Introduction To Programming and Visual Basic: Topics
Introduction To Programming and Visual Basic: Topics
Introduction To Programming and Visual Basic: Topics
Introduction to Programming
1 and Visual Basic
Microsoft Visual Basic is a powerful software development system for creating applica-
tions that run in Windows XP and Windows Vista. With Visual Basic, you can do the fol-
Create applications with graphical windows, dialog boxes, and menus
Create applications that work with databases
Create Web applications and applications that use Internet technologies
Create applications that display graphics
Visual Basic is a favorite tool among professional programmers. Its combination of visual
design tools and BASIC programming language make it intuitive, allowing developers to
create powerful real-world applications in a relatively short time.
Before plunging into learning Visual Basic, we will review the fundamentals of computer
hardware and software, and then build an understanding of how a Visual Basic applica-
tion is organized.
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20 Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic
The term hardware refers to a computers physical components. A computer, as we gen-
erally think of it, is not an individual device, but rather a system of devices. Like the
instruments in a symphony orchestra, each device plays its own part. A typical computer
system consists of the following major components:
1. The central processing unit (CPU)
2. Main memory
3. Secondary storage devices
4. Input devices
5. Output devices
The organization of a computer system is shown in Figure 1-1.
Central Processing
Main Memory
Storage Devices
1. The CPU
When a computer is performing the tasks that a program tells it to do, we say that the
computer is running or executing the program. The central processing unit, or CPU, is
the part of a computer that actually runs programs. The CPU is the most important com-
ponent in a computer because without it, the computer could not run software.
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A program is a set of instructions that a computers CPU follows to perform a task. The
programs instructions are stored in the computers memory, and the CPU's job is to fetch
those instructions, one by one, and carry out the operations that they command. In mem-
ory, the instructions are stored as a series of binary numbers. A binary number is a
sequence of 1s and 0s, such as
This number has no apparent meaning to people, but to the computer it might be an
instruction to multiply two numbers or read another value from memory.
2. Main Memory
You can think of main memory as the computers work area. This is where the computer
stores a program while the program is running, as well as the data that the program is
working with. For example, suppose you are using a word processing program to write
an essay for one of your classes. While you do this, both the word processing program
and the essay are stored in main memory.
Main memory is commonly known as random-access memory, or RAM. It is called this
because the CPU is able to quickly access data stored at any random location in RAM.
RAM is usually a volatile type of memory that is used only for temporary storage while
a program is running. When the computer is turned off, the contents of RAM are erased.
Inside your computer, RAM is stored in microchips.
3. Secondary Storage
The most common type of secondary storage device is the disk drive. A disk drive stores
data by magnetically encoding it onto a circular disk. Most computers have a disk drive
mounted inside their case. External disk drives, which connect to one of the computers
communication ports, are also available. External disk drives can be used to create
backup copies of important data or to move data to another computer.
In addition to external disk drives, many types of devices have been created for copying
data, and for moving it to other computers. For many years floppy disk drives were pop-
ular. A floppy disk drive records data onto a small floppy disk, which can be removed
from the drive. The use of floppy disk drives has declined dramatically in recent years, in
favor of superior devices such as USB drives. USB drives are small devices that plug into
the computers USB (universal serial bus) port, and appear to the system as a disk drive.
USB drives, which use flash memory to store data, are inexpensive, reliable, and small
enough to be carried in your pocket.
Optical devices such as the CD (compact disc) and the DVD (digital versatile disc) are
also popular for data storage. Data is not recorded magnetically on an optical disc, but
is encoded as a series of pits on the disc surface. CD and DVD drives use a laser to detect
the pits and thus read the encoded data. Optical discs hold large amounts of data, and
because recordable CD and DVD drives are now commonplace, they are good mediums
for creating backup copies of data.
4. Input Devices
Input is any data the computer collects from the outside world. The device that collects
the data and sends it to the computer is called an input device. Common input devices
are the keyboard, mouse, scanner, and digital camera. Disk drives and CD drives can also
be considered input devices because programs and data are retrieved from them and
loaded into the computers memory.
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22 Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic
5. Output Devices
Output is any data the computer sends to the outside world. It might be a sales report, a
list of names, a graphic image, or a sound. The data is sent to an output device, which
formats and presents it. Common output devices are monitors and printers. Disk drives
and CD recorders can also be considered output devices because the CPU sends data to
them in order to be saved.
Software refers to the programs that run on a computer. There are two general categories
of software: operating systems and application software. An operating system or OS is a
set of programs that manages the computers hardware devices and controls their
processes. Windows XP, Windows Vista, Mac OSX, and Linux are all operating systems.
