Appendix! Mid Test
Appendix! Mid Test
Appendix! Mid Test
Above di atas, atas, Adverb Above 50,000 feet you need a space suit, a
sebelumnya pressure suit.
Accept menerima Verb And I went onstage to accept a Webby award for
mengabulkan Best Blog
Accord rekening uang cerita Noun You also may be taking into account the fact that
perhitungan nama it's incredibly painful.
harga nilai laporan
catatan tanggungan
Accountable bertanggung-jawab Adjective I think we must make our bosses accountable to
their employees in any way we can.
Across melintasi Preposition Well, naturally, you decide to row across the
menyeberangi Pacific.
melewati seberang
sebelah sana
lintang batas
Act tindakan undang Verb So the act of engaging, and looking at the
undang aksi babak image creates the meaning
adegan pertunjukan
Active aktif bersemangat Adjective It forms a surface that is, say, chemically
cepat menjalar giat active
aktip gesit hidup
masih bekerja
Actor aktor pelaku pria Noun These decisions are clearly a reflection of
sandiwara atau film the Actor's policy
pemain sandiwara
Actress aktris pemain Noun Fernanda Montenegro is a very popular
sandiwara pelaku actress.
wanita sandiwara
atau film
Actual sebenarnya Adjective And talk about where metaphors and reality
sesungguhnya mix -- this is the actual school.
memang betul-
betul aktual
Admit mengakui Verb And I admit the truth to them right up front:
mengenal I don't know.
Adopt mengadopsi Verb Any society can adopt these institutions, and
menyetujui when they doadvance
Advance kemajuan persekot Adverb Now let's advance to 10,000 years before the
cumbuan uang present.
muka penaikan
rayuan kenaikan
hardly Hampir Tidak / Adverb Hes is hardly likely to admit he was wrong
have Memiliki verb I have to go
high Tinggi Adjective Her shoes were black, with high heels.
however Namun Adverb However you look at it, its going to cost a
human Manusia Adjective A terrible loss of human life
Memory Ingatan, daya Noun I have happy memories of my visit with you.
Mention Menyebutkan, Verb Mention your friend here.
Sebutan Noun
Mere Belaka Adjective The mere thought filled me with terror.
More Lebih Adj He had read more books than the rest of us.
The dress cost more than I expected.
Lebihbanyak Adv I have more chocolate if you want to.
Berlebih Noun
Moreover Selainitu, lagi pula Adjective She is smart, moreover, she is always
Morning Pagi Noun I usually clean my room in the morning.
Most Sebagianbesar N Most of girls like cute things.
Yang terbanyak Adj She has the most shoes than the rest of us.
That group is the most famous idol in this
Paling Adv country.
Mother Ibu Noun She will meet her mother tomorrow.
Mengasuh Verb That old man has mothered many children.
Motor Motor, mesin Noun The mechanic put a new motor in the car.
Mountain Gunung Noun Thin town is surrounded by the mountains.
Mouth Mulut Noun The mouth is the first portion that receives
Move Berpindah, Verb She just moved here two days ago.
memindah He doesnt think about the situation before
Langkah, aksi Noun he made a move.
Mrs. Nyonya Noun Mrs. Obama went to LA yesterday.
Much Banyak Noun There is always much to do before the
Adjective holidays.
Adverb There isnt much time before the sun goes
The others dont like him much.
Music Music Noun Richard Parklikes to produce music.
Must Harus Auxiliary verb We must breathe in order to live.
His new novel is a must for all lovers of
Keharusan Noun crime fiction.
Name Nama Noun Tobenis a name of his dog.
Nation Bangsa Noun Mexico is a nation in North America.
Native Pendudukasli Noun This river has been fished by natives for
Asli Adjective thousand year.
Spanish is a native language.
Nature Alam Noun A camping trip is a best way to experience
Sifatdasar nature.
Near Dekat Preposition He bought a house near the ocean.
Weve heard several near misses in that
Adjective construction.
We walked near five miles on our hike.
Hampir Adverb
Necessary Perlu Adjective Tom said he would draw a map for her if
Necessity Keperluan Noun Eight hours of sleep every night is a
necessity for healthy person.
Need Perlu Verb - I need to stay here a while.
Keperluan Noun - Their eating needs are many.
Neighbor Tetangga Noun My neighbor is a Korean.
Neither Juga tidak Conjunction Neither Dania nor I really know Raditya.
Never Tidakpernah Adverb I never sleep on bed.
New Baru Adjective Her hairstyle is new.
News Berita Noun She hears that there is a good news from her
Newspaper Koran Noun She always reads newspaper in living room.
Next Selanjutnya Adverb My house is next to his house.
Di sebelah Adjective
Setelahitu Preposition
Sesuatu yang ada Noun
di sebelah
Night Malam Noun I can not sleep at night.
Nine Sembilan Noun, nominal There are nine apple inside of refrigerator.
No Tidak, tiada Adjective There is no book inside of my bag.
Tidak Adverb
Noble Mulia Adjective That two noble women are willing to do all
Bangsawan Noun that they could to save the city from all
None Tidaksatupun Pronoun None have good vision.
Nor Maupun Conjunction Neither Dania nor I really know Raditya.
North Utara Noun I came from the north.
Not Tidak Adverb They do not know about me.
Note Catatan Noun I Always write important thing on my note.
Notice Memperhatikan Verb Oh my God, he notice me!
Now Sekarang Adverb Thank God, I still breathing now.
Number Angka, jumlah Noun The number of that dust is countless.
Numerical Menurutangka Adverb She mentions numerical factor of
Numerous Banyak sekali Adjective Loey and his numerous followers on
instagram are playing a game.
