Cover Page
Cover Page
Cover Page
Lab Report
Experiments Tittle
Scale 1 2 3 4 5
Criteria Poor Acceptable Excellent
1. Introduction Unable to generate a Adequately generate Student capable to generate a
(10 marks) complete theoretical formula theoretical formula with small complete theoretical formula
i.e. only writing the final errors. from the beginning.
formula. Make some but tolerable All relevant engineering
Make many errors in errors in applications of principles and concepts are
applications of engineering engineering principles and accurately and comprehensively
principles and concepts. concepts. demonstrated and applied.
2. Experimental Unable to produce and Adequately produce an Student capable to produce a
Procedure appropriate procedure to run appropriate procedure to run detailed procedure to run the
(10 marks) the experiment. the experiment i.e. missing experiment.
Having no objective(s). steps in procedure. Objective clearly defined.
Would not allow experiment Having objective(s). Would Would allow experiments to
to achieve any goals. allow experiment to achieve achieve goals.
most goals.
3. Data / result and Unable to present Adequately present Students capable to articulate
Sample Calculation experimental result using experimental result using experimental result using
(20 marks) appropriate tables, charts, appropriate tables, charts, appropriate tables, charts,
graphs or other presentation graphs or other presentation graphs or other presentation
formats. formats. formats.
4. Discussion and Unable to relate theoretical Adequately relate theoretical Students capable to relate
Conclusion analysis with experimental analysis with experimental theoretical analysis with
(20 marks) result and their practical result and their practical experimental result and their
implication. implication. practical implication.
Unable to come out a clear Conclusion is not clear, but Student capable to express a
and understandable yet, understandable in such clear and concise conclusion.
conclusion. manner.
Scale 1 2 3 4 5
Criteria Poor Acceptable Excellent
1. Structure Paragraphs are poorly Paragraphs are usually well All paragraphs are well
(5marks) organized; use of sections is organized; use of sections is organized; use of sections is
illogical and hinders logical and generally allows logical and allows easy
document navigation. easy document navigation. navigation through the
2. Graphics, figures, Figures, tables and equations Some figures, tables and All figures, tables and equations
tables and equations. are not clearly or logically equations are logically are clearly and logically
(5marks) identified and fail to support identified and adequately identified and strongly support
the text. support the text. the text.
3. Mechanics Sentences are poorly written; Sentences are generally well Sentences are well written; there
(5marks) numerous incorrect word written; a few incorrect word are no incorrect word choices
choices and errors in choices and errors in grammar, and the text is free of errors in
grammar, punctuation and punctuation and spelling. grammar, punctuation and
spelling. spelling.
4. Formatting and Report is formatted poorly Formatting of the report is Formatting of the report is
references and lacks a quality cover genarally consistent and professional and includes a
(5marks) page and index. adequate,includes a quality professional cover page and
Fails to correctly report any cover page and index. index.
sources or to utilize Most sources are correctly All sources are correctly
appropriate citation forms. reported; appropriate citation reported; appropriate citation
forms are genarally utilized. forms are utilized thoughout.
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Experiments Title:
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