Marco Volo Journey
Marco Volo Journey
Marco Volo Journey
by Anthony Pryor
Table of Contents
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ISBN 1-56076-869-X
Our Story
S o F a r
In which the author attempts, in his modest fashion, to refresh the readers memory
as to previous events. The reader is cautioned against using this simple synopsis as a
replacement for reading the first volume of our trilogy, and is strongly advised to
purchase said volume, if for no other reason than to further the fortunes of the hum-
ble author and his generous publisher.
As the party attempts to leave Waterdeep, the Once they have fallen in with Heinos troupe, the
adventurers run afoul of Blacklance and his mercenar- PCs will have to earn their keep among the entertain-
ies, but manages to escape his clutches. The charac- ers, assisting and even performing. The characters
ters take their leave of the city, more or less in one learn the joys of being in a traveling troupe, perform-
piece. As their journey progresses, they are plagued by ing for a different audience each night. In the course
Felibarrs agents, as well as other bounty hunters who of the adventure, the PCs also learn more about Mar-
are also seeking Sabbars reward. Eventually, they cus and his secrets. The adventure ends with Shadow-
reach the Way Inn, battered and suspecting that dale in sight, and a final confrontation with the evil
Maskar Wandss simple mission has turned into wizard-assassin Felibarr Blacklance, who has been the
something far more complex, confusing, and poten- PCs foe since the first volume.
tially deadly. Like the previous volume, Marco VoloJourney is a
picaresque adventure with lots of action and intrigue.
Unlike Departure, however, there are extensive
The Course of the opportunities for role playing, especially (but not
Cast of
Being a list of characters who make their appearance in the present volume of our
saga, presented in a tasteful and well-organized format that should prove relatively
simple to read and use.
Marcus Wands
(aka Marco Volo)
CN (G) hm B6
Str 11; Dex 16; Con 15; Int 14; Wis 6; Cha 17
Armor Class: 7 (-2 due to dexterity)
Move: 12
Hit Points: 24
Number of Attacks: 1
Damage: 1d6+2 (rapier +1)
THAC0: 18
Weapon Proficiencies: Rapier, dagger, crossbow
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Blind-fighting, dancing, gaming, musical
instrument, riding (horse), seamanship, singing
Languages: Common, elvish, dwarvish
Magical Items: Rapier +1, boots of elvenkind
Spells: First Level (3): alarm, magic missile, taunt; Second Level (2):
knock, stinking cloud
Thief Abilities: CW 75; DN 35; PP 30; RL 25
Marcus was fully described in Journey, and the reader is encouraged to examine
that volume if greater detail is required. Here, it is sufficient to remind DMs that
Marcus thinks himself a dashing and handsome outlaw, beloved by the ladies. As
a member of the Wands family, he is something of a rebellious embarrassment
struggling to make a name for himself independent of his real status.
Marcuss life became much more complicated when an escapade took him to the
hidden residence of the mad wizard Sabbar. There, Marcus stole a likely-looking
artifact from Sabbars study and escaped. Unfortunately, Sabbar is a vengeful wizard.
Marcuss spell books contain several different spells, including sleep, which
Marcus will use to good effect in the present adventure.
Felibarr Blacklance Felibarrs most prized spell, from which he took his
CE hm W12 surname, is a spear of pure black energy tapped from
Str 14; Dex 12; Con 17; Int 17; Wis 12; Cha 4 the Negative Material Plane. When cast, it visibly
Armor Class: 7 (amulet of protection +3) streaks from the wizards fingertips, inflicting 1d4
Move: 12 points damage on its target per level of the caster.
Hit Points: 35 After it hits the first target, the spell leaps to the next
Number of Attacks: 1 closest target, inflicting half the damage done the
Damage: 1-4 (dagger) first. So it continues, halving damage each time, until
THAC0: 17 the damage is reduced to 1 or less. If only one target is
Weapon Proficiencies: Dagger, staff available, the blacklance discharges into the ground. It
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Etiquette, heraldry, never doubles back on the caster unless some other
engineering, herbalism, reading/writing, spell- effect such as spell turning takes place, nor will it strike
craft a given target more than once.
Languages: Common, elvish, drow, goblin,
Magical Items: Amulet of protection +3, wand of
fireballs (16 charges), gem of seeing
The Black Monks
Spells: First Level (4): burning hands, detect his secret evil society is made up of worshippers
magic, feather fall, magic missile; Second Level of three dead evil godsBane, Bhaal, and
(4): improved phantasmal force, invisibility, knock, Myrkulall of whom were slain over the past few
Melf's acid arrow; Third Level (4): blink, dispel decades The Sect of the Black Monks was created
magic, fireball, slow; Fourth Level (4): Evards from the surviving priesthood of these gods, many of
black tentacles, minor globe of invulnerability, phan- whom had transferred their allegiance to other evil
tasmal killer, polymorph other; Fifth Level (4): deities, including Cyric, Loviatar, and Malar. Mem-
blacklance (see below), passwall, summon shadow, bers of the new sect worship the new gods, but also
teleport; Sixth Level (1): shades seek the return of the Dead Three. Though this might
seem wishful thinking, the return of a slain god is
This evil wizard-mercenary is a notorious bounty not unprecedentedthe resurrection of the Moon-
hunter and hired killer. Skeletally thin, sporting a shaess Earthmother is but one recent example.
small black beard and deep-set eyes, he is known to The Black Monks have access to amulets of counter-
associate with many evil forces, including tanarri detection, enchanted items that make a wearers align-
and fiends. Fully described in Journey, Felibarr ment seem exactly opposite. A chaotic evil person
remains a thorn in the side of the adventurers in seems lawful good when subjected to know alignment or
this volume. a similar spell. Chaotic neutral becomes lawful neutral,
Aside from his activities as a hired killer, Felibarr and so on. Neutral alignment has no opposite, so stays
has developed the blacklance spell. neutral. An amulet of counterdetection is useful to evil
characters, and much trouble for good ones.
Blacklance (Evocation)
Level: Fifth Nayal
Range: 10 yards + 10 yards/level CE hm P8
Component: V, S Str 13; Dex 14; Con 13; Int 15; Wis 16; Cha 11
Duration: Instantaneous Armor Class: 5 (bracers of defense)
Casting Time: 7 Move: 12
Area of Effect: Special Hit Points: 45
Saving Throw: 1/2 Number of Attacks: 1
Damage: 1d6+1 (footmans mace)
THAC0: 16 Spells: First Level (3): cause light wounds (x3);
Weapon Proficiencies: Club, flail, mace, morn- Second Level (3): flame blade, spiritual hammer
ing star. (x2); Third Level (1): cause serious wounds
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Blacksmithing, her-
aldry, riding (horse), rope use, ancient history, Separ's lean, frail appearance is deceivinghe is actually
astrology, herbalism, reading/writing, religion, quite strong. A quiet, glowering man, he has a deep
spellcraft hatred of all who do not share his faith in the dead gods.
Languages: Common, orcish, ogre This hatred is manifested in a sadistic nature that com-
Magical Items: Amulet of counterdetection, bracers pels him to inflict pain and suffering whenever possible.
of defense (AC 5) He is an efficient and skilled assistant to Nayal, who
Spells: First Level (3): curse, cause light wounds keeps Separs violent nature in check until needed.
(x2); Second Level (3): aid, chant, spiritual ham-
mer; Third Level (3): continual darkness, cause
disease, pyrotechnics; Fourth Level (2): abjure,
cause serious wounds
Heinos Woodland
Nayal is one of the orders most valued members. A
skilled actor, he is especially talented at playing a friendly, riginally a small band of gnomes living as traveling
bumbling, and completely unthreatening monk. He is entertainers, this troupe has won recognition
not as sadistic as his assistant, Separ, but still enjoys the throughout Faerûn under the tutelage of Master Heino,
mayhem he creates in the service of his dead gods. himself a talented illusionist. Since its formation, the
When his superiors learned of Sabbars reward for troupe has taken on performers of many different races.
Marco Volos capture, they soon discovered Marcos true Heinos players are individualists who owe alle-
identity, and obtained knowledge of his itinerary. Nayal giance to no one outside the troupe. They champi-
was sent to take over the Great Mothers House at on the cause of the underdog and consider
Berdusk, impersonate the abbot, and capture Marcus. If themselves truly free folk, unhindered by the obliga-
the PCs and the monks are all killed in the process, so tions of ordinary people. The major players in the
much the bettermore sacrifices to the memory of the troupe are discussed below, with Heino, the groups
slain gods, and fodder for their possible return. leader, given full statistics.
