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Jurnal Obgyn
Jurnal Obgyn
Clinical Study
Could Metformin Manage Gestational Diabetes
Mellitus instead of Insulin?
Hend S. Saleh, Walid A. Abdelsalam, Hala E. Mowafy, and Azza A. Abd ElHameid
Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig 44519, Egypt
Copyright 2016 Hend S. Saleh et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) complicates a significant number of pregnancies. Blood glucose control improves perinatal
outcomes. Medical nutrition therapy is the foundation in management. Aim of This Study. To evaluate efficacy of metformin in
comparison to insulin for managing GDM. Methods. In prospective randomized comparative study, 150 antenatal women whose
pregnancies had been complicated by GDM and did not respond to diet alone were recruited from antenatal clinics at Obstetrics
Department in Zagazig University Hospitals from November 2012 to December 2014. They were divided randomly into two groups,
75 patients in each, and were subjected to either insulin or metformin medication. Outcomes were comparing the effects of both
medications on maternal glycemic control, antenatal complications, and neonatal outcome. Results. No significant difference in
controlling high blood sugar in GDM with the use of metformin or insulin ( = 0.95, 0.15). Maternal complications in both groups
had no significant difference and fetal outcomes were as well similar except the fact that the hypoglycemia occurred more in insulin
group with value 0.01. Conclusion. Glycaemic control in GDM can be achieved by using metformin orally without increasing risk
of maternal hypoglycemia with satisfying neonatal outcome.
diagnosis. The doorstep values are a fasting glucose concen- several disadvantages including multiple daily injections, the
tration of more than 126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) and/or a 2-h risk of hypoglycemia, and maternal weight gain [20].
glucose concentration of more than 140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L) Health education for dose adjustment of insulin is essen-
[9]. tial to provide confident safe self-administration of insulin.
Recently, trials have exhibited that efficient management Currently, considerable costs of health education on the safe
of hyperglycemia in women with GDM is the main principle use of insulin in addition to the cost of the drug itself are
to prevent hyperinsulinemia and fetal macrosomia [10]. chased. Observably, oral therapy if safe and effective could be
We diagnosed GDM by the American Diabetes Associa- more satisfactory and desired [3].
tion (ADA) criteria, depending on 75-gm glucose load then So, it is good idea to use oral hypoglycemic agents in
checking the fasting serum glucose concentration, 1-h glucose controlling blood sugar. Hypothetically, metformin is an
concentration, and 2-h glucose concentration [11]. alternative to insulin in the treatment of hyperglycemia
The glucose threshold values are 95 mg/dL (5.3 mmol/L), during pregnancy. It reduces hyperglycemia by suppressing
180 mg/dL (10.0 mmol/L), and 155 mg/dL (8.6 mmol/L), hepatic glucose output so it reduces hepatic gluconeogenesis
respectively. Two or more abnormal values are required for and it is intensifying insulin sensitivity therefore enhancing
diagnosis. Some studies have shown that a single abnormal peripheral glucose uptake [21].
value is significantly associated with amplified neonatal It has been found to have a rate of maternofetal transfer
hazards [12]. of 1016%. Before, it had not been widely used in GDM
When the World Health Organization (WHO) advised but, nowadays, growing studies focus on investigating the
using a 75-gm glucose tolerance test for screening and effectiveness and safety of metformin in such cases. These
diagnosis of GDP with the threshold values of a fasting Studies were either case-control, observational trials or ran-
glucose concentration of more than 126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) domized controlled trials (RCTs). Still its use in pregnancy is
and/or a 2-h glucose concentration of more than 140 mg/dL controversy [22].
(7.8 mmol/L), about twice as a lot of patients will be positive The aim of this study is to compare efficacy and safety of
diagnosis [9]. metformin to those of insulin on glycemic control and mater-
The main management started by dietary and exercise nal and neonatal outcomes in GDM to reach end conclusion
counseling, but about 2060% of GDM patients often require about the possibility of replacing insulin by metformin in
pharmacological treatment, which has conventionally been pregnancy.
insulin [13].
