference instead:

Set rngSource As ActiveSheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion

The TableDestination argument pinpoints where the starting cell in a worksheet (normally a new
worksheet) is and should really be dynamic and relative (as previously mentioned).

The remaining arguments are optional but as the macro records distinct settings they have been
included. Refer to the Excel VBA help files for further information.
Pivot Tables are objects and can given a unique name as in the above example shown called

Using the named object, you can then refer to elements in a Pivot Table which include PivotFields
collections and their properties; Orientation, Position and calculated functions.

Here is a revised piece of code for the same above procedure:

Sub SummaryPivotReport()

Dim rngSource As Range

Dim wksTrans As Worksheet
Dim ptTrans As PivotTable

'Create and set objects

Set rngSource = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion
Set wksTrans = Worksheets.Add(after:=ActiveSheet)

'Generate a new Pivot Table report using the above objects

ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, _
SourceData:=rngSource, _
Version:=xlPivotTableVersion10).CreatePivotTable _
TableDestination:=wksTrans.Range("A1"), TableName:="Trans", _

'set an instance for the new pivit table

Set ptTrans = wksTrans.PivotTables("Trans")

'set and add fields to the new pivot table (Trans)

ptTrans.AddFields RowFields:="Product", ColumnFields:="Assistant"

'Adding the sum function to the main data section

ptTrans.PivotFields("TOTAL").Orientation = xlDataField
ptTrans.DataFields(1).Function = xlSum
ptTrans.DataFields(1).Name = "Total Sales"

End Sub

The above example will give you better control and more flexibility in defining a Pivot Table without
have to ensure your have added a new worksheet, placed the cursor in the right position and any
duplicate name references (worksheets).
Next Topic: Formulas

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Note: Your knowledge of Excel


Formulas formulae and functions will help
derive VBA calculations.


Recording macros Expressions

Looking at the code
Ways of running macros An Expression is a value or group of values that expresses a single item (variable, object), which
Where macros are stored evaluates to a value or result.
Reasons to write macros For example, an expression of 2+2 will result 4.
Writing macros Expressions are made up of either of the following:
Procedure types
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
Rules & conventions
Excel objects
Range/Selection objects
Object hierarchy
Object browser
Chart objects Operators
Pivot Table objects
Operators are used to combine expressions that will manipulate the expression and will return a
value (answer). Typical operators:
Visual Basic Functions
= + - / * > < , . <> <= => ^ & \
Creating Add-Ins
Variables & constants
Object variables True, False, Or, Not, Null, Empty, Is, Like, Mod,
Arrays There are more - refer to on-line Help or Users Guide.
Collections Operators have precedence, which will affect the value (result) if not carefully used. For example, the
following two expressions will result to a different value
Message Box
VBA Input Box
1+2*3/2-6 = -2
Excel Input Box
Making decisions (If)
((1 + 2) * 3) / 2 - 6 = -1.5
Making decisions (Case)
Looping (Do...Loop)
A bracket changes the order in which the expression is calculated.
Looping (For...Loop)
The following table will give an indication of how expressions are calculated:
With...End With blocks
User defined functions
Event handling Operator Priority Level (in highest order)
Error handling ( ) Brackets 1
^ Power sign 2
Creating User Forms
DAO/ADO Objects -ve Negative values 3

Input/Output Files *, / Multiply and Divide 4

+, - Addition/Subtraction 5
Other links
<, <=, >, >= 6
Example code snippets
Like 7
Userform input example

There are more operators that fit in between the above table. Refer to on-line Help or Users Guide.

Concatenate (&)

Concatenate is the term used to join two or strings (text values) together. You use the & (ampersand)
as the operator (the glue) to connect one string to another.
This is commonly used in VBA to build string messages and narratives which will part static and
dynamic (variables) enhancing the procedure to a more user friendlier environment.
For example, to join my first name with my surname with a space between the two using two variables
and a static string (space) between:
Sub ConcatenateExample()
Dim FName As String, SName As String
FName = "Ben"
SName = "Beitler"
MsgBox "Welcome " & FName & " " & SName
End Sub


A Constant is a value in a macro that does not change. By using constants, is similar to variables
where a value is assigned to the variable.
For example:
Variable known as TitleHeading can have a value assigned to it.
Every time the value is used, by using the variable it is easier to handle, update changes and
therefore more efficient.
To assign a named constant, proceed with the command Const before the variable.
For example
Variable known as pi can have a value of 3.1415926 assigned to it. Since this is a fixed value for pi,
assign the Const command to it.

Const PI = 3.1415926


Functions, like Excel functions are used to return a value.

For example:
MySName = "Anderson"
Surname = UCase(MySName)
Where Surname variable uses an UCase function to convert the variable, MySName data to upper
The following example will put a date and time formula in to the active cell and then resize the
Sub formula1()
ActiveCell.Formula = "=Now()"
End Sub


Some functions and statements will contain required and optional arguments. An argument is an
element of that function or statement which is required to apply that command. Arguments either use a
comma separator or can use its syntax name.
For example:

Absolute Formula

Similar to the Absolute Macros we looked at earlier, an Absolute Formula will refer to specific cell
Sub formula()
ActiveCell.Formula = "=Sum(A1:A4)"
End Sub

Relative Formula

Similar to the Relative Macros we looked at earlier, a Relative Formula will refer to the active cell and
the other cells around it.
Sub formula()
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Sum(r[-4]c:r[-1]c)"
End Sub
Instead of using cell references in the formula, i.e. A1:A4, the relative formula uses row and column
references, i.e. r[-4]c:r[-1]c.
In the above example, r[-4]c refers to the cell 4 rows above the active cell in the same column and
r[-1]c refers to the cell 1 row above the active cell in the same column.
Next Topic: Visual Basic Functions

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Note: The VBA library is the top most


Visual Basic Functions reference followed by the Excel
library and both can not be moved or
disabled. Therefore, calling a
Menu function which exists in both libraries
Using VBA is a combination of utilising libraries available, mainly Excel and VBA.
will always use the VBA reference
Recording macros The following list of functions is a selection of commonly used functions, which are classes of the VBA (as implicit).
Looking at the code library.
VBA Keywords: MsgBox, InpuBox,
Ways of running macros Application, WorksheetFunction and
Where macros are stored CONVERSION Class VBA Class (all functions).

Reasons to write macros

Writing macros This class contains various functions to help cast and convert values from one data type to another.
Procedure types Some functions in this class:
Visual Basic editor (VBE) CBool(expression) convert to a Boolean (true/false) value
CByte(expression) convert to a Byte value
Rules & conventions
CCur(expression) convert to a Currency value
Excel objects CDate(expression) convert to Date value
Range/Selection objects CDbl(expression) convert to a Double value
CDec(expression) convert to a Decimal value
Object hierarchy
CInt(expression) convert to an Integer value
Object browser CLng(expression) convert to a Long value
Chart objects CSng(expression) convert to a Single value
CStr(expression) convert to a String value
Pivot Table objects
CVar(expression) convert to Variant value
The expression can be either a string or numeric value, which is converted to one of the above data
Visual Basic Functions types.
Creating Add-Ins
Variables & constants Sub ConvertValue()
Dim strInput As String
Object variables
Dim intNumber As Integer
Arrays strInput = InputBox("Enter a Number:")
Collections intNumber = CInt(strInput)
Message Box
End Sub
VBA Input Box
The above example takes a string variable, which the InputBox function returns as a string and
Excel Input Box converts it to an integer value and stores to the integer, variable.
Making decisions (If)
Making decisions (Case)
VBA is intelligent enough to convert values without the need to apply conversion functions or
Looping (Do...Loop) explicitly declare variables. However, there are occasions when this rule doesnt work and to
Looping (For...Loop) handle unforeseen errors, users need to handle data conversion (as above).
With...End With blocks In future releases of VBA, data type declarations will become more stringent in how users can work
User defined functions with variables and will therefore need to use such functions (as above) to handle cast and
conversion issues correctly.
Event handling
Error handling
Debugging DATETIME Class
Creating User Forms
DAO/ADO Objects This class is a collection of date/time conversions and interrogations.
Input/Output Files
Some functions in this class:
Other links Date return/sets the systems date
Example code snippets Now returns/sets the systems date and time
Userform input example Day(Date) returns the day element of the date
Month(Date) returns the month element of the date
Year(Date) returns the year element of the date
DateDiff(interval, date1, date2 [,firstdayofweek] [,firstweekofyear])
returns the difference between two dates driven by the interval
DateSerial(Year, Month, Day) returns a valid date from 3 separate values
DateValue(Date) converts a string date into a date data type date
Weekday(Date, [firstdayofweek]) Returns a string day of the week

'Converts a string date to date date type date

Sub DateExample1()
Dim strDate As String
strDate = "10 May 2010"
MsgBox DateValue(strDate)
End Sub
'Works out the difference between two dates
'returns the number of months (interval)
Sub DateExample2()
Dim dtmStartDate As Date
dtmStartDate = #5/2/2010#
MsgBox DateDiff("m", dtmStartDate, Date) & " Months"
End Sub


This class is a collection of status functions to help evaluate conditions of variables and objects alike.
Some functions in the class:
IsArray(variant) returns true or false
IsDate(expression) returns true or false
IsError(expression) returns true or false
IsEmpty(expression) returns true or false
IsMissing(variant) returns true or false
IsNull(expression) returns true or false
IsNumeric(expression) returns true or false
IsObject(expression) returns true or false
An expression or variant is the variable being tested to see if it is True or False.

MATH Class

This class is a collection of mathematical functions that can be used to change variables with ease
and without having to create your own functions.
Some functions in the class:
Abs(Number) returns the absolute number (always a positive value)
Rnd([Number]) returns a random value
Round(Number, [NumDigitsAfterDecimal]) returns a rounded value
Sqr(Number) returns a square value (x2 )

'Generates a random value between 1 and 100.

Sub RandomNumber()
Dim intNumber As Integer
intNumber = Int((100 * Rnd) + 1)
MsgBox intNumber
End Sub


This class is a collection of text (string) based functions that include conversion, extractions and
Some functions in the class:
Asc(String) returns the numeric ASCII value of the character string
Chr(CharCode) returns the character string from the code supplied
Format(Expression, [Format], [FirstDayOfWeek], [FirstWeekOfYear])
- returns the format presentation of the expression
InStr([Start], [String1], [String2], [Compare]) returns the numeric position of the first character found
from left to right
InStrRev(StringCheck, StringMatch, [Start], [Compare]) returns the numeric position of the first
character found from right to left
LCase(String) returns the string in lowercase
UCase(String) returns the string in uppercase
Left(String, Length) returns the remaining characters from the left of the length supplied
Right(String, Length) returns the remaining characters from the right of the length supplied
Len(Expression) returns a value of the length of characters supplied
Mid(String, Start, [Length]) returns the portion of characters as determined by the start and end
parameters supplied
Trim(String) removes unwanted spaces from left and right of the string supplied and extra spaces in
between multiple strings

Sub StringExample1()
Dim strString As String
strString = "Microsoft Excel VBA"
'Returns 17 (17th character starting from first character)
MsgBox InStr(1, strString, "V", vbTextCompare)
'Returns 7 (7th character from left starting at the sixth position)
MsgBox InStr(6, strString, "o", vbTextCompare)
End Sub

Sub StrngExample2()
Sub StrngExample2()
MsgBox Format(12.5 * 1.175, "0.00")
End Sub

Which Library?

Some functions in VBA may appear to be duplicates to functions known in Excel.

Sub WhichLibrary()
'Excel's Round function
MsgBox Application.WorksheetFunction.Round(10.2356, 2)
'VBA's Round function
MsgBox Round(10.2356, 2)
End Sub
The above example uses two functions that appear in both VBA and Excel.
By default, VBA is the library used when calling such a function.
To use the Round() function from Excels library, users need to call the qualification (object hierarchy)

The MsgBox statement and function and InputBox function are members of the Interaction class in
the VBA library.

Next Topic: Creating Add-Ins

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Tip: To switch between Excel


Creating Add-Ins interface and VBE window use ALT
+ F11 shortcut keys.

Add-Ins are wrapped procedures in an independent file for distributing and loading into other Excel Use F12 function in Excel to run the
Recording macros systems. 'Save As' command.

Looking at the code When creating an Add-In, prepare all the procedures, objects and other elements as you would VBA Keywords: Application,
normally prepare a spreadsheet and test it out thoroughly. CommandBars, Controls, Caption,
Ways of running macros Add, OnAction and Delete.
Where macros are stored Therefore, it is not uncommon to have a normal Excel file (xls/xlsx/xlsm/xlsb) and eventually an add-
in file (xla/xlam) of the same information. From the xls file, users save as an xla file that allows for
Reasons to write macros easier upgrade and maintenance.
Writing macros An Add-In file can reside anywhere as the user can control where to point and load the file.
Procedure types An Add-In file is in essence and invisible loaded file which can not physically be edited.
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
Rules & conventions Creating the Add-In file
Excel objects
Range/Selection objects Prepare all the code including any functions, forms and other objects required for distribution.
Object hierarchy
Object browser The saving action is within the Excel interface (as you normally save a file) but you may want to
Chart objects change a few properties within the module especially applying a password protection to your code.
Pivot Table objects
Formulas In the module, right-mouse click the VBAProject node in the Project Explorer view and choose
VBAProject Properties... from the pop-up menu.
Visual Basic Functions
Creating Add-Ins
In the first tab, set the narratives as required.
Variables & constants
Object variables
Message Box
VBA Input Box
Excel Input Box
Making decisions (If)
Making decisions (Case)
Looping (Do...Loop)
Looping (For...Loop)
With...End With blocks
User defined functions
Event handling
Error handling
Creating User Forms
DAO/ADO Objects
Input/Output Files

Other links (Note: The Project Name property can not contain any spaces).
Example code snippets
Userform input example Click on the Protection tab and set a password which is case sensitive and make sure you enable the
tick Lock project for viewing.
Choose the OK button to apply.

The next time a user tries to view the code by expanding the node they will be prompted for a

Back in Excel, save your current file (xls/xlsx/xlsm) as an open copy before choosing save as (F12
function key).

Choose the Add-In file type and choose a location to store you copy file.
A copy is generated and the original remains as your working copy which is required should you want
to re-generate a newer version.
All Add-In files are read-only and therefore can not be edited and saved.

Loading the Add-In file

To load and install the file you use the Add-In manager tool (and not file, open).
Click on the Office button and choose Excel Options at the bottom of the menu.
Click on the Add-Ins category (on the left pane) followed by the Go... button (at the bottom of the main

You are now taken to the Add-Ins dialog box.

Select the Add-In file and click OK.

Every time Excel starts, it loads all the Add-In files in the background enabling the functionality from
your file and is seamless to the application (and user).

Add-In Workbook Events

Special reserved events exist for an Add-In file which is executed as the Add-In is loaded and
unloaded into Excel.
Developers typically use these events to control the initialisation and resetting of command bars and
menus amongst other object changes.
The two events are:

1. Workbook_AddinInstall()
2. Workbook_AddinUninstall()

The events can be found by loading the module to ThisWorkbook (node) and choose Workbook from
the Object drop-down control.

On the right hand drop down box (Procedure), scroll for the above two events and type the code
Example use for the above events:
'Creates a menu item too the Tools menu
Private Sub Workbook_AddinInstall()
Dim cb As CommandBarControl
Set cb = Application.CommandBars("Tools") _
With cb .BeginGroup = True
.Caption = "My Report..."
.FaceId = 0
.OnAction = "MyReport"
End With
End Sub
The above procedure creates and appends a menu item to the existing Tools menu (Ribbon Bar).

The OnAction property assigns the macro procedure that is called when the item is clicked.
'Removes a menu item from the Tools menu
'If it can be found.
Private Sub Workbook_AddinUninstall()
Dim cb As CommandBarControl
Dim cbt As Integer, i As Integer
i = 1 cbt = Application.CommandBars("Tools").Controls.Count
Do Until i > cbt
Set cb = Application.CommandBars("Tools") _
If cb.Caption = "My Report..." Then
Exit Do
End If
End Sub
The above procedure removes the custom menu item if it can be found, resetting the Tools menu bask
to default.
Both procedures should be completed with error handling procedures to prevent unnecessary errors

(Note: The above example code to install and uninstall was based on Excel version 2003).

Next Topic: Variables & constants

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Tip: Remember to enable Option


Variables & Constants Explicit (it's good practice).

VBA Keywords: ActiveCell,

ActiveSheet, ActiveWorkbook,
Recording macros MsgBox, Dim, Private, Public, ByVal,
Variables ByRef, Round.
Looking at the code
Ways of running macros A variable is a placeholder, which stores data, i.e. a storage area in memory. It can be recalled,
Where macros are stored reassigned or fixed throughout a procedure, function or during the lifetime of a module being
Reasons to write macros
Structure (syntax)
Writing macros
Procedure types Variable Name = Value
Visual Basic editor (VBE) Variable Name = Object.Property
For example:
Rules & conventions
Result = Activecell.Value
Excel objects
Where Result is the variable name which is assigned the value in the Activecell.
Range/Selection objects
Object hierarchy
Object browser Declaring a Variable
Chart objects
Declaring a variable allows you to state the names of the variables you are going to use and also
Pivot Table objects
identify what type of data the variable is going to contain.
For example, if Result = 10, then the variable Result could be declared as being an Integer.
Visual Basic Functions
Creating Add-Ins
Explicit Declaration
Variables & constants
Object variables
Explicit Declaration is when you declare your variables to be a specific data type.
Arrays Variables can be declared as one of the following data types:
Collections 1. Boolean
Message Box
2. Byte
VBA Input Box
3. Integer
Excel Input Box
Making decisions (If) 4. Long

Making decisions (Case) 5. Currency

Looping (Do...Loop) 6. Single
Looping (For...Loop) 7. Double
With...End With blocks
8. Date
User defined functions
9. String (for variable-length strings)
Event handling
10. String * length (for fixed-length strings)
Error handling
Debugging 11. Object
Creating User Forms 12. Variant
DAO/ADO Objects Note that if you do not specify a data type, the Variant data type is assigned by default.
Input/Output Files The Declaration Statement is written as follows:
Dim Result As Integer
Other links Dim MyName As String
Example code snippets Dim Sales As Currency
Userform input example Dim Data

The following example declares the MySheet variable to be a String.