Object Objek Noun Loey is looking for any object for his photo
shoot idea.
Observe Mengamati Verb Aisobserving childrens psychological.
Occasion Kesempatan Noun I hope that I can have good occasion like
Of Dari, untuk, Preposition We have a cute design of bouquet.
karena, akan
Off Mati Abbreviation
Offer Menawarkan Verb He offers me some coffee.
Office Kantor Noun I still in my office.
Official Resmi Adjective She is an official fan of EXO.
Pejabat Noun
Often Sering Adverb She often watches YouTube.
Oh Oh Exclamation Oh my God, I still live!
Oil Minyak Noun I bought an olive oil yesterday.
Old Tua, lama Adjective Many buildings in the old part of the city are
falling down, and the goverment has no
money to repair them.
On diatas, di, pada, Preposition Theyre driving to Jakarta on Tuesday
Once sekali, pernah adverb I spoke to him only once.
suatu waktu, suatu noun For once I wish youd tell me the truth.
One Satu, suatu, sama, adjective They spoke with one voice.
Seorang pronoun There were lot of people watching, and not
one of them offered to help.
Satu, orangnya, noun Hes the one I want to marry someday.
nomor satu
Only Hanya, saja adverb Only a few hundred houses survived the
hurricane without any damage.
Tunggal , satu- Adjective Being healthy is the only thing that is
satunya important to me.
Open Terbuka, buka Adjective I stopped the car when I realised that the
door was open
Membuka, buka Verb I will open the shop an hour early tomorrow.
Luaran Noun I cant believe you left my cat out in the
open when you knew it was going to rain
this afternoon.
Operate Menjalankan, verb Many foreign companies operate factories in
mengoperasi Indonesia
Opinion Pendapat, noun My doctor has referred me to a specialist for
anggapan, pikiran a second opinion on the results of my blood
Opportunity Kesempatan noun If you delay now, the opportunity might be
Or Atau, apa conjunction It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, it's
taking part that's important
Warna kuning, noun Or is the heraldic color gold or yellow
warna emas
Order Urutan, pesanan noun I got an email saying that the order has been
Memesan, verb There are no shirts left in this size but we
memerintahkan could order one for you/order you one.
Ordinary Biasa, normal adjective He looked so ordinary, I never thought he'd
be capable of murder.
Sesuatu yang biasa, noun She expected him to act like a star, but she
sesuatu yang was surprised at his ordinariness.
lumrah, kebiasaan
Organize Mengatur, verb They organized a meeting between the
mempersiapkan owners and workers.
Other Lain, satu lagi Adjective stick the camera on a tripod or some other
means of support
Orang lain, yang Pronoun Some people prefer a vegetarian diet, while
lain others prefer a meat-based diet.
Otherwise Sebaliknya adjective He might have told you he was a qualified
technician, but the truth is quite otherwise.
jika tidak, lain, adverb The police believe he is the thief, but all the
kalau tidak evidence suggests otherwise
Ought Nol, orang yang tak noun all his efforts will have been for ought
berarti, sia sia
Seharusnya, patut, modal verb thanks for your letter which I ought to have
sebaiknya, lebih answered sooner
Out di luar, ke luar adverb He took a deep breath and let it out slowly,
trying to relax.
tdk lagi berkuasa, adjective I phoned him but he was out, so I left a
tidak di tempat message with his mother
Per Setiap, tiap preposition The train sped along at over 120 miles per
Perhaps Mungkin, adverb There were perhaps 500 people at the
barangkali, boleh seminar.
jadi, konon, boleh
juga, kalau-kalau,
permit Surat, Surat Izin Noun You'll need a special permit if you want to
use the facilities regularly
Mengizinkan, Verb Smoking is not permitted anywhere in this
membiarkan, theatre.
Person Orang Noun She is talking to a person right now.
Picture Gambar Noun This picture told about Javanese culture.
Piece Potongan Adverb He gives me a piece of paper.
Place Tempat Noun This party takes place at Slamet Riyadi
Plain Daratan, dataran. Noun The boys play kites in the plain.
Plan Rencana Noun In 2 next years, I have a plan to go to
Plant Tanaman Noun Plants produce oxygen for us to breathe.
Play Main, Bermain Verb Puteri likes to play with her dolls.
Please Silakan, tolong Adverb Read this book, please.
Point Ujung, titik Noun This point of pencil has reached its top.
Political Politik Adjective Every political party should think about their
unemployment problems.
Poor Miskin Adjective This book is poor by its containing
compared to others.
Popular Terkenal Adjective Taylor Swift is so popular singer.
Population Jumlah penduduk, Noun Orchid population decreases years by years.
Position Kedudukan Noun My position is lower than Bowos in Mobile
Legend game.
Possess Memiliki Verb That red car possessed to me.
Possible Mungkin Adjective All things in this world are possible if we
dont give up.
Post Surat kabar Noun My father always reads posts in the
Pound Pon (satuan berat) Noun 1 kilogram is 0.453 pounds.
Poverty Kemiskinan Noun We can avoid poverty if we do Sodakoh.
Power Kekuatan Noun The electrical exceeds the power.
Prepare Menyiapkan Verb I prepare myself to face the exam.
Present Menyampaikan Verb I present this presentation in the classroom.
President Presiden Noun President of Indonesia is Mr. Joko Widodo
Press Menekan Verb We have to press the dough to make it flat.
Pressure Tekanan Noun The air pressure today is about 25 atm.
Pretty Cantik Adjective Those roses are pretty
Prevent Mencegah Verb We have to plant some tress to prevent
Price Harga Noun This laptops price is about 4 million rupiah.
Private Pribadi Adjective This room is private room in the jail.
Problem Masalah Noun He can face his mental problems by seeing
the doctor.