Separ Heino
CE hm P5 CG gm I8
Str 16; Dex 11; Con 15; Int 10; Wis 15; Cha 8 Str 10; Dex 17; Con 12; Int 18; Wis 10; Cha 17
Armor Class: 6 (studded leather under habit) Armor Class: 8
Move: 12 Move: 6
Hit Points: 28 Hit Points: 20
Number of Attacks: 1 Number of Attacks: 1
Damage: 1d6+1 (footmans mace; +1 due to Damage: 1d6 (short sword)
strength) THAC0: 18
THAC0: 18 Weapon Proficiencies: Dagger, short sword
Weapon Proficiencies: Club, flail, mace Nonweapon Proficiencies: Animal handling,
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Local history, riding artistic ability, brewing, cooking, riding (horse),
(horse), weather sense, ancient history, read- singing, ancient history, herbalism, reading/
ing/writing, religion, spellcraft writing, religion, spellcraft
Languages: Common, orcish, ogre Languages: Common, gnomish, elvish,
Magical Items: Amulet of counterdetection dwarvish, orcish
Magical Items: Wand of illusion, chime of opening Ina
Spells: First Level (5): cantrip, change self, color N gf T6
spray, Nystuls magic aura, phantasmal force; Sec- Ina is a skilled juggler, although it is her skills as
ond Level (4): blur, fools gold, improved phantas- a spy and sneak thief that have saved the troupe
mal force, invisibility; Third Level (4): on a few occasions. She is a strong and indepen-
clairvoyance, invisibility (10 radius), spectral force, dent gnome, highly protective of Heino, with
wraithform; Fourth Level (3): fear, illusory wall, whom she was once involved romantically. Today,
rainbow pattern although their romance has ended, Ina still loves
Heino like a brother. In return, Heino remains
Heino is a friendly and, at times, too jolly gnome. quite fond of Ina, and both retain warm memories
He considers himself a samaritan, helping those in of their former relationship.
need and looking after the welfare of his players like
a doting father. He can be very serious, however, Shareal
and will not hesitate to use whatever means neces- NG hf P5
sary to assist his performers and companions if they Shareal is a cleric in service to Selune who sees a
are in trouble. traveling theatrical troupe as the perfect opportunity
Heino spent years learning his craft, traveling as a to serve her goddess. She assists Heino and the per-
performer with his two brothers. About five years ago, formers in all aspects of the troupes operations,
Heino struck out on his own, leading a small group of administering healing and other spells as needed. She
gnomish tumblers and jugglers. Since then, his band has is a spiritual advisor to troupe members also. She is a
grown in size and influence, as his reputation as a typical servant of Selune in her changeable and some-
master showman. He was contacted by the Harpers two what chaotic opinions, dress, and outlook, but she is a
years ago, and he has done work for them on occasion. true and loyal friend to the troupe. If they prove
However, he feels that joining the order would limit his themselves to be good and faithful individuals, the
freedom, which he values highly. PCs will find her equally a friend to them.
DMs should play Heino as someone seemingly super-
ficial at first, whose showmans veneer encloses a person Dalyor
of little depth. As events progress, his true character CG em F6
and considerable intelligence become evident as he When their parents departed for Evermeet three
grows more concerned and interested in the PCs plight. years ago, Dalyor and his twin brother Ralnor decided
If the adventurers fail to wring the truth out of Marcus, to stay behind, more interested in sampling the
the DM may determine that Heino and Marcus have adventures to be had on the Faerûn mainland. Dalyor
struck up a friendship, and that the gnome has per- and Ralnor are both highly skilled archers, performing
suaded Marcus to come clean. trick shooting exhibitions and acting as the troupes
scouts when the company is traveling on the road.
Philip They appear to share a magical link, each being aware
CG hm B4 of the others feelings and emotions.
The troupes newest member is a human bard of Dalyor is outwardly happy-go-lucky and carefree, as
limited experience but considerable potential. One of humans expect of elves, but he secretly nurses an urge
his most important roles is to simply keep his eyes and to join his parents on retreat and travel to Evermeet.
ears open in taverns, inns, and other public places, A secret motivation for this desire is his love for the
gathering information that might be useful to Heino wild elven druid Aerilaya, who has also returned to
and the players. At other times he is companionable, Evermeet. Dalyors emotions of love are known to his
if outwardly naive. Philip spends most of his time brother, but he believes the emotions he feels back
practicing the lute, lyre, and recorder, and composing from Ralnor are his brothers joy for him.
songsmost of which are better than Marcuss.
R a l n o r Darna
CG em F6 CN hf T4
Unlike his brother, Ralnor wishes to stay in the This human female exotic cultural dancer performs
Realms, but their magical bond keeps them together. at various adults-only shows, along with her Chultan
As the brothers share many emotions, Ralnor has had python, Trevor. She also assists other performersin
to work hard to keep secret from his brother that he, particular, Darna serves as the target for Graxs knife-
too, loves Aerilaya. Thus far, Dalyor believes that the throwing exhibitions. Her flexibility while dancing is
emotion he senses from Ralnor about Aerilaya arises legendary, as is her fondness for male companionship.
from Ralnors happiness for his brothers joy. In part, However, she rarely forms lasting attachments.
the dissembling has succeeded because Ralnor is
happy for his brother, and wishes him no ill. Grax
CN (G) half-orc male F5
Zan Grax is one of the bands most unusual members.
CN (G) gm I3 His performances feature his skill as a knife thrower,
Heinos understudy is a promising young illusionist. tossing specially-balanced weapons at targets living
He has a strongly independent streak, however, and and non-living. Darna the exotic dancer usually
has been known to act against Heinos wishes simply serves as his assistant.
for the sake of doing so. He feels genuine affection for Although he is half-orcish and outwardly rather
his mentor, but has a somewhat inflated opinion of ugly, Grax has the soul of a poet. Relaxing among
himself and his abilities, and feels that Heinos train- those he trusts, he waxes long and eloquently on the
ing is too slow and bookish. Zan wishes to become a state of the universe, the nature of the gods, and the
famed illusionist, and favors flashy and exciting travails of mortal existence. His songs and poems are
effects. sometimes performed by the troupe, although Grax
never reads his work himself, feeling his appearance is
Starlight too distasteful to an ordinary audience. Those who
NG Sprite know him, know Grax to be a bright and caring indi-
Starlight is a sprite aerobat whose exciting aerial vidual who will not hesitate to sacrifice himself for his
displays have enchanted audiences from Sembia to the friends.
Western Heartlands. She is an unusual sprite in that she
enjoys the company of other races, although she has Other Troupe Members
been estranged from her tribe for some years and has Other members of the troupe include The Amazing
begun to grow homesick. She is flirtatious and out- Pyramidists, six gnomish tumblers and acrobats who
wardly naive, but intelligent; she can be quite serious. double as wrestlers, engaging in various matches for
patrons to watch and bet on. There are also 15
Ulwe human mercenary guards and 40 or so other gnomes,
CN gm T8 humans, and elvesfamilies and associates of Heinos
Ulwe spent time in the dungeons of Sembia for players.
theft before meeting up with Heino. Now reformed, The troupe travels in a motley procession of guards
Ulwe performs as an escape artist, breaking free of walking, gnomes on ponies, humans and elves on rid-
chains, sacks, locked chests, and other torturous ing horses, with wagons and caravans (gypsy-style
devices. Ulwes talents also come in handy in break- houses on wheels) rolling along. Heino himself lives
ing friends out of prison and avoiding unwanted con- in a roomy caravan stuffed with costumes, manu-
tact with the law, although his days as a thief are now scripts, props, and other brummagem.
behind him.
Chapter One
In which our heroes, sore beset by various enemies, travel to the Chauntean Monastery
at Berdusk, there to seek shelter. Unfortunately for our adventurersand of absolutely
no surprise to the readerthe forces of evil have cast their malign influence over the
monastery, and are up to their usual mischief. Fine potables, delectable viands, and sweet
confections are consumed, though their aftereffects prove unpleasant.
Marauding bandits ambush the party on the road from the Way Inn to the
ruins of Dragonspear.
Merchant caravans are on the Trade Way between Soubar and Scornubel.
One caravan master has a puzzle for the party to solve.
Various groups have heard rumors of Sabbars reward for Marco, and they
take it upon themselves to attack or shadow the party.