Dietary adjustment is frequently called medical nutrition 2. Methods
therapy. Evidence shows that it is efficient in glycaemic
control and improving pregnancy and neonatal outcomes It is a prospective randomized comparative study. One
[14]. hundred and fifty antenatal women whose pregnancies had
American Diabetes Association (ADA) suggests exercise been complicated by GDM and did not respond to diet
programs in moderate level for those who have no medical or modifications or nutritional instructions alone in 3 weeks
obstetrical complications, in the form of 3 or more times per were recruited from antenatal clinics at Obstetrics Depart-
week for 30 min [11]. ment in Zagazig University Hospitals from November 2012 to
The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology December 2014. GDM was diagnosed at 2634 weeks using
(ACOG) recommended that GDM patients should keep up WHO criteria: fasting plasma glucose 7.0 mmol/L or 2-h
the following capillary blood glucose values: preprandial value >7.8 mmol/L following a 2-h 75 g OGTT [23].
glucose <95 mg/dL (5.3 mmol/L), 1-h postprandial glucose Exclusion criteria were type 1 and type 2 diabetes and any-
130140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L), and 2-h postprandial glucose one who was already on insulin treatment, recognized fetal
<120 mg/dL (6.7 mmol/L) [15]. anomaly by ultrasound investigation, the fact that mother
Others recommend maintaining fasting glucose levels of had hypersensitivity or intolerance to metformin intake like
<9099 mg/dL (5.05.5 mmol/L), 1-h postprandial glucose gastrointestinal side effects, liver or kidney diseases, and any
levels of <140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L), and 2-h postprandial obstetric high risk conditions. After the study protocol was
glucose levels of <120127 mg/dL (6.77.1 mmol/L) [16]. approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Zagazig
There is agreement that measuring postprandial glucose University Hospitals, the research course was completely
levels is more important compared to preprandial levels since explained to the participants receiving their verbal and
the former associates better with definite neonatal risks like written informed consents. They were divided randomly into
hypoglycemia, macrosomia, and shoulder dystocia [17]. two groups by permuted block randomization. Each group
The pharmacological interference is in the form of either had 75 pregnant mothers. Group 1 received metformin orally
subcutaneous insulin which has been considered the stan- initially at dose of 500 mg/day with meals which slowly
dard for management of GDM or oral hypoglycaemic agents increased up to 3000 mg in divided doses as tolerated by the
(metformin and glyburide) [18]. patient and till controlled glycemic profile was realized. If the
Insulin regimens frequently consist of intermediate acting target was not achieved or tolerance was not achieved then
insulin such as isophane and short acting agents such as insulin was commenced.
regular recombinant insulin (Humulin R) [19]. Group 2 received insulin as a combination of short
Adjustments of its doses depend on the patients body acting (Actrapid) and intermediate acting (Mixtard) human
mass index, glucose levels, and lifestyle. Insulin therapy has insulin as twice daily injections before breakfast and before
International Journal of Reproductive Medicine 3
dinner to face the three meals and three snacks per day Table 1: Demographic profile of metformin and insulin groups.
depending on individual patient requirement, in order to
achieve the desired glycemic goals. 24-hour total insulin dose Metformin
Insulin group value
Parameter group
was estimated using 0.6 units/kg body weight in 1st trimester, : 70
: 67
0.7 units/kg body weight in 2nd trimester, 0.8 units/kg body
weight from 28 to 32 weeks of gestation, 0.9 units/kg body Age (years) 31 3.42 29.8 2.18 0.398
weight from 32 to 36 weeks of gestation, and 1 unit/kg body Parity 3.05 1.61 3.24 1.72 0.253
weight from 36 weeks onwards. Monitoring at home was Family history
done by estimating blood glucose levels. Fasting and 2- (i) Diabetes 40% 42% 0.911
hour postprandial blood sugar had been measured after the (ii) Hypertension 31% 34% 0.897
three main meals. The target of management was to main-
(iii) Preeclampsia 29% 27% 0.963
tain fasting blood sugar (FBS) at <100 mg/dL (5.5 mmol/lit)
and postprandial blood sugar (PPBS) levels at <120 mg/dL Mean gestational age
27.28 3.458 29.31 3.12 0.348
(7 mmol/lit). of diagnosis of GDM
Glycemic profile, fasting blood sugar (FBS), and post- BMI-early pregnancy
30.52 3.17 31.58 30.12 0.614
prandial blood sugar (2 hr PPBS) were done weekly for all (kg/m2 )
cases. BMI-late pregnancy
34.28 2.17 37.11 3.87 0.016
Dose modifications of drugs were made at each antenatal (kg/m2 )
visit weekly till delivery. Usual obstetric care was offered
at the antenatal clinics including ultrasound examination Table 2: Fasting blood sugar (FBS) and mean 2-hr postprandial
which was done at first visit (dating scan) and then at 16 blood sugar at start and throughout treatment (mg/dL).
