Cal Import
Cal Import
Cal Import
By Steven E. Schend
Design: Steven E. Schend
Editing: Dale Donovan
Design Consultant: Ed Greenwood
Brand Manager: David Wise
Cover Art: Fred Fields
Interior Art: Carol Lyon, David A. Roach
Cartography: Todd Gamble
Graphic Design: Dee Barnett
Typography: Eric Haddock
Art Direction: Paul Hanchette
Pahlemm Sabban. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 Shyk Hassan yn Jafar el Saffar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
Thytos Sabban. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Other NPCs of Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Caravans Ward Key. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
Calimport Muzad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 The Armory Arcane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84-94
The Upper Muzad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 Battlecloak of Vycaena. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84
The Temple of Old Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 The Codex Thealnakkar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85
The Sewers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 The Pagina Savilara. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
The Dark Bazaars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 Calishite Mosaics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
The Samesaj Gate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 The Endless Bag of the Saref Adnan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87
The Muzaddi Powers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 Halasahrs Slippers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87
Harness of Defense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88
The Erar Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70-83 Janyras Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88
The Erar Sabban . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 Najjars Cloak of Weaponry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
The Badjit Drudach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Saarkanlyths Antaglass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
The Taorahl Drudach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 The Qysari Rings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90
Tynars Drudache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72 Xamars Baldric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91
The Garrisons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72 Artifacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9l-94
Erar Sabban Key. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Janyras Tome (Tome of Secrets) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91
The Taorahl Drudach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 The Staff Shoon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93
The Embassies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Major Erar NPCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 Rumors & Rumblings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-96
Syl-Pasha Ralan el Pesarkhal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 Scenario Starts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95
Sultan Tahyr el Pesarkhal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Genies Unbound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95
Sabbalad Khomaya. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 The Arcane Armories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95
Raqill yr Pesarkhal el Khomaya. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Adventures at Random. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96
Druzir Aban el Yedat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
Introduction ather than bore you with the trials and tribulations of attempting to fit enough details about a city three
times the size of Waterdeep into 96 pages, I thought Id present the many different views on Calimport
from the Realms most notable and notorious. As you can see (and will find in successive pages), Calimport
is a place hardly for the faint of heart.. . .
So many make so much about an alleged rivalry betwixt Calimport and Waterdeep, as if the cities themselves were jug-
gernauts spoiling for a fight. I care about Calimport as much as I care not to step on a viper. It is a vile place of tangled in-
trigues miles thick that end up in the few profiting ever over the many. Folk such as a certain chronicler I hesitate to men-
tion ask whether my fair home or the syl-pashas is the greatest port in the Realms. To them, I merely quote the Old Sage
himself: Judge ye only by their names and know the truth, for while one is the city of Slaves, the other the city of Splen-
dors. Tis refreshing to agree with him from time to time. Khelben Blackstaff" Arunsun, Archmage of Waterdeep
Despite what the more fastidious might say, there are quite a few parallels between Calimport and Waterdeep, beyond
both being cities, of course. In short, those who rule are rarely those who seem to do so; survival in each city comes from
knowing which shadows to pierce and which to avoid; and as long as commerce brings all the factions together, the city will
exist, regardless of all else. Now, as Im sure Khelben pedantically represented Calimport as a vile place, Ill shock him and
agree to that. That said, it is a better place for business if one is more inclined to fear lost coin over a little danger or a few
limiting scruples. It was once my home and it proves to be both boon and bane on a daily basis.
Sammereza Sulphontis, secret Lord of Waterdeep and expatriate Calimpanni
Calimport? My purse is heavier each day for its existence and its commerce. Much of what passes hands in that city of
sin may not seem morally or ethically right to most, but anothers business is just that. Balduran taught us well with his ex-
ample: Judge all things in life but not in business, for morals and ethics do not balance the scales when the deal must be
weighed up. Me, I hate slavery and everything to do with it, so I make certain to involve myself not in it.
Lord Aldeth Sashenstar, merchant lord of Baldurs Gate
Calimport? Its like a grand card game in which everyone holds aces in their sleeves, everyone knows everyone elses
hand, and yet the final throw-downs always up for grabs. In a lot of ways, its not who wins but how you play the game.
Heckuva place it is, guvnor, but only go there if youve got a golem watching your back.
Foxilon Cardluck, halfling bon vivant and first mate of the Realmsmaster
qualor and splendor are the two sides of the coin that is Calimport. Depending
on who you are and how you first experience the largest city in the Realms, it is
either the City of Glory or the City of Slaves. Calimport was briefly examined
in the Empires of the Shining Sea boxed set (TSR 09561), but here were taking a
closer look at the infamous home of the pashas, peeling back the layers of in-
trigue and wealth to see Calimport as it truly is.
Calimport as a Whole
T aken in its entirety, Calimport is a bustling mass of humanity, inhumanity, and history
both alive and dead. Nestled on the southern coast of Faern just east of the Calim
Deserts fringes, Calimport is one of the oldest still-functioning ports on the subcontinent.
The city boundaries have waxed and waned over the millennia, but since the time of the
Shoon Imperium nearly 1,000 years ago, the city has never shrunk smaller than the current size
of Waterdeep regardless of what changes have occurred. The city measures no less than three
miles from the coast to its northern outskirts and approximately six miles east to west along the
coast of the Shining Sea. The official boundaries delineate a city smaller than that (to avoid
having to wall in and protect the outer fringes of buildings and their people), but Calimports
leaders embrace the whole when claiming their superiority over other cities of the Realms.
For centuries beyond the entire lifespan of some northern cities, Calimport has not had an
outer defensive wall. Not since the time of the Mameluk rulers of the Seventh Age has this
been a fully walled city. The citys massive size and huge population defend it well enough from
conventional attack, as there are few forces that could be mustered to surround and hold
Calimport. Still, this surprises many visitors from the North, to whom defensive walls around
cities are an absolute necessity. Since he took the Calephs Throne, Syl-Pasha Pesarkhal has
had guilds, soldiers, and slaves working to restore the once-proud walls of Calimport, but it is
slow and hard work building sabban walls up to the status of effective defensive walls.
The Look of the City quickly realize that the streets are only important to those
The most surprising thing about Calimport, many first-time forced to use them: slaves, the poor, the lowly oxen and draft
visitors exclaim, is the broad expanse of vibrant color barely animals pulling carts, etc. Most folk of money never walk on
muted by the dust and dirt of ages. In general, much of the city the actual ground of a drudach, sabban, or ward. Travel is cer-
is of stone and mud-brick construction, but Calshite architec- tainly possible at ground level, as gates to allow such move-
ture allows for much aesthetic design. Bricks are laid in patterns ment pierce the walls separating all the districts of Calimport,
to give a decorative look where paint or glaze would prove prob- but movement at street level is socially and literally looked
lematic or costly. Wherever possible, the glints of metals and down upon. Of course, there is still a great amount of traffic on
the bright splashes of paint and glaze fill the eyes with a Realms- the streets below, as 85% of Calimports people control less
bound rainbow of colors along roofs, walls, fountains, or in the than 15% of the money. Thus, there are only about 70,000
mosaics beneath ones feet. While Calimport has areas of dark- people using the upper byways, and over 1,000,000 unfortu-
ness, abject poverty, and filth. few remember those beyond all of nates crowding the streets below.
the citys great beauties and many wonders. The dominant fea- The walls of drudachs and sabbans form byways all their
tures of Calishite architecture after the Second Age are three- own, and here is the primary road upon which most mon-
fold: the dome, the arch, and the minaret. eyed folk travel within the city. Where one drudach or dis-
Many of the buildings are domed, some with round, trict meets another, there are arches that allow ground move-
smooth domes of metal or metal-plated wood, and others are ment between the drudachs below and small stairs that allow
more classic faceted domes of glazed bricks. While flat roofs the worthies to remain above it all. At each of the gates or
are the norm across the Pashas lands, placing a dome atop arches are steps set into the walls, allowing access from the
ones building is a sign of prosperity. lowly ground up onto the wall. It is most common to see the
The arch (and the corresponding high ceilings and tall rich standing atop the drudach walls, yelling down to ser-
columns) was not invented in Calimshan, though it is here vants who have stepped down to ground level to enter a shop
that it is a central feature in nearly every building. To make and buy goods for their masters. Should someone of impor-
life bearable within the often-hot surroundings of the south- tance have to step down onto common ground, retainers
ern Realms, most buildings are filled with archways and pillars carry rugs so the less-than-exalted earth does not soil their
to support the ceilings rather than load-bearing walls that cut masters feet.
down the circulation of air. While many are smooth and util- In various areas of the city, buildings are built up so their
itarian, Calishite arches have developed scalloped edges (as if main floors are even with the byways of their paying cus-
a huge creature had bitten the archs space out the stone) and tomers. In such areas, the actual ground floor either is used as
straight or rounded points (a simple triangular arch or a more storage, living space, or sometimes as a secondary sales area
decorative sweeping point from the rounded arcs, like a heart for those less exalted than those above. Cellars are predomi-
or rounded arrowhead). nantly used for storage as well, though some new taverns
When some Northerners first see Calimshan, they believe have built ramps leading from the primary byways, past the
the country to be littered with wizards, for they see slim tow- ground floors and down into the cellars to allow their patrons
ers stabbing at the skies on every horizon. They soon realize to take advantage of cooler temperatures without asking
that minarets-slim, round or beveled towers of two or more them to debase themselves by touching the soil
stories, with numerous balconies and a rooftop parapet (or
dome, or even both!)are a staple of Calishite architecture. Trade Roads In & Out
While the ground floors are often stifling and cramped, the Trade is, of course, the lifeblood of the city, and there are two
second and successive floors show why towers are so common. primary avenues for trade to enter the city: land or sea. While air
They allow folk to have their homes higher into the breezes transports such as Halruaan flying ships or spelljammmg ships
where the air is cooler, the stench of the city is lessened, and have visited the City of Glory in the past, they are very rare and
far fewer prying eyes and ears exist to eavesdrop on ones busi- often stir up more attention and trouble than their trade goods
ness. Minarets often seem slim compared to Northern towers, merit. Still, no Calishite worth his gold turns down trade, or he
for their bases are reinforced by stone slabs supporting the wouldnt live in Calimport. Nevertheless, air trade is incredibly
lowest level and providing more stability than normal when a rare, due to the limited nature of spelljamming, the insular na-
base diameter is never more than two-thirds as wide as the ture of the Halruaans, and Calimports own notoriety.
tower is tall. The trade roads see much traffic coming from the over-
land cities and from inland shanates (estates, farms) despite
The Byways of the City the dangers. The projects to restore safety to the Trade Road
Unlike most cities, few of Calimports streets are named. While that passes through the Calim Desert still rely on the Guilds
this unnerves first-time visitors to the City of Glory, most Arcane of both Calimport and Memnon, and these guilds
fight over political power to be gained by this task given knows of these chambers and how to reach them, and he
them by the syl-pasha. Once restored, more overland trade shares this secret with no one.
and travel will help fill Calimports coffers. Until then, the The harbor is incredibly deep, as the sea drops to a depth
primary method of trade with Calimport is by sea. of 50 feet within 10 yards of shore at most points, continuing
at that rate until the harbor reaches an average depth of 200
The Port of the City feet before it reaches the ends of the main docks. It is less
Calimport has lived up to its name for more than seven mil- deep beyond the eastern edges of the city (6 to 10 feet deep
lennia, and its port has ever been the largest on Faern. The for 20 yards before dropping off precipitously into the
coast extends south to the west of the city and protects the depths), where folk swim and smaller craft tend to fishing.
natural harbor from the worst of the sea storms. With the addi- There are three dock areas in Calimports harbor. One is ex-
tional outer sea walls protecting the docks from further harm, clusively the port for the Nallojal, the syl-pashas navy. The
Calimport can safely harbor over 600 vessels at any time in its majority of the port contains the public docks, where all of
public docks, and the Nallojal (the navy) keeps no fewer than the citys sea trade enters and exits. The third docks nestle
30 ships at a time within its own docks. about the shipyards, which are constantly filled either with
The sea walls that protect the entire harbor were con- new ships being built or existing ships being repaired.
structed magically by the marid and dao of the Calim Empire. The harbor itself was once more easily navigated than
While they are more than 30 feet thick and stand 20 feet today, but millennia of accidents, storms, and other activities
above the sea on a calm day, their bases lie more than 200 feet have clogged the inner harbor with much debris, garbage,
below and the walls there are found to be over 150 feet wide and sunken ships. Even with a large guild responsible for
at their bases. Only the top 30 feet of the sea walls contain cleaning the harbor and removing any major wreckage from
stone blocks, as the rest is raw stone pulled up from the sea the docks, this is an enormous harbor and so many acci-
floor by the genies wills. The upper walls have been repaired dents happen on its docks, to cargo and ships alike, that
and replaced many times over the millennia, given the tidal there is often far more work than workers to do it. Thus,
waves, storms, and general chaos of the centuries. Unbe- those ships wishing a more easily unloaded and lucrative
knownst to most modern Calimpanni, secret chambers exist berth in the central docks must pay fees to the Harbormas-
within the sea walls that hold many wonders and riches. Of all ters Guild, to be led into port by smaller boats that maneu-
those in power today, only the Caleph Arcane of Calimport ver the large vessels around the worst of the hidden perils.
Subterranean Calimport
Beneath the city, deep wells and underground springs provide
The Wards
the city with the fresh water it needs to survive. These wells
are monitored carefully by the amlakkar (the watch) and the
Guild Arcane, for the city has been brought low numerous
W hile not mentioned in the Empires of the Shining Sea,
Calimport has recently undergone some basic organi-
zational changes as ordered by Syl-Pasha Pesarkhal. In addi-
times in the past by poisons administered to the city wells. Poi- tion to the long-standing system of sabbans and drudachs,
soning or any serious tampering in any way with these water these internal divisions are superseded by a new system of
sources is all punishable by death. The other sources of water wards. In order to make it simpler for outsiders to find their
for the citizens of Calimport are the roof and cellar cisterns trade areas and to mimic the ward structures of many North-
that catch the infrequent rainwater. ern cities, the syl-pashas wards are only embraced currently
The deep wells never connect with the other primary by social climbers and the higher-ups of his court. It will take
links to the city above: the sewers. Built during the Seventh another two years or so before everyone within the city rec-
Age of Calimshan, this massive labyrinth of pipes empties ognizes and uses the ward system (though that wont stop im-
the most base filth out of the city into the deep seawaters east mediate abuse of authority involved in this new system).
of the harbor proper. There are many levels to the sewers, There are 17 wards about the city, as per the syl-pashas
though only two levels are discussed below. The primary pas- command that all of the sabbans save the Pashas Sabban be
sages are 30 feet in diameter and there are 5-foot-wide walk- organized within wards; whether a ward contained two,
ways along either side of the passage; workers can cross the three, or four sabbans was determined by the status of the
sewage every 50 yards, where three 5-foot-square stepping sabbans. (In other words, the richer the sabbans, the fewer of
stones rise above the muck to allow them to reach the other them within that ward.)
side. The secondary passages are only 15 feet wide, with al- In Calimport alone, each ward answers to a vizar or sultan
ternating 5-foot-wide ledges along one side or another (step- who commands the sabbalads (sabban mayors) and numer-
ping stones leading the path from one side to the other every ous druzirs (precinct officials) among his ward. In general,
50 yards) There are smaller pipes ranging from 1 to 8 feet there are also three substrata of wards: The Port Wards, the
wide that can be messily traversed by slim Medium-sized or Central Wards, and the Outer Wards. Mostly self-explana-
smaller creatures, but these are neither mapped nor recom- tory in the Port Wards, the distinction between the Central
mended for travel. and Outer Wards has determined the location of the syl-
Given the age of Calimport, it should come as no surprise pashas latest construction project: the city walls. While dis-
that there are secrets buried beneath its streets and the pub- turbing to some who live in the Outer Wards and worry that
lics notice. While the city does not cover the monstrous they will be shut out of city business, the syl-pashas long-
mazes and dungeons like Waterdeep tops the Dungeon of the term plans call for the eventual enclosing of the Outer Wards
Crypt and Undermountain, Calimport covers an entire sec- behind a defensive curtain wall. It will take another decade
ond city of sorts, with its own laws, struggles, and powers. before work can begin on it, as the construction of the Pe-
The area is called Muzhujaarnadah (loosely, the city of sarkhal Wall has only begun in the past year and is only com-
shadow), by many that frequent it but its most common title plete between Palace, Armada, and Shackles Ward.
is Calimport Muzad, Calimport Below, Dark Calimport, or All 17 wards of Calimport, their primary functions and
simply the Muzad. In essence, with destruction of the city landmarks, and other details are detailed in The City at
over the centuries, rubble was rearranged and new construc- Large chapter.
tions were built atop it rather than waste time clearing away
everything and starting completely anew. Over time, this left
partially ruined but intact chambers and even whole build-
ings beneath the level of the citys new streets. Much of
Calimports illegal activity is linked with Calimport Muzad,
but it is also home to many types of people, from simple out-
casts to priests of dark gods and goddesses to monsters
aplenty. Like Undermountain in Waterdeep, everyone knows
of Calimport Muzad, but few know it by experience and thus
the rumors and tales are often far more the result of fears and
nightmares than truth. Enter the Muzad with caution, for
just as pashas do not walk beneath their station on the unex-
alted ground, one does not easily walk Below without sharing
the shadows in station, mind, and heart.
The Sabbans 40 feet tall, and contain at least a score of defenders. Often
the only way to tell which sabban is under its protection is by
the outermost bazaars are the heavy items like metal goods and
weapons (which are always farthest from the gates of the khan- The Drudach Archetype
duqs). Surrounding the bazaars (either above them in second- There is no standard size to a drudach and only a minimum of
story shop fronts or among the other services and goods) are services and sites that each must contain. In general terms,
supplementary services, businesses, and people seeking work, though, most drudachs have from 10 to 30 buildings, many
from mercenaries and sages seeking employment to scribes of which only remain standing as they are tightly clustered
looking for books to copy for fees. against one another and are all supported by the
byways/walls of the sabban/drudach. The minimum ameni-
ven less practical than listing the sabbans by name, dachs each have their individual walls, topped by the byways
naming every drudach in Callmport is nearly impossible for the affluent. However, very few drudachs have gates or
for a number of reasons. There are the official names of each guards at the points where one drudach intersects one or
neighborhood, as kept by the syl-pasha and his vizars, and more other drudachs. Instead, simple archways link alleys or
these are the names they are noted by in this product. How- tunnels under or through other buildings (limiting a building
ever, every native of the city has her own nicknames for the to second-floor and above businesses or lodgings, since the
drudachs she frequents. While the palace views one neigh- first floor is a throughway).
borhood as Twelvetors Drudach, many of its neighbors call it Religious Sites: All drudachs have at least one temple or
the Blades Drudach or the Mameluks Drudach (in reference shrine, and some have other random holy sites. Not all are
to its large military forces garrisoned there or their comman- officially recognized temples, but they can be pilgrimage sites
der and his alleged origins among the slave class). Thus, with where occurred events important only to those involved or
166 drudachs contained within Calimport, the majority of to the religions and faithful of the gods or prophets involved.
them will remain undetailed save by individual DMs for their Entertainment: No city can be civilized without a place
own campaigns. to put up ones boots and slake the dust of the road with ca-
Just like the sabbans that contain them, there are details maraderie and drink! While the public wells provide the ba-
that make each drudach unique, but they all share basic sics of refreshment, there is never less than one each of a tav-
structural traits. Below is a generic drudach for DMs to use as ern, inn, or festhall in a drudach.
a template for their own Calimport campaign. Some of the Business/Place of Trade: While one drudach from each
166 drudachs will be later noted in The City at Large sabban contains a khanduq and permanent marketplace, the
chapter, but far from all. others each hold a less formal bazaar formed of carts around
a central court or along a wide street. Richer drudachs sub- easily get turned around and cannot find where they need to
stitute businesses within permanent buildings, like many go. If the sabban and drudach walls werent difficult enough to
cities to the north. maneuver, the streets are often crammed full of carts and
Government Buildings: All drudachs contain at least two bazaars, the indigent poor and destitute, animals, and the like,
administrative buildings for the drudach and greater sabban. all fighting and shoving to gain their rightful space. In addi-
These include the houses and villas of the druzir and sab- tion to the buildings mapped, there are often rough hovels
balad, city-owned warehouses and granaries, public registrars and shacks or tents pitched against or atop or beside them
(for ownership of land and goods), public stables, and so on. where people strive to live. All of these factors conspire
The sadidah or the amlakkhan do not count against these against being able to tell a newcomer where to go at a glance.
minimums, as they are necessary regardless. Always pay attention to highly visible landmarks such as
Amlakkhan: This is a garrison of amlakkar (the watch) or particularly decorated buildings or minarets or even places of
soldiers, all sworn to watch over and defend their sabban. note such as the Pashas Palace. Learning the sabban marks
The defenders quartered here number 13 to 25 persons, de- (and which sabbans intersect each other) is an important step
pending on the size of the drudache; all are 2nd-level fighters of being able to navigate Calimport. The sun is also one of the
with standard equipment of a scimitar, small shield, and two few reliable ways to determine the direction of travel, as once
throwing daggers. Where the minaret attached to it has four a person is turned around within the walls of the city, some-
or more stories, the amlakkhan average two or three floors for times only the sun provides any bearing (especially when en-
garrisons, armories, and immediate access to the byways from tering a building via one entrance and exiting another).
the second floor exits. With all the security of multiple gates and overcrowded
Row House/Living Quarters: Of course, there are nu- streets and other ways of keeping anyone from swiftly escaping
merous other buildings for use as living quarters for those from ones grasp, thieves and criminals are remarkably hard to
working in the drudach. There are other uses for the general catch in this city. In effect, there are so many tiny alleys and
buildings, and many of them overlap with other sites noted courtyards between buildings that if a pursuer turns a corner to
above or among the sabbans features (one persons apart- continue chasing a thief, he is faced with four choices the thief
ments in a row house acting as an impromptu shrine to a god, could have used to flee. In essence, once someone drops out of
rooms or buildings owned by the syl-pasha for places to secret direct line-of-sight, there is a 25% cumulative chance per
spies and goods, etc.). round out of contact that the target will be able to escape his
Drudachs from the Sabbans Perspective: Often, individ- pursuers scot-free via the crowded streets of the day.
ual drudachs having competing businesses within one sabban
often leads to strife and street wars among those working to em- Secret Byways
brace the Calishite dream of opulence. Thus, many sabbalads If the thief knows of the many secret trapdoors and doors that
have stratified their drudachs toward providing particular ser- allow one to quickly drop beneath or inside the sabban and
vices for the greater sabban. In other words, like bazaars which drudach walls, that chance rises to 50% cumulative per round.
only sell food or weapons or sage advice, some drudachs are lim- While it is safer for each sabban to be locked up at night to
ited to being a trade drudach, entertainment drudach, residen- protect its citizens and assets from the usual miscreants active
tial drudach, or government drudach. While more efficient and at night, numerous secret passages beneath and within the
organized for the sabbalad, only those drudachs destroyed by walls allow many (especially the druzirs and sabbalads) freer
fire or other disasters and rebuilt (and reorganized into this access to the city. While many (and all of the amlakkar offi-
scheme) have been able to stratify their people and sites in this cers) know of the secret passages, the triggers and the exact lo-
manner. Thus, many more of the citys eastern sabbans are cations of all the secret doors are known to no one, not even
structured this way, as that area of the city seems more prone to the syl-pasha! Many apparent peasants hovels cover secret
fires and destruction and to newer ways of life. doors, but one often learns of them only when necessary (or
when attacked by assailants who werent there a second be-
Finding Ones Way fore). If certain secret doors become too flagrantly and often
used, the amlakkar or other defenders will seal up the door to
length. These areas have their natives as well, and some persons, 95% of which are human.
may charge a fee for using these areas, while others may try to As the syl-pashas vizars restored the organized census of
protect their secret door/room/passage. Thus, while they the Shoon Imperium, no slaves, dependant local rural fami-
may get one out of immediate trouble, these secret byways lies, or nonland-holding people are counted as true citizens.
often lead to worse things. While many of these passages However, there are far more than 212,000 beings in the city
open along secret doors into ground floors or cellars of ad- at all times. Factoring in the rise of the summer population
joining buildings, only a few of these byways containing exits with the trading season and the average of five slaves per cit-
leading further down into Calimport Muzad. izen (even though 35% of the citizenry does not own slaves
at all), the number of people within Calimport at any given
History he saying goes, Calimport has seen more years than its pashas have coins. Its
history is long and colorful though not always well recorded, nor is its history
well represented in its architecture. As detailed below, Calimport has been de-
stroyed and rebuilt on dozens of occasions, and this results in the loss of much
knowledge and history. Still, its continued existence speaks much for the im-
portance of this city to its people, and any native of the southern Realms cannot envision life
without Calimport any more than a northerner could conceive of the Sword Coast without
Calim Empire - 7 8 0 0 to - 6 1 0 0 DR
Memnonnar - 6 8 0 0 to - 6 1 0 0 DR
Era of SkyFire - 6 2 0 0 to - 6 1 0 0 DR
Coramshan - 6 0 6 0 to - 5 3 0 0 DR
First Kingdom of Mir -5300 to -5000 DR
First Age - 5 3 0 0 to - 3 2 0 0 DR
Second Age - 3 2 0 0 to - 1 9 0 0 DR
Third Age - 1 9 0 0 to - 9 0 0 DR
Fourth Age - 9 0 0 to - 2 0 0 DR
Fifth Age - 2 0 0 to 27 DR
Sixth Age 27 to 450 DR
Seventh Age 450 to 1018 DR
Eighth Age 1018 to 1235 DR
Ninth Age 1235 to 1358 DR
Tenth Age 1358 DR to present
Recurring Events
C alimport, as one of the oldest continuously settled cities of the Realms, has seen many of the
same ills that visit other cities of Faern. While Plagues, Fires, and trade wars are major
events for any city, Calimport has seen each of these on hundreds of occasions throughout its ex-
istence. Thus, unless other important events are tied to these standard disasters beyond their
immediate scope, these catastrophes receive only abbreviated notes with the following details.
Calimport has been built primarily out of mud bricks since the arrival of the genies of Calim,
which is flammable due to the straw used in fashioning the bricks. Many buildings and the ever-
present tents and carts of its inhabitants are made of wood (not to mention slaves quarters,
stables, and mounds of flammable refuse in hundreds of alleyways). The city periodically encoun-
ters dry periods, and one spark will engulf whole drudachs and sabbans in flames. The standard
notes on a Fire in Calimport are the areas affected, whether by cardinal compass points or specific
sabbans mentioned; and any losses suffered, usually in terms of a percentage of the population. If
any major landmarks or personalities were lost as a result of the ner note major changes in the status quo; if every conflict
Fire, they are noted as well. among the power groups of Calimport were even briefly
noted, this timeline would be noted by days, not years!
321 DR The Example Fire (Fire): All of northern and much of
eastern Calimport; 30% population and 42% of city;
Anachtyrs Hall. the Bakkal Shipyards. Timeline
Whenever huge numbers of people live together in one area,
B elow are many of the major events that affected Calim-
shan in general and Calimport in particular. The his-
tory of the city is presented in timeline format for ease of ref-
the incidence of disease rises. This risk rises especially sharply erence, though keep in mind that many more events have
in places like Calimport, where corpses often line the streets occurred than merely those noted here. These events are
like so much common garbage due to whatever struggles in po- merely the major happenings that have been noted in Cal-
litical or criminal arenas currently grip the city. The installa- ishite histories (or at least those considered important in the
tion of large sewers removed much of the offal from the streets, papers of sages, scribes, and the current Syl-Pasha Pesarkhal).
but these tunnels also provided new homes to rats and other Also, since it is the capital of the country, many events that
vermin, which were often (but not always) the origin of many encompass Calimshan beyond Calimport are noted as well;
of the Plagues. generally, each expansion of Calimshans territory saw a re-
Standard notes on Plagues include a name (if given one); sulting increase in the size and opulence of Calimport.
which cities in Calimshan or its protectorates were infected
(and Calimport may not always be so, though its trade and
rulership of Calimshan is always affected); any extraordinary Year Era or Year Name &
details on the disease (such as what it did or how it was (DR) Events of Import
spread, etc.); and the percentage of deaths among the general c.-11,000 Dwarves establish the first holds of Deep Shanatar in
populace (including a separate percentage of how many of the southern Underdark (Modem: Alimir Moun-
Calimports people suffered). tains, Lake of Steam).
321 DR The Example Plague (Plague): All cities; fever and c.-8,100 Deep Shanatar at its greatest expanse beneath south-
consumption, spread by touch; 12% (10%). western Faern (Modem: Amn, Tethyr, Erlkazar,
Calimshan, Alimir Peninsula).
Trade wars
With an average frequency of every 20 years or so, wars break c.-7,800 The Great Arrival/Calimports Founding: The area
out among those people who control the money of the city, or that will become Calimport witnesses the arrival of
at least those wish to do so. These street wars begin when one the Djenthe collective mass of genies and their
group attempts to take control of a particular trade or business human and halfling slavesled by Calim the djinni
over the objection of one or more powers; these powers could lord. Within months of the arrival, the spires of
be legitimate rulers and traders or criminal powers. While one Calimport rise above the plains and woods of south-
might expect the amlakkar (the watch) or the sadimmin (the em Faern. They quickly clear and seize all the lands
army) to quell any such disturbances, they are often some of south and west of the Marching Mountains.
the forces engaged in such conflicts. In a city and country
where money and politics hold greater power than blood ties or c.-7 7 9 0 The Dragon Wars: A flight of dragons destroys the
duty, the only constant history teaches Calimport is that city of Calimport. This initiates a century of war be-
people move to stop others only when they profited by the ac- tween Calim and the genies against the dragons. By
tion in some way. In the present day, this is changing slowly, its end, every dragon in the Marching Mountains
but it was a common event for more than 6,000 years. dies at the hands and magics of the genies. The ge-
Unlike the other disasters listed below, there are no stan- nies magic rebuilds Calimport within a year of its
dard notes for these conflicts, as each has a different impact initial destruction.
on the city and country. If nothing else, the conflicts will be
named or noted as Trade War and what effect it left on c.-6,800 Arrival of the Army of Fire led by the efreet, Mem-
Calimports business or power groups will be noted. Other in- non, and the establishment of Memnonnar.
formation may be provided sometimes, varying from the
source of the conflict to who or what started and stopped it. c.-6,500 Era of SkyFire begins: Full-scale war erupts between
Note that the only trade wars that come to light in this man- the Calim Empire and the Army of Fire.
c. -6, 100 Era of SkyFire ends: The rule of the genies ends and than half of the Marekh ruling family. The ship cap-
the Calim Desert is created. tain Daud yn Khadil Marekh survives the plague
and maintains the dynasty for another 12 years,
-6, 060 Fall of Calims Rule: Lands east of the Calim Desert though the loss of the capital weakens his grip on the
and south of the Marching Mountains become the Bakkals throne. Calimport lies empty for nearly a
human nation of Coramshan after the humans win a century, as many are afraid of the plague.
rebellion (with the aid of the dwarves) against sur-
viving minor genies. c.-2,600 End of the Shanatar Wars. Last known dwarves of
High Shanatar fall on the northern shores of the Sul-
-5,960 Dwarven realm of High Shanatar is founded in the duskoon River, sealing an entrance to Deep
lands cleared by the Genie Wars and other forces. Shanatar.
High Shanatar extends from the ruins of Memnon-
nar to the Sulduskoon River and the southern edge c.-2,400 Calimshan garrisons eastern Iltkazar in the vicinity of
of the Forest of Tethir. the Omlarandin Mountains, south of the Wurlur
(River Ith).
c.-5,600 Height of High Shanatars civilization.
-2381 The palace of the Tavihr Bakkal erupts in flames,
c.-5,400 Ambrils Bane: Dwarves kill human tomb robbers on ending that corrupt and vicious dynasty. The fires
the slopes of Mount Kellarak, including the bakkals spread and destroy the western half of Calimport.
heir to the throne of Coramshan. This incident pre-
cipitates three millennia of war with the humans of c.-2 2 8 0 The Erehnir Reconstruction: After guild wars and
Coramshan. other conflicts destroy much of Calimport, many
areas are rebuilt in the religious and artistic manner
c.-5,350 The Murabir (warlord-ruler) Mir of Coramshan they are known by to this day. The walls of at least
seizes much of southern High Shanatar while two western sabbans of modem Calimport retain
dwarves fight the Giant Wars to the north. hints of murals that graced the walls when they were
created during this decade.
c.-5.300 First Kingdom of Mir is founded in lands west of the
Darthiir Woods and south of the Wurlur (Modem: -1,931 The armies of Calimshan destroy the Idol of Nomog-
River Ith). For the next 300 years, Mir and Geaya and its hobgoblin worshipers. Henceforth, this
Coramshan aggressively expand eastward and share area is known as the Gorge of the Fallen Idol.
the conquered territories until their defeat by the
forces of Jhaamdath along the Lake of Steam. c.-1,900 Calimshan rules as far north as the Snowflake Moun-
tains and is composed of four separate kingdoms
c.-5,000 Coramshan and Mir unite under the Bakkal and within its empire: Calimshan (the original lands of
Murabir Ukhar IV to form the Calimshan Empire, Coramshan and the Calim Empire), Mir, Tethyr, and
which claims all lands south of the Wurlur (Modem: Iltkazar.
River Ith) and west of the Iltkazar Mountains.
-1838 In retribution for Calishite adventurers plundering
c.-4,900 The Warriors Plague: Calimport, Almraiven; berserk her hoard and slaying one of her brood, Ylver-
rages and battle madness in afflicted, spread by blood aasahlisar the Rose Dragon destroys Calimshans
contact; 40% (14%), most casualties among military army, the Calephs Court, the Bakkal Raor, and two-
forces. thirds of Calimport before she settles onto the
Bakkals Throne and rules the heart of the empire.
c.-4,770 The Plague of Terror mysteriously affects Calimport Much of Calimport Muzad comes into being with the
alone, the disease driving many mad from imagined red dragons attack, as her demands for the citys im-
spectral foes and other fears. As a result of the plague, mediate reconstruction forces builders to simply
the entire waterfront and other inner parts of the city smooth out the rubble and begin again.
bum as a few dockworkers imagined great sea mon-
sters attacking the city. -1783 The Dragons Wrath (Fire): All of central Calimport;
15% population, 40% of city.
In less than a tenday, the Sunset Plague claims the
lives of most everyone in Calimport, including more
-1,726 Dragonslayers led by Rafak el Cajaan sorely wound -1153 Ali el Samesaj saves the sultan from assassination by
the Rose Dragon and drive her out of Calimport; others of his court, though the magical battle de-
while she escapes the humans, Ylvera dies under the stroys much of Hapij Sabban. He rises to the title as
jaws of their bronze dragon ally, Cadasalmpar. The the Sultans Vizar and Druzir of the Seven Sages Dru-
Cajaan dynasty refounds human rule of the empire. dach as a reward for his loyalty.
-1,708 Cajaan rule stabilizes as its once-widespread family is c.-1 1 5 0 After the Villaflames, the Drakhon dynasty takes
reduced to its last male heir on the throne. control of the cleared areas and expands the Pashas
Sabban while rebuilding sabbans and restructuring
-1428 Calimport falls with the death of Syl-Pasha Violir the areas to best suit their political allies and their
Cajaan IX, and beholders rule the ruined city of own motivations. The massive stone docks and de-
Calimport and its vassal empire. Qyraaptir the fenses that grace Armada Ward for centuries to come
Bloodeye, a beholder-mage of frightening power, replace the dock areas destroyed.
claims the Pashas Throne. Beholders now rule all Syl-Pasha Kamal el Drakhon commissions the
major settlements throughout Calimshan and the building of el Qysanallojal (Imperial Navy), and this
Lake of Steam. allows Calimshan to begin controlling the coastal
lands and waters of the Shining Sea. Originally built
to speed troop movements against the beholder
-1403 The Cajaan Vengeance (Fire): Outer sabbans of
armies, the Qysanallojal swiftly expands Calimshans
Calimport; 5% of the population, 20% of city; pur-
political and trade influence.
pose of smoking out beholders during siege of city
partially successful.
-1,130 The Battle of the Samesaj Gate: The eastern garrison
of Akkabbel (Modern: Ithal Pass) is the scene of
-1402 Qyraaptir the Bloodeye and his beholder forces fall or
great victory for Calimshan, as the besieged forces of
flee before the Drakhon priests and their allied
Akkabbel gain reinforcements from Calimport via a
human soldiers. Calimport is the first city freed of be-
magical gate. They break the siege and inflict great
holder domination, and Calimshan is free of be-
losses on the beholders. The gate remains intact after
holder rulers within three years, thanks to the rule of
the battle, but only its caster (the vizar Ali el Same-
the Drakhon pashas. The beholders retreat to their
saj) knows that it is keyed to the full moons light
strongholds beneath the Alimir Mountains or along
more than other magic. This great victory over the
the Lake of Steam.
beholder forces sees Samesaj raised to the title of
Grand Vizar at the right hand of Syl-Pasha Ruj el
-1280 The Alimir Peninsula erupts into war between Cal-
imshans armies and the restored beholder nations.