Sub VariableTest()
Dim MySheet As String
MySheet = ActiveSheet.Name
ActiveCell.Value = MySheet
End Sub

The position of the declaration statement is important as it determines whether the variable is
available for use throughout the module or just within the current procedure (see Understanding
Scope & Visibility later in this section).

Another Example:
The following example declares the MyData variable to be an Integer.

Sub VariableTest()
Dim MyData As Integer
MyData = ActiveWorkbook.Name
ActiveCell.Value = MyData
End Sub

However, when you run this macro, an error will occur because
MyData = ActiveWorkbook.Name is invalid since ActiveWorkbook.Name is not an Integer but a

When you click on the Debug button, it will highlight incorrect code.

But if you declare MyData as String (i.e. text) then MyData = ActiveWorkbook.Name will
become valid.
Dim MyData As String

Benefits of using Explicit Declaration

If you do not specify a data type, the Variant data type is assigned by default. Variant variables
require more memory resources than most other variables. Therefore, your application will be more
efficient if you declare the variables explicitly and with a specific data type.
Explicitly declaring all variables also reduces the incidence of naming-conflict errors and spelling
Following the conventions set by Microsoft (see Rules and Conventions), variables too have a
standard that in most cases is recommended.
A variable declared explicitly, should have a prefix in lowercase preceding the variable meaningful
name. For example, a variable to store the vat amount of type Double may be shown as
dblVatAmount where dbl is the prefix for a Double data type and the two word variable (initial
capped) referring to the purpose of the variable.
The table below shows what prefixes could be used for each common data type:

Data type Prefix Example

Boolean bln blnContinue
Byte byt bytWeekdayValue
Collection object col colWidgets
Currency cur curCost
Date (Time) dtm dtmOrderDate
Double dbl dblRevenue
Error err errInvoiceNo
Integer int intQuantity
Long lng lngDistance
Object obj objWordDoc
Single sng sngVatRate
String str strContact
Variant vnt vntColumnData or varColumnData or
ColumnData (no prefix).

By default, all variables not explicitly defined are Variant (the largest memory allocation reserved).
The exception to the above (developers can decide whether to follow the above or not) is when
defining Sub and Function procedures with arguments. As part of the signature of such a procedure,
it can be clearer to the end user to see meaningful named arguments rather than the conventions
stated in the above table.
For example, which is clearer for the end user to understand?

Function GrossTotal(Net As Double, Qty As Long, Optional

VatRate As Single) As Double
End Function

Function GrossTotal(dblNet As Double, lngQty As Long, Optional

sngVatRate As Single) As Double
End Function

When calling this function within Excel, users will see the arguments via the Insert Function paste


Constants are values that do not change. They prevent you from having to repeatedly type in large
pieces of text.

The following example declares the constant MYFULLNAME to equal "Ben Beitler". Therefore,
wherever MYFULLNAME has been used, the value that will be returned will be "Ben Beitler".

Sub ConstantTest()
Const MYFULLNAME As String = "Ben Beitler"
ActiveCell.Value = MYFULLNAME
End Sub

(Note: When using a constant, the convention is normally in uppercase).

Implicit Declaration

As previously mentioned, if you do not declare your variables and constants, they are assigned the
Variant data type, which takes up more resources and spelling mistakes are not checked.
A Variant Variable/Constant can contain any type of data.
Data = 10
Data = "Fred"
Data = #01/01/2010#
When you run the following macro, the value in the active cell will be 10.

Sub ImplicitTest()
data = 10
ActiveCell.Value = data
End Sub

When you run the following macro, the value in the active cell will be Fred.

Sub ImplicitTest()
data = "Fred"
ActiveCell.Value = data
End Sub

This can lead to errors and memory abuse though VBA is relaxed in using variables this way - it's just
not good practice!

Option Explicit (Declaration)

If you type Option Explicit at the top of the module sheet, you must declare all your variables and
If you dont declare your variables/constants you will get the following message.
If you wish to ensure that Option Explicit is always entered at the top of the module:
1. Go into the Visual Basic Editor.
2. Click on the Tools menu, select Options...
3. Click on the Editor tab and select "Require Variable Declaration".

You now must always use the Dim keyword to declare any variable.

Understanding Scope & Visibility

Variables and procedures can be visible or invisible depending on the following keywords used:

1. Private
2. Public
3. Static
4. Friend (Class Modules only not covered in this guide)

Depending where users use the above keywords, visibility can vary too within a module, class
module or user-form.
In a standard module when using the keyword Dim to declare a variable.If the variable is outside a
procedure and in the main area of the module, this variable is automatically visible to all procedures
in that module. The lifetime of this variable is governed by the calling procedure(s) and can be carried
forward into the next procedure within the same module.
If a variable declared with the Dim keyword is within a procedure, it is visible for that procedure only
and the lifetime of the variable expires when the procedure ends.
The Dim keyword can be used in either the module or procedure level and are both deemed as
private to the module or procedure.
Instead of using the Dim keyword, it is better practice to use the Private keyword when declaring
variables at the module level. Users must continue to use the Dim keyword within a procedure.
Using Public to declare a variable at the module level is potentially unsafe as it is exposed beyond
this module to all other modules and user-forms. It may also provide confusion if the two variables
with the same name exist across two modules. When a variable is declared Public , users should
take caution and try and be explicit in the use of the variable.
For example:
Module A

Option Explicit
Public intMonth As Integer
code continues..........

Module B

Option Explicit
Private intMonth As Integer

Sub ScopeVariables()
intMonth = 10 'This is ModuleBs variable
ModuleA.intMonth = 10 'This is ModuleAs variable (explicit)
End Sub
code continues..........

Two variables with the same name and data type were declared in both module A and B. A procedure
in module B calls the local variable and then explicitly calls the public variable declared in module A.
Users must therefore use the notation of the name of the module followed by the period separator ( . )
and its variable.
Public and Private keywords can also be applied to a procedure. By default, in a standard module,
all procedures are Public unless explicitly defined as Private.
It is good practice to apply either Public or Private for each procedure as later releases of Visual
Basic may insist on this convention.
If a procedure is Private, it can only be used within the module it resides. This is particularly
designed for internal procedures being called and then discarded as part of a branching routine
(nested procedures).
If users mark a procedure as Private, it cannot be seen in the macros dialog box in Excel.

Static Variables

Using the Static keyword allows users to declare variables that retain the value from the previous
calling procedure.
Example using Dim:
'Standard variable (non-static).
Sub TotalValue()
Dim intValue As Integer
intValue = 10
Msgbox intValue
End Sub
Example using Static:
'Standard variable (non-static).
Sub TotalValue()
Static intValue As Integer
intValue = 10
Msgbox intValue
End Sub
Running the first example will simply display the value 10 and the variables value will be lost when
the procedure ends.
Running the second example will display the value 10 but it will retain the variable and its value in
memory so that when running it once more, the value displayed now equals 20 and so on until the file
is either closed or the reset command is executed.
Static can only be used in a procedure and is therefore private.

Do not confuse Static with Const (constant).

Use the Const keyword to fix a value for lifecycle of the module or procedure. Users will not be able to
modify the value at run time as with conventional variables.
'Vat Rate is currently fixed at 17.5%
Public Const VATRATE As Single = 0.175
or Private
'Vat Rate is currently fixed at 17.5%
Const VATRATE As Single = 0.175
Using the constant
Sub GrossTotal()
Dim dblNet As Double
dblNet = 100
MsgBox Round(dblNet * (1 + VATRATE), 2)
End Sub
(Note: Round is a VBA function)

It is acceptable to use uppercase convention for constants.

Const keyword can be public or private (private by default) declared at the module and private only at
the procedure level.
User forms, which allow users to design custom form interfaces, also have scope issues using
Private and Public
By default, any controls event that is drawn onto a form will be private as the form should be the only
object able to call the procedure.
Other event driven procedures, which can be found in a worksheet or a workbook, will also be private
by default.

ByVal versus ByRef

Passing arguments is a procedure can be either by value (ByVal) or by reference (ByRef). Both
keywords precede the argument name and data type and if omitted is ByRef by default.
When passing an argument by value, the value is passed into a calling procedure
and then lost when the procedure ends or reverts back to the original value as it
returns to the original procedure.

ByVal example:
Sub CustomSub(ByVal AddTo As Integer)
AddTo = AddTo + 5
MsgBox AddTo
End Sub

Sub TestVariable()
Dim x As Integer
x = 5
Call CustomSub(x)
MsgBox x
End Sub
The procedure TestVariable starts by seting x = 5. Its CustomSub procedure is called passing the
variables value of x and incremented by 5. The first message box seen is via the CustomSub
procedure (shows the value 10). The second message box is via the TestVariable procedure which
follows as it returns the focus (shows the value 5). Therefore the ByVal AddTo variable stored is lost
as it is passed back into the original call procedure (TestVariable) resulting in x being equal to 5

ByRef example:
Sub CustomSub(ByRef AddTo As Integer)
AddTo = AddTo + 5
MsgBox AddTo
End Sub

Sub TestVariable()
Dim x As Integer
x = 5
Call CustomSub(x)
MsgBox x
End Sub
The procedure TestVariable starts by seting x = 5. Its CustomSub procedure is called passing the
variables value of x and incremented by 5. The first message box seen is via the CustomSub
procedure (shows the value 10). The second message box is via the TestVariable procedure which
follows as it returns the focus (shows the value 10 again). Therefore the ByRef AddTo variable stored
is not lost as it is passed back into the original call procedure (TestVariable) resulting in x now being
equal to 10.

Next Topic: Object variables

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Note: You may want to search for


Object Variables more information on Object Variables
especially to understand the
difference between Late and Early
Menu Binding.
An Object Variable is a variable that represents an entire object, such as a Range or a Worksheet.
Recording macros
Looking at the code Object Variables are important because:
Ways of running macros
Where macros are stored They can simplify the code significantly
Reasons to write macros They can make the code execute more quickly.
Writing macros
Procedure types You use this type of variable for creating a new instance of an object which will be necessary should
you wish to communicate with other applications namely Microsoft Word, PowerPoint or any other
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
external library.
Rules & conventions
Excel objects
Declaring Object Variables
Range/Selection objects
Object hierarchy Object Variables, similar to normal variables, are declared with the Dim or Public statement, for
Object browser example:
Chart objects
Pivot Table objects Dim mycell As Range.
Visual Basic Functions Assigning Object Variables
Creating Add-Ins
Variables & constants To assign an object expression to an object variable, use the Set keyword.
Object variables For example:
Collections Set ObjectVariable = ObjectExpression
Message Box
Set MyCell = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
VBA Input Box
Excel Input Box
Making decisions (If)
The following procedure will select the cell A1 on Sheet1, input the value 100 and format it with Bold,
Making decisions (Case) Italic and Underline.
Looping (Do...Loop)
Sub ObjectVariable()
Looping (For...Loop)
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value = 100
With...End With blocks Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Font.Bold = True
User defined functions Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Font.Italic = True
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Font.Underline = XlSingle
Event handling
End Sub
Error handling
Debugging The line of code Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1") is repeated four times within this
Creating User Forms
DAO/ADO Objects
If we declare an Object Variable called mycell to be a range, we can then set mycell to be equal to
Input/Output Files Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").
The procedure would then become:
Other links
Sub ObjectVariable()
Example code snippets
Dim mycell As Range
Userform input example Set mycell = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
mycell.Value = 100
mycell.Font.Bold = True
mycell.Font.Italic = True
mycell.Font.Underline = xlSingle
End Sub

It is good practice to set all object variables to Nothing at the end of the lifecycle of the variable even
though Visual Basic will destroy all variables and pointers automatically once the routine has ended.
It is possible to have an object variable allocated to memory after the event of an error occurring. If the
error handler allows the procedure to continue, it may be necessary to re-set the same object
variable. This is when an object should be destroyed and then re-initialised.
At the end of a procedure, destroy all object variables in the following manner:

Set objWSheet = Nothing

Generic objects are useful when you do not know the specific type of object the variable will
contain or when the variable contains objects from several different classes.

For example:

Dim mycell As Object

Set mycell = Application.Worksheets(Sheet1).Range(A1)

Next Topic: Arrays

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Note: When you work with arrays


Arrays (variables), users like to use the
distinction between groups and
single variables where a single
Menu variable is also known as a scalar
Arrays are a set of indexed elements for the same data type variable. Each element is independent
Recording macros but belongs to the same group variable and is better than have several single variables of the same
Looking at the code type. VBA Keywords: MsgBox, IsArray,
These are declared like a standard variable with the option of setting a data type and its scope. UBound, LBound, Array, Option
Ways of running macros Base 1.
Where macros are stored Arrays are either declared in design time with the number of elements defined or at run time making it
Reasons to write macros
Writing macros
Example of Fixed Array:
Procedure types
'Declaring a fixed array
Visual Basic editor (VBE) Sub FixedArray()
Rules & conventions Dim strWeek(7) As String
Excel objects strWeek(0) = "Sunday"
strWeek(1) = "Monday"
Range/Selection objects strWeek(2) = "Tuesday"
Object hierarchy strWeek(3) = "Wednesday"
strWeek(4) = "Thursday"
Object browser strWeek(5) = "Friday"
Chart objects strWeek(6) = "Saturday"
Pivot Table objects
End Sub
The value entered between the parentheses defines the number of elements for the array variable
Visual Basic Functions starting at point zero. Therefore, for an array variable of seven elements, the starting element number
Creating Add-Ins will be zero and the last will be six.
Variables & constants
Object variables Example of Dynamic Array:
Arrays 'Declaring a fixed array
Sub DynamicArray()
Dim strWeek() As String
Message Box ...................
VBA Input Box ReDim strWeek(7)
Excel Input Box
strWeek(0) = "Sunday"
Making decisions (If)
strWeek(1) = "Monday"
Making decisions (Case) strWeek(2) = "Tuesday"
Looping (Do...Loop) strWeek(3) = "Wednesday"
strWeek(4) = "Thursday"
Looping (For...Loop)
strWeek(5) = "Friday"
With...End With blocks strWeek(6) = "Saturday"
User defined functions ...................
Event handling End Sub
Error handling Dynamic arrays allow array variables to grow during the run time of the procedure. This may be
Debugging required, as the process may not know the full size of the intended variable.
Creating User Forms The keyword ReDim allows array variables to be re-declared to a new size. The above example
DAO/ADO Objects declares an array variable of unknown size and then uses the ReDim command to redefine the size.
Input/Output Files When using the ReDim command, any previous sizes and values that may be present are lost and set
to nothing.

Other links
In the event of preserving the previous size array and wanting to extend the size, users can use
Preserve keyword.
Example code snippets
Userform input example
ReDim Preserve strWeek(14)

Multi-Dimension Array

Arrays can also be multi-dimensioned and can store up to 60 sets of elements.

Sub MulitArray()
Dim intMulti(1 To 5, 1 To 10) As Integer
intMulti(1, 1) = 10
intMulti(2, 1) = 20
intMulti(3, 1) = 30
intMulti(4, 1) = 40
intMulti(5, 1) = 50
intMulti(1, 2) = 60
intMulti(2, 2) = 70
intMulti(5, 10) = 500
End Sub
Each dimension group has been set to start at 1 (instead of the default 0). In fact users can start at any
integer value providing the stop value is greater than the start value.

Array Function

Another way to set values to an array variable is to use the VBA Array function:
Sub ArrayFunctionExample()
Dim strWeek As Variant
Dim strDay As String
strWeek = Array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", _
"Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday")
strDay = strWeek(2) ' strDay now contains "Tuesday".
End Sub
The Array function returns a Variant data type and therefore must be declared as a variant. Each
element can be converted into a string type as required. The first item in the Array function equals
element zero and so on.

Setting Option Base

In some programming languages, it is not uncommon to have the first element of an array to be equal
to one instead of zero. In situations that the procedure needs to simulate this environment, users can
use the following statement:

Option Base 1

This is declared at the top of the module before the first procedure and affects the entire module. The
value 1 changes the base element to one.