19 weeks (anomaly scan) and then monthly after 28 weeks
as fetal well-being scan. HbAIC was done at entrance of Parameter Metformin group Insulin group value
study and at around 37 weeks of pregnancy. Mode and time Mean fasting (FBS)
of delivery were decided around 38 weeks of pregnancy. (mg/dL) at starting of 136.09 39.85 137.56 41.10 0.869
Maternal outcome in the form of glycemic control, medical treatment
complications, and mode of delivery were documented. Mean 2-hr
Neonatal outcomes were recorded and all were statistically postprandial blood 198.32 214.67 196.52 15.45 0.451
analyzed. sugar at starting of
The recorded data was evaluated using SPSS12.0. Mean treatment
with SD was reported for all continuous variables and was Mean fasting (FBS)
expressed as mean standard deviation (SD). Qualitative (mg/dL) throughout 93.25 13.7 94.33 11.1 0.953
analysis was done using Students -test. Two-sample inde- treatment
pendent Students t-test and Mann-Whitney test were used Mean 2-hr
for continuous data. For quantitative analysis chi-square postprandial blood 116.52 3.53 117.12 3.45 0.158
test Fisher Exact test, and Mann-Whitney test were used. sugar throughout
Statistical significance was considered at value of <0.05. treatment
3. Results
patients of the metformin group and in 12 patients of insulin
This prospective comparative study is to compare the useful- group. Seven patients developed preterm labour in met-
ness of metformin versus human insulin in patients with formin group versus 5 patients in insulin group. Eight patients
GDM. A total of 150 patients with GDM were registered in the in metformin group developed polyhydramnios whereas
study. They met the inclusion criteria and were randomized only 6 patients in insulin group showed polyhydramnios on
to treatment with metformin or insulin. 137 participants growth scan. Urinary tract infection was found in 4 patients
completed the study and their data was finally analyzed, with in metformin groups versus 3 in insulin group. No significant
67 patients in metformin group and 70 patients in insulin difference was found between both groups according to
group. The design and subject course through the study are medical disorders which developed during antenatal period
exemplified in Figure 1. (Table 3).
The demographic characteristics of metformin and As for mode of delivery, statistically, no significant
insulin groups at the time of diagnosis of GDM were similar differences were found between both groups as 40.2% of
(Table 1). metformin group underwent elective cesarean section versus
Fasting and 2-hour postprandial blood glucose levels 42.8% in insulin group. 20.8% of metformin group underwent
were statistically analogous in two groups. Glycemic targets emergency cesarean section versus 22.8% in insulin group.
were achieved and maintained throughout pregnancy in the 34.3% of metformin group underwent spontaneous vaginal
intention variety with no statistical difference in both groups delivery versus only 28.5% in the insulin group. Assisted vagi-
(Table 2). nal delivery using ventouse was done in cases of metformin
GDM was diagnosed around the period of 2634 weeks group and cases in the insulin group (Table 4) (Figures 2, 3,
of gestation in our participants. Preeclampsia developed in 13 and 4).