Application software refers to programs that make the computer useful to the user. These
programs, which are generally called applications, solve specific problems or perform
general operations that satisfy the needs of the user. Word processing, spreadsheet, and
database packages are all examples of application software. As you work through this
book, you will develop application software using Visual Basic.
What Is a Program?
Computers are designed to follow instructions. A computer program is a set of instruc-
tions that enables the computer to solve a problem or perform a task. For example, sup-
pose we want the computer to calculate someones gross paya Wage Calculator
application. Figure 1-2 shows a list of things the computer should do.
Collectively, the instructions in Figure 1-2 are called an algorithm. An algorithm is a set
of well-defined steps for performing a task or solving a problem. Notice these steps are
sequentially ordered. Step 1 should be performed before Step 2, and so on. It is impor-
tant that these instructions are performed in their proper sequence.
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1. Display a message on the screen: How many hours did you work?
2. Allow the user to enter the number of hours worked.
3. Once the user enters a number, store it in memory.
4. Display a message on the screen: How much do you get paid per hour?
5. Allow the user to enter an hourly pay rate.
6. Once the user enters a number, store it in memory.
7. Once both the number of hours worked and the hourly pay rate are entered, multiply
the two numbers and store the result in memory as the amount earned.
8. Display a message on the screen that shows the amount of money earned. The message
must include the result of the calculation performed in Step 7.
In Step 3, the number of hours worked by the user is stored in memory. Suppose the user
enters the value 20. A new program state is created:
In Step 6, the hourly pay rate entered by the user is stored in memory. Suppose the user
enters the value 25. The following memory snapshot shows the new program state:
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24 Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic
In Step 7, the application calculates the amount of money earned, saving it in a variable.
The following memory snapshot shows the new program state:
The memory snapshot produced by Step 7 represents the final program state.
Programming Languages
In order for a computer to perform instructions such as the wage calculator algorithm,
the steps must be converted to a format the computer can process. As mentioned earlier,
a program is stored in memory as a series of binary numbers. These numbers are known
as machine language instructions. The CPU only processes instructions written in
machine language. Our Wage Calculator application might look like the following at the
moment when it is executed by the computer:
10101101110101000111100001101110100011110001110011010101110 etc.
The CPU interprets these binary or machine language numbers as commands. As you
might imagine, the process of encoding an algorithm in machine language is tedious and
difficult. Programming languages, which use words instead of numbers, were invented to
ease this task. Programmers can write their applications in programming language state-
ments, and then use special software called a compiler to convert the program into
machine language. Names of some popular recent programming languages are shown in
Table 1-1. This list is only a small samplethere are thousands of programming lan-
Visual Basic is more than just a programming language. It is a programming environ-
ment, with tools for creating screen elements and programming language statements.
Although Visual Basic, as a whole, is radically different from the original BASIC pro-
gramming language, its programming statements are similar.
Procedural Programming
The earliest programming languages were procedural. Procedural programming means
that a program is made of one or more procedures. A procedure is a set of programming
language statements that are executed by the computer. The statements might gather
input from the user, manipulate information stored in the computers memory, perform
calculations, or any other operation necessary to complete its task. The wage calculator
algorithm shown in Figure 1-2 can be thought of as a procedure. If the algorithms eight
steps are performed in order, one after the other, it will succeed in calculating and dis-
playing the users gross pay.
Procedural programming was the standard when users were interacting with text-based
computer terminals. For example, Figure 1-3 shows the screen of an older MS-DOS com-
puter running a program that performs the wage calculator algorithm. The user has
entered the numbers shown in bold.
Object-Oriented Programming
Object-oriented programming or OOP is an industry standard model for designing and
coding programs. When designing applications, designers use real-world objects to
express patterns, called classes in software. An example is a student registration applica-
tion, in which we would choose students, transcripts, and accounts as possible classes.
The program we write would create objects, or instances of these classes.
Classes contain attributes, expressed as variables. For example, a class named Account
would probably contain attributes such as balance, account ID, and payment history. In
Visual Basic, classes are used to describe the objects that appear on the screen. When a
program runs, these objects are created and displayed.
26 Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic
element that contains data and actions. The data contained in an object is known as its
attributes. In Visual Basic, an objects attributes are called properties. The actions that an
object performs are known as the objects methods. The object is, conceptually, a self-
contained unit consisting of data (properties) and actions (methods).
Perhaps the best way to understand objects is to experience a program that uses them.
The following steps guide you through the process of running a demonstration program
located on the Student CD. The program was created with Visual Basic.
Tutorial 1-1:
Running the Wage Calculator application
Assuming you have installed Visual Studio or Visual Basic Express and the sample
programs from the Student CD on your computer, youre ready to begin Tutorial 1-1.