IsArray Function

This function can be used to test if a variable is an array and return either True or False.
Sub ArrayFunctionExample()
Dim strWeek As Variant
Dim strDay As String
strWeek = Array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", _
"Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday")
MsgBox IsArray(strWeek) 'True.
MsgBox IsArray(strDay) 'False.
End Sub

UBound and LBound Functions

Both bound functions return a Long value of the highest (upper) and the lowest (lower) element
number for an array variable.
Two arguments, one optional:

Variable = UBound( ArrayName [, Dimension] )

Variable = LBound( ArrayName [, Dimension] )

The optional second argument only applies if the array is a multi-dimensioned array variable.
Sub UpperArray()
Dim intMulti(1 To 5, 1 To 10) As Integer
Dim intUpper As Integer
intMulti(1, 1) = 10
intMulti(2, 1) = 20
intMulti(3, 1) = 30
intMulti(4, 1) = 40
intMulti(5, 1) = 50
intMulti(1, 2) = 60
intMulti(2, 2) = 70
intMulti(5, 10) = 500
MsgBox UBound(intMulti, 1) 'shows 5
MsgBox UBound(intMulti, 2) 'shows 10
End Sub

Next Topic: Collections

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VBA Keywords: MsgBox,


Collections For...Each, If...Then, Worksheets,
Workbooks, ThisWorkbook, Close,
Sheets and Add.
Using the analogy of arrays that have elements, a collection is also a group of elements referring to
Recording macros objects in Excel.
Looking at the code Different types of collections exist to define a group of elements for the individual object of the same
Ways of running macros type.

Where macros are stored

Reasons to write macros Examples of Collections:

Writing macros
A workbook is a member of the collection Workbooks.
Procedure types
Visual Basic editor (VBE) A worksheet is a member of the collection Worksheets.

Rules & conventions A cell is a member of the collection Cells (Range).

Excel objects A range of cells is a member of the collection Ranges.
Range/Selection objects
A command button is a member of the collection Controls.
Object hierarchy
Object browser A good indicator as to whether a collection exists is to look in the Object Browser (F2 function key)
Chart objects and scroll down the Classes section to view any class file which is a plural. This will more than likely
be a collection of the singular named class i.e. Workbooks and Workbook.
Pivot Table objects
There are many others types of collections refer to Excel VBA help for more information.
Visual Basic Functions
Creating Add-Ins
'Working through the active workbook and identifying all worksheets
Variables & constants
Sub HowManyWorksheets()
Object variables Dim w As Worksheet
Arrays For Each w In Worksheets
MsgBox w.Name
Collections Next w
Message Box End Sub
VBA Input Box The variable w is explicitly declared as a worksheet object. Using a For...Loop statement, we can
Excel Input Box iterate through each element (w) until the collection is completed.
Making decisions (If) Using the message box, one of the elements properties (Name) simply displays each worksheet
Making decisions (Case)
Even if the variable w is implicit, it would still understand what variable w was because it becomes a
Looping (Do...Loop)
member of the collection Worksheets.
Looping (For...Loop)
With...End With blocks
User defined functions
'This example saves changes to and closes all workbooks except
Event handling 'the one that's running the example.
Sub CloseWorkbooks()
Error handling
Dim w As Workbook
Debugging For Each w In Workbooks
Creating User Forms If w.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
w.Close savechanges:=True
DAO/ADO Objects End If
Input/Output Files Next w
End Sub

Other links The above example will close all workbooks in Excel excluding the active workbook and
automatically save any changes.
Example code snippets
Userform input example
Like arrays, elements in a collection can also be referred to directly as an independent item. For
example, to refer to the first worksheet in a workbook:


The array element starts at 1 and increments for each member known to the collection. An error will
happen if the element number is not known (a zero or a number higher than the upper bound
There are many methods and properties to many objects as the Object Browser has shown.
Collections are being used in a lot of situations without the user even being aware.

For example:
Worksheets.Add Count:=2, Before:=Sheets(1)
Worksheets.Add Count:=2, Before:=Sheets(1)

The Add method and some of its arguments inserts two new worksheets to the collection worksheets
and places them before the first element of the worksheets collection.

Next Topic: Message Box

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VBA Keyword: MsgBox


Message Box (MsgBox)
A Message Box (MsgBox) displays a message alert box with optional set of buttons, icon and other
Recording macros arguments settings
Looking at the code .
Ways of running macros There are two types of message boxes:
Where macros are stored 1. MsgBox Statement - One way communication to the user.
Reasons to write macros
Writing macros MsgBox prompt,[buttons],[title],[helpfile],[context]
Procedure types
Visual Basic editor (VBE) 2. MsgBox Function - Two way communication which the system returns a value.
Rules & conventions
Excel objects Variable = MsgBox(prompt,[buttons],[title],[helpfile],[context])
Range/Selection objects
Object hierarchy Example1 - MsgBox Statement:
Object browser Sub MessageBoxTest()
Chart objects 'brackets are not required for a statement
MsgBox "The task is now complete"
Pivot Table objects End Sub
Visual Basic Functions
Creating Add-Ins
Variables & constants
Object variables
Example2 - MsgBox Function:
Message Box
Sub MessageBoxTest ()
VBA Input Box Dim answer
Excel Input Box answer = MsgBox("More Input", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Data Entry")
End Sub
Making decisions (If)
Making decisions (Case)
Looping (Do...Loop)
Looping (For...Loop)
With...End With blocks
User defined functions
Event handling
Error handling
In the above example, the vbYesNo is the command used to create the Yes and No buttons and the +
vbQuestion is the command to create the Question Mark image.
Creating User Forms
DAO/ADO Objects
If the user clicks on Yes, the message box will return the constant vbYes.
Input/Output Files
If the user clicks on No, the message box will returns the constant vbNo.

Other links
Example2 - MsgBox Function (Multiple Lines):
Example code snippets
Sub MultiLineMessageBox()
Userform input example Dim intResponse As Integer
intResponse = MsgBox("You have chosen to save this file." _
& vbNewLine & "Do you wish to proceed?" & vbNewLine & _
"Click 'Yes' to save or 'No' to close and not save.", _
vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel, "Save File")
End Sub
The above example will display multiple lines in the message box using the constant vbNewLine.
Constants for MsgBox

Buttons and icons are combined for the Buttons argument which have a unique value that drives the
output of how users use and see button combinations:

Constant Value Description

vbOKOnly 0 Display OK button only.

vbOKCancel 1 Display OK and Cancel buttons.
vbAbortRetryIgnore 2 Display Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons.
vbYesNoCancel 3 Display Yes, No, and Cancel buttons.
vbYesNo 4 Display Yes and No buttons.
vbRetryCancel 5 Display Retry and Cancel buttons.
vbCritical 16 Display Critical Message icon.
vbQuestion 32 Display Warning Query icon.
vbExclamation 48 Display Warning Message icon.
vbInformation 64 Display Information Message icon.
vbDefaultButton1 0 First button is default.
vbDefaultButton2 256 Second button is default.
vbDefaultButton3 512 Third button is default.
vbDefaultButton4 768 Fourth button is default.
vbApplicationModal 0 Application modal; the user must respond to the message box before continuing
work in the current application.
vbSystemModal 4096 System modal; all applications are suspended until the user responds to the
message box.
vbMsgBoxHelpButton 16384 Adds Help button to the message box.
VbMsgBoxSetForeground 65536 Specifies the message box window as the foreground window.
vbMsgBoxRight 524288 Text is right aligned.
vbMsgBoxRtlReading 1048576 Specifies text should appear as right-to-left reading on Hebrew and Arabic

The following applies to the MsgBox Function when the user clicks a button returning a unique value.

Constant Value Description

vbOK 1 OK
vbCancel 2 Cancel
vbAbort 3 Abort
vbRetry 4 Retry
vbIgnore 5 Ignore
vbYes 6 Yes
vbNo 7 No

While a the MsgBox is being displayed, the macro procedure is paused waiting for the user to click a
button whether it is a statement or a function.

Note the difference between the two types regarding when parenthesis are used and can be ignored.
Also, be aware any function must be placed to the right side of an = (equal sign) because it returns an

Next Topic: VBA Input Box

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VBA Keyword: InuptBox, ActiveCell,


VBA Input Box If...Then, Exit Sub

An Input Box (InputBox) is a function that allows the user to enter a value into a dialog box. The
Recording macros result of an Input Box is stored normally to a variable and remebered for later use in a procedure.
Looking at the code Note that the result of an Input Box is always returns a String value.

Ways of running macros

Where macros are stored
Reasons to write macros
Writing macros
Procedure types
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
Rules & conventions
Excel objects
Structure (syntax):
Range/Selection objects
Object hierarchy Variable = InputBox (Prompt, [Title], [Default], [XPos], [YPos])
Object browser
Chart objects
The Arguments for an InputBox:
Pivot Table objects
Prompt Text on the Input Box
Visual Basic Functions Title Title bar text (optional)
Creating Add-Ins Default Default value of the Input Box (optional)
Variables & constants
XPos/Ypos Position of the Input Box. If you leave them blank, the Input Box will appear
Object variables in the centre of the screen (optional)
Example1 - Text Input Box:
Message Box
Sub Box1()
VBA Input Box Dim strMyName As String
Excel Input Box strMyName = InputBox("Please enter your name", "Data Entry")
ActiveCell.Value = "My name is " & strMyName
Making decisions (If)
End Sub
Making decisions (Case)
If you click on the Cancel button, it will return an empty string " " so the result will be "My name is"
Looping (Do...Loop)
Looping (For...Loop)
Example2 - Using named arguments:
With...End With blocks
This allows you to put the arguments in any order.
User defined functions
Sub Box2()
Event handling Dim strResult As String
Error handling strResult = InputBox(prompt:="Please enter amount", _
Title:="Data Entry")
ActiveCell.Value = strResult
Creating User Forms End Sub
DAO/ADO Objects
Input/Output Files You really need to handle the Cancel button which always returns an empty String. Even if you click
the OK button with no value this too will return an empty String.
Other links

Example code snippets In most cases, the following code should be added immediately after the InputBox function call:
Userform input example
If [Variable] = Empty Then Exit Sub

The above piece of code will terminate the procedure if the String variable is empty.
So the the previous example would look like:
Sub Box2()
Dim strResult As String
strResult = InputBox(prompt:="Please enter amount", _
Title:="Data Entry")
If strResult = Empty Then Exit Sub 'Terminates here if empty
ActiveCell.Value = strResult
End Sub

While a the InputBox function s being displayed, the macro procedure is paused waiting for the user
to click a button.

Next Topic: Excel Input Box

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VBA Keyword: InuptBox,


Excel Input Box Application and ActiveCell

An Excel Input Box (InputBox) function is different from a VBA Input Box because you can specify
Recording macros what you would like the result of the Input Box to be. If the Type argument is omitted, the Input Box
Looking at the code will return at text (String) value.

Ways of running macros

Where macros are stored
Reasons to write macros
Writing macros
Procedure types
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
Rules & conventions
Excel objects
Range/Selection objects
Object hierarchy
Object browser Structure (syntax):
Chart objects
Pivot Table objects Variable = Application.InputBox (Prompt, [Title], [Default],
Formulas [XPos],[Ypos], [HelpFile], [HelpContextID], [Type])
Visual Basic Functions Prompt Text on the Input Box
Creating Add-Ins
Title Title bar text (optional)
Variables & constants
Object variables Default Default value of the Input Box (optional)
Arrays XPos/Ypos Position of the Input Box. If you leave them blank, the Input Box will appear
Collections in the centre of the screen (optional)
Message Box HelpFile Associated help document attachment (optional)
VBA Input Box
HelpContextID Unique identifier for the help document - bookmark (optional)
Excel Input Box
Making decisions (If) Type Defines what data type to return (optional)

Making decisions (Case)

Looping (Do...Loop) The following Types may be used:
Looping (For...Loop)
Value Meaning
With...End With blocks
0 A formula
User defined functions
1 A number
Event handling
2 Text (a string)
Error handling 4 A logical value (True or False)
Debugging 8 A cell reference, as a Range object
Creating User Forms 16 An error value, such as #N/A
64 An array of values
DAO/ADO Objects
Input/Output Files

If you wish the Input Box to accept both text and numbers, set the Type argument to 1 + 2.
Other links

Example code snippets

Userform input example To call the Excel InputBox and not the standard VBA InputBox, you need to call the Application
object keyword which calls this function from the Excel library where it belongs.

For the following examples, we will declare the variables as Variant.

Example1 - Text Input Box:
Sub Box1()
Dim x
x = Application.InputBox("Please enter a number", , , , , , , 1)
ActiveCell.Value = x
End Sub

Example2 - Formula Input Box:

Sub box4()
Dim y
y = Application.InputBox("Please enter a formula", , , , , , , 0)
ActiveCell.Value = y
End Sub

While a the Excel InputBox function s being displayed, the macro procedure is paused waiting for the
user to click a button.

Next Topic: Making Decisions (If...Then...Else...End If)

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Tip: Revert to the Select Case


Making Decisions statement for multiple If's that
exceed 5 condtiotns.

(If...Then...Else...End If) VBA Keywords: ActiveCell, Font,
Bold, Italic, Underline, Color,
Recording macros
ClearFormats, InputBox IsNumeric
Looking at the code This is one of the 'control flows' VBA provides which is required to make your VBA code procedures and Exit Sub.
more flexible, reduce the amount of code required and make the system think for itself!
Ways of running macros
Without any of these 'control flows', your code is very linear and rigid which never is really suitable
Where macros are stored when trying to mimic 'real world' processes.
Reasons to write macros
Writing macros The four 'control flows' are:
Procedure types
1. If...Then...Else...End If
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
2. Select Case...End Select
Rules & conventions
3. Do...Until/While...Loop
Excel objects
4. For...Counter/Each...Next
Range/Selection objects
Object hierarchy
Object browser
If Statement
Chart objects
Pivot Table objects This is the logical (conditional test) statement that runs code the yields either a True or False value.
Visual Basic Functions There are four flavours of the If I have referred to help understand how this structure is implemented
Creating Add-Ins in VBA:
Variables & constants
Object variables 1. 'One Line' If
Arrays 2. 'True' If
Collections 3. 'Standard' If
Message Box 4. 'Multiple/Nested' If
VBA Input Box
Excel Input Box A logical test can be a value, expression, function or an object property that returns a True or False
Making decisions (If) value using the logical operators <, >, <=, >=, =, <>, Not
(see Formulas).
Making decisions (Case)
Looping (Do...Loop)
One Liner If
Looping (For...Loop)
With...End With blocks
As its name suggests, it's all on one line and requires no End If block.
User defined functions
Event handling
Structure (syntax):
Error handling
If Condition [= True] Then Execute code if true
Creating User Forms
It is used as a quick way to add an extra single calling command or calling an additional procedure if
DAO/ADO Objects the condition is true.
Input/Output Files
I use it as a test to see if the procedure should continue and if not to terminate here.
Other links Sub OneLinerIfTest()
Example code snippets Dim strResult As String
strResult = InputBox(prompt:="Please enter amount", _
Userform input example
Title:="Data Entry")
If strResult = Empty Then Exit Sub 'Terminates here if empty

Continues here if not empty...

End Sub

True If

This is used in include extra code if true but is used in an If block so that multiple lines of code can
be applied here.
Structure (syntax):
If Condition [= True] Then
Execute multiple lines of code if true
End If

Sub TrueIfTest()

Code runs here first before it enters the If block...

If ActiveCell.Value < 0 Then

ActiveCell.Font.Bold = True
ActiveCell.Font.Color = vbRed

Additional code continues here only if true...

End If

Code continues here whether true or not!...

End Sub

Standard If

This is more common type of If block as it provides a True and False option and will therefore
(logically) choose one procedure to call/run.

This can be compared to the more familiar If function in Excel where users specify a True and False
returning value.

Structure (syntax):
If Condition [= True] Then
Execute multiple lines of code if true
Execute multiple lines of code if false
End IF

Sub StandardIfTest()

Code runs here first before it enters the If block...


If ActiveCell.Value < 0 Then

ActiveCell.Font.Bold = True
ActiveCell.Font.Color = vbRed

Additional code continues here only if true...

ActiveCell.Font.Italic = True
ActiveCell.Font.Color = vbRed

Additional code continues here only if false...

End If

Code continues here whether true or false...

End Sub

The Else keyword is the new addition and acts as the False (the catch) should the true fail.

Multiple/Nested If
What about have more than one set of true conditions with a false (as a catch)?
Nested or multiple If's can be as many as required and run in order of their logical conditions.

Structure (syntax):
If Condition 1 [= True] Then
Execute multiple lines of code if true (1)
ElseIf Condition 2 [= True] Then
Execute multiple lines of code if true (2)
ElseIf Condition N [= True] Then
Execute multiple lines of code if true (N)
Execute multiple lines of code if false
End If

Sub MultipleIfTest()

Code runs here first before it enters the If block...


If ActiveCell.Value < 0 Then

ActiveCell.Font.Bold = True
ActiveCell.Font.Color = vbRed

Additional code continues here only if true 1...

ElseIf ActiveCell.Value = 0 And ActiveCell.Value <= 100 Then

ActiveCell.Font.Underline = xlSingle
ActiveCell.Font.Color = vbBlue

Additional code continues here only if true 2...

Else 'FALSE - catch for non true values

ActiveCell.Font.Italic = True
ActiveCell.Font.Color = vbRed

Additional code continues here only if false...

End If

Code continues here whether true or false...

End Sub

The first condition is tested and if True stops and runs code in that block. If the first condition is False
then the second If test condition is tested. Therefore, the second condition is only executed if the first
condition failed.

You can use the ElseIf keyword as many times for each separate new condition but if you intend to
have more than five different conditions then switching to the Select Case statement is the better
practice as it's quicker and cleaner to write.

A nested If is one which starts a new block inside another If block:

Sub NestedIfTest()

Code runs here first before it enters the If block...


