Gestión de La Innovación

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Resources Policy 31 (2006) 137145

Innovation in the minerals industry: Australia in a global context

Garrett Upstill, Peter Hall
School of Business, The University of New South Wales (ADFA Campus), Canberra, Australia
Received 21 January 2006; received in revised form 9 December 2006; accepted 22 December 2006


The pattern of innovation in the global minerals industry is changing as the industry becomes increasingly globalised. In this paper, we
look at the structure of innovation in the industry and the drivers of change. We rst consider the broad international trends and then
examine these more closely with special reference to the Australian industry. Issues addressed include the apparent decline in corporate
research and development spending, changing patterns in research collaboration and outsourcing, and the uptake of information and
communication technologies in the industry. We also look at the potential implications of these trends for step-change technological
developments and at the role of technological innovation in the future development of the industry.
r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Innovation; Research and development; Technology; Global minerals industry; Productivity

Introduction and communication technology (ICT), and at a mooted

downturn in large, step-change innovation projects.
The pattern of technological innovation in the minerals
industry is changing as the industry becomes increasingly The minerals industry and innovation
globalised. The lowering of regulatory barriers and the
growth of trade and international investment have led to The minerals industry
major changes in the industry as mergers and takeovers
reduce the number of big players and change traditional The minerals industry may usefully be dened to
market structures. Many companies, both large and small, embrace exploration for, and extraction and primary
now operate in new locations and new markets across the processing of, minerals, including processing up to the
globe. rst pouring of the rened metals (Minerals Council of
In this paper, we look at innovation in this changing Australia, 2004). In a denition that we use in this paper,
environment. We analyse the conventional idea of minerals the industry then includes:
as a low-tech, low-innovation industry, and discuss the way
technological innovation contributes to process improve-  explorationlocating an ore body, deposit delineation,
ment and improved productivity in the industry. We then and prospect evaluation;
offer an overview of the main innovation-related trends in  extractionremoving it from the ground, by a variety of
the industry, including a reported reduction in corporate methods (e.g. underground, open cut, alluvial);
research and development (R&D) funding, before examin-  processingisolation of the ore and preparation for
ing these trends more closely in the context of the metal production.
Australian minerals industry. In particular we look at
trends in R&D expenditures, at the shift toward more
The denitition excludes the activities of the fabricated
collaborative innovation, at the uptake of new information
metal products and oil, gas and steel industries. Larger
minerals companies frequently have vertically integrated
Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 2 6288 8825; fax: +61 2 6268 8450. operations across the industry value chain, with smaller
E-mail address: (G. Upstill). companies often restricted to just parts of the chain.

0301-4207/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
138 G. Upstill, P. Hall / Resources Policy 31 (2006) 137145