Qyraaptir the Bloodeye now commands all the hives
-1,095 The Grand Vizar Samesaj creates his final resting
surface armies, not just one legion.
place to the east of Calimports city walls: the
Khamamart, the Tomb of Fire. Once its fiery marble
-1202 Ali yn Enar el Samesaj, the future Great Vizar of
walls rise from the earth, Samesaj enters through one
Calimport, is born on the last day of Alturiak.
wall, never to be seen again.
c.-1,050 With great advances in shipbuilding technology, the -736 Tulan el Akadas 40 most loyal aranea remain in
Imperial Navy of Calimshan rules the Shining Sea Calimport and take up residence in hidden byways
and the Lake of Steam. Infrequent, tentative trade beneath the city and among caverns in the upper re-
begins with Chult and the Tashalar. gions of the Underdark (former scouting posts of
Shanatar). They begin fortifying the defenses of
-990 Intermittent plagues over the next century ravage the Calimport against the drow and making a home for
populations of Schamedar and Calimport. The first themselves in the dark areas where few sadimmin
plague, which strikes this year, kills nearly half of wish to tread.
Calimports slaves and forces the syl-pasha and his fam-
ily to remain trapped in their palace for nearly two years -733 Tulan el Akada releases over 100 aranea into the For-
until the disease subsides. The warlords and sorcerers of est of Mir both to propagate and to fight the drow
Jhaamdaths Twelve Cities of Swords are suspected of that had taken up residence therein.
creating the plagues, but nothing is ever proven.
-697 Year of Furious Giants
c.-870 After some decades of increased travel and coloniza- The drow erupt from beneath the cities of Calimport,
tion, Calimshan opens full, regular trade with Chult Manshaka, and Almraiven, establishing footholds in
and the Tashalar. the cities as well as the outlying wilderness areas that
they hold for several decades.
-790 The Night Wars begin between the drow and many
surface powers of southern Faern. The primary mili- -691 Year of Stolen Fire
tary foe of the drow is Calimshan. Attacks by the drow in Calimport destroy the
Calephs Palace with all the ruling family within it,
-741 Tulan el Akada yi Calimport creates the aranea, a ly- bringing the Vihad dynasty to a close. The qayadin
canthropic arachnid race with the ability to disguise (general) of the sadimmin takes control as Syl-Pasha
themselves as drow or giant spiders. Tulans magical Akim el Ehjoliq.
controls make the aranea the most effective soldiers
in the war against the drow.
Calimshan begins colonizing the coast of the Lake of Year of Hasty Messengers
Steam beyond the Alimir peninsula. These original The Spider Plagues (Plague): All cities; sores filled
plans were to colonize the area as conquerors, but with spiders eggs appearing on people, victims con-
many are settled as places for refugees fleeing Calim- sumed by hatching spiders; 32% (41%).
shan proper and the irregular but terrifying Night
Wars. -530 Year of Meager Means
The Night Wars draw to a close, and the drow never
-676 Year of Frenzied Tempests again gain more than a remote toehold in the surface
The Temples Plague (Plague): Calimport, Alm- lands. In all, more than 75,000 humans and other be-
raiven, Tashalar cities; fluid in lungs and fever, spread ings are captured and enslaved by the drow during
by touch (priests unwittingly spread it, giving it its these conflicts. More than 150,000 others die fight-
name); 7% (5%). ing the dark elves, though nearly as many drow and
duergar die during the wars as well.
-664 Year of Turning Tides
The Enslaving of Keltar: The drow nearly destroy -446 Year of Treasured Moments
this town over the course of a 37-hour battle, given Calimshans dominance of the Lake of Steam and
their magical superiority and a globe of darkness that the Shining Sea comes to an end with the near total
they use to surround the city. Calimports army ar- destruction of the Calishite Armada in Calimports
rives after the drow conquer the city and have harbor. The resulting fires destroy over 70% of the
shipped more than 50% of the surviving population city once winds carry sparks and flames to the
into the Underdark as slaves. While the Calishites wooden domes of many buildings.
free the town and force the drow back to the Under-
dark, over 3,000 Keltams are never seen again. -375 Year of Clutching Dusk
The Empire Plague strikes the southern Shining
-649 Year of Falling Copper Coast this year, ravaging Calimshan and the Lake of
The army surrounds Calimport as wizards and priests Steam colonies. Calimshans influence begins to
set it magically aflame, the light and fires driving the crumble with the loss of some Lake of Steam
drow that claimed more than 25% of the city onto colonies. The plague hits Calimport hard, killing
the waiting spears of the sadimmin or deeper beneath nearly a third of the people, including many mem-
the city. Once again, the syl-pasha is forced to de- bers of the ruling family.
stroy his capital to save his empire. The Axash dynasty ends due to the plague, and
Large parts of the city are purposefully destroyed to those who survive cannot stop the rise of Syl-Pasha
bury the drow temples and partially subterranean vil- Akkab el Evyrtaan, cousin to the now-dead Khalid el
las, but some remain relatively intact though buried. Axash. The first order of the new syl-pasha is to put
Those same wizards who burned the city help rebuild Calimport to the torch to minimize the threat of the
it and seal off all areas between Calimport and the plague. The fires, for the first time in centuries, refuse
Underdark with stone and new buildings. Despite to bum and thus the new syl-pasha is forced to aban-
their diligence, the drow reopen those passages don the city for the next five years.
within a decade and reestablish their hold on
Calimport Below, now nicely protected by the city -374 Year of Shattering
overhead. With the city all but abandoned due to the plague
they framed on Jhaamdath, priests of Talona attempt
-620 Year of Noble Souls to conquer Calimport and plunder its riches to build
After more than 60 years of negotiations, Calim- a temple to their goddess of poisons. Many of those
shans syl-pasha strikes some confidential trade agree- who remain in Calimport are rogues, escaped slaves,
ments with the Matron Mother of Guallidurth, the and necromancers. For a time, the capital becomes
closest drow city, in exchange for the withdrawal of the Rogues City.
her forces from beneath Calimport and the other
Calishite cities. The withdrawal takes another 90 -373 Year of Whispering Stones
years, as not all forces answer to the Matron Mother The Basilica of Night, Shars impressive seat of power
of Guallidurth, and a House rebellion within that in Calimport, remains one of the few places in the
city also adds fuel to the Night Wars. city that is not fully controlled by Talona. Skirmishes
around the temple in the Joadhruz Sabban (now the
Bakkal Sabban) grow more and more violent. In Year of Shambling Shadows
Eleint of this year, the Basilica finally falls to Talonas Darrom Ithal of Clan Ithal leads the allied clans of
forces, but Shars priests collapse the temple upon Tethyr to victory against Calimshan at Ithmong.
their foes. The bulk of the temples wealth and reli-
quaries are moved to their new home within an an- -212 Year of High Thrones
cient temple in the undercity, and it will soon be Battle of the Purple Marches: This battle gains
called the Temple of Old Night. Tethyrs independence with Calimshans defeat.
cover that the old threat of the beholders has risen -110 Year of Shadowed Glances
again. Beholders and their cultists control the major- Akkabar el Shoon is born in Myratma to a Calishite
ity of territory east of Ankhapur and are now pushing sabbalad father and his favored jhasina, and all three
their forces west (or immediately up and out of the return home to Memnon.
Alimir Mountains) in retaliation against the Cal-
ishite invasions. -94 Year of Many Bats
The 16-year-old Akkabar el Shoon arrives in Tethyr
-170 Year of Many Eyes and becomes a pupil of the Vizera Princess Rhynda
Calimshan allies with Tethyr and Iltkazar to fight on his reputation as a prodigy in Art.
the risen beholder powers of the Arnaden, which
have pushed back Calishite aggressors and are now -88 Year of Hostile Hails
advancing up into eastern Tethyr. The Eye Tyrant Akkabar el Shoon leaves the tutelage of Princess
Wars begin. Rhynda of Tethyr and begins his movement among
Almraiven falls to beholders within the first three Calishite society and business, selling his powerful
months of the year, and Suldolphor follows by magical abilities to the highest bidders. Within four
Greengrass. Though a longer struggle, the beholders years, Akkabar is a near-permanent fixture within
control the Spider Swamp and the southern Forest of Calimport society and his political savvy is only out-
Mir by the end of Kythorn. This prevents much matched by his magic.
transfer of troops from western Calimshan save di-
rectly into beholder-controlled strongholds. -78 Year of the Gleaming
Akkabar el Shoon marries Munaa yr Shunnari el
-167 Year of Sudden Kinship Tarshaj, the fifth daughter of Syl-Pasha Kadar on
The Storming of the Qatarn Hills: In the first five days Midsummer. As a wedding gift, Akkabar becomes
of Uktar, King Silvam of Tethyr and Qayadin Revaod the Syl-Vizar (and ruler) of Memnon.
el Simaal lead the Fourth Army to victory over nine
beholders and thrice their armys own forces. -77 Year of Flaming Stones
The beholders occupy Volothamp and Schamedar By Midwinter, the deaths of nearly all members of el
by years end, though their entrenchment within Tarshaj places Syl-Pasha Akkabar el Shoon on the
eastern Calimshan overextends their reach, and the Calephs Throne, as he had planned.
beholders lose control of Ankhapur, one of their
largest surface strongholds. -75 Year of Leather Shields
The regent Princess and Vizera Rhynda arranges a
-166 Year of Seven Loves Lost marriage between Syl-Pasha Akkabar Shoons
T he Eye Tyrant Wars end, though alliances remain daughter and her own son, the future King Nishan
among the human powers to pursue renegade be- II to ensure the stability of both realms despite
holders for the next few years among all their lands. objecting nobles on both sides.
and quills used by scribes, scholars, and business folk; even though it is no longer his capital, Syl-Pasha
20% (11%). Akkabar Shoon establishes a tightly controlled pup-
pet dynasty on the Calephs Throne.
-6 Year of Scarlet Scourges
Tethyrian royals slain by pirates. Syl-Pasha Shoon 27 Year of Shadowed Blades
secretly congratulates himself on arranging the coup, The syl-pasha dies under mysterious circumstances
though his attempts to link the murders with the ris- while enchanting magical items in his chambers deep
ing mercantile power of the Rundeen fall. beneath the Imperial Mount of Shoonach.
King Amahl III succeeds his great-great-grand-
-5 Year of Feuds father as ruler of Calimshan and Tethyr. After estab-
Amahl Shoon, younger brother of the late Queen lishing another puppet regime on Tethyrs throne,
Arhymeria, arrives within a month of Ithalyrs fall. Amahl III crowns himself Qysar (emperor) Amahl
Calishite forces and advisors set him up as the reluc- Shoon III of the Shoon Imperium.
tant king in the newly renamed city of Zazesspur. Unlike under the syl-pasha, Calimport suffered much
loss of status and money, as many vizars and pashas
-3 Year of Ruins moved to Shoonach, where they might better curry
King Amahl I is poisoned and succeeded by his favor from the qysar. While little changed among the
nephew, King Amahl II, all at the direction of Syl- dockside sabbans and the caravan trade supporters, the
Pasha Akkabar Shoon, his great-grandfather. rest of Calimport was all too sparsely populated as the
center of Calishite society became Shoonach.
-2 Year of Gruesome Streams
After 18 months of war, Ithmong is destroyed and 39 Year of Proud Flame
Clan Ithal nearly wiped out by royal forces. King The Alley Plague (Plague): Calimport (whole city),
Amahl II of Tethyr swears fealty to Syl-Pasha Shoon Almraiven, and Manshaka (docks); pox and inability
on Greengrass upon his victory, and this is the true of blood to clot; spread by air and presence of corpses
start of the Shoon Imperium with Akkabars rule rotting in streets of Upper Calimport; 17% (2 1%).
over both Calimshan and Tethyr.
50 Year of the Barbed Wind
-1 Year of Shattered Relics Qysar Amahl Shoon III dies and is succeeded by
Ithmongs ruins are plundered for the building of a Qysar Shoon I.
great capital to the south, near the former city of Il-
takar and the port town of Agis (Modem: 61 Year of the Branded Mage
Shoonach). Former Clan Ithal supporters are en- Qysar Shoon I decrees the establishment of the Wiz-
slaved and haul stone ten miles south to the new city ards Consortiums of all the cities of his realm, to
for the next 10 years. which attendance is mandatory for all wizards. Those
Akkabar the Younger, eldest grandson of the syl- who resist are slain, and soon Shoon I knows of
pasha and elder brother of Amahl I and Arhymeria, nearly every mage within his domain, which allows
dies in a tavern brawl in Memnon that is later re- him better control over such forces.
vealed to be a revenge assassination by vengeful
Tethyrian clansmen. As the father of King Amahl II 75 Year of Clinging Death
of Tethyr and the proclaimed heir of Syl-Pasha Qysar Shoon I dies and is succeeded by his third son,
Shoon, his death brings much suffering to Tethyr. Qysar Shoon II.
The Fog Fever (Plague): All Shoon cities (Tethyr
5 Year of the Clutched Emerald and Calimshan), esp. Calimport, Memnon, and
The syl-pasha establishes gates between various sites Myratma; clinging night fogs lead to raging fevers
in Calimport and his new imperial capital rising at and delusions if breathed in; those who die of this
Shoonach. fever exhale their last breaths as identical fog; 11%
(Shoon Imperium) (31%)
15 Year of Glittering Glory
King Amahl II of Tethyr dies and is succeeded by his 107 Year of the Fledglings
only son, King Amahl III. The syl-pasha moves his Qysar Shoon II dies and is succeeded by his first
court and much of Calimshans power to Shoonach. grandnephew, Qysar Shoon III. Hazamir el Aktorral,
As Calimport remains the primary port for his empire Syl-Pasha of Calimshan, is made riqysar (regent
emperor). Riqysar Aktorral moves some of the
court back to Calimport and the surroundings he
trusts rather than live in Shoonach.
heightened color in hair, eyes, and skin (most as- 681 Year of the Zombie Lords
sumed it was healthy color and that victims were in Midsummer Alight (Fire): Calimport (eastern sab-
best of health until sudden collapse and death), bod- bans and boundaries), Manshaka (central), and
ies combust upon death; 9% (4%). Schamedar (all) set aflame by carelessly tended fires
The Plague Fires (Fire): Evyrtaan and Cajaan Sab- on Midsummers Night; 13% total population (9% of
bans; 6% population of Upper Calimport; both sab- Calimport), 17% total civilized areas destroyed
bans gutted and abandoned due to combusting (100% of Schamedar, 25% of Manshaka, 7% of
corpses during the plague-filled summer. Calimports buildings (though all villas of value).
354 Year of the Fleeting Pains 701 Year of the White Jonquil
The Lepers Curse (Plague): All Shoon Imperial The Moon Plague (Plague): Calimport; lycanthropy
cities; total absence of pain, later advances to total (werewolves, wereboars, weretigers most common)
lack of all senses, driving many mad; 19% (33%). outbreak (due to entry in city of three weretigers and
Many soldiers afflicted with the Lepers Curse are two werewolves); 2% of Calishite population (12%
sent in suicide attacks against elf encampments in of Upper Calimport, 5% of Calimport Docks).
Tethyr and Amn, as their painlessness allows them to Many lycanthropes leave Calimport after the full
keep fighting and destroying elf insurgents until life moons of Tarsakh and Mirtul to spread their lycan-
leaves them. thropy to the Tashalar and the Shaar. To the present
day, it is unknown what drew so many lycanthropes
450 Year of the Corrie Fist together into Calimport for these two summer
The death of Qsar Amahl VII on Midwinter and the months, though some remain in Calimport Muzad.
subsequent fall of the Imperium leaves numerous folks
scrambling for control of the swiftly dissolving power 733 Year of the Sad Refrains
structures. More than 75 pashas, vizars, sabbalads, and The Port Fires (Fire): All of Calimports and Alm-
sultans slay each other in massive wars in the streets raivens docks; 9% of population and 32% of city
of every major Callshite city to see who would claim (Almraiven), 3% population and 18% city
the power from the fallen qysars throne. Calimport (Calimport); all shipyards, docks, and port-facing
fell under the rule of Syl-Pasha (former pasha of the warehouses (ships flying false colors enter the harbor,
shipwrights and harbormasters) Fahd el Daosiin. gain berths deep among other ships and close to shore,
and magically explode in flames. This is the Rundeens
457 Year of the Unfurled Flag largest power play to interfere and usurp Calishite
The syl-pasha and his sons are destroyed from below trade supremacy in the southern Sword Coast).
as various agents set off magical explosions to destroy
the entire Pashas Sabban and much of the adjoining 755 Year of the Enigma
slaves drudachs. The adjacent destruction sparked Crimson Death (Plague): Ankhapur, Saelmur, Sul-
fires that lasted through the Feast of the Moon. dolphor, Mintar, Almraiven; magical curse/plague
The Flag Fires (Fire): 65% of western Calimport; that effectively bleeds victims to death and trans-
the Pashas Sabban, the syl-pasha; el Daosiin dynasty, forms them into crimson deaths, which immediately
over 5,000 slaves. seek to replace all blood lost; 41% total areas people
(average of 16% of each settlement).
527 Year of Tatters
Slaves begin years of major unrest in all cities of Cal- 771 Year of the Stalking Knight
imshan and the Amaden lands. The Caravan Fires (Fire): All of eastern Calimport;
13% population and 22% of city (trade factions set
533 Year of the Shattered Manacles entire rival caravans and warehouses ablaze in midst
The Mameluk slave warriors overthrow the rulers of of summer drought and fires spread); the Erehnir
Calimport and the other major cities and establish a Khanduq, the Hall of the First Trader, much of Thy-
free country without slavery. As Calimport stood tos and Larau Sabbans.
long as a slavers port, the Mameluk rulers abandon
the city, taking the Calephs Throne to Manshaka, 808 Year of the Crescent Moon
their new capital. They also abandon the title of syl- The Zealot Fires (Fire): Half of Bakkal Sabban; 9%
pasha in favor of the far older Murabir (Warlord), population and 5% of city; temples of Shar, Sharess,
not used since Mirs days of independence. and Ibrandul destroyed by zealous Lathandrian priests
giving the gift of dawn to enlighten the befuddled Sabban, Darehj Sabban, and Sjl Sabban; less than
faithful of the dark gods. 1% population, though more than 15 buildings and
23 bazaar carts and all assorted goods therein de-
864 Year of the Broken Branch stroyed in blazes set by Akham el Qaandan and
Rysellan the Dark founds the Twisted Rune. One of Haneq el Fustaf, two dueling mages seeking the
the Runes earliest lairs lies deep beneath Calimport Caleph Arcanes position; the Auret.
in what was once an ancient drow temple.
1168 Year of the Leering Orc
907 Year of Waiting The Arena Fires (Fire): Games Sabban; 3% popula-
The upper city of Calimport is reclaimed and reset- tion (though 5,600 slaves and gladiators die un-
tled by Mameluks who are shut out of the power cir- counted as a result of a wizards attempt to escape by
cles of Manshaka. At the secret urgings of the engulfing audience and arena in flames) and 1% of
Twisted Rune, they seek to reclaim the ruined greater city; Arena Efreetum, surrounding slaves and gladia-
city beyond the walls of the port. Rysellans primary tors barracks.
agent in this endeavor is Vizar Bollus el Kahdan, a
half-elf wizard and warrior. 1331 Year of the Leaping Dolphin
Numerous high-ranking wizards among all the Guilds
911 Year of Ruins Reborn Arcane of Calimport, Almraiven, Volothamp, Mem-
The Deepblaze (Fire): At Midsummer, Bollus pro- non, and Keltar mysteriously abandon their homes
claims himself Syl-Pasha of Calimport, and nearly all and positions to depart on some mysterious mission
of the surface ruins of Calimport are cleared of dan- within the Marching Mountains. More than 30 in
ger. However, Bollus finds some areas hard to restore all, they abandon their holdings and responsibilities
due to interference from powers down below. He and for this unknown calling.
his forces fill the ancient sewers and the avenues be-
neath the many layers of ruins and rubble with oil 1332 Year of the Sword and Stars
and set it all afire. Just as planned, the Runes other Numerous goblin and hobgoblin tribes are reported
agents used the fire to destroy nearly all the surface on the move among the western Marching Moun-
ruins and those foolish enough to be drawn there. tains, though reports have numerous wizards at the
The resulting fumes and heat kill nearly all others heads of these hordes-the same wizards who went
in the port area, but after five tendays of fire and missing late last year under some mysterious calling.
smoke, Calimport begins to cool and the powers of
Calimport Below are now more secure than ever. 1333 Year of the Striking Falcon
They are provided a huge amount of stone upon Mulsparkh is founded along the northern bank of the
which to build a city and the access they want to River Memnon in the Duchy of Teshyllal near the
both the city above and their lairs below, thanks to end of this year by Calishite mercenaries and mon-
the fire. Curiously, a number of buildings such as the sters at the secret instigation of the Twisted Rune.
House of the Murabirs survived the destruction with-
out any explanation of how or why. 1334 Year of the Blazing Brand
Mulsparkhs army destroys Crown Price Rythan of
1018 Year of the Dracorage Tethyr, brother of King Alemander IV, and his army
Sapphiraktar the Blue joins in the massive flights of in the Battle of Nightflames. The armies of Calim-
dragons ravaging the Realms. He emerges from his shan destroy Mulsparkh itself shortly thereafter. The
normal Calim desert habitat and destroys much of Sword of Starlight, a Tethyrian sword of state and a
Calimport and Keltar in Kythom and Flamerule. powerful magical item, is secreted away by Yuzas
Nur yn Yusuf el Tiagar, a military officer with greater
1019 Year of the Sure Quarrel ambitions than abilities.
The Dragons Plague (Plague): Calimport, Keltar;
painful, scaling skin irritation, hair loss, madness; 5% 1346 Year of the Bloodbird
(16% due to loss of status with ruined appearances, Rumors of 80,000 dark elves living in the Forest of
madness, etc.). Mir leads some to panic in Calimport, with many en-
tering the Muzad with thoughts of exterminating all
1092 Year of the Aimless Mystic they find below. Others more pragmatically arrange
Akhams Duel (Fire): Parts of Osiir Sabban, Golnar slave-trade agreements with known drow agents,
lining their pockets with Underdark coin. Most 1362 Year of the Helm
sensibly laugh at the unfounded rumor and at the The Knights of the Black Gauntlet seize power
panic it causes Tethyr and many Calishite holdings. in the city-state of Mintar on the Lake of
1347 Year of the Bright Blade
The Ten Black Days of Eleint: King Alemander 1364 Year of the Wave
IV and the rest of the Tethyrian royal family die An agent of the Knights of the Shield assassi-
during the conflagration that destroys Castle nates Pasha Balik in his bed.
Tethyr. Crown Prince Alemanderthe late
Prince Rythans younger brother and second son 1369 Year of the Gauntlet
of King Alemander IVand General Shar- End of the Tethyr Interregnum: Queen Zaranda
boneth die in the fires of their own making. weds King Haedrak III and they are soon
From the 13th to the 22nd day of Eleint, hyste- crowned monarch and consort of reunified
ria grips Tethyr, causing the destruction of Tethyr.
Tethyrs nobles, many castles and temples, and Priamon Frostrune Rakesk and the alhoon
hundreds of innocent people with any ties to Ralayn the Ocultacle kidnap Halaster Blackcloak
the royalty are also murdered. bodily from his seat of power in Undermountain.
Halasters Higharvestide results in the destruction
1352 Year of the Dragon of the village of Geniste and other chaos.
Pasha Balik begins his rule in Zazesspur with the The Trades Conflagration (Fire): This blaze en-
hidden aid of the Knights of the Shield. gulfs over 60% of Emerald Ward and 50% of
Grand Ward. Marekh Sabban is destroyed by the
1357 Year of the Prince fires, along with numerous areas in the Muzad
Shond Tharovin, a Calishite wizard, steals the beneath it.
Tome of the Unicorn from the Green Room of
Ruathym. 1370 Year of the Tankard
Tarsakh: The ailing Pasha Sufontis dies, leaving
1358 Year of Shadows various predators and heirs to fight over his
The Time of Troubles unleashes magical chaos estate.
across the Realms. Mirtul: The Knights of the Black Gauntlet of
Shond Tharovin unleashes the demilich Shoon Mintar seize the town of Kzelter in far south-
VII on Zallanora Argentresses, a young female eastern Tethyr. Tethyrs armies regroup in Ithal
elf wizard, and the spirits of the undead Qysar Pass.
and the young elf switch bodies. Kythorn: Numerous crypts and graves through-
The Shadow Thieves lose the entire member- out Calimport are found desecrated or destroyed.
ship of the Shade Council and two-thirds of Members of the Nallojal speak of seeing a
their assassin members thanks to the machina- "shark larger than many vessels cruising the wa-
tions of the gods. In response, they undergo a ters beyond the citys harbor.
sweeping reorganization. The High-Captains of Luskan arrive in
Calimport for a month-long series of meetings
1360 Year of the Turret (topics unknown) with the syl-pasha and his
Many mercenaries depart Tethyr to participate in aides.
the crusade of King Azoun IV of Cormyr against Flamerule: Queen Zaranda of Tethyr gives birth
the Tuigan horde. to triplets, respectively named Princess Sybille,
The Wyrmskull Throne of Shanatar is discov- Prince Coram, and Princess Cyriana.
ered by pirates in the Bay of Skulls in the shel- Sailors arriving from the ports of Waterdeep
tering lee of Hook Isle. and Baldurs Gate bring to Calimport fearful
news of terrible attacks on those cities harbors
1361 Year of Maidens by ferocious aquatic creatures, huge monsters,
Word reaches Tethyr and Calimshan of the dis- and powerful magic. Speculation runs rampant in
covery of the western lands of Maztica. the Port Wards.
The City at
ith a metropolis the size of Calimport, detailing the entire city is simply im-
possible. The chapter below provides details, links, and hints on the basics
of the City of Glory, but leaves much open to allow Dungeon Masters to
customize Calimport. This chapter provides a way to randomly determine
the size, purpose, and general state of repair of sites not detailed here.
In addition to the random generation of buildings for campaign play, there is also the com-
prehensive City Key of over 100 buildings with notes for AD&D game play. Bear in mind that,
in order to avoid repetition and meet our space requirements, there are far fewer buildings de-
tailed within the City Key than perhaps might normally be discussed. This chapter provides
only the broad overview of the city and the landmarks that are best known in each area.
The Buildings
C alimport is a huge city with buildings with thousands of shapes, sizes, purposes, and details.
This allows DMs to adapt the sites herein, adding details so locales are better suited to in-
dividual campaigns and players (and their characters, of course). Basic building structures are
discussed below, along with examples. The structure and size of the buildings created by the
tables below allow DMs to quickly create new adventure locations during a game.
While every other building type has a table and can be randomly created, Class A build-
ings and specific buildings of the DMs invention should be designed and placed into the game
with planning, not via random generation. These are major landmarks or buildings important
to the immediate game, and they should be carefully prepared and mapped. For other, lesser
buildings, keeping every improvised detail perfect from game to game in a Calimport campaign
is not necessary. If players catch the DM contradicting herself on a buildings layout, the fact
that not a day passes in Calimport where a building doesnt collapse or a fire doesnt consume a
block within some drudach, can be noted.
Building Class
Buildings in Calimport are divided into five classes for ease of reference:
Class A Buildings: If the structure is a sight people stand and stare at or remember fondly
years later, it is a Class A building. Class A buildings are always unique landmarks on any scale,
and their distinct nature comes from stature, cost, or opulence. While these buildings may have
some wooden construction, most of any Class A building is stone or metal. Examples within
Calimport include the Calephs Khanduq, the Festhall of Eternal Delight, the Anhakhamarkha,
and the Palace of the Murabirs.
Class B Buildings: Class B buildings are the large, elaborate buildings within the city,
though they do not dominate the skyline as do Class A buildings. They generally have from
three to seven stories, though these floors dont count any of the two or more cellar levels com-
mon to Class B buildings (connected to the sewers or Calimport Muzad at times). Many khan-
duqs and opulent homes in Calimport fall into this class of buildings. Oddly enough,
khamarkhas (grand mausoleums and House crypts) also fall into this class. Other examples in-
clude mansions (great residences without walled gardens like a villa), large warehouses and pub-
lic buildings, and the guildhalls.
Class C Buildings: The vast majority of buildings in Calimport are Class C: broad, mud-
brick row houses that line the streets to varying heights of two to four stories. Like those in the
northern lands, space in row houses usually is split between Building Generation
shops and offices on the main floor (either the first or second Once the class of a given building has been determined, the
floor, which is even with the byways atop the drudach and following steps can be followed if speedy, random generation of
sabban walls), with apartments above and below them. How- building features is desired.
ever, these buildings do not always seem to be distinct and
separate from their neighbors; either the flanking buildings Step 1: Building Height
are attached to its neighbors or a facade of glazed brick makes Determine the number of stories of the building, by choice or
numerous buildings seem to be one. Many of these buildings by dice rolling. Remember that the second floor of any build-
interior mud-brick construction is reinforced by wooden ing places it on a level with the byways, and connections to
beams, and many are mud- brick or stone foundations with them provide additional business potential.
whole upper floors of wooden construction. This class in-
cludes amlakkhan, sadidah, and the majority of the rooming Class B: Roll 2d8 and check results below.
houses and entertainment houses (festhalls, taverns, inns) in 2 Two stories and no cellar;
the city. This class also contains markhouts (the common 3 Two stories and one cellar level;
4 Two stories and two cellar levels;
tomb for those who can afford individual burial in a cemetery
5 Three stories and no cellar;
rather than being interred in mass graves), even though these
6 Three stories and one cellar;
are of mud brick with some minor decorations.
7 Three stories and two cellars;
Class D Buildings: Class D buildings are smaller, usually 8 Four stories and no cellar;
one- or two-story mud-brick or wooden buildings with 9 Four stories and one cellar;
wooden or thatch roofs. They often are used either as small 10 Four stories and two cellars;
warehouses and storage sheds or individual homes for 11 Five stories and one cellar;
Calimports poor. Class D buildings have only one cellar 12 Five stories and two cellars;
level, if any. Such buildings are found mainly in Dock Ward 13 Six stories and one cellar;
and the Outer Wards. Examples of Class D structures range 14 Six stories and two cellars;
from the guild warehouses and slavers pens to various 15 Seven stories and one cellar;
16 Seven stories and two cellars.
smaller buildings with brick facades attached to Class C
buildings. Class D buildings can also be elaborate, semi-per-
manent tents pitched between or atop buildings. Note that any second cellar level indicated in Class B
Class E Buildings: Class E structures are small wooden buildings can be replaced by a minaret/tower floor, a dome, or
buildings or canvas tents barely one story tall; they can also an additional story atop the building.
be the more common tents. These buildings do not have cel-
lars, but they may have secret doors of sorts; their construc- Class C: Roll 1d8 and check results below:
tion allows escape through walls with loose boards or by slit- 1 Two stories and no cellar;
ting the tents canvas. The most common example of Class E 2 Two stories and one cellar;
3 Three stories and no cellar;
buildings are stables, enclosed wells, the slaves quarters of
4 Three stories and one cellar;
Shackles Ward, and the homes of the many folk settling in
5 Four stories and no cellar;
tents and ramshackle homes along the fringes of the city.
6 Four stories and one cellar;
7 Three stories and 4rh story feature;
8 Four stories and 5+ story feature.
Class D buildings, if placed as lean-to additions on the 5 B: Boarding/Rooming house
sides of Class C or other Class D buildings, can add an addi- C: Boarding/Rooming house
tional story or one cellar level. D: Residence, lesser merchant or laborer
E: Stables or slaves quarters
Class E: Roll 1d4 and check results below
6 B: Boarding/Rooming house
1 1 story hovel and no cellar;
C: Boarding/Rooming house
2 1 story hovel and crawlspace under wood floor;
D: Boarding/Rooming house
3 1 story tent and no cellar; E: Residence
4 1 story tent with partial floor and crawlspace
7 B: Khanduq
Step 2: Building Conditions. C: Row house, offices and apartments above ground-
Roll 1d10 or choose the condition of the building below: floor business
1 Derelict, boarded up (though possibly in use as a secret D: Shop
meeting place by thieves, intrigue groups, monsters, or E: Residence
2 Ramshackle, badly in need of repair; 8 B: Row house, residence above ground-floor offices
3 Well worn and in heavy daily use, with a need for one C: Row house, offices and apartments above ground-
major or numerous minor repairs; floor business
4 Well worn but in good shape, with evidence of some re- D: Office(s)
cent repair work done; more minor work needed; E: Residence
5 Well kept and in good condition but dirty;
6 Well kept and in good condition, clean and newly 9 B: Residence, lesser or rising merchant
painted; C: Row house, residences (all levels)
7 New or pristine condition, undecorated with glazing or D: Multiple-household residence, lesser merchant or
paint; laborer
8 New or pristine condition, freshly decorated with or- E: Residence or Shrine
nate furnishings and brickwork;
9 Building currently under reconstruction or extensive 10 B: Residence, rising or lesser merchant
major repairs (from recent fire damage, collapse, explo- C: Row house, apartments (all levels)
sion, etc.); D: Residence with rental storage
10 New building currently under construction. E: Shrine
details on all of Calimports sabbans. The official name of Location Terms Definitions
every sabban comes from a former ruler of Calimshan; how- Amlakkhan Garrison and armory for amlakkar;
ever, its most commonly known name comes from general use detention area
and what people associate with that sabban (as will be seen Business Place of business (many with apart-
below). All 52 sabbans are named under the Ward Keys, both ments above)
by their official names and by their most common nicknames. City building Place for governmental use
Note that nearly every ward has a Red Veil Sabban, which Festhall Place of entertainment (most with
is commonly the location of the majority of its entertainment tavern facilities)
sites such as festhalls. This does not break the basic structure Garrison Barracks and armory for sadimmin
of functionality among the drudachs but keeps all the enter- (soldiers)
tainment facilities within a sabban wall of each other. Guildhall Guild headquarters (many also act as
Each location within a ward is individually prefixed and Business)
numbered (see below). Sites are numbered and listed from House Privately owned abode of
the upper left corner of each ward map, moving to the right noted/wealthy person; often identified
to the opposite ward boundary, then continuing the pattern just by family name or specific title for
from top to bottom. These tags ignore the sabban and dru- villa
dach boundaries for the purposes of tagging sites, but those Inn Tavern with beds and meals
designations are noted among their additional notes. The Khanduq Heavily fortified business (and resi-
Ward Keys are all in following format: dence?) with defenders (never less
than Class B)
Tag # Location Type: Location Name Minaret Tower of not fewer than three stories
Building Class and # of stories with open balconies and dome or
Additional information is listed here; minimum In- parapet top (Never less than Class C)
formation is the sabban and drudach where the Row house Multi-story building with rented liv-
tagged location is. These notes should help DMs ing space
develop numerous locales for their campaigns. Shrine Minor, nonexclusive place of worship
within a larger site or in Class D or E
The rest of the abbre viations within the map keys are in building
the tables below. Stables Minor buildings for sheltering ani-
mals, storage of animal feed (noted
Tags Ward Placement also under Business).
A Armada Ward Tavern Establishment for drinking with some
C Caravans Ward food served in most cases
Cr Crypt Ward Temple Singular place of worship or confined
D Dock Ward complex
E Emerald Ward Tomb Enclosed structure for interring the
F Faiths Ward dead
G Grand Ward Villa Complex of buildings owned by rich
H Hammer Ward clan or pasha
Hk Hook Ward Warehouse Storage for saleable/raw goods
J Jewel Ward Wizards domicile Home of wizard (minaret or other not
K Khanduq Ward less than Class C)
M Makers Ward
P Palace Ward
Q Quill Ward
S Shackles Ward
T Trades Ward
W Wizard Ward
The Elder Wall One of the strangest features of Shackles Ward is its lack
of drudach walls. While the three sabbans remain distinct,
Remnants there are no divisions among them internally. Over the cen-
turies, the older drudach walls were scavenged until their
M uch of the outer city lies unprotected by city walls, as walls had been put to use reinforcing the sabban walls and
the City of Glory has not been surrounded fully by a building massive sales platforms even with the byways.
defensive wall-and-gate system in more than three centuries. Ward Ruler: Harun yn Ralan el Pesarkhal, Sultan of
As the city constantly expands, what little has not fallen Shackles Ward (NE hm T5) is the ill-tempered seventh child
from the previous outer walls has been claimed by the build- (fourth son) of the syl-pasha and is Pasha of the Slavemas-
ings that once built against the walls for stability. The walls ters Circle in his own right. His primary vizar and wizard-
of numerous buildings in the Outer Wards contain secret ally, Kamal el Estarq (CE hm M7), is an agent (and lover) of
chambers even their buildings owners know nothing of. Tamol yr Pirit (LE hf C4 of Shar), who directs them both for
Buildings made from the Elder Walls are easily spotted: the the Twisted Rune. While both men are smart enough to real-
brickwork of the wall is more massive than standards or ize they are being manipulated by this freelance jhasina from
building size demands. the Muzad, both realize she has other allies whose power they
There are yet a few free-standing elements from the Elder covet and welcome for their own power plays. Neither is far-
Walls that fell late in the Seventh Age. The walls were sighted enough to realize that such power comes with a price.
pierced in three places on the northwestern, northern, and
eastern sides of the city. The Malikhan Gates of Trades Ward Astar Sabban
still stand, though their entrances have long since been Other names: Slaver Sabban, the Flesh Market.
blocked, and they stand today as grand decoration for the This sabban is the primary staging area for newly arrived
travelers entering Calimport on the Trade Way. The slaves coming up for sale. Of its four former drudachs, its cen-
Zhamush Gate still acts as a gateway to the city and the tral one was long a mere composting and rubbish heap that
sadimmin of Khanduq Ward use it as a garrison and staging was eventually filled in with mud. Thus, there is a large central
post for their drills. The last of the Great Gates (built by the market in Astar Sabban even (at least visually) with the sab-
short-lived Jhaapir Dynasty of the Eighth Age) partially col- ban byways, and pashas and the mercantile class can purchase
lapsed during Akhams Duel (1092 DR) and was never re- slaves without having to lowering themselves to ground level.
built. In the 278 years since, the crumbled Sayad Gate was The bulk of the sabbans streets are filled by one- or two-room
looted for its stone, but it was never fully cleared away. Today, tents and hovels, wherein hundreds of thousands of slaves live.