If IsNumeric(ActiveCell.Value) Then 'Is it a number?

'Nested If Block inside the first If Block

If ActiveCell.Value < 0 Then
ActiveCell.Font.Bold = True
ActiveCell.Font.Color = vbRed
ActiveCell.Font.Bold = False
ActiveCell.Font.Color = vbBlack
End If

Additional code continues here only if true...

ActiveCell.Font.Italic = True
ActiveCell.Font.Color = vbRed

Additional code continues here only if false...

End If

Code continues here whether true or false...

End Sub

Next Topic: Making Decisions (Select Case...End Select)

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Back to Excel Homepage Excel VBA - Reference Guide
VBA Keywords: ActiveCell, Font,


Making Decisions Bold, Italic, Underline, Color,
ClearFormats, IsNumeric and Exit
(Select Case...End Select)
Recording macros
Looking at the code This is one of the 'control flows' VBA provides which is required to make your VBA code procedures
more flexible, reduce the amount of code required and make the system think for itself!
Ways of running macros
Without any of these 'control flows', your code is very linear and rigid which never is really suitable
Where macros are stored when trying to mimic 'real world' processes.
Reasons to write macros
Writing macros The four 'control flows' are:
Procedure types
1. If...Then...Else...End If
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
2. Select Case...End Select
Rules & conventions
3. Do...Until/While...Loop
Excel objects
4. For...Counter/Each...Next
Range/Selection objects
Object hierarchy
Object browser
Select Case statement
Chart objects
Pivot Table objects This is an alternative way to write logical statements and designed for multiple and similar conditions
Formulas tested in a look up table together.
Visual Basic Functions
Creating Add-Ins It is deemed faster than a conventional If statement and more clinical to write and understand.
Variables & constants
Object variables Structure (syntax):
Arrays Select Case Grade/Expression
Message Box Case Value 1
VBA Input Box Execute multiple lines of code if true 1
Excel Input Box .....
Making decisions (If)
Making decisions (Case) Case Value 2
Looping (Do...Loop) Execute multiple lines of code if true 2
Looping (For...Loop) .....
With...End With blocks
User defined functions Case Value 3
Event handling Execute multiple lines of code if true 3
Error handling .....
Creating User Forms
Case Value N
DAO/ADO Objects
Input/Output Files
Execute multiple lines of code if true N
Other links

Example code snippets

Case Else
Userform input example
Execute multiple lines of code if false

End Select

Case Value is the value being test logically against the Grade or Expression for a true match. It
continues down the list in order until it finds a true match with a catch using Case Else as the false

Sub SelectCaseExample()

'Code runs here first before it enters the Select Case block...
Select Case ActiveCell.Value

Case Is < 0 'Value tested to see if grade < 0

ActiveCell.Font.Bold = True
Case Is < 10 'Value tested to see if grade < 10
ActiveCell.Font.Italic = True
Case Is < 100 'Value tested to see if grade < 100
ActiveCell.Font.Color = vbRed
Case 100 To 200 'Value tested to see grade is in range 100 - 200
ActiveCell.Font.Color = vbRed
Case 201, 203, 205 'Value tested to see grade is 201 Or 203 Or 205
ActiveCell.Font.Color = vbRed
Case IsNumeric(ActiveCell.Value) 'Is it a number?

Case Else 'FASLE (if all the above is not true!)

ActiveCell.Font.Underline = xlSingle
End Select

'Code continues here after the Select Case block...

End Sub

It sits all within the Select Case block using the End Select to terminate the logical test

Note the keyword To meaning a range (the And operator) which is much easier to write as a
condition. Also, using the , (comma) which acts as the Or operator only enhances the way you can
use this statement quickly.

Next Topic: Looping (Do...Until/While...Loop)

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Back to Excel Homepage Excel VBA - Reference Guide
Tip: Use an Exit Do to terminate a


Looping block early and speed up your

(Do...Until/While...Loop) To break a loop during running your
code use CTRL + PAUSE/BREAK.
Recording macros
Looking at the code This is one of the 'control flows' VBA provides which is required to make your VBA code procedures Save your work before running a
more flexible, reduce the amount of code required and make the system think for itself! looping piece of code!
Ways of running macros
Without any of these 'control flows', your code is very linear and rigid which never is really suitable VBA Keywords: ActiveCell, Offset,
Where macros are stored when trying to mimic 'real world' processes. MsgBox and Exit Do..
Reasons to write macros
Writing macros The four 'control flows' are:
Procedure types
1. If...Then...Else...End If
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
2. Select Case...End Select
Rules & conventions
3. Do...Until/While...Loop
Excel objects
4. For...Counter/Each...Next
Range/Selection objects
Object hierarchy
Object browser
Chart objects
Pivot Table objects A Do...Loop is used when you wish to repeat a piece of code a number of times.
Formulas This type of loop works by using a logical test to determine if the loop should repeat or terminate and
Visual Basic Functions move onto the next calling procedure.
Creating Add-Ins
Variables & constants There four variations that can be used and they all have slight differences:
Object variables Structure (syntax):
Arrays UNTIL Keyword
Collections Do
Message Box
Code executed here...
VBA Input Box
Excel Input Box
[Exit Do]
Making decisions (If)
Making decisions (Case)
Loop Until Condition [= True]
Looping (Do...Loop)
Looping (For...Loop)
Do Until Condition [= True]
With...End With blocks
User defined functions Code executed here...
Event handling ....
Error handling [Exit Do]
Creating User Forms Loop
DAO/ADO Objects
Input/Output Files WHILE Keyword
Other links
Code executed here...
Example code snippets
Userform input example
[Exit Do]

Loop While Condition [= True]

Do While Condition [= True]

Code executed here...
[Exit Do]


Whichever keyword structure (UNTIL or WHILE) you use is a personal choice as there is no difference
in performance or structure; one is the logical inverse of the other.
You can loop While a condition is True/False or Until a condition is True/False - it's a simple
choice and hopefully the following two examples can make it very clear:
Sub WhileConditionLoop()

Code runs here first before it enters the Loop block...


MyResponse = MsgBox("Do you wish to continue?", _

vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "While Loop Test")

Loop While MyResponse = vbYes

Code continues here whether once the Loop has ended...

End Sub

The above will run and repeat a message box function while the user has chosen 'Yes' to keep the
loop going.

Or putting it another way, until the user chooses the 'No' option.
Sub UntilConditionLoop()

Code runs here first before it enters the Loop block...


MyResponse = MsgBox("Do you wish to continue?", _

vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Until Loop Test")

Loop Until MyResponse = vbNo

Code continues here whether once the Loop has ended...

End Sub

Both the above examples displays a message box and will respond in the same way.

Notice the other two variations being very similar other than where the condition is. It's tested first and
not at the end of the loop block. In practical terms, a structure which tests a condition may never run
the code in the block if the condition is not satisfied.

Therefore, the question is "Do you want the procedure to run at least once or potentially not at all?"
This answer is where you place the condition at the beginning or the end of the loop structure.

The next example, will test a condition before running the code in the block based on if the
ActiveCell is empty or not before moving down to the next row.
Sub PositionCursor()

Code runs here first before it enters the Loop block...

'Place the cursor in the next available blank (cell) row

Do Until ActiveCell.Value = Empty

ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select 'move down one row


Code continues here whether once the Loop has ended...

End Sub

If the ActiveCell was blank before entering the loop, why would you need to move the cursor down
a row? Which is why it is tested first and not at the end of the loop block.

Exit Do

Exit Do keywords are included in a block should you wish to terminate a loop block early without
having wait to the end of iteration period.
It can speed up your procedure if there are various tests in a loop that may unexpectedly change state
and act as a catch (error handler of some kind).

It is commonly found with If blocks nested in a loop of this kind.

Do...Loop - no condition!!

Make sure you have a condition set in any loop block otherwise it will loop infinitely until it runs out of
memory or an object fails.

Do not write this:

Sub LoopForever()

Code runs here first before it enters the Loop block...


'Code here...


'Code will not reach this point - it will have failed!

End Sub

Where's the condition in the above block?

Next Topic: Looping (For...Counter/Each...Loop)

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Back to Excel Homepage Excel VBA - Reference Guide
Tip: Use an Exit For to terminate a


Looping block early and speed up your

(For...Counter/Each...Loop) To break a loop during running your
code use CTRL + PAUSE/BREAK.
Recording macros
Looking at the code This is one of the 'control flows' VBA provides which is required to make your VBA code procedures Save your work before running a
more flexible, reduce the amount of code required and make the system think for itself! looping piece of code!
Ways of running macros
Without any of these 'control flows', your code is very linear and rigid which never is really suitable VBA Keywords: ActiveCell, Offset,
Where macros are stored when trying to mimic 'real world' processes. MsgBox, ActiveWorkbook,
Reasons to write macros Worksheets, WorkBooks, InputBox,
Close and Exit For.
Writing macros The four 'control flows' are:
Procedure types
1. If...Then...Else...End If
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
2. Select Case...End Select
Rules & conventions
3. Do...Until/While...Loop
Excel objects
4. For...Counter/Each...Next
Range/Selection objects
Object hierarchy There two variations of this type of loop both which are controlled counting loops which is neither
Object browser driven by the user or the system.
Chart objects
Pivot Table objects There are:
Formulas 1. For...Counter...Loop
Visual Basic Functions 2. For...Each...Loop
Creating Add-Ins
Variables & constants Before any of the above loops are called, we know how many times the system will repeat the code
Object variables inside the block as opposed to a conditional type loop (Do...Until/While...Loop).
Collections For...Counter...Loop
Message Box
VBA Input Box This type of loop is defined by the user telling the system how many times to repeat or the system
using an object method or function to identify the number of iterations.
Excel Input Box
Making decisions (If)
Structure (syntax):
Making decisions (Case)
For Counter = Start To End [Step N]
Looping (Do...Loop)
Looping (For...Loop) Code executed here...
With...End With blocks ....
User defined functions [Exit For]
Event handling
Error handling Next [Counter]
Creating User Forms The Counter is a variable keeping count of the current number using the Start and End as its range.
DAO/ADO Objects As soon as the Counter = End then the loop is finished and the code jumps out of the block.

Input/Output Files
Other links

Example code snippets

Userform input example

The following example will display an input box requesting the sales figure for Month 1, Month 2 etc
and input the results into the relevant cell on the spreadsheet. The procedure will therefore loop 12
Sub MonthsForLoop()
Dim MonthlySales As String
Dim num As Integer

For num = 1 To 12
MonthlySales = InputBox("Enter sales for Month " & num)
ActiveCell.Value = MonthlySales
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Next num
End Sub

The InputBox Function is not a practical solution for the above example but it displays how the
For...Loop works.

The Counter variable at the end of the loop (after the Next keyword) is optional and can be left out
but personally it makes it very clear to what is incremented (in the example by 1).

The Step argument is optional too and by default means the variable (Counter) will increment by 1. If
your want to change the increment or use the decrement action (downward count) then you need to
add the Step keyword with the value you wish to increment or decrement.

For example:
'Positive increment of 10
Sub ForLoopStepPositive()
Dim counter As Integer
For counter = 10 To 100 Step 10
MsgBox counter
Next counter
End Sub

'Negative decrement of 10
Sub ForLoopStepPositive()
Dim counter As Integer
For counter = 100 To 10 Step -10
MsgBox counter
Next counter
End Sub
You will also need to make sure the range Start To End is synchronised with the direction of the
Step value otherwise it will cause an error.


This type of loop is a self-counting loop based on a array variable (which use an index), Collections
(which is Excel array to their objects) or by an object member method (like the Count method).

This is commonly used with Collections and therefore the number of times a loop occurs is driven by
the current collection array.

Structure (syntax):
For Each Element In Group
Code executed here...
[Exit For]

Next [Element]

A typical example could be to loop through the current number of Worksheets in the ActiveWorkbook:
'Loops through each worksheet in the ActiveWorkbook
Sub HowManySheets()
Dim item As Worksheet
For Each item In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
MsgBox item.Name
Next item
End Sub
If there are 5 worksheets in the ActiveWorkbook, the procedure would loop 5 times.
It uses the ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets Collection to determine the number if elements (note the
word is plural) in the group. The Item variable is its element which needs to be the singular matching
object which is in this case Worksheet (singular keyword).

Another example could be to close all workbooks in Excel:

'Loops through each workbook in open in Excel and closes it except the
'current workbook (which contains this piece of code!
Sub closebooks()
Dim wb As Workbook
For Each wb In Application.Workbooks
If wb.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
End If
Next wb
End Sub
The If statement is used to test if the workbook collections current element is the current workbook
(containing the above code) as we do not want to close it.

Exit For

Exit For keywords are included in a block should you wish to terminate a loop block early without
having wait to the end of iteration period.
It can speed up your procedure if there are various tests in a loop that may unexpectedly change state
and act as a catch (error handler of some kind).

It is commonly found with If blocks nested in a loop of this kind.

Next Topic: With...End With blocks

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Back to Excel Homepage Excel VBA - Reference Guide
VBA Keywords: Selection, Name,


With...End With Blocks Font, Bold, Italic, ColorIndex and

The WithEnd With block instruction enables you to perform multiple operations on a single object.
Recording macros This is another way to make the code execute more quickly and code styles more efficient.
Looking at the code
Ways of running macros The following procedure will format the selected cells with the font Times New Roman, font size 12,
Where macros are stored Bold, Italic and the colour Blue.

Reasons to write macros

Writing macros Sub ChangeFont()
Procedure types Selection.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
Selection.Font.Size = 12
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
Selection.Font.Bold = True
Rules & conventions Selection.Font.Italic = True
Excel objects Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 5
End Sub
Range/Selection objects
Object hierarchy The above procedure can be rewritten using a WithEnd With block as follows:
Object browser Sub ChangeFont()
Chart objects With Selection.Font
Pivot Table objects .Name = "Times New Roman"
.Size = 12
Formulas .Bold = True
Visual Basic Functions .Italic = True
Creating Add-Ins .ColorIndex = 5
End With
Variables & constants End Sub
Object variables
Using the this type of block, your code is cleaner and easier to maintain. The With...End With block
encapsulates the object and member without the need to repeat unnecessary (duplicate) code.
Message Box
VBA Input Box
If fact, when you record a macro and you navigate through the dialog boxes making various changes
Excel Input Box before choosing the OK button you in fact capture the code using the above structure. Try the Font
Making decisions (If) Dialog box whilst recording the macro.
Making decisions (Case)
Looping (Do...Loop)
Looping (For...Loop)
With...End With blocks Next Topic: User Defined Functions (UDF's)
User defined functions
Event handling Want to teach yourself Access? Free online guide at About Access Databases
Error handling
Creating User Forms
DAO/ADO Objects
Input/Output Files

Other links

Example code snippets

Userform input example

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All trademarks are copyrighted by their respective owners. Please read our terms of use and privacy policy.
Back to Excel Homepage Excel VBA - Reference Guide
VBA Keyword: Function...End


User Defined Functions (UDF's) Function, Application, Round,
IsNumeric, If...Then.End If.

Menu Tip: When creating user defined

A user defined function can be used when the built in Excel VBA functions do not meet the users
functions, you may want to wrap
Recording macros requirements. The user defined function can then be used in formulas in the same way as a built in
them into a separate Excel file and
Looking at the code Excel function is utilised. User defined functions are limited to doing just calculations that result in a create an Add-In so they can be
single return of a value. easily distributed to other users.
Ways of running macros
Where macros are stored
The syntax of a user-defined function is as follows:
Reasons to write macros
Function NameofFunction([Optional] Argument1 [As Type], _
Writing macros [Optional] Argument2 [As Type], _
Procedure types ... [Optional] ArgumentN [As Type] ) [As Type]
Visual Basic editor (VBE) Statements here ...
Rules & conventions ....
NameofFunction = Value being returned
Excel objects
Range/Selection objects End Function
Object hierarchy
Object browser NameofFunction The name of the function.

Chart objects Arguments The arguments of the function.

If an argument is to be optional,
Pivot Table objects
enter the word Optional before the name of
Formulas the argument.
Visual Basic Functions The As Type option allows you to specify the data type for the return
Creating Add-Ins value.
Variables & constants
Statements The various lines of code.
Object variables
NameofFunction=Value Name is the name used in the first line of the function.
Expression is the return value of the function.
Message Box
Note: The square brackets wrapped around a keyword in the above syntax denotes as optional and can be left
VBA Input Box out altogether.
Excel Input Box
Making decisions (If) Creating a User Defined Function
Making decisions (Case)
Looping (Do...Loop) The following is a simple function example to convert Kilometers recorded into Miles.
Looping (For...Loop) 1. From the Developer tab on the Ribbon Bar, click the Visual Basic icon.
With...End With blocks 2. Click on the Insert menu and select Module.
User defined functions 3. Enter the following code:
Event handling Function ConvertToMiles(KM)
Error handling ConvertToMiles=KM / 1.6
Debugging End Function
Creating User Forms 4. Back in the Excel spreadsheet, click on the Formula tab on the Ribbon Bar
DAO/ADO Objects and click the Insert Function icon.
Input/Output Files 5. From the list of Categories, select User Defined.
6. Select ConvertToMiles and click on OK.
Other links 7. Enter the cell reference of the Kilometer value you wish to convert into miles,
into the KM field and click on OK.
Example code snippets
Userform input example
Using built-in functions

It is possible to use built in Excel functions within a user defined function.

