Agard R 804
Agard R 804
Agard R 804
Special Course on
Missile Aerodynamics
(UAkrodynamique des Missiles)
The material assembled in this mport was prepared wrder the combined spnsorship of
the AGARD Fluid Dynamics Panel, thc Consultant and Exchange Pmgrannre ofAGARD,
and the von K&rm*nInstitute (VKI)forFluid Dynamics. It was presented in an AGARD-
FDP-VKI Special Course at the VKI,Rhode-Saint-Ge&se, Belgium, 6th-10th June 1994
andat the MWk East Technical University,Ankara,llirkey, 13tlr-I 7th June 1994.
-+ \/-
Special Course on
Missile Aerodynamics
(LAerodynamique des Missiles)
The material assembled in this report was prepared under the combined sponsorship of the
AGARD Fluid Dynamics Panel, the Consultant and Exchange Programme of AGARD,
and, the von Khrmhn Institute (VKI) for Fluid Dynamics. It was presented in an AGARD-
FDP-VKI Special Course at the VKI, Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium, 6th-10th June 1994
and at the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 13th-17th June 1994.
The Mission of AGARD
According to its Charter, the mission of AGARD is to bring together the leading personalities of the NATO nations in the fields
of science and technology relating to aerospace for the following purposes:
- Recommending effective ways for the member nations to use their research and development capabilities for the
common benefit of the NATO community;
- Providing scientific and technical advice and assistance to the Military Committee in the field of aerospace research and
development (with particular regard to its military application);
- Continuously stimulating advances in the aerospace sciences relevant to strengthening the common defence posture;
- Improving the co-operation among member nations in aerospace research and development;
- Rendering scientific and technical assistance, as requested, to other NATO bodies and to member nations in connection
with research and development problems in the aerospace field.
The highest authority within AGARD is the National Delegates Board consisting of officially appointed senior representatives
from each member nation. The mission of AGARD is carried out through the Panels which are composed of experts appointed
by the National Delegates, the Consultant and Exchange Programme and the Aerospace Applications Studies Programme. The
results of AGARD work are reported to the member nations and the NATO Authorities through the AGARD series of
publications of which this is one.
Participation in AGARD activities is by invitation only and is normally limited to citizens of the NATO nations.
ISBN 92-835-0752-5
Aerodynamic EngindAirframe Integration for High Performance Aircraft and Missiles
AGARD CP-498, September 1992
Effects of Adverse Weather on Aerodynamics
AGARD CP-496, December 1991
Manoeuvring Aerodynamics
AGARD CP-497, November 1991
Vortex Flow Aerodynamics
AGARD CP-494, July 1991
Missile Aerodynamics
AGARD CP-493, October 1990
Aerodynamics of Combat Aircraft Controls and of Ground Effects
AGARD CP-465, April 1990
Computational Methods for Aerodynamic Design (Inverse) and Optimization
AGARD CP-463, March 1990
Applications of Mesh Generation to Complex 3-D Configurations
AGARD CP-464, March 1990
Fluid Dynamics of Three-Dimensional Turbulent Shear Flows and Transition
AGARD CP-438, April 1989
Validation of Computational Fluid Dynamics
AGARD CP-437, December 1988
Aerodynamic Data Accuracy and Quality: Requirements and Capabilities in Wind Tunnel Testing
AGARD CP-429, July 1988
Aerodynamics of Hypersonic Lifting Vehicles
AGARD CP-428, November 1987
Aerodynamic and Related Hydrodynamic Studies Using Water Facilities
AGARD CP-413, June 1987
Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics in Aeronautics
AGARD CP-412, November 1986
Store Airframe Aerodynamics
AGARD CP-389, August 1986
Unsteady Aerodynamics - Fundamentals and Applications to Aircraft Dynamics
AGARD CP-386, November 1985
Aerodynamics and Acoustics of Propellers
AGARD CP-366, February 1985
Improvement of Aerodynamic Performance through Boundary Layer Control and High Lift Systems
AGARD CP-365, August 1984
Wind Tunnels and Testing Techniques
AGARD CP-348, February 1984
Aerodynamics of Vortical Type Flows in Three Dimensions
AGARD CP-342, July 1983
Missile Aerodynamics
AGARD CP-336, February 1983
Prediction of Aerodynamic Loads on Rotorcraft
AGARD CP-334, September 1982
Wall Interference in Wind Tunnels
AGARD CP-335, September 1982
Fluid Dynamics of Jets with Applications to V/STOL
AGARD CP-308, January 1982
Aerodynamics of Power Plant Installation
AGARD CP-301, September 1981
This volume is a compilation of the edited proceedings of the Missile Aerodynamics course held at the von K h B n Institute
(VKI) in Rhode-Saint-Genbse, Belgium, 6th-10th June 1994, and at the Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara,
Turkey, 13th-17th June 1994.
This series of lectures supported by the AGARD Fluid Dynamics Panel and the von K h B n Institute follows previous courses
organised at VKI: 1974 (VKI LS67), 1976 (VKI LS88), 1979 (AGARD LS98) and 1987 (AGARD-R-754).
The aim of this special course was to present the current state of the art in some fields of tactical missile aerodynamics. The
course begins with an overview of aeromechanical design of modem missiles. It covers system aspects, configurations, physical
aspects and methods used in the design phase. This introduction is followed by a lecture on semi-empirical predictive tools
which still remain the everyday tools for design engineers. The numerical computation is the subject of two specific notes:
Navier-Stokes computation for complete missile configurations and Euler and Navier-Stokes computations for supersonic air
intakes. Two other lectures were also included: pyrotechnical lateral jet control and high angle of attack aerodynamics. In
addition, and for the first time, an important part of the course is devoted to the analysis and the modelling of missile infrared
radiation. Its objective is to provide aerodynamicists with an understanding of IR radiation, useful for low IR signature missile
design. Each presentation is illustrated with numerous practical applications.
We want to thank all the speakers for their outstanding work, as well as the organisers of AGARD,VKI and METU.
Ce volume regroupe les notes concemant le cours ACrodynamique des Missiles prCsentC ii Iinstitut von KBrmgn (VKI) de
Rhode-Saint-Genbse, Belgique, du 6 juin au IO juin 1994 et i la Middle East Technical UniversitC (METU) i Ankara, Turquie,
du 13 au 17 juin 1994.
Ce cycle de confkrences, c o n y et rCalisC sous ICgide du Panel de Dynamique des Fluides de IAGARD et du VKI, fait suite ii
des cours similaires organisCS au VKI en 1974 (VKI LS67), 1976 (VKI LS88), 1979 (AGARD LS98) et 1987 (AGARD-R-754).
Lobjet du cours a CtC de revoir 1Ctat de lart dans certains domaines de Iatrodynamique des missiles tactiques. Le cours dtbute
par une prksentation gCnCrale de la conception drodynamique des missiles modemes avec prise en compte des aspects systbmes,
des nouvelles configurations de missiles, des aspects physiques des Ccoulements et des mCthodes de calcul. Cette introduction est
suivie par une prksentation des outils semi-empiriques qui sont les outils de base de IingCnieur de conception. Le calcul
numCrique est trait6 dans deux notes spCcifiques: calcul Navier-Stokes de configurations complbtes de missiles, calculs Euler et
Navier-Stokes de prises dair supersoniques. Deux autres sujets ont aussi CtC inclus: le pilotage par jets latCraux et
IaCrodynamique aux grandes incidences. De plus, et pour la premibre fois, une part importante du cours est consacrte ? Ianalyse
et ii la modClisation du rayonnement infrarouge des missiles. Son objectif est de foumir i IaCrodynamicien une bonne
comprkhension du rayonnement infrarouge, utile pour la conception de missiles ii faible Cmission infrarouge. Chaque
prksentation est illustrie par de nombreux exemples pratiques.
Nous tenons i remercier tous les confkrenciers pour Iexcellent travail quils ont accompli ainsi que les organisateurs de
IAGARD, du VKI et du METU.
Special Course Staff
Dr P. Hennig Mr P. Weinacht
VAS 414 Propulsion & Flight Division, WTD
Deutsche Aerospace (DASA) US Army Research Laboratory
Abwehr und Schutz Aberdeen Proving Ground
Postfach 80 1 1 49 Maryland 21005-5066
881663Munchen United States
Mr M. Engelhardt
Grumman Corporation
1 1 11 Stewart Avenue (B46-35)
Bethpage NY 1 1714
United States
Mr J.K. Molloy
Mail from Europe: Mail from US and Canada:
Attn: FDP Executive Attn: FDP Executive
7, rue Ancelle PSC 1 16, APO AE 09777
92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine
P r e f a c m r Cface V
P. Hennig
Missile Systems Division
Deutsche Aerospace
Postfach 80 11 49
D-81663 Munchen
P.G. Lacau
Aerospatiale Missiles
Centre des Gatines
F-91370 Verriercs le Buission
The urgency of vcry cost effective missile design limited size of tlic diflcrent naliorial forces
not only lcads to the fact that advanced methods - UN blue hclnict missions with peace keeping
implying high elTort can be used only in very rare or humanitarian objectivcs
cascs, but also that several topics with very close - national point defcnse tasks, for examplc thc
relations to aerodynamic design problems have to defense of objects or small iireas against
be trcated by the aerodynamicist in early project terroristic attacks
phascs to guarantee a fast and cost eflective opti- - reconnaissance, inspection and control objcc-
miLation proccss Sincc the new system requirc- lives in connection with boycott and disarma-
incnts for niissiles oftcn lay more stress on thcse ment measures or with dccscalation actions I I I
forinerly sccondary areas, the aerodynamicist has domestic conflicts.
to adopt or to develope suitable tools for this work.
This extendcd area may be called 'aeromechanics'. For this reason the size of the different national
It is an artificial word and not very well-defined. armed forces will dccreasc probably, while the
Within this lccture it covers - bcsides aerody- equipment will be improved much more i n quality .
namics - general fluid dynamics and hydrodyna- than i n quantity.This latter point had becn expecl-
mics, aerothermodynamics and internal thermo- ed several years ago, already, and is the reason
dynamics, aeroacoustics, behaviour of structures why some outlooks of lhc past (Rcfs. 2-4) still are
under aerodynamic loads (aeroelastic effects), valid partly, although the political situation has
flight niechanical aspects and the simulation of changed. For many of the NATO countries
signatures of all types (Radar, microwave, infra- (especially for Germany) the possibility of ovcr-
red, visiblc, ultra-violet and acoustic). Some of seas actions is vcry new. In any case, there will
tliesc arcas have been foreseen to be subjects be a nced for arms which can bc transferred casily
of modern missile design some time ago already into different conflict areas and which are vcry
(Rcfs 2-4), others arc turning up only in the last flexible in niission and can be adaptcd vcry casily
tinic. Therefore, not cach field is very elaborated to diEerent geographical and military environ-
yet. But, anyhow, the close coupling of all these ments. Since one has - due to not controllable
topics with classical aerodynamic design is of proliferation - to expect weapons of highest
high relevance and in many cases quite new. technological standard in the hands of every
possible enemy, perhaps only in a limited nuniber,
The present and futurc requests on these aero- it is in any case still necessary to be able to combat
rncchanical subjects are tried to bc presented in them. Especially in C ~ S C Sof local national con-
this lecturc. Thercforc, a first reference to existing flicts, civil war situations, defense of terror attacks
fast and rathcr simple project tools is givcn and an or rather of attempts for black-mailing, highest
outlook is tricd on the problems we have to expect efliciency and precision are requcsted becausc of
- and to solve - in thc next years and for which we political reasons.
have to developc appropriate tools as soon as
possible. This is necessarily a very subjective Many of the possible scenarios for niilitiiry actions
guess which is derived only from the pcrsonal ask for a de-escalaling strategy. For this rcason,
project cxpcriencc and the company cnvironment collateral damage, i.e. any harm to humans nor
of thc authors. involved, damage to infrastructure and to I he
environnicnt has to be avoided :is far as possiblc.
Also, for all countries participating i n UN
missions there will be high doniestic political
2. PRECONDITION FOR THE pressure to avoid casualties of own pcrsonncl.
AEROMECHANICAL DESIGN This implies that the weapons used have to be of
OF MODERN MISSILES highest precision i n hitting their target and in the
cflect they exercise on it. This implies llie use of
weapons of high intelligence and autonomy -
2.1 NEW POLITICAL AND STRATEGIC which also helps tho reduce the crews needed -
SITUATION and of arms with minimal side effects, so-callcd
surgical weapons. I n many cases non-lethal or
less-lethal weapons are rcquired (ReTs. 5-8).
In the new world-political situation the probability
for a miiss confrontation betwecn larger armies Especially for humanitarian missions, but also for
has dccreased drastically, cspccially for NATO high flexibility i n geographical cngagcmcnt with
countries. In contrast, there will be a much higher liniitcd troops a n accurate and safe delivcry of
risk of supply is of very high iniportance. In almost all
scenarios an excellcnt scouting or observation is
- local confrontations of limited extent between necessary. Usually, thesc obscnws must have
two nations or with NATO on one side a very low signaturc, i n some scciiarios they must
- UN conflict management missions ('pcace be as invisible and inaudible ;IS possiblc.
enforcenicnt'). oftcn i n overseas areas, with a
2.2 NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR lead to more intelligent and autonomous missilcs
MISSILES or to more elaborated launch and guidance units.
The new demands on modern missilcs can be met New data links like laser beam or glass Iibrc
much casier thanks to thc fact that in the last ycars optics give the opportunity for a more precisc
a lot of ncw technologics have been developed homing and for transmission of a lot of data
which can be used for these new tasks. Other well- acquired. This gives a bctter chance for 'surgical
known missile tcchnologies have been improved strikes'. The same is true duc to new possibilitics
or became cheaper and more reliable. Using all in picture scanning, proccssing and interpretation.
the new possibilities for the different components High power television cameras or improved IR,
one already would come to an advanced missile MW or Radar sensors with higher sensitivity,
design (Fig. 1). Some of the new technologies are higher spatial resolution and larger range can find
only of indirect influence on aeromechanical or identify a target with much higher prccision
design, namely by the design requirements or by
new systcm charactcristics. Othcr technologies For missilcs with higher velocity or largcr range
dircctly introduce aeromechanical problems or the aerodynamic hcating of the scnsor doincs oflcn
requirc profound studies in aerodynamics, thermo- becomes a problem (Fig. 5). For IR domcs activc
dynamics, aeroelastics or signature simulation to cooling or the use of covers might be a solution.
check the realizability of the new concepts. New materials are developcd and tcsted for ra-
domes for such ciises. Bcsides the determiiiatioii
Dcspitc of the ncw technologics, the basic compo- of optical or dielectric parameters lo guarantce thc
ncnts of a missile (Fig. 2) are still the same as for- necessary sensor performance of the materials and
merly. Even their principal relationship to aero- the structures, also aerodynamics, thermodynam-
mechanics (Ref. 1) is in many cases very similar. ics and aeroelastics arc needed to check the appli-
Tlicrefore, only a few additional aspects are cability during the flight of the domes designed.
ineritioned here.
The use of GPS for navigation has become coni-
Advanced warheads may influence the general mon and leads also to much higher precision but
design of the frontpart of the missile. Submunition also to the preference of certain flight manocu-
ciiuses aerodynamic problems during separation vres. Laser or radar altirncters are of much highcr
and by multibody intcrference effects within the precision and arc much more independent of the
cloud. Missiles that are intended to fight armoured environment than the classical ones. New con-
targets like tanks or bunkers often will use pene- cepts of guidance and control (Refs. 19-20) like
trators with high L/D at very high velocities the observer technique (Ref. 2) or seeker based
(Ref. 9). The start of such projectiles -with a sabot fusing and new mathematical methods like fuuy
from a high cnerby bwn or from a missile during logics (Ref. 21) lead to iicw challenges in thc
the endgame - is connected with questions ofaero- flight paths aimed at and to the nced for niorc
dynamic interference and aeroelastic response. precise acrodynainic niodcls (Fig. 6).
Modern turbo-propulsion units have reached a Especially for high velocity missiles the use of
price level which makes them attractive for mis- classical control surfiiccs is a problem because of
siles. This leads to new design solutions mainly the high temperatures reached by aerodynamic
for low-speed vehicles. New types of fuel make it heating, mainly in the wing tips. In such cascs,
easier, on one hand, to reach higher velocities but also for others where it seems favourable,
which arise problems of high-spced aerodynamics new control mechanisms have been developcd.
and of aerothermodynamics. On the othcr hand, Apart from different typcs of thrust vector control
smokcless fucls or such of low signature offer the (Fig. 7) there is mainly the jet reaction control by
chance of new data link concepts. Novel propul- lateral thrust that is favoured. A new method with
sion systems like ranijets, ramrockets (Fig. 3) and still many practical problcrns to be solved is thc
others (Refs. 10-14) ask for new missile gcomet- bending nose concept (Ref. 23). As for the
ries and lead to diuerent flight conditions (Fig. 4) deflected surfaces or for niechanical spoilcrs
that havc to bc modclled by aeromechanics. where the forces and moments introduced arc
aerodynamical in nature, the applicability and the
The guidance system (Refs. 15-17) in a more characteristics of the new control methods cqually
general sense not only consists of the classical have to be considered by the aerodynamicist. In
types of homing, beam-riding, command and the case of jets thermodynamic problems may be
inertial systems (Ref. 1) but also includes data of importance, too. A new type of deflecting
acquisition and transmission by the missile. surfaces are the grid fins with their very interest-
ing characteristics. They have been in use already
The existence of cheap PC's in each unit of the for many years (Ref. 24) but have not found much
troops, very cheap and very powerful electronic response in the Western hemisphere.
coniponents allow new systcm fcatures and may
The gencral outer design of a missile is tradition- simulate the very complicated aerodynamic
ally found as a compromise between aeromecha- characteristics of paracliutes (Fig. 13) one has to
nical demands and component needs. The use of include the behaviour of flcxiblc meinbrarics of
new materials like ceramic or fibre inforced irregular shape including thc opening proccdurc,
materials (Ref. 25) and the tendency to favour the complex flowfields of scmi-permcable walls ;it
light-wcight structures lcads to an increase in the a wide spced range and the usually very scvcrc
importancc of an adequate description of their and unsteady aerodynamical and flight
aeroelastic and acrothermodynamic properties. mechanical interference betwcen the parachutc
and the load connectcd with it. The problems
A lot of new ideas for optimal aerodynamic design increase if one has to guarantce a controllcd
of missiles arc bcing produccd in systcni studies flightpath with a parachutc or a glider.
but iirc oftcn disappearing again or havc to be
modified severely aftcr more detailled research.
New gcometries introduced by novel control sur- 2.3 NEW FOCAL POINTS FOR TARGETS,
aces havc been mentioned already. Recently, the MISSION SCENARIOS, AND OPTIMAL
ring wing has reappeared as an optimal stabilizing CFIARACTERISTICS OF MISSILES
device (Ref. 26).They have been considered in ear-
lier times already (Refs. 27 and 28) but seemed
not vcry favourable at that times in several 2.3.1 TARGETS AND SCENAEUOS
projects. The fact that they are designed to be
deployable now could make a reasonable differ- Because of the new geopolitical situation dis-
ence. Variable gcometries as movable wings are cussed abovc, new demands i n missile charactcr-
uscd for kceping up an optimal value for the istics have appcared. If one considcrs the typcs of
stabilization of the missile when a large shift of targets involved in possiblc coixflicts one finds oil1
the ccntcr of gravity occurs during the flight. that not too much has changed. This conics from
the fact that offensivc weapons and military in-
For high specds the conccpt of the wavcridcrs has stallations are principally the sainc. But thcy iiiay
becn dcvcloped to give solutions for optimal acro- be distributed all over thc world now and arc part
dyiiamic shape (Refs. 29-32). Today first designs of new and very dficrcnt scenarios. Therefore: thc
exist that are not only geometric guidelines but are changed conditions of combat situations requirc
more project oriented (Fig. 8). Nevertheless, these new features of future missiles.
configurations usually are intended rather or
hypersonic transport than or tactical missiles. The following targets or inissions have to be
expected a s the most important oiies. The main
I n general, more integrated designs integrated requirements for missilcs relevant to acromecha-
intakcs (Fig. 9) or sensors or conformal carriage nical design are added.
of storcs - are considered everywhere because of
the wish for reduced drag (Fig. 10) and for higher - Little armoured individual targets or
velocities. formations (trucks, bridges, runways,
launchers, infrastructurc)
On the other hand, there is a trend to develop -+ short to long range, scatlercd muni-
'stealthy' missiles, espccially for lowcr velocities tion, manoeuvres at low ;iltitudes
and long ranges. Many of the conccpts seem to - Bunkers and shelters
bc in massivc contradiction to an optimal acro- -+ medium to long range, high kinctic
dynamic shape. Facettcd surfaces and a large energy
number of sharp edges lead to highly separated - Tanks
flow and to unfavourable and almost not predic- -+ short to medium range, fast reaction,
table interference effects o the vortical and tur- high kinetic energy, niaiiocuvres at
bulent downwash. This makes it necessary to low altitudes
optimize the geometry of low signatiirc missiles in - Helicopters
an integrated procedure between aerodynamics + short and medium rangc, fast reaction,
and signature simulation. Similar geometry possibly high kinetic energy
problems but without the signature restrictions - - Fighter airplanes (mostly low-lcvei flight) or
have been known for a while from dispenser offensive missiles of diffcrcnt type
weapons (Figs. 11-12) with their unconventional -+ short to medium range, fast reaction,
shapes of non-circular cross section (Ref. 35). high manoeuvrabiI1ty
- Cniise missiles (tcrraiii-follo~\lingor low-
Anothcr 'geometry' that is a challenge for the level flight)
;ierodynamicist are the parachutes and gliders
used to dccelcrate submunition or loads or which
+ short to medium rangc, fast rcaction,
high manoeuvrability
shall prolong the flight time or distance. To
considerably by using guided projectiles. A tions are of high iinportancc and have to bc
favourable guidance prinprinciple is the collision simulated by the aerodyiiainicist.
point oriented line-of-sight guidance (Fig. 15).
Thc control devices may consist of a lateral thrust Hypersonic missiles - long raiige
system or of a bending nose (Fig. 16). The main
work packages within the aeromechanical context High velocity missiles for medium to long ranges
are the determination of the aerodynamic and have similar features to those of short range. Thc
aerothermodynainic characteristics (Refs. 37, 38 speed probably will be a bit lower (around Mach 4
and 40). A specific problem is the determination to 6 ) and the typical cruise hciglit would be bet-
of the corrcct drag coefficients and the correlation ween several hundred and scvcral thousand.
of its cxpcrimentally found value to the corre- meters (Ref. 44). The main reason to strive for
sponding free-flight one (Ref. 4 I), especially sincc high speed in this case is not so much thc neccs-
thcsc prqjectiles have relativcly large body grooves sary kinetic energy anymore in most cases, but thc
to hold a sabot (Ref. 42) that functions as a bore better penetrativity without using stealth fcatures.
rider inside thc gun tube and that separates at a The aspect of relativcly short reaction time will be
short distancc from the muzzle of the gun. The still of importance in many cases, of course, I f thc
effects of internal ballistics and of sabot separa- speed is not too high ii low signature levcl will
tion may cause severe initial flight path errors gain increasing importancc again with incrci1siIig
(Fig. 17) and, thcrcfore, must be modelled care- mission ranges. Dificrent control mechairisins wil I
fully. But it is often very dificult to simulate the be of interest here probably and different guidancc
aerodynamic bchaviour in thosc cases bccausc of laws, navigation methods and data link systcins
the high number of paramcters involved and will be used for these missiles. Although the spccd
because of thc multi-body interference during the is ;I bit smaller, aerodynamic Iieating normally has
scparation of thc sabot fragments (Rcf. 43). A an cven higher priority becausc of the longcr
similar problcm ariscs whcn a penetrator follows flight time. Structural heating and heat transfcr to
a n advancing projcctilc in a tandem flight. For components have to bc considered in this case,
projccliles with vcry high LID or with special too. Materials and aerothermodynamic charactcr-
structural designs acroelastic deformations have to istics of radomes havc to be checked (Ref. 45). 1f
be considered in addition, especially in the launch air breathing propulsion is used for this type of
arid the impact phases. missiles, geometries \villi optimized drag charac-
teristics as highly integrated intakes are favour-
Hyuersonic missiles - short range able. This leads to iiriconventioiial, non-axisyni-
metric shapes (Fig. 18) with the corresponding
High velocity missiles for short ranges can be estcnded aerodynamic modcls that have to bc
used i n complement to projectilcs for similar generated.
missions. The inncr dead region is higher - in the
order of sevcral hundrcd nietcrs - since the accel- Dispensers
cration takes place outside the launcher. On the
other hand, these inissiles can carry their kinetic The main task of ii dispcnser I S to carry a load
ciicrgy ovcr ii higher distance and thcy are ma- and to drop it after somc distance. This load may
noeuvrabie. This qualifies them for air defensc consist of submunitions of different kind, of a
against targets like TBMs (last ditch), missiles penetrator with an acccleration dcvice, of non-
and aircraft, but they can be equally used against lethal agcnts or of anything that has to be trans-
tanks or lielicopters (short reaction at sudden pop- ported and distributed. Sincc the 'cargo' is covercd
up), sec Ref. 44. To reduce the reaction time while by the dispenser airfranc for almost the conipletc
kceping thc possibility to aim at targets approach- mission time it may be of quite un-acrodynamic
ing from any direction, vcrtical launch followcd shape Thcre are dispenscrs carried only as a
by a fast turn manoeuvre to almost horizontal store, others with a frcc-flight phase without pro-
flight is used in most cascs. Again, aerodynamic pulsion and, therefore, only short range, and long
and aerothcrmodynamic characteristics of high- range dispcnsers with diffcrcnt types of propul-
speed flight (around Mach 5 to 8) at low altitude sion. The typical flight Iicight is tcrrain-followlllg\iiii~
have to be determined. Aeroelasticity may be of up to about 100 meters, thc average velocity is
importance i n the case of light-weight structures transonic but there is thc tcndcncy to incrcasc i t lo
and for partly or completely burnt-out booster. An the low supersonic rcgimc. For long ranges low
additional problem are the charactcristics of the signature designs bccomc nccessary to assure for a
control deviccs as surfaces, lateral thrust, or thrust sulrkient penetrativity. According to thc scenarios
vector control. The selection of surface materials to be expected the stand-off fcature is of high
(maybe ablative) and the guidance unit (radome) importance.
arc otlicr areas of present research. The data link A lot of aerodynamic problcnis arisc from thc
iiiiglit be realized by a laser beam. In this case the unconventional geonictry of the dispcnscrs and
shape and the transmissivity of the plume in de- evcn more if a stealth configuration has to be
pcndence of fuel chemistry and of flight condi-
considcrcd. Tlic large number of inclined cdges in simulation. There are first intcrfcrences with lhc
combination with lift and control surfaces situated dispenser during and sliortly aftcr the cjection
at unconvcntional positions and perhaps with in- (Ref. 48) where the body asis of tlic submunition
takes lcad to highly separated flowfields around may be normal or parallel to that of the dispcnser.
tlie niissilc with severe interaction effects and, Another type of interference is that between tlie
therefore, to very complicated aerodynamic submunition bodies within tlie cjected cloud
modcls. Store carriage and store separation (Ref. 49), also under normal or axial flow condi-
simulation show an inhomogeneous outer flow tions. Fig. 23 shows the complicated vortical flow
additionally. Unsteady effects have to bc expected around a set of three interfering bodies at nornial
and makc it incaningful to execute a coupled flow angle. Another type of interference occiirs
xrodynaniidflight niechanic simulation for such between a submunition ;uid the diffcrent kinds of
flight periods. The same is true for gusts arid even retarders. Some of thcni arc similar to unconvcn-
inore if thc dispenser crosses the jet flow bchind tional control or stabilizing devices, but para-
thc airplane. The flight at low altitudes including chutes or gliders arise additional fundamental
street tracking or terrain-following manoeuvres problems (Ref. 36). The parachute consists of 3
asks for high precision aerodynamic inputs into membrane deformed by acrodynamic loads
tlic guidance and control loop. Tlie ejcction of tlie (Refs. 5 1-53). The corrcsponding aeroelastic
subinmiition usually is not thc problcm of the effects are of outstanding evidence during tlic
dispenser any more, except in those cases where inflation (Fig. 24). Another unconventional iicro-
the distribution takes place over a long distance. dynamic feature of the parachutes is the porosity
In this casc open submunition tubes may sect of the material which modifies considcrably the
scvercly the fiirther flight. For long range dispen- flow parameters (Fig. 25). Therefore, the detcr-
scrs with higher velocity or for ones with IR mination of aerodynamic coefficients for para-
domes aerodynamic heating might become of chutes (Ref. 55) and for gliders (Refs. 52 and 56)
importance. If low signature design is strived for, is rather involved. In ;iddition to tliat, thc intcrrcr-
:I siniulation of, mainly, radar cross section (RCS) ence effects between submunition and the canopy
and IR cniission is neccssary in the early design have to bc considered (Ref. 57). Fig. 26 shows
proccss. such a case with separalcd vorlical flow bchind ;I
load, modelled by 3D point vortex tracking, and
Submunitions its intcraction with a simple splicrical canopy with
a central hole and with vortex sheets rolling up
Tlierc is a wide varicty of submunition types. from the inner and outer edgcs. Although this si-
Their targcts may be tanks or tank formations, mulation is already vcry cxpcnsive with rcspcct to
bridgcs, runways, and other objects of tlie infra- an efficient design proccss, therc are still several
structure. Also penetrators (bunker busters) or important aspects not considered yet. This is not
mines and other similar effectuators can be carried only the porosity and the flexibility of the material
as a kind of submunition by a dispenser. In some and the time-dependencc of the flow caused by tlie
cases the load has to be distributed regularly over unsteady separation, but also the close coupling
a certain area, in other ones the flight time and between the flight mechanical behaviour of the
range of the subniunition has to be extended to parachute/load system with their internal degrecs
allow a longcr detection time of a suitable target. of freedom (Ref. 59) that should be includcd, since
Other submunition must be stabilized from their it leads to an unsteady onsct flow.
almost completely accidental flight conditions
resulting from tlie irregular interference eflects Fiber optic guided inissilcs
immediately after their ejection, so that their
impact angle at thc targct is reduccd to a minimal Tlie new technology of broad band signal trans-
value which allows a correct operation of the war- mission by optical fibcrs ovcr distances up to
head (Fig. 19). All these functions arc executed by about 150 kilometers ofrcrs tlie chance to dcvelop
appropriatcly adapted retarders, parachutes or systems with completely new reatures (Rcf. 60).
gliders (Figs. 20 and 2 1). The geometry of the The missile carries an IR or visible light ciimerii
submunilion may bc very simple - often like a can which transmits tlie pictures in real time to a
- or may consist of a quite involved system screen where the inforrnation is used by the
(Fig. 22). launch crew to guide the missile. In this way a
very high precision in the flight performance can
Tlie first aeromechanic difficulty of these sub- be reached. This allows surgical strikes with
niunitions is to model tlie aerodynamic cliaracter- conventional warheads or with non-lethal agcnls.
istics of such unaerodynaniic objects for subsonic, The missile may be launched from a proteclcd
transonic, supersonic and even hypersonic veloci- position and can reach protected areas, liiddcn
ties and for any flow angle. Espccially the inho- places or points within narrow streets i n citics.
inogcrieous flow conditions caused by interference The new and cheaper turbo-engincs for missilcs
effects are of high importance for the correct flight offer control of thrust and provide adaptable
specd and, thcrefore, allow for a good coordina- unconventional gconietrics are uscd in ordcr to
tion of connected missions. Because of the data realize fold-up wings. Lift and propulsion systcins
transmission rate that can be realized at the pre- have been realizcd by balloons, gliders, hclicop-
sent time, the flight velocity has to bc subsonic. lers or airplanes with propcllers or turbo-engincs.
This, on the other hand, makes it easier to reach For aerodynamicists the sinidation of such sub-
high manoeuvrability. For long range missions the sonic systems is standard in most cases. A
penetrativity has to be increased by low signature challenge is to optimize the lift and propulsion
features for all sensor domains to be expected and system in order to produce niininial drag and to
additionally by sea-weaving or similar manoeu- assure for an extremely low signature level. In this
vres. The optical fiber is of high strength and, case aeroacoustics, i.e. thc noise produccd by the
thcrefore, produces no severe aeromechanical flow, could be of iniportancc, especially if the
problems, although a coupling between aerody- vehicle carries an acoustic sensor.
namics and elastic behaviour has to be consi-
dered in principle (Ref. 61). The determination Supply gliders
of the aerodynamic characteristics of the missile
should be a standard problem in general. To avoid As mentioned bcforc, tlic safe and accuratc deli-
a contact bctwccn the fiber and thc hot turbojet very of supply or gencral loads i n confincd and
the exhausts usually will be situatcd laterally. insccure areas has gaincd iiicrcasirig iniportancc
This, however, will cause interference effects with in the new sccnarios. Scveral conccpts havc bccn
the fins and so the control efficiency of the rud- developed recently. A possiblc configuration
ders a s well as the aerodynamic stability must be (Fig. 27) consists of ii glider and of different
assured. Also, the heat of the jet may affect the devices to assure for a sort and accurate landing.
surface or the structure and thermal protection has The freight may have a wcight of up to 5 tons.
to be provided. Therefore, the jet flow has to be The flight range will be 3 to 5 times the drop
siniulatcd and the thermodynamic behaviour of altitude which means up to about 50 kilomctcrs. A
the components involved has to be estimated. For minimum of manoeuvr;ibility is iicedcd (Fig. 28).
long range missiles the signature of all relevant Since the system must be as chcap a s possiblc,
frequencies (mainly radar and IR) has to be simu- standard components have to bc used. Similar IO
lated and the geometry has to be optimized accor- submunitions with parachutes the aeromechanical
dingly. In this case, similar to the dispensers, an challenge consists in the sufficient description of
unconventional shape has to be expected. This the aerodynamic behaviour of thc glidcr and of llic
shape with a lot of relatively sharp cdges will also load and in the flight nicchaiiical dcscription of
in the subsonic flight regimc cause scverc sepa- thc coupled and heavily intcrfcnng unstcacly
ration and correspondingly very difficult vortical system, espccially :is far as nianoeuvres arc to bc
interference cffects. concerned.
Drones of different kind and for different types of A general feature of hture missiles has to be
missions have been used for a long time. Accord- emphasized separately sincc it cannot be derivcd
ing to the ncw demands in situations like out-of- from a survey table of this kind:There will be iin
arca missions, confined and low-level confron- increasing importance of multi-purpose weapons.
tations, disarmament, armistice supervision, in- Because of decreasing budgets, closer interna-
spection, or boycott control, there will be an in- tional cooperation, smaller independent opcration-
creasing requirement for vehicles of this type. The a1 units and higher geographical and seasonal
design goals imagined by possible users often flexibility, troops often don't havc the opportunity
sound vcry fabulous: An ideal obscrvation vchicle to be equipped for all evcntualities. They rathcr
would bc invisible and inaudible, would have un- necd missiles that are appropriatc against scvcr;iI
limited flight rangc and mission time at co-inci- types of targets and that arc fit for all-weather
dcntly high manoeuvrability and it would obscrve missions. Thc weapon systems have to be adap-
and transmit any relevant optical, acoustical and table easily to new or iinproved components, also
othcr information from protected and hidden of other nations, which m a n s a very modular
arcas, even from the inside of buildings. To meet, set-up, and they havc to be of good transporta-
at least to some extent these phantastic ideas, one bility. For missiles an idcal system would be one
has to develope a vchicle that has an extremely with exchangeable warlieads allowing dosablc
low signature not only in the various electroniag- effects for different missions and perhaps with
netic frcqucncies but also i n the acoustic reginic. exchangeable guidance units with sensors that
It needs a lift producing devicc capable to carry are optimal for different environments and
the neccssary sensors and the transmission system. scenarios. In this way the number of different
The propulsion system has to be as efficient as missile systems necessary for different targets
possible to save fuel and to stay at a low noise should be reduced considerably.
level. In inany cases light-weight structures and
2.3.3 DESIGN AND DEVE OPMENT ation. It m'akes possible a wider field of action and
DEMANDS reduces the overall costs.
Important aspects are
From the new targets and scenarios a group of
missile types of present interest was derived and - adaptability of the systcm to increased demands
listed above. If one summarizes the design and or to advanced technologies without a new
development goals assigned to them one can find development phase by using an high modularity
several gcneral tactical design and development of the system
dcmands. In many cases technological objectives - development of multi-purpose systcnis, also sup-
can be derived directly from them. The major ones ported by an high modularity and decrcasing
are: costs for acquisition. niainlcnance and logistics
- high transportability and mobility including
High penetrativity means low detectability of the flexible installation, modularity of the complcte
missile or low chance [or defense for the attacked system and low-wcight coinpoileiits
target. - suitability for actions within a widc range of
, This can be rcalized by regions, environmen ta 1 conditions and i n Icr-
national cooperations without larger adaptions.
- high velocity which leaves not enough time to
an attacked enemy to react properly These immediate tactical demands are also the
- low altitude flight and pop-up manoeuvres which main criteria for the aerornechanical design. To
also leads to unawareness meet these tactical demands the aerodynamicist
- statistical nianoeuvers like sea-weaving or has to derive special aeromechanical demands
screw-shaped flight that make it difficult for a which he has to accomplish as well as possible.
defensive missile or other measures to find their Consequently, these aeromechanical design
target criteria are the preconditions within this spccial
- low signature features (stealthy missile) in all technological field to meet the original demands.
sensor regions that could be relevant for a The core of the aeromechanical know-how is
detection. found here. Important points are
High eficiency of the mission means to have a - sufficiently exact prcdiction of all aero-
high probability to hit the target with a correctly mechanical characteristics for all relevant
operating missile and to give the warhead an geometries and flight conditions
optimal chancc to produce the desired effect. - sufficiently exact prediction of the aerody-
Several aspects are of importance here. namical and other aeromechanical reactions
They are to (sometimes unsteady) changes in those
- high precision directly at or after launch asks for - securing a sufficiently high (or low) stability for
sniall deviations of the thrust vector, of the all flight conditions i n spite of changing center
separation from launcher and of interferences of gravity and of unfavourable aerodynamic
during the start phase and allows an high hit shapes like submunitions, dispensers or stcalth
probability for very short distances already configurations or of aerodynamically optimized
(small inner dead region) but unconvential geoiiietries
- low structural aeroelastic or thermic loads - development of relaiively optimal aerodynamic
during the flight for all components by using shapes for the complete rnissile or for compo-
suitable materials, by cooling (active or passive) nents (wings, rudders) within the limits sct by
and by optimizing the flight path guarantee the aeromechanical or other design demands
propcr operation - optimization of the shape to reach ii minimum
- intelligent guidance realized by an autonomous (or - for retarders - inasinium) drag
system of a precisely working sensor and ad- - description offlow paraineters i n areas that are
vanced software or by integrating the human of interest for other specialists (afterbody flow,
guide into the loop by using a very good data plume, intake).
- precisely working control devices allow high Some demands have to be mct in very closc co-
precision manoeuvres at the appropriate time operation with other spccialists. Such subjccts arc
and should ccrtify high hit and kill probabilities
even for high velocity flight or for long ranges - development of control devices with exactly
- high kinetic energy at the target if penetration is defineable and fastly reachable build-up of
planned. lateral forces for all flight conditions
- reaching a fast and high manocuvrabilily by
High flexibility of the missile system is of increas- bank-to-turn or skid-to-turii control
ing importance because of the new political situ-
situated closely to the base and may change the particles of different size and vclocity. By the
forces and moments. The shape of the base itself collisions occurring belween the particles a
also may change the performance of a projectile diffusive motion is iilduced that is responsible
(Rcf. 82). But the main influence of the base for the spreading of tlic particles within the
flow on the missile is that it is responsible for a plume. According to tlie high initial tenipera-
considerable part of the drag. This part is varia- tures of the particles a t the nozzle exit, radiative
ble with geometry and speed but will amount to heat transfer within tlic plume has to be con-
approximately 30% for most missiles and can sidered and introduccs ;in high signature level.
represent up to 50% for an unpowered projectile Particles or different size niay have diffcrent
a t transonic Mach numbers. Therefore, it is no temperatures which has to be considercd i n ;in
surprisc that a lot of cffort has been made to elaborate model. Evcn for the simulation of
prcdict this charactcristics. Survcys arc givcn i n plume signatures or of plume tr;insmissivity for
Rcfs. 83-88 The attempts to reducc this base laser beams one should use much cheaper tools
drag arc mainly concentrated on using boattail within early design phases, which nieiins scnii-
afterbodies which can make an effect of up to empirical ones if no olhcr more qualitative
8% and on the base bleeding or base burning model can be found. This is true to an even
techniques (Figs. 30-33) that are often used for higher extent if plume inodcls arc only used
artillery projectiles (Refs. 91-95). To predict to simulate afterbody flows or interference
base prcssures within a design context it has effects of plumes or jcts with tlie missile itself
turned out that ii good approximation is reached (for lateral exhausts) or with fins and spoilers,
by calculating tlie pressure along the body with launchers or airplane compoiicnts (during
contour including a simulated plausible dead air store separation). In those cases less expensivc
region and then to take the value of the body theories can be used succcsshlly (Refs. 104-
baseline for the base pressure. 106).
- Simulation ofjets and plumes (determination of - Thrust vector control: differcnt rcalistic typcs of
aerodynamical, thermodynamical, chemical and this method can be imagincd (Fig. 7), sonic :ire
optical parameters of tlic gaseous constituents realizcd or in devclopiiicnt for modern niissilcs
including dcnsity, velocity and temperature dis- (Ref. 44). A review of invcstigations on niosl of
tributions of particles of smoke or solid propel- the types and of their virlucs and limitations is
lants): this subject is, if taken in full extent, one given in Ref. 107. Tlicre arc a lot of nicchanical
of the most ambitious tasks of modern aerody- problcms to be solved to realize such a systeni.
namics, since a lot of difficult problems shortly The major task for tlie ;ierodynamicist is to prc-
indicated above are combined here and lead to dict the lateral forces and iiionients induced by
the ncccssity of using the most elaborate numeri- such a system. In order lo do this he has to simu-
cal tools to simulate such a flow. In addition, ex- late the original nozzle flow and the one niodi-
perimcntal investigations usually can produce fied by some internal devices (spoilers, injec-
only global results but cannot measure the de- tions) and the afierbocly flow i n the area of the
tailled unsteady structures and parameters. On fixed or flexible nozzlc. One of the methods to
the othcr hand, such numerical studies mean a modify the nozzle flow is liquid or hot gas
vcry high effort that is not affordable for dcsign secondary injection. Basic flow studies
aerodynamics undcr normal conditions. The (Ref. 108) and invcstiga(ions of side forces that
background of most of thcse calculations is the can be reached by single or niultiplc injections
wish to acquire an suflicient basis for the signa- (Ref. 109) have been executed.
ture simulation of the plume. In this case the
flowfield has to be simulated with all details - Lateral jet control is onc of several control
(Fig. 34). There are approximations with two- devices applicable for niissiles (Ref. 22). It may
phase or multi-phase flow, flows with different be situated close to thc center of gravity, i n the
loads of dust or grains or with smoke (Refs. 96- nose or afterbody section or at the wings show-
103). The content and the fraction of particles ing diffcrent effects on thc flow and (lie missile
niay haw a large influcnce on tlie shape and the in each case. Althougli this control method has
parameters of the plume (Fig. 35). In particle some severe constraints, it is favourablc i n ciiscs
flow different regimes may be distinguished where low specd or high altitude cause low
(Ref. 97). In dense particle flow the mean free stagnation pressures and where i n that way
path of particles is small compared with charac- small lateral forces arc introduced by control
teristic dimensions, while in collisionless surfaces (Ref. 4). I t also allows to reducc the
particlc flow the mean free path length is large rcsponsc time of the control and induces addi-
coinparcd with a characteristic Icngth. Only if tional drag only during the blow tinic. Lalcral jet
the particlc mass flow is small compared with control may be realizcd by discretely working
thc mx.s flow of tlie gas phasc, the gas flow may pyrotechnical deviccs, by continuously blowing
be considered to be unaffected by the particle elements changing thc thrust direction niccha-
flow. The particle flow usually will contain nically or by fluidics, or by liquid fuel propul-
sion systcms similar to those used in space - Interference effects on a missile by an inhomo-
applications. The characteristics of the flow are geneous flowfield can be invcstigated by gene-
very complicated (Fig. 36). There have been a ralizing classical aerodynamic methods. Ex-
lot of early investigations for flat plate condi- ternal flowfelds with velocity vcctors variable
tions, but it turned out that this is a highly for different points of the body surface can be
three-dimensional problem. General aerodyna- modelled by introducing variable incidence
mic features of a jet in cross-flow are given in angles along the body instead of a fixed one.
Ref. 1 11. The literature until about 1985 was Many of the aerodynamic tools used i n the
revicwcd in Ref. 112, while information about missile design process - as for example simple
recent developments in this area may be taken potential methods or panel programs - present
from Ref. 113. The aeromechanical simulation this possibility. The potentialities of such
of lateral jet reaction control has to take into approximations to gct insights into practical
account thc local interactions between the jet aerodynamic effects (Fig. 39) are often under-
and the extcrnal flow around the missile and, estimated compared with the more spectacular
secondly, the downstream interactions on the CFD methods. The inhomogeneous flow may
body surface, on adjacent surfaces and on fixed arise from the flowfield of a gust, of an airplane,
or deflecting fins. The first interaction leads to an helicopter or other intcrfering vehiclcs, or it
aerodynamic problems similar to those men- may be perceived by the missile during launch
tioned for thc plume simulation, but with even or separation.
higher demands because of the asymmetry of the
cross flow and because of the adjacent curved - Multi-body interferencc cffccts havc becn nicn-
3D body surface. The interaction of the modified tioned already. They appcar i n a more gencral
flowfield with the missile is conventionally sense in most of the examples listcd in thc prc-
describcd by an 'amplification factor' defined as ceding paragraph. But within this context wc
thc ratio of lateral jet thnist plus interaction will limit the term to C ~ S C Swhere tlie intcraction
forces over the value of the lateral jet thrust if forces will be noticeablc on both interaction
injectcd into vacuum. Since this coefficient can partners. This can bc thc case during the ejec-
be smaller than 1 for many practical cases tion of submunitions (Fig. 40), within clouds
(Figs. 37 and 38), it is favourable to use the of bodies, or for missilcs in close formation
neutral term 'jet effectiveness ratio' instead. For parallel to each other or i n tandem flight follo-
the flight mechanical simulation one needs an - wing each other. Aeromechanical aspects to be
at least approximate - value for this coefficient considered are the simulation of the intcracting
during the design process already. No really flowfield including sevcre separations in most
sitf'ficient semi-empirical or similar fast and cases, interaction of vortical flows and, possibly,
cheap dcsign tools have been developed until an integrated aerodynaniical/flight mechanical
now because of the very high number of geome- simulation.
trical (nozzle and missile) and flow (external
and jet) parameters involved. The use of ad- - Unsteady manoeuvres of the missile, tinie-
vanced CFD methods is not applicable in early dependent changes of tlic outer flow paramctcrs,
design for cxtcnded parameter studies but only fast changes in missile geometry and niicro-
for ii few numerical checks. The wind-tunnel scopically (turbulent boundary-layer) or macro-
investigations arc diflicult because of the scopically (unsteady vortex flow) unsteady flow
complicated flowfield interactions taking place parameters. Strictly spoken, each flow around a
and because these interaction forces that one is missile is 'unsteady' since the flight is time-
looking for arc only a small fraction of the dependent. But, fortunately, in most practical
lateral thrust and cven more so of the global cases one can consider the problem to be quasi-
forces acting on the missile. The correlation of steady which means that it can be describcd as a
wind-tunnel results with free-flight data is very continuous sequence of stcady flow conditions.
complicated because of the fact that many para- A simple first check o the validity of this ap-
meters cannot be scaled appropriately, especially proximation is to compare the typical times:
for hypersonic speeds. Systematic experimental The effect of a disturbance peak within the flow
shidies are very expensive, again because of the expands with the spced of sound, its source
large number of relevant parameters. Therefore, propagates with about the frce stream velocity.
considerable effort is still necessary nowadays to This leads to a period of the order of L/U,
aeromechanically integrate a lateral jet control where the disturbance affects the flow around
system into a missile being designed. Expcrience the missile.
shows that only numerical methods are able to The description of unstcady flow paranicters -
producc appropriate results at the moment. which are also tlie source of aeroacoustical
Therefore, there is a need to make these tools as phenomena - is a field of basic research and
effective as possible. includes some fundamental questions like
turbulence modelling. But even in the case of
quasi-steady conditions there are additions teristics of vehicles just above or .just below thc
forces and moments compared to purely steady interface and on the bchaviour of their wakc.
ones. For a pitching motion of a wing or a body
an additional external flow is induced resulting - Pipe flows or ducted flow of gases or fluids can
in a modified angle of attack distribution along be summarized herc. Multiphase flows, possibly
the axis. This additional angle is zero at the including a fraction of solid particles as for
pitching axis and varies linearly (Fig. 41). plumes, are quite challcnging tasks, especially
Another distribution is induced by a rolling when chemical reactions (afterburning or
motion (Fig. 42). From the appropriately modi- intermolecular proccsscs) take place.
fied flow conditions the coefficients for damping
forces and moments can be derived (Fig. 43). A
lot of experimental, semi-empirical and numeri- 2.4.3 AEROTHERMODYNAMICS AND
cal studies have been executed about this subject THERMODYNAMICS
(Refs. 116-121).
If thc criterion of quasi-steadiness is not fulfilled Because of the high effort made in hypersonic
a completely time-dependent simulation has to research for space applications over the last years,
be executed. It has to include then all relevant aerothermodynamic invcstigations have abunda tcd
aeromechanical aspects (like aeroelasticity, in number and width since that time (Ref. 124).
control dcflections or lateral jets, propulsion Nevertheless, the direct applicability of ni;iny of
characteristics, geometry changes as booster these approaches to specify problems of hypcr-
separations, flight mechanical parameters or sonic missiles is limitcd to general verification of
structural heating), at least, if their rate of methods or to just stipulating new ideas from
change is of similar order of magnitude. Thc experimental or numcrical research scientists.
force and moment characteristics will show in This comes from the fact that missiles are un-
this case a more or less visible hysteresis which manned one-way articles and that hypersonic
means, for example, that the forces during the missiles - except TBMs which have featurcs
pitching-up motion have a different similar to space rockets - only fly at much lowcr
characteristics from the ones of the pitching- Mach numbers, but at zero altitude. Different
down motion. Physically, this means that the approximations for the flow are valid here, there-
separation takes place at another angle of attack fore. In addition to that, missile shapes and com-
than the reattachment. Some studies of these ponents are aerodynamically optimized only to a
plienomena have been executed (Refs. 122- much lower degree sincc aspects like high ma-
123), often for wings in pitching motion noeuvrability, warhead or radome shape and
(Ref. 121), but for most practical cases in missile function, and even more the aspects of low finan-
design such an approach is too expensive cial effort for the design are of superior signifi-
compared with the additional information cance. Therefore, special methods and approaches
obtained. One case where such an unsteady for missiles have been dcveloped (Ref. 125). The
approach might be justified is a vertical launch importance of aerothermodynamics i n the hypcr-
combined with a very fast turn to more or less sonic speed range can be estimated by a simple
horizontal flight. sketch showing the stagnatioii temperatures and
the temperature limits for the use of different
materials (Fig. 44). One can see easily that there
2.4.2 FLUID MECHANICS AND will be a severe problem for the use of radomes at
HYDRODYNAMICS high velocities, although the stagnation tempera-
ture is not reached in most real cases. From the
Problems in this area may appear in missile limit quoted for IR domes one can see that aero-
design occasionally and often can be solved by dynamical heating sometimes has to be takcn into
using gencralized aerodynamic tools. Subjects consideration at velocitics much lower than those
that are likely to appear are conventionally called 'high velocity' or 'hyper-
sonic'. In cases of long flight times aerodvnamic
- Vehiclcs below sea surface: these may be tor- heating - often in combination with or dominated
pedos, submarines or missiles with a flight path by heat production of internal sources - can
partly underwater as, for example, submerged become a severe problcrn for components like
launch of missiles. The propulsion of submarine electronic devices or cxplosives. This is the reason
vehicles is normally executed by propellers. For why structural thermodynamics is closely rclated
some flow conditions cavitation will take place to aerothermodynamics. On the other hand,
which means that two-phase flow has to be thermodynamic parameters of the different
modelled. materials are needed for suitable design simu-
lations and give access to structural stability
- The interface between two phases (water and air) (Fig. 45) and to the aeroelastic behaviour under
has an influence on the fluid mechanical charac- heat loads.
betwcen all those parts (Ref. 140). For example, of the flight mechanical (cvcntually conlrollcd)
there will bc an aeroelastic response to a fast simulation the new aerodynamical or other rcle-
flight manoeuvrc (e.g. for a vertical launch and vant parameters are dctcriiiined. Hcre, one has to
fast turn to horizontal flight). This and the differentiate between ciiscs whcre a real inter-
changed geometry influence the aerodynamic action between thc two subjects exists or where
characteristics of the missile and lead to differ- only some parameters arc tirnc-dependent and
ent aeroclastic response and flight paths. In have thus to be siniulatcd along ccrtain trajec-
practical cases this global simulation is rcplaced tories.
by a quasi-steady approach which gives The following situations sccni to claim for a
suficicnt cstirnations under normal conditions. coupled siinulation
- Thc vibration of shells or other surfaces Store scparation. Miiiiy invcstigations h;ivc bccn
(Rcf. 136) and their interaction with the aero- exccuted on this Subjcct (Rcfs. 141 and 142, and
dynamic boundary layer flow can be the cause Rcfs. quotcd there). Thcrc arc two major aspccts
for aeroacoustic effects or for later structural of store separation. Airplsnc ;icrodynanucists
damagc. mainly account for thc safcty of tlic carrier aftcr
scparation. Missilc aerodynamicists are intcr-
- Mechanical stress on surfaces can be introduced ested in the i n i t i d errors introduced by the inho-
by aerothcrinodynaniic effects or by dust and mogeneous flow field and have to assure for thc
rain impact. appropriate flight perforinance in spite of the
deviations and additional stresscs caused by thc
- Sufficient data of structural characteristics have separation.
to bc available for thc materials used in missile
dcsign. Ejection of submunition: This is similar to thc
storc separation problcm but thc reaction on thc
- The rcaction of flexible structures like nicni- dispenser and the interaction with otlicr sub-
branes, parachutes, gliders or thin retarder munitions has to bc takcii into account.
or control surfaces to steady or unsteady
aerodynamic loads have to be simulated. For the proper simulation of the parachute/load
system not only thc flight tnechanical degrecs of
freedom have to bc included but also the aero-
2.4.5 FLIGHT MECHANICS AND elastic deformation of thc canopy and the scvcrc
INTEGRATED SIMULATION aerodynamic interactions.