Sayad Hill is the prominent hill within Pahlemm Sabban in Sabban mark: A hand with a shackle and length of chain.
the Caravans Ward, long smoothed and shaped by the ele-
ments and some small magic into a 30-foot-high plateau Edijo Sabban
above the rest of the sabban. From its top, many drovers and Other names: Penitents Sabban.
trading caster organizers oversee their caravans down in the This sabban is the housing sabban for the destitute, sick,
courtyards and staging areas surrounding the base of the hill. and poor as well as the secondary housing area for slaves.
The last marks that note the former existence of the Elder This sabban looks out from atop a 30-foot-high cliff next to
Walls are the plinths. They mark the former path of the dru- the Armada Ward, and its isolation on the coast restricts
dach/sabban walls, though tents and rough hovels have sur- other city residents exposure to the illnesses rampant here.
rounded them as the city expands. As the plinths are often Of course, when plagues begin, this is the first sabban blamed
used as hitching posts for mounts and other such common (and burned to the ground).
tasks, the sabban marks are worn off all the plinths. Sabban mark: Two eyes, each with single tears beneath.
Minqa Sabban
Shackles Ward Other names: Sadimmin Sabban
[Outer Ward] This ward encompasses the western edge of the This sabban, the westernmost area of the ward and of
city and is the traditional home of much of Calimports slave Calimport itself, is hardly a sabban as much as a military out-
(and slaver) populations. The entire eastern length of Shackles post. The military training grounds and garrisons here at least
Ward, where it abuts Armada and Palace Wards, remains in hint to the slaves of this ward that even without chains, they
shadow beneath the looming Pesarkhal Wall being built to pro- will not be allowed to flee from the city. This is the post for
tect the city center. While certainly the poorest sector of the raw recruits and aging soldiers, while others of the sadimmin
city, it is far from the most dangerous area to frequent. After all, are stationed among the other city garrisons or elsewhere
there are few thieves here since there is very little to plunder. across Calimshan.
Qhibal Sabban S7 Temple: The House of Nine Blessings
Other names: Red Veil Sabban, Tall Tankards Sabban. 2-story Class B building
This sabban abuts the gate into Palace Ward and the Pe- Astar Sabban; Suq Drudach. Temple to Loviatar. This
sarkhal Wall. It is the most prosperous and clean of the temple, frequented as expected by slavers, stands outs
Shackles Ward sabbans, simply due to the number of mer- proudly, its white-glazed brick offset only by the black
chants, nobles, and the like wandering in from the adjoining and blue mosaic of Loviatars Whip.
sabbans to find entertainment among the many jhasinnar
courts and gaming halls. Its secondary sobriquet comes from S8 Tavern: Katars High
the numerous four-story taverns and inns closest to the gates 2-story Class B building with partial minaret
and sabban walls. Astar Sabban; Suq Drudach. This poorly kept building
Sabban mark: The old Qhibal family crest: two oil lamps is a two-story taproom and tavern that caters to slave
sharing one flame above their adjacent spouts. buyers and slave drivers. Curiously, there are no slaves
working here. The owner Khamal yn Petar el Aximahl
S1 Temple: The Beacon of Battle (NG hm F6) was once the unlawfully enslaved Kam adh
2-story Class D building Simal, a gladiator in the Blood Arenas of Manshaka. He
Qhibal Sabb an; Biteq Drudach. Temple to Tempus. long ago cut the slaves manacle from his wrist and has
This lowly red-glazed brick building seems like a slavers done what he can to help slaves escape bondage. The
house, but its function becomes evident by the large sil- cellars beneath here lead into the Muzad, and while
ver holy mark of Tempus swinging over the main treacherous, it is a risk many take for the chance to es-
ground-floor entrance. From this temple, the clergy of cape into the hills west of the city.
the Foehammer seek out and recruit gladiatorial slaves
from among the masses of Shackles Ward. While few S9 Khanduq/Guildhall: The Strong Arms
enjoy their lives as slaves, many of the strong vie for the 3-story Class C building
attentions of the warpriests, for life as an arena slave at Astar Sabban; Yrsh Drudach. Headquarters of the
least gets them out of Shackles Ward and provides the Mighty Guild of Bouncers, Laborers, and Sellswords. This
slightest chance of winning their freedom. former khanduq has been converted into living quarters
and offices for the guild responsible for the hiring and em-
S2 Guildhall: El Muzaddhishadah ployment of nearly all the bouncers, heavy laborers (non-
3-story Class C building
Qhibal Sabban; Waga Drudach. Headqua rters of the
Guild of Plumbers and Sewer-Workers.
S3 House: El Niral
2-story Class C building
Qhibal Sabban; Terbas Drudach.
dock work), and mercenaries in the city. Pasha Kadan el S 18 Khanduq: The Adhavensarai
Vyndahla (CE hm T9) has effectively merged this legiti- 2-story Class D building
mate guild with his less-than-ethical enforcers and protec- Edijo Sabban; Agnab Drudach. This former khanduq
tion rackets, though he carefully maintains the distinc- and surrounding bazaar stalls attached to its outer walls
tions, so he can remain a legitimate business man who is one of the few markets where indentured servants and
provides a strong arm where needed. slaves can buy food, clothing, and other materials with
any meager coins they can scrounge. The products for
S10 Villa: Dome of the Balak sale are substandard for any other market in Faern, but
2- and 3-story Class B buildings they still count as luxuries for the downtrodden.
Minqa Sabban; Ibahr Drudach. This three-building
domed villa is reserved for the older balak (colonel) in
charge of training army recruits. This military leader
Faiths Ward
also becomes the de facto sabbalad. [Outer Ward] Many of Calimports oldest temples lie
within this ward, thus its name. In fact, while most of the city
S11 Amlakkhan/City Building: Amlakkhan Edijo has been destroyed in past centuries, this area has retained
3-story Class C building most of its structure and architecture for more than 1,000
Astar Sabban; Yrsh Drudach. This amlakkhan is larger years. It has not been untouched by fires, plagues, or the con-
and more heavily staffed (4d12 warriors and 1d8 officers stant street battles of both guilds and criminals, yet the build-
in attendance at all times) due to the dangers inherent ings take strength from their devoted inhabitants and remain
in slave uprisings. standing, though streaked with the soot and grime of cen-
turies (unless cleaned each day, as some temples are).
S12 Garrison: Garrison Katar Ward Ruler: Uarel yn Petal el Waukeen, Sultan of Faith
3-story Class B building Ward (N hm P11 of Waukeen) is a remote, distant man save
Minqa Sabban; Ibahr Drudach. This garrison is filled when he is performing his religions ceremonies. His duties as
with recruits who show enough promise to earn the Sultan, Master of the Counting House, and Pasha of the
training for commissions in the Farisan, the elite troops Guild of Money Lenders, Coinsmiths, and Pawn Brokers do
of Calimshan or the syl-pashas guardians, the not interfere with his ecclesiastical duties, though his consid-
Qysaghanni. erable financial and spiritual influence has always been
threatened by the rival church of Waukeen, the Khanduq of
S 13 Garrison: Ninth Scimitar Garrison the Coinmother (K1), and his former assistant, Druzir Petal
3-story Class C building el Saiduwm.
Minqa Sabban; Astek Drudach.
Bakkal Sabban
S14 House: Giidaradah Other names: High-Priests Sabban.
2-story Class B building One of the few sabbans not named directly for a ruling dy-
Minqa Sabban; Astek Drudach. This house is reserved nasty, its name was the title of the priest-rulers of Coramshan
for the use of the Minqa Sabbans second-in-command, and First-Age Calimshan. The hallmarks of this sabban,
most often a shyk (major). other than both its ancient and modern temples, are the nu-
merous statues that dot the streets and rooftops.
S15 Garrison: Fourth Scimitar Garrison Sabban mark: Generic face with a coiled serpent crown
3-story Class C building atop its head (the ancient crown of the bakkals).
Minqa Sabban; Astek Drudach.
Erehnir Sabban
S 16 Business/Stables: Rghiian Stables Other names: The Statue Sabban.
1 -story Class E building There is no sabban mark for Erehnir Sabban, simply be-
Edijo Sabban; Salit Drudach. cause the inner-facing walls of the sabban are so distinctive.
Similar to the Eight Erehnirs looming along the approach to
S 17 Temple: House of the Bound Hands Volothamp, the brick walls of this sabban were either molded
2-story Class C building with a 3-story minaret or carved to have many statues along the sabban walls. Most
Edijo Sabban; Galit Drudach. Temple to Ilmater. are merely stoic priest-kings, but some are posed with weap-
ons and opponents. While the roll of time has worn much of
the detail away, the rough outlines of all figures are still
apparent. While some assume the sabban was built by the of rulership and placement): Akkabar Shoon (E),
Erehnirs, it is actually far more recent. The Deepblaze of the Amahl III (SE), Shoon I (S), Shoon II (SW), Shoon III
Year of Ruins Reborn (911 DR) cleared away the old sabban (NW), Amahl IV (N), and Amahl V (NE). The west-
walls but left this sabban untouched, and these walls were ern opening is considered the main entrance into the
erected in honor of the Erehnirs who were admired by palisade, and the lack of a statue there signifies the dis-
Calimports ruler at that time. pleasure of the Shoon toward the riqysar and Syl-Pasha
Hazamir Aktorral, thus striking him from the rolls of
Evyrtaan Sabban Shoon rulers.
Other names: Fallen Grace Sabban, Dark Gods Sabban. The fountain beneath the domed palisade is a circu-
This sabban carries a reputation for being the most dan- lar basin centered directly under the green-and-clear
gerous section of Faiths Ward, and with good reason. This glassteel dome. It has four jets of water constantly
has long been the sector of Calimport where the greatest spouting upward and falling back into the pool. While
concentration of the dark gods temples lie, and many folk difficult to read due to the rippling water, an Alzhedo
avoid this area. All within its dark, mud-brick walls is consid- phrase is spelled out in mosaics set into the fountains
ered unholy ground by many, though the amount of money basin (which are magically protected from destruction).
and number of businesses within its boundaries make it at- It translates as Trust not in djinn. Trust not in the
tractive to others. Its naming for the dynasty that let Tethyr bakkal. Trust not the calephs. All hope and trust lies in
escape from Calimshans control is deliberate, for the Evyr- Shoon. The water is fresh, and it is allowable to drink
taan pashas are now considered to be the ones responsible for from the fountain, but drawing more than a cupful of
the loss. water from it is unlawful, as the attendant guards will
Sabban mark: The Evyrtaan seal of a hawks head with a enforce. Traditionally, many folk take vows and make
coin in its mouth. It is often depicted in crude mosaics that alliances here, for they say a vow taken when ones
make it look a bit like concentric Cs around a small gold dot. hands (and those of the other parties) are immersed in
the fountain is bound by a curse set by the Shoon and
F1 Tavern: The First Traders Drink that death results from any betrayal of that vow.
2-story Class C building
Bakkal Sabban; Kariq Drudach. This small establish- F3 Temple: The Imperious Flame
ment has become the unlikely meeting place for many 5-story Class B building
of the younger clergy and acolytes of Waukeens faith Bakkal Sabban; Ayal Drudach. Temple to Kossuth.
away from the Coinchapel. Here they debate the many
changes and strictures of their church without fear of F4 Temple: The Measure House
censure from their superiors. 6-story Class A building with 6-story minaret
Bakkal Sabban; Masal Drudach. Temple to Anachtyr
F2 City Building: The Fountain of the Qysars Tyr).
2-story Class A dome-covered open-air palisade and fountain.
Bakkal Sabban; Kariq Drudach. This fountain is one of F5 Temple: Minarets Guardant
the few sites from the Shoon Imperium still intact. Built 4-story Class B building with four 6-story minarets at the
during the concurrent reigns of the Qysar Amahl V and corners of the building
Syl-Pasha Abon II of El Larau, the fountain was com- Bakkal Sabban; Daid Drudach. Temple to Helm.
pleted in the Year of Coiling Smoke (194 DR). The oc-
tagonal palisade itself, its columns, and the external F6 Guildhall: The Counting House
frieze are all carved from green marble, while the floor 4-story Class B building
and the fountain basin are shaped from more common Erehnir Sabban; Enal Drudach. Headquarters of the Guild
white marble. of Money-Lenders, Coinsmiths, and Pawn-Brokers.
Facing outward between the columns that flank each
of the palisades eight sides are 7-foot-tall white-marble F7 Villa/Shrine: The House Khateera
statues resting on green-marble pedestals that raise the 3- and 4-story Class B buildings
statues to the approximate height of the sabban walls Evyrtaan Sabban; Ibran Drudach. Private Shrine to Iy-
(and the proper station of a noble). There is 10 feet of achtu Xvim. These striking buildings of granite and
clearance on either side of the statues 5-foot-wide darker gray marble were once a temple complex of
bases. The seven statues are the first seven Shoon rulers Bane. With that gods destruction in the Time of Trou-
of Calimshan and the Shoon Imperium (listed in order bles and the ensuing tumult among the worshipers of
gold tankard overflowing with ale and Lathanders rose-
pink disk set prominently on its front. The owner and
primary barkeep is the ebullient Jahras el Retaak (NG
hm F0), who acts far more dense than he truly is so
people underestimate him (thus making him perfect for
the Khamir family to use as an informant on news and
gossip in the sabban).
raiven, Sarsor acts as the primary commander of the While its attendant priests bridled over having to share
Qysaghanni wizards and their primary tutor in spell- holy ground with other faiths, the alliances among the
battle tactics. Gods of Fury (and the risks involved with directly de-
The Ysrnadah is a bright building of white marble on stroying another gods temple and faithful in such close
its outer facade and steps, ivory tiles on the roof, and proximity to ones own temple) keep this temple com-
carved-ivory screens in the open windows. Inside, plex standing behind a curtain wall built off the Samilar
nearly all other surfaces are decorated with mosaics of Drudach wall.
lapis lazuli and turquoise, while floors and walls are
made of blue marble. It will be the home of the leading
qayadin of the Qysaghanni beneath el Namor, but the Trades Ward
position is currently vacant due to the recent assassina- [Outer Ward] As its name states, this ward is the elder
tion of Rayan el Hadhil, the former qayadin. At pre- mercantile ward and still the primary area in terms of trade
sent, there are no fewer than seven people vying for the with the northern shanates (outlying estate farms), since the
promotion to the post, and el Namor is simply biding Trade Road enters the city directly into this area. The ward
his time, allowing them to eliminate each other and see attracts many visitors with the colloquially known Golden
just how ruthless they are in pursuit of their goals. Sands and Games Sabbans. It is also the ward with the high-
The final building within the Palace of the Murabirs est concentration of taverns outside of the Port Wards.
is known as the Spear House. This was once the Jhasina Ward Ruler: The twelfth son of the syl-pasha, Faruk yn
House but is now an armory for many of the most pow- Ralan el Pesarkhal, Sultan of Trades Ward (LE hm C4 of
erful magical weapons for the Qysaghannis use in its Shar; Int 17) stands apart from his brothers due to his aston-
protection of the syl-pasha. ishing rise to power. A mere 18 years of age, Faruk has already
conquered two guilds, a large part of the illicit trade in the
F11 Temple: Aurensahldah Muzad, and sits as the sultan of one of the more profitable (if
3- and 4-story Class A buildings not prestigious) wards of the city. His father notes his sons
Evyrtaan Sabban; Noal Drudach. Temple to Lliira and abilities with pride, and he often pits this prodigy in courtly
Chauntea. The larger of the two temple buildings is battles of wits against his other sons to shame them into more
more than 300 years old, and the 3-foot-diameter activity and loyalty. Faruk does not seek the syl-pashas
brightly polished gold coin of Waukeen stamped into throne, but he does harbor some ambition of leading the
the wall above the entrance flashes brilliantly when the Temple of Old Night, of which he is an acolyte, to conquer
rising sun hits it. The senior priest of Aurensahdah is the Muzad.
Pasha Uarel yn Petal el Waukeen, and his orthodox ap-
proach to Waukeens faith bade him build the adjoining Bajhit Sabban
new temple with his son after the Time of Troubles. The Other names: The Tent Sabban.
lesser temple is dedicated to Lliira, whose Regency of The northern outskirts of the ward are Bajhit Sabban, a
Waukeens faithful for the past 13 years has been hon- disorganized cluster of tents and bazaars that surround the
ored by many of the clergy. Uarels son Rahim yn Uarel still-standing Malikhan Gates. The sabban also dominates
el Lliira (NG hm P6 of Lliira) was raised in Waukeens the areas west of the Trade Way in this ward. Those entering
church and would have become an acolyte and priest of the city here get the impression of a slovenly, chaotic city
the Coinmother, until Lliiras assumption of Waukeens that does not protect its people. However, the infrastructure
divine duties. Rahim is as hedonistic as his father is re- of the sabban walls and amlakkhans keep the peace among
served, but the two of them complement each other, the poor (and the many pickpockets that swarm any foolish
and the two temples act in accord despite any reasons to enough to travel at ground level more than 30 yards away
the contrary. from the Grand Gate). There are a number of other brick
buildings within this sabban, but their numbers are minimal
F12 Temple: The Towers of Fury compared to the tents of the poor.
Four 4- and 5-story Class B buildings Sabban mark: Four slashes in the crude shape of a tent.
Evyrtaan Sabban; Samilar Drudach. Temple complex to
Auril, Malar, Talos, and Umberlee. After centuries of Larau Sabban
attempting to appease the Gods of Fury and centuries Other names: Games Sabban, Arena Sabban
more of their temples all being destroyed in fits of godly The Larau were among the largest supporters of the Djen
(or more mortal) pique, Syl-Pasha Djenispool had this Arenas during their rule as syl-pashas under the Shoon
temple constructed in the Year of the Worm ( 1356 DR). Qysars. While there are the usual peripheral businesses and
living areas within this sabban, nearly all aspects of life and warfare may result among the various Sufontis families
business have some ties (no matter how small) to the arenas. and allies over the many real estate and trade holdings
This northeasterrn sabban is always the busiest, no matter of Pasha Amahd el Sufontis.
what time of day, and the cheers of the crowds are loud any-
where in the sabban due to the arena games. T3 Guildhall: Ylars House
Sabban mark: An elongated oval reminiscent of the shape 3-story Class C building
of the Djen Arenas with a trident set at the center of the oval. Bahjit Sabban; Tlaen Drudach. Headquarters of The
Order of Bricklayers and Brickmakers.
Sahar Sabban
Other names: The Golden Sands Sabban T4 Guildhall: The Twelve Ovens
Of the three drudachs that comprise Sahar Sabban, only 4-story Class B building
one of them provides services outside the control of the Vint- Bajhit Sabban; Sukan Drudach. Headquarters of the
ners, Distillers, and Brewers Guild. The other two drudachs Bakers Guild.
are almost completely given over to the Golden Sands Brew-
ers for production, storage, and distribution of their prized T5 Guildhall/Warehouse: The lumaldah
beverages. Pasha (and sabbalad) Tasyn el Effyd (LN hm F0) 2-story Class D building
maintains this inequity, forcing far more people either out of Bahjit Sabban; Barra Drudach. Headquarters of the
his sabban or into the overcrowded conditions of the Qinae Order of Offal-Movers and Dungsweepers.
Drudach, as his profits are greatly enhanced as guildmaster by
giving the Golden Sands its dominance. T6 City Building: The Arena Sabam
Sabban mark: While once the seal of the Sahar House, the 4-story Class A building
sabban mark is now a goblet with three red drops spilling Larau Sabban; Mirab Drudach.
over its rim.
T11 City Building: The Arena Efreetum
T1 Guildhall: Sadufahs Tannery 4-story Class A building
4-story class C building Larau Sabban; Shomuz Drudach. The Djen Arenas are
Bajhit Sabban; Khayef Drudach. Headquarters of The the two major arenas within Calimport, both dedicated
Guild of Skinners, Tanners, and Leather-Workers. to the entertainment of the masses and the rulers. The
massive size of both arenas allows them to be seen easily
T 2 Khanduq: The Sufontis Market from the sabban walks up to three sabbans away. Nobles
3-story Class B building enter the arenas from the byways and their paths lead
Bajhit Sabban; Tlaen Drudach. This well-kept khanduq up wide ramps that allow them to enter the arenas be-
is not quite the norm for khanduqs, as it keeps little di- tween the second and third level, where the majority of
rect control over the bazaar surrounding its outside the upper classes are seated. This applies to the Arena
walls. Inside, it is a mish-mash of services that provide Efreetum, but not the Sabam. Each arena seats 50,000
el Sufontis with many diversified revenues. It provides people at maximum capacity
local warehouse space for numerous local merchants (in The Arena Sabam is the westernmost arena in the
exchange for hefty rents). The courtyard of the khan- sabban, and it is the larger of the two arenas. It charges
duq becomes an open market for spices and silks and from 2cp to 10gp for entrance and mandatory wagers.
other exotics (including illegal substances and spell Its main arena floor houses a chariot track, and the
components, sold quietly off the books as part of the Sabam has five races at highsun on the 4th, 16th, and
black market) every other day. The khanduqs second 28th days of each month. While the norm are gladiators
floor offices provide moneylending and moneychanging in two-wheeled chariots behind teams of horses, other
services, and the third floor is merely living space for animals are sometimes used for entertainment or com-
the lesser Sufontis families that work in this market. bat value. A capacity crowd flooded the arena to see a
The Sufontis family member in charge of this market race between two charioteers and their behir- and
is Hamal el Sufontis (NE hm F0), the 4th son of the hippogriff-drawn chariots (and it took only a moment
aged Pasha Sufontis (see E7, Tower Sufontis). With the for the race to become the carnage they had paid to
pasha on his deathbed, Hamal maneuvers to claim the see). As it costs money to attend this arena, the lowest
market and as many other of his familys holdings as he level seats are the cheapest, followed by the uppermost
can before his brothers or their lascivious and crafty seats at the top of the stadium. The central two levels
stepmother can steal them. Once the pasha dies, street are the prized seats, the second level exclusively
reserved for qayadin ranked military officers, sabbalads, port of the Vyndahla enforcers (for which the brewers
and higher ranked dignitaries. The winning charioteers pay well) at each location, these taverns gain cut rates
are always given a chance for freedom. They must race on the in-demand Golden Sands brews and drinks, but
their chariot at top speed past the syl-pashas seat, and if they cannot sell any other drinks (including their own
they can catch a coin thrown by the pasha (or a desig- personal brews or distillations). As the brewery itself
nate) during their mad race, they are freed (and often dominates Sahar Sabban, the Sands tavern franchises
hired into the syl-pashas household as a chariot driver). dominate the tavern landscape of Calimport, Alm-
The easternmost arena gained the nickname the raiven, Manshaka, Teshburl, and Memnon. Despite all
Efreetum by the Qysar Shoon II after its many entry pil- this (or perhaps because of it), there is a growing busi-
lars carved like towering gouts of flame. The arena ness among black marketeers to provide other ales and
showcases combats among captive monsters, gladiator- wines to the public, especially rarer drinks from outside
ial slaves, and wild animals of all sorts on the 10th day of Calimshan such as Purple Dragon Ale from Cormyr
of each month and on each of the holidays (Midwinter, or the far more rare elven elverquisst wine.
Shieldmeet, Greengrass, Midsummer, Higharvestide,
and the Feast of the Moon). All classes of people attend T8 Tavern: Tridents Rest
the Efreetum, as it charges no admission. Where it 2-story Class C building
makes its money is its tradition: All attendees vote on Larau Sabban; Khamar Drudach. A non-Golden Sands
who should win the battles by flinging coins at the com- tavern, Tridents Rest provides a large range of drinks
batant they wish to see defeated (and throwing more from across the Realms and even has rice wines from
expensive coins serves to add to ones social status when far-off Kozakura. The only thing that protects the place
noticed). As expected (and desired), the constant sting- and its owners from retaliation and destruction by the
ing of coins excites and angers most monsters and ani- Vyndahla is the owners magical protections on the
mals, distracts many gladiators, and also provides dan- building and his clients, and the fact that the owner, the
gerous ground upon which to tight. At the end of a days former vizar Haj yn Ahsa el Sujim (LN hm M9), is a
battles, the ground within the arena is covered in coins known friend and former advisor of no less than four
and gore, making the last battle of the day particularly sultans, including two of the syl-pashas sons.
treacherous. In general, the Arena Efreetum has never
seen a day of games draw in less than 3,200 gold pieces
in coins of all denominations and origins. The gladia-
tors chance to be freed is to catch three silver (or bet-
ter) coins on the fly, and then defeat his opponent to
present the coins before the syl-pashas vizar (who must
be in attendance whether the syl-pasha is or not).
heavily guarded buildings among them all here.
T9 Temple: The Arms House T13 Business/Stables: The Chawals Bridle
3- and 4-story Class B buildings 1 -story Class E building.
Larau Sabban; Shomuz Drudach. Temple to Tempus. Sahar Sabban; Jhafer Drudach.
Located near the Djen Arenas, the Arms House is a sec-
ondary barracks of a sort for the gladiators. Those who T14 Guildhall: The Shanates Bounty
seem unlikely to escape yet are favored by Arena crowds 4-story Class B building
live here, training with the priests of Tempus. There is Sahar Sabban; Zeqra Drudach. Headquarters of the
an underground tunnel made from a long-forgotten Grocers and Farmers Guild.
sewer line that leads directly into the staging areas for
the gladiators, allowing the fighting slaves the freedom
to move from the complex outside into the arena with-
Emerald Ward
out their masters fears of their investments fleeing once [Outer Ward] One of the first signs of opulence in the city
they leave the Arms House. when approached from the northern trade road, Emerald
Ward is a home for the many rising mercantile powers in the
T 10 Guildhall: Sunned Barley Villa Outer Wards of the city. An address here indicates ones for-
1- and 4-story Class B buildings tunes are on the rise and on the verge of reaching the pinna-
Sahar Sabban; Coniq Drudach. Headquarters of the cle of the lesser classes. This ward is worlds apart from the
Vintners, Distillers, and Brewers Guild. The main dirt and despair found in Trade Wards outer sabbans, as this
building that fronts on the Sahar Sabban wall is the pri- area was hardest hit in the last fires and disasters. Thus,
mary guildhouse, where business is conducted. The lat- nearly everything in Emerald Ward is newer, cleaner, and
ter two buildings within the Sunned Barley villa have more opulent. This has made it the home of choice for much
single levels above ground but have two cellar levels of Calimports new money, and the social oneupsmanship
each. These are the distilling and brewing buildings, of the rising villas and businesses is blinding in the overabun-
with wine and ales respectively brewing in separate long dance of brightly colored tiles and paints. Still, the recent
cellars where temperatures are cooler. The drinks made renovations allowed the expansions of some older bazaars
here are for internal guild consumption only, and they into the more wide-open marketplaces indigenous to north-
are the only brewing facilities in this sabban that are ern cities.
not of the Golden Sands brewery and distillery. Ward Ruler: Nasim yn Nasim el Pesarkhal, Sultan of
Joining the guild is not difficult, but remaining in the Emerald Ward (CN hm F0) is the favored nephew of the syl-
guild without becoming part of the Golden Sands brew- pasha by his youngest brother Nasim. The strikingly hand-
ers or distillers is nearly impossible. Many of those who some young man is as brilliant as the prodigy Faruk of Trades
attempted to reap the benefits of guild membership Ward, though his tastes remain close to business, not the in-
without turning over all recipes and brewing secrets to trigues of Calimport Below. Loyal to the syl-pasha to a fault,
them ended up dead. While not mandatory, ones tav- Nasim the Youngers only failing is his weakness for gambling
ern business does remarkably better if one is a member (which has some of the criminal powers lining up to become
of this guild and the Entertaining Society of Taverners. his creditors and gain them some leverage among the shining
spires of Emerald Ward).
T12 Business: The Golden Sands Brewery
Nine 3- and 4-story Class B buildings Axash Sabban
Sahar Sabban; Coniq and Jhafer Drudachs (Golden Other names: Cloth Sabban, Sash Sabban.
Sands Drudachs). These many brewing, preparatory, This sabban is a constantly busy area and it is the largest
and distilling buildings produce more ale, beer, and market area for clothing, from the most common to the most
wine than any single producer in Faern. Distilling and expensive. Still, with all the business within this sabban,
other preparations are done in cellars below ground, many tailors and clothing sellers pack up their wares and
where the cooler temperatures allow them to create travel personally into Grand or Palace Ward to bring their
their bubbly lagers that they ship northward through best wares directly to the pashas and sultans.
Auroras Wholesalers. Magical transport is the only way Sabban mark: Three parallel waving lines that represent
the product can survive a journey of more than a tenday sashes.
if sent via mundane means. The brewery also has ware-
houses within this complex of buildings for storage and Marekh Sabban
aging of their drinks, and these are among the most Other names: The Great Bazaar Sabban, Black Sabban.
Much of the damage from the citys last conflagration was
centered here, and it cleared away numerous older khanduqs,
bazaars, and hundreds of row houses. By the early part of the
current year, work began on reconstructing much of the
burned-out sabban. As many landowners died (as they often
did) in the Trades Conflagration, many seized the opportu-
nity and bought up large shares of land within this sabban
and surrounding areas. As there is little direct control from
the syl-pasha or Sultan Nasim over the use of the area, the
western half of this sabban is now open market under the
control of pasha Sufontis (for now). The Great Bazaar allows
temporary bazaar stalls for either daylight or nighttime 12-
hour shifts, and the bulk of the goods here are the everyday
foodstuffs, common spices, and basics, which ensure constant
traffic at all hours.
Much of the remaining land in the sabban is divided
among about 12 major families and over 100 individual mer-
chants and business owners. Among the first buildings to go
up were the six minarets posted around the periphery of the
Great Bazaar, and others soon followed. This is one of the few
sabbans in the city that contains no temples, as the former
temples of Cyric, Sune, and Mystra were swept away by the
fires. Some rumors point to street wars among Mystras faith-
ful and Cyrics fanatics as the cause of the Trades Conflagra-
tion, while others blame some shipments of smoke powder
among the overcrowded bazaars of Marekh Sabban.
Sabban mark: A circle of seven coins surrounding a seven-
pointed star (a coin at each point). E3 Wizards Domicile: The Pearls
3-story Class B building with outer walled yard
Otahl Sabban Marekh Sabban; Azhaya Drudach. This is the private
Other names: Tumahls Sabban. home of one of the few female pashas in Calimport.
This sabbans greatest notoriety rises from its being the Above. Pasha Vanda Volahrn (LE hf M6) is the half-
birthplace and home of one of Calimports most famous ad- Calishite daughter of Samiir el Volahrn, the recently
venturers and rogues. The Pirate Tumahl was a laughing, ad- deceased powerful owner of the Pearled Harp trading
venturous figure of the late Eighth Age, and tales of his ex- coster. Vanda survived only as she was living with her
ploits still resonate through nurseries and taverns alike. In mother, a courtesan in Suzail. She was recently in-
fact, at the center of the sabbans largest bazaar, a great white formed of her birthright as the sole surviving child of
marble statue of the Rogue Son of El Otahl stands proudly, its the pasha, and granted his status in Calimport provided
sculpted scimitar pointed southwest, toward the Pashas Sab- she threw the full support of her trading coster into
ban or toward the Armada docks, the figures Tumahl trade alliances favorable to the syl-pasha (whose agents
thwarted the most in his short lifetime. put her on this pedestal). As her resources are now
Sabban mark: The signature dagger of Tumahl el Otahl vastly improved, she is content to continue her magical
A slim unguarded dagger with a hole at the daggers seat. researches and leave the day-to-day operations of the
coster to others in Cormyr and here in Calimport. She
E1 Guildhall: Best Harps Hall does not, as some assume, remain ignorant of the politi-
5-story Class B building cal landscape and she knows who among the merchants
Marekh Sabban; Maz ahl Drudach. Headquarters of the circles want her dead for preventing their takeovers of
Innkeepers Society. the Purple Pearls coster.
E5 Villa: Pasha Akhadar and under the ground. The First Trader created the first
3- and 4- story Class A buildings slippers so the dao could appear as prosperous as the
Marekh Sabban; Yeaz Drudach other genies. Thus, shoes and slippers are seen as social
climbing tools more than practical footwear (though
E6 Villa: Pasha Yekhol both have developed).
2-story Class A buildings
Marekh Sabban: Yeroh Drudach. E13 Temple: The Halls of Fortune
Two 5-story Class A buildings
E7 Minaret: The Tower Sufontis Otahl Sabban; Farix Drudach. Temple to Tymora.
5-story Class B minaret
Axash Sabban; Eyer Drudach. E 14 Villa: Pasha Baalaed
2- and 4-story Class A buildings
E8 Villa: Pasha Samarkhan Otahl Sabban; Khumil Drudach.
2- and 4-story Class A buildings
Otahl Sabban; Eyer Drudach. E 15 Villa: Pasha Rasla
2- and 4-story Class A buildings
E9 Guildhall: Seven Chalices Trading House Axash Sabban; Wahir Drudach.
4-story Class B building
Otahl Sabban; Farix Drudach. Headquarters of the E16 Villa: Pasha Shaal
Kindly Order of Silversmiths. 2-story Class A buildings
Otahl Sabban; Mabul Drudach.
E 10 House: Schamazharkh
3-story Class B building with 4-story minaret. E 17 Villa: Pasha Awadabh
Otahl Sabban; Khumil Drudach. Private dwelling of 3- and 4-story Class A buildings
Druzir Tulan el Galin (NE hm F4), a mover-and-shaker Otahl Sabban; Mabul Drudach.
within the Circle of Architects, Engineers, and Builders.
E18 Festhall: The Sultry Siren
E11 House: Capridah 4-story Class B building
3-story Class B building with cellar crypt. Axash Sabban; Gagi Drudach. This opulent festhall has
Axash Sabban; Gagi Drudach. Home of Khiber yn such a reputation as the primary festhall under the com-
Makal el Wisynn (LE hm/vampire F8), the night-time plete control of the Jhasinnar Sodality that few look any
head of the Great Bazaars minaret guards. A former further than its most obvious services. This serves the
gladiatorial slave of Manshaka and mercenary for Su- guild and its pasha well, for Ralahn el Matyr (LN hm
fontis for more than a decade, Khiber gained his posi- F0) uses this as a front for fielding black market goods,
tion slowly, but he has the trust of the old pasha (and especially stolen jewelry. The cellars have secret links to
thus the enmity of his young wife and older sons). They the Muzad, and many a pasha and sultan owes Ralahn
would trust him even less if they realized he had become and his jhasinnar their lives (or at least political reputa-
a vampire more than two years ago. A man of con- tions) by using these secret tunnels to escape traps set
trolled emotions, Khiber bides his time in respect for by rival houses and pashas. Ralahn is a quiet and con-
the older Pasha, but his cold fury will soon be unleashed templative guildmaster, and he has yet to use any favors
against the petty scions of House Sufontis, and Khiber beyond those needed to repair this building within a
plans on inheriting more than just continued control of month after the Conflagration.
the houses mercenaries.
Sabban has also seen a flurry of activity in real estate as bid-
ders fight over prime sales and living space near Emerald
Ward. Unlike much of that neighboring ward, the fires here
left the shells of older khanduqs and other buildings, allow-
ing people to purchase partially built homes and businesses,
their only true costs in renovations, not building anew.
Ward Ruler: Daud yn Daud el Vehmet, Sultan of Khanduq
Ward (N hem M3/C3 of Azuth) is among the youngest and
most inexperienced of the sultans of Calimport. Barely past 20
winters, Daud el Vehmet rules the Spicemonger Fellowship as
its pasha, and he is also a rising name among the apothecarists
around the city. Though young, he is a masterful manipulator
and his eidetic memory allows him to cover and control all de-
tails of a deal or a revenge plot all by himself. He has made
friends with the sultans of his adjacent wards, and that level of
comfort provides him with leverage to handle any troubles
that run within his sabbans that are older than he is. The only
conflict Sultan Daud openly has involves his lack of member-
ship in the Guild Arcane, since he feels the control that pasha
would have over the exercise of his magical talents will dimin-
ish his effectiveness as sultan. For now, the syl-pasha turns a
blind eye to the troubles, but the guild wants to corral as many
influential members such as Daud as possible, and the syl-
pasha needs the guilds support far more than one sultan....
Kaval Sabban
Other names: Tuamirs Sabban, the Sabbazaar Naiid Sabban
Similarly to the drudach structures within a sabban, Other names: Pomartals Sabban.