The minerals industry is often considered, misleadingly, Mineral exploration has become more difcult over the
as a low-tech and, by inference, a low-innovation industry. years and requires increasingly sophisticated technology.
This is because the conventional indicator used to decide Most of the easily discovered outcropping surface deposits
whether an industry is high, medium or low tech in the have been found and techniques are now needed that are
innovation literature is R&D intensity, that is industry tailored to different geological terrains and that can look
expenditure on R&D expressed as a proportion of industry under deep cover. Australia, for example, is a deeply
turnover. By this measure the industry falls in the low-tech weathered continent with the bedrock often covered by a
category: the research intensities for the Basic Metals and heavy layer of weathered inhomogeneous rubble, or
Other Metallic Mineral Products industries in 1997 were regolith. Increasingly exploration depends on highly
0.7% and 0.9%, respectively (OECD, 1999), well below sensitive equipment and novel techniques drawing on
those of other industries such as pharmaceuticals and disciplines such as geophysics and geochemistry.
information processing. The extraction process depends on the mining equipment
But this approach can lead to misdiagnosis and a failure and techniques employed including, for example, drilling,
to appreciate the role of technology and innovation in the blasting, cutting, excavating, loading and hauling, as well
industry. The simple research-intensity approach fails to as mining logistics, equipment monitoring and diagnostics.
consider non-R&D expenditures, for example, on design Efciency enhancement in each of these benets from
activities, engineering development and experimentation, technological innovation, as do remote control and
or exploration of markets for new products (Smith, 2004). automation techniques, which remove people from mine
In addition, it understates or ignores mineral exploration sites and improve safety.
activities, which involve extensive use of high-tech equip- In mineral/metal processing, the technology imperative
ment and often innovative approaches: in 2006 exploration is to improve the efciency and reliability of processes
expenditures for commercial non-ferrous metals were employed to recover metals from the ore. Given the high
estimated at US$7.5 billion (Metals Economics Group, throughput involved, incremental improvements can make
2006). Moreover, simple R&D measures ignore the R&D a big differencefor example, in conveyor belt technology,
which is embodied in capital goods and intermediate or comminution/grinding, or furnace design and perfor-
inputs, that is the contribution of new technology from mance (computational uid dynamic modelling). Processes
other industries to the mineral industry. One way this may also need to be optimised to respond to the signature of
be captured is to use an alternative indicator, namely the individual mineral deposits. Incremental improvement is
ratio of acquired R&D intensity (R&D embodied in capital characteristic of scale-intensive industries: given the
and intermediate goods) to simple R&D intensity. The potential economic advantages of increased scale combined
Basic Metals and Other Metallic Mineral Products sectors with the complexity of y production systems the risks of
rank highest of all industry sectors by this measure, with failure associated with radical but untested changes are
ratios of 2.85 and 2.89 (OECD, 1999; Smith, 2004). potentially very costly. Process and product technologies
It is also easy to overlook the innovativeness of mature therefore develop incrementally on the basis of earlier
industries where technologies and market conditions operating experience and improvements in components,
change relatively slowly (von Tunzelmann and Acha, machinery and subsystems (Tidd et al., 2001, p. 113).
2004). For Pavitt (1984), who recognised that innovation Non-incremental mineral and metal process improve-
processes vary according to industry, the minerals industry ments, on the other hand, require newly designed plants
is best understood as a scale-intensive industry engaged in and operations, which are expensive and of high risk.
innovation, with its own characteristics. In any case, every Signicant practical and nancial risks are involved in
industry offers scope for innovation, whether new or scaling-up processes from laboratory to pilot plant size and
mature. As Porter (1999) notes all industries today are then to full-size plants, and in ruggedising large-scale
high tech, all industries use information technology, new processes to be efcient and reliable. The risks are evident
materials, new kinds of technology to dramatically improve in the number of projects abandoned before commercial
the way they do things. There are no low-technology operation. In Australia, recent examples include the A$2
industries; there are only low-technology companies: billion, hot briquetted iron project in the Pilbara, Western
companies that have not yet woken up to the potential of Australia and the Australian Magnesium Corporation
technology to transform what they do. smelter in Gladstone, Queensland. Moreover, these step-
change projects often take a long time to enter
commercial operation. For example, HiSmelt, a novel
Technological innovation one-stage process to produce molten pig iron commis-
sioned by RioTinto in Western Australia in 2005, has been
Technological innovation contributes at each stage of under development since the 1980s. In a review of HiSmelt
the value-adding chain within the minerals industry, and other direct-smelting techniques, Dry and colleagues
namely mineral exploration, extraction, and processing, note the path from initial concept euphoria to real world
as well as to broader environment issues related to the commercial performance is long and difcult, far more
industry. so than one might logically expect. They draw three
G. Upstill, P. Hall / Resources Policy 31 (2006) 137145 139

lessons: (i) the time-scale for developing this type of contribution of technological innovation is to push down
technology is more like 20 years than 35 years; (ii) for unit production costs, for example, through the discovery
successful development there is no way of avoiding a large of higher quality ore bodies or more reliable and lower cost
expensive pilot plant phase; and (iii) if the underlying extraction and processing techniques.
motivation is not strategic and strong enough to counter- A second important driver, already mentioned, is meet-
balance the risk and costs of the exercise, dont do it (Dry ing environment and social concerns. Increasingly compa-
et al., 2002). nies need to attend to environment, public safety, and local
Finally, the environment is also a focus for technological community concerns in order to maintain their licence to
innovation. Environmental concerns arise, for example, in operate in exploration, mining and processing activities.
relation to mine or plant operations or the rehabilitation of Concerns about environment and sustainable development
damaged areas. Mine-site management and process (e.g. Sweeting and Clark, 2000) lie behind industry-wide
changes to reduce waste, dust, noise, water and air efforts to develop cleaner and more energy-efcient
pollution, or damage to ora and fauna are also the focus production methods, and low-impact mining and proces-
of research and innovation. More recently concern about sing operations.
greenhouse gas emissions has driven technology develop-
ment in the coal industry. The changing global industry

