Asset Management Data Collection

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Asset Management Data Collection

For Supporting Decision Processes

Aristeidis Pantelias

Thesis submitted to the

Faculty of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Civil and Environmental Engineering

The Via Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Approved by:

Dr. Gerardo Flintsch, Chair

Dr. Imad Al-Qadi

Dr. Dusan Teodorovic

Dr. James Bryant

June 9, 2005
Blacksburg, Virginia

Keywords: Asset Management, Data Collection, Decision Processes, Decision levels,

Project Selection, Web Survey

Copyright 2005, Aristeidis Pantelias

Asset Management Data Collection for Supporting Decision
Aristeidis Pantelias


Transportation agencies engage in extensive data collection activities in order to support their
decision processes at various levels. However, not all the data collected supply transportation
officials with useful information for efficient and effective decision-making.

This thesis presents research aimed at formally identifying links between data collection and the
supported decision processes. The research objective identifies existing relationships between
Asset Management data collection and the decision processes to be supported by them,
particularly in the project selection level. It also proposes a framework for effective and efficient
data collection. The motivation of the project was to help transportation agencies optimize their
data collection processes and cut down data collection and management costs.

The methodology used entailed two parts: a comprehensive literature review that collected
information from various academic and industrial sources around the world (mostly from Europe,
Australia and Canada) and the development of a web survey that was e-mailed to specific expert
individuals within the 50 U.S. Departments of Transportation (DOTs) and Puerto Rico. The
electronic questionnaire was designed to capture state officials experience and practice on: asset
management endorsement and implementation; data collection, management and integration;
decision-making levels and decision processes; and identified relations between decision
processes and data collection. The responses obtained from the web survey were analyzed
statistically and combined with the additional resources in order to develop the proposed
framework and recommendations. The results of this research are expected to help transportation
agencies and organizations not only reduce costs in their data collection but also make more
effective project selection decisions.

The author would sincerely like to thank his advisor, Dr. Gerardo W. Flintsch for his
continuous guidance, interest and overall assistance towards the completion of this
research. Without him this research would not have been as successful.

He would also like to thank the rest of the committee members and namely, Dr. Imad Al-
Qadi of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Dr. Dusan Teodorovic of the
Northern Virginia Tech campus for their valuable suggestions and feedback and Dr.
James W. Bryant of the Virginia Department of Transportation for his assistance with the
development and successful implementation of the web survey questionnaire.

The author would also like to thank his friend and colleague, PhD candidate Chen Chen
for his contribution to the preparation of the web survey and all the computer
programming involved. Appreciation for the success of this survey is also extended to
Mrs. Susan Willis-Walton of the Survey Department of Virginia Tech, Dr. Susanne Aref
of the Statistics Department of Virginia Tech and also to all the AASHTO officials that
provided helpful comments and feedback on it.

The author also cordially wants to thank all his friends and colleagues at the Virginia
Tech Transportation Institute and the Transportation Infrastructure and Systems
Engineering program of Virginia Tech for their continuous interest and support and for
all the good memories.

Finally, the author would like to thank his family for their continuous moral and financial
support. Without them this degree would have been too great to achieve.

Table of Contents

ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................... ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................ iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................ iv

LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................... vii

LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................... viii

LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................ 1

ASSET MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................... 1

Historic Overview - Definitions .................................................................................. 1
GASB 34...................................................................................................................... 3
Asset Management Characteristics............................................................................. 5
Overview of Implementation Efforts ........................................................................... 7
DATA COLLECTION, MANAGEMENT, AND INTEGRATION ............................................... 10
Data Collection Methods .......................................................................................... 11
Data Characteristics and Properties ........................................................................ 13
Data Management..................................................................................................... 15
Data Integration........................................................................................................ 16
DECISION PROCESSES AND DATA COLLECTION ............................................................. 17
Asset Management Decision Levels.......................................................................... 20
Asset Management Decision Processes .................................................................... 21
Information Quality Levels ....................................................................................... 23
Project Selection and Related Tools ......................................................................... 25
STATE-OF-THE-PRACTICE .............................................................................................. 29
Domestic Experience ................................................................................................ 29
Canada...................................................................................................................... 31
Australia and New Zealand ...................................................................................... 32
Europe....................................................................................................................... 33

SUMMARY OF THE LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................... 35


PROCESSES.................................................................................................................... 38

ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... 38
BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................ 39
OBJECTIVE ..................................................................................................................... 40
METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 40
LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................................... 41
Asset Management, Data Collection and Decision Levels ....................................... 41
Project Selection Level of Decision Making............................................................. 43
Data Characteristics and Properties ........................................................................ 46
Implementation Efforts.............................................................................................. 48
WEB-BASED TRANSPORTATION ASSET MANAGEMENT SURVEY .................................... 49
ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... 52
Asset Management Implementation .......................................................................... 54
Decision Levels and Processes ................................................................................. 55
Data Collection Procedures ..................................................................................... 56
Data Collection Rationale ........................................................................................ 57
FINDINGS ....................................................................................................................... 61
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS....................................................................... 62
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS................................................................................................... 63
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 64
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. 79
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................ 79

ENGINEERING SIGNIFICANCE ............................................................................... 80

BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................... 81

APPENDICES ................................................................................................................. 95

QUESTIONNAIRE ............................................................................................................ 96
ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................... 106

List of Tables


TABLE 2: ROADWAY ASSET TYPES AND DEFINITIONS ....................................................... 26
DATA TYPE ................................................................................................................ 30


JOURNAL TABLE 2. RANKING OF PROJECT SELECTION CRITERIA....................................... 68
SELECTION ................................................................................................................. 69

List of Figures

FIGURE 1. GENERIC ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM COMPONENTS ...................................... 7

RESOURCE ................................................................................................................... 9
THE CORRESPONDING DETAIL AND AMOUNT OF NEEDED DATA................................... 22

FIGURE 4: INFORMATION QUALITY LEVEL CONCEPT ......................................................... 23


CORRESPONDING DETAIL AND AMOUNT OF NEEDED DATA.......................................... 70


JOURNAL FIGURE 3. DEFINED DECISION MAKING LEVELS .................................................. 72
RELATIVE IMPORTANCE .............................................................................................. 73


IMPORTANCE .............................................................................................................. 74

JOURNAL FIGURE 7. AGENCY DATA COLLECTION RATIONALE............................................ 76
IMPORTANCE FOR PROJECT SELECTION ...................................................................... 77


DATA COLLECTION ..................................................................................................... 78

Literature review

Asset Management

Historic Overview - Definitions

The concept of infrastructure management and more particularly of transportation

infrastructure management is neither new to the United States nor to the rest of the world.
In the second half of the 20th century, efforts and approaches focused on managing
individual transportation infrastructure asset types. Pavement, bridge, tunnel, traffic
equipment, congestion, public transportation and various other types of individual
management systems have emerged during the last decades. Research in these areas is
still ongoing with important findings and continuous progress. Pavement management
systems are the oldest and most abundant of these engineering management systems.
This is due to the fact that pavements constitute almost 60% of the total infrastructure
assets managed by transportation agencies (Haas et al. 1994).

During the last decade of the 20th century, there has been a slow but consistent movement
towards a more holistic approach to the management of these assets. Transportation
agencies in the US and around the world have begun to acknowledge the merits of a more
comprehensive methodology for managing their infrastructure. This holistic way of
dealing with the management of transportation assets, coupled with more business-like
objectives has led to what is today commonly known as Asset Management.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) defines Asset Management as follows:

Asset Management is a systematic approach of maintaining, upgrading, and

operating physical assets cost effectively. It combines engineering principles with
sound business practices and economic theory, and it provides tools to facilitate a
more organized, logical approach to decision-making. Thus, asset management

provides a framework for handling both short- and long-range planning (FHWA

However, there have been many other definitions that consider different aspects of the
business strategies pertaining to Asset Management and that also widen its scope beyond
solely physical assets (McNeil 2000). Examples of this sort include the definition from
the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC):

Asset Management is a comprehensive business strategy employing people,

information and technology to effectively and efficiently allocate available funds
amongst valued and competing asset needs (TAC 1999),

and the one from the American Public Works Association (APWA):

Asset Management is a methodology to efficiently and equitably allocate

resources amongst valid and competing goals and objectives (Danylo and Lemer

Finally, the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

emphasizes the service to the public, which is the end customer of the road agencies and

(Asset Management is) A systematic process of maintaining, upgrading and

operating assets, combining engineering principles with sound business practice
and economic rationale, and providing tools to facilitate a more organized and
flexible approach to making the decisions necessary to achieve the publics
expectations (OECD 2000).

The genesis of the movement towards Asset Management in the United States has been
an understanding of the need for it. Highway agencies in the United States have moved
their primary focus many times during the last fifty years: there was a shift from

expansion to preservation from the 1960s to the mid 1980s; then the focus changed to
reinventing government from the mid 1980s to the beginning of the new century; from
that point of time until now, the focus has been on employing good and sound business
practices. This new focus has many implications, including embracing quality,
emphasizing the need to address strategic rather than tactical issues, integrating
economics and engineering and taking advantage of the progress made in information
technology (AASHTO 1999).

The reasons for this new approach to infrastructure management have been many and
include: limited funds leading to scarce budgets, technological advancements, lack of
expert personnel, and public demand for better quality of service and accountability from
the people in charge (AASHTO 1999). Taking into account that the estimated value of
USs transportation infrastructure sums up to a staggering $1 trillion (estimated by the
FHWA in 1999), the need to effectively and efficiently manage this infrastructure with
the best and most cost-effective approach becomes paramount.

Meanwhile, Asset Management had already been widely accepted by the private sector
worldwide and was already being practiced since the mid-1990s by transportation
agencies in the UK, Australian and New Zealand (Stalebrink and Gifford 2002). Hence,
transportation agencies in North America had one more reason to investigate whether or
not this was an approach that they wanted to endorse and apply (McNeil 2000).


Another milestone in the development of Asset Management has been the Statement No.
34, Basic Financial Statements and Managements Discussion and Analysis for State
and Local Governments (GASB 34), issued by the Governmental Accounting Standards
Boards (GASB 1999). This statement established a new financial reporting model for
both state and local governments and has been regarded by many as the biggest change in
history to public-sector accounting (Orndoff 2004).

GASB 34 intends to make financial reports more useful to legislators, investors and
creditors (GASB 1999) and establishes methods for governments to be more
accountable to bond market analysts and underwriters, citizens, and other financial
users. Furthermore, the potential impact of GASB 34 extends beyond financial
reporting statements and may influence the manner in which infrastructure is thought of
by citizens, legislators, and others interested in public finance and infrastructure
performance (FHWA 2000).

GASB 34 requires government financial managers to provide a Managements

Discussion and Analysis (MDA) section which is a non-technical narrative that
summarizes the financial performance of the agency, comparing it with the performance
of the previous year (Kadlec and McNeil 2001).

Furthermore, public transportation agencies have to record in their books all their capital
and infrastructure assets and all corresponding investments; and account for their value
by reporting it on a regular annual basis. As most of the infrastructure assets deteriorate
with time due to usage, environmental effects and aging, agencies can chose to report
their value either by depreciating them or by using a modified approach. In the first case
the asset value is being reported as a historical cost minus depreciation which is usually
determined using a straight-line depreciation method. In the modified approach:
Infrastructure assets are not required to be depreciated if 1) the government manages
those assets using an asset management system that has certain characteristics and 2) the
government can document that the assets are being preserved approximately at (or
above) a condition level established and disclosed by the government. Qualifying
governments will make disclosures about infrastructure assets in required supplementary
information (RSI), including the physical condition of the assets and the amounts spent to
maintain and preserve them over time (GASB 1999).

The described Asset Management systems must comply with certain specifications in
order to be acceptable by the GASB 34 standards. The systems must have a regularly
updated inventory, clearly established condition assessment criteria, and accurate

reporting capabilities of the annual expenses dedicated to the infrastructure preservation
(Kadlec and McNeil 2001; FHWA 2000).

Although GASB 34 was introduced separately and for different reasons than Asset
Management, the two have evolved to be complementary and beneficial for both the
accounting and engineering departments of transportation agencies (Orndoff 2004). In
reality, there is still some impeding hesitation from the accounting profession in choosing
the modified over the straight-line depreciation approach (Koechling 2004) and several
other implementation hurdles to overcome (Nemmers 2004). However, transportation
agencies that choose to apply Asset Management principles and tools are one step closer
to managing their infrastructure more efficiently, comply with the financial reporting
mandates of Statement No.34, and produce other benefits for the agency managers and
employees and for the general public (Kraus 2004).

Asset Management Characteristics

Asset Management is a generic framework of tools and methodologies aiming at

enhancing the way of managing infrastructure, which emphasizes good business practices
and asserts the holistic approach. It incorporates elements of various diverse disciplines
such as accounting, value engineering, life cycle cost analysis, economics, risk
management, and user satisfaction (Danylo 1998). It also differs from the traditional
management practices in the following ways:

By applying strategic rather than tactical measures, goals and policies,

By addressing decisions usually in a network, system-wide rather than a project
By integrating existing individual infrastructure systems and databases in a
common interoperable environment,

By introducing and incorporating financial and economic performance measures,
ideas and theories and treating the infrastructure management process as a
business, which has to be done efficiently and effectively,
By modeling the way the internal processes are undertaken after the private
sector, and
By establishing ways for efficient documentation and communication of the
decision making process with two significant benefits: (1) making management
decisions transparent to all kinds of shareholders, and (2) rendering decision
makers accountable for their choices.