Step 1: In Windows, double-click the My Computer icon or the Windows Explorer
Step 2: In Windows, navigate to the folder on your computer containing the student
sample programs. Then navigate to the Chap1\Wage Calculator\bin folder.
Double-click the file Wage Calculator.exe (the .exe filename extension may
not be visible). The programs window should display.
The window shown in Figure 1-4 can be thought of as an object. In Visual Basic termi-
nology, this window object is known as a Form object. The form also contains numerous
other objects. As shown in Figure 1-5, it has four Label objects, two TextBox objects, and
two Button objects. In Visual Basic, these objects are known as controls.
The appearance of a screen object, such as a form or other control, is determined by the
objects properties. For example, each of the Label controls has a property known as
Text. The value stored in the Text property becomes the text displayed by the label. For
instance, the Text property of the topmost label on the form is set to the value Number
of Hours Worked. Beneath it is another Label control, whose Text property is set to
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Label TextBox
Label TextBox
Label Label
Button Button
Hourly Pay Rate. The Button controls also have a Text property. The Text property of
the leftmost button is set to Calculate Gross Pay, and the rightmost button has its Text
property set to Close. Even the window, or form, has a Text property, which determines
the text displayed in the windows title bar. Wage Calculator is the value stored in this
forms Text property. Part of the process of creating a Visual Basic application is decid-
ing what values to store in each objects properties.
Event-Driven Programming
Programs that operate in a GUI environment must be event-driven. An event is an action
that takes place within a program, such as the clicking of a control. All Visual Basic con-
trols are capable of detecting various events. For example, a Button control can detect
Event-Driven when it has been clicked and a TextBox control can detect when its contents have
Programming changed.
Names are assigned to all of the events that can be detected. For instance, when the user
clicks a Button control, a Click event occurs. When the contents of a TextBox control
changes, a TextChanged event occurs. If you wish for a control to respond to a specific
event, you must write a special type of method known as an event procedure. An event
procedure is a method that is executed when a specific event occurs. If an event occurs,
and there is no event procedure to respond to that event, the event is ignored.
Part of the Visual Basic programming process is designing and writing event procedures.
Tutorial 1-2 demonstrates an event procedure using the Wage Calculator application you
executed in Tutorial 1-1.
Tutorial 1-2:
Running an application that demonstrates event procedures
Step 1: With the Wage Calculator application from Tutorial 1-1 still running, enter the
value 10 in the first TextBox control. This is the number of hours worked.
Step 2: Press the t key. Notice that the cursor moves to the next TextBox control.
Enter the value 15. This is the hourly pay rate. The window should look like
that shown in Figure 1-6.
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28 Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic
Step 3: Click the Calculate Gross Pay button. Notice that in response to the mouse
click, the application multiplies the values you entered in the TextBox controls
and displays the result in a Label control. This action is performed by an event
procedure that responds to the button being clicked. The window should look
like that shown in Figure 1-7.
Figure 1-6 Text boxes filled in on Figure 1-7 Gross pay calculated
the Wage Calculator form
Step 4: Next, click the Close button. The application responds to this event by
terminating. This is because an event procedure closes the application when the
button is clicked.
This simple application demonstrates the essence of object-oriented, event-driven pro-
gramming. In the next section, we examine the controls and event procedures more
C O N C E P T: As a Visual Basic programmer, you must design and create the two
major components of an application: the GUI elements (forms and
other controls) and the programming statements that respond to
and/or perform actions (event procedures).
While creating a Visual Basic application, you will spend much of your time doing three
things: creating the GUI elements that make up the applications user interface, setting the
properties of the GUI elements, and writing programming language statements that
respond to events and perform other operations. In this section, we take a closer look at
these aspects of Visual Basic programming.
If you have any experience using Microsoft Windows, you are already familiar with most
of the controls listed in Table 1-2. The Student CD contains a simple demonstration pro-
gram in Tutorial 1-3 that shows you how a few of them work.
Tutorial 1-3:
Running an application that demonstrates various controls
Step 1: In Windows, navigate to the location where the sample program files have been
copied from the Student CD.
Step 2: Navigate to the the Chap1\Controls Tour\bin folder.
Step 3: Double-click the file Program2.exe.
Step 4: Once the program loads and executes, the window shown in Figure 1-8 should
appear on the screen.
Step 5: The program presents several Visual Basic controls. Experiment with each one,
noticing the following actions, which are performed by event procedures:
When you click the small down arrow ( ) in the ComboBox control, you
see a list of pets. When you select one, the name of the pet appears below
the combo box.
When you click the CheckBox control, its text changes to indicate that the
check box is checked or unchecked.
When you click an item in the ListBox control, the name of that item appears
below the list box.