Innovation drivers Industry trends

In a scale-intensive industry like minerals, there is limited The minerals industry has undergone major structural
scope for product differentiation and the main driver for change as it has become increasingly internationalised over
innovation is productivity improvement through increased the past few decades. As Crowson (2006) has noted, both
process efciency across the value chain. the demand for minerals and primary metals and their
The long-term growth in productivity is evident in both supply are shaped by global political and economic
the copper and iron ore industries. In the copper industry, developments. The demand for metals, derived from the
labour productivity has increased at a rate of 3.4% per year demand for metal products, has shifted away from the
over the past 140 years (Humphreys, 2001); in the iron ore mature industrial economies to the newly industrialising
industry, there has been an average increase in productivity countries of the Pacic Rim, India, China, and Japan.
of 2.5% per year over the past 140 years (Humphreys, Prices have uctuated in response to changing balances
2001). The fall in real unit costs of copper production since between supply and demand, trending downwards from the
the 1980s reects the closure of high-cost mines, but also early 1970s till the early 2000s, and while prices have picked
the introduction of new solvent-extraction electro-winning up from 2003 they have generally not returned to their
technologies. Better quality deposits have contributed to earlier peak in real terms. The location of production has
the success of the Chilean copper industry but increased also changed in response to factors such as depletion of ore
labour productivity is also attributable to the introduction resources, and changing economics of extraction and
and diffusion of new technologies and innovations (Garcia processing (Crowson, 2006). While the minerals sector still
et al., 2001). accounts for a signicant part of gross national production
Productivity growth also drives the performance of the in Australia, and in countries such as Canada, South
wider mineral industry, as price cycles and slowness to Africa, and Chile, it has declined in relative importance in
innovate weed out the weaker rms. While the real prices Western Europe and the United States (where it never-
of metals have trended down over the longer term (see US theless remains large in absolute terms). Behind the
mine production composite index in Fig. 1), falling prices changes in location of production and increased offshore
do not necessarily mean declining prots if output volumes investment and trade has been widespread industry
are rising and unit costs are falling still faster. The deregulation. Over one hundred countries have rewritten
their mining laws since 1985 (Humphreys, 2001): for
example, in Chile changes in investment laws in 1990 have
meant foreign mining companies now have the same legal
rights as nationals, with transparent registration processes,
and repatriation of prots. Deregulation has also led to
increased investment and expanded mining operations in
East Asia, South America, Africa, and the former Eastern
The globalisation of the industry has been accompanied
by a change in the major players. One estimate is that of
Fig. 1. Composite industrial minerals price index in constant 1997 dollars. the 50 largest mining companies in 1990 just 28 remained
The index combines data for copper, gold, iron ore, lead, and zinc and a by 2003 of which nine were state-owned enterprises (La
number of industrial mineral commodities (Sullivan et al., 2000). Nauze and Schodde, 2004) (Despite this there has been a
140 G. Upstill, P. Hall / Resources Policy 31 (2006) 137145

decrease over the past 30 years in the market concentration

of production in copper, zinc, nickel, and gold mining and
in copper rening (Crowson, 2006, pp. 223)). In Australia,
the two major players are Rio Tinto and BHP-Billiton,
which are both dual listed in Australia and the United
Kingdom. La Nauze and Schodde (2004) argue these
changes are part of a bifurcation of the industry as the
larger companies take over or merge with the mid-sized
companies leaving a long tail of smaller companies. If so,
the implications for innovation are unclear. On the one
hand, it might be expected to lead to increased head-to-
head competition between companies that are rivals in
several markets. On the other hand, it could lead to new Fig. 2. Selected global mineral companies reported R&D expenditures
opportunities for outsourced and independent R&D by the (US$ million: current prices) (Twigge-Molecey, 2004). Reprinted with
permission of the author.
smaller companies, which have opportunities for an
expanded role across the industry.