Khanduq Ward has unofficially segregated its businesses and The segregated nature of Khanduq Ward impressed by the
entertainments among its sabbans such that each has a major sultan turned Naiid Sabban into the entertainment sabban
focus for the ward. Kaval Sabban is the trade center for the with its clusters of taverns, inns, festhalls, and gambling es-
ward, and more than half of the sabbans land is occupied by tablishments. Pomartal was the archenemy of Tuamir during
khanduqs, the rest by their street bazaars. Kaval Sabban, or their lifetimes, and the balak Pomartal died at the hands of
the Sabbazaar, has no living quarters within its confines, and Tuamirs assassins. Since that bleak night in the Year of the
is actually cleared at sundown and all gates leading into the Restless (1099 DR), omartals
P ghost has walked the sabban
sabban are closed and locked. A full contingent of 12 am- walls at night where Naiid Sabban abuts Kaval Sabban, en-
lakkar are posted along the sabban walls at night, and an- suring that Tuamir does not succeed in conquering his honest
other roving patrol of 12 either replace the wall-guards or pa- sabban. For the lawful, Pomartal holds no threat, but crimi-
trol the interior of the sabban against overnight thefts. nals acting within sight of the ghost will be attacked with all
This sabban also carries the nickname of Tuamirs Sabban, the power Pomartal holds, for he believes all thieves and
as the famous thief once operated his many-tentacled criminals still have their ties to his long-disappeared foe.
Thieves Guild from the Muzad beneath the sabban. Having Sabban mark: Pomartals signet of the scales of justice bal-
relative freedom and run of the sabban at night, pasha Tu- anced on the upper point of a lightning bolt. Many of these
amir nearly became the syl-pasha before the rise of the marks are marred and covered in graffiti (except on Pomar-
Djenispools due to his labyrinthine connections, money, and tals Walk) as the lawless nature of the entertainment indus-
influence over the Calishite underworld. The Djenispool tries and their clients seek to poke fun at the once-lawful na-
pashas destroyed much of Tuamirs power base by collapsing ture of their home sabban.
parts of Kaval Sabban into the Muzad and destroying his hid-
den bases of operation. They then rebuilt the city atop the Sholeh Sabban
sites, leaving Tuamirs fate not entirely known. Other names: Felins Sabban.
Sabban mark: Tuamirs mark of an eye with a vertical In short, this has become the residential sabban of Khan-
arrow bisecting the eye, arrowhead down. duq Ward, and as such, it is horribly overcrowded everywhere
in the sabban. Row houses hold three times as many people little day-to-day business of the sort normal for the
as they should, and many ancient khanduqs and villas are khanduqs. This has been reworked with warehousing of
filled with poor squatters. Still, despite the squalor and mis- materials and stabling of draft animals on the ground
ery of the living conditions, things have improved in recent floor. The entire second floor is dedicated to the offices
decades. Sholeh Sabban was the Thieves Quarter for more (and some living areas) for the builders and planners
than five centuries until the fall of the Djenispools and the (foremen), whose skills are necessary in any construc-
chaos of the Darkstalker Wars. More than 2,000 people died tion projects across the city. On the top floor of the
in the streets of this sabban, and a few buildings crumbled khanduq are the offices of the engineers and architects
into the Muzad below due to the magics unleashed by the whose plans are crucial for the constant rebuilding of
forces of Jarlaxle the drow and other opponents. Nearly a the city. The eastern side of the khanduqs third floor
decade later, the sabban is still overcrowded but it is safer for holds the allied guilds taproom, where builders and ar-
having removed the presence of the criminal guilds. chitects and their clients gather to relax.
Felin yn Maram yn Ali el Samesaj was the grandson of the
Grand Vizar Samesaj, the greatest wizard Calimport had ever K3 Guildhall: The Treants Khanduq
seen. During his 632 years of life, Felin was also the tutor of 3-story Class B building
another great mage, Tulan el Akadaw, who helped fight the Kaval Sabban; Aruv Drudach. Headquarters of the Fine
Night Wars with the creation of the aranea. While these two Wood Carvers Order. This building stands out simply
connections to great figures in Calishite history could keep because it is a massive construction of three stories fully
him in folks memories for centuries, Felins claim to fame made from carved wood. While constructed in many
was as the protector of this sabban, which was built during ways like a normal Calishite home, this building is all
the early Vihad dynasty of the Fourth Age. As a personal magically treated wood with innumerable carved deco-
friend of all the Sholeh pashas and syl-vizar for five of the rations all about its exterior. Pillars supporting the
Vihad pashas. Felin the Protector never allowed any harm upper floors are carved treants, while numerous spiders,
to be visited upon the people and buildings of what became squirrels, snakes, and other carved wooden creatures
Sholeh Sabban. Upon his death in the Year of Hidden Ways cling to the walls and roof of this elaborate building.
(-496 DR), the Protector was buried in a secret crypt in the
Muzad beneath the sabban. Since that time, no fires have K4 Guildhall: Miatarra
ever destroyed any buildings within this sabban, and many 4-story Class B building
swear they feel the ghostly presence of Felin protecting his Naiid Sabban; Tanradh Drudach. Headquarters of the
home still. His lonely minaret remains inviolate today, Spicemonger Fellowship.
though mysterious lights have flickered behind the mithral
window screens for centuries without explanation. K5 Temple: The Minarets Muzhadahr
Sabban mark: Felins wizardly sigil of an hourglass centered 5-story Class A building and 3 7-story minarets
over a quintet of five-pointed stars. Naiid Sabban; Yuam Drudach. Temple to Cyric (former
temple of Bane).
K1 Temple: Khanduq of the Coinmother
4-story Class A building/khanduq K6 Tavern: The Spitting Camel
Kaval Sabban; Syral Drudach. Temple to Waukeen. 2-story Class D building.
The Khanduq of the Coinmother is a marketplace and Sholeh Sabban; Eachid Drudach.
holy site for the worshipers of Waukeen, though this
permanent market is only noticed by either the 10- K7 Minaret: The Protectors Tower
diameter golden disk and holy symbol at its center 3-story Class A minaret
(which thieves have unsuccessfully tried to steal for 323 Sholeh Sabban; Denos Drudach. This simple three-
years) or its druzir and high priest, the deaf Druzir Pecal story square granite minarets only outstanding features
el Saiduwm (NG hm P11 of Waukeen) who only hears are a mithral pryamidal cap atop the tower with mithral
the voice of the goddess now. screens blocking the thin windows of the second and
third floors. If any fly too close to the tower, mosaics ap-
K2 Guildhall/Khanduq: Taaniths Khanduq pear and coalesce into a mithral wyvern that defends
3-story Class C building the tower with its life; if it is defeated, it shatters into
Kaval Sabban; Rhamal Drudach. Headquarters of the mosaic shards, merges with the tower, and reforms
Circle of Architects, Engineers, and Planners; The Es- within five minutes to return to the towers defense
teemed Guild of Builders. This unique khanduq does again. None know what lies within the tower, beyond
mysterious lights visible through the screens, but folk say Amyran Sabban
that the lights are the Protector still watching over his sab- Other names: Hammer Sabban.
ban. Many believe the tower is linked with Felins Lost Crypt The rougher smithies and workshops of the common
in the Muzad beneath the streets and expect great riches and blacksmiths dominate this sabban. While competition al-
greater magic to be found in both. None have broached ei- ways runs fiercely, there is more than enough work in wheel-
ther location ever, despite all effort. rims and horseshoes and the common metalwork to keep
over 50 blacksmiths forges blazing at all times. Surprisingly
K8 Villa: Pooks Palace to some visitors, Amyran Sabban is among the safest of sab-
3-story Class A building with 2 cellar levels bans to live in. Its natives are no-nonsense hard workers al-
Sholeh Sabban; Sarkh Drudach. This once opulent most in defiance of the normal Calishite work ethic, and they
villa was both the home of the infamous Pasha Pook want to keep their homes and businesses clear of the corrup-
and the Thieves Guildhall until the downfall of the tion so rampant elsewhere.
pasha in the Year of the Prince (1357 DR). Now Sabban mark: A smiths claw hammer.
partly run down and no longer the seat of power for
any of the criminal families of Calimport, Pooks Sjl Sabban
Palace is the home of the drunken and temperamental Other names: Anvil Sabban.
Druzir of Rogues Drudach and Sabbalad of Sholeh The Alzhedo word for anvil announcing its primary at-
Sabban, Nur yn Aban el Esarn (CE hm T4). Druzir tribute, Sjl Sabban is the weaponsmiths sector of Hammer
Esarn was once a sneak-thief under Pasha Pook, and Ward. In accordance with the True and Skilled Guild of
he knows enough secrets to maintain his small level Weapon-Makers, all weaponsmiths of Calimport must meet
of power but little more. minimum standards of quality in their work, and they are
only allowed to sell two types of weapons per shop, prevent-
Hammer Ward ing any one weaponsmith from totally dominating the mar-
ket. Thus, in this ward and mostly in this sabban, there are
[Outer Ward] The Smiths Home is the ward for the more than 60 shops that sell swords, spears, scimitars, and
heavy labor of blacksmiths, armorers, weaponers, and the other weapons.
like. The armorers and weapon-makers are all clustered Sabban mark: An anvil on a circular field.
closer toward the heart of the city, so their wares can
quickly be used to defend the richer parts of the city Tyrbos Sabban
(rather than having their goods used against Calimport). Other names: Ringing Step Sabban.
Everywhere throughout the daylight hours (and oft into This sabban is home to the metalworkers who do not deal
the night), the ringing of hammers on anvils fills the air of in weapons or common horseshoes. The bulk of the trade and
the ward. work in this sabban produces metal grills and screens for win-
While the Pesarkhal Wall has not yet reached this wards dows, door hinges, portcullis gates, and some metal shingling
southern sabbans, the Skilled Smiths and Metalworkers that could grace domes and minarets across the city. Due to
Guild has erected a fence of tall, barbed metal spears set the larger products and need for space, buildings in Tyrbos
along the top of the sabban walls abutting Quill Ward to Sabban are larger than the norm, and there are fewer of
mark its eventual placement. The spears do not restrict pas- them. The majority of the buildings are warehouses and
sage along the sabban wall byways, but they do prevent any three-story buildings altered to two internal stories to allow
from vaulting across the walls into the Nasim Sabban. for larger foundries and forges on the ground floors. This sab-
Ward Ruler: Harel yn Rafam el Qardeen, Sultan of ban also houses many of the most skilled armorers and shield-
Hammer Ward (NG hm F6; Str 17). This former black- makers, though they are found all across the Hammer and
smith and inadvertent savior of Syl-Pasha Ralan el Pe- Makers Wards.
sarkhal, Harel simply interrupted an assassination at- Sabban mark: This is the seal of the Tyrbos pashas, a
tempt against Ralan during the Darkstalker Wars, throw- chevron-shaped shield placed off-center and overlapping a
ing red-hot horseshoes and sword blades at the assassins dark circular field. This is virtually the only physical evidence
simply because he disliked the odds of seven-against-one. left of the rule of the Two Tyrbos Tyrants of the Second Age.
While he is happy with his position and succeeded far be-
yond his wildest dreams, Harel and his ringing hammer H1 Guildhall: Shield Hall
can still be heard behind the walls of his villa working in 3-story Class C building
his personal smithy. Tyrbos Sabban; Harar Drudach. Headquarters of the
Rigid Order of Armorers and Shield-Makers.
most balconies of the taller building. The main entrance
into the festhall gives it its title: the Dragons Maw. The
glazed tiles and mosaics that cover and fill the metalwork
skeleton of the dragon (and the glazing that covers both
buildings) are a dazzling sapphire-blue hue, and the metal
horns and teeth of the head are offset with white marble
mosaics. Inside the festhall, there are rooms and jhasinnar
decorated in color motifs corresponding to the chromatic
and metallic dragons, and merely the choice of colored
veils or masks when one enters determines the entertain-
ment for the evening.
Crypt Ward
[Outer Ward] This ward on the citys eastern horizon is
dominated by cemeteries, temples, khamarkhas, and mark-
houts. While its official title (from the syl-pasha) is Crypt
Ward, many locals refer to this as Dead Ward or Skulls Ward,
as this has been the area for mass burials and tomb sites since
the Sixth Age of Calimshan. Each of its three sabbans are
named after pashas houses, but their colloquial names corre-
spond to the traditional burials found in each sabban and
drudach of Crypt Ward. Thus, the khamarkhas (mau-
soleums) of the upper class dominate the northern sector of
the ward, while few buildings beyond the drudach walls dis-
turb the peaceful expanse of fountains, obelisks, and small
plinths marking the mass graves of Kirruk Sabban.
H2 Guildhall: Hammersring Hall It is getting the reputation of becoming the new
4-story Class B building Thieves Quarter, as its relatively vacant avenues and nu-
Tyrbos Sabban; Maadan Drudach. Headquarters of the merous shadowed alleys provide many hidden locations
Metalforgers Guild. from which to plot intrigues and activities. In fact, there are
a number of markhouts in Irataq Sabban that have no one
H3 Guildhall: Syrimatarah buried in them, and they exist to provide secret surface ac-
2-story Class D stone building cess to the Muzad for certain guild members and those
Sjl Sabban; Q ima Drudach. Headquarters of the True among the rogue powers.
and Skilled Guild of Weapon-Makers. Ward Ruler: Muham yn Nasim el Pesarkhal, Sultan of
Crypt Ward (NE hm T2), is the eldest son of the syl-pashas
H4 Guildhall: The House of Five Rings brother Nasim and the elder brother of Sultan Nasim of
4-story Class B building Emerald Ward. This jealous, petty underachiever was given
Amyran Sabban; Atfa Drudach. Headquarters of the this post as a fitting reward for one of your ambitions. In
Skilled Smiths and Metalworkers Guild. other words, this sultanate merely keeps him out of the way
of the syl-pasha and away from those power players who
H5 Festhall: The Dragons Maw might easily influence him against his uncle. Unknown to
2-story and 4-story Class B buildings (facade-joined with Muham and others in the city, Voraya of the Black Markets
internal access) has some hypnotic controls over the young arrogant sultan
Sjl Sabban; Nakhla Drudach. The unique nature of this (and he believes her to be simply his favorite jhasina from
building draws many visitors to it all year round. Two rela- the Jhasinnar Sodality), which she uses to the benefit of the
tively standard buildings are joined by a glazed tile facade, Twisted Rune.
creating the illusion that they are only one building. An
elaborate metal superstructure was built around the lower Adlel Sabban
front building in the shape of a dragons head and torso, its Other names: Khamarkha Sabban, Pashas Rest Sabban.
wings arcing back to merge with and support the upper- The northern sector of the ward is opulent to an extreme,
as many khamarkhas and monuments to the rich and power-
ful dead of Calimport rise to the skies here. In this sabban, Cr3 Guildhall/Shrine: The Sahalarka
there is no shame in walking on the marble-paved avenues 3-story Class B building with four-story minaret.
below the sabban byways, for the Adlel Sabban is considered Adlel Sabban; Nagaeh Drudach. Headquarters of the
an elevated place in and of itself. The numerous palm tree Fellowship Nykkar. This building contains the offices,
groves that are planted within the walled courtyards and the living quarters, cellar storerooms, and workrooms for
many magically maintained fountains make this sabban a Calimports undertakers and the managers of the Crypt
peaceful area for contemplative walks during the day. At Wards burial services. In a secret sub-cellar beneath the
night, its shadows hide many conspiracies. main cellar (and a tunnel link to the Muzad) is a private
Sabban mark: The Adlel house mark of a scimitar sinister shrine to the god of death; while its current occupants
(pointing left) over a cluster of three palm trees. now profess loyalty to Kelemvor, the decorations and
many of the services performed herein have more ties to
Irataq Sabban the long-dead worship of Jergal (as it did when Myrkul
Other names: Markhout Sabban, Manycats Sabban. was the preeminent god of death). This small shrine op-
This sabban seems by far the most orderly and structured erates with the allowance of the Temple of Old Night,
of the sabbans, with its individually walled markhout as both the guild and temple trade through the black
tombs. While a few temple spires stab into the sky above market and aid each other in doing so.
the one-level markhouts, only the greater markhouts stand
out, wherein the cremated remains of thousands of mer- Cr4 Tomb: The Khamarnari
chants and pashas and the middle class rest in peace. This 3-story Class A khamarkha
practice of mass interrment within brass lamps has only Adlel Sabban; Tunis Drudach. This khamarkhas name
been recently restored in the past 300 years, but more than translates as the Tomb of Fire, and rightfully so. While
five of the public markhouts have been filled, and each not visible more than 100 yards away from the building,
holds more than 500 bottles of ashen remains in the walls the burial mausoleum of the Grand Vizar Samesaj flickers
and floor crypts. with fires; upon closer inspection, the stone of the
Sabban mark: A cats head. khamarkha is actually solidified flames still shifting with
internal heat patterns. During the day, the Khamarnari
Kirruk Sabban shifts in hue from blaze orange during the dawn and high-
Other names: Mutar Sabban, Forgotten Sabban. sun to a blistering red at dusk, finally muting to a daz-
The drudachs of Kirruk Sabban uniquely have replaced zlingly deep purple at sunset. At night, the flames glisten
the drudach walls with metal spear fences, allowing a free azure like liquid moonlight (though despite the fiery na-
and unrestricted view of all the monuments and mass graves ture of the construct, it is no more visible against the
of commoners. Despite its common ground and its status as night sky than any other building around it). There is no
the Forgotten Sabban after all the forgotten dead buried entrance or break in the walls of the khamarkha, and the
there, it is one of the most popular parks in the city. flames only emit heat or pose any danger when someone
Sabban mark: As this sabban is visually diverse enough tries to touch or enter the tomb in any way (physically,
from any others with only a few buildings rising within its psychically, or magically). Though saving throws reduce
walls, there is no sabban mark (thus also reinforcing its name the damage to half, any attempt to see through the veil of
as the Forgotten Sabban). flames into the tomb causes a flare of flames to seek out
the intruder and deal 8d10 points of damage not block-
Cr1 Tomb: The Anhakhamarkha able by any method save divine intervention.
3-story Class A khamarkha with nine minarets.
Adlel Sabban; Shamisad Drudach. This khamarkha was Cr5 Temple: Telamuzhidah
erected in the Sixth Age over the course of 16 years. 3-, 4-, and 5-story Class B buildings
Finished in the Year of the Miscast Shadow (323 DR), Kirruk Sabban; Selamir Drudach. Temple to Mask. This
this opulent 100-long and 50-high white marble temple complex has become the focal point for much
khamarkha was erected in memory of Syl-Pasha Abon criminal activity, as the Thieves Guild under el Zelyn
III el Larau and his wife, Anha. (Farukyn Khamas el Kahmir, the Shadows Son) uses
the chapter house of this temple as a secondary guild
Cr2 Temple: Nualorminoalh headquarters or to reach its clandestine headquarters in
6-story Class B building the Muzad below. Alliances exist between the clergy of
Adlel Sabban; Ovohl Drudach. Temple to Oghma. Mask herein and those of Shars Temple of Old Night,
which dominates the Muzad beneath the temple.
Cr6 Business/Stables: Stables of Tobeah
The Risen Sabbans
1 -story Class D building
Kirruk Sabban; Tulamir Drudach. O ver the past few centuries, the ground level has been
built up within the sabbans of the Central Wards.
Thus, the distinctions of drudachs and sabbans are blurred in
Cr7 Temple: The Darkness Passing the areas of Palace Ward, Jewel Ward, and Grand Ward.
4-story Class A buildings People reach the actual ground level by stairs leading be-
Kirruk Sabban; Zhakamir Drudach. Temple to neath the elevated stone streets. The slightly vaulted
Kelemvor. This former temple of Myrkul has undergone stonework streets provide solid avenues and courts rather
only two major changes in its eight-centuries-long lifes- than the very directed movement of the normal byways. The
pan: Its name changed from Reaperscythe Hall to its streets are braced by both stone and timber supports from
current title, and a glistening crystalline-glazed minaret below, and the engineers guild built the streets to remain in
rose on one side of the temple with Kelemvors ascen- place even if half of the timber supports originally holding up
sion (and the subsequent labors of the glaziers and ma- the stones fell away beneath the street. This whole buildup of
sons who built the tower). the streets allowed more direct movement for the upper
classes among where they lived. It also creates multiple sab-
Cr8 Business/Row House: Spectralhouse ban areas beneath their streets wherein their slaves can live
2-story Class B minaret and move about in their business without being seen or
Irataq Sabban; Sabayn Drudach (Drudach of the Seven dirtying up the richest sabbans in the city above. This
Sons). Stronghold and repository of knowledge for one move also allows numerous pashas and sultans and the like to
of the few Cloak societies to survive since the fall of the operate clandestine activities with the rogue powers out of
Graycloak Society. Most eerie chamber in building is plain sight and within social strictures in the Upper Muzad,
the Hall of Eyes-Petrified beholders eyes line the walls as many now call the three-ward-wide area.
and are magically enspelled to shift and stare at entrants In the risen wards, the edges of the sabban-wall byways are
(thoroughly unnerving to all but the most dauntless). now curbs, and the glazed colors of the curbs determine the
Their library and sage lore focus on ephemeral undead sabban and drudach within which a person stands. However,
such as ghosts, spectres, and wraiths from their minaret the older sabban marks still exist in the walls beneath the
base in Calimport. Their minaret is among the highest streets, and are thus still noted.
buildings in Crypt Ward, looming over the markhouts.
Darehj Sabban P1 Villa: Pasha Iserib
Other names: Mosaic Sabban. 5- and 6-story Class A building and minaret
Darehj Sabban gained its nickname as the Mosaic Sabban Darehj Sabban; Adhaef Drudach.
due to the inlaid mosaics in many of the upraised street sections
and on the sabbans many buildings. This sabban lies west and P2 Guildhall/Khanduq: The Silkhanduq
south of the Pashas Sabhan, resting against Armada Ward and 4-story Class B building
the Pesarkhal Wall (and Shackles Ward), and the residents and Khatrev Sabban; Narasr Drudach. Headquarters of the
businesses here tie heavily into the sea and slave trades. Jhasinnar Sodality.
Sabban colors: Scarlet red with varying stripes of color at
the base of the gutter/street (white, black, and yellow) for the P3 Villa: Pasha Haesib
drudach differentiations. 5- and 6-story Class A buildings
Sabban mark: Five chain links in a straight line. Khatrev Sabban; Narasr Drudach.
Najlet Sabban
Other names: The Martyrs Sabban, Demonshadow Sabban.
Nearly 300 years ago during the Eighth Age of Calimshan,
a rogue tanarri rampaged through the streets of Calimport,
summoned by one of the many who sought the Calephs
Throne. It slaughtered any that crossed its path, and more
than 200 people lay dead by its hands. One herothe pashas
second son Ikham yn Herak el Najletstood his ground and
fought the demon to a standstill. Amid the rubble of two
buildings and a courtyard, the warrior Ikham and the tanarri
Chanaavokh slew each other, their final blows tying each to
the other in death in the Year of the Prancing Korred (1082
DR). Where they fell, the stones became dark red with their
blood mingling together. Ever since then, the street remains
dark with the silhouette of the dying hero and villain. Even
after the raising of the streets and the original site of the fall
more than 15 feet below, the dark outlines stained the stone
street directly overhead of the actual site (P16).
Sabban colors: Royal blue with varying stripes of color at
the base of the gutter/street (kelly green, ivory, and golden-
rod yellow) for the drudach differentiations.
Sabban mark: A silhouetted head with greatly exaggerated
horns on the sides of its head.
Each of the sides of the square is paved in one color minor temple practices from personal prayers to funer-
of marble, and these correspond to a like-marble statue als, weddings, and prayers for specific purposes. Only
of a genie. The rose marble on the north comprises the two of the shrines are kept exclusively for prayers to
Efreetis Face, the green marble on the east the Daos Bhaelros, so other faiths without nearby temples or
Face, the blue marble the Marids Quarter, and the shrines do have temporary places of worship (for a price
white marble the Djinnis Face. While the statues have paid to the temple, of course). Clerics remain on call in
long been targets of abuse and damage and none of the the Initiates Plaza to collect shrine donations and at-
statues have had heads since the Eighth Age, none of tend to the faithful of whatever gods they serve.
the rest of the square is ever disturbed. Unlike every Beyond the Inner gate lies a massive 40-foot-high
other corner of Calimport, no blood has ever been wall about 20 feet in from its exit from the plaza. It
spilled within the Square of the Djen. None know what blocks the sight of nonbelievers from gazing upon the
could happen if this occurred, but this holds such in- glory of the Great Idol of Bhaelros in the main temple.
grained superstitious fear in any natives of Calimport, This wall also makes the roofed temple easier to defend,
that any who attempt this are dragged out of the square, as invaders must bisect their force and move through
and torn apart by fearful mobs. smaller avenues around the wall. This cathedral of sorts
is open only to Bhaelros clergy and worshipers of long
P5 Villa: Pasha Talaeta standing (or munificence). The Great Idol is a 30-foot-
5- and 6-story Class A buildings high statue of gold plate inlaid with precious gems.
Khatrev Sabban; Sraala Drudach. Some say the idols adornments alone equal the treasury
of the city of Waterdeep itself! The temple and Chosen
P6 Guildhall: The Quiver Plaza covers its walls with fine tapestries, paintings, gold
3-story Class C building detailing and reliquary, and awesome sculptures, all of
Khatrev Sabban; Qadeem Drudach. Headquarters of which venerate the raging god of storms. The faithful
the Council of Bowyers and Fletchers. believe that Bhaelros inhabits the idol and if something
desecrates the temple grounds in any way, Bhaelros and
P7 Villa: Pasha Hidashar a great dragon emerge from the ruined idol to exact re-
5- and 6-story Class A buildings venge most foul.
Darehj Sabban; Dehk Drudach.
P9 Villa: Pasha Synnabat
P8 Temple/Shrines: Plaza of Divine Truth 4-story Class A building and 5-story minaret
4-story Class A building/former khanduq Darehj Sabban; Adhaef Drudach.
Darejh Sabban; Borto Drudach. Temple to Bhaelros.
The Plaza of Divine Truth is among the largest of the P10 Villa: Pasha Haraf
Calimport temples, and this fortified complex provides 5- and 6-story Class A buildings
nearly 16 small shrines and one major temple to Bhael- Najlet Sabban; Tistad Drudach.
ros for the faithful of the god of destruction. Built in an
ancient khanduq with some internal remodeling over P11 Guildhall: The Circles Ovens
the ages, the outer and inner plazas are open to the sky 3-story Class C building
above and the gates from both plazas maintain four Khatrev Sabban; Sraala Drudach. Headquarters of the
guards (F2s or C4s) at all times. The second set of Most Skilled Circle of Cooks and Tasters.
gatesthe Middle Gatemarks the main division from
the secular courtyards onto actual holy ground. Guards P12 Villa: Pasha Kahmir
confiscate most major and obvious weapons such as 5- and 6-story Class A buildings
swords and staves, though hidden daggers and the like Khatrev Sabban; Qadeem Drudach.
often slip by their searches.
Beyond the Middle Gate is the Initiates Plaza, and P13 Guildhall: House of the Veil Gizara
entrance into this plaza often requires a donation to 3-story Class C building
the guards. Inside, two levels overlook the open court- Darehj Sabban; Dehk Drudach. Headquarters of the
yard wherein a bubbling fountain dominates the yards Aromatic Order of Perfumists, Apothecarists, and
center beneath the open sky. The two enclosed levels Soap-Makers.
on both sides of the plaza hold the shrines, four per
level, wherein the temple staff attends to many of the
P14 Business/Row House: Ytals Confectioners
3-story Class C row house and ground floor business.
Najlet Sabban; Tistad Drudach.
withdrawn, and the hinged floor drops away to deposit invaders The Houses of Ardor: This villa structure contains four
more than 20 feet below, into stake-lined pits more than half five-story palaces, each with discrete and independent sec-
filled with the dry, shattered bones of previous invaders (2d6 tions for more than 36 family units. Here the syl-pasha en-
falling damage plus 3d6+2 for stakes and bone shards). tertains the families of the major military officers, sultans of
There are many secret ways in and out of the Pashas Sab- other Calishite cities, political rivals, and the like. Beneath
ban, and only a few of the syl-pashas sultans and a few the luxurious palaces are a large collective of three cellar lev-
trusted advisors and protectors know of even half of them. els, within which numerous cells hold less-respected hostages
Some scholars and random advisors or thieves (or anyone and prisoners, some of Calimports greatest treasures kept in
who either knows the area or listens to rumors) know of one strictest secrecy, and magical gates to important sites
or two, but most are believed to be false. The syl-pasha alone throughout Calimshan (and even some leading to long-lost
knows of all of them, and he and his agents purposely seed parts of the former empire). These cellars are guarded by 40
the taverns with rumors of secret doors and tunnels to mis- Qysaghanni at all times.
lead the syl-pashas enemies away from the true entries. At the southern wall of the Pashas Sabban are a jumble of
There are subterranean tunnels to and from the Palace of the buildings: three warehouses and granaries, the well for the
Murabirs in Faiths Ward, so the greater generals and com- troops and the animals, four large stables for horses and labor
manders of the syl-pashas military can easily reach the sab- animals, and the garrison and amlakkhan for the guards.
ban. There are also secret passages within the sabban walls
leading into the Qysaghanni Fortress of Palace Ward, so the Sabban Defenses
larger contingent of the syl-pashas personal guards can reach In general, the Pashas Sabban is the most highly defensible
him when necessary (and either whisk him to safety through place in the entire city. It has nearly 100 troops garrisoned
Armada Ward and a swiftly procured ship or allow immediate within its walls and the 500-troop-strong Qysagghani Fortress
bolstering of sabban troops to prevent coups). There could immediately adjacent promises more protection beyond that.
even be more passages leading to the Muzad or even into the The primary living areas within the sabban have the added
Underdark, but even the syl-pasha may not know of them, protection of villa-style walls and separate guard contingents
since the deaths of previous syl-pashas ensured many of their beyond the external guards. Thus, in order to attack the syl-
own secrets would be kept. pashas palace, one must pierce and overcome the external
Calephs Gate, the internal Pashas Gate into the Pashas Villa,
Buildings and Details and the heavily guarded entrances into both the Palace and
There are 20 buildings in total within the Pashas Sabban. The the Throne Rooman unlikely feat, even with magic.
majority of them are Class A buildings that rise no less than While the armory is no larger than the standard am-
three and up to seven stories high. lakkhans armory out in the city, nearly all of the defenders of
The Pashas Villa: Within the 7-foot-high walls of this the Pashas Sabban (whether the amlakkar on the walls, the
villa are the Pashas Palace, the Jhasinnadah, the three Farisan directly guarding the buildings and grounds, or the
Minarets of the Bakkals, and the Djenassadh House. The Qysaghanni guarding the syl-pasha and his family) are sup-
three Minarets were once the sites from which the bakkals of plied with magical weapons while in the direct service of the
Calimport called out prayers over their city and country; they ruler of Calimshan. Standard magical weapons are scimitars
are still religious sites, and they house separate shrines in +1 and spears +2 for the rank-and-file warriors, while officers
their many rooms for nearly every extant god in the Realms wield weapons of no less than +2 enchantments. Wands,
(and a few who no longer answer any prayers). The Djenas- while scarcer by far, are wielded by qysaghanni officers in ad-
sadh House contains the living quarters of the syl-pashas dition to their spells.
wives, family, and personal servants; the Jhasinnadah, of
course, houses the syl-pashas jhasinnar, the males and fe- The Sabban Ward
males living in separate wings and kept under close guard. Finally, the greatest defense of the Pashas Sabban is its magical
The Pashas Palace has one central building connected to ward. Few ever notice it, as it does not react at all to sunshine,
four smaller wings, spread out in a cross shape, and a solid- wind, arrows, or any everyday occurrences. The ward, estab-
gold dome tops each of the sections. Within the central lished during the Sixth Age, prevents anyone from entering
building rests the Calephs Throne, the syl-pashas personal the areas defined by the sabban walls by flight, teleportation,
chambers, and the bulk of the offices tied directly to the immaterial phasing or interdimensional travel. There are some
management of the city and country. The eastern wing of the pre-existing gates and methods to teleport into and out of the
palace is exclusively el Pesarkhals art museum of Shoon Pashas Sabban, but the ward accounts for those exclusively.
sculpture and many more treasures. The other wings hold the Attempts to physically fly into the sabban will be met both by
offices and quarters of advisors, guests, and the syl-pasha. the arrows of its defenders and by the magical fields providing
an invisible barrier as effective as a wall of force against entry
at any angles. One of the subtler effects of the ward keeps the
moisture in the air over the sabban during the day, preventing
troop or animal dehydration, and keeping the air cooler on av-
erage than the rest of the city. At night, the moisture coalesces
as small rain clouds at the top of the ward as the temperature
drops, and by midnight every night, the moisture falls as light
rain within the sabban (and replenishes the rooftop and cellar
Jewel Ward Pasha Kalil Vihad, the brutal warrior pasha who personally
slaughtered the weak Sholeh dynasty to its last child. He is
[Central Ward] This ward is the home of many of the yet known as the Butcher Vihad or Kalil the Bloody to the
citys whitesmiths and gemcutters, but as a place of labor (no present day, and thus the sabbans aliases. In keeping with its
matter how delicate or exclusive), it is seen as a lesser place mark, Kalils Sabban contains the majority of the finework
than the equally rich but noble Grand and Palace Wards. artists who create ornate weapons and hilts. While not ad-
Curiously enough, the understreets of the Upper Muzad be- vertised heavily, this is also the place to come if you want
neath Jewel Ward are the site of more than 60% of jewelry or items with hidden weapons and the like.
Calimports illegal weapons and magic trade. The lower lev- Sabban colors: Deep purple with varying stripes of color at
els of legitimate businesses deal in like trades with equal skill, the base of the gutter/street (white, black, and gray) for the
but are less particular about their customers or the goods they drudach differentiations.
sell, disguise, or alter. Sabban mark: A pair of scimitars crossed beneath a skull.
Ward Ruler: Janar yn Janar el Vyrsatyr (NE hem P8 of
Shar) is many things, including sultan of Jewel Ward, druzir Mjm Sabban
of the Octel Drudach, and the third-highest-ranked member Other names: The Marriage Sabban.
of the Kindly Order of Silversmiths. Most importantly to The dominant traders in this sabban are silk importers and
him, he is Darklord of the Temple of Old Night and is one of jewelry makers and sellers. As both of the primary trades link
three who sits at the side of Irtemara, the Dancer before with marriage ceremonies, that partially provides the sabbans
nickname. It also refers to a disastrous wedding that took J2 Guildhall: Four Bezels
place early in the Year of Gilded Burials (-187 DR), in which 3-story Class A building
a bridal procession en route to its temple died at the hands of Nadana Sabban; Parlial Drudach. Headquarters of the
the grooms political rivals. To this day, the anniversary of the Society of Diligent Gemcutters. This building is a mar-
Brideslaughter still sees the ghosts of all those innocents walk vel to behold, as its low domes appear to be dazzling
the path toward the House of the Holy Dawn, appearing translucent azure gems of monstrous size, bezel cut and
white and insubstantial but growing more red in hue as they clamped to the roof.
approach the site of the ambush. The ghosts fade with mourn-
ful wails within 100 yards of the temple steps, never quite J3 Guildhall/Minaret: Lupalidah
reaching their sanctuary. (Of course, these ghosts are now 3-story Class C minaret
only seen in the understreets, not Jewel Ward above.) Nadana Sabban; Tiagar Drudach. Headquarters of the
Sabban colors: Blaze orange with varying stripes of color at Jewellers Guild.
the base of the gutter/street (slate gray, sunflower yellow, rus-
set red) for the drudach differentiations. J4 Temple: House of the Holy Dawn
Sabban mark: Two linked rings on a diamond field. 3-story Class B building
Mjm Sabban; Akklah Drudach. Temple to Lathander.
Nadana Sabban
Other names: Gem Sabban. J5 Villa: Pasha Yisaemid
The primary home for gemcutters and the gem trade, this 4-story Class A buildings
sabban has more guards on its streets than nearly any other Nadana Sabban; Tiagar Drudach. Druzir and Sahbalad
area outside the Pashas Sabban. More than half of those liv- of same Sabban/Drudach.
ing in Nadana Sabban are mercenary guards or amlakkar
with the interests of certain guilds or families at heart. The J6 Villa: Pasha Khafif
few khanduqs in this sabban are magically protected to pro- 4-, 5- and 6-story Class A buildings
vide safe storage of gems raw and finished. Nadana Sabban; Octel Drudach.
Sabban colors: White with varying stripes of color at the
base of the gutter/street (emerald green, royal blue, and royal J7 Guildhall: Aratabarh
purple) for the drudach differentiations. 3-story Class C building
Sabban mark: A crown-cut gem of seven facets. Mjm Sabban; Ginayna Drudach. Headquarters of the
Lock and Finesmiths Guild.
J1 Villa: Pasha Abhuk
4 and 5-story Class B buildings J8 Villa: The Sultanadah Vyrsatyr
Mjm Sabban; Kadaladh Drudach. This minor pasha 5- and 6-story Class A buildings
and druzir of Kadaladh Drudach is fourth in seniority Nadana Sabban; Octel Drudach.
among the Lock and Finesmiths Guild. Secretly, his
true money and influence come from the MuzadAsraf J9 Temple: The Tycharradah
trades information on who buys what types of locks to 5-story Class A buildings
the thieves in exchange for money and a promise to pil- Kalils Sabban; Ehraam Drudach. Temple to Beshaba.
fer from his personal enemies when politically necessary This former temple of Tyche was built in the Fourth
(either to prove the poor quality of a lock-makers work Age by the commission of Pasha Orun Evyrtaan and
and ruin them politically in the guild or to steal money still stands as the temple of Tyches dark daughter.
and secrets directly from them).