The Merry Monks As you draw closer, a pair of monks approaches
you, smiling broadly.
s the party approaches Berdusk, remind them of Welcome, travelers, to the Great Mothers
Maskars suggestion that they stop at the House at Berdusk! declares the first, a pudgy man
with a big smile. I am Abbot Nayal and this, he
Chauntean monastery. If they decide not to, have a
continues, indicating his companion, a tall and
monk on a horse appear, tell the PCs that they are sour-faced monk, is my chief assistant Brother
expected, and accompany them to the monastery. Separ. Say hello, Separ.
This may alert the players that something is up, but it Hello, says Separ disinterestedly.
really shouldnt matter. Forgive my companions rudeness, Nayal
The monastery is well known around Berdusk, and chuckles. Hes taken a vow of seriousness.
the PCs can easily obtain directions. It is located Separ does not look amused.
about five miles north of Berdusk, on the edge of the Come, says Nayal. Follow us to the sacred
Reaching Woods. As the party approaches the woods, house and sample the Great Mothers generosity.
read the following.
the players are unusually suspicious. Encourage the guarded and their substitutes have all been issued with
players to be amused by the jolly monks antics: it amulets of counterdetection. Nayal is a consummate actor,
could put them off guard when the monasterys inhab- and plays his role as the happy monk to perfection.
itants turn nasty later that night.
The Great Mothers House
Whats Going On at Berbusk
As the PCs can learn if they ask any locals, the Great Founded over two centuries ago as a fortress to defend
Mothers House at Berdusk is a well-known spot, and the surrounding countryside from marauding bands of
has been here for at least two centuries. The monks humanoids, the Great Mothers House became in
are famous for their wine, fruit preserves, and confec- time a peaceful retreat for the contemplation of
tionsparticularly their divinity, which is known as nature and Chaunteas bounty. The monks, who were
far away as Calimshan and Thay. Recently, the monks originally a martial order dedicated to the eternal
have begun to produce chocolate fudge made from struggle against evil and chaos, have modified their
sugar and cocoa imported from the new lands of mission, becoming pacifistic scholars, scribes, vint-
Maztica. The fudge is making a sensation in Water- ners, and chefs. Recently, their use of cocoa imported
deep and Cormyr, further enhancing the monks repu- from the Maztican lands, and coffee shipped to west-
tation, and swelling the churchs coffers. The monks ern Faerûn from Durpar, has added to the monks rep-
also import coffee from Durpar, using it to flavor their utation as purveyors of fine food and drink.
confections and brewing it as a stimulating drink. The following key describes the major areas of the
Since the beginning of the Marco Volo affair, however, monastery and its grounds. The monasterys normal
things have changed at the monastery. Sabbars offered staff of Chauntean brothers has been replaced by
reward has come to the attention of the Black Monks, Black Monks. When an NPC monk is required for the
who see in it an opportunity both to expand the power of adventure, choose from among the following statistics
their order, and to acquire a little extra money. Back in as appropriate to the encounter and the partys
Waterdeep, the monks penetrated the Marco Volo strength.
identity, discovering Marcus Wands behind it.
Through nefarious meansthe bribery and magical Acolyte (1st-level priest): Int Average; AL NE;
interrogation of certain members of the Wands house- AC 10; MV 12; HD 1; hp 6; THAC0 20; #AT 1;
hold staffthe monks learned that Marco Volo and Dmg 1-6 (mace); SZ M; ML 13; Spells: cause
his traveling companions were expected to stop at the light wounds
Great Mothers House at Berdusk. This information
in hand, the Black Monks set their plans in motion. Black Brother (3rd-level priest): Int Average;
Disguised as travelers, a band of Black Monks vis- AL NE; AC 7 (leather armor); MV 12; HD 3;
ited the monastery and easily overpowered the paci- hp 18; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 (mace); SZ
fistic Chauntean brothers. The real monks were M; ML 14; Spells: cause light wounds (x2), aid
imprisoned beneath the monastery and replaced with
members of the Black Monks evil order, under the Black Father (5th-level priest): Int Average;
leadership of the seemingly inoffensive Nayal and his AL NE; AC 5 (chain mail); MV 12; HD 5; hp
assistant Separ. 24; THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 (mace); SZ M;
It is Nayals plan to lull the adventurers into a false ML 15; Spells: cause light wounds (x2), darkness,
sense of security, drug their food or wine, and fall on aid, enthrall, silence (15 radius), cause blindness
them during the night, disposing of any useless bag-
gagethat is to say, the PCsand spiriting away the 1. Vineyards
unfortunate Marco Volo. The monks grow a special breed of dark purple-red
Nayal and Separ have taken serious precautions to Chauntean grapes here and harvest them for making
avoid detection. The monks in the dungeons are heavily into wine.
2. Orchards 8. Distillery
The monks cultivate apples and pears, which are This round -building contains wine presses where
sold by the bushel. The fruits are also used in wine, grapes are stemmed, crushed, and rendered into juice.
candied fruit, and other confections. The juice is then combined with yeast and fermented
in large vats. Red wines are made from juice, skins,
3. Grain fields and seeds, while white wines come from the juice
These fields grow hops, barley, and wheat, used to alone. Once fermented, the wine is racked and aged
make breads and pastries, and in the production of in oak barrels before bottling.
the monasterys famous Chauntean ale. Sugar beets Beer, ale, and other potables are also made here,
are also cultivated for sugar needed in the monks from wheat, hops, fruit, and other produce grown at
candies and potables. the monastery.
14. Scriptorium 19. Guest Quarters
This room features tall, leaded windows designed to The PCs are housed here, and these chambers
admit maximum light to aid the transcription and cre- include all necessary facilities for the whole party.
ation of illuminated manuscripts. The room is full of The Chauntean monks recognize that outsiders often
writing desks and cabinets containing inkwells, pens, have a greater taste for luxury than they do them-
parchments, and vellum. It is occupied by a Black selves, so these rooms are quite comfortably furnished
Monk impersonating the master scribe, and several and decorated. The PCs sleep in bunks with feather
subordinates pretending to transcribe manuscripts. mattresses and ample blankets. The room includes
comfortable chairs and two tables of imported hard-
15. Library wood, attractively carved. The windows are narrow,
The documents created in the scriptorium are either designed as arrow slits, but they give a pleasant view
stored here or shipped off to other Chauntean monas- of the surrounding countryside.
teries. The library contains several thousand documents,
ranging from simple correspondence to multi-volume 20. Wine Cellar
histories of the order, its founders, and its heroes. A The monasterys lower level is accessible only
Black Monk has replaced the normal librarian, and is through a heavy oaken door, doublelocked on the
not wholly familiar with the documents in the room. outside, barred from the inside, and wizard locked for
added security.
16. Abbots Quarters Despite the unusual degree of security accorded to
The abbot is given somewhat roomier quarters than the door, once a person gets inside the cellar, nothing
other monks due to his greater responsibilities, but his seems unusual. The walls are covered with wine racks
level of comfort and luxury is no greater. These rooms nearly full of bottles. A secret door gives access to the
contain the pallet where the abbot sleeps, a small cells beyond.
table with two rough chairs, a writing desk, a closet
for ceremonial robes, and cabinets for personal effects. 21. Cells
This room is used when the abbot requires private The imprisoned monks are held in these cells.
meetings with visitors. Nayal is currently imperson- They are guarded by five Black Monks, chosen by the
ating the abbot, but spends most of his time escorting DM from the list above.
the PCs, or unobtrusively keeping an eye on them. The brothers are still alive, although they have been
marked for sacrifice to the Black Monks evil deities
17. Monks Quarters once Marco Volo has been captured. If liberated, the
Ordinary monks live in small cells with a single monks will help the PCs drive the usurpers from the
pallet, table, chair, and chamber pot. They spend monastery. Use the following statistics for the impris-
their off hours here contemplating humanitys rela- oned monks, and adjust their numbers as desired.
tionship to Mother Chauntea, reading histories of the
order, and considering the worthy examples set by the Brothers (1st-level monks): Int Average; AL
orders founders and heroes. CG; AC 10; MV 12; HD 1; hp 4; THAC0 20;
#AT 1; Dmg 1-4 (improvised weapon); SZ M;
18. Chapel ML 13
An alabaster statue of Mother Chauntea dominates
this domed chamber. In this manifestation, she is por- Abbot Simon (8th-level priest): Int High; AL
trayed as a mature, motherly woman with her arms CG; AC 10; MV 12; HD 8; hp 32; THAC0 16;
held out in a comforting manner. The room is lined #AT 1; Dmg 1-4 (improvised weapon); SZ M;
with benches. At one end is a pulpit from which the ML 15
abbot delivers sermons during the ceremonies, which
take place each day at dawn and dusk.