R&D and innovation

As we have argued, R&D activity is a poor indicator of

the innovation performance of the industry. Nonetheless
trends in R&D expenditure do offer some insight into the
direction of change and the pattern of effort. While there
are denitional problems in getting consistent minerals
R&D data, we note with interest one recent industry
estimate that the global mining industry spends about
US$1.5billion each year on R&D, with 75% (US$1150 m)
being spent in house and 25% (US$350 m) outsourced
(Shaw, 2004).
In the United States, cuts in corporate and public Fig. 3. Major copper producing companies reported R&D expenditures
spending on minerals R&D expenditure have been (US$ million: current prices) (Twigge-Molecey, 2004). Reprinted with
reported. A survey by the Rand Corporation (Peterson et permission of the author.
al., 2001) of the US mining industry points to a scaling
down or elimination of R&D operations in the rms within decline in R&D by the major companies over the past few
the industry, and a shift toward technology problem yearswith the exception of the aluminium industry in
solving, as well as the extension of brown-eld sites rather which the R&D budgets of Alcoa and Alcan have risen.
than developing green-elds sites. The changes in the A number of reasons have been offered for this apparent
private sector are reected in a downsizing of public trend. One view is that it is a response to the depressed
funding with the abolition in the 1990s of US Bureau of prices of the mid-1990s: since the pay-off on R&D
Mines, the principal source of US federal funding for both expenditure is distant there is a tendency for managements
academia and industry. In Western Europe, there are also to see R&D as a cost rather than a long-term investment
reports of reduced corporate and public sector R&D and consequently cut expenditure during a period of
expenditures (e.g. the closure of the research laboratories economic downturns. Alternatively, R&D expenditures
of the UK National Coal Board) as the minerals industry may not have fallen as much as the published data suggest.
goes through a period of slower growth. And the reduction R&D activities have shifted from corporate laboratories to
in R&D expenditure may be reected in the decreasing strategic business units where they are more closely linked
supply of post-graduate students: a recent report found to immediate problems but are less likely to be recorded as
that over the past 20 years 20 mining engineering formal R&D. Finally, there may actually have been a long-
departments (or 30% of the total) have closed in Australia, term real change in attitudes as the larger companies
Canada, UK, USA, and one has opened in Chile (Davison, reassess the risk and return on R&D in the global industry
2004). and seek alternative ways to achieve productivity growth in
The decline in corporate R&D budgets in the industry is the industry.
also evident in R&D data drawn from the annual reports
of a number of major mining companies (Twigge-Molecey, Innovation in a global era
2004), while inter-company comparisons are difcult
because of different jurisdictions and different company With the lowering of international barriers has come
reporting methods. Figs. 2 and 3 point offer support for the increased globalisation of innovation and technology in the
G. Upstill, P. Hall / Resources Policy 31 (2006) 137145 141