In the standard working procedure during the de- Vcry fast manoeuvrcs like vertical launch at
sign process aerodynamics and flight mechanics high speeds with fist turn to horizontal flight or
represent scparated packages. This is true accord- cnd game manoeuvres inay lcad to situations
ing to the fact that in most cases the tinie- where the process cannot bc considered to bc
sequcnce of different flight and flow conditions quasi-steady any morc but where an unsteady
around thc missile can be interpreted as a se- simulation has to be esccutcd.
quencc of quasi-steady states and, therefore, may
be separated from each other. Nevertheless, a very Optimization of propulsion performance during
close cooperation of both specialists is necessary the flight, for cxaniplc for doublc impulse pro-
even in this case, since a flight mechanical simu- pulsion (DIP systems).
latioil is the only way to test if the missile configu-
ration dcsigned by the aerodynamicist shows a Simulation of the aeroclastic beliaviour of the
sullicient agrcement with the demanded flight missile or of conlponents during thc flight.
perforinancc of thc system. I n advanced design
phases the inclusion of the control laws into the Simulation of aerotherinal heating and of abla-
flight simulation is needed for this prove. For all tion along the flight palli.
these simulations flight mechanics codes incorpo-
rate the aerodynamic characteristics by a more or Determination of IR, radar and other signature
less elaborate (steady) aeromodel, from which the cross-sections of missiles during tlie flight and
paramcters for the actual flight conditions are in dependence of a fixcd or also moving
derivcd by interpolation or analytically. observer.
- New digital control methods need a much higher - generation of aeroacoustical noise by thc
precision of the acrodynamic model. Transonic fluctuations of turbulent boundary layers or of
flow regimcs, although passed very quickly, un- unsteady separated vorlical flow
steady conditions or areas close to zero angle - simulation of the propagation of sound in
of attack, yaw and other small effects have to dependence of the cnvironniental conditions
be described rather exact to be able to design - active control of noise generation by silators
coniplex control systems. - passive control of noisc cniission or propagation
by constructive nieasurcs or by thc use of
- The same is true to control an unstable missile. appropriate matcrials.
tlic surface may be influenced by aerodynamic Selection of appropriate fuels for a missile to
heating or by heat producing components. be designed (Ref. 153).
Espccially nozzles or engines are high enerby
radiators. The spectrum emitted by the solid Reflcction of radiatioii at missile surfaccs.
surfaces is continuous.
Simulation of background radiation to dcterrninc
- Minimization of this radiation by measures in the contrast betwecn tlic missile and the optical
missile airframe and propulsion unit. The design environment.
of missile afterbody shapes and of exhaust
nozzles can be tailored to reduce the radiation of Transmission of radiation (of inissile or plume
hot areas. An appropriate selection of materials signature or of a lascr bcarii) through the
for the surface can support this. atmosphere. Influences consist of atmosphcric
turbulence causing fluctuations of the refraction
- Emission of jets and plumes: This radiation index of the air because of tcrnperature differ-
consists of discrete spectral lines which arise ences, and of scatlering and absorption by
from transitions belween vibration-rotation molecules, aerosolcs, clust, mist, haze, rain, or
states for the IR and electronic states for the snow (Ref. 154).
visible and UV regimes. The most important
spectral ranges for plume detection at the mo- Determination of thc trajcctory and observer
ment are the middlc infrared rcgion of 3-5 pm position dependence of tlic signaturc. Sincc this
and the solar blind ultraviolet spectral region has to be done with small tiiuc stcps Tor ii com-
bclow 300 nm. plete flight or at least for a phase of it, the
As rncntioned bcforc, the hot combustion (plume) radiation model uscd in missile dcsign
products of a missile propulsion system appear has to be fast and cheap cnougli to allow this.
in an highly turbulent plume as they expand That is not an easy task, sincc thc simulation of
through the nozzle into the afterbody flow. the aerodynamically, chemically and optically
These products consist of hot gases from the very complex and highly interacting processes
combustion process (mainly carbon and must be simplified considerably without neg-
hydrogen oxidcs), of activated and deactivated lecting the most iniporlant cKects for each
molecules promoted by chemical reactions, of project case.
accelerated particles of incompletely burnt solid
fuel, of mist or drops of incompletely burnt - Numerical simulation of tlic transmission of a
liquid fuel, soot, metal oxide condensates (e.g. laser beam through a missile cshaust plumc.
Al?O,, MgO, Zr02, ZrC or B,O,), or other
solid constituents. The parameters of the plumc
arc modellcd by acrodynamic tools as des- 2.4.8 RADAR AND MW SIGNATURES
cribed bcfore. Thc radiation can originate from
chcniical reactions during the burning process Missilcs, especially long rangc ones, are threatc-
inducing excitations in electronic or molecular ned more and more by defcnsive measures. Thcsc
vibrational and rotational states, from chemi- depend on early and sure dctection. Airplane de-
luminescence, fluorescence or exothermal signers have been used to that for a long time and
rections producing radiation or it can originate
from thermal emission in the afterburning phase
. have worked out concepts for 'stealthy' :iircr<aft
with low signatures. Since radar is the signature
introduced by secondary chemical reactions or regime of highest applicability with respect to en-
by dtcrburning of solid or liquid fuel constitu- vironmental conditions, radar signature is thc olic
ents with atmospheric or plume components that is usually reduccd i n the first stcp. The siinic
hcated by shock waves and mixed by aerody- beconics true now for inissiles and there is an i n -
namic processcs. The solid particles, additio- creasing number of dcsign concepts for 'stcalthy'
nally, can execute catalytic effects on chemical missiles. The difference of thc progress in both
reactions or on the emission. They emit radia- areas can be seen from thc fact that it is qiiitc ii
tion according to their temperature and they will challenge to reach a radar cross-section for a
scattcr any radiation passing the plume. missile comparably low to that of ;I slcalth
bomber. One important value for radar de-
All possiblc spectral regimes for optical emis- tectability is the radar cross section (RCS). This
sion have bccn investigated intensively. is usually not the geometrical cross-section seen
Examples are, for the R Refs. 147 and 148, from a certain aspect angle but rather a value
for the visible Ref. 149, and for the UV Ref. 148. proportional to the reflected electromagnetic
A typical infrared emission spectrum is shown energy. Because of the physical characteristics of
in Fig. 50. electromagnetic waves the radar beam is not
simply reflected by a surfacc like a beam of light
- Modelling of the rocket exhaust smoke and its in a mirror but the radar recciver rather sees a
visibility (Refs. 96 and 150 - 152). limited number of discrcte cciiters of dispersion.
These are mainly surface areas normal to the - Optimization of the ovcrall missile geomctry
beam, surfaces with internal angles that reflect the and of critical components like intakes for air-
beam several times backwards to the receiver, or breathing missiles in close connection of aero-
areas where electromagnetic energy is scattered dynamical and RCS aspects.
into the direction of the incoming wave by dif-
fraction effects at dicontinuities of the surface like - Estimation of aerodynamic and aeroclastic
corners, edges, inlets, gaps or slots. problems of radar coatings and absorbers.
The other essential value for radar detectability is
the detection range. Since it is proportional to the - Simulation of the radar cross-scction and of thc
fourth power of the RCS, the cross-section of a observed signal during thc flight in dependcncc
missile has to be reduced by orders of magnitude of the different trajectory positions and aspcct
to reducc thc detection range considerably. angles and of the position of the r'<idar emittcr
To rcach a missile dcsign with a minimal radar and receiver.
cross-section one has to apply the general rules
dcrived for airplanes. There are two basic approa-
ches to RCS reduction, namely to design a shape 2.5 NEW TOOLS OF MISSILE
with a minimal backscatter, and to use suitable AEROMECHANICS
coating materials and layers for energy absorption
and cancellation (Refs. 155 and 156). Similar to the advanccs of different technologics
The RCS aspects mentioned until now are equi- that help to reach new system requirements therc
valent to the signature of the missile surface in the are new tools that have been developed or have
optical regimc. As it was the case for optical grown up during the last years which will support
signatures, there is also a radar and microwave design aerodynamicists to meet the increased
emission of the plume and the possibility of radar demands within this field. The innovations took
beam attenuation by it (Ref. 157). Microwave place in the numerical simulations, promoted by
radar (the term is extended usually to the range of advances in computer hardware and software,
3 GHz to 120 GHz) is used for missile location, and in experimental studies rcpresented by tcst
tracking and guidance. For successful operation facilities and installatioiis and by measurcniciit
thc communication links must be free of serious and evaluation techniqucs.
distortion. By passing the plume, attenuation or
unwanted modulation can occur becausc of inter-
actions between the radar or microwave beam and 2.5.1 DATA PROCESSING
the free electrons within the hot, turbulent exhaust
gases. On the other hand, the scattering of the No discussion is necessary about the iniprove-
incident wave and the emission of radiation of the ments of computer performance and about the
proper wavc len@hs from sources within the decreasing prices for a givcn computer power
plume offer the opportunity to detect TBMs or over the last years (Refs.159 and 160). It seems
missiles during propulsion phase. that this trend will continue for a while. The avail-
The specialist in aeromechanics designing a ability of rather powerful workstations at a niode-
missile certainly will not become a specialist in rate price opened the possibility to use those in-
radar or MW aspects. But the simultaneously stallations for most of the daily work in design
very strong interaction of missile shape with aero- aeromechanics at even increased requiremeills in
dynamics and signaturc, especially radar and their performance. Therefore, nowadays super-
MW signatures, make it necessary that the de- computers are mainly used for numerical simu-
signer at least is able to make a reasonable guess lations with advanced CFD programs and for
for the RCS value reached by his modified shape large size problems. The vector machines that
(Figs. 51-53). Only by a close cooperation of both were predominant for several years are being
disciplines a simultaneous optimization for a good replaced now by parallel architectures which -
aerodynamic performance and for a very low sig- if this techique can be transferred to a degree
nature can be reached. of simplicity in handling that makes it attractive
The main tasks for this work are also for the aerodynamicist not specialized in
numerics - can make the decentralized and chcap
- Estimation of radar cross-sections of complete work station even more attractive and would allow
missiles. Detailled numerical and experimental the use of numerical methods already during
studies of the missile and optimization of com- earlier design phases where it cannot be afforded
ponents will have to be executed by specialists. today.
Since the numerical tools in this field have simi-
lar features to the aerodynamic CFD methods, Another important advancc on this area during
these specialists might well be included in a the last years are the nc\v possibilities of post-
modern aerodynamics/aeromechanics team. processing. Different graphic tools including tllc
use of colours allow to gct new insights into
results of numerical simulations. Fundamental largely in the last years. Since therc is a wide
physical processes may be studied in that way variety of such methods that have grown up ovcr
by using appropriate simulation methods for nu- a long time, starting with vciy simple ones at thc
merical experiments where parameters that are time of the first computers up to the most recent
not accessible for measurements can be changed ones, and since the term 'numerical' or 'CFD'
casily and independently from others. For time- method is vague and dcpcndent on tinic and
dependent or unsteady processes animation tools situation, a short overvicw is given on all major
can be used which help the imagination which approaches used in missile design at the momcnl.
often gets into trouble with 3D and time-depen- Some advantages and disadvantages of empirical/
dent pictures. For project use in missile design it semi-empirical, 'numerical' and experimental pre-
can be very helpful to see in a preliminary simu- diction methods are prcscnted i n Fig. 54. The con-
lation on the screen not only the constructive or sequence that has to bc drawn by the design aero-
aerodynamic consequences of a change in design dynamicist from these argumcnts is, that he necds
parameters but also the new flight performance. a tool box with all essential iiicthods and that lie
All this can be of great help as mentioned, but it has to choose them adcquatcly according to his
urgently asks for appropriate interpreters, since problems, to the demands in precision and to thc
nothing is earned with purely producing nice co- effort that can be madc. In most cases thc morc
loured pictures. It seems that this is a widespread simple and universal tools will be used probably,
problem and that good interpreters are very rare but each tool can be of high importance in some
compared with numerical specialists. cases.
An additional problem arising within this context 'Numerical' methods are cssential to compute
is the question of commercial software. The ans- unconventional configurations like airbreathing
wer to it certainly depends on the philosophy of missiles, to determine load distributions for
the ddferent industries and of their man-power to structure calculations, local flow ficld properlies
produce own software. But it seems that some (e.g. velocity profiles at an iiilct entry section or
general statements can be made. An increasing shear stresses for aeroacouslic methods), tenipe-
spectrum of commercial software is offered in rature distributions, and to provide the designcr
fields where a high number of customers are to with hndamental information 011 the physical
be expected. In these cases the quality and the effects taking place in complex flow fields (c.g.
handling, the transferability to different machines, lateral jet flow interacting with the missile surfacc
the compatibility with earlier versions and with and the external flow field). Tlic different methods
other programs, the maintenance and the training mentioned within this contcst are arranged accor-
are usually adequate. This is true for example for ding to their degree of linearization or physical
postprocessing tools, for subroutine libraries, for approximation.
CAD / CAE packages and for several finite A general survey on iiiorc advanced computational
element (FE) programs. It is difficult for fluid methods is given in Rek. 159-162.
dynamic program systems to reach this standard,
since the number of users with very high dcmands Empirical methods
in precision and flow conditions - as in the aero-
space industry - is limited. Therefore, these codes Whenever it is possible, a designcr will base the
are optinuzed very often for subsonic flow around preliminary design on an existing data base for
complicated structures which are created by com- similar configurations and will use interpolation,
bined CAD codes or have to execute simulations possibly combined with some theoretical conside-
for special applications in a narrow field, mostly rations. But if the design rcquircments lead to a
for classical mechanical engineering problems. configuration that is quite different from the oncs
The benefit of these programs for missile design in existing data bases onc has necessarily to turn
usually is limited to the solution of special prob- to other methods.
lems. For the wide variety of tasks in missile
design aeromechanics as outlined before, we have Semi-empirical methods
to use codes that are easily adaptable to novel
project needs and to experiences gained during These tools constitute the every day tools for
the design process. Thls only seems practicable design cngineers. They only nced a very small
for self-developed programs, not for 'black box' amount of computer time and, since they are inter-
codes. active and very easy to be used, they are well
suited to calculate sets of different configurations
for systematic design studies. Most of the codes
2.5.2 NUMERICAL METHODS OF are based on the component build-up technique
AERODYNAMICS (Refs. 163 and 205) which computes the single
components like body, wing, and tail separately
According to the increasing computer power the by different simple methods (slender body, shock
use of computational methods has been extended expansion, linearized potential) or from an experi-
mentally or numerically determined data base and and discontinuities of siiigularity dislributions
considers the interactions between the components across the panels havc to bc handled. I n additon, it
by introducing interference factors. is not possible to treat delachcd shocks adequatcly
According to the different experiences in different Therefore, only a few supersonic panel programs
companies and institutions a large number of such have been developed.
prediction codes exists (Ref. 164). Most of them Where applicable, panel incthods can prcdict glo-
can compute conventional missiles with circular bal and local aerodynamic parameters with good
body and two series of cruciform fins. Only a few accuracy and at a reasonable price. Howcvcr, they
can handle unconventional configurations (elliptic are based on linearized cquations and are, there-
or square cross-section luselages, or airbreathing fore, limited to very sniall angles of attack. Since
missiles), Ref. 165. this is a very severe restriction for missiles, sonic
For the cases where good data bases exist and panel methods have bcen cxtended to include non-
whcre the theoretical methods can be applied, linearities due to vortical efrects or to nonlinear
very good predictions arc possible. In addition to compressibility associated with shock waves.
the standard coefficients likc normal force, mo- More details on this subject are prcsented in RcTs.
ment, ccntcr of pressurc and drag (Fig. SS) also 169-171. A few examples iire shown in Figs. 26,
damping coefficients (Fig. 56) can be predicted 39, 40, 91, 92, and 112.
with a precision that is sufficient for design pur- Linearized potential theory also has been uscd for
poses. Using additional experimental data or unsteady approaches (Rcfs. 120, 122, and 123).
theoretical methods one can even include very
high angles of attack (Figs. 73 and 74) or other Full potential methods
specific features.
According to the approach used, difficulties will Two approaches to thc nonlinear equations are
arise in the prediction quality For configurations made. The field panel methods (Ref. 172) solve
far outside the data bases and for coefficients that the integral equations itcratively. They can use a
are small in comparison with interaction effects. grid that is similar to tlial for the linearized
Such problems may appear, consequently, for theory. Similar to the panel niethods vortex
control effectiveness, hinge moments, induced models can be introduced and unsteady ap-
rolling moments and others. proaches have been made. Field panel methods
Thcrefore, continuous improvements of semi- even proceed into the domain of Euler codcs for
cmpirical methods are necessary parallel to the high subsonic Mach numbers where supersonic
increasing csperience. velocities may occur locally.
Major fields for this work should be Full potential methods (Ref. 173) are finitc diffcr-
ence schemes, need a liner grid, are more scnsi-
- a data base for bodies and surfaces at high live numerically and less flexible for extension in
angles of attack and development of methods vortex modelling.
to improve vortical interaction modelling Both approaches havc bcen used to a greater
- development of incthods to determine the extent for airplane wing investigations than i n
interactions of lifting surfaces with arbitrarily missile design.
shaped bodies
- modelling of the effects of airframe inlets on Euler methods
stability, control and others.
The Euler equations rcpresent the full sct of con-
A survey of ncw semi-cmpirical approaches will servation equations for continuous media when
be given in another lecture of this series. viscosity is omitted. Thcy allow 'weak' solutions
and can, therefore, niodcl physical discontinuities
Linearized potential methods like shock waves. Vortcc generation is not des-
cribed by this method cxcept for cases where ro-
The most commonly used methods to solve the tation is introduced indirectly by, for cxample a
linearized potential equation are the surface Kutta condition, a curved shock or some nume-
singularity techniques. For the analysis of rical dissipation causcd by a coarsc grid. Thc most
subcritical flows these so called panel methods direct way is to introduce a local Kutta condition
are very effective tools for engineering purposes. to make the surface vclocity vectors parallcl to
A variety of different codes has been devcloped a given separation planc ('Torced sepmtion
(e.g. Rcfs. 166-168), all ofwhich are able to technique'). On the othcr hand, thc transport of
calculate very complex configurations (Fig. 57). any vorticity within thc field - no means how it
High order methods can simulate geometries of was created - is considercd by the equations but
high curvature with less numerical effort, but no diffusion terms iire included and, again, it will
oftcn thcy are less stable numerically than low t<akeplace only indirectly (e.g. by numerical dis-
order oncs. The cxtension of panel techniques to sipation).
supersonic flows is somewhat difficult because re-
flections of Mach waves in the interior of bodies
Due to thc progrcss in computing Euler methods particular the body arca iiiflueiiced by the lining
are feasible today for later phases of missile surfaces. A similar result for a more complicated
design. Fast Euler codes (e.g. space marching) shape (ASTER 15 - anti-,missile ground/surace-
are used even in preliminary design phases. Still, to-air missile) can be seen in Fig. 59. For the
a major effort is needed in comparison to the sur- different configurations tested (different booster
face element methods to solve the large number of dimensions with different chord length, span and
equations resulting from the 3D spacial grid ele- apex position of the tail) good agreement with
ments that are necessary. Also grid generation it- experimental data was achieved. Fig. 60 presents
self still requires an high effort, especially for un- the isobars on the surface of ASTER and in a
conventional configurations and if a large variety cross-sectional plane wliere one can observe the
of different shapes has to be considered. vortical structures produced by the tip edges of the
On one hand steady flow conditions can be long wings. The comparison i n Fig. 6 1 of esperi-
simulated by solving the steady Euler equations. mental and FLU3C prcssurc data on the wing
For supersonic flow they are hyperbolic in space shows good agreement. Fig. 62 is an exaniplc for
and a space-marching technique can be used. On the unconventional shape of ii ranijet missile
the other hand the unsteady Euler equations have (ANS - anti-navire supcrsonique). It shows the
to bc solved. All flow variables in the field are mesh and the surface prcssurc distribution.
advanced in time until a steady state is reached. The following examples were calculated by using
This procedure can be used for any speed range, multiblock grids in order to refine thc mesh in
but if the flow is purely supersonic a pseudo- critical regions. In Fig. 63 the Mach number
unsteady marching procedure may be introduced contours for a cross-sectional plane of a rolling
(Ref. 174). It consists in a plane by plane time anti-tank missile equipped with a direct thrust
iteration using only the upstream information for vector control system arc shown. Four blocks with
cach step. For second order accuracy this means a total of 220000 cells were used in the SESAME
taking into account two upstream planes. Conver- calculation which permits to take into account the
gcnce is reached quickly if one starts the time- spinning effect by including the inertial and Eulcr
iteration of each plane with the results of the pre- terms into the Euler cquations. Downstreaiii
ceding one. Only three consecutive planes have to interactions between jets mid fins are prcdicted
be stored simultaneously in that way which con- fairly well, while lower precision is observcd on
siderably helps saving computer time and space. the body where viscous effccts dominate.
To demonstrate the capabilities of Euler codes to The interaction of a supcrsonic lateral jet with lhc
compute vcry complcx gcometries some examples external flow results in ;I vcry coniplicated flow-
for missilc projcct design are given. field. Euler calculations arc unable to simulate the
Thc following codes have been used: separation upstream of the jet and all of the many
viscous effects involved within this problem, but
- FLU3C (Ref. 175) is an explicit monodomain can provide an useful insight into the complex
code based on upwind schemes. It is used with flow phenomena. FLU3M ciilculations have been
a space-marching procedure for supersonic flow. executed for the ASTER missile with one lateral
jet located at the lower vertical wing and the other
- FLU3M (Refs. 176 and 177) is an explicit or one at the horizontal wing. The mesh consisted of
implicit multi-domain code also based on up- 24 blocks with 550000 cells totally. Fig. 64 pre-
wind schenics. For a two species flow the ex- sents the Mach number contours i i i ii transvcrsal
plicit Roe solvcr is used. The code is applica- plane behind the exits of the leleral jets. Good
ble to transonic and supersonic flow. A space- results are obtained for the nor," and side forccs
marching procedure is available. and for the induced center of prcssure.
satisfactorily with the extcrnal inviscid flow which solution. This approximation has to be used for
is not the casc for classical approaches. For turbu- the most complex flows including large scale
lencc a Baldwin-Lomax model is used in Ref. 182. separations. Turbulencc niodelling is one of thc
Another approach is the 3C3D code by CERT/ big problems for practical work and is still an
ONERA. In this method the momentum and the important research subject.
encrgy boundary layer equations are integrated A flirther approximation neglects the viscosity
along local streamlines. This means that the inte- terms in the streamwise direction. It is callcd
gration always proceeds in the same direction Thin-Layer Navier-Stokcs (TLNS) approach.
indcpendent of the crossflow direction. Finally, if one neglects unsteady tcrins and
Thc inviscid solution for the boundary layer calcu- streamwise viscous diffusion, onc obtains the
lation can be obtained by a panel or an Euler code. Parabolized Navier-Stokes (PNS) equations.
To improve the speed of the combined proccdure They are applicable only for supersonic flow.
a good coupling process has to be established. Fig. 66 shows the Mach nunibcr contours on
This is true to an even higher extent when a zonal ASTER for a fully turbulcnt flow computation
method consisting of a combined Euldboundary- using the TLNS codc FLU3PNS (Ref. 185) with
layer/Navier-Stokes calculation shall be used a Baldwin-Lomax turbulcnce model with a
(Ref. 183). Degani-Schiff modification for vortical flows. In
As an example for a coupled FLU3C/3C3D the example one can obscrve the separation along
calculation Fig. 65 shows the mesh, the inviscid body and wings.
streamlines at the wall and the friction lines for Further details on Navier-Stokcs methods are
ASTER 15. For the inviscid streamlines one can given in anothcr lecture of this series.
distinguish the lines starting at the leading edge of
thc wings. They correspond with a region where Boltzmann methods
thc boundary layer starts its development again.
A restart procedure has bcen included in the The full Navier-Stokes equations can be dcrivcd
boundary layer code in order to deal with such from the Boltzmann equations. They consider thc
sudden changcs in gcometry. flow to consist of discrctc molecules behaving i n
In the same manner, lines arriving at the trailing accordance to the statistical gas theory rather than
edges of the control panels and of the fins are describing the continuurn. The use of this direct
abandoned for downstream computation. The simulation method for niolccular flows is conlplc-
skin friction lines show open three-dimensional tely utopical at the niomciit for standard project
separations, mainly due to secondary shocks purposes. Research work on this field is done for
attached to lifting surfaces. very rarefied flows (e.g re-entry studies) and
around simple geometries (Ref. 162)
Navier-Stokes methods
Chaos theory
Because of the high effort necessary, Navier-
Stokes mcthods are - cvcn more than Euler codcs - This method, too, is far rrom bcing uscd to solvc
a tool that is used only rarely in missile dcsign at practical problems. But, sincc it considers physical
thc niomcnt. But for certain cases it will be the processes that lcad to 'chaotic' structures starting
only tool that is applicable and one has to put up from neighbouring initial conditions, it could in a
with the expenses. Sometimes even a 2D calcu- long term help to understand and to model
lation will be of some use (Fig. 83), although most turbulent effects (Ref. 186 and 187).
missile problems are 3D in nature.
Navier-Stokes equations should be capable to
describe a wide class of flow phenomena around 2.5.3 EXPERIMENTAL METHODS
a missile. Predicted quantities include pressure
discontinuities, flow separation, vorticity fluctua- The major motive for cspcrinicntal studies -
tions, shear stresses due to viscosity effects, which in missile aerodynamics mostly consist
temperature distributions at high velocities with of wind-tunnel tests plus specific csperinicnts
heated and radiating wall, mixing flows and other according to other arcas of aeromechanics - still is
effects where viscosity is a major feature. Due to the validation of the aeordynaniic model of thc
the limitations imposed by present computers and missile in advance of thc first flight tests. Thc
due to incomplete understanding of turbulence, wind-tunnel measurements are always neccssary,
the full set of Navier-Stokes equations has to be but they are relatively espcnsive because of thc
simplified in order to make thcm applicable to costs for design, construction and manufacturing
technical problems. of the model, and becausc of lhe high wind-tunnel
One first approximation is the time-averaging of costs including energy, personnel and nieasure-
rapidly fluctuating parameters. This leads to the ment installations. Thcrcfore, one has to reduce
Reynolds-Avcraged Navier-Stokes equations the effort and the exlcnt of the measurenlcnts as
(RANS) which require some kind of a turbulence much as possible. Extcncled numerical studies can
model to complete the set of equations for the help to cut the number of configurational varia-
lions and to optimize the test prograni. In the case There have been important advances in modcl
of final validation measurements often a large support and model manipulation, decreasing the
quantity of data has to be acquired, like forces overall time needed or iiieasurements and allow-
and moments, pressure distributions, all flow-field ing for time-dependent programmes (Refs. 19 I
parameters, surface and structural temperatures, and 192). Supported by tlic advances i n computer
signatures, emission and transmission information power and in postprocessing soflware, on-linc
and other aeromechanical parameters. Such a analysis of data is usual now. This allows to selccl
campaign may be divided into several parts to optimal missile configuratioiis and to modify
allow for adaptions in the wind-tunnel model or in measurement programs i n a n appropriate way.
the experimental set-up. This requires a good on- Similarly, the data handling, data reduction and
line data evaluation and aerodynamicists who can final analysis has been improved considerably.
decide with high reliability about the quality of the The new capabilities or data proccssing also offer
data, the information covered by them and about the chance to carry out several experimental tasks
on-line changes in the measurement program. simultaneously, as for csample a 6-component
measurement of the complete niissile, a 3-coin-
Another purpose of an experiment can be to set up ponent measurement of thc control surfaces, the
a physical model for complicated flow conditions measurement of distortion and swirl at thc intakcs
or to decide between different geometrical shapes and the measurement of the amount of air passing
in early design phases. For this task one needs test a model with open intakes. An important informa-
facilities that can be used without lugh effort and tion are the values of tlic rcliability of the wind-
without too many restrictions in experimental set- tunnel data and of the tolerance of thc measured
ups. The typical results in this case are usually data.
visualizations and qualitative data. Only in rare
cases there is a severe demand for high precision There have been considerable advances of niea-
at this time. This is mainly a task for research and surement techniques over the last years, made
for the validation process of codes. possible partly becausc of general technological
improvements and - especially for measurements
The wind-tunnel facilities and testing techniques of hypersonic flow paraincters like local tempe-
have been improved continuously over the last ratures, thermal fluxes and concentrations of dif-
decade (ReE. 188), although the investments were ferent species - because or the space programs
not distributed cqually to the installations, of (Refs. 193-198). Only a fccw of the new tech-
course. Larger cross-sections, more realistic niques can be mentioned 1iere.One general tenden-
Reynolds numbers, better flow quality, lower noise cy is to execute meiisureniciits and visualization i n
level, higher Mach numbers, and more realistic very short time and to incorporate a quantitativc
pressures and temperatures were the major tasks evaluation into the visualization procedure.
in improvements. Especially high efiort has been Another trend is that for 2D or even 3D non-
made in hypersonic testing (Refs. 189 and 190) intrusive investigations of the flow charactcristics
because of the existence of several ambitious space (Ref. 199). Some of the most intcresting develop-
programs in different nations. Some of these im- ments on this wide field are piczo arrays for pres-
provements are very useful for missile aerodyna- sure measurements, particle image velocimetry
mics. But just in the hypersonic regime we have (PIV), coherent anti-Stokes Ranian scattering
quite different flow parameters for missiles com- (CARS) or laser Raman scattering, and lascr
pared with space vehicles. The velocities of fluorescence measurements for flow parameter
realistic missiles or projectiles extend to only investigations. These are urgcntly needed by CFD
about Ma=lO but at sea-level conditions. specialists to validate their codes. A method that is
This makes it very difficult to find a wind-tunnel of good use in hypersonics is the liquid crystal
that is appropriate for realistic hypersonic niissile technique (Refs. 200-202 and Fig. 67). Of very
tests. Also the correlation of wind-tunnel para- high interest is the new optical pressure measure-
meters with free-flight conditions is very compli- ment system (OPMS), Fig. 68, that produces
cated or even questionable in this regime. Not quantitative results by a modern postprocessing
much effort has to be expected to solve these and that could be combined with the infrarcd
problems, not only because missile tests represent thermography (Ref. 204) for comprehensive
only a marginal part of the wind-tunnel budget, investigations in the hypcrsonic regime without
but because - at least in Europe - wind-tunnel needing an expensive aiid geometrically large
institutions have been submitted to severe instrumentation of tlic niodel.
restrictions due to the sharp governmental and
industrial budget cuts in aerospace and military The need for free-flight measurements and for
developments. The shut-down of facilities has to validation of the nunicrical and cxperiniental
be expected and a single-sourcing of certain aerodynamic characteristics by reducing and
installations seems to be strived for within the analyzing these data has to be emphasized again.
next ycars in Europe. In spite of general iniprovcnients in the lclemetry
techniques and in elcctronic data acquisition
For angles of attack of about 10' a breakdown - external aeroc, namic characteristics as drag and
of the flow around the wings can occur already lift-to-drag ratio
(Ref, 2 19). This Cl,maxcharacteristics leads to - operational constraints like overall dinicnsions
ii non-linearity in the global Characteristics, too (because of slorc carriagc) and signatures (RCS
(Figs. 73 and 74). This feature can be covered and IRS)
within a component build-up method in a semi- - type of the autopilot (bank-to-twi or skid-to-
empirical manner (Rcf. 220): The nonlinear turn control).
aerodynamic characteristics of the body alone is Some recent examplcs arc shown in Fig. 75.
obtained in a conventional way, for example with
a potential niethod with some vortex modelling. If - Missiles with a singlc intake: Nosc intakes (e.g.
this model takcs into account the asymmetric SEA DART, TALOS) havc high pressurc re-
vortex scparation on the body betwcen about 30" coveries but are poorly intcgratcd.
and 60 the characteristics are valid up to about Annular intakes (e.g. SA4, GANEF) are better
60' (Rcf. 22 1). Now we need the characteristics in integration but show tlic poorest perforinance
of the wing. They can originate from a systematic of all intakes.
experimental investigation (Ref. 222) or from a Chin intakes (e.g. ASALM, SLAT) are well
semi-empirical approach which combines a suited for bank-to-turn flight control and for
potential and boundary-layer calculation with a long range missions. They use the windward
criterion for Tu11 separation and a vortex model. upstream part of the inissilc nose a s ii supersonic
These two coniponcnts are then summed up with compression ramp.
thc conventional interference method (Ref. 223) Ventral intakes are a n escellent solution for
and result in an improved numerical description intake design. They are quite conipact and their
of the characteristics (Figs. 73 and 74) which is performance is good. Different types of ventral
sullicient for most project needs. The problem intakes are shown in Fig. 76.
not solvcd for this angle of attack regime are the Top mounted intakes arc titi optitiial solution
scvere and irregular side forces introduced by the with respect to RCS, since this intake will be
asyninictric vortcs separation (Rcfs. 224 and 225). hidden for a ground bascd radar by the body.
But it sccnis that thcy arc relevant only for sub- Because it is situated at the 1cew;ird side it is
sonic spceds. The model mentioned above (Ref. limited in incidencc.
220) could cover that feature, but a sifltcient
empirical data base for the vortex simulation is - Missiles with two latcral iimkcs (c.g. ASMP,
needed. ALRAAM):
This configuration is well adapted to bank-to-
In somc cases one has to regard unsteady turn control. The intakcs can be located dianic-
simulations for nianocuvres in this incidence trically opposite or be inclined towards the
range (Rcf. 226), since hysteresis effects may bottom. The first is bcttcr in supplying the
appear during unsteady separation. chamber and in the incrcnient of the normal
force. The latter one slio\vs ii bctter internal
SHAPE - Missiles with four inlakcs (c.g. ANS, SAG):
This configuration is well suitcd for skid-lo-turn
Sevcral recent cxamples for project designs with control. However, at liigli atiglcs of attack tlic
unconventional shapes are presented in this chap- intakes on the leeward side will reach their
tcr. Two classes of unconventional shapes are operation limit. Also, tlic lift-to-drag ratio of
distinguished, circular bodies with intakes of dif- these configurations is not optiinal. Two lateral
ferent form, and missiles with non-circular cross intakes are sufficient to induce additional lift,
sections. the other ones mainly induce drag.
CIRCULAR BODIES WITH INTAKES Independently from their position with respect to
the missile all int[akes could liavc different shapcs
Major recent projects concerned the two classes - axisymmetric, half-axisyintiietric, rcctangular
of ramjet or ramrocket missiles and of turbojet with classical or with inverted shape, and many
missiles. For missiles with intakes the number, others.
shape and position of the air intakes has to be The selection of the longitudinal location will bc
chosen by taking into account the following made in a compromisc bctwcen the flo\vGcld
aspects (Rcfs, 227 and 228): around the fuselage, thc length of the diMiisor, tlic
resulting center of pressurc and the attachmcnt
- internal pcrformance as thrust and specific points on the fuselagc wliilc the normal force is
impulse only slightly modified usually.
- configurations with nose, chin or annular in- These features depend on complex physical
takes. Only the drag ofthe fuselage is inlluenccd phenomena as boundary layers, shock-shock and
by thcni. shock-boundary layer inlcractions, turbulcncc.
- configurations with lateral intakes. Lift, stability corner flow, flows i n boundary layer blceds.
and drag arc modified in this case.
Due to this complexity, air intake studies arc
The lift is usually increased by lateral intakes. Its usually splitted into two phascs. During the first
span mainly influences the lift, the length of the one the isolated air intakc is evaluated using an
intake nacelle changes the center of pressure, the average external flowficld consisting of local
type of thc intake can change lift and stability. Mach number, local total prcssure, local anglcs
The roll position of the intakes is also important of attack and sideslip and so on. In the second
for the characteristics. (development) phase this preliminary dcsign is
The drag of the air intake may constitute a con- improved by taking into account the realistic and
siderable amount of the overall drag of the complete flowfield entering the air intakc. A
missile. For a configuration with four axisym- special lecture will prcsciit morc details on thcse
mctric air intakes at Mach 2 at sea level the in- problems.
take drag can represent 38% of the total drag -
9% for the pressure drag of the inlets, 15% for
the pressure drag of the fairing boattails and 14% MISSILES WITH NON-CIRCULAR CROSS
for the friction drag. To optimize the drag in a SECTIONS
special case one has to consider the thrusvdrag
balance. Two classes of niissilcs are concerned within this
To obtain an high performance of the air intakes chapter
one has to guarantee for an optimal flow field
around the fuselage. To constitute this one has to - subsonic modular stand-ofl missiles with squarc
avoid low energy areas (boundary layers, vortices) or rectangular cross scctioris
Low velocity areas are favourable. The flow cap- - supersonic or hypersonic air-breathing missiles
tured by the air intakes must be homogeneous and with elliptical or triangular cross sections.
must have a total pressure level compatible with
the optimal performance conditions of the engine. A typical subsonic modular stand-off missile has
A difficult problem is caused by the nose vortices been presented in Fig. 11. The layout shows a
on the Ice side of the fuselage at angles of attack square cross-section body with the wing mounted
largcr than .'5 Thcse vortices arc responsible for at the upper side to allow iinrcstrictcd ejcction of
high total pressure losses in the air intakes. the submunitions. The sharp corners of thc body
Longitudinal strakes upstream of the air intakcs induce flow separation and the resulting vortex
can modify thc natural development of the sheets produce a nonlincar lift characteristics. In
boundary layer around the fuselage at incidence that way a square body provides a much higher
and give a chance to inforce in that way a vortex normal force than a circular body of thc same
separation apart from the intake. cross-sectional area. When the body is rolled thc
separated vortices are changed to asymmetrical
internal aerodynamics of intakes shape and will induce latcral forces and moments.
Of tlie different possible shapes as waveriders, derably different featurcs. In addition to that, the
elliptical or triangular cross sections Fig. 77 typical demands on inissilc design are another
shows two types: reason for the differcnt approacli tliat has to be
- waveriders that are designed for minimum Nevertheless, fundanicntal insights, tools and
drag (streamlines on the leeward side are not facilities may be transferred from space vcliiclc
deflected) and for maximum lift behaviour (the research and design (Ref.237). Hypersonic
bow shock wave coincides with the leading aerodynamics is vcry closely connected with acro-
edges) thermodynamics. Most of tlie praclical problems
- lenticular shapes are designed for high lift-to- that have to be solved arisc from that field. Pure
drag ratios at constant cross section and for aerodynamics for the liypcrsonic speed range is
high lift at incidence (the sharp leading edges mainly influenced by thcrmal cffects i n the way
generate vortex scparation). that hot surfaces lead to differcnt boundary laycr
effects, that temperaturc distributions and heat
transport have to be included in the energy equa-
3.2.4 GRID WINGS tions and that changes in tlic constituents of the
flow ('real gas effects') also influence the cncrgy
Grid wings are an example for unconventional equation.
shape of a missile component, in this case of a
stabilizing and possibly deflecting fin. This Nevertheless, it seems t h a t tlie global forccs and
constructive solution seems to be of such moments at high Mach nunibcrs can be dcrived
favourable behaviour that most of the modern relatively well from scnii-cmpirical methods. The
Russian high velocity missiles use it (Ref. 24). problem of these tools inainly is tlie lack of good
validation data since Lhc correlation of wind-
There are different shapes adapted to different tunnel results with free-flight conditions is proble-
applications (Fig. 78). Thorough investigations matic, especially for the drag. Other simple design
have bcen made for a long time to determine the methods are Newton niclhods for high altitude
constructive and even production aspects of these and high Mach number conditions and shock
wings as well as the aerodynamic characteristics expansion theory applicable only at lower Mach
and their thcrmodyiiamic features including inter- numbers. For first estimations they are a good
nal and external cooling (Ref. 233). The fins can help. An interesting goal is to have a simplc
be all moveable and in t h s way become a control cngineering code for hypersonic missile optimi-
si1rface . zation including some thermodynamic Features
(Ref. 238).
The grid wing can be considered as to be derived
fiorn biplancs, multi-planes or profile cascades. Its For a later developnicnt phase or if detailled
lift characteristics is linear up to values of about questions have to be answered, numerical codcs
25'. The increase in drag seems not to be pro- have to be used (Ref. 239). A first step could be
hibitive and can be optimized by a proper design the use of an Euler mcthod. A time-efficient space
of the internal grid density. A standard vortex- marching code can be used if for each space step
latticc method has been used to derive theoretical cross-section the Mach nuniber normal to the
results for subsonic flow and angles of attack up plane is greater than onc. Otherwise, a time
to 18' (Ref. 234). Comparisons with expcrimental stepping procedure must be used. A senii-cnipiri-
values showed an good agreement (Fig. 79). An- cal real gas model may be implcniented into thc
other study was executed using a supersonic panel Euler codes. Results for missile applications up to
method (Ref. 235) to investigate the Mach number Mach 8 (Ref. 180) do not show a considerable
and grid density dependence for supersonic speeds deviation from ideal gas values of force and nio-
up to about Mach 5. Ref. 233 shows C, and C, ment characteristics. The Eulcr codes may be
characteristics up to 90' at supersonic Mach coupled with a higher-order boundary-layer code
numbers (Fig. SO). adapted to the hypersonic flow rcgime by taking
into account the approprialc entropy laycr.
3.2.6 LATERAL JET CONTROL ted to the nozzles with a distributor, thc powder
consumption is independent from the inaiiocu-
As mentioned before, there are several hardware vre, even at zero comniand.
realizations for lateral jet control. In this chapter
mainly the pyrotechnical method is considered. - The missile cannot bc controllcd after the full
This does not influence severely the generality consumption of the powder.
of the statements since flight performance and
aerodynamic effects of different types are quite - The missile has to be dcsigiied in a way that it
similar. will obtain an almost fixed center of gravity
during the use of this control system.
Limitation of moment control and advantages
of Dyrotechnical force control - The aerodynamic design of the niissilc has to
t,ake into account thc interaction effects causcd
The conventionat control of missiles consists in by the jets.
responding to a lateral acceleration command and
in controlling some deflectable control surfaces Taking into account all these advantages and dis-
which create a moment in that way. This moment advantages one can say h a t the purely pyro-
introduces an angular movement of the missile technical force control technology is highly SUI-
resulting in a change of incidence which in turn table for anti-tank and for very short range
creates an aerodynamic lift force ensuring the missiles, or for missiles that will use this systcm
desired manoeuvre. only for a short time, for example during the final
guidance phase (thus liniitiiig the operation time)
There are two disadvantages of this classical and in addition to an associated aerodynamic
control method: control system (thus limiting the required power
- There will be a time delay between the steering
command and the time when the response is Two types of systems are used at the moment:
acting on the missile, because of a number of
different intermediate physical and technical A first possibility is to provide the missilc with a
steps. The angular movement required to create set of small multiple side thrusters arranged pcri-
the lateral acceleration has to be introduced; it pherally close to the center of gravity. The axis
is governed by the aerodynamic parameters of each side thruster must be inclined so that the
(missile monicnt of inertia, aerodynamic damp- force produced by it will cross the center of
ing nionicnt).This applies to any type of mo- gravity. The component of the side force normal
ment control, independet of aerodynamic or jet to the missile axis is used as control force and its
control. axial component is used to maintain the speed.As
it is difficult in practice to increase the number of
- The forces acting on an aerodynamic control side thrusters, this type of control is used when the
surface are proportional to the dynamic pres- flight time and the demands on the manoeuvrabi-
sure, i.e. to the density of the air and to the lity are low, e.g. anti-tank DRAGON.
velocity of the missile, and will, therefore, have Another possibility which allows for higher nia-
low effectiveness at launch (low speed) and at noeuvrability is to use a continuous gas gcnerator
high altitudes (low density). linked with jet interceptors or with an exhaust
distributor towards the nozzlcs. Two nozzles arc
The use of a lateral propulsive unit close to the needed for an autorotating missile (anti-tank
center of gravity of the missile overrides partly ERYX), and three or four or a stabilized niissilc
these advantages, thus enabling in rotation. Additionally, as for the side-thruster
control, the nozzles can be inclined backwards to
- a considerable reduction of the response time maintain the speed.
and, as a result, a reduction in the passing Additional systems as liquid file1 devices are
distance for targets for which short reaction considered in present design studies.
times are demanded, as for example for fast
manoeuvering targets Aerodynamic interactions due to a lateral ict
- manoeuvres of the missile at very low speed
and at high altitudes. The transverse ejection of a lateral jet into an
external flow caiiscs an highly comples flow field
However, pyrotechnical force control has certain (Fig. 81) leading to a set of interactions of two
constraints: types (Fig. 82) - local and downstream inler-
- Used as the only control of a missile its opera- The local interactions (Figs. 83 and 84) are rcla-
tional domain is limited by its powder consump- ted to the jet obstacle cffcct which, at supersonic
tion. In particular, using a gas generator connec- speeds, produces a detached shock upstream of
the non.: exit and a separation of the boundary To keep the costs low for this design cycle one
layer forming a shock that generates a zone of needs rather efficient design tools. This is not the
overpressure. Immediately downstream of the case for extended cxpcrimental studies and for
nozzle exit the external flow deflected by the jet advanced numerical codes which will be suitable
produces a depression zone.The induced pressure only in later design phases. Scveral simpler
distribution around the body close to the nozzle methods exist that can simulate the local inter-
exit position leads - for a nozzle situated close to actions of the lateral jet with the flow. But practice
the center of pressure and for a fuselage without has shown that they arc valid only for a limited
wings in this region - to a small interaction force number of parameter variations. Therefore, more
usually of opposite direction to the thrust force basic information are nccded on latcral jet cKccls
and to a slight nose-up pitching moment. This Systematic wind-tunncl studics should help to
unfavourable interaction means a jet effectiveness clarify the influence of the difierent parameters
ratio lower than one. Suitable parameter conibina- and to develope better dcsign tools describing the
tions have to be found in such a case to handle local interactions. For thc downstrcam inter-
this problem. actions one can use standard potcnlial nicthods
with vortex tracking models at Mach numbers up
The downstream interactions (Fig. 8 5 ) are due to about 5 . This should bc suCfic1ent For early
to the highly vortical character of the flow down- phases, while in later ones also CFD codes arid
stream of the jet. Far from the nozzle exit the jet extended measurements are needed.
wake takes the form of two counter-rotating
vortices resulting from the curvature of the jet
itself and from its rounding by the external flow. 3.2.7 AEROTHERMODYNAMlCS
The velocity induced by these vortices on lifting
or control surfaces located downstream usually As described before, this Subject is the most
will lead to a loss in lift and moment. critical one for hypersonic missile design. But also
for lower speeds aerodynmiic heating will be of
The resulting effects of the lateral jet interactions interest in some cases. In addition, the thernio-
are dynamic simulation of structural and component
temperature characteristics can bc a work pack-
- an interaction force which has to be added to age in a design process. The results of all these
the lateral thrust force and which can allect the investigations will, among other areas, influence
efliciency of this thrust the selection of materials appropriate for thc
- 'disturbing' moments in pitch and roll for which different demands. Tlic aerothermodyiiamical
negative effects on the controllability of the (and structural) cocllicicnts for the materials in
missile have to be avoided. question are, on the other hand, input data for the
simulation (Ref. 24 1).
In designing a missile that has to be controlled by
lateral jets it is, therefore, necessary According to the differcnt particular work pack-
ages within this field there we several approaches
- to optimize the shape of the missile and the and tools that have to bc used. The appropriate
parameters of the lateral thrust system with simulation of the aerodynaniic flow (velocity,
respect to the aerodynamic implications of boundary layer, shock interactions, heated surface,
these two preceding effects real gas or catalytic effects etc.) is the first part.
- to achieve a complete model of the resulting This has been discussed alrcady. In a second step
control forces and moments (thrust plus the heat transfer into thc wall has to be modelled
interference) which is required in the control including the radiation cnergy flows to and from
studies. the surface (Fig. 86). Thc third step is to calculate
the heat flow within the skin by conduction and
The design for a practical case will proceed with regard to the convection and radiation at its
iteratively: First the missile will be designed with boundaries. Another task is to simulate the tempe-
respect to aerodynamic and other criteria. The rature characteristics of internal components due
flight dynamical simulation - usually including to external (environnient, radiation, aerothermo-
guidance and control - defines the demands on dynamics) or internal (heat sources like electrical
the control system, on forces, moments, response devices) heating.
and operation time. These data, together with the
parameters for lateral jet modules, are the basis for An overview of aerodynamic heating approaches
the aerodynamic design of the lateral jet system. for design purposes is given in Ref. 242. Specific
This has to consider the efficiency of the system engineering methods arc described by Refs. 243-
including the interference effects. The resulting 245. A simple but fast and very eEicient early
new aerodynamic model has to be validated by design code (Ref. 246) has been used to calculate
flight simulations, and so on. temperature distributions along the body and the
tin surface of an hypersonic projectile over a flight by a node model, whcre cacli nodal point rcprc-
trajectory (Fig. 84): sents a unit of the complctc systcni distinct rroln
Tlie pressure distribution is provided by a second the others by its thermal cocrticicnts and where
order shock expansion method. The heat transfer each connection betwcen differcnt points can
from the boundary layer is calculated for different represent heat transfcr by conduction, convection
body geometries (Refs. 247 and 248) by assuming or radiation. In this way a complicated structurc
a 'cold' isolated wall. The recovery enthalpy is can be described by ii system of a few nodcs
modelled by semi-empirical coefficients based on leading to a corresponding set or coupled linear
boundary layer parameters like the Prandtl num- differential equations i n timc that can be solved
ber. It is proportional to the temperature gradient for the unsteady tenipcraturcs rathcr fast if thc
betwcen the boundary layer and the wall. The different interaction coefficiciits (conductivities,
dcterniination of the heat transfer rates is based and so on) for the connections are givcn. For
on the Refcrencc Enthalpy Method (Ref. 249). more detailled investigations onc of thc standard
I n a third step the time-depcndent temperatures finite elcinent programs should be uscd.
within thc wall are detcrmined. The 'cold-wall'
lieat transfer rates have to be transferred to 'hot-
wall' rates which are material and time dependent. 3.2.8 AEROELASTICS
These rates are niodclled by heat rate balance
equations. The heat transfer within the wall is In contrast to airplanes not tlie lluttcr of the wings
considcred to be one-dimensional for rclatively is the major problem for riiissilc dcsign usually,
thin walls where conduction in axial direction but the bending motion of tlic body, cspecially if
may be neglected (Ref. 250). In other cases - light-weight materials arc uscd and if nianoeuvrcs
as for cxamplcs in wings - a two-dimensional at high speeds are executed, lcading to vcry largc
approximation (Ref. 25 1) has to be used. The normal accelerations. A first guess for the static
mathematical heat balance model considers the bending deformation and for tlic cigenfrequencics
shell to bc subdivided into several structural has to be made in early design phases An un-
laycrs. Each onc is described by its properties favourable interfcrence of tliesc frequencics with
(dcnsily, thcrinal conductivity, specific hcat and the frequencies of the coiitrol paranicters must be
- for the outer and inner surface - cmissivity) avoided in this pliasc already.
and defines a balance cquation. The resulting
matrix equation is solved and gives the desired For a more detailled approach in later dcsign
tcmperatures. phases standard codes for structural Iiiechaiiics or
For more advanced design phases more effort dynamics have to be applied. But for fast guesscs
can be put into these calculations.In this case a the body may be approximated by shaft thcory
combined Eider and boundary-layer calculation (Ref. 252): For typical flight conditions the aero-
seems to be appropriate for the determination of dynamic normal force distribution and tlie cenlri-
the aerodynamic paranicters in many cases. For fiigal force distribution according to the niiiss
tlic simulation of tlie wall temperatures a similar distribution and the nornull acceleration are
approach as above or more refined 3D methods calculated. If the bending deformation is rclative-
could be used. ly small the law ofHooke is valid, as wcll a s the
hypothesis of Bernoulli that only bending nio-
Tlie reaction of the surface temperature to active ments will appear in this system. For given distri-
cooling is m;iinly a problem of construction and butions of cross-sectional iirciis and of thc elastic
of aerodynaniics. No severe changes in the proce- constants one can solve the fourth order diffcrcn-
dures menlioncd above arc necessary except, that tial equation by finite dirfcrciicc schemcs. The
one has to consider the modified boundary layer boundary conditions have to bc choscn for ii
temperature and, perhaps a different heat transfer system being free at both ends.To calculate tlic
rate. Passive cooling by ablative effects is more eigenvibrations and the cigenrreqiiencies one can
complicated. There are not only changes in the easily define an eigenvalue problem in matrix
surface structure - like roughness - which can form which is solved by a Martin - Wilkinson
cause scvere aerodynamic effects, but also the method. An example is givcn in Figs. 89 and 90.
chemical processes taking place in the ablating The corresponding eigenfrcqucncics arc 42 Hz,
material can change the thermodynamic behaviour 147 Hz and 272 Hz for the first, second and third
of the wall. For sublimating materials like teflon eigenvibration, respectively.
this still can be modelled quite well by the above
method (Fig. 88). For carbonization or similar
processes this method has to be modified 3.2.9 AEROMECHANICAL SIMULATION
A combined flight mechanical simulation has to
The iinstcady as well as the equilibrium tempera- be executed for aeroelastics, acrothcrinodynaiiiics.
tures of intcrnal components or structures can be some questions in signaturc simulation, for un-
approximated in a rather simple design approach steady aerodynamics and otlicr timc-dcpcndcnt
processes. In the present chapter only store dipole or quadrupolc sources. Octopoles arc
separation with mutual interference of aero- neglected in this apprositnation. The FW-H cqua-
dynamic characteristics and the trajectory is tion is valid for rigid bodies that are itnpcrincable
considered. for sound or encrgy. CFD tncthods can bc used
to determine the difrcrcnt sourcc terms. The dipole
In a fast design approach a store separation and monopole sources c m be derived from chan-
problem can be solved by setting up a simple ges of the flow velocities and of thc aerodynamic
vortcx and jet flow model and use an equivalent pressurcs (viscous and inviscid), rcspectivcly. Thc
angle of attack method. In this way one can, for quadrupole terms havc lo bc detcrmined froin tlic
example, give a quick qualitative answer to the shear stress tensor of thc flow The solut~onprocc-
question for the flight behaviour of the missile dure of the FW-H equation allows subsequeiitly to
wlicii the trajectory has to cross the wake of the simulate the pressurc distribution around thc noisc
airp1ane.h most cases of such early design work emitting body induced by tlic propagation of the
the coupling of aerodynamics and flight mecha- sound.
nics is done indirectly by executing an aerodyna-
mic parameter study of the missile in a disturbed An alternative method by Moehring et al. (Rcf.
flow field and subsequently simulating the trajec- 258) is found in sevcral references (e.g. Ref. 259).
tory with this modified aerodynamic model. Vcry It is based on the idea of a sound emitting vortcs
detaillcd investigalions using advanced aero- field. Formally this theory is solved i n a similar
dynamic tools can be carricd out in this way. A way as the FW-H approach. Again, pressurc and
reasonable method for design purposes is to use velocity characteristics of thc flow havc to bc de-
a panel program extended by a viscous vortex termined in a first step. A special aspect of this
modelling (Ref. 253). First, the flow around the procedure is that thc quadrupole term is writlcii
carrier airplane has to be simulated with and as a tensor function of tlic vortcs distribution.
without thc store (Fig. 91), then the behaviour
of the aerodynamic coefficients in dependence A very recent method uscs a stochsstic approach
of the dispcnscr position relative to the disturbcd (Ref. 260). Again, inem and turbulcnt aerodyna-
flow can bc detcrmined (Fig. 92). Thc scparalion mic quantities of the flow have to bc deterniincd
trajcclory is calculated subsequently (Fig. 93). i n a first step by CFD methods.
like the following ones which may be related If one rotates now the platc about a diagonal line
indirectly with the selection of the materials: relative to the incident wave thc RCS decrease of
a factor of 300 is reachcd a1 6' off the normal
- suppress specular points (direct rcflections direction already and is dividcd by anothcr factor
at the surfaces into the direction of possible of 300 when the plate reachcs a sh>illowangle to
obscrvers) the incoming radar, which amounts to a total
- avoid surface irregularities change in RCS of factor 90000 between maximum
- avoid straight leading cdges, especially those and minimum.
parallel to polarization directions of probable
radar signals Taking this into account, it sceins casy to rcducc
- avoid visible links between different materials. the RCS of wings and of control fins by posi-
tioning them in a way that tlicir cdges are never
These constraints impose special demands on the aligned with the incident wave. However, multiple
missile designers. reflections will complicate the situation.