The syntax used for built in Excel Functions is as follows:

Application.NameofFunction(Arguments Required)

An example which incorporates the Excel Round function to the above user defined function

Function ConverToMiles(KM)
ConvertToMiles = Applications.Round(KM / 1.6, 0)
End Function
The above amended code rounds the resulting returning value to zero decimal places using the
standard Excel built-in Round function.

Using The Optional Argument

The Optional keyword preceding the argument name flags the argument as an optional
parameter to the function call.

A lot of built-in Excel functions have optional arguments which always follow on from the mandatory
arguments listed in a function and can therefore be omitted defaulting to a value the function
procedure knows how to handle if left out.

This makes function more flexible and can give different returning values (answers) and/or change
the behaviour of how the function will run. Think of the VLOOKUP function in Excel, see it's syntax

= VLookUp ( Value , Range , Offset Column [ , Type ] )

The last argument (wrapped in square brackets) is optional and always appears after all mandatory
arguments (3 in this example) which can be omitted and still work. The optional argument is a value of
either True or False which defaults to True if omitted and simply changes the way how this
function will calculate.

An example - following on from the above code snippet above, I want a second argument (as
optional) which allows the user to choose a positive whole number (Byte data type) as its value to
represent the number of decimal places to pass into the calculation. If omitted, it defaults to 0 decimal
places round to the nearest whole number:

Function ConvertToMiles(KM, Optional DecPlaces As Byte)

If DecPlaces < 0 Then
ConvertToMiles = KM / 1.6
ConvertToMiles = Application.Round(KM / 1.6, DecPlaces)
End If
End Function

The user can now either omit the second argument (cell B2), add a value of 0 to represent no decimal
places (cell B3) or add a positive number to pass into the Excel Round function (cell B4).

Using the As Type option

Optionally, the As Type keywords can be included to define a certain data type the argument and/or
the function is controlled.

If omitted it will default to Variant (any data type it inherits) and can be open to abuse and more
importantly errors.

You define a data type (see Variables & constants for more information) for each argument in the
function and for the function's returning value too. If left out, you will need to add more code to handle
different data input scenarios.
Let's take a look at what happens if the last above example function is abused.

In cell B3, setting the optional second argument to a String value "ABC" causes the #VALUE! error
(a non numeric data input).
In cell B4, setting the optional second argument to a negative number causes another error #NUM!
even though it's a number but the argument data type Byte only accepts positive numbers between 0
and 255 as its range.

The whole function is also expected to return a number which can be a larger than 255 and we
therefore could apply the Integer as it's returning data type.

Function ConvertToMiles(KM, Optional DecPlaces As Byte) As Integer

If DecPlaces < 0 Then
ConvertToMiles = KM / 1.6
ConvertToMiles = Application.Round(KM / 1.6, DecPlaces)
End If
End Function

Notice I have left out the argument KM data type which defaults to Variant. Personally, I prefer to
test for a data type in the code itself when the user or system passes a value to calculate.

An example:
Function ConvertToMiles(KM, Optional DecPlaces As Byte) As Integer
If IsNumeric(KM) Then
If DecPlaces < 0 Then
ConvertToMiles = KM / 1.6
ConvertToMiles = Application.Round(KM / 1.6, DecPlaces)
End If
ConvertToMiles = 0 'If it fails return a 0
End If
End Function
I have tested to see if KM argument is a number by using the IsNumeric VB function.

All user defined functions can be called in Excel (as explained above) or into a calling Sub procedure
like a VB or Excel function.

Next Topic: Event handling

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VBA Keyword: InuptBox, MsgBox,


Event Handling Range, WeekdayName, Weekday,
Now, Date, ActiveWindow,
WindowState, EntireColumn, AutoFit,
Menu Font & Bold.
An Event is something that happens in a program such as:
Recording macros
Looking at the code Opening or closing a workbook
Ways of running macros Saving a workbook
Where macros are stored
Activating or deactivating a worksheet or window
Reasons to write macros
Writing macros Pressing a key or key combinations

Procedure types Entering/Editing data in the worksheet

Visual Basic editor (VBE) Clicking the mouse on a control/object
Rules & conventions
Double clicking on a cell
Excel objects
Range/Selection objects Data in a chart is updated

Object hierarchy Recalculating the worksheet

Object browser A particular time of day occurs
Chart objects
Pivot Table objects You can therefore run a procedure automatically when a certain Event in Excel occurs.
Visual Basic Functions There are different objects (and therefore different levels) when Excel automatically triggers a
procedure as the system is constantly listening for the event to occur.
Creating Add-Ins
Variables & constants
Workbook Events
Object variables
Open Event
The most common type of Open Event is Workbook_Open. This procedure is executed when the
Message Box workbook is opened and is often used for the tasks such as:
VBA Input Box
Excel Input Box Displaying a welcome message
Making decisions (If) Opening other workbooks
Making decisions (Case)
Setting up custom menus and toolbars
Looping (Do...Loop)
Looping (For...Loop) Activating a particular sheet or cell

With...End With blocks

User defined functions
Every time the user opens the workbook, they are greeted with a message box displaying the day of
Event handling the week. If it is a Friday, a message box will remind the user to submit their timesheet.
Error handling 1. Open the required workbook.
Debugging 2. Switch to the Visual Basic Editor.
Creating User Forms 3. Double click on ThisWorkbook from within the Project Explorer.
DAO/ADO Objects
Input/Output Files

Other links

Example code snippets

Userform input example
4. Click on the Object drop down list and select Workbook
5. Enter the following between the signature Private Sub Workbook_Open()
and End Sub keywords:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

MsgBox "Today is " & WeekdayName(Weekday(Now), False, vbSunday)
If Weekday(Now) = vbFriday Then
MsgBox "Don't forget to submit your timesheet"
End If
End Sub

Note: Private means that the procedure wont appear in the Run Procedure dialog box (i.e. Macros dialog). See
Scope & Visibility in Variables & Constants for information.

Workbook Activate Event

The procedure is executed whenever the workbook is activated (gets the focus).

Call the signature Private Sub Workbook_Activate() using the same methods as
previously explained above.

Enter the following code:

Private Sub Workbook_Activate()

ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMaximized
End Sub

Now the window will always maximise when the workbook gets the focus.

Note: Deleting an event (the signature) will not harm the system as it is re-generated each time you call one of
the pre-defined signatures.

Using the Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)signature is
triggered across any worksheet in the active workbook.

Enter the following code:

Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)

Range("A1").Value = Date 'Enters the current date in A1
Range("A2").Select 'Position the cursor in A2
End Sub

The 'Sh' argument can also be used to refer to which worksheet is being called should you wish to
control the index or name of a particular worksheet or group of worksheets.
By including a code line: If Sh.Name = Sheet3 Then... it will handle the logic and
control flow for 'Sheet3'.

Worksheet Events

Worksheet Activate Event

Within a workbook you also have separate nodes for each added worksheet chart sheet which
contain a private (local) module over an above standard modules in a VBA project.

Every time the user clicks on 'Sheet1' if the first cell (A1) is empty then prompt the user with an
InputBox function to enter a title.

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()

If Trim(Range("A1").value) = Empty Then
Range("A1").Value = Trim(InputBox("Enter title:"))
End If
End Sub

Note: If there are events at both the worksheet and workbook level which point to the same object
(worksheet), then it's the worksheet level will run first followed by the workbook event.

Other Events

There are other ways to get Excel to trigger a macro using other events from other objects or controls.
It is possible to attach procedures to the ActiveX Controls so that whenever the user clicks onto a
control, the procedure will run.

When the user clicks on the Command Button, a message box will appear.
1. From Excel, click on the Developer tab (Ribbon Bar), select Insert icon
and choose Button icon from the Form Control section.
2. Draw the Command Button onto the spreadsheet.
3. The Assign Macro dialog box appears, Click the New... button.
4. Enter the following code:

Sub Button37_Click()
MsgBox "Button click event!"
End Sub

Any control drawn on a worksheet or user form will have pre-defined events that can be coded to
respond by the system.

How do you think features like conditional formatting and data validation work in a worksheet when
set in Excel? When the user enters a value in a cell, the Change event is triggered:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

If Target = Range("A2") Then Range("A2").Font.Bold = True
End Sub

Target is the argument to test which cell address is being changed.

Next Topic: Error Handling

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Tip: Save you work before running


Error Handling error examples that contain loops
(which try again).

No matter how thorough you are when writing code, errors can and will happen. VBA Keywords: On Error GoTo,
Recording macros There are steps that developers can take to help reduce unwanted errors and this is considered just MsgBox, InputBox, CInt, Dim,
Looking at the code as important as the actual process of the procedure. Resume, Resume Next, Round,
Ways of running macros Before understanding and applying error-handling routines, planning to avoid errors should be
Where macros are stored undertaken.

Reasons to write macros

Design the procedures process electronically or on paper flow chart and paper test.
Writing macros
Procedure types Creating smaller portions of code snippets to be called and re-used

Visual Basic editor (VBE) Using the Option Explicit statement declaring your variables officially.
Rules & conventions Syntax checking user defined commands and functions.
Excel objects
Comments remarking your code at various points.
Range/Selection objects
Object hierarchy Testing application functional and usability.

Object browser
Note: Some of the above points are methodologies which are outside the scope of this reference guide.
Chart objects
Pivot Table objects
There are three different types of errors:
1. Design Time Errors
Visual Basic Functions
2. Run Time Errors
Creating Add-Ins
3. Logical Errors
Variables & constants
Object variables
The order of the above progressively is harder to find leaving the last item the most challenging!
Design Time Errors
Message Box
VBA Input Box The simplest form of error and often caused by typing (typo's) mistakes.
Excel Input Box When typing a known keyword or statement, VBA will turn the text to red (default colour) and if the
Making decisions (If) option is enabled, provide a prompt:
Making decisions (Case)
Looping (Do...Loop)
Looping (For...Loop)
With...End With blocks
User defined functions
Event handling
Error handling
Creating User Forms
DAO/ADO Objects
To switch off the above prompt, go to Tools select Options and deselect Auto Syntax Check
Input/Output Files option.

Other links

Example code snippets

Userform input example The routine will instantly cause a run time error if not corrected at the design time and must but
resolved before macros can run.

Run Time Errors

When executing code, no matter how thorough the debugging process has been, code may
encounter errors while running.
There is only one way of doing this - On Error GoTo instruction. It is not a very sophisticated function,
but it allows the flow of the code to continue and also where applicable, prevent infinite loops (when
the computer keeps on calculating never coming to an end).
Three variations are available:
1. On Error GoTo LabelName
2. On Error Resume Next
3. On Error GoTo 0
On Error GoTo LabelName branches to the portion of the code with the label LabelName
(LabelName must be a text string and not a value).
These commands are usually placed at the beginning of the procedure and when the error occurs,
the macro will branch to another part of the procedure and continue executing code or end,
depending on the instruction given.
'Simple Error handler with Err Object
Sub ErrorTestOne()
On Error GoTo myHandler

Dim intDay As Integer

intDay = "Monday"
MsgBox intDay
Exit Sub

MsgBox "Error Number: " & Err.Number & vbNewLine _
& "Description: " & Err.Description
End Sub
The above procedure will cause an error when executed and users will see:

myHandler is a user defined label (must not use known keywords) which listens for any errors that
may occur. When an error is detected, the procedure jumps to a bookmark of the same label with a
colon ( : ) (myHandler:) and executes from that point forward.
Using the Err object, developers can return two common properties Number and
Description. The example message box concatenates these two properties into a user-friendly
message (see above).
It is important to include the Exit Sub statement prior to the bookmark label otherwise the
procedure will execute to the very end of the sub routine and should only be executed when an error
has genuinely occurred.
The error above was due to a type mismatch. In other words I declared a variable intDay as an
integer and assigned a string value to it.

Another example:
'Error to handle incorrect InpuBox value.
Sub ErrorTestTwo()
On Error GoTo myHandler

Dim intInput As Integer

Dim strResponse As String
Dim blnErr As Boolean
intInput = CInt(InputBox("Enter your age:"))
blnErr = False
If Not blnErr Then
If intInput > 64 Then
strResponse = "You are at the retirement age!"
strResponse = "You have " & (65 - intInput) & _
" year(s) remaining until retirement."
End If
strResponse = "Unknown error entered!"
End If
MsgBox strResponse
Exit Sub

intInput = 0
blnErr = True
Resume Next
End Sub
The above example illustrates how to gracefully handle incorrect (type mismatched) values and then
resume the next line of execution using Resume Next statement.
The variable blnErr is flagged as true if an error occurs which is then tested with an If statement.
If the Resume Next is replaced with just the Resume statement, you will find the input box will loop
itself until the correct data is entered. Be careful before testing this out due to infinite loops that may
occur (if you edit the wrong part of the procedure).

The statement On Error GoTo 0 (zero) simply disables the error command during the procedure.
Should users wish to switch off this feature? To switch it back on, just introduce a new statement line
of either:

1. On Error Goto myLabel

2. On Error Resume
3. On Error Resume Next

Any code can be written to handle errors gracefully which can include If and Case statements. It is
common to have a Case statement to test which error was fired and deal with it in a separate calling
procedure (branch out another procedure).

Logical Errors

This type of error is the most difficult to trace as its syntax is correct and it runs without any run time
A logical error is one that does not give users any indication that an error has occurred due to the fact
that a logical error is the process of logic and not the code itself.
Performing a calculation in a spreadsheet using a function will return an answer but is it the correct

'Logical Error Test Example
Sub LogicalErrorTest()
Dim lngQty As Long
Dim dblNet As Double
Dim sngDiscount As Single

lngQty = 10
dblUPrice = 250
sngDiscount = 0.15

'Calculate gross (inc VAT @ 17.5%)

'Logically INCORRECT!
MsgBox Round(lngQty * dblUPrice * 1 - sngDiscount * 1.175, 2)

'Logically CORRECT!
MsgBox Round(((lngQty * dblUPrice) * (1 - sngDiscount)))
End Sub
The above procedure showed a quantity (intQty) of goods, with a unit price (dblUPrice), a
discount (sngDiscount) at a fixed vat rate of 17.5%.
To calculate the correct gross value, there is an order of which operands are calculated (see
Formulas) first and without the care of using brackets, the system follows the rules of mathematics and
looks at the operators precedence automatically.

The first message box shows:

Followed by the second message box:

Both calculations worked but the first was illogical to the objective of the process (workflow).

How we find such errors? Debugging tools!

Next Topic: Debugging

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Tip: Keyboard shortcuts are quick


Debugging and simple. Learn F5, F8 and F9.

Menu VBA Keywords: On Error GoTo,

Debugging is the process of stepping through the code line by line and checking the reaction of each
MsgBox, InputBox, Debup.Print &
Recording macros line to help trace errors that may be difficult to find at run time especially logical errors. CCur.
Looking at the code The Debug toolbar allows users to step in, out, over or watch certain variables change state in a
Ways of running macros controlled manner and can be switched on or off in the Visual Basic Editor window.

Where macros are stored

Reasons to write macros
Writing macros
Procedure types
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
Rules & conventions 1 Design Mode.
Excel objects 2 Run Sub/User Form starts the macros where the insertion point is or displays a Macro
Range/Selection objects Dialog Box.
Object hierarchy 3 Break pauses the macro while its running and switches to break mode.
Object browser
4 Reset current macro clearing all breaks, step into/over procedures and variables.
Chart objects
5 Toggle Breakpoint allows marking a line of code at which point a macro will stop.
Pivot Table objects
Formulas 6 Step Into a macro one line at a time.
Visual Basic Functions 7 Step Over a macro one line at a time ignoring any other sub routines.
Creating Add-Ins
8 Step Out over a macro and continue running the rest of that macro.
Variables & constants
9 Locals Window is displayed showing all variables and expressions with values for the
Object variables
procedure currently running.
10 Immediate Window is displayed allowing pasting of code to the window and testing the
code by using the ENTER key (cannot save contents).
Message Box
11 Watch Window is displayed allowing drag n drop of expressions into it to monitor their
VBA Input Box
Excel Input Box
12 Quick Watch displays a Dialog Box showing the current line of codes value.
Making decisions (If)
Making decisions (Case) 13 Call Stack displays a Dialog Box listing all active calls statement to the current
procedure. This option is used when using a step procedure.
Looping (Do...Loop)
Looping (For...Loop) The most effective way to debug a procedure is to learn some keystrokes and mark breakpoints in the
With...End With blocks
To add breakpoints, place the mouse pointer to the left grey margin at the point where you wish to
User defined functions
pause the procedure and click once with the left mouse button, click button 5 (as above) or press F9
Event handling function key (toggles on/off).
Error handling
Creating User Forms
DAO/ADO Objects
Input/Output Files

Other links

Example code snippets

Userform input example
When you run the procedure or press the F5 key, the procedure will pause at the first highlighted

At this point, users can either continue to run the remaining procedure (press F5 key) or step through
line by line by pressing the F8 key.
By placing the mouse pointer over any variable or object property, the user will, after a few seconds,
see the current value assigned.
Alternatively, by revealing the Locals Window (button 9 above), users can see all variables and
propertys values:

After a few steps (F8 key):

Debugging between calling procedures can be controlled as the F8 key steps in order line by line
across more than one procedure.
To step out of a sub procedure and carry on with the main procedure, press the SHIFT + F8 keys.

