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In a class of its own among CAD systems

Only a high-end CAM developer can do CAD for CAM. With this in mind, Open Mind Technologies AG
known as an innovative pioneer developed a new CAD system from scratch that is perfectly matched to
hyperMILL . The system has its own 3D CAD kernel from OPENMIND. The result is a unique CAD system

for CAM programmers that is very easy to learn and that vastly accelerates NC programming processes.

hyperCAD -S fully exploits the performance offered by contemporary hardware systems to create

digital manufacturing data. The advanced and extremely powerful 64-bit system is the perfect solution
for mastering many of the daily challenges that arise when working with meshes, faces and solids to
create precise components and tools. Large volumes of imported data can be prepared for subsequent
NC programming easily, quickly and safely and completely independently from the original CAD system.
hyperCAD -S is pure CAD for CAM.


Interfaces Geometric Solids Mesh Deformation


CAM programmers use CAD systems differently from

most engineers and designers. hyperCAD-S is therefore
designed entirely to meet the demands of CAM users.
Efficient CAM programming is of primary importance and
perfectly supported by the CAD system.

n C
 ustomisable filter functions: In addition to familiar
At last weve got a CAD system properties such as layer and colour, the most common
for CAM programmers! geometric and system properties are available as
Stefan Nagel, Deputy Managing Director of Kiefer user-defined filters.
Werkzeug- und Vorrichtungsbau, Pfullingen

Features  Keyword navigation: Graphic

entities can be linked using tags,
nCAD for CAM similar to keywords. This makes
it easy to filter all the information
n64-bit multi-application
about the CAD model. For
nTop performance example: All faces with a radius
between 2 and 20 mm.
nOptimal ergonomics
nHighly intuitive
n I ntelligent entity management: Toolpaths, poly
nOptimal hardware utilisation
gon meshes, point clouds, rectangles the
inclusion of CAM-relevant entities in the CAD
kernel speeds up processes greatly.

n M
 ulti-application mode: An integrated 64-bit system
and IDE-style interface enable opening any number of
documents each in its own application. Multiple mo-
dels can be processed and calculated at the same time.

n  mooth data exchange: comprehensive interface

package. Import: Standard: IGES, STEP, STL, DXF/DWG,
Parasolid, point cloud, hyperCAD. Direkt: CATIA V4
and V5, Autodesk Inventor, Siemens NX,
DXF/DWG, point cloud and hyperCAD.

n I ntuitive operation: Self-explanatory icons and a

highly transparent user interface without any hidden
functions secure and accelerate operating procedures.

n A
 ll languages: Available in all the same

language versions as hyperMILL .

Geometric Engine
the right CAD basis from the start

Every CAM programmer is familiar with the standard CAD tasks of selecting, adding, deleting,
modifying, showing and hiding faces, curves and points. Users expect top-quality results from
the ruled, filling and offset faces that they create. hyperCAD -S offers all this and much more.

OPEN MIND took great care when developing the CAD innovation to adapt the range of CAD func-
tions to meet the real needs of CAM programmers rather than designers.

Instead of relying on numerous distributed submenus (as is the case in conventional design
systems), hyperCAD -S uses central, user-friendly dialogues with large icons. Smart selection

mechanisms and innovative, freely definable filter functions make it considerably easier to use
geometric entities for subsequent programming. Imported geometry can be cleaned quickly
if needed using standard surface modifying tools.
n F ully compatible with hyperCAD: It
goes without saying that hyperCAD-S
is compatible with hyperCAD. All versi- Coaxial Fillets
ons are fully supported: E3, E2 and GKD
files, job lists and entity selection.

n A
 new way to navigate: Powerful navi-
gation and selection functions provide Smart selector technology
support for working with large models. for faces and skins: various
selection options for curves:
n F ast repairs and modifications: from...to chain selection and Coplanar Tangential
for faces: tangential, limited,
As every CAM programmer knows, most im- coaxial, coplanar, fillets and
ported external data records contain errors. chamfers.
hyperCAD-S therefore contains a number
of repair functions designed to speed up
subsequent CAM processes. Geometry
areas can also be easily edited at any time.

n C
 omparing geometries: A fast geo-
metry comparison immediately shows
where exactly new versions of custo-
Planar and non-planar
mer components have changed.
filling faces: Faces that are
to be filled can be automati-
cally closed at face edges
as well.

Multiple work planes: It is

possible to define multiple
work planes. Saved work
planes make it easy to
perform transformations.
They can also be imported to
other files at any time.