As presented by FHWA (1999) and illustrated in Figure 1, an Asset Management system

has the following major elements, which are constrained by available budgets and
resource allocations:

Establishment of Goals and Policies,

Data collection and development of asset inventory,
Establishment of performance measures leading to condition assessment and
performance modeling,
Development of management systems to evaluate alternatives and control
Decision making regarding short and long term project selection,
Implementation of designed programs and evaluation processes,
Use of evaluation results for overall process feedback, redevelopment, or

Goals & Policies

Asset Inventory
Condition Assessment/ Performance Prediction

Alternative Evaluation/ Program Optimization

Short- & Long-Term Plans (Project Selection)

Program Implementation

Performance Monitoring (Feedback)

Figure 1. Generic Asset Management System Components

Overview of Implementation Efforts

The theoretical concepts behind Asset Management have been rigorously investigated in
the past years by many transportation agencies, educational/academic institutions, and
governmental and industrial organizations. Research is still ongoing and the world-wide
literature on the subject is annually enlarging. Few results, however, have so far been
reported from implementing Asset Management in practice. Although several US states
and countries around the world have welcomed and incorporated the new concepts in
their state-of-the-art, the corresponding state-of-the-practice is yet to achieve similar
extent. The actual implementation has been proven to be more difficult than initially
anticipated. Many of the reasons behind the lag between theory and practice have been
acknowledged and documented in previous studies (AASHTO 1996). The most
commonly mentioned hurdles to overcome include: (1) the fact that there is no unique
way of establishing an Asset Management system but rather a large number of

alternatives to choose from, and (2) difficulties to integrate together existing databases
and individual infrastructure management systems in spite of the advances in information
technology and its applications.

In that context, there have been several domestic and international reports on the progress
and challenges phased by private and/or governmental transportation agencies on their
way to implement Asset Management Systems. These efforts are presented in more detail
in a later section of this document, with milestone examples that are of interest to this
research following hereafter.

As a milestone domestic reference, the American Association of State Highway and

Transportation Officials (AASHTO) has developed a Transportation Asset Management
Guide (AASHTO 2002). This guide was prepared in order to assist State Departments of
Transportation in tailoring a generic Asset Management framework to their individual
needs and characteristics. It was developed in the context of the National Cooperative
Highway Research Program (NCHRP) and based on up-to-date experience and research
findings. This guide describes Asset Management as a strategic approach to managing
infrastructure assets and identifies two major clusters of decision making: resource
allocation and utilization. Asset Management can touch on nearly every aspect of the
business functions of a transportation agency, including planning, engineering, finance,
programming, construction, maintenance and information systems.

A schematic representation of the overall Asset Management process with emphasis on

resource allocation and utilization is illustrated in Figure 2. The described process is
oriented to the actual implementation of the Asset Management concepts and

Policy Goals and Objectives
System Performance Economic Social & Environmental

Integrated Analysis of Options and Tradeoffs

Asset Classes Goals Types of Investments
Highway Safety Capital
Bridge Preservation Operating
Transit Availability Maintenance
Aviation Mobility/Reliability
Rail Accelerated Projects
Bike & pedestrian

Decision Applying Resources, Investment Choices

Financial Human Information

Agency, Intergovernmental
Public / Private Partnership
Outsource - Privatize

Systems Monitoring and Performance Results

Figure 2. Framework for Transportation Asset Management as a Resource

Similar initiatives have been undertaken by several DOTs in an effort to implement the
concept of Asset Management. However, there is still a long road to be traveled by state
agencies in order to comprehensively implement Asset Management and move from
todays theory to tomorrows practice.

For example, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has been among the
nations leaders in creating an Asset Management database and inventory information
system. VDOT has created a pilot for a comprehensive state-wide highway inventory
system by utilizing state-of-the-art procedures and cutting-edge technology (Larson and
Skrypczuk (a), (b) 2004). The cost of the venture and the size of the created database led
to the conclusion that such a practice was not necessarily the best one, and created
skepticism on the real value and usefulness of the collected data.

An important result of this effort in addition to the creation of the database was an
Asset Management Data Collection Dictionary that encompassed detailed descriptions
of roadway asset data and their condition specification needs (Larson and Skrypczuk
2004 (b)). Furthermore, and in continuation of its previous efforts, the agency has also
created an Asset Management Data Collection Guide in order to identify, facilitate and
enhance Asset Management related data collection (VDOT 2004). This thesis draws
from this effort and focuses on researching the links between data collection and Asset
Management decisions processes.

Data Collection, Management, and Integration

Data collection, data management, and data integration are essential parts of the Asset
Management framework that are critical to its success. Timely and accurate data lead to
information and form the basis for effective and efficient decision making. Besides, the
goal of Asset Management is the development of decision-support systems that provide
access to quantitative data on an organizations resources and its facilities current and
future performance (Nemmers 1997).

Data collection is very much dependant on the intended use of the data. It is obvious that
the level of detail and the depth needed for the collected data varies according to the
hierarchical level of the decisions that need to be made. Although all decision-making
levels are undisputedly part of the overall Asset Management process, data collection
requirements have to specifically consider how the collected information is going to be
used at the various management decision levels. Data needs for supporting strategic,
network, or project level are significantly different in terms of degree of detail and
required accuracy. Broadly speaking the data collection requirements can be categorized
in the following three groups:

(1) Location: actual location of the asset as denoted using a linear referencing system
or GPR coordinates.

(2) Physical attributes: description of the considered assets that can include: material
type, size, length, etc.

(3) Condition: condition assessment data can be different from one asset category to
another according to the set performance criteria. The data can be qualitative and
generic (e.g., Good, Bad, etc) or detailed and/or quantitative in accordance to
established practices and standards (e.g., Pavement Condition Index, bridge
health indices, etc).

Data Collection Methods

Infrastructure data collection has been an ongoing process since the 1960s. In the last
decades the various methods and technologies used have shown a trend towards
automation and computerization.

Methods used for the collection of asset management data include: (1) manual, (2)
automated, (3) semi-automated, and (4) remote collection. Regardless of the method
used, the existence of an effective Quality Control and Quality Assurance (QC/QA)
program is vital for the success and reliability of the collection. A brief description of
each method is presented following (VDOT 2004):

(1) Manual collection: The method employs two or more data collectors and a
distance measuring device. The collected data are documented either with pen and
paper or in most recent cases with hand-held computers equipped with GPS
(Larson and Skrypczuk (a) 2004). The data collectors walk from one site to the
other and inspect and record the condition of the considered assets. A variation of
this method, the windshield survey, uses a vehicle to perform the inspection while
driving along the travel line; the recording is still done manually. Manual surveys
allow for very detailed data collection but are very labor intensive and require
more time per asset than automated or semi-automated methods.

(2) Automated collection: The method involves the use of a multipurpose vehicle
which is equipped with a distance measuring device, digital video cameras
(downward and/or forward looking), a gyroscope, laser sensors, computer
hardware and potentially GPS antennas in order to capture, store, and process the
collected data. The gyroscope and GPS are used to capture location data. The
laser sensors are used to acquire pavement surface properties and the downward
looking cameras are used to assess pavement surface properties (usually
distresses). The forward looking cameras are used to determine the location of
roadside assets and assess performance measures. Specifically developed software
is generally used in order to visualize in three dimensions the location of the
transportation assets from the digital two-dimension frames. The newest data
collection equipments have achieved high automation and accuracy and are
capable of very fast and comprehensive data collection (Peggar et al. 2004; Rada
et al. 2004). In most cases, however, even with the use of automated methods,
some post-processing of the data is required.

(3) Semi-automated collection: This method involves similar equipment as the

completely automated method but with a lesser degree of automation. It is very
popular within transportation agencies and yields comprehensive and accurate
data collection when properly implemented.

(4) Remote collection: This last method pertains to the use of satellite imagery and
remote sensing applications. These methods involve high resolution images
acquired through satellites or other types of images and scans obtained by remote
sensing technologies (lasers, aerial photos, aerial GPR, etc). The images are used
in conjunction with ground information in order to reference the location of the
transportation assets and to assess asset condition or capture various asset
attributes and characteristics (NASA 2000; NCRST 2001).

The general progression of automatic transportation asset management data collection is

the following (VDOT 2004):

Photolog: Was the original data collection method which was used from the
1960s to the 1980s. Data had to be viewed through sequential image access or
film. (VDOT 2004).
Videolog: Mainly used during the 1980s but in some cases it is still in use today.
Data could be randomly accessed as long as they were placed on a laser disk.
Todays practice includes mostly digital video.
Regular resolution digital images (i.e. 640 by 480 dpi): Mainly used from the mid
1990s to present. Images are placed on various storage media (magnetic tapes,
CDs, DVDs etc) and on network servers.
High resolution digital images (i.e. 1300 by 1000 dpi): Mainly used from the end
of the 1990s until present. Images also placed in magnetic disks but mainly in
network servers and databases for network sharing.

The collection of data for transportation assets can have various purposes such as
inventory, inspection, tort reliability, and performance monitoring. The data collection
frequencies may vary accordingly to its purpose. Data collection frequency usually
depends on asset type, as some assets require more frequent data collection than others,
asset condition, and other factors. More information on data frequencies can be found
elsewhere in VDOT (2004).

Data Characteristics and Properties

The research of various sources on how agencies worldwide deal with decision making
has brought to light particular attributes and characteristics that the collected data should
possess in order to be useful for this purpose. Regardless of the particular type or
category that the collected data fall into, it is of paramount importance that when
incorporated in a database they exhibit the following characteristics (Deighton 1991):
Integrity: whenever two data elements represent the same piece of information,
they should be equal,

Accuracy: the data values represent as closely as possible the considered piece of
Validity: the given data values are correct in terms of their possible and potential
ranges of values, and
Security: sensitive, confidential and important data are protected by restricting
access to them and by properly ensuring systematic and frequent backing-up in
other storage media.

As a fifth characteristic it is also recommended that the data elements be rigorously

defined in a Data Dictionary and that in the most ideal of all cases these definitions be
common between all agencies and parties involved in this area of practice (Deighton

In addition, the Western European Road Directors (WERD 2003) highlighted the
importance of the following criteria when selecting data required by an
Relevance: every data item collected and stored should support an explicitly
defined decision need,
Appropriateness: the amount of collected and stored data and the frequency of
their update should be based on the needs and resources of the agency/
Reliability: the data should exhibit the required accuracy, spatial coverage,
completeness and currency, and
Affordability: the collected data are in accordance with the agencys financial and
staff resources.

According to the same source (WERD 2003), agencies planning to engage in data
collection should take into account and determine the following parameters:
The specification of the data to be collected,
Their frequency of collection,
The accuracy and quality that the data should exhibit, and

Their completeness and currency.

As a general recommendation it is noted that the accuracy, quality and currency of the
data should be decided based on the cost of the data collection and the value and benefit
associated with the data in question. Data should only be collected if the benefits that
they provide outweigh the cost of their collection and maintenance (WERD 2003).

Data collection costs can and should be minimized by collecting only the needed data and
only when needed. The data collection activities and methods used should be based on
and produce results that match the levels of accuracy, precision and resolution required
by the decision processes to be supported (Smith and Lytton 1992).

Data Management

Once the data have been acquired by one or more of the above described methods and
technologies they are stored in various formats and storage media. Data formats include:
paper format, electronic databases, and geo-referenced database systems (such as
Geographic Information Systems, GIS). The storage media employed can be paper forms
(still in use in many agencies), hard disks, magnetic tapes, CDs, DVDs and combinations
of thereafter.

Electronic data are the easiest to share and can exist in various forms such as text,
graphics, photos, and videos. They can be stored either in flat files or in structured
database files (relational, object-oriented), which can be stand-alone or part of a database

Organizational culture has traditionally prompted agencies to create database/information

management systems that support specific applications such as pavement, bridge, sign,
equipment, finance, and other management systems. These independent, legacy,
stovepipe systems have to be linked in order to efficiently support Asset Management.

The realization of this goal has proved to be extremely challenging as the aforementioned
systems often use different data management technologies and information system
environments (e.g. database design, software, hardware, etc.) (FHWA 2001 (f)). This is
the focus of the next section.

Data Integration

As transportation asset data have been collected at different times, by different units,
using different methods, and stored in varying formats and media, there is naturally a
need for data integration. Data integration is essential to transform the data into useful
information, able to support decision making at the various management levels.
Transportation agencies must organize the available data into suitable forms for
applications at the different organizational levels of decision making. This venture
presents a big challenge, as data integration is nothing but easy to implement.

According to FHWA (2001 (b),(e),(f)) data integration alternatives include two main
approaches: (1) a fused database and (2) many interoperable databases. In the first case
the integration strategy leads to the creation of one database that contains all integrated
data; in the second case existing or newly created databases are linked together and the
integration of the data is achieved with the use of queries that provide a view of the
linked data.

The choice among the two integration strategies depends on many factors and is clearly a
judgment call for the agency officials. The factors to be considered include:
Intended use of the integrated data (by whom and for what purpose),
Characteristics of the already existing databases/information systems,
Type and volume of the data that need to be integrated,
Currently available information technology,
Level of staff and resource allocation that will be dedicated to the process, and

Structure of the agency/organization itself (business units and their roles, data
needs, people and information systems).

As location is an important property of all transportation assets, it has served in many

cases as the common platform used for data integration. For example, various state
DOTs have used GIS and other geospatial tools for data integration (Flintsch et al. 2004).
GIS software and related functionalities can alternatively be incorporated in the databases
as external software that enhances the analytical and reporting capabilities of the system
(FHWA 2001 (f)).

Another aid for the integration and interoperability of databases is the use of commonly
accepted data definitions and consistent formats across systems. A standard data
dictionary or global standard for data definition, representation, storage and
communication could be of vital help to the effort of data integration, regardless of the
integration strategy implemented. However, there have been many challenges identified
by agencies that have tried to develop and implement data standards and that have
attempted to convert existing, legacy data to these new standards. These challenges
include agreeing on suitable data formats, models and protocols when the existing
databases present extreme diversity; achieving support from the agency staff and getting
people to conform to the new standards; and reducing as much as possible the effort and
resources needed in order to develop and implement the standards (FHWA 2001 (f)).

Decision Processes and Data Collection

Independent of the data integration strategy chosen and level of integration achieved,
there are many dimensions inherent in the analytical and decision making processes
concerning transportation assets that need be taken into account.

Decision processes can be either:

At an operational level (e.g. how to repair a bridge component) or

At a more generalized strategic level (e.g. how often to resurface a road).

They can address:

A specific project that is geographically restricted and has a narrow scope (e.g. a
route or a highway section) or
A complete network of roadways (e.g. all state rural arterials).

Furthermore, they can refer to resource allocation and analysis of alternatives:

Across different assets (e.g. pavements, bridges, tunnels, signs, etc) or
Across different governmental jurisdictions (e.g. counties, districts, etc).

Therefore, large and diverse amounts of data are needed in order to fully support the
decision processes in all their possible dimensions and in all levels of decision making
within the agencies.

