Thermalfluid Lab - MEC 554 / LSRC / SCA Rev. 01-2017: Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger
Thermalfluid Lab - MEC 554 / LSRC / SCA Rev. 01-2017: Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger
Thermalfluid Lab - MEC 554 / LSRC / SCA Rev. 01-2017: Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger
Lab Report
Scale 1 2 3 4 5
Scale 1 2 3 4 5
2. Graphics, figures, • Figures, tables and equations • Some figures, tables and • All figures, tables and equations
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3. Mechanics • Sentences are poorly written; • Sentences are generally well • Sentences are well written; there
(5marks) numerous incorrect word written; a few incorrect word are no incorrect word choices
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No Technical Report
1 Introduction CO2 10
2 C02 10
Data/result/sample of
3 CO2 20
Discussion and
4 CO2 20
TOTAL 60 /60
No Writing Performance
1 Structure CO3 5
2 Graphics/Figures/Tabl C03 5
3 Mechanics CO3 5
Formatting and
4 CO3 5
TOTAL 20 /20
80 /80
Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 2
9.0 APPENDIX...................................................................................................................... 19
Heat exchanger is a device which transfers heat from one medium to another, a
Hydraulic Oil Cooler or example will remove heat from hot oil by using cold water or air.
Alternatively, a Swimming Pool Heat Exchanger uses hot water from a boiler or solar heated
water circuit to heat the pool water. Heat is transferred by conduction through the exchanger
materials which separate the mediums being used. A shell and tube heat exchanger pass fluid s
through and over tubes, where as an air-cooled heat exchanger passes cool air through a core
of fins to cool a liquid.
Heat exchangers are commonly used in practice in a wide range of applications, from
heating and air-conditioning systems in a household, to chemical processing and power
production in large plants. Heat exchangers differ from mixing chambers in that they do not
allow the two fluids involved to mix. Heat transfer in a heat exchanger usually involve s
convection in each fluid and conduction through the wall separating the two fluids. In the
analysis of heat exchangers, it is convenient to work with an overall heat transfer coefficient U
that accounts for the contribution of all these effects on heat transfer. The rate of heat transfer
between the two fluids at a location in a heat exchanger depends on the magnitude of the
temperature difference at that location, which varies along the heat exchanger.
The effect of various flow rate on the performance characteristic of counter and parallel flow
concentric tube heat exchanger can be find using these formulas.
ηmean = ( ηc + ηh ) / 2
i. The hot water temperature has been set to between range of 55℃to 65℃by changing the dial
and the LED light was automatically off.
ii. The volume flow rate of the hot water had been set to 1000𝑐𝑚 3 𝑚𝑖𝑛−1 by adjusting the valve.
iii. The volume flowrate of the cold-water also had been set up to 2000𝑐𝑚 3 𝑚𝑖𝑛−1 by using the
iv. The stopwatch had been started.
v. All the temperature on the board had been recorded after 5 minutes.
vi. Step ii. had been repeated by using different volume flow rate of hot water, 2000𝑐𝑚 3 𝑚𝑖𝑛−1,
3000𝑐𝑚3 𝑚𝑖𝑛−1 and 4000𝑐𝑚 3 𝑚𝑖𝑛−1 by using the valve while the cold-water volume
flowrate remains constant.
vii. Parallel flow data had been recorded.
viii. All the volumetric valve had been turned off.
Figure 1: Valve that were used to change the configuration
ix. The valve on the board in Figure X had been configured to counter flow configuration.
x. Step i. until vi. had been repeated and the counter flow data had been recorded
xi. Parallel flow data and the counter flow data had been tabulated and the heat transfer
coefficient had been calculated for each heat exchanger configuration.
Parallel flow
Hot water Hot water Hot water Hot water Cold water in, Cold water mid, Cold water
flow rate, in, o C mid, o C out, o C oC oC out, o C
cm3 /min
1000 64 47 39 27 29 30
2000 64 48 41 27 30 31
3000 64 48 41 27 30 32
4000 64 49 42 27 31 33
Counter flow
Hot water Hot water Hot water Hot water Cold water Cold water mid, Cold water
flow rate, in, o C mid, o C out, o C in, o C oC out, o C
1000 64 47 39 27 29 31
2000 64 50 42 27 31 34
3000 64 51 43 28 32 35
4000 64 50 43 28 32 35
Sample Calculation
- Assume for 1000 cm3 /min hot water volumetric flow rate.