minerals industry. The minerals industry satises the three sensing applications in relation to exploration and mining,
aspects for globalisation of technology (Archibugi and and in advanced computational techniques in simulations.
Michie, 1995)global exploitation of technology, global The same technologies have also contributed in the areas of
technological collaboration, and global generation of marketing and internet procurement.
technology. No longer are large minerals companies A recent study estimated, for example, $860 m of poten-
dependent on local knowledge to gain competitive advan- tial savings in 2000 through the introduction of e-markets
tage; they are able to access technology and experience in the non-ferrous metals markets (International Copper
from across the world, and build technology collaborations Study Group, 2000). Another example is the establishment
with research institutions and companies from home to in February 2000 of the Quadrem Mining and Metals
exploit overseas mines and markets. The ability to access to Procurement Marketplace by Alcan, Alcoa, AngloAmer-
research and technology expertise from around the world ican, Barrick, Corporacion Nationale de Cobre de Chile,
means a wide range of diverse and complementary skills Companho do Rio Doce, De Beers, Newmont, Noranda,
can be applied to technology challenges. Phelps Dodge, and WMC, which collectively accounted for
The trend is typical of contemporary innovation as an about 60% of the market capitalisation of global mining
open, highly interactive process (Chesbrough, 2003) and industry. Quadrem is an e-procurement organisation that
changes in the organisation of R&D in a new global era. provides product search, requisitioning, order tracking,
As Branscomb and Florida (1998) note: Industry is shifting tendering, contract options, and data warehousing. It has
from the central R&D laboratory to the global R&D grown rapidly and now connects more than 47,000
network. In the past, corporations could internalise research suppliers and 700 buyers and handles more than $13
and technology development, but as the sources of billion in order throughput annually, with transactions
technology have become more decentralised and distributed, reported to be growing at a cumulative rate of 21% per
the challenge has become how to manage external sources of month (Quadrem, 2006).
technology. To cope with these changes, corporations are Kuller (2006) notes the underlying benets to the
developing new collaborative relationships, alliances and industry: E-commerce allows companies to manage the
partnerships; relying more upon their suppliers, customers usage, maintenance, and supply of hard assets (machinery,
and users as sources of technology; establishing overseas drills, trucks, etc.) by electronically linking suppliers to the
R&D labs; and increasing their partnerships with univer- mining industry into the buyers maintenance management
sities and government laboratories (p. 22). and ERP systems, automating the parts ordering process
We can see this in the growing incidence of jointly y E-procurement (such as Quadrem) brings economies of
brokered research involving companies and research scope to the mining industry across a wide range of
providers from multiple countries. An example is the operations from being able to standardise equipment
Global Mineral Research Alliance (GMRA), which in- across a companys operations and benet from the central
cludes the national agencies CANMET-MMSL (Canada), procurement of that equipment, from better coordination
CSIR Mining & Technology/Miningtek (South Africa), of shipping and marketing activities and from being able to
and CSIRO Exploration and Mining (Australia) in share back-ofce services amongst several operations.
conjunction with the National Institute for Occupational Companies can make the whole add up to more than the
Safety and Health (USA). GMRA offers opportunities for sum of parts, leveraging the entire value chain through
collaborative research across the range of mineral explora- from supplier to customer (p. 3).
tion, extraction, and processing activities. One form of The productivity effects of the new technologies are
collaborative research is pre-competitive researchcon- likely to have been substantial. The nding that US total
sortium-based research is not aimed at producing products factor productivity in the mining industry in the period
but rather solving problems of common concern or 19871997 grew at a high rate of 4% a year has been
developing technology platforms for future products and attributed to the contribution of ICT not just in traditional
services. Pre-competitive research is organised through the areas of exploration and operations but also to integrated
R&D programmes of mineral industry associations such as business process systems, shared back-ofce services, and
Australian Minerals Industry Research Association Inter- coordinated marketing and shipping (Humphreys, 2001).
national (AMIRA International, based in Melbourne),
the Canadian Mineral industry Research Organization The Australian experience
(CAMIRO, Toronto), and the Mineral Industry Research
Organisation (MIRO, Leeds). A closer look at the Australian mineral industry offers
deeper insight into these global trends. The Australian
Uptake of information and communication technologies experience is likely to be similar to that of the global
industrya number of Australian companies are large
The minerals industry is adept at taking up technology international players in the industry with a strong presence
and innovation from other industries. In recent years, new in other markets, and the industry is subject to the same
information and communication technologies have made globalising trends and to the same vortex that affects other
their mark, for example, in satellite and other remote players in the international minerals industry.
142 G. Upstill, P. Hall / Resources Policy 31 (2006) 137145