A lonely khamarkha at the back of the villa grounds is J10 House: Druzir Salim el Khufu
significant for adventurers and heroes of the North. The 3-story Class B building
mausoleum is for the Abhuk clan, and Dhusarra, the Kalils Sabban; Ehraam Drudach.
maiden aunt of Asraf el Abhuk, uses this crypt and the
two-way gate within the tombs shrine of Waukeen to J11 Villa: The Sabbalad Butrys el Alix
travel from the Lost Level of Undermountain here and 5- and 6-story Class A buildings
back again. The gate itself merely requires one touch on Kalils Sabban; Solem Drudach.
the back wall of the shrine to send the person to Room
#30 (gate N) in the Norths greatest dungeon. For more
details, see Undermountain: The Lost Level (09519).
J12 Guildhall: The Gilded Lantern
4-story Class B building
Kalils Sabban; Yuzhad Drudach. Headquarters of the
Shining Order of Goldsmiths and Gilders.
Grand Ward
[Central Ward] Like other areas of the city, Grand Ward
fell victim to the Trades Conflagrations of recent years, and
much of its real estate was cleared and only recently rebuilt.
Like Emerald Ward, some areas were left cleared and Grand
Ward now encompasses the largest market area of the city.
Grand Ward is the second richest ward in Calimport outside
Palace Ward. In terms of sheer status, an address in this ward
at the heart of the city suggests one has reached the goal of
the idle life of the rich. Of course, those of Palace Ward
consider Grand Wards denizens new money and hold them
with some disdain.
Ward Ruler: Perat el Zastar, Sultan of Grand Ward (LE
hm M13) is one of the new money upstarts recently immi-
grated into Grand Ward from Wizard Ward. One of his great-
est weapons is his vizars status within the syl-pashas court;
Perat came from Manshaka with el Pesarkhal, and aided him
greatly during the Darkstalker Wars. Now with many more
intrigues afoot, the syl-pasha may live to regret bringing this
viper into the fold, though el Zastars word is his bond, and it Casajr Sabban
will never be his hand that brings the Pesarkhal clan down. Other names: Stars Sabban.
This area is dominated by the entertainment and some
Cajaan Sabban scholarly trades. While none of the citys libraries burned in
Other names: Market Sabban. the latest fires, the warehouses here held much of the stock
This sabban fell victim to the Trades Conflagration and ink, parchment, and vellum used by both the Masterful
less than 20 of its former buildings survived the disaster. Order of Clerks, Scribes, and Scriveners and the Dutiful Cir-
Where the Cajaan Bazaar once stood among four gleaming cle of Binders and Printers. These items helped fuel the fires
white marble khanduqs from the Third Age, the area is now and saw nearly a third of the sabban aflame.
totally wiped clear. The Cajaan Market now provides a wide- Sabban colors: Slate gray with varying stripes of color at
open marketplace for bazaar carts and stands to sell their the base of the gutter/street (tan, ivory, and sky blue) for the
wares. Among the greatest losses were not the Cajaan Khan- drudach differentiations.
duqs but the gold they containedThe Conflagration turned Sabban mark: A book with a five-pointed star on its outer
more than 10,000 gold pieces and 2,500 trade bars into cover (prominent point up).
molten gold, and it flowed down into the Muzad where it was
eagerly claimed by the many shadowy denizens. While pasha Makista Sabban
Nur yn Kalil el Wariq (NE hm T4) lost an inordinate amount Other names: Golden Maidens Sabban.
of money in the fires, he has recouped his losses by the fees he One of two sabbans to escape much of the Trades Confla-
charges for day (and night) staging of markets in the market. gration, this sabban seems much like the typical jumble of
Sabban colors: Vibrant green with varying stripes of color shops and row houses that one would find in any city of
at the base of the gutter/street (midnight blue, crimson red, Faern. The only differences are that the goods are expensive
and wheat yellow) for the drudach differentiations. luxury items, the buildings are glazed mud-brick or carved
Sabban mark: The Cajaans former signet of a fiery sun stone, and the winding jumble of streets have been set in
pierced from behind by three arrows pointing southwest. place for longer than dragons measure a long lifetime. The
Makista Sabbans bazaars, while temporary tents and carts in
most other sabbans, have become permanent additions and
sub-streets winding precariously around the khanduqs and
other buildings. While still up on the elevated streets, Mak- Casajr Sabban; Vihat Drudach. Headquarters of the
ista Sabban has always been a favorite site for thieves and Dutiful Circle of Binders and Printers.
pickpockets, as the jumbled streets deter pursuers, especially
now with the ability to duck into the Upper Muzad beneath G6 House: The Hufir el Boqariq House
the street and lose any amlakkar even easier. 4- and 3-story Class B and C buildings
Sabban colors: Yellow with varying stripes of color at the Vahlen Sabban; Ysaav Drudach.
base of the gutter/street (black, sea green, and ash gray) for
the drudach differentiations. G7 Inn: Cafe Cormyrean
Sabban mark: The sabbans nickname and mark are de- 3-story Class B building with two hidden cellars.
rived from a 4-centuries-old festhall in the sabbanthe Vahlen Sabban; Ysaav Drudach. Hufir el Boqariqs (NE
Golden Maidens (see G13). The mark are outlines of four fe- hm F3) inn and banquet hall draws constant crowds due
male figures set in a cross-pattern, their feet pointing to- to its rare foods and drink from the northern country of
gether and merging. Cormyr. Trade agreements with the Illance family of
Cormyr in exchange for spices rare in Azouns lands
Vahlen Sabban make this place a necessary site to see for any folk home-
Other names: Meal Sabban. sick for their northern homes or Calimpanni looking for
The other sabban that escaped the Trades Conflagration, a change of pace in dining or drink. The Golden Sands
Vahlen Sabban prides itself on its many inns and restaurants brewery and its guilds object to the very existence of this
that cater to the rich and powerful. The banquet halls pro- establishment, but the syl-pasha favors its as an amuse--
vide an alternate dining experience with a wide variety of ment and prevents the guild from moving against Hufir.
foods, cooking styles, and the like. Dining Vahlen raises a
persons status for as long as the stories of the extravagant and G8 City Building/Landmark: The Bakkals Dial
expensive meals continue to interest a persons companions. Casajr Sabban; Zhamur Drudach. This massive brass
Like Makista Sabban, these buildings have been in place for sundial rests within the pavement of the square here.
quite some time, and the lavish nature of building decora- Though it was moved numerous times after the destruc-
tions are the only thing more enticing to social climbers than tion of the city around it, the Bakkals Sundial remains
the aromas of roast cockatrice or leg of basilisk. a fixture in Calimport as it has for more than 2,500
Sabban colors: Scarlet red with varying stripes of color at years. The only damage to the dial is a large crack
the base of the gutter/street (white, black, and yellow) for the through the southern third of the face, which doesnt af-
drudach differentiations. fect its use as a time-measurement device.
Sabban mark: A small dagger sunk into a wedge of cheese.
G9 House: Pasha Wariq
G1 House: Pasha Saralon 4-story Class A building
3-story Class B building Cajaan Sabban; Semalej Drudach. Sabbalad of Cajaan
Casajr Sabban; Farag Drudach. Sabban, Druzir of Semalej Drudach.
adopted for the sabban itself) in Makista Sabban when the
avatars of Sharess, Hanali Celanil, Sune, and Lliira all
graced the festhall during its Midwinter Revels. Once
called the Jacinth Harp, no one remembered that name
after the visit by the golden maidens. While no one dis-
putes the story, there are no corroborating myths among the
four goddesses churches to support the tales of the Golden
Maidens. Despite this lack of religious support, the sabban
and the festhall continue using the reference proudly.
G 15 Guildhall: Shiinalidajh
5-story Class B building
Makista Sabban; Tiqadh Drudach. Headquarters of the
Glaziers Society. Among the brightest of buildings, mage and temporary matriarch of the still-proud Namor clan.
Shiinalidajh is covered with cornflower-blue glazing Sages attest that no plagues or diseases take hold of people
and its roof tiles are a dazzling white. within the ward (though they continue unabated here if con-
tracted outside of it), paper and parchment does not age and
Quill Ward crack (and books of more than 200 years remain as supple
and fresh as when they were new), and candle flames emit
[Central Ward] Just north of Wizard Ward is the area twice as much light as normal (providing scribes with far bet-
where scholars, scribes, and learned sages congregate. Much ter working conditions than elsewhere in the city).
of the citys actual administrative work gets done here, and it Ward Ruler: Abbas yn Akkabar el Quaahl, Sultan of
is also the ward with the largest concentration of libraries Quill Ward (LE h em M15) is a long-time vizar and Pesarkhal
(though most are private collections only). As it is also one loyalist from Manshaka. When the syl-pasha was still learn-
of the quieter areas of the city, it is the home for many peace- ing the earliest intrigues in the court of pasha Abon Duum,
ful inns and rooming houses favored by travelers. Abbas el Quaahl served as his scribe. When he claimed
Quill Ward, while not a recent addition to the city, has power in Manshaka after Duums disappearance, Abbas rose
one special feature shared only by the Pashas Sabban and ad- to become a vizar. The quiet exterior of this small, gaunt Cal-
joining Wizard Ward: It is surrounded by a ward. This field of ishite man with a tightly trimmed beard and moustache hides
magic provides a number of effects for the people of Jhaapir, one of the most utterly ruthless souls ever to walk the Pashas
Hapij, and Nasim Sabbans, though they know only of its lands since the days of the Shoon. Some oath in the past ties
most basic reward: No fire larger than a hearth fire can sus- the vizar with the syl-pasha, and both are incapable of doing
tain itself long under the ward, thus preventing these areas harm or misfortune to the other, but the plots they hatch as
from succumbing to the fires that periodically ravage one are frightening in their reach and effect. This little man
Calimport. The wizard Nureh yr Catahra el Namor, also who dresses always in ivory and tan with a scarlet sash and
known as the Emerald Enchantress, created the ward in the keffiyeh has nearly as many folk living in fear of his displea-
Year of the Enigmatic Smile (693 DR), to better protect her sure as does the syl-pasha.
Emerald Archives from destruction. The wards other powers The vizar has little to do with the direct operations of
remain elusive to all but those who study the first female Quill Ward, and he leaves it in the hands of his nervous yet
competent son, Malik yn Abbas el Quaahl (NE hem M2/F2). Nasim Sabban
Malik runs Quill Ward efficiently and honestly, though he This sabban covers the entire northeastern quadrant of the
has a number of projects guaranteed to bring him some noto- ward, as its purpose is to provide a buffer between Hammer
riety and influence. His ability to forge documents without Ward and the quietude of Quill Ward. Thus, many of the lesser
the use of magic is flawless, and he has brought a number of businesses and laborers living quarters are found in this poor
his fathers and his own enemies down with one mere missive sabban. Along the northern sabban byways is the barbed metal
(to the wives or favored jhasinas of a rival sabbalad, profess- spear fence that demarcates where the Pesarkhal Wall will
ing loyalty to the framed foe, etc.). grow in the future.
Sabban mark: A small flame surrounding a trio of stacked
Jhaapir Sabban coins. The mark has been in use for more than 150 years, and
Other names: Arch Sabban. yet no one (not even sages of Calimport) can recall the ori-
Tucked in the southeastern third of the ward and abutting gin or significance of the mark.
both Wizard Ward and Makers Ward, Jhaapir Sabban is the
place for the supplies and raw material traders. Thus, the Q1 Business/Row House: The Halruaan Scrivenora
smell of ink, pressed parchment, and treated vellum wafts 4-story Class B building
through the air here. Many of the inns and lesser wizards Hapij Sabban; Hikaya Drudach. This nonreligious
domiciles cluster here, glad for the quiet not found in the rest scriptorium and scriveners service provides good work
of the city. One architectural feature in this sabban not shared at moderate prices. The top two floors are combined liv-
in many other sectors of the city are the arched bridges and ing areas and offices for seven sages who no longer work
ramps that link the wall byways with many minarets. The in the scriptoria downstairs.
minarets, once established amlakkar or sadimmin posts, are
now public buildings where lovers stroll up to the open para- Q2 City Building/Library: The Imperium Archives
pets around the domes to gaze out over the peaceful sabban. 4-story Class B Building with one cellar level.
Sabban mark: Three vertical stripes linked by two arches Hapij Sabban; Naadil Drudach.
near their top ends.
Q3 Temple: The Spell-Lords House
Hapij Sabban 6-story Class A building
Other names: Scribe Sabban. Hapij Sabban; Fikra Drudach. Temple to Azuth. The
This squat sabban is the entire western sector of Quill greatest feature of this monument to the god of wiz-
Ward, and it contains the largest concentration of scriptoria, ardry is its eastern rose window50 feet across and
libraries, and places of learning in the city. Despite the din of made not of stained glass but permanent illusory colors
the rest of the city, this area tends to be eerily quiet at all constantly aswirl only by the whims of our great god of
times. The street level of most buildings is either personal wizardry. Originally built during the latter years of the
quarters or storage; all building entrances either have bridges Sixth Age and rebuilt more than four times since then,
built to the byways or there are stairs to the second floor en- this cathedral to Azuth is one of the oldest of Azuths
trances of nearly all buildings. Most trade buildings herein monasteries. The cathedral houses one of the best li-
are row houses with living space above and below the work braries in Calimport that is not privately owned by a
spaces. Interestingly, the former gateway through the sabban single family.
walls from Khanduq Ward has been sealed thoroughly, pre-
venting any access into this sabban save by the byways, from Q4 Guildhall: The Graven Word
inside the other Quill Ward sabbans, or from Vahlen Sabban 4-story Class B building
in Grand Ward. Hapij Sabban; Naadil Drudach. Headquarters of the
The only other claim to fame of this sabban is its illustri- Masterful Order of Clerks, Scribes, and Scriveners.
ous former ruler. In thanks for saving a sultans life, Ali el
Samesaj gained the titles of Sultans Vizar and Druzir of the Q5 City Building: The Sultans Library
Seven Sages Drudach. He would later inherit greater titles 3-story Class A building.
and notoriety as the Grand Vizar of Calimport, but his most Nasim Sabban; Eggaeda Drudach.
immediate impression on the sabbans people was the de-
struction. Nearly half the buildings in the sabban fell under Q6 Temple: The Gallery Majesta
the spells of Ali el Samesaj or his foes as the druzir appre- 3-story Class B building
hended the sultans attempted assassins. Jhaapir Sabban; Jemil Drudach. Temple to Deneir. The
Sabban mark: A quill with a black ink drop at the tip. first floor is the actual temple to Deneir and all who
enter are expected to honor his altar by stopping for an Q 12 Villa: Pasha Khaetim
informal prayer service or making a donation to the at- 3- and 4-story Class A buildings
tendant priests. The second floor is the Gallery proper, Nasim Sabban; Yaraf Drudach.
and it is an artifact museum with many incredible dis-
plays; while all artifacts on display are magical, they are Q13Guildhall: Vimahlydah
all perfect forgeries. The priests keep the true artifacts 4-story Class B building
in a vault deep beneath this building, and the only ac- Jhaapir Sabban; Shuzah Drudach. Headquarters of the
cess is by moving the altar and climbing down long Choral Council.
winding stairs into the vault. Any so foolish as to steal
from the Gallery find themselves swiftly captured by the Q 14 Business/Row House: Summarls Scrolls and Maps
amlakkar and beheaded, since the magic on the displays 3-story Class B building
allows for easy tracking. The top floor contains the per- Jhaapir Sabban; Shuzah Drudach.
sonal quarters of the priests.
of specific items, or even basic services such as cooking and
cleaning (which all wizards are too busy to actually tend
to themselves).
Sabban mark: One wand or slash, its tip surrounded by a
seven-pointed star.
Najja Sabban
Other names: The Auret Sabban.
Named for one of its greatest practitioners of magic and
colloquially acknowledging its greatest landmark, Najja Sab-
ban is the upper caste neighborhood within Wizard Ward.
Herein are the homes of the archwizards of Calimport, the
Headquarters of the Guild Arcane, and buildings of such
shapes and sizes and construction that all should be marked
as Class A landmarks were they not the norm here. Accurate
details on Najja Sabban do not do it justice, for while build-
ings generally remain in the same places (though not neces-
sarily true in all cases), their external facades and shapes
might change with a whim of their magical owners.
Sabban mark: Three wands, their tips surrounded by
seven-pointed stars.
Tarzshaj Sabban
Other names: Magi Sabban.
Like Etarad Sabban above, Tarshaj Sabban seems rela-
in all of Calimport (and perhaps all of Calimshan). Long bald tively normal, even dull at points. While seemingly normal
by choice, the sultan is tattooed heavily with magical sigils and quite similar to areas of Makers and Hammer Ward, Tar-
(from trips to Thay) and other tattoos; he has a rather striking shaj Sabban is the place where items and artifacts lurk in
red wyvem arcing from above his left brow around his left ear every shadowed alley. This is also the unofficial Sages Sab-
and its tail running down his neck. The tattoos unnerve some, ban, as those who cannot afford the slightly more upscale liv-
but the affable sultan makes others comfortable easilyunless ing in western Quill Ward congregate here. Besides, with so
youve proven yourself an enemy. His easy smiles becomes many lost items wandering into the city with heroes and car-
brittle and sharp, the light in his eyes dulls to an icy glare, and avans alike, a sage who studies such things needs to remain
folk learn both how he came to power in Calimports Guild on hand or else pass from life with never having glimpsed the
Arcane and how he gained the old sobriquet of Spidermaw. Lambent Glove of St. Pymandyn or the Winged Sandals of
He has a unique spell that turns a silver piece into a massive Grear the Swift when they changed hands. This is where
spider egg, and they either choke to death on hundreds of spi- items are created, enchanted, identified, or even destroyed,
ders or die of virulent poison from their bites. and the volatile nature of all those trades explains why there
are twice as many amlakkar as normal.
Etarad Sabban Sabban mark: Two wands, their tips surrounded by seven-
Other names: Novice Sabban. pointed stars.
An unspoken distinction among the sabbans is their
classification by rank of wizards and their experience. W1 Wizards Domicile: Pasha Daud el Vehmet
Etarad Sabban is the lowest of the Wizard Ward sabbans, as 3-story Class B building
the Novice Sabban or Apprentices Sabban. This is the Etarad Sabban; Mindemn Drudach. Pasha Daud el
most tame of the sabbans in this ward, as most of the mun- Vehmet (LE hem En10) owns and controls much of the
dane activity and business settled here long ago (after spice trade in this ward, and his lavish lifestyle bleeds
learning that the prestige of living among fabulous wizards away much of his fortunes (though socially, he wields as
did not help repair ones home after wizards duel atop ones much power as the sultan of the ward). Still, what many
roof). Still, much of the business herein provides services do not realize is the pashas involvement with the black
supported by many a wizard, from the procurement of ani- market trade in magical components and potions in the
mals and supplies to the preparation of gem dust, location Muzad.
W2 Guildhall: The Loom Halls gold skin of the doorless minaret. Guild members who
4-story Class B building approach the tower have openings appear before them,
Etarad Sabban; Tamuh Drudach. Headquarters of the whether they approach from ground or the air (as a
Vibrant Order of Dyers and Weavers. virtue of their magical guild membership rings). This
tower holds the High Ones Library, the sole library ex-
W3 Business/Minaret: Aquas and Azures clusively stocked with books of and about magic, re-
7-story Class B building stricted to only senior guild members.
Najja Sabban; M ayya Drudach. This jewelry and gem-
cutters shop caters to an exclusive clientele of its W7 Wizards Domicile/Villa: Suryvlashadah
choosing, as it is set high up in a minaret with no direct Three S-story Class A buildings with a 5-story minaret
street or wall access to it. Should anyone prove to be of Najja Sabban; Ziana Drudach. The home of the Caleph
the appropriate social rank and have any interest in the Arcane of Calimport, like the guildmaster himself, is far
wares of Melroat and his sapphires and other blue gems, more than it seems. A trio of reddish granite buildings
servants deliver an invitation to them, from which they and a white marble minaret cluster behind an open, un-
make an appointment. When customers are expected, a guarded high villa wall; those fools who enter without
blue flying carpet floats down to the waiting client to announcing themselves to the lions head that is the
bring him up to the shop. Flight is the only in or out of keystone in the gate arch find stone arms wrapping
the shop, and while one cannot enter the open balcony around them from the walls and flagstones of the court-
that is the shops entrance unless he is on the carpet yard within. The bald and tattooed Pasha Eli yn Adnan
(walls of force, etc.), one can easily leave by his own el Beza (N hm W19) wonders at all things Thayvian
means of flight. (thus, his facial and scalp tattoos), and the courtyard
and villa are filled with many sculptures, some of which
W4 Wizards Domicile: The Sphere of Kaatos people suspect are petrified enemies of the pasha.
3-story Class B building
Etarad Sabban; Esaaf Drudach. This is one of the most W8 Wizards Domicile/Minarets: Caaledar
significant sights in Etarad Sabbanthe wizards home is Six 5-story Class B minarets.
a massive silver sphere floating about 18 feet above the Tarshaj Sabban; Fera Drudach. Home of the married
courtyard beneath it. It has no apparent doors, windows, wizards Oma the Fireveil (N hf Inv11) and Nur Jambi-
or defenses, and it continuously spins rapidly, preventing yarcane (NE hm Con10), whose offensive spells and
anyone from jumping or landing on it and holding on. specialists magics make them well-paid vizars to the
Inside, Kaatos lair is much larger than it seems, and the Qysaghanni on an annual basis. The minarets that
entire interior surface of the sphere is his workshop, li- make up this villa/wizards house are six perfectly round,
brary, and living space (all held to the outer surface of the slim white-glazed brick towers capped by gold-plated
sphere by the spinning forces). Guests learn to enter by domes. The balconies at the second and third levels of
becoming insubstantial and passing through the wall, but the minarets are all connected by invisible arches be-
uninvited guests trying the same passage become tween adjacent minarets.
stretched across the surface of the sphere and are slain for
trying to steal from the paranoid but more often kindly W9 Wizards Domicile: The Coiled Quelzarn Tower
collector of Imaskari relics and artifacts (N hem M14). 4-story Class A minaret.
Najja Sabban; Salleb Drudach.
W5 Guildhall: Eyesafar Hall
4-story Class B building W 1 0 Wizards Domicile: Tuuramil House
Tarshaj Sabban; Odan Drudach. Headquarters of the 3-story Class B building
Fellowship of Surveyors, Mappers, and Chart-Makers. Tarhsaj Sabban; Shaati Drudach. This dark brooding
row house is a school specifically for the training of
W6 Guildhall: The Auret necromancers.
7-story Class A building/minaret.
Najja Sabban; Ziana Drudach. Headquarters of the
Guild Arcane. Seven stories tall and more than 75 feet Makers Ward
wide at its base, this seemingly solid gold minaret is [Central Ward] Makers Ward contains many of the
among the most impressive sights in Calimport, as mag- skilled trade guilds and some of the newest khanduqs in the
ical sigils scrawl themselves in the apparently liquid city. While not a socially prestigious address, Makers Ward is
Golnar Sabban
Other names: The Builders Sabban.
In short, this southeastern sabban encompasses much of
the dirty, noisy, and thoroughly necessary builders trades of
carpentry, masonry, and the like. Tucked away against the
walls of Caravans Ward, the shipyards of Hook Ward, and
Crypt Ward, the Builders Sabban always seems full of work
and activity, providing fresh building materials for the city
that never seems to run out of demand for them.
Sabban mark: A crossed hammer and chisel.
Jaleh Sabban
Other names: Saamark Sabban.
This trade sabban adopted both the first and surname of
an incredibly indulgent and lazy pasha as its namesake, as
Saamark II of the House Jaleh spent lavishly with no sense of
the use of an item purchased or any care as to the effects of
his lifestyle. (Saamark was slain by his own guards, whose
pay had been cut to cover debts owed the Rundeen.) The
bulk of the businesses trade in luxuries, amenities to soften
life, and rare items to indulge anything from a taste for sweets
to a passion for antiquities. Not all trades or goods here are
trinkets, as many of the softer items that need creators are
created hererugs, clothing, tapestries, etc.
Sabban mark: A lions head.
home to many tradesmen on the rise, and their close proxim- Sojrab Sabban
ity to Caravans Ward aids them in their businesses. Unlike Other names: Hearts Joy Sabban.
Hammer Ward, though, the variable businesses do not work This sabban carries the name of a dynasty of pashas remem-
together to improve their community; rather, they work bered fondly for their support of art and culture (though they
against each other in near-constant vendettas and street are hardly remembered for much else among the general popu-
brawls (if not full guild wars) in order for one guild or family lace). With many artists operating and competing within this
to dominate particular trades, costers, or business deals. The sabban, courtyards become impromptu sculpting competitions,
other distinguishing factor of Makers Ward is its surprising walls become inadvertent canvasses of the latest masterpiece
lack of slaves. Nearly all inhabitants are free people (at least (designed only to outdo a rival, less so for arts sake), and
in the strictist sense, if not in the eyes of their guilds), and around it all wander the romantics, the poets, and the lovers of
slaves, while a social necessity, are still a luxury for more than Calimport. In the northeastern comer of the ward, Sojrab Sab-
half of those found here. ban benefits from the quiet of Crypt and Quill Wards, and
Ward Ruler: Zelmazzar el Fiqra (NG hm dual M3/F7), many temperamental artists, creators, and bards flock to this
Sultan of Makers Ward, is among the oldest of any govern- neighborhood looking for and often finding kindred souls and
ment official across all of Calimshan, as he remains loyal not old friends.
to any one person but to the Calephs Throne. His many sons Sabban mark: A harp against a triangular field, both taper-
work in Makers Ward or Hammer Ward, though one son ing to points on the bottom of the mark.
the youngest, Kholof yn Zelmazzar el Fiqrawent north
looking for adventure more than 10 years ago. (Waterdeep M1 Business/Row House: The Brothers Humuz
has been his home for nearly all that time, where he goes by 4-story Class B building
the name Olophin and is an officer of the watch.) Sultan Zel- Sojrab Sabban; Tarea Drudach. The two brothers
mazzar has stayed alive and influential simply by knowing his Nur and Harun el Humuzcarve delicate interior murals
acquaintances motivations and desires and catering to them. into stone and mud brick walls, enhancing a homes social
While many rivals still wish him removed, they recognize status. Of course, the brothers work well together until the
that the syl-pasha has respect for the old man and they do home owner wishes to paint the mural once carved. The
not dare act against that for fear of retaliation. temperamental Nur quits rather than sully his work, while
the business-minded Harun finishes the job. Spending much
time in others homes allows the brothers to eavesdrop on
their clients for their true masters in the Rundeen, to whom
they report once every six months.
M5 Guildhall: Bahil-Bakadah
3-story Class C building
Golnar Sabban; Gatab Drudach. Headquarters of the
Order of Skilled Coopers and Barrel-Makers. Armada Ward
[Port Ward] This ward encompasses solely the enclosed
M6 Amlakkhan: Amlakkhan Jaleh docks for the Nallojals ships and the garrisons and armories
2-story Class C building of the same. In the past 20 years, the Djenispool and Pe-
Golnar Sabban; Rakhin Drudach. This amlakkhan is sarkhal pashas have expanded the docks of Armada Ward
directly run by extortionists and thugs who also happen such that it now is capable of docking two-thirds of the entire
to wear the amlakkar uniforms in this sabban. Their Nallojal fleet. Tavihr Sabban contains 90% of the buildings
commanding officers control the protection rackets in and businesses of the ward, even though it only comprises
this sabban and provide a healthy cut for the sabbalad. 35% of the area, since the Djenispool Sabban dominates the
Any amlakkar that do not cooperate with this corrupt rest of the ward. Of those buildings, more than half of them
system of protection meet with lethal tavern brawls are official city buildings for the management and coordina-
and accidents that either teach them to play along or tion of el Nallojal. Civilians can enter Armada Ward, but
end their lives. unless they voluntarily sign up for the Nallojal or have some
connections with the upper echelons of power (pasha or
M7 Business/Row House: Taerako Statuary and above title), wanderers looking for trouble in Armada Ward
Stonework will find themselves press-ganged into service on one of the
3-story Class B building Nallojals ships for a three-month-tour of duty.
Jaleh Sabban; Bakkrad Drudach. Ward Ruler: Fahd yn Ralan el Pesarkhal, Sultan of Ar-
mada Ward and Sabbalad of Makista Sabban (NE hm F11),
M8 Guildhall: Sadidahjalan is the eldest son of Syl-Pasha Pesarkhal at 39 years old. Many
5-story Class B wooden building of his 12 surviving brothers would covet his sultans crown,
Golnar Sabban; Dohar Drudach. Headquarters of the but Fahds ambitions drove him to take control of all the
Guild of Stonecutters and Masons. armed forces save the Qysaghanni (who answer only to his
father). As the Syl-Sultan of the Nallojal (navy), the Sadim-
min (army), and Farisan (elite forces), Syl-Sultan Fahd el Pe-
sarkhal spends much of his time touring Calimshan and re-
minding the outer pashas and scheming sultans of Almraiven A4 Villa: Pasha Tomouh
and Memnon (as well as other foreign ports) that the syl- 5- and 6-story Class A buildings
pasha is a force not to be crossed. His own physically threat- Tavihr Sabban; Khadra Drudach.
ening presence (and that of his personal bodyguard contin-
gent of 12 minotaurs) ensures that those who meet him un- A5 Villa: Pasha Mohandis
derstand not to question or cross him either. The few who did 3- and 4-story Class A buildings
so, underestimating his cunning and intelligence due to his Djenispool Sabban; Faso1 Drudach.
hulking stature and gruff manner, died swiftly in manners too
distasteful for Calishites to speak of. Few doubt, and many A6 Amlakkhan: The Wharf Amlakkhan
fear, that he is truly his fathers son. 3- and 4-story Class C buildings
Djenispool Sabban; Faso1 Drudach.
Tavhir Sabban
Other names: Hammock Sabban. A7 Villa: Pasha Rabta
This sabban, named after one of the more militaristic of 3-, 4-, and 6-story Class A buildings
the bakkal dynasties of Old Calimshan, is the barracks and Djenispool Sabban; Nowm Drudach.
armory for the syl-pashas naval armada. The garrisons for the
Nallojal are far more unique than most military barracks A8 Minaret/Guildhall: The Harpoon Minaret
the bunks are all hammocks strung up two stories high 4-story Class B minaret.
among ceiling beams and pillars, and climbing ropes and rig- Djenispool Sabban; Nahla Drudach. Headquarters of
ging replace floors and stairs. Within this sector, one finds the Guild of Fishermen, Whalers, and Undersea
nearly any type of maritime support trade or service, and Hunters.
many of them belong to retired Nallojall seamen.
Sabban mark: A black anchor.
Dock Ward
Djenispool Sabban [Port Ward] Just ask anybodytheyll tell ya Dock Ward as
Other names: Wharf Sabban, The Wharf. the most oeverything ! Such testimonials are common among
The only remnant of the previous dynastys rule, the Djenis- the seamen of this ward, as this ward contains many mosts for
pool Sabban retains its name in official documents only since Calimport. As the western half of the central trading and pub-
Syl-Pasha Rashid Djenispool commissioned much of the work lic docks, it does have the most berths for ships, including Ar-
on expanding the docks of Armada Ward. As most sailors and mada Ward. It contains the most warehouses for many trade
officers understand the political winds of Calimport, they all guilds shipping their products by sea, though it does not con-
take great care to refer to this only as Wharf Sabban, or the tain many guildhalls (most preferring to be stationed farther in
Wharf. While there are a few buildings for the collection of the city). It also has the notoriety of having the highest con-
dock fees and minor businesses or equipment warehouses for centration of festhalls and taverns for any ward in Calimport. If
the League of Harbormasters, there is really little more to this folk are looking for trouble or just a rowdy time, Dock Ward is
entire sabban than the docks and the ships lashed to them. their destination. And while all hold numerous taverns, inns,
Sabban mark: The Djenispool seal of a genies lamp pour- and festhalls, the three sabbans are nicknamed according to
ing water out of its spout, a black six-pointed star prominent which place is most numerous within their walls.
on the lamp. Ward Ruler: Batras yn Faruk el Tuladim, Sultan of Dock
Ward (CN hm T5; Str 17, Dex 16) began his rise a dozen
A1 Garrison: The Nallojal Billets years ago as the young 19-year-old druzir of Gamil Drudach.
3- and 4-story Class C buildings Learning never to draw attention to himself, he played the
Tavihr Sabban; Hikal Drudach. sniveling sycophant to his sabbalad until he could kill him
and divert suspicions elsewhere. While word of enough mur-
A2 Villa: The Sabbalad Bartoq ders fell onto his shoulders, the vizar and sabbalad Tuladim
2- and 3-story Class A buildings used his influence with the Harbormasters guild and the
Tavihr Sabban; Seahrm Drudach. shipwrights guilds to financially ruin those who plotted his
downfall. Batras, seeing the political winds shift, aided the
A3 House: Druzir and Rysal Aban el Sirsi upstart Ralan el Pesarkhal by secretly slaying a number of the
3-story Class B buildings Djenispool pashas and sultans during the Darkstalker Wars.
Tavihr Sabban; Khadra Drudach. While he doesnt trust Batras, the syl-pasha rewarded him
with the sultans crown over Dock Ward. This alone gave
Batras far more influence within the maritime guilds that op-
erate in his ward, though he seems content to leave the ac-
tual business of the guilds to their present pashas. Batras still
goes down to Dock Wards taverns and initiates bar brawls
that threaten to destroy whole taprooms, and the syl-pasha
and many of Batras enemies merely wait for this liability of
sorts to meet a well-deserved end that they can all then ma-
nipulate to frame other enemies. Of all the sultans, Batras has
no designated heirs or family, and many line up to be his
friend and vizar until they can kill him for his crown.
Aktorral Sabban
Other names: Tavern Sabban.
Sabban mark: A tavern mug with a curling wave of ale
atop the open mug.
Jarz Sabban
Other names: Festhall Sabban.
Sabban mark: A pair of dice (or simply cubes, where the
dice are worn smooth by people touching them for luck).
Ylar Sabban
Other names: Inn Sabban.
Sabban mark: A trio of small fish.
Since all the sabbans offer relatively the same services and
ranges of danger, one description can suffice for Dock Wards D5 Festhall: The Oceans Heart
sabbans. As their aliases above note, this port ward sells itself 1- and 2-story Class C buildings
on its notoriety and high percentage of entertainment busi- Jarz Sabban; Harayal Drudach.
nesses. Warehouses are the fourth most common buildings in
these sabbans, followed by cheap row houses above the street D6 Villa: Pasha Izaez
taverns and rope sellers and sail makers. Rarer but still present 6- and 7-story Class A buildings
are some houses and sites of grandeur and obvious wealth, and Jarz Sabban; Harayal Drudach.
these are the villas of the pashas among the maritime guilds.
D7 Guildhall: Maridah
D1 Tavern: The Ninth Bell 4-story Class C building
2-story Class C building Jarz Sabban; Bayown Drudach. Headquarters of the
Aktorral Sabban; Qademit Drudach. League of Harbormasters, Dock-Workers, and Ferrymen.
spies guilds, but the Darkstalker Wars and the pressures from younger brothers the chance to undermine their fathers rule
the Four Families either subjugated the halflings or absorbed in favor of their own. While Tahyr and the syl-pasha are
them into their own ranks. nearly incapable of being together in one room without dis-
agreeing over politics or methods, the 36-year-old ralbahr
D11 Guildhall: Shelamardah (admiral) is one of the syl-pashas best allies against the sedi-
3-story Class C building tion common among Calishite families.
Ylar Sabban; Affar Drudach. Headquarters of the Loyal
Order of Fishmongers. Ajvent Sabban
Other names: Shipwrights Sabban, Sails Sabban.