A Doubtful Feast (but not coffeealthough the DM should not make a
point of this). Everything has been subtly drugged to
fter the PCs have been given time to rest and make the characters sleep soundly later.
refresh themselves, a young acolyte arrives, sum- The DM should be careful not to arouse the suspi-
moning the adventurers to dinner. Once they enter cions of the players, and to run the feast as an oppor-
the Great Hall, read the following. tunity to engage in an extensive role playing
encounter. Let the monks ask the PCs about their ad-
ventures, and have the characters describe their
The hall is brightly lit by candles and torches,
exploits. Let the monks request that the PCS join in
and filled with noise and revelry. The monks cer-
tainly seem to enjoy their meals, drinking wine singing happy songs, sharing jokes, or offering tidbits
and ale, singing and joking raucously, feasting on of valuable information. All the while, DMs should
ham, pheasant, and beef. note how much of the feast each character consumes.
Welcome, friends! bellows Abbot Nayal, who Those characters who eat or drink more than others
has forsaken the high table to feast with his broth- will have a commensurably more difficult time later.
ers in the main hall. Tonight is a special night The exception to all this is Marcus himself, who sits
we are celebrating an outstanding grape harvest! quietly, picking at his food. If questioned about his
Join us! behavior, he only says that he isnt feeling wellnoth-
ing serious enough to need attention, but he just isnt
PCs who join the feast are served many kinds of very hungry. For the DMs information, he has been
dishes chicken, roast beef, pork, sausages, fruits and quite depressed about matters, and has begun to suspect
vegetables, and much else besides. All the dishes are that his old life has come back to haunt him. Marcus
of excellent savor and presentation. The characters has been shamed by the PCs acts on his behalf, and is
are offered juices, ale, wine, and other good drinks unhappy that he cannot share the joy and revelry
around him. He is determined to make it up to the PCs, asleep quickly once the drug sets in. They have enough
and has even begun to think about coming clean and time to disrobe, but will soon fall unconscious. They
confessing his true identity. See the following section will not be allowed a roll to awaken on their own when
for more details on Marcuss actions after the feast. the Black Monks hit squad enters the room.
At length, the revelry winds down, and Nayal con- If the party assigns any of its members to stand on
fides to the PCs that the monks get up early in the watch, these individuals must also make saving
morning to perform their dawn rituals. Inform the throws, but the DM should allow the controlling
players that some of the PCs are beginning to feel players to do so. If the roll is failed, characters on
tired (for those who ate well, the drugs are beginning watch will find it very difficult to remain awake
to work). Suggest that it is time for them also to bed despite their best efforts. As always, if a player can
down for the night. offer a justifiable and well-thought-out explanation to
the contrary, the DM should modify the penalty to
Later That Night... allow for the circumstances described.
Certain events will definitely take place during the
night, but the details of other incidentsand even Marcus Makes His Move
whether they occur at allcan vary greatly. The Characters who did not eat or drink, or who ate or
entries below are intended to provide the DM with drank very little, will not need to make saving throws.
general guidelines to the consequences of different This includes Marcus, who is nervous about matters
player decisions. Flexibility and adaptability are to be and suspects that the monks are up to something. At
encouraged in responding to the players promptings, the beginning, his suspicions are simply a reflection of
but the DM will need to keep the thrust of the action the brooding self-reproach he has been struggling with.
focused on the main plot. He feels guilty that the PCs risk their lives for him,
The food and drink served to the party has all been share his hardships, and yet he is keeping secrets from
drugged with a slow-acting soporific that gradually puts them. His reasoning is misdirected, but his suspicions
the PCs to sleep. The monks considered simply poison- about the monks will prove justified nevertheless.
ing all the characters, but they wanted Marcus taken When the party has retired to their quarters, Marcus
alive and could not be sure of delivering a fatal dose only tries to settle down like everyone else. After a short
to the PCs. Furthermore, they knew that most deadly while, it becomes evident that he is too restless to sleep,
poisons were too easy for experienced individuals to so he decides to slip out of the room to explore the
detect. Finallyas if any other reasons were required monastery. If any conscious characters are on watch,
Separ is a somewhat demented sadist, and he wanted the Marcus confides his belief that something is strange
evil pleasure of bashing the characters personally. here, and suggests that they explore together. If PCs on
Each character needs to save vs. poison, with a watch have passed out, or if all the PCs are asleep, Mar-
penalty based upon the amount of food and drink he cus attempts to awaken them. When he proves unable
or she consumed during the feast. If the character to do so, he will know something is definitely amiss.
consumed large amounts (i.e., four or more drinks, an Marcuss experience as a bard and his life in the
entire chicken, two or three joints of beef, etc.), the intrigue-ridden Wands family has given him a good
penalty is -6. If the character partook of an average, knowledge of poisons and their antidotes. He observed
moderate amount (two or three drinks, half a the monks drinking coffee earlier, and knows it can
chicken, a joint of beef, etc.) the required penalty is counteract certain sleeping drugs. With this in mind, he
-4. If consumption of the comestibles was light (one or dons his rapier and dagger and hurriedly slips out of the
fewer drinks, a drumstick, a few vegetables, etc.), the room. He will return later, at an opportune moment.
penalty is -2. The DM should consider rolling for the If a PC accompanies Marcus, the young man will
PCs, rather than arousing the players suspicions by explain his reasoning and urge his companion to fol-
asking them to make the roll individually. low his lead. It will be up to the DM, then, to time
Those characters who fail their saving throws fall their return appropriately.
Attack of the Mad Monks tying up or dispatching sleeping monks. Marcus will
Nayal and the monks wait a couple of hours to make hold out the bag of coffee beans, urging any drugged
certain the PCs are deeply asleep, then enter the characters to chew them. The beans will counteract
room with murderous intent. If the door is locked or the effects of the monks poison (a fact the charac-
barred, have the monks enter through a secret door ters might do well to remember in future adven-
which the PCs conveniently missed earlier. tures). Within a few rounds, the party should be
The monks are looking for Marcus, whom they want back to full strength.
to take alive. However, they do not realize he is not in In the interim, of course, Nayal and Separ are
the room for several moments after they come in. mobilizing reinforcements for an all-out attack. How-
Nayal and Separ lead the attackers, accompanied ever, what turn of events takes place next is up to the
by two ordinary Black Monks per PC, with levels cho- players: they could attempt to flee the monastery and
sen by the DM from the statistics above. The monks be forced to fight their way out; they may fortify the
are armed with cudgels, and expect to simply blud- room to fight off the Black Monks attacks; or they
geon the PCs to death. Characters who ate or drank may deduce that the real Chauntean monks have
little must undergo only one round of attack before been spirited away, and search the monastery in an
they can fight, and they incur no penalties. Drugged attempt to set the imprisoned brothers free.
characters must undergo 1d4+1 rounds of attacks Because the characters may take any of a variety of
before they can wake enough defend themselves. routes to escape from the monastery, details of the
Once they have been awakened, these characters will subsequent action are up to the DM. Use the map on
be lethargic, and have an attack penalty equal to their page 13 to keep track of the action in the monastery.
saving throw penalty vs poison. The DM may also The party may capture one or more of the monks
give the monks a bonus to hit the drugged characters alive. If interrogated, the monks begin by shouting
equal to the penalty (i.e., a -2 penalty to the PC invocations to their dead gods. Soon enough, they
equals a +2 bonus for all attacks by the monks). will talk about an unknown benefactor of the order
As most of the characters will probably be drugged, who has offered a sizable reward for the capture of
and will be in sleeping attire (that is to say, AC 10), one Volothamp Geddarm. The monks have been
the party is likely to be in troublewhich is as it told that Volothamp is presently traveling under the
should be at this stage. If the PCs seem to be winning, name of Marco Volo. This is all they knowfur-
more monks arrive to reinforce Nayals hit team. ther interrogation will produce nothing more. PCs
When things seem blackest for the party, unexpected who are familiar with the city of Waterdeep will
help arrivesto the probable astonishment of the know the usual rumors about Volothamp, and they
charactersin the person of Marco Volo. should wonder at the monks confusion over the
two identities.