Importance of minerals industry in Australia in 1998/99 down to A$33million in 2002/03 and to A$22
million in 2004/05 (Intellectual Property Institute of
The minerals industry has been an important part of the Australia, 2004). R&D expenditure by the mining industry
Australian economy since gold was discovered in Victoria overall remained reasonably steady over the 1995/962002/
in the 1850s. It has been important to economic develop- 03 period, despite a downward blip in 1999/00 (ABS, 2005).
ment and social infrastructure in a number of regions since In 2004/05, the mineral industry R&D expenditure
then. Mineral exports amounted to A$43billion in 2002/03 (primary mining and extraction processes, rst-stage
or about 90% of Australian mineral production, notably treatment of ores and minerals, other mineral resources
coal, gold, copper, nickel, aluminium, alumina, and iron but excluding energy resources) was $771million (ABS,
ore. The mineral industry accounts for about 6.5% of 2006a); total government R&D expenditure for the same
Australias gross domestic product and 29% of its exports industry sector was $97 million (ABS, 2006b). These gures
(Minerals Council of Australia, 2004). Australia has the correspond to 9.1% of total industry R&D expenditure,
worlds largest economic demonstrated resources of lead, and 3.9% of total government R&D expenditure in 2004/
mineral sands, nickel, tantalum, uranium, and zinc, and is 05 (ABS, 2006a, b)
in the top six worldwide in terms of economic demon- The bulk of R&D is directed toward experimental
strated resources for bauxite, black coal, brown coal, development. Just 5% of industry R&D expenditure is
cobalt, copper, gold, iron ore, lithium, manganese ore, rare categorised as Basic Research while this accounts for 40%
earth oxides, and gem/near gem diamond (Minerals of government R&D. The balance of industry R&D
Council of Australia, 2004). About 16% of the worlds spending is 23% Applied Research and 72% Experimental
mineral exploration in 2003 took place in Australia Development; for government the corresponding gures
(Geoscience Australia, 2004). are 48% (Applied Research) and 13% (Experimental
The pattern of industry change in Australia in the past Development) (Hogan, 2004).
decade or so mirrors the global picture. BHP-Billiton and Industry R&D funding is supported by the federal
Rio Tinto have grown to be major international players governments 125% taxation concession scheme for
and the bulk of mid-capitalisation minerals companies such minerals companies with eligible R&D expenditures and
as Conzinc Riotinto Australia, Normandy, Mount Isa by programmes such as the ARC Linkage Grants, as well
Mines, North and Western Mining Corporation (WMC) as through public funded research agencies. Notable
have disappeared as a result of takeovers and mergers. agencies include Geoscience Australia, which supplies
Partly offsetting this trend has been the emergence of new geo-scientic information for government and industry,
mid-tier companies such as Oxiana and Zinifex and the CSIRO (the national research laboratory), and several
existence of a large number of small-to-medium companies. Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs) and university-
The Australian industry has become more internationalised based centres of excellence.
with investment by overseas mining companies and
investment by the Australian industry in overseas projects Importance of collaborative R&D
and exploration. In 2000, Australian companies were
involved in at least 105 projects in Africa, 133 projects in Opportunities for knowledge pooling and sharing
the Asia Pacic and 42 projects in South America. through collaborative and consortium research have
(Maponga and Maxwell, 2000). In 2003, the larger increased in recent years. This can be seen in CSIROs
Australian mineral companies were reportedly spending collaborative research activities, in several CRC pro-
about 36% of their exploration budgets overseas (Minerals grammes related to the minerals industry, and in the
Council of Australia, 2004). research brokering activities which Australian companies
The smaller companies are important in areas such as enter with research institutions and other companies. All
minerals exploration and mining services but few, apart these expand the research talent base available to work on
from companies such as the mining software producer industry projects.
Mincom, maintain large dedicated R&D activities. Mining Dodgson and Vandermark (2000a, b) describe the
exploration continues to be the domain of small or networking and collaboration in the Australian minerals
junior companies which often conduct exploration on industry as a dynamic web, which involves private
a contract or joint venture basis, that is small companies research providers, universities CSIRO, CRCs, dedicated
joining with major companies from Australia and overseas exploration companies, high-tech service providers, equip-
to explore leases. ment suppliers and contractors, government agencies, and
other mineral companies. It enables companies to out-
R&D activity source technology development, to work with public
research providers and other companies and also to access
R&D spending by large mineral companies has fallen in technology from abroad. This changes the nature of
recent yearsfor BHP Billiton the R&D budget fell from technology management for companies; in this new
A$221million in 1998/99 to A$60 million in 2002/03 and to environment new skills and capabilities are requiredto
A$43 million in 2004/05, and Rio Tinto from A$84million scan the international research horizons for the best people
G. Upstill, P. Hall / Resources Policy 31 (2006) 137145 143