Produce Menghasilkan Verb Tress produces oxygen for us.
Product Produk, hasil Noun We have to love our country product.
Profit Keuntungan Noun Her company always get many profit every
Progress Kemajuan Noun She get an progress of extracurricular
Promise Janji Noun He promise to give me ticket movies
Proof Tahan Adjective The paint of roof available to water proof
Proper Tepat Adjective She proper to choose her soulmate
Property Kekayaan Noun Her mother have a property in tow city
Propose Mengusulkan Verb I will propose to change this room
Protect Melindungi Verb My mother always protect me Everytime
Prove Membuktikan Verb She proved that her statement can be
Provide Menyediakan Verb Tania always provided food to her cat
Provision Ketentuan Noun The regulation have a provision for driver
Public Umum Noun The public transportation give good service
to her customer
Pull Menarik Verb My brother always pulled my dress in the
night parties
Purpose Tujuan Noun The purpose describe how to make people
always obey the regulation
Put Menaruh Verb I always forget to put my jacket in bag
Quality Kualitas Noun The company always increase her quality
Quantity Kuantitas Noun The company always increase her quantity
Quarter Perempat Noun The football champion still in final quarter
Queen Ratu Noun The Queen of London look so beautiful
Question Pertanyaan Noun I have a question to your statement
Quite Cukup Adverb I'm quite comfortable in this Garden
Race Membalap Verb I'm so excited cause i can see racing motor
Raise Menaikkan Verb She wasn't raised weight before her party
Rank Tingkat Noun She get first rank in the match champion
Rate Menilai Verb My teacher always rate that intelligence is
number one to look
Rather Agak Adverb My first day in the university was rather
Reach Mencapai Verb In the future i can reach my dream
Read Membaca Verb She always read her novel everywhere
Ready Siap Adjective I'm ready to be Safety Officer
Real Nyata Adjective In the past i get dream that i will married last
month, and look so real
Realize Menyadari Verb He realized that carrying on not good
Really Sungguh Adverb The flowers is really beautiful in the places
Reason Alasan Noun You have reason to buy your favorite book
Receipt Tanda terima Noun Can i have her receipt please ?
Receive Menerima Verb I received a phone call from your mother
Recent Baru Adjective Things have changed in recent weeks recent
Recognize Kenal Verb I recognized him by his voice
Record Catatan Noun I wish to keep a record of everything that is
said at this meeting
Red Merah Adjective Her eyes were red with crying
Reduce Menurnkan, Verb The train reduced speed
Refuse Menolak, Tidak Verb When I asked him to leave, he refused
Regard Menganggap Verb I regard his conduct as totally unacceptable
Relation Hubungan Noun The aim of the talks is to establish friendly
relations between the two countries
Relative Kerabat, keluarga Noun All his relatives attended the funeral
Religion Agama Noun Christianity and Islam are two different
Remain Tersisa Verb Only two tins of soup remain
Remark Komentar Noun The chairman made a few remarks, then
introduced the speaker
remember Mengingat Noun I remember you, we met three years ago
Reply Mengulang Verb The match ended in a draw, it will have to be
kembali replayed
Report Laporan Noun A police report on the accident
Represent Mewakili Verb You have been chosen to represent our
association at the conference
Republic Republik Noun The United States is a republic, but the
United Kingdom is not
Reserve Memesan Verb The restaurant is busy on Saturday, so Ill
phone up today and reserve a table
Respect Rasa Hormat Noun He is held in great respect by everyone
Rest Istirahat Noun I need a rest from all these problems, so im
going to take a weeks holiday
Result Akibat Noun His deafness is the result of a car accident
Return Kembali Verb He returned to London from Paris yesterday
Rich Kaya Adjective This part of the country is rich in coal
Ride Menunggang, Verb He rides to work everday on an old bicycle
Right Kanan, tepat Adjective When Im writing, I hold my pen in my right
Ring Cincin Noun She wears a diamond ring from her husband
Rise Meningkat Verb If the river rises much more, there will be a
River Sungai Noun Rivers often flood every spring or summer
each year
Road Jalan Noun This road takes you past my school
Rock Batu Noun The climber was killed by a falling rock
Roll Gumpalan, Noun Id like to get rid of these rolls of fat round
gulungan my waist
Room Ruangan Noun Theres no room for you in our car
Rough Berat Adjective The plan had a rough flight in the storm
Round Ronde / babak Noun We waited through the round of many years
Royal Raja/Kerajaan/meg Adjective We were entertained royal
Rule Peraturan/kebiasaa Noun This country is under the rule of a dictator.
Run Lari Noun I can run everywhere
Safe Aman / Selamat Adjective Can you give me a safe place?
Sail Layar / pelayaran Noun They went for sail around the island.
Sale Penjualan / obral Noun That restaurant have a great sale.
Salt Garam Noun Anecdotes are the salt of his narrative.
Same Sama / serupa Adjective This street is the same one we were on
Saturday HariSabtu Noun I have a lot of schedule in Saturday.
Save Menyelamatkan Verb This technique is to save someone from
Say Mengatakan Noun What do you say?
Scarce Jarang / langka Adjective Meat and butter were scarce during the war.
Scene Adegan / Noun He returned to the scene of the murder.
School Sekolah Noun Where do you school?
Science Ilmupengetahuan Noun I love mathematical science.
Sea Laut Noun Lets go to the North Sea.
Season Musim / masa Noun I like it, when the rainy season come.
Seat Tempatduduk Noun The heart is the seat of passion.
Second Detik / nomordua Noun This is your second chance.
Secret Rahasia Noun Awesome, its really the secrets of nature.
Secretary Sekretaris Noun Are you his secretary?