- Refer table A-2 Boiling and Freezing Point Properties for liquid properties.
Parallel flow
Hot wate r Power Power Power Efficiency ΔT1 ΔT2 ΔTm U
flow rate Emitted Lost
Absorbed η
(cm3 /min) (W) (W)
(W) (%) (˚C) (˚C) (˚C) W/(m2 .˚C)
Counter Flow
Sample Calculation
By referring to the result that was calculated, it is shown that the counter flow is better
than parallel follow in factor of heat exchanger. When the water flow rate increases from
1000cm3 /min to 4000cm3 /min, the power emitted by counter flow bit lower than parallel flow.
When looking in term of efficiency, counter flow has higher efficiency. For flow rate of
4000cm3 /min, counter efficiency is 16.9% mean while parallel flow is 13.8%. This is because
counter flow make use every power that is emitted so the power loss will be reduced.
When looking into heat transfer coefficient, counter flow has larger value than the
parallel flow. This is because, logarithmic mean temperature difference counter flow ranged
between 20.8℃ to 21.6℃ meanwhile for parallel flow ranged between 19.8℃ to 20.6℃.
There are some errors that can be found during this experiment and will affects the
recorded result. Systematic is one of the error that is found where this error comes from the
equipment itself. In order to prevent and reduce this error, scheduled maintenance must be done
for the equipment. In addition, other errors is human error. This is because this error happens
when trying to read the level of volume flow of water into desired value. In order to reduce this
error, the eyes must be perpendicular to the measurement level.
For the conclusion based on the result, when volume flow rate increase, the power
emitted and absorbed for each flow increase too. Next, counter flow is the best option for heat
exchanging mechanism because it has higher efficiency than parallel flow. In addition, the heat
transfer coefficient changes when the volume flow rate increase. After that, when choosing a
flow that will be used for heat exchange, counter flow is the most suitable option because it
has better performance than parallel flow. For the recommendation, other type of flow may be
observed and compared between parallel and counter flow to see which flow is better in term
of efficiency, and heat transfer coefficient.
Based on the outcome, the counter flow can be shown to have a greater heat exchanger
factor compared to the parallel flow. As the volumetric flow rate rises from 1000 to 4000, the
power emitted by the counter flow can be shown to be less than the parallel power. The overall
power emitted is 5746.9W for the counter flow, while the power emitted for parallel flow is
greater than the counter flow of 6020.5W. Meanwhile in terms of power consumed and power
lost, counter flow effectively makes use of any power emitted with each flow, making each
volumetric flow rate's power loss smaller than the parallel flow power lost. In manufactur ing,
saving more capital would ultimately be a top priority for both of them, so a commodity that
can use less intakes such as power or electricity will be chosen to conserve more cash while
having the good quality. So a counter flow is a safer alternative rather than parallel flow in this
Meanwhile the average efficiency in counter flow is again more desirable. Compared
to parallel flow, counter flow has a higher efficiency, with the maximum measured average
efficiency being 32.5 percent for a counter flow and 24.39 percent for parallel flow. For both
parallel flow and counter flow, the efficiency is diminished linearly as the volumetric flow rate
is increased. A parallel flow has a lower value compared to a counter flow in terms of the
logarithmic mean temperature. The counter flow has a value of 20 to 21, while the logarithmic
mean temperature range is between 19 and 20 for parallel flow. In this case, a smaller value is
expected than a larger value, such that the total coefficient of heat transfer is greater depending
on the formula to obtain the coefficient of heat transfer; the logarithmic mean temperature is
divided by the power consumed to obtain the coefficient of heat transfer. The value of the
counter flow heat transfer coefficient is also greater than the parallel flow value. As the
volumetric flow rate is increased, the heat transfer coefficient increases linearly for all flows.
There may be a few variables that lead to the experiment's mistake, which is the
structural mistake and the individual mistake. Systematic error is an error created by the
computer itself while human error is caused by the human being himself. So the
methodological mistake that resulted in this experiment is where the original flow temperature
is changed. During the parallel flow, the temperature tends to rise during the experiment, which
can affect the measured and determined results. Meanwhile when changing the volumetric flow
rate, human error is involved. It is perhaps very difficult to achieve the exact value since the
eyes will not be perpendicular to the scale.
1) Increasing the volumetric flow rate would increase the power produced and
consumed by both counter flow and parallel flow, and will definitely influence either
of the volumetric flow rate and reduce the power lost.