When you select one of the RadioButton controls, the text below them
changes to indicate which one you selected. You may only select one at a
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30 Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic
You move the horizontal scroll bar (HScrollBar) and the vertical scroll bar
(VScrollBar) by doing the following:
Clicking either of the small arrows at each end of the bar
Clicking inside the bar on either side of the slider
Clicking on the slider and while holding down the mouse button, moving
the mouse to the right or left for the horizontal scroll bar, or up or down
for the vertical scroll bar.
When you move either of the scroll bars, the text below it changes to
a number. Moving the scroll bar in one direction increases the number,
and moving it in the other direction decreases the number.
Step 6: Click the Close button to end the application.
Label1 txtHoursWorked
Label2 txtPayRate
Label3 lblGrossPay
btnCalcGrossPay btnClose
N O T E : Some programmers prefer to give all the controls in their application mean-
ingful names, including ones that do not activate programming statements or whose
names do not appear in programming statements.
Although you have a great deal of flexibility in naming controls, there are some standard
rules. First, control names must start with a letter. The remaining characters may be let-
ters, digits, or underscore characters only. You cannot use spaces, special symbols, or
punctuation characters in a control name. In addition to the mandatory rules, there are
three general guidelines to follow when naming controls:
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32 Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic
1. The first three letters of the name should be a lowercase prefix indicating the
controls type. In the Wage Calculator application, programmer-defined names use
the following standard three-letter prefixes:
lbl indicates a Label control.
txt indicates a TextBox control.
btn indicates a Button control.
There are standard prefixes for other controls as well. They are discussed in
Chapter 2.
2. The first letter after the prefix should be uppercase. In addition, if the name con-
sists of multiple words, the first letter of each word should be capitalized. This
makes the name more readable. For example, txtHoursWorked is easier to read
than txthoursworked.
3. The part of the control name that appears after the three-letter prefix should
describe the controls purpose in the application. This makes the control name very
helpful to anyone reading the applications programming statements. For example,
it is evident that the btnCalcGrossPay control is a button that calculates the gross
These guidelines are not mandatory rules, but they are standard conventions that pro-
grammers follow. You should use these guidelines when naming the controls in your
applications as well. Table 1-4 describes several fictitious controls and suggests appro-
priate programmer-defined names for them.
Programming an Application
Lets look at some source code from the Wage Calculator application you saw in Tuto-
rial 1-3. The code shown here is part of the event procedure that executes when the user
clicks the Calculate button. The line numbers that appear to the left of the statements are
not part of the code, but they will help us provide a description of each statement.
Lines 1, 2, and 3 declare variables to hold the hours worked, pay rate, and gross
Line 4 copies the contents of the TextBox control named txtHoursWorked into the
dblHoursWorked variable. Each TextBox control has a Text property that holds the
contents of the TextBox at runtime. By contents, we mean the text typed by the user.
Line 5 copies the contents of the TextBox named txtPayRate into the
dblPayRate variable.
Line 6 calculates the employees gross pay by multiplying the hours worked by the
hourly pay rate. The calculated value is stored in the variable named dblGrossPay.
Line 7 converts the number in the dblGrossPay variable into a string with currency
format, such as $500.00 and copies the string to the Label control named
34 Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic
There are two keywords in line 1: Dim and Double. They are repeated in lines 2 and 3.
Each of these words has a special meaning in Visual Basic and can only be used for its
intended purpose. As you will see, a programmer is allowed to make up his or her own
names for certain things in a program. Keywords, however, are reserved and cannot be
used for anything other than their designated purpose. Part of learning a programming
language is learning what the keywords are, what they mean, and how to use them.
In line 6 the following statement appears:
dblGrossPay = dblHoursWorked * dblPayRate
The = and * symbols are operators, which perform operations on pieces of data known
as operands. The * operator multiplies two operands, and the = operator stores a value
in a variable or a property.
Comments (Remarks)
Comments, or remarks, help the reader of a program understand the purpose of program
statements. Sometimes you (the programmer) will have to reread and understand your
own code. Comments are a great way to remind you of what you were thinking when
you created the program. The following are examples of comments:
'Convert the values in the text box to numbers,
'and calculate the gross pay.
A comment must begin with either an apostrophe (') or the REM keyword. When a pro-
gram runs, the computer ignores comments.
You should always add descriptive comments to your code. The extra time it takes is well
spent. Someday you may have to modify or maintain code written by another program-
mer and you will appreciate the time spent to comment the code!
Each statement shown in the sample code is written according to the rules of Visual Basic.
The rules, known collectively as language syntax, define the correct way to use keywords,
operators, and programmer-defined names. If a programming statement violates the
Visual Basic syntax, the application will not run until it is corrected.