See Melihat Verb I cant see him as president.
Seem Nampaknya / rupa- Verb She seem better this morning.
Sell Menjual Verb This store sells my favorite brand.
Send Mengirim Verb Can you help me to send a letter?
Sense Perasaan / Noun My sense of smell tells me that dinner is
pengertian ready.
Sensitive Peka Adjective She is very sensitive
Separate Salinan / terpisah / Verb We can separate the variables to solve the
tersendiri equation.
Serious serius Adjective His interest was serious.
Serve Menyajikan Verb Come early, were serving at six.
Service Jasa / Serpis Noun I want to go to the television repair service.
Set Kumulan / Noun The set of his mind was obvious.
perlengkapan /
MencapaiKesepaka We haven't quite settled who's responsible
Settle Verb
tan for what.
Seven Tujuh Number She has seven cats
Several Beberapa Pronoun I've seen the movie "Titanic" several times
in the cinema
Falaq follows his girlfriend all day like a
Shadow Bayangan Noun
Shake Kocok Verb shake the bottle before you drink it
If you do that one more time, I shall be very
Shall Akan Verb
Yesi's birthday cake was in the shape of a
Shape Bentuk Noun
He is very possessive about his money and
Share Berbagi Verb
finds it difficult to share
She Dia (Wanita) Pronoun She is very cute
Wax polish gives a high shine to wood
Shine Bersinar Verb
Ship Kapal Noun That ship made in PT PAL
Shoot Tembak Verb he shot the bird with the firearm
We could hear waves crashing against the
Shore Pantai Noun
Short Pendek Adjective He has short hair
If you're annoyed with him, you should tell
Should Harus Verb
Then she put her arm around my shoulder
Shoulder Bahu Noun
and gave me a kiss.
Show Tampil Verb Tonight, Warkop show on NET TV
Side Sisi Noun I walked around the side of the building.
If your sight is poor, you should not drive a
Sight Penglihatan Noun
He asked her to sign a prenuptial agreement
Sign Tanda Verb
when they got engaged.
Silence Diam Verb You must silence in library
Silver Perak Noun Colour of this sword is silver
Simple Sederhana Adjective I,m the simple man
The Squadlantis Tower was built here since
Since Sejak Adverb
Sing Menyanyi Verb I will sing that song
Single Tunggal Adjective She is a single parent
Sir Tuan Noun Would you like to see the menu, sir?
Sister Saudara (wanita) Noun My sister has born in 2000
Sit Duduk Verb Im sit in this chair
Situation Situasi Noun Her news put me in a difficult situation.
Look for a bus with a number six on the
Six Enam Number
front of it.
Size Ukuran Noun What is the size of that window?
Sky Langit Noun Look the sky, its wonderful
Sleep Tidur Verb Retno to sleep every morning
Small Kecil Adjective Your dress size is smaller than usual
Smile Tersenyum Verb He was smiling
Snow Salju Noun He was surprised to see the first snow
So Begitu, jadi Verb When the exam he did so quickly
Social Sosial Adjective He is very active in the social environment
Society Masyarakat Noun She shunned the society of others
Soft Lembut Adjective The soft glow of the lamps
Soldier Tentara Noun Indonesian soldier stronger than malaysia
Some Beberapa Adjective Some vegetables are bought in the market
Son Putra Noun Ministers son passed college
Soon will come the president of turkey
Soon Segera Adverb
Sort Menyortir Adverb Many foods should be sorted
Soul Jiwa Noun A solo city of over 10000 soul
Sound Suara Noun Light travels faster than sound
South Selatan Noun The breeze came from the south
Space Ruang Noun D4 K3 has 3 spaces
Speak Berbicara Verb She tried to speak to Seth about his drinking
They always made a special effort at
Special Khusus Adjective
Speed Kecepatan Verb He adds motor gear at high speed
Spend Menghabiskan Verb To spend the holidays he gies to town
Spirit Semangat Noun He is too spirit to do the work
Spite Dendam Noun Hed think I was saying it out of spite
Spot Tempat Noun A nice secluded spot
Spread Penyebaran Noun The spread of flu is very fast
Spring Musim semi Noun UNS is having spring
Square Kotak, persegi Noun The square table is kept in use
Stage Panggung Noun Big stage will fill the artist of the capital
The man had been standing in the queue for
Stand Berdiri Noun
a long time
Standart income tax rates made by the
Standart Standar Noun
Star Bintang Noun Stars in the sky look bright at night
Start Mulai Verb College B class start tomorrow
State Negara Noun Indonesian stataehas many natural resources
Station Stasiun Noun Train station in Klaten temporary cover
Stay Tinggal untuk Verb Can you staf for a while, please?
berdiam, tetap
Steel Baja Noun This sword is made from rare steel.
Step Langkah Noun Be carefull, watch your step.
Still Masih Adverb I am still studying english.
Stock Persediaan Noun We out of stock.
Stone Batu Noun This stone is too heavy for me.
Stop Berhenti Verb You can stop the car over there.
Story Cerita Noun Please, tell me a story before i sleep.
Strange Aneh Adjective You looks so strange today.
Stream Cucuran Noun You even can see a stream of blood from his
Street Jalan Noun Dont play football on the street.
Strength Kekuatan Noun That player has strong strength.
Strike Serangan Noun America did the deadly strike to middle east.
Strong Kuat Adjective I have a strong arm.
Struggle Berkelahi Verb John and Ben struggled together on the field.
Student Siswa Noun I am a good student.
Study Belajar Verb i am studying right now.
Subject Pokok Noun Did we miss the subject?
Substance Bahan Noun That matter is made from rare substance.
Succeed mengganti Verb Days succeed night.