and teams available, to design mechanisms in which they nies, and one-third are multinationals. The research teams
can contribute to in-house research, and to transfer also involve non-Australian research institutions: for
technology efciently within and across borders. example, the long-standing AMIRA P9N project on
The principal public research providers are CSIRO, the comminution and otation involves researchers from
CRC programme and a number of university-based McGill University, the University of Cape Town as well
mineral research centres. CSIRO is Australias largest as the JKMRC and includes among its sponsors companies
public research organisation and supports the industry of Australian, Canadian, South African, Chilean, US,
through its divisions of minerals, exploration and mining, Swiss, Finnish, German, and Swiss origin.
and energy technology; it manages a portfolio of projects
across a range of exploration, extraction, processing, and Uptake of information and communication technologies
related environment projects in excess of $80 million per
year, with about 40% of its funding coming from contract The adoption of information and communication
or collaborative funded research (CSIRO, 2006). CRC technologies has led to innovation and productivity
programmes pertaining to the mineral industry are the improvement in the Australian industry beyond the areas
CRC Mining, the Parker CRC for Integrated Hydrome- that usually feel the impact of R&D and technology
tallurgy Solutions, the CRC for Landscape Environments management. The company WMC (Foley, 2003) illustrates
and Mineral Exploration, the CRC for Predictive Mineral this in its experience with marketing. Following success in
Discovery, the CRC for Sustainable Resource Processing, the electronic management of production and stock
and CRC for Coal in Sustainable Development, and the control, it introduced from 1999 a cobalt open sale system
CRC for Clean Power from Lignite. These are joint website, then a nickel internet marketing system, a copper
ventures typically involving several private sector compa- sales information system (CopperSIS), and an internet
nies, and one or more university or public research agency tendering Site. The BHP Steel Division also implemented a
such as CSIRO, which implement a collaborative research far reaching ecommerce strategy during the 1990s, transi-
programme based on funding from the federal government tioning from trialling an electronic data interchange, to
for with supplementary funding from other parties installation of an electronic trading system to an internet-
involved. There are several university-based mineral based business trading system in a process which has
research centres, prominent among which are the Julius generated major efciencies for the company and for
Krutschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC) in suppliers (Chan, 2003). Both WMC and BHP-Billiton were
Queensland, the Ian Wark Research Centre in South founding members of the metals and mining procurement
Australia, and the Centre for Ore Deposit Research in organisation, Quadrem.
Tasmania, all of which conduct contract research and
consulting for the industry. A recent addition is the Step-change innovation activities
Australian Mineral Science Research Institute, which
brings together a number of Australian university research Step-change technologies transform the industry over
centres. time and may yield major spin-off benets. But they are
Industry-funded research alliances are another impor- generally technologies with a long gestation period and are
tant element in the national research infrastructure for the frequently costly.
minerals industry. Notable here are AMIRA International, As the large mineral companies reduce their R&D
the Australian Coal Association Research Program spending, there is a concern that the industrys capacity
(ACARP) and the Australian Centre for Mining and for radical innovation is declining.
Environmental Research (ACMER). They operate pre- Two examples of step-change innovation show the
competitive research programmes directed toward new reason for anxiety. The rst is the Jameson cell induced
methods, tools, and technology for the industry. AMIRA air otation device invented for recovery of valuable
International exemplies this approach; it is funded minerals in the mineral processing plants. The technique,
exclusively by its industry members and operates research invented in 1986 by Graeme Jameson at Newcastle NSW
programmes in exploration, mining, and processing. after 21 years of research, now has a commercial value of
AMIRA International operates a A$40 million programme over A$500 million per year in coal exports (Allen
of about 60 projects, with an annual budget of about Consulting Group, 2003). The second example, from
A$10million. The projects each involve a suite of mineral BHP-Billiton, is gravity gradiometry. This is a technique
company sponsors, which participate in and jointly oversee which allows high-resolution detection of small variations
the research. Research teams are drawn from the various in the earths gravity and detection of ore bodies hundreds
research providers such as CSIRO, the CRCs, and the of metres below the earths surface. Extremely sophisti-
JKMRC as research providers. In a notable change cated software is needed to detect small changes in the
reecting the global nature of the industry and the density of rocks, after subtracting the impact of hills and
importance of collaborative research AMIRA became valleys and ignoring aircraft motions and then producing
international in 1998. About one-third of its 67 members density models of the earth. The BHP-Billiton Falcon
are Australian companies, one-third are overseas compa- airborne gravity gradiometer, which was launched in 1999,
144 G. Upstill, P. Hall / Resources Policy 31 (2006) 137145