In addition, the resulting systems complexity is big enough to intimidate even carefully
designed strategies and high levels of data integration that are chosen to be implemented
(FHWA 2001 (f)). A carefully conceptualized thought process of rationalizing which data
are needed to support which type or level of decision processes needs to be developed.
This process can lead to a more effective and efficient data integration within the
intended scope of the data and the decision systems they support. This section discusses
the decision processes of transportation agencies and explores the link between them and
data collection if any.

The data needed in order to populate a complete database and inventory for the assets
managed by a state transportation agency are enormous and costly. Data should be
collected according to their intended use and therefore data collection should be carefully
planned according to these needs. This is a notion that has been identified early in the
development of Asset Management (Nemmers 1997) but seems to be occasionally
forgotten. In that context, a cost-effective and rational approach to data collection is
currently needed by transportation agencies and organizations. For this purpose, the

existence of specific links between the collected data and the actual decisions they are
intended to support have to be investigated.

All forms of management have an internal hierarchy of decision making levels. There is a
structured process inherent in most corporate systems that aggregates information and
generalizes the scope of decisions to be made as one moves upwards in this hierarchy.
Infrastructure management and Asset Management are not different than the rest. There
are various decision-making levels that represent different perspectives on the system,
which range from very specific, detailed project-oriented views to generalized,
comprehensive and strategic ones. The decision levels pertaining to Asset Management
as identified in literature are three: the strategic level, the network level and the project
level (Haas et al. 1994; Hudson et al. 1997; AASHTO 2001). All of them are strongly
interconnected and in various cases present a significant amount of overlapping as there
cannot be very strict and impermeable boundaries in decision making within an
organization and as communication between the various levels is paramount for the
overall success of the management process. They have, however, different scope and
require different data and information inputs in order for the decision making to be
carried out effectively and efficiently.

Furthermore, there is a significant difference in the scope of Asset Management decision

making at the various levels of government. As one moves from a local agency or town
government entity to a state-wide one, the complexity of the implementation of an asset
management system and the size of the considered network of assets increase. However,
although the scope increases, the principles and concepts behind the decision-making
remain the same and the decision making levels as presented and analyzed in the
following section also remain the same.

Asset Management Decision Levels

As mentioned above, the main levels of decision making are strategic, network, and
project level. The strategic decision-making level is the broadest and most
comprehensive. It pertains to strategic decisions concerning all types of assets and
systems within the civil engineering environment, one of them being the transportation
sector. Within transportation, it may consider all different modes and all assets pertaining
to these modes. The strategic level of decision making is concerned with generic and
strategic resource allocation and utilization decisions within the man-made environment.

Network level decision-making pertains to determining the overall agency-wide

maintenance, rehabilitation and construction strategies and works programs. This
decision level considers system-wide decisions but the scope is narrower than the
strategic level. Overall budget allocation and transportation planning are the key focus
areas. This decision level is often broken down into program and project selection levels
(Haas et al. 1994).

The program decision-making level is concerned with the overall, network-wide

programming of actions and allocations. Its a level involving policy decisions and the
aim is the system-wide optimization of funds allocated to rehabilitation, maintenance or
new construction of infrastructure assets.

The project selection level is concerned with decisions on funding for projects or groups
of projects. This level generates decisions at a higher level of aggregation than the project
level but it requires more detailed information than the two previous ones. It serves as a
link between the network level and the subsequent project level of analysis.

The project level of decision making and analysis pertains to the specific, mode-wise,
asset-wise and geographically determined projects. It addresses the overall work plan that
needs to be developed at this level, for the specifically selected project in order to meet

the agencies performance measures. It is also called field level or operational level and
refers to how the actual work is going to be done.

Although all the above hierarchical levels of decision making are clearly defined, there
exists significant overlapping among what the management needs to do at every level.
The identification of the actual data needed in every decision making level is a very
challenging task. This is partly due to that significant overlapping between the various
decision levels. Another important reason is also the lack of relevant research initiatives
in this field up to date.

Asset Management Decision Processes

As mentioned before, Asset Management is an overall methodology and decision making

framework that aims to the evidence-based justification and optimization of investments
in infrastructure assets. Although it is mostly perceived as a strategic level tool, it
nevertheless affects and can equally be successful in lower levels of decision making
within a transportation agency.

Asset management decision processes are the individual decisions that need be made in
every level of decision making, whether that is of a strategic, network, or project focus.
Decision processes can therefore be concerned with budget allocations, network
optimization, works programming, and selection of alternative implementation methods,
among others. Decisions made at the different levels of Asset Management are
heterogeneous and the supporting data needs are bound to be quite different.

To systematically approach and identify the data needed to support Asset Management
decision processes, it is necessary to first define the level of decision making these
processes support. The analyst can then assess the level of aggregation of the data needed
and identify the data needs for those specific decision making processes and problems.

The data needed to support the various decisions at any of the various levels are different.
Higher levels require more generalized information while lower ones tend to need more
detailed and specific data. This is illustrated in Figure 3 (Haas et al. 1994). The detail of
information required and its correlation with the considered network size and the
complexity of the analytical models used have a specific relation with the different levels
of decision making.

Furthermore, different levels of decision making have different focus on the network and
the transportation system: higher levels are mostly concerned with overall budget
allocations and system utilization, while lower levels tend to focus more on the
administration, funding and engineering of specific functions and processes. Also
different people with different backgrounds and different interests are the ones that make
the actual decisions. As a result, the decisions at each level are different in scope and data
aggregation level and so should be the corresponding detail and quantity of the collected
data. This concept is illustrated in Figure 3.

Increase in Level Higher
Detail and Decision
Quantity Network Level Making
of Data Level
Programming Level

Project Selection Level

Project Level

Figure 3. Relation between the different decision making levels and the corresponding detail and
amount of needed data

Information Quality Levels

To link the amount of information detail with the level of decision supported, researchers
have defined Information Quality Levels (IQL). According to the World Bank (2004),
there are five information quality levels in road management (IQL 1 to 5). These levels
relate the different types of road management information, their corresponding degree of
sophistication and the required methods for data collection and processing to the type of
decisions supported, as illustrated in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Information Quality Level concept

Each IQL focuses on a different level of road management and requires different levels of
detail and quality in the collected data to support the corresponding decision making
processes. The classification of the information for every level by quality and detail is
presented in Table 1 (World Bank 2004). The differences in quality and detail for each
Information Quality Level translate into different methods and frequencies of data

Table 1: Classification of Information by Quality and Detail

IQL Amount of Detail

Most comprehensive level of detail, such as that which would be used as a reference
benchmark for other measurement methods or in a fundamental research. Would
1 also be used in detailed field investigations for an in-depth diagnosis of problems,
and for high-class project design. Normally used at project-level in special cases and
unlikely to be used for network monitoring. Requires high level skill and
institutional resources to support and utilize collection methods.

A level of detail sufficient for comprehensive programming models and for standard
design methods. For planning, would be used only on sample coverage. Sufficient to
distinguish the performance and economic returns of different technical options
2 with practical differences in dimensions or materials. Standard acquisition methods
for project-level data collection. Would usually require automated acquisition
methods for network surveys and use for network-level programming. Requires
reliable institutional support and resources.

Sufficient detail for planning models and standard programming models for full
network coverage. For project design, would suit elementary methods such as
3 catalogue-type with meager data needs and low-volume road/bridge design
methods. Can be collected in network surveys by semi-automated methods or
combined automated and manual methods.

The basic summary statistics of inventory, performance and utilization that are of
interest to providers and users. Suitable for the simplest planning and programming
models, but for projects is suitable only for standardized designs of very low-
4 volume roads. The simplest, most basic collection methods, either entirely manual
or entirely semi-automated, provide direct but approximate measures and suit small
or resource-poor agencies. Alternatively, the statistics may be computed from more
detailed data.

It is therefore imperative for the determination of data needs to pre-specify the decision
level of interest. The tailoring of the data collected for effective decision making within
the decision level can lead to more specific and focused data collection efforts. This is
investigated in the following section for the project selection decision level.

Project Selection and Related Tools

Project selection is a level of decision making that entails the evaluation of the attributes
of different candidate projects for the purpose of funding and implementation. As a
decision making level it addresses decisions pertaining to network level analysis and it
functions as a bridge between high-level network decisions and site-specific, detailed
project level decision making. The project selection analysis is based on information that
is aggregate enough to be able to see the big picture of the competitive projects and
therefore identify and assess their usefulness and overall impact but also detailed enough
in order to capture the individuality of each project and be able to provide accurate cost
estimates and identify implementation implications for the agencies and the users.

The nature of project selection presents a particular individuality, as in many cases the
candidate projects concern different assets and also different types of work to be done
either in the same or in different assets. As an example, candidate projects for this type of
decision making may be a project concerning the rehabilitation of an existing flexible
pavement through milling and repaving and a project concerning the maintenance of a
concrete pavement through crack sealing; or the maintenance of the roadside drainage
system of a particular segment of a highway versus the rehabilitation of the concrete deck
of a bridge or the replacement of its steel railings.

The different types of work that may be encountered by an agency responsible for the
management of roadway assets are rehabilitation, maintenance and new construction.
Furthermore, typical roadway assets that are part of an agencys roadway transportation
network are pavements, bridges, tunnels, signs, culverts, drainage systems, markings,
medians etc. A list of roadway assets identified by the Virginia DOT with their
corresponding definitions is presented in Table 2.

Table 2: Roadway Asset Types and Definitions

Roadway Assets Definition

Flexible Pavements (HMA), PCC Pavements, Unpaved Roads;

Paved Shoulders, and Unpaved Shoulders

Vegetation and Aesthetics, Trees, Shrubs and Brush, Historic

Markers, and Right-of-way Fence

Cross Pipes and Box Culverts, Entrance Pipes, Curb and Gutter,
Drainage Structures Paved Ditches, Unpaved Ditches, Edge Drains and Under-drains,
Storm Water Ponds and Drop Inlets

Attenuators, Guardrail, Pavement Striping, Pavement Markings,

Traffic Raised Pavement Markers, Delineators, Signs and Highway

Overhead Sign Structures, Structural Culverts, Overall Bridge,

Structures and Bridges
Sound Barriers and Retaining Walls

Movable Bridges, Rest Areas, River and Mountain Tunnels, Weigh

Special Facilities
Stations and Traffic Monitoring Systems

According to the academic literature (Hudson et al. 1997) the project selection follows
the overall network programming decisions regarding the general funds that are going to
be allocated in the different types of agency works. After the agency has decided on the
amount of funds to be spend in maintenance, rehabilitation or new construction (or
reconstruction) then the candidate projects that fall into each of these work programs
need to be determined.

The selection of the different projects or different groups of projects to be included in a

work program is heavily constrained by available budgets and usually resorts to some
types of prioritization models. These models usually employ optimization, near-
optimization or other techniques in order to lead to results that can be used by the

transportation officials to support decision making (Haas et al. 1994). The most used
prioritization methods have been summarized by Hudson et al. (1997) and are presented
in Table 3 along with their advantages and disadvantages.

Table 3: Classes of Methods that can be Used in Priority Analysis

Class of Method Advantages/Disadvantages

Simple subjective ranking of projects based on Quick, simple; subject to bias and
judgment inconsistency; may be far from optimal

Ranking based on parameters, such as level of Simple and easy to use; may be far from
service and condition optimal

Ranking based on parameters with economic Reasonably simple; should be closer to

analysis optimal

Optimization by mathematical programming model Less simple; may be close to optimal;

for year-by-year basis effects of timing not considered

Near-optimization using a marginal cost- Reasonably simple; close to optimal results

effectiveness approach

Comprehensive optimization by mathematical Most complex; can give optimal program

programming model, taking into account the effects (maximization of benefits, minimization of
of which, what and when costs)

Worldwide practice in the area of project prioritization has shown that in order for the
analysis to be comprehensive and as accurate as possible, the effects of economic and
timing parameters should be considered. Recent research in this area has focused in
proposing competent models that include economic analysis and multi-year prioritization
in the optimization process. Some of these models take also into account the effects of
certainty, risk and uncertainty in the outcome of the prioritization results (Li and Sinha

This has focused the attention on the economic parameters of infrastructure management
and their effects on the project selection. There has been extensive research on economic
evaluation methods and techniques. Most of these techniques are not new and have been
used by transportation agencies in the past. The most commonly used techniques are the
following (Haas et al. 2004):
Benefit/Cost Ratio Method
Internal Rate of Return
Present Worth Method or Net Present Value (NPV)
Equivalent Uniform Annual Costs (EUAC) and
Cost-Effectiveness Method

Parallel to the existence of these economic evaluation techniques has been the
procurement of tools for engineering economic analysis and also the development of
specified software. Flintsch and Kuttesch (2004) identified various pavement engineering
economic analysis software tools and listed their area of application and their
advantages/disadvantages. The reviewed software tools were the following:
Pavement Investment Decisions (PID)
FHWA Probabilistic LCCA Spreadsheet
Asphalt Paving Association (APA) LCCA software and

All the above mentioned techniques and software tools constitute valid approaches for
supporting project selection decision making, provided that they are used in full
recognition of their capabilities and limitations.

Since the way project selection is carried out by most agencies involves tools similar to
the ones described above, it is reasonable to assume that the data needs of this particular
level of decision making should include the type and amount of data that form the inputs

of these models and techniques. In other words, project selection data needs should be
focused on the particular inputs that the project evaluation models require. As different
agencies employ different models and techniques the particular data needed for each
agency are also bound to be different.


This section presents a review of the State-of-the-Practice in the US and the world,
regarding Asset Management, individual management systems and issues revolving
around data collection. Although significant advances have been made in the
implementation of Asset Management or individual management systems in the US and
the rest of the world, little information can be found in the literature about the data needs
of the various decision making processes that transportation agencies have to undertake.
This is partly due to the fact that this is a relatively new issue for most agencies (private
or public) and affects only the ones that have already taken the initial step of developing
inventories and databases to support some sort of Asset Management implementation.
As the concept of Asset Management is relatively new and as there have been many
hurdles in its implementation process to begin with, it is not surprising that formal links
between decision making processes and data collection have not been identified.