D12 Villa: Pasha Badayin This sabban exists only as a marked division from the
5-story Class A buildings other sabbans of the ward. In truth, it is the entire shipyards
Ylar Sabban; Bitait Drudach. of Calimport under the shared control of the sultan and ral-
bahr Tahyr el Pesarkhal, the sabbalad Saibh el Daafib, and
D13 Villa: Pasha Ydarit the pasha of shipwrights. Of course, the sultan has the ulti-
5-story Class A buildings with minarets mate authority, but he allows his underlings to manage the
Ylar Sabban; Bitait Drudach. day-to-day operations with the understanding that his ships
and their maintenance or repairs take precedence over all
new moon) to send a bluish-white beacon of light out over
the harbor at all times. The Lighthouse has done this with-
out any direct physical effort on the part of her priests for
more than 800 years now, and past attempts to mute the light
have proven futile (though its aid in attracting nighttime at-
tention during the last Rage of Dragons was regretful for all).
other more exotic mounts such as the rare displacer beast or
Caravans Ward Pegasus), and the area where attendant equipment like
saddles, bridles, and the like are made and sold. Despite the
(Port/Outer) Th is ward is technically considered both a strong smells from the stables and the tanneries, Drakhon
Port Ward and Outer Ward due to its abutting the shore east Sabban is the temporary stop of choice for many poorer cara-
of Hook Ward and its location on the eastern outskirts of the van attendants and guards. Everything they need of
city. It contains the majority of the carters, drovers, stables, Calimport is hereinns, new supplies, and customers to buy
and caravan services of Calimport. While many arriving by the last caravans goods and sell you a full wagonload to take
the trade roads grumble about the roundabout trails leading back. Tucked against the walls of Hook Wards shipyards,
around the city to their staging areas in Caravans Ward, it Drakhon Sabban provides a great view of the ocean from
shows that the bulk of the trade for Calimport arrives and many tavern courtyards.
leaves by ship, though this ward easily collects shipped cargo Aside from a night or two in Drakhon Sabban, there are
and takes it inland to the northern towns, estates, and other hundreds of caravan drovers who have been to Calimport
settlements such as slave plantations and mining towns. more than 1,000 times yet never set foot on the docks or see
Pashas and social climbers that do not work here or have the sights of Nadana Sabban or the Pashas Palace. While
business rarely enter Caravans Ward for two reasons: The en- even the most jaded of caravan drovers can be impressed by
tire ward is dusty, dirty, and filled with beasts of burden with some of Calimports beauty, too many of them cherish their
little sense of the persons true station (and might acciden- freedom too much to wander where they dont know the way
tally cause embarrassment). And aside from the sabban walls to the road out (and their suspicions are well-founded, for
which are not so maintained to be proper byways, there are those who look lost are lost, and most often end up as some-
no upper walkways for the cultured to be above the un- ones property).
washed slaves, cattle, and other loathsome creatures. As a re- Sabban mark: A horse in silhouette.
sult, this is one area of Calimport with wide avenues and
large courtyards for gathering caravans and such. Pahlemm Sabban
Ward Ruler: Pasha Kemar yn Kadadf el Dasanm, Sultan of Other names: Oxen Sabban.
Caravans Ward (CE hm F9). This burly bear of a man worked The noise and dust of the cattle drives echoes throughout
his way through the Mighty Guild of Bouncers, Laborers, and the artificial canyons of row houses in Pahlemm Sabban.
Sellswords and he still sits among them as a senior member and This sabban is home to the cattle yards, some slaughter
officer. He also rules as the pasha of the Guild of Excellent houses, additional tanneries, manure pits, and other assorted
Drovers, Shepherds, and Animal Handlers, having worked his businesses tied to the cattle industries of the northern
way through their ranks as well by being the best oxen driver shanates. In order to disturb the fewest people, the slaughter-
and caravan guard both guilds had ever seen. While still a bit houses rest toward the outer reaches of the city against the
short tempered (and restoring infrequent use of his nickname as walls of Crypt Ward, and the cattle yards are farther toward
the Bull), Pasha Kemar proved himself and always pushes the southern end of the sabban. Given the lesser defenses of
those he deals with in order to have them justify their own sta- the eastern city, the Cattlemens House makes frequent use
tus to him. He only respects strength, force, and volume, as that of mercenaries to protect the penned cattle from wolves and
is how he tends to bluster his way through any resistance. other predators (especially those attracted by the smell of the
Hardly the smartest of sultans, he knows to leave some of his slaughterhouses).
negotiations and most of his business affairs to his youngest Sabban mark: A steers head with enormous horns
nephew, the vizar Conol yn Agar el Dasanm (LE hm T5; Int
16). The wiry young man of 17 busily works away for his uncle, Thytos Sabban
simultaneously storing away vast sums of money and politically Other names: Court Sabban.
volatile information to later either enhance the pashas power Resting against the cliffs of eastern Calimport is Thytos
base over his enemies or assume the role himself. For now, Vizar Sabban, the main area for collecting caravans both entering
Conols busiest role is to oversee the pashas controlling inter- and leaving the city. While it is not as conveniently located
ests in four trading costers operating as far afield as Maztica, near the main markets like so many northern cities (even
Cormyr, and Tantras. those in Tethyr), Calimports markets receive any goods
through at least three intermediaries-the caravan drovers
Drakhon Sabban sell to their guild, which sells it to the Grocers and Farmers
Other names: Stallions Sabban. Guild or the appropriate buyers for the products brought in.
By its alias, this sabban is easily identified as the stables These sales guilds present the products within the markets,
area, the markets for the buying and selling of horses (and and Calishites accept this method and its markups since they
have always operated this way.
The mood and social attitudes relax here, for the most
part, unless there is unrest or problems within the caravans.
This sabban, while well guarded by the amlakkar, also sees
many murdered caravan drivers simply because they foolishly
either flaunted their wealth after a caravan shipment or did
not immediately turn that money around into new goods to
load into the wagons and take to the next city. While each
looks out for their own, the guilds and the traders all know
the score and do not mourn fools who do not know the sys-
tem or how to act within it. Aside from those upper class
merchants who rose from these lowly ranks, few ever would
dream of entering this sabban (and thus, many folk on the
run from the upper echelons of society either flee and hide
here or into the Muzad).
Sabban mark: A black wagon wheel.
Calimport Muzad wards: Caravans, Crypt, Hammer, Makers, Quill, Wizard, and
sections beneath Hook Ward and Khanduq Ward. The actual
nown by a multitude of names from the Muzhahajaar- central temple and altar for the Dark Goddess lies almost di-
nadah to Calimport Below, Dark Calimport, and most rectly beneath the Auret (W6) in Wizard Ward, though there is
often just the Muzad, the deeper city beneath the streets of no direct connection between these two places of power.
Calimport is just as exciting and lively and dangerous as the The Temple of Old Night is among the oldest of worship
sunlit metropolis above its stony ceilings. The Undercity of sites for Shar in Faern, and its subterranean structure dis-
Calimport is more than just a series of sewers and water- guises the goddess importance to Calimport. Many know
ways-there are whole streets, buildings, courtyards and that the temple is beneath their feet, but since they do not
great halls, and other areas long buried and forgotten. With know the extent of it, they fear Shar and her darkness even
the many series of disasters to strike the city over the cen- more. The five tiny shrines through which one enters the
turies, it is not hard to believe the rubble was often simply temple below are insignificant and easily sealed off in case
built over after great destruction and whatever fell beneath of overzealous amlakkars. The high priestess Irtemara el Er-
the rubble was considered gone. adsari (NE hf P15 of Shar) easily controls numerous powers
Since it encompasses the sewers and areas beneath, the of the surface world, either directly as some pashas and
Undercity ranges from 20 feet beneath the raised streets of vizars are clergy under her or indirectly through the
Palace, Grand, and Emerald Wards to nearly a half-mile be- Temples manipulations of numerous illicit businesses run
neath Calimports sewers. There are so many mysteries hidden from the City Below.
in the depths and the darkness of Calimport Muzad that they As the largest singular power and site beneath the streets,
compare equally to the ruined wonders of Shoonach and Temple of Old Night dominates the majority of the extant
Myth Drannor and the horrors of Undermountain beneath subterranean buildings and streets, patrolling the dark corri-
Waterdeep. There are a number of regions defined among the dors as an army. Those whom they do not control, they fight
shadows, and what little there is to know is far more than or they negotiate their detentes, and while Shars faithful
most are willing to learn of the darkness beneath them. would have their foes believe there is nothing in the Muzad
that they fear, there are some shadows even those who em-
The Upper Muzad brace the darkness wisely hesitate to penetrate and disturb
The original streets of Palace Ward, Grand Ward, and Jewel what lies within.
Ward are now paved over for ease of movement for the elevated
social classes above them. The intent was to provide larger The Sewers
areas of mobility for the slaves and servants beneath the streets The sewers, as described earlier, are 15-foot- and 30-foot-wide
and out of sight, and the only lights down here are either sewage-filled tunnels with sluice gates and some flowing water.
torches carried in hand or what light streams down through the Access paths alongside the main tunnels allow a slightly more
stairwells leading up to the new street level or the gates leading sanitary passage through them, but these paths are far from
out into the open-air Port or Outer Wards. While it has taken being safe walkways. And the sewers are not simply filled with
some time, there are now many indigent people living beneath waste and refuse....
these streets, and it has also helped the Nadhari (a movement There are at least two separate sewer systems in
of escaped slaves) to now operate slightly within the largest Calimport, one of which was nearly destroyed centuries ago
slave-holding settlement outside of drow cities and Thay. and replaced by the newer sewers as discussed above. The
In many places, the Upper Muzad is still normal aside abandoned tunnels, while partially collapsed and destroyed
from its bricked-over sky. However, at certain points near the or blocked in places, provide homes and byways for other
western edges of it and around the impenetrable stone pilings creatures capable of maneuvering the tight spaces and reach-
beneath the Pashas Palace, there are now open shafts and ing long forgotten cellars of buildings buried into the Muzad.
stairs leading deeper into the Muzad. These areas are soon These Lost Sewers have been conquered in most areas by a
becoming flash points among the power players of the Dark number of wererat consortiums which number no less than
City as to who will control these major accessways to the sur- 500 wererats in total throughout the Muzad, in at least seven
face and the city. separate collectives. Their leaders, more cunning than previ-
ous wererats, have linked their Lost Sewers with the current
The Temple of Old Night sewers, and they use these to attempt to usurp the surface-
Shars greatest stronghold anywhere on the Realms, the Temple controlled thieves guilds from here in Calimport Below.
of Old Night and its clergy dominate and control a complete Other lycanthropes have joined with the wererats, and the
third of all the territory in the eastern undercity. In effect, they Wererats Guild (as they call themselves) have their en-
control the dungeons and darkness beneath the following forcers in six wereboars.
The Dark Bazaars items. The most common form of secrets and lore traded are
Unlike the up-top nighttime bazaars that are taking place more tales told to one anothertheir truth or their falsehood are
and more often with the cleared markets of the central city, the up to the DMs.
Dark Bazaars are wandering bazaars that change their locations
each and every time they meet. These trading meets are almost The Samesaj Gate
an eerie social gathering, as mysterious gray-robed figures ap- The long-fabled Samesaj Gate that helped free the fortress
pear at random all across Calimport above and below to Akkabbel in -1130 DR was once a famed and well-known site
beckon to those invited to the Dark Bazaar. No one can deter- to all Calimpanni. Since the fall of the city into the hands of
mine who or what the gray figures are, but they simply fade like drow during the Night Wars and the destruction wrought upon
shadows if confronted in any hostile or even argumentative the city in the Year of Falling Copper (-649 DR), its exact lo-
way. If one chooses to follow a Gray Caller, they soon walk a cation and indeed the enchanted green marble arch that once
path that the Caller opens that leads to the Dark Bazaar. There enclosed it are long lost to all but the most diligent of sages.
is no other way to reach the bazaar without being invited; Many believe the gate still exists within the doorways leading
should someone teleport to the site without an invitation, they the Pashas Audience Chamber in the Calephs Palace, as the
would find the site filled with mists and shadows and whisper- floor and door jamb are made of green marble.
ing voices that they cant quite catch. The Dark Bazaar exists In truth, the Samesaj Gate fell victim to the fires set to
around and beside them, but only with those who the Gray rid the city of drow more than 2,000 years ago. The buck-
Callers wish to attend. ling of streets and general chaos of the time saw the arch
Creatures at the Dark Bazaars can be distinct or vague, fall intact down a crevice into Calimport Muzad beneath
imagined or real, known to the viewing PCs or not. The few what is now the Vahlen Sabban. With the more recent
accounts ever written of Dark Bazaars mention tanarri lords building up of the ground in Grand Ward, the Samesaj
sharing belly laughs and ribald jokes with archmages of many Gate is even farther removed from any obvious search loca-
worlds, kobold kings bartering maps of secret tunnels with tions. The gate arch lies wedged into a deep crevasse in the
bemused dragons, or even the flickering conversations of lower reaches of the Muzad. The enchantments that drive it
nyth and nishruu in their light-based languages. Anyone ap- are intact, despite all odds against such magical integrity.
proached by a Gray Caller will be able to converse with any- Thus, characters willing to leap or lower themselves
one else drawn to a Dark Bazaar despite normal language bar- through the arch (wedged over a 60-foot-deep pit with sta-
riers. However, the context of secrets or the literal under- lagmites at the bottom) will be instantly whisked to a small
standing of what secrets are shared and their true under- grassy hillock just south of Ithal Pass (and the former loca-
standing may be at odds. tion of the central assembly area of Akkabbels main
There is one cardinal rule for the Dark Bazaars: Ask or fortress, now two millennia gone). If DMs wish to include
speak wisely, but only spare a secret or knowledge equal to the PCs in the struggles between Tethyr and Kzelter and the
that which you seek. An attendant at Dark Bazaar can only Knights of the Black Gauntlet, have them materialize right
trade one secret for one secret, and once that secret is in in the midst of clashing forces on that hill! The gate only
hand (whether understood or not), the attendant appears operates in that one direction, so there is no immediate way
suddenly back where the Gray Caller was first seen, as if it all to return to Calimport.
had never happened. This effect occurs if any scrying is at-
tempted outside of a trading situation or any violence is The Muzaddi Powers
brought to bear within the bazaar. To those at the bazaar, the What other varied creatures exist in the Muzhajaarnadah be-
disturbing being dissipates into gray mist, while the offender yond the Gray Callers, the faithful of Shar, a few wererats, and
reappears in place, having lost barely a second of time. the ever-present rats and other assorted vermin to be expected
While the Temple of Old Night would have many be- down here? There are such dangers as:
lieve it controls the Dark Bazaars, in truth some hidden Voraya, the lamia noble who controls large portions of the
powers collect the disparate figures and lost people together smuggling operations in Calimport;
into a Bazaar no more than once a tenday but no less than A tribe of nearly 1,000 kobolds led by their chieftain Skax,
once a month. The trading stock of the Dark Bazaars are se- brought here and later abandoned by Artemis Entreri and Jar-
crets, magic, and knowledge (both that which was lost and laxle the drow;
that which has been found), and some take forms unex- Albino humans that have adapted to new lives (and new
pected. Some forms of currency or traded items of the evils) far beneath the city that abandoned them;
bazaar include rare elven kiira (memory gems), dream vapor Sentient clouds of gas formed from the death rattles of 100
bottles (where one whiff of the mists inside grant you some- throats; and many, many more creatures each more horrifying
ones dreams), divination spell scrolls aplenty, or other and challenging than the next.
The Erar
his chapter has a far sharper focus than the previous one in that it examines
only one sabban and only one drudach within that sabban. Thus, this area eas-
ily becomes a major campaign area for PCs within Calimport, where the PCs
know the most people and can recognize sites easily. From the DMs perspec-
tive, this sabban and drudach give details and examples that can be used as
models for the rest of the city as well as being adopted as is for a campaign based in this sabban.
After all, the previous chapter gave but a brief overview of the city, pointing out only the notable
sites and details. Now, with the Erar Campaign, everyone gets a better look at Calimport and
helps make it come alive.
Below are overviews of Erar Sabban and its drudachs, broken down as in the previous chap-
ter. Following that are a number of personalities important to the sabban as a whole, including
a number of villainous groups and some of their plans for mayhem and murder both in the sab-
ban and the city at large. Next comes the close-up analysis of Taorahl Drudach, again followed
by important NPCs.
Erar Sabban
E rar Sabban is the central sabban of the trio that comprises Hook Ward. While Ajvent
Sabban encloses the massive shipyards of the city and Osiir Sabban to the west handles
the management of the docks and harbor, Erar Sabban acts as a receiving area for newly ar-
rived dignitaries, an embassy area for many foreign powers, an unofficial meeting place for many
adventurers arriving in Calimport, and the least dangerous section of any of the Port Wards.
The three drudachs of this sabban divide their defining traits by their services; one provides
most of the lodgings, the others, the commerce and the merriment.
While also known as Wyvern Sabban due to its mark (see below), this sabbans most com-
mon alias is Wraith Sabban. This name comes from a short-lived dynasty of the Eighth Age,
roughly 200 years ago. It ties to that dynastys tragic end; the fourth son of the last Erar pasha
was an evil necromancer imprisoned alive within an unmarked tomb in the Muzad. During the
Time of Troubles, the magic that sealed the wrathful creature inside his tomb failed and the
Erar Wraith prowled the shadowed streets of Calimport for years. While many believe the
wraith was destroyed by Javir yn Zamar el Hosaan (see TD32) in the Year of the Gauntlet (1369
DR), mysterious deaths from time to time are still attributed to the Erar Wraith.
Sabban Mark: The sabbans sigil originally was a war hammer with the silhouette of a
wyvern in flight behind it; while some walls retain the original seal, most people recognize
the rough shape of a wyvern volant and consider that the sabban mark.
Bajit Drudach
As stated above, the drudachs divide their priorities in what they offer the sabban, and this
method does help maintain order by isolating pockets of trouble where more amlakkar can be
brought to bear. Badjit Drudach is the entertainment drudach, where the majority of the sabbans
taverns and festhalls can be found. Directly on the waterfront, this is the most famous of Hook
Wards drudachs due to the presence of Sharess great temple: The Festhall of Eternal Delight.
Taorahl Drudach having greater magic on hand, but only if the commander is
This drudach houses the foreign embassies, the villas of the a wizard himself.
sabbans leaders, and much of the lodging for the sabbans visi- Sadidah: These buildings are among the most spartan in
tors. More in-depth details on this drudach can be found after any sector of Calimport. Long, broad buildings of some
the Erar Sabban Key. strength three levels high, the sadidah garrisons 40 troops
(though they can hold up to 60), and most of them are sadim-
Tynars Drudach min troops (though the ones scattered about the Port Wards
The commercial trade center for Erar Sabban, this drudach are Nallojal not currently at sea or Farisan). The ground floor
covers the western end of the sabban away from the docks, but contains the barracks for 36 soldiers in one pillared common
the streets leading through it allow passage of goods from the room with one separate room for meals. The second and suc-
docks into the main trade areas here and in Grand Ward. cessive floors have five to eight rooms each, serving as offices
While few pashas or druzirs soil their boots on the cobbles and living quarters for the four officers and armories of weap-
below the wall-top byways, this is by far the busiest and most ons both mundane and magical. The main differences between
crowded of the drudachs in Erar Sabban. the sadidah and amlakkhan are to whom the troops answer
The crowds fill Tynars Drudach for the bazaars and for en- and the number of weapons available. DMs should double the
lightenment, as Tynars Drudach is also called Three Temples weapons in an amlakkhan when stocking a garrison. including
Drudach by many. Though the most famous of the Port Ward the magical weaponry.
temples resides within Badjit Drudach, there are three major These adjustments will hold true for the various sites
temples here in addition to numerous private and public within Taorahl Drudach, unless otherwise stated under indi-
shrines. The gods revered around Tynars Square are Talos, vidual entries.
Azuth, and Helm.
ES4 Warehouse: Nine Pashas Trading Coster ES9 Villa: Sabbaladah Dahaban
2-story Class D building 3-story Class A buildings
Erar Sabban; Tynars Drudach. This warehouse (one of Erar Sabban; Tynars Drudach. The House of the
five owned by them in the drudach) holds durable Golden Sabbalad has been the home and residence of
goods, weapons, armor, and wagons. the sabbalad of Erar Sabban. Its green marble walls and
contrasting white marble roof and pillars are easily spot-
ES5 City Building/Khanduq: Thaaleqab Khanduq ted, as it is built on a slight rise. As Sultan Pesarkhal has
3-story Class C building: adopted the role as the sabbalad of Erar, there is no
Erar Sabban; Tynars Drudach. As are most commer- family to use the villa, and the sultan can rent it to the
cial areas in this drudach, Thaaleqab Khanduq and most deserving resident (or the highest bidder).
many of its surrounding bazaar businesses fall under the In that capacity, it is now the home of the Rysal
influence of the Nine Pashas consortium, which is based (ships captain) Saibh el Milar (LG hm M6), one of the
in the khanduq. With the sultan an absentee sabbalad sultans favored fleet captains and a devoted friend.
and the druzir an ineffective puppet, bribes to the vizar Many pashas have run afoul of Rysal Milar, and the only
controlling the sabban for the sultan keep all things reason many fear to take revenge is his hulking first
possible for the Nine Pashas. mate, constant companion, and bodyguard the half-
ogre Tumak (NG hogm F9) whom he saved from Man-
ES6 House: Yuzas Selim el Donar shakas arenas.
2-story Class B building
Erar Sabban; Tynars Drudach. This well-kept house has ES10 Temple: The Sorcerers Hand
the air of new prosperity with recent improvements and 3-story Class A building with partial minaret
the beginnings of a minaret attached to the back of the Erar Sabban; Tynars Drudach. Temple to Azuth. The
house. The yuzas Donar, the captain of the local am- impressive nature of this massive building is most evi-
lakkhan (LE hm F5), recently gained this promotion and dent inside at sunset. At sunset each day, the sunlight
purchased this former pashas house. Many know Selims that has shone on the minarets dome is transformed
true source for his improving lifestyle are the bribes from into magical energy and the many carved symbols of
various pashas and costers involved in moving contraband Azuth glow, illuminating all areas inside the temple.
into the Upper City through the drudach under his watch.
ES 11 City Building/Site: Tynars Square
ES7 Villa: Pasha Tehibi Public well and square
2-story Class A building Erar Sabban; Tynars Drudach. This open square near
Erar Sabban; Tynars Drudach. The home of one of the the center of the drudach provides a well for public use.
Nine Pashas, Pasha Alim el Tehibi (CE hm C2 of Xvim) Flanking the square on three sides are the temples of
recently became friends with Khiber yn Makal el Azuth, Helm, and Talos. This square and drudach got
Wisynn, the nightwatch commander of the Great Bazaar, the name Tynars when the honest merchant Tynar
and has been making efforts to buy out his Wisynns part- died a martyrs death at the hands of a mob here more
ners (with aid from the pashas vampire friend). than 400 years ago. While the fourth face of the square
once hosted a church of Waukeen, it has long since
ES8 Temple/Minaret: Lightnings Tower fallen and never been restored. The other temples en-
4-story Class B minaret dure and their proselytes walk the square at all tunes,
Erar Sabban; Tynars Drudach. Temple to Talos. Also preaching to minor merchants and passersby of the
called the Screaming Tower by its clergy (after their glory of their temples.
gods home), Lightnings Tower is an impressive black
marble construct with balconies marked by the silver, ES12 Temple: The Gauntlet Guardant
gold, and white marble trios of lightning bolts adorning 3-story Class B building
their fronts. While opulent and well made, this temple Erar Sabban; Tynars Drudach. Temple to Helm.
is centuries old and its upkeep has been less than per-
fect, as evidenced by the crumbling parapets and Ill-fit- ES 13 Amlakkhan/City Building: Amlakkhan Badjit
ting doors. Its high priest, Jabal el Caritir (LE hm P12 3-story Class C building:
Talos), is far quieter than most expect a storm-herald to Erar Sabban; Badjit Drudach.
be, but his warnings of doom to those who treat him and
his flock ill come true more often than not.
ES 19 Guildhall/Tavern: The Everfull Jack
2-story Class B building with 3-story minaret.
Erar Sabban; Badjit Drudach. Headquarters of the
Entertaining Society of Taverners.
Until that time, this temple is filled with supplicants, skilled TD 10 Business: Gharabs Jewels
masseuses, and excesses that make even Calishites blush. 3-story Class B building
Erar Sabban; Taorahl Drudach.
Taorahl Drudach TD14 Khanduq and Bazaar: The Eye Tyrants Khanduq
aorahl Drudach nestles in amongst the outer walls of 2-story Class C building
the sabban, comfortably wedged against Wizard Ward Erar Sabban; Taorahl Drudach. So named due to a pet-
and the shipyard walls of Hook Ward. Taorahl Drudach is the rified beholder mounted proudly as the arched main
easternmost drudach of the three, and its wide streets lead gates keystone, the Eye Tyrants Khanduq is the heart of
from the edge of the Ajvent Sabban (shipyards) and the the bazaar in Taorahl Drudach. The khanduq is small
docks to the walls of Tarshaj Sabban in adjoining Wizard compared to many across Calimport, but its functions
Ward. This drudach is commonly called the Twelvetors Dru- compare to like services in any khanduq, no matter the
dach, as 12 minarets dominate the skyline. Three are am- size or opulence. (DMs can use this khanduq as the
lakkhan minaret posts, six attach to rich villas, and the three baseline layout for all khanduqs in Calimport.)
remaining towers belong to temples in this neighborhood. Of The khanduq itself seems relatively plain in its mud-
all the Hook Ward drudachs, this one is the safest at night brick appearance, though some remnants of earlier mo-
due to more guards, clean streets, and an incorruptible sultan. saics and brick patterning remains from long ago. The
The syl-pasha recently selected this drudach to become an building is actually U-shaped, but a barbican gate fills
area for embassies specifically set up to gain foreign alliances in the entrance area to close the khanduq as a square. The
commerce and politics. Many of the pashas both like and dis- gate is a double portcullis with two doors that can be
like this, for it automatically places outsiders at an undeserved blocked from within the khanduq; six guards (each a
social status above so many of our own but it also opens up F(1d6) with a scimitar, two daggers, and hand axe) re-
new opportunities for them to do business with prospects once main at the gate at all times, a pair each atop the para-
too far from their reach. The most strident complaints come pet and a pair at either portcullis. The gates are open to
from those who wished to claim the housing that the em- all from sunrise to sunset, and invited guests alone enter
bassies now fill. the khanduq after the gates have closed for the night.
Anyone climbing the walls of the khanduq risks instant
The Embassies death from the rooftop guards.
These beautiful houses or villas provide free living space for visit- The ground floor is typical of all khanduqs: A central
ing dignitaries and officials of various foreign powers. Visitors soon courtyard holds a public well and a side trough for ani-
learn that local pashas and businessmen spend great sums of mals. The khanduq is open around and above the well,
money to endear themselves to new business, and the use of these with roofs covering the rooms along the outer walls.
embassies allows some measure of safety and control over these The ground-floor rooms and stalls hold many animals,
meetings. As so many are eager to please the guests of the city, the from mounts to draft oxen in six separate stables. Four
local businesspeople provide most of the food and drink, having it warehouses for rent (often to those whose tents fill the
brought it from surrounding taverns and inns. It is an understood surrounding bazaar) that span both floors; and the area
social rule, however, that any who occupy one of the embassy directly across from the gate is the pashas house-the
houses must sponsor a gala at the residence a night or two before private house of Pasha Vaadalen (N hm F0), the dour,
departing. Everyone settles any final business then, and the local secretive owner of the Eye Tyrants Khanduq.
pashas and social climbers get one last chance to endear them- The second floor of the khanduq provides a covered
selves (or slander their political enemies) to other powers. balcony along which the pashas many guests and asso-
In general, visiting officials bring their own guards and ciates can walk and discuss business. There are other
servants, but the mercenaries guild always insists on no less rooms above, which are rented out as bazaar stalls on a
than 25 guards per embassy for his eminences safety, of daily basis (though most take care to pay in advance to
course, and provide more than enough warriors to fill these hold onto their locations). The second floor of the
guard contingents. While the current method has trusted ser- pashas domicile holds offices where he does business
vants traveling with and providing for their masters upon ar- with khanduq visitors, living quarters for himself and
rival here, more binding and successful relations may set up his family (or jhasinas), and a room where the pashas
permanent ambassadors and their support staffs herein. All and any visitors valuables are stored.
parties agree this step is at least a year off, but visits from the The shops and tents of the Eye Tyrants Khanduq are
Thayvian and Cormyrean trade delegates occur with greater attached either to its outer walls or form temporary, nar-
frequency each month. row streets among the wider avenues that once led great
caravans into the structure. None of those businesses business, Nur plans to take the matter up with the sab-
are much more than Class D buildings of one level that balad. Until that time, Majaan Silvers still delivers
provide both sales and living space to their proprietors. quality silverwork at reasonable prices.
Some of the more notable businesses are: Fadilas Slippers and Boots (In TD14): Fadila el
Ranils Rugs and Tapestries (In TD14): While this Voexil (NE hf F0) is the aging widow whose name
shop has the prime sales spot in the khanduq on the sec- adorns the khanduq shop, though she has little to do
ond Boor (next to the pashas home), Ranil (LN hm F0) with the making or sale of these wares. Her fraternal-
gains few riches from his excellent weaving. He owes twin grandchildren Harun (N hm C1 of Sharess) and
more than 300 bicenta to the pasha from his gambling Oma (NG hf B1) make and sell the shoes capably, but
at El Ghaelidah, and has become, in effect, an inden- their hearts are not in their work. Fadilas reputation of
tured servant creating rich tapestries for the pashas being able to create a copy of any footwear brought into
home in lieu of rent for his stall. Ranils pride does not her store comes to mind only among those old enough
allow him to go to his uncle, Butrys Cineda (LG hm to remember Fadilas long-lost youth.
M14), in Wizard Ward either to gain the money to The Yuadarzah Scimitars (TD11): While Nadim el
repay the losses or to turn one of his luxurious carpets Tuvok (CE hm T5) rarely wears a pleasant face or
into a flying carpet (the real reason the pasha is applying speaks a kind word, his scimitars and jambiyas are of a
the pressure on Ranil). quality with which few argue. His prices, however, re-
Maajan Silvers (In TD14): Nur yn Adan el Maajan flect both his understanding of his work and his ugly
(LE hm F0) is a broken old man. The silversmlths shop temper, and those who argue with him (beyond the
in the Eye Tyrants Bazaar that remained in his familys simple haggling expected throughout Calimshan) about
hands for the past century now lies under the control of his prices sometimes find themselves on the business
Pasha Vaadalen due to Nurs defaulted loans (which end of the products they wish to purchase.
were really sliver serving dishes the pasha kept refusing Wandas Silken Fineries (TD12): Wanda Sildenmar
to accept due to poor quality despite pre-payment). (NE hef M6) runs this shop, often wearing some of her
While his four sons and two daughters urge that drastic products to heighten interest in her raw silk scarves,
action be taken against the pasha who has stolen their veils, and curtains (if not bolts of silk, which take some
time to collect). While hiding very little with her loose, during the Eye Tyrant Wars. The legend says that
diaphanous garb, she conceals her slightly tapered elf Kamal the Strong, interrupted in his work, picked up
ears under her long auburn curls and never uses magic and threw his anvil directly into a beholders central
openly in public. A young widow originally from Iriae- eye, killing it. The anvil still serves its original purpose
bor, she remains in Calimport to secretly learn more today, and while Khaadil puts little stock in the story, it
magic and to potentially learn of the location of any brings him customers and thus the legend continues.
Shoon artifacts such as the Living Gem. The ironwork he does is satisfactory, but the true reason
The Yoxens Yield Leathers (TD13): This tannery people come to Khaadil are for his small round shields
and leather-goods store provides raw leather and fin- with the beholder etched onto the shining metal.
ished goods at cheap prices. Kahal el Mekkar (CE hm
C3 of Shar) uses the high amount of traffic his business TD27 Tavern: The Jet Jambiya
thus receives to establish as many contacts and collect 2-story Class C building
any information he can for the Temple of Old Night Erar Sabban; Taorahl Drudach. There are two internal
and its high priests. taprooms for use during inclement weather, but most
Saids Herbs and Unguents (TD15): This tiny stall folk referring to the Jet Jambiya are talking either of the
attracts attention both by its strong aromas of fresh open-air courtyard that the G-shaped building encloses
herbs and spices and the loud bellows of the diminutive or the magical blade that hovers in the air above the
Tragas el Adhamen (NE halfm T6). The wily halfling is courtyard. The place is clean, prices are moderate to ex-
a contact point for many seeking the owner, Pasha pensive (but only if nonguild affiliated drinks are or-
Daud el Vehmet, who lives in Najja Sabban (W1) and dered on the sly, and only after the staff knows you or
ventures here rarely. Many clients believe Tragas to be gains at least 50 gp in bribes), and the food is good.
Said, and he does not dissuade them. A meeting place from sundown to sunup, it is famous
The halfling knows that Daud takes him for granted, for its safety and usefulness as neutral territory for all.
and much of what Tragas learns for the pasha (as well as Should any weapons (beyond the clubs of the staff) flash
the names or faces of those seeking him and his help in free of scabbards or sheathes, the magical jambiya that
acquiring spell components) he also sells to Laakas, a hovers 40 feet above the courts central fountain flashes
wererat contact in the Muzad (through whom Voraya toward that weapon and magically absorbs it without
the lamia noble hears the information). fail. The jambiya then just as quickly returns to its nor-
Shields Italazar (TD16): Kahim el Tunril (N hm F2; mal position. Legend has it that the jambiya has no sub-
Str 16) is a slim man who seems more suited to a life of stance and is a portable hole with some modicum of in-
wizardry and scholarship rather than that of the forge telligence, and it has swallowed some mighty weapons
and armory. His wiry strength undoes many larger foes such as the Beljureled Blade of Nazir Rabir, Samark the
in arm-wrestling matches at the Jet Jambiya (see Staff of Screams, the Four Daggers of Delvenahr, and
below), and his craftsmanship in armor makes his work even Giisan the White Sash of Sorcerers.
a desired commodity. While he and his staff are often
busy with orders for sets of armor for various pashas TD2 City Building: Amlakkhan Taorahl
guards at all times, an intriguing challenge in armor- 3-story Class C building:
making may get Kahims attention. This is especially Erar Sabban; Taorahl Drudach. The Yuzas Tasyn el
true if the job shows him new things, such as fixing an- Fadaffed (CE hm dual F3/M5) gained this post early this
cient elven or Kozakuran armor or creating identical, year due to political maneuvers with the Nine Pashas
replacement pieces (of which he always makes a third trading coster and the sultans vizar. A vicious and petty
for himself as a model). Kahims prize possession is a suit man whose military career ended in an ugly tavern
of elven chain mail someone left with him for a copy in brawl 11 years ago, Tasyn turned to learning magic and
common mail, but the customer never returned for it. now revels in being a bully with far more power. About
Kahim seeks to elevate his craft to that of elf armor- a third of his men follow his example and abuse their in-
smiths, and he learns more each tenday. fluence and power, while the others wait. Loyal soldiers
The Anvil of Twelve Eyes (TD17): This dirty smithy all, they look forward to the day the attention of the sul-
seems to be of little import aside from its ironwork prod- tan comes to bear on the corrupt yuzas.
ucts. However, local legends tell that its name comes
from an ancestor of Khaadil el Faddam (N hm F2), the TD3 Festhall: Veiled Glances
current owner and smith, who slew a beholder during 3-story Class C building
an early attempted invasion of the city from the Muzad Erar Sabban; Taorahl Drudach.
TD4 Guildhall: Furlesahdah wall (once used to hide contraband before Tomeds ar-
4-story Class B building rival). Tomed (N hm F0) knows of this, but he does not
Erar Sabban; Taorahl Drudach. Headquarters of the share this information with anyone, for one of the three
Shipwrights Guild. chambers has a clairaudience effect that relays all the
talk within the taproom of Chedlaras Kisses (TD36),
TD30 City Building: The Cormyrean Embassy no matter how softly whispered. Tomed has learned
3-story Class A building many secrets by sitting in this room and listening in-
Erar Sabban; Taorahl Drudach. While not classified as a tently, but he does not sell any information for fear of
villa, low glazed-brick walls enclose the front gardens of the spies guild forcing him to join and reveal his se-
this white marble house. At the center of the gardens and crets. He acts on gossip only to help friends and to upset
circumnavigated by a brick path is a wide fountain of his rivals.
white marble, its basin decorated with the mosaic of a pur-
ple dragon. Originally built by a pasha for his homesick TD1 City Building/Garrison: Sadidah Taorahl
Cormyrean wife, dragons and wyverns adorn nearly all as- 3-story Class C building:
pects of the house, from support pillars to door knobs. Erar Sabban; Taorahl Drudach.
While each of the other embassies here has stylistic
and structural differences, all are three stories tall and TD33 Business: Meleks Fine Silks and Textiles
have offices, meeting rooms, and living quarters for no 3-story Class C building
less than three dignitaries and their families. These Erar Sabban; Taorahl Drudach.
quarters can be set to provide private and secure quar-
ters for up to 12 individuals of import. There are also TD6 Inn: The Oasis of the White Jonquil
kitchens, pantries, slaves (or servants) quarters in the 4-story Class C building
cellar, and a grand hall wherein many parties occur. Erar Sabban; Taorahl Drudach.
Currently, the fourth son of the noble Illance clan,
Jhartos Illance (NE hm F4) and his elder cousin, Cap- TD36 Inn: Chedlaras Kisses
tain Mallik Illance (LN hm R7), reside here. Mallik 4-story Class B building
hates Calimport but his duties as the seventh in line for Erar Sabban; Taorahl Drudach.
the clans lordship and as one of its few ship owners had
him bring his troublesome and dour cousin here. Jhar- TD5 Row House: The Chawals House
tos, as third in line for his fathers position, sees little 5-story Class B building
opportunity in Cormyr but revels in the attentions and Erar Sabban; Taorahl Drudach.
excesses thrust upon him here in Calimport. Mallik has
been establishing trade ties with more honest mer- TD22 Tavern: The Golden Haired Harpy
chants whose products are salable in Cormyr, but Jhar- Erar Sabban; Taorahl Drudach. Golden Sands-owned
tos foolishly buys into the many sycophants around him tavern.
and his alliances favor only his friends in Calimport,
not his family business. TD37 Warehouse: Green Wyvern Trade Company
3-story Class C building
TD24 City Building: The Thayvian Embassy Erar Sabban; Taorahl Drudach. This brand-new,
3-story Class A building white-washed warehouse dazzles viewers on sunny days,
Erar Sabban; Taorahl Drudach. its green wyvern emblazoned on a plaque over its main
double doors. The warehouses second and third floors
TD25 City Building: The Shou Embassy are devoted to its owners trading coster, while the first
3-story Class A building floor has spaces for rent which are usually filled with the
Erar Sabban; Taorahl Drudach. nearby embassies imported goods.