For example, energy aimed into a cavity bounces
Demands for the design of the outer shape are back for all types of cavity shapes (Fig. 98). If one
- design smooth profiles for the lifting surfaces can attenuate the signal with each bounce by an
and for the fiiselage absorbing material a multibounce design - for a n
- smoothen the link between body and fins intake, for example - will show considerablc ad-
- use an elliptic fuselage vantage provided that it can be realized without
- swcep and curve the leading edges. sacrificing the acrodynainic performance of thc
Typical demands for air intakes are
- subsonic int'akcs have to be integrated into the The methods used for the simulation of the RCS
fiisclage are surveyed in Ref. 26 1. A simple design method
- the interior design of the duct has to take into - comparable to the semi-empirical component
account an eventual coating with absorbing build-up method of aerodynamics - is the 'cano-
materials nical shape method'. A major problem inhercnt in
- if a coating of the wall is intended the duct has it is the modelling of thc interfcrence effects, since
to bc shaped in a way to maximize the number for electromagnetic ficlds one has to consider
of reflections phases and rather severe interactions. Another
- use a top mounted intake to hide it from a approach is the 'wire grid method' (Ref. 262). This
ground based radar is applicable for antennas and for structures con-
- thc lips of the intake have to be shaped sisting of wires. Therefore, it is usually not of in-
appropriately. terest for missile design.The 'continuous surface
model' by patches (Ref. 26 1) is an alternative ap-
There is a great advantage of positioning surfaces proach to the modelling of complex 3D stnicturcs.
in a direction where the radar wave hits them It is mainly used for smooth surfaces. Mostly the
almost tangentially and not in normal directions patches are chosen to bc triangular or rectangular
to edges. panels. As in the wire grid method the elcctric or
To illustrate this somc very simple considerations the magnetic field intcgral equations may be used
are made (Ref. 155): for the calculation. A considerable amount of
When the diameter of a sphere is remarkably computer time is necessary already for realistic
larger than the radar wavelength then its RCS is examples. A further approach is the 'physical
approximately the same as the cross section at any optics theory' (Refs. 261 and 263 - 265). It is
aspect angle. In Figs. 96 and 97 the radar signal based on the diffraction theory of Kirchhoff who
rcflected by the sphere is compared with that of a described the diffraction phenomena of light by
square plate ofthe same cross section for different approximating the boundary conditions at the
aspect angles. Consider a wavelength of about one surface of the scattering object with the aid of
fifth of tlie length of the plate - regarding the note optical principles. The niethod has been extcnded
in Ref. 155 that it concerns a 10-h square - which to nonperfect conductivity and double refleclions
could be for example a 20 cm square fin for a for complicated structures. An even higher
7.5 GHz radar. amount of computer timc is needed in tliosc
At normal incidence angle the reflection from the cases, but still the sizc of the panels can be
squarc platc will be 300 times the onc from the chosen only to describe tlie body appropriately,
sphcrc If one rotates now the plate about one it has not to be correlated to tlie wavelength. This
edge, the RCS decreases and becomes equal to means that the same grid as uscd in aerodynamic
that of the sphere at an aspect angle of 35' off the panel calculations can be used for RCS simula-
normal direction. When the angle is increased tions in most cases.This makes the method very
further the reflection drops for another factor of 3. attractive and shows that panel and physical optics
calculations can be executed in the same phase of
the missile design cycle. An examplc for a physi- be added to these radiative sources due to aero-
cal optics result for a typical missile shape is given dynamic heating. For this aspect the optimization
i n Fig. 99. can be done by
The most advanced method - and, because of
the large number of 3D grid elements that are - finding an optimum betwcen a few small hot
needed, the most expensive one - are the 'Maxwell spots and a cooler but larger surface
methods' (Refs. 266 and 267). They are compar- - cooling the airframe
able with the Navier-Stokes approaches, but are - designing a shape that dcflects solar and
even more expensive since the 3D meshes used background radiation
tlicrc have to have a small fraction of the radar - using stealthy R paintings that are consistent
wavelength in size. These methods solve the time- with RCS requirements.
dependent curl equation of Maxwell numerically.
They describe the propagation of an electro- According to the statements above the first step
magnetic wave into a space containing an arbi- to simulate optical signatures i n a design pliasc is
trary-shaped dielcctric or conducting body. By to model the temperature dislribution ovcr thc
tinie-stcpping or by repeatcdly implementing a missile during the mission. I n ii very fast approach
Gnite-difference analogon to the curl equations one can simply use Planck's equation (possibly for
at each cell of the corresponding space grid, the certain spectral windows) to get ii radiation intcn-
incident wave is tracked when propagating to the sity for a given observer (Fig. 100).
structure and interacting with it by penetration Plumes take much morc effort even for a first
and diffraction. The final result is completed when guess, except one can use some of the existing
each cell has reached a steady state. data sheets (e.g. Ref. 146). For a rather smokeless
plume an optical depth model similar to that used
for stellar atmospheres can be used approximately
3.2.12 OPTICAL SIGNATURES (Fig. 101). A small fraction of particles will
change the temperature-dependent absorption
Conventional detection of missiles by the smoke coefficient. A semi-empirical plume model is
signature in the visible range has been described appropriate for this method.
above; applicable design tools exist (Refs. 149- More accurate simulations of the IR signature -
151). mostly executed for possibly hostile TBMs, since
they are not accessible for measurements - need
Most optical signature investigations deal with the a very detailled modelling of the flow paraincters
IR signature since it is the one within the optical to calculate the vibralioii-rotationi and elcctronic
regime that is the most independent from environ- spectra of all constituents of the plume. Each
mental conditions, although still a lot of problems single line or at least cacti band envelope has to
arise from them. Anyway, for a short description it be considered. This method is vcry expensivc, not
is enough to consider IR, because all other optical only because of the effort to execute the radiation
frequencies show in principle the same features. calculation with such an high resolution but also
because each particular calculation like the aero-
The signature depends on the temperature distri- thermodynamic and the plume simulation has to
bution on the airframe surface and within the pro- be executed for many time steps of the complete
pulsive jet and plume, on the emissivities and on mission and within the given scenario (Fig. 102).
the apparent surfaces. For all models the background radiation and the
For subsonic missiles hot parts are mainly located transmission through the a tmospliere to the ob-
at the rear, i.e. the visible inner parts of the engine server has to be simulated. Several standard
or nozzle and the core of the plume. Also air in- environmental and transniission codes can be
takes may emit radiation or may allow a look into used for that purpose. In the case of a detailled
the hot internal structure. The signature may be study for a re-entry vehicle one gets a set of
minimized in these cases spectral distributions depending on the environ-
ment and the location of the observer (Fig. 103).
- by shielding the hot parts, mainly the jet pipe or A more detailled discussion of this subject will
nozzle be given in a separate lecture of this series.
- by mixing fresh air into the hot flux behind the
base to decrease its temperature significantly
- by the use of flattened nozzle exit sections which 3.3 EXAMPLES OF MODERN
reduce the length of the plume core and enhance MISSILE DESIGN
its chance to be masked by the airframe at low
aspect and elevation angles To illustrate some of thc differcnt subjects dis-
- by the use of a top-mounted air intake which cussed in this lecture thrce rccent examples Tor
cannot be seen from a ground-based sensor. missile design are prcsented. Of course, thcy do
not include all the problciiis that can arisc i n
For supersonic missiles the whole airframe has to
practical work but one can guess from thcm the lifting or control surfaces would bc optimal. But,
possible contexts of some of the special on the other hand, it is vcry dificult Lo stabilizc
tasks. and to control a pure body. For ii missile with
wings and fins the acrodyiiarnic characteristics
(e.g. normal force and pitching moment) arc
3.3.1 HIGH VELOCITY MISSILE dependent on the roll angle (Fig. 105). One can
see that the influence of thc fins can be neglegiblc
Since no results of a detailled study on hyper- in some cases while this is not tlic case for the
sonic missiles are available for publication to wings. Therefore, a much higher effort is neces-
the authors at the moment, the TLVS (Taktisches sary to include this roll dependcnce into the
Luft-Verteidigungs-System)missile is presented control system.
as an example for an high velocity missile. A
design study has been finished recently. Another disadvantage of a winged configuration is
that it can be trininied only up to smaller angles of
The main design demand was an high hit proba- attack than a wingless missile. Fig. 106 shows a
bility for the possible targets (helicopters, air- mission diagram for a missile. For a given velocity
planes, missiles, TBMs) which, in consequence, and altitude one can read from it the trim condi-
leads to the secondary demands of fast reaction at .tions needed for different demands to lateral
launch (+vertical launch, Fig. 104) and of very acceleration and for the actual center of gravity.
high manoeuvrability. This is located usually at about 50% to 60% of the
The missile will be equipped with a double im- body length and will change to more foreward
pulse propulsion (DIP) system and with an active positions while the he1 is being consumed. The
radar sensor. The component most relevant for angle of attack that can be trininied is reduced
aerodynamic design is the lateral jet control then and with it the masimal normal acceleration.
located close to the center of gravity and using One can see from Fig. 106 that the winged con-
four liquid fuel propulsion units. This system figuration has an aerodynamically better perfor-
helps to increase the performance in the end mance - the lift is twice that of a wingless missile
game by shortening the reaction time of the at the same incidence - but the maximal angle
control system. where it can be trimmed is much smaller. One can
also see that for normal accclerations of less than
Since the maximum velocity is only about Mach log the drag of the wingless conliguration is
4.5, hypersonic effects are not yet of very high smaller than the other one. Therefore, the winged
importance. Nevertheless, aerodynamic heating missile will have a highcr drag for most of the
along the trajectory had to be checked. First mission except for a few extreme manoeuvres. To
guesses for the aeroelastic behaviour were of achieve a similar range to trim the winged missile
importance because of the fast manoeuvres at one would have to consider a variable wing
high lateral accelerations and of the rather h g h geometry which would introduce constructive
L/D ratio with a relatively lightweight structure. difficulties for missions of this type. The disad-
vantage of the wingless configuration is its lower
Not every detail of the lateral jet control system performance which means a slower reaction to
was investigated during the study. But the hard- control commands. This has been improved by
ware development has made considerable ad- using the lateral jet device.
1 vances - it will deliver 6000 N of lateral thrust -
and the studies concerning aerodynamic inter-
action effects have proved the applicability of the 3.3.2 DISPENSERS
system. Though, as has been mentioned before,
the location of the lateral jet exhausts at the sur- In contrast to the above examplc which prcscnted
face of a cylinder is not optimal for the efficiency a very conventional geometry, the airfranic shapc
(for many points on the trajectory the jet effec- of dispensers usually is rathcr unconventional,
tiveness ratio is smaller than one) and some often with variable components. In addition to
further improvements are certainly possible. that, one has to solve the aerodynamic problems
of aircraft carriage and storc separation, or high
Most of the aerodynaniic effort that has been made manoeuvrability at very low altitudes, subniu-
during the design study was to find an optimal nition ejection and multi-body interference.
airframe design for the missile. Manoeuvrability, possibly with retarders or gliders. The usually
range, modularity and flexibility were major high subsonic speed will bc incrcased in the future
aspects. Some of the considerations are presented. to low supersonic ones and, therefore, includes in
To reach high lateral accelerations the missile has both cases the transonic specd regime where diffi-
to be trimmed up to high angles of attack. Since culties arise, especially for such geometries.
this is necessary for any roll position of the
missile, a purely axisynimetric body without A family of dispensers is presented here.
D WS (Dispenser Weapon System) was developed The similar design of thc dispenser f:iniily makes
for JAS39 Gripen but is adaptable to most other the design and developrtient much more effcctive.
combat aircr<ft.It is an unpowered stand-off Relatively large data bases havc been built up aftcr
missile with a range of up to about 10 km depen- and (after, so that many iiiodifications can be easily
dent on thc speed at launch arid with a cruise interpolated from esistiiig inforni:ttion. Major
altitude of 200ni to 30m. It is in production aerodynamic work packages included wind-
already. tunnel tests with air flow through the model to
The dispenscr may be adapted to differcnt sub- investigate inlet cffectivcncss (distortion and
munition loads. The submunition is delivered by swirl), and to execute 6-coinponcnl mcasure-
forced sideward ejection lot after lot in controll- ments Tor the global inodel and for different built-
able iiitervals (Fig. 107). up configurations and 3-component measurcments
Since the span was limited, a planar wing was for the control fins. Slorc separation tests wcre
selccted to attain the manoeuvrability required added. Prcssure and load distributions had IO bc
i n the pitch plane. In consequencc, there are calculated for difkrerent versions by it panel mclhod
priinarily bank-to-turn manoeuvres and high which incorporated einpirical data Tor high anglcs
anglcs of attack (up to 20") and small angles of of attack from wind tuniicl tcsts. Interference
sideslip occur. The aircraft carrier causes a large effects on the dispenser passing the jet plume or
nose down pitching moment which means that the the downwash of the wing during uprise
angle of attack range had to be extended down to manoeuvres had to be coiisidcrcd. A semi-
20". To incrcase the manoeuvrability the guidance empirical approximation and a panel method
and control havc been decided to work in three including advanced vortex niodelling have bcen
axcs (pitch, yaw and roll). A body with a flat used for this si mu lat ion.
rectangular section with a heighvwidth ratio of
about 0.5 cannot be controlled by a conventional Special aerodynamic features of dispensers,
tail arrangement with elevator and rudder. especially those of this friniily are
Therefore, a cruciform tail configuration was
chosen and had to be adapted to the rectangular - the non-axisymnictric body causcs ii distinct
body. There is a small boat tail with 3Oo/45O fin body lift and scverc vortical flow
;irrangenient including fixed fin sockets for - the wing dcsign (aspcct ratio, sweep angle,
actuator installation. The nose is symmetrical with profile) has to considcr thc high lift
ii nearly elliptical cross section. charactcristics of thc body: at about cc=2Oo
CZwi!~g=CZbody=5 O)'
KEPD / CASOM (Kinetic Energy Projectile - the pitching monicnt stability should bc as littlc
Dispenser) and TADS (Target Adaptive Dispenser as possibleto improve the manoeuvrability
Systcm) arc advanced mcmbers of this dispenser - guidance and control requirements demand a
family. The stand-off capability is up to ;I long very high accuracy i n acrodynaniic modelling
rangc due to turbojet propulsion. Launch and to handle the nonlincar pitching moment
forget features at all weather conditions are characteristics causcd by body and wing vorti-
included. Thc long range at moderate (high sub- cal downwash interfercnce cffects on the fins
sonic) velocities make stealth features neces- - there are only small angles of sideslip due to
sary. In addition, terrain following manoeuvres bank-to-turn manocwres, cxcept for the storc
are exccuted at low altitude (Fig. 109). separation phase
There are different warheads for the modular - the small yaw and roll stabilitics due to influcn-
conccpts: KEPD can alternatively carry a pene- ces of the rectangular body, to tlic high wing
trator shot by a Davis gun or submunitions. TADS arrangement and to thc control fin configuration
shall carry self-targeting submunitions that will be reduce the requireincnts for roll control
ejected almost vertically by a short burning rocket - vortices separated from body edgcs show sevcrc
motor. An IR sceker with an image processor is influence on the effcctiveness of the propulsion
integrated into the nose section (Fig. 108). inlet, especially for thc bifurcated side inlets
The development phase is being started if enough - the variable wing has to meet the required
custoniers will be found. The configurational pitching moment stability i n folded (at releasc)
design shows ;gain a body with almost rectangu- and unfolded (during Tree flight) position
lar cross section, a bifurcated or chin inlet, asyni-
metric cruciform tail configuration and variable
geometry of the exposed part of the wing. To 3.3.3 FlBER OPTIC GUIDED MISSILE
minimize the 1R signature, exhaust duct covers
will be used, the radar cross section is optimized A good example of this typc of missiles is
by adapting the shape in accordance to aerodyna- POLYPI-EM which is currently in a first de-
mic nceds (Fig. 108) and can be improved by velopment phase. ll covcrs all typical fcaturcs
coatings. mentioncd bcfore. Its rangc is about 2 km to
30 km; launch elevation is about 60' to make this case. A first design for a low RCS version a
launches possible from a covered position. The monowing design utilizing coordinated bank-to-
missile is guided from the firing position by the turn flight mode, is slioww in Fig. 113. To opti-
use of a TV or 1R camera with a real-time trans- mize the aerodynamic design, the signature and
mission of data in both directions (Fig. 110). flight performance one has to iiiclude all thesc
By using optical fibre these signals cannot be aspects in the simulations. Substantial decrease
disturbed. The use of a turbojet engine with in RCS compared with coiiventional designs is
adjustable power setting opens a wide range necessary to decrease the detection range consi-
of manoeuvres. Due to the current technologi- derably. Not the overall values for the RCS ;ire
cal state of image processing the flight velocity important but only those at aspect angles in co-
has lo stay below about 250 d s . incidence with the targct or other defence instal-
lations (e.g. AWACS) during the ftill trajectory
The overall system design (Fig. 111) is to a great of the (sea-weaving) missile. Aerodynamic as-
extent conventional. The body is axisymmetric pects like flight performance, drag or intake
and, apart from the external cable channel cylin- efficiency must not be neglected in the early
drical. There is a large cruciform wing (possibly design phase.
rolded before launch) and rear tail control. The
profile of the wing is symmetrical. The missile
is roll-positioned in its x-position, subsequently
Cartesian control and skid-to-turn flight mode is
utilized. The span of the wing was derived from
the limitations for maximum angle of attack and
from the requirement of maximum lateral acce-
leration. The design and the location of the wing
and the fins took into account the vortical down-
wash and the interference effects of the jet ex-
hausts with rudder effectiveness (Fig. 112).
Kcy components of the missile are the turbojet
cnginc, the fibre optical guidance system incor-
porating up to 100 km optical fibre on a bobin in
the missile afterbody, and the image processing
for target acquisition and distinction.
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I I I 1
Fig. 2: Layout of a typical guided weapon Fig 4: Advanced air-to-air missile night profile
(Ref. 1). (Ref. 11).
I 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 Axp
Booster -,
1Podded combuslor
A. Initial Podded Ramjet Configuration
Ramfel combustor J
B. Tandem Rocket Ramjet with Submerged Nozzle
Fig. 7: Some thrust vector control systems Fig. 9: Evolution of integral rocket ramjet
(Ref. 22). configuration (Ref. 33).
Fig. 14: Schematic sketches of hypersonic Fig. 17: Vector diagram indicating the closure
projectiles M829 (above) and M735 analysis with sources of disturbance to
(below) from Ref 37. the projectile trajectory (Ref. 43).
1 =L
Fig. 15: Principle of collision point Pig. 18: Sketch of a potential high velocity
oriented line-of-sight guidance missile with integrated intakes.
(Ref. 39).
~ ~ ~ . . ~
~. .c_i_i
Fig. 19: Retarder applications (Ref. 46). Fig. 22: Overall function of the guided terminal
phase of a brilliant anmunition concept
Ref. 47).
Fig. 20: Retarded Bombs (Ref. 46) Fig. 23: Dynamics of clouds of finite viscous
vortex areas for in teracting circular
bodies in nonnal flow (Ref. SO).
Fig. 25: Porosity effect on canopy stability Fig. 28: Delivery concept for a supply glider
(Ref. 46). (Ref. 8).
Rig. 26: Laad/paraehute configuration with Fig. 29: Separation effects for a body with
interaction of vortical flow separated circular cross section (Ref.65).
f"both parts (Ref. 58).
Fig. 27: Components of a supply glider. Fig. 30: Schematic sketch of M864 gas
generator (Ref.89).
5 6 7 8 9 10
5 6 7 8 9 10
4'0 I
I' 2.0
1 .o
0 0
0.0 2 0 4.0 8.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0
Rig. 33: Predicted M864-Ltrajectories with and Fig. 35: Free jet structure for different particle
without base bleed (Ref 89). parameters, gas velocity contour lines
and panicles (dots), (Ref 99).
\ /
now jet
0.1 I I l l , I I I t
IO 20 40 W 80100 200 100 600 IOW
k - X S _I
IO 20 40 6080100 200 400 600 1000
Fig. 38: Effect of adjacent surfaces on llie jet Fig. 41: Distribution ofthe additional flow on
effectiveness ratio (Ref. 114). a wing induced by the pitching motion
W. 115).
--yo A 2s ih L& .A vi. isbp T C ~ .
Fig. 42: Roll-rate induced wing liR distribution Fig. 45: Materials and the temperature
Ca (Ref. 116). dependence of their specitic tensile
strengths (Ref. 126).
I . . . . '10 , , , , %a , , , , .)
3 p, M a
F r e e stream
Fig. 44: Stagnation temperature in dependence Fig. 47: Hypersonic interceptor with a
of Mach number and altitude. mosaic window (Ref.133).
0.81 m
Multi-Port Ejection
31 Parabolic-ogive
I -rigid
- - flexible 0"
Azimuth angle
20' 30'
.m 3.- 8.4- I._ 2.- Mach
U M P Alrk"mnp mulh 9.n.rls h"Hc"I0, m WH
Fig. 61: Comparison of experimental and Euler
K U 3 C surface pressures on a long
7 B wing (ASTER) at Ma=2.5.
Fig. 60: Isobars for ASTER at M ~ 2 . 5 . Fig. 62: Mesh and surfacepressure distri-
a=lOo;Eulcr solution with FLU3C
bution for ANS missile at Ma=2, ado;
Euler solution with FLLJ3C.
Fig. 70: Sketch of interactions of technology Fis 71: Sketch of interactions of technology
areas in the design of conventional areas in the design ofmodem nussiles
h Iml
32 A - 0
0 -0
+ -0
x- 0
x- 0
f - 0
0- 0
A - 0
-io 0 io 20 30 40 50 60 70 -!o 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 io
Alfa(deg.) Alfa(deg.)
Fig. 73: Normal force coefficient versus angle Fig. 74: Pitching moment coefficient versus
of attack. All lifting surfaces in + posi- angle of attack. All lifting surfaces in
tion. Calculations with (-) and with- + position. Calculations with (-) and
out (---) corrections beyond a without (---) corrections beyond a
(Ref. 220). (Ref. 220).
Q <-dQ
c I
Fig. 75: Sketch or niissiles with diKcrent Pig. 76: Sketchof diflerent types of ventral
types of intakc positions (Rcf. 4). intakcs (Rcf. 4).
Waverlder conflguratlons
3.00 ElJ ,
& A
A A -coronae
-1.oo 1 -400 0
25 50 75 N ,r p n yc
-8 ) 4.00 8.00 12.00 18.00 2 D .C v a
ALPHA (deg)
25 50 75 n.rpaAyc
-8.00 -4.00 0.00 4.00 8.00 12.00 18.00 20.00
ALPHA (deg)
-1.00~ I J
-8.00 -4.00 0.00 4.00 8.00 12.00 18.00 20.00
ALPHA (deg)
Fig. 79: Grid-fin aerodynamic coefficients Fig. 80: Experimental C, and C, characteristics
versus angle of attack for the four versus angle of attack of two grid
7.62x15.24-cm fins (CN = normal wings (frame and comb) at Mach
force, CMRCBM = chordwise bending numbers 1.85, 2.5, and 3.5 (Ref. 233).
moment at root, and Ch4H = hinge
moment) (Ref. 234).
I -6P
local Interoctlons
Overpressure /
- G
. .- -. . . . .- - .-.-. . .. ,
, 1. I "
I TRANSFER 60- / ! '
\ I
j l i j \ . .
I !
20 -
2300 - _______.
Mach 7 I, 1 = 0 I sec
- I 30
1930 -
I 25
I ' !I 1 . 1
I I1
1800 1 I i
' I
IO 60 I10 160 210 260 310 360 410 460 510
IO 60 110 160 210 260 310 360 410 460 510
Fig. 87: Surface temperature for an hypersonic Fig. 88: Re-entry vehicle with sublimating
projectile along its trajectory (Ref. 246). surface material: Geometry, altitude,
velocity, thickness of the ablative
coating, surface temperature
(Ref. 246).
Aerodynamic Force Distribution
Pig. 91: Simulation of a dispenser @WS)
carried under the wing of an airplane
1 4 (Viggen).
-15 -10 -5
- 1 l . 4
(= to sphere)
[= lo sphere)
Fig. 93: Separation trajectory in y-z plane of a Fig. 96: RCS of a square plate in comparison to
dispenser with movable wings for t 4 . 0 a sphere (Ref. 155).
to 6.5 sec.
Fig. 94: Radar cross sections of three US aircraR Fig. 97: RCS of a plate with dimension 5 h
(Ref. 4). x 5 h, qq-polarization.
I 100
Straight Duct - 1 or 2 bounces
L 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150
S-Duct - 4 or 5 bounces
360 -
320 i
IO 30 50 70 90 1 IO 130
(dB/1 m2)
Fig. 103: Spectral signature of a re-entry vehicle Fig. 104: TLVS missile at vertical launch.
(witout plume) at 36 km altitude For an
observer at 0 km altitude, 36 km da-
tance, 180" aspect angle (above), and
for an observer at 40 km altitude, 37 km
distance and 180' aspect angle
(Ref 268).
-c, .L
Fig. 106: Mission diagram for a missile with and Fig. 109: Flight profile for TADS in cruise
without wings. and attack phase.
Fig. 110: POLYPHEM for ship to coast mission:
vertical launch and remote control by
image processing.
&I+ r-1
Bobbin with
Booster IR-camera on
stab. platbrm
A r-
"/ 1
Frank G. Moore
Weapons Systems Department
Naval Surface Warfare Center
Dahlgren Division (Code G04)
Dahlgren Virginia 22448-5000
on complete missile configurations to higher angles of Spanwise normal force of wing airfoil
attack. Results of static aerodynamic calculations on section
complete missile configurations compared to wind
tunnel data are shown for several configurations at Body alone normal force coefficient
various flight conditions. Calculations show the new
nonlinear methods being far superior to some of the Negative afterbody normal-force
former linear technology when used at angles of attack coefficient due to canard or wing shed
greater than about 15 degrees. vortices
Total, base, and skin friction axial force Normal-force coefficient of wing in
coefficients respectively presence of body
Drag Additional normal-force coefficient of
Drag Coefficient =
112 P wing in presence of body due to a wing
Crossflow drag coefficient deflection
(CpB)o r , ~ , ~ c , x , c Base pressure coefficient with fins present Ratio of normal-force coefficient derivative
of some t/c, x/c, 6, and body at some a of wing in presence of body to that of
Stagnation pressure coefficient wing alone at 6 = 0 deg
Reference value of specific enthalpy Heat transfer rate at wall for laminar or
(ft2/sec2) turbulent flow, respectively
Ratio of body radius to wing or tail Local angle of attack of wing or tail ( a +
semispan plus the body radius +
6, or (Y AT, respectively, in degrees)
Velocity at edge of boundary layer (ft/sec) First order axial and crossflow solutions of
velocity potential equation
Velocity parallel to leading edge of wing
(ftlsec) Second order particular solution to full
potential equation
X Distance along the axis of symmetry
measured positive aft of nose tip (feet or Parameter used in SOSET and also used in
calibers) viscous crossflow theory for nonlinear
body normal force (in this context, it is the
XIC Parameter used in base drag methodology normal force of a circular cylinder of
to represent the number of chord lengths given length-to-diameter ratio to that of a
from the base (measured positive upstream cylinder of infinite length)
of base)
Value of in viscous crossflow theory for
Center of pressure (in feet or calibers from M, = 0
some reference point that can be specified)
Viscosity coefficient at stagnation or
xL* xT Laminar and turbulent flow lengths on reference conditions, respectively (sluglft-
body (ft) sec)
e Local body slope at a given point (degrees) including material requirements and selection, structural
member thicknesses required to withstand the loads, and
e, Cone half angle as inputs for heat transfer or ablation analysis (Table 3-
1). Generally, an interactive design process occurs
A Leading edge sweep angle of wing or tail between the aerodynamicist, the structural designer, and
(degrees) the flight dynamicist to arrive at a configuration that
meets some set of desired launcher constraints and
m Free-stream conditions performance requirements given a warhead and possibly
a guidance system as well.
2-D Two dimensional
Prior to 1971, the tactical weapons aerodynamicist
3-D Three dimensional could do one of three things to obtain aerodynamics.
The individual could perform flight tests of a full-scale
3DTWT 3-D thin wing theory configuration; or design, build, and test a wind tunnel
model over the flight range of interest; or finally,
AP8 1 Aeroprediction 1981 utilize existing handbooks, wind tunnel data reports,
and theoretical analysis to estimate empirically the
AP93 Aeroprediction 1993 aerodynamics of a given configuration.
APC Aeroprediction code The first two approaches were often more costly, time
consuming, and accurate than needed in the preliminary
BD Base Drag design stages, whereas the latter approach was more
time consuming than desired but also had no general
BL Boundary Layer accuracy assessment.
FNS Full Navier-Stokes A fourth alternative (which did not exist prior to 1971),
to compute aerodynamics on a complete configuration
GSET Generalized shock-expansion theory over the Mach number and angle of attack range of
interest, is to have a general computer program to
IMNT Improved modified Newtonian theory perform such a task. There are three alternative
theoretical approaches to develop such a code (see
MNT Modified Newtonian theory Table 3-2). The first of these is solution of the full
Navier Stokes equations. The only assumptions
NASA/LRL National Aeronautics and Space associated with this set of equations is continuum flow
Administration/Langley Research Center (that is the flowfield region is not sparsely populated
with air molecules such as at altitudes greater than
NS Navier-Stokes about 200 to 250 thousand ft) and the turbulence model
selected. A second theoretical alternative is to assume
NSWCDD Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren the viscous flow region lies in a thin layer near the
Division body and thus solution of the Navier Stokes equations
can be reduced to that of an inviscid flowfield plus a
PNS Parabolized Navier-Stokes thin boundary layer near the surface. This, combined
with empirical estimates of base drag and other
SE Shock expansion protuberance aerodynamics, gives a complete set of
aerodynamics for the configuration of interest. A third
SOSET Second-order shock-expansion theory theoretical alternative is to assume the body perturbs the
flowfield only slightly and then to make appropriate
SOTA State of the art approximations to the Euler and Boundary Layer
Equations. These approximate theories are then
TAT Turn-Around Time combined with other theoretical approaches and
empirical data for the complete aerodynamics code.
TLNS Thin Layer Navier-Stokes
There are several uses that can drive the type of theory
3.0 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND chosen for the aeroprediction code. These are listed in
Table 3-3. For example, if missile synthesis is being
3.1 Uses for Aerodynamics performed where a very large number of configurations
Aerodynamics are required throughout the design are investigated to conduct top level trade studies
process of any flight vehicle. These aerodynamics are involving engine types, warhead types, material
used for flight performance estimates including range, requirements, etc. as a function of range,
maneuverability, miss distance, and stability analysis. maneuverability, or response time, then it is desirable
In addition, they are used for structural analysis to have an easy to use, robust, and computationally fast
1. Wind Tunnel, Free Flight Data, Ballistic Range
2. Empirical Estimates: Wind Tunnel Reports, Handbooks, Experience, etc.
3. Aeroprediction Codes
A. Navier Stokes -- Continuum Flow
+ +
B. Euler Equations Boundary Layer -- inviscid outer layer thin viscous layer near surface + some
empirical techniques
C. Approximations to Euler and Boundary Layer Equations Empirical Techniques
Design Stage Aero Code Design Trade Studies (Typical) Aerodynamics Uses
Missile Synthesis Robustness Engine Types Range
Ease to Use Warhead Types Maneuverability
Minimal Input Material Response Time
Parameters Requirements
Extremely Fast Typical Weights
Computationally Guidance Types
25 Percent Accuracy Airframe Control
Missile Preliminary Design Blend of Robustness, Structural Layout Range
Ease of Use, and (Material, Maneuverability
Accuracy Thickness, etc.) Miss Distance
Fast Computationally Aero Shape vs. (3 DOF)
10 percent Accuracy Engineering and Structural Design
Guidance Size
Hot vs. Cold
Detailed Design and Accuracy ( < 5 percent) Detailed Structural Range
Problem Solving (or Computationally Design Including Maneuverability
Analysis Codes) Affordable Material Selection Miss Distance
User Friendliness and Investigating (6 DOF)
Robustness Still Critical Problem Structural Design
Important Areas
code. At the same time, accuracy may be sacrificed to Aeroprediction Code (AP93) will be given. Finally, a
achieve these goals. comparison of static aerodynamics using experiment,
AP93 and the older version of the Aeroprediction Code
After a missile synthesis of a large number of concepts (AP81) will be made on several complete missile
has been conducted, generally several of these concepts configurations.
are taken a step further in the design process. Here,
structural layouts, packaging of all components, and 3.2 Types of Aeroprediction Codes
better definition of weights are typical requirements that Aeroprediction Codes will be defined and broken down
allow improved estimates of range, maneuverability, into three classes. These classes are empirical,
and preliminary miss distance. This means that the semiempirical, and numerical codes. The empirical
aerodynamic code requirements need a blend of codes are analogous to the codes used in Missile
robustness, ease of use, and accuracy while still being Synthesis in Table 3-3. The semiempirical and some
computationally cost effective. Accuracies in numerical codes are used primarily in the missile
aerodynamics of 10 percent or so are generally preliminary design stage of Table 3-3. Finally, the
expected. numerical codes are the only ones with the accuracy
and capability to do the detailed design application as
Finally, one or two configurations are selected for more shown in Table 3-3.
detailed performance estimates. This means accuracy
in the aerodynamics estimates of better than 5 percent In terms of a definition, empirical codes typically
in most cases. Each of the three design levels discussed calculate aerodynamics by a series of simple formulas
require different levels of accuracy, computational that have been approximated based on data fits.
speed, and robustness and, therefore, aid in the choice Typically, these codes can be implemented on a hand
of the level of theoretical complexity needed to meet calculator in many cases and are the most simplistic and
the requirements. least accurate of the code classes.
To meet the theoretical aerodynamics computer code The semiempirical codes typically attempt to calculate a
needs, the Navy began developing such a code in 1971 force or moment using approximations to the exact
based on the 3C approach of Table 3-2. This code falls equations of motion. When this approach fails (such as
into the second category of Table 3-3. Since the first at higher angles of attack), empirical estimates or
version of the NSWCDD Aeroprediction code was methods are used. This blend of approximate theories
released, there have been four versions produced since and empirical estimates is why this class of codes is
that time. termed semiempirical. The semiempirical codes, in
contrast to the empirical codes, generally will calculate
Each of these versions attempted to meet the pressure distribution on the body and lifting surfaces.
requirements as seen by the tactical weapons It is this blend of theory with the empirical estimates
community. The first version was for general-shaped that allows the semiempirical codes to improve accuracy
bodies alone.' It was the first such weapons code over the empirical codes.
known that combined a good mix of accuracy in
aerodynamic computations, ease of use, and The third class of codes is called numerical. These
computational time. It is believed that this mix led to codes will define a grid around the configuration that is
the code's initial popularity and requests for additional composed of points in two or three dimensions.
capability. In 1974,2.' the code was extended to allow Numerical techniques are then employed to solve the
up to two sets of lifting surfaces in the computational equations of motion at all grid points in the flow field
process. In 1977,4*5dynamic aerodynamic derivatives that is bounded by the body and shock or body and
were added to the code's capability. In 1981, the code outer boundary of the flow if the Mach number is
extended the Mach number range up to eight and added subsonic. Numerical Codes are generally based on the
high angle-of-attack capability for a narrow range of linearized or full potential equations of motion, the full
configuration^.^^' Finally, the last version of the code Euler equations or the full or reduced level of Navier
extended the Mach number range higher to include real Stokes equations. If the potential or Euler equations are
gas effects, added new nonlinear lift methodology for used, other methods (such as boundary layer equations)
wings and interference effects, and developed an must be used for skin friction. Also, empirical
improved base drag 'method~logy.~-~ estimates are used for base drag. Hence, even though
these codes are numerical, in most cases to get
This paper will serve several purposes. First, a review complete forces and moments on a configuration, the
of the state-of-the-art (SOTA) aerodynamic prediction use of some empirical data will be necessary. Also, if
codes will be given. Second, a review of some of the the potential equations are solved in a numerical form,
more useful approximate theoretical methods will be the accuracy is similar to the semiempirical codes. The
made. These methods are conventional and have been only difference between the two is that the
in use for many years. Third, a more detailed review semiempirical codes seek pressure distributions on the
of new nonlinear aerodynamic methods introduced over body and wings without solving the entire flowfield.
the past 3 years into the fifth version of the This saves a tremendous amount of computational time.
A final point worthy of discussion are the assumptions map as a function of Mach number, one must compute
inherent in each level of theory. These assumptions are the static aerodynamics over enough a,6, M conditions
given as a function of the theoretical approach in so the flight envelope will be covered. Also, it will be
Table 3-4. Upon examination of Table 3-4, the level of assumed that the missile is a surface launched, tail
code sophistication, computational time, overall cost control, cruciform fin configuration which has a Mach
and accuracy goes down in going from the top to the range of 0 to 4, angle of attack range of 0 to 30,
bottom of the table. control deflection of 0 to 20, and altitude 0 to 80,000
feet. These conditions are reasonable for many of the
One way to try to compare the level of sophistication worlds missiles. To cover the flight envelope, 7 Mach
versus accuracy, and the cost of the various codes, is numbers, 5 as and 5 6s are assumed. This gives a
through the examination of the total cost to obtain a set 5 175 cases. Furthermore, skin friction
total of 7 x 5 ~ =
of aerodynamics. To do this, Table 3-5, which varies with attitude so 5 altitudes will be chosen, giving
compares the educational, computer, and computational a total of 180 cases for which aerodynamics are to be
time requirements of the various Aeroprediction Codes computed on a single configuration.
in use at NSWCDD has been prepared. Referring to
Table 3-5, the level of sophistication increases in going Before costs of each computer code can be made for
from top to bottom of the table. For example, the this particular example, some assumptions must be
MAIR Code is close to an empirical code but it does made. These assumptions are given in Table 3-6.
have some theory included so that it would be in the These assumptions are based on NSWCDD experience
class of semiempirical codes. The Missile 111, in using the various aeroprediction codes. The cost to
Aeroprediction versions 81 and 93, HABP, and Missile perform the set of trim aerodynamics calculations using
DATCOM, are all semiempirical codes. NANC and these codes is shown in Figure 3-1. It should be noted
BODHEAT are primarily numerical codes based on that the cost assumes that Parabolized Navier Stokes
approximations to the Euler and Boundary Layer and Euler plus boundary layer are used at subsonic
equations. SWINT/ZEUS, CFL3DE and GASP, of axial Mach number conditions although the codes in use
course, are all numerical codes. The Aeroprediction at NSWCDD are steady hyperbolic marching solutions
81/93, SWINT/ZEUS, MAIR, NANC, and BODHEAT and will not function where the axial Mach number
were all developed at NSWCDD. The Missile 111 was decreases to one. To go to unsteady computation would
developed by Nielsen Engineering and Research require costs to be multiplied by a factor of at least 10.
(NEAR), HABP and Missile DATCOM by McDonnel Hence, the PNS and Euler plus B.L. costs are based on
Douglas of St. Louis, and the Navier Stokes Codes steady flow of supersonic Mach numbers. For a
were developed jointly by NASA/LRC and VPI. combination of steady and unsteady computations, the
cost of these codes would probably be about five times
Included in Table 3-5 is the time required to learn how greater than those shown in Figure 3-1.
to use the code, the set-up time for a typical geometry,
and the computer time for the one case referenced to There are several points worthy of note in analyzing
the same computer (CDC 865). Also shown are other Figure 3-1. First, for practical routine computations,
criteria including typical educational level of the user as Full Navier Stokes and Thin Layer Navier Stokes are
well as the size of the computer required. To get the beyond the cost most program managers are willing to
total cost of using a code, it is necessary to add the pay. Secondly, they are even beyond the wind tunnel
manpower set-up time to the computer cost and prorate cost to obtain comparable aerodynamics. Thirdly,
the training time over some nominal expected usage. steady PNS, steady Euler plus boundary layer, and
Experience has shown that most project and program semiempirical (Aeroprediction) are all within most
managers are willing to pay the costs of SWINTIZEUS allowable aerodynamics budgets. Going to unsteady
type codes and any above that in Table 3-5. However, computations for subsonic axial Mach numbers makes
the cost and requirements of the full Navier Stokes the cost requirements much higher and may not be
codes must come down substantially before they will be affordable and robust to cover the entire flight regime.
used on a routine basis for design. This means much
additional research as well as advancements in computer A second way of comparing aerodynamic computations
speed are still needed in this area. is the total time it takes to get the complete set of
computations performed. These results are estimated,
To illustrate this point, a particular example was chosen again based on NSWCDD experience, and shown in
for cost comparisons. The example is to develop a set Figure 3-2. Again, the same caveat, with respect to the
of trim aerodynamics on a typical missile configuration PNS and Euler Codes, applies here as to Figure 3-1.
to be used as an input to a three-degree-of-freedom (3 For most development programs, the semiempirical
DOF) flight simulation model. This example is quite codes obviously have the most desirable turn-around-
typical of what an empirical or semiempirical code time (TAT). The Euler and PNS are marginal and
would be used for. By definition, trim is that experimental and Navier-Stokes (N-S) and Thin Layer
combination of angles of attack (as) and control Navier-Stokes (TLNS) generally unacceptable except as
deflections (6s) that give zero pitching moment about long lead items. The combination of cost, accuracy,
the vehicle center of gravity. To determine the (a,6) and complexity of the various means of computing
- Engineer is assumed to know how to use codes so no training time is
I Need enough resolution in grid size to predict skin friction drag
0.0 I I I I I
+ BL'
8 -
llME 6 -
4 -
2 -
0 I I
aerodynamics has led most agencies to a mix of the flow, due to the presence of a body, have more impact
various approaches. The most used codes still remain in the axial as opposed to the normal force direction.
the semiempirical codes with Euler plus Boundary Hence, to get axial force accuracy compatible with a
Layer becoming more and more prevalent as the goal of f10 percent requires second-order methods,
robustness and ease of use improves. Navier Stokes whereas 10 percent accuracy on C, can be obtained
and Thin Layer Navier Stokes are used for specialized with first-order methods in many cases.
problems or a few validation cases of other codes;
much work is still needed to improve user friendliness As already mentioned, the Hybrid theory comes from
for this class of codes. Wind tunnel data still remains the potential equation of fluid mechanics. It is limited
the most reliable but time consuming method to obtain to supersonic flow (we have used this method down to
Aerodynamics. M, = 1.2) where the assumption of isentropic flow
(shock waves are weak) can be made. This typically
3.3 Codes in Use limits the upper Mach number range to about M, =
Lacaul listed many of the codes in use today for 2.0 to 3.0, depending on the body shape. Also, the
calculating aerodynamics. He categorized them as slope of the body surface must be less than the Mach
empirical or semiempirical, full potential, linearized Angle. The Tsien solution, or crossflow part of the
potential, Euler, Full Navier Stokes, and Parabolized solution, comes from the linearized perturbation
Navier Stokes. Reference 1 1 added several of the more equation. On the other hand, the second-order solution
recent codes to this list. Due to space limitations of to the axial flow is found by obtaining a particular
this paper, these lists will not be shown. Interested solution to a reduced version of the full potential
readers are referred to references 10 and 11 for more equation. This is the key to the accuracy improvement
details of these codes. afforded by Van Dykes solution in that some of the
nonlinearity inherent in the axial flow problem is
This completes the discussion on the state-of-the-art in brought into the solution by this process. The beauty of
aerodynamic codes and the various means to obtain the Van Dyke method is that this particular second-
aerodynamics. The bulk of the remainder of this paper order solution is given entirely in terms of the first-
will be directed at the semiempirical code known as order solution. That is, one simply solves the first-
NSWC Aeroprediction as given in Table 3-5. To that order perturbation solution for the axial flow and then
extent, the next section will briefly cover many of the solves an algebraic equation for the second-order
more popular approximate theoretical techniques used solution where the boundary condition at the body is
by many of the semiempirical codes in references 10 satisfied.
and 11. This will be followed by, the new technology
developed for the latest version of the Aeroprediction In equation form, the general first-order perturbation
Code (AP93). Finally, a comparison with experiment problem is:I2
of the AP93 and AP81 will be given for several missile
4.0 CONVENTIONAL APPROXIMATE with boundary conditions that do not allow any
AERODYNAMIC METHODS upstream disturbances:
This section of the paper will review some of the more
important approximate aerodynamic methods that have 0 (0790) = a x (OJ.90) = 0 (la)
proved quite useful in the development of semiempirical
codes. Time and space will not permit derivation of the and that require the flow to be tangent to the body
methods from first principles. However, appropriate surface:
references will be given for the interested reader. The
approach taken here, in the presentation of the material, a r(X,TbO) + sina cos0 =
sinks along the x axis and satisfying the boundary It should be pointed out that in the actual numerical
conditions at each point. The crossflow solution, 3;(x, integration of Equations (6), (7), and (8) the
y), is found by placing a series of doublets along the integration must be carried out in segments of the body
axis, again satisfying the boundary conditions. between each discontinuity due to the discontinuous
pressure distribution.
The particular second-order solution that Van Dyke
found for the reduced full potential equation is Also, the hybrid theory of Van Dyke is limited to
pointed bodies of revolution. Bluntness will be
considered later.
c, (x,0) =
- Syvertson (et al.) extended the generalized Shock-
w: expansion Theory on pointed bodies and sharp airfoils
to what he called a second-order theory.I4 He defined
M:[l - U2 + v2 + w2 the pressure along a conical frustum by
([l + v:
Finally the force coefficients are: instead of a constant on each segment as was the case in
the generalized theory. Here P, is the pressure on a
cone with the given cone half angle equal to the slope
of the conical segment with respect to the axis of
symmetry. p2 is the pressure just aft of a conical
segment which is calculated from a Prandt Meyer
Expansion (PME) of the flow around a comer (as
shown in Figure 4-2, going from points 1 and 3 to
points 2 or 4, for example).
C, =
n rr
i' C, (x, 0) cos (0)n r d0 dx (8) Also
+ X
c, = cp,sin26eq
Equation (15) allows the calculation of the pressure
coefficient all along the blunt surface of a missile nose
or wing leading edge for a perfect gas where Cp, is
given by Equation (14) and sin Se, from Equation (13).
Finally, for negative angles such as would occur on a Experience has shown that the MNT gives very
boattailed configuration, p, was replaced by p,. No acceptable estimates of pressure coefficient on the blunt
discussion was given for blunt bodies. It should be portion of a nose or leading edge, even at Mach
noted that if r] of Equation (10) becomes negative, the numbers where the assumptions of Newtonian Impact
SOSET reverts to the generalized or first-order Shock- Theory are violated.
expansion Theory. This is because Equation (10) will
not give the correct asymptotic cone solution for 4.4 Hybrid Theory of Van Dyke Combined With
negative values of r ] . Modified Newtonian Theory (HTVD/MNT)'
As noted in the discussion on the Hybrid Theory, it is
Experience has shown that SOSET gives very good limited to conditions where the body slope is less than
pressure distributions for low to moderate angles of the local Mach angle. This means it is not applicable in
attack and at M, 2 2. As Mach numbers decrease the nose region of a blunt missile. On the other hand,
below about 2.5, the SOSET becomes increasingly MNT gives very acceptable estimates of pressure
inaccurate until about M, = 1.5, where the accuracy is coefficients in the nose region, even for low supersonic
generally unacceptable. This applicable Mach number Mach numbers where the assumptions, inherent in the
range is very complimentary to the Hybrid Theory of Newtonian Impact Theory, are violated. Moore was
Van Dyke where the accuracy is best between 1.2 I the first to recognize the possibility of combining these
M, 1 2 . 5 . two theories. The key to the successful combination
was in the starting solution. At low supersonic Mach
4.3 Modified Newtonian Theory (MNT)I6 numbers, the pressure overexpands on a blunt nose tip
Newtonian Impact Theory assumes that, in the limit of as it proceeds around the blunt portion from the
high Mach number, the shock lies on the body. This stagnation point to the given portion of the nose. In
means that the disturbed flow field lies in an infinitely- order to capture this overexpansion, Moore found that it
thin layer between the shock and body. Applying the was necessary to start the HTVD near its maximum
laws of conservation of mass and momentum across the acceptable slope and allow the pressure to expand
shock yields the result that density behind the shock around the surface.' Simultaneously, the MNT was
approaches infinite values and the ratio of specific heats started at the stagnation point and allowed to expand
approaches unity. The pressure coefficient on the until the pressure coefficients of the MNT and the
surface becomesI6 HTVD were equal. This was defined as the Match
point. Upstream of the Match point, MNT was used in
c, = 2sin26eq the force and moment calculations, whereas
downstream, HTVD was used. Figure 4-4 is an
where a, is the angle between the velocity vector and a illustration of the boundaries of perturbation and
tangent to the body at the point in question (see Newtonian theories. Figure 4-5 illustrates the capability
Figure 4-3). a, is defined by: of this theory to accurately predict pressure coefficients
Y 8 = dr/dx WHERE: r2 a y2 + z2
30 2nd ORDER
3 1 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
CP 12
EXP. (Ref.17)
THEORY (Ref. 1)
A -
*'O s Experi-
4- menLlrl'7 Thew"
-0.2 +
5 = 0.35, M, = 2.96, et = 8",eC
= 11.5"
The pitching moment about a given point X, is then Equations (20) through (22) allow the calculation of the
mean turbulent skin-friction over the entire body or
c, = -c,(xcp - xd, wing area. The skin-friction axial force coefficient on
each component is then:
The original work of Allen did not include
compressibility effects in but Reynolds number effects
were shown in Cdc at low crossflow Mach numbers.
4.7 Van Driest II Method For Skin Friction DragZo where A,,,e, is the surface area of the component in
Another powerful, yet simple, method for performing question.
aerodynamic computations, is the Van Driest I1 method
for computing skin-friction drag. This method, as For most flows, a portion of the flow is laminar. An
derived, is based on two dimensional turbulent approximation to the mean skin-friction coefficient for
boundary layer flow. Strictly speaking, it is only laminar flow can be obtained from reference 20:
applicable to regions of flow on the lifting surfaces 1.328
where the flow is turbulent, two dimensional, and the Ch = -
viscous region is primarily confined to a thin layer near J75;
the surface (boundary layer). In practice, however, it
has been applied to two and three dimensional surfaces Here the Reynolds number is based on the distance
with success. where transition occurs rather than the reference length,
as was the case for Equation (21).
The turbulent mean skin-friction coefficient according to
Van Driestz0is: The point where transition occurs is dependent on many
factors. Experience has shown, for flight vehicles, a
0.242 (sh-C, +shCz) - transition Reynolds number of 1 x 106 for the body and
0.5 x lo6 for the wings gives acceptable numbers. For
wind tunnel models without a trip, a transition Reynolds
number of 3 to 5 million is more reasonable due to a
smooth surface. If a boundary layer trip is used, the
entire configuration component should have turbulent
where flow.
The variable n of Equation (20a) is the power in the The Flow tangency boundary condition requires:
power viscosity law:
Fa = 0
The pitching moment of a given airfoil section, about
with boundary condition (25b). the point where the wing leading edge intersects the
body, is then (positive leading edge up):
There are many methods to solve Equation (27). The
one used here is that of Chadwick et al.?' which
closely follows Ashley et al.22 The velocity potential
is given by:
W(XP,YJ = -x2Va
At the wing tip, there is an additional disturbance The other two SOSL represent the tip effects. They are
within the Mach line emanating from the tip leading the planforms HJL and IJL and have source intensities
edge (Figure 4-8B). The induced velocity in this of opposite signs than those representing the wing.
region, P = P3 is:
The above procedure can be applied to a wing of
general planform. The only difference is that for each
point in question, the slope is not constant as was the
case in the simplified example. Then for some general
The absolute value of (T is taken because U is actually point located on the wing surface, the total induced
negative for the point P3 . The induced velocity at any velocity due to all sources and sinks is found by
point, say P = P4, outside of the Mach lines emanating applying one of the Equations (43) through (48) for
from the beginning of the SOSL is zero since this point each SOSL. The particular equation applied depends
is out of the zone of influence. upon the location of the point relative to the SOSL and
* Y1
0 p4
4 \
0 \
0 \
0 \
/ \
/ X \
/' I '.\
A -Z
x2 - XI
the Mach line as discussed earlier. These individual interchangeably here) to be concerned with. These are
contributions are then summed to get the total induced the effects on the wing due to the presence of the body,
velocity. Knowing the total induced velocity at a point the effect on the body due to the presence of a wing,
allows one to calculate the pressure coefficient at the and finally, the effect on an aft lifting surface due to
given point by Equation (42). wing or body shed vortices. Wing to wing or shock
wave interference will not be discussed at present.
The pressure coefficient can be calculated at a given
number of spanwise and chordwise locations. The drag To better understand the interference lift components, it
of a given airfoil section at the spanwise station y = yA is instructive to examine the total normal force of a
is then configuration as defined by Pitts et al.2s This is given
w 1.o
HE 0.8
nonlinear wing tail interference, and an improved base prediction and an improved version of MNT was
drag prediction model. derived. These new methods will be briefly described.
These new methods and improvements were directed at SOSET and MNT for perfect gases were discussed in
three weak areas in the NSWCDD Aeroprediction Code 2.1 and 2.3, respectively. Refer to 2,l for the SOSET
of 1981 (AP81): (1) limited Mach number and inability methodology and to Moore, et z7 for the extension
to compute temperatures at the surface for aeroheating to real gases. It is noted that to extend SOSET to real
calculations, (2) lack of nonlinear lift capability except gases requires several things: (1) a cone solution for
for the body alone, and (3) base drag methodology that real gases (pc); (2) a Prandtl-Meyer Expansion (PME)
was not robust enough in terms of including fin effects. for real gases (pz); (3) a derivation of a new pressure
derivative (dp/ds),, where the perfect-gas assumption
5.1 SOSET Extended to Real GasesZ6l has not been made; and (4) a way to compute
The main reason the fourth version7 of the temperature given values of pressure.26 After the real-
aeroprediction code was limited to Mach number 8 was gas pressure derivative (dp/ds), was derived and
that, above M,= 6 real gas effects start becoming checked, it was found that (dp/ds), became negative for
important but, can still be neglected at M, = 8. many cases, causing one to choose between the
However, as Mach number increases substantially Generalized Shock Expansion Theory (GSET where q
above M, = 6, the need to include real gas effects into = 0) and the tangent cone theory (q = CO). In
the aeroprediction code increases if one is interested in comparisons of the pressure prediction to full Euler
inviscid surface temperatures. If one is only interested computations, it was found that a better way to
in forces and moments, real gas effects have a slight implement the shock expansion theory for M 2 6 was
effect on the pitching moment, but only second-order to redefine Equation (10) as
effects on axial and normal force. However, one of
the key issues in high-speed vehicles is aerodynamic P = P, - @, - P J q1
heating, material selection, and insulation. Any excess
weight can have a strong adverse impact on vehicle with q , being an input parameter chosen by the user. It
performance. Thus, a simple yet accurate method of was found that a value of q , = 0 gave slightly better
estimating vehicle surface temperature (inviscid) for use pressure predictions for slightly blunt configurations,
in heat transfer analysis is needed. whereas a value of r ] , = 1 gave better accuracy where
bluntness was large. Thus, final implementation of
Figure 5-lZ6is an illustration of the importance of real SOSET in AP93 is Equation (64), with q, as an input,
gas effects. It plots the static temperature behind a pc the real-gas tangent cone pressure, and p2 the real-
normal shock for both perfect and real gases at an gas value of pressure computed from a Prandtl-Meyer
altitude of 170,000 ft. At this altitude, the speed of expansion.
sound is approximately 1100 ft/sec and the freestream
air temperature is approximately 283K. The normal To compute inviscid temperatures (and other properties)
shock would occur in the vicinity immediately ahead of along the surface of a pointed or blunt body, the
the blunted portion of a seeker or the missile nose. constancy of entropy along the surface for perfect,
Note that the temperatures of interest to tactical frozen, or equilibrium chemically reacting flows is
weapons aerodynamicists can be very high, for high used. Knowing the value of entropy and pressure from
Mach number conditions assuming a perfect gas. Also thepointed cone solutionz9or the normal shock solution
shown on the figure are the real gas results? Note, in for a blunt body,30 one can then use the thermofit
particular, the plot of T,/T,, the ratio of the real gas to equations of Tannehill and Muggd and Srinivasen, et
perfect gas temperature. For Mach numbers of 6 or al.,32to determine other properties, i.e.,
less, this ratio is unity or near unity. This is the reason
that aerodynamic computations below M, = 6 could
neglect real gas effects with little error. However, as
M, goes above M, = 6, the error in temperature using
the perfect gas assumption becomes increasingly large.