Domestic Experience

Most states have implemented some sort of management system for at least some of their
individual assets and many of them have reportedly been moving towards the integration
of these systems. Asset Management efforts are underway but, as mentioned also in a
previous section, with many implementation hurdles yet to overcome. There have been
several efforts to capture the state-of-the-practice in the US and to document the degree
of development of Asset Management Systems.

For example, Flintsch et al. (2004) investigated the number of states that use and collect
major PMS data types (Table 4). In this investigation State DOTs were asked to report if
their Pavement Management System (PMS) was using specifically identified data items,
if these items were collected by the PMSs data collection activities, and the data
collection methods.

Table 4: Number of DOTs that Use and Collect Each Major PMS Data Type

PMS Uses Collected By Data Collection Method

Data Item? PMS? Manual Auto. Both Total
Road Inventory 44 85% 13 25% 14 5 20 39
Pavement Condition 52 100% 43 83% 9 14 28 51
Traffic Volume 41 79% 2 4% 2 14 21 37
ESALs 31 60% 3 6% 6 11 12 29
M&R History 44 85% 26 50% 34 1 8 43

In order to get more specific about the U.S. practice, one has to recognize all the actors
that influence the development, endorsement, and implementation of Asset Management
in the U.S. Stalebrink and Gifford (2002) identified three levels of government (federal,
state and local), various organizations, academia, and consulting firms. In addition, the
contribution to the Asset Management know-how of the private sector should also be
acknowledged (Nemmers 1997).

Concerning the various levels of U.S. government, there have been several reports
coming from state DOTs and municipal departments that present and analyze their
current state-of-the-practice. These reports refer to implementation efforts, general
methodologies adopted and implemented, and breakthrough initiatives undertaken,
among others. They indicate that many state and municipal transportation agencies have
been moving towards an integration of individual management systems and databases to
support Asset Management. For example, there have been efforts to integrate GIS in
their information systems (Flintsch et al. 2004), to enhance data collection methods and
procedures (Larson and Skrypczuk 2004 (a)), and to develop models that link strategic

goals and resource allocation to elements of an Asset Management system (Ogard et al.

Organizations, such as the Transportation Research Board (TRB) and the Governmental
Accounting Standards Board (GASB), have made significant efforts to enhance the level
of knowledge on Asset Management and to support its implementation by the creation of
relevant committees and task forces, and by linking Asset Management with accounting
reporting governmental mandates such as GASB 34 (GASB 1999).

Within academia, various universities and university clusters, e.g. the Midwest Regional
University Transportation Center (MRUTC), have made significant efforts to promote
knowledge exchange and research concerning Asset Management principles and
methodologies (MRUTC 2002 (a), (b)). Some of these universities have even created
courses addressing Asset Management in their graduate degree programs (Stalebrink and
Gifford 2002).

Finally, consulting firms and the private sector in general, have participated in several
peer exchanging conferences and symposiums in order to bridge the gap between them
and the public sector, regarding Asset Management implementation efforts and
challenges (AASHTO 1999). Furthermore, the American Public Works Association has
dedicated resources in developing guides and promoting research in this subject area
(Danylo and Lemer 1998; Stalebrink and Gifford 2002).


Canada has been moving in the same direction as the U.S. Canadian transportation
agencies, universities, and public and private organizations have been promoting Asset
Management and funding associated research from the late 1990s (Vanier 2000). These
efforts, complemented by the extensive Canadian experience in individual management
systems (Haas et al. 2001), have resulted in a thorough development of the Asset

Management state-of-the-art, and has lead to the publication of a variety of research
reports (Cowe Falls et al. 2001; Haas et al. 2004).

Besides the various official publications on Asset Management issued by the

Transportation Association of Canada (TAC 2001), Asset Management has been of
interest to Canadian municipalities, in charge of municipal infrastructure assets.
Therefore, significant effort has been made in providing guidelines and creating a
framework for the implementation of Asset Management in this area (NGSMI 2003).
Reports produced in the past few years suggest that Canadian authorities and other
stakeholders are very much interested in the concepts and methodologies of Asset
Management and look forward to its gradual implementation.

However, significant actual implementation of Asset Management in Canada has yet to

be seen, as there are various hurdles to overcome and little related experience. Canadian
Provinces have possessed individual management systems (pavement, bridge and
maintenance) for a long time. In the recent years, there are efforts to draw from the past
experience on the utilization of these systems for promoting the implementation of Asset
Management. The focus has been mainly on the integration of such individual
management systems under the umbrella of Asset Management (Cowe Falls et al. 2001).

Australia and New Zealand

Australia and New Zealand have been among the pioneers of Asset Management. The
first related efforts and reports date back to the late 1980s and since then a lot of
research has taken place in this subject area (Sheldon 2004). Australian transportation
agencies conducted early studies towards the state-of-the-art of Asset Management
(Burns et al. 1999) and were the first ones in the world to capitalize and record their road
and bridge infrastructure in their annual reports in 1990 (Sheldon 2004). One of the first
comprehensive guides to Asset Management, Total Asset Management, was issued in

1996. A revised version has recently been published by the Australian Procurement and
Construction Council, entitled Asset Management 2001 (APCC 2001).

Australian transportation organizations and authorities have been constantly reporting on

their progress towards asset management implementation and have produced significant
results in all related fields, including: data collection and related methods and equipment
(Pratt and Ferguson 2004; Sheldon 2004); decision making systems and their
implementation and evaluation (Robertson 2004); and refinements of their state-of-the-art
through new methodologies (Paine 2004), policy updates (APCC 2001) and
implementation recommendations for efforts concerning partnerships with the private
sector (Jordan 2004).

Similar efforts have taken place in New Zealand. Significant progress has been made in
the implementation of Asset Management concepts by the public transportation
authorities (Robinson 2000) as well as by the private sector (Pidwerbesky and Hunt

Finally, both Australian and New Zealand transportation authorities have been moving
lately towards the issuing of performance oriented maintenance contracts for their road
networks, creating in this way another milestone in their implementation of Asset
Management concepts and methodologies (Robinson 2000; World Highways 2004).


European transportation agencies present a very diverse picture in terms of their

endorsement of Asset Management methodologies and principles and their consequent
implementation efforts. Many of the European countries are still in the phase of
developing or investigating the potential advantages of the use of individual management
systems and implementation in this respect is still very premature. Other countries,

however, are much more advanced and have been considering integrating their already
existing management systems within an overall Asset Management framework.

The UK has been among the pioneers in the continent, reporting on related efforts
starting in the 1980s. The British Highways Agency (HA) has reportedly been using
individual management systems for pavements and maintenance and is currently moving
forward in introducing new, more effective data management schemes in order to
accommodate its new business functions (Hawker 2003; Hawker et al. 2003 (a), (b);
Spong and Pickett 2003; WERD 2003; Hawker and Spong 2004).

In the Nordic countries (Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark) the use of individual
management systems has been abundant for many years. These countries are now
beginning to investigate the merits resulting from the integration of these systems under
an Asset Management framework and research projects are being conducted in most of
them (Kristiansen 2003; Mnnist 2003; Mnnist and Inkala 2003; Sund 2003; WERD
2003; Sund et al. 2004; Potucek and Lang 2004). In these countries there is also ongoing
research in the area of data collection and its related topics (Offrell and Sjgren 2003;
Ruotoistenmki et al. 2003; WERD 2003).

Germany has also been promoting the use of individual management systems for its road
network (Krause and Maerschalk 2003; Woltereck 2003). Significant work has taken
place in the area of data collection and integration (Bock and Heller 2003; WERD 2003),
as well as in the creation of a common road data catalog for all German road
administrations (WERD 2003; Socina 2004).

Similar efforts in the development and initial implementation of individual management

systems coupled with research and development in the area of data collection and
management can be found in many other European counties such as Austria (Petschacher
2003; Weninger-Vycudil et al. 2003), Croatia (Keller et al. 2003; Srsen 2003), the Czech
Republic (WERD 2003; Fencl 2004), France (WERD 2003), Italy (Crispino et al. 2003),
Portugal (Picado-Santos et al. 2003 (a), (b)), Slovakia (WERD 2003), Spain (Gascn

Varn and Vzquez de Diego 2003), Switzerland (Scazziga 2003) and Ukraine (Vincent
et al. 2003). Furthermore, in many of these countries there is already a trend towards
Asset Management with various efforts focusing on integration of databases and
management systems.

Finally, in some other European countries such as Greece, the adaptability of individual
management systems in the local conditions is still under investigation and
implementation efforts in this area are still in the initial stages (Roberts and Loizos 2004;
Loizos and Papanikolaou 2005).

Summary of the Literature Review

Many agencies in different regions of the world are working on the implementation of
individual management systems, integrated infrastructure management systems, or Asset
Management initiatives. The number of transportation agencies that are beginning to
adopt, support, and implement the concepts and methodologies of Asset Management is
rapidly increasing.

Asset Management implementation efforts have focused mainly on the overarching

strategic or network (program) levels. For example, there have been efforts to link Asset
Management systems with strategic planning and with overall network improvements.
Data needs for this type of decision comprise aggregated overall network performance
indices and overall network characteristics, i.e. overall interstate mileage, total number of
bridges, etc.

On the other hand, there have been advances in the project level of decision making with
the implementation of one or more individual management systems, i.e. pavement
management systems (PMS), bridge management systems (BMS), etc. Data needs for
these types of decisions are project-specific and require detailed inventory, condition, and
performance data. However, it should be noted that the information gathered at this level

is usually on as-needed basis. It is collected only for a reduced number of assets that have
been identified as the ones needing work, usually from the network level analysis. The
project level is important to the agencies management efforts as this is the level in which
implementation actions occur. Decisions and subsequent actions successfully carried out
at the project level define the success of the agencies implementation program and
provide the feedback for the evaluation of the success of all the higher levels of
management and decision making. Therefore, strong emphasis has traditionally been
placed on the data needs of project level decision making and will continue to be so,
although these needs depend on and are most usually defined by the individual
management systems and process employed at this decision level.

Lastly, at the utmost of implementation efforts have been cases where common databases
have been or are attempted to be created in order to minimize data storage and enhance
interoperability between different management systems. These efforts do not usually
address any particular decision making level per se, but contribute to the enhancement of
the underlying foundations of all of them, which are the data and their corresponding
issues of storage, analysis, etc. No efforts, however, have been reported in practice
aiming at an overall system or network optimization. The optimization focus has been
restricted to the various individual systems although the notion of an overall systems
integration can been found profusely in the literature.

The undertaken literature review has revealed that although there has been progress and
research in almost all levels of decision making, the level that has received the least
attention in terms of its data needs is the project selection one. This level, however, is of
vital importance to the overall success of the management as it links the overall network
with the individual, specific projects. Project selection has unique data needs: they are
detailed enough to effectively assist the understanding and rationalization of project
selection and at the same time aggregate enough to be able to allow the addressing of
projects of different nature and scope within the entire network. This decision making
level requires therefore data that are in the middle of being too general and too specific at
the same time. While general data would not help in the selection project as they would

ignore vital project details, it is usually not cost-effective to collect very detailed (e.g,
project-level) data for the project selection process. Furthermore, project selection has
been traditionally made between projects that belong to the same asset class. Asset
Management encourages the broadening of this traditional practice by encouraging cross-
asset comparisons between the candidate projects for selection. This has obviously
increased the data needs and has also created the need for the identification and use of
effective selection methodologies that can be applied equally and unbiased to all different
asset classes.

Asset Management Data Collection for Supporting Decision


Aristeidis Pantelias(1), Gerardo W. Flintsch(2), James W. Bryant(3) and Chen Chen(1)


Transportation agencies engage in extensive data collection activities in order to support

their decision processes at various levels. However, not all the data collected supply

transportation officials with useful information for efficient and effective decision-


This paper summarizes research aimed at formally identifying links between data

collection and the supported decision processes. The research objective identifies

existing relationships between Asset Management data collection and the decision

processes to be supported by them, particularly in the project selection level. It also

proposes a framework for effective and efficient data collection. The motivation of the

project was to help transportation agencies optimize their data collection processes and

cut down data collection and management costs.

Graduate Research Assistant, Virginia Tech Transportation Institute
Associate Professor & Roadway Infrastructure Group Leader, Virginia Tech Transportation Institute
Program Manager, Performance Planning & Development, VDOT - Asset Management Division

Keywords: Asset Management, Data Collection, Decision Processes, Decision levels, Project Selection,
Web Survey

Asset Management is a strategic approach to the optimal allocation of resources for the

management, operation, maintenance, and preservation of the transportation

infrastructure (FHWA 1999). The concept of Asset Management combines engineering

and economic principles with sound business practices to support decision making at the

strategic, network, and project level.

One of the key aspects of the development of Asset Management is data collection. The

way in which transportation agencies collect, store, and analyze data has evolved along

with advances in technology, such as mobile computing (e.g. handheld computers,

laptops, tablet notebooks, etc.), sensing (e.g. laser and digital cameras), and spatial

technologies (e.g. Global Positioning Systems [GPS], Geographic Information Systems

[GIS], and spatially enabled database management systems). These technologies have

enhanced data collection and integration procedures necessary to support the

comprehensive analyses and evaluation processes needed for Asset Management

(Flintsch et al. 2004).

However, in many cases, the data collection activities have not been designed specifically

to support the decision processes inherent in Asset Management. As a result, the use of

the aforementioned technologies has led agencies to the collection of very large amounts

of data and the creation of vast databases that have not always been useful or necessary

for supporting decision processes.


In order to support Asset Management, agencies must collect, store, manage and analyze

large amounts of data in an effective and efficient manner. Although agencies have

placed a large emphasis on collecting and integrating data, little effort has been placed on

linking the data collection to the agencies decision-making processes. By focusing on

the use of the data and the needs of the decision levels and processes to be supported,

transportation agencies could define which assets and which data about these assets are

more important for decision making and tailor their data collection accordingly.

The objective of this research was two-fold: to investigate the level in which State

Departments of Transportation (DOTs) have adopted Asset Management tools and

methodologies in their current practice and to investigate how they are linking their data

collection policies, standards, and practices to their decision making processes, especially

for project selection. This decision-making level functions as an intermediate stage

between high-level strategic decisions and low-level, project-specific decisions.


This investigation started with a comprehensive and thorough literature review in order to

retrieve related experience from academia and industry sources throughout the world.