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Imagine building a bridge without a plan. How could it be any easier to create a complex
computer program without designing its appearance and behavior? In this section, we
introduce some of the most important knowledge you will gain from this bookhow to
begin creating a computer application. Regardless of which programming language you
use in the future, good program design principles always apply.
36 Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic
Calculate Close
Gross Pay
There are two types of boxes in the flowchart shown in Figure 1-11: ovals and rectan-
gles. The flowchart begins with an oval labeled Start and ends with an oval labeled End.
The rectangles represent a computational process or other operation. Notice that the
symbols are connected with arrows that indicate the direction of the program flow.
Many programmers prefer to use pseudocode instead of flowcharts. Pseudocode is a
cross between human language and a programming language. Although the computer
cant understand pseudocode, programmers often find it helpful to plan an algorithm in
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38 Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic
a language thats almost a programming language but still very readable by humans. The
following is a pseudocode version of the btnCalcGrossPay_Click event procedure:
Store Number of Hours Worked Hourly Pay Rate in dblGrossPay.
Copy dblGrossPay in lblGrossPay.Text.
8. Start Visual Studio and create the forms and other controls
identified in Step 3.
This step is the first actual work done on the computer. Here, the programmer uses Visual
Studio to create the applications user interface and arrange the controls on each form.
9. Write the code for the event procedures and other methods
created in Step 6.
This is the second step performed on the computer. The event procedures and other meth-
ods may be converted into code and entered into the computer using Visual Studio.
10. Attempt to run the application. Correct any syntax errors found
and repeat this step as many times as necessary.
If you have entered code with syntax errors or typing mistakes, this step will uncover
them. A syntax error is the incorrect use of a programming language element, such as a
keyword, operator, or programmer-defined name. Correct your mistakes and repeat this
step until the program runs.
11. Once all syntax errors are corrected, run the program with test
data for input. Correct any runtime errors. Repeat this step as many
times as necessary.
Runtime errors (errors found while running the program) are mistakes that do not pre-
vent an application from executing but cause it to produce incorrect results. For exam-
ple, a mistake in a mathematical formula is a common type of runtime error. When
runtime errors are found in a program, they must be corrected and the program retested.
This step must be repeated until the program reliably produces satisfactory results.
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1.5 Visual Studio and Visual Basic Express (the Visual Basic Environment) 39
1.14 What four items should be identified when defining what a program is to do?
1.15 Describe the importance of good planning in the process of creating a Visual
Basic application.
1.16 What does it mean to visualize a program running? What is the value of such an
1.17 What is a flowchart?
1.18 What is pseudocode?
1.19 What is a runtime error?
1.20 What is the purpose of testing a program with sample data or input?
1.21 How much testing should you perform on a new program?
C O N C E P T: Visual Studio and Visual Basic Express consist of tools that you
use to build Visual Basic applications. The first step in using
Visual Basic is learning about these tools.
N O T E : The programs in this book can be written using either Microsoft Visual Stu-
dio or Microsoft Visual Basic Express. There are only minor differences between the
two products. In cases where they work identically, we will refer to them as Visual
In Chapter 2 you will build your first Visual Basic application. First, you need to know
how to start Visual Studio and understand its major components. Visual Studio is an
integrated development environment (IDE) that provides the necessary tools for creat-
ing, testing, and debugging software. Visual Studio can be used to create applications
not only with Visual Basic, but also with other languages such as Visual C++ and C#.
Tutorial 1-4 guides you through the Visual Studio startup process and gives you a
hands-on tour of its tools for creating Visual Basic applications.
Tutorial 1-4:
Starting Visual Studio
The following steps guide you through the Visual Studio startup process.
Step 1: Click the Start button and open the All Programs menu (or Programs menu for
earlier versions of MS Windows). Ask your classroom instructor for the loca-
tion in the menu of either Visual Studio 2008 or Visual Basic 2008 Express
whichever one your class will be using.
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40 Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic
T I P : If you are using Visual Studio rather than Visual Basic Express, the
first time you run the software, you may see a window entitled Choose
Default Environment Settings. Select Visual Basic Development Settings from
the list and click the Start Visual Studio button. (You can always change the
settings later as the window explains.)
Step 2: Next, you should see the Start Page, as shown in Figure 1-12. Your screen may
not appear exactly as shown in the figure, because some of the information
shown here comes from the Web. Later in this chapter, we will show you how
to control the appearance of Visual Studio.
T I P : If you do not see the Start Page shown in Figure 1-12, click View in the
menu bar, click Other Windows, and then click Start Page.
Step 3: Visual Studio allows you to set certain defaults for Visual Basic programming.