This is of particular importance to materials and
structures engineers designing the system to withstand
these temperatures. Also shown in Figure 5-1 is the
melting point of typical structural materials used in
present-day missile design. The actual-use temperature The remaining properties at the body surface can be
is less than the melting-point temperature. For missiles found from standard thermodynamic relationships, i.e.,
that fly at any appreciable time above the maximum-use
temperature of a given material, some form of active
cooling or insulation would be required. This means
additional dead weight and, hence, less performance for
the missile. It is therefore obvious that a reasonably
accurate estimate of temperature is essential for the
design of the seeker and the structure of the weapon.
To meet the need for a fairly accurate method of
predicting surface temperature, SOSET was extended to
include real gas effects. In so doing, new approximate
methods were developed for angle of attack pressure
10 1.o
8 \ 0.8
BEHIND 6 0.6
2 0.2
0 I I I I I I 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 I
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
6 (9
(Fcos20)a2+ (70)
(4/3sin(2e) cos(@))a3
V = / m where
1 2
M = V/a F = (2 - -)(1 - tan2),) - (2 + -)sin2@
In the process of computing surface properties, three Equation (70) is used for pointed body configurations,
new pressure prediction methods were derived. The as well as for blunt body configurations in the
first of these was to give an improved pressure windward plane area (60" < d I180"). Equation (71)
coefficient prediction on the blunt nose of a missile is used in the leeward plane (6 I60") for
configuration over that provided by the MNT. If the configurations with blunt noses. In Equation (70),
pressure coefficient of MNT is defined as (C& = is the pressure coefficient at CY = 0, which
comes from Equation (64). Figure 5-3 is an example of
the application of Equation (70) to a cone along with
the associated inviscid surface temperatures. The
approximate results are close to the exact cone
then the nose pressure on the blunt nose part of a solution.M
missile is given by
cp = ('p)MhIT -Acp (68) Figure 5-4 presents the comparison of the present
methodology for predicting inviscid surface
temperatures on a 20-percent blunt cone at CY = 10 deg
ACp of equation (68) is defined by and M, = 15. These results are compared to a full
numerical solution of the Euler equations (ZEUS)3Sfor
ACp = kcosm (6eq) [cos6eq - ~ o s ( 6 e q ) ~(69)
l both perfect and real gases. The real-gas temperatures
are substantially lower than the perfect-gas results and
where (6 eq), = 25.95 deg, m = 2.78, and also agree with the full Euler solution except in the
vicinity of the overexpansion region past the blunt tip.
Figure 5-4 uses most of the theory developed for the
k = 2.416Cp0+ approximate methodology in Equations (64) through
(71), along with the assumptions used in computing
Figure 5-2 shows the results of the Improved Modified
Newtonian theory (IMNT) of Equations (68) and (69), 5.2 AeroheatingM
compared to Equation (67) alone, and a full numerical The AP93 methodology computes boundary layer
solution of the Euler for a hemispherical heating information in the form of a heat transfer rate,
forebody at M, = 10. The IMNT gives up to 7 q, ; a heat transfer coefficient, H; and a recovery
percent improvement in pressure compared to the temperature (adiabatic wall temperature), Taw, at each
MNT. Even past the match point (6eq < 25.95 deg), computational point.36 These variables are related as
the IMNT gives good agreement with the numerical shown in Equation (72).
solution down to 6eq values of 10 deg. This level of
accuracy in pressure prediction will also translate into 4,
more accurate drag computations, particular on bodies H =
with large bluntness. Taw - Tw
The other two pressure prediction formulas have to do T, is the wall temperature. For high-temperature
with calculating the pressure on a point behind the blunt flows, the heat transfer coefficient is often expressed in
nose portion of the body but at an angle of attack. terms of enthalpies.
These are
H, = 4, (73)
haw - hw
20 - -4
10 -
8, = 15 deg
01 = 10 deg
I I I I I 0
OO 30 60 90 120 150 180
20 ~~
AP - Perfect
ZEUS - Perfect
AP - Real
- ._
ZEUS - Real
At temperatures above about 1500"R, Equation (73) is where A is the leading edge sweep angle and dV,ldx is
the more rigorously correct of the two. The heat the stagnation line velocity gradient derived from
transfer is normalized as shown in Equations (72) and Newtonian theory, assuming, a cylindrical leading edge.
(73) because the coefficients H and HI remain fairly For turbulent flow,
constant over a wide range of wall temperatures, even
though the actual heat transfer rate, q,, may vary
significantly. Thus, since Tawand ha, are not functions
of wall temperature, once a heating computation is
performed for a given Mach numberlaltitude
combination, it need not be repeated simply because of
changes in wall conditions. This weak coupling greatly
simplifies the problem of tracking the time-dependent
thermal response of a surface exposed to boundary layer where V, is the flow velocity parallel to the leading
heating. The aerodynamic solution may be obtained edge stagnation line and the (*) superscript denotes
first with a code such as AP93, and the results stored in evaluation at a reference enthalpy given by4'
tabular form as functions of Mach number, altitude, and
angle of attack. This information can then be accessed h * =0.5(hw+he)+0.22(haw-he) (77)
by an independent algorithm to compute the time-
varying heat transfer rates and the resulting integrated The (e) subscript denotes evaluation at the boundary
surface temperature history along any given trajectory layer edge. The laminar or turbulent status of the flow
that lies within the limits of the data matrix. is determined by comparison of the Reynolds number,
based on the leading edge diameter, to user-specified
The only departure from the use of true inviscid surface upper and lower limits. If Re, is below the lower
conditions as boundary layer edge properties occurs in limit, laminar values are used. If Re, is above the
the case of blunt bodies. The curvature of the detached upper limit, fully turbulent flow is assumed. For
bow shocks associated with these configurations creates intermediate values of Re,, , a linear combination of
an entropy layer near the body surface. The inviscid laminar and turbulent values is computed.
solution would give a uniform boundary layer edge
entropy over the entire body equal to that behind a For points on the body, the Eckert reference enthalpy
normal shock at the free-stream Mach number, since flat plate formulation is used.41 For laminar flow,
this is the entropy along the inviscid streamline that
wets the body surface. In reality, because of the finite P'V,
thickness of the boundary layer, the true edge entropy c j , , =0.332(Pr*)-0.667---
is that which exists at some point in the entropy layer
located at a distance above the surface equal to the local
boundary layer thickness. This entropy value is
determined by an iterative mass balance technique.36
and for the turbulent case,
Once appropriate boundary layer edge conditions are
determined, a series of specialized analytical relations
are used to determine the aerodynamic heating at (79)
various locations. At the nose tip stagnation point, a
simplified version of the Fay-Riddell formula3' gives
q, = 0.763Pr-0.6fi
N, and N, are transformation factors that allow ,Jr the
(74) approximation of three-dimensional (3-D) effects. They
are equal to three and two, respectively. The laminar
g(haw-hJ or turbulent flow character, is determined as before by
comparing the local Reynolds number, based on
The stagnation point velocity gradient, dV,ldx, is boundary layer running length, to user-specified upper
determined from the Newtonian theory, assuming a and lower limits.
spherical nose tip. At the nose tip, the flow will always
be laminar. Heating rates on the surfaces of wings, fins, or canards
are determined by using Equations (78) and (79) but in
If control surfaces are present, the viscous heating this case, N, and N, are both equal to one because of
along their leading edge stagnation lines is determined the two-dimensional (2-D) nature of the flow. The
by the Beckwith and Gallagher swept-cylinder degree of turbulence is determined in the same manner
relations3* modified to include real-gas effects.3g For as for the body.
the laminar case,
An example of the new aeroheating method is given in
q,,, = 0.57Pr-0.6& Figure 5-5. Figure 5-5 shows the heat transfer rate on
a 15 degree half angle cone with a nose radius of 1.1
(75) inches as a function of distance along the axis of
d$(ha,-hJ(cosA) symmetry. Conditions considered are M, = 10.6 and
angle of attack 10 degrees. Comparisons are made with
a more complicated approximate technique4* that uses
streamline tracking combined with the axisymetric
P, = 2.66 Ib/ft2 0 AEROHEAT
HEAT 6.0 -
(BTU/ft*-sec) 4.0 - ',h
2.0 -
0.0 I I I I I I I I 1
analog to model 3-D effects. Experimental data are At this point, it is worth noting that, while the databases
also along with the results from the of Moore, et al., and Butler, et al., helped to improve
MINIVER3' code used in a tangent cone mode. AP 93 the estimate of base pressure as a function of Mach
and MINIVER tend to under predict the data by about number and angle of attack for the body a l ~ n e , ' ' ' ' * ~ ~ . ~
10 - 15 percent, a performance that is credible additional data are still needed for a I15 deg at all
considering the simplified nature of the solution. Note Mach numbers. This need is indicated by the dotted
that the AP 93 gives improved results over MINIVER lines in Figure 5-7, which are extrapolations from data
in the vicinity of the stagnation region due to the more available for a 2 15 deg and engineering judgement.
accurate calculation of entropy at the edge of the This same statement will also be even more true for fin
boundary layer and more accurate real gas properties. effects due to control deflection and angle of attack, as
will be discussed in the following paragraphs.
5.3 Base Drag@v4'
The AP81 estimated base drag using a composite of The total body base pressure coefficient for fins located
empirical data for the body alone. Also, an flush with the base is
approximation was made for the effect of angle-of-
attack, fin location, and fin thickness effects as a
function of Mach number based on a limited amount of
data. As a result, a request was made to the National [1 +O.OlF,] (CP) +O.OIF,(t/d)
" NF.a=O
Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley
Research Center (NASAILRC) to perform additional where ( CpE)NF,a = o , F,, and F, come from the AP93
wind tunnel tests, where additional base pressure curve of Figures 5-6, 5-8, and 5-9, respectively.
measurements could be taken to try and quantify the
effects mentioned, plus those due to control deflection. In Figure 5-8, no data were taken for M, < 2,''''- 45 and
none could be found in the literature. Hence, the data
Wilcox was the chief engineer for the tests that were for M, = 2 are assumed to apply for M, < 2 as well.
conducted and reported.@*45Eighty-nine base pressure While this is a big assumption, it is believed to be
taps were placed around a 7.2 caliber, 5-inch diameter better than neglecting the base pressure effect due to
body with a side mounted sting. These taps were control deflection and angle of attack, which other
placed every 22.5 deg in circumferential location and at engineering aerodynamics codes do. It is also worth
several radii from the body centroid toward the outer noting that Figure 5-9 indicates what is intuitively
edge. The configuration matrix of data taken is shown obvious: for small control deflections and angles of
in Table 5-1. The base pressure measured at each of attack, fin thickness effects are important in base
the 89 orifice locations was then averaged over its pressure estimation, whereas for large values of 01 and
incremental base area to get the average base pressure
6 , the additional change in Cp, due to fin thickness is
at each condition, of Table 5-1. Based on these average
base pressure measurements at each test condition, minimal.
changes in base pressure, and hence, base drag because
of a particular physical model change, or flight The final parameter to define the effect on base
condition change could be readily computed by simply pressure is fin location relative to the body base. This
subtracting the two data points. is done through Equation (82), where
/at61 (deg)
6o 1 0
0 . A , O WlLCOX
20 -
0 1 2 3 4 5
where qo is the incompressible value of 17 (M, = 0) 5.5 Wing-Alone Nonlinear Normal Force and Center
used in AP81. I of Pressure
One of the major reasons the AP8l gave poor results at
CY > 10 deg for many missile configurations was the
The second change is in the value of the crossflow
drag coefficient used. This value was changed to allow failure to include nonlinearities in wing lift. Using
the effect of transition on the body surface to affect the NASA and ONR Data base^^'^^^ a semiempirical
method was developed for the nonlinear wing-alone
value chosen. This affects the value of C,, for M,
normal-force term analogous to the body-alone
values of 0.5 and less. Also, the value of C, is Equations (83) and (84).47*48The nonlinear term of
slightly lower for 0.6 I M, 5 2.2 than that used in wing-alone lift, therefore, can be defined as
AP8 1. This is based on the large NASA Tri-Service
Data Base. The new value of C,, used in AP93 is
given in Figure 5-1 1B. If the flow on the body is a
combination of laminar and turbulent (the case for most
conditions), a value somewhere in between the two Here, f(M,, AR, A) is analogous to the q C,, of the
values on the Figure 5 - l l B curve for M, I 0.5 will body alone in Equation (84). Since the total wing-alone
be computed. If X, defines the length of laminar flow normal force is known for a given AR, M,, A, and
on the body and X, is the total length, then for M, I ( Y , ~ *and
~ ~ the linear value of lift is known from the 3-D
1111 Ill1
(MN= M, SIN a)
8 1
1 1 ;
.............................................. ............................ .....................................
..................................... .............
. :
.... TURBULeNl
.................. .................. ................... ..................Li..................!...................
0.5 1 1s
2 25
Normal Mach k m b r
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Angle of Attack (deg)
0 5 10 15 20 25 3
Angle of Attack (deg)
C = CNL+ klsin2a-A w
The second term of Equation (90) was neglected in
0.56 0.29 0.16
I 0.0
XI 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0
0.0 -1.60 -0.98 0.23 0.55 0.71 0.82 0.89 0.92 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95
0.5 -0.87 -0.24 0.33 0.60 0.73 0.82 0.89 0.92 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95
1.0 -0.31 0.09 0.46 0.68 0.78 0.87 0.91 0.93 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95
1.0 0.30 0.50 0.86 0.93 0.94 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95
1.0 0.66 1.02 1.14 1.18 1.15 1.09 1.02 0.96 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Angle of Attack (deg)
prc a aO
dd I I I I I I
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5
Angle of Attack (deg) Angle d Attack (deg)
aC = 12.5 - 1.06Mm- 2.59Mm for ARs0.5
a c = 12.5 - 6.25M- for AR=1.0
a c = 4.5 + 2.25M- - 2.25M- for AR22.0
CL ,=o
In essence, the model represented by Equations (98a)
through (98c) uses the nonlinear interference factors for
r/s values greater than 0.25; they use a blend of
a D = 33.3 - 8.19Mm + 0.82M: for A = 0
slender-body or linear theory and the nonlinear values
of interference factors for r/s values between 0.05 and
0.25. They also use the slender-body or linear theory
values for r/s values less than 0.05. Hence, when the
body vanishes (r/s = 0), the wing-alone solution will be
automatically recovered in a smoother and more
accurate way.
The semiempirical model for KBV, was also defined in
terms of its slender body or linear theory value, plus a Figure 5-15 is an example of the normal force on the
correction due to nonlinearities associated with angle of wing in the presence of the body and the normal force
attack. The mathematical model for KBV) was defined on the body in the presence of the wing using AP93
as IO9 theory, the AP81 theory, and compared to experiment:
data. Note that
Mach Number
Aspect Taper
Ratio Ratio I0.6 0.8 1.2 1.5 2 .o 2.5 3.0 3.5 2
0 , 0.5,
10.25 1.o -0.1 -0.1 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.3
0.5 0.5 -0.28 -0.1 0.13 0.11 0.05 -0.02 -0.06 0 0
1.o 0.5 -0.26 -0.2 0.15 0.21 0.15 0 0 0 0
2 2.0 0.5 -0.13 -0.04 0.12 0.43 -0.16 0 0.37 -0.08 -0.16
0.5 0 -0.3 -0.06 0.26 0.28 0.17 0.12 0.14 0 0
2 2.0 0 -0.2 -0.1 0.12 0.52 0.12 0.15 0.22 -0.06 -0.22
0.5 1.o -0.16 0.08 0.26 0.14 -0.12 0 -0.05 -0.10 0
2 2.0 1.o -0.2 -0.1 0.12 0.45 -0.02 0.11 0.28 -0.17 -0.3
Data for d[K,,,]/da
Mach Number
Aspect Taper
Ratio Ratio I 0.6 0.8 1.2 1.5 2.0 2.5 3 .O 3.5 2
0 , 0.5
50.25 1.o 0.018 0.013 -0.010 -0.023 -0.013 -0.022 -0.031 -0.025 -0.031
0.5 0.5 0.019 0.010 -0.008 -0.010 -0.013 -0.013 -0.013 -0.012 -0.012
1.o 0.5 0.013 0.010 -0.007 -0.013 -0.020 -0.017 -0.012 -0.012 -0.012
2 2.0 0.5 0.010 0.01 1 0 -0.013 -0.010 -0.017 -0.040 -0.012 -0.012
0.5 0 0.033 0.022 0 -0.007 -0.010 -0.008 -0.014 -0.012 -0.012
2 2.0 0 0.010 0.010 -0.007 -0.020 -0.011 -0.020 -0.023 -0.012 -0.012
0.5 1.o 0.019 0 -0.019 -0.010 -0.007 -0.013 -0.014 -0.012 -0.012
2 2.0 1.o 0.010 0.01 -0.007 -0.017 0 -0.017 -0.026 -0.012 -0.012
2-5 1
In exercising the AP93 on missile configurations in the Referring to Equation ( 5 9 , the vortex normal-force
transonic speed regime (0.6 S M I 2.0), it was found coefficient on the tail iszs
that some of the nonlinear lift associated with small
aspect ratio fins (AR I 1.4) was lost due to shock-
wave formation. An empirical approach in the AP81
accounted for a certain amount of linear lift loss. This
appeared to be satisfactory for the larger aspect ratio
fins, where the nonlinear normal-force term with angle
of attack was negative. However, when the fins have a Equation (101) has a factor F that multiplies the term
positive nonlinear normal force due to angle of attack, due to control deflection in the wing-tail vortex lift.
some of this force appears to be lost with shock waves. This factor is needed in addition to the nonlinearity for
This loss was estimated empirically as a function of kW(B)* P artly because the negative afterbody lift due to
Mach number and angle of attack for a wing that had control deflection is not presently modeled in either
an area-to-body reference area of about one. These AP81 or AP93. This term is defined by Equation (63).
data for AC, losses due to compressibility effects are
given in Table 5-5. A two parameter linear The main reason this term was not included in the
interpolation is made from Table 5-5 for a given M, AP81 code was that it required an estimate of fT, which
and 01 to compute AC,. AC, is further degraded for is the position of the canard shed vortex at the tail.
taper ratio for values of h < 0.5. The specific Also, Nielsen, et al., indicated that this term was
equations for ACN are generally much smaller than that computed by Equation
(lOl)., To account for this term, a vortex tracking
ACNE(,= -(ACN)-
Aw for 1 2 0 . 5 algorithm or an empirical correction to the term in
Aref Equation (101) is needed. For angles of attack much
greater than 25 or 30 deg, a vortex tracking algorithm
may be needed. However, up to a of about 30 deg, a
nonlinear model of interference effects resulting from
I M=1.1
I M = 1.5
I M = 2.0
I M = 2.3
M = 2.87
I M = 3.95
I M24.6
where a w = + fi
10 15 20 25 30 35 2 40
0.0000 0.0000 -0.0220 -0.2060 -0.6890 -0.9500 -1.300
2.0 I 0.0000 I 0.0000 -0.0076 I -0.0376 I -0.1502 I -0.1142 I -0.0951 I -0.0700 I -0.0500 1
22.5 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Number Region
Boattail or Flare
Wave Drag
Base Drag
M, < 0.8
based on Euler
Wu and Aoyoma
Low Supersonic
Van Dyke plus
Van Driest I1
M, > 6 "
SOSET plus
IMNT Modified
for Real Gases
SOSET for Real
Inviscid Lift and Empirical Semiempirical Tsien First-Order SOSET SOSET for Real
Pitching Moment based on Euler Crossflow Gases
attack, a value of F near one is found for the vortex lift shown has a three-caliber tangent ogive nose with total
model, indicating again reasonable accuracy of the length of 12.33 calibers with aspect ratio 2.0 tails and
theory in reference 25. However, as angle of attack is 0.1 dorsals. Mach numbers of 4.5 and 10 are
increased, F increases above one for many Mach considered and comparisons are made with ZEUS code.
numbers. That is, Equation (101) gives values of CNno Results of these comparisons in terms of normal force
too small due to control deflection of a forward surface. coefficient and center of pressure as a function of angle
As already mentioned, this is most probably due to the of attack are shown in Figure 6-1B. Center of pressure
neglect of the effect on the afterbody Equation (63), results show the AP93 within two percent of the body
which accounts for a greater percentage of the afterbody length compared to the ZEUS computations at all angles
effect compared to the Equation (101) results, as angle of attack considered. On the other hand, the AP81
of attack increases. center of pressure results differ by as much as 8 percent
of body length from the ZEUS code. Examining
6.0 SUMMARY OF METHODS IN 1993 VERSION normal force coefficient comparisons, it is seen that at
OF NSWCDD AEROPREDICTION CODE Mach 4.5 AP93 is within 5 percent of ZEUS code,
(AP93) AND COMPARISON WITH whereas AP81 results are low as much as 30 percent
EXPERIMEW?* due to omission of nonlinear wing-alone and
interference lift. At M = 10, the normal force of
The methods used for computing forces and moments in AP93 is within 13 percent of the ZEUS code, whereas
the AP93 are summarized in Tables 6-1, 6-2, and 6-3. AP81 results are off by as much as 40 percent.
Note that the code can now be useful for computing
aerothermal information as well as forces and moments. The second configuration, Figure 6-2A, is taken from
This means the code now has five uses: Howard and DUM. The dorsals have an aspect ratio
of 0.12 and tail surfaces have an aspect ratio of 4. The
a. Providing inputs to flight dynamics models aeroprediction code will not handle the configuration as
that estimate range or miss distance shown at the top of Figure 6-2A. Experience has
shown it necessary to keep the lifting surface area,
Assessing static stability of various missile centroid of area, span, taper ratio, and aspect ratio the
same in the configuration modification process. This
means the tip and root chord of the dorsal and tail
C. Assessing various design parameters in terms surfaces had to be adjusted with these constraints in
of optimizing the configuration mind. The new adjusted configuration is shown at the
bottom of Figure 6-2A. Hence, this configuration has
all parameters outside the empirical data base for use in
d. Assessing structural integrity using the loads
portion of the code the AP93 including Mach number, aspect ratio, body
configuration, and r 1 s.
e. Assessing aerothermal aspects of a design
using heat transfer coefficients at high Mach Howard and DUM showed only normal force coefficient
numbers. results for the body-tail and body-dorsal-tail
configurations at M = 0.1. Results of the AP81,
AP93, and Missile DATCOM are shown in Figure 6-2B
, As seen in Tables 6-1, 6-2, and 6-3, there are many
compared to experiment for both the body-tail and
methods that go into the overall makeup of a component
build up code, such as the APC. The past 20 years body-dorsal-tail configurations. For the wing-body
case, the AP93, and Missile DATCOM produce almost
have shown that this type of code can be quite useful
when used in preliminary or conceptual design studies identical results; both show higher C, values than
experiment, particularly at low angles of attack. It is
to provide down selection on many configuration
alternatives in a fairly accurate and cost-effective not clear why this discrepancy exists. The AP81
results, which have the older values of C,, and no
manner. Most of the methods listed in the tables have
nonlinear wing lift, show even higher results than either
been briefly summarized in sections of the report.
the AP93 or Missile DATCOM.
Several different complete missile configurations have
The body-dorsal-tail configuration results of Figure 6-
been considered in the validation of the AP93 code
2B show that the AP93 is clearly superior to both the
compared to experimental data.8*47 A sample of several
AP81 and Missile DATCOM. Normal force errors of
of the flight conditions on a few of the configurations
considered will be given here. Also, there will be the AP93 are less than 5 percent at all conditions,
whereas errors of the AP81 and Missile DATCOM are
comparisons with AP81 or other SOTA aeroprediction
as high as 40 and 50 percent, respectively. The
codes when such results are available in the literature.
fundamental reason for the AP93 success is the
Funds were not available to do a thorough comparison.
nonlinear wing-alone normal force and interference
factor methodology. At CY = 30, the body-dorsal
The first case for comparison of the AP93 and AP81 is
and dorsal-body contributes about 2/3 of the total
the configuration shown in Figure 6-1A. The body
configuration normal force.
Wing-Body, Body-Wing
Wing-Body Interference
due to 6
Wing and Interference Lifting Empirical Linear Thin Wing Linear Thin Wing Theory or Strip
Roll Damping Moment Surface Theory Theory
Wing and Interference Lifting Empirical Linear Thin Wing Linear Thin Wing Theory or Strip
Pitch Damping Surface Theory Theory
Moment Theory
-- 3.0
I - 1.0
I -. -- 0.0
0.0 I I I
6.0 I I
10.67 20.67
Mach=4.5 Mach=lO.O
;1 3.084-I~
+ 13.454 240
- 1.700
l-4.000-~3.500~- 15.350
(ARh =4.0 bt = 3.76 in. AT= .16 (ALE),= 24" Ar=3.54 in.2
(AR)D= .12 b D = 1.32 in. AD = .77 ALE)^ = 60" A ~ = 1 4 . 2in.2
16- I
14- -
I i
I 1
y 37.125
0 3.5 23.125 33.667 -36.063
CENTER 35.188
The third configuration for validation of the new results up to m o d a t e angles of attack. However,
semiempirical methodology is shown in Figure 6-3A. when nonlinearities are present, the AP93 shows
This configuration also differs substantially from the significant improvement. This improvement is the
geometry characteristics from which the new greatest on the Figure 6-4A configuration at low Mach
semiempirical methodology was derived. The body is number because the nonlinear normal-force term on the
21.2 versus 12.33 calibers long with a 2-caliber Von canards is negative, whereas that of the tails is positive.
Karman versus a 3-caliber tangent-ogive nose. The The combination produces a strong couple in terms of
dorsals and tail surfaces have aspect ratios of 0.36 and the pitching moment as evidenced by Figures 6-4A
2.14, respectively, both at the outer edge of the data through 6-41. A good nonlinear capability, such as that
base. present in the AP93, is absolutely essential to get
accurate stability and control information for these
Wind tunnel data exist for both the body-tail and body- cases. Just examining Figure 6-4B, the center of
dorsal-tail configuration for Mach numbers of 2.3 to pressure of the AP81 at a = 20 deg differs from the
4.6 and at several roll orientation^.^^ Comparisons are experimental data by -9.4 percent of the body length
made at 4 = 0roll and at Mach numbers of 2.3 and versus 1.3 percent for the AP93.
4.6 for both the body-tail and body-dorsal-tail
configurations. Results of these comparisons are shown A fifth case considered in the validation of the AP93
in Figure 6-3B for the body-tail and Figure 6-3C for the code is a configuration representative of the SPARROW
body-dorsal-tail. The AP93 results are within the missile tested at NASA/LRC.. 59 The configuration
expected accuracy bounds on normal force, center of tested and reported by Monta is shown in Figure 6-
pressure, and pitching moment. While AP81 results are 5A.9 The configuration tested by McKinney is just
not shown for clarity, significant improvements in like the one tested by Monta, except it had wiring
normal force for both body-tail and body-dorsal-tail tunnels and wave guides pre~ent.~These appendages
configurations occur with less significant improvements add to the normal force and pitching moment, but were
in center of pressure. As noted in the comparisons, the not accounted for in the analytical computations that are
AP93 is slightly superior to Missile 357for most presented in Figure 6-5. The Monta configuration did
pitching moments and the two codes (AP93 and Missile not have these appendages present and was the main set
3) are about equal in normal force prediction. of data used for the nonlinear empirical model
validation. These results are distinguished in Figure 6-
A fourth case considered is the canard-body-tail case 5 by the fact that the cases that had wave guides present
shown in Figure 6-4A.s8 The configuration is are indicated.
somewhat of an extreme case for the body-alone
aerodynamics because it is a hundred percent blunt and Results of the AP81 and AP93, compared to the
is about 22.3 calibers long. The configuration tested in experiment for the configuration of Figure 6-5A, are
the wind tunnel has hangers attached to the body for shown in Figure 6-5B through 6-5G. Results are
aircraft carry and launch. However, tests were presented in terms of C, and C, versus angle of attack
conducted with and without the hangers, and the results for various control deflections and Mach numbers. The
showed that C, and C, were unchanged but CAwas nonlinear models with and without control deflection
increased with the hangers present. The AP93 and show the AP93 code agreeing much closer to the data at
AP8 1 theoretical computations are compared to the all Mach numbers than the linearized approaches of
corrected data of Groves and Foumier,* where the AP81. On the other hand, the fact that the body-alone
hangers have been omitted. Results are given in normal force of AP81 had the nonlinearities included
Figures 6-4B through 6-41 for Mach numbers of 0.8, makes the comparisons to experimental data better than
2.86, and 4.63 and at canard deflections of 0, 10, and it would be otherwise.
20 deg. Examining Figures 6-4B through 6-41, it is
shown that AP93 gives good agreement with In examing Figure 6-5B, it is seen that both C, and C,
experimexal data under almost all conditions. of AP93 agree with the experiment at 6= 0 and 6 = 10
Significant improvements of the AP93 over the AP81 deg for M, = 1.5 whereas, C, and C, of the AP81
are seen at the lower Mach numbers and at the higher are both considerably in error as angle of attack
Mach number, higher angle-of-attack conditions. increases above 5 to 10 deg. For M, = 2.35 (Figure
6-5C), both C, and C, of AP 93 at 6= 0 and 20 deg
In analyzing why this improvement occurs at those agree with the data. Again, AP8l yields considerable
conditions, it is noted that the aspect ratio of the tail error at 01 2 10 deg, although the error is decreasing
surfaces of the configuration of Figure 6-4A is about with increasing Mach number. For M, = 3.95
0.87 and that of the canard is about 1.7. Examining (Figure 6-92), AP81 gives acceptable results for C,
Tables 6-2 and 6-3, the nonlinearity in wing-alone lift is and C, up to a = 15 to 20 deg and at both 6 = 0 or
small for Mach numbers greater than about 1.5. As 20 deg. The comparison with data gets worse above
normal Mach number increases, [M, sin (a a)] and a = 20 deg, whereas AP93 comparisons show good
Mach numbers exceed about 3.5 to 4.0, nonlinearity agreement at all values of a and 6. The same
due to compressibility becomes important. As long as statements basically hold true for the M, = 4.6
the aerodynamics are fairly linear, the AP81 gives good comparisons (Figure 6-5C).
N3 N3
.83r 1.72
/ I
- + -a--
-- 2.1 1 -7.06 -
5 20
0 5 io 15 20 25 30
Angle of Allack (deg) h g l 4 01 A l l a a (deg)
0,s - ..................:..................J ..................:
(M, = 2.86, 6 = 0') (M, = 4.63, 6 = 0
5 20
5 to 15 20 25
Angle 01 Altadc (deg) Anglo of Attack (deg)
3 2
0.5 .....1..................i..................:.-..
.................. ...__-._.. .....A .._.....-... 0.5
5 io 15 20 25
Angle ol AHack (deg) Angle of Attack (deg)
50- 50
0- .................. ......... 0
i .......i.^ 2 -50
i -150
-150 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Angle ol Attack ( a g ) Angle 01 Attack (deg)
(M, = 0.8, 6 = 10") (M, = 2.86, 6 = 10')
5 -50
(Mm = 4.63, 6 = 10') (Mm = 0.8, 6 = 20")
40. 40
35. 35
30. 30
25. 25
5 20 5 20
15 15
io io
5 5
0 0
5 io 15 20 25 30
Angle of Attadc (deg) Anglo 01 Ana& (dog)
i 2b
Angle 01 Attack (deg) Angle 01 A M & (dog)
50 50
0 0
5 -5c -50
-io< -100
.i5( -150
(M, = 2.86, 6 = 20") (M, = 4.63, 6 = 20")
7 10.39
I \:
- - i
N3 W3
- 2 -
E a
~ m o u ) ~ ~ o m o l n o m o
I * ' y ' y 3 3 v v u )
2-7 I
m ; . . . . . .
. : : : : : :
.. . . ;: i.: :.;. :.:. :.:. : .;. : .:.
.. ... ... .: :. :. :. :. :. :.
In ..c.....:..... .....:.....L.... .....:....
. . .
, ~ ~ I n O
~ ~ ~
, ' y o 1 3 3 Y - T
O I n O I n O I n
N3 W3
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
o I A o ~ " o m o I n o I n
, , c Y y " 3 3 P Y
N3 W3
.. . . . . ' "
. . : C .
. . . . . .: .: .:
: : : : :
: : : ; : : : :
: : : : : : : : 0
... -............................................
... ... ... ... ... ...
........... : : : : : : : m
. . . . . . . . . - z-z
..:: :.. :: eI :: : : .; : .; : : . : : .: .:: ::. ::.
. 0
.. ..
: :,:
;e ; : j.: :j. : j. : j. : j. : 1.: ;.: i. -0
. .
~ m
- o
~ o
1 I
o " o
.. .. .. ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . . . . x
N3 yY3
*.. ..
. ..
. .. .. .. ..
*.. ... ... . . . .
.*. .. .. .. .. . .
.. ....
... .. ... ...
. . .
.* .. ..
.. .. .. .. . . .
. .. .. ..
i ............i.............. cn
: cy
~:. ......
(U * :
-S .......................... -...........
.......................... + ...........
0 0
.......................... -...........
: e ; ......
'314 <
c y z z
In 0
Figures 6-5F and 6-5G show the comparisons of AP81 0 to 30", the reduction in errors of AP93 over AP81 is
and AP93 to the McKinney data,53 which is the same significant. While no equivalent systematic comparison
configuration as that of Figure 6-5A, except that wave with other SOTA codes has been made, the AP93 was
guides and wiring tunnels were attached to the wind superior to other engineering codes at most conditions
tunnel model. As already mentioned, no account was where comparisons were made.
taken for these appendages in the analytical
computations. Note that AP93 agrees much more with 7.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
the data than AP81 for both M, = 2.3 and 4.6 at all
values of 6. In comparing the wind tunnel data for the Numerous investigators have assisted the author in the
cases with and without appendages, it can be seen that aeroprediction work at NSWCDD over the past 23
the appendages add only a few percent to the years. Many of them are listed in the references.
aerodynamics. These individuals include W. McKerley, Gil Graff, R.
Swanson, L. Devan, L. Mason, J. Sun, M. Armistead,
A sixth and final case used in the validation and S. Rowles, T. Hymer, and R. McInville at NSWCDD.
development of the nonlinear aerodynamics model is Also, contributions have been made by F. De Jarnette
shown in Figure 6-6A. Note that in Figure 6-6A, two at N.C. State, Frank Baltakis of Advanced Technology
configurations were actually tested, one that had a full- Associates, Nielsen Engineering and Research, and
tail surface and a second that had a partial cutout Lockheed Missiles and Spacecraft. Appreciation is
removed.54 The AP93 will not handle the partial-wing expressed to each of these individuals or organizations
configuration as it stands, so an engineering model of for their roles.
this wing must be created. Experience has shown that
the lifting surface area, aspect ratio, span, leading edge Those who had the foresight to sponsor the work are
sweep angle, and centroid of the presented area, must not referenced and are also acknowledged. W. Pasiuk
be held constant. The chord is varied so as to meet of the Naval Sea Systems Command was the first
these constraints. Hence, the configuration that individual to sponsor the work. He was joined by the
represents the partial-wing results is the body canard of Naval Air Systems Command, B. Volz and D. Hutchins
Figure 6-6A, plus the AP93 representation of the partial in 1977. A small amount of support was also given by
tail shown in the lower right of Figure 6-6A. the U.S. Army Missile Command, R. Deep; and the
Air Force Armament Lab, D. Daniel. Currently, the
Figures 6-6B through 6-6D present comparisons of work is being supported by the Office of Naval
AP93 with wind tunnel test data. Data were only Research, D. Siegel, through the Surface Launched
available at M, = 0.2; however, this complements the Weapons Technology Program at NSWCDD (R. Staton)
previous data set for the SPARROW missile in the and the Air Launched Weapons Technology Program at
sense that no subsonic data were available for that case. the Naval Weapons Center, (T. Loftus). Other funding
Full-tail and partial-tail results are denoted on the has also been obtained from the NSWCDD Independent
figure. Some results were available from Reference 54 Research Program.
for the Missile Dactom@
.' These results are also shown
where available.
+ - - - - - - - e--
I- . I-."
k 7 : 3 3 -
Aw = 52 in2
AR= 1.16
XLE = 97
-I I-1.0
I-1.0 4.9-1 1-11:57-
. . . .
... .. ..
*. (U
.. .. . .
.. .. .. ...
.. ..
g g
** ..
*. .. . . .. .. e.
. . . Y
.. -................**....................
* . : :
. .
... ... ... ...
...* .... .. ..........
... ... *. ..
.. .. .. ..
. I
...* .... ... ...
..* ... *.* ...
. . .. ..
N3 W3
0 8
N3 W53
.......+.........+ +..-
. ,
.......+.........i........ :
:. .
i:: Ie*
.......+......... +....... :.
i :
: I
....... ......... .........
O v ) O !
l n w
N3 W3
5 . Swanson, R. C. and Moore, F. G., Aerodynamics 16. Leis, L., "Hypersonic Flow," Inst. Aero. Science,
of Tactical Weapons to Mach Number 3 and Angle preprint No. 554, 1955.
of Attack 15 Degrees: Part Il-Computer Program
and Usage, NSWCDL TR-3600, Mar 1977, 17. Jackson, C. M., Jr.; Sawyer, W. C.; Smith, R.
NSWCDL, Dahlgren VA. S., A Method for Determining Surface Pressures
on Blunt Bodies of Revolution at Small Angles of
6. Devan, L., Aerodynamics of Tactical Weapons to Attack in Supersonic Flow, NASA TN D-4865,
Mach Number 8 and Angle of Attack 180": Part I, Nov 1968.
Theory and Application, NSWC TR 80-346, Oct
1980, NSWC, Dahlgren, VA. 18. De Jarnette, F. R.; Ford, C. P.; and Young, D.
E., A New Method for Calculating Surface
7. Devan, L. and Mason, L., Aerodynamics of Pressures on Bodies at an Angle of Attack in
Tactical Weapons to Mach Number 8 and Angle of Supersonic Flow, AIAA Paper No. 79-1552,
Attack 180": Part 11, Computer Program and Users AIAA 12th Fluid and Plasma Dynamics
Guide, NSWC TR 81-358, Sep 1981, NSWC, Conference, Williamsburg, VA, Jul 1974.
Dahlgren, VA.
19. Allen, J. H. and Purkins, E. W., Characteristics
8. Moore, F. G.; Hymer, T. C.; and McInville, R. of Flow over Inclined Bodies of Revolution,
M. ; Improved Aeroprediction Code: Part I- NACA RM A 50M7, Mar, 1951.
Summary of New Methods and Comparison with
Experiment, NSWCDD/TR-93/9 1, May 1993, 20. Van Driest, E. R., "Turbulent Boundary Layers in
NSWCDD, Dahlgren, VA. Compressible Fluids, " Journal of Aeronautical
Sciences, Vol. 18, No. 3, 1951, pp. 145-160,
9. Moore, F. G.; McInville, R. M.; and Hymer, T. 216.
C. ; lmproved Aeroprediction Code: Part Il-
Computer Program Users Guide and Listing, 21. Chadwick, W. R., "External Loads Using
NSWCDD, Dahlgren, VA, Aug 1993. Nonplanar Lifting Surface Theory," Journal of
Aircrafr, Vol. 11, No. 3, Mar, 1974, pp. 181-188.
10. Lacau, R. G.; "A Survey of Missile
Aerodynamics," proceedings of NEAR Conference 22. Ashley, Holt, Landahl, Martin; Aerodynamics of
on Missle Aerodynamics, NEAR, Inc., Mountain Wings and Bodies, Addison-Wesley Publishing
View, CA, Oct 1988, paper 1. Company, Inc., Reading, Ms., 1965, Chapter 7.
11. Moore, F. G., State of the Art Engineering 23. Purvis, J. W., Lifing Surface Theory Calculations
Aeroprediction Methods with Emphasis on New of Aerodynamic Wing-Tail Load Distributions
Semiempirical techniques for Predicting Nonlinear During Subsonic Maneuvers, NWL TR-2787, Aug
Aerodynamics on Complete Missile Configurations, 1972 NSWCDD, Dahlgren, VA.
2-8 I
25. Pitts, W. C.; Nielson, J. N.; and Kaatari, G. E.; 36. McInville, R. and Moore, F. G., Incorporation of
Lift and Center of Pressure of Wing-Body-Tail Boundary Layer Heating Predictive Methodology
Combinations at Subsonic, Transonic, and into the NAVSWC Aeroprediction Code,
Supersonic Speeds, NACA TR 1307, 1957. NSWCDD/TR-93/29, Apr 1993, NSWCDD,
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26. Moore, F. G.; Armistead, M. A.; Rowles, S . H.;
and De Jarnette, F. R.; Second-Order Shock- 37. Anderson, J. D., Hypersonic and High
Expansion Theory Extended to Include Real Gas Temperature Gasdynamics, McGraw-Hill Book
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38. Beckwith, I. E. and Gallagher, J. J., Local Heat
27. Moore, F. G.; Armistead, M. J.; Rowles, S . H.; Transfer and Recovery Temperatures on a Yawed
and De Jarnette, F. R.; "New Approximate Cylinder at Mach Numbers of 4.15 and High
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39. Hender, D. R., A Miniature Version of the JA70
28. Park, C.,and Leon, S . , Calculation of Real-Gas Aerodynamic Heating Computer Program, H800
Effects on Blunt-Body Trim Angles, AIAA paper (MINIVER), McDonnell-Douglas Astronautics
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29. Hudgins, Henry E., Jr., Supersonic Flow About 40. Eckert, E. R. G., Engineering Relations for Heat
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Thus the control system of these missiles will have to system is relatively light and quite easy to set into
combine extremely short response time with a high operation. However, it has the following main
, manoeuvring capability which can be set into operation limitations:
in extreme dynamic pressure conditions (low speed,
high altitude). - limitation in response time due to the delay between
the order and execution, a delay linked to the
Within the framework of groundhrface to air warfare, parameters which rule the angular movement
it is necessary to take into consideration, besides the necessary for generating lateral acceleration (missile
saturating attack threat, risks of late unmasking of inertial moment, aerodynamic damping moment,. ...)
stealthy targets. Such targets, taking advantage of independently of the type of fins used. Typically,
terrain camouflage, can, in addition, be supported by the time constant of an aerodynamic pilot can range,
countermeasures designed to delay their detection. A as a function of altitude, from one tenth to some
procedure such as vertical firing is an adequate tenths of second,
response allowing all-directional defense within a
minimum period of time, and permitting, thanks to - limitation in manoeuvrability when the dynamic
trajectory shaping, a diving trajectory sheltered from pressure ( p V2)is low, i.e. when the missile velocity
protection jammers. The missile control system will is low (at launch for instance) or when the altitude
have to control this trajectory from zero velocity, in is high.
particular in the case of a launch from a moving
platform (ship for example). As a result, aerodynamic control systems do not
comply with requirements as listed 52. Consequently,
Furthermore, the targets of a ground-to-air missile can when the mission concerns difficult targets or unusual
also be missiles. Given the velocity and the condition of use, such system will have to be
manoeuvring capability of such targets, anti-missile completed, or to be replaced, by an other system such
missiles will also have to be capable of a very short as pyrotechnical devices.
response time (some tenths of milliseconds as a
maximum) and a very high manoeuvring capability so 4. PYROTECHNICAL SYSTEM CONTROL
as to destroy their target with a conventionnal warhead.
Moments and forces necessary for missile control can
In short, for many reasons, control systems of future be generated, partially or totaly , using pyrotechnical
tactical missiles must, at various degrees, according to devices such as thrusters or thrust deflectors. It is
the type of interception, be provided with the following obvious that forces generated by such devices are not
capabilities: affected by missile velocity or air density. In addition,
it is possible to generate or deflect such forces with
- a very short response time (of approximately a tenth extremely low delays ranging from some milliseconds
of milliseconds in the extreme case of anti-missile to about ten milliseconds, according to the size and the
warfare); type of the system used. Consequently, these systems
can perfectly replace aerodynamic system control, or
- high manoeuvrability, perhaps in the order of 50 g or can be complementary.
more for certain applications;
They can be used either as "moment generators" or
- significant effectiveness at very low speed level and "force generators". Combined modes can be of interest
high altitude, i.e. at low dynamic pressure. as well as associations with a standard aerodynamic
pilot in order to benefit from advantages specific to
4.1. Pyrotechnical moment control
To execute a lateral acceleration order, standard
aerodynamic control generates a moment through fins. In this type of control, the pyrotechnical system
This moment transmits an angular movement to the generates a force whose point of application is far from
missile, which generates an aerodynamic angle of the center of gravity. Consequently, this type of control
attack and, as a result, an aerodynamic lift allowing to is similar to standard aerodynamic control but, as a
make the required manoeuvre. major advantage, is effective even at low dynamic
Figure 3.1 shows this process in the case of a standard
missile fitted with tail control surfaces. The new US surface-to-air missile ERINT (figure 4.1)
is an example of missile using such a control system,
Schematically, the aerodynamic control takes from the with a battery of 180 thrusters located in the forepart
missile kinetic energy the energy necessary for of the body.
modifying the trajectory curvature. Consequently, the
4.2. Direct thrust vector control: PIF (french ballistic missiles (in the endoatmospheric domain); the
acronym for PIlotage en Force) [1,2] very high relative velocity upon interception,
combined with short homing ranges, requires rapidity
Direct thrust vector control consists in directly and manoeuvrability capabilities which can be
generating lateral acceleration thanks to a propulsion provided by the PIF-PAF control system;
force applied to the missile center of gravity.
- homing stability advantage thanks to load factor
Among systems which can be planned for this type of obtained with very limited pitch movement;
control, let us quote missiles equipped with a thruster
battery (figure 4.2) or with a gas generator associated - finally and, above all, an extremely short response
with a switching unit (figure 4.3). time allowing to obtain missdistances compatible
with the hard kill of attackers making high
In the first case, typically adapted to a rolling missile, penetrating manoeuvres.
thrusters are ignited when the propulsion force they
generate has the required roll orientation. The response 5. LATERAL JET CONTROL APPLICATIONS
time is equal to the thruster ignition time (some ms)
increased by the time necessary for obtaining the 5.1. Surface-to-air weapon system ASTER
required orientation (as a function of rotation velocity
and number of non-consummed thrusters). The principle of PIF-PAF control is applied to the
surface-to-air missile ASTER which will be assigned
In the second case, gases are supplied by two difficult missions such as the interception of rapid
semi-boosters whose simultaneous combustion ensures missiles (Mach > 2) manoeuvring under high load
gravity center invariancy. A switching unit directs factor in intense countermeasure conditions. In
gases to nozzles located in one of the two diametrically addition, the threat can be omnidirectional (figure 5.1).
opposed directions. In this case, the force establishment
response time is reduced to the switching unit response This missile is based on a two-stage design which
time, for example, ten milliseconds. includes (figure 5.2):
It can be noted that, in the two above cases, it is - a terminal dart, called ASTER which is light and
advisable to slightly direct the propulsion jets rearwise highly agile owing to the PIF-PAF control system,
which will contribute to sustain the missile velocity.
- a jettisonable booster whose acceleration level and
Advantages of direct thrust vector control (PIF) operating time depend on the assigned mission.
Applications of direct thrust vector control used as the It is fired vertically so as to ensure omnidirectional
only control means are limited to missile whose flight coverage with an extremely short response time.
time is short, due to problems of propellant During the accelerated phase, the trajectory is shaped
consumption and, consequently, of gas generator so as to enable the missile to meet short-range
weight and dimensions. As a result, it is in principle requirements. At the beginning of the acceleration
well suited to anti-tank or very short range phase, shaping is controlled by thrust deflection (acting
surface-to-air missions. as a moment control system).
4.3. PIF-PAF control (PAF: french acronym for During the terminal phase, an active seeker homes the
Pilotage ACrodynamique Fort) [1,2] missile towards the target. In the late homing phase,
the PIF system assists an highly manoeuvring
The advantage of PIF control is displayed when PAF aerodynamic pilot. Thanks to this association, all types
control has reached its limits (response time, of targets can be intercepted.
manoeuvrability with low-dynamic pressure). If these
two types of control are combined, we benefit from The PIF control is performed using a device fitted with
their respective advantages. 4 nozzles which are set two by two in diametricaly
opposite directions in two orthogonal planes (the
Advantages of PIF-PAF control missile is roll-stabilized). A clever switching unit
command allows to obtain the required orientation of
The main upgradings conferred by this type of control the lateral propulsion force.
are the following:
- high manoeuvrability, since the missile benefits from A tricky problem is the interaction between lateral jets
the PIF in addition to the aerodynamic load factor. and missile aerodynamics which will be described in
We can particularly appreciate the advantage of this detail in chapter 6 .
characteristic at high altitude, associated with that of
a rapid response for the interception of some types of
5.2. Anti-tank weapon system ERYX Description of the aerodynamic interference will be
presented, based largely on results of ONERA
ERYX is a short range anti-tank weapon system (50 to experiments, jets from flat-plate or from bodies of
600 meter-range) which complies with strict revolution. These experiments include flow
requirements: visualization, static pressure distribution, flowfield
survey and induced force results.
- high terminal effectiveness;
- high hit probability, at any distances, of "pop up" and Some of the important features of the flowfield created
moving targets; by a jet interacting with an external crossflow are
- confined space firing; illustrated in figure 6.1.
- one-man portable missile and shoulder-firing
capability; We can distinguish two types of interaction:
- low cost, compatible with large-scale distribution. the local iGeractions,-<n the neighbourhood of the
nozzle; they are due to the fact that the jet plume
There is no standard solution to the problem raised. presents an obstacle to the external flow, and it
Indeed, confined space firing implies, for the gunner's causes modifications of the pressure distributions
safety, a launch at very low speed. However and in an over the surface around the jet exit,
antinomic way, accurate guidance against targets
moving at short range requires, from launch phase, a the downstream interactions, in the far wake; they
high manoeuvring capability and a very low response come from the vortex structure of the jet wake,
time of the missile. which can have significant effects when lifting
surfaces are located downstream of jet controls.
Such requirements are not compatible with the use of
a standard aerodynamic control system. In order to 6.2. Local interactions
solve this problem AEROSPATIALE has designed the
ERYX missile which is fitted with a direct thrust vector 6.2.1. Jets in supersonic external flow
control system (PIF system). General description
The missile layout is shown in figure 5.3. We will
notice the original layout of the missile which is fitted The interaction between an axisymmetric
with a booster housed in the front section, a PIF device underexpanded jet and flow over a body from which
at the center of gravity and a powerful warhead in the the jet exhausts is illustrated in figure 6.2. For these
rear section. ONERA experiments, the jet exhausts from a
supersonic nozzle, canted downstream, and the
This layout is favorable to control effectiveness and to boundary layer approaching the jet is turbulent.
warhead effectiveness whose stand off is thus
optimized. As shown in figure 6.2, the jet plume presents as an
obstacle to the external flow, which causes, in
A tricky problem is the interaction between lateral jets supersonic flow, a strong shock and a separation of the
and missile aerodynamics which will be described in boundary layer upstream of the jet. As a result of high
detail in $6. pressure levels downstream of the shock, the jet is
turned in the direction of the axial flow (figure 6.3).
The missile is ejected from its launching tube at The shock structure is highly three dimensional,
approximately 18 m/s. This low speed allows confined bounded by a 3D mixing layer as it can be seen from
space firing and is totally safe for the gunner as shown the oilflow visualization (figure 6.2). Downstream, the
on figure 5.4. mixing layer surrounds the plume and reattaches to the
body with a secondary shock whose trace is evident in
6. DESCRIF'TION OF THE AERODYNAMIC the oilflow pattern.
In the jet, near the nozzle exit, another shock structure
6.1. Background appears; this shock, referred to as the Mach disk, is
commonly encountered in highly underexpanded
The flowfield associated with the interaction of a sonic axisymmetric jets exhausting into still air. Here, as the
or supersonic gaseous jet with a transverse external jet plume is transverse to a supersonic external flow,
flow is very complex. the Mach disk is also turned in the downstream
Literature on the subject is very abundant. In particular
synthesis works of SPAID and CASSEL [3] and From recent ONERA experiments, JACQUIN [SI
MARGASON [4] can be mentioned. underlined that strong instabilities expand in the jet
mixing layer. This can be seen from the schlieren
photograph in figure 6.4, obtained with very short produced by the jet increases, and consequently the
"time exposure". We can see that these turbulent different zones, of high pressure and low pressure, are
structures appear mainly in the region upstream and larger, whereas the pressure levels are quite similar,
above the jet. This is related to a benefit effect of the except for the lowest pressure ratio, for which the jet
jet curvature for the development of centrifugal is overexpanded rather than underexpanded.
instabilities. Consequently, acoustic waves can be
observed between the jet and the bow shock, whose The influence of the jet exit Mach number is shown in
shape is not so smooth as one could expect. It seems figure 6.10, for flow conditions corresponding to the
that these waves come from the region just upstream of same jet momentum flux (or approximatively the same
the nozzle exit. The comparison between the two thrust). The sonic jet, which is highly underexpanded,
photographies of the figure 6.4, show that for a warm produces relatively larger disturbances than the
jet, the acoustic waves are more intense, which is in supersonic jets.
accordance with the fact that in this case the convective
velocities in the jet mixing layer are much higher. Figure 6.11 presents results obtained at different
external Mach numbers. This effect is more difficult to Bow shock analyse because it depends on the various possible
choices for the flow parameters. For a constant
In the analysis of jet-induced aerodynamic interference, momentum flux ratio (pj y Mj2/p, y MOz)we observe
most of the shock shape predictions are made using the that when the Mach number MO decreases, first the
analogy with the detached shock of a blunt body [6] bow shock moves upstream, and secondly that the
(figure 6.5). pressure levels are more important (lower pressure in
the recirculation zone, higher pressure in front of the
Nevertheless, it is very difficult with such models to jet).
take into account all the flow parameters.
The effect of inclining the thrust axis of a circular jet
From schlieren visualizations made for different flow relative to the external flow direction is shown in
conditions (fig. 6.6) we observe that the distance figure 6.12. For these experiments, the jet was canted
between the bow shock and the nozzle exit increases downstream, and as expected the result is that the
when the jet pressure increases, when the external disturbances are much lower, in particular for the
Mach number decreases or when the jet exit Mach upstream boundary layer separation. An inverse effect
number decreases. will be encountered for a jet canted upstream.