Several reports have documented current and past practices in this area in the United

States, Canada, as well as in Europe and Australia. The literature review summarizes the

state-of-the-art and corresponding state-of-the-practice implementation efforts in Asset

Management and identifies the main confronted issues.

To complement the literature review, a web survey was developed and sent to the DOTs

in all 50 states and Puerto Rico, in order to capture their current level of Asset

Management endorsement and implementation, as well as specific aspects of their data

collection practices and their relationship with the project selection level of decision


The knowledge gained from these activities was used to develop a framework for

effective and efficient data collection, as well as recommendations for further refinements

and enhancements of this area of civil engineering practice.

Literature Review

Asset Management, Data Collection and Decision Levels

The concept of Asset Management is not new. Many definitions of the concept have been

provided by various governmental organizations, transportation agencies, and industry

groups (Danylo and Lemer 1998; TAC 1999; OECD 2000). Probably the most common

one is still the one proposed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA):

Asset Management is a systematic approach of maintaining, upgrading, and

operating physical assets cost effectively. It combines engineering principles with

sound business practices and economic theory, and it provides tools to facilitate a

more organized, logical approach to decision-making. Thus, asset management

provides a framework for handling both short- and long-range planning (FHWA,


The state-of-the-art of Asset Management has been extensively researched and many

contributions have been made to date by transportation agencies and other related

stakeholders in the United States and around the world. Details about these contributions

can be found in Pantelias (2005).

One of the key building blocks of any Asset Management system is a comprehensive

inventory of the highway infrastructure assets and their respective conditions. Most

transportation agencies have basic bridge and pavement data for their transportation

network; several of them have also made a great effort over the years to collect, store,

manage and analyze comprehensive inventory data for their other highway infrastructure

assets (FHWA 2001; Larson and Skrypczuk 2004; VDOT 2004).

The decision making supported by Asset Management takes place within the internal

hierarchical structure of transportation agencies and organizations. The academic

literature breaks down decision making into three broad levels: a strategic level, a

network level, and a project level (Haas et al. 1994). The intermediate network level of

decision making is further divided into a programming level and a project selection level

(Haas et al. 1994). The data needed to support decision making in each of these levels is

of paramount importance to the success of an Asset Management system and is also very

much related to the data collection costs.

Different levels of decision making have different foci: higher levels are mostly

concerned with overall budget allocations and system utilization, while lower levels tend

to focus more on the administration, funding, and engineering of specific functions and

processes. Also, different people with different backgrounds and areas of expertise are

the ones that make the actual decisions. As a result, the decisions at each level are

different in scope and data aggregation level and so the corresponding detail and quantity

of the collected data should be as well. This concept is illustrated in Journal Figure 1.

This investigation focused on the data needs of the project selection level of decision


Project Selection Level of Decision Making

Project selection entails the evaluation of the attributes of different candidate projects for

the purpose of funding and implementation. As a decision making level it addresses

decisions pertaining to network-level analysis and it functions as a bridge between

high-level network decisions and site-specific, detailed project-level decision making.

The project selection analysis is based on information that is aggregate enough to be able

to see the big picture of the competitive projects and therefore assess their usefulness

and overall impact, but is also detailed enough in order to capture the individuality of

each project, provide accurate cost estimates, and identify implementation implications

for the agencies and the users.

Within the framework of Asset Management, the nature of project selection presents a

particular individuality, as in many cases the candidate projects concern different assets

and types of work to be done either in the same or in different assets. As an example,

trade-offs may consider the rehabilitation of an existing flexible pavement through

milling and repaving versus the maintenance of a concrete pavement through crack

sealing; or the maintenance of the roadside drainage system of a particular segment of a

highway versus the rehabilitation of a bridges concrete deck or the replacement of its

steel railings.

According to Hudson et al. (1997), project selection follows the overall network

programming decisions regarding the general funds that are going to be allocated in the

different types of agency works. After the agency has decided on the amount of funds to

be spent on maintenance, rehabilitation, or new construction (or reconstruction), then the

candidate projects that fall into each of these work programs need to be determined. The

selection of the different projects or different groups of projects to be included in a work

program is heavily constrained by available budgets and usually resorts to prioritization

models. These models usually employ optimization, near-optimization, or other

techniques in order to lead to results that can be used by the transportation officials to

support decision making (Haas et al. 1994).

Worldwide practice in the area of project prioritization has shown that in order for the

analysis to be comprehensive and as accurate as possible, the effects of economic and

timing parameters should be considered. Recent research in this area has focused in

proposing competent models that include economic analysis and multi-year prioritization

in the optimization process. Some of these models also take into account the effects of

certainty, risk, and uncertainty in the outcome of the prioritization results (Li and Sinha


This has focused the attention on the economic parameters of infrastructure management

and their effects on the project selection. The most commonly used economic analysis

techniques include: Benefit/Cost Ratio Method, Internal Rate of Return, Present Worth

Method or Net Present Value (NPV), Equivalent Uniform Annual Costs (EUAC), and

Cost-Effectiveness Method (Haas et al. 2004).

These techniques have been incorporated into software tools for engineering economic

analysis. Flintsch and Kuttesch (2004) identified various pavement engineering economic

analysis software tools and listed their area of application and their


Project selection data needs should focus on the specific inputs that the project evaluation

models require. As different agencies employ different models and techniques for project

selection, the data needed for each agency are also bound to be different.

Data Characteristics and Properties

Another important data collection issue relates to the particular attributes and

characteristics that the collected data should possess in order to be useful for supporting

decision making. Regardless of the uses planned for the collected data, it is of paramount

importance that they exhibit the following characteristics (Deighton 1991):

- Integrity: whenever two data elements represent the same piece of information,

they should be equal,

- Accuracy: the data values represent as closely as possible the considered piece of


- Validity: the given data values are correct in terms of their possible and potential

ranges of values, and

- Security: sensitive, confidential and important data are protected by restricting

access to them and by properly ensuring systematic and frequent backing-up in

other storage media.

As a fifth characteristic it is also recommended that the data elements be rigorously

defined in a Data Dictionary and in the most ideal of all cases these definitions be

common between all agencies and parties involved in the area of practice (Deighton


In addition, the Western European Road Directors (WERD) highlighted the importance

of the following criteria when selecting data required by an agency/organization (WERD


- Relevance: every datum collected and stored should support an explicitly defined

decision need,

- Appropriateness: the amount of collected and stored data and the update

frequency should be based on the needs and resources of the agency/


- Reliability: the data should exhibit the required accuracy, spatial coverage,

completeness, and currency, and

- Affordability: the collected data are in accordance with the agencys financial and

staff resources.

Consequently, agencies planning to engage in data collection should take into account the

specification of the data to be collected, their frequency of collection, the accuracy and

quality that they should exhibit, and their completeness and currency (WERD 2003). As a

general recommendation it is noted that the accuracy, quality and currency of the data

should be decided based on the cost of the data collection and the value and benefit

associated with the data in question. Data should only be collected if the benefits that

they provide outweigh the cost of their collection and maintenance (WERD 2003).

Data collection costs can and should be minimized by collecting only the needed data and

only when needed. The data collection methods used should be based on and produce

results that match the levels of accuracy, precision, and resolution required by the

decision processes to be supported (Smith and Lytton 1992).

Implementation Efforts

Many agencies around the world are working on the implementation of individual

management systems, integrated infrastructure management systems, or Asset

Management initiatives. The number of transportation agencies that are beginning to

adopt, support, and implement the concepts and methodologies of Asset Management is

rapidly increasing (Pantelias 2005).

Asset Management implementation efforts have focused mainly on the overarching

strategic or network (program) levels. For example, there have been efforts to link Asset

Management systems with strategic planning and overall network improvements (Ogard

et al. 2004). Data needs for this type of decision comprise aggregated overall network

performance indices and overall network characteristics, i.e. overall interstate mileage,

total number of bridges, etc.

On the other hand, there have been advances in the project level of decision making. Data

needs for these types of decisions are project-specific and require detailed inventory,

condition, and performance data. However, it should be noted that the information

gathered at this level is usually on as-needed basis. It is collected only for a reduced

number of assets that have been identified as needing work, usually from the network-

level analysis. The project level is important to the agencies management efforts as this

is where implementation actions occur. Decisions and subsequent actions successfully

carried out at the project level define the success of the agencies implementation

program and provide feedback for the evaluation of success at the higher levels of

management. Therefore, strong emphasis has traditionally been placed on the data needs

of project-level decision making and will continue to be so, although these needs depend

on individual management systems and the processes employed at this decision level

(Pantelias 2005).

Lastly, at the utmost of implementation efforts have been cases where common databases

have been created (or have been attempted) in order to minimize data storage and

enhance interoperability between various management systems. These efforts do not

usually address any particular decision making level per se, but contribute to the

enhancement of the underlying foundations of all of them, which are the data and their

corresponding issues of storage, analysis, etc.

Web-based Transportation Asset Management Survey

A web-based survey was formulated and posted on the Internet to capture the state-of-

the-practice in the United States. The survey was made available on the server hosted by

the Virginia Tech Web Hosting. A link to the survey was sent to 103 transportation

officials and their responses were stored in a specifically designed database.

Various sources were utilized in order to retrieve similar past experiences and facilitate

the formulation of the questionnaire, the database, and the subsequent web-based

program. The questions were as specific as possible in order to gain insight on current

practices and also to avoid confusion in terms of the terminology used and the actual

information requested from the survey recipients. The questionnaire was divided into two

major parts.

The first part of the survey, entitled General Agency Information on Asset

Management, contained questions on:

- Asset Management endorsement and implementation by the State DOTs,

- Existing and/or planned individual management systems,

- Existing levels of decision making within State DOTs,

- Identification and rating of existing Asset Management decision processes and

functions within State DOTs, and

- Identification and rating of existing criteria used by the agencies for project


The second part of the questionnaire entitled Roadway Asset Management required

more specialized and detailed input on current agency practices on data collection and

project selection and contained questions on:

- Data management, collection methods and integration.

- Rationale behind existing and/or future planned data collection,

- Evaluation of roadway asset data used for project selection, and

- Identification of formally documented links between data collection and project

selection or Asset Management decision processes in general.

The questions were prepared using various formats, such as radio buttons, check-all-that-

apply boxes and short essay question fields. For some questions the recipients were asked

to elaborate on their selections in essay fields and/or provide supplementary information

on other answers. Furthermore, a prompt and email link was included to encourage

participants to send the survey team helpful documents or other electronic documents

they may have had.

The webpage of the survey was developed using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004

and was uploaded at Access to it could only be granted by entering a

valid email address at the surveys home page. The email addresses of all the survey

recipients and administrators were used as a security control, so that only invited

participants could log in. An email was then sent in order to provide the recipients with

the surveys webpage address link and also explain the purpose of the research and its

anticipated importance. The survey was open to responses for three weeks. Reminder

emails were sent to the survey recipients who had not yet responded.

All responses were stored in a project-specific database. The database was created using

the MySQL tool and contained three different tables; the database structure is presented

in Journal Figure 2.

The contents of the survey were refined several times by the research team for suitability

of the contents, the wording of the questions, and the suitability of the format used for the

various questions. Complementarily, the survey was also sent for review and commenting

to the Statistics and Survey Departments of Virginia Tech. Various changes were made

based on their feedback.

Finally, as an ultimate quality control effort, the survey was sent to the American

Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) expert task group

supervising the project in order to receive comments on the contents of the questions and

provide feedback on the usefulness of the survey and its anticipated importance. The

feedback received validated the structure and contents of the questions and further

refinements were completed.


A total of 48 completed questionnaires from 40 states were received. Therefore, the

response percentage was 78 percent in terms of individual states and 47 percent of

individual respondents. The obtained responses were downloaded from the database and

stored in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. The responses were statistically analyzed and

charts and tables were created. The details of the analysis were documented in Pantelias

(2005); a discussion of the results follows.

For seven states, more than one transportation official responded to the survey.

Furthermore, while some questions were state-specific and required only one valid

answer per responding state, others inquired about the personal opinion of the responding

state transportation officials. Due to this difference, two approaches were followed for

processing the responses from the states that provided more than one response:

In the first case, the various answers within the same state were compared and

discrepancies were resolved so that only one answer would be kept, as complete as

possible, based on the following criteria:

- Priority was given to the most complete responses; for example, in the case where

one transportation official reported that the state agency possessed two individual

management systems and another one reported the possession of these two and an

additional one, then the final response would contain all three individual

management systems from the second response; and

- Priority was given to the responses of transportation officials whose areas of

expertise most closely coincided with that of the surveys questions and required

input fields.

According to the above criteria, the ultimately considered state response consisted of

excerpts from responses provided by different officials.

In the remaining cases, where the survey questions asked for individual opinions, all

answers (48) were considered valid and utilized in the analysis.

Answers to essay questions were not considered in the statistical analysis but rather used

as a guide for the resolution of discrepancies and also as a compass for the overall status

of the responding state in relation to the researched topics. Information from the essay

questions can and will be utilized in the future for the determination of champions for the

second phase of the investigation.

Asset Management Implementation

The responses to the first question concerning the implementation stage of an Asset

Management system revealed that most of the responding states (24) are still in the phase

of planning. Only one quarter (11) of the respondents indicated that they have already

implemented an Asset Management System.

The responses also revealed that most of the responding states have been utilizing

individual management systems, with the most predominant among them being Pavement

(39), Bridge (39), and Maintenance (34) management systems. Other systems include

Safety (SMS), Congestion (CMS), Public Transportation (PTMS), and Intermodal

Transportation (ITMS) management.

However, for most of these states the level of integration of these individual systems

within an overall Asset Management framework is still in the planning phase. Pavement

and Bridge management systems seem to be one step ahead of the remaining ones in

terms of this integration.

Decision Levels and Processes

When asked to report on their defined decision making levels, most of the responding

transportation agencies indicated that they have explicitly defined decision making levels

that coincide with the ones found in the literature (Journal Figure 3). The main levels

identified were Programming and Budgeting and Project Selection. This confirms that the

right transportation officials were selected as they were familiar with these levels of

decision making and that the agencies have been focusing their attention to these

intermediate levels that connect the generic strategic decisions of the Strategic Level with

the actual project implementation at the Project Level.

