Cascade and Parallel?
Cascade and Parallel?
Cascade and Parallel?
1. Discuss the types of transmission lines?
2. Define the efficiency and voltage regulation of transmission line?
3. Draw the equivalent circuit and phasor diagram of short transmission line?
4. What are network models of medium length transmission lines?
5. Draw the network models of medium length transmission lines?
6. Write down the ABCD constants of short and medium length transmission lines?
7. Write short notes on surge impedance loading?
8. Draw the equivalent circuit representations of long transmission lines?
9. Write down the ABCD constants of long transmission lines in terms of length?
10. Write down the ABCD constants of long transmission lines if the two networks are in
cascade and parallel?
1. What is the effect of shunt capacitance at the terminal of a transmission line?
2. What is meant by crest of a wave and front of a wave?
3. What are the various factors which affect corona?
4. What are the adverse effects of corona?
5. How corona effects are be minimised?
6. What are the factors which govern the performance of a transmission line?
7. Define proximity effect? Discuss in detail?
8. Give the expressions for i) Disruptive critical voltage ii) Visual critical voltage iii) Corona
Power loss?
9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of corona?
10. Define dielectric strength of air?
1. What are the important properties that an overhead line insulator must possess?
2. How are insulators tested to determine flashover voltages?
3. How do insulators fail?
4. What is string efficiency? What are the methods to improve string efficiency?
5. Give the expression for string efficiency, if the string containing 3 units?
6. What are the various components of an overhead line?
7. Define the term sag? What are the factors affecting sag?
8. Why it is disadvantageous to provide either too high sag or too low sag?
9. What is the effect of wind and ice on sag?
10. What is stringing chart?
1. Give classification of underground cables?
2. What are the main requirements of insulating materials used for underground cables?
3. Give the limitations of 3-core belted type cable?
4. On what factors does the insulation resistance of a cable depend?
5. List the types of insulating materials?
6. Why grading is required for cables?
7. What are the types of grading of cables. Discuss in detail?
8. A 3-core cable gives on test a capacitance of 3.7 micro farad between two cores. Find the
line charging current of the cable when it is connected to 11 kV, 50 Hz system.
9. What are the special locations of laying of cables?
10. What are the losses in underground cables?