In the same way, the separated zone just ahead of the A similar effect is observed for a rectangular cross-
bow shock grows when the jet pressure increases. sectional shape of the nozzle in comparison to a
circular one (figure 6.13). This can be explained by the Mach disk location fact that for the same exit area, a rectangular nozzle,
with a streamwise orientation, is less large, and so the
As mentioned in [8], the knowledge of the position of jet obstruction and the disturbances are lower.
the Mach disk is very important for the prediction of
the jet trajectory. This position is generally determined For practical application, the gas exhausting from the
from schlieren visualisations, and from such nozzle comes from the combustion of propellants,
measurements BILLIG [7] has proposed correlations while ambient temperature air is commonly used in
for the Mach disk location. As shown in figure 6.7, wind-tunnel test as the jet gas. The main difference
these correlations agree quite well with ONERA between the two gases is that the hot jet has much
experiments. higher velocities. Figure 6.14 shows a comparison
between cold and hot jets, for which the nozzle exit Pressure distributions pressure and the nozzle thrust were the same. The
induced pressure distributions indicate a forward shift
A typical induced pressure distribution near the jet is of the separation and bow shock, but only a slight
shown in figure 6.8. Here the supersonic jet exhausts effect on the downstream disturbances.
from a flat plate into a Mach 2 external flow.
Upstream of the nozzle exit, the jet bow shock and Most of the jet interaction data available in the
separation shock induce high pressures. Downstream, literature are obtained from experiments with flat plate.
we first observe a low pressure region which For missile applications, the jet issues from a body of
corresponds to a separated (recirculation) zone under revolution, which is often at non-zero incidence, that is
the jet; then the pressure increases up to an to say that the external flow is non-uniform. Moreover,
overpressure, due to a reattachment shock. an effect of the local radius of curvature of the surface
near the nozzle could be expected.
A jet pressure ratio effect is presented in figure 6.9.
When the pressure ratio increases, the obstruction The results presented figure 6.15 show that in both
cases the ..dwfield structure is very similar, in sketched as shown in fig. 6.19.
particular for the pressure distribution. Only a slight
effect of the body incidence is discernible. All along its turning process, the jet itself disappears
quickly, and the main identifiable structure in the far
6.2.2. Jets in subsonic external flow wake is a set of contrarotating vortices. Nevertheless
we can also distinguish secondary vortices close to the General description wall; this horseshoe vortex is due to the adverse
pressure gradient just ahead of the jet, which causes the
In a subsonic crossflow, the general behavior of the boundary layer to roll up.
flow structure is similar to that in supersonic cross-
flow, except that there is no bow shock and no An example of flow-field measurements obtained at
separated shock ahead of the nozzle exit. However, for ONERA [5] is presented in figure 6.20. The data were
underexpanded jets, internal shock (Mach disk) are obtained for a Mach 2 underexpanded hot jet (Tij/Tio=
always present (figure 6.16). 3) in a Mach 2 crossflow, and for a momentum flux
ratio pjVjz/pOV~of 10.
For subsonic Mach numbers, the dynamic pressure of
the external flow is much smaller; as a result, the jet is Vector plots of the in-plane velocities, total temperature
less turned in the direction of the axial flow than it was contours, vorticity contours, turbulence level contours,
in supersonic crossflow, and its penetration is better. and total pressure contours are presented for different
cross-section downstream of the nozzle exit.
Moreover, for a very low speed external flow, the only
mecanism responsible for the deflection of the jet is the From these measurements, the different distinguishable
entrainment associated with the turbulence in the features of a jet exhausting into a crossflow are
mixing layer. underlined: Pressure distributions figure 6.20b shows large upwash velocities in the
symmetry plane, in particular for the most upstream
Induced pressure distributions near a supersonic jet cross-section; these are due to the combined effect
exhausting from a body of revolution into a Mach 0.5 of the jet entrainment and vortices; this figure also
external flow are shown in figure 6.17. shows that, downstream, the flowfield is dominated
by a vortex pair,
We observe the same tendencies as before:
- a region of high pressure, upstream, due to the jet although there is not a clearly defined boundary
obstruction; between the jet and the freestream, the temperature
- a region of low pressure downstream; contours (figure 6 . 2 0 ~show
) the kidney shape of the
- higher disturbances when the jet pressure ratio jet, which is evidence of the presence of lateral
increases. vortices, which transport mainstream fluid into the
An effect of the external Mach number is presented in
figure 6.18 for a fixe jet pressure ratio. When the these main vortices are clearly indentified by the
Mach number decreases, the dynamic pressure of the vorticity contours in figure 6.20d; a horseshoe
external flow is smaller and smaller, and consequently vortex can also be seen, close to the wall (x/Dj =
jet entrainment effect is higher and higher. lo); the main vortices seems to come from the jet
itself, although a third vortex system is also apparent
Therefore, the overpressure level, upstream of the jet in the jet, just above the previous one at x/Dj = 5;
decreases, and when the external flow velocity is very these last vortices could be the vestiges of the free
low (MO< 0.3) the entrainment effect tends to induce jet ring vortices which evolve from the boundary
negative pressure coefficients all around the nozzle layer of the nozzle; the origin of this vortex system
exit. will be discussed deeply in section 6.3.2,
pressure contours in figure 6.20f ; under the jet, a (see for exampl [91).
low pressure region is also visible, between the two
main vortices, This physical scheme is based on the fact that it exists
two possible sources of vorticity in the flow (figure
- from these measurements, different trajectories can 6.26):
be characterised (figure 6.21): - vertical vorticity (U,) produced by the crossflow
. the jet trajectory, which corresponds to the which shears the jet fluid along the lateral edges;
location of the maximum of total pressure or total - transverse vorticity (U,) coming from the boundary
temperature; layer in the nozzle.
. the vortices trajectory, which corresponds to the
maximum of vorticity. For the first mechanism, the vortex strength r, is a
function of the crossflow velocity and size of the
When a jet exhausts from a body of revolution at zero nozzle, and the contribution of r, to the main vortices
incidence, the wake structure is very similar,to the one (r,)requires a reorientation of the vortex lines (vortex
from a flat plate (figure 6.22). For a positive tilting). Within this process, the vortex strength is
incidence, the jet being located on the windward side independent of the jet velocity, whereas experimental
of the body, we observe that the jet trajectory is closer results show that the strength of the main vortices
to the body and the body vortices on the leeward side increases when the jet momentum flux increases.
are slightly affected. For a negative incidence, these
body vortices are virtually cancelled and only the jet For the second mechanism, JACQUIN [SI demonstrates
vortices are visible, but altered, in comparison to those that the vortex strength is a function of R2 (jet
at zero incidence. momentum flux ratio: R2 = pjyM,2/poyMo2),which is
in agreement with experiments (figure 6.27).
For missile applications, the main problem associated
with jet control is that the vortex structure of the jet Finally, it seems that the first mechanism is not
can have significant effects on lifting surfaces located sufficient to explain the presence of the main vortices,
downstream of the nozzle. and that the second mechanism is the most important.
An example of such interactions is presented in figure 6.3.3 - Vortex strength and location
6.23 for panel forces measured with or without the
presence of a jet. As it can be seen, the induced lift is A lot of velocity measurements have been made for a
negative; this is due to the velocities induced by the jet in a subsonic crossflow, which give a good
vortices on the wing, but also to the low dynamic description of the vorticity properties.
pressure encountered in the jet wake.
An example of such data, from FEARN and WESTON
For a windward location of the nozzle, we can also [22] is presented in figure 6.28. As it can be seen, the
note that the interactions increase when the body vortices gradually weaken each other by the diffusion
incidence increases, because the jet plume is swept of vorticity across the symmetry plane.
accross the body.
Similar results have been obtained from ONERA tests
Moreover, during a manoeuver, if the jet is not located for a jet issuing from a flat plate in a supersonic
in the pitch plane, large rolling moment can be induced external flow. The vortex characteristics are presented
on the missile, as shown in figure 6.24. in figures 6.29 to 6.32, in non-dimensional form for
the maximum vorticity (w,,,/(UJdj)), lateral spacing
6.3.2 - Origine of the vortices (dy/d,) and vortex penetration (h/dj).
The origin of the main vortices has been the subject of Figure 6.29 shows that the vorticity decreases all along
many investigations for the last years, but an improved the jet trajectory, as it did in the FEARN and
understanding has not been well established. WESTON experiments for incompressible flow. In the
same way the lateral spacing increases, which
On the basis of the analogy with the flow structure on corresponds to an increase of the vortex diffusion.
a solid circular cylinder in crossflow, some authors
suggest that the vortices come from the recirculation We have seen previously that the vortex strength
zone behind the jet. (circulation r) increases with R2 (momentum flux
ratio). For the maximum vorticity in the core of the
In fact, from a recent analysis, JACQUIN [SI suggests vorticies, it seems from figure 6.30 that this vorticity
that these vortices are an extension of the free jet ring is quite independent of R2, except for the lowest ratio.
vortices which evolve from the nozzle exit (figure
6.25), and this assumption is corroborated by In this last figure, an effect of the external Mach
computational investigationsusing Navier-Stokes codes number is also presented. As expected, when MO
increases the vortex penetration (h) decreases, and we For mid-body thrusters, a special definition is required
can note that the vorticity decreases also. for the moment amplification factor, since the thrust
acts through, or near the centre of gravity (centre of
Another factor that affects the vorticity properties is the moment) :
nozzle exit shape and jet deflection angle. The data
presented in figure 6.31 show that for a rectangular jet, K, = l+Mi/FjD
with a streamwise orientation, the vorticity is greater D body diameter
than for the circular jet; the lateral spacing and
penetration of the vortices are also higher. The other 7.2. General features
important feature of this figure is that inclining the
nozzle downstream increases the vorticity. An example of induce forces obtained from ONERA
experiments [lo] is shown in figure 7. for a generic
The jet temperature effect has been investigated missile configuration. The supersonic jet was
recently by JACQUIN [ 5 ] . There is only a slight exhausting from a location near the centre of gravity,
increase of the vorticity (figure 6.32) while the jet and the external Mach number was 2.0.
temperature increases from 300 to 900 K, at a fixed
momentum flux ratio R2 = 10. Under these conditions, the interaction force always act
in opposition to the jet thrust, whereas the induced
When a jet exhausts from a body of revolution, which pitching moment is positive (nose-up for a jet located
corresponds to a more practical application, we have on the windward side of the body).
already seen that the induced pressure distributions
were very similar with those on a flat plate. For the Consequently, the force amplification factor K, is less
vorticity properties, the results presented in figure 6.33 than 1 (figure 7.2), that is to say the interference is
show again a great similarity in the vortex strength and unfavourable. On the contrary, the moment
position. amplification factor K, is greater than 1.
7. JET INTERACTION PERFORMANCE Some insight into this behavior can be gained by re-
examining the results presented chapter 6.
7.1. Definitions
As it can be seen from the pressure distribution on the
In predicting jet interaction performance, the principal body, figure 6.15, the high pressure region upstream of
subject of analysis is usually the aerodynamic forces the nozzle gives a favourable interaction, but the region
induced by the jet. For simple configurations such as of low pressure, downstream, is relatively larger, so
a flat plate or a body of revolution, they can be that the overall force induced on the body alone is
obtained by integration of the induced pressure negative, and the induced moment is positive.
distributions. For a complete missile configuration, in
addition, we must take in account the forces induced on This behavior is quite different of that of a jet
the wing and (or) the control surfaces, and the overall exhausting from a flat plate in supersonic flow, for
induce forces (and moments) are generally obtained by which the force amplification factor is greater than 1
direct force measurements (see Q 8). (figure 7.3). This is due to the high pressure regions
lying to either side of the nozzle (figure 7.4), which
Another common terminology used by most in are, for a body, wrapped around it, so that the
discussing jet interaction performance is amplification contribution of these regions to the normal force is
factor. Two amplification factors are defined as: greatly diminished relatively to a flat plate situation.
K, = (Fi+Fj)/Fj Force amplification factor In the same way, for aft mounted jets, the region of
low pressure can be largely reduced and as a result the
K, = (Mi+Mj)/Mj Moment amplification factor interaction force is generally positive and the force
amplification factor greater than 1.
where :
Fi Interaction force From figure 7.1, we can also observe that the
Fj Nozzle delivered thrust = F,-poAj interaction force increases with increasing jet pressure,
F, Nozzle vacuum thrust but at a smaller rate, so that the force amplification
po Freestream static pressure factor increases (figure 7.2).
Aj Nozzle exit area
Mi Interaction moment For the body + tail configuration, due to the negative
Mj Fj lj lift induced on the tail surfaces by the jet wake (figure
lj Moment arm of nozzle thrust 6.23), the interaction force and moment are larger.
Moreover, when the body angle of attack increases, the
jet wake gets closer to the tail and the interference
force is even more unfavourable. For the forces induced on the tail surfaces by the jet
wake, we generally observe that they decrease when
7.3. Effect of the nozzle geometry the external Mach number increases (from the subsonic
to the supersonic regime).
For a gas generator which operates at a fixed mass
flow, the maximum nozzle thrust is generally obtained These trends give a smooth variation of the overall
with a highly supersonic exit Mach number, and as the induced normal force, as presented in figure 7.8, which
nozzle throat area is fixed, the nozzle exit area will be decreases when MOincreases.
large. Under these conditions, the data in figure 7.5
show that the interaction normal force and In term of force amplification factor, which takes in
corresponding amplification factor are independant of account the dynamic pressure ratio between the jet and
the nozzle exit Mach number for the range investigated the external flow, the situation is quite different (figure
here (Mj = 2.5 to 3.5). 7.9). For very low Mach numbers, the dynamic
pressure tends to zero, so the K, coefficient tends to 1 .
On the other hand, for a given exit Mach number, Then, when the Mach number increases, the force
when the nozzle dimensions increase, the interaction amplification factor K, decreases, reaches a minimum
force increases also, so that the amplification factor is for about Mach 2 and then increases for the highest
nearly constant (figure 7.6). This indicates that the Mach numbers, K, being always smaller than 1.
interaction force is proportional to jet momentum, or
nozzle thrust. We can also note that this is true for Figure 7.10 presents the moment amplification factor
both configurations, body alone or with a tail, in other for a missile which uses forward jet as a moment
words for both the local interactions and the control. The trends are very similar to those observed
downstream interactions. previously for the force amplification factor, that is to
say that for the Mach number range considered
An effect of the nozzle cant angle is presented in figure (Mach > 2 ) the moment amplification factor increases
7.7. The results obtained show that when the nozzle is with MO.Here we can note that values greater than 1
canted downstream, the interaction forces on a body + are obtained for the highest Mach numbers.
tail configuration are approximatively the same, but as
the normal thrust (perpendicular to the body axis) is The sensitivity of jet interaction to missile incidence is
lower, the amplification factor decreases. On the presented in figure 7.1 1. It can be seen that the force
contrary, a forward cant angle will certainly give an amplification factor is lower when the jet exhausts on
increase of the amplification factor, but this nozzle the windward side (positive incidence for the case
design produces also an axial component of the thrust presented here). This is mainly caused by the
equivalent to a drag for the missile. downstream interactions on the tail control surfaces
which are much higher when the incidence increases,
The influence of the shape of the nozzle exit is also the jet plume being swept across the afterbody.
presented in figure 7.7. As seen previously, for a
slendered rectangular nozzle (length > width) the On the contrary, for negative incidence (jet on leeward
interactions are lower than those for a circular nozzle side), the jet plume moves away from the tail surfaces
and this leads here to a less unfavourable interference. and the downstream interactions decreases. Moreover,
For aft mounted jets, a large slot nozzle will be the local dynamic pressure of the external flow
prefered, because the larger the nozzle is, the larger decreases and the local interactions around the nozzle
the blocking of the upstream flowfield is, and the are more favourable. These two effects make a large
larger the favourable interaction forces will be (K, > 1). increase in the force amplification factor K,.
7.4. Influence of the external flow (Mach number, 7.5. Effect of jet gas
Most of the wind-tunnel tests conducted for jet
We have seen previously that in subsonic flow, when interaction studies are made using cold air as a jet gas,
the external Mach number decreases the blockage whereas in free flight it is a hot gas coming generally
effect of the jet plume decreases and so the from the combustion of propellants.
overpressure levels upstream of the nozzle (figure
6.18). Consequently the negative normal force induced The effect of jet gaz properties on the aerodynamic
on the body increases. interference has been the subject of several
investigations [3] but the conclusions of these studies
In supersonic flow, when the Mach number increases, are not very clear, some data showing no discernible
changes are mainly observed in the recirculation region effect of jet temperature or molecular weight, while
where the pressure coefficient increases (figure 6.11). others indicate quite large effects. This is probably due
As a result the induced normal force will be less and to the scaling parameters which are considered for the
less unfavourable. comparisons.
An example of results obtained at ONERA is presented Aerodynamic simulation requirements (dynamic and
in figure 7.12 for a body-tail configuration at Mach thermal), in the absence of jet flow are well-known:
2.0. The data are relative to three different gases: cold
air, a combustion gas, and cold helium. For these - geometric similarity;
experiments, the nozzles from which the gas exhausts,
had the same exit diameter (geometric similarity) but - same Mach number, Reynolds number, Prandtl I
different throat diameters, so that the jet momentum number, specific heat ratio and wall temperature.
fluxes were the same for the three gases at a give
pressure ratio (pj/po). If the jet flow was considered to be independent of the
external flow, these requirements ought to be applied
The choice of the third gas was dictated by the fact that simply to both flows, but for combined flowfield,
this gas has a very low molecular weight and so a high additionnal terms relative to diffusion must be taken in
constant R. Therefore, even for cold helium, the jet account.
velocities are much higher than for air, and close to
those encountered with a combustion gas. These requirements are highly restricting, but important
simplifications are usually permissible in wind-tunnel
From figure 7.12, it can be seen that at zero incidence tests.
the aerodynamic interference are lower for the
combustion gas than for air, but very similar to those For the external flow, which is generally air in wind-
measured with helium. These results point out that tunnel, and which can be considered as a perfect gas
even if the momentum flux ratio is the most important for most applications, duplication of MO and Re, is
jet interaction scaling parameter, the effect of jet only necessary.
velocity is not negligible.
For the jet flow, it is essential to simulate two
Nevertheless, for 11O of incidence, the trends are totaly phenomena:
different: the largest interference are obtained with the
combustion gas and the use of helium doesnt give - its expansion from the nozzle exit (jet boundary,
better results than air. It seems that, in this case for Mach disk,. ..);
which the downstream interactions are preponderant,
another simulation parameter has to be taken in - its mixing with the external flow.
For the first point, this leads to duplicate yj, Mj and
7.6. Influence of wing location pj/p,. For the second point, the main parameter to take
in account is Vj/Vo, since the free shear layer is
It has been seen ( 0 6.3) that the downstream turbulent at Reynolds numbers of practical interest.
interactions on tail surfaces are very important, and
that they reduce the force amplification factor. These Nevertheless, for measurements in wind-tunnel, it is
interactions depend on the size and roll position of the not very easy to use hot gas thrusters similar to those
wings, but also of their distance from the jet as shown used on flight vehicles, and the simulation gas is
in figure 7.13. generally cold air.
From the most aft position, when the wings get closer In this case, it seems from experimental results, that
to the jet, we observe first an increase of the the best scaling parameters are jet pressure ratio pj/po
interaction (amplification factor K, smaller) due to and jet momentum flux ratio pj Vjz/po V,Z.
stronger vortices in the jet wake; then, when the
distance between the wing and the jet becomes As seen previously, the use of a low molecular weight
relatively small, the interference are favourable rather gas (helium for example) can improve the simulation,
than not (large increase in KF) due to the interaction of because the jet velocity is higher (= 3 Vj ,J for the
the bow shock with the wing (figure 6.2). same jet momentum flux. In comparison to helium at
ambient temperature, for air the resulting total
8. --TUNNEL TESTING temperature would be 2000K.
The problem encountered here concerns the Most of the experimental investigations devoted to
formulation of similarity parameters for the jet flowfield analysis are made with jets issuing from a flat
interaction flowfield since it is generally not possible in plate rather than from a body of revolution. The main
wind-tunnel to make test at full scale with the same reason it that the measurements are easier to do, and
flow conditions as in flight. easier to analyse, and we have seen previously that the
main phenomena are very similar in both cases.
3-1 1
Figure 8.1 shows such an experimental set up in the There are two possibilities for the model arrangement:
ONERA S5Ch wind-tunnel, which is very simple, the
jet being issued from the wall of the wind-tunnel. - either to measure all the forces: nozzle thrust and
aerodynamic forces,
Surface flow phenomena can be studied by means of
- static pressure measurements, - or to measure only the induced aerodynamic forces,
- oil flow visualisations. the gas supply system being dissociate from the
weighted part of the model.
An example of oil flow visualisation obtained at
ONERA is presented in figure 8.2. The technique used This second possibility is generally prefered because it
here consists of a fluorescent viscous coating gives the best accuracy for the determination of the jet
illuminated by a U.V. light [ l l ] . The advantages of interference. This can be explained by the fact that the
this technique is that the oil film is very thin (lower nozzle thrust is generally one order of magnitude
interaction), and that more details can be observed than greater that the induced aerodynamic forces, and a
with current technique. small uncertainty on this thrust would affect greatly the
results in the first case. Moreover, the disturbing
For flowfield analysis, different kind of measurements reactions and deformations induced by the gas supply
can be made using: are not taken in account.
- pitot probe,
- 3, 5 or 7 holes probe, However the model arrangement need to be more
- thermocouple, complex, with a very rigid sting, and a special balance.
- vapor-screen visualisation,
- laser doppler velocimeter, A sketch of test set-up used at ONERA is given in
- spontaneous Raman scattering. figure 8.6. The sting, hollow, supplies the nozzle with
air (or any other gas, such as helium). According to
The last two techniques, which are not very usual, the size of the model, the balance can be installed
present the advantages of being non-intrusive, and of nearby the gas supply, or can be annular, around the
giving detailed informations for mixing flows. sting.
We have seen previously some LDV results relative to With that model, it is also possible to use hot gas
turbulence levels (figure 6.20e). An other example of thruster, with small propellant charge. During such
results is shown in figure 8.3 which illustrates somes tests, the problem encountered is an oscillation of the
difficulties inherent in the seeding process of two model when the charge is ignited (figure 8.7).
different flows (bias seeding). We can observe large Nevertheless, if the model is well designed, the
differences according to whether the particles come oscillations are rapidly damped, and a steady state is
from the external flow, from the jet, or from both. reached in less that 0.5 s, allowing a good estimation
of the induced force and moment.
An example of density measurements using
spontaneous Raman scattering is given in reference Figure 8.8 shows a photograph of a generic missile in
[ 121. This technique is based on vibrational frequencies the ONERA S3MA supersonic wind-tunnel. On this
of molecules, stimulated by a laser beam and the light photograph, the gas supply system is clearly visible aft
intensity stattered is proportional to the molecular the sting.
concentration in the probe volume. Moreover, if
different gases are used for the external flow and the 8.4. Unsteady measurements
jet, partial densities measurements can be made. Figure
8.4 shows a result where the different discontinuities Different unsteady phenomena encountered with jet
(shocks, expansions) are cleary visible, as the presence controls can have significant effects on the control
of the jet. On the assumption that the main flow and system performance.
the jet are expanding isentropically outside the shocks,
the static pressure in the flow can be calculated also The first one concerns the starting process of the jet
(figure 8.5). which governs the response time of the control system.
Classical unsteady measurements (force, pressure) can
8.3. Force measurements be made, but it can be interesting to have some more
details about this starting process. For this purpose a
This technique is the most commonly used for the special test set-up has been developped at ONERA-
determination of the overall interference on realistic IMFL, which allows simultaneous pressure
configurations. The measurements are made with a measurements and ultra-high-speed shadowgraph
strain gauge balance installed inside the model. visualisations.
Figure 8.9 shows a series of photographs obtained at - FLU3C [14] based on a mono-domain grid strategy
20 p s intervals. The starting process of the jet is well - FLU3M [15] based on a multiblock grid strategy
displayed as well as the jet wake expansion which rate with a two species perfect gas modelisation.
is approximatively equal to the external flow speed.
Both codes solve the unsteady equations. To compute
An example of unsteady force measurements is shown steady flows, flow variables are advanced in time until
in figure 8.10 for the ASTER missile at full scale in an asymptotic limit is reached. This procedure is valid
the ONERA S2MA wind-tunnel [131. for any speed range. We use it for the subsonic pocket
between the bow shock and the nozzle exit. Outside
This missile is fitted with four nozzles which are this region, where the flow is fully supersonic, a
supplied by a hot gas generator through a switching pseudo-marching procedure is used in which the steady
unit (see figure 4.3). solution is obtained in a plane using an upwind scheme
and driving the time derivatives to zero, then
The objectives of this test were to measure the proceeding to the next plane, in the flow direction.
aerodynamic performance, and more precisely to
evaluate the response time of the jet control system. 9.1.1. Fundamental configurations [17]
The combination of the overall forces measured with The aim of these calculations is to establish Euler
an internal balance, and the inertial forces measured capability to predict the structure of the flow.
with accelerometers give the net aerodynamic forces.
As it can be seen on figure 8.10, the induced lift Flat plate
response is in a good agreement with the nozzle thrust
response. Figure 9.1 presents the wind-tunnel model with the
different types of measurements: schlieren, pressure
The second unsteady phenomenon concerns spinning taps along the X axis (passing through the center of the
missile, for which a delay may exist between the nozzle exit), probing in a transverse plane located 17.5
thruster ignition and the developpement of the jet D, (exit diameter) downstream the nozzle.
The test facility used is the ONERA S5Ch wind-tunnel
In order to study such effects, a special test set-up has in Chalais-Meudon.
been developped by ONERA (figure 8,.11). The
external part of the model and the jet control system As the configuration has a symmetric vertical plane,
are drived in rotation separately (but at the same rate), calculations were performed only on one half domain
so that only the aerodynamic forces are measured (not (y > 0). The computer code used is the Euler code
the jet thrust), as previously. The model is equipped FLU3C and the grid has about 700,000 points with
with a main balance (4 components), non rotating, a 200 points in the exit nozzle section which is
rollmeter, and several accelerometers. rectangular as for the model. This very fine grid has
been used to be sure of capturing the phenomena which
9. COMPUTATION. could be obtained by an Euler simulation.
In the past, interaction studies between pyrotechnical The freestream and jet conditions used are the
lateral jets and missile aerodynamics were mainly based following:
on long and expensive experimental tests. Nowadays, - freestream Mach number 2,
thanks to progress in data processing technology and - cold air for the jet with the nozzle axis normal to
numerical computation methods, it is possible to predict the plate, exit Mach number 2.5 and total pressure
these complex interactions and therefore to reduce the ratio 14.3.
aerodynamic design cycle.
Figures 9.2 to 9.6 show that Euler calculations predict
This chapter presents some calculations made around the main features of the flow: detached shock,
fondamental, generic and industrial configurations in secondary shock, Mach disk, overpressure and low
supersonic and subsonic flows. They are mainly Euler pressure regions in the vicinity of the nozzle and,
calculations which, from an enginering point of view, vortices downstream. However, Euler calculation
give usefull results. overestimate the total pressure and the height of the
vortices and, of course, do not predict the boundary
9.1. Supersonic configurations layer separation upstream the nozzle exit.
fuselage is a cylindrical body of diameter D equal to normal force coefficient CN as a fonction of incidence,
0.1 m, with a parabolic ogive of length 3D. The jet and in particular the differences at a given incidence
issues from an axisymmetric nozzle inclined rearward between values with and without jet.
at an angle of 60 degrees from the missile axis and
located 8.5 D from the nose. Ten 5 hole probes are 9.1.3. Industrial Configuration: ASTER missile.
distributed on a rake, which can rotate around the
body. Experimental data acquisition were obtained with The ASTER missile (see Q 5.1) is a cruciform missile
this device in 3 planes respectively located 10 D, 12 D with four low aspect ratio wings and four control
and 15 D downstream the nose. These probings were surfaces. The thrust vector control is achieved by
realised with a large number of freestream and jet means of jets emerging from the tip edge of the wings.
The configuration has been calculated in a "+"
Calculation has been performed on one half domain position with one lateral jet emerging from the leaward
(symmetric configuration), with the Euler code FLU3C wing (figure 9.12). For this configuration, two series
and with a grid of about 190,000 points with 153 points of wind-tunnel tests have ben carried out: one with cold
in the nozzle exit section. air, and the other with powder gas jet.
The freestream and jet conditions used are the Cold air jet interactions [17]
following :
Calculations have been performed on one half domain
- freestream Mach number 2 and incidence O", (symmetric configuration) with the Euler code FLU3C
- cold air for the jet, nozzle exit Mach number 2.5 and and with a grid of 300,000 points.
total pressure ratio 28.
The freestream Mach number is 2 and the incidence is
As for the flat plate, Euler calculations predict the 12".
main features of the flow: detached shock, secondary
shock, overpressure and low pressure regions in the Figure 9.13 shows the pressure distributions on the
vicinity of the nozzle and vortices downstream. Figure missile with and without lateral jet. The jet interactions
9.8 presents an example of the cross-flow velocity in a are clearly visible, in particular the favorable over
transverse plane located 6.5 D downstream the nozzle. pressure on the wings due to the detached shock.
We observe that calculations are close to experimental
results, especially jet penetration heigth is much better For the case with jet, figure 9.14 shows the pressure
predicted than for the flat plate. distribution on the surface of the ASTER and the
pressure contours in a traverse plane located just
9.1.2. Generic configuration: wing-body [17] downstream the nozzle. This figure shows the
complexity of the flow and the obvious usefulness of
The configuration concerns an ogive-cylinder fuselage these computations for the understanding of complex
equiped with four cruciform wings in "+"
or "x" physical phenomena.
attitude (figure 9.9).
Figure 9.15 illustrates the effect of altitude on the
The tests, made in the ONERA S3MA wind-tunnel in shape and position of the primary shock. We observe
Modane, consisted in measuring panel forces on each good agreement between computations and
wing with and without lateral jet interactions. experiments.
Calculations have been performed on one half domain Lastly, figure 9.16 presents the relative errors on the
(symmetric configuration) with the Euler code FLU3C overall aerodynamic coefficients. These results are also
and with a grid of about 380,000 points. fully satisfactory: about 5% for C, and less than 0.25
D for the stability.
The freestream and jet conditions used are the
following : Powder gas jet effects [16, 181
- freestream Mach number 2 Tests carried out for ASTER missile with cold air jet
- cold air for the jet with an nozzle exit Mach number and powder gas jet, are linked by similarity criteria
2.5 and a total pressure ratio 14. (conservation of nozzle thrust, exhaust section area and
expansion ratio). These criteria have been choosen to
Figures 9.10 and 9.11 show variation of the normal keep interactions as identical as possible between the
force coefficient as a fonction of the incidence two jets (especially for jet penetration height) in order
respectively for a horizontal wing (+ configuration) to reduce powder gas jet tests and replace them by cold
and a leeward wing (x configuration). The computation jet tests. Neverthless small variations on the
provides a good representation of the changes in the aerodynamic coefficients are observed between these
The aim of these calculations is to establish Euler and The test-case considered is a body of revolution with a
Navier-Stokes codes ability to predict aerodynamic cruciform tail in "x" attitude. The jet issues from the
interactions. The Euler calculations were made with body at mid-length, and 2D upstream of the panels.
The freestream and jet conditions are: Mach number contours in a ransverse plane are shown
- freestream Mach number 0.8, in figure 9.25 for calculations performed with jets. Jet
- cold air for the jet with a nozzle exit Mach number wake is visible in each half plane, and located close to
2.5 and a total pressure ratio 25. the wings. Without any spinning effect, the jet wake is
approximately symmetrical to the other one, some
Calculations have been performed on the complete differences appearing due to wings curvature. When
configuration with the Euler code FLU3M, and with a spinning effect is included in calculation, jet wake
grid of about 450,000 points (figure 9.21). structure does not change, but its location is modified;
the jets turn around missile axis, and angular deviation
The mesh is fine enough in the vicinity of the nozzle to obtained depends on the flow direction at the nozzle
ensure a good convergence of the calculations. exit section compared to rotated external flow
Figure 9.22 shows total pressure contours in a
crossflow plane just ahead of the tail panels. In Figure 9.26 shows local normal force on the wings due
comparison to experiments, we can see that the jet to external flow for the three calculations. Without
penetration and the shape of the wake are well spinning effect, interactions due to lateral jets create a
predicted as well as the maximum of total pressure (in depression, particularly on upper wings no 3 and 4,
the jet). which was confirmed by wind-tunnel results. With
spinning effect and without jets, a normal force appears
Forces induced on the panels have also been calculated on each wing which induces a rolling moment tending
and are compared to experimental results in figure to slow down the missile spin rate. With spinning
9.23. Although the vorticity properties in the jet wake effect and with jets, forces on the wings induce yawing
are not well predicted by this inviscid flow simulation, and pitching moments.
the induced forces are in good agreement with
experiment. These phenomena are clearly non linear because forces
on the wings for the missile with spinning effect and
9.2.3. Industrial configuration: anti-tank missile [18] jets are different from those obtained by simply adding
forces for the missile with spinning effect alone and for
This configuration is similar to the ERYXs one the missile with jets alone.
presented in 0 5.2.. Two nozzles are located at the
center of gravity. Each nozzle axis is inclined rearward 10. CONCLUSIONS
so that thrust axial component contributes to accelerate
the missile. Jets deflectors located at the nozzle exit The use of lateral thrusters to control missiles in
section ensure missile steering. Missile spin rate subsonic or supersonic flight is very attractive, and
permits to control the flight with these two nozzles. enables fast response manoeuver.
All calculations were made at zero incidence and with Nevertheless, this type of control system leads to
a freesteam Mach number equal to 0.3. Jet conditions complex aerodynamic interactions which are not easily
at the nozzle exit section were defined with a foreseeable.
preliminary 3D Navier-Stokes calculation of the flow
into the nozzle with the deflector. The nozzle exit For many years, predictions of jet interference have
section was simulated by a rectangular hole on the been relied on experiments. A lot of experimental data
missile body, and jet conditions were imposed in this have been obtained, including static pressure
section for the external calculations around the body I distribution, flowfield survey, flow visualization and
induced forces. They allow a good knowledge of jet
Calculations were performed using the Euler code interactions, although the origin of wake vortices is not
SESAME, which permits to take into account the clearly well established.
missile spinning effects by including inertial and
Coriolis terms in Euler equations. Over the last years, major progress have been achieved
in the field of CFD methods, due to improvements in
In this respect, three calculations were made: numerical algorithms, grid generation, physical
- missile with jets and without spinning effect, modelling, as well as more powerfull supercomputers.
- missile without jet and with spinning effect, With such methods, good predictions of jet interference
- missile with jets and with spinning effect. can now be obtained, even with Euler codes which give
good results for jet wake effect. For local interactions,
Figure 9.24 shows the grid used for all calculations. which are mainly dependent of viscous effects,
Because of wings curvature and spinning effect, improvements in numerical simulations are still
symmetry was not employed, and a grid of about necessary to produce quantitatively efficient results at
220,000 points was generated. a reasonable cost.
[2] B. LAZURE. "Pif-Paf Control of Tactical [15] Ph. GUILLEN, M. DORMIEUX. "Design of a
Missiles". AGARD no 14, 1988. 3D Multidomain Euler Code". Computational
Mechanics Institute, Supercomputing in Fluid
[3] F.W. SPAID, L.A. CASSEL. "Aerodynamic Flow, Boston, 1989.
interference induced by reaction controls".
AGARDograph n O 173, 1973. [16] M. DORMIEUX, Ph. GUILLEN,
R. ABGRALL. "Numerical Simulation of
[4] R.J. MARGASON. "Fifty years of jet in crossflow Transverse Jet Flows by a Non Reactive Two
research". AGARD 72ndFDP meeting. Paper no 1. Species Multidomain Euler Flow Solver". AIAA
1993. paper no 90-0126, Reno.
180 thrusters
Terminal mlsslle
Modular Booster according
to the mlulon
Jet dellectors
\ I \ Chorge
ProIecIive cover
Locking and lunction unit
M = 2
didi (
h o r h ' = f Mo.PtJ.3
Po Bo)
Y 1
MO PtjlPo
MO = 2 Mj = 2.4
6 =45"
01 5 10 15
/ Y=O -0.2
-0.3 -0.34
0 / r r r r
-0.3 1 X'
0.24 x'
x o -
0.2 d
// /
O -
MO = 2.0
I x i .-.i Mi2
t cp 1 - FLATPLATE
+.-.-+ o c = 0"
x--* oc = 100
-5 0 15
-0.1 -
-0.2 -
MO= 0.5
DjtD = 0.14
x/dj = 6 x/d1= 10
im 1 , , , , ,, ,
.. , .--- --_-- -,..-. .. , . . - - -
IO \ I Ie - -- _ . . .
. _
-IO o IO 20 9) *IO o U) 20 30 4o-m o IO P 30 40-UI o IO a0 SI 40
Yl") 11") A") A")
b) Crossflow velocity vectors
-10 0 10 P 30 40-IO o IO P 30 (010 o io m 30 10
A") I(") d")
c) Total temperature contours (T,n',J
x/dj = 15
110 i . : , : . : . : . k
-10 0 10 20 30 40-10 0 10 20 30 40-10 0 10 a0 30 4C-10 0 10 20 3O 40
rbm) ylmml A") Y b )
d) Vorticity contours (w,.d,NJ
-IO o IO a0 30 4c-10 o IO m 30 40-10 o IO m 30 *IO o 10 m 30 40
e) Turbulence contours (u'z + v.1 + w'*)iU,:
x/dj = 5 x/dj = 10 rld,= 15 r/dl = 17,s
-10 0 10 20 30 10-10 0 10 a0 30 4610 0 10 20 31 4C-10 0 IO 20 30 40
0 Tokl pressure contours (',/PJ
0 Pi
MO = 2.0 Mj = 2.0 R2= 10 + Ti
x pub
4 Zldj - - - - - min
PUP0 = 6.5
= 0"
MO= 2.0
Mj = 1.0 + 3.5
1 /
x/dj = 17.5
0.2 2
0. I I I R2= I
r/ ( )
a t -
- 4
3 I 1
b) Strength
I L I I dyldj
0 5 :a !5 tO 25 30
- r
a) Trajectory
0 1 t 1 I L
c) Lateral spacing
I! 0. * 10 20
0 I Xldj
./ -O
. . .-.-
10 20 0 10 20
(Mu = 2.0, M, = 2.5) - EFFECT OF JET MOMENTUM FLUX (Mi = 2.5, X'Di = 17.5)
10 20
0 " : " ' " ' : " ' ; ' ' ' ; *
0 4 8 12 16 20
11 +
4 h/dj 10 20 0
0 I 10 20
W. = 2.0, R' = IO) = 2.0, R' = 10)
MO = 2.0 PtjfPo = 1 1 0
0' $0 $0 50
I -.
:I A
1 .c
MI .).%I
Pol -2.33AIM
Rq * 2.24 X 106
h * 1.012cm
~ v C- 0 . 2 ~ 1 c m
OL = 0" MO=2.0 o Mj=2.5
1 2 3 Mach
t KF
I I I - -
0 1 2 3 4 5
4 KY
Ptj/Po= 75
Dj/O = 0,11
Mj = 1
2 3 4 5
M = 2.0
o < = 0"
M = 2.0Q AWN
b40 X
-20 x
-35 91
-20 v
I :
-L F
o jet seeding
external flow seeding
x/a, =5
---_ both seeding 1
.'I# ---
p,., = 1,157 MPa
y = 0,5 d
* Pti
MO= 2 oc= 100
- -30
- c-3
1.5 Timels
. ,'A 10 11s
30 p
70 ,.s 250 ps
550 ps
( llalanee + Aeeelerunieters )
ASTER misrilc in SZ MA
- Schlieren vlsuallmilon
- Surface pressure
- Piohs In a plane
B: = Constan11
-Hall domaln Y 2 0
- m
I35 I I 75 mesh wlnb
- 175 meah wlntt In h e
node exit area
F I A T PUTC (MO = 2 -
MJ = 2.5 -
PIJiPlO = 14.31
Fig. 9.2
. .
Delaohac h m k :
FLUX emputonon
F I A T PIATE (MO = 2 -
MJ I 2.5 -
PIJPIO = 14.3)
Fig. 9.3
*,I 1
0 -- - .
I -
-0.5 -; I I 1 I
Experiment Computation
Fig. 9.5
experiment computatlon
..................... I
..................... X
Fig. 9.6
probe planes
- Probe in 3 planeso( = consiani)
- Half domain
- 190 000 mesh points
- 153 mesh points in the nozzle exit
- 1 CPU hour on CRAY XMP
Upstream flow
velocity magnllude
-wing forces
-.e l-..op-4E!-.*.~ -
I I \ I I p - G E m q
\I- I
- 380 000 mesh points
I I I - CPU l i m e on CRAY XMP :
II . I I I
c ., t CN
/ / A-
- Schlieren visualizations
- Overall forces
without jet I
EULER Code - Pressure distribution
ASTER MISSILE - MACH = 2 - O: =12"
Fig. 9.13
0 3-53
- a = 12' .WITH JET)
Fig. 9.14
.. . ,.
Schlieren visualizaiion - altiiude = 0 In Schlieren visualization oltitude >> 0 In
Fig. 9.15
I I 4%
D 0.23 0.%4 0.m I
ASTER MISSILE (MO = 2 a = lZO) -
Fig. 9.16
Uostream C
.. d S,&%G Mesh for Comru&u
without jet
with a cold air jet
with a hot air jet
with a powder gas jet
modelised as a perfect gas
Fig. 9.17
(M,=1.6, ~ = 8 " )
Fig. 9.18
Fig. 9.13
Fig. 9.20
Section A
400,000 pts
M=0.8 I
t cNG
Fig. 9.25
Fig. 9.26
Michel Engelhardt
Grumman Corporation
1 I I I Stewart Avenue (846-35)
Bethpage, NY 11714 USA
Flg. 1 Components of a Typical E-OAR System
0 M. Engelhardt. 1994
can be displayed to show the strength of the missile radiant THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM
intensity in the FOV. A spectral filter (or a circular variable Asillustrated in fig. 3,modemE-OIIRsystemsoperatebetween
filter) can be integrated into an E-OIIR system to filter out the ultraviolet (UV)portion to the far IR portion of the electro-
undesired wavelengths. magneticspectrum. The Rporlionofthespectnm (which isthe
The head of a typical E-OilR system is composed of an optical subject of this course) is conventionally divided into five bands.
train. a detector array, and a cryogenic system. The cryogenic These bands arethe shon-wave IR (SWIR) band. the mid-wave
system is needed to reduce the amount of photon noise from the IR (MWIR) band. the water vapor absorption band. the long-
housing onto the detector array. The less thermal noise that is wave IR (LWIR) band, and the low-temperature IR band.
incident by internal photons from the system housing onto the The SWlR band ranges between 0.7-10-3 micrometers. The
detector. the more efficient the system operates. Detector significance of the SWlR portion is that it is near the visual
systems are usually cooled by nitrogen at 7lK. portion of the electromagnetic specuum. Consequently. many
The signal processor may contain a video processor. a discrimi- E-0 systems that operate in the visible portion extend into the
nator, andor a track processor. In these processors. the elec- SWIR. "be SWlR is the portion of the spectrum that includes
tronic signals that me transferred from the sensor head are solar reflections from sources (98% of the integrated solar
processed to obtain information for the operator. The processed radiance is under 3 micrometers). It also includes higb-
information can also be transferred to a computer for further temperature thermal emissions (resulting from heat exchangers
processing with additional information from radarandor visual and engine emissions.) Typical high temperatures are above
tracks. 200 c.
An E-O/IR system is analogous to a person's skin exposed to a The MWlR band ranges between 340-5 micrometers. The
thermal sourceofenergysuchasthesun. Thetissuesintheskin MWlR portion of the spectrum is sometimes referred to a the
sense the sun's energy and convert thermal cnergy into an plume band since most conventional fuel combustion pmducts
electrical signal via the nervous system to the brain. The brain (such as kerosene) emit in bands centered at 2.1 and 4.3 mi-
is equivalent to a computer that processes the thermal source. crometers. This is due to water vapor (spiking at 2.1 micmme-
ters) and the carbon dioxide (spiking at 2.7 and4.3 micrometers)
In a typical E-OIIR system. the detector material is composed of combustion products that emit strongly in these band centers.
p-type and n-type crystals (see Fig. 2). These crystals are This band is also significant in detecting both missile emissions
semiconductor materials including lead sulfide, indium and reflections.
antimonide. and mercury cadmium telluride. When photons are
incident on semiconductor materials. they create a flow of The water vapor absorption band lies between 5 - 0 8 microme-
electrons. This is known asthephotovoltaicprocessand is done ters. Water vapor in the atmosphere absorbs most of the
by creating whole-electron pairs. A photon excites and dis- radiation emitted by a missile in the 5-10-8 micrometer band. At
lodges an electron in the detect0r.s crystal structure. The low altitudes (under 10 km). coupled with an observer viewing
electron then moves to the electrode in the n-type crystal layer. aspect ang!e at ranges greater than 2 km. the attenuation due to
The "hole" (created by transferring the electron to the n-type the atmosphere is extremely severe. Consequently. airborne
crystal) moves to the p-type cry~tallayer. This creates a current E-OIIR systems are usually not designed to operate in this
flowing from the n-type 10 the p-type electrodes. portion of the spectrum. When the range is less than a kilometer
Heat exchanger exhaust dumps
Engine internal hot parts
1 .ooo.o - Engine compressor fan blades and inlets
Exhaust plume heating
Internal and exhaust plume emission.
Natural reflections from sources include the following compo-
LWlR Direct solar retlections
Indirect solar reflections from theatmosphere, clouds, and the
8.0 earth
Earth shine
Sky shine
Cloud shine
and the water vapor concentration in the atmosphere is dimin- In pixel 3-4 (in Fig. 5 ) . the IR intensity is computed by
ished (usually, at altitudes greater than I O km), then it may be considering the following three components:
desirable to consider designs in this wavelength band. *The source itiretisir? - The missile source intensity includes
The LWlR band is defined either between 8-to-I2 or 8-to-I4 reflected and emitted source intensity components. The source
micrometers. In the LWIR wavelength band, atmospheric intensities are then multiplied by the atmospheric transmittance
absorption is not very severe. As a rule of thumb, approximately which lies in the FOV of the E-OIIR sensor
80 percent of the total emitted energy from a missile airframe The ittinccitlred background bitetisi~y- The unacculted (or
will be transmitted through the atmosphere at distances less than unblocked) background intensity includes the atmospheric path
25 km. As a result, designers of modern E-OAR systems take radiance (including earth or cloud radiances) multiplied by the
advantage of this part of the spectrum by designing E-OAR unacculted area in the FOV. A typical missile is usually divided
systems to detect missile emissions resulting from moderate into planar surfaces known as facets that are summed as pro-
temperatures (approximately, between 0 C and 100 C). jected areas into the line-of-sight of the E-OAR system. The
projected area of a facet is obtained by multiplying the planar
The low-temperature IR band of the spectrum is defined above
area of the facet by the dot product of the outward normal from
12 or 14 micrometers, and is sometimes used for detecting
the facet and the E-OIIR system
relatively cold missiles against space backgrounds.
The foreground inrensio - The foreground intensity is the
INFRARED RADIATION FROM MISSILES AND product of the atmospheric foreground radiance (between the
BACKGROUNDS missile and the E-OAR system) and the projected area of the
As shown in Fig. 4, IR radiation from missiles consists of two missile in a given line-of-sight.
components: source emissions and the reflections of back-
The intensity for pixel 2 is:
ground radiances. For a missile airframe, the source emission
includes the following components:
Aerodynamic heating
Solar heating
The intensities computed in pixels I and 2 are then subtracted center o l a spherical enclosure. The missile emiis an exittance
from one mother (Eq 2 minus Eq I ) to obtain the following to the spherical enclosure equal to
contrast difference:
In Eq 3. the prime superscripr represents the background radi- Theexirtanceihar isreceived by the innerponionofthespherical
ance related to pixel 2-3. In Eq 3. the IR contrast can either he area(withinnerradius.R) is knownastheirradianceandcan be
positive. negative. zero. or any combination in the spectrum. expressed as
This depends on the magnitude of the missile intensity and the
difference between the background and foreground intensities.
In Eq I and 2. if the background radiances are equal io one dh
another. then Eq 3 becomes
The irradiance can be equated to the E-OIIR systems detection
MISSILE TO SENSOR INFRARED RANGE EQUA- equivalent irradiance which is the product of the SIN and NEI.
TION Solving for the range yields the following IR range equation
To obtain the detection range ofan E-OIIR system. three E-OIIR
system parnmeten must be known. These parameters are the
detectors wavelength band ofopention. the systems signal-to-
noise (SIN) ratio. and the systems noise equivalent irradiance
(NEI). Thedetection range (or E-OIIR system lock-on range) is
obtained lrom spherical geometry. Consider a missile in Ihe
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
In Eq 5 . the contrast intensity can be positive. zem. or negative. missile. This occurs when a missile is being viewed against a
Therefore. the range can be positive. zero, orimaginary. When relatively warm earth background. It should be noted that in Eq
an imaginary solution occurs, the E-OIIR system logic (proces- 5 the contrast intensity is a function of atmospheric tranmittance
sor) determines that the lock-on range is being determined under and radiance. Sinceboth atmospheric transmittanceand radiance
anegative contrast. A negative contrast occurs when the missile areafunctionofrange,EqJneedsto besolvedbyiteration(since
isviewedagainstabackgroundwhoseintensityishigherrhanthe range is also on the left-hand-side of the equation).
Infrared Radiation Laws and Missile Characteristics
The following three ideal cases are readily observed from Eq 2:
Case I : Perfect Absorber a = I . A perfect absorber is often
referred to as a black body. In nature, there are no real black
bodies. Nevertheless, there are many substances that ap-
proach the ideal black body case: a real body (known as agray
body) has an absorptivity varying between 0 and 1. A missile
fuselage can be made to approach a perfect absorber by
painting the missile body with a paint whose absorptivity is
Case 2: Perfect Reflector p = I . A perfect reflector is an ideal OF REFRACTION OF THE MEDIUM, AND WAVELENGTH.
case. A highly polished (or mirrored) surface usually has THE INTENSITY OF A BLACK BODY IS ALSO A
properties that approach the perfect reflector. The definition FUNCTION OF PROJECTED AREA IN THE LINE OF
of reflectivity is much more complex than absorptivity. This SIGHT OF OBSERVATION. FOR A GREY BODY (SUCH
is because reflectivity is a function of the reflected intensity as INTENSITY ARE BOTH ALSO A FUNCTION OF THE
well as the incident intensity. The reflectivity of a missile is EMISSIVITY OF THE SURFACE.
quite complex due to the many different kindsof materials and
coatings that are used in the construction of the missiles
structure Fig. 2 Parameters Used in Plancks Law
Case 3: Perfect Transmitter 5 = I . In this ideal case, all of
the energy incident on the surface of a transparent object gradient through the missile structure is often insignificant
enters through it and leaves unchanged. This is approximately and consequently neglected. For example, this is usually the
analogous to light (in the visual part of the spectrum) passing case for heated thin aluminum (less than 0.003 m thick).
through window glass. Caution should be made not to However, other missile structures are detected by E-O/IR
overextend this analogy into the IR spectrum. At different systems, where material properties require a thermal analysis.
wavelength bands, glass absorbs and reflects different amounts Some missile structures have large thicknesses and/or low
of energy. Many glass domes that are used in E-O/IR seekers thermal conductivities, giving rise to thermal gradients in the
are good transmitters of IR irradiance. missile structure. (When considering the significance of
There are two different endings used in specifying the above thermal gradients in missiles, the Biot number needs to be
properties --ivity and --ance(such as reflectivity and reflectance). evaluated)
The ivity ending is used when referring to optically smooth Index of Refraction - Plancks Law is also a function of the
and uncontaminated surfaces, therefore representing an ideal index of refraction of the medium of propagation. The index
case. The ance ending refers to measured properties where of refraction is part of Plancks first and second constants.
there is a need to specify the surface conditions of the coupon or These constants are a function of the speed of light through the
substance. Consequently, an absorptance of 0.85 for a missile medium which the solid surface (or source) isemitting. When
skin would mean that the missile structural surface absorptivity the missile is immersed in either water or a fluid whose index
was measured. of refraction is not 1.O, then the index of refraction effect must
beaccounted forinPlancksLaw. Usually, in airor inempty
PLANCKS LAW space, the index of refraction of the medium can be assumed
The most significant law that governs the radiative IR intensity to be equal to 1.O. However, for missiles launched under water
of missiles is Plancks Law. For the black body radiance leaving
by submarines or for missiles where engine plumes flow past
a missile surface Plancks Law is a function of three fundamental the fuselage, a correction for the index of refraction of the
variables: temperature, index of refraction, and wavelength. To medium near the surface of emission must be accounted for in
obtain the black body intensity, the radiance is multiplied by the Plancks Law
projected area in the line-of-sight of the observer. For a missile, Wavelength - The wavelength dependency of radiation is
representingagrey body intensity, Plancks Law is multiplied by very complex. For missile structures, however, the wavelength
the emissivity at the surface of the missile. dependency is usually a function of temperature. As the
Figure 2 illustrates the fundamental variables associated with temperature of a missile increases, the wavelength at which
Plancks Law. Each of these variables are discussed below: the intensity peaks becomes shorter. Assuming a constant
Temperalure - In radiative heat transfer, temperature is de- missile temperature, the missile will have a different black
fined as the absolute temperature on the surface of a missile. body radiance value at each wavelength. In the Short Wave
For example, refemng to Fig. 2, consider the wall of a missile IR (SWIR) band (0.7 to 3 micrometers), solar reflections from
with a linear temperature gradient. The missile is detected by missiles are significant. This band also includes high-
an E-O/IR system vis-a-vis the absolute temperature of the temperature thermal emissions resulting from high-temperature
missiles outer extreme wall. For many missiles, the thermal heat exchangers and engine emissions. In the Mid Wave IR
Planck's Law may be integrated over a wavelength band to A, = (mx# + 3(mx2)* + 6(mx2) + 6
produce the broadband radiance from either a missile or a
background component. Upon integrating Eq 4 between h, and A , = (mxJ3 + 3(mxJ2 + 6(mx,) + 6
4, the following expression results:
L= 1' L,dh
The significance of this integration is that E-O/IR systems
operate in distinct wavelength bands. Therefore, it becomes
important to know how much radiance is emitted from a missile
= 2CI - m4(exp(-mxz)Az-exp(-mxl) A , } (5) over an E-OAR system's spectral bandwidth (Ah).
v n
W-pm4/m 2
When Plancks Law (Eq 4)is integrated over the entire spectrum
2000 -
from minus to plus infinity, the resulting equation is known as
Stefan-Boltzmanns Law. Stefan-Boltzmanns Law accounts y -
for the total radiance that is emitted from a missile. Upon 1400 -
integrating Eq 4 between minus and plus infinity, the following 2 1200 -
expression results: p 1000 -
!$ 800-
L = O (6) E 600 -
Stefan-Boltzmanns Law yields the total intensity over the 400 -
spectrum for a given temperature. The value of Stefan- 200 -
Boltzmanns constant is given in Table 1.