TD34 Business/Row House: Tomeds Locks and Chains TD32 Inn: Seven Draughts
4-story Class C building 3-story Class C building
Erar Sabban; Taorahl Drudach. Strangely for a small Erar Sabban; Taorahl Drudach. The proprietor Javir yn
ground-level shop dedicated to security, Tomeds shop Zamar el Hosaan (NG hm F9; Str 17) was a former
abuts the sabban wall and provides a secret door into amlak officer in Sojrab Sabban, but he retired four years
the isolated chambers inside and beneath the sabban ago and now runs one of the most prosperous inns in
Hook Ward (due to the safety he and his aides provide).
The inns taproom is a favored spot for adventurers and
off-duty amlakkar, and Javir keeps the peace among the
disparate groups that frequent his establishment.
dining and dancing halls, and these lower buildings of that line died out seven years ago and the villa came
have golden domes atop their roofs as well as marble- into the hands of the syl-pasha. Most notably, it is the
covered screened walkways leading into the main final resting place of the wizard and lich Kadiva the Jade
house. Pasha Kyel (LE hm F0) lives within the minaret Jhasina (LE hef M16), who was destroyed in the Year of
in the central building. Glazed in gold on the outside, the Shrike (1196 DR) though her phylactery was never
the dazzling round minaret provides the slavemaster found. Her ashen remains lie sealed in a platinum genie
and contraband-smuggling druzir a way to showcase his lamp inside a floor crypt within the khamarkha.
wealth in addition to his gold-threaded silk robes and
eight rings. Among the most paranoid of the pashas, TD35 Villa: Ralbahr Tahyr el Pesarkhal
Kyel has survived more than a dozen assassination at- 3-story Class A buildings
tempts in the past 20 years only by luck, and he leaves Erar Sabban; Taorahl Drudach. The Sultans Palace, as
his villa only when surrounded by at least a dozen per- this compact and spartan villa has become, gleams
sonal bodyguards. brightly in the sun. Its solid, squat construction only at-
tracts the eye due to the ornate mosaics covering the
TD26 Minaret: Pasha Baadilhaela granite-block walls. Of the three villas Tahyr controls in
6-story Class A minaret this sabban alone (of nine in all throughout Hook
Erar Sabban; Taorahl Drudach. Considered slightly Ward), this is the simplest, which is why he chooses
ghoulish in taste and mood, this elegant eight-sided here to live. A former vizars villa directly attached to
minaret mimics a nearly identical tower khamarkha in the villa of Sabbalad Khomaya, this palace suits the
Memnon. The mosaics that cover the entire surface of sultan well when he is in town, rather than off at sea.
the minaret have cats of all sizes in all manner of activi- This spartan attitude is understood by few in the sultans
ties and poses. The dominant colors of both the cats and family, least of all his sister.
the mosaics are black on a scarlet red field. As cats are
most associated with cemeteries and the dead and el
Baadihaela is hardly known for a sunny disposition, the
Minaret of Cats casts long shadows, and only those of the
Major Erar NPCs
darkest temperaments enjoy the look of this building.
W hile hundreds of NPCs could be detailed for use in the
Erar campaign, the most prominent and influential
TD31 Villa: Vizar Khomaya NPCs of the three drudachs appear below.
3- and 4-story Class A buildings
Erar Sabban; Taorahl Drudach. This villa is among the Syl-Pasha Ralan el Pesarkhal
larger ones of the ward, and Vizar and acting Sabbalad (NE hm dual M7/T12) The ruler of all Calimshan is not young,
Khomaya (LE hem F8/M8) bursts with pride at the ex- though his appearance belies this fact, Born in Manshaka over
pensive home bequeathed to him. The main mansion is sixty years ago, Ralan has allowed himself to age in appearance
as large as most estates, and the vizar throws many lav- slightly since his ascension to the Calephs Throne. His long hair,
ish parties for his political allies and to appease his wife, black as night aside from some white along the temples, the syl-
the sultans younger sister Raqiil (CE hf F0). Many say pasha is a lean, powerful figure on the throne, a look in sharp con-
the sultan allows his vizar the latitude and trust he does trast to the many fat pashas beneath him (and those syl-pashas that
as his brother-in-law and due to the fact that he refuses preceded him). Many describe him as inscrutable, while others see
his sister nothing, despite the many warnings his friends a smile that make asps jealous with its hidden warnings.
tell him of the pairs illegal dealings that undermine his Not a constant presence here in Erar Sabban, the syl-
authority. He even refuses to believe that the shrine to pasha of pashas and grand caleph of Calimshan visits here
Azuth in the upper level of the mansion is actually a more often than any sabban other than those of the Palace
ruse. In truth, it is a shrine to Xvim the Tyrantson, and and Grand Wards. He presents himself whenever a new digni-
Sultan Tahyr refuses even to try to dispel the illusions tary or emissary of noble birth arrives in one of the embassies,
around the shrine. which is an astonishing change in Calishite etiquette, since
The khamarkha at the rear of the villa grounds is all others can wait for months before gaining a personal audi-
equally massive and expensively decorated. Its tomb ence with the syl-pasha. Since the syl-pasha shows this much
doors are cast of solid mithral and open only to the interest in endeavors to curry favor with foreign powers, the
touch of a priest of Lathander, upon the great sun em- many levels of power within Calimport turn more attention
blazoned on the doors. This khamarkha was built to to Erar Sabban than ever (which exactly fits Ralans plans
house the honored dead of the Kiilatar clan, but the last and manipulations).
Sultan Tahyr el Pesarkhal Raqiil yr Pesarkhal el Khomaya
(CG hm F8; Dex 18) Tahyr yn Ralan el Pesarkhal is many (CE hf F0) Many consider this woman of a score and three
things, from the second son of the syl-pasha to sultan of Hook winters the most beautiful woman in Erar Sabban. The
Ward and ralbahr of the Nallojal. He is a lithe, strong man of buxom daughter of the syl-pasha and wife of Sabbalad
much grace, and they say he is as at home among the ships rig- Khomaya rarely donates as much time to any task other than
ging as he is on a broad sabban byway. His pleasant demeanor maintaining her appearance. She wears no other colors beyond
commands loyalty among his troops and Hook Ward citizens as shades of red and gold, which heighten the impact of her
it hides Tahyrs disdain for the many corrupt pashas and such chestnut brown eyes and her light brown hair. As enamored
beneath him. Unlike most Calishite men, the sultan keeps his with jewelry as her husband of six years, Raqiil prefers large
hair unbound and long, well past shoulder length, and his beard gems lightly glued to her body, filigreed chains twining among
is a close-trimmed goatee and mustache rather than a full beard. her earrings and hair, ankle bracelets, and toe rings (one of
Tahyr is a more trustworthy friend than any dare ask for in which is a ring of invisibility).
Calimshan, and he has spent the last few years adjusting the Daughter of Syl-Pasha Ralan and his favored jhasina (at
posts of sabbalads and druzirs beneath him to find people he that time) Symari, Raqiil learned at an early age to manipu-
can trust. It is a slow process, but he works at it quietly and late people to get what she wanted. Barely acknowledged by
without fanfare (to avoid his fathers notice). Only his love for her father, Raqiil sought the approval of her older brothers
his younger sister blinds him to his greatest threat in Khomaya, and sisters. Like typical Calishite families, the children of
his brother-in-law and syl-vizar of Hook Ward. Tahyr spends at one mother rarely accepted their half-siblings. Of the eight
least two months of the year at sea, and his enemies await children of Symari, Raqiil is the eldest survivor of five; after
those days to strengthen their positions in his absence. the slaughter of her brothers, some of the older children of
Ralan brought them in to protect the syl-pashas family from
Sabbalad Khomaya outsiders. Tahyr, the second eldest, took a special liking to
(LE hem F8/M8; Ch 17) Handsome and affable, Abon el the flighty-seeming Raqiil and loves his little sister unequiv-
Khomaya has a smile that bedazzles his prey and charisma ocally. With no remorse or guilt. Raqiil manipulates her
enough to sway all but the most shrewd. Clean-shaven and al- brother easily and covers both her and her husbands activi-
ways wearing a keffiyeh (to hide his severely receding hair- ties with lies that only the blind Tahyr accepts. Raqiils
line), Abon has a broad jaw and strong features that make his motivating factor is a desire to rule and control, and she uses
disarming smile all the more impressive. He also has a pen- her looks and intelligence to get others to do what she
chant for jewelry, constantly wearing large amulets, three ear- wantsa task that has rarely proven difficult for her.
rings in each ear, two rings on each hand, and bejeweled brac-
ers. None know for certain of they are magical, so most assume
so; the sabbalad wears bracers of defense AC4, a greenstone
amulet, a ring of regeneration, and a ring of chameleon power.
The sabbalad made his fortunes in moneylending and
moneychanging, parlaying his guild influences into a druzirs
then a vizars post among the port sabbans. Upon his mar-
riage to Raqiil yr Ralan el Pesarkhal, Abon became fast
friends with her elder brother, the new sultan of the soon-
formed Hook Ward. The vizar still manages a number of
moneylending services, but his primary focus is acting as syl-
vizar over Hook Ward during the sultans absences, control-
ling Erar Sabban at all times, and slowly and imperceptibly
undermining the sultans power base with the aid of Raqiil.
He dares not have Tahyrs loyal friends (who all warn him
about Khomaya) assassinated, but he has set wheels in mo-
tion to discredit them socially and politically, thus making
them political liabilities to the sultan (and weakening his po-
sitions further).
Druzir Aban el Yedat Yedat, Taarin ostensibly travels to Erlkazar and Deneirs holy
(NG hm P12 of Azuth) Druzir of Badjit Drudach, this stiff- cathedral of Soaring Spirit there with regular ecclesiastical
necked old man seems out of place with the rowdy throng in his work between the two churches. She relays information
drudach. As the First of the Sorcerers Hand (ES10), el Yedats about all the doings about Calimshan to High Scrivener
priestly duties often take precedence over his secular druzirs Cadderly and others, including the local Harpers and Her-
job, though he rarely delegates duties of this sort to his assis- alds. While within Calimshans borders, Taarin maintains
tants and vizars. Aban appears as a bald-headed, white-bearded her docile disguise, but she is certainly capable of defending
old man who needs a staff to walk even remotely upright herself verbally and physically. It merely seems prudent to all
(though few suspect it is a staff of command). Even though he concerned that she continue the masquerade and leave her-
has opposed a number of the other Erar power players in the self hiding in plain sight.
past, all respect the First for his prowess in magic and his ties to Pasha Ghasael (ES2): Inheritor of one of the greatest
Azuth. Even though he has disrupted criminal activities in his private libraries on early Calishite history, Pasha Akim el
drudach, no reprisals touch him due to his numerous contacts Ghasael (NE hm C4) is a noted sage (Calishite ancient his-
throughout the city, not the least of which are his own sultan tory and genie lore), cleric, and information broker to all
and no less than seven high ranking Guild Arcane members. who can afford his fees. Since a recent visit to Deneirs
Yedat stays involved in the citys political arenas for two temple at the Scholars Priory, he relentlessly pursues the far
reasons: Sultan Tahyr trusts him and needs his input to keep younger Taarin in hopes of gaining her for a wife. His obses-
more corruption out of the ward; and Aban is a Harper ally. sions almost urge him to unleash his greatest family heirloom
For more than 30 years, information on Calimport and its ac- to gain her: a ring of djinni summoning (though the simple
tivities (political and otherwise) funneled through Abans ownership of one within Calimshan is a capital crime).
church, allied priests of Deneir, and other allies among the Pasha Modiminah (ES1): This pasha is one of the Nine
Nallojal. With many ways of disguising information and the Pashas, a local trading coster from which he derives much
efficiency of this network of agents as set up long ago by the money. Barak el Modiminah (LE hm F3) is also one of the
druzir, this is one of the primary links between the Cloaks and primary allies and agents in Calimport of Sammereza
information brokers in the south and the Harpers in the north. Sulphontisa long-time secret Lord of Waterdeep and
younger brother to the aged and dying Pasha Sufontis of
Shyk Hassan yn Jafar el Saffar Trades Ward. Barak arranges for much of the Sufontis trade
(NE hm F7) This seemingly happy shyk commands the garrison to move north to Waterdeep, indebted as he is to the far-
of Farisan elite troops that protect the embassies of Taorahl Dru- away man who saved his life long ago.
dach. Born of Tethyrian and Calishite parents, Hassan is lighter Pasha Baadilhaela (TD26) and Khariyl the Winged
skinned than his troops, but political connections from Pasha (TD6): The feud between these two wizards spans more than a
Saffar of Grand Ward gained him this post and rank far more decade, and not a season goes by without the two of them facing
swiftly than normal. The emerald-eyed warrior has a reputation off angrily in a tavern (or spectacularly in spell battles above the
for swift and decisive response to any provocations. He also ac- sabban). Khariyl (CC hem M13) accuses the more politically
cepts bribes to allow access to the embassies and dignitaries at powerful Pasha Baadhihaela (NE hm LM 14) of assassinating their
odd times, but only with the permission of said dignitaries (who former teacher and stealing much of his magical library and ac-
are on the lookout for multiple business options or merely want coutrements. The pasha admits nothing, though the darker
to participate in cut-and-thrust Calishite intrigues). Hassan lets magic this alleged sage of botany and herbalism slings against his
people past his guards for suitable proof of their good intentions foe and his flying carpet seems to support some of Khariyls accu-
toward the visitors (in other words, a bribe of at least 100 sations. Their political connections stalemate each other, so
bicenta). As the troops share in the profits, none choose to men- their feud remains, as ever, between the two of them.
tion these indiscretions to any higher-ups, least of all the sultan. Taor Adhalan (TD7): Innkeeper of the Silver Circles,
this former Tethyrian slave and bouncer gained his freedom
Other NPCs of Interest and this inn with the death of the kindly (yet greedy) Halan
There are always far many more people around than one can el Vhomaal. Taor (N hm F5) has built the inns reputation as
get to know well, but here is a smattering of those within Tao- an adventurers place, which both attracts the expected
rahl Drudach that the PCs may meet at regular intervals, rogues and wanderers and the all-too-frequent amlakkar look-
should they venture into the right places. ing for someone to blame. Taor could easily upgrade the inn,
Underpriest Taarin (TD29): While seeming to be the but too much money goes to bribes for Yuzas Fadaffed and his
most meek and mild-mannered of priests, Taarin el Busym amlakkar to leave his patrons alone. He also has a good busi-
(LN hf P3 of Deneir) is actually a heroine dancing on the ness (and personal) relationship with the Blue Wyrms propri-
razors edge. Working with her own abbot and Druzir Aban el etress. She sends her customers over to the inn when they
need a place to stay, and he helps out when her patrons get haela had him blinded and his library destroyed more than
too rowdy. Secretly, the pair brew their own ale rather than 10 years ago, Butrys still retains much of his knowledge due
pay for Golden Sands products, and Taors heavy bribes keep to an eidetic memory and a once-magnificent library on elves
this hidden for now. and their history in the Empires of the Shining Sea. Where
Meriel el Gaaran (TD8): Widowed owner of the Blue he once commanded princely sums for his lore, all it costs
Wyrm, the lovely Meriel (N hf C2 of Sharess) once danced now is a night of ale.
among the clergy of the Festhall of Eternal Delight before she Melek el Veryn (TD2, 8): A young man just beginning
became Tomed el Gaarans wife. Tomed died in what all his career among the amlakkar. Melek (CC hm F2) already
knew to be a staged knife fight a few days after he threw a grows tired of the soldiers life and the expectations his mon-
pashas drunk son out into mud far beneath his station, and eyed family has for him once his rank rises to a point where
only the sultans swift intervention kept Pasha Baadilhaela he can be of more use to them. When off duty, Melek avoids
from either claiming or destroying the Blue Wyrm. Meriel is most of his amlakkar associates and gravitates to the Blue
a bitter, brittle woman aging faster than her years, and only Wyrm to hear tales of dungeons and dangers. Melek would
the kindness of her daughter, neighbors, and Taor keep her abandon the amlakkar to venture to the exciting North . . . if
spirits up. only he had the courage to begin.
Hala (TD8): M eriel and Tomeds daughter, Hala (NG hf Musar Maryn el Eramor (TD2, 8): Maryn (LE hem
F0) is a spritely young girl of 16 years who can hold her own F3/M3) Melek's immediate superior and (as he sees it) his
against the adventurers that frequent the Blue Wyrms tap- mentor. The arrogant but still affable musar (sergeant) con-
room. Her most striking feature is her brilliant red hair, stantly seeks the spotlight and brazenly shows off his half-elf
which she wears in a waist-length ponytail (weighted within ears and talents, much to the chagrin of Yuzas Fadaffed.
by lead, to be swung as a club against any overzealous hands). While a bit hard-hearted at times, Maryn honestly likes
She and Jabal have a series of hand signals to identify Melek and some of his friends at the Blue Wyrm, and both
troublemakers. have begun thinking life might be better out from under the
Jabal (TD8): M eriels oldest friend is the hunchbacked oppressive amlak yuzas they both serve.
Jabal (LN hm F3; Str 18(35)), whom she found in the streets Tasyn (ES5): A person of the shadows and the streets, no
and took in out of pity. The lad grew strong, though his one knows if Tasyn (NE hm T3) ever had another name or
misshapen back never allowed him to stand upright. Still, title. Now, he works for Pasha Tehibi and he wanders all of
with biceps as large as most peoples heads, Jabal has been Erar Sabban spying on people and places for his master.
Meriels and Halas most loyal (and effective) defender for Tasyn is a weakling and he covers away from physical con-
more than 20 years. He likes Taor Adhalan of the Silver frontations, but he gains his revenge by planting rumors in the
Circles immensely, though the innkeeper still flinches when right peoples ears about anyone who crosses him. Thus
he looks at the hulking Jabal. weasel in human form has even betrayed his own master by
Butrys the Blind (TD8): One of the regulars at the Blue reporting much about his activities to the alluring Voraya in
Wyrm is Butrys (CN hm F0), a blind drunkard who was once Calimport Muzad.
a sage and longtime friend of Tomed. Though Pasha Baadil-
The Armory
agic and corruption flow equally thick through the streets of Calimport, and
there are more unique magical items in this city than in any other, excluding
perhaps Silverymoon and Waterdeep. Below are a variety of items and arti-
facts, all with histories as impressive as their powers. Their appearances are
detailed, and those appearances are some of the reasons many items are lost to
those who seek them. The importance of tale-telling has often changed the legendary appear-
ance of an item for a story, and folk sometimes forget what the item in question actually looks
like or exactly what it truly does. Thus, given the elaborate nature of Calishite legends and
myths, many folk are often disappointed when they find Maryns Maul, an item with alleged
world-shattering powers, only to discover it to be a common hammer of thunderbolts.
Battlecloak of Vycaena
W hile appearing as a common but voluminous cloak of emerald-green silk trimmed with
gold thread, the Battlecloak of Vycaena is notable only by its clasps. Made of thick gold
with a tiny emerald set at the center of each, the clasps are large disks engraved with the sword-
and-shield seal of House Asada, a long-extinct Memnonite clan of Calimshans Seventh Age. A
small but strong gold chain that hooks behind the left disk links the disks.
History has lost the origin of the blood feud between House Asada and House Najjar of Alm-
raiven. All that can be uncovered is that the hatred began during the early decades of the Sixth
Century Dalereckoning, when both houses created items of power to aid their sons in the feud,
and that both houses were extinct by the end of the Seventh Age. Since their falls, the items ei-
ther have been destroyed or claimed by others; of them all, only the Battlecloak of Vycaena and
Najjars Cloak of Weaponry remain known to the modern Realms. Since the fall of El Asada, the
battlecloak has been worn by more than 200 warriors and priests, and it has traveled to such far-
away places as Luskan, Damara, and the Dragon Wall of Shou Lung.
The battlecloak magically provides an AC5 and a +1 saving throw bonus vs. spell. These ben-
efits are negated if any physical armor is worn beneath it. Its primary purpose, however, lies in
its golden clasps, which can magically store one sword (up to bastard sword size) and shield (up
to large, round shields) inside the clasps, hidden from view. All the wearer needs to do is touch
the clasps (often by crossing his arms across his torso, right hand grabbing sword and left arm
taking the shield) to release the stored items. The sword and shield instantly materialize in the
wielders hands and can be summoned and used in the same round with only a +1 penalty to the
users initiative. While the stored items can be magical, they cannot exceed the size limits noted
above, nor can the disks store anything but one sword and one shield. Characters can place
their own weapons in the battlecloak, or it may be empty when found.
Last Known Location: The last confirmed sighting of the battlecloak was in the Battle for Kzel-
ter. Adanh yi Almraiven, a previously unremarkable Calishite mercenary with the Tethyrian
garrison, used his martial skills and the battlecloaks magic to great effect in holding the helmed
horrors and their priestly masters in the town square, allowing many other soldiers to flee their
fallen post. As Adanh did not survive the fall of Kzelter, the battlecloak is in the hands of Tel-
dorn Darkhope. Given his foreign birth and lack of historical knowledge, he likely does not
know realize the power of the item he holds and may simply be using it as a decorative cloak.
Codex themselves. There are seven separate enchantment proce-
dures involved in the creation of mosaics, and all must be cast
he Codex Thealnakkar is a 2-foot-square, brass-bound, Item Enchantment Spells listed in Volos Guide to All Things
massive tome created more than 1,000 years ago by the Magical, and they are more adaptations of those spells than in-
scholar-mage Thealnak of Memnon. While it also contains dividual spells of their own. Within Thealnaks tome, they
Thealnaks spellbook within its 70 stamped copper pages, the have informal names scribbled in the margins. These were
final 15 pages are made of carefully worked dlarun (a rare made more formal in the Pagina under the names below. The
metal of halfling origins), and these detail the enchanting and process of creating Calishite mosaics follows these enchant-
construction of what Thealnak called Savilars Mosaics, but ments in this order:
most generically call them Calishite mosaics (see below). Savilars Sanctifying Touch: The first stage purifies all the
Thealnak was a minor druzir within Memnon, and history components of the mosaic.
records his being a pleasant and honest fellow, at least in com- Savilars Atunement: This stage readies the materials to store
parison to his contemporaries. As the sole surviving appren- enchantments.
tice of the great mage Savilar of Talagath and a major wizard Savilars Imbuement: This stage allows materials to absorb
in his own right, it fell to Thealnak to record his masters spells cast upon them without having the spells activated dur-
greatest work. In fact, the knowledge of mosaic magic and the ing their castings. This is by far the longest of the stages, tak-
transferred ownership of the Codex to his Imperial Majesty ing days to cast (both Savilars enchantments and the actual
Shoon VII gave Thealnak the rulership of the Hakkamate of spells involved).
the Lake of Amin (modern Lake Weng in Amn). Savilars Ineffable Augmentation: The next step in the en-
Thealnaks spellbook was the bulk of the pages, and its chantment process magnifies the spell effects stored within
pages include the following spells: 1st dancing lights, detect materials.
magic, grease, hold portal, identify, magic missile, message, read Savilars Arcane Colors: This illusion enchantment sets a vi-
magic, shocking grasp, sleep; 2nd detect evil, deafness, fog cloud, sual field that shows where the mosaics are to be set and what
forget, irritation, mirror image, summon swarm; 3rd dispel they will appear as when complete. This enchantment lasts
magic, flame arrow, fly, hate, hold person, slow, vampiric touch; for two days or until the final stages, whichever occurs first; if
4th charm monster, contagion, dimension door, dweomerflow*, the Arcane Colors dissipate before the mosaics are set, it ruins
enchanted weapon, fumble, ice storm, solid fog, wall of ice; 5th all previous enchantments as well as the materials, and the
abeyance*, advanced illusion, Bigbys interposing hand, cone of whole process must be started anew.
cold, fabricate, focal stone*, passwall, seeming; 6th chain light- Savilars Shattering: This crucial stage takes the large pieces of
ning, contingency, death fog, ensnarement, programmed illusion; stone or metal and magically shatters them into the mosaic
7th delayed blast fireball, power word stun, spell turning; 8th shards needed for the artwork. The largest pieces formed dur-
antipathy-sympathy, binding, incendiary cloud, symbol; 9th en- ing this stage are the size of a mouses eye (a component of the
ergy drain, foresight, power word kill, prismatic sphere. spell) and each piece contains the full magic set during the
*Spells marked with an asterisk are detailed in Volos early stages. There is always a release of magic with the shat-
Guide to All Things Magical (TSR 09535). Those without this tering, primarily as a rainbow of light, and this purifies the
source can replace these spells with others. area wherein the mosaic is to be set.
The information on the rare Calishite mosaic enchant- Savilars Communion: With the caster now having all the raw
ments fills the final 15 pages of the tome. While many be- materials enchanted and ready for the final artworks creation,
lieve these pages contain full spells allowing them to swiftly this stage weaves the component materials & spells into a
master these magic, they are closer to workbooks and theo- beautiful, floating dance of magic and mosaic chips. While
retical notes on enchantments and how to adapt pre-existing some speculate this was a stage made to amuse the exhausted
enchantment methods to work for the communal mosaics. casters as the chips whirl and dance among winking lights and
The initial five pages discuss the basics of materials and sparkling webworks of magic, it is an important stage of bal-
their preparations for enchantment. Among the notes are ancing all the disparate materials and magic so they will not
discussions on stones and gems and other materials and how disrupt each other.
each is best suited for particular mosaic magic. For example, Savilars Stonedance: The final magic then weave the actual
lapis lazuli is necessary for any type of charm effects, while mosaic, drawing the materials out of the air (placed and hov-
turquoise chips or garnets are needed for any magic with of- ering there during the Communion) and placing them within
fensive (damage dealing) effects embedded in mosaics. the Arcane Colors enchantment. This stage can be under-
The second five pages discuss the primary enchantments taken as swiftly as one turn after the Communion is complete,
or an artisan-mage could take days completing the work. The Calishite mosaics
time depends both on the complexity of the magic embedded An almost unheard-of magical construct outside of the Empires of
in the mosaic, the size and complexity of the mosaic itself, and the Shining Sea, the ancient mages of the Shoon Imperium de-
the artistry of the caster. In the status-driven Calishite society, vised ways to embed magic into mosaic stoneworks, allowing mag-
the powers contained in the mosaics are often far less impor- ical effects to be placed on floors or within walls. Calishite mosaics
tant than the status reflected on their owners by the mosaics are a delicate but beautiful blending of magic and stonework that
beauty. often are static sites of magic almost like dead- or wild-magic
zones, yet they function as normal spells and Items. Saving throws
The final five pages provide additional spells and methods against the mosaic effects are at -1 if a person is in physical con-
by which the mosaic patterns can be disrupted, altered, or tact with the mosaic (-2 if touching by bare skin) and +1 if only
cancelled. Having been lost for many centuries, no reliable one extremity is in contact. Unless otherwise noted, the duration
information exists on these spells and alterations, though leg- of mosaic effects is generally 1d10 rounds (the effect sometimes
ends speak of spells that could layer magical effects in mo- continuing after contact with the mosaic has ended). Many offen-
saics to allow the casting of two or more spells in a round, al- sive effects (flame strikes, magic missiles, forcecage, etc.) are instan-
lowed preset spells to be activated by contact or mental ef- taneous and erupt upon contact (with an initiative rating of 2).
fort, or even spells that could set off all magic of the mosaics. In general, Calishite mosaics mimic spells and effects just as
This effect allegedly caused the utter destruction of Pasha magical wands and rings do. In other words, if an enchant-
Vaalahadins villa and ignited the firestorm that engulfed ment or magic can be used in rings or wands, it can be em-
Calimport in the Year of the Lynx (1189 DR). bedded with slight modifications into mosaic patterns. Ex-
amples of mosaics from the Shoon Imperium include:
The Pagina Savilara l mosaics of scrying: Contact with a particular formation within
The final section of the tome was once copied and made avail- the mosaic allows the caster to mentally scry the true thoughts
able to many mages of the Shoon Imperium as the Pagina Savi- of others in contact with the other parts of a room mosaic
lara at the order of the Qysara Shaani, as her advisors manipu- (such as a mosaic laid into the floor of an audience chamber).
lated her into revealing the many magical secrets kept by her l mosaics of sending: When casters touch these, an illusion of the
father Shoon VII. All copies of the Pagina are believed lost or caster arrives at any of the mentally-chosen other mosaics of
destroyed in the destruction following the end of Shoon rule. sending linked to it (or at least those that were known to the
Thus, the only complete source from which one could fully re- user). The illusion acts as a project image in terms of commu-
learn the enchantment of mosaics is the Codex. nication, allowing the illusion to act as eyes and ears but not
Last Known Location (Codex): After the Shoonach Con- allowing spellcasting at the sending site. In effect, this is
flagration, the blue wyrm Iryklagathra pillaged many areas merely a substitute for crystal ball scrying.
within Shoonach, and with few of a power to stop her, she l mosaics of shielding: Similar to the shield spell but larger than
claimed much of the magical and monetary treasures of the one person and acting in a radius, these mosaics still lie be-
realm. This foe of every Shoon qysar since Shoon VI stripped neath the beds of royalty in Tethyr and Calimshan. The shield
the royal treasuries and the Imperial Palace clean of much of can be activated either verbally after turning in to provide a
its worth, and among the treasures of the Shoon was the field of AC2 against attack, or it automatically can react to
Codes Thealnakkar. The few survivors of the numerous ad- missiles or certain magic spells from slaying the sleepers. This
venturers who tried to defeat Iryklagathra noted many great shield can also be set to protect rulers on thrones.
Shoon artifacts prominently floating atop her treasure hoard, l mosaics of spell-storing: If the person standing upon one of
and the Codex was among them. these mosaic knows the command words, she can merely walk
Last Known Location (Pagina): As stated above, no known to the mosaic, touch or step on it, and activate the spell as if
complete copies of the Pagina Savilara exist in Faern today. she wore a ring of spell-storing. These mosaics are rare, as one
However, Laeral Silverhand-Arunsun holds an incomplete use often revealed their location and spells, thus negating
copy of the first half of the Pagina in Blackstaff Tower in their surprise use; still, the gold-and-garnet patterns are
Waterdeep. She knows the basics of their construction and among the most powerful of mosaics.
the first two enchantments, but she lacks the permanent l mosaics of teleportation: Found only on the Imperial Mount of
binding enchantments and the secrets of altering the mosaics Shoonach, these mosaics allowed the qysar to move almost
for new effects; thus, she can create limited mosaic magic but instantaneously from one mosaic to another, allowing quick
nothing of permanence or great effect. She bought the scrolls escapes and instant access to remote sites otherwise sealed off
in Skullport, but she has not shared their secrets with any from normal entry. (In other words, Shoon VIIs hidden spell
other than Khelben. She has searched for over 50 years for the libraries, caches of healing and other magic, etc.). Since the
fall of the Shoon, the secrets on how to link and create two-
way teleport mosaics have been lost; it is possible today to en- For all intents and purposes, the endless bug is an altered
chant mosaics for set locations but this travel is only one-way. bag of holding of maximum storage space. If a person never
More than a dozen agents of the syl-pasha (who wants these learns any more about the bag, that is all it will be for him.
mosaics to allow swift travel from his Court to other places of However, the Shoon court wizards set a command word in it
power) have been sent to Shoonach to investigate the old that allowed Saref Adnan to immediately teleport the con-
mosaics, and all of them fall to return. tents of the bag to a long-hidden treasure cache. A second
l mosaic of truth: These were secretly set in the dais before the command word immediately swapped the contents of the bag
Qysari Throne, and courtly propriety demanded that the per- for items from another place, often the armory of weapons
son stand, kneel, or grovel there before the qysar. Enspelled from inside his home. Many who sought the endless bug were
just as a ring of truth, the Shoon ruler thus guaranteed he al- trying only to locate the long-secret location of the Adnan
ways heard the truth from underlings. treasures; all attempts to send people through the endless bag
l mosaic of warmth: As expected, these were placed within the into the hidden treasure hoard have failed at the cost of lives.
decorations in the baths and kept surfaces, bathers, and wa- The rumors still fly though, and some believe the treasures
ters warm. lie either in the Small Teeth west of Hillfort Ishla (close to
the sarefs former villa) or within his family tomb in De-
The Endless Bag bukkher, the tomb city of Shoonach. Of course, the names on
the tombs have been destroyed and many of the surface mau-
of Saref Adnan soleums lie in rubble, effectively blocking entry (even if one
could get past the hundreds of undead creatures and other
n the surface, it seems to be an oxen-hide leather bag monsters). The sarefs treasures remain sealed in a hidden
with silver thread stitching a family seal into the sur- chamber beneath the primary tombs, and the ancient riches
face and along all the seams. The seal is unrecognizable to and magic contained herein could tempt Waukeen herself.
students of heraldry in the North, though anyone from Amn Last Known Location: Since its theft-from the sarefs hands
south can identify the seal as the long-dead House Adnan, more than 1,200 years ago, the bug has passed through the
and that the bearer carries the mystical endless bag of Saref hands of thousands of people, though rarely staying in one
Adnan. While most reactions toward viewing such a famous hand for more than a year. Some say the sarefs ghost reaches
item drift toward greed, those who know of the endless bug out and grabs the hand of the bags holder upon the 50th time
shy away from it immediately and rarely wish to remain near the endless bug opens, and the mysterious disappearances of
it, even shrieking in terror if it is opened in their presence. the bags bearers offer more mysteries than answers. The last
Saref Sulak yn Khamas el Adnan was one of the most sighting of the bag was in the hands of the sneak thief Rhiam
trusted servants of Shoon II, and he served as the qysars chief Torglasser (NE hm T8) of Priapurl, who believed those who
collector of rare antiquities and magic. This bag was a gift warned him of the items reputation were simply trying to
from the qysar for Adnans aid in disposing of some trouble steal it from him.
(by murdering a number of rebel Tethyrian clan lords) in the
Year of the Dragonstar (99 DR). After that, Saref Adnan
never traveled anywhere without his endless bag. Many stories Halasahrs
tell of strange and wondrous things he produced from this
treasure, from whole chests of gold to a live tiger from the Slippers
Shaar! However, with all the magic and political power at his
hese crimson silk slippers are trimmed with golden
disposal and his skills as an assassin finely honed, he still fell thread, and some garnets wink from the tips of the
victim to illness. curled-up toes. Luxurious in look and feel, the slippers are im-
As he had most earnestly supported the desecration and pervious to wear and tear, and they can be worn as if they
looting of many temples of all faiths in the qysars name, no were hard boots (not feeling any pain from stones or rough
priest would cure him until the arrival of a stranger in the roads and so on). Created in the Year of the Armarel ( 1210
Year of Fallen Guards (111 DR). This stranger, a priest of DR), they were the slippers of the favored jhasina of Halasahr
Mask disguised as a lay follower of Leira, gave the debilitated the Red, a high-ranking vizar and wizard of Almraiven. The
saref three potions in exchange for the endless bug, which the slippers were stolen the night Halasahr and his concubine
desperate saref agreed to. Once the bag was given up, the were murdered in their sleep by Rundeen assassins.
priest disappeared, and the potions were found to be only Hulasahrs slippers allow any carpet to become a flying car-
glowing water. So, the once-feared Saref Adnan died alone pet simply by stepping on it with both slippers and willing it
and mad in his villa among the Ralamnish Ridings, his to flight. Once believed limited to one person or to carpets
namesake lost to him. only, the secrets were divined later that any independent
object no larger than 5 feet on a side or more than 25 pounds that she tried to end the rule of Shoon IV and restore both
total could be animated into flight by Halasahrs slippers. The Tethyr and Calimshan to freedom under their own rulers. As
mobile surface moves at MV 18 (B) for up to three hours a the beautiful and magically skilled first wife of a high-ranking
day, and it can carry the wearers weight and an additional Shoonite nazir (prefect), the Tethyrian-born Janyra had ac-
25% (one person and gear) to a maximum of 330 pounds be- cess to the Imperial Mount in Shoonach and worked her way
fore the slippers magic cannot lift the object. into the confidence of other wizards in Shoon IVs court. She
Last Known Location: The slippers were last noted in use created a number of powerful items, but her greatest works
during the Tuigan Horde campaigns. A young man named were these three rings and the great Tome of Secrets (which is
Iden (NG hm F3), a volunteer warrior, apparently found now known simply as Janyras Tome). For more on the rings
them on a corpse within the Haunted Halls of Eveningstar and the tomes history, see Artifacts below.
and learned their magic by trial and error. The slippers let him The rings scattered after Janyras fall (as designed to do),
fly over the other troops in the battles against the Tuigan, and they have since served many masters without ever fulfill-
using his shield as the flying surface. He survived the Horde ing their true powers. While they all bear other names and
Wars but was later reported slain in battle with trolls within other powers (noted below), their primary purpose was to
the Marsh of Tun in the Year of the Banner (1368 DR). The protect their wearers from the effects of the Tome of Secrets.
current location of Halasahrs slippers remains a mystery. Thus shielded from the mind-draining magic of the artifact,
the wearers of these rings alone could open and read the tome
Harness of and gain the knowledge stolen from so many others. Janyra
never got the chance to glean knowledge from her own tome
Defense other than during its development. Of all who have ever
learned of the hidden powers of Janyras rings, only Shoon VII
hese simple crossed-baldrics of leather, chain mail, or and Shangalar the Black of the Twisted Rune have ever pe-
T other flexible materials are almost unheard of outside of rused Janyras Tome safely.