Debug.Print Command

A return value will be printed to the Immediate Window (button 10 above or CTRL + G).
Two ways to print an output value in the immediate window:
1. Debug.Print Expression
2. ? Expression (within the Immediate Window)
Sub CalcPay()
On Error GoTo HandleError

Dim hours
Dim hourlyPay
Dim payPerWeek
hours = InputBox("Please enter number of hours worked", _
" Hours Worked")

Debug.Print "hours entered " & hours

hourlyPay = InputBox("Please enter hourly pay", "Pay Rate")

payPerWeek = CCur(hours * hourlyPay)
MsgBox "Pay is: " & Format(payPerWeek, "##,##0.00"), _
, "Total Pay"
HandleError: 'any error - gracefully end

End Sub
The above will print the hours variable to the immediate window:

If you set a breakpoint and have the Immediate Window visible, you can use a different method to
reveal the current values of any known variable or property:
Type a question mark ( ? ) followed by a space and then the variable or property and press the enter
key to reveal the output value.

Next Topic: Creating User Forms

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Tip: Press the F5 function key to run


Creating User Forms and preview a form during the
design time environment.

Pre-defined Dialog Boxes like InputBox and MsgBox functions are useful and quick to use. However, VBA Keywords: Show,
Recording macros designing your own Dialog Boxes (or User Form), allows you to add other controls and personalise If...Then...Else, MsgBox, RGB &
Looking at the code your application. Unload.

Ways of running macros

Where macros are stored Creating a new User Form
Reasons to write macros
Make sure you are in the Visual Basic Editor and not Excel.
Writing macros
Select Insert, UserForm:
Procedure types
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
Rules & conventions
Excel objects
Range/Selection objects
Object hierarchy
Object browser
Chart objects
Pivot Table objects
Visual Basic Functions
Creating Add-Ins
Variables & constants
Object variables
Message Box
VBA Input Box
Excel Input Box
Making decisions (If)
Making decisions (Case)
Looping (Do...Loop)
Looping (For...Loop)
With...End With blocks
Note: To load the Properties Window, press the F4 function key.
User defined functions
Event handling
In addition to the Properties window, when active on the new form, the Toolbox Toolbar automatically
Error handling appears. (If this is missing, use the View, Toolbox command to show it.)
Debugging Also, you may want to display the UserForm toolbar to align and rearrange the controls on the form.
Creating User Forms Select View, Toolbars and choose UserForm.
DAO/ADO Objects
Input/Output Files Userform Toolbar

Other links

Example code snippets

Userform input example

This toolbar is only available for designing and arranging objects when creating or modifying forms
(user forms).

1 Bring to Front moves the selected object to the front of all other objects.

2 Send to Back moves the selected object to the back of all other objects.

3 Group two or more selected objects together as one.

4 Ungroup where a single object was made up of two or more objects.

5 Alignments of selected objects to various alignments - see below.

6 Vert/Horiz Alignments of selected objects - see below.

7 Sizes a number of selected objects to the same dimensions - see below.

8 Zoom the User Form by magnifying/diminishing by percentage.

Alignments (Button 5)

Choose from one of the alignments as to how a number of selected

objects will be placed together.

This keeps controls on a form or Dialog Box symmetrically aligned and

therefore professional looking.

Objects can also be numerically set using the Properties Window.

Vertical/Horizontal Alignments (Button 6)

These are two repeated types of alignments as mentioned above

allowing objects to be centred.

Sizes (Button 7)

Changes the size of selected objects to the same dimension as each

other. This can also be set from the Properties Window.

Toolbox Toolbar

A1 Select Objects: When there is no control to draw, this mode allows you to select
other controls.
A2 Label: Allows you to create text (caption) that a user does not change.
A3 TextBox: Allows you to create an edit box which a user types into.
A4 ComboBox: Allows the user to select from a drop down box items predefined.
A5 ListBox: As above but shows many item in one view with a vertical scroll bar.
A6 CheckBox: Allows the user to create a CheckBox where an item can only have a
yes or no (true or false) answer.
B1 OptionButton: Allows you to display multiple options with a frame where only one
can be selected at a time.
B2 ToggleButton: Like a CheckBox, but a button version.
B3 Frame: Allows you to create a frame to store controls in one group (usually option
B4 CommandButton: Creates a button like the OK, Cancel and Other... Buttons.
B5 TabStrip: Allows you to create multiple pages of the same Dialog Box controls.
B6 MultiPage: Allows you to create multiple pages of different controls (multi- tab
Dialog Boxes).
C1 ScrollBar: Provides a graphical scroll bar to allow scrolling through a list of
C2 SpinButton: This button allows you to set values by scrolling up or down through
C3 Image: Allows the user to store graphics in a Dialog Box.
C4 RefEdit: Allows a range to be plotted into this control from a spreadsheet.
(Not available in Excel 97).

Adding Controls to a Custom Dialog Box

By using the Toolbox, standard controls (command buttons, text boxes and others) can be added to a
user form.
Make sure the form is the active window.
Click on the required control and then click on the user form roughly where the control is to be
positioned or drag and drop the control from the Toolbox to the area on the form.
Handlebars appear around the selected control. This allows control(s) to be resized and positioned.

Common Controls

There are many more controls than the standard set which is installed with Microsoft Excel and can be
added. Select Tools, Additional Controls....

Tick the required item and choose the OK Button. This updates the Toolbox toolbar.

Creating Tabs for Userforms

If a single user form needs to handle a large number of controls that can be sorted into categories,
use a Tab Control.

Tab pages can be added and deleted using the properties of the tab (itself) of the control itself by
right-mouse clicking the item.
Setting Controls with Properties (Design Time)

Some controls are better set during the design side of a user form by using the Properties window.
Typical examples of setting these controls:

Sorting out the Tab Order of controls.

Setting the default values to edit boxes, checkboxes and many more.

Creating control tool tips and captions.

Setting the Accelerator key (underscored letter) of a control.

Other colours and graphics that really do not need code handling.

Initialising Controls with Code (Run Time)

Some controls (some included as above) can be set as the userform is running or before the form is
displayed by setting properties with code.
Typical examples of setting controls with code:

Setting initial values of controls like an Edit Box or a Combo Box.

Setting the focus of a control.

Validating values in a Dialog Box.

Changing values in a Dialog Box while it is running.

Showing and hiding other controls.

Enabling and disabling controls.

These controls are set to different events of a control. These include:

Click (and double click) of a control - command buttons, checkboxes.

Change of a control - edit boxes.

Initialising of a control - as the form starts up.

Exiting a control.

Sub MyDialogBox_Initialize()
TextBox1.Text = "Sales"
Checkbox1.Enabled = True
OptionCommand1.Visible = False
Checkbox2.Value = False
End Sub
Five controls are set when the form (MyDialogBox) is shown (Initialised).

1. TextBox1 displays Sales in it.

2. Chexkbox1 control is active.
3. Command1 button has the focus.
4. OptionCommand1 is not visible (hidden).
5. Checkbox2 is not ticked (False value).

Displaying a Userform

Once the userform has been created, the next stage is to test to see how the user form will look. You
can use the Run (F5 function key in design time mode) command when the active form is displayed.
But, writing code is ultimately how a user form will be used.
Decide where the code is to be stored (in a Module, Worksheet or Workbook).
Use the name of the form with the Show method command.
Sub DisplayMyUserform()
End Sub
The user form is known, as MyUserForm and the Show method will display the user form.
There is one optional argument called Modal which can be explicitly defined and has a value of 0 or
1 = a modal state which means that users have to complete the form and can not click anywhere else
(in the background).

0 = a modeless state which allows users to click outside the form area.

The default is 1 if omitted.

MyUserForm.Show 0
MyUserForm.Show 1 or MyUserForm.Show

Adding Code to respond with User Forms

Each control will have its own set of events. These events store the code and are executed when that
event is triggered.
For example, a Button recognises the Click_Event, a Form recognises an Intitialize_Event and a
Combo Box recognises a Change_Event.
To assign code to a control, display the form and double click on that control. This opens the module
and the main event allowing code to be written:

When the OK Button is clicked...
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
If txtName.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Must enter a name. Try again."
End If
ActiveCell.Value = txtName
Unload Me
End Sub
When the userform is displayed, if the OK Button is clicked, the above code is executed and checks to
see if this Textbox (txtName) is empty or not using the If statement. If false, it displays a message
prompt and shows the user form again. If true, it enters the data into a spreadsheet (range -

Unload Me is the way to close a form (itself)

The Me Property

The Me property returns a reference of the form itself that the code is currently running. This is used
as shorthand for the full reference of a form.

Suppose you have the following procedure in a module:
Sub ChangeFormColour(FormName As Form)
FormName.BackColor = RGB(Rnd * 256, Rnd * 256, Rnd * 256)
End Sub
You can call this procedure and pass the current instance of the Form as an argument using the
following statement:
Sub cmdColour_Click()
ChangeFormColour Me
End Sub
The ChangeFormColour procedure is passed to the Me property in the current form running which
therefore changes the colour of a specified control(s) to the colour defined.

RGB(Rnd * 256, Rnd * 256, Rnd * 256) is a Red, Green and Blue colour function.

To see an example, click on userform example

Next Topic: DAO/ADO Objects

Want to teach yourself Access? Free online guide at About Access Databases

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Tip: Decide on which library to use


DAO/ADO Objects and stock with it. Don't mix the two
together (ADO and DAO) though it
can still work but the order of
Menu referencing will matter.
There are several ways to connect to a database in VBA whether it is a relational database (RDBMS)
Recording macros or a flat-file database (like Excel).
VBA Keywords: DAO, ADODB,
Looking at the code Also, where and what type of database application/server it is will pretty much determine which is
Connection, Recordset, Open,
Ways of running macros considered best for the job. Update, EditMode, AddNew, Fields,
The two I'm going to mention in the article (DAO and ADO) is considered the more popular Set, New & With...End With
Where macros are stored
techniques deployed but for your reference you may want to investigate the older RDO (Remote Data
Reasons to write macros Object) which has been really replaced with DAO, OLE-DB and ODBC to help establish which would
Writing macros be best for your solution.
Procedure types
Visual Basic editor (VBE) DAO
Rules & conventions
Excel objects DAO stands for Data Access Objects and is one of the technologies to allow communications to
external applications (mainly databases).
Range/Selection objects
In order to use this feature, users will need to add the DAO library to the project.
Object hierarchy
Choose from the Tools menu and select Reference
Object browser
Chart objects
Pivot Table objects
Visual Basic Functions
Creating Add-Ins
Variables & constants
Object variables
Message Box
VBA Input Box
Excel Input Box
Making decisions (If)
Making decisions (Case)
Looping (Do...Loop)
Looping (For...Loop)
With...End With blocks
User defined functions
Event handling This library will than allow objects to be created to interrogate a database, tables, fields and return
information to populate a spreadsheet. This will also allow users to add, edit, update and delete data
Error handling to an external file without the need to open the associated application.
Debugging An advanced feature of this library will even allow users to create, modify and delete structures of a
Creating User Forms database whether a table, query, stored procedure or fields.
DAO/ADO Objects Using the control flow techniques as discussed in this manual, the user can fully control how data
Input/Output Files should be handled - opening the potential power of VBA.

Other links Note: In order to test this section, users will need an Access database and will need to familiarise themselves with
the database. It is not essential to have Microsoft Access loaded as this reference uses the backdoor but it will be
Example code snippets difficult to check the database without it!
Userform input example

Example - Connecting to a database:

Sub ConnectDB()
Dim db As Database
Dim rst As Recordset

Set db = OpenDatabase("C:\db1.mdb")
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Customers")

'displays the first record and first field

MsgBox rst.Fields(0)

'close the objects


'destroy the variables

Set rst = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
The above example opens an Access database (db1.mdb) in memory and sets a reference to one of
its known tables using the OpenRecordset method. It then displays the first row and first field of the

The property Fields of the RecordSet object is a collection (or array) that is held in memory and
by changing the element number, users can return a different field (column of the table).
The above illustration would show the customers name instead of the ID number.

A good discipline is to close and set an object to Nothing that releases memory, hence the last four
lines of code.

Example - Working with records:

'Opens a connection to the Customers table
'and populates a blank worksheet.
Sub PopulateCustomers()
Dim db As Database
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim i As Long

Set db = OpenDatabase("C:\db1.mdb")
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Customers")

'look through each record and populate

'ID, Name and Country into a worksheet.
Do Until rst.EOF
ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Value = rst.Fields(0)
ActiveCell.Offset(i, 1).Value = rst.Fields(1)
ActiveCell.Offset(i, 2).Value = rst.Fields(8)
i = i + 1

'close the objects


'destroy the variables

Set rst = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub

The above example once again opens the table Customers. Using a conditional loop at which point
the property EOF (End Of File) returns True or False every time the record changes using the
MoveNext method, three columns in the worksheet from the starting active cell are populated by
three different field indexes.
Even though the above example used rst.Fields(8) to determine the ninth column, it may be
fair to say that users may not know the position number of the field but instead know its fieldname. In
this case, users can refer to the name of the field as a string argument.
rst.Fields(Post Code).

Note: Be careful to include a command to increment the collection (MoveNext method) otherwise
this would cause the procedure to loop infinitely or run out of worksheet rows firing an error. Save
your work first before testing the above.

When interrogating a table in a database, it may be required to test to see if the table actually has
records in it before iterating through each record.

Wrap an If statement around the loop to test this out:

If Not rst.EOF And Not rst.BOF Then
[code here]...
End If
If this returns True then at least one record is present. If both EOF and BOF are True, it means the
cursor is positioned at the beginning and at the end of the record set (which means its empty).
The Not keyword inverses the returning value which means that in the above example, both must be
False if this is to run any code in between the statement.

Example - Editing records in a database:

Not only can users populate data from an external database, but also it is possible to change data in
an external database.
'Opens a connection to the table Customers
'and adds a new record and then updates and closes
Sub AddNewRecord()
Dim db As Database
Dim rst As Recordset

Set db = OpenDatabase("C:\db1.mdb")
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Customers")

rst.Fields("Customer ID") = "XYZ"
rst.Fields("Company Name") = "XYZ Foods Ltd"
rst.Fields("Post Code") = "NW1 8PY"

'close the objects


'destroy the variables

Set rst = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
The above example once again opens a connection to the Customer table and then uses two
methods to add and update the new record.
The Add method triggers the mode to add the record but does not save it to the table until you call the
Update method.

Note: Be careful to consider the tables structure and database rules that are often implemented
such as primary keys and foreign indexes. The above example would fail if the customer id field
was a unique primary key and the table already had such a reference.

Further coding would be required to test to see if the record number existed, before adding and
updating the record.
To edit a record, users must first locate the record (if it can be found) and then use the Edit method.
rst.Fields("Customer ID") = "XYZ"
rst.Fields("Company Name") = "XYZ Foods Ltd"
rst.Fields("Post Code") = "W12 6RF"

Example - Creating a table:

'Opens a connection to the table Customers

'and adds a new record and then updates and closes
Sub CreateTable()
Dim db As Database
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim tbl As TableDef

Set db = OpenDatabase("C:\db1.mdb")
Set tbl = db.CreateTableDef("Contact Log")

With tbl
.Fields.Append .CreateField("Log ID", dbInteger)
.Fields.Append .CreateField("Date", dbDate)
.Fields.Append .CreateField("Caller", dbText)
.Fields.Append .CreateField("Comment", dbText)
.Fields.Append .CreateField("Completed", dbBoolean)
db.TableDefs.Append tbl
End With

Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Contact Log")

rst.Fields("Log ID") = 1
rst.Fields("Date") = Date
rst.Fields("Caller") = "Ben Beitler"
rst.Fields("Comment") = "Arranged VBA training next week."
rst.Fields("Completed") = True

'close the objects


'destroy the variables

Set rst = Nothing
Set tbl = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub

The above example will create a new table Contact Log, create new fields and then bind it to the
new table using db.TableDefs.Append tbl. Next it will add a single record using the correct
data to match the data types as defined in the table.
This procedure will only run once and then cause an error if executed again. This is due to the fact
this database cannot contain duplicate named tables.

Therefore, users need to add error-handling procedures as well as testing to see if the table exists.
To delete a table along with its records, use db.TableDefs.Delete "Contact Log".
Again an error will be fired if the system cannot locate the table (misspelling or already deleted).

There are many properties and methods of DAO which are not covered in this guide. This library
allows many ways to produce the same effect which include writing SQL (structured query language).


ADO stands for ActiveX Data Objects is an alternative method of connecting to a database.
In order to use this feature, users will need to add the ADO library to the project.
Choose from the Tools menu and select Reference

Note: You may have noticed that there several versions of ActiveX Data Objects in the illustration above.
Generally, you should choose the latest version but depending on which version of Excel (or more accurately
Windows operating system) try and pick the best fit version. For example 2.8 is for those running on Windows XP
where as users would choose 6.0 for Windows Vista.

This library will than allow objects to be created to interrogate a database, tables, fields and return
information to populate a spreadsheet. This will also allow users to add, edit, update and delete data
to an external file without the need to open the associated application.
An advanced feature of this library (ADOX) will even allow users to create, modify and delete
structures of a database whether a table, query, stored procedure or fields.
Using the control flow techniques as discussed in this manual, the user can fully control how data
should be handled - opening the potential power of VBA.

Note: In order to test this section, users will need an Access database and will need to familiarise themselves with
the database. It is not essential to have Microsoft Access loaded as this reference uses the backdoor but it will be
difficult to check the database without it!