is the outcome of a project that had its origins in the early impact and social acceptability of large new minerals
1990s and technology developed by Lockheed Martin for operations (Wagner and Fettweis, 2001; Hitzman, 2002).
the US Navy. It has been employed in airborne surveys on Technological innovation has an important role to play
four continents, including surveys in partnership with most in raising productivity through the exploration and
major mining companies, with junior exploration compa- delineation of new and higher grade ore bodies, better
nies and government agencies. mining and extraction methods, and improved reliability
The worry is not so much that radical technology and quality control in mineral processing. It can also make
developments are not occurring, but that they will become contributions in addressing potential barriers to operation,
less likely in a restrictive corporate R&D funding environ- notably those linked to impacts on the environment and
ment. The gravity gradiometer is an example of the local populations and ensuring companies are able to
breakthrough proprietary technology that can deliver maintain their licence to operate in both new and
competitive advantage but also one whose size (A$40mil- established operations.
lion) makes it ill-suited to development by rms without The international industry has been reshaped in the past
large R&D budgets. Step-change technologies are fre- decade as new countries have entered the market and large
quently costly, longer term projects. They are generally less companies have restructured to meet new global opportu-
well suited for development by smaller companies, which nities. The pattern of innovation effort in the industry also
generally cannot afford to bet the company on new has changed with a shift to greater collaborative research.
technologies nor are they well suited to collaborative Efciency enhancements are also being sought from the
research, given that they are generally undertaken by uptake and diffusion of information and communication
companies to achieve a unique competitive edge. This is technologies which have improved organisational efciency
not the case in projects that have wide public-good in non-technology areas such as administration, sales,
payoffs, such as research into geosequestration and clean and delivery. One possible outcome of the cutback in
coal technologies, which are in a position to receive strong corporate R&D spending is a reduction or delay in the
support from the Australian government (Australian Coal development of step-change process improvements,
Association, 2006; CO2CRC, 2006). which generally take the form of extended projects
The concern that the corporate capacity for radical involving large up-front R&D expenditures. These
development has been diminished was noted recently in an are generally unsuitable for collaborative development
AMIRA International Annual Report: In our industry and often beyond the resource capabilities of smaller
there is widespread demand for ongoing improvement in companies.
mineral processing performancehigher recovery rates, Overall the changes point to the need for new capabilities
reduced costs, improved safety and environmental impact. in innovation management to improve existing processes,
Over the past 50 years or more improvements in minerals tap into the potential of new technologies to improve
processing efciency have come in waves. Over the past efciency all along the industry value chain, and to develop
decade improvements have been mainly driven by con- inter-company and interpersonal links to draw on external
tinuous improvement. Few major ore bodies have been knowledge for innovation. The required skills include
discovered, few mines have been opened, few smelters or scanning globally for people and technologies, building
plants commissioned; instead brown eld expansions and cross-organisational teams, managing outsourced and
squeezing more from existing capital has been the order of collaborative research, and exploiting pre-competitive
the day. There is a need for a quantum leap or step research alliances to build technologies to be used later
change in performance through new approaches. We may for competitive advantage.
be seeing such changes emerging in exploration and mining
but a detailed evaluation of mineral processing operations
is required. These evaluations should lead to entirely new
research programmes that will enable the elimination of
stages because only in this way will we achieve signicant Allen Consulting Group, 2003. A Wealth of Knowledge: The Return on
reduction in capital costs and improved energy efciency Investment from ARC-funded Research. ARC, Canberra.
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why have so few made it? AATSE Focus July/August, 817. Smith, K., 2004. Measuring innovation. In: Fagerberg, J., Nelson, R.,
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Garcia, P., Knights, P.F., Tilton, J.E., 2001. Labour productivity and Sullivan, D.E., Sznozpek, J.L., Wagner, L.A., 2000. 20th century US
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