Such Sangat, Sungguh Adjective You are such a kind man.
Suffer Menderita Verb Julia is suffering from cancer for many
Suggest Memberi kesan Verb Can you suggest me?
Summer Musim Panas Noun This is my best summer.
Sun Matahari Noun The sun is so hot today.
Sunday Hari Minggu Noun can we go out in sunday?
Supply Pasokan Noun We out of supply.
Support Dukungan Noun Please give support to cancer fighter.
Suppose Mengira Verb I suppose that he is rich.
Sure Tentu, pasti, yakin Adjective Are you sure abot that?
Surface Permukaan Noun The surface of the water is so calm.
Surprise Terkejut Verb Lets surprise him.
Surround Mengelilingi, Verb The strategy of this war is we must surround
Mengepung teh rival team
Sweet Manis Adverb My sister has a sweet doll, she cant sleep
without it
Sword Pedang Noun As a soldier we must have skill to use sword
System Sistem Noun The regulation of government require that
we must make a new system in safety sector
Table Meja Noun My school buy many table for new building
Take Mengambil Verb My brother take my car without my
Talk Berbicara Verb My brother liker cat, he like talk to it
Tax Pajak Noun The cost of tax of my country is so high
because is has fertile land
Teach Mengajar Verb This night I must teach my sister in math
Tear Air mata Noun The story of this film is so sadden. It makes
my tears fall down
Tell Menceritakan Verb The teacher in play ground always tell a new
story to entertain the children
Temple Candi Noun Borobudur temple is the biggest temple in
the word
Ten Sepuluh Term : masa/ We must choose a good person for long term
waktu relationship
Test Ujian Noun We will have a english test next week
Than Dari pada Adverb This car can run faster than a horse
The Ini atau Itu The car is not mine
Then Kemudian Adverb He no say something and run to that
There Disana Adverb If you go there you will see something
Therefore Oleh karena itu Adverb The lesson is so hard therefore you must
study hard too
They Mereka Pronoun They are my friends
Thing Benda Noun I have something in my bag, you must to see
Think Berpikir Verb He look so bad, I know that he think
Thirteen Tigabelas
Thirty Tigapuluh
This Ini
Though Meskipun Though rainy he still spirit to go to school
Thousand Ratusn
Three Tiga
Through Melalui Verb Mr. President ever through this way
Throw Melempar Verb Thats mas trow the rock to this house
Thursday Kamis
Thus Jadi She is sick thus she cant go out
Till Hingga Preposition We waited till six thirty for you
Time Waktu Noun She wants to spend more time with his
To Untuk Preposition He agreed to help me
Today Hari ini Adverb, Noun What's the date today?
Together Bersama Adverb We worked together on a research project
We have tons of food left over from
Ton Jumlahbesar Noun
the party
Too Terlalu Adverb It's too hard (for me) to explain.
Top Puncak Noun Their house is on the top of a hill.
Total Total/Jumlah Noun he scored a total of thirty-three goals
Touch Sentuh Verb Don't touch the machine when it's in use.
Toward Menuju Preposition The hurricane is heading toward Florida
Town Kota Noun He was born in the small town
Trade Perdagangan Noun We are planning to develop our export trade
Train Melatih Noun We're trying to train our cat to sit
Travel Bepergian Verb I travel to singapore by plane
Tree Pohon Noun A fallen tree is blocking the road
Trouble Kesulitan Noun I had trouble finding somewhere to park
True Benar Adjective I feel I've found my true vocation.
Trust Mempercayai Verb My mother warned me not to trust her
Try Mencoba Verb We must try to spend less money
Tuesday Selasa Noun We always meet on Tuesday
Turn Belok Verb The wheels started to turn
Twelve DuaBelas (12) Noun The cafeteria opens for lunch at twelve
Twenty DuaPuluh (20) Noun It takes me twenty minutes to get to work
Two Dua (2) Noun They have two houses
Some types of jellyfish have a powerful
Type Jenis Noun
Under Dibawah Preposition He hid under the bed
Understand Memahami Verb My friend doesnt understand me
The car workers union is demanding a pay
Union Serikat Noun
rise this year
Unite Bersatu Verb He called on the party to unite
I graduated from SebelasMaret University in
University Universitas Noun
I cant let you in unless you give the
Unless Kecuali Conjunction
We didnt arrive at our hotel until after
Until Sampai Preposition
Up Diatas Adverbia Put the books up on the top table
Upon di atas preposition He climbed upon his horse and rode off.
Use menggunakan verb She used her key to open the front door.
Usual biasa adjective He says the usual things.
Valley lembah noun The village has a beautiful valley.
Value nilai noun My father believes in the value of education.
Variety macam noun Every group studies a wide variety of topic.
Various berbagai adjective She sold dresses of various color.
Very sangat adverb Her dress was very beautiful.
Vessel kapal noun Its an oil drilling vessel
Victory kemenangan noun They celebrate their victory.
View pemandangan noun The mountain has a beautiful view.
Village desa noun They live in the beautiful village.
Virtue kebajikan noun Jokowi appealed to virtue.
Visit mengunjungi verb I came to visit my mother.
Voice Suara noun Her voice is very beautiful.
Vote Memilih verb I vote him to be the leader.
Wage upah noun He had a pretty low-wage job.
Wait Menunggu verb I will be waiting for you.
Walk berjalan verb I walked across the road.
Wall dinding noun His bike bit the wall.
Want menginginkan verb I want an apple.
War perang noun He won in the war last night.
Watch menonton verb I watching television in my room.
Water air Noun Give me a glass of water!
Wave ombak Noun There is a wave in the sea.
Way jalan noun There is only one way to get out from this
We kita pronouns In this section we discuss the reasons.