2) The counter flow performance is greater than parallel flow, making the flow a safer
alternative for a heat exchanger device. In addition, the coefficient of heat transfer is
often altered as the volumetric flow rate is increased.
3) Overall, when it comes to making a decision with parallel flow, counter flow has a
greater heat exchanger efficiency factor.
Using another kind of flow that is in series, for recommendation, to compare the output factor
of the heat exchanger when adjusting the volumetric flow rate.
From the result, it can be observed that the counter flow has a good performance of heat
exchanger factor comparing to parallel flow. When the volumetric flow rate is increase from
1000cm3/min to 4000cm3 /min it can be observed that the power emitted by the counter flow is
smaller than the parallel. For the parallel flow, the highest power emitted is 6020.5W while for
the power emitted for parallel flow is higher than counter flow which is 5746.9W. Next, in
term of power absorbed and power lost, basically counter flow make used of every power that
is emitted for each flow making the power loss of each of the volumetric flow rate to be lesser
than the power losses of parallel flow.
Therefore, the overall efficiency is much higher for counter flow compare to parallel
flow. Counter flow has a higher efficiency comparing to the parallel flow which the highes t
overall efficiency calculated is 32.5% for a counter flow and 24.39% for parallel flow. For
parallel flow, when the volumetric flow rate is increases, the efficiency is increases too. Then,
for counter flow, the efficiency of the system decreases when the volumetric flow rate in
increases. In term of the logarithmic mean temperature, a counter flow has a smaller difference
comparing to parallel flow. Counter flow has a range of 20℃ to 22℃ while for parallel flow
the range of the logarithmic mean temperature is between 19℃ until 21℃. In this experiment,
a small value is needed compare to a larger value so that the overall heat transfer coefficie nt
will be higher based on the formula to obtain the heat transfer coefficient. Lastly, the value for
the heat transfer coefficient for counter flow is greater than the parallel flow. The heat transfer
coefficient increased linearly for both of the flow when the volumetric flow rate is increased.
In conclusion, when the volumetric is increase, the power emitted and absorbed for both
counter flow and parallel flow will increase linearly. Then, the power lost for each of
volumetric flow rate will be decreases. Next, the efficiency of the counter flow is higher than
compare to the parallel flow. This shows counter flow is the most suitable option for the heat
exchanger system. After that, the heat transfer coefficient is affected when the volumetric flow
rate is increases. Lastly, we can see that counter flow has a great performance factor compare
to the parallel flow in the heat exchanger system.
According to result that had been obtained, it shows that counter flow heat exchanger
is better than parallel flow heat exchanger. The value of volumetric flow rate increase from
1000cm3 /min to 4000cm3 /min showing that power emitted by the counter flow heat exchanger
is lower than parallel flow heat exchanger. When the value of volumetric flow rate is
4000cm3 /min for the counter flow heat exchanger the value of power emitted is 5746.9W.
Meanwhile the power absorbed is 9710.4W and its efficiency is 16.9% higher than parallel
flow heat exchanger efficiency, 13.8%. This is because counter flow heat exchanger uses all
power that is emitted and results to decrease of total power lost. The logarithmic mean
temperature for counter flow heat exchanger is higher compare to parallel flow heat exchanger
which is between 20.8℃ to 21.6℃ while for parallel flow is 19.8℃ to 20.6℃. In this case
there are a few reasons for errors occur in this experiment. First error is systematic error that
caused by the equipment when the initial temperature of the flow is adjusted. Second the error
that caused by the person who execute the experiment which is the human error when adjusting
the volumetric flow rate. This is because it is quite hard to read the exact value as the eye might
not be perpendicular to the scale.
For the conclusion, it can conclude that, the value of power emitted and also power
absorbed depend on the value of volumetric flow rate. When the value of volumetric flow rate
for both type of heat exchanger increases the value of power emitted and absorbed also
increase. The efficiency for counter flow heat exchanger is bigger compare to parallel flow
heat exchanger. So counter flow heat exchanger is the best option for a heat exchanger system
compare to parallel flow heat exchanger. Besides counter flow heat exchanger also has a batter
heat exchanger performance factor compare to parallel flow heat exchanger. It is
recommended to use series type of flow for heat exchanger.
1) Chris, W. (2016, November 12). How do heat exchangers work? Retrieved October
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Figure 1: Valve that were used to change the configuration