In the menu bar, click Tools and then click Options (Figure 1-13). If you are
using Visual Basic Express, you will not see the Device Tools option.
Step 4: In the Options dialog, under Projects and Solutions, select General (Figure
1-14). To the right of the Visual Studio projects location edit box, click the
Browse button . Select a new location to save your programming projects
(you may be assigned a location by your instructor).
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1.5 Visual Studio and Visual Basic Express (the Visual Basic Environment) 41
Step 5: Still in the Options dialog, under Projects and Solutions, select VB Defaults
(Figure 1-15). Set Option Strict to On and set Option Infer to Off. (We will
explain what these options mean in Chapter 3.) Click OK to close the dialog.
42 Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic
Step 6: Each application you create with Visual Studio is called a project. Now you will
start a new project. In the menu bar, click File, then click New Project. The
New Project dialog box shown in Figure 1-16 appears. (Visual Basic Express
shows fewer templates than Visual Studio.)
Step 7: The left pane, labeled Project types, lists the different programming languages
available in Visual Studio. (Visual Basic Express shows only the right pane,
with a smaller number of templates.) The right pane, labeled Templates, lists
the types of applications you can create in the selected language. If you are
using Visual Studio, select Windows under Visual Basic in the Project types
pane. For both Visual Studio and Visual Basic Express, select Windows Forms
Application in the Templates pane.
Step 8: The Name text box is where you enter the name of your project. Visual Studio
automatically fills this box with a default name. In Figure 1-16 the default
name is WindowsApplication1. Change the project name to Tutorial 1-4 and
click the OK button.
Step 9: Select Save All from the File menu. The Location text box shows where the
project folder will be created on your system. If you wish to change the loca-
tion, click the Browse button and select the desired drive and folder.
Step 10: Click the Save button. You should now see the Visual Studio window similar
to the one shown in Figure 1-17.
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1.5 Visual Studio and Visual Basic Express (the Visual Basic Environment) 43
Step 11: Now you will set some of the Visual Studio options so your screens and code
will appear as the examples shown in this book. Click Tools on the menu bar.
On the Tools menu, click Options . . . The Options dialog box appears. In the
left pane click Text Editor, and then click Basic, as shown in Figure 1-18. (If
you are using Visual Basic 2008 Express, simply click Text Editor Basic.) Be
sure all options are checked.
44 Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic
Step 12: Scroll down the left pane and select Windows Forms Designer. Make sure your
settings match those shown in Figure 1-19. Specifically, GridSize should be set
to 8, 8, ShowGrid should be set to True, and SnapToGrid should be set to True.
These settings control the grid you use to design forms.
T I P : To change the GridSize setting, click the area where the current setting
is displayed, erase it, and enter 8, 8 as the new setting. To change either the
ShowGrid or SnapToGrid settings, click the area where the current setting is
displayed, then click the down arrow button ( ) that appears. Select True
from the menu that drops down.
N O T E : The options you set in Steps 10 through 13 will remain set until you
or someone else changes them. If you are working in a shared computer lab and
you find that your screens and/or the appearance of your code does not match
the examples shown in this book, you will probably need to reset these options.
1.5 Visual Studio and Visual Basic Express (the Visual Basic Environment) 45
Figure 1-20 The Design window, Solution Explorer window, and Properties window
Solution Explorer
Tutorial 1-5:
Opening the Design, Solution Explorer, Dynamic Help,
and Properties windows in Visual Studio
Step 1: (This tutorial is for Visual Studio users only.) If you do not see the Design win-
dow, click View on the menu bar. On the View menu, click Designer. You can
also press s+& on the keyboard.
Step 2: If you do not see the Solution Explorer window, click View on the menu bar.
On the View menu, click Solution Explorer. You can also press +a+L on
the keyboard.
Step 3: If you do not see the Dynamic Help window or the Dynamic Help window tab,
click Help on the menu bar. On the Help menu, click Dynamic Help.
Step 4: If you do not see the Properties window, click View on the menu bar. On the
View menu, click Properties. You can also press $ on the keyboard.
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46 Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic
Hidden Windows
Many windows in Visual Studio have a feature known as Auto Hide. When Auto Hide
is turned on, the window is displayed only as a tab along one of the edges of the Visual
Studio window. This feature gives you more room to view your applications forms and
code. Figure 1-22 shows how the Solution Explorer and Properties windows appear
when their Auto Hide feature is turned on. Notice the tabs that read Solution Explorer
and Properties along the right edge of the screen.
To display a hidden window, hover the mouse pointer over its tab, which pulls the win-
dow back into view. If you want the window to remain in view for a time, click its tab.
The window will remain displayed until you click outside of it.
To set a window to Auto Hide, right-click its caption bar and select Auto Hide.