Marcus to the Rescue Only Nayal and Separ know Sabbar is the one
Marcus is returning with a small bag of coffee beans offering the reward, and the DM should not allow
when he sees the monks attacking the drugged char- either of them to be captured. If the characters learn
acters. He casts two sleep spells at the monks, draws the story about Volothamp, Marco begins to suspect
his weapons, and wades in. that Sabbar is onto him, and that his ruse has back-
Some PCs may be forced to save against the sleep fired. He does not admit the whole truth to the party
spells, but the DM should assume that most of the until later, however.
monks failed their saves, leaving Separ and Nayal If the PCs escape from the monastery without set-
suddenly outnumbered. These two will immediately ting the imprisoned brothers free, the DM may decide
retreat, along with any other monks who saved suc- that the Black Monks kill their prisoners, then frame
cessfully. Marcus will rush into the room and slam the adventurers for the crime. This will make their
the door. life in Cormyr even more complex, with ramifications
At this point, conscious characters should be to be determined by the DM.
Chapter Two
In which, having escaped from the wicked schemes of the Black Monks, our
doughty band encounters savage gnolls and officious bureaucrats, though it is diffi-
cult to determine which group is the more terrifying. In a stroke of good fortune, our
characters meet Heinos Woodland Troupe, a band of traveling singers, dancers,
acrobats, comedians, and tragedians, who help extricate them from a difficult situa-
tion. Several of Marcus Wandss secrets are revealed. Heino, a good-hearted gnome
and a gracious host, shares his secret recipe for roast wild rabbit.
A. Gnoll Attack
(on the Dusk Road between Asbravn and Iriaebor)
erchants and travelers on the road may warn the PCs of gnoll bands
preying on the unwary. In the early evening, just as the party considers
turning in for the night, a group of gnolls attacks from ambush. The attack is
preceded by a flight of arrows, then the gnolls and their flind leader, Grralix,
swarm from hiding.
This encounter will go a bit differently from most monster bashes, how-
ever, since Grralix considers himself something of a sophisticate.
After combat has gone on several rounds, Grralix suddenly breaks off and
speaks in common in a surprisingly erudite fashion about Marcus is not certain enough of the party to admit
something the party is carrying. It could be an article of to the theft of the Dragonkings Eye. When asked if
clothing (Heavens! Is that silk?), a weapon (Sorry to he knows of any specific enemies, he still claims igno-
interrupt, but do your realize your axe is a magnificent rance, saying that he needs more information before
bit of dwarven craftsmanship?), some of their cargo he can know for sure.
(Half a moment! Is that a bottle of Arabellan 66?), or If the party decides to come clean themselves, and
anything in a similar vein. He orders his gnolls to stop admit that they knew all along, Marcus will be upset
fighting and offers to leave in exchange for the item. If at first, then realize that his uncle was again looking
the PCs agree, Grralix is as good as his word and goes out for his best interests. After Philip the Bard finds
happily, thanking the party for its generosity and com- Sabbars warrant, later in this adventure, the identity
menting favorably on their good taste. If they refuse, of Marcuss enemy will be obvious to all.
Grralix shrugs; the battle begins anew.
C. A Skeptical
B. Marcus OfficiaL
Confesses (Suzail or Tyrluk)
(in Iriaebor or Easting)
ormyrs civil servants are known for their efficiency
ince the start of the journey, Marcuss devil-may- and thoroughness. Word has preceded the party of
care facade has slowly been eroding. Seeing his an infamous thief, known as Volothamp, Marcus, or
companions skill and bravery, and their willingness Marco, and his band of cutthroats, who are responsible
to defend him even though they are not fond of him, for several major acts of larceny, the sacking of a
has made Marcus feel both guilty and uncertain. The Chauntean monastery, and the possible murder of its
fight with the monks convinced him that someone monks. Fortunately for the party, details of their appear-
wants him dead, or worse. If a monk was persuaded to ance are sketchy, but they are enough to arouse the suspi-
talk, he now suspects who that someone is. Marcus cion of all good law-abiding Cormyrean border officials.
realizes he needs all the friends he can get. When the party arrives in Cormyr, they will enter
Along the road, Marcus finally decides to come Tyrluk if they are traveling by land, Suzail if by sea.
cleanto a degree, at any rate. If the players are a At the border, they will immediately have to submit
canny lot, this revelation may be nothing new, and to an inspection at the customs house. Read the fol-
the DM should improvise appropriately. Read or para- lowing paragraphs.
phrase the following.
The customs officer is a reedy, sharp-nosed man
Marcus looks at you with a nervous, distressed in a purple and gold tunic. He looks as if he has
expression. I have a confession to make, he says eaten something very sour indeed.
finally. My name isnt Marco Volo. Its Marcus Well, he begins, have you anything to
Wands. Im the nephew of Maskar Wands of declare?
Waterdeep. For the past few years Ive wandered
Faerûn, trying to ignore the fact that Im a Wands.
Now, I think that someone wants me dead. Some- The purpose of this encounter is to give the PCs a
one who thinks that Im Volothamp Geddarm. bureaucratic run-around, a battle in which their
He sighs and continues. I think my misspent swords and spells will prove worse than useless. Effec-
past has caught up with me, and I seem to have
tive role playing is a must.
dragged you into my mess. That has, however,
been the story of my life so far. The party has several options. If they ask exactly what
constitutes goods to be declared, the official will sigh
heavily and launch into the following recitation, run- describing the items, their number, value, and
ning his words together and scarcely stopping for breath. whether the PCs intend to sell or trade them.
If the PCs try to slip anything out, the official orders a
number of guards to search the characters and their pos-
Items to be declared, he says with a withering
sessions. Possibly the guards will find Maskar Wandss
gaze, are those goods, products, items, objects,
plants, animals, individuals, and other sundries scroll tube containing his letter to Lord Mourngrym and
which may tend to endanger the subjects, nobles, the wand of wonder. As this is obviously an official docu-
officials, or general peace of the nation of Cormyr, ment, the Cormyreans will not open the tube, but it will
or those items whose value is such that their pos- certainly arouse their suspicions. If the tube is found,
sessors expect considerable profit or gain from the Marcus will see it and ask about the Wands family seal,
act of transporting them within the sovereign bor- eventually forcing the party to admit that they are work-
ders of the nation of Cormyr, said profit being con- ing for his uncle. (Again, this knowledge may have pre-
sidered a service provided by the citizens of Cormyr viously been established, and the DM will have to adapt
and government of good King Azoun IV, gods grant the role playing to the situation.)
him good health and long life, and as such subject
The party will also be grilled on its itinerary in Cor-
to normal taxes, tariffs, and fees, as deemed appro-
myr, since the official finds the adventurers pretty suspi-
priate by His Majestys border officials and nobles,
or any item deemed subject to taxes, tariffs, liens, cious. In the course of the exchange, it comes clear he
fees, et cetera, by said duly designated officials. thinks the party may be planning to overthrow the gov-
ernment, import political tracts, or possibly even write
fiction, all of which he considers dangerously radical.
If the PCs decide to declare anything, the official The official will eventually take up a parchment
makes them fill out numerous parchment forms and quill pen and scratch out a painstakingly accurate
bill of lading, including a tariff, amounting to 27 gp, 9 E. The Purple
sp, and 6 cp. If the PCs pay this amount, he will allow
them to proceed. He will also send word via crystal
ball to the Purple Dragons, and suggest they investi- (anywhere)
gate the PCs and their intentions.
fter receiving a report about a suspicious band of
Unless the characters are complete foolsnot
guards clad in armor walk alongside the gaily
entirely impossiblethey will get on board the wag-
painted wagons, and numerous gnomes riding on
ponies accompany the caravan. One of the ons. If not, Marcus urges them to do so. If they con-
gnomes, you notice, is the one you saved from the tinue to refuse, the Purple Dragon commander looks
stone-throwing humans. The speaker is a bright- suspicious and suggests they join their friends. Even-
eyed, bearded gnome dressed in bright colors. He tually, the characters will be persuaded to join Heino
spurs his pony forward and speaks to the leader of and his players.
the Purple Dragons.
Dont listen to these fools, captain! he cries.
Theyre with us. They probably told you they
were simple travelers. I think its because they On the Road
were embarrassed at being separated from us back
in Wheloon. withHeino
The Purple Dragon commander looks confused
and a bit disappointed. Theyre with you? he nce the characters are on board the wagons, the
asks. And just who are you? Purple Dragons depart, though not without a
The gnome leaps from the saddle and bows few dark backward glances. Now the PCs can get
with an elaborate flourish. Heino is my name acquainted with Heino and his people.