4 International Journal of Reproductive Medicine
8 were excluded due to the following 5 were excluded due to the following
4 took out their consents 3 took out their consent
2 lost to follow-up 2 lost to follow-up
2 discontinued the medication
Metformin Insulin
group group 200
Maternal value
complication : 67 : 70
% % 150
Metformin Insulin
Variable : 67 : 70 value
% %
Hypoglycemia 10.4% 7 21.4% 15 0.01
Transient 0.67
2.9% 2 4.2% 3
Respiratory 0.85
1.4% 1 2.8% 2
Neonatal 0.31
Elective CS Assisted vaginal delivery 19.4% 14 15.7% 11
Emergency CS Spontaneous vaginal delivery
Phototherapy 19.4% 14 15.7% 11 0.31
Figure 3: The figure shows % of modes of deliveries in metformin Neonatal
group. intensive care 14.9% 10 17.1% 12 0.51
unit admission
Birth trauma 0% 0%
Insulin group
Metformin Insulin
Variable : 67 : 70 value
% %
Apgar score at 5 0.59
1.5% 1 1.4% 1
minutes < 7
Gestational age
38.7 1.1 38.9 1.4 0.06
at birth
weight > 90th 14.9% 10 15.7% 11 0.89
weight < 10th 5.9% 4 7.1% 5 0.31
Congenital 0.91
1.5% 1 2.8% 2
supports metformin and glyburide as choices for handling of The results of this current study were comparable to the
gestational diabetes [2]. findings of Glueck et al. as we also found that metformin
Most studies discussed the amount of transplacental pas- intake during pregnancy was not associated with increasing
sage of glyburide; Kraemer et al. recognized active transport rate of preeclampsia or neonatal complications.
of glyburide from the fetal circulation to the maternal one that Rai et al. [22] in their prospective observational study
may guard the fetus from contact with the drug [31]. were comparing metformin to insulin for patients with GDM
Langer et al. could not detect any glyburide in the cord and type 2 DM (T2DM) in pregnancy. They found that
blood at delivery despite its presence in maternal serum [32]. glycemic control was better with metformin after 1 week of
Other studies indicate that fetal concentrations of gly- therapy and also throughout gestation compared to insulin
buride may be 1% to 2% of maternal concentration [33]. and also found no major complications or perinatal deaths
Moore et al. had compared neonatal outcomes of preg- related to metformin uptake. They proved that metformin is
nant women with GDM that were managed by metformin clinically efficient, inexpensive, and a harmless alternative to
to those with glyburide in randomized study but found no insulin therapy in pregnant diabetic women.
significant difference [34]. These days, more studies center on investigating the
In the current study, we preferred using metformin as effectiveness and safety of metformin when used during preg-
one of the oral hypoglycemic medications. The occurrence nancy in managing GDM. Some are observational studies and
of unfavorable outcomes either in pregnancy or in neonate others are case-control trials [41]. The randomized controlled
were not raised in those who were managed with metformin trials (RCTs) are present but with little samples which are
compared with those who were managed with insulin except deficient in the authority to represent valid conclusion about
the fact that the neonatal hypoglycemia happened more in the use of metformin for managing GDM.
insulin group. Our study had the same drawback that although it is
The results of our study to high extent were similar to randomized one, the sample size was small.
studies by Coetzee and Jackson in 1970. They were the first
researchers who studied metformin during pregnancy in
women with insulin-independent diabetes. Their study had
5. Conclusion
also two groups of patients; one received metformin and Metformin is effective and safe in gestational diabetes melli-
the second one received insulin. The maternal and perinatal tus (GDM) and could be used instead of insulin in such cases.
outcome were the same for both [35].
The studies on this issue have been continuing from
Coetzee and Jackson until Lim in 1997 [36], who was the first Ethical Approval
one that described that GDM can be managed efficiently and
securely with oral hypoglycemic drugs with no distinction in The study was approved by the institutional ethics committee.
pregnancy outcomes.
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cohort study of type 2 DM pregnant women on metformin in
opposition to glyburide versus insulin. Their results proposed The authors declare that they have no conflict of interests.
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