Unit 6
Unit 6
Unit 6
Reported speech ‘Who wrote the sketch?’ he asked. ➞ He asked who had
written the sketch.
Al contar lo que alguien ha dicho, podemos hacerlo en
estilo directo, repitiendo sus palabras: En preguntas de tipo yes / no, se utilizan if y whether.
‘The book is really chilling,’ said Ben. ‘Did you enjoy the act?’ He asked me? ➞ He asked me if
O podemos utilizar el estilo indirecto: I’d enjoyed the act.
Para órdenes y peticiones, utilizamos el infinitivo con to.
Ben said the book was really chilling.
Al pasar de estilo directo a indirecto, el tiempo verbal da un ‘Please stand under the spotlight.’ ➞ He asked me to
paso atrás hacia el pasado. stand under the spotlight.
‘Don’t worry,’ she told me. ➞ She told me not to worry.
Estilo directo Estilo indirecto
present simple past simple
Reported suggestions and offers
present continuous past continuous
past simple past perfect simple Se utilizan distintas estructuras dependiendo del verbo
present perfect simple past perfect simple introductorio:
can could suggest + (that) + sujeto + infinitivo sin to.
will would He suggested (that) I use a microphone.
am / is / are going to was / were going to offer + to + infinitivo
También cambian las referencias al tiempo, el espacio y She offered to help me with my act.
la gente, para reflejar el punto de vista de la persona que
cuenta las cosas. Prepositions
‘We’ll arrive tomorrow,’ they confirmed. ➞
Lugar Movimiento Distancia Origen
They confirmed that they would arrive the following day.
below away from away of
Estilo indirecto Estilo indirecto on top of towards near from
Tiempo at across
yesterday the previous day
tomorrow the following day Las preposiciones expresan distintas relaciones entre las
next week the following week palabras de una frase, p. ej.
Lugar Lugar: The cat was on top of the bookcase.
here there Movimiento: She started walking towards me.
this, these that, those Distancia: There’s a big town about 10 km away.
Gente Origen: Our teacher is from Scotland.
I, me, mine, myself he / she, him / her, his / her(s),
himself / herself Adverb phrases
we, us, our, ours, ourselves they, them, their, theirs,
themselves Las expresiones adverbiales están formadas por dos o más
palabras, a menudo una preposición y un sustantivo, que se
Reported questions, requests and unen para funcionar como un adverbio.
commands Tiempo Lugar Modo
after a while at home in secret on foot
Al pasar una pregunta al estilo indirecto, cambiamos as soon as in bed in silence very much
el orden, que refleja la misma estructura que la forma every night in a hurry
afirmativa. En estas preguntas no se incluyen los auxiliares Uso
do / did, pero sí cambian las referencias al tiempo, el lugar y Utilizamos adverbios y expresiones adverbiales para indicar
la gente, igual que en la forma afirmativa. cuándo, dónde y cómo ocurrió algo.
‘Which comedians do you like?’ he asked her. ➞ He He goes out every night. She studies at home.
asked her which comedians she liked. They met in secret.