Standard preparation for

milling: It is easy to create
frequently required building,
extension, machining and stop
faces in a structured manner.
This is also the case with
boundary and guide curves
as well as construction aids,
planes and axis systems.

Customisable tool tip

Practical analysis functions:
panel: Displays RGB
The analysis functions allow
values, job list, import
draft areas and highly complex
system, length and at-
geometries to be located quickly
tributes of an entity.
and reliably. This enables
assessing the quality of an exi-
sting component immediately.
Problems are recognised quickly.

Solids efficient solid modelling

hyperCAD -S Solids the module for solid modelling was, of course, also developed primarily for

CAM programmers. In contrast to engineers and designers, this group requires features without a history
tree during solid modelling. Why make it complicated if doing it directly is quicker? With the innovative
approach to direct modelling offered by hyperCAD -S Solids, solid modelling becomes a real joy: After the

faces or features of a solid model have been selected, the position and shape of the faces of the solid
model can be modified in real time simply by dragging handles and manipulators. And the best thing
is that direct modelling does not only work with native data but also with external data that have been
imported and have no feature history information.

The hyperCAD -S Solids module allows all solid models to be reliably imported, created, converted,

modified and combined. Working with solid models becomes noticeably easier and much more intuitive:
Chamfers, fillets and holes can be directly moved, reduced, enlarged or deleted by means of recognised
features. The use of existing features and associated functionalities allows CAM programmers who work
with faces and solids to be more productive and flexible.

Solid modelling
for the clamping
jaw attachment
n Direct modelling
nNumerous features
n More convenient
n Addes flexibility

Targeted removal Result: a closed

of solid areas solid model
Standard features n R
 eliable import of external data: When external data are
imported, they are handled in the same way as native
CAD data. All construction data, such as sketches, faces,
single parts or complete machining groups, are trans-
ferred and can be modified, if required.

n N
 umerous standard features: Basic structures,
linear extrusions, rotational solids, linear and ro-
tation slots, pockets, simple and complex holes,
patterns, chamfers and fillets can be created.

Pattern Linear slot

Rotational slot Rotational protrusion

n T
 ime-saving zone feature: The zone feature
also allows creating user-specific features.
Zones can be transformed, copied, de-
leted or also selected with hyperMILL .

n C
 reating solid models from faces: All it takes is
a few clicks to create solid models quickly from
Removing the component closed face formations and vice versa.
from the attachment geo-
metry using the Boolean n W
 orking conveniently with features: Features that
Difference operation
have been created have no history and are not ar-
ranged in any particular way. They are stored in the
model tree for easy selection. The faces of features
can be moved using drag-and-drop operations, in
Direct modelling order, for example, to reposition holes. After direct
to widen the modelling, the shape is recalculated automatically
by the system. A wide range of functions are availa-
ble for machining the features: Delete, mirror, ar-
range as pattern, offset, move, scale and break.

n R
 eliable feature recognition: Double-clicking an
imported face starts the feature recognition. Fil-
lets and chamfers that are recognised are crea-
ted automatically as features whose dimensions
can then be modified again with a smart click.

n All
 Boolean operations: Union, Difference,
Intersection and Split.
Mesh Preparing meshes quickly for milling

Scanned, forged and cast parts, clay models and moulds: 3D surface scanners have a wide range of uses.
3D scanners offer precise, high-resolution, full views of 3D objects, mostly combined with a large quantity
of data.

The main task of the CAM programmer is to generate a perfect basis for milling a mesh very quickly from
a set of scanned data. In order to achieve the best possible milling results, the CAM programmer can use
hyperCAD-S Mesh to repair any possible mesh deviations very quickly, perform metrological analyses and
checks and prepare meshes conveniently for milling. Six new functions are available for machining meshes.
Mesh functionalities
n S
 mooth meshes
This function allows the user to smooth meshes in order to
repair deviations.

Before After

n D
 ecimate meshes
This function allows the user to reduce the mesh density
while retaining the geometry properties. The reduced data
volume helps to accelerate the model calculation.

Before After

n F ill mesh areas

This provides a simple and convenient way to close holes in

Before After

n S
 eparate mesh clusters
This function allows the user to delete meshes that are not

n M
 esh from faces
A mesh can be generated from faces, open and closed

n S
 plit meshes
Mesh elements can be split using a planar entity. All the
cut triangles are regenerated to ensure that a smooth cut is

hyperCAD -S deformation

targeted deformation of geometries

The targeted deformation of geometries is an important requirement placed on CAD systems by design
and CAM programming. CAM users need to be able to deform geometries so that they can produce vari-
ants and complex geometries as quickly as possible. Experienced CAM programmers modify geometries
in order, for example, to overbend tools or manufacture precision parts.