04 I I I I I I I
WIENS LAW 0 2 4 . 6 8 10 12 14
Wiens Law yields the maximum radiances from Plancks Law. WAVELENGTH, pm
From Wiens Law, three useful relationships can be obtained: 107 1
( I ) the wavelength at which the peak radiance occurs; (2) the
temperature at which the peak radiance occurs; and (3) the E
106 -
maximum radiance that occurs at any given wavelength or 3E 105-
temperature. Wiens Law is obtained when Eq 4 is maximized:
5 104-
-=o Y 103-
dh 9
By solving the resulting equation, Wiens Law is obtained as:
101 -
Ca = AT (7)
I- I I I I I I
In Eq 7, C3 is Wiens constant given in Table I . Wiens Law is
0 500 1000 1500 2000 250t
plotted in Fig. 3 as the locus of all points that form a maxima on TEMPERATUf3E.K
the radiance curves obtained from Plancks Law. Wiens Law is 107
also plotted in Fig. 4 for a black body radiating into a medium
whose index of refraction is 1.0. In Fig. 4, Wiens Law is
presented in its three different forms: temperature versus wave-
106 -
length, maximum radiance versus temperature. and maximum ? 105-
radiance versus wavelength. E
The maximum spectral radiance for a given temperature is 5 104-
obtained by substituting Eq 7 into Eq 4. This results in
Y9 103-
2 102-
101 -
Evaluating the constants in the SI units for the propagation of a 100 4 I I 1
Table 1 defines the value of C,. Equation 9 is plotted in Fig. 4 Fig. 4 Wiens Law
to illustrate the fifth power effect of temperature on black body
radiance when radiating into a medium whose index of refrac- =c
Lax p ( 1 1)
tion is 1.0. where, CEis given in Table I . The maximum radiance versus
To obtain the maximum radiance for a specific wavelength, Eq wavelength is plotted in Fig. 4. In Eq. 9 and 1 1, the maximum
7 is again substituted into Eq 4,except this time the wavelength radiances are equal to one another. Equating these two equations
dependency is conserved. This results in the following equation: also yields Eq 7.
The above maximum radiances can be converted to the follow-
ing intensities:
Black body inrensiries by multiplying the radiance by the
projected area of the missile
Missile (grey body) intensities by multiplying the black body
Equation 10 reduces to intensity by the emissivity at the missiles surface.
Missile Infrared Radiative Properties
Table 1
- temperature increases-very material-dependent
- Generally the same as metals
As a rule. when the ratio of surface roughness (usually taken as - Spectral emissivity changes at approximately 4microme-
the root-mean-square (RMS)value of the roughness) to the ters when heated or cooled.
li (h,e. $1
AP94-2092-0048 I P94-2092-0058
In Eq 14. and $ represent the solid angle for both emission and
absorption. Equation 14 is applicable only when the absorption
and emission angles are defined as 0, = 0, and $* = Q.
For the transient case, Kirchhoff s Law must be applied with
caution. Consequently. the absorptivity and emissivity of mate-
rials need not be equal to one another. For many materials. the
absorptivity and emissivity are close enough to one annther for
Kirchhoffs Law to be applicable. However, Kirchhoffs Law
MISSILE SURFACE may not always be applicable to a real body undergoing a
transient andor having a thermal control system.
I . Siegel. R. and Howell. J . ..
. R , p
Fig. 5 Bidirectional Reflectlon from a Missile k,P Ed. Hemisphere Publishing Co.. 1981.
Introduction to Missile Thermal Analysis
SUMMARY QSi = Energy transferred from the inner surface of the con-
The thermal analysis of missiles is presented as part of the trol volume to internal heat sinks, W
NATO Advisory Group for Aerospace Research & Develop- Q,, = Energy transferred by heat sources to the inner surface
ment (AGARD) special course on Missile Aerodynaniics. of the control volume, W
This course focuses on the thermal balance of missile structures, r = Recovery factor
including the radiative heatingkooling, convective, and con- Re = Reynoldsnumber
duction heat transfer, as well as the internal energy of a missile t = time, hr
structure. With a knowledge of the surface temperature of a T = Temperature of the missile structure, K
missile, the missile designer can determine the radiative inten- T* = Reference temperature, K
sity of missiles. T, = Recovery temperature, K
T, = Stagnation temperature, K
Tsky = Temperature of the ambient sky, K
A = Surface area of the control volume, m2
T, = Ambient temperature at the elevation of the missile, K
A m = Heat flow area for conduction heat transfer, m2 U = Internal energy of the control volume per unit mass,
A, = Projected area of the missile, m2
C = Speed of sound in air, d s kJkg
V = Velocity of the missile, m/s
c, == Specific
heat under constant pressure, W-skg-K
heat under constant volume, W-skg-K
a = Absorptivity
C y = Ratio of the specific heats
F = Configuration factor relating the geometric orienta-
E = Thermal emissivity of the missile structure
tion of the missile with respect to either its back-
8 = Angle made between the sun unit normal and the
ground or its internal compartment
control volume normal vector when a ray is drawn
h = Convective heat transfer coefficient, W/m?-K
between the two
H = Solar irradiance, W/m2
h = Wavelength,pm
HSI = Solar irradiance incident on the outer surface of the p = Viscosity of the air, kg/m-s
control volume, W/m2
p = Airdensity, Kg/m3
k = Thermal conductivity of the missile structure, Wlm-
0 = Stefan-Boltzmanns constant, W/m2-K4
k* = Thermal conductivity of air. W/m- K INTRODUCTION
L = Characteristic length from the leading edge, m The temperature of a missile needs to be determined accurately,
m = Mass of the control volume, kg since the radiance from a missile will be strongly influenced by
M, = Mach number of the missile its temperature. To determine the temperature of a missile, the
ncv = Unit normal vector from the control volume conservation of energy (or the energy balance method) is re-
= Unit normal vector from the sun quired. The energy balance method includes Fouriers Law to
Nu = Nusselt number determine the conduction heat transfer through missile materi-
Pr = Prandtl number als; Newtons Law of Cooling to determine the amount of heat
Qc = Energy either gainedor lost by the control volume due transfer between the missile and the ambient air by convection;
to convective heat transfer between the control and Stefan-Boltzmanns Law to determine the radiant energy
volume and the thermal boundary layer near its sur- lost to the sky and/or to another missile structural parts. If the
face, W energy balance is properly computed, then the resulting missile
Qm = Energy conducted either away, into or through the temperature should be within f 10% of the true or measured
control volume by conduction, W temperature of the missile.
(QJI = Energy either lost or gained by the control volume and
its backside (compartment) surrounding, W
To calculate the temperature of a missile that is either stationary
(QJ = Energy lost by the control volume due to radiative or in motion, an energy balance is made on a missile control
transfer between the control volume and its ambient
volume. The control volume is defined as an element or a node
surrounding (energy is usually lost to the cold sky by
on the missiles structure where the energy balance is performed.
the relatively hot missile surface), W
To obtain a detailed temperature distribution of a missile, many
QS = Solar absorbed energy (incident solar irradiance mul-
small control volumes are used-yielding a spatial temperature
tiplied by the absorptivity at the outer surface of the
distribution on themissile. (The spatial temperature distribution
control volume), W
can becoupled with the spatial emissivities of the missile to yield
the spatial emitted radiance of the missile.) The control volume
0 M. Engelhardt, 1994 allows for energy to be transferred either into or out of a missile
structure. As shown in Fig. 1. a section of a missile stmchlre is transient or steady state temperatureof theconml volume. Each
isolated with the inclusion of energy sources and sinks. The of these terms will be defined with an associated exprrrsion
energy either gained or lost by the control volume will result in related to the temperature of the control volume.
either an increase or a decrease in temperature from the control
On the right-hand side of Eq 1, the rate of energy change in the
control volume is defined as the time rate of change of the mass
AMBIENT AIR 1 in the control volume multiplied by the internal energy per unit
mass. From thermodynamics. the temperature within thecontrol
volume is related by the following expression:
( K 1 r * Q c + I Q s o j - Z Q ts l x
Q c + Qs),*Qm
- d(mu)
-- (1) MR9CZO914CZA I I
In Eq 1. each of these energy terms needs to he replaced by an Fig. 2 Conduction Heat Transfer Through a Structure
equivalent expression to allow for the calculation of either the
The minus sign is due to the convention that the heat flow is
positive in the direction of heat flow.
Typical values for the thermal conductivity of metals. nonmet-
als, liquids, and gases are given in Table 1. The thermal
conductivity of specific materials can be found in Ref. I.
TWE 300 K Wlm-K
I 200
I 0.a
. ------- -----
Fig. 4 Mean Solar Irradiance for the Month of June
The altitude affects both ambient air temperature and the physi-
Tmnbient BOUNDARY cal properties of the air (density, viscosity, and Prandtl number).
For ambient air,
y = 1.4
Turbulent and laminar flow requires
Turbulent flow: r = (Pr)I13
Laminar flow: r = (Pr)ll*
For Mach numbers less than I .2, the missile fuselage tempera-
Fig. 5 Newton's Law of Cooling ture can be approximated by the recovery temperature (Eq IO).
For higher Mach numbers, the heat transfer coefficient must be
missile, then the sign is negative. (This case occurs when T, calculated and an energy balance for the fuselage wall must be
is greater than T.) computed. The following procedure can be used to determine
the heat transfer coefficient from a flat plate (a flat plate is
The convective heat transfer coefficient is obtained through
dimensionless numbers and correlations from test data. Typical presented for simplicity; for other geometries refer to Ref. I).
heat transfer coefficients are presented in Table 2. 1. Atmospheric Temperatures and Properties
Typical ambient temperatures as a function of altitude are
Table 2 Range of Convective Heat Transfer presented in Table 3 (Ref. 4). Air properties as a function of
Coeff lclents temperature are presented in Table 5 (Ref. 4).
2. The Reference Temperature
CONVECTIVE HEAT The reference temperature at which the boundary layer proper-
TRANSFER ties are evaluated is given by
T = T m +0.5(T-T-)+0.22 (Tr-Tm) (12)
Since this procedure involves an iterative solution, an initial
FREE CONVECTION OF AIR 5-30 estimate of the missile wall temperature needs to be made. A
good first approximation for the missile wall temperature is as
FORCED CONVECTION 30 - 350 follows:
MR94-2091-007 T z 0.9Tr + 0.IT, (13)
km C d S N/m2 kg/m3 kglm-s
Air properties are established at the reference temperature using based on the following correlations. For other geometries, refer
Table 4. The accuracy of the recovery factor assumption is then to Ref. 1: ,
checked and the recovery temperature recalculated if necessary. PY*0.333
Re* 5 IO7 : Nu* = 0.036
3. The Reynolds Number
The boundary layer Reynolds number is then calculated: * 0.277 Re* Pr*0.333
1 0 7 5 R e * I 1 0 9 : Nu = (15)
* (log,,-,
* p VL
Re =*
P 5. The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
The overall heat transfer coefficient is obtained from the Nusselt
where, the density and viscosity are evaluated at the reference number:
4. The Nusselt Number
The average Nusselt number for a flat plate is then calculated
h = Nu* (g)
Table 4 Air Properties at Sea Level
K x~o3 x~ o -~ W/m-K
6 . The Missile Skin Temperature The procedure outlined above used a semi-infinite flat plate
The missile temperature can be solved by an energy balance approximation for wall temperature calculation. The tempera-
among heat sources, sinks, viscous dissipation, and radiation. ture calculated is the average missile temperature for the length
An example of an energy balance on a missile structure is as of the missile. It should be noted that, if the leading surfaces of
follows: the missile are highly blunted, the wall temperature on the
forward surface approaches the stagnation temperature. The
ZQi - XQ,, + &Az + hA (Tr-T) - ou?, (T4- T i y ) stagnation temperature is given by:
where, EQi and EQo represents the heat into and out of the REFERENCES
missile structure, respectively, from intemal compartment heat- 1. Chapman, A., Heat Transfer, Macmillan Co., NY, 2nd ed.,
ing and cooling. m2 is the energy absorbed by the missile 1964.
structure. hA (TI-T) represents the aerodynamic heating of the 2. Seige1.R. and Howell, J.R., e S-
missile. o d P(T' -ekky)is the radiative cooling to the ambient
sky temperature. Finally, mCv is the energy storage term. If 3.
h,Hemisphere Co., NY, 2nd Ed., 1981.
Kreith. S . and Kreider, J.F., EMciDles of Solar Enecgy,
the right hand side of Eq 17 is%t to zero, then a steady state McGraw-Hill, 1981.
solution is obtained. 4. Handbook of Suoerson ic Aerodvnamics, Dept of the Navy,
Having calculated the wall temperature, the reference tempera-
ture, T*, is then checked using Eq 12 and another iteration is
performed, if necessary.
4-2 I
Infrared Intensities from Missiles
where 2s Gj is the dot product between the solar unit vector and
a missile facet unit normal vector.
Reflection of radiant solar energy from a missile surface in the
direction ofthe observer is composed of both specularanddiffuse
reflections. The solar intensity reflected from the missile is the
product of the solar irradiance at the edge of the atmosphere, the
atmosphericpath transmittance,the missilegeometricconfigura-
tion factor, and the missile skin spectral diffuse reflectivity.
ATTENUATION Foratypicalairframe,theviewingaspectsofintereslwithmpect
to solar reflections are the near nose-on, lookdown and side-on.
The directly reflected solar intensity is of significant interest
under3 pm.because9B9bofthetotalsolarirradianceincidenton
the surface of the earth is under 3 pm. (At 4 pm, 99%of the total
solar irradiance is incident on the earths surface.)
Under many power flight conditions, solar heating effects are
overwhelmed by aerodynamic heating effects. However, when
thermal control devices are integrated into missile ~WucNre~. the
effect of solar heating needs to be accounted for in thermal heat
balances (particularly for high-altitude subsonic missiles with a
coating whose solar absorptivity is high).
Fig. 1 Emitted IR Intensity from a Missile the reflected direct thermal emission from either the earth or
clouds. and theindirectly reflectedsolarirradiancefromeitherthe
earth or clouds to the missile. Figure 3 illustrates these two
Reflected Solar Intensity
components for the earth. The earth emission rate varies with
Referringto Fig. 2, the reflected solar intensity isobtained by tirst
season and latitude. The earth can be considered to be a uniform.
propagating the solar irradiance through the atmosphere (the air
diffuse emitter. The earth intensity is composed of the earth
between the edge of the atmosphere and the missile). The
emitted and solar diffuse reflected energies. The emitted earth
atmosphere will absorb pan of the solar irradiance. The incident
intensity reflected from the missile is the product of the black
solar irradiance is then reflected by the missile. Once reflected,
body (Plancks Law) earth emission. the earth emissivity, the
it is then panially absorbed by the atmosphere into the line-of-
missiles geometric factor, the missiles diffuse reflectivity from
sight of the observer. Since the sun and the observer will both be
measured data. and the associated atmospheric lransmissivity.
orientedat different angularmeasurementslothe missile. the dot
The reflected solar energy from the earth is the product of the
products between the sun and the missile as well as between the
missile and the observer need to be taken. The resulting solar
the missile geomeuic factor. the diffuse missile reflectivity. and
reflection for the scenario results in the following equation:
the associated atmospheric transmissivity. The reflected earth-
shine from a surface is presented in the following equation:
In =TLL~AP,M A s (kYni+Ea
( I - PEdd
A ) (3)
The eanh spectral reflectance varies significantly under 5 pm
where eanh solar reflections are significant. but varies less in the
8- to 12-pm band (except for rock and gravel) where thermal
emission is significant. Water backgrounds must consider wave
heights, salinity. and percent ice formation when measuring
ocean spectral reflectance properties. Earth surface t ~ m p e r e
variations havea more significant impact on background radiance
than the earths surface emissivity variations.
RADIANCE An analytical expression for cloudshine is analogous to Eq 3
except that the temperature of the cloud is assumed to be in
equilibrium with its atmospheric surroundings. This atmos-
pheric temperature is used in Plancks Law along with the cloud
Fig. 2 Reflected IR Solar Intensity from a Missile emissivity and area to obtain the intensity leaving the cloud.
gates) through the atmosphere. In general, the longer the atmos- The aerosol absorption coefficient, a s ,and aerosol scattering,
pheric path, the more the source intensity will be attenuated. coefficient, are both functions of wavelength, the number
Also, the denser the atmosphere the lower the transmittance - densityofaerosols in acontrol volume, the sizedistribution ofthe
depending on wavelength and the constituents found in the aerosols, and the complex index of refraction of the aerosols.
atmospheric path. Both theatmospheric attenuation and radiance
are spatial (latitude. longitude, and altitude) and temporal (time) Since both molecules and aerosols vary in temperature and
dependent quantities. pressure, then altitute, latitude, and longitude will have an affect
on the attenuation. In addition, since the atmosphere is dynamic
Figure 4 illustrates a control volume of atmospheric constituents. in nature, both absorption and scattering coefficients are also
When energy propagates through this control volume, some of it time-dependent for both molecular and aerosol types.
is absorbed and scattered by the constituents or species. Through
measurements, it has been determined that this attenuation of There are two standard aerosol models used to determine the
radiation can be determincd from the following relation: effects of aerosols on attenuation: the 23-km visibility model (or
clear atmosphere) and the 5-km visibility model (or hazy atmos-
phere). Figure 5 illustrates these two models. For both atmos-
pheric models, the aerosol size distribution at all altitudes is
where, the minus sign indicates a loss of energy as the energy
assumed to be the same, The difference between the two models
propagates through the atmospheric path. In Eq 7, a and s are the
is the particle density in the first 4 km of the atmosphere.
absorption and scattering coefficients, respectively, which are
Consequently, at altitudes of 5 km or greater, the particle density
found experimentally. The subscripts m and a refer to molecular
is the same.
and aerosol components. The sum of the absorption coefficient
and the scattering coefficient is often defined as the extinction
coefficient, K. There are three formsoftheextinctioncoefficient.
The first form represents the total of the molecular and aerosol
coefficients. the second represents the sum of the absorption and 100 km BOTH MODELS
scattering coefficients due to molecular effects, and the third ARE EQUAL
represents the sum of the absorption and scattering coefficients
due to scattering effects.
-1- 23 km
+ dlk MODEL
5 km
yield Bouger's Law.
Atmospheric transmittance is defined form Bouger's Law as the computer code like L O W " (Ref. 1) can be used to make
intensity leaving a specifically defined control volume to the these computations.
intensity entering the control. By definition, the transmitlance is BACKGROUND AND FOREGROUND RADIANCES
obtained from !5q 8 as: The types of backgmund radiances seen by an observer are
(9) dependent on the observer's positiw. An observer viewing in a
1, i direction below the horizon sees either the earth ora cloud layer
in the background, along with atmospheric radiance occurring
In general, the atmosphere is divided into path lengths. each
between either the earth or a cloud and the missile. The earth
having measured properties as a function of altitude. Further-
background spectral emission and reflecuon radiance compo-
more, to obtain the variation in latitude and longitude, the
nents are computed as gray body earth emission and diffuse
atmosphere is divided into defined regions. These regions
reflection of emth incident solar radiation, respectively. As
include tropical. mid-lalitude. polar, arctlc, and specifically de-
shown in Fig. 6, (for a look-up viewing aspect angle) these
tined regions. To determine the quasi-transient effect. each
components are attenuated through the atmosphere to the ob-
region is funher subdivided into winter and summer, e.g., tropi-
server, and the atmospheric radiance contribution is added to
ea1 winter and tropical summer. Atmosphenc data for specific
produce the total background radiance. If either the earth or a
days are usually recorded when performing outdoor measure-
cloud is not in the field-of-view (FOV). then the background
ments. In such measurements, the transmittance is measured
radiance consists solely of atmospheric radiance.
between the source and the observer at multiple viewing aspect
angles representing different atmospheric paths. The measured Foreground radiance refers to the atmosphericradiance between
absorption and scattering coefficients are used in Bouger's Law the ohserver and the missile. The atmospheric foteground
to determine the transmittance along a path length. A standard radianceismoreimponantto considerinthe%to 12-pponion
Fig. 6 Foreground & Background Radiancea & Skin Emission & ReflectionComponents
11 2
In pixel 3-4, (in Fig. 7), the IR intensity is computed by consid- In Eq 11, includes the transmitted-emitted missile intensity
ering the following three components: as well as the transmitted-reflected solar, earthshine, and
The source intensify - The missile source intensity includes skyshine intensities (Eq 1 through 6).
reflected and emitted source intensity components that are
The intensities computed in pixels I and 2 are then subtracted
attenuated by the atmosphere
The unacciilted background intensify - The unacculted back- from one another (Eq 11 minus Eq 10) to obtain the following
contrast difference:
ground intensity includes the atmospheric path radiance (in-
cluding earth or cloud radiances) multiplied by the unacculted
areain theFOV. A typicalmissileisusuallydividedintoplanar ILL= Ii h-(LBh-LF,L) As,j-(LB*,h.-LB,h.)Ap (12)
surfaces known as facets that are summed as projected areas I j=l
into the LOS of the E-O/IR system. The projected area of a
In Eq 12, the prime superscript represents the background radi-
facet is obtained by multiplying the planar area of the facet by
ance related to pixel 2-3. In Eq 12, the IR contrast can either be
the dot product of the outward normals from the facet and the
positive. negative, zero, or any combination in the spectrum. This
E-O/IR system
The foreground intensit?, - The foreground intensity is the depends on the magnitude of the missile intensity and the differ-
ence between the background and foreground intensities. In Eq
product of the atmospheric foreground radiance (between the
I O and 1 I , if the background radiances are equal to one another,
missile and the E-OIIR system) and the projected area of the
then Eq 12 becomes
missile in a given line-of-sight.
The intensity for pixel 2 is: L A = I~.A-(LB.A-LF.1
A ) Asj (13)
I j=l
I . Kneizys, F.X., et al., Atmospheric Transmittance/Radi-
ance: Computer Code - LOWTRAN7, AF Geophysics
Lab 1988.
5- 1
The demand for continually increased performance of missiles and aircraft leads to
considering flight at very high angles of attack where control is very difficult.
This is mainly due to the shedding of asymmetric vortices from the forebody, producing
side forces even at zero sideslip.
The purpose of this paper is not to make a review of missile aerodynamics at high angle
of attack (for that, see for example [l]), but to focus on an understanding of the phenomena
which give rise to asymmetric vortices, from an experimental as well as a theoretical point
of view.
In this flight domain, the flow around missiles or The existence of asymmetric flows at high angles of
aircraft is very complex. It is characterized by the attack has been known for nearly 40 years [ 2 ] ,but it is
presence of very large separated regions with strong only in the last 25 years, after wind-tunnel testing on
vortex sheets propagating from the nose of the vehicle. realistic missile and fighter aircraft configurations
showed that flight control at high angles of attack
Above a certain angle of attack, these forebody vortices became very difficult or even impossible, that a large
develop asymmetrically (fig. 2 ) even on a symmetric amount of work has been conducted on the problem.
configuration at zero sideslip. They give rise to
spurious aerodynamic forces and moments that are Initially, the work was experimental and was first
difficult to control. aimed at quantifying the phenomena. Then it was
attempted to gain a better understanding of them,
To illustrate this problem, figure 3 shows that side minimize their effects and finally control them.
forces appear at angles of attack of more than 20
degrees on a simple body of revolution and can exceed Theoretical work (in particular Navier-Stokes
the lift at around 50 degrees, even with zero sideslip. computations) has only been undertaken in the last few
years, again for the purpose of understanding these
If there are wings attached to the fuselage, the complex flows.
asymmetric vortices generate on the wings even larger
spurious forces and moments. For instance, for a The literature on the subject is very abundant. In
missile type configuration, figure 4 shows that the particular can be mentioned the synopsis documents of
induced roll moments are so strong that the control ERICSSON and REDING [3], [4] and MALCOM [5].
surfaces are incapable of controlling them.
Based on all this work, we propose herein in a first
Similarly, figure 5 demonstrates the importance of part to at least partially answer three basic questions:
yawing moment induced on a fighter aircraft
- WHY does the flow become asymmetric? remains stable over time. The distribution of side
forces therefore is sinusoidal (fig. 8), and each
- WHEN do these phenomena occur? maximum corresponds to the detachment of a vortex
- HOW can their effects be minimized or controlled?
On pointed bodies, the vortex asymmetry usually
In a second part, the situation relative to prediction begins at the nose, and the rate at which the vortices
methods and especially to numerical simulations of are shed increases with the angle of attack. This can be
such flows will be reviewed. seen figure 9, which presents local side force
distributions. When a! increases, the alternating side
2. BACKGROUND force cells are smaller and smaller which corresponds
to an increase of the vortex shedding frequency.
First of all, it should be noted that we will essentially
be concerned here with flows around bodies of To describe this vortex shedding process, a time-space
revolution, representing missile or fighter aircraft equivalence between the Von-Karman unsteady
forebodies. In effect, as we surmised and as will be asymmetric wake in 2D flow and the steady
developed below, the spurious side forces are generated asymmetric vortex pattern in 3D flow can be made
by vortices shed from the fuselage nose, i.e. on shapes ~31.
that are axisymmetric in the case of missiles and very
nearly so (rounded shapes with a plane of symmetry) According to the definition of the Strouhal number, and
for aircraft. to the sketch of flow pattern illustrated in figure 10,
this yelds for the distance between two successive
Before analyzing these complex phenomena related to peaks of the side force distribution to the relation:
high angles of attack in detail, the flows occurring on
a body of revolution according its angle of attack AX,,, / D = 1 / (2.S.tana)
should be recalled (fig. 7).
where S is the Strouhal number.
At very low angles of attack (a! 5 5 degrees), the flow
remains attached to the fuselage and the axial Figure 11 shows that this analogy is quite in a good
component of the flow predominates, although the agreement with experimental results obtained at
transverse component is already responsible for ONERA on a pointed ogive-cylinder and that it gives
thickening of the boundary layer on the leeward side. the correct trend.
The potential flow theory generally accounts
satisfactorily for this first flow state and the forces that It should be noticed that for blunted nose bodies, a
develop, such as for instance a lift that varies linearly second type of vortex shedding occurs (figure 12). The
with the angle of attack. asymmetric vortices develop first at the rear of the
body, and the alternating vortex shedding does not
At moderate angles of attack (5 degrees I a! I 25 occur as readily; thus the side force cells are much
degrees), the crossflow becomes increasingly larger and can cover the entire cylindrical aft body.
important, and, under the effect of positive transverse
pressure gradients, the boundary layer separates on the Finally, for very large angles of attack, the flow
leeward side of the fuselage to give rise to two become disorganized and turns into an unsteady flow of
symmetric vortex sheets. The lift then increases the wake type, like that found on a cylinder in
nonlinearly with a so-called vortex lift term. crossflow.
For even higher angles of attack up to around 60 3. WHY DOES THE FLOW BECOME
degrees, the leeward vortices develop asymmetrically ASYMMETRIC?
giving rise to spurious side forces. We will see below
why these vortices are asymmetric. Several mechanisms were suggested as being
responsible for the asymmetric vortices on
For very long bodies, there can be several pairs of axisymmetric bodies in recent years. They are
asymmetric vortices. This is because one of the first investigated below.
two asymmetric vortices moves faster away from the
fuselage than the other, until the vortex sheet separates The first, fully viscous in origin, is based on the fact
to give a free vortex. A new vortex sheet then fbrms that when the angle of attack increases, the vortices,
along the fuselage. This process is repeated alternately initially symmetric, degenerate into asymmetric
all along the fuselage. Seen from the rear, this vortex vortices because the separation lines on either sides of
structure resembles the well-known Karman vortex the fuselage become asymmetric. It is as if there were
street. However, the influence of the axial flow is still a laminar type separation on one side and a transitional
strong enough to ensure that this complex structure or turbulent separation on the other. It is well known
the boundary layers on the two sides of the fuselage are attack at which they appear will be greater
probably not in the same state (laminar on one side and
transitional on the other). Although this does not cause Another way of reducing the effects of asymmetric
the asymmetry, as we saw above, it provides the vortices could be to make them symmetric or to
maximum differential in the separation location destabilize them.
(4 = 80" to 140") and so the maximum pressure
differential on opposite sides of the body. In the first case, strakes [4], [24] or trips [25] can be
added on either sides of the fuselage (fig. 31). But they
In addition, observing the longitudinal distribution of must be located as close as possible to the tip and must
local side forces (fig. 28), it can be seen that for this be symmetric with respect to the plane of incidence.
Reynolds number (Re, = 0 . 4 4 ~ 1 0 ~it) has a shape Otherwise, the side forces could be even larger than on
somewhat different from the others. That is, the CYlocal a smooth ogive. This requires accurate control of the
is generally sinusoidal (because of vortex shedding) aircraft or missile and is therefore generally not
whereas it never changes sign at this Reynolds number. possible for a missile which must be able to maneuver
This gives a very large total force integrated along the in any direction (bank to turn).
length of the fuselage. According to ERICSSON [4],
this phenomenon may be due to a moving wall effect, Among the devices that could destabilize the vortex
particularly pronounced at critical Reynolds numbers. sheets can be mentioned:
This phenomenon is well known for a rotating cylinder . nose booms [24],
in a crossflow [34]. A Magnus force is created by the . vortex generators on the ogive [26],
spin, due to the asymmetry of the separation points. . jet blowing [ 5 ] , [27], [28],
However, in the critical flow regime, this force has the . spinning nose with strips [29].
opposite sign and is much higher than what occurs in
a subcritical or a supercritical flow, because of a The first three devices are not very effective and the
change in the type of separation (fig. 29). third is too sensitive to flight conditions. Only the last
device (fig. 32) appears able to substantially reduce the
For the experiment considered, it is sufficient for the side forces, but it is more complicated technologically
model to have a slight conical motion in wind-tunnel (a (spinning of the nose).
setup not entirely rigid, excited by aerodynamic effects)
for the boundary layer separations to be greatly altered When attempting to optimize the global configuration
and to occur asymmetrically and continuously over the of an aircraft, and even more especially for a missile,
full length of the fuselage. some wing configurations appear preferable from the
standpoint of side forces at high angles of attack. This
5. HOW CAN THE ASYMMETRIC VORTEX is true, for instance, of a configuration with wings
EFFECTS BE REDUCED OR CONTROLLED? located very far forward (fig. 33). In this case, the
forebody vortices do -not have time to develop before
Because of the flight conditions (angle of attack, Mach encountering the wings which make the flow symmetric
number, Reynolds number) for which maneuvers at again.
high angles of attack are considered, such spurious
forces caused by asymmetric vortices will always exist. 5.2. How Can the Vortices Be Controlled?
To allow control, it is necessary to find a favorable As we already saw, the presence of asymmetric
geometry to minimize these effects. vortices developing on the forebody means that many
aircraft or missiles required to operate at high angles of
At the same time, it could be attempted to put these attack are uncontrollable. This gave the idea of using
phenomena to use for flight control. these vortices, responsible for the problem, to control
the vehicle, in particular aircraft.
These two points are developed below.
Several techniques for "manipulating" or controlling
5.1. How Can the Effects of Asymmetric Vortices the forebody vortices have been considered and tested
Be Reduced? in wind-tunnels [5]. They are all based on modifying
the fuselage nose to control separation.
As was seen above, asymmetric vortices arise on the
fuselage nose, which means that the shape of the The following can be mentioned in particular:
forebody has a large influence on these phenomena
[201, Wl. . strakes that are retractable or rotatable [5], [31],
To reduce the side forces, the ogive should be short . blowing or suction through holes or slots [ 5 ] , [30].
and slightly blunted (fig. 30). Moreover the angle of
5.2.1. Strakes layer and the separations, a suction device can also be
used. However, the possibilities of such a device have
Strakes may have a dual purpose: not so far been investigated as much the previous
they can cause asymmetric vortices to form naturally
in a given direction, which is the case for very small More practical to use, these two devices are also easier
strakes; to implement than strakes: fewer changes in the
external shapes, pneumatic rather than mechanical
. they can force the direction of asymmetry by action parts; however, integration of such devices in the
on the separations and additional vortex energy aircraft nose must be compatible with the presence of
which is the case of larger strakes. a homing system.
beginning to be used o gain a better understanding of low compared to experimental results (figure 42).
these flows.
This behavior is reinforced by SICLARI and
The results obtained by DEGANI [9] and SCHIFF [36] MARCONI results [35]. Computations were carried
for laminar flows (Re,, = 0.2 lo6), demonstrate the out with the assumption of conical flow, for a 5"
marked asymmetry which has been observed in circular cone at Mach 1.8.
experiments. But they found that it is essential to
introduce a space-fixed, time invariant perturbation (a These calculations demonstrate the existence of
small geometrical bump or a small jet blowing normal asymmetric solutions for high angles of attack as
to the body) into the computation to simulate shown by FIDDES with his vortex sheet modeling.
asymmetric flows.
An example of the convergence history of such
Apparently, for laminar flows, the most sensitive calculations is shown figure 43. Computations are
circumferential angles to place a disturbance are started with symmetric freestream conditions, and the
between 90 to 140" from the windward plane of solution seems first to converge toward a symmetric
symmetry. flowfield, but then the residuals increase to about their
original level and then, decline again to reach machine
Time-accurate solutions of a thin layer Navier-Stokes zero, and the solution is therefore asymmetric. It must
code are presented in figure 38 for a = 40". We can be concluded that the symmetric state is unstable since
observe that theses solutions present a high level of machine zero cannot be maintained, and this was
unsteadiness and are highly dependent on the size of verified for any angles of attack in the range
disturbance. Moreover it was noted that the flow 2.5 I a/@ I 5.0 (figure 44). This figure shows that
relaxes back to its initial symmetric state when the the Navier-Stokes solutions compare remarkably well
perturbation is removed. with the experimental data.
At an angle of attack of 20", the flow was steady and Moreover, it should be noted that a monotomic
symmetric, and the presence of a perturbation made convergence to the asymmetric solution could be
only a small change. achieved if a small asymmetry was introduced into the
initial conditions.
So it is suggested that the asymmetric flow which
exists for high angle of attack is the result of disturbing In conclusion, all these calculations reinforce the
a convectively unstable symmetric flow. assumption that at high angles of attack the flow is
unstable, and that asymmetric flows are the result of
For turbulent flow conditions often existing in full-scale disturbing a convectively unstable symmetric flow.
flight, computations have also been attempted [lo],
DEGANI and LEVY [ 1 11, found again that in order to This review of flows at high angles of attack identified
reproduce any one of the experimentally observed the problems related to the existence of asymmetric
flowfield, it was necessary to add a small geometrical vortices on symmetric configurations. In this respect,
disturbance near the body apex (figure 39). it was seen that:
They also found that when the disturbance is removed, . the asymmetric vortices are probably due to a flow
the flowfield returns to its original symmetric shape instability and the phenomena are triggered by
(figure 40). microscopic irregularities on the nose, making the
influence of the forebody predominant;
By determining an appropriate size of the disturbance,
it seems possible to obtain excellent agreement between . asymmetric separations on the nose are not the cause
experiments and numerical results (figure 4 l), but this but rather a consequence of the phenomenon;
problem becomes more tricky if it is desired to predict
the asymmetric flow around a given configuration. And . stable, reproducible side forces and moments occur
even if we knew the exact geometry of the body, in the flight domain: 20 degrees I a I 60 degrees
would it be possible to have a sufficient grid resolution and Mach I1;
to reproduce the shape of small imperfections on the
nose? . these forces and moments are highly dependent on
the Reynolds number.
About the necessity of introducing a small disturbance,
HARTWICH and all [lo] found that asymmetric Considering the very strong influence of the forebody
solutions could be obtained with axisymmetric body, geometry, it is generally impossible to make a
triggered by machine accuracy, but the asymmetry is preliminary estimate of the forces and moments
induced on a given configuration. Currently, only To control and use the induced forces and moments for
wind-tunnel testing can give the order of magnitude of flight control, the most efficient devices seam to be:
their level, but certain precautions are required:
. strakes that are retractable or rotatable,
. the tests must be conducted over the complete range . blowing.
of angles of attack (0 to 90 degrees) and roll of the
forebody (0 to 360 degrees) to be sure that the However, the efficiency of such devices has been
maxima of side forces and moments have been measured only at low Reynolds numbers and has
measured; practically never been demonstrated in turbulent flow.
. if possible, the tests must be performed in the flight Progress on numerical methods means that
Reynolds number range. Otherwise, it is preferable Navier-Stokes calculations, the only ones capable of
to remain at a low Reynolds number (Re, 5 0.3 x producing realistic simulations, are beginning to be
lo6)rather than at the maximum Reynolds number of used to gain a better understanding of these flows.
the wind-tunnel which could correspond to a critical However, several problems arise:
Reynolds number for which the induced effects are
small. In addition, it is pointless to use boundary disturbances must generally be introduced (but not
layer transition devices which cannot simulate a always 1351) to obtain asymmetric numerical
turbulent boundary layer over the full range of solutions on symmetric configurations. Certain
angles of attack, but which would lead to very authors ([9], [lo], [ll]) show that they must be
different flows because of the influence of surface permanent (e.g. asymmetric nose) and others [35]
roughnesses on the induced forces; that it is sufficient to disturb the initial conditions;
. similarly, during laminar tests, it must be made sure . the solutions obtained are not always very stable [9]
that the turbulence in the wind-tunnel is low and are highly sensitive to the disturbance
( s 0.1 %) otherwise the phenomena may disappear introduced.
In addition, it can be wondered whether there is a
insofar as possible, the setup used should be rigid to steady numerical solution and, if so, whether it is
prevent coupling between the model motion and the unique. This problem is certainly even more complex
flow; although this does not raise any particular for the simulation of turbulent flows with averaged
problems for pressure measurements, the same is not Navier-Stokes equations.
true for force measurements with a balance;
. the model support must be as unobtrusive as possible
and far from the vortex wakes; [l] Lecture series on "High Angle of Attack
. for measurements, it should be emphasized that: AGARD LS 121. March 1982.
. the viscous coatings used for surface flow [3] L.E. ERICSSON, J.P. REDING
visualizations strongly alter the flow; Vortex-induced asymmetric loads in 2D and 3D
. in addition to static tests, dynamic tests are generally AIAA paper 80-018 1 .
necessary to satisfactorily quantify the maxima of the
induced forces and moments (body spin and coning [4] L.E. ERICSSON, J.P. REDING
effect). Asymmetric vortex shedding from bodies of
As concerns the devices that could minimize In "Tactical Missile Aerodynamics", vol. 104.
asymmetric vortex effects, it can be recommended to Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics Series.
use: 1986.
[32] R . M . H O W A R D , M . P . R A B A N G ,
Aerodynamic effect of a turbulent flowfield on a
vertically launched missile.
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. Vol. 26, No
6. Nov. 1989.
(PST capability) X31 aircraft in close combat
I hlml
- 10 CI I
- 30
- 50 Time
0 06
0 02
Sym. Rudder
0 0
-0.06 0 -15
0 -30
-0.10 I I I I I I J
0 20 40 60 a
Northrop F5F aircraft
A Flighttestdata c, w Mr(l=O.Z rIq,=2.1,+
Yawing moment coefficient Fig. 9 . EFFECT OF ANGLE OF ATTACK ON LOCAL SIDE FORCE
Normal Side
U 5 5- force force
5 ' d U 5 25'
vonex flow
vonex flow
#6 Wake-like flow
+ Re,,0.28 10'
x R~,=O.CIO IO' ONERA [23]
o Re,,2.0 lo6
I S=O.21
" 30 4 I1 50 60 70
Low cy '
Asymmetric separation
@ cyC:Lpe.
Fig. 11 - SPACING IN LOCAL SIDE FORCE PA7TERN. ~stfa'mily 2nd family
1.2 5oo
0.8 II 3oo
Yawing moment PPI
ol.' coefficient A
4.6 1 ?;\ -0.02
-: , ,
4.8 -0.061 I 14: I I
c 7 - 3 -0.10
0 20 40 60 a
P -P
e r
ACp= - Ogive -cylinder
B, 1131
Bristol tunnel 0.7 % turbulence Bristol tunnel
1- -0.5, -
0.1 s
I *
I . . . .1 I
3 4
1 RAE tunnel, 0 01 %turbulence. RAE tunnel
a ) - a = 30" - ReD? 105 b)-a = 50'- Re,= 105
Rd x
t cy Smooth model
Raid = 5 x 10" 0
----- " a ( a = - 1%)
X " fixed a
2 ' o Pressure measurements
-1t I
Ogive - Cylinder
I -2"
M = 0.5 Re,, = 0.3 X lo6
Rough model
Raid = 40 x -41 Ogive-Cylinder
ONERA-Fl M = 0.2 Re,, = 2 x 1Ob
Ogive -Cylinder
Fig. 17 - EFFECT OF ROLL ANGLE. a = 50'
y + Meanvalue
40 M h 0.6
0 20 40 60 80 a L 1 I 1 1 1 , A 1
6.5 5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 V 1
b) - Effect of nose roll angle Forebody fineness ratio, lid
Ogive - Cylinder
40" -.
Wa ke-like
- Surface finish
Smooth Steady symmetric flow
20" .. 60 '.
10" .
40.. vortex flow
= 0.5
J 0.2 0.5 1 2 10-6 Re,
Fig. 22 - ANGLE O F A7TACK AT WHICH SIDE FORCES APPEAR Symmetric vortex flow
.Attached flow
0.5 1 1.5 MO
ONERA-F1 .. ..
. .
* I
. I
15 I Ogive -Cylinder
Mach 5 0.2
A Sharp tangent ogives
a = 50"
0 Sharpcones
Cy max 0 Paraboloids
5 ..
A A \
0 0.2 04 0.6
0.8 0 0.5 1 1.5
106 x Re,
Cross-flow Mach number
Mach 50.2
a = 50"
M = 0.5
ReD = 0.3 x 106
1 h=3
Ogive - Cylinder
M = 0.5 Re, = 0.3 x 106
TR :transition
B : bubble
LS : laminar separation ---- With trips
TS : turbulent separation
- Trips off
2 '
Spinning tip
with 3 grit strips @
, Supercritical
M = 0.25 1291
- 100 - 50 0 50 100
Spin rate (rps)
Re, = 0.3 x 106 A
0 . 1 0Yawing
0.02 t- k
- 0.02
I . .
-0.10 I I I I I I I 1
0 20 40 60 a
ONERA - IMFI, 1331
I IU 1.11
,- -- '\
Yawing moment / \
coefficient PI UZ
\ 2.41 I 1' \
T 0.4
0 I I
w) 160 240
0'. M
OGIVBCYLINOER. e = 4 = 0.2,Re. = 0.2 L Iff.
W , = 6.0
w 160
Clrmmhnnlhl m p l a (w)
270 360
-2.01w 2w
OGIVE-CYLINDER. U = 30'. M = 0 2. RG =4 0I O
IL OGIVE-CYLINDER. 01 = 40.. Re.= 0.8 a Iff.
0.0 ~
-1.0 -
0.3 / 0 P R E S E ; DATA
T A T I ~ ~
0.1 - a
0 .
. I
5-DEC. CONE, M = 1.8. Re = IO.
6- 1
Paul Weinacht
Jubaraj Sahu
Propulsion and Flight Division, W T D
U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21005-5066
shown below.
Navier-Stokes methods also suffer from the fact
that they tend to be computationally intensive. This
is probably the major reason that these methods have q= E=
not been as widely used as simpler theories. However, PW
the rapid pace of developments in computers promises e
to remove this barrier in the near future. Indeed, it has P
only been in the last decade and a half that significant PUV
progress has been made in the development and appli-
cation of Navier-Stokes techniques in the field of missile
This paper focuses on the use of Navier-Stokes
F= i PV2
(e + PI
Tx x
T h e shear stresses are related to the velocity gradi- rearra gin the vector of dependent variables and in-
ent of the fluid, assuming a Newtonian fluid. For turbu- viscid ux !rms take the following form. (Due to space
lent flow, a Reynolds-averaged form of the equations is limitations, the viscous term are not shown but can be
used where the dependent variables represent the mean easily found in the literature1 .)
flow contribution. T h e Boussinesq assumption is ap-
plied, permitting the apparent turbulent stresses to be
related to the product of the mean flow strain rate and
an apparent turbulent viscosity. The shear stress tensor E=J
has the following form;
apparent turbulent viscosity which appears in the vis- where ug F is the total velocity difference across the
cous and heat conduction terms. There are numer- boundary ayer or wake and C W Kis a constant. CWK
ous approaches for determining the turbulent viscosity. w a s originally assigned a value of 0.25 by Baldwin and
These range from simple algebraic models, which are Lomax, although there are indications that a value of
evaluated based on the local flow field properties, to 1.O may be more appropriate5:
models which involve the solution of partial differential
equations which have a form similar to the governing Fmazisdetermined from the maximum value of the
equation. function F(y), shown below, and ymaz is the location
where the maximum occurs.
One of the most widely used approaches used for
missile applications is the algebraic model of Baldwin
and Lomax3. The Baldwin-Lomax model, which is pat-
terned after the model of Cebeci4, is relatively easy to A key feature of the Baldwin-Loniax model is the
implement and computationally inexpensive. Because evaluation of the parameter FWAKE which removes the
some of the details of the model are discussed later, a necessity of determining the displacement thickness or
brief description of the model is given here. wake thickness in the first and second equations in the
The Baldwin-Lomax model is a two-layer model outer model. For attached boundary layers, the first
where the turbulent viscosity is evaluated using two parts, part of the model FWAKE = ymaz F m a z is usually ap-
and inner and outer model. The inner model is applied plied. For wake flows and separated boundary layers,
between the body surface and a cross-over point where some discretion is required in applying the model, as the
the inner viscosity exceeds the viscosity evaluated using normal direction, y, must be appropriately determined5:
the outer model. The outer model is applied outward 4.3 .Numerical Alnorithms
from the cross-over point.
In this paper, two basic approaches for solving
The inner model utilizes Prandtl-Van Driest mix- the Navier-Stokes equations will be discussed. The first
ing length approach and takes the following form; approach can be referred to as the time-dependent or
unsteady approach. Here, the time-dependent Navier-
(pt)inner = P l2 IwI (13) Stokes equations are solved by marching the solution
where forward i n a time-like fashion. The goal may be to
1 = L y[1- exp(-y+/A+)] (14) determine the time-evolution of the flow physics from
one state to another. Alternatively, this approach may
Here, y is the coordinate normal to the surface and IwI be used to predict the steady flow over a flight vehicle
is the magnitude of the local vorticity. The constants, IC where a n initial "guessed" solution is iterated until a
and A + , were assigned the following values by Baldwin final converged solution is obtained.
and Lomax; A: = 0.4 and A+ = 26. The non-dimensional
boundary layer coordinate, y+, is defined below and is The second approach assumes from the outset that
a function of the fluid viscosity, v w , fluid density, p w , the flow field does not vary i n time and the steady flow
shear stress, T ~ and
, the dimensional distance from the equations can be solved. I n the field of missile aero-
wall, y. The subscript, w, indicates that the quantities dynamics, probably the most popular method for solv-
are to be evaluated a t the body surface. For wake flows, ing the steady Navier-Stokes equations is the Parabo-
the exponential term shown above is set to zero. lized Navier-Stokes (PNS) approach. Using the PNS
approach, the flow field about the missile geometry is ob-
tained by computing the solution over the missile body
starting. a t the nose of the missile and "marching" to
U* = dTuJ/Pw the tail. Only a single pass through the grid is re-
quired to obtain the solution, and for this reason, the
PNS method is a t least a n order of magnitude more ef-
The model i n the outer region takes the following ficient than a comparable calculation performed using
forin a time-dependent approach. Additionally, since only a
(p t )out e r = Plc C c p F w a k e FKL E B (y ) (16) few "planes" of data are required to be stored in mem-
FKLEB(Y) is the Mebanoff intermittency factor which ory a t any given time, the PNS technique also requires
takes the following form; much less computer memory compared with the tinie-
dependent approach. Further details of the PNS ap-
proach are discussed below.
4.3.1 The PNS Approach
This will be satisfied as long as the local flow velocity the local flow field variables, while still satisfying the
in the marching direction is positive and greater than conditions for stable marching.
the local sound speed. Unfortunately, the condition of
no-slip a t the body surface due to the viscous boundary It should be clear that the constraints on stable
layer will produce local velocities which are less than marching limit the flow regimes where the PNS code
the local sound speed. For this reason, the matrix of can be applied. These constraints require the external
streamwise fluxes, E , must be modified. flow to be supersonic and free from regions where the
flow separation produces reverse flow in the streamwise
A physical interpretation that can be applied here or marching direction. It should be emphasized that
is that when the flow is supersonic, the state of the flow crossflow (circumferential) flow separation such as that
depends on conditions upstream; there is no "upstream produced by lee side vortices can be handled by the PNS
influence". Close t o the body surface where the flow approach. In practical terms, most PNS codes will fail
becomes subsonic, the flow exhibits an elliptic nature to run for freestream Mach numbers below about Mach
where disturbances can propagate both upstream and 1.5-1.7, even though the flow could still be considered
downstream. T h e streamwise flux vector is modified in supersonic. As well, many flight bodies possess discon-
a way t o eliminate the upstream influence within the tinuities in body geometry which would produce axial
subsonic region. flow separation. Often discontinuities can be handled
using fillets without affecting the results significantly. If
A key feature of PNS schemes is the treatment of the flow separation has a strong effect on the aerody-
the streamwise flux vector in the subsonic region close namics, the region of flow separation should probably
to the body surface (called the sublayer region). These be treated using a time-dependent code.
"sublayer models" typically attempt to remove the ex-
plicit dependence of the pressure on the local flow field Because the PNS technique advances the solution
variables such as that which exists in the ideal gas law. by marching downstream, an initial solution near the
Simple approaches have included eliminating the pres- nose of the projectile is required. Several approaches
sure gradient term within the subsonic region or back- have been devised to obtain this initial solution. For
ward differencing the pressure gradient term which has missiles with sharp nosetips, a conical step-back proce-
the effect of lagging the pressure gradient by one march- dure is often used. Here the actual nosetip is replaced
ing step. Two of the most commonly used sublayer by a conical extension near the nose tip. The assump-
models are those proposed by Schiff and Steger7 and Vi- tion of conical flow is applied; that is, the flow along
gneron, Rakich and Tannehill8. These models are briefly rays emanating from the cone vertex is assumed to be
described below. self-similar. Grids at successive streamwise stations are
formed which are also conical in nature. T h e solution is
T h e Schiff-Steger sublayer model makes use of the advanced downstream by one marching step. Using con-
observation that the pressure gradient across the thick- ical flow assumption, the new solution is scaled back to
ness of the boundary layer is zero. In their model, the the initial streamwise plane. T h e process of advancing
sublayer region extends from body surface to a posi- the solution forward one step and scaling the solution
tion several grid points beyond the point where the lo- back is performed successively until a converged solu-
cal streamwise velocity exceeds the sonic velocity. The tion is obtained.
pressure across the sublayer region is constant and is de-
termined by evaluating the pressure a t the edge of the If details of the flow in the vicinity of the nosetip
the sublayer region. are important or have impact on the flow field down-
stream, auxiliary codes can be applied to more accu-
Another common sublayer model developed by Vi- rately determine the flow field in the nosetip region.
gneron, et al., takes advantage of the fact that within Flow field data from these codes can be used to construct
the subsonic region, a portion of the pressure term can a starting plane of d a t a downstream from this region for
have a direct dependence on the local flow field variables use by the PNS code. This type of approach may be re-
(as it does in the supersonic regime) and still have the quired if the missile geometry has a blunt nosecap. In
eigenvalues be real and positive. In this approach, the the flowfield in front of the nosecap and behind the bow
pressure gradient term has the following form; shock, the flow will be locally subsonic. The flow in this
region can be computed using a time-dependent Navier-
Stokes code.
4.4 Gridding
The gridding strategies used in Navier-Stokes com-
w = 1; "2 r(u - 1) +1 putations require that both the inviscid effects (such
as expansions, shocks) and the viscous effects (within
Here, the pressure term, 6, is evaluated from the local the boundary or shear layers) are adequately resolved.
flow field variables and the pressure term, i j , is evalu- For missile applications, a typical inviscid grid might
ated by alternate means which might include backward be fairly uniformly distributed throughout the flow field
differencing or by applying the condition of zero nor- with some mild clustering of the grid points near the
mal pressure gradient. T h e weighting function, w, is a body. Due t o the presence of the thin boundary layers
function of the local streamwise Mach number, M,, and near on the body surface, a grid for a viscous calculation
increases from zero a t the body surface to one near the will require a fairly fine grid within this region so that
edge of the subsonic region. A safety factor, U , is used the viscous gradients will be adequately resolved. Out-
to ensure stable marching. This approach allows a por- side the boundary layer, the grid should transition back
tion of the pressure gradient term t o be evaluated from to the level of resolution required to resolve the inviscid
effects. To obtain a suitable grid, the analyst will have Tlie sensitivity of viscous drag to grid resolution
to balance tlie need for a fine grid within tlie viscous is related to two effects; (1) tlie effect of grid resolu-
regime with tlie need to use adequate grid points in tlie tion on the prediction on the velocity gradient from the
inviscid region. The resulting grid will characteristically velocity profile and (2) tlie effect of grid resolution on
require a significant level of stretching as the grid transi- the prediction of the velocity profile itself. These effects
tions from a fine grid a t tlie body surface to tlie inviscid are illustrated i n Figure 1 which shows a portion of tlie
grid furt(1ier away from the body. longitudinal velocity profile close to tlie wall at an axial
location 6.2 calibers down from the nose. The y+ = 1,
The stretching of tlie grid should be controlled to y+ = 2 and y+ = 3 results are practically identical,
some extent because of accuracy (truncation error) con- although as the wall spacing is increased (y+ = 6 and
siderations. One rule of thumb is to limit tlie stretching lo), tlie velocity profile deviates from tlie fine grid re-
within tlie grid to 15 to 20 percent. For example, pro- sult. Close to tlie wall, tlie y+ = G result closely matches
ceeding away from tlie body, the radial height of each tlie fine grid velocity profile although tlie skin friction
successive grid point should not increase by more than drag is over-predicted by seven percent for this case. I n
15 to 20 percent of tlie radial height of tlie previous grid this case, much of the over-prediction can be attributed
point. to tlie evaluation of tlie velocity gradient. This can be
demonstrated by evaluating the velocity gradient from
Within attached boundary layers, it is possible to
the y+ = 1 solution based on three grid nodes which
define an additional requirement which controls the res-
are close to the location of tlie first three grid nodes of
olution of the grid within the boundary layer. This
the y+ = 6 solution, and comparing tlie result with the
approach utilizes the non-dimensional boundary layer
coordinate, y+, which is defined in Equation 15. Tlie gradient evaluated directly from the y+ = 6 solution.
value of y+ a t tlie first grid point above tlie wall can When this is done, tlie gradient from both cases differ
be monitored and an acceptable range of values can be by less than one percent demonstrating that tlie prob-
lem here is tlie evaluation of tlie gradient rather than the
determined by numerical experimentation. For turbu-
prediction of tlie velocity profile. As tlie grid spacing at
lent boundary layers where tlie body surface tempera-
tures are close to tlie ambient temperature, it appears the wall is increased above y+ = G, tlie velocity profile
that the viscous effects can be properly resolved when deviates further from tlie fine grid result resulting i n a
at least tlie first grid point above tlie wall is located at less accurate evaluation of the skin friction.
a y+ of about three. This requirement seems to hold Once tlie maximum radial extent. of tlie compu-
over a wide range of Mach numbers, from subsonic to tat ion a1 dom ai n has been est ab I ished , tlie const r ai n t s
supersonic. Placing tlie grid point in this location, al- on wall spacing and grid stretching can be used to de-
lows at least one point within tlie laminar sublayer termine the number of points required to cover tlie re-
(also termed tlie viscous sublayer) where tlie veloc- gion between the body and the outer boundary. If the
ity profile varies i n a fairly linear manner with distance number of grid points is limited (by available computer
from tlie wall. memory for instance), one of tlie two constraints may
have to be relaxed, though problems with tlie accuracy
As a demonstration of the effect of resolution on
of tlie results may result. On tlie other hand, use of an
tlie solution, PNS calculations were performed on an
overly fine grid adds an additional computational bur-
eight degree cone-cylinder body at a flight Mach num-
den because of tlie increase i n tlie number of points and
ber of 4, zero degree angle of attack and a t a Reynolds
because a smaller time-step or marching step size will
number based on diameter of 3.2 x lo6. The calcula-
tions were performed by adapting the grid so that y+ typically be required.
at tlie first point above tlie wall was close to a specified With tlie PNS approach, tlie computational grid
value over the entire body. Thus, the physical grid had is typically generated within tlie code as tlie calculation
a finer spacing near tlie nose and gradually increased as proceeds down tlie body. By monitoring tlie y+ a t tlie
tlie boundary layer thickened. Table 1 shows the viscous first grid point above the wall a t each successive step,
axial force component for tlie various levels of grid res- an adaptive grid approacli can be implemented which al-
olution over ten calibers of body length. A three-point lows the grid spacing near the wall to be adjusted based
stencil (second-order accurate) was used to evaluate tlie on tlie boundary layer growth. It has been found that
velocity gradient at the wall. The results show that as problems may arise if tlie grid spacing is adjusted at each
the spacing at the wall is decreased, tlie results approach point based on tlie local value of y+. It is often better
a uniform value in an asymptotic fashion. If a two-point to increase or decrease the grid spacing by a certain per-
stencil (first-order accurate) is used to evaluate tlie ve- centage if tlie y+ at tlie first point above the wall falls
locity gradient, tlie effect of wall spacing will be more outside a specified value. This reduces tlie possibility
pronounced. that numerical oscillations in tlie flow field will produce
undesirable spikes and kinks i n the grid which can lead
to further instability. For similar reasons, it is also desir-
able to vary the circumferential distribution of the grid
spacing at tlie wall in a uniform fashion. For axisym-
metric bodies, this might be accomplished by monitor-
G. .OG89 7.3 % ing the value of y+ a t tlie first point above tlie wall on
10. .0730 13.7 % the wind and lee sides of the body and adjusting the
grid uniformly around tlie body. For more complicated
geometries, other strategies can be devised to appropri-
Table 1. Viscous Component of Axial Force Coefficient ately refine tlie grid i n regions of high gradients.
as a Funct,ion of Grid Resolution
Grid generation with the time-dependent codes is tack, th comparisons between the PNS results and the
performed before the start of the calculation and before experimental results were less favorable, particularly on
the flow characteristics are known. Often for particular the lee-side of the boattailed portion of the body where
classes of problems, it is possible use past experience as a a region of crossflow separation was present. The PNS
guide in determining the proper level of grid refinement results were, however, in better agreement with the ex-
before performing the grid generation process. perimental data than were the inviscid computations.