To remove the Auto Hide feature from a window, click its tab to display it; then
right-click its caption bar and deselect Auto Hide.
(Alternatively, you can click the little pushpin icon on the windows caption bar to turn
Auto Hide on and off.)
1.5 Visual Studio and Visual Basic Express (the Visual Basic Environment) 47
To change a window from floating to dockable, right-click its caption bar and select
When you click and drag one of these windows by its title bar, you move it out of the
docked position, and the window becomes floating. Double-clicking the windows title
bar produces the same effect. Figure 1-23 shows these windows floating.
To dock a floating window, double-click its title bar or drag it to one of the edges of the
main window. You may use whichever style you preferdocked or floating. When win-
dows are floating, they behave as normal windows. You may move or resize them to suit
your preference.
Now you have the Visual Basic environment set up properly to work with the projects in
this book. Next, we will look at the individual elements.
48 Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic
1.5 Visual Studio and Visual Basic Express (the Visual Basic Environment) 49
N O T E : As with most Windows applications, menu items and buttons cannot be used
when they are grayed out.
50 Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic
window after the user has clicked the Common Controls tab. The controls in this group
include Buttons, Labels, TextBoxes, and other common controls. Not all of the Toolbox
items can be displayed at once, so scroll arrows are provided.
T I P : The Toolbox window is only activated when a form is open in Design mode.
Using ToolTips
A ToolTip is a small rectangular box that pops up when you hover the mouse over a but-
ton on the toolbar or in the Toolbox for a few seconds. The box contains a short descrip-
tion of the buttons purpose. Figure 1-28 shows the ToolTip that appears when the cursor
is left sitting on the Save All button. Use a ToolTip whenever you cannot remember a par-
ticular buttons function.
Figure 1-26 The Toolbox window, Figure 1-27 The Toolbox window,
with all tabs closed showing Common Controls
Tutorial 1-6:
Getting familiar with Visual Studio
If Visual Studio is not running on your computer, follow the steps in Tutorial 1-4. This
exercise will give you practice working with elements of the Visual Basic environment.
Step 1: Make sure Auto Hide is turned off for the Solution Explorer and Properties
windows. If your Solution Explorer and Properties windows are in the docked
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1.5 Visual Studio and Visual Basic Express (the Visual Basic Environment) 51
position, double-click each of their title bars to undock them. (If they are
already floating, skip to Step 2.)
Step 2: Practice moving the windows around on the screen by clicking and dragging
their title bars.
Step 3: Double-click the title bars of each of the windows to move them back to their
docked positions.
Step 4: The Solution Explorer, Properties window, Dynamic Help window, and Tool-
box each have a Close button in their upper right corner. Close each of these
windows by clicking their Close buttons (Dynamic Help does not appear in
Visual Basic Express).
Step 5: Do you remember which buttons on the toolbar restore the Solution Explorer,
Properties window, and Toolbox? If not, move your mouse cursor over any
button on the toolbar, and leave it there until the ToolTip appears. Repeat this
procedure on different buttons until you find the ones whose ToolTips read
Solution Explorer, Properties Window, and Toolbox.
Step 6: Click the appropriate buttons on the toolbar to restore the Solution Explorer,
Properties, and Toolbox windows.
Step 7: Exit Visual Studio by clicking File on the menu bar, then clicking Exit on the
File menu. You may see a dialog box asking you if you wish to save changes
to a number of items. Because we are just experimenting with the Visual Basic
environment, click No.
In this section, you learned to start Visual Studio, interact with Visual Studio, and iden-
tify many on-screen tools and components. In Chapter 2, you will start building your first
52 Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic
1.1 Computer Systems: Hardware and Software
The major hardware components of a computer are the central processing unit
(CPU), main memory, secondary storage devices, input devices, and output devices.
Computer programs are stored in machine language, as a series of binary numbers.
Main memory holds the instructions for programs that are running and data pro-
grams are working with. RAM is usually volatile, used only for temporary storage.
The two general categories of software are operating systems and application soft-
Key Terms
algorithm Break mode
application software button
attributes central processing unit (CPU)
binary number CheckBox
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ComboBox objects
comments operands
compiler operating system (OS)
controls operators
Design mode Options dialog box
Design window output
disk drive output device
docked (dockable) windows PictureBox
Dynamic Help window procedural programming
event-driven procedure
event procedure program
floating window programmer-defined name
flowchart programming languages
Form object project
graphical user interface (GUI) properties
GroupBox Properties window
hardware pseudocode
HScrollBar RadioButton
identifier random-access memory (RAM)
input remarks
input device Run mode
integrated development runtime error
environment (IDE) secondary storage
keywords software
Label Solution Explorer window
language syntax standard toolbar
ListBox syntax
machine language instructions syntax error
main memory Text property
methods TextBox
Name property Toolbox window
New Project dialog box ToolTip
object-oriented programming VScrollBar
54 Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic
29. The ________________________ window displays help topics that are relevant to
the operation you are currently performing in Visual Basic.