In hyperCAD -S, the Deformation module is used to deform all geometries in accordance with their re-

quirements. This powerful modification tool allows modifying global and local component areas in a way
that would be very costly using traditional modelling techniques.

Go faster to the desired end geometry!

n Schnell Fast and simple
nDeform entities 1
n Volumetric deformation
Application areas
 ompensating for manufacturing variations: Application of
manufacturing variations to produce precision parts.

 reating complex geometries: Transferring a 2D logo or a tread
pattern to a 3D geometry using volumetric deformation.

n V
 olumetric deformation:
Starting from an initial face,
selected entities (faces,
curves, points, point clouds
and meshes) are deformed
volumetrically to a target face. nD
 eforming entities: Starting from start contours or points,
selected entities such as faces, curves, points, point
clouds and meshes (green) are deformed to target con-
tours or points (red). Areas can also be fixed here.

Before After

Italian bike
on YouTube
Viewer for CAD and CAM files:
more transparency, fewer errors.

hyperCAD -S Viewer is available for hyperCAD -S. This makes it possible to view CAD files. hyperMILL

SHOP Viewer is also available for hyperCAD -S. This makes it possible to view CAM data from hyperMILL .

hyperCAD -S Viewer is ideal for departments that simply want to take a brief look at their CAD data, for

example, in job planning or quote calculation. hyperCAD -S Viewer optionally offers all current direct inter-

faces and tried-and-tested neutral data formats.

hyperMILL SHOP Viewer not only allows the user to view CAD data; they can also view CAM data from

hyperMILL . This extends the options that are available to machine operators as, until now, only the NC

programs were available to them for set-ups. With hyperMILL SHOP Viewer the visualisation solution

for the workshop data that is relevant to production can be visualised and simulated directly next to the
machine. Every manufacturing operation can be checked in detail on the monitor before the set-up. This
results in a far better understanding of the actual manufacturing process than before and the machine
operator can apply their manufacturing expertise more effectively.

Simple and fast display,

analysis and documentation of CAM/CAD data.

Viewer and
CAM data

Viewer CAD data
Features: hyperCAD -S Viewer

n T
 arget groups: The Viewer is particularly used in depart-
ments that simply want to take a brief look at their CAD data,
for example, in job planning or quote calculation.

n C
 AD interfaces: The Viewer supports an extensive package
of import interfaces: hyperCAD files, IGES, STEP, DXF/DWG,

point cloud, Parasolid and optional Catia V4 and V5 ,

Autodesk Inventor , Siemens NX , SOLIDWORKS, PTC Creo.

Features: hyperMILL SHOP Viewer

n T
 arget group: Machine operators can better leverage their
in-depth manufacturing knowledge with hyperMILL SHOP

Viewer. Machining processes and parameters can be

confirmed on the computer rather than adding risk to the
machine tool or machined part.

Fast access: hyperCAD -S Viewer allows quick A

 pplication area: hyperMILL SHOP Viewer is designed for

access to the geometry and component structure. quick access in the manufacturing environment during the
post-CAM programming phase.

n S
 imulating manufacturing processes: The traceability of
NC programs is noticeably improved through the toolpath
simulation, the material removal simulation and the
internal machine simulation. The manufacturing processes
with the corresponding clamping status can be safely
simulated starting with the stockmodel.

n V
 erifying details: Display of all elements and parameters
(geometry, features and toolpaths) as in hyperMILL . With

a few clicks, the operator can measure and check the

toolpaths on the machine, for example.

n I mproved communication: Detailed information about

hyperMILL jobs are immediately and consistently available

for all parties involved in the manufacturing process.

n F ast access: hyperMILL SHOP Viewer allows quick access

to all manufacturing data, as well as to the geometry and

component structure.

n P
 ractical: The SHOP Viewer file contains optional configura
tion files such as the machine model, postprocessor and
Increased process reliability: hyperMILL

POF files. This ensures that the project data is easily opened
SHOP Viewer allows experienced machine on all hyperMILL SHOP Viewer workstations, without the

operators to recognise possible errors need for any special setup.

early on before the start of manufacturing
using virtual process analyses.
Everything from CAD to CAM

Improved workflow is now also possible during CAM programming. OPEN MINDs own CAD core makes
CAM transitions ultra fast. hyperMILL is fully integrated in hyperCAD -S the two cores are effectively

joined together. This allows CAM programmers to get the most out of their machines in even less time.

