The document describes different color combinations including monochromatic, analogous, triadic, and complementary schemes. Each color combination is listed with a color name pairing such as yellow-green, blue, and red-purple for the monochromatic scheme. The same color combinations are then repeated for analogous, triadic, and complementary.
The document describes different color combinations including monochromatic, analogous, triadic, and complementary schemes. Each color combination is listed with a color name pairing such as yellow-green, blue, and red-purple for the monochromatic scheme. The same color combinations are then repeated for analogous, triadic, and complementary.
The document describes different color combinations including monochromatic, analogous, triadic, and complementary schemes. Each color combination is listed with a color name pairing such as yellow-green, blue, and red-purple for the monochromatic scheme. The same color combinations are then repeated for analogous, triadic, and complementary.
The document describes different color combinations including monochromatic, analogous, triadic, and complementary schemes. Each color combination is listed with a color name pairing such as yellow-green, blue, and red-purple for the monochromatic scheme. The same color combinations are then repeated for analogous, triadic, and complementary.
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