Wealth kekayaan noun He used his wealth to bribe officials.
Wear memakai verb She was wearing a white dress.
Wednesday Rabu adverb The meeting will be held on Wednesday.
Week minggu noun The course lasts twenty weeks.
welcome menyambut verb Hotels should welcome guests in their own
Well baik adjective Your team played well last night.
West barat noun It will become windy in the west.
Western Kebaratbaratan adjective I like western movie
What Apa Pronoun What will you do?
When kapan pronoun When are you going?
Where dimana pronoun Where is my phone?
Whether apakah conjunction I doubt whether this computer will work
Which yang pronoun The book which she bought was very
While selagi conjunction While I was in Bali, I went to see Garuda
White putih adjective She has a white faced
Who siapa Pronoun Who are you?
Whole keseluruhan noun You will need a whole lot more water
Why kenapa pronoun Why did you come so late?
Wide luas adjective The road was wide enough for one car
Wife istri noun Daniels wife is so beautiful
Wild liar adjective The tiger is young and wild
Will akan verb I will go to the zoo last month
Win kemenangan noun Its not my win, its ours
Wind angin noun A strong wind come every morning
Window jendela noun Please close the window
Winter musimdingin noun I really love winter
Wise bijaksana adjective I hope I will meet a wise person
Wish keinginan verb I wish I graduate on September next year
With dengan conjungtion Can you handle this stuff with care?
Within dalam adverb His goal was now within reach
Without tanpa proposition I cant do without my glasses
Woman wanita noun I am no longer a little girl, I am a woman
Wonder penasaran verb I was wondering, who is the boy?
Wood kayu noun This chair made by wood
Word kata noun I need to watch my word
Work pekerjaan verb There are so many work today
World dunia noun I love to watch animals world
Worth berharga adjective The shoes is worth Rp. 300.000
Would akan verb He said he would study harder
Wound luka noun His wound must be covered
Write Menulis Verb He wrote his name on the paper
Wrong Salah Adjective That is the wrong answer
Year Tahun Noun She had a composure well beyond her years
Yes Iya Noun Yes, I understand
Yesterday Kemarin Noun Yesrerday was tuesday
Yet Namun Adverb I havent told anyone else yet
Yield Menghasilkan Noun The milk yield was poor
You Kamu Pronoun Are you listening ?
Young Muda Adjective A young girl
Youth Pemuda Noun He had been a keen sportsman in his youth
Abroad Di luar negeri Adverb We usually abroard for a week in may
Absence Ketiadaan Noun The letter had arrived during his absence
Absent Tidak hadir Adjective Most students were absent from school at
least once
Absolute Mutlak Adjective Absolute secrecy
Absolutely Benar Adverb She trusted him absolutely
Accident Kecelakaan Noun He had an accident at the factory
Accuse Menuduh Verb He was accused of murdering his wifes
Accustom Membiasakan Verb I accustomed my eyes to the lenses
Ache Sakit Noun An ache in her heart
Admire Mengagumi Verb I admire your courage
Advertise Mengiklankan Verb A billboard advertising beer
Advice Nasihat Noun She visited the island on her doctors advice
Afford Mampu Verb The best that i could afford was a first-floor
Afraid Takut Adjective Im afraid of dogs
Afternoon Sore Noun I telephoned this afternoon
Agriculture Pertanian Noun Success in obtaining the required output of
food from agriculture depends on soil
Ahead Di depan Adverb He had to give his attention to the road
Aim Tujuan Noun Our primary aim is to achieve financial
Airplane Terbang Noun The relevant categories for our operations
are the weight shift and fixed wing or
airplane categories
Alike Sama Adjective The brothers were very much alike
Alive Hidup Adjective Hopes of finding anyone still alive were
Aloud Nyaring Adverb He read the letter aloud
Altogether Sama sekali adverb I stopped seeing her altogether
Ambition Ambisi noun He has a great ambition to be a great
Amuse Menghibur verb The baby really amuses me
Anger Kemarahan noun Please dont put your anger on me!
Angle Sudut noun Viewed from this angle is beautiful
Annoy Mengganggu verb Are you trying to annoy me?
Anxiety Kegelisahan noun The kid give his mother anxiety by not
coming for 2 days
Apart Terpisah adverb I dont want to live apart from you
Apologize Meminta maaf verb Let me apologize for that mistake
Apology Permintaan maaf noun He create an apologyfor this statement
Applaud Menghargai verb She applaud my effort
Applause Tepuk tangan noun Give your applause for him
Apple Apel noun She buy some apple in the market
Approve Menyetujui verb You have to approve this proposal right now
Arch Melengkungkan verb The rainbow arches across the sky
Argue Memperdebatkan verb We were arguing tax-rate with some experts
Arrange Menyusun verb They hoped to arrange a meeting
Arrest Menangkap verb The police arrested him for possession of
Arrow Anak panah noun He was dead on the floor with an arrow
sticking out of his neck
Artificial Tiruan adjective We put an artificial grass on the yard
Ash Abu noun Coal contains higer levels of ash
Ashamed Malu adjective You should be ashamed of yourself after
what youve done
Aside Ke/ di samping adverb Please put that thing aside
Asleep Tertidur adverb He fall asleep
Astonish Mengherankan verb Her conduct astonished me
Attend Menghadiri verb Jokowi attended the opening of SEA games
Attention Perhatian noun Thank you for your attention
Attract Menarik verb He is trying to attract your attention
Audience Hadirin noun The audience seemed enthusiastic
Aunt Bibi noun My aunts name is Yuni
Autumn Musim gugur noun Last autumn we went to visit our grandma
Avenue Kesempatan noun Many avenues are open to him
Appendix 2
Decline Menurun Verb His interest in the project declined after his
wife died.