Further on, the state transportation officials were asked to rate a list of identified Asset

Management decision processes in terms of relative importance. As mentioned, all 48

responses for this question were considered in the analysis.

Journal Figure 4 summarizes the responses. From this plot it can be discerned that most

of the listed decision processes fall in the Very Important or Somewhat Important


The relative importance of the decision processes was determined by computing the

average importance rating for each decision process using a score from 1 to 4 (4 = Very

Important to 1 = Not Important at All). Journal Table 1 shows that the most important

decision process turned out to be Performance Evaluation and Monitoring with Fiscal

Planning following closely behind. Project Selection, which is the main interest of this

investigation, ranked third along with Resource Allocations, which denotes the

anticipated significance of this business decision process to the responding transportation


Journal Figure 5 summarizes the relative importance assigned by the state transportation

officials to a list of specific project selection criteria. As expected, the variability of

opinions is more significant in this question. However, the criterion of Available

Budgets/Earmarked Funds stands out as the most important criterion, followed closely by

Engineering Parameters and Public Demands/User Opinions. The average rankings for all

the listed criteria are presented in Journal Table 2. An interesting finding is that Public

Demands/User Opinions rank in the third place, showing the increased interest of

transportation agencies in public satisfaction from the selection and implementation of


To the surprise of the research team, the vast majority (80 percent) of the responding

officials agreed that the criteria used for project selection can not/should not be uniform

and consistent for all types of roadway assets.

Data Collection Procedures

Most of the responding state agencies (75 percent) had already invested time and money

in developing Asset Management roadway inventories and databases. The majority of the

remaining ones responded to be in a stage of planning for it. Most agencies have also

been collecting data predominantly for their pavements and bridges. Traffic items and

roadside assets were also reported to be collected in a great extent.

Journal Figure 6 summarizes the data collection methods used for the acquisition of the

above data. While for some assets (e.g. drainage), the collection is reported to be taking

place mostly using manual methods, there is a trend towards using a combination of

manual and automatic methods. This is consistent with what was reported recently by

Flintsch et al. (2004).

Data Collection Rationale

The officials were also asked to provide information about their rationale behind data

collection. These results are summarized in Journal Figure 7. The responses confirmed

that most agencies still base their data collection decisions on past practices and staff

experience. However, many respondents also noted that data collection practices have

been based on data collection standards and input needs of utilized management systems

or other defined decision processes.

In the next question officials were asked to rate the importance of identified roadway

asset data for the selection between two competitive projects. The ratings are summarized

in Journal Figure 8 and Journal Table 3. As expected, the most important data are the

Assets Structural and Functional conditions, with Usage of the Assets following in the

third place. The results conform to common sense and also show that the responding

officials had predominantly the same perception of the data that would prioritize project

selection between different assets.

Finally, the last question of the survey investigated the level at which state transportation

agencies are conscious about the existence of links between their data collection activities

and project selection. From the responses it was determined that most agencies have

identified (32.5 percent) or identified and documented in a formal way (52.5 percent) the

existence of such links. This is an important finding as it shows that most agencies have

been trying to rationalize their data collection according to specific decisions to be

supported, as least for the Project Selection Level.

Recommended framework for effective and efficient data collection

The literature review confirmed that research in the area of Asset Management and its

data collection has been extensive during the past years. Very little information, however,

can be found concerning specified data collection in order to support project selection

within the framework of Asset Management. This level links the overall network

decisions with the individual projects. Consequently, it requires data that are too general

and too specific at the same time. While general data would not help in the project

selection as they would ignore vital project details, it is usually not cost-effective to

collect very detailed (e.g. project-level) data for the project selection process.

Furthermore, project selection has traditionally been made between projects that belong

to the same asset class. Asset Management encourages the broadening of this traditional

practice by encouraging cross-asset comparisons between the candidate projects for

selection. This has obviously increased the data needs and has also created the need for

the identification and use of effective selection methodologies that can be applied equally

and in an unbiased way to all different asset classes.

The web survey suggests that U.S. transportation agencies have clearly identified

decision making levels and have also relatively uniform perceptions of the importance of

various asset management decision processes, project selection criteria and the

corresponding asset data that could support the selection between competing projects.

The findings from both the literature review and the survey analysis allowed for the

recommendation of the framework for effective and efficient data collection presented in

Journal Figure 9. In order for an agency to evaluate its data collection needs for project

selection the transportation officials should ask (and reply to) the following questions:

- What are the various types of roadway assets that need work?

- What are the various types of treatments that should be considered?

- What are the evaluation models, techniques and criteria used by the agency in

order to judge the usefulness of the projects and rank/prioritize them?

- What are the inputs required by these models/techniques in order for the various

projects to be assessed?

- What are the available data?

- What additional data needs to be collected?

Once the needed data have been identified, then the agencies can decide on the level of

accuracy, precision, and resolution needed and the most appropriate data collection

method. The database population and data collection should be aimed to be as simple as

possible without compromising the quality of the decisions. As a final element of the

proposed framework, a feedback loop should be established after the missing data have

been collected and the analyses performed in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the

models and the yielded results, and refine the models, data inputs, databases, and

collection methods.

This framework can function as a starting point for transportation agencies that wish to

handle project selection in a more systematic way and achieve cost reductions from

optimizing their data collection in order to support project-selection decision making.

However, it is obvious that the use of the proposed framework would only lead to a

partial optimization of an agencys data collection activities. This framework just

addresses project selection decisions without taking into account the needs of the other

levels of decision making that might require overlapping or complementary data and

hence require new or extended data collection activities. For a true optimization the data

needs of all levels of decision making should be taken into consideration and a more

comprehensive framework for data collection should be established. For this purpose, the

findings of the survey concerning the most important Asset Management decision

processes can be used. These decision processes can be attributed to all different decision

making levels and hence the consideration of the individual data needs of each one of

them and the generalization of the proposed framework so as to include all of them and

their interactions can possibly lead to a higher level of universal data collection



The most important findings from the undertaken literature review and web survey are:

Transportation Asset Management implementation in the United States and around

the world is still at its initial steps. Most of the surveyed transportation agencies,

however, are planning the integration of individual management systems they already

use towards this end. The same is true for roadway inventories and databases.

The most important criteria used for Project Selection are Available

Budgets/Earmarked Funds, Engineering Parameters, and the Public Demands/User


Asset Management practitioners in general agree that Project Selection criteria can

not/should not be uniform and consistent for all asset types considered.

U.S. transportation agencies data collection decisions are still predominantly based

on past agency practices and personnel experience. There is, however, a significant

trend towards use of data collection standards and input needs of management

systems or processes behind the rationalization of data collection.

Most U.S. transportation officials consider the roadway assets Structural and

Functional conditions as the most important data they use in order to support Project

Selection between competing roadway projects. The Usage of the assets is the third

most influential data item.

Most of the U.S. transportation agencies seem to have formally identified and

documented existing links between the data they collect and the Project Selection

decisions they wish to support.

Conclusions and Recommendations

The concept of Asset Management has been endorsed by the majority of the

transportation agencies in the United States and the rest of the world. The state-of-the-art

has been steadily advancing and significant contributions have been made by various

stakeholders. However, Asset Management implementation is still at its initial stages as

there are many hurdles to overcome. In this respect, the development of integrated

roadway inventories and databases is still underway in many agencies and so is the

integration of individual management systems.

Transportation agencies in the United States have explicitly defined decision making

levels and are moving forward to a rationalization of their data collection activities. Past

agency practices and staff culture is still the predominant decision factor behind data

collection but it has started to give way to decisions based on data collection standards

and input needs. In the particular area of Project Selection, there also seems to be a

formally established relationship between the data collected and the decisions supported.

A data collection framework for project selection is recommended to optimize the data

collection activities for project selection. The process provides clear and logical steps

towards the complete rationalization of the data needs for these decisions. This

framework, however, can only partially optimize the overall agency data collection

activities as it only addresses project selection decisions.

Further research in the area of the project selection data collection should be undertaken

in order to determine the reasons that render project selection criteria incapable of

handling cross-asset comparisons. Additional effort is also needed in order to generalize

the proposed data collection framework for an overall data collection optimization, taking

into account all agency decision levels. Complementarily, the identification of champions

in the field of data collection to support project selection decisions would allow deriving

best practices in order to further enhance the proposed framework and eventually

develop standards in this area.


The authors would like to thank the AASHTO Task Force on Committee on Data

Collection, Mrs. Vickie Miller of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Mrs.

S.Walton, Dr. S. Aref and Dr. D. Teodorovic of Virginia Tech, as well as Dr. I. Al-Qadi

of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for their valuable suggestions and

feedback. This investigation was partially funded by the FHWA and the Virginia

Department of Transportation (VDOT).


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Asset Management at Virginia DOT, 83rd Annual TRB Meeting, Washington,


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Highway Asset Management, 83rd Annual TRB Meeting, Washington, DC

OECD (2000). Asset Management for the Roads Sector, Programme of Co-Operation

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WERD (2003). Data Management for Road Administrations A Best Practice Guide,

Western European Road Directors, Sub-Group Road Data, Conference of

European Road Directors (CERD), Europe (

Journal Table 1. Ranking of Asset Management Decision Processes

Asset Management Decision Processes Average Ranking

(1) (2)

Performance evaluation and monitoring 3.54

Fiscal planning 3.48

Project selection 3.33

Resource allocations 3.31

Policy formulation 3.13

Program optimization and trade-offs 3.10

Program delivery/ project implementation 3.02

Performance-based budgeting 2.96

Audit, reporting and communication 2.81

Development of alternatives 2.77

Impact analysis 2.65

Key: 4 = Very Important, 3 = Somewhat Important,

2 = Not Very Important, 1 = Not Important at All

Journal Table 2. Ranking of Project Selection Criteria

Project Selection Criteria Average Ranking

(1) (2)

Available budgets/ earmarked funds 3.75

Engineering parameters 3.44

Public demands/ user opinion 3.27

Project significance 3.27

Agency costs/ benefits 3.19

Usage of project 3.08

Environmental considerations 3.06

Geographic distribution of projects/ funds 2.83

User costs/ benefits 2.77

Community costs/ benefits 2.65

Distribution among asset types 2.46

Ease/ difficulty of implementation 2.38

Proximity of project to major urban areas 2.25

Key: 4 = Very Important, 3 = Somewhat Important,

2 = Not Very Important, 1 = Not Important at All

Journal Table 3. Ranking of Roadway Asset Data for Project Selection

Roadway Asset Data Average Ranking

(1) (2)

Structural condition 3.77

Functional condition 3.67

Usage 3.29

Initial agency costs 3.23

Life Cycle Costs 2.96

Attributes/ characteristics 2.90

Customer/ user feedback and complaints 2.83

Location 2.67

Key: 4 = Very Important, 3 = Somewhat Important,

2 = Not Very Important, 1 = Not Important at All

Increase in Level Higher
Detail and Decision
Quantity Network Level Making
of Data Level
Programming Level

Project Selection Level

Project Level

Journal Figure 1. Relation between decision making levels and the corresponding detail and amount of needed data

Table: user
PRIMARY Email Table: roadway

UNIQUE userid PRIMARY userid

firstname ams
lastname Table: agency pms
title iamspms
PRIMARY userid
agency bms
street iamsbms
city sms
state iamssms
zip cms
phone iamssms
fax ptms
suggestion iamsptms
completed itms


Journal Figure 2. Asset Management survey database structure

AG3: Please specify the decision making levels that have been explicitly defined in your




Number of responses 15


No explicit Programming and Project Selection
Strategic Level Project Level Don't know
definition Budgeting Level Level
Number of States 5 23 27 27 23 3

Journal Figure 3. Defined decision making levels

AG4: Please rate the following Asset Management decision processes in terms of their
relative importance within your agency/organization.






Percentage of total
Don't know
Not at all important
30% Not very important
Somewhat important
20% Very important


n ng nin
fs es l ys
is tin
n ns ion tio
ula ori lan
tiv ge lec t io tat i ca
nit p ade rna ana d e o ca en un
f orm d m o
c al d tr
al te
ac t
d bu
c t s a ll
l em m
licy an Fis na
of Im
p se
je rce t im
p om
Po on tio -ba ou dc
uati i za p me n ce R es ro je c g an
al t im l o a /p in
ev op ve rm ery ort
ce De rfo ep
an g ram Pe deliv i t, r
rm o d
rfo Pr ram Au
Pe og
Asset Management Decision Processes

Journal Figure 4. Asset Management decision processes and their relative importance

AG5: Please rate the following criteria according to their level of importance for selecting
projects that are candidates for funding and implementation within your agency/organization.






Percentage of total

40% Don't know

Not at all important
30% Not very important
Somewhat important
20% Very important


ds t as s s s s ts ts ts
un nc
e jec tio
ter nd pe io n ion efi efi efi
df i fica pro n are nta me / fu t ty opin rat en en en
e n o f a e ra c t s s e r ide /b /b /b
ark s ig e u rb l e m p a j e as us e ns s t s s t s s ts
arm ct ag jor p ng pro on
g s/ co co co co
/e oje Us ma of
im eri of nd tal er cy ity
ets Pr to lty ine ion n am ma en Us g en un
g t u ng t o e m m
d je c iffic E rib
u uti cd on A
pro /d is t trib bli vir
l ab
le of a se ic d Dis Pu En
ai t y E h
Av im
i rap
ox og
Pr Ge
Project Selection Criteria

Journal Figure 5. Project Selection criteria and their relative importance

RDW2: Please indicate if your agency collects data for each of the following roadway assets
types and specify the data collection method.





Number of responses 20



Drainage Roadside assets Pavements Bridge Traffic items Special facilities
Both 5 15 25 16 13 4
Automatic 1 3 12 2 6 0
Manual 21 13 3 22 11 15
Roadway Asset Types

Journal Figure 6. Roadway asset data collection types and methods

RDW3: Which of the following statements best describes how your agency/organization
decides which data (and their related level of detail) will be collected to support the project
selection decisions?




Number of responses 15


Historical practice and Needs of systems/
Data collection standards Don't know
staff experience processes
State responses 30 22 21 2

Journal Figure 7. Agency data collection rationale

RDW4: Which roadway asset data are most important in your agencys view for the selection
between two projects, e.g. between different pavement projects or between a pavement
project and a bridge project?