5. FOREBODY STATIC AERODYNAMICS Comparisons between axial velocity profiles ob-
tained from the computation and from wind tunnel data
5.1 Validation were also performed in both studies. Two such com-
parisons are shown in Figures 5 and 6. The compu-
This section addresses computational studies where
details of flow field predictions have been compared with tations are in reasonable a.greement with experimental
experimental data for the purposes of benchmarking the data with velocity deficit in the lee-side (4 = 180') wake
region being generally well represented in the computa-
computational technique. The missile designer, being
tion. Sturek and Schiff did note some small differences
typically interested in the integrated effect of the flow
in the velocity profiles in the lee-side wake region which
field, is not usually concerned with the flow details at
could be attributed to the vortices in the region of cross-
the level discussed here. However, the accuracy of the
flow separation.
integrated effect generally depends on the accuracy of
the important flow details. Because of this, it is useful A later study by Degani and Schiff15 revealed that
to present a sampling of results which seek to benchmark within the region of crossflow separation, the Baldwin-
t,he accuracy of the predicted flow details. Lomax turbulence model tended to over-predict the tur-
bulent length scale causing inaccuracies i n the flow field
One ? x l y validation of the Schiff-Steger PNS code
predictions. Degani and Schiff proposed a modification
was performed by Schiff and Sturekg. Calculations were
to the original Baldwin-Lomax model which consider-
performed for a conical body and for a secant ogive-
ably improved the predictions in the crossflow region.
cylinder-boattail (SOCBT) configuration. A schematic
In particular, the authors found that the value of yma+
of the SOCBT configuration is shown in Figure 2. The
used in the outer region portion of the turbulence model
SOCBT configuration models many of the geometric
was being over-predicted. ,y( is determined from the
features found on an artillery projectile although nose
location where F ( y ) reaches a maximum. F ( y ) is essen-
bluntness and the rotating band are not simulated. Cal-
tially the moment of vorticity.) Outside the region of
culations were performed at Mach 3 and over a range of
angles of attack up to about ten degrees. The com- crossflow separation, the moment of vorticity typically
putational results were benchmarked with wind tunnel had a well defined maximum and the value of ymaz could
be determined without any ambiguity. However, in the
ineasurementsl0*11, 12, l 3 and included aerodynamic
region of crossflow separation, the moment of vorticity
force and moment measurements as well as pressure and
was observed to have a number of local maxima because
boundary layer surveys. This work was followed by re-
of the shape of the velocity profile i n the leeward wake.
lated computational study by Sturek and SchiffI4which
The unmodified Baldwin-Lomax model tended to select
focused on the Magnus effect for spinning axisymmet-
a,,,y which was an order of magnitude greater i n the
ric projectile geometries. As part of this study, further
region of lee-side crossflow separation than the yn,,+ on
validations were performed for a spinning SOCBT ge-
the windward side. Degani and Schiff proposed that
ometry. The configurations examined i n both studies
the proper determination of ymaz could, i n most cases,
had sharp nosetips and the conical step-back procedure
be obtained by finding the first local maximum in yma+
was used to generate the starting solution near the nose
when sweeping out from the body surface. Near the
of the projectile. Since a boundary layer trip had been
used in the experiment, the PNS calculations simulated circumferential location of the primary crossflow sepa-
ration, Degani and Schiff noted that problems in deter-
a turbulent boundary layer over the complete configura-
mining an appropriate value of,,,y could still occur.
tion using the Baldwin-Lomax turbulence model. Dis-
To deal with this situation, at each axial location, the
cussion of the important validation results from these
determination of ymaz proceeded from the windward to
two studies is provided below.
the leeward side. The radial search for the maximum
Comparisons of the axial and circumferential dis- vorticity was limited to the region between the body
tributions of surface pressure were made for the non- and a radial location of 1.5 times the ymao at the pre-
spinning SOCBT geometry over a range of angles of at- vious location. If no local maximum was found i n this
tack. Figure 3 shows the wind and lee side pressure dis- region, the value of,,,y (and F,,,) from the previous
tribution for the SOCBT body at Mach 3 and an angle circumferential location w a s used.
of attack of 6.3 degrees. This figure shows a comparison
between PNS and inviscid computation and experimen- To validate their modifications to the Baldwin-
Lomax model, Degani and Schiff performed calculations
tal data. The biggest differences between the PNS and
inviscid calculations appear on the boattailed region of for a number of conical bodies at angles of attack which
were two to three times the cone half-angle and for a six-
the projectile. On this scale, both the PNS and invis-
caliber secant ogive-cylinder (SOC) geometry at angles
cid calculation appear to be in good agreement with
of attack of six and ten degrees. In each case, the large
the experimental data. The circumferential distribution
angles of attack produced regions of crossflow separation
of pressure, shown in Figure 4 , reveals bigger differences
between PNS and inviscid calculations with the PNS re- on the lee side of the body. The computational results
sults providing better agreement wit,h the experimental for the conical body showed much improved agreement
data than the inviscid calculations, particularly on the with pressure data and circumferential and axial velocity
boattailed section of the body. At higher angles of at- profile data. In fact, for some of the conical bodies, the
computational results with tlie modified model showed a shown are the locations of tlie bow shock and the imbed-
wider region of crossflow separation with three vortices ded recompression shock obtained from the experiment.
present, compared to the results obtained with the orig- The computed location of the bow shock corresponded
inal Baldwin-Lomax model which showed only a single to the outer boundary of the computational domain
crossflow vortex. which was shock fit. The location of the imbedded shock
which was captured within computational domain was
For the SOC geometry, Degani and Schiff also determined after the completion of the calculation using
demonstrated improved agreement with the pressure a post-processing algorithm. The location of the recom-
and velocity profile data through the use of their mod- pression shock is well predicted in the computation and
ified model. Figures 7 and 8 show the circumferential appears to be influenced by the location of the separa-
pressure distribution near the aft end of the model for tion bubble a t the corner of tlie nosetip.
angles of attack of 6.3 and 10.4 degrees. The results
show improved agreement on the lee side of the body The computed pressures were i n good agreement
compared with the original Baldwin-Lomax model, par- with the experimental results for all three nosecap ge-
ticularly a t the higher angle of attack. The modified ometries. The pressure distributions on the wind and
model also improved the agreement in the velocity pro- lee sides of the the flat nosetip are shown in Figures 15
files, particularly near the edge of the region of cross- and 16. The agreement between computation and ex-
flow where the largest differences between experiment periment is good with the low pressure region asso-
and the unmodified Baldwin-Lomax computational re- ciated with the separation bubble downstream of the
sults were observed. This is demonstrated in Figure 9 nose corner well modeled. Lee side velocity profiles for
which shows a comparison of the original and modified the pointed, hemispherically blunted and flat nosetips
Baldwin-Loniax results with experimental results near are shown at three downstream locations in Figures 17
the edge of tlie crossflow region. and 18. For the purposes of comparison, the pointed
nosetip results are shown in both figures. The veloc-
The effect of nose bluntness on pressure and ve- ity deficit produced by the nose bluntness is evident for
locity fields over a nine caliber body of revolution w a s both nosetips with the flat nosetip having the biggest
examined computationally by Guidos, et a1.16The com- effect.
putations were validated using a comprehensive set of
wind tunnel data obtained by Dolling and Gray1? Both 5.2 Pitch Plane Static Coefficient Predictions
the computational and experimental studies examined
sharp, hemispherically blunted and flat nosetips for sev- In this section the prediction of the static pitch-
eral bluntness ratios (nose tip radius/body radius) with plane aerodynamics will be discussed. Predictions for
the largest bluntness ratios of 25% providing the signif- both axisymmetric bodies and finned bodies will be pre-
icant effect compared with the sharp nosetip. Results sented.
were obtained at Mach 3 and at an angle of attack of
For a large class of vehicles, the accurate predic-
2.9 degrees. A schematic of the tangent ogive nosetip tion of the static pitch-plane derivatives can be obtained
geometry is shown i n Figure 10. without the need of predicting the flow in the base re-
The PNS approach was used to predict the flow gion of the projectile. This is particularly true for flight
downstream of the nosetips. Starting solutions for the bodies with flat bases flying at supersonic velocities. In
sharp nosetip geometry were obtained using a conical the supersonic regime, the flow over the forebody is usu-
step-back procedure. For the blunted geometries, a time- ally unaffected by the flow in the base area because of
dependent thin-layer Navier-Stokes code18*19, 20* 21was the lack of upstream influence. As well, for vehicles with
used to obtain the flow field in the vicinity of the nose flat bases, the normal force contribution from the base is
cap. Sample grids for the time-dependent calculations due only to the shear stresses acting on the base surface
are shown in Figures 11 and 12. For the blunted ge- which yield a very small integrated effect. The pitch-
ometries, the starting plane for the PNS calculation was ing moment can also have an additional pressure effect
obtained using a plane of data which was several planes from the base due to the wind side to lee side pressure
upstream of the downstream boundary of the computa- gradient. This is typically small due primarily to the
tional domain. Since the flow field variables a t the down- relatively small moment arm through which the pres-
stream boundary are obtained by extrapolating the val- sure forces can act. One must be careful i n analyzing
ues from the interior of the domain (supersonic outflow bodies with base cavities because of potential for sig-
boundary condition), the use of a plane of data from nificant contributions to the pitch-plane aerodynamics
the interior of the computational domain w a s thought due to these regions. Limited experimental evidence in-
to minimize the errors associated with using the down- dicates that the base cavity will produce a stabilizing
stream boundary as the starting plane. effect and will cause predictions which ignore this effect
to be conservative.
Evidence from the experiment indicated that the
flow on the nosecap was laminar and transitioned to tur- Because the base region effect is limited, tech-
bulent on the ogive. Laminar solutions were obtained in niques which consider just the forebody, such as the PNS
the nosecap region. The PNS approach utilized an effec- approach, can be used effectively to predict the static
tive viscosity which allowed the transition from laminar pitch-plane aerodynamics without tlie need for consid-
to turbulent flow to be modeled. The location of tran- ering the base flow.
sition w a s specified in the computation using tlie spark
5.2.1 Pitch-dune nrediclions for axisvmmetric bodies
shadowgraphs as a guide.
Figures 13 and 14 show the computed Mach con- Pitch-plane aerodynamic predictions were per-
tours on the wind and lee sides of the flat nosetip. Also formed for six-caliber secant ogive-cylinder (SOC) and
secant ogive-cy linder-boat tail (SOCBT) configurations good agreement with the experiment d a t a on the nose
by Sturek and S~1iiff~aspart of their study of the Mag- and on the windward side of the body. At the aft end
nus effect on spinning projectiles. The PNS predictions of the body on the leeward side, differences exist in the
were made across a range of Mach numbers from Mach region of recirculation. T h e differences between compu-
2 to Mach 4 and compared with wind tunnel datal3 Fig- tation and experiment may be due to problems with the
ures 19 and 20 show comparisons between computation turbulence model. Application of the Degani and Schiff
and measurement for the pitching moment coefficient modifications to the Baldwin-Lomax turbulence model
slope and normal force center of pressure for the SOCBT improved the results only slightly.
body. Excellent agreement is seen between the com-
putation and experiment for both of these coefficients. Other studies have addressed prediction of the aero-
Similar agreement was demonstrated for the SOC body dynamics of axisymmetric bodies at higher angles of at-
as well. tack. Hartwich and Hal126computed the low speed sym-
metric vortical flow over a tangent-ogive cylinder a t an-
T h e static aerodynamics predictions presented above gles of attack of 20 and 30. Their results showed good
were obtained a t low angles of attack (2). A follow-on agreement with the experimental surface pressure data
study by Sturek and Mylin 22included aerodynamic co- over six calibers of body length. Degani and L e ~ y ~ ~ c o m -
efficient predictions up to ten degrees angle of attack. puted the low speed asymmetric vortical flow about a
Figure 21 shows a prediction of the normal force as a tangent-ogive cylinder with a small surface imperfection
function of angle of attack at Mach 3 for the SOC and located near the nose. T h e comparison of the experi-
SOCBT bodies. T h e predictions are in good agreement mental and computation circumferential pressure distri-
with the experimental d a t a even a t the higher angles butions were quite good over six calibers of body length.
of attack where some non-linear behavior in the normal A key feature of both of these studies was the applica-
force coefficient is evident. T h e predictions shown here tion of modified forms of the Baldwin-Lomax turbulence
were obtained with the original Baldwin-Lomax turbu- model.
lence model. As seen previously, a t the higher angles of
attack, the unmodified turbulence model will produce The transonic pitch-plane aerodynamics of axisym-
inaccuracies in the flow details such as the surface pres- metric vehicles has been examined in a number of studies
sure distribution. However, the effect on the integrated over the past decade. This problem is of interest be-
force coefficient appears to be small for these bodies. cause the pitch-plane aerodynamic coefficients exhibit a
critical behavior (a rapid change in magnitude with
Presumably the prediction of pitch plane aerody- flight velocity). Early studies of this problem28demon-
namics of short bodies such as those discussed above strated that many of the flow features could be cap-
can be performed accurately at supersonic velocities and tured using Navier-Stokes methods, though improve-
small angles of attack with good accuracy using inviscid ments in the accuracy of the integrated aerodynamic
procedures. However, the computing times required to coefficients was still desired. Subsequently, Sahuzgwas
perform the viscous calculation are relatively small (20 able to demonstrate a computational capability for pre-
CPU minutes on a Cray X-MP computer) and it may dicting the pitch-plane aerodynamics for boattailed pro-
be possible to obtain additional coefficients from a single jectiles by exploiting improvements in C F D algorithms
run such as forebody dra.g and pitch damping or Magnus and computer hardware.
S a h ~ ~ ~ p e r f o r maeseries
d of computations for a
For higher length-to-diameter (L/D) ratio bodies, secant ogive cylinder boattailed body (SOCBT) similar
viscous effects can show a bigger effect on the pitch plane to that shown in Figure 2. T h e calculations were per-
coefficients. Comparisons of PNS and inviscid code re- formed a t 4 angle of attack and spanned a range of
sults with wind tunnel d a t a for high L/D bodies were transonic Mach numbers ( M , = 0.9-1.2). The compu-
made by several researchers and compiled in the paper tational requirements for each calculation was about 16
by Jones, et a1.23The study showed that the PNS results, million words of memory and about 20 hours of CPU
which were performed using the Baldwin-Lomax tur- time on a Cray-2 computer. Figure 27 shows a com-
bulence model, gave good agreement with experimental parison of experimental and computed surface pressures
d a t a for long axisymmetric bodies up to angles of attack on the wind and lee sides of the body a t Mach 0.96.
of about five degrees. Beyond five degrees, the problems The computed results are in good agreement with the
in computing the lee side crossflow separation resulted experimental pressure data. T h e comparisons a t other
in an under-prediction of the normal force. Figure 22 transonic Mach numbers showed similar agreement.
shows a schematic of one of the bodies examined in the
study. Figures 23-26 show the normal force loading dis- In the same study, Sahu also performed calcula-
tribution and the normal force coefficient as a function tions for an artillery shell configuration (see Figure 28)
of distance from the nose for angles of attack of three which had been tested in an aerodynamics range. Fig-
and seven degrees a t Mach 3.5. The three degree angle ure 29 shows the predicted and experimental pitching
of attack results show good agreement with wind tun- moment coefficient across the range of transonic Mach
nel 25 for both the normal force and loading numbers. T h e predicted values, which shows the criti-
distribution. At seven degrees angle of attack, the ex- cal behavior in the pitching moment, is i n good agree-
perimental loading distribution (and hence the normal ment with the range data.
force) shows a consistently higher value over the rear A later study by Sahu and Nietubicz3%tilized this
half of the body than does the PNS result. This re- capability to examine the pitch-plane aerodynamic be-
sults in an over-prediction i n the normal force of about havior of a projectile with a base cavity. Figure 30
15%-20% a t the higher angle of attack. Examination of shows a side view of the projectile geometry. The pro-
the pressure distribution for the seven degree case shows
jectile was originally designed with an indented base as
shown in Figure 3 Later, a dome base w a s proposed T h e approach of Rai, et al.31 was later applied by
for the purpose of improving the structural integrity of Weinacht, et 33 to compute the static pitch-plane
the shell. Firing tests of the dome base revealed dif- aerodynamics for a similar class of projectile shapes such
ferences in the flight performance, particularly in the as that shown in Figure 35. T h e computational re-
trajectory drift which is related to the lift of the pro- quirements for PNS calculations for this body is mod-
jectile. This was subsequently confirmed by the com- est; about 1-2 hours of CPU time and about 0.5 million
putation. Figure 32 shows the predicted normal force words of memory on a Cray X-MP computer.
coefficient for both configurations. T h e dome projectile
is seen t o have about ten percent more normal force a t T h e computational model for this projectile in-
the low transonic velocities though at the higher veloc- cludes several geometric simplifications. Because the
ities, the differences are relatively small. T h e pitching nose bluntness on the actual flight body is small, the
moment coefficient is also affected by the base configu- computations were performed assuming a sharp coni-
ration as shown in Figure 33. Both the computation and cal nose and the conical step-back procedure employed
the range d a t a show a similar effect of base configuration to generate the starting solution. Secondly, the actual
across the range of Mach numbers. Detailed examina- geometry has a number of sub-caliber circumferential
tion of the flow field d a t a revealed that a t the lowest grooves which cover much of the cylindrical surface. These
Mach number about 25% of the difference between the grooves are required t o mate the projectile with the rest
standard and dome base was due to the lift generated in of the launch package. These grooves produce a rough-
the base cavity with the remainder of the lift difference ness effect which can thicken the boundary layer some-
being produced by the upstream influence of the wake what, producing a small increase in drag and poten-
on the flow over the projectile body. tially reducing the fin effectiveness. T h e geometry is
currently modeled as a smooth surface and the effect of
In general, the results seem to indicate that the the grooves is not modeled.
low angle of attack flow over axisymmetric bodies can be
accurately computed using Navier-Stokes approaches. Figure 36 shows the development of the normal
At higher angles of attack where crossflow separation force coefficient over the body of the M735 body at Mach
plays an important role, the accuracy of the results ap- 4 and two degrees angle of attack. Comparison is made
pears to be dependent on the turbulence modeling. Ac- between PNS results and results obtained using the in-
curate high angle of attack results at low speed and viscid code, SWINT3? Also shown is the total normal
moderate length to diameter ratios have been demon- force coefficient obtained from aerodynamic range data.
e r a t e d . Further research a t high speed and high L/Ds T h e results are generally in good agreement and indicate
is\still required. that the viscous effects are small for this geometry.
5.2.2 Pitch-plane predictions for finned bodies Figure 37 and 38 show the zero-degree normal
force and pitching moment coefficient slope for the M735
Prediction of the pitch-plane aerodynamics for finned geometry across a range of supersonic Mach numbers.
bodies has also been made using Navier-Stokes approaches. T h e PNS results are compared with d a t a obtained from
In this section examples of predictions made with both aerodynamics range firings. (The range value of the
PNS and time-marching approaches are discussed. pitching moment is determined from the frequency of
the yawing motion which can be accurately determined.
For PNS calculations of flight vehicles with highly T h e range value of the normal force is obtained from the
swept fins, the most commonly used gridding strategy amplitude of the center of gravity motion which tends to
utilizes a single grid which is wrapped around the pro- be small, decreasing the accuracy of the measurement.
jectile geometry. In some ways, this approach is simpler Thus, the pitching moment tends to be a more critical
to implement for viscous flows than the zonal grid ap- comparison.) T h e normal force predictions fall within
proach often applied for finned geometries using inviscid the scatter of the aerodynamics range data. T h e pitch-
codes. However, it often requires more grid points and ing moment predictions show a slight over-prediction
tends to be less flexible because it is generally applica- compared with the range data. T h e over-prediction in
ble to a more restrictive class of fin geometries (highly the pitching moment is thought t o be due to the fact
swept fins). Because there is a single direction which is that the modeled geometry does not incorporate the ef-
nearly normal to the body surface across the projectile fect of the grooves which might produce a reduction in
geometry, the thin-layer assumption can be applied in the fin effectiveness. If the differences between compu-
a straight forward manner. Normally, this approach re- tation and experiment is due t o the groove effect, the
quires the geometry to be fairly smooth; that is, local results indicate that the grooves produce a loss of fin ef-
slope of the body surface is continuous. Thus, the lead- fectiveness of several percent. T h e results indicate that
ing edge is typically rounded and the fin-body junction the center of pressure is predicted to within about one
is often filleted. quarter of a body diameter (two percent of the body
length). Also shown in Figure 38 are inviscid predic-
Rai, Chaussee and Rizk3* utilized this approach tions made using an inviscid option in the Schiff-Steger
to compute the flow over a cone-cylinder-finned body. PNS code. T h e inviscid results show an over-prediction
They adapted an elliptic grid generation approach to of the pitching moment by about ten percent compared
obtain the grid over the finned portion of the body. with the viscous results.
Through appropriate controls in grid generation approach,
a smooth grid is generated which has the important This configuration was later examined by Gielda
characteristic that the grid lines are nearly normal to and M c R using ~ ~ an~explicit
~ PNS approach based on
the body surface in the circumferential plane. Figure 34 the explicit MacCormack algorithm. Their predicted
shows a circumferential plane of grid on a finned body normal force coefficient w a s within five percent of the
which was generated using the approach described above. predictions discussed above.
6-1 I
will be axisyinmetric and a two-dimensional calculation ratio is accurately predicted. It should be noted that
can be performed. the range data were obtained by measuring the roll rate
at only two stations and assuming that the spin rate a t
Sturek40 obtained prediction of the roll damping launch was zero. Additional measurement stations are
of axisymmetric projectiles a t supersonic velocity. His obviously desirable.
results were compared with design code results and the
two set of results compared to within about 25 percent. Using the computed roll producing and roll damp-
More recently, Weinacht4 obtained results for the roll ing moment coefficients, spin histories of the projectile
damping of axisymmetric bodies at supersonic velocities were determined by solving the roll equation (Equa-
for a family of axisymmetric bodies. Figure 45 shows a tion 21). A representative trajectory (launch Mach =
schematic of the body geometry. I n the range tests42, 5.25) is shown in Figure 51. The computed spin history
three body lengths were tested; 5, 7 and 9 calibers in falls within the range of the range data a t both of the
total body length. The predictions of the roll damp- measurement locations. This type of comparison may be
ing versus body length is shown in Figures 46 and 47 a better indicator of the accuracy of the coinputational
for Mach numbers of 1.8 and 2.5. The computations approach than the comparisons with the individual co-
show a slight over-prediction in the roll damping mo- efficients given the limited number of data stations. The
ment. The computational results, which were obtained computed trajectories show that at the second measure-
using a fully turbulent boundary layer, might be im- ment station, the projectile is within 3 percent of the
proved by accounting for the region of laminar flow on steady-state spin rate.
the nose which was observed in the experiment. The in-
crease in the coefficient with decreasing Mach number is This approach for predicting the roll producing
reflected in both the computation and the experiment. and roll damping moments has also been utilized by
Daywitt, Prats and C h a ~ i ~ determine
~to the roll char-
6.2 Fiiiiied bodies acteristics of a finned projectile with low aspect ratio
canted fins. The authors benchmarked PNS calcula-
Predicting the rolling motion of non-axisymmetric tions with wind tunnel data for fin cant angles of 0.1
bodies is complicated by the fact that in the typical and 0.5O degrees. The PNS predictions of the roll pro-
reference frame, the flow is time-dependent. At zero ducing moment showed good agreement with the wind
degrees angle of attack, it is possible to use a rotating tunnel data and appeared to show the correct variation
coordinate frame to remove the time dependency from of the roll producing moment with cant angle. The PNS
the problem. This coordinate frame is fixed to the body predictions of the roll damping coefficient were within
and thus rotates at the roll rate of the flight vehicle. 10% - 20% of predictions made with the NAVY Aero-
I n this coordinate frame, at a constant spin rate, the Prediction code46 A comparison of the roll history over
unsteady nature of the flow which is produced by the the first 0.5 seconds of flight showed reasonable agree-
roll will be removed. Use of the rotating coordinate ment with the experimental data.
frame will require that the Coriolis and centrifugal force
terms be added to the governing equations. The computational study of Edge47which exam-
ined the roll characteristics of a missile with wrap-
This approach has been applied by Weinacht and around fins serves as a final example i n this section.
~ ~ , predict the roll characteristics of finned
S t i ~ r e k44t0 For several decades, missile designers have used wrap-
projectiles. Sample results for the M829 finned body around fins as a method of providing aerodynamic sta-
(see schematic i n Figure 39) are presented here. The bilization for tube-launched munitions. These fins are
roll characteristics for this body were obtained by per- folded down around the aft end of the body so that the
forming the computations over a range of Mach numbers flight body maintains a circular cross section while in-
(M = 3.0 to 5.5) and non-dimensional spin rates ( p D / V side the launcher, hence the term wrap-around fins.
= 0 to .015) for free-flight (sea-level) atmospheric con- After launch, the fins are deployed using dynamicor me-
ditions. The computations were compared with data chanical means. Because the fins conform to the body
obtained from range firings. prior to launch, the cross section of each fin b h d e is a
circular arc when deployed.
Figure 48 shows the comparison of the steady-
state spin rate as a function of Mach number. The com- While wrap-around fins have obvious advantages
puted result,s are bracketed by the range data, demon- for launching munitions from circular cross-section launch-
strating that the predictions of the steady-state spin rate ers, aerodynamic problems have been associated with
are within the accuracy of measurements. their use. Because the fin blades are curved, the air flow
on adjacent sides of the fins is not symmetric. The asym-
Comparisons of the roll producing and roll damp-
metric flow of air across the fins will produce aerody-
ing moment coefficients are shown inFigures 49 and 50.
namics loads on the fins that cause the projectile to roll.
The computed results for both coefficients lie somewhat The magnitude and, more importantly, the direction of
above the range data. At Mach 5.25, the range val- the roll moment are dependent on the flight velocity.
ues of the roll producing moment coefficient are 4 to Typically, munitions which are launched at supersonic
35 percent below the computed result, while the range
velocity have been observed to roll i n the direction away
values of the roll damping moment coefficient are 10 from the fins center of curvature. As the velocity of the
to 38 percent below the computed value. The result
projectile slows due to aerodynamic drag, the roll of the
that both coefficients show similar comparisons between projectile decreases and may eventually change direc-
range and computed values is a reflection of the fact that
tion at low supersonic or transonic velocities. This type
the steady-state spin rate is approximately the ratio of
of behavior can cause poor flight dynamics performance
the roll producing moment coefficient to the roll tlamp-
for the projectile. A simple model of the roll reversal
ing moment coefficient. As was shown i n Figure 48, this mechanism does not appear possible. Instead the phe-
combination of spin and angle of attack will produce a total angle of a..ick, at = d m is constant, how-
time-dependent flow field. ever.
7.2 Pitch DamDine Prediction For the case of steady coning motion, the angle of
attack and angular rate can be written as follows;57
7.2.1 P i t c h D a m p i n g Theoretical Background
The prediction of the pitch damping coefficients is
often thought to be a difficult problem because the pitch
damping forces and moments are produced by the time-
dependent motion of the body. It is, however, possible to
devise steady motions which can be used to predict the
pitch damping coefficients for symmetric missiles. This Here, 4 represents the coning rate, 6 is the sine of the
approach was first applied by Schiff2to conical bodies total angle of attack, 7 is the cosine of the angle of attack
i n supersonic flight using an Euler space-marching code. and 1 and V are, respectively, a reference length and
Later studies of conical bodies were preformed by LinS3 velocity. $!is the non-dimensional coning rate.
using a inviscid/boundary layer approach and by Agar-
wal and Rakich5%sing a PNS approach. This approach In the non-rolling coordinate frame, the complex
was further developed by Weinacht, Sturek and Schiff5 angle of attack and angular rate show a dependence on
and applied to compute the viscous flow about axisym- time, 1 , in the complex exponential function, e. It is con-
metric bodies using a PNS approach. Later, Weinacht venient to consider an additional coordinate frame called
and S t ~ r e applied
k ~ ~ this approach to compute the pitch the coning coordinate frame. In the coning frame, mis-
damping of finned bodies. sile longitudinal axis (x axis) and the z axis remain in
the plane of the angle of attack (pitch plane) while the y
As a way of introduction, the moment expansion axis is normal to the pitch plane. In steady coning mo-
for a symmetric missile in the non-rolling coordinate tion, the coning coordinate frame rotates i n a periodic
frame is shown below3? The moment formulation makes fashion about the non-rolling coordinate frame.
use of complex variables to separate the moment com-
ponents, en, and e,,
which produce rotations in the ver-
By using the coning frame, the time-dependence
which exists in the non-rolling frame can be removed, as
tical and horizontal planes, respectively.
seen below.
Pl i
Cm + ien = [(v)Cn,, - icm,lt- -[Cm, + malt'
In the moment formulation, the pitching moment
coefficient, C,, , and pitch damping moment coefficient,
C,,, +7C,, , produce moments proportional to the com- In the coning frame, C,, represents the in-plane mo-
plex angle of attack, and angular rate, (*, respectively. ment which cause rotations of the body in the pitch
plane and C,,represents the moment which causes the
The Magnus moment coefficient, C,,,,,, accounts for a
side moment due to flow asymmetries from a combi- body to rotate out of the pitch plane and is often re-
nation of spin and angle of attack. This form of the ferred to as the side moment. The in-plane moment
moment expansion assumes that the missile undergoes (real part) results only from the pitching moment, while
small amplitude motions. In this case, q is approxi- the total side moment (complex part) consists of con-
mately equal to d. and the effect of q and d. are repre- tributions from the Magnus moment and pitch damping
sented by a single coefficient represented by the sum moment.
cna, +7Cnad.. 7.2.1.a L u n a r C o n i n a Motion
Equation 23 seems to imply that an unsteady mo- In the current study, there are two particular types
tion is required to produce a pitch damping moment con- of coning motion of interest. The first motion is de-
tribution because of the presence of the angular rate, (. scribed as l u n a r coning motion. In lunar coning motion,
However, it is possible to devise motions that are steady the coning coordinate system becomes a body fixed axis
and still result i n a non-zero angular rate. One such mo- system. Lunar coning motion will cause the body to un-
tion is steady coning motion. Steady coning motion dergo a rotation at a rate which is proportional to the
is defined as the motion performed by a missile flying a t coning rate of the projectile. This motion is spinning
a constant angle with respect to the free stream velocity motion in the non-rolling coordinates.
vector (angle of attack) and undergoing a rotation a t
a constant angular velocity about a line parallel to the
P = 74 (26)
freestream velocity vector and coincident with the pro-
jectile center of gravity. This is shown schematically in
Figure 57. The longitudinal axis of the flight body will For this type of coning motion, the side moment
sweep out a conical surface with the vertex located a t can be written as shown below.
the center of gravity. With respect to a non-rolling coor-
dinate frame, the vertical and horizontal components of
the angle of attack, cr and p, vary in a sinusoidal fashion
as the projectile rotates about the free-stream velocity
vector, but differ i n phase by a quarter of a cycle. The The notation can be simplified by noting that the
right hand side of Equation 27 is simply the variation of
side moment with coning rate, valid for linear variations attack produces a periodic motion for no axisymmetric
of side moment with coning rate. bodies, thereby eliminating steady flow computational
approaches from consideration.
For this type of coning motion, the side moment
can be written as shown below.
This equation expresses the variation i n the pitch damp- tile i n flight. At Mach 4, the non-dimensional pitching
ing moment coefficient with the center of gravity shift, frequency of the projectile is 0.004, where the form of
scg, given that the aerodynamic coefficients for the base- the non-dimensionalization is the same as for the coning
line configuration are known (scg is i n calibers and is rate. The results also show the existence of a small non-
positive for a CG shift towards the nose). Using this re- zero side moment coefficient a t zero coning rate. This
lation and the predicted aerodynamic coefficients for the side moment is due to bevels on the fins. The existence
middle CG position, the variation of the pitch damping of this side moment a t zero coning rate requires that
moment coefficient with CG location w a s determined. computations be performed for at least two coning rates
This variation is shown i n Figures 58 and 59 by the solid in order to evaluate the variation of the side moment
line. The difference between the pitch damping moment coefficient with coning rate, C t l C .
coefficients predicted from the CG translation relations
and the pitch damping moment as determined from the Figure 64 shows Cni as a function of 6 (the sine
direct computations is less than 0.1 % . This serves as of the angle of attack) a t Mach 4. The dashed line dis-
a consistency check for the computational approach. played on this figure is representative of a linear varia-
tion of CnCwith 6 across the range of angles of attack
Using Equation 31, it is also possible to determine
the pitch damping force coefficient from the variation examined. The computed results show that, at small
i n the pitch damping moment coefficient with CG lo- angles of attack, Cnivaries linearly with 6, but departs
cation given that the normal force and pitch moment from a linear variation as the angle of attack increases.
are also known. While the computational approach can
determine this directly, the pitch damping force has lit- Figure 65 shows the development of Cni/6 over
tle effect on the free flight motion. This approach was the M735 kinetic energy projectile at Mach 4 and two
used to determine the range values of the pitch damp- degrees angle of attack. As discussed previously, CnC/6
ing force coefficient. Figure GO shows the variation of the should be a reasonable representation of the pitch damp-
pitch damping force coefficient with body length for the ing coefficient, C,,, +C,,, , i n the linear aerodynamic
middle center of gravity location. Note that, unlike the regime. This figure shows that the fins contribute most
normal force coefficient, the pitch damping force varies of the side moment due to coning (and hence, the pitch
with CG position. The agreement between the compu- damping) with a smaller contribution from the nose.
tational predictions and experimental results are within
the experimental accuracy and show the correct varia- The Mach variation of C,,,+ C,,,, for the M735,
tion with body length and Mach number. as determined from Cnr/6, is shown i n Figure 66. The
computed results are compared with range measurements
As mentioned previously, the pitch damping pre- of the pitch damping coefficient. Though the range data
dictions were obtained using the combined spinning and shown here are considered well-determined, some scat-
coning motion which allows the pitch damping force and ter is still evident because damping rates are typically
moment to be determined directly from the side force difficult to measure. The experimental results do reflect
and moment. The expected differences between apply- the expected level of accuracy i n determining this coef-
ing combined spinning and coning motions, and lunar ficient experimentally. The comparisons show that the
coning motion is reflected i n the Magnus moment coef- computational results are within the accuracy of the ex-
ficient. In the current effort, the Magnus force and mo- perimental data and provide a measure of validation of
ment have been computed for the ANSR configuration the computational approach.
and comparison made with range data obtained from
the same series of firings as shown i n Figures G l and G2. The lunar coning motion approach was also ap-
The computed results were obtained for a fully turbu- plied to predict the pitch damping of a family of flared
lent boundary layer. (There is some evidence from the flight bodies5? These configurations have been investi-
experimental program to indicate laminar flow over a gated experimentally i n aerodynamics range tests6*, 63a11d
portion of the body, particularly near the nose.) The the data has been used for benchmarking purposes. A
computational results are in reasonable agreement with schematic of the baseline cone-cylinder-flare projectile
the experimental data. The predictions show that de- configuration is shown i n Figure 67. Each of the projec-
termining t,he pitch damping coefficient from the side tiles examined here has the same cone-cylinder forebody.
moment due to lunar coning motion and completely ig- The forebody has a slightly truncated conical nose. In
noring the Magnus moment will result in errors of less the computations, the nose is modeled as a sharp tipped
than 5 percent for this configuration. cone. The cylindrical portion of the body also has a
number of sub-caliber grooves which permit the launch
7.2.3 Pitch Damping of Finned Bodies loads to be transferred from the sabot to the projectile
during launch. These grooves are not modeled i n the
Pitch damping predictions for finned projectiles56 computations presented here.
were made using the lunar coning motion approach. Re-
sults are shown here for the M735 configuration shown Various afterbodies have been analyzed both ex-
previously i n Figure 35. perimentally and computationally. Schematics of the
afterbodies are shown in Figure 68. The configurations
The computed variation of the side moment co- CS-V4-2 through CS-V4-5 have a one caliber afterbody
efficient with coning rate at Mach 4 and two degrees extension added to the baseline configuration, CS-V4-1.
angle of attack is shown i n Figure 63. The variation The angle of inclination of the conical extensions for con-
of the side moment coefficient with coning rate is seen figurations CS-V4-2 through CS-V4-5 are respectively
to be linear across the range of coning rates examined 6' (simple extension of original flare), 0' (cylindrical
here. This range of coning rates is reprcsentative of the skirt), 12O (steeper flare), and -Go (boattail). Configu-
pitching frequencies experienced by the M735 projec-
ration CS-V4-6 consists of a 9.37 degree flare which has predictions also confirm that the Magnus force is small
been machined to produce a square cross section over the in relation to the pitch damping force coefficient. This
last caliber of the body. Configuration CS-V4-7 is iclen- result demonstrates that, by ignoring the contribution
tical to the boattailed configuration CS-V4-5, except from the Magnus coefficients, the pitch damping coeffi-
that four 12 degree fins have been added to the boat- cients can be determined directly from the side force and
tailed portion of the body. The fins are 0.153 calibers moment due to lunar coiiing motion with little effect on
thick. The final configuration, CS-V4-8, is identical to the accuracy of the prediction.
the baseline configuration, except that four boundary
layer strakes have been added to the flared portion of 8. BASEFLOW
the body. The strakes are 0.153 calibers in height and One of the important parameters i n the design of
width. missiles is the total aerodynamic drag. The total drag
Figure 69 shows a comparison of the pitch damp- can be thought to consist of three drag components: the
ing moment coefficients for each of the eight configu- pressure drag or the wave drag (excluding the base),
rations at Mach 4 . Both the PNS predictions and the the viscous drag, and the base drag. The base drag
range data are shown. Each of the bodies with the con- component is a large part of the total d r ~ i g ~ ~ acan
ical extensions, configurations CS-V4-2 through CS-V4- be as high as 50% or more of the total drag. Of all
5, have larger pitch damping coefficients compared with these three components of drag, the most difficult one to
the baseline configuration CS-V4-1. Computational pre- predict is the base drag. The base drag depends on the
dictions show a consistent increase in the pitch damping pressure acting on the base which is usually much lower
for the bodies with the conical extensions with the boat- than that of the free stream. Therefore, it is necessary
tailed configuration having the lowest pitch damping co- to determine the base pressure as accurately as possible.
efficient and the steepest flare having the highest pitch
The class of flows known as base flows has received
damping coefficient. These trends are, for the most part,
significant attention since the early 1950s. Early studies
reflected by the range data. of low speed flow around blunt based bodies tended to be
The finned configuration, which is identical to the over-shadowed by the phenomenon of vortex shedding.
boattailed configuration, except that four 12 degree swept Research initiated since the advent of high speed flight
fins have been added to the boattailed portion of the resulted in a slow unravelling of the processes and mech-
body, shows a modest increase i n the damping over anisms which control and establish these flows. The es-
the boattailed configuration. The finned configuration, sentially inviscid free stream establishes and determines
however, produces significantly less pitch damping than the major portion of the wake. On the other hand, the
the configuration with the 12 degree flare extension. viscous flow processes such as mixing in the free shear
Again, these trends are reflected by the range data. layer, flow recompression a t the end of the wake, and
The configuration with the boundary layer strakes also the ensuing process of flow redevelopment, establish and
produces a modest increase in the damping compared determine the corresponding inviscid body geometry.
with the baseline configuration which has no strakes. Thus, a low base pressure is the result of the strong
The square base configuration (CS-V4-S), which has the interaction between the inviscid and viscous flows; the
same base area as the baseline configuration (CS-V4-1) latter being attached to the inviscid flow i n the sense of
and the configuration with the cylindrical skirt (CS-V4- the boundary layer concept.
3), produces more damping than the baseline configu- Historically, the flow processes described above
ration and slightly more damping than the cylindrical formed the basis for the development of analytical meth-
skirt. ods to predict the base region flow fields. The turbu-
Determining the pitch damping coefficients from lent base flow theory of K o r ~ t ~ ~ ( 1 9 5and
6 ) the theory
the side force and moment due to lunar coning motion of C h a p m 6 ( 1950) for laminar base flows were devel-
requires that the Magnus force and moment be deter- oped while working independently. Both theories di-
mined from another source or neglected. For the ax- vided the base region flow field into different regions,
isymmetric configurations (CS-V4-1 to CS-V4-5), the solved each region separately, and patched the solu-
Magnus force and moment have been predicted using tions together a t the respective boundaries. This so-
the PNS approach. These calculations were performed called multi-component approach became known as the
with the body spinning at angle of attack and in the ab- Korst-Chapman theory. The multi-component method
sence of coning motion. Magnus predictions for the non- is relatively simple and computationally inexpensive.
axisymmetric geometries could not be made because the However, these models depended on experimental in-
combination of spin and angle of attack for these bodies formation for some parameters and a significant num-
produces a time-dependent flow field. Figure 70 shows a ber of experiments were carried out to provide the re-
comparison of the Ma.gnus moment coefficients by con- quired information for the analytical models. Most of
figuration at Mach 4. Range results are shown for each these experiments were taken on simple gecmetries to
of the eight configurations, while computational results provide better insight into the separation, mixing, re-
are shown for the axisymmetric configurations. The compression, and redevelopment processes. Many of
computational data are bracketed by the range data these experiments such as those conducted by Reid and
for each of the axisymmetric configurations, and sim- Hastings6 (1959) and Badrinarayan68 (1961) did pro-
ilar trends are shown by the computational and experi- vide information on the base flow process. However,
mental results. Both the computational and experimen- most of these experiments suffered from intrusive tech-
tal results reveal that the Magnus moment is small in niques and wind tunnel model interference. For power-
comparison to the pitch damping moment coefficient for off base flows, detailed information in the critical near
the configurations examined here. The computational wake region and detailed base pressure data were not
available in these experiments. This prevented a more
complet derstanding of the base flow process. Until tiles a d considered a greater ran 2 of Mach numbers.
receiitly, very little detailed non-intrusive experimental These calculations again used the 3aldwin-Lomax tur-
base flow field data existed for supersonic axisymmetric bulence model. Figure 73 shows a comparison of the pre-
base flows. The advent of Laser Doppler Velocimeter dicted total drag for the M549 configuration (previously
(LDV) has begun to provide detailed velocity field data shown in Fi ure 28) with design codes (MCDRAG73and
in the near wake region. DeleryGg (1983) presented a f
NSWCAP7 ) and experiment data (LCWSL). The com-
two-component LDV data for subsonic, axisymmetric puted results, design codes and experimental data are in
base flows. More detailed experimental data has been good agreement. These studies seemed to indicate that
recently obtained by Herrin and Dutton70( 1991) for su- base drag could be adequately computed using a simple
personic base flow over a cylindrical afterbody. Such de- turbulence model such as the Baldwin-Lomax model.
tailed information provides both a better understanding However, due to the lack of detailed measurements in
of the complex fluid dynamic phenomenon associated the base region, no detailed assessment of the accuracy
with base flows and the data necessary for validating of the predictive approach could be made.
analytical and numerical models of these flows.
Recently, an interesting validation case for the su-
Analytical models based on multi-component tech- personic flow over a simple axisymmetric afterbody for
niques do offer an inexpensive way to predict the base the power-off condition was investigated by Sahu75 Com-
pressure; however, these techniques are limited to sim- parisons were made between computation and experi-
ple planar or axisymmetric geometries. For practical ment using the detailed experimental data obtained by
three dimensional complex geometries, more sophisti- by Herrin and Dutton70 The data includes base pressure
cated numerical procedures are needed. These advanced distribution, mean flow as well as turbulence quantities
numerical procedures are based on on the solution of the in the near wake. The numerical flow field computations
Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations. The great- were performed a t M, = 2.46 and at zero degree angle
est advance in the last decade has been the evolution of of attack using a time-dependent, Reynolds-averaged,
these numerical methods for computational study of the thin-layer , N avier- St okes coin pu t a t ional tech nique76 Typ-
turbulent, axisymmetric base flows. These techniques ically, the thin-layer approximation implies retaining vis-
offer the greatest hope of realistically predicting the base cous terms in the normal direction only; however, for
flow structure for complex configurations including af- wake and base flows, the viscous terms involving velocity
terbodies with fins, and base cavities. Several problems gradients in both the normal and streamwise directions
arise in the base flow computations due to the complex are retained. In addition, this procedure uses a zonal or
nature of the turbulent separated flow field. Two of the composite grid scheme which preserves the base corner
most important factors which affect the accuracy of the and allows better modeling of the base region flow.
computed base flow results are grid resolution and tur-
bulence modeling. The lack of sufficient grid resolution A schematic diagram showing the important fea-
can introduce significant error. To reduce this error, a tures of supersonic base flow is shown in Figure 74. The
sufficient number of grid points must be placed in the re- approaching supersonic turbulent boundary layer sepa-
gions of high flow gradients such as the free shear layer. rates at the base corner and the free shear layer region is
This can be done by using a grid adaptation procedure. formed i n the wake. The flow expands a t the base corner
Another, perhaps a more significant problem encoun- and is followed by the recompression shock downstream
tered in base flow computations is that of turbulence of the base which realigns the flow. The flow then r e
modeling. The turbulence model used in the wake must develops in the trailing wake. A low pressure region is
capture the flow physics, and in particular the turbulent formed immediately downstream of the base which is
mixing process associated with base flow. These sources characterized by a low speed recirculating flow region.
of errors need to be examined during the validation of Interaction between this recirculating region and the in-
CFD results on base flows. In the sections below, nu- viscid external flow occurs through the free shear mixing
merical examples are given for base flow for power-off region. This is the region where turbulence plays an im-
conditions, followed by base flows with mass injection portant role. Various turbulence models were used and
(base bleed and jet-on), and base flows with base cavi- included the algebraic models of Baldwin and Lomax,
ties. and Chow, as well as a two-equation k - E model. A
brief discussion of the turbulence models used is pre-
8.1 Base Flow for Power-Off Condition sented.
The prediction of the axisymmetric base flow for Baldwin-Lomax Model. This model has been described
unpowered configurations have been performed for over in detail in section 4.2. In the computational results
a decade. Sahu, Nietubicz, and Steger71 presented pre- described here, the distance, y, which appears in the
dictions of base flow behind a secant ogive cylinder con- Baldwin-Lomax model is measured from the center line
figuration at transonic and low supersonic velocities. of symmetry i n the base or wake region. Additionally,
Their computational results were obtained using a time- in the wake formulation of the outer model, C,k w a s set
marching N avier- Stokes approach an d uti 1i zed t he Bald w i n- equal to 0.25.
Lomax turbulence model. Figure 71 shows the pre-
dicted stream function contours for in the base region Chow Model. Another algebraic model that has been
of the projectile. The recirculation region i n aft of the used in some base flow computations is that due to
base is evident. Predictions of the integrated base drag, Chow7! This model is intended to be used i n the base
shown in Figure 72, were also presented. The predicted or wake region only. It is based on the simple exchange-
base drag is in reasonable agreement with experimen- coefficient concept. The turbulent eddy viscosity coeffi-
tal data and design code results. In a subsequent study,
Sahu7$resented additional results for boattailed projec-
ue = Me \i( +
1 / (1
+l&) + +e) (35)
mean and fluctuating velocity components were mea-
sured by Herrin and Dutton70 using a LDV system.
Figure 76 shows an expanded view of the grid in
As a first approximation the average value of pt is as- the base region. T h e grid outer boundary has been
sumed t o be same a t all points for a constant x location. placed 1 diameter away from the surface of the after-
After reattachment, turbulence should decay. Since the body. T h e downstream boundary was placed at 10 di-
interest in the base flow calculations is to obtain the ameters away from the base. Since the calculations
correct base pressure, it is assumed that the eddy vis- are in the supersonic regime, the computational outer
cosity level at the reattachment stays the same a t other boundary was placed close to the body and a no-reflection
locations downstream. For base flow with a jet, similar boundary condition is used a t that boundary. T h e full
algebraic relations can be used for the jet shear layer. grid is split into two zones, one upstream of the base,
and the other one in the base region or the wake. These
Two-Equation k - E Model. Both the Baldwin-Lomax
grids consist of 22x60 and 95x119 grid points, respec-
and the Chow models are algebraic models which de- tively. Figure 76 shows the longitudinal grid clustering
pend only on local informatibn. Other models, such near the base corner. The grid points are also clus-
as the two-equation k - E model, contain less empiri- tered near the afterbody surface to capture the viscous
cism and allow the flow history to be taken into ac- effects in the turbulent boundary layer. The clustered
count. T h e two-equation turbulence model used here is grid points are spread out downstream of the base in the
chi en'^^^ k - E model which is similar to that of Jones wake to capture the free shear layer region.
and Launder7? In this model, two transport equations
are solved for the two variables, k (turbulent kinetic en- A few qualitative results are presented next. Fig-
ergy) and E (turbulent dissipation rate). ure 77 shows the pressure contour plot for the base re-
gion. The features to observe are flow expansion a t the
base corner which is followed by the recompression shock
downstream of the base (coalescence of contour lines).
(36 The computed Mach number contours in the base region
of the flow field, displayed in Figure 78, also show the
flow expansion a t the base and the recompression shock
downstream of the base. In addition, this figure shows
the free shear layer in the near wake. Although not
(37 indicated in Figure 78, the flow in the near wake is pri-
marily subsonic. Figure 79 shows the computed vectors
in the base region. T h e recirculatory flow i n the near
wake is clearly evident. T h e flow reattachment occurs
a t about three base radii downstream. Also, as can be
seen the magnitude of the velocity is quite small in the
immediate vicinity of the base. T h e computed results
Here, yn is the distance normal to the surface. T h e shown in Figures 77, 78 and 79 were obtained using the
coefficients in the k and E equations are given by two-equation k - E model.
~1 = 1.44 Figures 80 and 81 show the velocity components
c2 = 1.92[1- 0.3ezp(-Rf)] in the streamwise and normal directions, respectively.
~3 = 1.44, 01: = 1.0, U, = 1.3 These velocity profiles are taken a t four longitudinal
c p = 0.09[1- exp(-O.Oly+)] positions in the wake or the base region (X/D= 1.2G,
1.42, 1.73, and 1.89). The computed velocity profiles
obtained using two algebraic t rbulence models and th very poorly predicted by the algebraic models, not only
two-equation k - E model are compared with the exper- near the center line but also near the base corner. A
imental data. Figure 80 shows the comparison of the U much improved base pressure distribution is predicted
(streamwise) component of velocity. In general, the pro- by the k - E model and its agreement with the measured
files obtained with the IC - E model are in much better base pressure is quite good. The k - E prediction shows
agreement at the axial stations located a t X/D = 1.26 a small increase in the base pressure near the center line
and X/D = 1.42. The profiles are rather poorly pre- which is not observed i n the data.
dicted by both algebraic models at these two stations.
The results above show that the algebraic tur-
The reattachment point estimated from the exper- bulence models predict the mean velocity components
imental measurements is located about 1.4 base diame- poorly in the recirculatory flow region in the wake. In
ters downstream of the base. The computed value with general, the velocity components predicted by the two-
the k - E model is 1.5. This small disagreement is also equation k - E model are in better agreement with the
seen in the flow redevelopment region downstream of experimental data than the algebraic models. The base
the reattachment (X/D = 1.73 and 1.89). The algebraic pressures predicted by the algebraic models show a much
turbulence models predict the reattachment point bet- larger variation and are in worse agreement with the
ter than the k - E model. The velocity profiles predicted data. The measured base pressures show a very small
with these models are in fairly good agreement with the change along the base and is predicted rather well with
experimentally obtained profiles at these two stations. the k - E turbulence model. This perhaps suggests that
Chow model predictions are slightly better than those for complex base flow problems one needs to consider us-
by the Baldwin-Lomax model in this flow redevelopment ing higher order turbulence models. The use of higher
region. Figure 81 shows the comparison of the w (ver- order turbulence models does add to the overhead and
tical) component of the velocity. This component of CPU time needed for the base flow computations and
velocity is better predicted by the k - E model than the it is this reason that has prohibited the use of higher
algebraic models both i n the flow recirculation and rede- order models especially for complex 3D base flows. In
velopment regions. The profiles by the algebraic models the future, however, greater computer speed and power
are in poor agreement with the experimental data espe- will become available and increased use of higher order
cially for radial positions greater than half of the base advanced turbulence models will be found.