Deduce Menyimpulkan Verb We cannot deduce very much from these
Define Menetapkan Verb Your rights and responsibilities are defined in
the citizens' charter.
Definite Pasti Adjective She has very definite opinions.
Demonstrate Mendemonstrasi Verb These problems demonstrate the importance of
kan strategic planning.
Denote Menunjukkan Verb The colour red is used to denote passion or
Deny Menyangkal Verb He will not confirm or deny the allegations
Depress Menekan Verb This weather depresses me.
Derive Memperoleh Verb She derived great satisfaction from helping
other people.
Design Desain Verb He's designed dresses for many celebrities
Despite Meskipun preposition I still enjoyed the week despite the weather.
entity Sesuatu yang adj church and empire were fused in a single entity
sungguh ada
environment Lingkungan Noun I lived in hostile environments, surrounded by
religious bigotry where no one understood me
Equate menyamakan Verb Some people equate the rizal to Mancing Mania
Equip melengkapi Verb The phone equiped with a face detector that
serves to recognize the owner.
Equivalent setara Adjective I think that covering up the facts is equivalent
to lying really.
Erode mengikis Verb The cliffs are eroding several feet a year.
Error kesalahan Noun He admitted that he'd made an error.
Establish mendirikan Verb The brewery was established in 1822.
Estate perkebunan Noun She left her entire estate to her niece.
Estimate memperkirakan Verb They estimate that the journey will take at least
two weeks.
Ethic etika Noun The ethics of occupational safety and healtexist
to protect workers.
Ethnic etnis Adjective Conflicts between the different ethnic groups in
the country exploded into civil war.
Evaluate evaluasi Verb It's impossible to evaluate these results without
knowing more about the research methods
Eventual akhirnya Adjective The price was what decided our eventual
choice of food.
Evident terbukti Adjective Her love for him was evident in all that she did.
Evolve berkembang Verb Darwin's theory states apes evolve into humans
Exceed melebihi Verb The final cost should not exceed Rp 650.000,-.
Exclude pengecualian Verb We can't exclude the possibility that he is going
with her.
Exhibit menunjukkan Verb He try to exhibit his ability.
Expand memperluas Verb We can expand our knowledge by reading.
Expert ahli Noun He is an expert in Math.
Explicit jelas Adjective I gave her very explicit directions how to get
Exploit memanfaatkan Verb Finding myself in a dream situation, I exploited
it to the full.
Export ekspor Verb Indonesia is one of the largest coffee exporters
in the world
Expose membuka Verb Embarrassing details of their private life were
exposed to the public.
External luar Adjective From a fight, they got a pretty severe external
Extract ekstrak Noun The lemon extract in this recipe gives it extra
Facilitate mempermudah Verb The new ramp will facilitate the entry of
Fee Biaya Noun The hospital fees are very expensive.
File Berkas Noun A file of correspondec.
Final Akhir Noun An examination at final term.
Finance Keuangan Noun The finance department of Bank A has also
been developed.
Finite Terbatas Adjective The exam time is very limited.
Flexible Lentur Adjective The rubber is very flexible.
Fluctuate Naik turun Verb Trade with other countries tends to fluctuate
from year to year
Focus Memusatkan Adverb The study will focus on a number of areas in
Format Format Noun The format of the structural homework.
Formula Rumus Noun A legal formula.
Forthcoming Yang akan Adjective The forthcoming basketball season.
Foundation Pondasi/dasar Noun This idea is the foundation of all modern
Founded Didirikan Adjective The monastery was founded in 1665.
Framework Kerangka Noun A conservatory in a delicate framework of iron
Function Fungsi Noun Bridges perform the function of providing
access across wate
Fund Dana Noun He had set up a fund to coordinate economic
Fundamentals dasar Noun Two courses cover the fundamentals of
Furthermore Selain itu Adverb This species has a quiet charm and,
furthermore, is an easy garden plan
Gender Jenis kelamin Noun Classification of the workplace is based by
Generate Membangkitkan Verb Changes that are likely to generate controversy.
Generation Generasi Noun Methods of electricity generation
Globe Bumi Noun Collecting goodies from all over the globe.
Goal Tujuan Noun Going to jannah has become the most important
goal in his life.
Grade Kelas/tingkat Noun
Grant Dana Noun The land will be donated for the construction of
the mosque
Guarantee Menjamin Verb BPJS guarantee the health of the workplace.
Guideline Garis pedoman Noun Safety Executive also issued guidelines for
working safely on the Bay.
Hence Karena itu Adverb Hence, be gone
Hierarchy Hirarki Noun There are 5 ways hierarchy of control to
minimize risks in workplace
Highlight Hal/acara yang Noun Obama become highlight in media because his
penting coming to Indonesia.
Verb Some news highlights cases about corruption in
Indonesia goverment.
Hypothesis Hipotesis Noun Different hypotheses have been proposed to
explain the mechanism of attachment.
Identical Sama, serupa Adjective Sani and Rosi use identical shoes.
Identify Mengenal, Verb Police have identified the murder victim last
memperkenalka night.
Ideology Ideologi Noun He does not subscribe to the ideology if any
political party.
Ignorant Tidak peduli, Adjective He acted like an ignorant man.
tidak tahu
Illustrate Menghiasi, Verb Teacher illustrate the incident seriously.
Image Gambar Noun She set her image as photo profile in instagram.
Immigrate Imigran, Verb He immigrate to here for several times.
Impact Tubrukan Noun This seminar has an impact for me since today.
Implement Alat, peralatan Noun We need some implements to finish our tasks.
Verb We have a duty to implement religion rule in
our life.