Calimshan, though they are prized magical items that have
become quite popular over the past three decades in the Em- All Rings: A hidden enchantment on all these rings
pires of the Shining Sea. Created by the Guilds Arcane and makes them permanently bond with the wearers finger, and
rarely altered from the basic standards, the harnesses act as will not be removed until the death of the wearer or the sev-
bracers of defense and magically provide a set Armor Class ering of said finger or hand. When such an event occurs, all
without the problems of wearing armor in the heat. of Janyras rings teleport unerringly to their designated heirs
(chosen at some time while the ring is first worn). If no ring-
D100 roll Armor Class heir exists or one was not chosen (by someone not knowing
01-05 8 what ring he was wearing), it will teleport 2d100 miles away
06-15 7 from the location of its previous wearers death.
16-35 6 Janyras Ring of the Forest (Emerald): This ring pro-
36-60 5 vides animal friendship at all times, and entangle can be cast
61-80 4 three times a day.
81-90 3 Last Known Location: This ring resides on the left hand of
91-95 2 Phaara Quickbow (NG hef F8), an adventurer from Mos-
96-98 1 stone and a caravan guide through the Forest of Tethir. Her
99 - 00 0 elf paramour found the ring at the bottom of a spring-fed pool
in the forest and gave it to her as a betrothal ring. She knows
Janyras Rings the ring wont come off but has not made an effort to learn
any more of it.
hese fabulous rings are unlike any others seen in the Janyras Ring of the Night (Jet): This ring provides a
Pashas Lands since the Era of Skyfire. Whereas most mag- base (or bonus) 65% chance to hide in shadows at all times. It
ical rings are metal bands (some with inset or mounted gems), also can cast darkness 15 radius three times a day.
these three rings appears wholly carved from large gems of sap- Last Known Location: This ring once rested on the finger
phire, emerald, and jet. Their internal surfaces are smooth of Shangalar the Black while he lived, but upon his death
while outer edges have small facets that wink and catch the and metamorphosis into the lich he remains today, the ring of
light, causing colored light to play across the wearers hand. the night vanished from his hand. It was last seen in the Year
Many remember the legends of the great archmage Janyra, of the Gauntlet (1369 DR) among a pile of wagers for a high-
but they know her less for her great works than for the fact stakes card game in the Yawning Portal in Waterdeep. A
brawl broke out and after the fracas settled down, more than round. To release the item desired, the wearer clutches a
half the money and the ring had vanished. handful of the cloak, mentally pictures one of the known
Janyras Ring of the Sea (Sapphire): Janyras personal items inside it, and it appears in the wielders hand (with an
ring provides constant powers identical to a pearl of the sirines. initiative penalty of +2).
Three times per day, the wearer can also cast create water as a Last Known Location: In the Year of the Gauntlet (1370
5th-level priest. DR), the current bearer of the cloak of weaponry died as a re-
Last Known Location: This ring currently rests on the fin- sult of the Bottlemist Plagues in Almraiven, where he was
ger of the wizard Jakal (CG hm M16), a tutor at the Mystics preparing for the syl-pashas visit. Many, including the syl-
Academy in Llorbauth on the Deepwash. As he discovered pasha, assume the cloak was destroyed, but it survived the fire.
the ring in the tidal pools of the Deepwash, he assumes that In the chaos of many people spontaneously combusting on
Janyras Tome is somewhere under the seas surface as well and the docks of the city, due to a mysterious mist, few carefully
has spent years seeking it. He knows the power of the ring he watched who picked up the immaculate white silk cloak out of
bears and wants to gain the tome to share the knowledge in it the pile of ashes that was once Ymal adh Pesarkhal. As many
with his students at the Mystics Academy. abandoned Almraiven soon after the Burning Plague began,
the bearer of the cloak of weaponry could be anywhere now:
Najjars Cloak of
he stories of this item are many and varied, but few
would recognize Najjars Cloak of Weaponry as they n ancient full-length mirror made of polished silver
would seek a cloak of red velvet with stitched weapons that with a bronze frame, Saarkanlyths Antaglass is at first
came alive in his hands or a cloak as black as night that viewing a masterpiece of late Shoonite metalwork. The oval
lashed at enemies as if alive. In truth, the cloak of weaponry mirror itself stretches 5 feet long and nearly 3 feet wide. Its
looks like a simple white linen cloak, and the only way to bronze frame rests on broad, flat dragons feet and the frame
identify it as the fabled garment of Shyk Najjar is to feel the that supports the mirror mimics a dragon as its head clamps
inside of the cloak and the hood. It has an interior silk lining the mirror in its jaws at the top. From behind, the bronze-
and between that and the linen exterior is the supple, tanned work completes the back of the dragon in fine detail. The
pelt of a displacer beast. Even when held to the light, the pelt dragons wings are hinged and they wrap around the sides to
(or any other extraneous detail) is not visible and most light act as doors to cover the mirror. When the wings are opened,
shines through the cloak as if it were gauze. additional mirrors on the inner surface of the wings allow
The lifelong enemy of Vycaena, Shyk Najjar had this views of the reflected person from three angles.
cloak enchanted to provide him with weapons at all times. Saarkanlyth, once a wizardly advisor in the Court of Qysar
After the mutual fall of the feuding houses, the cloak of weap- Amahl Shoon II, created this mirror at the behest of the qysar
onry became a much sought-after item among the warriors to humble his six all-too-proud sons, who believed themselves
and soldiers of the Shining Sea region. After many centuries above all others in all things and were beginning to war
of changing hands, the cloak was claimed by senior amlakkar among themselves. The qysar wanted them to have enemies
of Calimport. The cloak became a token of honor worn by equal to themselves that would teach them humility, keep
the senior bodyguard of the syl-pasha of Calimport. them from their brothers throats, and in fact, coax the broth-
Whoever wears this cloak can reach into its inner folds ers into working with each other to overcome their foes.
and magically draw out any weapon that had previously been When the antaglass was completed in the Year of the
placed there. Items are stored within a space similar to a bag Echoing Chasm (68 DR), each brother was fitted for a new
of holding by wrapping the item once within the cloaks cloth. suit of clothes and viewed themselves for the first time in the
The cloak holds a maximum of 25 pounds worth of nonliving mystical mirror. The youngest and the three eldest warrior
material with a maximum size of what can be fully wrapped sons were slain by magic within the year, though they (or
by a 6-foot-long cloak. In other words, no pole arms or two- their retainers) managed to slay the wizards who brought
handed swords fit within the cloak, but twenty-five daggers or them low. The fourth son, meanwhile, had fallen madly in
six long swords could be stored in it. No amount of stored love with a beautiful Tethyrian woman and proposed to
items inside the cloak alters its weight or appearance. The marry her and thus make her the future qysars consort. Un-
wearer of the cloak, by touching its inner lining, knows im- fortunately, during the wedding, the sixth son fell upon the
mediately what items are stored within its magical folds. bride and slew her just as the rites concluded, for she was his
Only one item can be released into the wearers hand each nemesis and he had only just discovered that fact. Brother
then killed brother as the grieving bridegroom avenged his son until within 30 feet of the other. They will then recog-
wifes shocking death, and the temple bells tolled death nize each other immediately for what they are and must
rather than happiness. make Intelligence and Wisdom checks (-3 penalty) to resist
It fell to Qysar Shoon II to choose a new heir, and he immediately attempting to kill their "other.
chose his nephew, the second son of his years-dead elder Last Known Location: The mystical mirror was last seen in
brother Kamar Shoon. The young man, named Vymar, was the cellars beneath the main villa building of the lady Lan-
insatiably curious and in his explorations of the Imperial ciya Dinahar of Westgate in the Year of the Bow (1354 DR).
Palace, he found and looked into the antaglass. As a wizard, A friend of the family, a sage of mystical items by trade, told
he soon knew what had happened, and warned his children the lady what she had bought as a gift for her daughter, and
and wife of ever entering the room where Saarkanltyths Anta- the antaglass was covered by burlap (so as not to draw atten-
glass rested. Soon enough, Vymar met his nemesis and suc- tion to it) and placed within a former dungeon cell behind
ceeded in vanquishing it in a spell duel of honor before the the wine cellars. While the sage insisted that Saarkanlyths
qysars court. Vymar proved to be the only one worthy to pass antaglass should be studied and kept safe by such groups as the
his uncles tests, but, unfortunately, his disagreements over Harpers or the War Wizards of Cormyr, the ever-paranoid Di-
the qysars religious purges angered the qysar (and many nahar clan members prefer to hold on to the mirror, for fear
among the court). He died of poisoning administered by an an enemy of theirs might get hold of it. No one has checked
agent of his fathers vizar before he came close to the throne. on whether the mirror is still there for more than a dozen
Sometime during the reign of Vymars third son (Qysar years, for fear it might be activated, and it is up to the DM as
Shoon III), Saarkanlyths Antaglass disappeared from the Im- to whether or not it remains dust-choked in a cellar or stolen
perial City of Shoonach, as did its creator. The mirror has ap- long ago by ambitious and crafty thieves.
peared in various locations across the past twelve centuries,
its true purpose unknown. The Qysari Rings
This ancient and unique mirror of opposition creates the This is a title used to consolidate the majority of magical
nemesis/ evil twin of whoever is reflected in its glass. Unlike rings made exclusively for the emperors of Shoon. Cata-
the standard mirror of opposition, the enemy doesnt material- logued and identified by the slave-scribe Rativ ym Shoon in
ize before the mirror. Instead, it is teleported somewhere on the Year of the Errant Kings (356 DR) and later recounted in
the same world as the character and it becomes a random The Magics of the South by the Athkatlan Herald Zatan Ar-
menace. Upon first glance into the antaglass, no person sees rowswift, the Qysari Rings numbered twelve in all and are
himself. If the person steps away from the mirror within a easily identified from other magical rings by what happens
round, no nemesis is created. However, if the person remains when they are put on or used: The bands alter themselves in
before the antaglass for more than a round, he slowly sees his harmony with the type of person that wears them. If a priest
reflection appear. When the reflection is fully formed and wears the ring(s), the bands retwine themselves so the bands
clear, that signifies that the nemesis is whole and somewhere twine vertically across the ring, while wizards see no change
in the Realms. The only other hint that magic is afoot when in the standard zigzag twining of the ring. Fighters and
gazing into the antaglass is that the magnification of any re- thieves watch the rings slightly melt and become flat bands,
flected light sources into making the reflected figure (or fig- though the zigzag twining remains but now seems smoother.
ures) glows lightly for a brief moment as the nemesis is magi- Last Known Locations: During and after the fall of the
cally created and teleported away. Shoon, the Qysari Rings were never discovered, having been
The nemesis is rarely an exact duplicate of the person re- secreted away by the last qysars vizar to various locations. In-
flected, but rather an amalgamation of what the character dividual rings will have their last locations noted; though the
sees as his enemies combined with skills that either match or history involved in how each got where it is today is as
counter the reflected characters skills. Whether an exact tangled as the nine centuries since their last collection.
double or a new being entirely, the alignment of the reflec- Seven of the twelve rings are listed below, along with their
tion is diametrically opposed to the viewing character. For official titles, descriptions, and powers. Since the Qysar at
example, a drow priestess of Lolth views the mirror and her the time of cataloguing was a wizard, the descriptions noted
nemesis could be a male gold-elf priest of Corellon Larethian; for each ring are considered their standards.
her exact physical double but as a drow priestess of Eilistraee; Akkabars Battleblade Ring: The bands of this ring, when their
a male drow priest of Vhaeraun; etc. primary magic is activated, whirl off the wearers finger and
Both beings (character and nemesis) know of the others grow into a blade barrier up to 15 feet away in the direction the
existence, but only over the course of a year of dreaming of ring finger was pointing. The barrier lasts for 15 rounds (or until
each other and of battles to the death. The two share no spe- it reaches its damage limit or other canceling effects) and then
cial sensory powers to detect each other from any other per- retwines itself together into the ring. Created for the Pasha
Akkabar Shoon before the full rise of the empire, this battleblade into a giant spider. This same fate awaits anyone who is cursed
ring was among the items of power he used to destroy the previ- to wear the baldric, whether the powers are used or not. Leg-
ous ruler and place himself on the throne of Calimshan. ends that goes along with the item mentions that all of its
l Annulus Conflagros: This ring has the powers of a ring of fire wearers disappear after about 10 years or so, but theres never
resistance plus a wand of fires abilities with more application: a mention as to how or to where. The item returns to its ma-
burning hands three/day, pyrotechnics at will, fireball (6-dice terial state once the transformation into a giant spider is com-
2/day), wall of fire l/day. This item was the ring of Shoon III pleted. Methods to remove the curse, if any, are left to DMs to
and the second of the Qysari Rings. determine but they should be extraordinarily difficult.
l Annulus Qysarus Major and Minor: Shoon IVs major ring
alone acted as a ring of spell turning; the minor ring functioned
singly as a ring of spell storing. But when worn together, the rings
combined these two powers with that of a ring of vampiric re- ost folk can hardly identify the subtle distinctions
generation. This power absorbs spell energy and transfers into that make artifacts different from the many nonstan-
hit points for the wearer of both rings. Likewise, the wearer can dard magical items of the Pashas Lands. In the simplest of
give up his own hit points to increase damage of spells stored in terms, artifacts are far more costly in terms of creation (mate-
the minor ring. For example, a stored fireball and the sacrifice rials and magic), use (incurred curses), and destruction
of 1d10hp, each damage die adds +1 point of damage (a 6d6 (unique and extraordinary methods). While many of the pre-
fireball would therefore gain a +6 bonus to damage). ceding items are quite powerful in their own rights, they are
l The Dual Ring of Velsharoons Bindings: Formerly a dual- not artifacts, as steps were not taken to ensure that the cre-
ring worn on little finger and index finger, a small chain con- ation would be indestructible.
necting the two, this unique item provides both a constant
protection vs. undead (as the scroll) and a +3 saving-throw Janyras Tome (Tome of Secrets)
bonus vs. necromantic spells. Empress Shoon Vs phobia re- This unique book is a small (9 inches square), almost nonde-
garding undead saw this item made. script book of auburn leather embossed with seals that are sim-
l Qysarus Secretus: Shoon VIIs primary ring cancels all scrying ilar to Deneirs holy symbol. However, rather than a candle
and detection (by alignment, ESP, life force, psionic, or any above the eye of knowledge, the eye acts as the seat of a long
other form) attempts. sword. This image is subtle and the tome must be held at angles
l Unicorns Bane: Another of Shoon VIIs rings, this one is a to notice these embossings. The tome is held together by a
specialized ring of teleportation that allows the wearer to name solid bronze hinge. It normally inscribes the name of the last
a race, species, or even a particular person known to the person to have left secrets within the tome on the spine, not
wearer and to teleport to within 1d20+10 feet of that target. necessarily the last person to touch it.
The items only limit is that it only works within a two-mile
radius. This ring is how Shoon VII managed to find and slay History
so many unicorns so easily. Janyra was the wife of a high-ranking court nazir and had cre-
ated a number of magical items for the qysars court in the past.
Xamars Baldric Unknown to her husband, Janyra in truth worked against
A leather baldric tanned from a black dragons hide and Shoon rule as a Tethyrian rebel, and in that work the Tome of
cured in spiders venom, it fuses with the wearer once put on, Secrets was born.
becoming like a black-scale tattoo across the chest of the Janyras Tome was created in concert by Janyra, a priest
wearer. It grants the following powers: of Deneir, and an elf from Shilmista. Created over the
l Spider climb at will course of 21 years along with Janyras rings (see above), the
l Immunity to all poisons Tome of Secrets was originally planned to be a way of quickly
l +4 AC bonus (AC 6 minimum) and completely sharing information between mages, priests,
l Strength +1 and all those allied in the cause of bringing down the rule of
l Poisonous claws that inflict 1d4 damage per strike, the Shoon over Tethyr and the other lands of the Empires
plus Poison Type A 2/day of the Shining Sea. Due to problems during the enchant-
Curse: After 2d6 years of wearing the baldric (and remov- ment process (born of attempts to mix elven spellcasting
ing after it is donned requires at least a limited wish), the fate of with human wizardry and priestly magic), the Tome of
the items original owner catches up to the wearer. A greedy Secrets came into being, its power far less controlled and far
Calishite thief forced a mage to create this for him but did not more malevolent than planned. Still, with their great arti-
understand the items curse, and after building up his name fact in existence, the plot to bring low Qysar Shoon IV
and that of his item for nearly a decade, he transformed fully moved on.
In the Year of the Magethunder (255 DR), the Tethyrian- touches the tome, it begins absorbing memories and experi-
born Janyra put her decades-long plan into action. Present- ence points from that person (no saving throw). The victims
ing Qysar Shoon IV with her book, the Tome of Secrets im- fingers immediately clamp tightly around the tome and the
mediately began draining the qysar of knowledge and kept victim is paralyzed. Visually, victims of the Tome of Secrets
him from spellcasting as well. Janyra immediately launched have coruscating energy within their eyes and fingernails as
into spell battle while he remained magically locked to the the artifact drains them of knowledge and life.
book. Had no others been in attendance that day, Janyra The absorption/recording process starts with the victims
might have become the greatest Tethyrian heroine as the most recent memories and experiences, erasing them from
Slayer of the Shoon. Instead, the court erupted in chaos, and the persons mind at a rate of 500 XP per round. It causes an
just as Janyra was to incinerate the qysar with fire, she died at initial shock for 1d6 points of damage and takes an addi-
the end of her husbands own scimitar. Others pried the tome tional 2 hit points of damage per turn. The victim perma-
free from the qysars magic-frozen hands and died as their nently loses the memory of the previous 24-hour period each
minds entered the tome. round. Once each turn, immediately after sustaining damage,
The Tome of Secrets remained in Shoon hands for most of the victim has a chance to attempt a successful Bend Bars roll
the remaining Imperium era. Shoon VII gained one of Janyras at a -25% penalty. This is the only way a lone character can
rings, as did Shangalar the Black, and they used the tome to be free of the tome; others can pry it out of the victims fingers
great effect during their days to interrogate stubborn spies or but unless they wear one of Janyras rings, they too become
to steal the secrets (and the lives) of wizardly enemies. The the tomes victims.
Tome of Secrets was one of the few artifacts not to fall into the During this time, the Tome of Secrets is inscribing the
claws of Iryklagathra the dragon after the Shoonach Confla- characters every thought, memory, and experience down for
gration. With the fall of the Mameluks in the Seventh Age, the tomes master to read. No matter how much information
Janyras Tome became lost for many centuries. is recorded in the tome, its size never changes. Pages just mag-
ically peel off the inside covers if more information exists, be-
Campaign Use yond what could be inscribed on 100 vellum sheets, until the
This book, while created for a noble cause, is a flawed creation recorded information has been read.
and is nearly uncontrollable. Wizards with any morals whatso- Invoked: If the viewer of the Tome of Secrets should hap-
ever seek the tome merely to lock it away from those less pen to be wearing one of Janyras rings, she can touch the ar-
scrupulous. Across its history, the Tome of Secrets has slain nu- tifact without fear of its constant powers. She can also glean
merous people but exposed few secrets as very few who wear the knowledge of the tome and gain its greatest benefits:
one of Janyras rings have encountered the tome. Any thoughts of the previous victim or victims are fully as-
The greatest danger of the Tome of Secrets is its misuse by cribed within the pages in a language the reader understands.
those who deal in secrets, magic, and power. All it takes is a The initial pages are the earliest experiences recorded. If a
telekinesis spell to hide the book among a wizards other person dies while in contact with the tome, the persons entire
books, and one needs only to wait until the hapless mage life and sum total of knowledge is in the tome, and the corus-
touches the tome, and it feeds on all of his knowledge. As no cating energy within their eyes and hands becomes a blast at
amount of mental shielding prevents the tome from stealing the point of death, filling the tome with the final essence of
ones innermost thoughts, its use on prominent figures such the victim.
as King Azoun IV or Vangerdahast of Cormyr or Piergeiron The reader finds out any magic or information held by said
or Khelben Arunsun of Waterdeep could be disastrous (espe- character, including any uncast spells inside the victims mind.
cially to those for whom they keep their secrets). The magic of the Tome of Secrets is powerful enough to in-
scribe spells as if it were a wizards spellbook. In fact, while
Powers other knowledge and writing fades immediately after reading it
The Tome of Secrets can be moved by telekinesis or merely by once, magical spells remain within the book for 10d20 years.
picking up the table or other surface on which it rests and At present, there are no spells within the tome. As priest spells
moving that. Draping cloth over it to pick it up in a bundle rely on the attentions of their gods, the reader only gains in-
does not protect the carrier from the tomes effects. However, sight into temple prayers and rituals and the words (but not the
covering the tome with an open chest and tipping its previous true connections to the divine and thus the spell).
setting over so the tome falls into the chest has been used sev- Reading the life experiences and knowledge and thoughts of a
eral times to steal Janyras Tome. No magic, psionics, or physi- character will educate the reader in many ways. After a mini-
cal force can open the tomes covers. Only a wearer of one of mum of three months (480 hours) of absorbing the informa-
Janyras rings can touch the tome without invoking its powers. tion gleaned and twice as much time in practice and exercise
Constant: The instant an unshielded living person of said skills, the reader can gain 1d10% of the experience
points absorbed if the victim was of the same class as the Suggested Means of Destruction
reader. If the reader wishes to learn a new class (either as a l The tome must be burned within a fire that also contains all
multi-class or dual-class), she can gain 1d5% of that same ex- three of Janyras rings.
perience. Further study and practice of more skills can be l The tome must be delivered into the hands of an avatar of
learned, depending on the level of the victim; readers can Deneir, whose all-consuming knowledge should cause the
only gain as much as 10% of the victims total stolen XP. tome to dissolve.
l Any information or experiences beyond a readers compre- l The silver fire of four Chosen of Mystra can destroy the tome,
hension will be unreadable. This applies solely to magical but only with the cost of their lives as well.
knowledge like spells, magical researches, and the creation of
items. If the reader is not a wizard, the material is unreadable Staff of Shoon
and unfathomable. This 8-foot-long staff appears from afar as a long, slim quarter-
l The reader must proceed through the tome in order, and no staff carved from knobby white birch. Upon closer inspection,
matter where one may try to open the tome, it always opens to it is easily identified as something closer to ivory, and those
where the reader left off. Each life must be experienced/read in who have seen it before recognize the staff as a fused cluster of
order, so if there are three recent victims of the tome, yet the 12 unicorns horns. The widest part of the staff is five horns at
reader needs to dig out the information from the final victim, the top, which taper down to two clusters of three horns (all
he must find the time to read all the recorded experiences of the points down), and the final point of the staff is a lone horn
previous two victims before reaching the desired information. arranged point-up.
l Information the reader wishes to retain from these readings In the past, Shoon VII disguised the staffs true construc-
must be recopied onto other parchments, as the writings dis- tion with an illusion that made this appear as a slim crystal
solve as soon as they are read and understood. Spells remain staff topped by a sapphire. During the nine centuries it has
for 10d20 years due to their inherent magic interacting with rested in Sharpfangs lair, the illusion wore off and the staff
that of the tome. now appears as it really is.
Curse: There are two separate curses attached to the Tome History
of Secrets Many over the years have postulated that the Necroqysar
If a character dies while in contact with the book, the Shoon VII planned all along to slaughter the unicorn herds of
Shilmista in the Year of the Mourning Horns (355 DR), simply
will become a haunt centered on the tome. because their purity annoyed him. To be frank, Shoon could
If the reader reads the entire recorded life and experience not have cared less about unicorns (or elves for that matter).
of a victim who died due to the tomes magic, there is a 10% All he focused on was the control of his empire and his magic.
chance that the readers mind and persona will be subsumed When his plans demanded the sacrifice and blood of a dozen
by the studied persona. For all intents and purposes, that per- unicorns, he singlemindedly slew the unicorns (and the elves
son exists again and now resides in the readers body, and the who tried to save them) merely to prepare the components of
readers original mind and persona are gone forever. This his greatest magical book for enchantments.
mental takeover can be resisted with a successful saving Still, Shoons intellect saw the power of these unicorns
throw vs. spell (every Intelligence point above 15 adds +1 to beyond his immediate need for their blood. Collecting their
the save; every Intelligence point above 15 of the victims in- carcasses in his sanctum deep within the Imperial Mount of
curs a -1 penalty to the save). Shoonach, Shoon VII also created the Staff of Shoon from
Attempts to resurrect or raise one slain by contact with waste matter and flesh frail in its morality. Thus, while it is
Janyras Tome will return the body to life, but the victims an artifact of some power, it was hardly a major project in
mind is blank and devoid of all the knowledge that was lost Shoons eyes, rather just an attempt not to waste useful
to the tome. The only way to restore them to their former magic. While he rarely considered it an item of great import,
selves are wishes or to teach them to read and then gain both his loss of the staff to his draconic nemesis, Sharpfangs,
the tome and one of Janyras rings so the person can read of brought his pride to bear. For the remaining years of his reign,
her former life and regain the knowledge in that way. Of Shoon sought the staff less for its power than for the restora-
those well-versed in the lore surrounding the Tome of Secrets, tion of his pride.
there are even whispered hopes that immersing the tome in Since the Year of the Battle Talons (358 DR), the Staff of
the home pit of the mudmen will disperse the knowledge of a Shoon has been in the control of Iryklagathra Sharpfangs the
dead person into the mud, then using transmute mud to rock blue dragon. As none have entered her lair and left again (save
and transmute stone to fish spells may restore some semblance as spirits wending toward their final rewards), no one knows
of the lost victim. whether she holds it today. The Staff of Shoon is remembered
in concert with the Tome of the Unicorn as symbols of Shoon l Any absorbed magic missiles can be fired unerringly at their
VIIs corruption and the general evils of the Shoon Imperium, original casters, though the missiles are amplified to 1d6+6
not due to any great cataclysm caused by the items power. points of damage and the energy appears shaped as a unicorns
Campaign Use l Horn Swarm: This power can be used only once per tenday. It
Among the greatest of evils visited upon the world by the separates the staff into a swarm of 12 flying unicorns horns,
Shoon qysars, the slaughter of over two dozen unicorns to cre- each attacking as a +2 weapon (THAC0 13, or 10 if all horns
ate the Tome of the Unicorn and the Staff of Shoon still rankles are aimed at one target, 3d12 damage each). The horns disap-
in the minds of many who hold the noble creatures sacred. pear from any wounds they incur to reform as the Staff of
Anyone bearing this staff evokes immediate emotional re- Shoon in the wielders hand at the end of the round in which
sponses from many folk, and thus numerous enemies of they attack.
Mielikkis or Lurues church seek this staff merely to wield its
maddening influence and make their enemies careless. Curse: Given the power of this artifact and the great evils
The staff has rested for the long centuries in the treasure performed in its creation, there are a number of curses in-
hoard of Iryklagathra Sharpfangs the blue dragon, ever since curred upon the wielder that remain for as many days (or
she stole it from the grasp of Qysar Shoon VII himself. She has months or years) as the character wielded the Staff of Shoon.
little interest in using the staff, nor does she wish to sell l All fresh water that the wielder contacts is immediately fouled
it. While other dragons feel the need for information or and turns a murky black. Thus, the wielder of the Staff of
manipulation, Iryklagathra hoards all her magic and all her Shoon is cursed to only drink wine, ale, or milk.
coin. She has long known of Sapphiraktar, the blue dracolich, l Any sentient creatures faithful to Lurue, Mielikki, and Sil-
and she wishes to use her magical treasures and her power to vanuslspecially unicornscan sense the corrupted pres-
gain entry to his circles of power. Barring that, she continues ence of the unicorns horns and their bearer. While they may
to marshal her own might, expecting an eventual showdown not fully understand why, any of the above creatures or people
against Balagos the Flying Flame and Charvekkanathor the within 100 yards of the bearer of the Staff of Shoon can unerr-
Scarlet, the two red wyrms of the region who stand in the way ingly locate the person (no matter what attempts to hide are
of her deserved title as the Dragon-Ruler of southern Faern. made, including normally inscrutable magic) and wish them
Shoon VII, in his current guise as Zallanora Argentresses great harm (Morale: 17 Fanatic).
of Amns Cowled Wizards, also seeks to restore his power and l Any use of the Horn Swarm may reassert the long-dead uni-
he wishes to reclaim all that was once his. This, of course, in- corn spirits within the horns (5% cumulative chance per each
cludes the staff. He bides his time in facing Iryklagathra, as he successful hit with the horns). Once restored as the staff, the
wants his revenge to be without flaw (nor does he wish to re- unicorn spirits can attempt to conquer the will of the bearer
peat the near-defeat of their last encounter more than nine with a Personality Score (PS) of 60. The unicorn spirits wish
centuries past). to be freed of this corrupted artifact and will force the bearer
to carry the staff to the headwaters of the Unicorn Run in the
Powers hopes that the purity of that place of power can cleanse their
The Staff of Shoon is a +2 magical staff (bonuses for attack horns and shatter the malefic power that holds them in this
and damage rolls). Major powers are noted below. terrible thrall. The PS decreases by five points every 24 hours,
Constant: There are a number of powers that are auto- allowing the wielder to possibly break free of the spirits con-
matic and ever-present for the wielder of the staff. trol. (While the unicorns might seek a weaker-willed host to
l As long as the bearer holds onto the staff for at least one turn dominate and take them to their rest, they wish to force
a day, the artifact confers immunity to aging and all aging at- someone who would abuse their power-in other words, the
tacks. wielder-to restore and free them.)
l While held, the staff provides immunity to all poisons and
death spells, and a +6 saving throw bonus against sleep, charm Suggested Means of Destruction
and hold spells. Bathe the staff in the combined tears of Lurue the Unicorn and
l Any magic missiles targeted on the staffs wielder are absorbed the blood of Shoon VII.
into the artifact. l Immerse the staff in the headwaters of the Unicorn Run on
Invoked: The wielder of the Stuff of Shoon can invoke the the Feast of the Moon with a full moon directly overhead.
following powers: l Sacrifice the staff and all of its magic into the fires of a newly
in any direction).
Rumors &
hroughout Calimport and the Empires of the Shining Sea products, the authors
warned DMs and players alike not to upset the status quo, not to rock the delicately
balanced structures of social and criminal and magical power, or dire consequences
could fall on the hapless heroes. Well, how do you adventure in Calimshan and its
capital city if such great worry exists about upsetting the apple cart, as it were? De-
spite the warnings, this is a game about heroes and heroism. Let the PC heroes be heroes and face the
challenges presented in these products here head on. This section gives DMs a few places to start
doing just that.
Scenario Starts
his section provides a number of story elements that link both to NPCs and places within the
Erar Sabban (and beyond); these "story books provide the main adventure catalyst and some
of the backstory, as well as hints of some of the potential consequences for campaign play.
Genies Unbound
One of the PCs, while traveling about the city, accidentally bumps into a woman and causes her to
drop a number of packages. As she stoops to pick up her parcels, a curious necklace falls out of her
posed, she quickly tucks it away, gathers the packages into her arms, and curtly walks off. If asked for
her name, she will reply with Nara and do her best to put distance between herself and the PC. Later
l The long-standing hunt for Sayednara the Fiery Lady has taken on more urgent tones of late. The
Guild Arcane, which has kept some bound genies bottles and rings of djinni summoning for emergency
purposes, reports their mysterious theft from the Auret despite magical wards and guardians.
l The syl-pasha himself wants the rogue wizard Sayednara dead for her recent theft of 25 slaves marked
for his household and jhasinar. He has placed a bounty of 1,000 bicenta (gp) for her capture, 1,500 if
brought before him alive, and 3,000 if she and her genie ally are both captured alive. The amount
climbs by 100 gp for each of the syl-pashas slaves also returned to him.
l Unbound genies were recently seen disrupting the first harvest of the season among the plantations
north of Keltar. Folk talk of two djinni in flight, heading for the Marching Mountains and a marid dis-
rupting the fountains and canals in Keltar, before heading further up the Calim River.
l Many of the sages and personages of Wizard Ward are pestered clean out suspected Rundeen spies, or a djinni returned to
for a month by people looking to identify items or to find the wreak havoc on Calimport in retaliation for its long enslave-
missing magical items. Outsiders (such a PCs not native the re- ment long ago.
gion) find themselves to be common targets of these searches. The PCs overhear muffled screams as they pass alongside a sab-
ban wall. The cries for help are not Alzhedo but elvish, and as
quickly as the cries are noticed, they cease. The secret door in
Adventures at the wall is easy to find, but the chamber they find is a 40-foot-
deep shaft (with no ladder) leading down into the Muzad.
Random The elderly, ailing Pasha Sufontis summons and hires the PCs
to go north to Waterdeep to notify his younger brother, Sam-
his section includes plot nuggets, rumors, and ideas to give mereza Sulphontis, to return for some urgent business. The
DMs a few ideas of how to involve the PCs in the City of pasha dies in early Tarsakh before the PCs return to Calimport,
Slaves. These can be developed and introduced as full-fledged and power plays begin among the former Jhasma, the widow,
adventures to simple gossip overheard by the PCs in the tavern, the pashas four sons, and Sammereza. The PCs will be kept on
bazaar, or guildhall. retainer by Sammereza to help him to control the family for-
l Before time was measured by man, the dragons forged the first tunes and to find out the urgent message his long-estranged
genies bottle to contain a great enemy. Tenadrlaktor the blue brother had for him.
wyrm grappled with her great foe, Hadar the djinn, and sacri- Calimport is outraged as numerous crypts and khamarkhas
ficed her own life to trap the genie with her inside the bottle have been found desecrated or destroyed cover the course of a
that bears her name. The platinum Blue Bottle of Tenaarlaktor tenday in Kythorn. Walls show mysterious claw marks and
has been a legend of the Empires of the Shining Sea region some stone seems partially melted. The coffins (and bodies
since the time of Calim, and many fakes have been sold to the within) are missing. The earth above more than half of the
gullible. However, a panicked trader recently in from the Trade mass graves of Kirruk Sabban has been disturbed, and the areas
Road through the Calim Desert reported that comrades had have sunken, as if many remains no longer still rest in their
found the blue bottle within the ruins of Teshyll. Unfortu- graves. All known necromancers in the city have alibis proving
nately, some desert raiders attacked and slew most of the traders them innocent of the grave robbing, so authorities (and bounty
before stealing the blue bottle. The trader swears the raiders hunters hired by several outraged families) seek new arrivals
mean to unleash the two spirits in the blue bottle simply to de- among the port wards with any links to such activities.
stroy the city of Calimport! Midsummer sees a wild storm front settle over the city. It blan-
l Spell duels erupt at least once a day among the still-apprenticed kets the land for miles around and engulfs Calimport in a light-
wizards Tahar el Qilval (CN km M9), Hakiim el Nuvab the Fi- ning storm of epic proportions. The priests of Bhaelros scream
raskar (NG hem In8), and Kalil el Jamuz (NE hm Con7). Their of their gods vengeance at being shunned by those now cover-
tutors at Caaledar (W8) know the three of them fight for the ing in fear of his wrath. Some fear the azure lighting is linked
love of a jhasina in a nearby festhall, and they allow the battles to the rumored unleashing of the Blue Bottle of Tenaarlaktor.
to continue as training exercises, provided they do not damage One direct effect of the storm is the temporary charging of all
other wizards homes. Unknown to all, the jhasina Teadra is ac- the magical wards of the city, leaving even previously hidden
tually a lamia under the command of Vorapa, the lamia noble of magical fields glowing and visible for a full day and night after
the Muzad. the storm (though it does not reveal any wards abilities).
l One night, tavern talk centers on an assassin wandering the Patrons of the Festhall of Eternal Delight experience a night of
streets of Calimport. While other details vary, the killer wears a terror as Shars nightbringers from the Temple of Old Night fill
blood-red sash woven of unknown, supple metals that allow it its confines with darkness and attempt to kidnap many Impor-
flexibility like cloth, but it keeps a razors edge. The Blood-Sash tant personages into the Muzad. The political fallout against
Assassin has beheaded more than seven people in the past ten- Sharess temple could devastate it and give Shar the revenge
day. This was learned by a passerby who still expresses amaze- she seeks unless these people are rescued soon.
ment at being allowed to live. The amlakkar are on full alert Recent events out on the Shining Sea have some worried, as
against this cutthroat, but few clues exist beyond the sash and the Nallojal reports numerous mysterious shipwrecks. Some
the black robes and mask worn by the killer. The only solid clue fearful sailors pulled from the sea talk of devil fish allied with
rests with the dead. All those beheaded were members of the manta and shark. Guild Arcane diviners are looking into it,
Guild Arcane of Calimport and were formerly from Almraiven. and they warn of dark alliances beneath the sea bringing
Various rumors suggest the assassin is a vengeful jhasina out for chaos soon.
revenge against former patrons, a rogue wizard breaking from
the Guild Arcane, an assassin hired by the Guild Arcane to