8.2 Base Flow with Base Cavities
Figure 82 shows the turbulent shear stress profiles
in the wake. The computed values obtained by both The majority of the previous base flow
the algebraic models and the k - E model are compared computation^^^, 81* 82and analytical studies considered
with the experimental data. In general, a small im- the base of a projectile to be a flat surface. This was
provement can be observed in the predicted values with true even though many of the actual projectile configu-
the k - E model over the algebraic models. Discrep- rations had some form of a base cavity. Until recently,
ancy exists between the experimentally obtained turbu- the general opinion was that the internal base shape had
lent shear stress and the predicted shear stresses with very little or no effect on the overall flight performance
all the turbulence models. This is true especially near parameters. Range firings of the M825 and M865, both
the peaks a t x/D = 1.26 and 1.42. The magnitude of of which have cavities, provided the evidence that the
the peak predicted by the k - E model is about the same base configuration can indeed affect the base region flow
as predicted by the Baldwin-Lomax model at these two and in turn, have a significant effect on the aerodynam-
positions; however, they both underpredict the experi- ics.
mental peak. The Chow model underpredicts the peak
The M825 projectile originally had an alu-
even more. As for the location of the peak, the k - E
model does better than the algebraic models. As x/D minum/steel base which contained a flat (standard) cav-
ity. As a result of a product improvement program, a
is increased from 1.2G to 1.42, the location of the peak
new all steel base configuration was designed which con-
predicted by the k - E model moves closer to the center
tained a dome cavity. The flight body and the base cav-
line similar to that observed in the experiment. This is
ity shapes were shown previously in Figures 30 ai!d 31.
not seen in the prediction by the algebraic models. The
As a result of range tests, it was found that differences
k - E model predictions agree better than the predictions
in the aerodynamic performance (including drag) of the
by the algebraic models at x/D = 1.73 and 1.89.
two bases existed. Sahu and Nietubiczs3 carried out
Of particular interest is the accurate prediction or a computational study to determine the ability of the
determination of base pressure and, hence, base drag. present Navier-Stokes codes to predict these differences
Figure 83 shows the base pressure distribution (along and to further understand the fluid dynamic behavior
the base). The base pressures predicted by both the which can account for these changes. The Navier-Stokes
algebraic models and the two- equation k - E turbu- computational technique was used to provide a detailed
lence model are compared with the experimental data70 description of the flow field associated with the M825
The experimental data is shown in dark circles and the configuration as well as the integrated aerodynamic co-
computed results are shown in lines. Here, z/D = 0.0 efficients.
corresponds to the center line of symmetry and z/D =
Figures 84 and 85 show the velocity vectors i n the
0.5 corresponds to the base corner. The base pressures
predicted by both algebraic turbulence models show a base region for both base configurations at M,=0.98
and Q = 0.0'. The recirculatory flow in the base region
big increase near the center line of symmetry. The ex-
is evident and as expected, is symmetric. As shown in
perimental data shows almost no change (only 3%) in
the base pressure distribution. The base pressures are Figure 84, the recirculation region for the standard base
extends to about one and a half caliber downstream of
the base corner. The back flow, upon reaching the cavity figurations were proposed and computations were per-
follows the contour of the cavity and leaves the cavity formed. Figures 89 and 90 show pressure contours in the
pushing the flow upwards. The shear layer leaving the base region of the original configuration, as well as for
base corner is displaced upwards weakening the expan- one of the modified base configurations. The compar-
sion a t the base. Figure 85 for the dome configuration ison between the original and a modified configuration
shows a weak secondary bubble inside the cavity in ad- shows that the original pressure spike has grzat.1;- been
dition to the primary bubble. The flow again follows the reduced. Based on these computational results, a new
contour of the cavity and, upon leaving the dome cavity, afterbody configuration was chosen. Subsequent firing
is almost parallel to the streamwise direction. This flow, tests were then conducted for the modified M865 pro-
thus, has less effect on the free shear layer and does not jectile with the new cavity. The results did reveal some
weaken the expansion a t the base corner as much com- improvements in the visibility of the tracer when com-
pared to the standard base. The net effect is that the pared to the original configuration.
size of the primary bubble for the dome base is slightly
smaller than that for the standard base. The reattach- The base drag for all configurations including the
ment point is therefore closer to the base and results in original one is shown in Figure 91. Flow field compu-
lower base pressure or higher base drag at this Mach tations were also made for a configuration with a flat
number. base (without any base cavity) for comparison purpose.
The base drag for this case is included in Figure 91. As
Comparison of the total aerodynamic drag is shown seen in this figure, the base drag for the solid base is the
i n Figure 8G. As shown in this figure, the difference is largest and is reduced by the changes made i n the after-
very small near M = .97 and is somewhat larger at high body configurations. The base drag for the case where
transonic speeds ( 1.1 < M < 1.5) as well as at low the outer flare w a s clipped is the lowest and is less than
transonic speeds ( M < .92). This plot also shows the half that of the flat base case. For the other configura-
range data for both base configurations. The overall tions the outer flare remained unchanged and different
comparison of the computed drag with the range data base cavity shapes have been used. The base drag is
is fair. The range data shows that the dome base has reduced by 4% to 30% due to the various base cavities.
higher drag at higher transonic Mach numbers and this The original base cavity configuration (second from the
trend is seen i n the computed results also. The com- right) has the lowest base drag among the configurations
puted drag data and well as the static aerodynamics co- where only base cavity w a s changed. The modified con-
eficients shown previously (Figures 32 and 33) clearly figuration 1 which showed the smoothest behavior i n
showed a difference i n the aerodynamics between the the base region flow field and the ARDEC configuration
two configurations with different base cavities and were have slightly higher base drag than the original configu-
i n general agreement with the trend of the data. ration. Also shown here is the result of another config-
uration with a rectangular base cavity. The base drag
The effect of base cavities w a s also revealed i n for this configuration is slightly less than that of the flat
a computational study for the M865 projectiles. The base case. A careful look a t these results reveal larger
M8G5 is a flare stabilized projectile which simulates the reduction in base drag with larger reduction in the base
flight of a long L/D finned projectile for training pur- height (or base area). It can also be noted that the effect
poses. This projectile contains a tracer i n the base cav- due to change i n the depth of the base cavity is rather
ity. In firing test,s, it was noticed that the tracer, which small as can be seen with configurations 3,4, and 5. Al-
the gunner uses to detect the impact point of the round, though not shown here, the largest base drag reduction
was not visible for the full range of interest. In an effort due to the base cavity alone compared to the flat base
to uncover a cause for this unsatisfactory performance, case corresponds to about a 12% reduction i n the total
S a l i performed
~ ~ ~ a computational study with empha- drag.
sis on the base region flow field. The objective was to
find out if any flow irregularities occur i n the base re- 8.3 Base Flow with Mass Iiiiection
gion and to correct for such behavior by making sim-
ple configuration changes in the afterbody/base cavity A strong motivation for studying base flows is the
shape. Flow field computations for the M865 projectile desire to control the flow field interactions which will
were performed at various supersonic Mach numbers, allow higher base pressures and thus, lower base drag
2 < M < 5 and cr = 0.0'. Figure 87 shows the compu- to be obtained. Several methods are employed for base
tational mesh for the M865 projectile including the base reduction: afterbody boat-tailing, base bleed, base cav-
region cavity. This figure shows the grid point clustering ities, and base/external burning. One of the effective
near the base corner and i n the free shear layer region. ways to reduce the base drag is to increase the base
This was done in an attempt to put more grid points in pressure through the base bleed. In this method, a rela-
the regions where flow field gradients are large. tively small amount of low velocity fluid is injected into
the dead air region immediately behind the base (see
An analysis of the computed base flow results in- Figure 92).
dicated the presence of a pressure spike 1ocat.ed along
the axis i n the near wake region. Figure 88 is a plot For increasing stagnation pressures of the bleed-
of the center line pressure extending from the interior ing jet issuing from the center portion of the base into
cavity downstream. With the exception of M=5, the the wake, three distinctly different flow regimes exist
jump i n pressure can be seen for all Mach numbers with (Figure 93). As the stagnation pressure of base bleed in-
the largest peak occurring a t M = 3.0. This rapid pres- creases (thus, increasing the mass flow rate gas injected),
sure change w a s considered as a potential reason for the the base pressure increases. Under this condition, all
premature tracer burnout. I n an attempt to reduce or the mass of the bleed is entrained into the mixing re-
eliminate this problem, several modified base cavity con- gion along the wake boundary of the slip stream, and
this flow condition is indicated as Regime I. Typically dition if the stagnation temperature of the jet equals to
Regime I corresponds to very small rates of mass injec- that of the free stream. If the stagnation temperature of
tion, of the order of a few percent). The trend of increase the jet exceeds the free stream total temperature, then it
in base pressure persists until a maximum is reached. involves both mass and energy additions into the wake.
Thereafter, as the stagnation pressure (or, the mass flow
rate) increases, the momentum of the bleed gas is strong In the past decade, an extensive computational
enough to overcome the high pressure prevailing a t the effort has been devoted to the study of power-on (jet-
end of the wake as a result of flow recompression, and on) base flows. Some of these numerical studies include
the base pressure starts to decrease. This type of flow the work by Deiwert8? Wagnerg? Sahu82e 91, Childs and
pattern occurs in Regime 11. The base pressure would Carusog? and Peaceg3 A variety of turbulence models
continue to decrease until a relative minimum is reached. (both algebraic and two-equation models) were applied
Thereafter, for higher mass injection rates, the jet is so with varying degrees of success. Sahus2 computed the
strong that it becomes a supersonic stream itself and supersonic flow over a missile afterbody containing a
the base pressure increases (Regime 111). The interac- centered propulsive jet where the free stream Mach num-
tion between the two supersonic streams is such that an ber was 2.0 and the jet exit Mach number was 2.5. The
equilibrium base pressure is reached. Under this situ- jet to free stream pressure ratio varied from 1 to 15 for
ation, the slip stream pumps out a certain amount of a conical nozzle exit half angle of 20 degrees. The grids
fluid from the near wake while the jet stream feeds an in the base region were adapted to the free shear layer
equal amount of fluid into the wake. For unusually high as the solutions developed. Figure 99 shows a typical
mass injection rates or stagnation pressures, the base computational grid in the base region for a jet to free
pressure may be higher than the free stream pressure, stream pressure ratio of 3. Computed results were ob-
and the pluming jet may cause separation of the slip tained using this grid and the algebraic Baldwin-Lomax
stream away from the wall ahead of the base. This is turbulence model. Comparison of the computed density
usually known as the plume-induced separation. contours and the experimental (Agrell and Whiteg4 )
Schlieren picture for this case is shown i n Figures 100
The above description of the effect of base and 101. The flow features to be seen are the oblique
bleed has been observed by many experimental shock at the end of the afterbody, the trailing shock
investigationsS5~86, 87Sahu81b 82 has applied the Navier- system inside the plume and the slip line that emanates
Stokes computational technique and showed that the from the nozzle lip and defines the jet boundary. The
phenomenon of base injection in all of the three different trailing shocks inside the plume cross each other about 2
flow regimes could be predicted simply by providing ap- calibers downstream of the base. The agreement of these
propriate numerical boundary conditions in the base for qualitative features between the computed results and
the bleeding stream. Earlier work (Sahusl) used an it- the experiment are quite good. A plot of average base
erative boundary condition procedure at the base bleed pressure as a function of exit pressure is shown in Fig-
exit. This procedure was later modified by Nietubicz ure 102. The base pressure increases as the stagnation
and Sahuss to include a non-iterative boundary con- pressure of the jet increases. This clearly corresponds to
dition. Computed results obtained by Sahusl, 82 have flow Regime 111. The agreement of the computed base
supported the observed influences of base bleed through- pressures with experiment is good for higher pressure
out all three different regimes. Figure 94 shows a typ- ratios of 9 and 15, but fdls off a t the lower values.
ical computational grid used in the base region for a
flow condition i n Regime I. Here, an attempt w a s made Another experimental data set that has been used
to adapt the grid points to the free shear layer. The for computational validation is that obtained by Helts-
computed velocity vectors in the base region obtained ley, et al.95 for a free stream Mach number of 1.4 and
with this grid are shown i n Figure 95. This figure shows a Mach 2.7 nozzle. Petrie and Walkerg6published com-
the detailed velocity vectors (streamline pattern) of the parisons of computational results from various research
flow in Regime I, where all mass of the bleed has been groups with this experimental data. It should be noted
entrained into the mixing region. This entrained mass that the experimental data was not provided until after
weakens the expansion a t the base corner and the re- the computations were complete. The study indicated
compression downstream of the base which results in a that the computed results suffered from grid resolution
higher base pressure. Indeed, this increase in computed and turbulence modeling issues which prevented accu-
base pressure is also observed for small mass bleed pa- rate predictions in the base flow region. It w a s also
rameters (see Figure 96). Figure 96 also shows a drop in noted that the experimental data suffered from uncer-
base pressure with a further increase in the bleed param- tainties in the measurements in the near wake region.
eter (or a larger stagnation pressure of the bleed gas). Since then, the experimental results have become avail-
This corresponds to the flow conditions i n Regime 11. A able and Child and Carusog2 and others have predicted
velocity vector plot in the near wake for this regime is these flows more accurately. They concluded that grid
shown in Figure 97. It shows s o h e of the bleed flow pen- resolution and turbulence model deficiencies caused sig-
etrating the downstream region of high pressure. With nificant error in the numerical prediction of such flows.
further increase i n bleed parameter (for higher stagna- They obtained the computed results using a two equa-
tion pressures), the bleed stream becomes a pluming jet tion R - E turbulence model and adapted grid; however
(jet flow). The flow field in this case corresponds to flow inside the nozzle was not included i n their calcula-
Regime 111 where the base pressure increases with in- tions. Sahug7has performed computations that includes
crease in the stagnation pressure of the jet. A velocity the inside of the nozzle. In addition, a grid adaptation
vector plot for this flow condition is shown in Figure 98. procedure w a s developed to adapt the base region grid
The interaction between the free stream and the jet re- to both the free and the jet shear layers using the tem-
sults in a pair of counter rotating recirculating bubbles perature gradients. An example of two adapted grids
in the near wake. The effect of bleed is due to mass ad- for two pressure ratios (50 and 150) are shown i n Fig-
ures 10.3 and 104. Computed velocity vectors and Mach There is still much research work that needs to
contours for the low pressure ratio case are shown in be performed before Navier-Stokes techniques can be
Figures 105 and 106, respectively. Figure 105 shows routinely used for predicting the aerodynamics of com-
the two counter rotating recirculating bubbles in the plex missiles shapes. From the computational side, im-
near wake. It also shows the flow in the nozzle itself. provements in algorithms, grid generation and turbu-
Figure 106 shows the qualitative features such as the lence modeling are obviously required. It should be clear
flow expansion at the base corner, recompression shock from a number of examples cited in this paper, that one
downstream of the base, Mach disk inside the plume, requirement for improving the computational modeling
and the two shear layers. Figure 107 and 108 show is continued detailed experimental testing.
the corresponding base pressure distributions. For both
pressure ratios, the new results are compared with ex-
periment and previously computed results where grid
adaptation was not used and flow inside the nozzle was
not computed. In both these cases, the large kink in the
pressure near the jet exit seen with the previous result
has been eliminated in the new results, and a substantial
improvement in the base pressure comparison has been
achieved in the new results. These new results were ob-
tained using an algebraic turbulence model. It appears
that for jet flows, grid adaptation may be more critical
than the turbulence modeling. Additional experimental
d a t a containing detailed information in the near wake
for such flows is needed for further validation of com-
puted results obtained with the Navier-Stokes compu-
tational techniques.
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59. Weinacht, P., Navier-Stokes Predictions of Pitch Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, November 1983.
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72. Sahu, J., Drag Predictions for Projectiles a t Tran-
60. Tobak, M., and Schiff, L.B., Generalized Formula- sonic and Supersonic Speeds, US Army Ballistic Re-
tion of Nonlinear Pitch-Yaw-Roll Coupling: Part I search Laboratory Memorandom Report, BRL-MR-
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73. McCoy, R.L., McDrag - A Computer Program for 86. Clayden, W.A. and Bowman, J.E., Cylindrical Af-
Estimating the Drag Coefficient of Projectiles, US terbodied a t M=2 with Hot Gas Ejection, AIAA
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74. Moore, F.G., and Swanson, R.C., Aerodynamics Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on
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75. Sahu, J . , Numerical Computations of Super- the First International Symposium on Special Top-
sonic Base Flow with Special Emphasis on Turbu- ics in Chemical Propulsion: Base Bleed, Athens,
lence Modeling, AIAA Paper AIAA-92-4352, AIAA Greece, November 1988.
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76. Sahu, J., and Steger, J.L., Numerical Simulation of AIAA Journal, Vol. 22, No. 10, pp. 1358-1365,1984.
Three-Dimensional Transonic Flows, AIAA Paper
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77. Chow, W. L. Improvement on Numerical Com-
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With Special Emphasis on the Turbulent Base Pres- tation of Base Flow for a Missile in the Presence of
sure of a Projectile in Transonic Flight Condition, a Centered Jet, AIAA Paper No. 84-0527, 1984.
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sity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, Turbulent Base Flow Predictions, AIAA Paper No.
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78. Chien, K. Y . , Predictions of Channel and 93. Peace, A.J., Turbulent Flow Predictions for Af-
Boundary-Layer Flows with a Low-Reynolds Num- terbody/Nozzle Geometries Including Base Effects,
ber Turbulence Model, AIAA Journal, vol. 20, no. Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp.
1, pp.33-38, January 1982. 396-403, 1991.
79. Jones, W.P., and Launder, B.E., The Prediction 94. Agrell, J . and White, R.A., An Experimental In-
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80. Sahu, J . , and Danberg, J.E., Navier-Stokes Com- (FFA), TN AU-913, 1974.
putations of Transonic Flows with a Two-Equation 95. Heltsley, F.L., Walker, B.J., and Nichols, R.H.,
Turbulence Model. AIAA Journal, vol. 24, no. 11, Transonic Nozzle-Afterbody Flowfield Measure-
pp. 1744 1751, November 1986. ments using a Laser Doppler Velocimeter, AGARD
81. Sahu, J., Supersonic Base Flow Over Cylindrical Conference Proceedings, No. 348, September 1983.
Afterbodies With Base Bleed, AIAA Paper No. 86- 96. Petrie, H.L. and Walker, B.J., Comparison of Ex-
0487, Proceedings of the 24th Annual Aerospace Sci- periment and Computation for a Missile Base Region
ences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 1986. Flowfield with a Centered Propulsive Jet, AIAA
82. Sahu, J., Computations of Supersonic Flow Over Paper No. 85-1618, 1985.
a Missile Afterbody Containing an Exhaust Jet.
97. Sahu, J., Unpublished Computational Results on
AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, vol. 24, Base Flow with a Jet, 1989.
no. 5, pp. 403 410, September-October 1987.
83. Sahu, J . , and Nietubicz, C.J., Three Dimensional
Flow Calculation for a Projectile With Standard
and Dome Bases. BRL-TR-3150, U S . Army Ballis-
tic Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground,
MD, September 1990, (Also see AGARD Conference
Prceedings No. 493 on Missile Aerodynamics, 1990).
84. Sahu, J., A Computational Study of the Base Re-
gion Flow Field for the M865 Projectile, ARL-
TR-109, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen
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85. Bowman, J.E. and Clayden, W.A., Cylindrical Af-
terbodies in Supersonic Flow with Gas Ejection,
AIAA Journal, Vol. 5, No.8, pp. 1524-1525, 1967.
0.6 1 ---
x ~279" (.915ft) CYLINDER
0 2 y , f ,::I:
Y+ = 10
0.0 25 5.0 7.5
Figure 1. Longitudinal velocity profile for various grid
-6r x = 330" (1.082ft ) 'BOATTAIL
spacings, Mach 4, cone-cylinder, X/D = 6.2
t- 3.0 2.0 4 .1 I
150 180
-1 4 . 5 L q
SOCBT configuration, Mach 3, a = 6.3', (top) on cylin-
der, (bottom) on boattail, from Ref. [9].
4.0 -180
I I ' I
Figure 5. Velocity Profiles on SOCBT body, Mach 3,
a = 6.3', X/D=4.44 (on cylinder), from Ref. [9].
0 EXP..
4.0 -180 WIND LEE
LEE +, d.0
Figure 6. Velocity Profiles on SOCBT body, Mach 3, Figure 8. Circumferential pressure distribution near
a = 6.3', X/D=5.56 (on boattail), from Ref. [9] aft end of SOC body, Mach 3, 10.4', from Ref. [15]
0 EXP..
.2 I I I I 1 I 1
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 0 2 .4 .6 .8 1.o
Figure 7. Circumferential pressure distribution nea Figure 9. Velocity profile near aft end of SOC geom-
aft end of SOC body, Mach 3, 6.3', from Ref. [15] etry, circumferential angle 30' from lee side, Mach 3,
6.3', from Ref. [15]
3d Sd
I d = 4.95 cm -0,4 -
NOSETI? P Lseslde
/ -O
-0 2 1
-0 I ~
0 4 O S 0 6 0 7 0 8
0 4 -
0 0 0.14
0.3 0 4 0.5 0.. 6
Figure 11. Grid used for hemispherical nosetip o 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8
Figure 14. Mach contours on loswerd side of flat
0 3
0. I
1 - 0
.60 -
downstream of flat and pointed nosetip Figure 21. Normal force coefficient as a function of
angle of attack, Mach=3, SOC and SOCBT bodies, from
Ref. [22]
+ 5.0 12.0 b
ONE CALIBER = 10.16 cm
0.10 - PNS
Figure 22. Schematic of high L/D body
0 5 10 15 20
0.015 - PNS - PRESSURE
0-f)EXP X/D
0.010 Figure 25. Normal force coefficient distribution on high
d CN/& L/D body, Mach 3.5, a = 3.06O
-0.005 ! I I I
5 10 15 20 0.75
Figure 23. Normal force loading distribution on high
L/D body, Mach 3.5, a = 3.06'
d CN/&
0.02 0.00 5 10 15 20
Figure 26. Normal force coefficient distribution on high
L/D body, Mach 3.5, a = 7.13'
0.00 I I I I
0 5 10 15 20
Figure 24. Normal force loading distribution on high
L/D body, Mach 3.5, a = 7.13'
e e 6-33
l A
Comp. (leeside)
o Exp. (leeside)
.-....C O mPr. lW.i!d-?!d.?l
Exp. (windside) .
0 -
1.000 0.922
(1 Caliber = 154.813 mm)
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Figure 30. Schematic of M825 configuration
DlMfNIlONI IN cntlbera
t caliber n I S $ 00 mm
5.5 - 0 D o l o ( K l i n e e l a l . . 1974)
0 BRL Data ( W h y l e , 1980)
5 -
- 0.16 -
4 -
0.14 - .. .
..EE-YI.P.!S-E .....____
t 0.12 -
31 I I I 0.10 'I
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
6 .' 0
o [ - PNS
I: : I , ,
'Ma3 0 CN
, , , 0.1
0 0
0 5 0 7 0 9 1.1 1 3 1 5 0.0
MACH NUMBER 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Figure 33. Pitching moment coefficient slope as a func- Figure 36. Development of normal force coefficient
tion of Mach number, M825 standard and dome bases over M735 finned configuration, M m = 4, a = 2'
cN, :i
01 I I I I
2 3 4 5 6
0.0 0.6 1.0 1.5 2.0 MACH NUMBER
Figure 37. Normal force coefficient as a function of
Figure 34. Circumferential plane of wraparound grid Mach number, M735
for finned projectile
2 3 4 5 6
. -76 -
Figure 42. Oil flow and pressure contours on canard
portion of canard-body-tail configuration, from Ref. [36]
Primary Voncx
2 3 4 6 6
-0.05 910.000
0.0 0.0025 0.0050 0.0075 0.0100 0.0125 4 6 8 10
Figure 44. Schematic illustrating various roll coeffi- Figure 46. Roll damping coefficient versus body
cients length, Mach 1.8, Q = Oo, Army Navy spinner rocket
-0.025 1
8.048 -0.005- A
0.0151 0.0141
e e 0.010
0.010 + *
0.000 2 3 4
5 6 o.
0.000 0.0 0.1 02
0 0
- KM
Figure 48. Comparison of computed Mach number Figure 51. Comparison computed roll history with
variation of equilibrium spin rate with range data, M829 range data - Launch Mach number = 5.25, M829
S i d e View
020 1 I
1 I
e e - Moment Center
clo 0.10
e e 8
0.054 0 PNS
0.00 I I I I
-*O 1 0.04 j-
0.03 7 10' B a a e d o n Length
8 8
0.02 1 0 3 0 - 6 0 Z O N A L Cod.
....1. .
.0 1.-.2..3..Z..O. .W
8 1 . 8 JPL
...I .L...C.o..o....
e 8 0.01
* e e
t =
e I
-0.01 L
-0 03
-0 04
0 0 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0
2 5 3 0 3 5
Figure 50. Comparison of computed Mach number Figure 53. Variation of roll moment coefficient with
variation of roll damping moment coefficient with range Mach number for wrap-around fin configuration, from
data, M829 Ref. [47]
-'2\01 2 3 4 5
Figure 54. Magnus force coefficient versus Mach num-
ber, SOCBT, a = 2O,p = 333RPS, from Ref. [14] Figure 57. Schematic of coning motion
M A C H NUMBER = 1.8
0'04 [I -loo] M A C H NUMBER = 2.5
CY -0.02
- -
\ L/D = 9.
.; -;
.....CO.M.P.UTC\.T!O.N,.o .-.!
~1 10
P L A T O U DATA. o P 10
-201 /De= PNS I ,
-0.08 '
2.0 3.0
6.0 0
X/D 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 56. Distribution of Magnus force coefficient Figure 59. Pitch damping moment coefficient versus
over SOCBT body with 0.5 caliber boattail, Mach=0.94 CG position, Mach 2.5, Army Navy spinner rocket
= 20
+ (J
0 I I I 0.05 I I I I 1
6 8 10 0.0000 0.0025 0.0050 0.0075 0.0100
Figure 60. Pitch damping force coefficient versus body Figure 63. Variation of side moment coefficient with
length, middle CG position , Army Navy spinner rocket coning rate, M735, Mach 4 , CY = 2'
1 -20
0 -10
-1 ~~
I I 1 I I
3 4 5 6 7
Figure 64. Variation of the slope of the side moment
Figure 61. Magnus moment coefficient versus CG po- coefficient due to coning, Cni, as a function of the sine
sit.ion, Mach 1.8, Army Navy spinner rocket of the angle of attack, 6, M735, Mach 4
2 -300.0
cnpa 1 -200.0
0 -100.0
-1 1 I I I 1 0.0
2 3 4 6 6 7 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0
Figure 62. Magnus moment coefficient CG Po- Figure 6 5 . Development of normalized side moment
sition, Mach 2.5, Army Navy spinner rocket C".
slope due to coning, 9 ,over M735 projectile, Mach 4
-750 -750
-600 -600
-a .e3 Y
2 -450 2 -450
+ +
E -300
E -300
-160 -160
0 I I I 4 0 I I I I 1 1 I I
3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Figure 66. Mach number variation of computed nor- Figure 69. Pitch damping moment coefficient versus
malized side moment slope due t o coning compared with configuration, Mach 4
range measurement of pitch damping, M735
10.0 0
0 0 0 8
0.0 - 6 - - 0 0 tJ 0
Cnpa 0
B 0
-10.0 8
0 0
-20.0 0 RANGE DATA
a C l C L l ~ U l ~ C E l
-40.0 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
CS V 4 -1 -
C S V4- 2 c s- v4- 3
a cs - v4-4 m -
CS - V 4 6
Figure '74. Schematic diagram of supersonic base flow
Figure 71. Stream function contour in base region of
SOC, M, = 0.9, CY = 0.
0 1501
.m 0.100-
0 050- x (mm)
0 o o o ~ ,
0 8 0 9 10 1 1 1 2 13 1 4 1 5 Figure 75. Afterbody measurement locations
0.4 0.8 U L6 2 24 28
Figure '73. Zero yaw drag coefficient for M549 config- Figure 76. Base region computational grid
uration, CY = 0.
Figure 77. Computed pressure contours in the base
region, M, = 2.46, LI = O.', k - E model
Figure 78. Computed Mach contours in the base re-
gion, M, = 2.46, a = O . O , k - E model
- -
8-L_ m odel-.
Chow model
K - e model
0 Experiment
:: ::: 1.4
1 .o 1 .o
0.4 0 4 ,
0 1 0 1
0.0 0 0
.IO 0% 1 0 2 0 3 0 3.0
I O 8.0 1.0 2 0 3.0
- -
8-L_ modml-.
Chow model
. K-e model
0 Experlment
XID - 1.26 XID - 1.42 XID - 1.73 XID - 1.88
-0.60 -0.16 8.00 0.26 0.60
WIU, WIU, wlu, WIU,
- -
XID I26 XI0 142
I 1 4 , ~
0 4
0 4
-0Oloffm <
0 0
2 L O 01 0 0 3 O M
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 8 1.0
Figure 83. Base Pressure Distribution, Mm = 2.46, Figure 85. Velocity vectors in base region of M825
a = 0.0 dome base, M , = 0.98,a = 0."
o m ..:'
0.0 I
Figure 84. Velocity vectors in base region of M825 Figure 86. Predicted and experimental drag coefficient
standard base, M, = 0.98, a = 0.' versus Mach number for M825 with standard and dome
j r=---
P/P_ ...........
0 0 1 1
-2 0 0 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0
X/D ( M e a s u r e d f r o m Base)
Figure 88. Predicted centerline pressure distribution
in wake of M865 0.6 r
- 0
0 4
--+ M1.
.............- --
/ r D l V l D l N G STREAM LINE
13.5 11.0 11.5 15.0 155 16.0
Figure 92. Schematic of illustration of base flow with Figure 95. Velocity vectors in base region for base
base bleed bleed, Regime I, Mw = 2.5,(I = 0, I = 0.01
Region Region Region
I I1 I11 1 .o
0.0 I
0.00 0 01 0 02 0 03
Figure 93. Base pressure versus mass flow rate of in- Figure 96. Base pressure versus base bleed injection
jection - base injection regimas parameter, Regimes I and I1
x/o- XID-
Figure 94. Computational grid in base region for base Figure 97. Velocity vectors in base region for base
bleed c m bleed, Regime 11, M m = 2.5,(I = 0, I = 0.02
ZID 0.00
0.4 -
1 I I
1.0 i
i: 0 EXPERlYlNl
i i
0.2 - i
0 i!'
0.0 I ~~ ~
0.0 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.6
Figure 104. Computationalgrid for high pressure ratio Figure 107. Pressure on base in presence of high pres-
jet case, M, = 1.4, Mj = 2.7,PjlP, = 150 sure ratio jet, M, = 1.4, Mj = 2.7, PjlP, = 50
Figure 105.Velodb vectors for high preesure ratio jet Figure 108. Pressure on base in presence of high pres-
case, M , = 1.4, Mj = 2.7, PjlP, = 50 sure ratio jet, M m = 1.4, M, = 2.7, P,lPm = 150
7- I
The aim of this paper is t o present how some CFD In the third generation, which represents today's
tools can be used t o compute external and internal integration method, the air-intakes are placed on
flowfields involved in the design of supersonic the sides of the fuselage and the rocket booster is
air-intakes. These tools help the designer t o integrated in the ramjet combustion chamber. This
better understand flow phenomena, t o determine configuration avoid any loss of volume and
therefore is optimum. Examples of such missiles
are: A MP (France) equiped with t w o rectangular smi.. radar cross-section and a goo( integration
intakes, ANS (France-Germany) equiped with four on carrier aircraft (figure 4).
axisymme tric intakes.
The number, shape and position of air-intakes are 3. DEFlNlTlON OF THE MAIN INTAKE
various and their choice depend on performance PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS [3, 181
requirements: internal performance (thrust),
external aerodynamics (drag, lift t o drag ratio), When we design an air-intake we need criteria in
operational constraints and control (skid t o turn order t o select the best geometry. These criteria
or bank t o turn). We distinguish (figure 2) : are based on propulsion performances and on
- single intake: nose, annular, chin, ventral or t o p structural feasibility.
-two, three or four lateral intakes. The best solution will provide the engine with the
highest available energy a t required engine Mach
The shape may be (figure 3) : axisymmetric (full, number and mass flow for t h e smallest size and
half or quarter) or rectangular (conventional, weight .
inverted or lateral), and the longitudinal location
is a compromise between: the flowfield around the In order t o compare mass flows entering t h e
fuselage, the diffuser length, t h e aerodynamic engine, it is convenient t o non-dimensionalise
stability o f the missile and the attachment points them by refering them t o the mass flow that
on the fuselage. would pass through a characteristic area i f it
was placed in the freestream at flight conditions.
To compress the flow, multiwedge ramps are For convenience, the air-intake entry area A i n t
used. They may be completely external or mixed is normally selected as the characteristic area
external-internal. For Mach numbers over about (see figure 5 for a 20 representation):
3.0, m i x e d e x t e r n a l - i n t e r n a l supersonic &engine = mengine 1 m~ int
compression is a good process. It allows t o limit
the turning of the external flow ahead the cowl lip
&engine = engine mass flow ratio
and so avoids steep cowl angle and therefore high
mengine = air mass flow a t engine entry
cowl wave drag.
m o int = air mass flow through characteristic
In order t o improve supersonic air-intake area at freestream conditions
efficiency we generaly use external boundary &engine= A O engine 1 Aint
layer bleed in order t o evacuate as much forebody
boundary layer as possible w i t h moderate The mass flow ratio associated with boundary
increase of external drag. layer bleed may be defined in a similar manner :
&bleed = mbleed 1 m0 int = A 0 bleed 1 Aint
We also use internal boundary layer bleed which
takes place at intake throat and catches some The total intake capture mass flow ratio will b e
percentages of intake mass flow. This bleed has the sum of the engine and bleed mass flow ratios:
t w o main functions : A0 total = A0 engine + A0 bleed
- improve air-intake efficiency by decreasing
viscous losses i.e. boundary layer height at engine &total = &engine + &bleed
Another important characteristic for an air-
- stabilize and uniformize the flow a t engine entry
intake is i t s performance. This performance
by reducing normal shock-boundary layer
defines the characteristics of the flow at the end
interaction a t critical point.
o f the diffuser. The interesting features o f this
It allows higher critical efficiency by delaying
flow are: t o t a l pressure, kinetic energy,
subcritical running.
t h e r m o d y n a m i c s t a t e , ... T o m e a s u r e
performance or efficiency i n t h e case o f
Axisymmetric intakes have maximum
supersonic air-intakes, we commonly use t o t a l
performances a t zero incidence with medium
incidence sensitivity. Rectangular intakes have pressure recovery To2 ( 0 is in t h e free-
favourable incidence effects, b u t are highly stream and 2 is a t the engine face, see figure 5):
sensitive t o sideslip angle. TO2 = pT2 1 6 0
In the future, ramjet missile configurations will fi2 = mean total pressure at engine entry
have non-circular cross sections for an optimum = freestream total pressure
integration o f t h e air-intakes in the fuselage
flowfield, a low drag, a high lift t o drag ratio, a
Thus, total pressure recovery is a measure of supersonic compression intake with internal
the available pressure energy a t engine entry, boundary layer bleed.
compared with that existing in the flow a t
freestream conditions. In addition t o these performance data we need :
- internal pressure and heat fluxes distribution in
The internal performance of an air-intake may be order t o verify structural feasability and t o
described a t each flight condition (Mach number, estimate air-intake size and weight,
incidence and sideslip angles) by a single curve, - flow profile a t intake exit in order t o verify
the intake characteristic curve. air-intake/ engine compatibility.
The common forms for intake characteristic Both external and internal flow fields predictions
curve are : are required so as t o obtain all these characte-
To2 = f(Eengine1 or q 0 2 = f(Etota1) ristics.
The unsteady Navier-Stokes eauations should Internal losses a t the critical point (diffuser
be capable of describing any flowfield over a losses, ...) are determined by an empirical
forebody and in an air-intake. Predicted quantities function F developed by ONERA from the
include flow separation, vortical flow, turbulence, compilation of many experimental results in the
... which are of prime importance. Mach number range 2 t o 3.5 :
F = 1/ cosh((Mach - 1)/3).
Due t o present computer limitations and Above Mach number 3.5, pressure recovery may
incomplete understanding of the physics of be much underestimated.
turbulence, simplifications must be made t o the
full Navier-Stokes equations. Total mass flow ratio & t o t a l , can be easily
computed after the shock waves and the
A first approximation is t o resort t o time- streamline which meets the cowl lip have been
average rapidly fluctuating components. This determined.
yields t o the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes
equations (RANS) which require a turbulence In supercritical regime, bleed mass flow &bleed is
model t o provide closure for the solution. These
calculated as a function of the total pressure in
equations should be used for the most complex
the bleed and the sonic throat section of the bleed.
industrial flows including large scale separations.
The engine mass flow is then deduced according
A second step of approximation is t o neglect the
viscous terms in the streamwise direction. This &engine = &total - &bleed
yields t o the Thin-Layer Navier-Stokes equations
(TLNS). Boundary layer effects can be taken into account
by wall displacements. The development of the
Finally, if in addition we neglect unsteady terms boundary layer along the walls is obtained using
we obtain the Parabolized Navier-Stokes equations semi-empirical formulas [8, 91. It can be laminar
(PNS). These equations only apply t o supersonic or turbulent with a transition criteria. However
flows. these corrections are small and can be neglected
for a preliminary design.
To demonstrate the ability of these predictive To visualize interactively the flowfields and the
methods, we present in the following sections desired informations about the intake (average
some practical examples. The computation codes values, ...), a graphical environment has been
used are : developed. With this graphical environment, we
can modify interactively the geometry and so
design and optimize geometries very rapidly So, local total pressure, Mach number, angle of
(figure 8). attack, side slip angle, boundary layer height and
vortex separation position have t o be determined
- Euler and Navier-Stokes code FLU3M in several transverse planes. These computations
LuLul will permit t o determine favorable intake
For 3D external and internal transonic/supersonic position, optimized geometry of the forebody and
flows, FLU3M code developed by ONERA in of the intake, position of the external boundary
collaboration with AEROSPATIALE is used. It is a layer bleed and the mass flow caught by the
multi-block explicit or implicit Euler and Navier- intake.
Stokes solver. It is based on upwind schemes (Van
Leer, Osher, Roe). Second order accuracy in space The tools used for forebody studies include:
is obtained via MUSCL technique. For supersonic - Euler codes which are well suited t o determine
flows, a space-marching technique is available. velocity fields,
- boundary layer codes giving information about
- Boundarv laver code: 3C3D r121 the boundary layer thickness a t the .intake
3C3D. developed by ONERAICERT, solves the 3D entrance section,
boundary layer equations in direct mode. Equations - Navier-Stokes codes for a better evaluation of
are integrated along streamlines, in a space- the viscous effects around the forebody, taking
marching method, taking i n t o account into account flow separations which may appear
characteristic surfaces, influence and dependence for flights with manoeuvres.
domains. The code includes semi-empirical
transition criteria and turbulence models. A t low incidence, boundary layer can be analysed
relatively easily with the boundary layer code
- Pseudo-PNS and PNS codes: FLU3PNS 3C3D. Figure 1 0 shows a typical turbulent
1737 and TORPEDO r141 boundary layer thickness computation on a
FLU3PNS, developed by AEROSPATIALE Space and fuselage . With incidence, the boundary layer on
Defence, is a 3D TLNS code with a space-marching the leeward side becomes thicker and, under the
strategy allowing pseudo-PNS computations. The positive pressure gradient effect, separates from
TLNS equations are considered as unsteady the fuselage. This situation is much more difficult
equations and the space marching results of a time t o predict. In the following we present different
marching approach in each plane. Viscous fluxes numerical applications concerning a 3 caliber
are neglected in the marching direction. Balwin- tangent ogive cylinder experiment on which flow
Lomax turbulence model is implemented with field and surface pressure measurements as well
Degani-Schiff modification for vortical flows. as skin friction patterns are available [l61. In this
experiment, free stream angle of attack is lo",
TORPEDO code, developed in collaboration between temperature 183"K, Mach number 2, and
AEROSPATIALE Missiles, ENSAE 'and ONERA/CERT Reynolds number, based on body diameter,
solves steady 3D PNS equations by means of a non 0 . 1 6 ~ 06.
1 In the computations, wall temperature
iterative implicit Roe-Osher-Chakravarthy is fixed a t 307"K, which approximately
scheme. Upwinding is maintained in the subsonic corresponds t o adiabatic wall conditions.
a) Laminar computation :
- Navier-Stokes code :NS2D rl51 - Space-marching TLNS calculation with
NSZD, developed by ONERA, is a 2D multi-block FLU3PNS
Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes solver. It is This computation begins with an explicit stepback
based on a time explicit scheme, centered in procedure using local time step. Space-marching
space. The Balwin-Lomax and MICHEL turbulence computations are then realized with an implicit
models are included for analyzing turbulent flows. algorithm and a global time step. CFL number
varies from 40 t o 100. The mesh has 86 points in
the longitudinal direction, 80 in the radial
5. FUSELAGE FLOWFIELD COMPUTATION direction and 40 in the circumferential direction.
The grid in each transverse plane, issued from a
Study of this flow is necessary t o determine 2D elliptic grid code, is clustered near the wall.
favorable intake position and the mass flow caught Size of the first cell has been choosen t o allow
by the intake. laminar and turbulent computations.
Van L er limiter. In this case, the mesh has 4500 6.1. In ake with an uniform external
points in the longitudinal direction, 62 points in flowfield
the radial direction and 31 in the circumferencial After the fuselage flow field has been computed,
direction. it is possible t o calculate average values in the
intake capture area (usually we consider a
- Unsteady Navier-Stokes calculation tranverse plane located a t the apex of the first
with FLU3M compression ramp), for Mach number, total
RANS equations are solved on the same mesh as pressure, incidence and sideslip angles. Then, the
pseudo-PNS. Roe fluxes (explicit part) with Van intake can be considered located in this uniform
Leer implicitation in the t w o transverse flowfield as an isolated intake.
directions are used. Computations are made with a
local time step and a CFL number of 5. In this phase, the intake is considered 2D or
Figure 11 presents the computed Mach numbers
evolution in several transverse planes (FLU3M The computation tools used are based on semi-
calculation). empirical, Euler and Navier-Stokes methods.
Figures 12 and 13 show total pressure and Mach To demonstrate the capabilities of these tools we
number distributions in tranverse plane located a t will consider the two-dimensional intake
X/D=7 (corresponding t o an typical intake position presented in figure 1 6 . This intake has two
on a fuselage) . There is a good agreement compression ramps and an internal boundary
between iterative solutions of FLU3M or FLU3PNS bleed, the freestream Mach number is 2.89.
and experiments, but TORPEDO underestimates
values of Mach number and total pressure. - Semi-empirical calculation with OCEAS
Figure 1 7 presents the predicted characteristic
b) Turbulent commtation curve. The comparison between experiment and
A fully turbulent computation is realized with computational results shows a quite good
FLU3PNS, using Baldwin-Lomax turbulence model agreement. However, the efficiency a t the critical
and Degani-Schiff modification, on the same mesh. point is underestimated. But, if we don't take into
The laminar step-back results are used t o account the internal losses through the empirical
initialize the space-marching computation. CFL is function F (see 53), we overestimate the
fixed t o 200. Results are compared with efficiency a t this point.
experiments made in the same conditions as the
laminar ones, except the fact that transition is - Euler calculation with FLU3M [7, 171
triggered a t X/D=l. Although Euler equations do not take into account
viscous effects, they allow t o analyse the flow in
Figures 14 and 1 5 present total pressure and all the intake, and t o estimate mass flow ratio,
Mach number distributions in the same transverse total pressure recovery and wall pressures.
plane (X/D=7). The agreement between
experiment and computation is excellent. To construct a structured grid in the intake, it is
necessary t o adopt a multi-block strategy. The
grid we used contains about 30000 points and is
6 . INTAKE FLOWFIELD COMPUTATION AND subdivided into four domains (figure 1 6 ). The
PERFORMANCE PREDICTION first one extends from the upstream boundary t o
the cowl lip plane, the second one from the cowl
Due t o the complexity of intake geometries and lip plane t o the outer downstream boundary; the
flowfields, computations are usually splitted into third one from the cowl lip plane t o the diffuser
two phases. end boundary and the fourth one represents the
boundary layer bleed. For all these domains the
In the first one, intakes are computed alone, with grid is continuous except a t the entry of the inner
an uniform upstream flowfield corresponding t o boundary layer bleed.
the averaged flowfield entering the intake. This
method is well suited for the design phase. But During the wind tunnel tests, the ramjet operation
this simplified method is unperfect, and in a is simulated with an obstructer positioned a t the
second phase it becomes necessary t o t a k e into end of the diffuser (see figure 16). In
account the real non uniform flowfield entering computations, we can use two possibilities t o
the air intake. reproduce this :
- apply a static pressure in the downstream
- use a variable throat in the downstream o f the t o the normal shock instability, which is also
diffuser t o simulate different sections and so observed experimentally as t h e shock moves
different downstream static pressures. upstream from a divergent duct t o a convergent
The use o f t h e first possibility is delicate. As
explained in t h e ref. 7, it is not possible t o - Navier-Stokes calculation with NS2D
initialize t o a high value the static pressure in the Navier-Stokes calculations allow t o take i n t o
downstream o f t h e diffuser directly. It is account viscous effects like total pressures losses
necessary t o first obtain a converged solution for near the wall, shock-boundary layer interactions,
a low static pressure, then t o reinitialize another vortical flow at bleed entrance, ...
calculation with the results of the first one and
with a static pressure slightly higher, and so on. Figure 23 presents a comparison between Euler
If the step of the static pressure is t o o high, the and turbulent Navier-Stokes computations. We can
calculation does not converge or give a solution see t h a t Navier-Stokes calculation provides a
which is n o t physical. In addition this procedure normal shock located slightly upstream from the
does not allow t o compute the critical regime. one obtained with the Euler calculation. That is
certainly due t o the boundary layer displacement
Figure 18 presents the is0 Mach lines obtained thickness in t h e diffuser which reduces t h e
with such a procedure. For this calculation we available cross section.
have applied the experimental static pressure in
t h e downstream o f t h e internal bleed . The Figure 24 presents a Navier-Stokes calculation
solution presented corresponds t o a critical corresponding t o a critical running . We observe
regime. We can see t h e external compression the vortical flow in the boundary layer bleed and
shocks, the cowl shock and the downstream t h e separation of t h e boundary layer in t h e
normal shock, near the internal boundary layer diffuser resulting from the shock-boundary layer
bleed entrance, which makes t h e separation interaction.
between the supersonic part and the subsonic part
of the flow. 6.2. Intake with a non uniform external
Figure 1 9 shows the comparison between the The previous method is approximate as it does not
c o m p u t e d i s 0 Mach lines and schlieren take i n t o account 3D effects due t o forebody
photography obtained in wind tunnel. The influence and also t o compression ramp finite
comparison shows a good agreement between width or intake lateral walls. 3D air-intake
computation and experimental visualization for calculations with the real non uniform flowfield
the shock wave positions. around the fuselage are then necessary.
To perform these calculations, there are t w o
Figure 2 0 presents the pressure distribution on ways :
upper and lower walls. Calculations have been - compute the intake placed in a non uniform
performed with and without internal boundary flowfield,
layer bleed. The effect o f representing t h e - compute together external and internal
boundary layer bleed is t o displace the normal flowfields ( global computation).
shock wave upstream , which allows b e t t e r
results, especially t h e correct mass flow a) Intake flowfield computation with a
chamber, even if we use an Euler method. non uniform external flowfield
In this procedure t h e external flowfield is
Consider now the second possibility t o represent computed first. Depending on the intake geometry,
the running o f the internal bleed and of the ramjet. this calculation is performed up t o the apex of the
It consists in using a fixed throat downstream the first external compression ramp or up t o t h e
internal boundary layer and a variable throat entry section of the intake.
downstream the diffuser. The variable throat
allows t o simulate the different running regimes Then, 3D external flow results are used as
from t h e supercritical t o the subcritical one upstream boundary conditions for t h e internal
(figure 21). flowfield calculation.
Figure 2 2 presents t h e characteristic curve In order t o obtain very fine results a t the entry
obtained with this procedure. The comparison section of the intake, the internal computational
between experimental and computational results domain is usually extended up t o the apex of the
shows a good agreement. Computation near the first external compression ramp. In that case the
critical point needs however some precaution due multi-block grid used for t h e internal flow
calculation will include an external bloc delimited separation between the supersonic part and the
by the external ramps and the external flow subsonic part of the internal flow.
previously computed (see figure 25). To obtain
very fine results a t the entry section of the Figure 33 presents the Mach number distribution
intake, the mesh of this external block must be in the captation section. The comparison between
much finer than the one used for the external flow experimental and computational results shows a
calculation. quite good agreement even if the Mach numbers
near the fuselage are underpredicted. The
This procedure applies only t o supercritical and difference is about 2%.
close critical regimes.
6.3 Futur computational needs
Figure 26 presents an application of such a
method for the AEROSPATIALE ASMP type missile We distinguish two main needs :
configuration (the grid on the whole missile is - develop robust and cost effective Navier-Stokes
presented for a better understanding of the solvers with appropriate turbulence models,
geometry). - take into account real shape of the combustion
chamber in final air-intake design.
b) Global computation
This procedure is more complex. It applies t o all For the first point, turbulence models have t o
operating conditions, from the supercritical t o the increase their flexibility (ability t o account for
subcritical ones. Furthermore it allows t o take many walls for example) and their universality
into account the internal flow effects on external (reduction of user defined constants, validation on
aerodynamics. complex geometries).
To illustrate this method, we will consider the The second need is t o gather air-intake and
forebody/intake configuration shown on figure 27. combustion chamber computations. These
It corresponds t o an aircraft of the F15 type with simulations are currently only linked by the mean
rectangular intakes. flowfield in the final plane of air-intake diffuser.
Nevertheless, the extension of internal flowfield
We used 3D multi-block Euler code FLU3M t o simulation up t o the combustion is very important.
compute this configuration [18]. Calculation was It will allow a better simulation of the whole
performed without incidence and side slip, and propulsive stream tube, taking into account the
with a freestream Mach number equal 2.2 non uniform flow a t the entry of the chamber and
corresponding t o a critical regime. As the the flow interaction between the chamber and the
configuration i s symmetric, only a half diffuser. Such a simulation will be similar t o the
configuration has been computed. one performed on t e s t benches.
Figure 30 shows the mesh and the computed static Depending on the project phase, a large panel of
pressures on the flow centerplane and the surface methods are used. These range from the 2D semi-
of the forebody and intake. The shock waves empirical one t o 3D RANS equations resolution.
generated by the nose and cockpit are clearly
indicated, as are the shocks generated by the For preliminary design, semi-empirical tools are
intake compression ramps. It appears that an fairly well adapted for the t e s t of a wide range of
oblique shock has been generated by the diverter geometries. The selected concepts may then be
between the intake and the forebody and this shock fine tuned through Euler computations which give
is seen t o pass under the fuselage. These are the main characteristics of the air intake. This
exactly the airframe/intake integration features computational methodology proved t o be very
which we would hope t o model properly for efficient in terms of prediction and cost. Finally
improve performance. RANS computations usually allow a better
understanding of flow behaviour (flow separation,
Figures 31 and 32 illustrate the Mach number ...) and an improved design.
distribution on the body and intake surfaces. The
compression in the intake can be seen with the
To demonstrate the capabilities of these methods, 7. - DUVEAU P. and THEPOT R., "Prediction
we have presented three types of practical methods for supersonic inlets", Xth ISABE
applications: external flow prediction around a Symposium, 1991.
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internal-external flow prediction for a three- laminaires - Vol. 2: Turbulence e t couches
dimensional intake mounted on a fuselage. limites", Cours ENSAE.
2. - LARUELLE G., "Missile intakes", VKI Lecture 15. - CAMBIER L., VEUILLOT J.P. and VUILLOT
Serie 1988-04 on Intake Aerodynamics, 1988. A.M., "Developpement recents sur les methodes
de calcul d'ecoulements internes par resolution
3. - JELL C.S., "Air intake aerodynamics", des equations d'Euler ou de Navier-Stokes", Revue
AGARDNKI Special course on Missile Aerodyna- Franqaise de Mecanique n"l988-4.
mics, AGARD Report no 754, 1987.
16. - PAGAN D., MOLTON P. and DELERY J., "Basic
4. - THOMAS A.N., "Inlets", Tactical Missile experiment on a supersonic vortex flow around a
A e r o d y n a m i c s , Vol. 104, Progress i n missile body", Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets,
Astronautics and Aeronautics, AIAA, 1986. Vol. 29, n"3, May 1992.
5. LAURENT J.M. and GARNERO P., "Propulsion 17. - GARNERO P. and LACAU R.G., "Etudes
par statoreacteur pour missiles dans l e domaine aerodynamiques de prises d'air supersoniques",
Mach 3 a 4.5", AGARD Symposium: Airbreathing AGARD Symposium on Aerodynamic
Propulsion for Missiles and Projectiles, Engine/Airframe Integration for high Performance
AGARD-CP-526, 1992. Aircraft and Missiles, AGARD-CP-498, 1992.
6. - GREGOR I. Mc., "Some theoretical parameters 18. - AGARD Working Group 13 on Air-intakes for
relevant t o the performance of rectangular air high speed vehicles, AGARD-AR-270, 1991.
intakes with double ramp compression surfaces at
supersonic speed", RAE-TR-71232, 1971.
I 1
I RlowTlBn 1
Figure I : Development Methodology of ramjet-scramjetlairframe
TOP mounted
Dual lateral
- Q
3 or 4 lateral
(Cut-out parts)
\ /-
Combustor chamber
- E
engine &total
critical internal
I critical
supercritical supercritical
- E .
- total
@ @r
Figure I2 : Total pressure conloure in the plaae X l h 7 .
Mach 2, a-104 laminar boundary layer.
Figure 13 :Mach number cam~ursIn the plnrr X l h 7 .
Mach I 2, a=109 h i n a r boundao layer.
- 0.50
experiment computation
experiment computation
Mach -
I4 : T o l d prerrure co~toursin the plane XILJ-7.
2. ad09 Turbulcnl boundary layer.
Fipure IS
: Mach number confours in the plane X I I h 7 .
Meeh 2, U-109 Turbulcnl boundary layer.
rl 02
Figure 17 : 2 0 air-intake performance Comparison between semi-
empirical calculation (OCEAS) and experiment
M-=2.89 a=CP
I '
. L
--- Experiment
2D EULER computation
Figure 22 : 2 0 air-intake performance Comparison between Euler
computation and experiment
Euler mesh topology
Euler computation
r-Stokes compufalion
external flow
0 8 0
- '
Figure 33 : Comparison between computed and measured Mach
number distribution in the intake capture area
1. Recipients Reference 2. Originators Reference 3. Further Reference 4. Security Classification
AGARD-R-804 1
ISBN 92-835-0752-5
of Document
5. Originator Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
7 rue Ancelle, 92200 Neuilly sur Seine, France
6. Title
Various 342
12. Distribution Statement There are no restrictions on the distribution of this document.
Information about the availability of this and other AGARD
unclassified publications is given on the back cover.
13. Keywords/Descriptors
14. Abstract
Lecture notes for the AGARD Fluid Dynamics Panel (FDP) Special Course on Missile
Aerodynamics have been assembled in this report. The aim and scope of this Course was to
present the current state of the art on specific topics of tactical missile aerodynamics. Specifically,
topics and methods covered include: Aeromechanical Design of Modem Missiles, Semi-empirical
Predictive Tools, Lateral Jet Control, High Angle of Attack Aerodynamics, Analysis and
Modelling of Missile Infrared Radiation, Navier-Stokes Computations for complete Missile
Configurations, and Navier-Stokes and Euler Computations for Supersonic Air Intakes.
The material assembled in this report was prepared under the combined sponsorship of the
AGARD Fluid Dynamics Panel, the Consultant and Exchange Programme of AGARD, and the
von Khrmhn Institute (VKI) for Fluid Dynamics.
Various 3 42
14. Abstract
Lecture notes for the AGARD Fluid Dynamics Panel (FDP) Special Course on Missile
Aerodynamics have been assembled in this report. The aim and scope of this Course was to
present the current state of the art on specific topics of tactical missile aerodynamics. Specifically,
topics and methods covered include: Aeromechanical Design of Modem Missiles, Semi-empirical
Predictive Tools, Lateral Jet Control, High Angle of Attack Aerodynamics, Analysis and
Modelling of Missile Infrared Radiation, Navier-Stokes Computations for complete Missile
Configurations, and Navier-Stokes and Euler Computations for Supersonic Air Intakes.
The material assembled in this report was prepared under the combined sponsorship of the
AGARD Fluid Dynamics Panel, the Consultant and Exchange Programme of AGARD, and the
von Kgrmgn Institute (VKI) for Fluid Dynamics.
. ... , ,
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ISBN 92-8350752-