The Islamic Civilization: Reported By: Ms. Rodmie Colene M. Tamang Bsed-Ss Ii-1
The Islamic Civilization: Reported By: Ms. Rodmie Colene M. Tamang Bsed-Ss Ii-1
The Islamic Civilization: Reported By: Ms. Rodmie Colene M. Tamang Bsed-Ss Ii-1
Reported by:
Ms. Rodmie Colene M. Tamang
The Coming
of Islam
The birthplace of Islam.
The largest peninsula in the world.
It is a hilly, arid land dotted with occasional oasis or fertile
areas with enough water to support trees and plants.
Oasis Arabia
The Founding of Islam
Muhammad was born in Mecca about 570 C.E.
He married Khadija at the age of 25.
622 C.E.
Mecca Yathrib
630 C.E.
Mecca Yathrib
By 732 C.E. Muslim forces had crossed the Pyrenes Mountains and
advanced into France, until they were stopped by Charles Martel at
the Battle of Tours.
Islamic Empire
When Muhammad died, he left no heir to lead Islam. Abu Bakr, a
friend of Muhammad was elected caliph. A caliph means successor to
the prophet
The Umayyad Dynasty
In 661 C.E. a leading family of Mecca established the Umayyad
The Umayyad made Damascus in Syria the capital of the Islamic
Mecca remained as the spiritual center of Islam.
Around the year 700 under Harun Al-Rashid, the Islamic Empire
enjoyed the Golden Age. Later, Abbasid rulers left the rule of the
government to corrupt officials; and after 100 C.E., the empire
The Seljuk Turks invaded the Islamic Empire. Although they were
converted to Islam, their traditions differed from those of the Arabs.
In 1258, the Mongols destroy Baghdad and ended the Abbasids rule.
Eventually, the Ottoman Turks reunited Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Arabia
into an Islamic State that lasted until 1918.
of Islam
Muslim used the magnetic needle, which was invented by the Chinese,
to produced their own version of the Mariners Compass.