Heino the Conjurer, leader of Heinos Woodland Heino explains that Zan told him of the partys assis-
Troupe. We are a band of traveling players tance, and that the troupe was trying to catch up so
singers of songs, dancers of dances, performers of that Heino and Zan together could thank the PCs
histories, tragedies, comedies, comic tragedies,
personally. When he saw the adventurers having trou-
tragic comedies, opera, operetta, and all sundry
associated entertainments. We are jugglers, acro- ble with the Purple Dragons, Heino decided to inter-
bats, conjurers, epic poets vene on their behalf. Heino doesnt tell the party that
The Dragon commander raises a hand. I see, he checked them out with know alignment spells to
he says. And these... he pauses, scanning you make sure they were the right kind of people.
with a dubious expression ...individuals are part The characters may tell Heino of their situation if
of your troupe? they choose, or they may make up some suitable cover
Heino nods. For several months nowguards, story. In either case, Heino tells them that his troupe
assistants, all-around handymen. Not that Ive is on its way to a command performance for Lord
been too pleased with their work, but they are my Mourngrym of Shadowdale, although they will be
employees. He rummages in his ponys saddlebags
stopping nightly to give performances all along the
and withdraws a vellum document covered with
crabbed writing and set with impressive-looking way. Since their destinations are identical, Heino sug-
seals. Observethey are listed in our travelers gests that the adventurers travel with him to avoid
manifest. The officer squints at the document, renewed suspicion from the Purple Dragons, whose
his lips moving as he tries to read it. Well... he eyes are everywhere.
says, it seems to be in order... How the rest of the adventure unfolds depends on
Very well then, says Heino, snatching the whether the PCs accept Heinos offer. If they cannot
vellum back and folding it up. He fumbles in his be persuaded to accompany the troupe, allow them to
purse and withdraws a handful of coins. We are travel toward Shadowdale on their own, with suitable
terribly sorry for the inconvenience, captain, he encounters along the way. The confrontation with
says, handing the coins over to the stunned
Felibarr Blacklance takes place at the end of the
Dragon commander. Perhaps this will help make
amends for my employees blunders. adventure, as normal.
Heino turns to you. Now get on the wagon, Assuming that the PCs accompany Heino, they
my malingering friends. Somebody, take those will camp with the troupe that night and dine on
horses for them. Ive plenty of work for you. Heinos specialty: roast wild rabbit with shallots and
Chapter Three
In which our heroes, now in the company of Heino and his noble players, travel
across Cormyr, avoiding the unwelcome attentions of the Purple Dragons and per-
forming for an appreciative public. The wares of various inns and taverns are sam-
pled, and some prove better than others.
nns, taverns, and public houses abound throughout Cormyr, as do
amphitheaters, carnivals, feast halls, and the homes of nobles or wealthy
merchants who are willing to pay for the services of traveling minstrels and
players. All these venues are suitable locations for itinerant performers to put
on an evenings show.
Heino and his band make their living by performing in such places. While
the characters accompany the troupe, they can assist at these performances,
or even join in by performing themselves if they have appropriate talents.
Marcus himself will sing and play for some of the crowds and even come up
with a few decent tunes.
The DM will find useful guidelines for running these performances in
Chapter Eight of The Complete Bards Handbook. Here may be found informa-
tion on determining a shows location, crowd size, relative success of perfor-
mances, and likely income.
The Cormyr adventure supplement provides details on many of the lands
cities, including maps and information on each settlements individual char-
acter and society. This product is particularly useful to the DM, since it pro-
vides information and guidelines about Cormyrs major towns and cities and
the reception the troupe is likely to receive in each.
In some cases, simply having the PCs watch the antics of Heinos troupe
could be entertaining. Heino himself introduces each act with great flourish
and ceremony: . . .And now, lords and ladies, one of the The Crowd Gets Nasty
finest performers in all of Faerûn. . . a singer whose skill The audience inexplicably turns ugly and pelts the
and passion reduced the emperor of Kara Tur to tears... performers with food, mugs of ale, and other refuse.
whose songs are legendary even to the elven minstrels The PCs may help Heinos troupe escape the ugly re-
of far Ever-meet... and so on. As master of ceremonies, action, or just wade in and start brawling. Bards and
Heino performs simple illusions, but never allows his more reasonable characters may earn experience
performances to eclipse those of his troupe. points by defusing the situation without violence.
Heinos performers engage in their specialties.
Philip the Bard sings epic tales of love and war; Ina Intolerance
juggles balls, daggers, and random objects given by Race hatred again rears its ugly head as anti-
the crowd, and to finish, juggles blindfolded. Dalyor gnomish agitators appear at a show and start shouting
and Ralnor execute amazing tricks of bow shooting, epithets and demanding the gnomes (as usual) go
and Zan does his own conjuring and illusion, but has back where they belong. The PCs might resort to
been known to overestimate his abilities on occa- violence to help Heinos people defend themselves, or
sion. Starlight the sprite wows crowds with complex make use of their eloquence to humiliate the bigots,
aerobatics, weaving intricate patterns and knots in turn the crowd against the hecklers, or force them to
the air, often carrying torches, or leaving glowing leave.
trails of faerie fire cast on her by Heino. Ulwe The half-orc Grax might be another target of preju-
escapes from fetters, chains, bags, locked chests, and dice, with locals railing against the orcish scum and
similar devices, and Grax the half-orc throws knives. possibly even engaging in acts of violence. As
Late nights, Darna engages in somewhat risque described in Cast of Characters, Grax is a pacifistic
shows after younger audience members are asked to and sensitive individual who would rather flee than
leave. Other troupe members, such as the gnomish fight, so the adventurers may find themselves having
Pyramidists, engage in wrestling matches and similar to defend him.
Besides these variety acts, the troupe runs its An Amorous Patron
repertoire of plays, using an eclectic selection of A PC or troupe member such as Darna is perform-
props, costumes, and sets. The plays include come- ing when an inebriated patron is overwhelmed by
dies, often featuring rather raw humor; tragedies that amorous instincts and makes a rather forward
end with everyone dead; and a few interesting histo- advance. If a PC steps in to escort the patron out, or
ries that, while entertaining, do not present a otherwise assists a troupe member, he or she will have
remotely accurate picture of the past. These last made a friend. If things go well, romance might ensue.
include The Romance of Tristan and Robyn, the
story of the Moonshae Ffolke and their war against A Friendly Crowd
The Beast and other foes; The Death of King Zaor, The crowd is exceptionally generous and showers
about the assassination of the King of Evermeet and the performers with twice the usual income. The only
his Queens sorrow; Drizzts Saga, about the famous problem lies in their over-enthusiastic demands for
drow renegade; and many others. one more encore stretching far into the night.
If they are so inclined, the PCs may participate at
these performances, assisting with music or conjuring, Noble Patron
singing in the chorus, taking secondary roles in plays, A friendly noble is impressed by the troupe and
acting as targets for knife throwing, and so on. As invites them to a private party at his or her estate.
noted, they may even stage shows with themselves as This may result in more income, or it might just be a
a main act. The particulars are up to the DM, who dull evening entertaining bored nobles. In any event,
can mix and match these performances to achieve the the noble is a potential patron and friend for the PCs
maximum enjoyment for all the players. to meet again some time in the future.
A Greedy Employer The Hand of Sabbar
The innkeeper or patron demands a cut of the Sabbar and the partys other pursuers have not
troupes proceeds, and insists on charging them heav- forgotten them. The wily wizard and his accomplice,
ily for any food and drink consumed. Felibarr, have contacts all across Cormyr, and Sabbars
quite sizable reward has attracted many other thugs
Zan Gets in Trouble and cutthroats. Even the Zhentarim have gotten wind
Heinos apprentice, Zan, attempts a spell beyond of the big reward, and have taken an interest.
his ability and ends up casting a spell that damages Whatever the cause, another assassin shows up,
something or starts a fire; or he creates a frightening intent on taking Marcus dead or alive. The assassins
illusion that panics the crowd. identity is up to the DMit might be a known char-
acter such as Eregul or Flame from the FORGOTTEN
Brushes with the Law REALMS® Campaign Setting; Mourn the drow from
The Purple Dragons are still on the lookout for Elves of Evermeet, or it can be someone drawn up by
Marco Volo and his accomplices. At venues the DM. This assassin should be good enough to seri-
throughout Cormyr, squads of Dragons may appear, ously threaten the group. He or she may try to dispose
nosing around, asking leading questions, and interro- of Marcus subtlygaining his confidence, then slip-
gating anyone and everyone. These incidents are ping him poisoned wineor may simply sneak into
mainly intended to make the PCs nervous. However, Marcuss room to slide a knife between his ribs. If cap-
the Dragons will not detect them unless they are tured, the assassin will simply say that someone offered
completely incompetent in their efforts to remain in a great deal of money for Marcuss death or capture. No
concealment. more can be determined, regardless of pressure
appliedassassins are notoriously close-mouthed.