Implicate Melibatkan Verb He implicate his son in this matter.
Implicit Selengkapnya, Adjective To find implicit message in storybook need a
yang harus patience.
Imply Menyatakan Verb She imply that she is having a problem with her
secara tidak friend.
Impose Mengenakan Verb Because the actress was sick, the director was
unable to impose her to continue the production
of film.
Incentive Pendorong, Noun He said that incentive package will gived over
dorongan three years work at there.
Incidence Timbulnya Noun Incidence of this disease infered because
mousquito epidemic.
Incline Lerengan, Noun He lives in Karanganyar, incline of Lawus
tempat yang Verb mountain.
mendaki She incline to accept the offer of cooperation.
Income Penghasilan, Noun His home so luxury and big, because his
pendapatan monthly income reach 50 million.
Incorporate Memasukkan Verb He has incorporate his thought with his
mothers thought to make a decision.
Index Indeks, daftar Noun We must make an index, to make easy our
kata-kata Verb study in English.
We may not forget to index in arrange research
Indicate Menunjukkan Verb His answer indicate that he want to marry her.
Individual Individu Noun We have responsibility to pay attention for
individual condition in our country.
Induce Membujuk Verb He showed that a magnet could induce an
electrical current in a wire.
Inevitable Tak dapat Adjective As the dark clouds showed overhead, I realized
dielakkan/dihind the rain was inevitable.
Infer Menduga Verb My difficulty is infer the meaning of word in
full text.
Infrastructure Prasarana, Noun Infrastructure of this building so luxury and
rangka dasar complete.
Inherent Yang melekat Adjective Everyone knows jumping out of an airplane is
an activity that comes with inherent risk.
Inhibit Menghambat Verb This drug inhibits the growth of tumours.
Initial Awal Adjective The initial earthquake was followed by a series
of aftershocks.
Initiate Memulai Verb The Commission has power to initiate
Injure Melukai Verb He was badly injured in the crash.
Innovate Berinovasi Verb The fashion industry is always desperate to
Input Masukan Noun I didn't have much input into the project
Insert Sisipan Noun These magazines have too many annoying
Insight Wawasan Noun Her books are full of perceptive insights into
the human condition
Inspect Memeriksa Verb The King inspected the troops.
Instance Contoh Noun There have been several instances of violence
at the school
Institute Lembaga Noun The institute will invest 5 million in the project.
Instruct Menginstruksika Verb He was instructed to report back to
n headquarters.
Integral Integral/terpisah Adjective All rooms have a flat-screen TV with integral
kan DVD-player.
Integrate Mengintegrasika Verb He seems to find it difficult to integrate
n/memadukan socially.
Integrity Integritas/keutuh Noun Her probity and integrity are beyond question.
Intelligence Intelijen/kecerda Noun He believes that all children are born with
san equal intelligence.
Intense Intens/kuat/seng Adjective He suddenly felt an intense pain in his back
Interact Berinteraksi Verb We are studying how these two chemicals
Intermediate Menengah/peran Adjective There are three levels of difficulty in this game:
tara low, intermediate, and high.
Internal Internal Adjective He sustained injuries to his arms, legs, and
several internal organs.
Intervene Campur tangan Verb The army's potentiality to intervene in politics
remains strong.
Intrinsic intrinsik Adjective Maths is an intrinsic part of the school
Invest Berinvestasi Verb The institute will invest five million in the
Investigate Menyelidiki Verb The remit of this official inquiry is to
investigate the reasons for the accident.
Invoke Memohon/mem Verb Police can invoke the law to regulate access to
anggil these places.
Involve Melibatkan Verb The second accident involved two cars and a
Isolate Mengisolasi/me Verb A high wall isolated the house from the rest of
misahkan the village.
Issue masalah Nouns We need our best and our brightest to start
entertaining this issue.
Item item (barang) Nouns A second item on my checklist is climate
Job pekerjaan Nouns He has a job as a police officer in Surakarta
Journal Jurnal Nouns Students should look for the international
journal for reference
Justify Membenarkan Verbs Grace is being broken TV to justify
Label Logo, merek Verbs The label went away for me here.
Labor Tenagakerja Nouns Scarce labor drives wages
Layer Lapisan Nouns There are many layers in the birthday cake
Lecture Nasihat , kuliah Nouns He gave a lecture to students of Economics
Legal Sah, hukum Adjectives You have to have legal structure
Legislate Undangundang Verbs Mr. hidayat was commissioned to revise
, mengatur legislation
Levy Retribusi Nouns Union members were hit with a 2 percent levy
on all pay
Liberal Liberal, bebas Adjectives They have more liberal views toward marriage
and divorce than some people
License Izin , lisensi Nouns This is like having a license to print money and
a barrel of free ink.
Likewise Demikianjuga adverbia I stuck out my tongue anfd Frankie did
Link Hubungan Nouns Investigating a link between pollution and
forest decline
Locate Menemukan Verbs Engineers were working t locate the fault.
Logic Logika Nouns Experience is a better guide to this than
deductive logic.
Maintain Mempertahanka Verbs The need to maintainclose links between
n industry and schools.
Major Utama Adjective The use of drugs is a major problem
Manipulate Memanipulasi Verbs He manipulated the dials of the set
Manual Dasar , manual Nouns There is a manual in the operation of the
Margin Batas Nouns The eastern margin of the Indian Ocean
Mature Dewasa Adjectives She was now a mature woman
Maximize Maksimalkan Verbs The company was aiming to maximize profits.
Mechanism Mekanisme Nouns The gunner injured his arm in the turret
Media Media Nouns The campaign won media attention
Mediate Menengahi Verbs Public law institutions re a type of medite state