Percentage of total
40% Don't know
Not at all important
30% Not very important
Somewhat important
20% Very important


n cs n n ts st s ag
in t
ca isti itio itio os Co
Lo ter ond ond c yc l e Us mpla
c c c n c co
ara tur
al na
ge eC
ch tio Lif
te s/
S t ruc u nc I nitia ac ka
u F b
rib ed
Att r fe
Roadway Asset Data

Journal Figure 8. Roadway asset data types and their relative importance for Project Selection

(Feedback to
Identification of candidate projects and upper levels)
STEP 1 corresponding treatments for all assets under

Identification of project evaluation/assessment tools

STEP 2 and their requirements
Identification and/or definition of data needs for the assessment
STEP 3 analyses/evaluations to be performed tools/ data
inputs/ data
and overall
Identification of existing databases and data quality
STEP 4 assessment

Identification of missing data elements and

STEP 5 determination of costs/benefits of their collection

Selection of the appropriate data collection

STEP 6 methodology and implementation

Journal Figure 9. Proposed framework for Project Selection data collection

List of Tables




List of Figures













Engineering significance

This research aimed at having a significant contribution to both academia and the
industry concerned with Transportation Asset Management.

Regarding its academic significance, this research identified current practices of Asset
Management in the US and the world and investigated the connection between data
collection and project selection decision making. The outcome of this investigation is the
formulation of a data collection framework particularly for project selection and the
identification of major criteria and data attributes to this decision making level.

Regarding its contribution to the transportation industry, this research aids Transportation
Agencies tailor their data collection activities according to their real decision making
needs, in particular at the project selection level. In this way it contributes both in cutting
down data collection costs and also in bolstering a more effective and efficient
implementation of Asset Management in their everyday practice.


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APPENDIX A: Transportation Asset Management Web-based Survey

Asset Management Data Collection for Supporting Decision Processes
Web-based electronic survey


The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) in conjunction with the Virginia
Transportation Research Council (VTRC) and the Virginia Department of Transportation
(VDOT) are studying the area of Asset Management data collection. The goals are to
document the existing state-of-the-practice and to investigate the relations between data
collection and supported decision processes. The investigation focus is on the data
needed for the selection of projects for funding and implementation.

In the following questionnaire you are being asked to provide information from your
states experience and practice on various topics including: asset management
implementation; data collection, management and integration; and decision making
processes and level. The information asked can refer either to planned or already
implemented efforts in the related fields. Your individual answers will be used for
statistical analysis in order to extract current trends and identify champions in this area;
they will also be used to support the development of the project objectives by leading to
scientific results on this very interesting and important topic.

The survey should take about 5-15 minutes to complete.

Please complete the electronic survey at ___________ by ________________________.

For questions on the survey please contact:

Dr. Gerardo W. Flintsch

3500 Transportation Research Plaza
Blacksburg, VA, 24060
Tel: 540 231 9748
Fax: 540 231 7532

Section 1: General Agency Information on Asset Management, Decision
Levels and Decision Processes

1. Has your agency/organization implemented or is planning to implement an Asset

Management System (please check one)?

Yes, it has already implemented an Asset Management System

No, it does not plan to implement an Asset Management System
It is planning to implement an Asset Management System but it does not have one
Dont know

2. Please check the management systems your agency/organization currently has,

along with the status of each system within an overall Asset Management
framework (please check all that apply):

Stand-alone management Integrated within Asset Management

system: framework
Pavement (PMS) Dont
Yes No Planned know
Bridge (BMS) Dont
Yes No Planned know
Highway Safety (SMS) Dont
Yes No Planned know
Traffic Congestion (CMS) Dont
Yes No Planned know
Public Transportation
Facilities and Equipment
Yes No Planned know
Intermodal Transportation
Facilities and Systems
Yes No Planned know
Maintenance Management Dont
(MMS) Yes No Planned know

Please list any other management systems used by your agency/organization:

3. Please specify the decision making levels that have been explicitly defined in your
agency/organization (check all that apply):

No explicit definitions for decision making levels (skip to Question 4)

Strategic level (i.e. concerning policy of decisions for the overall network)
Programming and budgeting level (i.e. concerning overall resource allocations for
design, maintenance and rehabilitation throughout the entire network)
Project selection level (i.e. selection of individual projects or groups of projects for
funding and/or implementation)
Project level (i.e. design of concerning specific treatments or action for the selected
Dont know what decision levels are defined

4. Please rate the following Asset Management decision processes in terms of their
relative importance within your agency/organization:

Level of importance
Asset Management
Very Somewhat Not very Not at all Dont
Decision Processes
Important Important Important Important know
Policy formulation
evaluation and
Fiscal Planning
Program optimization
and trade-offs
Development of
alternatives (for
sustaining assets
through their life
Impact analysis
Project selection
Resource allocations
Program delivery/
Audit, reporting and

Please list up to three other decision processes important for your


5. Please rate the following criteria according to their level of importance for
selecting projects that are candidates for funding and implementation within your

Level of Importance
Project Selection
Very Somewhat Not very Not at all Dont
Important Important Important Important know
Available budget/
earmarked funds
Project significance
Usage of the project
Proximity of the
project to major
urban areas
Ease/ Difficulty of
(including asset
distribution of
projects/ funds
Distribution among
asset types
Public demands/
user opinion
User costs/ benefits
Agency costs/
Community costs/

Please list up to three other criteria important for project selection within your

6. Do you think that the above criteria that are used by an agency in order to select
between different projects or groups of projects are or should be uniform and
consistent for all types of different roadway assets (please click one)?:

Dont know

If Yes please explain why:

Section 2: Information regarding data collection, management and
integration and their relation to the Project Selection decision level of
Roadway Assets

1. Does your agency/organization have an Asset Management roadway

inventory/database or is planning to develop one (please check one)?

Yes, it already has an Asset Management inventory

No, it does not have an Asset Management inventory
It is planning to develop an Asset Management inventory but it does not possess one
Dont know

2. Please indicate if your agency collects data for each of the following roadway
assets types and specify the data collection method (check all that apply).

Roadway Assets: Data Collection Method:

Drainage Manual* Automatic** Both
Roadside Assets Manual Auto Both
Pavements Manual Auto Both
Bridge Manual Auto Both
Traffic Items Manual Auto Both
Special Facilities Manual Auto Both

* Manual data collection involves two or more data collectors that record the data either with pen or most
recently with hand-held computers.
** Automatic data collection involves the use of some type of data collection vehicle or equipment, e.g.,
video cameras, laser sensors, etc. to capture, store, and process the collected data

3. Which of the following statements best describes how your agency/organization

decides which data (and their related level of detail) will be collected to support the
project selection decisions? Check all that apply:

Data collection decisions are:

Based on historical practice and staff experience defined within the agency/
organization (agency and staff culture)
Based on widely accepted data collection standards
Based on specific needs of individual or integrated management systems/ decision
processes to be supported
Dont know exactly

Please list any other consideration(s) that your agency's data collection decisions are
based on:

4. Which roadway asset data are most important in your agencys view for the
selection between two projects, e.g. between different pavement projects or between
a pavement project and a bridge project (please rate all data types)?

Level of Importance
Roadway Asset Data Very Somewhat Not very Not at all Dont
Important Important Important Important know
Attributes/characteristics (i.e.
materials, service life,
geometry, etc)
Structural condition (i.e. how
adequate it is for its purpose)
Functional condition (i.e.
how well it can serve the
Initial agency cost
(construction/ provision)
Life Cycle Costs (including
M&R and user costs)
Usage (i.e. how many users
utilize it on a specific time
basis, e.g. a day)
Customer/user feedback
and/or complaints

Please list up to three other data attributes that you think are important for your
agency/organization but were not included in the previous table:

5. Has your agency/organization identified and/or formally documented any

relationship between the roadway data collected to support Project Selection and
the decisions made? Please check one:

Only identified
Identified and formally documented
Neither identified nor formally documented
Dont know

6. Please provide details and contact information (if available) about any
agency/organization (other than your own) that has documented links between data
collection and decision making processes:

Supplementary Information

Please provide the following information about yourself:

Current Position/Title:_____________________________________________________
City:__________________________________ State:___________ Zip:______________
Telephone:_____________________________ Fax:_____________________________

Please provide any other thoughts, information or contacts concerning data

collection for supporting decision making in Asset Management that you believe
may be of benefit to this project.


APPENDIX B: Transportation Asset Management Web-based Survey

A total of 48 answers from 40 different states were received. Therefore, the response
percentage turned out to be 78% in terms of individual states and 47% in terms of
individual respondents. The obtained responses were downloaded from the database and
stored in excel spreadsheets. The responses were statistically analyzed and charts and
tables were created. A discussion of the results follows hereafter.

For seven states, more than one transportation official responded to the survey.
Furthermore, while some of the questions on the survey were state-specific and required
only one valid answer per responding state, others inquired about the personal opinion of
the responding state transportation officials. Due to this difference two approaches were
followed for processing the responses from the states that provided more than one

In the first case the various answers within the same state were compared
discrepancies were resolved so that only one answer would be kept, as complete
as possible, based on the following criteria:
- Priority was given to the most complete responses; for example in the case
where one transportation official would report that the state agency possessed
two individual management systems and another one would report the
possession of these two and an additional one, then the final considered
response would contain all three individual management systems from the
second response; and
- Priority was given to the responses of transportation officials whose area of
expertise most closely coincided with that of the surveys questions and
required input fields.

According to the above criteria, in some cases the ultimately considered state
response consisted of excerpts from responses provided by different officials.

In the remaining cases where the survey questions asked for individual opinions,
all answers (48) were considered valid and utilized in the analysis.

Answers on essay questions were not considered in this statistical analysis but rather used
as a guide for the resolution of discrepancies and also as a compass for the overall status
of the responding state in relation to the researched topics. Information from the essay
questions can and will be utilized in the future for the determination of champions for the
second phase of the investigation.

Questionnaire Part 1 General Agency Information on Asset Management,

Decision Levels and Decision Processes

This part required transportation officials to give information about:

- Asset Management endorsement and implementation by the State DOTs
- Existing and/or future planned other transportation and infrastructure management
- Existing levels of decision making within State DOTs
- Identification and rating of existing Asset Management decision processes and
functions within State DOTs and
- Identification and rating of existing criteria used by the agencies for project

Question 1: Has your agency/organization implemented or is planning to implement an

Asset Management System?

The responses to the first question concerning the implementation stage of an Asset
Management system revealed that most of the responding states (24) are still in the phase
of planning. Only one quarter (11) of the respondents indicated that they have already

implemented an Asset Management System. The responses are summarized in Figure

Question 2: Please indicate the management systems your agency/organization currently

has along with the status of each system within an overall Asset Management framework.

The responses to this question revealed that most of the responding states have been
utilizing individual management systems, with the most predominant among them being
Pavement (39), Bridge (39) and Maintenance (34) management systems as shown by the
aggregated results of Table 1. Other systems include Highway Safety (SMS), Traffic
Congestion (CMS), Public Transportation (PTMS) and Intermodal Transportation
(ITMS) management.

However, for most of these states the level of integration of these individual systems
within an overall Asset Management framework is still in the planning phase. Pavement
and Bridge management systems seem to be one step ahead of the remaining ones in
terms of this integration. The attained responses are summarized in Figure 2Figure .

Question 3: Please specify the decision making levels that have been explicitly defined in
your agency/organization.

When asked to report on their defined decision making levels, most of the responding
transportation agencies indicated that they have explicitly defined decision making levels
that coincide with the ones found in the literature (Figure 3). The most answers were
obtained for the Programming and Budgeting and the Project Selection levels. This
confirms that the responding transportation officials were rightly selected as they were
familiar with these levels of decision making and that the agencies have been focusing
their attention to these intermediate levels of decision making that connect the generic
strategic decisions of the Strategic Level with the actual project implementation at the
Project Level.

Question 4: Please rate the following Asset Management decision processes in terms of
their relative importance within your agency/organization.

State transportation officials were asked to rate a list of identified Asset Management
decision processes in terms of their relative importance. As mentioned before all 48
responses for this question were considered in the analysis. Figure 4 summarizes the
responses. From this plot it can be discerned that most of the listed decision processes fall
in the Very Important or Somewhat Important category.

Table 2 ranks the decision processes in terms of their normalized importance, by

importance category. The relative importance of the decision processes was determined
by computing the average importance rating for each decision process using a score from
1 to 4 (4 = Very Important to 1 = Not Important at All). Table 3 shows that the most
important decision process turned out to be Performance Evaluation and Monitoring with
Fiscal Planning following closely behind. Project Selection which is the main interest of
this study ranked third along with Resource Allocations, which denotes the anticipated
significance of this business decision process to the responding transportation officials.

Question 5: Please rate the following criteria according to their level of importance for
selecting projects that are candidates for funding and implementation within your

Again in this question the transportation officials were asked to rate the importance of
specific project selection criteria. Figure 5 summarizes the relative importance assigned
by the state transportation officials to a list of specific project selection criteria
considered. As expected, the variability of opinions is more significant in this one.
However, the criterion of Available budgets/ Earmarked funds stands out as the most
important criterion, followed closely by Engineering Parameters and Public Demands/
User Opinions. The average rankings for all the listed criteria are presented in Table 4
and Table 5. An interesting finding is that Public Demands/ User Opinions rank in the

third place, showing the increased interest of transportation agencies in public satisfaction
from the selection and implementation of projects.

Question 6: Do you think that the above criteria that are used by an agency in order to
select between different projects or groups of projects are or should be uniform and
consistent for all types of different roadway assets?

This question attempted to clarify whether the above mentioned criteria for project
selection would be suitable for use regardless of the asset type under consideration. To
the surprise of the research team, the vast majority (80%) of the responding officials
agreed that the criteria used for project selection can not/ should not be uniform and
consistent for all types of roadway assets. The responses are summarized in Figure 6.

Questionnaire Part 2 Information regarding Data Collection, Management and

Integration and their relation to the Project Selection Decision Level of Roadway

This part required transportation officials to provide information on:

- Data management, collection methods and integration
- Rationale behind existing and/or future planned data collection
- Evaluation of roadway asset data used for project selection and
- Identification of formally documented links between data collection and project
selection or Asset Management decision processes in general.

