Swanson's 30-40-30 Rule
Swanson's 30-40-30 Rule
Swanson's 30-40-30 Rule
The rule set out to select three sizes along the reserves distribution
curve, having the aim of reflecting the range of the distribution
curve and, where weighted by discrete probabilities, giving the av-
erage value of the prospect reserves.
The three sizes were proposed as
7090% and 90100% for P90). The weightings of P10,
P50, and P90 were thus 0.30, 0.40, and 0.30, respec-
tively, summing to a value of 1 (i.e., total range 0
100%) as required for a probability distribution. This
defines Swansons 30-40-30 rule, which was noted to
work for all except highly skewed distributions.
Here we adopt the former use (Rose, 1987; Rose and 1 b 160 MMBO
P 90 = 248 MMBO
X P 90.5
70 Swanson's mean
= 92 MMBO
P 50 = 38 MMBO
Y P 54
P 10 = 8 MMBO
Z P 22
X = 250 MMBO
1 Y = 45 MMBO
Z = 13 MMBO
1 10 100 1000
gin fault. The general thinning of the target reservoir
As no direct hydrocarbon indicator is identifiable on unit from west to east (Table 2) leads to the concept
the seismic data to aid mapping of hydrocarbon distri- of stratigraphic trapping that combines depositional
bution, the approach to reserve mapping was to map pinch-out and an erosional truncation.
closure manually, honoring well data, and to infer pos- For the sake of simplicity, only prospect areas are
sible hydrocarbon distribution. Well GG penetrated an disclosed in this example. In reality, variations in net
8 m thick oil column and an oil-water contact in the pay and recovery factor were also considered in the
target reservoir horizon; wells AA and BB failed to lo- reserve distributions (cf. Megill, 1984; Rose, 1991).
cate the target reservoir. All other wells located a
water-bearing reservoir. Possible Hydrocarbon Distribution
Well AA is located on the footwall of a major basin
margin fault. Well BB penetrated a thick unit of the The oil-water contact proved at 2373 m allows extrap-
top seal that directly overlies the target reservoir in olation of a simple reserve case limited updip by a fault
wells to the west but in BB is in faulted contact with to the east of well GG and downdip by the fluid con-
basement. This fault is interpreted to be the basin mar- tact (A, Figure 4). If the fault is considered to be non-
is significant in determining hydrocarbon distribution. 95
Migration is believed to be from the northwest past 90
4). The shallower oil-water contact in well GG and in
the south of the prospect is caused by physical trapping 30
how does one evaluate the most likely technical case? RESERVES (MMBO)
Swansons 30-40-30 rule is able to find the mean of X 0.30X90 0.40X50 0.30X10 (2)
modestly skewed distributions. Reserve estimates for
where X represents the point of the distribution X (i.e., distribution
prospects and historical field size distributions com-
of reserves) that is exceeded % of the time. The general form of
monly approximate to modestly skewed distributions equation 2, retaining symmetry but allowing the weighting and per-
(linear trends on log-probability plots), thus the 30-40- centile parameters to vary, is
30 rule is particularly amenable to their study. Al-
though it may be argued that in some modern explo- X(x, d) xX50 d (1 2x)X50 xX50 d (3)
2 r 1
where is the percentile. Because making a transformation does not 1 2
alter the relative probability
x (10)
50 d 50 d
exp rU1 100 exprU 1
100 2
P(log(X) log(X)) (6)
With the choice of d 40 (as in Swansons rule), then 1(0.1)
The mean of the log of the lognormal variate X is log(median), 1.282 1(0.9). Substituting this into equation 10, because
and because (by definition) the log of a lognormal variate is normally r tends to log(1), gives a value of x 0.304 (to 3 decimal places).
distributed, then normalization can proceed. This entails transform- This agrees closely with the 30-40-30 rule proposed by Swanson: x
ing the variate log(X) in equation 6 into a normal variate Z having increases with increasing r, becoming 0.35 at r log(2.864).
mean 0 and variance 1
X15.87 Hastings, N. A. J., and J. B. Peacock, 1975, Statistical distributions:
r log(X15.87) log(X50) log (8)
50 London, Butterworth, 84 p.
Megill, R. E., 1984, An introduction to risk analysis, 2d ed.: Tulsa,
With r and m now known, the mean in equation 4 is completely Pennwell Publishing, 274 p.
Rose, P. R., 1987, Dealing with risk and uncertainty in exploration:
determined, and equation 7 leads to
how can we improve?: AAPG Bulletin, v. 71, p. 116.
Rose, P. R., 1991, Exploration, economics, risk analysis, and prospect
X X50 exp rU1 100 (9) evaluation: Austin, Texas, Peter R. Rose, Telegraph Explora-
tion, Inc.
Rose, P. R., and R. S. Thompson, 1992, Economics and risk assess-
where 1 is the inverse of , (i.e., {1(a)} a and 1(0.1587) ment, in D. Morton-Thompson and A. H. Woods, eds., Devel-
1). Setting equation 3 equal to equation 4, substituting for equa- opment geology reference manual: AAPG Methods in Explo-
ration Series 10, p. 2156.