Direct access to all CAD functions has a noticeable effect on the overall performance of the CAD/CAM
system. Greater transparency improves user-friendliness And users have immediate access to these
functions. All new and existing hyperMILL users will quickly feel at home in the hyperCAD -S environ-

ment and come to appreciate the many advantages it has to offer.

Top machining results with hyperCAD -S and


n  yperMILL is fully integrated in hyperCAD-S:

No changes have been made to the tried and te-

sted hyperMILL interface concept in hyperCAD .
n N
 umerous machining strategies: hyperMILL offers

n I ntelligent functions: Stock tracking, job solutions for mill turning, as well as 2D, 3D, HSC and
linking, transformation, milling and stop 5axis simultaneous and special applications.
face concepts and automatic collision avo-
idance provide highly effective techniques. n C
 utting-edge CAM technologies: The standardisa-
tion and automation of programming using the latest
n D
 irect measuring: Direct measuring on toolpaths feature and macro technology and the definition of job
and stock models is very useful. templates and operating standards makes everyday
work that much easier.
n E
 fficient workflows: Functions such as associ-
ative programming, parameter programming n T
 ool selection: hyperMILL provides users with mod-

and automatic operations via API (Applica- ern, flexible tool database technology that automatical-
tion Programming Interface) vastly reduce ly synchronises with other systems. This allows users
the amount of programming effort required. to create, manage and fully assemble tools with ease.

n C
 learly structured CAM projects: All CAD and n P
 ostprocessors (PPs): PPs generate programs that are
CAM functions are available in a single user in- optimally adapted to the respective machines, control-

terface. Administrative tools, such as job lists or lers and components. Note for hyperCAD customers:

component jobs in the hyperMILL browser, ena- Your PPs are ready for use in hyperCAD -S.
ble a highly transparent and reliable workflow.

n S
 imulation: hyperMILL s comprehensive machine and

material removal simulation makes it possible to reliably

monitor the workspace and check for collisions before
machining begins.
Headquarters OPEN MIND Technologies AG
Argelsrieder Feld 5 82234 Wessling Germany
Phone: +49 8153 933-500
E-mail: Info.Europe@openmind-tech.com

UK OPEN MIND Technologies UK Ltd.

Units 1 and 2 Bicester Business Park
Telford Road Bicester Oxfordshire OX26 4LN UK
Phone: +44 1869 290003
E-mail: Info.UK@openmind-tech.com

USA OPEN MIND Technologies USA, Inc.

1492 Highland Avenue, Unit 3 Needham MA 02492 USA
Phone: +1 888 516-1232
E-mail: Info.Americas@openmind-tech.com

Brazil OPEN MIND Tecnologia Brasil LTDA

Av. Andromeda, 885 SL2021
06473-000 Alphaville Empresarial
Barueri Sao Paulo Brasil

All rights reserved, OPEN MIND Technologies AG, Wessling, Germany. Last updated February 2016. Subject to modifications. No reproduction allowed without the consent of the publisher.
Phone: +55 11 2424 8580
E-mail: Info.Brazil@openmind-tech.com

Asia Pacific OPEN MIND Technologies Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.

33 Ubi Avenue 3 #06-32 Vertex (Tower B)
Singapore 408868 Singapore
Phone: +65 6742 95-56
E-mail: Info.Asia@openmind-tech.com

China OPEN MIND Technologies China Co. Ltd.

Suite 1608 Zhong Rong International Plaza
No. 1088 South Pudong Road
Shanghai 200120 China
Phone: +86 21 588765-72
E-mail: Info.China@openmind-tech.com

India OPEN MIND CADCAM Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.

3C-201, 2nd Floor 2nd Main Road Kasturi Nagar
Bangalore 560 043 Karnataka India
Phone: +91 80 3232 4647
E-mail: Info.India@openmind-tech.com

Japan OPEN MIND Technologies Japan K.K.

Misumi Bldg. 3F 1-17-18, Kichijojihigashicho
Musashino-shi Tokyo 180-0002 Japan
OPEN MIND Technologies AG is represented
Phone: +81 422 23-5305
worldwide with own subsidiaries and through
E-mail: info.jp@openmind-tech.co.jp
competent partners and is a member of the
Mensch und Maschine technology group,
Taiwan OPEN MIND Technologies Taiwan Inc.
3F., No.153, Huanbei Rd., Zhongli Dist. Taoyuan City 32055
Taiwan (R.O.C. )
Phone: +886 3 46131-25
E-mail: Info.Taiwan@openmind-tech.com www.openmind-tech.com

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