Question 1: Does your agency/organization have an Asset Management roadway

inventory/database or is planning to develop one?

From this question it was clear that most of the responding state agencies (75%) had
already invested time and money in developing Asset Management roadway inventories

and databases. The majority of the remaining ones responded to be in a stage of planning
for it. The responses are summarized in Figure 7.

Question 2: Please indicate if your agency collects data for each of the following
roadway assets types and specify the data collection method.

From this question it was revealed that most agencies have been collecting data
predominantly for their pavements and bridges. Traffic items and roadside assets were
also reported to be collected in a great extend. Figure 8 summarizes the data collection
methods used for the acquisition of the above data. While for some assets (e.g. drainage)
the collection is reported to be taking place mostly using manual methods, there is a trend
towards using a combination of manual and automatic methods.

Question 3: Which of the following statements best describes how your

agency/organization decides which data (and their related level of detail) will be
collected to support the project selection decisions?

This question attempted to capture the agencies culture and rational behind data
collection. These results are summarized in Figure 9. The responses confirmed that most
agencies still base their data collection decisions on past practices and staff experience.
However, many respondents also denoted that data collection practices have been based
on data collection standards and input needs of utilized management systems or other
defined decision processes.

Question 4: Which roadway asset data are most important in your agencys view for the
selection between two projects, e.g. between different pavement projects or between a
pavement project and a bridge project?

State transportation officials were asked to rate the importance of identified roadway
asset data for the selection between two competitive projects. The ratings are summarized
Figure 10, Table 6 and Table 7. As expected, the most important data are the Assets

Structural and Functional conditions, with Usage of the assets following in the third
place. The results conform to common sense and also show that the responding
transportation officials had predominantly the same perception of the data that would
prioritize project selection between different assets.

Question 5: Has your agency/organization identified and/or formally documented any

relationship between the roadway data collected to support Project Selection and the
decisions made?

The last question of the survey investigated the level at which state transportation
agencies are conscious about the existence of links between their data collection activities
and project selection. From the responses it was determined that most agencies have
identified (32.5%) or identified and documented in a formal way (52.5%) the existence of
such links. This is a very important finding as it shows that most agencies have been
trying to rationalize their data collection according to specific decisions to be supported,
as least for the particular level of Project Selection. The responses are summarized in
Figure 11.

Table1. Aggregated Number of States that Use Individual Management Systems

States with individual management systems


39 39 23 20 13 16 34

Table 2. Normalized Importance of Decision Processes per Importance Category
AG - Question 4
Ranking of normalized importance of Asset Management decision processes per importance category

Very important Somewhat important Not very important Not at all important Don't know

Performance evaluation Development of Development of

0.69 0.46 Policy formulation 0.17 Impact analysis 0.02 0.13
and monitoring alternatives alternatives

0.60 Fiscal planning 0.46 Impact analysis 0.17 0.02 Impact analysis 0.13 Impact analysis

Audit, reporting and Audit, reporting and Performance-based

0.54 Resource allocations 0.46 0.17 0.02 0.08 Policy formulation
communication communication budgeting

Development of Program optimization Program delivery/ Performance-based

0.50 Project selection 0.42 0.13 0.02 0.08
alternatives and trade-offs project implementation budgeting

Program delivery/ Development of Audit, reporting and Program delivery/

0.44 0.42 Project selection 0.13 0.02 0.08
project implementation alternatives communication project implementation

Program optimization Program delivery/ Audit, reporting and

0.42 Policy formulation 0.40 0.13 0.00 Policy formulation 0.08
and trade-offs project implementation communication

Program optimization Performance evaluation Program optimization

0.42 0.35 Fiscal planning 0.04 Policy formulation 0.00 0.06
and trade-offs and monitoring and trade-offs

0.42 0.35 Resource allocations 0.04 Project selection 0.00 Fiscal planning 0.06 Resource allocations

Development of Program delivery/ Program optimization Performance evaluation

0.31 0.33 0.04 Resource allocations 0.00 0.04
alternatives project implementation and trade-offs and monitoring

Audit, reporting and Performance-based Performance evaluation

0.27 0.31 0.02 0.00 Project selection 0.04 Fiscal planning
communication budgeting and monitoring

Performance evaluation
0.23 Impact analysis 0.25 0.00 Fiscal planning 0.00 Resource allocations 0.04 Project selection
and monitoring

Table 3. Ranking of Asset Management Decision Processes

Asset Management Decision Average

Processes Ranking

Performance evaluation and


Fiscal planning 3.48

Project selection 3.33

Resource allocations 3.31

Policy formulation 3.13

Program optimization and trade-

Program delivery/ project

Performance-based budgeting 2.96

Audit, reporting and


Development of alternatives 2.77

Impact analysis 2.65

Key: 4 = Very Important, 3 = Somewhat Important,

2 = Not Very Important, 1 = Not Important at All

Table 4. Normalized Importance of Project Selection Criteria per Importance Category
AG - Question 5
Ranking of normalized importance of project selection criteria according per importance category

Very important Somewhat important Not very important Not at all important Don't know

Available budgets/ Public demands/ user Proximity of project to Proximity of project to Distribution among asset
0.81 0.60 0.38 0.08 0.10
earmarked funds opinion major urban areas major urban areas types

Environmental Ease/ difficulty of Distribution among asset Proximity of project to

0.60 Engineering parameters 0.56 0.33 0.06 0.08
considerations implementation types major urban areas

Geographic distribution Ease/ difficulty of

0.44 Agency costs/ benefits 0.52 Project significance 0.25 0.06 User costs/ benefits 0.08
of projects/ funds implementation

Community costs/ Distribution among asset Ease/ difficulty of Community costs/

0.40 Project significance 0.52 0.25 0.04 0.08
benefits types implementation benefits

Community costs/ Geographic distribution

0.35 Usage of project 0.50 Usage of project 0.25 0.02 0.06 Usage of project
benefits of projects/ funds

Public demands/ user Ease/ difficulty of

0.35 0.50 0.19 User costs/ benefits 0.02 Agency costs/ benefits 0.04 Engineering parameters
opinion implementation

Environmental Available budgets/ Geographic distribution

0.29 0.50 User costs/ benefits 0.15 Agency costs/ benefits 0.00 0.04
considerations earmarked funds of projects/ funds

Geographic distribution Geographic distribution Environmental Environmental

0.25 0.44 0.10 0.00 Project significance 0.04
of projects/ funds of projects/ funds considerations considerations

Distribution among asset

0.21 User costs/ benefits 0.44 0.08 Usage of project 0.00 Usage of project 0.04 User costs/ benefits

Distribution among asset Proximity of project to Available budgets/

0.15 0.42 0.06 Project significance 0.00 Engineering parameters 0.02
types major urban areas earmarked funds

Community costs/ Public demands/ user

0.15 0.38 Agency costs/ benefits 0.04 Engineering parameters 0.00 0.02 Project significance
benefits opinion

Proximity of project to Public demands/ user Environmental Public demands/ user

0.04 0.31 Engineering parameters 0.02 0.00 0.02
major urban areas opinion considerations opinion

Ease/ difficulty of Available budgets/ Available budgets/ Community costs/

0.04 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.02 Agency costs/ benefits
implementation earmarked funds earmarked funds benefits

Table 5. Ranking of Project Selection Criteria

Project Selection Criteria

Available budgets/ earmarked


Engineering parameters 3.44

Public demands/ user opinion 3.27

Project significance 3.27

Agency costs/ benefits 3.19

Usage of project 3.08

Environmental considerations 3.06

Geographic distribution of
projects/ funds

User costs/ benefits 2.77

Community costs/ benefits 2.65

Distribution among asset types 2.46

Ease/ difficulty of
Proximity of project to major
urban areas
Key: 4 = Very Important, 3 = Somewhat Important,
2 = Not Very Important, 1 = Not Important at All

Table 6. Normalized Importance of Roadway Asset Data per Importance Category
RDW - Question 4

Ranking of normalized roadway asset data importance for project selection per importance category

Very important Somewhat important Not very important Not at all important Don't know

Customer/ user feedback Attributes/

0.79 Structural condition 0.63 0.25 Location 0.06 Life Cycle Costs 0.10
and complaints characteristics

Customer/ user feedback

0.69 Functional condition 0.54 Location 0.15 Life Cycle Costs 0.04 Location 0.08
and complaints

0.40 Initial agency costs 0.54 Usage 0.13 0.02 Initial agency costs 0.04 Location

0.40 Usage 0.46 Initial agency costs 0.13 Initial agency costs 0.00 0.04 Life Cycle Costs

Attributes/ Customer/ user feedback

0.35 Life Cycle Costs 0.44 0.10 0.00 Structural condition 0.02 Usage
characteristics and complaints

0.33 0.40 Life Cycle Costs 0.04 Usage 0.00 Functional condition 0.00 Structural condition

Customer/ user feedback

0.19 0.29 Functional condition 0.02 Structural condition 0.00 Usage 0.00 Functional condition
and complaints

Customer/ user feedback

0.13 Location 0.19 Structural condition 0.02 Functional condition 0.00 0.00 Initial agency costs
and complaints

Table 7. Ranking of Roadway Asset Data for Project Selection

Roadway Asset Data

Structural condition 3.77

Functional condition 3.67

Usage 3.29

Initial agency costs 3.23

Life Cycle Costs 2.96

Attributes/ characteristics 2.90

Customer/ user feedback and


Location 2.67

Key: 4 = Very Important, 3 = Somewhat Important,

2 = Not Very Important, 1 = Not Important at All

AG1: Has your agency/organization implemented or is planning to implement an Asset
Management System?




Number of responses


Yes No Planning Don't know
Number of States 11 1 24 4

Figure 1. Asset Management implementation

AG2: Please indicate the management systems your agency/organization currently has, along
with the status of each system within an overall Asset Management framework.




Percentage of total



Don't know 2 3 5 3 4 7 5
Planned 20 20 14 12 4 6 17
No 8 7 1 4 4 3 8
Yes 9 9 3 1 1 0 4
Individual Management Systems

Figure 2. Use of individual management systems and integration within Asset Management

AG3: Please specify the decision making levels that have been explicitly defined in your




Number of responses 15


No explicit Programming and Project Selection
Strategic Level Project Level Don't know
definition Budgeting Level Level
Number of States 5 23 27 27 23 3

Figure 3. Defined levels of decision making

AG4: Please rate the following Asset Management decision processes in terms of their
relative importance within your agency/organization.






Percentage of total

40% Don't know

Not at all important
30% Not very important
Somewhat important
20% Very important


n ng n in
fs es ly s
is t in
n ns tio
ula ori tiv ge lec tio nta ic a
r m o n it plan r ade erna a na ud s e ll o ca e u n
l t lt t
fo dm ca d fa pa
c db ct ea ple
m m
licy an Fis an to Im se oje urc im om
Po i on tion en e -ba Pr so ct ndc
a t iz a m c e j e a
alu t im lo p an R pro ing
ev op De
ve orm ry/ ort
nce am P erf e l ive , rep
r d dit
rfo Pr ram Au
Pe og
Asset Management Decision Processes

Figure 4. Asset Management decision processes and their anticipated importance

AG5: Please rate the following criteria according to their level of importance for selecting
projects that are candidates for funding and implementation within your agency/organization.






Percentage of total

40% Don't know

Not at all important
30% Not very important
Somewhat important
20% Very important


ds ce t s n s s s on s ts ts ts
un an jec re a t io ter nd pe ini io n efi efi efi
edf n i fic f pro ana e nta r a me t s / fu e t ty r op e rat ben b en b en
o s d / / /
ark ts
ig e urb ple
m pa jec as us
e ns
sts sts sts
a rm ec ag jor ng p ro ng s/ co co co co
/e roj Us ma of
e eri of mo a nd tal s er n cy n ity
ts P o lty i n o n a m e n U e u
e tt cu En
g uti on de nm Ag mm
bu je c iffi trib uti lic ir o Co
b le f pro e /d dis i s trib P ub E nv
a o s hi c D
ail it y Ea
Av xim og
Pro Ge
Project Selection Criteria

Figure 5. Project Selection criteria and their anticipated importance

AG6: Do you think that the above criteria that are used by an agency in order to select
between different projects or groups of projects are or should be uniform and consistent for
all types of different roadway assets?




Number of responses


Yes No Don't know
Number of individual responses 2 32 6

Figure 6. Consistency of Project Selection criteria for different asset types

RDW1: Does your agency/organization have an Asset Management roadway
inventory/database or is planning to develop one?




Number of responses 15


Yes No Planning Don't know
State responses 30 2 5 3

Figure 7. Existence of Asset Management inventory/database

RDW2: Please indicate if your agency collects data for each of the following roadway assets
types and specify the data collection method.





Number of responses 20



Drainage Roadside assets Pavements Bridge Traffic items Special facilities
Both 5 15 25 16 13 4
Automatic 1 3 12 2 6 0
Manual 21 13 3 22 11 15
Roadway Asset Types

Figure 8. Roadway Asset type data collection and corresponding collection methods

RDW3: Which of the following statements best describes how your agency/organization
decides which data (and their related level of detail) will be collected to support the project
selection decisions?




Number of responses 15


Historical practice and Needs of systems/
Data collection standards Don't know
staff experience processes
State responses 30 22 21 2

Figure 9. Agency data collection rationale

RDW4: Which roadway asset data are most important in your agencys view for the selection
between two projects, e.g. between different pavement projects or between a pavement
project and a bridge project?





Percentage of total
40% Don't know
Not at all important
30% Not very important
Somewhat important
20% Very important


on ics n n ts ts ag
e nts
ti ist itio itio os os la i
Lo ter o nd ond c yc l eC Us mp
rac c c n c co
ha ral on
al ag
/c ctu cti ia l L if an
tes S tru un I nit ck
bu F ba
A ttri feed
e r
m er/
Roadway Asset Data

Figure 10. Roadway Asset Data and their anticipated importance for Project Selection

RDW5: Has your agency/organization identified and/or formally documented any relationship
between the roadway data collected to support Project Selection and the decisions made?




Number of responses


Neither identified nor
Only identified Identified and documented Don't know
formally documented
State responses 13 21 2 4

Figure 11. Identification and documentation of links between data collection and Project Selection


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