A Sprite in Love A skittish guest catches sight of Grax and starts
Starlight the sprite has been away from her people screaming Orc attack! causing a commotion and
for quite some time, and lacks for companionship. possible riot.
One of the male PCs takes her fancy, but she realizes
that his size presents a problem. Starlight obtains an The groom grows inebriated and makes a pass at
amount of a potion of diminution sufficient to reduce Darna or a female PC, causing a conflict with the
the PC to her size. If the PC seems interested, grooms father.
Starlight asks him to consume the potion; if he is
reluctant, she is not above slipping it into a drink. The Purple Dragons show up looking for Marcus
Either way, the PC is reduced in size for 7+1d4 turns, and the PCs.
leaving Starlight free to engage in whatever romantic
pursuits she can persuade him to.
Alternatively, Starlight might turn the tables and
take a potion of giant growth, leaving her the same size
A Dire Notice
as the object of her affection. Whatever she chooses, his encounter should be the last of those in Cor-
Starlight remains infatuated with the PC for quite myr, and will result in the bands immediate
some time, and could periodically show up during departure for the Dale Lands. It takes place in or near
future adventures. northern Cormyr, so that Heinos troupe can leave
the country quickly.
Wedding of Doom Heino has not been idle or ignorant of the partys
A nobleman or wealthy merchant hires the troupe plight. He has set his best operative, Philip the Bard,
to perform at his daughters wedding. The pay is good, to look into things. After exhaustive and dangerous
and the noble is friendly and outgoing. Unfortunately, research, Philip has managed to obtain a copy of Sab-
things begin to deteriorate. bars contract for Marcus.
The DM may create as many disasters as desired One evening, as the troupe camps for the night,
imagine a wedding where everything goes wrong. Pos- Zan approaches the characters and tells them that
sible incidents include: Heino requests their presence in his caravan. When
they arrive, read the following.
The bride hates the groom. It is a political marriage
with no real affection, and she spends all her time
The interior of Heinos caravan is dim, crowded
trying to get out of it, even going so far as to claim with costumes, props, and junk. Heino sits at a
that she is actually in love with one of the PCs. table with Philip the Bard, their faces illuminated
by a guttering candle.
A rival for the brides affections arrives with a band Welcome, Heino says, his voice more serious
of bravos and challenges the groom to a duel. The than you have ever heard. Im afraid we have bad
PCs and performers get caught in the resulting news. Please sit.
brawl. You settle in at the table, and Zan passes
around a bottle of wine.
Philip, says Heino, please read the document
The wedding party imbibes too deeply and a fight
you found.
breaks out between the guests. Philip, looking every bit as grim as Heino
sounds, unrolls a scroll and begins to read.
Th e n ob l e ma n i s a c h e a p s k a t e , d e d u ct ing Attention freelance adventurers, bounty
expenses from the troupes originally fair pay. hunters, and investigators. Be it known that the
criminal Volothamp Geddarm, known by his
Starlight performs her aerial torch routine and acci- aliases Marco Volo and Marcus Wands, has
dentally sets the hall on fire.
gravely offended the most honorable mage Sab- Geddarm who had stolen the wand. I know most
bar, to such an extent that the aforementioned wizards hate Volo since he tried to publish their
mage seeks redress. Be it further known that Sab- secrets a few years ago. Gods, Im sorry, but I was
bar hereby offers the amount of 10,000... in a panic...
Philip breaks off. Here, the amount of 10,000 I used a concealment spell from a scroll I stole
has been crossed out and 20,000 written in, he from my uncle, and hid the wand in the Spider-
says, then continues. Twenty thousand Waterd- haunt Woods, south of Shadowdale. I thought Id
havian dragons for the capture or death of Volo- come back after things had cooled down, then sell
thamp, and the delivery of his person or mortal the wand to someone.
remains to the wizard Sabbar or his agents. Months went by, and no one came after me. I
Philip pauses again. There is an addendum started to think I was safe after all. When you
written in a different hand, he says. It reads, people offered me this job, I jumped at it, figuring
The so-called Marco Volo is traveling with a to dump you at the Spiderhaunts and get the
company of wandering minstrels led by one wand.
known as Heino the Gnome. Marcus sighs heavily. Now it seems my whole
Heino speaks quietly. I think it incumbent clever scheme has blown up in my face. Yes, Sab-
upon us, he says, to leave Cormyr immediately. bar thinks Volothamp stole the wandthat much
Philip, tell the others. Well take the Stonebolt I succeeded in. He grits his teeth. But he thinks
Trail north and avoid Tilverton. He looks at you. that Im Volothamp! It must be that idiotic pseu-
Dont worry. Well straighten this all out in donym I use. I picked it because it sounded like
Shadowdale. Geddarms nickname I thought women would
be more interested in me that way...
He makes a fist. My uncle is right, Im a worth-
The camp erupts in a flurry of activity as the troupe less wastrel. I never care about anyone but myself.
members prepare to leave. Marcus will react badly to But youve helped me and fought for me... What
the news, and stares blankly if the PCs question him have I done? I got you in trouble, cost my uncle a
about the situation. Some hours later, as the troupe fortune, endangered Heino and his friends.
travels along the Stonebolt Trail, Marcus finally con- Chaunteas hands! Im even responsible for those
fesses fully. When he does so, read or paraphrase the monks...
following. Marcus looks miserable, as if all the sympathy
in the world could not raise the dark cloud from
his heart.
I thought I was the consummate rogue, Mar- What do we do now ? he asks quietly. What
cus says sadly. I wanted to roam free, living as a do we do?
thief, singing for noblemen, seducing beautiful
women, and becoming famous across the conti-
nent. Gods, but I was a fool. What indeed? The troupe continues down the road
About a year ago, I learned that a wizard toward the Dales, and the final chapter of Journey.
named Sabbar had reappeared in Faerûn after
being absent many years. After greasing a few
palms, I found the location of a manse he rented
outside Selgaunt. I broke in and grabbed some-
thingsome kind of wandthat I thought
looked valuable. Then a kind of gargoyle thing, a
guardian of Sabbars, came after me, and I ran.
I escaped, but I was scared. I thought Sabbar
would know who I was and come after me. So I
wrote a letter telling Sabbar it was Volothamp
Chapter Four
What travails beset our heroes! Marcus Wands, the full enormity of his deeds made
manifest, is inconsolable, and our doughty travelers must discover a solution to his
dilemma. With the end of their journey in sight, howewer, the adventurers and their
friends must contend with yet another deadly trap andhopefullyrid the world of
the wickedness of Felibarr Blacklance. Food and drink are spare, but satisfying.
In the distance stand the mighty Thunder Peaks, touched here and
there with snow. An icy wind sweeps down from the mountains, reaching
cold fingers beneath cloaks and hoods; gray clouds threaten rain.
Two dark figures emerge from near a rocky outcropping ahead; each is
armed with a longbow. As they draw near, you see they are orcs or half-
orcs, armored in dark ring mail.
Hold! shouts one. We request parlay!
If the party stops to talk, read the following. If they party pay for its deed. In all likelihood, however, the
attack, go immediately to The Reckoning. characters trust Felibarr about as far as they can throw
Heinos wagonrightly so, since Blacklance has no
intention of paying the PCs once he has Marcus.
You glimpse other figures behind the rocks
If the characters do the sensible thingthat is to
nearby. You cant tell whether they are orcs,
humans, or other humanoids. Then you hear a say, if they reject Felibarrs duplicitous offerread the
slow clip-clop of hooves, and a horse walks for- following aloud.
ward. Mounted on its back is the hateful Felibarr
Blacklance. Felibarr throws back his heads and laughs. As I
Surprisingly, he smiles; but it is a smile carved hoped, he says. Thieves do tend to stick
from ice. Greetings! he declares. I was afraid together. Ive been looking forward to this
that we would not see each other again. Our last theres been a reckoning due ever since we fought
meeting was so stimulating, I had to find you, to in Waterdeep. Well, to battle, my friends. Ill
offer my congratulations. enjoy looting your bodies.