Example - Connecting to a database:

Sub ConnectExcelDB()
Dim cn as ADODB.Connection

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection

With cn
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.ConnectionString = "Data Source=C:\pivot data.xls;" & _
"Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"
End With
End Sub
The above example creates a connection and open the workbook 'pivot data'. It requires the
Extended Properties=Excel 8.0 argument (which users need to adjust for their own version of Excel).

Sub ConnectAccessDB()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection

With cn
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.ConnectionString = "Data Source=C:\db2.mdb;"
End With
End Sub
The above example connects to an Access database (db2).

There other ways to connect as well as setting optional arguments which control the method of
connection (using ODBC or DSN-Less etc) which is beyond this article.

Example - Reading from a database:

Using an Access database, users can connect to table, query or write SQL (structured query
language) into the calling object.
Sub ReadingData()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection

With cn
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.ConnectionString = "Data Source=C:\db2.mdb;"
End With

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

'opens a connection to a table called customers.
rs.Open "Customers", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
'show the second fields value, first record (column 2, row 1).
Debug.Print rs.Fields(1).Value 'second columns - starts at 0


Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
End Sub
The above example creates a connection. It then creates another new object (rs) which the recordset
of a table, query or SQL source and opens it too.
Now you have a collection of data (all records in that file). Using a property (Fields), you can pass
either an index or string name into it to refer to any field in that source file and return one of several
values (in this case the data value).

Make sure you close and dispose of the objects when finished (and in the correct order) though it will
clear and dispose of all objects when the procedure comes to an end - just good habits of

To refer to an actual field instead of an index, use Fields("Customer Name").

It is good practice to narrow down the recordset to the smallest amount of data in memory which the
above example fails to do (all records). Instead, consider passing a query or SQL statement instead:

rs.Open "Select * From Customers Where Country='UK';", cn .....

There are optional arguments which also help performance and restrictions to an open connection
which I've used in my example above adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
and will require further investigation to help establish the rule (refer to VBA help for more information).

Example - Writing to a database:

Create a connection and open a recordset (table) to add, edit and delete records.
Sub EditingData()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection

With cn
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.ConnectionString = "Data Source=C:\db2.mdb;"
End With

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

rs.Open "Customers", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
'edit the second field, first record's value.
rs.Fields(1).Value = "Always Open QM"
rs.Update 'save the changes.


Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
End Sub
Using the rs.Update property enforces any changes to be saved and written to the database.

If you wish add a new record, you can use rs.AddNew method but it will still need to use
rs.Update to save the changes.

Sub NewRecord()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection

With cn
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.ConnectionString = "Data Source=C:\db2.mdb;"
End With

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

rs.Open "Customers", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

'adding a new record.
rs.Fields(0).Value = "XYZ" 'customer ID field
rs.Fields(1).Value = "XYZ Limited" 'customer name field
rs.Fields(5).Value = "London" 'city field
rs.Fields(8).Value = "UK" 'country field
rs.Update 'save the changes.


Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
End Sub
The above example populates new values to four fields and then saves the changes. Make sure any
record being added satisfies the rules of the data source which is being used to store the data which
will include indexing (which is generally a mandatory field).

Other useful methods include EOF (end of file) and BOF (beginning of file) which allows you to iterate
through records using loops. - look at the help for more information.

There is much, much more on this subject (I've not done this justice) and users should now be
confident to go off and investigate further using various other resources (books and the web!).

Finally, which one to use DAO or ADO?

There are many arguments which one should use but as a general rule if you are going to
communicate with Microsoft 'Jet' engine (Access, SQL etc) then using DAO is quicker and easier to
Consider using ADO for across platform applications typically over the web (server) and non-
Microsoft Window environments which have the capability to create DSN-less connections. It also
handles multiple databases at the same time and is considered the standard with other programming
Both have similar members (methods and properties) and can conflict if both are being referenced in
the same module.

Next Topic: Input/Output Files

Want to teach yourself Access? Free online guide at About Access Databases

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VBA Keywords: FreeFile, Do...Loop,


Input/Output Files Write, Input, Output, EOF,
Dubug.Print & Close.

VBA already includes commands to allow data to read or write to external text files. This is more
Recording macros commonly known as I/O (Input / Output) and is used to store files in the formats such as txt, csv and
Looking at the code ini files.

Ways of running macros

Where macros are stored Example of Output Data:

Reasons to write macros Sub BuildTextFile()

Dim fnum
Writing macros
Procedure types fnum = FreeFile()
Open "C:\vba.txt" For Output As #fnum
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
Rules & conventions Write #fnum, "Excel VBA", "Day 1"
Excel objects Write #fnum, "Excel VBA", "Day 2"
Write #fnum, "Excel VBA Workshop Q&A", "Day 3"
Range/Selection objects
Object hierarchy Close #fnum
Object browser End Sub

Chart objects The above example creates an instance of a file using the FreeFile function, which returns a
unique number (as its handler). The Open method is used to locate and open the file.
Pivot Table objects
The Output property tells the system that data is to be written to the named file using the pointer
Visual Basic Functions
The Write method adds line-by-line data to the pointer and then is lost with the Close method.
Creating Add-Ins
Even if the file name does not exist, it will create this file in the specified path but the path must exist.
Variables & constants
If the filename already exists, this routine will overwrite (no prompt) and the previous file will be lost.
Object variables
The file generated is a 'txt' file:
Message Box
VBA Input Box
Excel Input Box
Making decisions (If)
Making decisions (Case)
Looping (Do...Loop)
Looping (For...Loop)
With...End With blocks
User defined functions Example of Input Data:
Event handling Sub ReadTextFile()
Error handling Dim fnum
Dim strField1 As String, strField2 As String
Creating User Forms fnum = FreeFile()
Open "C:\vba.txt" For Input As #fnum
DAO/ADO Objects
Input/Output Files Do Until EOF(fnum)
Input #fnum, strField1, strField2
Debug.Print strField1 & " : " & strField2
Other links Loop
Example code snippets
Close #fnum
Userform input example End Sub
The above example uses the Input property instead to change the direction of the flow of data (read
Using the EOF method, the procedure loops through the delimiter line break until it reaches the end of
the file.

To view the results, open the Immediate Window (Ctrl + G) before running the above procedure:
The above two examples demonstrates how to read and write data to and from external files and will
require a little more coding to deal with interaction and variables to make this more flexible (and

Want to teach yourself Access? Free online guide at About Access Databases

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Example Code - Snippets
Now that you have (hopefully) reviewed the previous articles on this website VBA reference guide,
Recording macros you may want to browse some example snippets of code which can be used to build up your
Looking at the code knowledge and personal library of Excel VBA.

Ways of running macros

Where macros are stored The following links will take you to a particular section to help you find some reference that maybe of
interest to you (which can be as simple as a one line piece of code):
Reasons to write macros
Used range of cells - worksheet protection by value type
Writing macros
Basic calculation (Sum) in a range of cells
Procedure types
Nested For...Next with an If statement
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
Loop through worksheets in a workbook for set ranges
Rules & conventions
Worksheet - hidden and visible properties
Excel objects
Inserting worksheets avoiding duplicate names, naming & validations
Range/Selection objects
InputBox and Message Box examples
Object hierarchy
Printing examples
Object browser
General application commands
Chart objects
Ranges - various examples
Pivot Table objects
Navigation in a worksheet using Offset
Read Window documents
Visual Basic Functions
General function examples
Creating Add-Ins
Creates a new word document
Variables & constants
Creates an Outlook message
Object variables
Used range of cells - worksheet protection by value type
Message Box
This sub procedure looks at every cell on the active worksheet and if the cell does not have a formula,
VBA Input Box a date or text and the cell is numeric; it unlocks the cell and makes the font blue.
Excel Input Box For everything else, it locks the cell and makes the font black. It then protects the worksheet.
Making decisions (If) This has the effect of allowing someone to edit the numbers but they cannot change the text, dates or
Making decisions (Case) formulas.
Looping (Do...Loop) Sub SetProtection()
Looping (For...Loop) On Error GoTo errorHandler

With...End With blocks Dim myDoc As Worksheet

User defined functions Dim cel As Range
Set myDoc = ActiveSheet
Event handling myDoc.Unprotect
Error handling For Each cel In myDoc.UsedRange
If Not cel.HasFormula And _
Debugging Not TypeName(cel.Value) = "Date" And _
Creating User Forms Application.IsNumber(cel) Then
DAO/ADO Objects cel.Locked = False
cel.Font.ColorIndex = 5
Input/Output Files Else
cel.Locked = True
cel.Font.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic
Other links End If
Example code snippets Next
Userform input example
Exit Sub

MsgBox "Error"
End Sub

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Basic calculation (Sum) in a range of cells

Enters a value into 10 cells in a column and then sums the values (range) using the sum function.
Sub SumRange()
Dim i As Integer
Dim cel As Range
Set cel = ActiveCell
For i = 1 To 10
For i = 1 To 10
cel(i).Value = 100
Next i
cel(i).Value = "=SUM(R[-10]C:R[-1]C)"
End Sub
Other functions can be used as well as changing the range and values to suit.

Another way to write a formula:

Sub CalculateFormula()
Dim s As String

ActiveCell.Formula = "=" & _

ActiveCell.Offset(0, -3).Address(False, False) & "/6"
s = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -16).Address(False, False) _
& ":" & ActiveCell.Offset(0, -5).Address(False, False) _
ActiveCell.Formula = "=SUM(" & s & ")/12"
ActiveCell.Formula = s
End Sub

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Nested For...Next with an If statement

This sub checks values in a range of 10 rows by 5 columns moving left to right, top to bottom,
switching the values X and O.
Set a range of 10 x 5 cells with a mixture of Xs and Os.
Sub ToggleValues()
Dim rowIndex As Integer
Dim colIndex As Integer

For rowIndex = 1 To 10
For colIndex = 1 To 5
If Cells(rowIndex, colIndex).Value = "X" Then
Cells(rowIndex, colIndex).Value = "O"
Cells(rowIndex, colIndex).Value = "X"
End If
Next colIndex
Next rowIndex
End Sub

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Loop through worksheets in a workbook for set ranges

Loops through all worksheets in a workbook and reset values in a specific range(s) on each
worksheet to zero where it is not a formula and the cell value is not equal to zero.
Sub SetValuesAllSheets()
Dim wSht As Worksheet
Dim myRng As Range
Dim allwShts As Sheets
Dim cel As Range

Set allwShts = Worksheets

For Each wSht In allwShts
Set myRng = wSht.Range("A1:A5, B6:B10, C1:C5, D4:D10")
For Each cel In myRng
If Not cel.HasFormula And cel.Value <> 0 Then
cel.Value = 0
End If
Next cel
Next wSht
End Sub
Change the ranges using a comma separator for each union range.
Modify the condition and its returning value to suit.

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Worksheet - hidden and visible properties

The distinction between Hide(False) and the xlVeryHidden constant.
Visible = xlVeryHidden - Sheet/Unhide is greyed out. To unhide sheet, you must set the Visible
property to True.
Visible = Hide(or False) - Sheet/Unhide is not greyed out

To hide specific (second) worksheet

Sub HideSheet()
Worksheets(2).Visible = Hide 'you can use Hide or False
End Sub
To make a specific (second) worksheet very hidden
Sub VeryHiddenSheet()
Worksheets(2).Visible = xlVeryHidden 'menu item is not available
End Sub
To unhide a specific worksheet
Sub UnHideSheet()
Worksheets(2).Visible = True
End Sub
To toggle between hidden and visible
Sub ToggleHiddenVisible()
Worksheets(2).Visible = Not Worksheets(2).Visible
End Sub
Toggle opposite visibility (error will happen as all worksheets cannot be hidden, at least one must be
visible in a workbook).
Sub ToggleAllSheets()
On Error Goto errorHandler
Dim wSh As Worksheet

For Each wSh In Worksheets

wSh.Visible = Not wSh.Visible
Exit Sub

End Sub
To set the visible property to True on all sheets in a workbook.
Sub UnHideAll()
Dim wSh As Worksheet

For Each sh In Worksheets

wSh.Visible = True
End Sub

Back to top

Inserting worksheets avoiding duplicate names, naming & validations

Checks to see if sheet already exists with the name MySheet and does not add it again as Excel
cannot store duplicate worksheet names in a workbook.
Validation if name already exists or no name stored or if it is a number as its name.
Sub AddUniqueSheet()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim newSheetName As String

newSheetName = "MySheet" 'Substitute your name here

For Each ws In Worksheets
If ws.Name = newSheetName Or newSheetName = "" Or _
IsNumeric(newSheetName) Then
MsgBox "Sheet '" & newSheetName & "' already exists _
or name is invalid", vbInformation
Exit Sub
End If
Sheets.Add Type:="Worksheet"
With ActiveSheet 'Move to last position
.Move After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
.Name = newSheetName
End With
End Sub

Adds new worksheet with the month and year as its name and sets the range("A1:A5") from Sheet1 to
new worksheet.
This can only be executed once for the same period due to excel not allowing duplicate worksheets
Make sure you have a worksheet called Sheet1 and that its range A1:A5 has some content which to
copy across.
Sub AddSheet()
Dim wSht As Worksheet
Dim shtName As String

shtName = Format(Now, "mmmm_yyyy") 'current month & year

For Each wSht In Worksheets
If wSht.Name = shtName Then
MsgBox "Sheet already exists...Make necessary corrections _
and try again."
Exit Sub
End If
Next wSht
Sheets.Add.Name = shtName
Sheets(shtName).Move After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A5").Copy _
Sheets(shtName).Range("C1") 'range("C1") = starting point
End Sub

Copies the contents of the first positioned worksheet to a new worksheet (NewSheet) validating if
sheet exists first.
Sub CopySheet()
Dim wSht As Worksheet
Dim shtName As String
Dim shtName As String

shtName = "NewSheet" 'change the name if required

For Each wSht In Worksheets
If wSht.Name = shtName Then
MsgBox "Sheet already exists...Make necessary " & _
"corrections and try again."
Exit Sub
End If
Next wSht
Sheets(1).Copy Before:=Sheets(1)
Sheets(1).Name = shtName
Sheets(shtName).Move After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
End Sub

Index number for a sheet can be used instead of the actual string name. This is useful if name is not
known or you want to control the order position of the sheet in question.

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InputBox and Message Box examples

Sub CalcPay()
On Error GoTo HandleError

Dim hours
Dim hourlyPay
Dim payPerWeek

hours = InputBox("Please enter number of hours worked", "Hours Worked")

hourlyPay = InputBox("Please enter hourly pay", "Pay Rate")
payPerWeek = CCur(hours * hourlyPay)
MsgBox "Pay is: " & Format(payPerWeek, "##,##0.00"), , "Total Pay"
HandleError: 'any error - gracefully end
End Sub
No communication with Excel is required for this example and can be started from within the VB

To split a single line of execution into multiple lines, use the underscore character ( _ ).

What impact will this have if you use the integer function (Int()) instead of the currency functions
Other functions: CDbl (double) and CSng (single).

Date Entry & Formula with InputBox which prompts the user for the number of times to iterate, creates
heading and calculates gross values with final totals at the end of the columns.
Sub ProcessTransactions()
ActiveCell.Value = "NET"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value =
"GROSS" ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

y = InputBox("How Many transactions?", , 5)

For counter = 1 To y
x = InputBox("Enter Net")
ActiveCell.Value = x
ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-1]*1.175"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).NumberFormat = " 0.00"
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Next counter

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[-" & y & "]C:R[-1]C)"

'Variable y concatenated to formula (Sum)
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[-" & y & "]C:R[-1]C)"
Selection.Font.Bold = True

With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Weight = xlThin
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With

With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
.LineStyle = xlDouble
.Weight = xlThick
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
End Sub
The above is A For Next Example with InputBox Function, With Block and Offset method

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Printing examples
To control orientation and defined name range - 1 copy.
Sub PrintReport1()
Sheets(1).PageSetup.Orientation = xlLandscape
Sheets(1).PageSetup.Orientation = xlLandscape
Range("Report").PrintOut Copies:=1
End Sub

To print several ranges on the same sheet -1 copy

Sub PrintReport2()
End Sub

To print a defined area, centre horizontally, with 2 rows as titles, in portrait orientation and fitted to
page wide and tall - 1 copy.
Sub PrintReport3()
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
.CenterHorizontally = True
.PrintArea = "$A$3:$F$15"
.PrintTitleRows = ("$A$1:$A$2")
.Orientation = xlPortrait
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.FitToPagesTall = 1
End With
End Sub

To print preview, control the font and to pull second line of header (A1) from first worksheet.
Sub PrintHeaderPreview()
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterHeader = "&""Arial,Bold Italic""&14 _
My Report" & Chr(13) & Sheets(1).Range("A1")
End Sub
"&""Arial,Bold Italic""&14 = fields used in page set-up of header/footer

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General application commands

Using the shortcut approach to assign a cell with an Excel function.
Sub GetSum()
[A1].Value = Application.Sum([E1:E15])
End Sub
Can use an absolute reference: Range("A1") = Application.Sum([E1:E15])

Enables the use of events if disabled (worksheet/workbook).

Sub EnableEventReset()
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

To display the full path and filename of the current workbook (Function)
Sub FormatHeader()
With ThisWorkbook
.Worksheets("MySheet").PageSetup.LeftHeader = .FullName
End With
End Sub

Capture object (chart) into as separate file

Sub ExportToJPG()
ActiveChart.Export FileName:="c:\Mychart.jpeg", FilterName:="JPG"
End Sub
Make sure chart is selected first
Add a custom button to the Chart quick access toolbar.