30. A(n) ________________________ is a small box that is displayed when you hold the
mouse cursor over a button on the toolbar or in the Toolbox for a few seconds.
Short Answer
1. What is the difference between main memory and secondary storage?
2. What is the difference between operating system software and application soft-
3. Briefly describe what procedural programming means.
4. Briefly describe what object-oriented programming means.
5. Briefly describe what an event-driven program is.
6. Why has the advent of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) influenced the shift from
procedural programming to object-oriented/event-driven programming?
7. From what you have read in this chapter, describe the difference between a Label
control and a TextBox control. When is it appropriate to use one or the other?
8. When creating a VB application, you will spend much of your time doing what
three things?
9. What is a form?
10. Summarize the mandatory rules that you must follow when naming a control.
11. What is a keyword?
12. What is the purpose of inserting comments in a program?
13. What is language syntax?
14. What is a syntax error?
15. What is a runtime error?
16. What is an operator?
17. What is a flowchart?
18. What is pseudocode?
19. What default name will VB give to the first Label control that you place on a form?
What default name will VB assign to the first TextBox control that you place on a
20. What property determines the text that is displayed by a Label control?
21. What is Auto Hide? How do you turn Auto Hide on or off?
22. What is the Toolbox window in Visual Studio?
23. What is the standard toolbar in Visual Studio?
24. What is a tooltip?
25. If you do not see the Solution Explorer window in Visual Studio, how do you dis-
play it?
26. If you do not see the Properties window in Visual Studio, how do you display it?
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56 Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic
27. How do you display the Dynamic Help window in Visual Studio?
28. What mode is Visual Basic in while you are designing and building an application?
29. What mode is Visual Basic in while you are running an application?
30. What mode is Visual Basic in while an application is suspended for debugging?
31. Figure 1-29 shows the Visual Basic IDE. What are the names of the four areas that
are indicated in the figure?
1 3
2. What type of control does each of the following prefixes usually indicate?
a. btn
b. lbl
c. txt
3. For each of the following controls, make up a legal name that conforms to the stan-
dard control name convention described in this chapter.
a. A TextBox control in which the user enters his or her last name
b. A Button control that, when clicked, calculates an annual interest rate
c. A Label control used to display the total of an order
d. A Button control that clears all the input fields on a form
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Programming Challenges 57
4. The following control names appear in a Visual Basic application used in a retail
store. Indicate what type of control each is and guess its purpose.
a. txtPriceEach
b. txtQuantity
c. txtTaxRate
d. btnCalcSale
e. lblSubTotal
f. lblTotal
Programming Challenges
1. Carpet Size
You have been asked to create an application for a carpet sales and installation busi-
ness. The application should allow the user to enter the length and width of a room
and calculate the rooms area in square feet. The formula for this calculation is
Area = Length Width
In this exercise, you will gain practice using Steps 1 through 6 of the programming
process described in Section 1.5:
1. Clearly define what the application is to do.
2. Visualize the application running on the computer and design its user interface.
3. Make a list of the controls needed.
4. Define the values of each controls properties.
5. Make a list of methods needed for each control.
6. Create a flowchart or pseudocode version of each method.
Step 1: Describe the following characteristics of this application:
Step 2: Draw a sketch of the applications form and place all the controls that are
Step 3: Make a list of the controls you included in your sketch. List the control
type and the name of each control.
Step 4: List the value of the Text property for each control, as needed. (Remember,
some controls do not have a Text property.)
Step 5: List each method needed. Give the name of each method and describe what
each method does.
Step 6: For each method you listed in Step 5, draw a flowchart or write
2. Available Credit
A retail store gives each of its customers a maximum amount of credit. A customers
available credit is determined by subtracting the amount of credit used by the cus-
tomer from the customers maximum amount of credit. As you did in Programming
Challenge 1, perform Steps 1 through 6 of the programming process to design an
application that determines a customers available credit.
3. Sales Tax
Solving the Perform Steps 1 through 6 of the programming process to design an application
Sales Tax that gets from the user the amount of a retail sale and the sales tax rate. The appli-
Problem cation should calculate the amount of the sales tax and the total of the sale.
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58 Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic
4. Account Balance
Perform Steps 1 through 6 of the programming process to design an application
that gets from the user the starting balance of a savings account, the total dollar
amount of the deposits made to the account, and the total dollar amount of with-
drawals made from the account. The application should calculate the account bal-