He leaps lightly from the saddle. Im offering
you parlay because I have no overwhelming desire
to kill you. Not that I wouldnt find it enjoyable,
but it would divert me from my true purpose. He
pauses and fixes Marcus with a stern gaze. You are The Reckoning
in the company of a certain individual who calls
himself Marco Volo. You may be interested to he fight with Felibarrs private army is likely to be
know that his real name is Marcus Wands, and he a nasty one, since both Blacklance and the PCs
is one of the most spoiled, arrogant young noble- now have allies: Felibarr leads the mercenaries and his
men in Waterdeep. Im told that he also calls him- evil companions; and Heinos Woodland Troupe will
self Volothamp Geddarm, and he has caused stand by the PCs. Retreat is not an option, since
certain powerful individuals a great deal of trouble. Heinos wagons and riders block the road. Trying to turn
You see, he purrs, inspecting his fingernails the wagons around would make a complete mess of
with an affected air of detachment, he took things, allowing Felibarr to attack with impunity.
something. Something that didnt belong to him.
Heinos troupe, loyal to the last, will fight alongside
Youre protecting a common, filthy thief. Are you
really any better than him? the PCs. Some of Felibarrs minions will fight Heinos
Felibarr rakes you with a disdainful gaze. You people, with the action taking place in the back-
think Im evil? Im finishing the Waterdeep groundthe DM can just tell the players how that
watchs job. I could kill you all and no one would part of the fight is going.
blame me. But Im a reasonable man, despite Of course, Felibarr is interested in Marcus and the
appearances. Turn Voloor whatever his name characters. This part of the fight should be played out
isover to me. Its worth 5,000 gold in whatever in detail, pitting Felibarr and the following forces
denominations you wish. Give him to me and go against the PCs.
on your way.
He smiles again. Im sure you see it my way, Orc Mercenaries
friends. What do you say? Turn the little thief Felibarr has hired about 30 orc and half-orc merce-
over to me and make some money.
naries. Half of these will fight the PCs, while the
other half will fight Heinos forces.
If the PCs turn Marcus over to Felibarr, the adven-
ture ends right here and you can forget running Marco Orc Mercenaries (30): Int Average; AL LE;
VoloArrival. Heino and his troupe will be horrified AC 6; MV 9; HD 1; hp 6; THAC0 19; #AT 1;
by the characters cowardly behavior, and Maskar Dmg 1-8 (broad sword) or 1-6 (longbow); SZ M;
Wands will take a personal interest in making the ML 12
Evil Humans Khaza is a former desert warrior from Anauroch.
Some of Felibarrs human companions have joined She is a skilled rider, capable of shooting her crossbow
him on this mission, hoping for a cut of the profits without penalty from horseback. She is merciless and
and some plunder. The PCs will have to fight several enjoys tormenting her prey with hope of escape before
individuals, all of whom are mounted. The DM finishing them off.
should choose from the following, as suited to chal-
lenge the PCs party. Druhzalar (6th-Level Wizard): Int Genius; AL
CN (E); AC 8 (bracers of AC 8); MV 12; HD 6;
Nosk (6th-Level Fighter): Int Low; AL CE; hp 15; THAC0 19; #AT 2; Dmg 1-6 (staff); SZ
AC 4; MV 12; HD 6; hp 48; THAC0 15 (+3 M; ML 15; Spells: magic missile (x3), sleep, fog
due to weapon); #AT 1; Dmg 1-8+3 (broad cloud, Melf's acid arrow, fireball, hold person
sword +3) or 1-6 (longbow); SZ M; ML 15
A renegade wizard who worked with the scholars of
Nosk is an evil mercenary who has worked with Candlekeep, Druhzalar was disgraced for assaulting a
Felibarr on several occasions. He is broke and needs young scribe. Today, he is an alcoholic who takes
the money, so he fights fiercely. what work he can get. Felibarr knows that he can be
relied upon to remain sober only long enough to carry
Khaza (5th-Level Fighter): Int Average; AL out any required tasks.
LE; AC 5 (chain mail -2); MV 12; HD 5; hp 30;
THAC0 16; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8 (long sword), 1-6 Maglad (5th-Level Wizard): Int Exceptional;
(light horse lance) or 1-4 (crossbow); SZ M; AL LE; AC 10; MV 12; HD 5; hp 15; THAC0
ML 16 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4 (dagger); SZ M; ML 14;
Spells: magic missile (x2), sleep, phantasmal force, RauTriel Luen (Drow, 10th-Level Wizard):
improved phantasmal force, ray of enfeeblement, Int Genius; AL CE; AC 1 (cloak of protection +5,
lightning bolt ring of protection +4, -1 due to Dexterity); MV
12; HD 10; hp 26; THAC0 11; #AT 1; Dmg 1-
Maglad is an associate of Sabbar, sent to help 6+3 (staff of striking); SZ M; ML 17; Spells: magic
Felibarr pursue Marcus. He is cold and calculating, missile (x2), shield, spider climb, blindness, dark-
but never pointlessly cruel, preferring to dispatch his ness (15 radius), invisibility, web, fly, gust of
opponents and get on with business. He will urge wind, monster summoning I, fear, ice storm, cloud-
Felibarr to eliminate the PCs as swiftly as possible. He kill, teleport
is practical and pragmatic, and will surrender if things
look hopeless. He will bargain for his life by offering One of Felibarrs several female admirers, the
to tell what he knows about Sabbar, including the fact drow wizard RauTriel Luen, has also joined his com-
that the item stolen by Marcus was a powerful extra- pany in the simple hope of causing a little mayhem. If
planar artifact known as the Dragonkings Eye. Felibarr is slain, and RauTriel escapes (she will keep
her teleport spell in reserve for such eventualities), she
Voruna (6th-Level Priest): Int Average; AL LE; will swear vengeance against the PCs and may, if the
AC 5 (scale armor and shield); MV 12; HD 6; DM wishes, show up in future adventures as a contin-
hp 33; THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4 (scourge); uing adversary.
SZ M; ML 13; Spells: cause light wounds, curse,
fear, hold person,: spiritual hammer, trip, call light- The Aftermath
ning, summon insects After the battle, it is likely that Felibarr Blacklance
will be no more. Even if he escapes, he knows the
Voruna serves Loviatar, Maiden of Pain, and now reward isnt worth the trouble and disappears from the
works with Felibarr solely to generate agony among adventure.
her goddesss foes. She plans to donate her cut of the Felibarrs camp is not far from the battle site. There
proceeds to her temple. Her means of inflicting pain the adventurers find weapons, clothing, and armor, and a
are quite methodicalLoviatar is most pleased if vic- chest containing the gold with which Felibarr would pay
tims suffer before they die. She uses her pain touch his troops. The chest is wizard locked, and contains 4,500
ability if the opportunity arises, but prefers to stand gp, 6,000 sp and 20 gems (1 x 1,000 gp; 4 x 500 gp; 10 x
off and cast cause light wounds spells at her foes. The 100 gp and 5 x 50 gp). The stones were intended as
DM may determine that cloudy weather prevails bonuses for exceptional service.
enough for Voruna to use her call lightning spell. Finally, the way to Shadowdale is clear. Shareal will
Like many priests of Loviatar, she has a high tolerance suggest that the PCs rest here, and she will administer
for pain, and will not be discouraged by serious first aid and healing. Heino has a small number (as
wounds. She can endure any amount of interrogation determined by the DM) of potions of healing. The
without revealing information. entire sordid affair will be concluded in the final vol-
ume of the trilogy, Marco VoloArrival, in which
Skarr (8th-Level Thief): Int High; AL CE; AC Marcus leads the PCs to the hiding place of the Drag-
7; MV 12; HD 8; hp 30; THAC0 17; #AT 1; onkings Eye. There he will find, to his dismay, that
Dmg 1-6 (rapier or longbow); SZ M; ML 15 the artifact has a mind of its own, and also that the
evil Sabbar has finally taken a personal role in the
Skarr is a recent addition to Felibarrs grim band, whole matter. The unfairly-vilified Volothamp Ged-
having joined in Tilverton after hearing of money to darm, and several other interested parties, also put in
be made. Felibarr doesnt trust him, with good reason, their respective appearances.
for Skarr plans on stealing anything he can and mak-
ing his escape. He will fight well, however.