Assign and un-assign a function key to a procedure

Sub Set_FKeys()
Application.OnKey "{F3}", "MySub"
End Sub

Sub Restore_FKeys()
Application.OnKey "{F3}"
End Sub
Can be assigned to the event of when a workbook opens a closes.

Sub ShowHourGlass()
Application.Cursor = xlWait
End Sub

Sub ResetCursor()
Application.Cursor = xlNormal
End Sub
Can also be xlNorthwestArrow and xlIBeam.

Some more to finish off with...

With ActiveWindow
.DisplayGridlines = Not .DisplayGridlines
.DisplayHeadings = Not .DisplayHeadings
.DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = Not .DisplayHorizontalScrollBar
.DisplayVerticalScrollBar = Not .DisplayVerticalScrollBar
.DisplayWorkbookTabs = Not .DisplayWorkbookTabs
End With

With ActiveWindow
.DisplayFormulaBar = Not .DisplayFormulaBar
.DisplayStatusBar = Not .DisplayStatusBar
End With

Selection.Clear 'clears all attributes

Selection.ClearFormats 'clears only formats
Selection.ClearContents 'clears only content (DEL)

Active cell moves I row, 1 column in for selection

Sub ActiveCellInRange()
Selection.Offset(1, 1).Activate
End Sub

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Ranges - various examples

To add a range name for known range
Sub AddName1()
ActiveSheet.Names.Add Name:="MyRange1", RefersTo:="=$A$1:$B$10"
End Sub

To add a range name based on a selection.

Sub AddName2()
ActiveSheet.Names.Add Name:="MyRange2", RefersTo:="=" & _
End Sub

To add a range name based on a selection using a variable.

Sub AddName3()
Dim rng As String

rng = Selection.Address
ActiveSheet.Names.Add Name:="MyRange3", RefersTo:="=" & rng
End Sub

To add a range name based on current selection.

Sub AddName4()
Selection.Name = "MyRange4"
End Sub

Deletes all named ranges

Sub DeleteAllRanges()
Dim rName As Name

For Each rName In ActiveWorkbook.Names

Next rName
End Sub

Scrolls the spreadsheet to where the active cell is.

Sub ScreeTopLeft()
With ActiveWindow
.ScrollColumn = ActiveCell.Column
.ScrollRow = ActiveCell.Row
End With
End Sub
Function to return a range object.
Function LastCell(ws As Worksheet) As Range
Dim LastRow As Long, LastCol As Long
'Error-handling is here in case there is not any
'data in the worksheet
On Error Resume Next

With ws
'Find the last row
LastRow = .Cells.Find(What:="*", _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
'Find the last column
LastCol = .Cells.Find(What:="*", _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
End With
'Finally, initialize a Range object variable for
'the last populated row.

Set LastCell = ws.Cells(LastRow, LastCol)

End Function

Call procedure for above (not for a worksheet function call)

Sub ShowLastCell()
MsgBox LastCell(Sheet1).Address(False, False)
End Sub
Try MsgBox LastCell(Sheet1).Row
Try MsgBox LastCell(Sheet1).Column

Check to see if active cell is in range A1:A10.

Sub CheckRange()
Dim rng As Range

Set rng = Application.Intersect(ActiveCell, Range("A1:A10"))

If rng Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "It is not in the range.", vbInformation
MsgBox "It's in the range called 'A1:A10'!", vbCritical
End If
End Sub

Current selected rows or cells in a column.

Sub MyCount()
Dim myCount As Long
myCount = Selection.Rows.Count
MsgBox myCount
End Sub

Number of worksheets in a workbook.

Sub MySheetCount()
Dim myCount As Long
myCount = Application.Sheets.Count
MsgBox myCount
End Sub

Copy and paste a range (A1:A3) to active cell in same worksheet.

Sub CopyRange1()
Range("A1:A3").Copy Destination:=ActiveCell
End Sub

Copy and paste a range (A1:A3) to active cell from Sheet3.

Sub CopyRange2()
Sheets("sheet3").Range("A1:A3").Copy Destination:=ActiveCell
End Sub

Show current active cell position (address) co-ordinate

Sub MyPosition()
Dim myRpw, myCol
myRow = ActiveCell.Row
myCol = ActiveCell.Column
MsgBox myRow & "," & myCol
End Sub

Specific Range references

Range(A1) Cell A1
Range(A1:E10) Range A1 to E10
[A1] Cell A1
[A1:E10] Range A1 to E10
ActiveCell.Range(A2) The cell below the active cell
Cell(1) Cell A1
Range(Cells(1,1),Cell(10,5)) Range A1 to E10
Range(A:A) Column A
[A:A] Column A
Range(5:5) Row 5
[5:5] Row 5
Sheets(Sheet1) Sheet called Sheet1
Worksheets(Sheet1) Worksheets called Sheet1
Sheets(2) Second worksheet in workbook
Worksheets(3) Third worksheet in workbook
Worksheets(Sheet1).Range(A1) Cell A1 in Sheet1
[Sheet1].[A1] Cell A1 in Sheet1
ActiveSheet.Next The sheet after the active sheet
Workbook(Test) Workbook file called Test.xls

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Navigation in a worksheet using Offset

Sub MoveDown()
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End Sub

Sub MoveUp()
ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Select
End Sub

Sub MoveRight()
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
End Sub

Sub DownLeft()
ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select
End Sub

Sub LastCellInRange()
End Sub

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Read Window documents

Calling sub procedure passing a string argument.
Use the Private keyword, which is local and invisible via Excel application.
Private Sub ReadFiles(Path As String)
Dim FileName As String

'Initialize a string variable for the first file

'in a specified directory. This sets the Dir( )
'function to that directory.

Select Case Right(Path, 1)

Case "\": FileName = Dir(Path)
Case Else: FileName = Dir(Path & "\")
End Select

'Loop through the specified directory until the

'Dir( ) function returns an empty string, indicating
'there are not any more contents to be evaluated.

Do While Len(FileName) > 0

'Print each file name to the immediate (debug) window
Debug.Print FileName
'Re-initialize the string variable to the next
'file in the directory
FileName = Dir()
End Sub

Call the above in a separate procedure

Sub ListFiles()
ReadFiles "c:\winnt"
End Sub
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General function examples

Displays the period quarter.
Function Qtr(dtOrig As Date) As String
Dim qtrNo As Integer
Dim sQtr As String

Select Case Format(dtOrig, "q")

Case Is = 1
sQtr = "1st Qtr"
Case Is = 2
sQtr = "2nd Qtr"
Case Is = 3
sQtr = "3rd Qtr"
Case Is = 4
sQtr = "4th Qtr"
Case Else 'assume 1
sQtr = "1st Qtr"
End Select
Qtr = sQtr
End Function
In a worksheet, enter the formula: =Qtr(01/01/2010)

Show full path and file name in a worksheet.

Function FileName()
FileName = Application.Caller.Parent.Parent.FullName
End Function
In a worksheet, enter the formula: =FileName()

Return the difference in percentage terms of two values (increase/decrease).

Function PChange(OrigVal As Double, NewVal As Double) As Single
If OrigVal = 0 Then
PChange = ""
PChange = ((NewVal - OrigVal) / Abs(OrigVal))
End If
End Function
In a worksheet, enter the formula: =PChange(100,150) = 50%
(0.5 for unformatted)

Gross Price (inc)

Function TotalValue(Qty As Double, UPrice As Double) As Double
TotalValue = Format((Qty * UPrice * 1.175), "#,##0.00")
End Function

Age (simple)
Function Age2(DOB)
Age2 = Int((Now() - DOB) / 365.25) & " Years old"
End Function

Age (alternative)
Function Age(DOB)
If Month(DOB) > Month(Now) Then
Age = Year(Now) - Year(DOB) - 1
ElseIf Month(DOB) < Month(Now) Then
Age = Year(Now) - Year(DOB)
ElseIf Day(DOB) <= Day(Now) Then
Age = Year(Now) - Year(DOB)
Age = Year(Now) - Year(DOB) - 1
End If
End Function

Returns the cell in range which is underline (single style) or the word unknown
Public Function GetUnderlinedCell(CellRef As Range) As String
Dim c As Integer
Dim sResult As String

'Force Running when Recalculating Since Formatting Only

Application.Volatile True

'Assume Unknown
sResult = "Unknown"

'Loop Thru Each Column and Test for Underline

For c = 1 To CellRef.Columns.Count
If CellRef.Columns(c).Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Then
sResult = CellRef.Columns(c).Value
End If
Next c

'Return Results
GetUnderlinedCell = sResult
End Function
Visual Basic Functions - Choose (Lookup).
Sub LookupExample()
Dim strMonth As String
Dim bytCurMonth As Byte

bytCurMonth = Month(Date)
strMonth = Choose(bytCurMonth, "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", _
"May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
MsgBox "Current month is " & strMonth
End Sub
Also, take a look at the Switch() function using VBA Help.

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Creates a new word document

Creates a new word document and populates the contents of cell B1 along with some basic
You need create a reference to the Word Object Library (8.0/9.0/10.0/11.0) in the VB Editor
Sub CreateMSWordDoc()
On Error GoTo errorHandler

Dim wdApp As Word.Application

Dim myDoc As Word.Document
Dim mywdRange As Word.Range

Set wdApp = New Word.Application

With wdApp
.Visible = True
.WindowState = wdWindowStateMaximize
End With

Set myDoc = wdApp.Documents.Add

Set mywdRange = myDoc.Words(1) 'index range?

With mywdRange
.Text = Range("B1") & vbNewLine & "This above text is _
stored in cell 'B1'."
.Font.Name = "Comic Sans MS"
.Font.Size = 12
.Font.ColorIndex = wdGreen
.Bold = True
End With

Set wdApp = Nothing
Set myDoc = Nothing
Set mywdRange = Nothing
End Sub

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Creates an Outlook message

Creates an Outlook message (new) populating the To, subject and Body properties with the
content stored in cell A1.
You need create a reference to the Outlook Object Library
(8.0/9.0/10.0/11.0) in the VB Editor
Sub SendMessage()
Dim objOL As New Outlook.Application
Dim objMail As MailItem

Set objOL = New Outlook.Application

Set objMail = objOL.CreateItem(olMailItem)

With objMail
.To = "name@domain.com"
.Subject = "Excel VBA to Outlook Message Example"
.Body = "This is an automated message from Excel. " & _
vbNewLine & "The content of cell reference 'A1' is: " & _
End With

Set objMail = Nothing

Set objOL = Nothing
End Sub

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User Form - Input Example
This article steps you through a simple user form input which adds record information into a
Recording macros worksheet.
Looking at the code The form is a basic design with the emphasis on how to build the form and code it to respond to the
Ways of running macros functionality we are after.

Where macros are stored Here's what we are are going to achieve:

Reasons to write macros 1. A user form will load from a button on a worksheet.

Writing macros
Procedure types
Visual Basic editor (VBE)
Rules & conventions
Excel objects
Range/Selection objects
Object hierarchy
Object browser
Chart objects
Pivot Table objects
Visual Basic Functions 2. Users must complete Firstname, Surname and choose a Department (which will
be coded as mandatory fields).
Creating Add-Ins
3. When choosing the Add button it will append to the worksheet (called Data) and
Variables & constants
always find the next available blank row to populate.
Object variables
4. The form will remain open clearing the values ready for the next record input until
Arrays the Close button is clicked.
Collections 5. A private macro (from the standard module) calls the user form (via its worksheet
Message Box button).
VBA Input Box
Excel Input Box There are properties and code for the form, two and buttons and drop-down combo box which we will
need to add the form's private module.
Making decisions (If)
Making decisions (Case)
The order in creating such a feature should loosely follow these steps:
Looping (Do...Loop)
1. Create the user form canvas.
Looping (For...Loop)
2. Add the controls to the form and set various basic properties (including names).
With...End With blocks
3. Add code to the form's controls
User defined functions
4. Code the interaction to the worksheet (& prepare the worksheet layout too).
Event handling
5. Add a macro to call the form and attach to a button on the worksheet.
Error handling
6. Test the process!
Creating User Forms
Create the user form canvas
DAO/ADO Objects
Add a new blank user form the VBA Project.
Input/Output Files
In the VBE Editor, select Insert, UserForm.

Other links
Add the controls to the form
Example code snippets
You need to add the following controls:
Userform input example
1. Two Command Buttons
2. Three Labels
3. Two TextBoxes
4. One ComboBox
5. One CheckBox

Place the controls roughly where you would like to use these control and resize the form.
Don't worry about the exact position for now:
Setting the properties to each control
The following controls can be set using the Properties Window (F4 function key).
First single click to select the control (so it has the focus) and then from the properties changes their

Here's the table for the above controls (and user form itself):
Control Property Value
CommandButton1 Name cmdAdd
Caption Add
Default True
Height 20
Width 60
Left 132
Top 114
TabIndex 4

CommandButton2 Name cmdClose

Caption Close
Cancel True
Height 20
Width 60
Left 198
Top 114
TabIndex 5

Label1 Caption Firstname:

Height 18
Left 12
Top 12
Width 72

Label2 Caption Surname:

Height 18
Left 12
Top 36
Width 72

Label3 Caption Department:

Height 18
Left 12
Top 60
Width 72

TextBox1 Name txtFName

Height 18
Left 84
Top 12
Width 108
TabIndex 0

TextBox2 Name txtSName

Height 18
Left 84
Top 36
Width 108
TabIndex 1
ComboBox1 Name cboDept
Height 18
Left 84
Top 60
Width 108
TabIndex 2

CheckBox1 Name chkManager

Caption Manager
Height 18
Left 84
Top 84
Width 108
TabIndex 3

UserForm1 Name frmDataInput

Caption Data Input Example
Height 162.75
Width 267

You can change some of these properties to taste - this is what I'm using in this example.

Adding code to controls

The next step is start coding the form and it's important that you have at least named the controls you
wish code as it will generate its own event signature.

Starting with the Close button which will simply close and end the user form.
Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
'close the form (itself)
Unload Me
End Sub
Unload Me refers to itself which is quick and easy. To explicitly close a user form, you refer to actual
name of the form. Therefore, using Unload frmDataInput will be the same outcome.

Next, lets add code (run time) to populate the ComboBox control (cboDept) which will dynamically
create four fixed options to choose from.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.cboDept.AddItem "Finance"
Me.cboDept.AddItem "Sales"
Me.cboDept.AddItem "Markerting"
Me.cboDept.AddItem "Human Resources"

Me.txtFName.SetFocus 'position the cursor in this control

End Sub
As the form loads (initialises), it adds four items to the cboDept control and then positions the cursor
in txtFName ready for the user to start keying in data.

You could of course set this in the properties (RowSource) for cboDept instead which refers to range
of cells in a worksheet.

The final piece of code is attached the cmdAdd button control so when users click this event, it will
add the details to the worksheet (Data).
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
Dim i As Integer

'position cursor in the correct cell A2.

i = 1 'set as the first ID

'validate first three controls have been entered...

If Me.txtFName.Text = Empty Then 'Firstname
MsgBox "Please enter firstname.", vbExclamation
Me.txtFName.SetFocus 'position cursor to try again
Exit Sub 'terminate here - why continue?
End If

If Me.txtSName.Text = Empty Then 'Surname

MsgBox "Please enter surname.", vbExclamation
Me.txtSName.SetFocus 'position cursor to try again
Exit Sub 'terminate here - why continue?
End If
If Me.cboDept.Text = Empty Then 'Department
MsgBox "Please choose a department.", vbExclamation
Me.cboDept.SetFocus 'position cursor to try again
Exit Sub 'terminate here - why continue?
End If

'if all the above are false (OK) then carry on.
'check to see the next available blank row start at cell A2...
Do Until ActiveCell.Value = Empty
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select 'move down 1 row
i = i + 1 'keep a count of the ID for later use

'Populate the new data values into the 'Data' worksheet.

ActiveCell.Value = i 'Next ID number
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = Me.txtFName.Text 'set col B
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = Me.txtSName.Text 'set col C
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value = Me.cboDept.Text 'set col D

'Is this person the manager?

If Me.chkManager.Value = True Then 'yes
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value = "Yes" 'Col E
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value = "No" 'Col E
End If

'Clear down the values ready for the next record entry...
Me.txtFName.Text = Empty
Me.txtSName.Text = Empty
Me.cboDept.Text = Empty
Me.chkManager.Value = False

Me.txtFName.SetFocus 'positions the cursor for next record entry

End Sub
The above should be easy to follow (look at the comments).
We don't have to tell the system which worksheet to be in as it is going to be called from a control
(worksheet button) where the data is held in the same worksheet and then hide this procedure from
the Macros dialog box stopping any other way for this form to be called.

Create a worksheet button

In the worksheet in Excel, click the Developer tab from the Ribbon Bar and the Insert icon to drop-
down a list of controls.
Choose the Button control icon from the Forms (section) and draw a button where you wish to place it
(top row, frozen pane area).
In the assigning macro pop-up dialog box, click the New... button to create a module and signature
and add the following code:
Sub Button1_Click()
'load the form
End Sub
Add the keyword Private before the Sub keyword to hide this from the macro dialog box.


This is how the form looks as it is called from the worksheet button control from the Data worksheet.

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